#cricket pate
Car, Confession and a kiss
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Cricket Pate x fem!reader
warning : flirting, fluff, kissing
Summary : A sweet mechanic and a young teacher for orphans two humans that needed just one glance at eachother and their hearts were beating the same. So what if they just needed a little push in the right direction to finally talk...or have more?
Info : So I did it finally worte for sweet boy Cricket after watching this amazing movie a few weeks ago with my parents actualy and he was my fav. So everyone have fun reading and maybe we can get the movie and it's character back to life
(gif from @scuddish )
Ever since the spiritual one had started with the Bondurant brothers, she knew that he was watching her. That the cross that lay on her chest moved with every step she took as she helped Maggie wipe the tables, even if the younger one was more of a teacher of mathematics. Because it had called for a job, why not help out in a pub with a new home?
But this young man was only a year younger than her. The warm smile, the tangled blond-brown hair, the thin yet somehow slightly starchy body peeking out of the car. How did it come about that the sinful noises could no longer be ignored? Her fingers closed around the cross as her own thoughts wandered.
Thoughts that were full of darkness and yet, ,,Oh Lord you have given body and soul not to sin and yet it is hard," she murmured the prayer as she thought back to her time in the convent, sent to this part of America where alcohol still flowed with criminals. But it was all the same because she helped the children, the brothers with the higher wages and helped where she could.
Living in a small town was something she had always wanted. Until she met the mechanic, moonshine brewer and technician Cricket on the ground. The sweet, somewhat shy young man was a good boy, she realized, who would do something to a fly.
,,Good day Ma'm welcome," he had greeted her, shaking her hand gently and making a surprised noise as the oil on his hand wetted hers. ,,Wait, sorry-I'm...wait," he had stammered as he had picked up a rag and soaked her hands. It was a sweet encounter that made the younger brother smile and the rest of the family shake their heads. But she had only taken a liking to this boy, perhaps a little too much.
But at night, when everyone was asleep, she had written assignments for the children for the next morning, made the final calculations for the illegal sale of her home-brewed spirits, slipped out of her dress, the soft fabric of her nightgown clinging to her body, and lay down in bed. When she heard him, she knew that even though he was far away from everyone, she could still hear him near the kettles and the cars.
His breathing slowly quickened, the panting from his lips but sin wra as she imagined it. Imagining his hair only more tangled, his head tucked into the pillow to block out the noise, his hands on his own body. It was a thought that aroused her own body, something she wanted to leave behind. So why not try to convert him into a devotee?
The morning then came across the farm, the saloon, the pub and the cars with the drivers, who were still burning the moonshine. It was the moment she came to him with her book, ,,Hello Cricket, tell me...would you like to look over the children's chores?" she asked him as she stood leaning against the barn.
The dark dress on her hung over the white undergarment, even though it was older and still relatively white, giving her body a certain amount of grace. Saw how he hadn't heard her looking up from the automobile which was old but still worked thanks to him.
The shirt hanging on him looked almost too tight, but the smile and the bright eyes. "Just sweet...like an angel, she thought and felt herself tightening her grip on the tasks. ,,Morning Ma'm, if you like I'd be happy to look over it" he replied, taking a few last steps before he came over to her and the two of them went into the parlor where Maggie was making some pancakes, the redhead a silent observer.
She sat down next to him and saw in the mirror that he was watching her as she took two drinks from Maggie.
His bright eyes wandered over her body with a slight smirk as if he was watching a kiss. ,,A beauty like from a museum in New York or something," she had heard him say once when he came home drunk with Jack.
At first she thought he meant someone else, but the way he described her, it could only be her, couldn't it? ,,Thanks," he mumbled, taking a sip before his eyes turned from her to the paper, recounting the numbers, and even though she knew she hadn't made a mistake, she needed an excuse to be with him.
He mumbled something to himself from time to time as if he were calculating aloud, his fingers playing with the pencil and he smiled at her, she realized it would only take a few minutes. ,,And how is it?" she asked, leaning a little towards him felt how her upper body lay lightly on his arm.
Felt his tension as he pointed to the individual tasks. ,,Well...I think it's good to give the smarty-pants a couple of tasks and the rest should be fine," he replied with a smile as she saw his pretty blue eyes dart from her own to her lips to the cross hanging between her breasts. ,,Thank you Cricket that makes me feel better" she replied giving him a sweet smile that made him blush.
But before silence fell between them, they both flinched as Maggie said from the table, ,,Cricket, take our dear teacher to the children's home in the city so you can see that the car works," she said, placing one of the glasses in the rack with the curtain hanging in the room and Cricket grinned broadly as his companion could barely hide her beating heart.
He rose hastily and reached her the paper, his hand going to hers in a gesture they had only touched a few times before.
But his warmth, that euphoria he had, made her smile, ,,Come on, you'll like it, we're as quick as lightning!" Cricket called and Maggie grinned as she saw the younger one rush out of the parlor, his limp on the wood making different sounds than his footsteps as he said, ,,Wait here, I'll fetch the car" and he disappeared into the barn to fetch the vehicle.
She looked at her hand and saw the light oil stain and felt the warmth, ,,You don't know how cute you are," she murmured and knew that Maggie knew. The two women had met several times at night to drink and talk about the things you couldn't talk about with men.
The sound of the engine pulled her out of her thoughts as he honked and she hurried over to him, sat down in the driver's seat, closed the small door and with a ,,Let's go!" he drove her out of the yard and onto the road leading to the city.
The scenery around her was beautiful, the wide open spaces, the trees hanging in the valley and even though it was a little bumpy, it was smooth as she watched Crickte. The wind that came through the slightly open windows played with his tangled hair.
There was a smile on his lips as he tested his overworking fast run fast ride. ,,That's unbelievable!" she exclaimed as he held her work pressed against him and couldn't help but laugh with him as it almost seemed to become a race. ,,I know we're going so damn fast!" he shouted and she could already see the city at the end of the road, it hadn't even been ten minutes and yet maybe that was the future the world had. Automobiles, fast automobiles.
But what did she know, she had more important things at the moment when Cricket stopped in front of the children's home, ,,Thank you, I'll be right back," and she gratefully put her hand on his and felt the tingling sensation before she got out of the car and went into the house.
She didn't see his cheeks turn pink and he mumbled ,,For you always" as he waited, did some shopping, looked at things in the stores and watched the car. Inside, she gave the children their assignments minutes passed and gave the teachers some more feedback, but her thoughts kept going back to Cricket. When she returned to the children and the others, she took some colorful pictures and went out with a loving look.
,,Seems like it was successful," he said, pointing at the colorful pictures but had turned away from her, ,,Yes All good?" she replied and put the leaves in the car as she walked over to him and saw something colorful behind his back. He turned to her and she suddenly saw a bunch of flowers that he was holding in his hands.
,,Cricket, I-" she began, wanting to say something, but afraid, but why? That he had heard her own sin? That he was lovingly asking her to leave? ,,No I-I would like to say something...or no I" he stammered a little but gently pressed the colorful flowers into her hand this time without oil stains as he usually kept his hands clean as he gently placed one of them on her shoulder.
