darkside-cookies · 26 days
im once again writing self indulgent fics for bad tv shows noone has watched
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whumpismybae · 2 years
Some scenes from ZeroZeroZero. Episode 1x04-1x05
Type of whump: (Illness trigger warning) Chris suffers from a disease (Huntingtons syndrom), causing spasm and loss of control. Thrown by an explosion
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justamuppet · 2 years
Okay okay hear me out: The whole "*insert character here* has two hands" meme with poly ships but it's Chris holding Amina and Oz's hands- LOOK I KNOW I'M A SIMP I'M SORRY- Love you, little sib!
Wait wait wait no that's actually perfect
And yes, yes you are a fucking simp, don't worry we all know
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theosb0rnway · 2 years
Highlights of my ZeroZeroZero Reactions
So over my break, I got to watch all 8 episodes of 000 quite a lot and it's definitely becoming my new obsession. I thought I could take a minute to go over my highlights that I can remember from watching every episode, including when I got drunk on New Year's Eve/Day and watched most of the series.
Disclaimer: I only watch the scenes that feature Chris Lynwood (because he's hot) or the Lynwood family, so my views of the show are valid, but incomplete.
Regular Watches
Episode 1: So I watched this with my mother once because she likes watching Dane with me and she HATED it. I however, loved it.
Edward gives me a very strange feeling and I felt very wary of him in this episode, I couldn't really pinpoint my opinions about him beyond that.
As someone who has gone to my local casino many times when I was younger and bet like... 5 dollars on horses, it's SUPER cool to see that in a show! I know exactly how Edward and Chris felt, but I usually made my own bets and never bet on the same horse as my parents unless it was the main favorite to win.
I love the use of Chris's hearing aid and his ability to lip read. SO cool.
Chris and Emma are the sweetest siblings and I know it's an opinion, but I think people who say they have no chemistry are DEAD wrong. I love Emma pranking Chris with his hearing aid, that moment is probably my favorite in the entire series and they deserved more happy moments together.
What Emma says to Edward in the car is exactly how I feel, and it starts the terrible chain of lies Emma gets involved with about Chris being with the shipment. This scene made me solidify my more negative feelings towards Edward. His death caught me completely off guard.
Episode 2:
The 5 seconds that they show ladybugs resting in flowers makes me laugh every time.
Y'all, Emma Lynwood gets VERY comfortable laying with corpses in this show. It's crazy. I love that they both lay there and talk though, it's a very bittersweet moment. Especially Chris putting on the watch, that always makes me tear up.
So does his funeral speech, I cry every time. That speech is so depressing but it really makes me think and tune in to my own emotions as well.
Stefano hitting Emma actually makes me scream. I hate that Italian bitch so much you all have no idea.
Emma turning the tables on him made me clap the first time I watched, I love that scene in Da Mimmo's.
Chris's music taste is... interesting, and his clothing taste is immaculate. I love his outfits.
Episode 3:
I only watched this once, a long time ago, so I'm going to skip this one for now.
Episode 4:
Chris looks so hot in that vest I'm DYING
It's interesting to me to see that angry side of Chris because 4 was actually the last episode I ever watched- it was fascinating to see how he was slowly losing control and how his disease kinda started making decisions for him.
The poolside scene makes me smile every time and I can now fully quote Emma quoting Edward-
But it also makes me cry because of Mother Lynwood and how relatable the experience the kids had was. Knowing it might be the last time you ever see a beloved relative.
....... I actually couldn't speak after Chris slapped Emma, I was angry for the entire day after that argument. I'm okay now, but still mildly angry at both of them, Emma for lying and Chris for slapping her.
Episode 5:
God this episode was LONG.
Chris definitely uses his hearing aid to his advantage and I know he used to take it out all the time if he got tired of listening to Emma or Edward.
It's so sad hearing Chris talk about not wanting to have kids and it really made me think about how many people have to think the same things to themselves, not wanting their kids to suffer or see them suffer.
Poor Omar, man.
Episode 6: Barely any Lynwood scenes, so I'm skipping again.
Episode 7:
This episode is a fucking roller coaster.
I ship Chris and Amina SO HARD it's not even funny. They're so cute together and they need way more screen time.
Chris's man bun is see-through. That is all.
Emma's party/dinner outfit actually terrifies me for no reason.
Reporter: "Oz, what are your thoughts on the last 10 minutes of Episode 7?"
Me: "..... NO COMMENT- *goes and cries myself to sleep with my Dane DeHaan pillow*
Episode 8:
But also, Emma Lynwood just not dropping her business facade. That's impressive.
Drunk Watch
Episode 1:
...... I called Edward a pussy-
I also called him a horse boy because there's so many horse things in his room.
I kept staring at Chris in boxers and bad jokes ensued.
I laughed extra hard at my favorite scene between Chris and Emma
I found some symbolism in Emma's outfits because of course I did.
I watched the last scene between Emma and Edward and I had completely forgot about it so it was just me going "Yes, Emma!" for 3 minutes-
Episode 4:
I watched Chris in his vest and ranted about how many freckles he has.
I had to watch Chris asking for weed because of course I did.
