#cross posted from twitter again lmao
addcests · 2 years
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🔗 ao3 🔗 carrd  🔗 add twitter
hello! i’m lapin! an oldie from hellsword 2014. i have always wrote about adds loving each other and being soft! (and spicy plenty of times as well. 👀) typical canon but with some (or tons? of) canon divergence (?) and tons and tons of (modern) AUs! (it’s my favorite!) i like all add x add, but my favorite is LPMM! my guilty pleasure ship is MMDIE and previously i also really like LPMMDIE! 😊 i’m back (10/2022)(for now ((sweats loudly))) and i’m here to make add love himself once again. cheers  _(:3」∠)∟  
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martyrsex · 7 months
Jason Todd x Singer reader (fem)
Author's note: I received such a surprisingly positive reply from this! I haven't posted in months, so this caught me off guard completely. (Yes 15 notes is good for me lmao 🥹) In this version, Jason knows who reader are since the beginning. I thought it'd be more fun.
So, basically this a longer version of the first part + a second part. I intend to write this in chapters. Enjoy and please give me your thoughts ❤️
Part two:
Jason Todd knew one thing or two about twitter. Or X, whatever. The thing is: he's at least three times a month in the trending topics. Not him exactly, but Red Hood. Red Hood is always there.
It goes from people hating on him, to young girls (psycho's in his opinion) calling him babygirl or daddy. He doesn't understands and he doesn't want to. He's not much one from social media, so when he is on the trending topics, normally someone from the family teases him about it.
This time is no different. Dick Grayson and Tim Drake are laughing way too hard. Looking from Tim's phone directly towards Jason. He sighs, closing the book he is reading. Currently they are all comfortably sitting on the library, eating Alfred's cookies and tea.
"What is it?" Jason asks, already regretting the question.
"Open twitter." Tim says, a huge smile on his face. Jason feels a chill down his spine because he knows it's going to be bad. Not that he cares. He doesn't give a shit about public's opinion.
But sometimes the comments about him, the mean comments wishing him to die... Those get to him. So he's prepared for that. For people hating, or for his fangirls fighting deciding who'd be his next imaginary girlfriend.
But he never expected to be shipped with someone else. He knows who you are. Everybody knows who you are. A talented young singer, that ascended till the top in less than three years. Doing some works on modeling from time to time for McQueen or Vogue or Versace, because you're that beautiful.
He wouldn't call himself a fan, but he does think you are musically talented. Anyway, everyone is shipping him with you.
And he doesn't know why.
"Why am I being shipped with her?" He asks, out loud. Before Dick or Tim can answer, Steph bursts into the library's door laughing.
"I know."
She laughs again. He starts to scroll down the comments, until he finds a video of a live interview you did on Kurt's show, that prick. The journalist is famous for doing weird questions.
"So, everybody knows you have a bit of thing for vigilantism. How did that start?" Kurt asks, crossing his arms and giving the public a charming smile.
"Oh, it started with Batman, of course. I was a little kid when I heard the stories about the man that haunted the nights in Gotham. I am a L.A girl, but either way I absolutely felt enchanted. It's just so cool that is there someone out there that takes justice in their own hands."
Yeah, right. She's a fan of the Batass. Jason scoffs while watching the video, but continues anyway.
"And who is your favorite vigilante?" Kurt asked, leaning closer to her. He was a charming man, young and successful, just like her.
"Oh, Red Hood, definitely." She says that without a hint of sarcasm in her voice. Just a plain, simple answer.
"Red Hood? Isn't he a bit... extreme?" Kurt said, tilting his head.
"I think he is doing good in his own ways, and that is so freaking cool, you know? And I think his motorcycle is super... uh, how can I say? Hot." She says, and gives the public a little giggle. She continues:
"Which doesn't mean I agree with everything he does. But I find his persona interesting and refreshing. He's different from the rest, different approaches and all. It makes me curious about who is the man behind the mask."
"If you could say anything to him, what would you say?" Kurt asks, smiling.
"Oh! I'd probably ask him to take me on a ride with his bike. And to get a girlfriend. I think he needs a feminine touch in his life." She answers, with an amused grin.
The video ends and Jason doesn't really know what to think. You just said he needed a girlfriend. A feminine touch.
The truth is, he can't really disagree. When was the last time he felt a woman's body close to his? More time than he wants to admit. Months. Maybe more than a year. In his defense, it's not that he doesn't have the game. He just don't have the energy to play it.
Steph laughs takes him out of his wandering thoughts. He looks up at his siblings, an irritated expression in his face.
"Read the tweets, the tweets are the best part!" She says, chuckling again. Jason goes straight to the shipping hashtag. People saying they want to be Jason, people saying they want to be you, people saying they want to be the bed where you both - forget it.
He sighs and throws his cellphone on the couch, sitting back and beginning to read his book.
"That's it? That's your reaction?" Dick asks, tilting his head like a curious dog.
"It's just a bunch of tweets. People will forget eventually. Nothing I should worry about." Jason replies, not taking his eyes off The Catcher in the Rye.
Little did he know.
Okay. Maybe you shouldn't have said that. Maybe you were dumb and reckless. And now your agent and her team are almost killing you.
It's not your fault. You were always told to be honest, because your fun and outgoing (at least on stage) personality were one of your best traits.
"Are you crazy! This could have led to terrible repercussions. What if everyone focused on the fact that you support a murderer?!" Claya, your agent says, almost shouting.
"Well, they didn't. Now they are just shipping him with me." You say, trying to defend yourself. The truth is, behind the cameras and the stage and all the "popstar" persona you have to pull out, you are an introvert. You have two lifes.
"Yeah, and you should be grateful for it. This can even be a good sign. It seems people are interested in your love life. We can use that for our advantage." Claya says.
You adore her, really. And it's her job to figure it out how to make your career ascend. And she does it very well. But sometimes you just wish it wouldn't be about money or status. It would be just about how to do good music.
Anyway, you don't want to be ungrateful. You're living your childhood dream. So you take those thoughts out of your mind.
"Well, what do you have in mind?" You ask, blinking in confusion.
"We're going to Gotham. You're going to do a show there." Claya says, confidently and typing on her computer.
"Are you out of your mind? Shows in Gotham always go wrong. The Chase Atlantic show from last month was attacked by Pyg!" You say, trying to contain your agent's wicked ideas.
"Honey, don't worry. Maybe Red Hood appears in to save the whole ordeal. It couldn't be better." Claya says, standing up and closing her computer.
Claya and the team leave you alone to think. It's not like you have a lot of choice in the matter, anyway. If she says you're doing the show, you gotta do it.
But it's just a show, right? Nothing to worry about.
Little did you know.
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mikuustuff · 1 month
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[Song 4 the mood] --- some silly hcs of my bbg to start off my blog<33
_They get more intresting as you continue to read lmao
_Warnings- swearing, blood tears
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☆Doesn't like spicy food, burns his throat and sour stuff is 10x more horrible, he has a raging sweet tooth tho!
☆LOVES peppermint (+flavoured stuff) it soothes his throats internal burns
☆Likes to sleep butt naked, absolutely no tops and his trousers are like a trap for his legs, he's laying in bed with shorts/boxers only
☆VERY picky eater (doesn't eat fruit hates citrus stuff but likes vegetables, Enji prolly ate them alot to keep fit which influenced Touya to follow thru)
☆Doesn't laugh at other ppls jokes, maybe a snort or gruff with a smirk
-defo snickers a lot tho when it comes to insults from him or hearing ppl give someone else a good insult
-BUT especially after his reveal and feeling less constipated of his personal life and identity he HOLLERS
-he's finally being loud and clear and WANTS to be heard
-If he hears smth funny he will bellow a loud ass laugh especially if he's the one making a joke, he's rolling all over the ground giggling and will give ppl dirty looks for not laughing along with him
-Girliest giggles while scrolling thru Enji hate twitter meme posts at like 4am
☆horrible sleep schedule, NEVER knows what time it is
☆Really doesn't give a shit abt anyth (thats not apart of his 'scheme' anyway)
-but sometimes if he's interested enuff he'll become all competitive and try to open up on you getting all cocky
-SUPER salty when he loses he's a silent sulker and will most likely berate u for it (sore ahh loser)
-SOOO SMUG IF HE WINS THO will all of a sudden mention a bet u two never made so now ur in debt to him for smth, its usually rly tame tho like if he's too lazy to get himself a drink he's been craving so now ur his little errand runner
☆100% watched those "real or fake?!" Cake videos with his siblings when they were younger
-Would throw massive hissy fits if shoto gets one right and he doesn't
-shoto is like a baby so bro is probably drooling and pointing at the screen cooing happily that he's copying his big bro touya while his role model is actually fucking seething
☆Because of this shoto prolly tried to copy touya a lot as a baby, saw big bro as a role model and made all the same decisions as him especially since touya is the only other kid with a fire quirk
☆BIG CRYBABY (after revealed identity) he's finally free he's no longer emotionally constipated, happy sad angry doesn't matter there is blood spilling from his scars but its always with a smile cause that's how he always was as a kid too, he doesn't know why he does that himself but it's actually because he can't cry, his body doesn't allow him to express his emotions properly however he can still smile
☆doesn't feel pain anywhere, uses that to his advantage a lot...
