#credit to seller on facebook!!
An interoperability rule for your money
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This is the final weekend to back the Kickstarter campaign for the audiobook of my next novel, The Lost Cause. These kickstarters are how I pay my bills, which lets me publish my free essays nearly every day. If you enjoy my work, please consider backing!
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"If you don't like it, why don't you take your business elsewhere?" It's the motto of the corporate apologist, someone so Hayek-pilled that they see every purchase as a ballot cast in the only election that matters – the one where you vote with your wallet.
Voting with your wallet is a pretty undignified way to go through life. For one thing, the people with the thickest wallets get the most votes, and for another, no matter who you vote for in that election, the Monopoly Party always wins, because that's the part of the thick-wallet set.
Contrary to the just-so fantasies of Milton-Friedman-poisoned bootlickers, there are plenty of reasons that one might stick with a business that one dislikes – even one that actively harms you.
The biggest reason for staying with a bad company is if they've figured out a way to punish you for leaving. Businesses are keenly attuned to ways to impose switching costs on disloyal customers. "Switching costs" are all the things you have to give up when you take your business elsewhere.
Businesses love high switching costs – think of your gym forcing you to pay to cancel your subscription or Apple turning off your groupchat checkmark when you switch to Android. The more it costs you to move to a rival vendor, the worse your existing vendor can treat you without worrying about losing your business.
Capitalists genuinely hate capitalism. As the FBI informant Peter Thiel says, "competition is for losers." The ideal 21st century "market" is something like Amazon, a platform that gets 45-51 cents out of every dollar earned by its sellers. Sure, those sellers all compete with one another, but no matter who wins, Amazon gets a cut:
Think of how Facebook keeps users glued to its platform by making the price of leaving cutting of contact with your friends, family, communities and customers. Facebook tells its customers – advertisers – that people who hate the platform stick around because Facebook is so good at manipulating its users (this is a good sales pitch for a company that sells ads!). But there's a far simpler explanation for peoples' continued willingness to let Mark Zuckerberg spy on them: they hate Zuck, but they love their friends, so they stay:
One of the most important ways that regulators can help the public is by reducing switching costs. The easier it is for you to leave a company, the more likely it is they'll treat you well, and if they don't, you can walk away from them. That's just what the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau wants to do with its new Personal Financial Data Rights rule:
The new rule is aimed at banks, some of the rottenest businesses around. Remember when Wells Fargo ripped off millions of its customers by ordering its tellers to open fake accounts in their name, firing and blacklisting tellers who refused to break the law?
While there are alternatives to banks – local credit unions are great – a lot of us end up with a bank by default and then struggle to switch, even though the banks give us progressively worse service, collectively rip us off for billions in junk fees, and even defraud us. But because the banks keep our data locked up, it can be hard to shop for better alternatives. And if we do go elsewhere, we're stuck with hours of tedious clerical work to replicate all our account data, payees, digital wallets, etc.
That's where the new CFPB order comes in: the Bureau will force banks to "share data at the person’s direction with other companies offering better products." So if you tell your bank to give your data to a competitor – or a comparison shopping site – it will have to do so…or else.
Banks often claim that they block account migration and comparison shopping sites because they want to protect their customers from ripoff artists. There are certainly plenty of ripoff artists (notwithstanding that some of them run banks). But banks have an irreconcilable conflict of interest here: they might want to stop (other) con-artists from robbing you, but they also want to make leaving as painful as possible.
Instead of letting shareholder-accountable bank execs in back rooms decide what the people you share your financial data are allowed to do with it, the CFPB is shouldering that responsibility, shifting those deliberations to the public activities of a democratically accountable agency. Under the new rule, the businesses you connect to your account data will be "prohibited from misusing or wrongfully monetizing the sensitive personal financial data."
This is an approach that my EFF colleague Bennett Cyphers and I first laid our in our 2021 paper, "Privacy Without Monopoly," where we describe how and why we should shift determinations about who is and isn't allowed to get your data from giant, monopolistic tech companies to democratic institutions, based on privacy law, not corporate whim:
The new CFPB rule is aimed squarely at reducing switching costs. As CFPB Director Rohit Chopra says, "Today, we are proposing a rule to give consumers the power to walk away from bad service and choose the financial institutions that offer the best products and prices."
The rule bans banks from charging their customers junk fees to access their data, and bans businesses you give that data to from "collecting, using, or retaining data to advance their own commercial interests through actions like targeted or behavioral advertising." It also guarantees you the unrestricted right to revoke access to your data.
The rule is intended to replace the current state-of-the-art for data sharing, which is giving your banking password to third parties who go and scrape that data on your behalf. This is a tactic that comparison sites and financial dashboards have used since 2006, when Mint pioneered it:
A lot's happened since 2006. It's past time for American bank customers to have the right to access and share their data, so they can leave rotten banks and go to better ones.
The new rule is made possible by Section 1033 of the Consumer Financial Protection Act, which was passed in 2010. Chopra is one of the many Biden administrative appointees who have acquainted themselves with all the powers they already have, and then used those powers to help the American people:
It's pretty wild that the first digital interoperability mandate is going to come from the CFPB, but it's also really cool. As Tim Wu demonstrated in 2021 when he wrote Biden's Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy, the administrative agencies have sweeping, grossly underutilized powers that can make a huge difference to everyday Americans' lives:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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My next novel is The Lost Cause, a hopeful novel of the climate emergency. Amazon won't sell the audiobook, so I made my own and I'm pre-selling it on Kickstarter!
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Image: Steve Morgan (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:U.S._National_Bank_Building_-_Portland,_Oregon.jpg
Stefan Kühn (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Abrissbirne.jpg
CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en
Rhys A. (modified) https://www.flickr.com/photos/rhysasplundh/5201859761/in/photostream/
CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
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linxuelian · 5 months
Anime Fest Plus 2024 Convention Experience Log - With Photos!