I pretended to be Edward when Emma was quoting him and I cried again during the poolside scene
That is all-
Episode 7:
This was my best one because I watched the most scenes from it.
I called Chris a stalker for watching Amina through the window-
I corrected Emma's pronunciation of "Thanksgiving"
Chris's man bun had all my attention that night
Emma still scares me, but drunk, she terrified me in her dress
I danced in my livingroom as Chris and Amina danced and I had so much fun
I criticized Chris's choice of footwear AGAIN
My little sibling @collector-of-muses-and-others knows how much I hate Chris's sandals
I took a 5 minute break to eat 2 spoonfuls of pomegranates because yeah I drank coffee and had pomegranates as a 1 am snack.
Then I watched Chris and Amina kiss and went to bed shortly after-
Oh and let us not forget
MY WIFI CUT OUT AT ONE POINT TOO so I had to fix it drunk.
Fun times!!
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Dane dehaan characters X reader ideas for me and you to write. 😊
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CARL E (THE STRANGER) Carl E X psychopath! Reader
Storyline: Carl decides to do his experiment on you only to realize he was messing with a psychopath.
Carl E X murderer! Reader
Storyline: Carl sees you killing somebody and he decides to approach you.
Carl E X vampire! Reader ( inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024 )
Storyline: you are Carl E’s girlfriend and you accidentally showed him your secret when you couldn’t hold your hunger for blood because you haven’t fed in so long and you were mad at Clare, (it happened when Clare crashed the car season 1 episode 1 basically)
Carl E X Singer! Reader
Storyline: Carl E goes to your concert and decides to stalk you instead of Clare.
Carl E X insane! Reader
storyline: Carl E goes to see his girlfriend at prison to talk to her.
Carl E X enchantress!Reader
storyline: he opens the jar you were trapped in and you possessed him.
Carl E X twin!Reader
storyline: when Carl E was doing his experiment on Clare he runs into his long lost twin.
Carl E X werewolf!Reader
storyline: Carl E always wondered why you told him to stay out of your room at night he figured it out when he went into your room at night for the first time and sees you as a werewolf.
Carl E X Raven!Reader (inspired by Rachel Roth)
storyline: you show him your powers to Carl e when he thinks your joking about it.
Carl E X yandere!Reader
Storyline: you kill anyone who got close to Carl, Carl e catches on and figures out your a yandere and he loves it.
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• Cal Tradd X Reader
• Cal Tradd X male!Reader
• Cal Tradd X insane!Reader
• Cal Tradd X Telekinesis!Reader
• Cal Tradd X mute!Reader
• Cal Tradd X murderer!Reader
• Cal Tradd X Transgender!Reader
• Cal Tradd X girlfriend!Reader
• Cal Tradd X vampire!Reader ( inspired by abigail from Abigail 2024 )
• Cal Tradd X ghost!Reader
• Cal Tradd X depressed!Reader
• Cal Tradd X enchantress!Reader
• Cal Tradd X killer!Reader
• Cal Tradd X yandere werewolf!Reader
• Cal Tradd X Female!Micheal Myers!Reader
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• Zach orfman X zombie!Reader
• Zach orfman X vampire!Reader ( inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024)
• Zach orfman X enchantress!Readee
• Zach orfman X male!Reader
• Zach orfman X female!Reader
• Zach orfman X lesbian!Reader
• Zach orfman X Transgender!Reader
• Zach orfman X Depressed!Reader
• Zach orfman X werewolf!Reader
• Zach orfman X Dimitrescu!Reader
• Zach orfman X maleficent!Reader
• Zach orfman X male!Reader
• Zach orfman X Russian!Reader
• Zach orfman X yandere!Reader
• Zach orfman X aqua witch ( Scarlet witch but lite blue, not red )
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• Andrew Detmer X Catwomen!Reader ( inspired by 2004 Catwomen )
• Andrew Detmer X sunset witch!Reader ( scarlet witch but orange and pink not Red )
• Andrew Detmer X cryokinesis!Reader
• Andrew Detmer X electrokinesis!Reader
• Andrew Detmer X pyrokinesis!Reader
• Andrew Detmer X succubus!Reader
• Andrew Detmer X vampire!Reader ( inspired by Abigail by Abigail 2024 )
• Andrew Detmer X enchantress!Reader
• Andrew Detmer X chlorokinesis!Reader
• Andrew Detmer X maleficent!Reader
• Andrew Detmer X Raven!Reader ( inspired by 2018 titans Raven )
• Andrew Detmer X Russian!Reader
• Andrew Detmer X Multi witch!Reader ( scarlet witch but Rainbow colors not red )
• Andrew Detmer X werewolf!Reader
• Andrew Detmer X Captain marvel!Reader
• Andrew Detmer X yandere!Reader
• Andrew Detmer X opaque witch!Reader ( scarlet witch but teal/turquoise )
• Andrew Detmer X Female!Alastor!Reader ( your Alastor from hazbin hotel but female, you have a human disguise so you blend in. )
• Andrew Detmer X Lunar witch!Reader ( Scarlet witch but colorful moonlight colors, not red )
• Andrew Detmer X frost witch!Reader ( scarlet witch but white color not red )
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• Valerian X glamopod!Reader
• Valerian X Vampire!Reader ( inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024 )
• Valerian X zombie!Reader
• Valerian X pearl!Reader
• Valerian X male!Reader
• Valerian X werewolf!Reader
• Valerian X maleficent!Reader
• Valerian X mermaid!Reader
• Valerian X twin!Reader
•Valerian X transgender!Reader
• Valerian X telekinesis!Reader
• Valerian X sapphire witch!Reader (scarlet witch but blue not red)
• Valerian X Echinda!Reader ( your half snake half human. )
• Valerian X Succubus!Reader
• Valerian X enchantress!Reader
• Valerian X Female! Alastor!Reader ( your Alastor from hazbin hotel but female, you have a human disguise so you blend in.)