☆However he's still a whiny baby, gets stomach aches a lot prolly, his burns always itch and always has a migraine, will let EVERYONE know as an excuse for them to stfu or do shit for him, however if he's feeling especially vulnerable when feeling rly sick he's quiet and fidgety cause as a kid it was probably seen as a weakness that he would want to hide from Enji so he could train
☆Has travel/motion sickness (js like me fr), will vomit after watching a 3D Movie he's that pathetic, roller coasters r a big nono makes him dizzy js looking at them
☆ALWAYS stays up thru every movie, never once falls asleep on the couch even as a kid he gets stupid fomo over anyth (prolly bcs of Enji and shoto training)
☆He stims a lot when he gets excited/overstimulated/annoyed (kinda canon?)  Mostly his feet
☆HE DID NOT PLAN HIS DANCE, he was so into the moment and was so excited and full of emotion he just busted out moves and started dancing from sheer joy to finally be recognised once again (he stimmed lmao)
☆Bcs of his feet stims he defo was a random tiptoe walker as a kid and sometimes randomly does it as an adult
☆HUGE SENSORY ISSUE WITH SOCKS I've never seen bro wear any anyways?? Everyone in the LoV saw his feet when he wore his church shoes in s2 so wearing his big fancy boots is a great way to hide his free grippers
☆Bac to food he prolly rly likes plain food, pass him mac n cheese or any plain/tomato sauce pasta and he's happily chomping away with that big ass mouth, loves potatoes dishes he likes the mushy stuff, because of his big jaw eventho he hates fish he LOVES his chicken and beef and bites at the bone, turns into a rabbid animal sometimes
☆SO shit at shooter games, can't aim and just doesn't have the energy to get competitive over it, low key stresses him out
-however he LOVES anything that was on the Wii that he played as a kid cause he knows what he's doing, him fuyumi and natsuo all have a 3DS and got the same games to play with each other
-few years later he's now an adult with a distaste for ps5 and pcs but tenko gives him a random hacked 3DS extra he had cause dabi was complaining abt being bored when they had to lay low after some risky missions
-and he. went. feral.
-A shooter game on the 3DS? He knows what he's doing
-Defo showed off the cool trick to play as luigi in Mario bros but liked mario more cause ONCE enji said mario was 'cool'
-Always mained bowser (cause...yk Enji parallels) in Mario kart from childhood tho as an adult hes a dry bones guy, he's a nintendo>Sega baby does not know sonic nor gives a fuck
-knows quite a bit abt pokemon because fuyu had a hyperfixation on it and relaxes in animal crossing new leaf since that was natsus fav game cause he was the youngest and sucked at the harder ones, touya played a lot with them both
-but his favourite..is cooking mama 1-3 HES SO GOOD AT IT?? Just enuff chill and competitiveness, however gets weird ass whiplashes if he misses up (rarley) when mama has those fire eyes when shes angry...sounds familiar to a certain someone...
-also has a special memory of Rei trying the game and touya makes fun of his mama cause she sucked and ends up teaching her how to play and she actually gets rly good..as a kid it made him happy and proud...
-absolutely destroyed his dad in any wii sports games tho, 4 sure bowling/that samurai sword thingy is his goat (ifykyk)
-Sure he hates all the other consoles but he thinks the switch is alright, defo thought of natsu when acnh came out and the other pokemon games for fuyu
-SUPER salty no cooking mama games were made tho
☆whole heartedly believe he'd be a mamas boy if they found touya at 16 or if the incident at 13 didn't happen, would have time to mature (and yk don't miss like 3 super important years of actual development then living alone after said missed development) he would learn to see that appeasing enji was something he'd learn to resent and hate
☆Likes spiders, let's them crawl om him before flicking them off with a bored expression but if he finds out someone's scared of them he will start spooking them with the spider or ridicule them abt thier irrational fear to smth so small and inferior
-He was scared of them as a kid but during his ig...runaway Arc? (That we have no canon actual mentions of? Ig apart from the anime laptop scenes?) He found them around the places he'd sleep in for shelter so he kinda grew accustomed to them, so now knowing he overcame a fear so small he kinda likes to flaunt around his conquered fear and make fun of those still scared of them cause he's childish and thinks he's sooo great for getting over smth childish
☆surprisingly cares abt his nails? Doesn't like getting grime in them and screams internally when he sees toga a chronic nail biter chomp away at her nails mindlessly, he hates it it just irks him
☆Ik I said he'd be a picky eater, but I think in his runaway arc and first joining the LoV he became used to eating ANYTHING, raw, burnt, out of date he didn't care anymore food is food, give dude a freshly pink torn chicken wing and he'd silently eat it while watching some endeavour clip
-His obsession was so bad sometimes when he was this age that he'd forget to eat or sleep some days, hence getting him into his habit of eating anything and forcing himself out of his picky eater era
-Fortunately after joining the LoV and the whole liberation fight he went back to being his picky eater princess brat appetite back
☆Reported any endeavour praised videos, would try to dox endeavour fans and harass them, would block anyone that would disagree with him, had MULTIPLE accs cause he's js that extra, 100% used like 1 or 2 acts to back up another acc that got into a fight to look like ppl were on his side cause he's js that much of a petty baby, would be mean to literally any media (cause like let's be fr he watched other shit on that YouTube laptop) and would silently have a guilty pleasure watching creepypasta vids and speedpaints, knows all thier lore and was a victim to the slenderman family trope thing, prolly idolised the edgy teens that turn into psychomurderers ig as he starts to peice his new identity and yk...actually murdering ppl...but who cares??? mention eyeless Jack and his eyes will secretly sparkle in 90s anime style fashion, let bro rant abt it...
☆Speaking of which, if he were to ever doodle he'd so have some sort of low effort chibi 90s anime/scene emo kid art style, dude defo has an emo D carved/flamed on random abandoned buildings, was also a kid obsessed with that one S doodle
☆He's a pretty light sleeper, he never got much sleep as a kid and would prolly try to imitate enjis rly bad hero sleep schedule, after the hospital arc he defo is a sleepy guy but again can't sleep since he's on the streets, however after joining LoV he gets a little better at sleeping, before he was a silent guy but now he's js like his 13 Yr old self snoring LOUDLY but will 100% deny it, still a light sleeper but a little less worse than what it was
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MY HC W ME/READER IG HEH😈(self indulgent cause I can)
☆He doesn't care much for music, will remember those old nightcore songs and doesn't mind heavy metal and rock but it kinda gives him a headache so he doesn't rly go out of his way to listen to anyth, u will NOT catch bro jamming to some random pop song, maybe after his reveal ull get a sentence or two from a popular old song from like avril lavene and a foot step to a rhythm but again not much care, however dude wouldn't mind listening to my background animal crossing playlist, he'd defo love the rain sf versions and would prolly help him sleep, the rain is a super big comfort to him it's like his white noise, his favourite is 1AM in acnl cause...idk it js is dont fight me on it
☆WORSE night terrors, is a victim of sleep paralysis, sleeping on the streets defo did a huge number on this dude, if we're talking abt being a potential partner he'd calm down and gently pull u towards him to hold it'll help him feel grounded, makes him feel safe knowing someone is sleeping next to him in general like he slept next to natsuo, when he was a kid natsuo would be too tired and a heavy sleeper to rly know abt touya waking up in sweats which didn't help when he was younger(natsuo is not like his big bro he is a DEEP sleeper) so if ur there with him hugging him whispering a word or two of reassurance(don't start blabbering he'll get annoyed he's prone to headaches especially when ur trying to be some saint) so he'll find comfort in u, best believe he's getting a good rest
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Hope u enjoyed!!<33 I love yapping --- DO NOT STEAL/REPOST
[Wait the self-indulgent hcs were low key fun might make more lol]
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noisyquokka · 8 months
Piece of You
PAIRING - Jeongin x GN!Reader
SYNOPSIS - You can't imagine your life without him, and you wouldn't want to. He's a part of you now, a piece of your identity as much as you are a part of his.
WORDCOUNT - 870 (ignore the last piece I posted where I said I couldn't write anything under 1k words lmao)
WARNINGS - Fluff, Established Friendship, two (2) besties getting philosophical under the stars, typical Innieisms
A/N - It's Innie Day! Enjoy a cute little bestie blurb, Darlings! (I love him sm, how have I never written a proper fic for him yet?!)
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“You ever wonder what our lives could be?”
