Hey I didn’t want to @ you in public in case that is rude but ‘cancels-stuff’ on tumblr is claiming your art.
They just posted a pic of Nuwa holding Wukong from like the NewGods storyline and have “my art” in there. Used ridiculous tags not be spot on web but mobile catches the jttw tag
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Ough. Thank you for letting me know 😭 Man they just straight-up copied my caption and tags too. There's a lot more stolen art up on their page too (recognized @/cringemonkey's stuff but not much else, a lot of what they tend to repost looks like sexualized swk stuff though 😬)
EDIT: wait. the post is gone. i looked at their blog last night and i just checked again and it's gone already??? 😭 they've still got a bunch of other people's stolen and reposted though
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impulse-on · 1 year
Hi! I wanna ask, do you have any good sources on modern Chinese culture?
Not exactly. Here are some creators to check out on Youtube though:
Xiran Jay Zhao, Accented Cinema, SHANKANAKA (this actually might be what you're looking for, but it's not English)
and Tumblr:
Can't get more specific sry, "culture" can mean anything from arts to opinions. My research approach is just looking/listening very hard. If times get desperate, Reddit is an option.
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dorkshadows · 3 years
#dude no way#i feel like everyone saw this movie at once cause it dropped on youtube it’s great#my favorite line was when the little fruit guozi kid was like did you know your name sounds ugly as fuck LIKE OKAYY#AND WUKONG HAD TO TAKE IT LIKE A CHAMP#CAUSE COME ON HE CANT BEAT UP THIS LITTLE KID and hes emotionally attached#and i agree the plot was kindaaa all over the place i couldnt follow through like how come yuandi turned into a hunk when his normal form#is all the more threatening to begin with#i think my favorite characters besides the main cast are qingfeng and mingyue#like they get hot headed and stuff but handle things like literally any normal perso#AND THEY WERE IN THE RIGHT TO BEGIN WITH WUKONG DIDNT HAVE TO DESTROY THE TREE JUST CAUSE TWO GUYS DIDNT BELIEVE YOU#this arc woulda lasted like 2 pages in canon if video surveillance existed#also the amount of times wukong wanted to beat their asses was funny#also also side note kinda upset qingfeng and mingyue never made it past heaven secretary cause i really wanted to see their take#on jade emperor (tags via @cringemonkey)
1) Welcome back, Zixuan!! We missed you :D
2) adsfasdf the tags OKOK where to start. I had no idea it was on youtube omg, but in case it gets struck for copyright violation, I’ll keep that “pirate” link up. LMAO same the guozi kid was MEAN and Wukong knew he couldn’t beat it up (which is also hilarious because like, his attachment to it was so awkward- they wanted what Jiang Liuer had smh) so he just suffered. Plot was wild! I enjoyed it in the end, but it was a ride. Yuandi’s dbz villain form was so generic, I think they should have made the “normal” form his final form LOL. 
Oh! I forgot to mention Qingfeng and Mingyue, GNC employees of the month! I also loved how they were just reacting like normal people here haha (And agree- Wukong overreacted so hard here, he was just so offended by the math). I also liked how their voices just didn’t match their faces- amazing LOL. Losing it at “video surveillance,” CRINGEMONKEY WHERE IS THE LIE. 
Now that you mention it, I also feel kind of robbed that we didn’t see the jade emperor (but maybe it’s not a huge loss- given how generic Zhenyuanzi looks, the team’s better at designing demons than celestials). 
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cringemonkey · 2 years
hi…… im back (voice is raspy and fucked up sounding)
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earl-of-221b · 4 years
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If you look at pictures of monkeys they literally have no neck, so neither shall the Houtou
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cringemonk · 4 years
You, as a non-chinese person, do not get to decide what is okay to do or say within the context of chinese media. especially if you’re not even a BIPOC, you should not be trying to talk over the actual people who understand the media that you have been granted permission to consume. I, as a black person, and as someone who isn’t chinese, know better than to overstep my boundaries and make my best friends who ARE chinese uncomfortable with how I engage in their interests with them.
I am bringing this up for one very important reason... We need to talk. I have seen an influx of presumably white people trying to talk over one of my important mutuals (@/antidotefortheawkward) about how to portray a certain chinese-given character in some sort of SU au. 
Here’s some obvious things you should have known before pestering somebody about something you knew was wrong. 
NO: Don’t color chinese people as yellow. What the fuck. Why do you have to be told not to do that? You should know this deep into 2020 to stop making racial caricatures.
NO: Stop comparing the characters written into xiyouji to your americanized cartoon fascists. Another one that should be obvious. It’s not only disrespectful to the original writing itself because you’re comparing a person of color (The Jade Emperor) to Yellow Diamond (Colonizing Fascist.) but also... see the first “NO.”
NO: I can’t believe this is a post I saw, but, just in general don’t be disrespectful about Chinese culture? Yes, that means saying you think Wukong is somehow more american than he is Chinese. That’s just in bad taste.
YES: Listen to the actual chinese people telling you about these issues. I was prompted by my greatest friend @cringemonkey to make this post in the first place, but again, I as somebody who is only black and not chinese shouldn’t have to speak to get you to listen. Do better.