Hi, hello! As I've recently (as of this post, yesterday morning) attended Anime Fest+ 2024 at Tropicana Gardens Mall, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, I've decided to write an experience log about my day there! While I will be posting a few different cosplays here, since my blog is currently primarily about MDZS, TGCF and SVSSS at the moment, most of the cosplays I'll be sharing will be from these three titles. To add to the fun, I'll also have commentaries on them!
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To preface, the largest anime convention in Malaysia is Comic Fiesta, an annual mecca with 70,000 attendees as of the year 2023. Anime, games and comics are popular in this country, so there are smaller cons dotted throughout the months.
Anyway, the crowd wasn't as large as Comic Fiesta. As the structure of Tropicana Gardens Mall is rather narrow, you'd technically have to file through in two to three lines to be able to walk in and out of the place.
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The exhibition hall at the fourth floor hosted all performances as well as cosplay booths. You'd have to ride one of the two escalators up to the hall - plebs without a ticket are doomed to be stranded at the bottom of said escalators, unable to sop up the merriment held exclusively above.
Here are some pics though, just in case you were a pleb that day, or just didn't attend the event:
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Main hall programs and booths featured mostly Hololive and sexy pretty girl cosplayers and figurines, given the regular, expected fare when it comes to the anime consuming demographic (yes, I'm calling you out, my anime-watching brothers). I didn't take pictures of the doujinshi market out of respect for the art sellers there, but I did buy a beautiful print and got some lovely free stickers from that ONE vendor who sold BL stuff among the throngs of moe girls/Genshin Impact.
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Yes, there was only one stall. But that one vendor made my day! Bless your heart, sister!
Now, I'll move on to the highlight - the cosplays. Nothing fills my heart with more joy than seeing happy people wearing colorful costumes and having a blast just being part of the convention scene. To be honest, it's so common to be wearing cosplay outfits nowadays that folk don't even notice you when you're dressed up - and I say this from experience; nobody noticed at all that I was in costume (or they were far too polite to laugh at how shitty I looked LOL, I didn't even dare take pics of myself). These events usually become scavenger hunts for me, to identify the ones from series I know or my tribe (fellow MXTX fans aha!).
First up is an oldie that's a goldie - Mr. Spock from Star Trek (credit: FaceBook user Yasuhiro Orihusay):
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Honestly, I did NOT expect to find any Star Trek cosplays there. My dad's a Trekkie, so this was one of the first pics I sent him at the con itself. Live long and prosper, Mr. Spock!
Next, a furry OC:
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I wasn't able to get their social media account as they were waiting in line for an autograph by a cosplayer, so unfortunately I'm unable to credit here.
Furries are currently still a new thing in Malaysia - but I'm glad to see them appearing more frequently at our cons, since they do diversify our pop culture scene quite a bit. Furs Upon Malaysia (FURUM) is held annually in Kuala Lumpur. The tickets are always sold out within an hour, so it's definitely growing and also contributing to tourism (Indonesian and Singaporean furries gather there too).
Also, they're fluffy. I love fluffy things. Much thanks, furry fandom, for being fluffy!
Moving on, here's a group cosplay of Jojo's Bizzare Adventure's Six Pistols (Mista from Golden Wind's Stands, if you're wondering which season it's from):
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Vibrant and very spot on! I was unable to get their social media account due to the crowd and disorientation on my part. Do try to look them up, though! They were pretty popular, so I'm sure someone would have shared some info if you're interested.
Anyway, here's a White Mage from Final Fantasy (credit: https://www.instagram.com/yari_hayashi/):
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Final Fantasy's one of the older franchises, but it's definitely rising again due to the new FFVII remake. I thought he was Garnet until I saw the blond wig. Bless the mages, healing power plus!!
Next in line is one of my all-time favorites, Sailor Moon (credit: https://www.instagram.com/jiahuab0719_cos/):
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I'm a Moonie so seeing a Sailor Moon made me pretty excited! I don't see too many Sailor Moon cosplays even in Comic Fiesta - cosplays at our conventions are pretty seasonal and tend to follow trends, from what I've seen. She definitely caught quite a bit of attention with her wings, too. I saw her getting stopped quite a bit, so I'm glad I got a pic before a line formed!
Aaaand! I've saved the best for last! I'll be showcasing the MXTX stuff now. To start off (with a bang), here are two cosplayers of the number one seasonal love interest of the BL world, Hua Cheng a.k.a. San Lang Didi (Grown Up Version):
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Credit: https://www.instagram.com/karry.1213/ (donghua version) and https://www.instagram.com/kopiii_cos/ (manhua version)
Remember how I said cosplays at Malaysian conventions tend to be pretty seasonal? Well, the current flavor of the month for the BL world is definitely TGCF - and the hottest flavor is now San Lang didi. You're going to get stopped for photos pretty often for dressing up as this flashy guy, and for good reason too. Donned in striking red, Hua Cheng is the Ferrari of the danmei world.
I overhead Kopiii_cos' friend saying so many people have been asking for photos! Viva Fafa!
Next, we have the ever beautiful WangXian couple cosplays:
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Credit: Wei Wuxian (https://www.instagram.com/purple_384/) and Lan Wangji (https://www.instagram.com/anson1510/)
WangXian's a staple when it comes to the MXTX fandom. There's nary a person who doesn't love these two soulmates, and with these elaborate costumes, they've certainly stolen the show! They were the first couple I saw at the entrance of the exhibition hall, which makes sense since there was an OTP contest going on that afternoon.
Moving along, we have the main character of his story, the Crown Prince of Xian Le, Xie Lian (credit: https://www.instagram.com/arkutagwa/):
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I gotta admit that this Lian's the sweetest of the Xies so far. Had a field day calling each other cute (what can I say, we both had cute personalities)! Gotta love that charming dimpled cheek, bless!
Speaking of cute, there's also this whole cute pose thing going on with certain attendees (credit: https://www.instagram.com/chzesin/):
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I won't lie - I didn't recognize the character at first. But with the dark-gray-to-white ombre, black and red colors to tell you that's a Wei Wuxian, I'm just going to take a gamble here and deduce that yes, that is indeed a Wei Wuxian and include it. Let me know if you don't think it is.