Jeongin’s head rests in your lap, his eyes focused on the clear sky above. Your fingers card lazily through his hair, brushing the dark tresses from his field of view. The question hangs in the air like a cloud, a whisper in the twilight that leaves you wondering if he had even heard you. 
“What it could be?” Jeongin repeats, confusion etched in the crease of his brow. You hum an affirmative, eyelids sliding open and sweeping down to catch his gaze. He shrugs, ghosting his fingers over the palm of your hand.
“The thought never crosses my mind,” he says. 
You hum again, eyes spanning skyward. 
Whatever warmth the sun offered during the day had been snuffed out by the February frost. Twilight pervades the sky like sheer curtains over a bedroom window, gradually depleting with the help of Earth’s orbit. The city’s skyline glows from miles away, its lights shimmering like the coming stars. The air was crisp now, comfortable enough for you and Jeongin to sneak onto your roof and watch the sunset.
“Things could be so different, you know…” 
Jeongin sits up from his spot beside you, eyes locking with yours. The concern is evident. It isn’t like you to be this vague. Normally Jeongin was more than capable of picking up what you were putting down, but not tonight. You’d confused the poor man. Even worse, you’ve worried him. Your nose scrunches in regret, and you offer him a soft smile.
“Nevermind. It’s dumb, I’m just… thinking out loud.” you mutter, turning your attention back to the navy blue sky. You can feel his eyes on you, can guess that those brows are creased on his forehead. His hand finds yours instinctively. 
“Hey, it’s not dumb.” His fingers lace with yours, thumb ghosting over the back of your hand. You smile to yourself, the familiar feeling washing over you like sunshine on epidermis. “You can tell me anything. You know that.”
“I just…” You sigh heavily, trying to figure out exactly what it is you’re trying to get across. The feeling of Jeongin’s fingers running over your palm is a welcomed comfort. “There’s some alternate timeline out there that has you and I written down as strangers. We probably lived on opposite sides of the world, or maybe we lived down the street from each other and never caught each other’s eye.” You keep your gaze on the toes of your sneakers, tapping them lightly against the shingles. Jeongin keeps silent, nothing more than an inhalation of breath leaving his lungs. 
His expression softens, your words finally hitting him.
It’s more than normal for you guys to sit up here on any given night and get philosophical under the stars, talking until the birds wake with their chorus of dawn twitterings. While those talks have gotten pretty deep, it was this one that shattered the ceiling. You've been best friends forever, always found time for one another on the busiest of days. More so on the bad days. Jeongin's certain you're the only person he could call on a whim and you'd drop everything if needed. 
Your words are powerful, and they hold a certain weight to them. They make him question his life and his choices throughout. Who would you be if not for him? What kind of person would you be without his influence? Where would he be without yours? Who would he be? His heart sinks like an anchor in his stomach.
You feel the lightest sensation of Jeongin’s fingers over your palm — a reminder that he’s there, listening with keen ears. Then the surefire heat of his body sliding closer, one arm circling your back. You spare him a glance only to find his eyes focused on the stars above. The dim lighting from your window glosses over his profile, and you watch the stars trapped in his pupils.
“I like to think that the universe couldn’t find a better person to pair me with,” He blinks, laced fingers squeezing yours. He drops his eyes to you, his gaze warm and gentle. “so it gave me you.”
You are struck by the unexpected tenderness of his words. The universe brought you together for a reason. You can't imagine your life without him. The thought of being strangers in a different life is unthinkable.
You lean back against him with a soft smile etching your lips. 
"I think that's the perfect way to describe us, two people who were meant to be paired together.” 
“Well, I was going for more of a ‘there’s no one else who can handle this amazing, loveable guy’ trope.”
“Oh come on, Innie!” You laugh at his comment, shoving your shoulder back into his chest. “is it too much to ask for you to be sentimental on occasion?”
“Sentimental Innie costs 40000.”
“You’re insane.”
He cracks a grin and shoots you a cheeky wink.
“I’m simply putting my skills to good use.”
“And why don’t I get a discount?”
“I’m too talented to put myself out there for free.”
You roll your eyes, leaning back into him. You feel his heartbeat pounding softly against your back as two pairs of eyes settle skyward.
Nothing more needs to be said. 
You both know this is enough.
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Psst!! If you made it this far, thank you for taking the time to read my work 💕 I appreciate you!
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shadowpeachyuri · 7 months
Asks are getting kinda long so. Mostly, I wonder why Reddit is so ticked off at Mac lmao. Everywhere I go, it's either insane villain apologism by making the hero pathetic and wrong, or extreme villain antagonism by overblowing consequences. Bud got dragged out of hell after centuries, got a super snack out of MK's powers, vented in a theatre before a trauma flashback of MK coming to whoop his butt reminded him of SWK and couldn't even skedaddle before Not-Mayor forced him into a symmetrical wardrobe, I mean. an unwilling henchminion arc, and proceeded to get his butt whooped by the gang who love to target his trauma eye and get looney tunes whumped by electrocution in a giant lantern, tossed over a ship, and my little pony friendship is magic style song blasted in his ears. and whatever hell portal Not-Mayor dunked his head in while chained up, a few times over. he was about to throw up with that face he made when LBD semi-possessed him. I think that's enough consequences, he already got The Talk(tm) tied up again w MK, (a compliant hostage) and mostly keeps vagueing warnings to the squad, being very idgaf about LBD. Not much villain behavior compared to others I've seen. He's not even an anti-villain, he's just a self-driven traumatized survivor who vents to people in ambiguous closed off ways and tends to cross over into jerk territory. So I'm here like, are half of tumblr/reddit posts out-dated, bc if someone isn't salty about S1 Mac (rare) they are TICKED about past!Mac (frequent) to which I ask, what did bro DO. I have never seen fandom run on such hypothetical anger before. What I miss, because past!Mac's issues are just vocalized as "never made his own choices." which, is NOT a thing to apologize abt? if anything, it would fuel the fire? It sounds like a reason to ditch your friends instead of following along and passively complaining. A lot of it is also abandoning SWK, but. he visited the mountain? I see a lot about Flower Fruit burning taken from JTTW which is interesting (so yeah, I think fandom relies on the book a lot for their character feelings) bc SWK learns that after beating LBD three times WHICH IS INTERESTING because Mac says "looks like OUR OLD FRIEND The Lady Bone Demon is back" our old friend?? OUR?? by osmosis I thought their break up happened because they couldn't beat her together, and then I watched the show and there was nothing on that. but since learning the twitter post theory about memory manip, well. ShadowPeach just got more tragic. its too bad tho, I would've loved a story of accidentally killing your best friend and realizing after instead of another oh no it was this other villain behind it. but alright. it makes too much sense tho based on SWK's reactions.
OH I DIDNT EVEN CATCH THAT “OUR” bit!! it does beg the question a little bit of “why did she resurrect him then,” but at the same time, it’s a very interesting theory!!
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stepswowdsen · 21 days
【KagePro】 KuroEne AU: Rambles 🖤💙
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The state of knowledge. An animal being who exists as someone closer to nature.
This post is mainly Kuroha and KuroEne centric, but I mentioned my other ships and faves from other series to draw parallels and point out similarities and differences.
A collection of KuroEne centric rambles:
Kuroha's state of knowledge
KuroEne AU: Ene confronts Kuroha, telling him he's not as infallible as he claims to be
Kuroha's existence as an animal being who exists as someone closer to nature
KuroEne is SUUUUCH an interesting and fascinating ship to think about and analyze. They give me immense brainrot
The nature of their complicated complex messy relationship due to their characters' context.
Kuroha's role as the big bad villain and main source of conflict and tension in KagePro's plot, Takane/Ene's relationships with Haruka and Konoha, HaruTaka and KonoEne's contexts, and how he possesses the vessel of someone that Takane/Ene has a unique special relationship with and uses the knowledge of their memories as an advantage for him.
The truly evil monster who wears the face of a former (lost) love (lover), and how their relationship is clearly infused with love, obsession, desire, passion, and attachment (for the both of them).
(Ene feels all of these things, as well as a mix of love and hatred and conflicting emotions.)
It all comes together to create a really fascinating dynamic.
I really need to start posting more of the meta/analysis ramble posts I have of my other faves. As well as my other ship AUs' dialogue scripts.
I have SOOO many dialogue scripts and ramble posts I haven't posted. I love all of my top 5 main ships dearly.
I've mainly been posting about KuroEne, just cuz I only have the KuroEne ones ready and prepared to post LMAO
Cuz again, these types of posts take time to format. I write them in my Notion docs and then cross-post them to my socials (Insta, Tumblr) and sometimes Twitter.