,,I'd like to take you on a date...well, dinner tonight," he added, pointing to the dinner that was in the small town. She didn't know it was a complete luxury but the meat with the steamed vegetables was incredible. ,,Cricket I don't know-," she started again and smiled when he interrupted her nervously but she let him do it and reached for his hand.
,,Please, I've wanted it all the time and I don't know if you feel the same way," he continued to talk fast before she pulled him close and interrupted his talk with a kiss before he choked on his own breath. ,,I feel the same, believe me...I've felt it since the first time we met," she murmured to him as she broke away and kissed his pink cheeks again to reassure him, which made him nervous.
When wasn't it around her sweet little nervous cricket. He took her hand and led her to the door of the car, bowing playfully as he said, ,,Ma'm please," and held the door open for her. ,,Please accepted my dear" she replied and waited for him to start the car and feel her back.
The way back went all the quicker, her hand resting on his grin and he gave her a little kiss on the finger again and again. ,,Such a chameur," she murmured as they arrived back at the yard and she could see Maggie at the window watching them with a knowing smile. Cricket opened her door, let her out at the parlor and drove the car into the barn.
,,Oh and Cricket tonight...those lovely noises can you play them again?" she asked and gave him a wink he now knew she had heard him before he suddenly walked past her and with a ,,If you play with me" answered her and with a wink disappeared into the sound leaving his darling behind with a proud grin.
My sweet Cricket must have come out of his shell she thought and looked back at the colorful flowers in her hand before she also went back to her room and got ready for an evening no, a date with Cricket Pate.
Maybe you like it/wanna give it a read or just talk about him ? Is the Fandom even alive?
@somethingbitchyythiswaycomes , @starlightiing , @straysugzhpe
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scuddish · 2 years
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DANE DEHAAN as CRICKET PATE LAWLESS 2012 | dir. John Hillcoat
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randomitemdrop · 4 months
My RPG group just raided a post apocalypse Disneyland. What should they find?
*Leaves an offering of 5 gold coins, two paper dollars and an explosive Twinkie*
Assuming they're already on a quest for the Five Magic Keys to unlock the cryo vault containing Walt's frozen head, there's always parts of the old mascot suits and cast costumes imbued with the characters' spirits (roll Will save against possession by, ya know, Jiminy Cricket or Sneezy the Dwarf, as Dominate Person). The heads seem obvious, but there's gauntlets and boots and animated tails and Captain Hook's hook and all kinds of fun things there--I bet an Elsa dress might give you ice powers.
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Or if you want something more casual, how about you stumble on a few industrial drums of Delicious Grey Stuff, which is apparently cookies-and-cream fondant instead of the pate Lumiere was talking about in the movie.
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quietblueriver · 10 months
Hi! For the prompting: Imodna, luminescence
Hello! Okay so I started writing and realized I actually want to answer this in two parts, so please find below part i, which is incandescence/Imogen. Working on a part ii, luminescence/Laudna.
Thank you so much for the prompt!!
PS- Usual disclaimer re: errors and prompts. Pls excuse.
The idea came to her last week, when she helped Laudna take the old door out of her refurbished little cabin. It had been hacked in half for some reason but the wood was still good, not rotted through, and she’d tucked it away behind the cabin before she left, telling Laudna vaguely that she had an idea for it.
She thought briefly about paint, but figured Laudna should get to choose the color and they could always add it later if she wanted. The only thing she really needed was rope, which was easy enough to get from the farm’s store, Harlan waving her off when she offered to have the cost taken from her pay. 
She made sure to do it when Laudna was out foraging, mindful of the process. The scars on her neck were hard to misinterpret, and she knew some of what had happened, shared quietly under the stars outside Laudna’s cabin or, once, memorably and horrifyingly, through Pate. The last thing she wanted was for Laudna to watch her string rope up in the tree. She hoped the swing itself would be okay, was ready to take it down immediately at the slightest sign of discomfort, felt her palms get sweaty with nerves before she forced a deep breath. 
Steady, Imogen. You’ve gotta actually put it up before you panic about takin’ it down.  
She wound some rope across the length and around each end, connecting the separate loops in a series of knots she was pretty proud of and, when she was satisfied, hung it on the massive oak with the best view of the sunset. 
Imogen had nearly destroyed her thumbnail by the time Laudna made it back, but the immediate and obvious joy on her face and in her thoughts as she emerged from the forest and saw Imogen standing next to the swing soothed all of her nerves. She dropped the basket of mushrooms and clapped, eyes looking between Imogen and the swing like one or the other might disappear if she stopped. 
“Imogen! Is this…is this for us?” 
Imogen nodded, cheeks aching from the size of her smile. “For you, mostly, but I’ll join you as often as I can. If you want, I mean!” 
Laudna tilted her head, an increasingly familiar and comforting melody of fondness in her mind. Her voice carried that same fond feeling as she said, “Whenever you can, please. Thank you, darling.” The flutter in her stomach at the term of endearment ended quickly as there was, to Imogen’s distress, ichor pooling in the corners of her eyes.
Laudna must have seen the concern growing on her face because she waved Imogen off, tucked her fingers next to her eyes so that the ichor reabsorbed. “I’m sorry. Happiness, I promise. It’s been a long time…Actually, I don’t think anyone has ever…” Her fingers moved to Pate but stopped, smoothed at her skirt instead. “Swing with me?” 
Imogen smiled again, moved to hold the door steady so that Laudna could get comfortable. “After you, m’lady.” She felt silly, something that generally made her uncomfortable, but it was worth it for the laughter it earned her. She was finding she didn’t mind being silly for Laudna. 
When Laudna was settled, she hoisted herself up next to her, shoulders touching, and then pressed her right foot against the ground and began a gentle movement. Laudna sighed happily, and they were quiet for a while, the sounds of the frogs and the crickets playing around them. 
As the sun set, reds and purples spreading over Faramore’s land and the bluffs, Laudna tangled their ankles together, eyes cutting at Imogen in that way they always did when she initiated physical contact.
(The first time she really touched her, placing a steadying hand on Imogen’s back as she nearly tripped over a log, she yanked it back so fast, her mind in such a panic that Imogen thought there must be danger.
Laudna? What’s wrong?
She turned to find Laudna staring at the ground and fisting her skirt so tightly Imogen was afraid she might tear it. It was like she couldn’t hear her.
Imogen understood once the panicked thoughts cleared enough for her to be able to separate them, found tears stinging at the corners of her eyes and felt a rage on Laudna’s behalf, more and more common, at a low boil in her stomach.
Careful. Disgusting. Cold. Ichor will stain her pretty shirt. Don’t want to scare her. Can’t believe I...she’ll leave. She should leave. Dangerous.
She stepped closer carefully, placing a gentle hand on Laudna’s forearm, which was smooth and cold and a little clammy but certainly not disgusting. Laudna raised her head slowly to meet Imogen’s eyes.
“Is this okay?”
She nodded, and Imogen took another half-step in, let her fingers slide down and tangle with Laudna’s. Her eyes left Imogen’s again to stare at their joined hands.
“Imogen, you don’t have to…I know I’m not…it’s not…”
“I don’t mind you touchin’ me, Laudna. I’m real clumsy, so it’s nice, really, to have somebody there to help.” She squeezed very gently at Laudna’s fingers, ran her thumb over the skin of her inner wrist, leaned forward and said the next part near Laudna’s ear, sure but soft. “And you’re not disgustin’. I’m sorry anybody ever told you that. You’re just a little different.” She let go of Laudna’s hand to remove her glove, took it back and raised them between their bodies, her scars facing Laudna. “I am, too.”