Last but not least, we have our MXTX OTP group:
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Credits: https://www.instagram.com/ayafvrvv/ (Luo Binghe) and https://www.instagram.com/close0402/ (Lan Wangji) - the rest didn't share their social media accounts but they did say you can find them through each other's accounts.
Turns out they're a group who'd entered the OTP contest that afternoon. If you're wondering, no, Binghe isn't paired with air (this is Bing-mei, not Bing-ge). There was a large number of attendees that day as it was Sunday, so their Shizun was still looking for parking. I'd gotten lucky since I'd arrived there just as they'd opened up Basement 3 so ZOOM I parked near the escalators with plenty of space to spare. Until today I chalk it up to being last-minute dressed as Xie Lian, the god of good luck for hobos like myself (or, according to popular belief, Hua Cheng's blessed every Xie Lian cosplayer out there no matter how much we look like we've just stepped out of a jungle). I also had plenty of space to sit for a lovely lunch of salad and green tea!
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Granted, there were actually a few other Xie Lians there as well (he's the current flavor as well), but I didn't want to chase after them from afar since the flow of human traffic in this particular mall wasn't too conducive for trying to get pictures, unlike KLCC's garden. Usually, more fans are dressed as the two main characters, Wei Wuxian and Xie Lian - or the shous/bottoms in popular danmei. Surprisingly, I actually saw quite a number of gongs/tops this trip round.
So as a bonus, here's a pic with all our dandy gongs/tops together:
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A dashing lot, aren't they?
Anyway, this wraps up my experience log as an MXTX cosplay hunter! Hope you enjoyed it! Bless!
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armory-rasa · 1 year
A Breakdown Of How Shitty Etsy Is, for Both Buyers and Sellers
Alright, folks, you win, I’m doing my taxes. 😂
But in case anyone was wondering just how shitty Etsy is these days, the answer is really shitty.
Check this out, from the bottom up:
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I get an order for an Ezio belt -- the customer sends me $241.00
Etsy takes the following:
3% of the total as a ‘processing fee’ ($7.48)
6.5% of the total as a ‘transaction fee’ ($13.65)
6.5% of the fucking shipping ($2.02)
12% of the total, again, because the customer once clicked on an offsite ad ($28.92)
So yeah, out of that $241.00 the customer paid, $52.07 went to Etsy and $188.93 went to me. 🙃 Oh yeah, minus the cost of actually shipping it ($31, because it was going overseas), so actually only $157.93 went to me.
(And the offsite ads fee doesn’t even mean they found my listing through offsite ads, just that they clicked on one in the past month, so there’s a cookie on their browser that Etsy takes as the greenlight to charge any sellers the offsite ads surcharge. And as someone who makes over $10k from Etsy a year, I’m not allowed to opt out of that program.)
This is utterly untenable, both for artists trying to scrape a living, and for buyers hoping to be able to afford their work. This is obscene, just absolute naked greed on Etsy’s part.
So PLEASE, for the love of god, don’t click on offsite ads (ie, if you see ads for Etsy on google, facebook, etc), and if the artist has another way for you to buy from them, DO IT. You’ll be paying less to put more money in their pocket.
(My storefront on my website, that uses WooCommerce as the back end? Charges that 3% processing fee, as is standard for credit card transactions on the internet, but that’s it.)
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Last September, while working at his desk in Philadelphia, Samuel R. Delany experienced a mysterious episode that he calls “the big drop.” His vision faded for about three minutes, and he felt his body plunge, as if the floor had fallen away. When he came to, everything looked different, though he couldn’t say exactly how. Delany, who is eighty-one, began to suspect that he’d suffered a mini-stroke. His daughter, Iva, an emergency-room physician, persuaded him to go to the hospital, but the MRI scans were inconclusive. The only evidence of a neurological event was a test result indicating that he had lost fifteen per cent of his capacity to form new memories—and a realization, in the following weeks, that he was unable to finish his novel in progress, “This Short Day of Frost and Sun.” After publishing more than forty books in half a century, the interruption was, he told me, both “a loss and a relief.”
For years, Delany has begun most days at four o’clock in the morning with a ritual. First, he spells out the name Dennis, for Dennis Rickett, his life partner. Next, he recites an atheist’s prayer, hailing faraway celestial bodies with a litany inspired by the seventeenth-century philosopher Baruch Spinoza: “Natura Naturans, system of systems, system of fields, Kuiper belt, scattered disk, Oort cloud, thank you for dropping me here.” Finally, he prepares oatmeal, which he faithfully photographs for the friends and fans who follow him on Facebook. Every so often, when the milk foams, he sees Laniakea—the galactic supercluster that’s home to Earth.
In the stellar neighborhood of American letters, there have been few minds as generous, transgressive, and polymathically brilliant as Samuel Delany’s. Many know him as the country’s first prominent Black author of science fiction, who transformed the field with richly textured, cerebral novels like “Babel-17” (1966) and “Dhalgren” (1975). Others know the revolutionary chronicler of gay life, whose autobiography, “The Motion of Light in Water” (1988), stands as an essential document of pre-Stonewall New York. Still others know the professor, the pornographer, or the prolific essayist whose purview extends from cyborg feminism to Biblical philology.
There are so many Delanys that it’s difficult to take the full measure of his influence. Reading him was formative for Junot Díaz and William Gibson; Octavia Butler was, briefly, his student in a writing workshop. Jeremy O. Harris included Delany as a character in his play “Black Exhibition,” while Neil Gaiman, who is adapting Delany’s classic space adventure “Nova” (1968) as a series for Amazon, credits him with building a critical foundation not only for science fiction but also for comics and other “paraliterary” genres.
Friends call him Chip, a nickname he gave himself at summer camp, in the eleventh year of a life that has defied convention and prejudice. He is a sci-fi child prodigy who never flamed out; a genre best-seller widely recognized as a great literary stylist; a dysgraphic college dropout who once headed the Department of Comparative Literature at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst; and an outspokenly promiscuous gay man who survived the aids crisis and has found love, three times, in committed, non-monogamous relationships. A story like Delany’s isn’t supposed to be possible in our society—and that, nearly as much as the gift of his writing, is his glory.