Twitter is terrible for long ramble posts, my style of posting, so I just post the screenshots
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Source: (X)
“An increase in knowledge burns up the ‘state of ignorance’ as sacrifice. Those who gain more wisdom are compensated for it by facing more pain and suffering. Even more so, for those who try to reach the gods’ wisdom. This is what it means ‘to know’”
Reminds me of when I was rereading the Ashiya Douman vs. Dioscuri Anthology comic by AU (@/delete_au), that has huge amounts of LimGuda (Douman/Ritsuka) crumbs.
AU’s art style is so intricately detailed and gorgeous. The perspectives, inking, and shading are so gorgeous. Huge art goals for me.
I have a lot more to say but I haven’t finished my commentary rambles on the whole thing yet, but just know that the characterization surplus (Douman meta analysis) and LimGuda crumbs in this anthology comic truly drive me crazy.
In the scene after Ritsuka calls on the Dioscuri, Douman tells Ritsuka that the one who gets closer to the stars and obtains more knowledge/wisdom, isolates themselves further and is “compensated by facing more pain and suffering” as a reference to Abe no Seimei, who is the fated nemesis/rival of Ashiya Douman, and how Douman had been worried about Seimei’s isolation.
Seimei hasn't been released as a playable character in FGO, nor does he have a design, but I'm waiting for it... Hopefully it happens one day cuz it sucks not knowing whether he'll ever be released or not.
AU (@/delete_au) has a massive brain since the scenes, visuals, story and dialogue of this Anthology Comic were decided by them. It’s also no surprise that this comic, which is a characterization surplus for Douman, has huge amounts of LimGuda (Douman/Ritsuka) and SeiDou (Seimei/Douman) food, considering Douman’s obsession with them (Seimei and Ritsuka)
Kuroha/Saeru: The embodiment of "Knowledge/Wisdom"
The major difference between Kuroha/Saeru and what was mentioned in AU’s Anthology Comic is that Kuroha/Saeru is VERY distanced from humanity.
Unlike my FGO faves, he lacks humanity and softer traits. He considers himself above humans (and also considers himself to be above human emotions and human sentimentality). But not entirely.
I thought about it since Kuroha/Saeru is the embodiment of “Knowledge/Wisdom” as a dark evil cunning and malicious entity in KagePro. Though I think what’s interesting is that a Kuroha ship AU actually gives him more of a semblance of humanity…
Cuz he would’ve learned and gained more human desires and sentiments and learned slightly softer tendencies. Though, compared to my other faves, canon-verse Kuroha/Saeru lacks humanity
KuroEne AU: Dialogue Script
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Anyways I had been thinking about this separate idea based on the concept of Ene wondering about the extent of Kuroha/Saeru's knowledge.
It's natural to be curious about that kind of thing. She hardly knows anything about him so she asks him about the kinds of things that he's seen and observed all this time.
I thought about it after seeing the FGO: Anthology comic at how acquiring more knowledge distances you from humanity and causes to further isolate yourself from others.
Kuroha's case is different since he lacks humanity and looks down on all things. He won't be affected by it the same way others would.
He wouldn't be compensated with facing more pain and suffering cuz he is above that (for the most part, not entirely), and THE root cause of other peoples' pain and suffering. But it's still interesting to think about...
KuroEne AU: Ene confronts Kuroha
The post is mainly about Kuroha/Saeru, but I decided to give context cuz I thought it was relevant, since my top FGO faves inspired me to make these rambles.
In my KuroEne AU, Kuroha/Saeru refers to his intimate encounters/trysts with Ene as “games.”
I actually DO think that Ene can manage to provoke him and get under his skin with her bratty provocations.
Kuroha would constantly flaunt his own knowledge of how he knows her and her desires intimately due to his confidence and ego, telling her that he’s been with the Enes of previous Routes before.
Ene, who’s constantly annoyed by her own feelings and has trouble facing more honest feelings, rationalizes their intimate encounters as not trysts, but just playing the game with him so she can defeat him.
Kuroha gets especially amused by this, since he’s aware of Ene’s tendency to avoid confronting how she really feels, and tells her that she can believe whatever she wants.
Kuroha would point out to her that “her own curiosity has led her here” irt the games they play (spending time with and being intimate with each other), and that, whether she realizes it or not, she’s searching for something from him (ie. the desire for warmth and companionship), beyond just “wanting to defeat him and win at the game”
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Source: Kagerou Daze Manga: Mary confronts Kuroha/Saeru
(Anyways, I put images to imagine his expressions, how he goes from his usual smug and composed demeanour to lowkey annoyed when Ene finally manages to rile him up and get under his skin.)
Ene probably bites back at him that the same applies to him as well. His own curiosity has led him here. He’s the one that started this in the first place. He chooses to play this game with her and is the one that initiates it every single time. He could end it if he wished. But he won’t.
Because no matter what, he's gonna hold onto the concept of “Eternity” that he created by causing the time loops. Because he wants to live forever and prioritizes his self-preservation above all else (as his main goal).
And in the context of a Kuroha ship AU, wants his S/O to be with him forever as his form of twisted selfish obsessive love (as his secondary goal).
Given what he’s told her about his experiences with the Enes of past Routes, Ene tells him that, at some point he got bored of killing everyone and wanted to try something new to keep things interesting.
Ene tells him to his face that he has a twisted disposition for building up relationships with people he plans to kill eventually. It’s even more cruel than just killing them.
Still unfazed, Kuroha nods and reaffirms her words that it was curiosity that led him here in the first place, and was what got him to approach her and come up with the idea of tinkering with human tech and indulging in human carnal pleasures.
At some point, Ene would have a realization about Kuroha/Saeru.
Kuroha relinquishes control in their bedroom intimacy and allows her to have these little victories just to appease her. He lets her win and grants the victories to her on purpose. He doesn’t mind letting her take the reigns in their bedroom intimacy because it just proves that she wants to continue doing this (playing the game) with him.
It still aligns with what he wants. And so, he considers all the games they play, victories for him as well. He always wins, no matter the outcome.
She thought she had been reigning him in to an extent (putting this cat snake on a leash) by being more assertive and dominant, but the truth is that he only chooses to act tamer, and still fundamentally holds the power in their dynamic.
He dangles control (in intimacy) over her head and lets her have it, but can also take it back at any time, if he so pleases.
Ene gets frustrated when the realization dawns on her. Kuroha/Saeru can continue to remain so calm and confident and smug, because he fundamentally holds control and power over all others (irt his overwhelming advantage in strength and knowledge). So, his control and power aren’t ever actually being threatened.
But Ene really wants to get under his skin and wipe the smug look off his face and get a leg up on him, just this once. She wants to have a true victory over him, not just because he let her win. But she doesn’t want to do anything to Konoha (Haruka’s body).
Ene realizes that there IS something that she can use and get over him. So she decides to take her shot at him in the way she knows how to do best — bratty provocations.
Ene tells him that Kuroha/Saeru can only afford to act so high and mighty because he’s never actually being threatened.
Ene tells him that he’s not as infallible as he thinks he is. And that despite what he believes, he is not immune to, or above, human emotion, and human sentimentality.
Kuroha/Saeru recognizes that Ene is clearly trying to provoke him on purpose to try and make him lose his control and composure for once, even if just for a bit. He calmly raises an eyebrow and goes like, “Oh? Do tell. How so?”
If Ene is aware of his origins (maybe Kuroha/Saeru decided to open up about it and tell her on his own accord when she was curious and wanted to know more about him, before), then Ene tells him how he’s clearly not above human emotion when he witnessed the love Azami experienced with her family and spited the world and humanity for it.
And, for the first time, this manages to wipe the smirk off his face.
And imo, Ene biting back at him with this, WOULD manage to get under his skin.
FGO: Tunguska Sanctuary
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Source: (X)
In the Tunguska Sanctuary event, Koyanskaya, a Nature Spirit born as an incarnation of the thoughts and feelings of animals persecuted by mankind, tells Chaldea what makes humanity so incorrigible, what she finds so despicable and loathes about humanity, and all their virtues and vices.
Koyanskaya: Creatures who will expire in a few millenia despite gaining wonderful technologies and knowledge. Koyanskaya: Multiplying without caring for their brethren, without healing the earth— Koyanskaya: An ecosphere where the ignorant strong ultimately trample on the ignorant weak.
Chaldea's crew reacts to Koyanskaya's speech with disbelief. Nikitich criticizes Koyanskaya for “mocking the failures of others, just like a human would.”
The whole thing is fascinating. Koyanskaya's dialogues are all SO good.
Chaldea's confrontation with Koyanskaya (pre final boss battle): (19:00 - 30:00)
Koyanskaya's speech: (19:00 - 23:30)
KuroEne AU: Ene confronts Kuroha
Coming back to KuroEne, I think Ene can use this against him as well.
In the Mekakucity Records Booklet, Outer Science’s section describes Kuroha/Saeru as a “monster that overlooks everything — peoples’ lives, hearts, meetings, memories, deaths, and looks down on it all, and how “he started influencing peoples’ everyday lives merely to kill time.”