Laudna raised her head then, a tentative half-smile on her face, pulled Imogen’s hand closer and looked at the purple lines scattered across it. Imogen ignored the embarrassment and fear and shame for once, didn’t pull her hand away.
“They’re quite beautiful.”
Her face was burning, suddenly, and she set her own eyes to the ground. “Well, can’t say I’ve ever heard that one before.” She cleared her throat and looked up again, gathered some bravery. “It feels nice. Your hand in mine, I mean. I run real hot and you’re so cool.” She winked, felt immediately ridiculous but got Laudna’s smile to widen so called it a win.)
Like always, Imogen did her best to show it was welcome, pressing her ankle back. Laudna stared down at their feet as she asked, “How would you feel about a picnic tomorrow?”
She answered immediately, “That sounds perfect.” Laudna’s hands had only fluttered a little as she proposed the idea, and she didn’t even follow her question up with a dozen qualifications about the value of Imogen’s time. Imogen felt a swell of pride and satisfaction that Laudna was becoming more comfortable with her. She added, positive reinforcement and also the simple truth, “Real excited to get to spend a day off with you.” 
Laudna’s cheeks stained a bluish purple in the low light, and Imogen felt an entirely undue sense of accomplishment, leaned over to let her head rest on Laudna’s shoulder.
This was something Imogen was trying, the physical affection. She wanted to be sure Laudna didn’t feel like she was the only one ever reaching out, wanted to reassure her, push back against some of the shit she’d been told about herself.
Mostly, though, she wanted to be close to her. They hadn’t known each other that long, in the scheme of things, but Imogen was pretty sure both of them had been touch-starved for a long time, and she felt more at home with Laudna than she had with anyone, ever. So she was slowly letting herself give into the impulses to touch and tease and be lighter than she was anywhere else, with anyone else. To be at home. 
“That can’t be comfortable,” Laudna laughed, even as she lifted a hand to wrap around Imogen’s shoulders to keep her in place.
Imogen scooted closer. “It’s plenty comfortable, thanks.” 
She walked back to the house humming to herself and thinking about what Laudna might like from the market for their picnic, making a plan for her morning. She was excited about spending a whole day with Laudna—dipping her feet in cool water and watching at least one performance from Pate and eating fresh bread and cheese and fruit and, assuming she didn’t get stampeded in line, a few slices of the first chocolate pecan pie of the season from Mackey’s stall.
She laughed into the quiet of the forest. They were going to have a picnic.
The market was more crowded than usual, and Imogen’s headache was threatening, a steady pulsing reminder at the base of her skull, but she was undeterred, buoyed by the promise of the rest of her day. 
She avoided a cart and brushed by a family with a teenager whose brutal (and correct, from what Imogen could tell) running internal commentary on her uncle’s bullshit. He must’ve picked that up from that circle jerk of a riding club. What fucking clowns…was so loud that Imogen had to bite into her bottom lip to keep from laughing. 
She refocused, picking her way through the stalls looking for the best fruit she could find rather than the best bargain because she was in a good mood, and she’d just gotten paid, and she could almost hear the delighted noise Laudna would make if she could find some of those sour apples she liked so much. She blocked out someone’s mental rant about stepping in dog shit and grinned triumphantly as she spotted a bucket of green apples. 
Prize in hand, she moved the already secured slices of pie and perfectly crisply loaf of bread carefully to the side to make room in her basket. “Now, cheese…”
She made it back to the house without incident, headache still only a threat, and loaded her pack and saddled Flora, who was off the roster for the day same as Imogen, before heading to Laudna. 
Her cabin was empty, a little surprising because Imogen was almost certain they’d agreed to meet here last night. She had been exhausted, though, so maybe they’d decided on the creek after all. 
Redirecting Flora, they headed in the direction of the section best for picnics, a little bend with big flat rocks and enough tree cover to create a little privacy. 
She heard it about halfway there, the familiar music of Laudna’s thoughts discordant with panic and fear. Imogen had Flora at a gallop immediately, cussing and hissing as thin branches whipped at her face. 
There was a group of people crowded around a set of boulders, Laudna’s lanky form easily identifiable, surrounded and pressed almost all the way against a the rocks. The group consisted of a dozen or so people, including Amos, the local cleric, and some other folks in religious robes she didn’t recognize. There were also several of Imogen’s least favorite men from town, a combination of assholes and real creeps whose thoughts made her wish she could give her brain a shower. At their head was Davey Moore, the sheriff’s brother who thought he was big shit. 
They all turned as they heard Flora’s approach, and Imogen barreled through them without hesitation, forcing them to either move or be moved. They dived, crying out, thoughts temporarily diverted to their own safety. They’d be able to block them in before Imogen could get Laudna up behind her, but this at least gave them a moment. 
Imogen stopped Flora next to Laudna, whose normally wide black eyes were even wider and whose thoughts were jumbled and afraid and now worried, not for herself but for Imogen. 
Imogen smiled at her, as softly as she could manage given the worry and fury that were mounting in her body. 
Well, hey there. You okay?
I’m so sorry. I’m sorry. I just wanted to…I thought you might like…
Imogen saw then the flowers in her hand, beautiful yellow and purple and blue blooms whose stems even now Laudna was trying to keep from crushing in her anxious grip. Her hands rose the smallest amount, in offering, and Imogen felt such an intense surge of affection and the desire to protect that it nearly winded her. Probably would have, if she weren’t also burning hot with anger. 
Trying to let some of that affection out through her eyes, she projected, You got nothin’ to be sorry for, Laudna. Those flowers are real pretty. I’m sorry that these fools… 
She turned to glare at the group of men who had recongregated around them, one of the clerics having cast some kind of barrier spell that Imogen could see glinting in the light over their shoulders. 
Well, shit. 
Moore yelled out, “Temult! Of course you’re wrapped up with this…this…”
Imogen flexed her hand around the reins, ground out, “I’d be real careful how you finish that sentence, Davey.”
Imogen. Don’t put yourself at…
“Ma’am,” one of the clerics she didn’t recognize tried, blue robes shifting as he put a foot forward, “Clearly you’re not aware that you’ve been associating with an abomination.” His voice was kind, gentle, like she was a child and he genuinely wanted to protect her, but he had his staff raised in one hand and the other out, ready to cast at Laudna. 
“She’s not an abomination.” 
Imogen. Be careful. It’s not worth it, darling. 
She heard what Laudna wouldn’t say: I’m not worth it. She sure as shit was, though, was the thing, and Imogen wasn’t about to let these fuckers have her. Imogen looked down at Laudna again, steel in her eyes this time, and brought Flora’s body forward and around a little, a half-shield for Laudna. 
Stay as much behind Flora’s body as you can. When it’s safe, I’m gonna pull you up and we’re gonna go. Okay? 
“Don’t bother with this one. She’s a freak, too. All messed up in the head like her mama was. Actually,” he sneered at Imogen, moved his hand to the sheath on his belt, “better be careful with her, too. She might try to mess with your mind.” 