It took several months to persuade him to meet. Delany has polemicized against the face-to-face interview, reasoning that writers, who constitute themselves on the page, ought to be questioned there, too. He warned in an e-mail that a visit would be a waste of time, offering instead a tour of his “three-room hovel” via Zoom: “No secret pile will be left unexplored.” Yet a central theme in his work is “contact,” a word he uses to convey all the potential in chance encounters between human beings. “I propose that in a democratic city it is imperative that we speak to strangers, live next to them, and learn how to relate to them on many levels, from the political to the sexual,” he wrote in “Times Square Red, Times Square Blue” (1999), a landmark critique of gentrification which centered on his years of cruising in the adult theatres of midtown Manhattan.
His novels, too, turn on the serendipity of urban life, adopting the “marxian” credo that fiction is most vital when classes mix. Gorgik, a revolutionary leader in Delany’s four-volume “Return to Nevèrÿon” series, rises from slavery to the royal court in an ancient port city called Kolhari, where he learns that seemingly centralized “power—the great power that shattered lives and twisted the course of the nation—was like a fog over a meadow at evening. From any distance, it seemed to have a shape, a substance, a color, an edge. Yet, as you approached it, it seemed to recede before you.”
In January, Delany finally allowed me to visit him at the apartment complex that he now rarely leaves. A hulking beige structure near the Philadelphia Museum of Art, it looms like a fortress over the row houses of the Fairmount. I crossed a lobby the length of a ballroom and rode the elevator to the fourth floor. As I walked down the hallway, I noticed a small man behind a luggage trolley taking my picture. It was Delany, smiling in welcome with his lively brown eyes and strikingly misaligned front teeth.
[A Delightful portrait of my favorite Science Fiction writer]
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notebooknebula · 1 year
Revive Your Dead Leads With Chris Craddock & Jay Conner
Private Money Academy Conference:
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In today’s episode of Real Estate Investing with Jay Conner, Chris Craddock joins Jay to explain the process and system that he created that will allow you to make thousands and thousands of dollars without additional expense on your marketing.
Plus Chris will share his number 1 strategy for finding motivated sellers!
Chris Craddock is the Founder and CEO of The Redux Group. A nationally certified Life Coach in Leadership and one of the top Real Estate professionals in the world closing 30 - 65 deals a month.
Chris is the host of the Uncommon Real Estate Podcast, a Realtor, and an entrepreneur who runs multiple successful businesses in the Washington DC Metro area (and Richmond, VA).
He and his companies consistently bring in close to 10 Million in revenue year after year. His team, The Redux Group, sold just over $160 million in volume in 2020.
Chris is also the creator of the REI Revive system. He spent the last five years developing this system which is going to change the game for a lot of real estate wholesalers and investors.
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Have you read Jay’s new book: Where to Get The Money Now?
It is available FREE (all you pay is the shipping and handling) at
What is Private Money? Real Estate Investing with Jay Conner
Jay Conner is a proven real estate investment leader. He maximizes creative methods to buy and sell properties with profits averaging $67,000 per deal without using his own money or credit.
What is Real Estate Investing? Live Private Money Academy Conference
YouTube Channel
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prince-de-pro · 2 years
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Private Money Strategies Every Real Estate Investor Needs to Know: Insights From Jay Conner
Private Money Academy Conference:
Free Report:
*** Guest Appearance Credits to:
"Revolutionize Your Investing: Jay Conner on Leveraging Private Money in Real Estate"
Welcome back to another enlightening episode of the Raising Private Money podcast! Jay Conner has been transforming the real estate landscape since 2003 and today he shares his amazing time of joining Angel and Brittany Gonzalez on their "Taking the Leap Into Commercial Real Estate" podcast.
In this episode, Jay recounts his early days investing in single-family homes in Eastern North Carolina, where he averages a hefty profit per deal. We explore a pivotal moment in 2009 when financial turbulence forced Jay to discover the world of private money lending—a decision that revolutionized his investment strategy.
Listen as Jay demystifies private money, detailing how individual investors can become crucial players in real estate deals, and how he effectively raises funds by educating his community.
He also critiques common investment advice, underscores the vital role of having cash ready for deals, and shares invaluable tips on leveraging mastermind groups for personal and professional growth.
Stick around for compelling stories of successful deals, market strategies, and the philosophies that have driven Jay Conner's success. If you're eager to learn about private money lending and the power of the right mindset, this episode is a treasure trove of knowledge. Let's get started!
00:01 Raising Private Money Without Asking For It
03:50 Lost credit line during the global financial crisis, discovers Private Money
10:07 Napoleon Hill's "Mastermind": Collective wisdom from groups.
10:57 Mindset is crucial for success in real estate.
16:42 Distinguish between private money and hard money.
18:50 Widow invests $1,250,000 retirement in real estate.
22:51 Use self-directed IRA funds to gain excess.
25:15 Borrow $150k, buy for $100k, gain $50k.
27:28 Private money: no credit checks, close quickly.
31:01 Motivated sellers search on Google
36:22 Patience pays: The next offer was $628,000 cash.
37:23 The Money Comes First
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Have you read Jay’s new book: Where to Get The Money Now?
It is available FREE (all you pay is the shipping and handling) at
What is Private Money? Real Estate Investing with Jay Conner
Jay Conner is a proven real estate investment leader. He maximizes creative methods to buy and sell properties with profits averaging $67,000 per deal without using his own money or credit.