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He thinks he’s above everything, humanity, human emotion and human sentimentality. But in reality, he’s not. He’s still prone and susceptible to it.
With his actions, he’s just “mocking the failures of others, just like a human would.” Ene tells him he’s not the supreme being he thinks he is, but doing exactly what a human would.
In the context of a Kuroha ship AU, specifically KuroEne AU in this case, Kuroha’s selfish, twisted desire to continue the time loop tragedy out of self-preservation (as his main goal above all else), and then on a secondary level, being motivated by a twisted obsession to keep up the game with his partner for eternity, also creates a human-like irony/contradiction in him.
Ene goes like, “I told you before, didn’t I? How you started all of this in the first place.”
Ene comes back to her point of how he started doing all of this (playing the “game” and being intimate with her) out of curiosity.
Even though he mocked Azami’s love for his family… At some point, in his desire to make the Routes more fun and interesting, he started indulging in carnal pleasures and craving the touch of a human (the very beings he claimed to both love and look down upon for their foolishness, etc.)
The one that started this game was him. The one that went through the efforts of tinkering with human tech, making the android body and improving upon it everytime with each rendition, was him. The one who approached her to propose the game with her, and even after this many times, still chooses to do this with her, is him.
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Source: Sidu's Playing Card Set (Kuroha Joker Playing Card)
(This is how I imagined his expressions. For the first time, his smug grin drops to a neutral expression, almost annoyed, even... She's clearly gotten under his skin.)
Ene then asks him, “When did you finally start becoming a little more human?”
When Ene’s done her speech, Kuroha’s expression finally drops to a silent (…)
Ene revels in her victory after seeing Kuroha’s momentary loss of composure.
She managed to get under his skin like she wanted. This is a true victory for her, and they both know it. She won this time, and not because he let her win.
Ene feels proud and triumphant for finally being able to strike a nerve in him and “winning” against him. She then gives him a cheeky grin like, “Finally wiped the smug look off your face!”
Kuroha/Saeru feels a tinge of annoyance.
Still, though, he doesn’t want to let her bask in the victory for too long, so he quickly recovers and regains his composure and usual smug demeanour, and scoffs at how ridiculous and absurd the notion of him becoming more human is.
He congratulates Ene for her victory and tells her that her predictable unpredictability has always kept things interesting between the two of them. He didn’t expect her to bring up his Master (Azami) as leverage against him in their verbal confrontation.
KuroEne AU: Dialogue Script
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KuroEne, IdaTatsu, and FGO Rambles
When I saw Feila's KuroEne x IdaTatsu crossover, I felt inspired to make some rambles for it:
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I went on a tangent when I added to this omfg. KuroEne and IdaTatsu rambles. Everytime I write about my meow meow mf faves, out comes an essay. I can't even stop the urge omfg
The ultimate crossover hehe
This is honestly really funny to think about
The thing is, is that all of my faves have this level of elegance and refinement and composure (except for Judar). Which is completely fine. It's not necessary to have but it's usually present in my faves
The difference between charas like Douman and Kuroha/Saeru, who are the most mature of my main faves (which makes sense since they’re ancient beings or at least originate/come from an ancient era) and Idate, is that, while Idate has adult-like mannerisms, he has a child-like sense of entitlement.
What makes Idate so dangerous is how quickly he can switch from cheerful to deadly, at the drop of a hat, basically. Idate has a level of refinement and composure in his usual mannerisms, like he tries to appear “dainty” and gentlemanly to Tatsumiya to impress her since she’s very soft.
But he’s less mature and refined/composed than Douman and Kuroha cuz he's like... dignified, but also a rough, "elegant delinquent," a mafia type, basically. Idate is playful and dangerous but with a childlike sense of entitlement. So Idate is more casual, less formal than the two of them .
Like Idate is so: "I want that!" (^-^)
Because he just purely goes off on instinct/emotion-based feelings. And how he just murders and eats people on a whim. He’s motivated by “interesting things,” and things that can challenge him.
Cuz Idate is basically an elegant “mafia esque” type delinquent
So it's just funny to think of Kuroha in Idate's role bullying other animals (or teasing in Ene's case)
It would also be interesting to
Especially since the WATGBS AU versions of Idate is even more cruel than the F*na-verse one.
Even more cruel, but actually well-written, unlike F*na LMAO.
100000x better written but it's not harder to write better than F*na
WATGBS AU Idate (written by me and friends) steals peoples' souls and drinks and drains people of their blood and eats them, to use them as a power source and add to his power by absorbing them as a form of dark energy, then throwing the rest of the souls to light up his space void hell-scape that’s lit up by the dead souls of all the people he’s ever eaten. He is extremely cruel.
Idate knows that he's evil with inner, dormant, negative tendencies and "unpleasant" personality traits but he just wholly dismisses it out of a sense of apathy. He doesn't care about his victims. He sees them as "toys," "playthings," "sustenance" for him. It very much has this sense of “Yes? I did that? I’m evil! Don’t you see I’m evil?” (^-^)
I do think that the 7 Deadly Sins are split between Idate (and his older brother) Takama’s characters in the WATGBS AU, but I think the Deadly Sin that Idate represents most is "Greed," because his character is all about the pursuit of pleasure and desire for more. Tho he also has an apathy to other people and their suffering
Tatsumiya's role as "Messenger of the Dragon Palace" seems similar to a shrine maiden's duties, so I guess Ene in this AU is like a shrine maiden or princess consort.
Kuroha acting with Idate's carefree and laidback delinquent esque behaviour is sooo funny to think about.
Kuroha and Douman have similarities in terms of their basics, actually, but there's a huge difference in that canon-verse Kuroha lacks the tenderness and vulnerabilities that Douman's character has.
Also this is soooo funny to think about, cuz canon-verse Kuroha would not like cigarettes.
But Idate does, as an animal, cuz his character (at least in our WATGBS AU) is about his selfishness cruelty and general lack of care and apathy to other peoples' suffering and (metaphorically) drowning in momentary pleasures and chasing highs, because the pleasure is "not enough" for him. He needs something/someone more than that, someone who can connect and understand him, for once
And that's why finding Tatsu is a miracle for him. He and his older twin brother Takama never knew soft love before meeting their wives, only survival and death 💀 Idate doesn't care about others except for a select few that he loves (as his wife, Tatsu later becomes apart of his family)
Combined with the traumas from their backstories (that we made up for them in our AU), they just completely lacked proper childhoods and spent their entire lives just trying to survive.
Kagerou Daze Manga
In the KagePro manga, Kuroha/Saeru looks over the city from a rooftop and comments about the “muddy dirt stained (polluted) sky” and “humans spreading their greed wherever they go.”
He asks Konoha if he agrees with him (after overtaking/possessing his body and suppressing his consciousness). Since they're both Eye Ability snakes born from Azami, he calls him 兄弟 (Kyoudai, "Brother; mate; friend")
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(Kagerou Daze Manga: Ch. 62 - NO TITLE)
Kuroha: ...No wonder this world we made is so irksome.
Kuroha: This disgusting, glittering town...
Kuroha: This muddy, dirt-stained sky...
Kuroha: These people, spreading their greed wherever they go...
Kuroha: It's all so foolish...
Kuroha: ...And so lovely.
Kuroha: You agree, don't you...
Kuroha: ...My brother?
As someone who was there before the world was created, and observed the world from the very beginning and got to see it develop to the modern age, as a being who is close to Nature...
Like of course canon-verse Kuroha/Saeru would feel that way about pollution, as an animal (being who lived as apart of Nature, alongside Azami).
The KagePro manga art is weak and not dynamic imo but I appreciate that it exists since it gave us lots of interesting scenes, like Kuroha's backstory, and a bunch of cute little moments with the MekaDan.
An animal being who exists as someone closer to nature
Going on a tangent:
Kuroha seems to resent the world/mankind for changing the nature of his Master's wish, but claims to love humans (especially their foolishness).
Kuroha has a few base similarities with one of my FGO wives Koyanskaya (FGO), the "contradictory nature of loving while hating [humanity]" but the difference between them, is that he doesn't really hold as much of a vengeful grudge against humanity.
Kuroha wants to destroy the world to redo it all over again from the very beginning. But he's not really vengeful or serious about that hatred/grudge, as some of my FGO faves that want to destroy/exterminate humanity.
I got reminded of Koyanskaya specifically cuz like, as a Servant, she's a being who's a manifestation of a concept. She's a "Nature Spirit who's basically the incarnation of the thoughts and feelings of all animals who were persecuted by humanity," a being that "exists for revenge against humans" and "wishes for humanity's demise while loving them as beings apart of nature"
And even Koyanskaya is still "not as serious" (in her own words), about wanting to destroy humanity as others. She wants to witness humanity's destruction as entertainment, but wants to leave the actual extermination to someone else.
