sekerenews · 5 years
Diageo Backs Creative Equals Scheme to Bring 100 Women Back to the Workplace
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Diageo recently announced that it will be backing the Creative Equals scheme to bring 100 women back to the workplace. The brand is doing this to help reduce barriers to female creatives wishing to return to the workplace. They have formed this partnership with Creative Equals as the work hard to achieve greater gender parity.
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About the Creative Equals Scheme and Its Partnership with Diageo
The Creative Equal Returner scheme is currently in its second year. It works to assist 100 women who wish to return to the creative sector. They work with women in London, New York and Mumbai and help them return to the creative sector. Their goal together with Diageo is to help 100 women return to the creative industry in 2020. They do this by offering them a two-week ‘training boot camp’. The training boot camp will put the participants through their paces with courses covering the latest industry developments together with responding to briefs from Diageo brands such as Baileys, Johnnie Walker, Smirnoff.  The training boot camp serves as an introduction to a four-week placement at partner organisations. These organizations include Anomaly, D&AD, DDB Mudra, Geometry, Glitch, M&C Saatchi, MRM//McCann, Publicis, Uncommon, VMLY&R, and Wunderman Thompson. The Creative Equals scheme was been spurred by research from the UK advertising industry. The study found that women comprise just 16% of creative directors. This 2020 scheme follows the success of the 2019 programme which aided 58 women in Manchester and London.
Diageo Speaks about the Scheme
Syl Saller, chief marketing officer of Diageo spoke about the campaign. She stated that they are pleased to see more women entering the boardrooms of agencies, but too few are in creative leadership positions. According to Saller, diversity in creative leadership leads to better and more effective work. She stated that it’s time for concerted action that will close the creative leadership gap. Hence their involvement in the scheme. Read the full article
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jeramymobley · 6 years
Designable 2018: 5 Questions With Think Designable Founder Marianne Waite
Inclusivity champion and IPA Woman of Tomorrow Award winner, Marianne Waite is leading the charge in calling for brands to be more accountable in representing the needs of disabled consumers.
Having studied Inclusive Design as part of her Master’s degree, Waite—who is also Sr. Strategy Consultant for Interbrand London—believes this should be a common part of mainstream brand development.
After experiencing the effects of disability firsthand—her sister has cerebral palsy—Waite founded Think Designable, a non-profit made up of marketing and communications professionals working to educate and help brands become more inclusive by creating products and services for as many people as possible, and representing disabled people in advertising campaigns. She describes the organization as “the alliance for inclusive brand practice.”
Waite is inviting marketers to attend Designable 2018, November 14, in London, to meet some of the world’s experts in disability and inclusive design and learn first-hand how brands can truly make a difference.
In advance of the event, brandchannel had a chance to speak with her.
What prompted you to launch Think Designable?
It was a combination of frustration and excitement. It has been a great source of frustration and pain witnessing my beautiful sister—who has profound cerebral palsy—grow up in a world that barely acknowledges her, let alone caters to her needs. The older we got, the more fed up I would get with the half-hearted effort made by brands to represent and provide for disabled people.
In 2012, when I was at university, I was introduced to the concept of inclusive design and was amazed by this niche practice that made products and services better for disabled and older people. I continued to follow the academic world of inclusive design and in 2016, I thought “wouldn’t it be great if we could break out of this echo chamber and make inclusive design a part of the mainstream design and branding process.”
So I founded Think Designable—the alliance for inclusive brand practice. Our mission is to improve society’s relationship with difference by harnessing the power of mainstream brands and challenging them to represent the needs of disabled consumers accurately, though inclusive design.
What's the secret to creating brand experiences which promote empathy, harness diversity and drive innovation? @thinkdesignable have a great line up of inclusivity experts to discuss this and more at #Designable2018. Tickets selling fast! Get yours now: https://t.co/mCyooMjoxT pic.twitter.com/sCbUcGiNJD
— Creative Equals (@CreativeEquals) October 11, 2018
As a brand, how is Think Designable raising awareness of this important issue?
We want ideas about inclusive design to inspire those who work in media, marketing and communication. We do this by partnering with the best and brightest brains in inclusive design and accessibility to highlight opportunities for brands. Through research, publications and events, we provide thought leadership to those in a position to affect positive change.
What makes Think Designable different is the core believe that mainstream organisations have the power to change the landscape for disabled people—not governments or charities. Only brands have the power to close the significant gap between the world of disability and the world of mainstream design.