A set of frowns deepened, confused thoughts pressing at the barrier of her mind as Amos stepped forward. Nobody in her day-to-day life was deeply religious, but Amos had once offered to pray over Imogen while her daddy stood stoically and silently next to her. (He’d told her later that it “couldn’t have hurt to let him try,” while a cacophony of thoughts about Imogen sounded in his mind. Stubborn. Just like her mama. Didn’t sign up for this. Wish she’d just act normal. Can’t even have a fuckin’ ale in peace since she screamed at Darius’s boy. The thoughts were familiar enough at that point that she should’ve been innoculated against the hurt they caused. She wasn’t.)  She’d declined as politely as she could, pushing down the part of herself that wanted to tell him to shove his prayers up his own ass, and Amos had been gravely concerned that she wasn’t open to being healed. 
Now, in his most pious voice, he said, “Imogen. I feared when you declined my offer of prayer that you had given into darkness, and now I see that it’s true. After we handle your…this…unnatural creature…”
“Hollow One,” another supplied, and Amos turned slightly to nod in acknowledgement. 
“Yes. In any case, after we handle it, we can bring you to your father and see about…”
Her heart pounded, and her head rang, her whole body flushed with heat, as she said, “You won’t be handlin’ anything, especially not Laudna.”
“Ms. Temult, is it? I don’t think you…”
“Enough.” Moore unsheathed his knife and Flora tried to put distance between herself and the man, whinnying when she realized there was nowhere to go. 
“Shhh,” she rubbed a hand down her neck, eyed Laudna, whose hands were even darker than usual, ichor and magic bubbling up and bleeding across now-wilted flowers to drip over the ground. 
With a last pat to Flora, she dismounted, stepping in front of Laudna and sending Flora out toward the path they’d come from, the group of men parting and reforming to let her pass. Flora made it through the barrier without issue and Imogen filed that away, wondered if it was just for humans or just for Laudna or maybe, if they were lucky, just for show.
It’ll be alright. 
There was almost no space between her and Moore now, his sharp blade glinting in her eyes as his vile thoughts cut at her mind. She pushed them to the side. 
“You’re right. That’s enough.” 
She wasn’t the Imogen Temult he knew in that moment. She wasn’t the weird, reclusive girl whose mind wasn’t quite right but who was “real good with those horses.” She wasn’t the panicked, overwhelmed teenager breaking down in the market, the attention-seeking, unmanageable girl yelling at the people around her when there were no more boxes in her mind for the vile thoughts of others. She certainly wasn’t the polite, palatable version of herself she had learned to present to keep the peace. 
She was Imogen Temult without filter, and she was done. 
Moore blinked for a moment, a break in his thoughts, but then he turned to the clerics around him and said, “Someone knock her out first. Then we can finish the job.”
The minds around her were conflicted at the order, but enough accepted it that someone began to cast, voice loud. 
She heard Laudna cry out behind her, saw a flash of black streak by and hit the cleric in the shoulder. He yelled, shock and pain projecting from his mind, but then he started again, and soon his voice wasn’t alone. 
There were too many of them, too many of them with too much belief in what they were doing and they had trapped them here, in these woods, where nobody could hear them call for help. 
Something in her chest, familiar, hers, but never let loose before, cracked open, and heat flowed out, across her chest and down her arms. It almost felt like her scars were…she raised her hands and confirmed—they were glowing, pulsing purple with power. 
“Imogen,” Laudna breathed out behind her, something close to awe battling with concern in her tone. 
“What the fuck?” 
She looked Moore in the eye as she said, “I said, that’s enough.”
She didn’t know what she was doing, but it felt natural, right, to extend her hands in front of her, nearly pressed to his chest. He lunged with the knife and froze mid-way, body stiff, wrapped in light that beamed from Imogen’s hands over and through Moore and Amos and all the rest of them, her whole body hot and surging like a live wire.
And then Moore was screaming. He was screaming, and so were the others, out loud and in their minds, loud, so loud, a horrible, inescapable set of voices becoming one.
“Ahhh!!!” It burns! Make it stop! “Mercy! Mercy!” So hot, so hot, my gods, I can’t…“Please!” Mother save us…
Hands grasped at heads as their bodies shook and fell to the ground, and bits of their skin, where Imogen could see it, withered with burn, strange purple and white flames appearing and disappearing on their bodies and clothes.
When it was over, all of them prone, Imogen took half a moment to feel both relief and a deep kind of sickness before grabbing Laudna’s hand, pulling her toward Flora, the best girl, who was waiting for them at the edge of the forest. 
She grabbed the reins, scars still alight with purple heat, lightning still in her veins waiting to be let free, and they ran. 
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angel-inked · 2 years
Patriarch, Chapter 6: It's a start!
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Hello fellow writers! 😁👋 happy WIP Wednesday!
I'm a sucker for Howard and Forrest fluff 🥰🥰🥰
Taglist: @vvkingofgaybisciutsvv @thequeenofthewinter @hecatemoon87 @mollybegger-blog @cameleonhardyfan63 @wandawiccan60
Howard's time in the army proved useful when it came to building a still, "well, it's a start!" he exclaimed, as Forrest watched on. Howard pulled up his welding mask and watched Forrest eye the work in progress, he could see his little brother's mind running a mile a minute. "Whatcha think Forrest?" Howard asked. Forrest looked between Howard and the copper plates. Forrest only offered a shrug, Howard nodded and went back to work.
To Howard, Forrest was just Forrest. Others saw the middle child as rude when he refused to answer or, what they thought to be completely ignoring questions. The first fight Howard was ever in was with a guy who said something about Forrest being mentally deficient, Howard wasn't sure what urged the man to say this but he didn't care, he was defending his brother and that was that. Forrest knew why, he's different, he's known this from a young age but his particular difference wouldn't have a name until the 1940s and honestly he wasn't interested enough to worry about his brain being hard wired differently, he was just Forrest and if someone didn't like it that wasn't his problem, it was their problem.
"Ouch" Forrest hissed, Howard looked up to see Forrest rubbing his arm. "Catch a spark did ya?" Howard asked, Forrest nodded. That was going to leave a mark, a small one but a mark nonetheless. "Come here" Howard smiled. Forrest walked around the forge bench and Howard pulled off his welding gear and put it on Forrest himself "right here" Howard explained, guiding his little brother's hands. "Just like that" he beamed. Forrest looked up at Howard with a slight uptick in his lips that would be invisible to anyone who didn't know Forrest very well.
"Appreciate you lettin' us use your welder sir" Howard smiled, shaking hands with Mr. Pate. "No need to thank me, you're brother does enough work for me as it is" the older man replied. "Yep, ol' Forrest always was a hard worker" Howard exclaimed proudly, pulling Forrest in to his side "did pretty well for his first time with a welder too". Forrest grunted and looked up at Howard, who was practically beaming, having Howard teach him how to weld reminded him of when things were somewhat simpler for the brothers, when Jack was barely old enough to crawl and Howard took just as much pride in teaching his brothers how to do different things as he did now. Forrest was pulled from his thoughts when the warm safety of Howard's arm and side disappeared.