• Valerian X tall!Reader
• Valerian X goth! mother!Reader
• Valerian X yandere!Reader
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• Lucian Carr X emotionless!Reader
• Lucian Carr X mute!Reader
• Lucien Carr X goth vampire!Reader
• Lucien Carr X twin!Reader
• Lucien Carr X sister!Reader
• Lucien Carr X mermaid!Reader
• Lucien Carr X siren!Reader
• Lucien Carr X enchantress!Reader
• Lucien Carr X heartless!Reader
• Lucien Carr X Famous!Reader
• Lucien Carr X male!Reader
•Lucien Carr X Famous poet!Reader
• Lucien Carr X singer!Reader
• Lucien Carr X black!Reader
• Lucien Carr X yandere!Reader
• Lucien Carr X Rose witch!Reader ( Scarlet witch but pink not red )
• Lucien Carr X Cruella!Reader ( inspired by 2021 Cruella )
• Lucien Carr X Vampire!Reader ( inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024 )
• Lucien Carr X Russian!Reader
• Lucien Carr X British!Reader
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• Harry Osborn X catwomen!Reader ( inspired by 2004 catwomen )
• Harry Osborn X enchantress!Reader
• Harry Osborn X female! Alastor!Reader ( your alastor from hazbin hotel but female, you have a human disguise so you blend in. )
• Harry Osborn X Raven!Reader ( Inspired by 2018 Titans Raven )
• Harry Osborn X Darkness witch ( scarlet witch but black, not Red )
• Harry Osborn X yandere! zombie!Reader
• Harry Osborn X singer!Reader
• Harry Osborn X scarlet witch!Reader
• Harry Osborn X vampire!Reader ( inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024 )
• Harry Osborn X female green goblin!Reader (instead of Harry getting injected with l the poison into his arm it was you)
• Harry Osborn X werewolf!Reader
• Harry Osborn X mute!Reader
• Harry Osborn X rosurquoise witch!Reader ( scarlet witch but pink and teal not red )
• Harry Osborn X male!Reader
• Harry Osborn X emotionless!Reader
• Harry Osborn X Amethyst witch!Reader (Scarlet witch but purple not red)
• Harry Osborn X golden witch!Reader ( scarlet witch but golden not red )
• Harry Osborn X opaqueemerald witch!Reader ( scarlet witch but teal and purple not red )
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• Chris Lynwood X punk vampire!Reader
• Chris Lynwood X lesbian!Reader
• Chris Lynwood X twin!Reader
• Chris Lynwood X sister!Reader
• Chris Lynwood X black!Reader
• Chris Lynwood X siren!Reader
• Chris Lynwood X male!Reader
• Chris Lynwood X ghost!Reader
• Chris Lynwood X badass!Reader
• Chris Lynwood X mermaid!Reader
• Chris Lynwood X werewolf!Reader
• Chris Lynwood X zombie!Reader
• Chris Lynwood X Vampire!Reader ( inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024 )
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• Lockhart X vampire!Reader ( inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024 )
• Lockhart X immortal!Reader
• Lockhart X insane!Reader
• Lockhart X male!Reader
• Lockhart X shapeshifter!Reader
• Lockhart X psychopath!Reader
• Lockhart X emotionless!Reader
• Lockhart X heartless!Reader
• Lockhart X ghost!Reader
• Lockhart X succubus!Reader
• Lockhart X werewolf!Reader
• Lockhart X Wednesday!Reader
• Lockhart X Zombie!Reader
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• Chris Morgan X succubus!Reader
• Chris Morgan X demon!Reader
• Chris Morgan X goth!Reader
• Chris Morgan X female!Reader
• Chris Morgan X male!Reader
• Chris Morgan X twin!Reader
• Chris Morgan X vampire!Reader ( inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024 )
• Chris Morgan X brother!Reader
• Chris Morgan X sister!Reader
• Chris Morgan X depressed!Reader
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•Jesse D’Amato X emotionless!Reader
•Jesse D’Amato X bisexual!Reader
•Jesse D’Amato X male!Reader
•Jesse D’Amato X depressed!Reader
•Jesse D’Amato X Lesbain!Reader
•Jesse D’Amato X transgender!Reader
•Jesse D’Amato X unhinged!Reader
•Jesse D’Amato X twin!Reader
•Jesse D’Amato X sick!Reader
•Jessie D’Amato X singer!Reader
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•Trip X metalhead vampire!Reader ( inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024 )
•Trip X Metalhead zombie!Reader
•Trip X male!Reader
•Trip X twin!Reader
•Trip X mute!Reader
•Trip X emotionless!Reader
•Trip X lesbain!Reader
•Trip X flirty!Reader
•Trip X singer!Reader
•Trip X stripper!Reader
•Trip X feral werewolf!Reader
•Trip X solar witch!Reader (Scarlet witch but yellow not red)
•Trip X tealmethyst witch!Reader ( scarlet witch but teal and purple not red )
• Trip X Raven!Reader ( inspired by titans 2018 Raven )
• Trip X Daki!Reader
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• Billy the kid X zombie!Reader
• Billy the kid X feral vampire!Reader ( inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024 )
• Billy the kid X transgender!Reader
• Billy the kid X brother!Reader
• Billy the kid X twin!Reader
• Billy the kid X sister!Reader
• Billy the kid X flirty!Reader