There's a line about Koyanskaya in the Tunguska Sanctuary event story in FGO (Koyanskaya's major story chapter focus) that's like "She wields the inventions and weapons of man better than man ever could" due to her Beast's Authority.
And that does remind me of Kuroha/Saeru. And how like... He wields both words (ie. weaponizing knowledge), and humanity's tools/inventions (ie. guns) as weapons.
Koyanskaya's entire concept and character is so peak imo. I find her incredibly interesting and compelling. One of my top fave FGO wives and femme characters easily.
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maguneedsalife · 5 months
WoL Lore: Dark Knight
from a wolqotd on twitter: Is the DRK questline/job canon to your WoL/OC? At what point in the MSQ does it fit into your WoL/OC's canon? Have you changed things to fit it better within your canon?
i ended up writing a whole twitter thread on this, which im cross posting here for posterity
For Aoife, DRK 30-70 all happens during Stormblood, while she is on break from being the WoL. Her 'excuse' for picking up a tank job is wanting to take up Haurchefant's torch, but she also just. needed a way to process her grief, and Fray ended up being that for her.
Aoife didn't really vibe with Fray at first, and found their personality and outlook grating (she's never tired of being nice and doesn't want to go apeshit). As the early quests progressed, she started recognizing that some of Fray's advice rang true - she had had thoughts like that at one point or another, but kept them buried out of embarrassment or a need to not stir the pot. By the end of DRK 50 she came to understand that they were trying to help her learn to set boundaries - just by astral projecting a version of herself that isnt afraid to say no lmao.
(i skipped talking abt 50-60 on twitter, but only bc i didn't really feel like aoife had any noteworthy experiences with the sidurgu/rielle leg of this questline lmao)
60-70 was where the DRK story finally clicked for me, and for Aoife it really helped put into focus that she had spent the back half of Heavensward blaming herself for what happened to Haurchefant. For Aoife, Myste represented the desire to see her dead loved ones again - childlike, maybe, but a desire that's natural for anyone who's lost someone they care about. Fray helped her come to terms with both her grief and her longing. To miss those who have gone is natural - to obsess over the past is unhealthy.
Do not seek forgiveness, for it will not ease the burden. It weighs as it should.
Listen to my voice. Listen to our heartbeat. Listen... I forgive you. I forgive you. I forgive you...
Those words finally released her from the guilt she'd been carrying all this time, and she was able to give herself permission to move forward. To appreciate the past for what it was, but not be shackled by it any longer.
(side note, the parallels between Myste's apparitions and Emet Selch's Amaurot are not lost on her later. It was a chilling realization that, had she been in Emet Selch's shoes, she can't say she wouldn't have gone down the same path he did)
Finally, drk 80 happens post-shb and uses an original Fray monologue based on the japanese text instead of the english text for the most part. sorry localization team, you guys really beefed it on fray half the time
so As You Can See i have a lot of Thoughts about Dark Knight for aoife lmao....... this isn't even getting into the DSR AU timeline where she picks up Dark Knight in early Heavensward instead, which gives her access to a tank LB3 at the Vault :)
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nihilnovisubsole · 2 years
@rogue-coyote replied to your post:
it’s so insane seeing urls i havent seen since 2015 start posting again like they just came home from the war (sorry fat fingered my first reply lmao)
i can't speak for anybody else, but i love it. it feels like a family reunion to see people i remember from their nice comments on my fics 7-8 years ago lmao
to be serious, though, it's a shame that twitter is in such flux. i migrated a lot of my social media energy over there because, frankly, i needed to network. [there's a joke that twitter is the linkedin of gamedev.] i'm lucky - i don't have that pressure now, so i can slap my knee and laugh about how i never left the feral OC fanfic zone. but there are still a lot of people in creative industries who need the exposure that twitter provides, and they deserve to get it.
who knows? maybe it'll be like all those times tumblr changed the shade of blue or the font size and we thought it'd be a hurricane. fingers crossed
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shori · 1 year
2022.09.29 Endless SHOCK @ Hakataza Theater in Fukuoka
Posting on my Tumblr so I can delete the thread on my Twitter and it looks better here than a series of 10+ tweets haha. I'm sad I didn't hit for SHOCK 2023 so time to relive seeing it last year. I got lucky and decided to just YOLO by applying for the self guided tour visa before borders opened back up officially like two weeks later lmao. I HAD TO GO since I'm a KinKi and Kisumai fan!
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Koichi Zachou is really an oujisama 😍 Loved red hair Mitsu as rival. Wish I could have seen more shows because there's so much happening in all the scenes. Glad I got close seats in the 2nd floor especially to see Koichi's flying scenes in the second act 😭
9/29 13:00 show
I was so focused on Koichi at the beginning and I'm so used to Kochan's stage voice so when Mitsu first spoke I was like who omg it's HIROMITSU
I was very impressed with Mitsu's stage acting and singing just like many fans reported! His singing is very clear & smooth 💯
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Matsuzaki & HIROMITSU are too cute as buddies. Zaki telling Mitsu to put his arms around Rika at the rooftop🙈 A few scenes I just laughed at their buddy bro dynamic.
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Mitsu in the ❤️ patterned suit is cute 🥰 when he comes in with the bouquet & dances with Rika during It's a Wonderful Day. Man got guts to wear that heart patterned suit. Haha he's so charai just like how he is as idol... watch Kisumai Busaiku! 🤣
I think HIROMITSU is the happy go lucky charai rival that is more on KOICHI's level. He doesn't seem to get angry and is more sly and calculated.
I laughed at the Everybody Go lines 😂 I love the little references/adlibs. For my show since it was the day of Travis Japan's "world debut" announcement. After the rooftop scene they are crossing the stage~
Matsuzaki: There's a group making a world debut!
Mitsu on roller skates: Ehh Tora Tora..! 🐯🐯
Overall HIROMITSU gets along with everyone and have fun in the Company.
The solo for the rival, MOVE ON is such a good fitting song. I felt Shori had the cool youngster brash charisma in the performance. So it's nice to see how Mitsu's version has a different aura that was his own... he totally owned the stage. Dancing & charisma. 💯💯
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I need to review the previous rivals and watch more closely but I can definitely see how others say Mitsu's version is different. I felt his version was more calm, diligent, and mature and more of KOICHI's equal. He didn't crumble emotionally and descend into darkness/violence or acted brashly right away...
It was a slowburn but when he finds out, KOICHI is really dead... After the Shakespearean act, HIROMITSU is lying on the floor distraught. The piano melody for Don't Look Back 〜戻れない日々 plays (love this song composed by Koichi! could we get a new OST version with Shori and Mitsu as vocals *biased*). This part always gets me with the rival, KOICHI, and the owner singing. here is where I first started to get sobby/cry a bit. I also cried at the end of Yori no Umi, then and there's HIROMITSU and the cast... The flashbacks of memories with KOICHI is shown...
Shimada Kaho who Koichi worked with in Knights' Tale played the Owner for the first time. She's a lovely lady and has such a elegant presence 😍 she has a softer speaking voice than Maeda Bibari-san but a powerful beautiful singing voice.
As always the second act is just amazing with the Japanese dance and flying scenes.
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And the end is just 😭😭😭
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Doesn't HIROMITSU look so intense!
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Even knowing the general story with the acts and various performances... I understand why people still want to see it every year even tho the general story is the same but how the script changes with the different rival and how it evolves... There's a different atmosphere with each new rival/cast. For me, seeing the cast ensemble makes it interesting to watch with the chairman leading. I really hope to see Endless SHOCK again one day.
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Scans by me from digital Weekly TV Guide & TV Guide Alpha
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unovanhunny · 2 years
lmao the amount of people I've tald to (myself included) that literally started shipping blankship explicitly because the antis on ao3 just *would not shut up about it* (typically either from 'what tf is this thing plastered all over the gen fics? never would've crossed my mind but i looked it up and oh whoops im into it' or 'i don't even go here but wrote this 6k smut out of pure spite and i *will* do so again do not test me')
like. they're legitimately doing nothing but advertising that the ship exists with their annoying virtue signaling. and people that absolutely do not like the ship (which hey! valid!) constantly get reminded it exists every time they look for a fluffy family fic. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ at least the death threats get removed by ao3 (which. antis posting to ao3 in the first place lmao, make it makes sense) but ughhh
a few months back I blocked like 6-7 really vocal tumblr antis and while my stuff on main gets much less engagement now (they were big rebloggers) imo i don't want them looking at my stuff anyway. people that suicide bait aren't allowed to see my creations, the bar was in the Earth's crust and they still failed. sucks to suck. ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠˘⁠_⁠˘⁠)⁠┌
No but like for real, same. And even I found blankshipping because of Tumblr DNIs. It was extremely funny to see "bl*nkshippers dni" and I sat there like "okay, I've been in this rodeo before, I get that this means the twins are kissing. But... Blinkshipping? Blankshipping?" And then I googled it and then searched Twitter and the rest was history LOL
Antis are their own worst enemies because they could be Normal and mind their own business and not even think about it and just block and move on with their lives. But I have heard that in a server that has a lot of antis in it, they were obsessively hate reading fics and lamenting how good they were and stuff LOL like, please. Just admit to yourself that two fictional train men from a fictional New York City can kiss and its okay! You don't have to like it, please make hating it less of your personality.