The pair loaded their copper contraption into the back of Forrest' truck and before long had a small still site set up, "like I said earlier, it's a start" Howard chuckled, wiping the creek water off his hands on his pants. Forrest nodded, "now, do you know how to make this stuff?" Howard asked, placing his hands on his sides. "I have an idea, don't sound like it's all that hard" Forrest replied, his voice slightly louder than normal from the certainty that no one but Howard was around to hear him. "Yeah, says you" Howard quipped, having always considered Forrest the brain of the three brothers. "I'm serious" Forrest grumbled, "it ain't that hard.. even for you" he teased. Howard gasped in a dramatic show of fake hurt, "you wouldn't!" He exclaimed. "Dumbass" Forrest mumbled, shaking his head in amusement at Howard as the pair began to walk back to the truck.
"So.. what did you guys need Mr. Pate's welder for?" Jack asked, as Forrest sat dinner on the table. Howard looked up to Forrest from his seat, wondering himself what Forrest would tell Jack. "Jack" Forrest groaned as he kneeled next to his young brother. "Do you know what moonshine is?" He asked, Jack nodded and Forrest shot Howard an accusing look. "Cricket told me his uncle sells it" Jack clarified. Forrest glanced between his brothers and nodded, "is that what you're doing?" Jack asked. Forrest nodded once more, "I won't tell" Jack explained, and that was the end of conversation that night.
"Well, it went over better than I thought it would" Forrest mumbled, as he poured feed in the hog pen. "Yep" Howard nodded as he leaned on the fence and watched the pigs eat their fill. He turned to his brother as Forrest let out an irritated sigh, "are you gonna help or just follow me around all damn day?" Forrest grumbled. "What do you need me to do?" Howard asked. "There's always shit that needs doin' Howard" Forrest murmured, as he walked back to the barn. Howard sighed as he shook his head and caught up with his brother, "I can tell you're feelin' better" Howard smirked as he took a bucket of water from Forrest. "What's that supposed to mean?" Forrest asked with a confused look. "You're actin' more like you" Howard replied. Forrest grunted, "this go to the small ones?" Howard asked, and Forrest nodded, watching his brother move toward a pen that housed some piglets.
Forrest stood where Howard had left him, he wouldn't admit it but Howard was right. He did feel a hell of a lot better than he has in lord knows how long now, but his thoughts went back to mom and dad, his thoughts went back to his sister. Why him? Why was he getting better and not them? A harsh exhale escaped his lips, a breath he hadn't realized he was holding in. The clink of a metal bucket made him jump slightly, "Alright?" Howard asked, gesturing to him. "I don't know" Forrest mumbled. He held his hat against his chest and rubbed the seams of his sweater between his fingers, Howard warped his arms around Forrest, who couldn't seem to process his own thoughts in the moment. "It'll be alright, we have each other. We're the Bondurant brothers, we'll figure something out" Howard encouraged, rubbing the back of his baby brother's head. Forrest hesitantly put his arms around Howard, not wanting him to let go. "I ain't goin' anywhere, not until you're ready" Howard soothed. They stayed like this for a while, until Forrest pulled away and went back to work, Howard shook his head and helped as much as he could. The pair worked silently, Forrest showed Howard what he needed him to do with gestures and Howard would nod when he understood what he was being told to do. That's how they spent the rest of their morning, in silence.
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latestmatchupdates · 6 months
2024 Isuzu T20 Live Score, Live Streaming, Teams, Date, Time and More
The Isuzu Men’s T20 Smash 2024 is scheduled to start on March 29 and conclude on April 13 in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
Organised by Cricket Papua New Guinea (PNG), the Isuzu Men’s T20 Smash 2024 will see as many as four teams compete in a total of 14 matches.
Black Bass Men, Cassowaries Men, Mariners Men, and Mudmen Men are the four teams that will participate in the upcoming domestic T20 tournament.
Each team will play the other three sides twice in a double round-robin format. The top two teams in the standings after all the league matches will qualify for the final.
Meanwhile, the third and fourth-placed teams will square off in the third-place playoff.
The Isuzu Men’s T20 Smash 2024 final will take place on April 13.
All matches in Isuzu Men’s T20 Smash 2024 will be played at Amini Park in Port Moresby.
All PNG international cricketers including the likes of Norman Vanua, Assad Vala, Lega Siaka, Sese Bau, wicketkeeper Hila Vare, Hiri Hiri, and Semo Kamea will feature in the upcoming domestic T20 tournament.
Where to watch Isuzu Men’s T20 Smash 2024 live in India Live streaming of the Isuzu Men’s T20 Smash 2024 will be available on the FanCode app and website in India.
There will be no live telecast of the upcoming T20 tournament on any TV channel in India.
Isuzu Men’s T20 Smash 2024 schedule and live match start times All match times are in India Standard Time (IST)
Friday, March 29
Cassowaries Men vs Mudmen Men - 9:30 AM
Saturday, March 30
Mariners Men vs Mudmen Men - 5:30 AM
Black Bass Men vs Cassowaries Men - 9:30 AM
Sunday, March 31
Mariners Men vs Black Bass Men - 9:30 AM
Monday, April 1
Black Bass Men vs Mudmen Men - 5:30 AM
Mariners Men vs Cassowaries Men - 9:30 AM
Saturday, April 6
Mariners Men vs Mudmen Men - 5:30 AM
Black Bass Men vs Cassowaries Men - 9:30 AM
Sunday, April 7
Mariners Men vs Black Bass Men - 5:30 AM
Cassowaries Men vs Mudmen Men - 9:30 AM
Monday, April 8
Black Bass Men vs Mudmen Men - 5:30 AM
Mariners Men vs Cassowaries Men - 9:30 AM
Saturday, April 13
Third-place playoff - 5:30 AM
Isuzu Men’s T20 Smash 2024 final - 10:00 AM
Isuzu Men’s T20 Smash 2024 teams and squads Black Bass Men: Norman Vanua (captain), Chris Kamea, Frank Naime, Sese Bau, Kelly Galama, Doko Rupa (wicketkeeper), Lekwa Henao Nao, Tony Ura, Daure Aiga, Kabua Morea, Oala Puka, Patrick Nou, Puka Raho
Cassowaries Men: Lega Siaka (captain), Dauncey Tom, Hiri Hiri, Vagi Morea, Chad Soper, Jeremiah Nigani, Peter Karoho, Ware Robin, Hila Vare (wicketkeeper), Nelson Pate (wicketkeeper), Alei Nao, Igo Pako Morea, Suvenia Sean Tau
Mariners Men: Assad Vala (captain), Gaudi Toka, Malcolm Aporo, Nou Gini, Sigo Kelly, Mahuru Dai, Toua Boga Nou, Aue Oru (wicketkeeper), Herea Kilapat, John Kariko, Michael Charlie, Sam Momo, Semo Kamea
Mudmen Men: Charles Amini (captain), Gaba Frank, Vagi Guba, Jack Gardner, Katenalaki Singi, Riley Hekure, Baeau Gabutu, Kiplin Doriga (wicketkeeper), Anthony Tamarua David, Miria Griffin, Nosaina Pokana, Toa Nou, Wallace Opi Nou
Follow: Isuzu T20 Live Score 2024 | Best Betting Sites In India
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arifpatelarifdubai · 2 years
The most insightful stories about Arif Pate | Arif Patel Dubai
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Arif Patel Says- Cricket is something that requires mental toughness in order to succeed. The matches can be easily won or lost based on your willpower and thoughts. Before you begin practicing physically, you need to start training your mind first. This is an important technique also to improve and strengthen your cover drive or google. Arif Patel has always believed that you need to study and practice yourself in order to bounce back. In such a situation, it will be easier for you to face wins or losses in a sporting way.