• Billy the kid X bisexual!Reader
• Billy the kid X mother!Reader
• Billy the kid X insane!Reader
• Billy the kid X feral werewolf!Reader
• Billy the kid X maleficent!Reader
• Billy the kid X witch!Reader
• Billy the kid X demon!Reader
• Billy the kid X Amber witch!Reader ( Scarlet witch but orange not red)
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• Timbo X vampire!Reader ( inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024 )
• Timbo X transgender!Reader
• Timbo X twin!Reader
• Timbo X female!Reader
• Timbo X male!Reader
• Timbo X succubus!Reader
• Timbo X goth!Reader
• Timbo X sister!Reader
• Timbo X siren!Reader
• Timbo X mermaid!Reader
• Timbo X werewolf!Reader
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• cricket pete X vampire!Reader ( inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024 )
• cricket pete X female!Reader
• cricket pete X male!Reader
• cricket pete X mermaid!Reader
• cricket pete X twin!Reader
• cricket pete sister!Reader
• cricket Pete X brother!Reader
• cricket pete X siren!Reader
• cricket pete X Transgender!Reader
• cricket pete X werewolf!Reader
• cricket pete X maleficent!Reader
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• Jason Glanton X vampire!Reader ( inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024 )
• Jason Glanton X zombie!Reader
• Jason Glanton X transgender!Reader
• Jason Glanton X twin!Reader
• Jason Glanton X sister!Reader
• Jason Glanton X brother!Reader
• Jason Glanton X mute!Reader
• Jason Glanton X emotionless!Reader
• Jason Glanton X goth!Reader
• Jason Glanton X heartless serial killer!Reader
• Jason Glanton X werewolf!Reader
• Jason Glanton X Emerald witch!Reader (scarlet witch but green not red)
• Jason Glanton X Daki!Reader
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• Clayton Peterson X transgender
• Clayton Peterson X mute!Reader
• Clayton Peterson X twin!Reader
• Clayton Peterson X male!Reader
• Clayton Peterson X bisexual!Reader
• Clayton Peterson X child!Reader
• Clayton Peterson X emotionless!Reader
• Clayton Peterson X gothic!Reader
• Clayton Peterson X lesbian!Reader
• Clayton Peterson X blind!Reader
• Clayton Peterson X sister!Reader
• Clayton Peterson X brother!Reader
• Clayton Peterson X little sister!Reader
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• Jan van Loos X artist!Reader
• Jan van Loos X transgender!Reader
• Jan van Loos X twin!Reader
• Jan van Loos X goth!Reader
• Jan van Loos X famous artist!Reader
• Jan van Loos X sister!Reader
• Jan van Loos X teenage!Reader
• Jan van Loos X brother!Reader
• Jan van Loos X vampire!Reader ( inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024 )
• Jan van Loos X Telekinesis!Reader
• Jan van Loos X Famous writer!Reader
• Jan van loos x mute!Reader
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James Dean X werewolf!Reader
James Dean X twin!Reader
James Dean X mute!Reader
James Dean X Emotionless!Reader
James Dean X Telekinesis!Reader
James Dean X Vampire!Reader ( inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024 )
James Dean X blind!Reader
James Dean X ill!Reader
James Dean X mean!Reader
James Dean X depressed!Reader
James Dean X sister!Reader
James Dean X brother!Reader
James Dean X gothic!Reader
James Dean X Pyrokinesis!Reader
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Kenneth Nichols X blind!Reader
Kenneth Nichols X werewolf!Reader
Kenneth Nichols X witch!Reader
Kenneth Nichols X emeotionless!Reader
Kenneth Nichols X gothic!Reader
Kenneth Nichols X Depressed!Reader
Kenneth Nichols X ill!Reader
Kenneth Nichols X male!Reader
Kenneth Nichols X twin!Reader
Kenneth Nichols X badass!Reader
Kenneth Nichols X Mean!Reader
Kenneth Nichols x mute!Reader
Kenneth Nichols X Vampire!Reader ( inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024 )
Kenneth Nichols X transgender!Reader
(A/N: you can use these ideas if you want to and also go see more of my other posts you’ll love them there inspiring, interesting and can help you if you need ideas or inspiration for y/n and X Readers)
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drabsyo · 1 year
heyyy do yk the name of the fleurmione fic where hermione has to fake marry fleur for the order? i literally cannot find that anywhere :(
Cold as Ice by zerozerozero (zerodawn22)
Summary: In the early days of the war, the Order of the Phoenix are arranging all the resources they need. One of those resources is Fleur Delacour. Unfortunately, Bill Weasley can no longer go through with marrying Fleur to keep her in the country. With nobody else available and a short window of time, Hermione finds herself putting her hand up to marry Fleur in order to get the part-Veela her visa. Hermione quickly finds Fleur is even colder than she remembered. But with a marriage to fake and a war to win, will Fleur thaw for Hermione?