And hey, good for you! They don't deserve your content if they're gonna be insane about this. Telling real living human people that they should die for liking a fictional ship is a Terrible look and there are consequences!
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f1 · 1 year
Telling signs from Helmut Marko and Christian Horner at Hungarian GP have fans convinced Daniel Ricciardo will take over from Sergio Perez at Red Bull
Telling signs from Helmut Marko and Christian Horner at Hungarian GP have fans convinced Daniel Ricciardo will take over from Sergio Perez at Red Bull Daniel Ricciardo finished 13th on debut for AlphaTauri in Hungary Sparked talk the Aussie, 34, will return to Red Bull family next season Max Verstappen's win in Hungary gave Red Bull new record By Andrew Prentice For Daily Mail Australia Updated: 21:08 EDT, 24 July 2023 Two grid interactions right before the start of the Hungarian Grand Prix have F1 fans convinced Daniel Ricciardo's return to driving for Red Bull is imminent. In scenes which lit up social media, many supporters speculated the Aussie will be driving alongside series leader Max Verstappen next season after seeing him get greeted by two of the team's top brass. Red Bull advisor Helmut Marko and team boss Christian Horner were both recorded passing on their well-wishes to Ricciardo as he waited on the grid for the race to begin before finishing 13th in his debut drive for AlphaTauri. Sergio Perez finished third behind Verstappen despite the team's car completely outclassing the rest of the field, and scores of fans feel he is on borrowed time at Red Bull. 'Lmao they want him in that RB so bad they don't even hide it. Proper favourite child behaviour,' one fan posted on Reddit after seeing Marko and Horner taking time out to visit Ricciardo. Another posted on Twitter: 'RIP Perez in the second seat.' Red Bull supremo Helmut Marko (pictured right, circled) sent F1 fans into a frenzy after wishing Daniel Ricciardo luck ahead of the Hungarian Grand Prix Red Bull team boss Christian Horner (circled, right) also passed on his best wishes to Ricciardo in Hungary Marko was impressed at Ricciardo's drive at Hungaroring, especially given he was trailing the entire field after a collision early in the race. His happy greeting for the Aussie was unusual for the famously grouchy head of Red Bull's driver development program.   Ricciardo also finished ahead of AlphaTauri teammate Yuki Tsunoda, who eventually crossed the line in 15th. 'It was a very confident and mature performance,' Marko told Sky Sports Germany. 'He [Ricciardo] lost three or four places because of the collision [with Alfa Romeo’s Zhou Guanyu] after the start. Thirteenth place is fine. 'But it's also the positive momentum he brought to the team and a stabilisation of the technical statements and changes - the driver change has worked out perfectly.' Perth-born Ricciardo recently replaced Dutchman Nyck de Vries, who was axed after failing to register a point from 10 races. The Aussie was relatively happy with his own performance, but knows top 10 finishes with AlphaTauri - who are owned by Red Bull - will be difficult. Daniel Ricciardo recovered from a slow start to finish 13th at the Hungarian Grand Prix  The Australian returned to the sport earlier this month after signing a short-term contract with AlphaTauri to replace Nyck De Vries Ricciardo (pictured in action in Hungary) next returns to the gird on July 30 for the Belgium GP He is 'feeling energised' following his stint as a reserve, after he was replaced in the off-season at McLaren by fellow Aussie Oscar Piastri. 'I really feel that just having this half a year off, even if it wasn't the full year I expected, certainly made me reset myself and I feel energised again,' Ricciardo said. 'For sure there's nerves, there's excitement, there's lots of these things, but sometimes we probably forget to remind ourselves to take it in and just smile at the moment. 'I was just trying to enjoy and of course, you still make sure you stay focused, but just enjoy it.' Ricciardo next returns to the gird on July 30 for the Belgium Grand Prix. Share or comment on this article: Telling signs from Helmut Marko and Christian Horner at Hungarian GP have fans convinced Daniel Ricciardo will take over from Sergio Perez at Red Bull via Formula One | Mail Online https://www.dailymail.co.uk?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=1490
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ssilcatt · 2 years
uh i’ve been away from twt for a couple of months now because i went thru a burnout phase that left me kinda panicked and anxious and now the whole billionarie fucking up the site is making me think of using this place again but idk, the art theft problem has not gotten better and even tho i thought about deactivating this acc to begin a new one just to share art, i realized that if i wanted to fight the art thieves i needed to have the links to the original post the art was taken away from so yeah, my tumblr stayed because of that mostly. 
now i’m not gonna lie, the tumblr app sucks ass and the dashboard design on desktop makes my eyes and head hurt, it’s horrible. but i need options. not that i will abandon twitter since it’s mostly my main platform and the place that allowed me to grow into a more engaged artist but i’ll just share stuff in here again. maybe i’ll even cross post my art (with heavier watermarks from now on) here, on intsta and twt once i have the balls to go back there.
my fandoms have changed & my art has as well, not gonna say sorry because that’s dumb but hey, i’ll post shit here again lmao
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moon-ursidae · 2 years
it’s time for session #2!
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these notes are so scattered if you read them without context and i am SO SORRY lmao. i’m typing them so fast trying to keep up with my brain that’s going 700 mph and the game. ANYWAY, we’re getting a very late start tonight bc i was helping my friend learn guitar for a few hours haha
total play time: about 2 hrs and 40 min (there’s not much story progression here just exploring seattle!)
okay so we last left off with ellie and dina in the woods on horseback post joel’s house. i have not gotten farther than the woods bc i was super ultra mega tired. so let us continue!
okay sooooo this section is called the gate cool cool cool
this is fucking gorgeouuusssssss
omg dina listing off all the people that joel crossed
i’m sure there’s more before that bro
oh my god the LIGHTINGGGGG in the woods so so good
we’re so close to seattle i’m scared
so much happens here man
map acquired✅
jesus christ i L O V E the aesthetic of nature reclaiming land and man made structures. it’s sooooooo pretty
oh shit QZ!
i’m looking through ur journal ellie hope you don’t mind haha
dina seems to be sick? well. i know why but ellie doesn’t yet so shhhhhh
it’s so sad to me that every drawing of joel so far that ellie’s done, she hasn’t been able to draw his eyes. that was the last thing she saw of him while he was alive. like she wants to get them just right but everytime she draws it that means she has to look him in the eye again. and maybe she’s feeling too guilty to do that rn. ugh idk i know neil always does shit like that but maybe i’m reading too much into it haha. ANYWAY that is one of the most heartbreaking parts about her journal dude. UUUUGGHHHHH 😭
“i really love her.” 😭😭😭😭 ELLIE TELL HER PLEASE
we just got a letter, wonder who it’s from🕺🏻
kieran?? kieran duffy??????
haha wrong game
also lemme just say, i fucking love dina
she’s so sweet and empathetic, but will cut the fuck out of a bitch when needed
this is some nathan drake shit bro where’s nolan north
hoooooollllyyyyyy fuuuuuuck this is a big city jesus christ
LMAO her wobble before she fell down to the platform below
this game is so gorgeous. holy fuckin shit i’m gonna say that a lot huh?
guys i’m gonna be honest. i’m team brick.
i LOVE being able to break windows this is so fun
oh god i have a horrible memory plz don’t make me memorize these gate codes
side note: i love ellie’s hair here. i’m gonna have to try a lil half up half down situation
i saw someone on twitter point out that it looks a lot like tess’s hair🥺
“well, we believe in you” shimmer and dina? or baby and dina? hmmm things to consider
totally unrelated, but i can’t not hear ashley johnson going “babyyyyyyyyy” with an s.o. since the mighty nein reunion lmao
ellie seeing dina and going “babyyyyyyyy” like yasha LMAO
fuck i hope i can pull out that page of codes dude
oh shit another hotel
i’m traumatized after the last on dude you can’t make me go back
H O L Y. S H I T.
this is fucking crazy
there’s so much small shit everywhere oh my fucking G O D
omg joel was definitely reading that space book for ellie she just talked about an early moon mission at this tank
DINA’S JOKE “she’s sounding a bit hoarse” they’re literally made for each other
damn is this his way of addressing the crunch work hours at naughty dog?