Had so much fun representing @InterbrandUK and @thinkdesignable at @NaidexShow today. Keep up the wonderful work, people. Especially you @neatebox and @kintsugiclothes pic.twitter.com/XwhkTcjy70
— Think Designable (@thinkdesignable) April 25, 2018
You’ve said that disability inclusivity is the new sustainability. Can you elaborate on that?
Disability often gets grouped in with diversity initiatives, but this can be as limiting as it is helpful. Brands that include disabled people in campaigns, without being aware of how the brand experience actually meets the needs of this group, can be accused of “purple washing,” which means appearing to be superficially interested in disability without fulling committing to meaningful change. It’s a bit like “green washing” but with disability, not trees!
In order to truly reap the innovation opportunities associated with inclusive design, brands need to guarantee that commitment to difference transcends mere representation, and instead influences every part of a customer journey.
Consider how environmentalism is now firmly in our individual and community conscience, business objectives and international political agendas. We need to approach disability inclusivity in much the same way. This means strong strategies, board level investment, measuring and long-term commitment.
It's time brands woke up to the incentives for understanding disabled people – Marianne Waite @thinkdesignable #brands #incentives #society pic.twitter.com/ufHQDaFgC0
— MaMoMi (@mamomi_i) January 14, 2017
What are the potential benefits for brands that incorporate inclusive design?
There is an Aladdin’s cave of opportunity for brands that put inclusive design at the heart of their organisation. Beyond connecting with a wider spectrum of humanity, key brand benefits include innovation, better consumer loyalty, greater differentiation, enhanced credibility, expansion into new areas and increased brand awareness, to name a few.
Marianne Waite, Founder of @thinkdesignable, was the #WOF #Media winner in 2017 – Are you a journalist, a broadcaster, a social media expert, an editor, a DJ? We want to hear your story! #Nominate Deadline Sept 7 https://t.co/6GYHGUxzfM pic.twitter.com/xMeucLAQWV
— Women of the Future (@womenoffuture) June 26, 2018
So far, the efforts of mainstream brands to tackle disability have been superficial and at times, tokenistic. A few, however, such as Apple, Tommy Hilfiger and Gillette, have become shining beacons of hope, demonstrating how brands can create impactful change.
I hope that the future will see more brands going beyond simply meeting regulatory requirements or jumping on short-term bandwagons. My wish is that we see change achieved as part of long-term programmes that not only shift attitudes but fundamental behaviours.
Get more insights in our Q&A series.
The post Designable 2018: 5 Questions With Think Designable Founder Marianne Waite appeared first on brandchannel:.
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mindshare · 5 years
Thank you, @thewordbaker from @CreativeEquals for speaking at #TeamMindshare during Diversity Week. Our favourite quote from Ali: The best thing that happens after the age of 50 is that you develop the ‘F#!k It Factor’! pic.twitter.com/3LoKGHa67n
— Mindshare (@mindshare) July 3, 2019
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mrsulaimankhan · 6 years
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#creativity #leadership #disability #inclusion #Empower | “You will never own the future if you care what people think.” — Cindy Gallop. ————————————— ‪About last Wednesday (16 May) = Me, having an internal fangirl moment after finally meeting my shero Cindy Gallop in person @CreativeEquals’ #CELeaders‬—#CreateYourFuture event at LSO St Luke'‪s‬ ————————————— I’m still energised from her talk too, and I ❤️ that I shared this moment with my dear friends (and my Desi Ranis) @shizzzlegram and @roshnigoyate . ————————————— Cindy, it was an honour to finally meet you (and hear you talk) in person. I loved and agree with you that: “It’s not about diversity. It’s about humanity.” So, I look forward to chatting with you further and collaborating to serve humanity, together, and to better business (and the world) for everyone. Chat soon, my friend. X 🙌🏽 ————————————— “Do not follow the path. Go where there is no path to begin the trail.” — #Asante #proverb. Cc: @alihanan ————————————— #ONWARDSandUPWARDS. 👊🏻👊🏼👊🏽👊🏾👊🏿 ————————————— #ThisAbility #intersectionality #WorkHardAndBeNiceToPeople #BeBraveAndDrivenByPurpose #DontBeADick #BeBoldBeWildBeFearless #FistBumpsOnlyPLEASE #adventure #adventures #NewAdventures #AdventureIsCalling #IAmNOTAnInspirationIAmJUSTLivingMyLife #superabled #IAmSuperabled #MuscularDystrophy
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canntfestival · 7 years
CANNT Get to London
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Throughout the CANNT Festival week we're raising money for Creative Equals Scholarship Fund that helps young talent to work in London by funding their travel and accommodation.