Saw this ask a bit late, but when I asked some discord friends in the Fleurmione server, they immediately responded! Thanks @riffrac404 for finding it so quickly omg (and to everyone else who responded bc I've been out of the loop for so long now)
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
Fleurmione: A Femslash February Rec List
What better way to celebrate Femslash February than with a rec list?? I've been meaning to do rec lists dedicated to specific ships (that aren't Snarry) and what better place to start than with Fleurmione?
They are probably my favorite femslash ship. The Brain and the Beauty; at least, that's how people see them. Hermione is little more than her ability to regurgitate facts. Fleur is little more than a pretty face. Both are, in reality, much more than that. They are loyal, strong, brave, fierce, and skilled. Two passionate, competent ladies who would make such a great team, and such a great couple. So here are 9 of my favorite Fleurmion fics for you to enjoy!
Death, Birds, and Marriage
by Mushroom_grey_scale. Rated T. 2k. POV Second person. Death. Introspection. Modern AU. Happy ending.
Everyone deals with death in a different way. The loss of a loved one, a pet, or an acquaintance. No matter who you are, it is impossible to live without having met death at least once.
Or four times Hermione has come across dead birds in her path and one time she didn't.
by not_here_leave_a_message. Rated T. 4k. Humor & fluff. Really cute.
Viktor was subtle but straight-forward. He had questions and he asked them and he got to know her that way. And Fleur? Fleur was a mess who aired her woes about her crush to her friends. In French.
...too bad Hermione speaks French. Sshhh!
Cruel Intentions
by Perpetual_Nonsense. Rated E. 207k. Drama & romance.
Fleur Delacour is a seductive, manipulative heiress who gets what she wants when she wants it. Bored with her life, she decides she needs a challenge and sets her sights on Hermione Granger, the golden girl, during the Triwizard Tournament. She plans to take Hermione's virginity by the third task; Hermione has other plans.
What Else is There?
by Perpetual_Nonsense. Rated T. 11k. AU. Fluff & humor.
Queen Apolline and Queen Minerva come up with a scheme to join their kingdoms. The plan is simple. Introduce their daughters and have them spend every summer together until they fall in love. Unfortunately, Fleur and Hermione don't quite agree with that plan.
In the Depths
by Semjaza. Rated E. 4k. Rape/non-con. Horror. Nightmares. Veela lore. Omegaverse-ish.
Hermione's lover goes home for the solstice celebrations and returns... different.
a hero's song, a lover's lament
by soshy. Rated G. 700. 2nd person POV. Ancient Greek AU.
Hermione leaves to fight a war. Fleur lets her go reluctantly.
Naming Conventions
by Sylvesha. Rated M. 7k. Muggle AU. Coffee shops.
Fleur is a barista, Hermione is a new student in the area. They end up discovering they're both into algebra, kissing and black coffee.
Let's hurt tonight (If love is pain)
by Twot. Rated M. 9k. Angst. Soulmates. MCD.
When she was younger, Fleur actively searched for her soulmate. She craved for the one that would make her heart beat wild, but her soul feel calm.Her understanding of how sick the concept of soulmates was started with Gabrielle.
What You Don't Know
by zerozerozero. Rated M. 108k. F-preg. Unplanned pregnancy. Romance.
Everyone has a weird gap in their knowledge. Unfortunately for her, Hermione's coincides with a mistake that could have huge consequences. She's known as the Brightest Witch of Her Age, but there are some things she has just never come across. Try explaining that to an enraged Veela... 