What is Real Estate Investing? Live Private Money Academy Conference
YouTube Channel
Apple Podcasts:
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cadeveshthakur · 23 days
Understanding Tds: Complete Guide To Tax Deduction At Source | Part 4 |
New Rule for Calculation of TDS on Salary|Budget 2024|Higher Salary in hand from 1.10.24|TCS Credit @cadeveshthakur  #salary #salaryincrease #tdsonsalary #cadeveshthakur Dear Viewers, TDS on Salary as Amended by Union Budget 2024 The Union Budget 2024 has introduced several significant amendments to the provisions related to Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) on salary, which will take effect from October 1, 2024. One of the key changes is the incorporation of Tax Collected at Source (TCS) into the TDS calculation for salaried employees. Index 00:00 to 07:30 Change in Income Tax Slab 07:31 to 15:52 TCS Credit claim 15:53 to 24:37 How to calculate TDS on salary Key Amendments Effective from October 1, 2024 Incorporation of TCS in TDS Calculation: o From October 1, 2024, employers are required to consider the TCS collected from employees while computing the TDS on their salary. This means that any TCS paid by the employee on various transactions will be credited against their TDS liability on salary. o This amendment aims to ease the tax burden on salaried individuals by allowing them to offset their TCS against their TDS, ensuring a more accurate and fair tax deduction process. Scope of TCS Widened: • The scope of TCS on luxury goods exceeding Rs. 10 lakhs has been widened beyond motor vehicles to include other luxury items. This change will be effective from January 1, 2025 Practical Implications for Employers and Employees • Employers: Need to update their payroll systems to incorporate TCS credits while calculating TDS on salaries. This will involve collecting information on TCS paid by employees and ensuring accurate computation of TDS. • Employees: Should keep track of their TCS payments and provide necessary documentation to their employers to benefit from the offset against TDS. 🎥 Hello, lovely viewers! Welcome back to the @cadeveshthakur channel! 🎉 YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@cadeveshthakur TDS ki कक्षा: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1o9nc8dxF1RqxMactdpX3oUU2bSw8-_R E-commerce sellers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1o9nc8dxF1ShUNXkAbYrAYj2Pile1Rim GST Knowledge Bank: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1o9nc8dxF1RjdRrG4ZKXeJNed6ekhjoR Goods & Services Tax: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1o9nc8dxF1SlBw2kSpZ9ay1jnEOkbDYN TDS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1o9nc8dxF1RXi2GaEckeXGmJy_FYOj9q Shorts for Accountants, Professionals, Finance, Students: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1o9nc8dxF1TqoRTWoA1_l0kmtsbyNEB5 Accounting concept, Entries, Final Accounts preparation: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1o9nc8dxF1T4GSjBPboXxBgFgkVZmDbQ Direct Taxation: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1o9nc8dxF1S7BBNeuL3fzV_fDl9V88C2 🎥 Hello, lovely viewers! Welcome back to the @cadeveshthakur channel! 🎉 I’m thrilled to have you here, and I want to connect with you beyond YouTube. Let’s take our journey together to the next level! 😊 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cadeveshthakur/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cadeveshthakur/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/cadeveshthakur Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cadevesh Whatsapp Group: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029Va6GOVE9MF92Ylmo7e0L #cadeveshthakur https://cadeveshthakur.com/ Remember, our community is more than just a channel—it’s a family. Let’s connect, learn, and grow together! Hit that Subscribe button, tap the notification bell, and let’s spread financial wisdom one click at a time. 🚀 Remember, knowledge empowers us all! Let’s learn together and navigate the complex world of finance with curiosity and diligence. Thank you for being part of the cadeveshthakur community! 🙌 Disclaimer: The content shared on this channel is purely for educational purposes. As a Chartered Accountant, I strive to provide accurate and insightful information related to GST, income tax, accounting, and tax planning. However, please note that the content should not be considered as professional advice or a substitute for personalized consultation.
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part2of3 · 24 days
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I've been posting on Reddit about selling my dad's tools and toolbox for like a year now.
Well at first it was just the toolbox. And then it was the tools as well.
Started out when we were going through something with our mortgage company and we needed money quick. I was even going to local dealerships and trying to sell it to the mechanics. I was calling snap-on drivers. I was getting nowhere.
Luckily at the time we were able to find other help for the mortgage. So we were good for a bit.
But we still need to sell it. We're still drowning in debt. And my dad's health is getting worse. So the tools are just useless to us anyway.
I tried Facebook market. I'll try to couple different places on Reddit.
Had a lot of interest but no follow-through. A lot of people saying that the box alone could be worth around 8K. That everything all together could be worth between 8K and 12K.
But the people who have that kind of money are already established enough to have their own tools. And the people who need its can't afford it.
It's been suggested I look into auction houses. So I sent several messages out. Mostly no responses. One of them was trading phone calls with me but eventually they stopped replying.
So I ended up going with a place called Wilson's auction. And I was so frustrated and overwhelmed by the whole thing that I don't think I asked them enough questions. I didn't prepare enough. I didn't think to tell them to start with a predetermined minimum bid.
I had them come pick everything up. I signed some contracts. And I just assumed that they would know what they're doing. I assumed that they would have some kind of appraiser that would have some vague idea of how much it's worth.
But then on the day of the sale I went to their website. The pictures they posted of it, the pictures they posted of everything they had that day, made it look like a flea market.
The sale was just yesterday. I haven't heard anything back. I don't know if I'm supposed to. Their website and all the paperwork just said that I should receive a check within two to three weeks. But based off of the pictures they posted, I'm really incredibly nervous. I feel like my stomach dropped. What if I went to the wrong place? What if instead of getting 8K, or even 6 or 4, what if I just end up with like 200 bucks?
We've had a roofing company come out to our house recently. It did some work on Friday, thank God that homeowners insurance is going to cover a lot of it, but we still have to pay a deductible to our insurance. I was really hoping on this tool sale to put towards the deductible. I was hoping for a lot. There was a lot of plans if I had a few thousand dollars. I need to pay off my credit cards.
But now I'm just sitting here scared and nervous that I screwed myself because I was impatient and didn't work hard enough to find a better seller.
But then I have to keep reminding myself that it's been a whole fucking year. I've tried. I've reached out to so many. It was starting to look like I might have to pay someone to haul this shit off of my property.
But now I'm just in a mood. Getting a few thousand from this would have been a tremendous tremendous help right now
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zeedropcrosslister · 2 months
How to Sell on Poshmark
Poshmark is a vibrant online marketplace where people can buy and sell primarily second-hand clothing, accessories, and other lifestyle items. Launched in 2011, the platform has grown into a community of millions of users across the United States and Canada. Not only does Poshmark allow you to sell items from your own wardrobe, but it also integrates social networking features, helping you gain visibility and sell faster by engaging with other users.