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Arif Patel Dubai | Arif Patel At the point when India went to Australia to contend in the Emerging Players Tournament, Arif Patel showed brilliantly performance as he scored up a hundred in the last against South Africa. Arif Patel completed as the top contender in the Cricket competition, winding up with 398 keeps running from seven matches that included two centuries as well as two fifties. India figured out how to win that competition, and that is when Arif Patel Uk came to picture. That said you need to also to note that he is also married.
For more information About Arif Patel Visit:-  https://arifpatelappatel.wordpress.com/2022/12/06/the-most-insightful-stories-about-arif-pate-arif-patel-dubai/
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arifpateldubaiukaf · 2 years
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The most insightful stories about Arif Pate | Arif Patel Dubai (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1281338204-the-most-insightful-stories-about-arif-pate-arif?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=arifpateldubaiukaf&wp_originator=8npWponz5LhSVHXM2w4trU%2BaV5QjqX%2BCXJ5SbR4g542naOYaPIsA5uTrTO0KzpHKarReFpeC2Nd%2BjYrK8qpAdCktSMf5Bl9nQcXCEiF713Nx4ruzmpjYy8p1HK6RnIRg Arif Patel Dubai | Arif Patel At the point when India went to Australia to contend in the Emerging Players Tournament, Arif Patel showed brilliantly performance as he scored up a hundred in the last against South Africa. Arif Patel completed as the top contender in the Cricket competition, winding up with 398 keeps running from seven matches that included two centuries as well as two fifties. India figured out how to win that competition, and that is when Arif Patel Uk came to picture. For more information About Arif Patel Visit:-
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dollwritesarchive · 3 years
okay so whilst you were sharing your dane rot this morning. i had a thOt.
how would ✨️ sex ✨️ go with each of his characters (you've watched films of so far)
okay so I’ve omitted James Dean and Lucien Carr for obvious reasons! these are in order of newest to oldest after harry 💕 also writing this on his birthday so happy birthday dane 🥺 any not mentioned will be in part 2 !
ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴅᴀɴᴇ ᴅᴇʜᴀᴀɴ’ꜱ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ ᴀʀᴇ ʟɪᴋᴇ ɪɴ ʙᴇᴅ.
fandom dane dehaan / masterlist coming soon
featuring harry osborn x reader, carl e. x reader, chris lynwood x reader, billy bonney x reader, major valerian x reader, jan van loos x reader, lockhart x reader, zach orfman x reader, jason glanton x reader, cricket pate x reader
rating none of my work is meant to be viewed by minors (anyone under the age of eighteen), and i will happily block any that interact with my posts or my blog.
content warning all smut, varying kinks, carl e’s section is dark (warnings attached), all characters including the reader is 18+
word count n.a / headcanons and concepts
attention do not repost or translate, even with ‘credit’. just don’t do it. reblog instead of like. leave feedback if you enjoyed.
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𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕪 𝕠𝕤𝕓𝕠𝕣𝕟 ( 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕒𝕞𝕒𝕫𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕤𝕡𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕞𝕒𝕟 𝟚 )
rough. he’s so rough.
loves getting head but won’t give it. head pusher / face fucker. loves it sloppy, wants to see you drool and cry.
makes you call him “sir” and “mr. osborn”
loves it when you beg, and has to gag you when he punishes you because the second you start to whine and beg him to fuck you, he gives in.
fucks you against the window in his office and chokes you from behind.
“You just take it so good, fucktoy. I want all of New York to see how talented you are.” and “Anyone who sees you like this, cockdrunk with your tits pressed to the glass, is going to envy me. I get to fuck you senseless and show everyone just how much of a whore you are for me.”
FREE. USE. he can and will use you anytime, anywhere.
degrading; not afraid to remind you that you were made to take his cock and that’s what you’re good at.
“You’re sir’s little set of holes, aren’t you? His needy, little cumslut. Say it.”
doesn’t use condoms, but insists you take birth control.
doesn’t hesitate to wrap his belt or his tie around your throat.
likes to watch your eyes go glassy once you’ve cum so many times you’ve lost count.
always cums inside you.
he’s bad at aftercare, but he’ll let you sit on his dick while you come down, which is when you hook your arms and legs around him and rest your head on his chest. (he loves this, but will never admit it)
𝕔𝕒𝕣𝕝 𝕖. ( 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣 )
HEAVY NONCON AND ABUSE WARNING. Skip to the next character if that makes you uncomfortable.
it’s never consensual.
he likes to play with knives.
carves his name into your skin and makes you lick your blood off the blade.
will finger fuck you while you’re driving, and mock you for swerving.
“Ooh, eyes on the road, sweetheart! We wouldn’t want to have an accident, would we?” and “Stupid cunt, can’t even focus when I get my fingers in that hole, can you? You’re shaking and cumming all over my hand, so fucking pathetic.”
drags you by your hair.
“You’re not a good enough girl to suck my cock. You’ve got to earn it. Good girls stay quiet.”
puts a pillow over your face when you cry and puts his whole weight into it.
screams at you for moaning/whimpering/crying.
“SHUT UP. How am I supposed to enjoy myself when I have to listen to your fucking bitching? You’re so fucking shrill, I know it doesn’t hurt that much.”
his thrusts are fast and hard, you feel like he’s crumpling you into a crushed soda can by the end of it.
LOVES anal.
slaps and punches your breasts until your begging for him to stop.
he’s big into watersports.
pulls out to cum on your feet.
aftercare? what aftercare?
𝕔𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕤 𝕝𝕪𝕟𝕨𝕠𝕠𝕕 ( 𝕫𝕖𝕣𝕠𝕫𝕖𝕣𝕠𝕫𝕖𝕣𝕠 )
pines quietly for you for so long you think he’s not interested.
panty. sniffer.
you catch him jerking himself off and moaning your name.
he’s so touch starved.
you’ll have to be patient, and calm him down when he gets frustrated or starts thinking he’s not performing well.
tell him he’s doing so good and moan loud for him and he’ll go crazy.
likes his hair pulled when you ride him.
can’t really dirty talk. you’ll get a lot of, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, fuck, yes.” and “Holy shit!”
quick shooter and embarrassed about it.
he pulls out just in time to splatter all over your stomach.
“Shit, I’m sorry I’m fucking— fucking useless.”
eager to help you finish, insists on any way he can.
he needs so much aftercare.
roll him a blunt and let him know you liked it, tell him he’s a good boy, kiss him a lot.
𝕓𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕪 “𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕜𝕚𝕕” 𝕓𝕠𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕪 ( 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕜𝕚𝕕 )
so fun!
such a switch.
loves when you tie him to the bed posts and use him.
“You got me, whodathunk? Sweet, little thing like you got The Kid under your thumb. Whatcha gonna do to me, huh? Gonna ride me? Gonna use my prick to treat yourself real good?”
makes you laugh the whole time.
he lets you wear his cowboy hat when you ride him.
thinks it’s a hoot when you grab his pistol from the holster and point it at him during.