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lansangprincess · 1 year
Finally finished HSMTMTS ⭐
some spoilers
besties im so sorry but i am so tired of wlw storylines that include cheating (it was emotional cheating to me even if they only almost kissed). i liked how the big red/ashlyn break up went (supportive bi exes, yes pls!) but i just wish it happened sooner :<
sebi cheating???? i have no words like,, out of all the characters in this show—sebi?????????? tho im glad it worked out between him and carlos bc i love them
Rina is obv amazing and their build up is SO beautiful. I came in knowing that they were going to be a thing eventually but I did think that it was just because of Olivia's departure. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that their romantic timeline started as early as season 1
i didnt care abt the adults lmao im sorry also didnt care abt the kids in s3
i had already watched the ricky "im in love" song scene before watching the episode and i loved it but when i watched the episode i was in ABSOLUTE adoration over how the moment breaks the chaotic vibe in the episode and it just made me feel so much relief and comfort on top of the feels. the song's just so good what—
s4's original songs were noticeably a step above the rest of the seasons' orig songs sorry not sorry
think my fav character is probably gina. i feel like i was surprised by her ever since the 1st season bc of the intimidating persona treatment but to have her be so vulnerable by the end of s1 just bc she's confessing to her crush that she likes him got me pikachu shocked face. i just wasnt expecting it and it was so nice to see. and then she got so cheesed every time she was w ricky by s4 like awwwwwwwww u go girl, embrace ur softness, i love that for u
i absolutely deserved to watch that storyline between big red and the not-french guy >:c
i kinda feel like ej had more potential to be given storylines that focused on him finding his place in the world and figuring out what he wanted to do w his life. it was touched upon a lil bit but i def think there couldve been more
i wish maddox and jet came in earlier in the series i loved both of them
ashlyn as belle was THE perfect casting
i was kinda hoping airport boy would come back lol
didnt like jojo siwa's performance lol im sorry. completely took me out of the immersive experience and the chemistry was zerozerozero
nini and ricky's break up was written so beautifully. a lot of adult dramas dont even feature break ups that mature. it was so well done and there needs to be more of that in every type of drama
ok i cant think of anything else i have thoughts on
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majorilycomplucated · 2 years
Hey, I’m Peter! I’m FTM and go by he/them pronouns! I’m a Spider-Man Villain Apologist and a Tony Stark defender for life | I’m autistic so please use tone tags and be gentle with me | Some of my favorite fictional characters are; Peter Parker (1, 2 and 3), Quentin Beck, Tony Stark, Michelle Jones, Otto Octavius, Andrew Detmer, Jesse D’Amato, Lucien Carr, Major Valerian, Bubble, Harry Osborn, Spencer Reid, Satoru Gojo, Inumaki Toge, Megumi Fushiguru, Yuji Itadori, Jack Jericho, Sam Wall. I’m a Parksborn sucker who roleplays with my friends! My Top Three ships are: Parksborn, Spideychelle and Quentony! | Here’s a list of my favorite movies and shows; Valerian And The City Of A Thousand Planets Kill Your Darlings A Cure For Wellness Life After Beth Chronicle (2012) The Stranger 2020 Roku Series In Treatment (Season 3) Lawless ZeroZeroZero Tulip Fever Lisey’s Story The Staircase Life Two Lovers and a Bear The Place Beyond The Pines Criminal Minds Spider-Man 1, 2 and 3 The Amazing Spider-Man The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Spider-Man Homecoming Spider-Man Far From Home Spider-Man No Way Home Ultimate Spider-Man Spectacular Spider-Man Spider-Man And His Amazing Friends Iron Man 1, 2 and 3 All Avengers Movies A Bunch Of Disney Projects Pokémon (Gen 5 is my favorite) The Final Destination Series Jutsusu Kaisen The Day After Tomorrow The Pick-Up Artist Death Note Bungo Stray Dogs SK8 The Infinite Saiki K
If you are also fans of these projects please talk to me!! | Proshippers, racists, transphobes, homophobes, ableists, toxic wanda stans, toxic spider-man stans, etc, DO NOT INTERACT.
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hotch-girl · 1 year
i wish more people had watched zerozerozero. not because it was good but i need more people to complain ab it with 💀. my girlfriend was checked out by ep 3
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dollwritesarchive · 2 years
Hey Doll, I know I'm so late to the party, almost by a year, but your posts about ZeroZeroZero give me new life and honestly, I finally took the easy way out after ignoring the series for two whole years by watching solely the Lynwood's parts- I would die for Chris and if you ever get back into Dane stuff, I'd love to chat about the absolute miracle that is Chris Lynwood and all of Dane's other characters. You were right, the moment I see Chris, I just wanna turn back time and take care of him.
YOU KNOW WHAT I probably should’ve done that too 😭😭 if I ever do a rewatch it will be SOLELY Chris’ parts!! HES JUST A BABYYYY OML im always down to talk about it even if I’m not currently writing dane charas ❤️ I’m happy someone else appreciates the stoner babe
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justamuppet · 2 years
Im gonna go draw some ZeroZeroZero stuff, guess what I'm gonna draw
No, literally, guess.
Also if you guess it correctly I'll post it for you and dedicate it to you
Im just doing Lynwoods tonight- I THINK.
There could be a surprise Amina
Who knows, it's 10 PM, my productive hours have just started!
Love ya, kiddo!