Dig deep people and make a donation at chuffed.org/project/creativeequals
Don’t know Creative Equals - please check their excellent work out.
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mrsulaimankhan · 6 years
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#creativity #leadership #disability #inclusion #Empower | “Shared Values + Shared Action = Shared Profit (that’s financial profit and social profit).” — Cindy Gallop. ————————————— Last Wednesday (16 May), I had a fantastic day @CreativeEquals’ #CELeaders—#CreateYourFuture event at LSO St Luke's! It was an incredible day with incredible people. ————————————— I was one of probably 4 men out of 400+ women who attended (and it was a shame more men from the creative industries didn’t attend), but it was important for me to attend to show my support in today’s time a huge unrest and I was totally empowered and inspired by the experience of the entire day. It’s impossible for me to pick a favourite talk from all the talented, wonderful speakers onstage. 🙏🏽 I’m just so grateful to have been in your presence and honoured to been a part of such an extraordinary day. ————————————— Also, I’m humble to have finally met my shero Cindy in real life and (for the first time for me) to have heard her give a talk in person. It was magical. ————————————— A massive thank you to my friend Ali Hanan, Founder of Creative Equals, (and the entire #CreativeEquals team) for the invite too and for creating a magnificent event that I’ll never forget. I loved every second! ————————————— From here, the hard-work begins. Less talking, more positive doing. I accept this challenge on behalf of all marginalised communities everywhere and I’ll support them in the creative industries, especially disabled talent who are often forgotten and don’t have a voice. As Cindy’s wise words above mentioned, I simply believe it is vital to work together to ensure we start more tangible actions, together, and make business (and the world) a healthier, more inclusive, kinder, fairer, supportive and empathetic place for everyone. ————————————— “Do not follow the path. Go where there is no path to begin the trail.” — #Asante #proverb. ————————————— Personally, it is never about me taking credit either, but for me, it’s about creating the change I wish to see together with all you amazing people, and working through my business, ThisAbility Limited to achieve this for us all. ————————————— [If you’re interested, here’s the full schedule of what happened and all the great speakers: ‪https://tmblr.co/ZmMPDy2Y6ef ]‬ ————————————— Watch this space because: We got this! ✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 ————————————— “Deal with yourself as an individual worthy of respect, and make everyone else deal with you the same way.” – Nikki Giovanni. ————————————— Cc: ‪@LondonRobinson @Pip_Jamieson @robynhfrost @_ranners @nishmarobb @FCBinferno @Cathyhutton @timothycreative ‬ ————————————— #ONWARDSandUPWARDS. 👊🏻👊🏼👊🏽👊🏾👊🏿 ————————————— #ThisAbility #intersectionality #WorkHardAndBeNiceToPeople #BeBraveAndDrivenByPurpose #DontBeADick #BeBoldBeWildBeFearless #FistBumpsOnlyPLEASE #adventure #adventures #NewAdventures #AdventureIsCalling #IAmNOTAnInspirationIAmJUSTLivingMyLife #superabled #IAmSuperabled #MuscularDystrophy
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creativeequals-blog · 8 years
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Creative Equals - is the gender diversity kitemark of the creative industry. We aim to provide more pathways to success for female creatives by working with directly with industry, recruitment, and agencies. Our ambition over 2016 is to train, sponsor and champion female creative talent in agencies all the way to the top. @creativeequal 
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creativeequals-blog · 8 years
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Simon Richings - Executive Creative Director, AnalogFolk, is an award-winning creative (Clios, NMA effectives, Cannes Lion - the list is endless) who has piloted the Creative Equals’ programme. He's a feminist, father of a daughter and passionate about creating a more gender diverse world on the creative floor and in adland. He believes the male culture revolution is now. @sirich
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creativeequals-blog · 8 years
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Laura Jordan Bambach - ex-D&AD president, co-founder of SheSays, creative partner of award-winning agency, Mr President (one of the pioneer Creative Equals’ partners), co-founder of Cannt, Glass Lions judge, co-founder of the Great British Diversity Experiment and more, barely needs an introduction. She is a creative powerhouse and one of the industry’s luminaries. Laura brings a view on creative that shatters stereotypes from across the globe. @laurajaybee
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