“Easy now, pretty girl. That ain’t no toy, it’s a loaded man killer. Better be careful.”
the second you cum, he’s pulling himself free of the restraints and flipping you on to your stomach to go again.
“What, you think we were done? I skin out at dawn, I’m gonna use all this time we got lovin’ you.”
lays his whole body on your back and fucks you slow and deep until you’re a babbling mess.
kisses your cheek and moans, SO LOUD, in your ear.
“You look so damn pretty when you’re takin’ me just like that.”
has a breeding kink but will never admit it.
cums inside you in hopes to get you pregnant so he has a reason to stay with you.
cooks juicy steaks for you while you clean up.
𝕞𝕒𝕛𝕠𝕣 𝕧𝕒𝕝𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕒𝕟 ( 𝕧𝕒𝕝𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕒𝕟 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕔𝕚𝕥𝕪 𝕠𝕗 𝕒 𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕟𝕖𝕥𝕤 )
he’s a love maker
will slip it in while he’s spooning you.
he loves to see your eyelids flutter when his hips start to rock against you.
cradles your face and keeps it turned in his direction so he can watch the pleasure contort your countenance.
moans out loud when you call him “major”
so. much. praise.
“You feel so good, just like heaven.”
“Let me hear you, angel, cry out for me. I want to hear how good it feels.”
“Do you feel me, deep in your pretty, little tummy? Throbbing? That’s what you do to me, angel. I don’t ever want to pull out.”
runs his fingers through your hair, pets it back away from your face.
“Don’t close those pretty eyes, watch me love you.”
he uses protection, like a responsible gentleman.
“You know I’ll always take care of you, angel. Trust me.”
will flip you on your belly and eat it from the back when you’re close, stroking himself silly to a symphony of sordid moaning.
“Cum for me, angel, let go. Let me taste all you got for me.”
laps it up like the man’s been in a drought.
will hold you all night.
makes you feel safe and loved.
𝕛𝕒𝕟 𝕧𝕒𝕟 𝕝𝕠𝕠𝕤 ( 𝕥𝕦𝕝𝕚𝕡 𝕗𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 )
his hands shake when he’s unlacing your corset.
doesn’t even have the patience to fully undress before he’s pulling you on to the floor with him.
presses every inch of himself against you, resting his forehead against yours, and takes you right there.
he calls you “my muse” and “little goddess”
“You’re beautiful.” and, “I could watch you like this all day. Whimpering and squirming, just like this. Look at me, yes.”
he’ll keep his mouth on yours, even when his jaw is slack and all he can do is moan your name and pant into your mouth and babble about how much he loves you.
slows his pace when you’re close, rutting deep into the same spot until you’ve tears of pure ecstasy in your eyes and you grip his biceps and plead, “Right there, Jan, please!”
he holds your hands when you cum, pressing the backs of them against the floor, and steals kisses and your breath from you as your back arches off the floor.
“I love you. I’m in love with you, little goddess.”
king of aftercare
baths with Jan after passionate lovemaking where he holds you close to his chest.
he’ll wash your hair and then brush it once you’re lying on your stomach on his bed.
you wake up to him on the floor in front of you, painting your visage as you sleep, nude and splayed upon his bed.
𝕝𝕠𝕔𝕜𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕥 ( 𝕒 𝕔𝕦𝕣𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕨𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕤 )
has commitment issues, but treats you like a stress reliever.
always working, so it takes begging to get him in bed.
wants to be called daddy and sir.
prefers to get head instead of give it.
thinks he’s Christian Grey.
always wears a condom.
buys you gaudy jewelry and expensive lingerie to wear while he fucks you. he rips the lingerie only to coo, “I’ll buy you something nicer.”
doesn’t really dirty talk, but he’s a loud moaner.
“Moan my name again, baby, yeah….”
shallow, rhythmic thrusting.
he will get a business call before you’re done. he stops, without fail, to answer. he looks at you bemused every time you jump at the chance to suck him off while he’s on the phone.
“Dirty fucking girl, huh? So impatient, can’t even wait until daddy’s off the phone?”
will pull out if you ask, to cum on your face.
not the best at aftercare, but will let you stay over and cuddle him while he types away on his laptop.
𝕫𝕒𝕔𝕙 𝕠𝕣𝕗𝕞𝕒𝕟 ( 𝕝𝕚𝕗𝕖 𝕒𝕗𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕓𝕖𝕥𝕙 )
the phone sex expert.
very vanilla.
massive sub, but you have to be gentle with him.
will beg you before he cums.
he will let you peg him whenever you’ve had a bad day.
tells you that he’s obsessed with you (and means it)
he will sext you while he’s at dinner with his parents, and send you videos of him touching himself under the table.
you make him work for it, and he’s a whiner.
“Please let me fuck you, baby, please. I need it so bad. Look at me! I’m about to explode! Fuck, I just need you so bad…”
only uses condoms if you make him
wants to take pictures / videos to watch when he’s alone.
whimpers your name when he cums.
he’s BIG into aftercare.
will bust out the guitar and serenade you to sleep.
𝕛𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕘𝕝𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕠𝕟 ( 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕪𝕠𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕤 )
why does he only call you when he’s high?
you’re his safe haven.
you wake up to him climbing into bed with you in the middle of the night.
“I just needed to feel you.”
“Can I fuck you back to sleep?”
his kisses taste like smoke and booze.
you’ll have to remind him to put the condom on
wants you facing him, legs hooked on his hips.
sucks your neck when he fucks you.
deep, lazy strokes and muffled grunting into your neck.
he likes that you hold on to his hair.
doesn’t moan too loud, and doesn’t do a lot of dirty talking. he’d rather listen to the sounds you’re making.
he interlaces his fingers against the small of your back so he can push your body into his rutting.
ragged breathing in your ear.
he will slip one hand between your bodies and play with your clit while he rocks against you, but you put your hand over his and teach him how to strum you until you’re the first to come undone.
he closes his eyes and whispers your name when he cums.
is probably already asleep by the time you come back after washing up.
you have to just curl up beside him and drift off, yourself.
𝕔𝕣𝕚𝕔𝕜𝕖𝕥 𝕡𝕒𝕥𝕖 ( 𝕝𝕒𝕨𝕝𝕖𝕤𝕤 )
so giddy!!
blushes when he sees you naked.
“Oh! I didn’t mean to stare or nothin’, I just ain’t never seen a sight prettier than you.”
“Can I… can I kiss you?”
you have to put his hands on you, otherwise he’ll be too timid to touch.
he can’t stop giggling
you’re his first
he stares up into your eyes when you ride him
shy about moaning and dirty talk at first, but if you give him a little praise, he starts to get into it.
“Keep ridin’, just like that, mhm. I needed this.”
“Don’t stop. Please, please, it feels so good.”
“You’re so damn cute right now, I love the way you look when you bounce on my cock!”
cums quick, but recoups quick.
he’s ready to go again in just a few minutes.
he’ll laugh, bashful, when he’s hard again and say, “Sorry, darlin’… I don’t think one time was enough. Can we do it again?”
he won’t want to stop until the both of you are completely fucked out and laying on the floor, a couple of moaning, panting messes.
he doesn’t realize that he’s actually one of the best at aftercare.
will tuck you into bed and shower you with kisses.
he stares at you in awe while you’re sleeping— wondering how he ever got so lucky.