Man I love you-
but like-
I'm am so fucking bad at guessing
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nel-world · 4 months
Murdered By My Father Apple Tree Yard by Amanda Coe based on the novel by Louise Doughty ali and ava aisha broken Brooklyn an education ginger and rosa make up man up shifty tamara drew Sherwood wolf steeltown murders Uncle (British TV series) Monica 2022 R 1h 46m Wild Nights with Emily livia Wilde – Booksmart
Stefon Bristol – See You Yesterday Michael Angelo Covino – The Climb Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre – The Mustang Kent Jones – Diane Joe Talbot – The Last Black Man in San Francisco
Give Me Liberty
Burning Cane Colewell Premature Wild Nights with Emily
Olivia Wilde – Booksmart
Stefon Bristol – See You Yesterday Michael Angelo Covino – The Climb Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre – The Mustang Kent Jones – Diane Joe Talbot – The Last Black Man in San Francisco Fremont Rotting in the Sun May December A Thousand and One ZeroZeroZero Past Lives (film) I May Destroy You (BBC One / HBO) The Killing of Two Lovers La Leyenda Negra Lingua Franca Saint Frances Little America (Apple TV+) Small Axe (Prime Video) A Teacher (FX on Hulu) Unorthodox (Netflix) Aftersun Blindspotting (Starz) Emily the Criminal The Inspection Murina Palm Trees and Power Lines Joel Kim Booster – Fire Island Jamie Dack and Audrey Findlay, story by Jamie Dack – Palm Trees and Power Lines K.D. Dávila – Emergency Sarah DeLappe, story by Kristen Roupenian – Bodies Bodies Bodies Work in Progress (TV series) Aml Ameen – The Porter as Junior Massey (BET+ / CBC Television) Mohammed Amer – Mo as Mo Najjar (Netflix) Bridget Everett – Somebody Somewhere as Sam (HBO Max) KaMillion – Rap Sh!t as Mia Knight (HBO M
Michael Greyeyes – Rutherford Falls as Terry Thomas (Peacock) Ashley Thomas – Them: Covenant as Henry Emory (Prime Video) 7 Days
Holler Queen of Glory Test Pattern Wild Indian
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theosb0rnway · 2 years
The Scene Where Chris Goes OFF
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Quais são as melhores séries italianas sobre apostas e jogos de azar para assistir e se inspirar?
🎰🎲✨ Receba 2.000 reais e 200 rodadas grátis, além de um bônus instantâneo para jogar jogos de cassino com apenas um clique! ✨🎲🎰
Quais são as melhores séries italianas sobre apostas e jogos de azar para assistir e se inspirar?
Séries italianas sobre apostas
As séries italianas sobre apostas têm conquistado um lugar de destaque no mundo do entretenimento, oferecendo aos espectadores tramas envolventes e emocionantes ambientadas no universo dos jogos de azar. Com narrativas repletas de suspense, drama e reviravoltas, essas produções têm cativado uma ampla audiência ao redor do mundo.
Uma das séries italianas mais aclamadas sobre o tema é "Suburra: Sangue em Roma". Inspirada no livro homônimo e no filme de mesmo nome, a série mergulha os espectadores no submundo do crime organizado em Roma, onde políticos corruptos, mafiosos e empresários ambiciosos disputam pelo controle da cidade. Com cenas de apostas, traições e confrontos brutais, "Suburra" é uma montanha-russa de emoções do início ao fim.
Outra série que tem chamado a atenção é "ZeroZeroZero", uma produção italiana que explora o mundo do tráfico internacional de drogas e o papel crucial das apostas nesse cenário. Com uma narrativa complexa e personagens multifacetados, a série aborda temas como poder, ganância e redenção, mantendo os espectadores intrigados a cada episódio.
Além disso, "1992" e "1993" são séries que retratam eventos políticos e sociais na Itália durante os anos 1990, incluindo o papel das apostas e da corrupção nesse período turbulento da história italiana. Com um elenco talentoso e uma trama envolvente, essas séries oferecem uma visão fascinante dos bastidores do poder e das consequências de decisões tomadas sob pressão.
Em suma, as séries italianas sobre apostas têm se destacado por oferecerem tramas instigantes, repletas de suspense e drama, que prendem a atenção do público do início ao fim. Com personagens complexos e enredos bem construídos, essas produções continuam a cativar espectadores ao redor do mundo, consolidando o sucesso do cinema e da televisão italianos no cenário internacional.
Jogos de azar na televisão italiana
Os jogos de azar têm sido um tema debatido e controverso em muitos países, e a Itália não é exceção. Na televisão italiana, os jogos de azar têm uma presença significativa, com uma variedade de programas dedicados a cassinos, loterias e apostas esportivas.
Um dos formatos mais populares de jogos de azar na televisão italiana são os programas de loteria. Neles, os espectadores podem assistir ao vivo à extração dos números da loteria nacional, como o SuperEnalotto, o que cria uma atmosfera emocionante e participativa. Além disso, muitos programas oferecem a oportunidade para os telespectadores jogarem em casa, preenchendo cartões de jogo e concorrendo a prêmios em dinheiro.
Além das loterias, os programas de cassino também são comuns na televisão italiana. Neles, os espectadores podem acompanhar jogos de cartas como o pôquer e o blackjack, além de roletas e máquinas caça-níqueis. Esses programas muitas vezes incluem dicas e estratégias para os jogadores, tornando-os tanto entretenimento quanto educativos.
Outra forma de jogo de azar presente na televisão italiana são as apostas esportivas. Muitos programas esportivos incluem segmentos dedicados a previsões e análises de jogos, nos quais especialistas compartilham suas opiniões e dicas sobre os resultados esperados. Isso atrai não apenas os fãs de esportes, mas também os interessados em apostar e ganhar dinheiro com base em seus conhecimentos esportivos.
Em resumo, os jogos de azar têm uma presença significativa na televisão italiana, oferecendo uma variedade de opções para os espectadores que desejam participar da emoção e da adrenalina do jogo. No entanto, é importante lembrar que o jogo responsável é fundamental para garantir que a diversão não se transforme em problemas financeiros.