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Whether you're cleaning out your closet or starting a small business, this guide will walk you through everything you need to know to start selling on Poshmark.
Getting Started: Registering for Poshmark
Step 1: Create an Account
You can sign up for a free Poshmark account through the following options:
If you choose to register with an email address, you'll need to provide:
First Name
Last Name
Username: Choose carefully, as this cannot be changed later.
Password: Must be at least 6 characters and include a number or symbol.
Country: Currently, Poshmark is available only in the United States and Canada.
Invite Code (if any): Invite friends to earn $10 in Poshmark credit.
Step 2: Complete Your Profile
Once registered, set up your profile by adding a profile picture (170×170 pixels) and filling out additional details like your clothing and shoe sizes. This information helps personalize your shopping experience and makes it easier for others to shop your closet.
Step 3: Select Your Preferred Brands
During registration, you can select your favorite brands. This helps Poshmark tailor the shopping experience to your preferences, but it also helps you as a seller to target buyers interested in similar brands.
How to List a Product for Sale on Poshmark
Step 1: Prepare Your Items
Gather the items you wish to sell—whether they’re clothes, shoes, handbags, or accessories. Ensure they’re clean and in good condition. If you’re selling new items, keep tags intact.
Step 2: Take High-Quality Photos
Photos are crucial for attracting buyers. Follow these tips for the best results:
Lighting: Use natural light whenever possible. Bright, well-lit photos are more appealing.
Background: Use a plain white wall or carpet to make the item stand out.
Angles: Take photos from multiple angles, including close-ups of details and any flaws.
Modeling: If possible, wear the item to show how it looks when worn. This helps buyers visualize the fit.
Quantity: You can upload up to 8 photos per listing, so make them count.
Step 3: Create a Listing
To list your item:
Click on the “Sell on Poshmark” button.
Add a Title: Make it attractive and include keywords buyers might search for.
Write a Description: Be detailed and honest. Mention any flaws and describe the item's condition.
Select a Category: Choose the main category (e.g., Women, Men, Kids, Home) and then a subcategory.
Indicate the Quantity: If you have more than one of the same item, specify the quantity.
Choose the Size: Include all relevant sizes if listing multiple items.
Specify if it’s New With Tags (NWT): If the item is new and has tags attached, check this box.
Add the Brand: Optional, but useful for buyers searching by brand.
Select the Color: You can choose up to two colors.
Set the Price:
Original Price (optional): The retail price.
Listing Price: The price you want to sell the item for.
Your Earnings: Poshmark will show you what you’ll earn after their fee is deducted.
Option 2: Fast listing on poshmark with ZeeDrop
Step 4: Pricing Strategy
Research similar items on Poshmark and other platforms to set a competitive price. Most items on Poshmark sell for $10 to $50. Keep in mind Poshmark's fees:
Sales under $15: Flat fee of $2.95.
Sales over $15: 20% fee, with you keeping 80%.
Factor in these fees, the cost of shipping (if offering free shipping), and your desired profit margin when setting your price.
Shipping Your Products from your home
Step 1: Shipping Labels
Once your item sells, Poshmark provides a prepaid shipping label via email. Print the label and attach it to your package. Poshmark uses USPS Priority Mail, which typically delivers within 1-3 days.
Step 2: Packaging
Use USPS Priority Mail envelopes or boxes, available for free at USPS locations. You can bundle multiple items in one package, but it must not exceed 5 pounds. The shipping fee is a flat rate of $7.11, paid by the buyer unless you offer free shipping as a promotional strategy.
Step 3: Shipping Deadline
You have 7 days to ship the item after the sale. Ensure timely delivery to maintain good seller ratings.
Receiving Payments
Step 1: Buyer Acceptance
After the buyer receives the item, they have the opportunity to inspect it. If they’re satisfied, they’ll accept the purchase, and Poshmark will release the funds to your account.
Step 2: Accessing Your Earnings
You can choose to withdraw your earnings via direct deposit to your bank account, PayPal, or request a check. Poshmark will deduct their fees before transferring the balance to you.
Tips for Success on Poshmark
1. Be Active
Success on Poshmark isn't just about listing your items; it's also about staying engaged with the community. The more active you are, the more visibility your listings will gain. Here are some key strategies to boost your activity and sales:
Engage Daily
Share Listings: Regularly share your own listings and the listings of others. This helps keep your items at the top of search results, increasing the chances of a sale.
Follow Other Sellers: Build your network by following other users. Many will follow you back, and this can help increase your exposure.
Send Offers
Make the First Move: After someone likes your item, send them an offer. Offering a slight discount or covering the shipping costs can incentivize them to make a purchase.
Offer to Likers: Poshmark has a feature called "Offer to Likers," which allows you to send private discounts to people who have liked your item. This can lead to quick sales, especially if you combine it with discounted or free shipping.
Automate with ZeeDposh
Maximize your efficiency by using the free virtual assistant bot, ZeeDposh. This tool automates essential tasks, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business:
Automatic Sharing: ZeeDposh can automatically share your items to your followers and to Poshmark parties, helping keep your listings active without manual effort.
Automatic Offers: The bot can also automatically send offers to likers as soon as they express interest in your items, ensuring that you don't miss out on potential sales opportunities.
2. Engage with the Community
Follow other sellers, share their listings, and respond quickly to comments or questions on your own listings. The more you interact, the more visibility your closet will gain.
3. Offer Discounts
Many buyers will try to negotiate the price. Be open to offers, and consider offering bundle discounts or free shipping to encourage sales.
4. Stay Organized
Keep track of your inventory, sales, and earnings. Make sure to update your listings if you sell items elsewhere or if you run out of stock.
5. Provide Excellent Customer Service
Ship items promptly, package them neatly, and consider adding a personal touch like a thank-you note or a small gift. Positive ratings and reviews from buyers will boost your reputation.
6. Optimize Your Listings
Use descriptive titles and keywords, add detailed descriptions, and categorize your items correctly. High-quality photos are essential to make your listings stand out.