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lunahras-draws · 3 years
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this floofy sun wukong design by @cringemonkey has captured my heart!
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xiaotianquan · 2 years
have you seen that cringemonkey art that's the Jade Emperor going "i'm going to kill you" and Sun Wukong going "like. how would you kill me?" while sipping wine. i feel like youd vibe with that
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ao3feedphan · 6 years
Panic On the Streets of London
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2CLLpj0
by cringemonkey
It's all Dan's fault. He'd dragged Phil, the best thing that'd ever happened to him, the love of his life, his soulmate, the man who fit all those cliché labels, to his death sentence. The situation he'd been trapped in for most of his adult life, the thing that kept him running, kept him hiding, prevented him from living a normal life. And he hated it. Now they were in danger and time was running out.
Words: 2553, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Phandom/The Fantastic Foursome (YouTube RPF)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dan Howell, Phil Lester
Relationships: Dan Howell/Phil Lester
Additional Tags: AU, London
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2CLLpj0
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dorkshadows · 4 years
I wrote around two, three pages of ch. 33 for “From Here the Rain Falls” today. It’s slow coming, but I think I’ve finally escaped writer’s block (at least a little bit). It’s not that I don’t know how to end it- I do; it’s just that I didn’t have the energy to physically write it, mostly due to IRL circumstances. Maybe it’s because I was hoping to finish Act 3 during a happy summer, and just couldn’t find the mood during our mess of a year.
Like, it’s strange- since summer 2017, I was possessed by something to write this story. Whenever I had free time, I worked on it- it was always priority #1 fic, and whatever feral thing was in my head got me typing all the way through 2019. And then I burnt out. I didn’t really feel it at first, but then it hit me.The muse was asleep or gone, and I was just so tired and burnt from the story.
So I took a break from “Rain” and it helped, but it was a slow process. Last update was in January (lmao, and I promised the next update wouldn’t be after 6 months...). I have no idea when 33 will be ready, but I think the muse is slowly waking back up and I’m ready to get cracking on the updates again.
To anyone who’s been following the fic, so sorry for how long it’s taking and thank you so very much for the patience and support. It’s the first time I’ve ever gotten so far on a long fic and I want to see it finished!
I even made a little outline to stay on track. LOL the truth is I never wrote an outline for this story- I just winged the whole thing. The only outline existed in my head.
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dorkshadows · 3 years
JTTW Festival 2020
Took a while to announce, but it’s finally here! What is it? It’s the JTTW Festival, a month-long fandom event starting from now until the end of December!
It’s a pressure-free event for fans (new and old and anyone in between!) of the classic tale of Journey to the West | 西遊記 and assorted adaptations. Nobody’s obligated to participate, but everyone’s welcome to at your own pace! No need to follow the order of themes or to even take part every day of the month. 
We’re here for one reason and one reason only: to love JTTW, and to have fun doing it. 
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Special thanks to @urbanlegends33 and @videogamelover99 for theme suggestions! 
The themes:
Day 1: Favorite Underrated Character
Day 2: Favorite Antagonist
Day 3: Role Switch
Day 4: Crossover (can be as cracky as you want!)
Day 5: Modern Day
Day 6: Make your own bizarre AU
Day 7: Most Underrated Relationship
Day 8: Favorite Adaptation
Day 9: Funniest Moment
Day 10: Favorite Aesthetic
Day 11: Least favorite canon event
Day 12: Post-Canon Headcanon
BONUS: Free day (include anything you want, from favorite canon plots to “what if the pilgrims were popsicles?”)
How to participate? 
Just pick a theme from the list above and make a post about it on any day of the month. Posts can be anything you want: fanart, fanfic (drabbles welcome!), headcanons, edits, etc. 
Any rules?
Just keep it focused on the original JTTW (and adjacent myths: Lotus Lantern, Investiture of the Gods, etc.) characters! You can focus on any adaptation you want (including your own), so long as you keep the spotlight on the jttw gang. (Ex. fanart of Sun Wukong from X adaptation is perfect, but individual fanart of OCs from X adaptation wouldn’t quite fit.)
Can I still participate if--?
Yes! You can still participate even if you haven’t read the book or seen all the popular adaptations, etc. So long as you love the original story and characters, the event welcomes you!
What else should I know?
Make sure to tag your posts #jttwfestival2020 so the rest of us can track the tag! And this next part is completely up to you- feel free to @ anyone you want to notice your post or anyone who’d be interested in this event. Feel free to ask if you have any more questions about the event.
Now, have fun!
Lastly, going to go ahead and tag the xiyouji gang because I know you’d be interested! @earl-of-221b​ @antidotefortheawkward-art​ @cringemonkey​ @cringemonk​ @named-jiang-or-wang​ @uovoc​ @darkfalcon-z​ @melonmass​
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cringemonk · 4 years
i watched dsb with @cringemonkey and this scene had me punching walls. legend has it i’m still punching to this day
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cringemonkey · 4 years
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hello cringemonkey followers
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cringemonk · 4 years
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finally another @cringemonkey collab. go follow him 😏😈
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