Dramas de apostas na Itália
Os dramas de apostas na Itália têm uma longa história que remonta aos tempos antigos, quando os romanos realizavam jogos de azar em grandes arenas. Hoje, o país enfrenta desafios relacionados ao jogo, incluindo questões legais, sociais e econômicas.
Um dos maiores dramas é a batalha entre o governo italiano e os operadores de jogos de azar ilegais. Embora o jogo seja legalizado e regulamentado na Itália, muitas empresas operam fora da lei, privando o governo de receitas significativas e criando concorrência desleal para os operadores licenciados.
Além disso, o jogo problemático é uma preocupação crescente. Milhares de italianos lutam contra vícios em jogos de azar, enfrentando consequências devastadoras para suas finanças, relacionamentos e saúde mental. O governo e organizações sem fins lucrativos estão trabalhando para fornecer recursos e apoio aos jogadores problemáticos, mas o problema persiste.
Outro aspecto preocupante é o aumento do jogo entre os jovens italianos. A fácil acessibilidade através de dispositivos móveis e a publicidade agressiva contribuem para a normalização do jogo entre os jovens, levando a um aumento dos casos de vício em jogos de azar entre essa faixa etária.
Apesar dos desafios, a Itália está buscando medidas para enfrentar esses dramas. A regulamentação mais rígida, a aplicação da lei e campanhas de conscientização pública são algumas das estratégias empregadas para combater o jogo ilegal e proteger os jogadores vulneráveis.
Em última análise, os dramas de apostas na Itália refletem um equilíbrio delicado entre a tradição cultural do jogo, os interesses econômicos e a proteção dos cidadãos contra os riscos do jogo excessivo. A busca por soluções eficazes continua enquanto o país enfrenta esses desafios complexos.
Produções italianas inspiradas em jogos de azar
As produções italianas inspiradas em jogos de azar têm conquistado cada vez mais espaço no cenário do entretenimento mundial. Com sua rica história cultural e tradição nos jogos, a Itália tem sido uma fonte de inspiração para filmes, séries e documentários que exploram esse fascinante universo.
Um exemplo marcante é o filme "The Good Thief" (O Bom Ladrão), dirigido pelo renomado cineasta italiano Neil Jordan. Este filme, estrelado por Nick Nolte, é uma adaptação moderna do clássico francês "Bob le Flambeur" e segue a história de um ladrão de arte que se envolve em um arriscado assalto a um cassino em Monte Carlo.
Outro destaque é a série "Suburra: Blood on Rome" (Suburra: Sangue em Roma), baseada no livro homônimo e no filme de sucesso. Ambientada na capital italiana, a série mergulha na intrincada teia de corrupção, política e crime organizado que permeia os subúrbios de Roma, com o jogo ilegal como pano de fundo para as tramas sombrias dos personagens.
Além disso, o documentário "The Gambler Who Cracked the Horse-Racing Code" (O Apostador que Descobriu o Código das Corridas de Cavalos) narra a história real de um apostador italiano que desenvolveu um sistema revolucionário para prever os resultados das corridas de cavalos, desafiando as probabilidades e mudando para sempre o mundo das apostas esportivas.
Essas produções italianas não apenas cativam o público com suas tramas envolventes e personagens complexos, mas também oferecem uma visão fascinante sobre a cultura dos jogos de azar na Itália e sua influência na sociedade e na história do país.
Entretenimento televisivo italiano sobre apostas
O entretenimento televisivo italiano sobre apostas é um fenômeno que conquistou uma grande audiência ao longo dos anos. Com uma mistura de emoção, suspense e estratégia, esses programas cativam os telespectadores e os levam para o mundo das apostas de uma forma única.
Um dos programas mais populares nesse gênero é "Battiti Live Betting", que combina entretenimento e apostas esportivas de uma maneira envolvente. Nele, os participantes têm a oportunidade de fazer previsões sobre eventos esportivos ao vivo, desde jogos de futebol até corridas de cavalos, enquanto interagem com os apresentadores e outros espectadores.
Além disso, o programa oferece análises especializadas, dicas de especialistas e até mesmo a chance de ganhar prêmios em dinheiro real. Essa combinação de elementos torna o "Battiti Live Betting" um sucesso entre os fãs de apostas e também entre aqueles que buscam uma experiência de entretenimento emocionante na televisão italiana.
Outro programa popular é "Scommesse a colpo di TV", que se concentra em apostas em eventos da cultura pop, como reality shows, competições musicais e até mesmo o resultado de eventos políticos. Com debates acalorados, convidados especiais e análises perspicazes, o programa oferece uma visão única sobre como as apostas podem ser aplicadas a uma variedade de situações do dia a dia.
Em resumo, o entretenimento televisivo italiano sobre apostas oferece uma experiência emocionante e envolvente para os telespectadores, combinando a emoção das apostas com o drama e a diversão da televisão. Seja para os fãs ávidos de apostas ou para aqueles que procuram por uma nova forma de entretenimento, esses programas têm algo a oferecer para todos os gostos.
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