7. Research Trends
Stay updated on fashion trends and seasonal demands. Listing items that are in demand will increase your chances of making sales.
8. Best Supplier 
shein, trendsi, ccwholesaleclothing, Amazon
Selling on Poshmark can be a rewarding experience, whether you're looking to declutter your closet or start a small business. By following these steps and tips, you'll be well on your way to becoming a successful seller on the platform. Remember, consistency and engagement are key to building a thriving Poshmark closet. Happy selling!
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atozautoparts · 2 months
The Ultimate Guide to Finding Quality Automotive Car Parts Online
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In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining a vehicle in top condition is crucial. Whether you're a DIY enthusiast or a professional mechanic, sourcing quality automotive car parts online has become an essential skill. With a vast array of options available, finding the right parts can be daunting. This guide aims to simplify the process and help you navigate the online automotive car parts market with ease.
Understanding Your Needs
Before diving into the vast ocean of online car parts, it’s important to have a clear understanding of your needs. Start by identifying the specific part required for your vehicle. Knowing the make, model, year, and the exact specifications of the part will streamline your search. If unsure, refer to your vehicle's manual or consult with a professional mechanic.
Research Reputable Online Retailers
Not all online retailers are created equal. Researching and choosing a reputable retailer is crucial to ensure you receive quality parts. Look for online stores with positive customer reviews, clear return policies, and comprehensive product information. Websites like AutoZone, RockAuto, and CarParts.com are well-known for their reliability and wide selection of parts.
Verify Part Compatibility
One of the most common pitfalls in purchasing car parts online is compatibility issues. Even slight variations in part specifications can lead to significant problems. Utilize the compatibility tools provided by most reputable websites. Input your vehicle’s details to filter out incompatible parts. Additionally, cross-referencing the part number with your vehicle’s manual can prevent costly mistakes.
Quality Over Price
While it’s tempting to opt for the cheapest option available, remember that quality should never be compromised. Inferior parts can lead to frequent replacements, increased maintenance costs, and even safety hazards. Look for parts from well-known brands or OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) parts. These may come at a higher price, but the investment ensures longevity and reliability.
Read Customer Reviews
Customer reviews provide valuable insights into the real-world performance and reliability of car parts. Take the time to read through reviews on the product page. Pay attention to recurring issues or praises. This can help you gauge the quality of the part and the reliability of the seller.
Utilize Online Forums and Communities
online automotive parts forums and communities are treasure troves of information. Websites like Reddit, AutomotiveForums, and dedicated car enthusiast groups on Facebook can offer firsthand experiences and recommendations. Engaging with these communities can provide you with insights that aren’t available on retailer websites.
Check Warranty and Return Policies
Even with meticulous research, there’s always a chance that the part may not meet your expectations. Ensuring that the retailer offers a good warranty and return policy is essential. This provides peace of mind and protects your investment. Most reputable online stores offer warranties on their parts and have clear return policies in place.
Compare Prices
Once you’ve narrowed down your options, compare prices across different websites. While quality should be your primary focus, there’s no harm in seeking the best deal available. Use comparison tools and check for discounts or promotional offers. However, be wary of prices that seem too good to be true as they may indicate counterfeit or substandard parts.
Secure Payment Methods
When making a purchase online, ensuring the security of your payment information is crucial. Stick to reputable websites that offer secure payment gateways. Avoid using direct bank transfers or unsecured payment methods. Using a credit card or a trusted payment service like PayPal provides an added layer of security.
Finding quality automotive car parts online doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By understanding your needs, researching reputable retailers, verifying compatibility, prioritizing quality, and leveraging online communities, you can make informed decisions. Always read customer reviews, check warranties, compare prices, and use secure payment methods. With these tips, you’ll ensure that your vehicle remains in top condition, saving you time and money in the long run. Happy shopping!
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notebooknebula · 1 year
5 Proven Strategies to Find Hot Deals Before Other Real Estate Investors
Key Takeaways:
The secret strategy for finding hot deals before other investors and its two main components
Step 1: Get the local Foreclosure list and maintain it.
Step 2: Market to motivated sellers through a direct mail campaign
Step 3: Meet and Negotiate with Prospects
Step 4: Get the property under contract
Step 5: Consider your exit strategies to turn a profit
How private money can come into play in this strategy
How to overcome your fears about real estate investing.
Jay and Chaffee talk about how to find real estate deals before your competition. 
Jay outlines the process as he finds hot deals every week. 
He has developed a five-step process over the last nine years: 
1) Get the local Foreclosure list and maintain it. 
2) Direct Mail campaign to the prospect 
3) Meet and Negotiate with Prospects 
4) Get the property under contract 
5) Multiple Exit Strategies 
Plus, Chaffee shares how new real estate investors can overcome their fears about investing.
0:01 – Raising Private Money with Jay Conner
0:45 – Today’s Guest: Chaffee Thanh-Nguyen
4:18 – Free Online Class
8:51 – Two Main Components
11:03 – Marketing Direct Mail Letters
15:55 – Negotiate The Deal
17:35 – Buying Subject-To The Existing Note
22:13 – Analysis Paralysis
24:06 – Take Action!
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Private Money Academy Conference:
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Have you read Jay’s new book: Where to Get The Money Now?
It is available FREE (all you pay is the shipping and handling) at
What is Private Money? Real Estate Investing with Jay Conner
Jay Conner is a proven real estate investment leader. He maximizes creative methods to buy and sell properties with profits averaging $67,000 per deal without using his own money or credit.
What is Real Estate Investing? Live Private Money Academy Conference
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alienated-idiot · 4 months
My mom is one of those delusional gen-x people who doesn't understand how expensive things are and how much harder it is for younger people to be able to afford things.
My boyfriend is looking to buy a Ford Mustang from a seller on Facebook, and we thought it's a pretty good deal and he's absolutely in love with it. Low miles, minimal damage, and under $10k - theyre asking $9k for it. I told my mom about it (I should have waited till we brought it home honestly). She shits on it entirely, saying the seller is asking too much, he won't get approved for a loan even with a cosigner, even thinks he should do it with no cosigner some-fucking-how, thinks it's rear-wheel drive and he won't get around in it, and thinks he needs to look for a newer vehicle than 2009 (its technically 2006 but i told her the wrong year on accident).