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Hey anyone remember the dane train? Everyone was on it? Can we restart the train to end 2020? No? Okay...
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scuddish · 2 years
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DANE DEHAAN as CRICKET PATE LAWLESS 2012 | dir. John Hillcoat
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just-randomfandom · 3 years
Lawless (2012)
Has anyone seen the 2012 movie lawless if so wanna rp with me? If so direct me ill also rp anything that I have previously posted dont be afraid to message me. Ok bye. You can watch this movie on Netflix.
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angel-inked · 2 years
Silenced Fire, Chapter 23: "Hot piece of work"
Happy WIP day!
I'm not sure what to put here other than enjoy lol
Taglist: @vvkingofgaybisciutsvv @thequeenofthewinter
Forrest, Jack and Howard were out under the blazing sun, working through the heat. Rose was pouring coffee behind the bar and Maggie waited tables. Howard sighed as he wiped sweat from his forehead and turned to walk back to the station building. "Where you going?" Forrest called after him. "To get a cold drink!" Howard called back. "I'm going with Howard" Jack explained. "Don't take all day" Forrest exclaimed. The middle child shook his head as he went back to work cutting and stacking wood to fuel the wood burning cook stove in the kitchen. At some point, Forrest shedded his cardigan and shirt as he felt sweet dirp off of him. As soon as all the wood was stacked, Forrest started working with Cricket and Juniper. There always seemed to be work to be done around blackwater station.
Inside, more than just moonshine was brewing. A few rowdys were causing trouble. "The fuck you say to her?" Howard yelled, rushing a man that tried to come on to Maggie. Word of Rose being with Forrest seemed to spread throughout the Bondurants usual patterns like wildfire, nobody dared to touch her. People are now learning that Maggie is also off limits. The front door swung open, revealing Forrest and the Pate brothers. Forrest turned and pulled his brass knuckles from his sweater that was draped over his arm. He tossed it and his shirt to Cricket and he and Juniper joined the fray. One man's fist connected with Forrest' jaw, leaving him bloody. Forrest let loose an animalistic bark, snapping sharp fangs together and reminding people why he shouldn't be messed with, also known as knocking the man's lights out.
"Take your friend with you" Forrest ordered, pointing to the door as he huffed heavy breaths. The men complied and Forrest growled as they walked past him, making sure he got his message across. Rose walked around the bar to Forrest and ran her eyes over his large bare frame, "what are you starin' at?" Forrest questioned. "What happened?" Rose asked quietly, running her hand over several scars that littered his abdomen. "Charlie Rakes" a man explained, "he blocked the bridge and the Bondurants brought a firefight to him. When it was done and over with, me and the other moonshiners were shocked when Forrest tried to get up after being shot four or five times, and all he asked was for someone to find Howard and Jack. That man cares more about his brothers than he does himself". Forrest grunted, "you take it easy Russell" Forrest murmured, the older man smiled and tipped his and continued drinking his coffee. Forrest nodded to the Pate boys and they followed him behind the bar, "You're bleeding" Rose said, turning his head and wiping his jawline with a rag. "I'll survive, somehow I always do" Forrest murmured, clearing his throat. Maggie poured a glass of iced sweet tea and handed it to Forrest, who nodded his thanks. She fixed a couple more and gave them to the Pate's "Thank you Miss Maggie" Cricket chirped appreciatively, "yeah, thank you" Juniper added. "You're welcome boys" Maggie smiled.
"Uh, Forrest, can I ask why you're half-naked?" Howard smirked, Forrest shot him a glare. "Maybe because I finished the wood pile by myself and started helping Juniper and Cricket while you two bastards were in here smashing people's heads in so hard that I bet we proved evolution can go in reverse" Forrest explained, sounding annoyed and looking irritated as he guzzled some of his drink. "I can tell, you're drenched" Rose remarked, running a hand through Forrest' sweaty hair. "You'd better wash up tonight" she added. "You don't have to worry about that, Forrest is vain enough to do it for you" Howard chuckled. "Howard" Forrest snapped, "fucking shut it". Howard shifted awkwardly and nodded. Forrest sighed, having had enough of his brothers antics for today. A cool bath actually sounded pretty good to him right now, considering how hot the day had been.
Rose pressed a kiss to Forrest' lips, lingering a little longer than someone thought was necessary. Maggie nudged her sister in the back as she put some cups in the sink. "Save it for the bedroom" she teased, Rose ignored her. Leaning her forehead against Forrest' and closing her eyes, breathing slowly and deeply. Forrest stared at her for a moment before closing his eyes and timing his breathing with hers. When Rose pulled away, she cupped his jawline and rubbed his cheek with her thumb. Forrest nodded and warped his arms around her waist. "That's impressive" Cricket murmured, turning to his brother. "What's impressive?" Rose asked, glancing at the two young men. "You can speak his language" Cricket explained, gesturing to Forrest.
"Cricket's got a point ya know" Jack started, "if you can read Forrest' eyes, you've pretty much got'em pegged" he explained. Forrest grunted, pulling Rose flush with his chest. Forrest' eyes will tell you more than he ever will, you just have to know how to speak in silence. Forrest is a man of few words, and even fewer facial expressions. He usually spoke with just a flick of his eyes in a certain direction, after the one faithless night when he confronted an intruder, he was more than content to keep it this way.
Forrest sighed as he slipped into cool water and began to wash off today's dirt and grime, his thoughts all but consumed him in the comfortable solitude of the station's washroom. He thought of Howard's earlier comment, was he really as vain as his brothers said he was, he wasn't sure. He took a breath and held it, bending his knees so he could submerge his head fully under the bath water. He sat up and shook the water from his head, this was a sort of ritualistic habit of his. the feeling of blood rushing to his head and his lungs longing for him to take a breath distracted him from a thought that almost always came when he was alone. What would his parents think if they could see him and his brothers now? Mom probably wouldn't be to happy with them for getting in trouble with the law at every turn but would she be proud of him?
Would they be proud of him for taking care of his brothers? Would they be proud of how he raised Jack when Howard got drafted? Would they be proud of him for becoming the family patriarch despite being the middle child? With Howard gone and Jack being nine at the time, at sixteen, what else could he have done? He stepped up because he had to, no one else was there to do it for him. His life revolved around his brothers for so long that if not for memories of his parents and sister he would've forgotten a time when he wasn't solely focused on being mature so people would take him serious, focused on being a material caregiver. Forrest sighed as the splash of a tear drop hit the water, at least you couldn't tell the difference between the bath water and his emotions spilling over.
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uminoiru · 7 years
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Dane character: Cricket Pate from Lawless 
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glassmugs-blog · 7 years
"That friend of yours. They called me a nance. Why do you think they called me that?" "I dunno, sir. Maybe because you smell funny." CRICKET BABY NO
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Dane DeHaan’s money-making roles:
Andrew Detmer (Chronicle, 2012)
Cricket Pate (Lawless, 2012)
Second White Soldier (Lincoln, 2012)
Jason Glanton (The Place Beyond The Pines, 2012)
Harry Osborne / Green Goblin (The Amazing Spider-Man 2, 2014)
Victor (Ballerina, 2016)
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