Thing is, he can't afford anything over $10k, and anything after 2010 is going to be more than $10k. My car is a 2014 and it was $12k. I can only afford it because I make twice as much as him, and my mom constantly forgets the fast food pays like shit. The man has no credit on top of it all. I only got my car bc my mom cosigned for me. She keeps pushing for him to get a new car but it's gotta be within her terms.
So I'm done discussing things with her. We're getting the car, I'm cosigning, end of discussion.
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frothytundra · 4 months
How $20 Became $50
I recently saw a pretty blouse advertised on Facebook and thought I would like to wear it to this year’s Pride Parade. The shirt I liked was for sale at $19.99 USD which seemed like a very fair price. So, when the seller, Prestigesmi, added $9.99 for shipping, it still felt like a reasonable expense at a total of $29.98 USD. Then, today when I was checking my credit card account, I noticed I…
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viperallc · 4 months
Letter of Credit Now Accepted Worldwide for High-Ticket and Volume Orders Over $100,000
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Vipera, in partnership with Mashreq Bank, is thrilled to announce a groundbreaking development for our clients. We are now accepting letters of credit for all volume and high-ticket orders exceeding $100,000 USD. This strategic collaboration aims to streamline large transactions, providing a secure and efficient payment method for our customers globally.
Streamlined Transactions for Large Orders
In today’s fast-paced business environment, ensuring the security and efficiency of high-value transactions is paramount. By partnering with Mashreq Bank, Vipera offers an enhanced payment solution for orders above $100,000.
This service caters to businesses looking to make substantial investments in technology without the hassles traditionally associated with large financial transactions.
Enhanced Security Measures
A letter of credit ensures that payment is made according to the agreed terms and conditions, reducing the risk of non-payment. This financial instrument provides a level of security that is particularly crucial for international transactions, where the risk of default can be higher due to different jurisdictions and legal systems.
Increased Efficiency in Payment Processing
The use of letters of credit simplifies the payment process for large transactions. This means less time spent on administrative tasks and more focus on core business activities. Businesses can benefit from quicker processing times, ensuring that orders are fulfilled promptly and without unnecessary delays.
Benefits of Using Letters of Credit
The introduction of letters of credit brings several advantages to our clients:
Security: Ensures payment is made as per agreed terms, mitigating the risk of non-payment.
Efficiency: Simplifies the payment process for large transactions, saving time and reducing administrative burden.
Global Acceptance: Widely recognized and accepted internationally, facilitating smooth cross-border transactions.
Facilitating Global Trade
Letters of credit are widely recognized and accepted globally, making them an ideal tool for facilitating international trade. By providing a secure method of payment, they help to build trust between parties who may be dealing with each other for the first time, thereby fostering long-term business relationships.
Flexibility in Payment Terms
Letters of credit offer flexibility in terms of payment. Businesses can negotiate the terms that best suit their needs, whether it’s immediate payment upon delivery or payment after a certain period. This flexibility helps in managing cash flow more effectively, which is crucial for maintaining the financial health of any business.
How It Works
A letter of credit is a financial instrument issued by a bank guaranteeing that a buyer’s payment to a seller will be received on time and for the correct amount. In the event that the buyer is unable to make a payment, the bank covers the full or remaining amount of the purchase.
By integrating this system, Vipera ensures that our clients can confidently place large orders knowing that their payments are secured by Mashreq Bank.
The acceptance of letters of credit for orders over $100,000 USD marks a significant milestone for Vipera. This initiative, in collaboration with Mashreq Bank, exemplifies our dedication to facilitating secure and efficient transactions for our clients globally. We invite businesses to take advantage of this new offering and experience seamless high-value transactions with Vipera.
Muhammad Hussnain Visit us on social media: Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Instagram | YouTube TikTok
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Successfully Navigating Real Estate Cycles: Expert Tips from Chris Prefontaine & Jay Conner
Private Money Academy Conference:
Free Report:
Chris Prefontaine is a 3-time best-selling author of Real Estate on Your Terms, The New Rules of Real Estate Investing, and Moneeka Sawyer’s Real Estate Investing for Women.
He’s also the Founder and CEO of SmartRealEstateCoach.com and host of the Smart Real Estate Coach Podcast. Chris has been in real estate for almost 30 years.
His experience ranges from constructing new homes in the ‘90s and owning a Realty Executive Franchise to running his own investments (commercial & residential) and coaching clients throughout North America.
Today, Chris runs his own buying and selling business with his family team, which purchases 2-5 properties monthly, so they’re in the trenches every single week.
They also help their Associates and students do the exact same thing all across North America, working together on another 10-15 properties every month.
Having been through several real estate cycles, Chris understands the challenges of this business and helps students navigate the constantly changing real estate waters.
00:00 Real estate expert raises $5M in private money.
04:57 Buying deals without cash, creating 3 payday deals.
08:10 Utilize money to work for your advantage.
12:17 Monthly payments to sellers who become a bank.
15:16 Calculating seller's benefit from selling through MLS.
16:09 Real estate investors seek big cash margins.
20:08 Analyze the market and costs for selling houses.
25:49 Real estate success without full-time commitment.
28:30 Repeating ideas, expanding options, promoting Wicked Smart.
29:12 Free Book:  https://www.WickedSmartBooks.com/Jay1
30:10 Connect with Chris: https://www.SmartRealEstateCoach.com/MastersClass
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Have you read Jay’s new book: Where to Get The Money Now?
It is available FREE (all you pay is the shipping and handling) at
What is Private Money? Real Estate Investing with Jay Conner
Jay Conner is a proven real estate investment leader. He maximizes creative methods to buy and sell properties with profits averaging $67,000 per deal without using his own money or credit.
What is Real Estate Investing? Live Private Money Academy Conference
YouTube Channel
Apple Podcasts:
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