“once a well respected researcher… questionable experiments in the realm of pushing human limits saw him ostracized from the scientific community… Laurent Foucault of SPARK Laboratories found his work dubious…”
the music is hauntingly beautiful in this area oh my god
i miss the first game LMAO even though i JUST finished that
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i feel like this is supposed to be hank williams which would be fucking sick bc “alone and forsaken” and all that jazz haha
“guitars starting at $49.99” BRO SINCE WHEN I FUCKING WIIISH DUDE😭
as a drummer, i can confirm dina is a fucking natural
“i love you?” A H H H H H
Das Wort is my favorite card so far. he just like me fr
i will cry
BARRE CHORDS??? ellie i could literally never wtf
the chords are all accurate too holy fuck naughty dog
ashley has such a nice voice oh my god
i’m gonna fucking cry bc they put this in the hbo trailer
this is why i fucking love music dude. it transcends everything and always will. it’s the one thing that connects everyone. and it’s connecting people in this game too and i UGGHHH i love music holy fuck
the way dina looks at her🥹
and also knowing that joel was the one that showed her all of these songs and artists bc ellie wasn’t even alive to hear take on me and future days, and literally everything else. GOOOOODDDDDDDD😭😭
“you should have kissed me then.” “i wanted to.”
god i love dina and ellie they sound like an old married couple already
first dawn of the wolf poster i’ve seen!!! WOOOOO
i’m gonna come back to the nutrition distribution center bc i feel like that shit is gonna be bad news bears
“wasn’t joel all about coffee?” as he should. i’d be all about coffee too if i didn’t have it for years
i really like the Big Blue card too
so many fucking side quests oml what do you mean “barko’s”
oh my god there are so many fucking alleyways to go down
it’s too dark in here i don’t like it
“they think we’re sheep! BARE YOUR FANGS.” what in the fuckin trump train “sHeEpLe” is goin on in here
i feel like i’m gonna get fucking jumped by infected again in here
omg plz “we can get a little creature to take care of” AND THEN THEY HAVE A FARM AT THE END😭😭😭
i have already spent 2 hours in this fucking QZ holy shit
i just wanna explore rn i don’t wanna progress story atm
i am secret hunting
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it doesn’t even look like i’ve done that much😭
i also have a bad feeling about this bank
oh fuck this shit. it goes underground
they are ALWAYS underground bro
dina this is not cool, this is scary
i don’t fucking trust this shit
infected or whateva🙄
FUCK this bank dude i’m GONE
dina said she’d get a farmhouse with the money😭😭
okay i think i’m gonna stop here bc it is literally 5am and i am sleepy haha. no story! but got some goodies and secrets out of the way! i will continue maybe tomorrow? not sure bc i am quite busy but we’ll see!
having a really good time so far and i love watching ellie and dina’s dynamic! still lots of buildings and secrets to loot! i’m excited >:)
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chaithepie · 2 years
My name is Chai! 😁
So I'm moving here from Twitter because one of their new policies that they've implemented today that crossed the line for me. I mean... I'll still be posting there but I ain't paying to share my other social medias.
I'm Keana/Chai and I'm a digital artist and I've been doing art for nearly 12 years now. I do tons of fanart and oc art but will dabble into other mediums like crochet, sewing, pottery, etc (I have Adhd lmao). I also do commissions! Thay will be an entirely different post though so stay tuned.
That's all I want to say, but if you wanna know more about me...
I play video games too! You can find me on Playstation and PC. I mainly play Genshin Impact, but I also have tiny obsessions with Pokémon, any souls game (DS1, DS2, DS3, Bloodborne❤️❤️❤️, Nioh, Elden Ring, etc.), Monster Hunter, and a lot more. I also JUST got into Destiny 2 so...
I am also a ✨️weeb✨️, but I don't watch anime that religiously anymore (Again, I have Adhd). I do enjoy Jujutsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer, DBZ, Inuyasha, and a few others. I just started reading the manga for Chainsaw Man but its been on and off.
Now, for my very specific obsessions for those who are interested (Or characters I've simped for lmao).
Tartaglia from Genshin Impact
Dude had me in a death grip ever since I played his character in his story. Like, at first I loved his playstyle. Then I started loving the characters personality. It definitely didn't get better since I've gotten him for the first time and it wont get better cause I recently C6 the motherfucker. Fuck this guy, I love him so much.
Gojo from Jujutsu Kaisen
I SPECIFICALLY love this dudes backstory. The way he learns how to fucking heal himself after getting stabbed in the throat, his annoying cocky attitude he has during a fight, he's a little piece of shit that I love so much. I haven't been simping for him recently, but with the new season coming out (WHICH IS HIS BACKSTORY BY THE WAY) it just might come back. I also bought a $200 figure of him. Worth every penny.
Yes, I have been called a furry/scaley multiple times. I will deny it. I've been in denial for years now. Dragons are just the coolest things though. Shenron? Dude grants wishes, he's cool as fuck. Zhongli? My guy is an ex-archon and his backstory is badass. Every single Dragon type in Pokémon? There's a 90% chance they'll be in my team even when they're NOT dragon shaped. Jormangundr, Kukulkan, and Tiamat in Smite? Yeah, I main them, and yes they're all diamond. Point being, dragons are fucking cool.
"Kawaii"/Japanese Aesthetics
Pink isn't my favorite color, but it is a color I like to wear. Sakura blossoms, cats, Torii gates, tea, etc. Yeah, I'll happily vibe with it. Animal themed clothings (Bear ear berets, Cat ear beanies, Frog hoodies) an absolute MUST. I almost bought Hello Kitty stuff multiple times cause it was cute.
So yeah, that is me. Pretty sure I missed stuff but oh well. 🤷‍♀️ Hopefully I'll adjust well here, but it shouldn't be too much of a problem. If you somehow reached to the bottom of this post while reading everything, I'm very fucking impressed. So I guess 2023 is me officially starting this account up.
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thecloudstan · 1 month
You know what I absolutely loving seeing the most as a Rufus/Cloud shipper since "Rebirth" came out? XD A LOT of people on Twitter talking about the crazy amounts of sexual tension between Rufus and Cloud in the game! And given how niche the pairing is in the fandom, I know that A LOT of those people aren't even Rufus/Cloud shippers, and even the non-shippers can see Rufus wants Cloud BAD!!! Everyone's reactions to their interactions in "Rebirth" is even better than how people reacted during their first fight back in "Remake"! Seriously, all I do is type "Rufus Cloud" on Twitter and go the latest category, and almost every fifth post has someone talking/commenting how sexually charged their Gold Saucer fight is or how badly Rufus wants to get into Cloud's pants. LMAO, I AM LIVING FOR THESE COMMENTS!!! XD XD XD Yeah, it's all fanservice and Rufus/Cloud fans are still a VERY niche part of the fandom, but it honestly makes me so happy to see people talking about them more, and some fans have commented they're starting to get into it. I am FLABBERGASTED - ABSOLUTELY SHOCKED - that Rufus/Cloud are still such a rare pairing in the fandom when everyone agreed back when "Remake" came out that these two idiots have been flirting in what was possibly that the most sexually charged fight IN THE ENTIRE GAME!!! Why these guys are still a rare pairing is beyond me! Does no one else see the juicy potential of the ship?! The super hot flirtation between them?! The snarky banter?!?! THE. SEXUAL. TENSION?!?!? I wake up every single day and thank the FFVII staff for giving us small circle of Rufus/Cloud shippers these humble breadcrumbs. I've seen waiting for YEARS since AC came out for more Rufus/Cloud content, and I ain't getting off this train any time soon. They didn't have to make Rufus *vague wild gestures* LIKE THAT to Cloud nor have Cloud give it back just as hard, BUT THEY DID, and I am so grateful for it. I cannot wait until Part 3 comes out and keeping my fingers crossed we'll see even more of Rufus/Cloud interactions. <3
Totally agree, nonnie, it makes me so happy to stumble on thirst for this ship out in the wild! Ofc, I’ve made a happy home here on tumblr with fellow rucloud lovers, but typically when I shift away from this space there’s almost no excitement or representation. Or at least that’s how it felt until recent years! I think that Cloud just suffers from being such a legacy character that there are very ingrained, ubiquitous ships that can suck the air out of the room if you’re interested in something else. It’s not unique to him or FF at all, just kind of a byproduct. I think with more exposure, the rivalry and chemistry between these two will be more and more undeniable! I can already see such a vast difference between now and 2019 with regard to quantity of content (and excitement over it), so imagine what it will be like after part 3 is in our hands! There’s so much left to do with Rufus’ story in the Remake series, and still some iconic moments when these two are together again (the Northern Crater might break me). I’m really pleased with what we’ve been given!
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rv2xlga · 2 months
sigh. another shuake rant that literally makes no sense god be with me pls…
title speaks for itself. not in the best mood rn but i feel like transness was in the air today and even if it gloomy as heck, the air is more pretty.. hmmm sounds like transfeminism to me.
i always and i mean always fall for the transgirl characters even transgirl irl i love transness sm i love femininity, not feminine identifying myself but MY GOD feminine presentation is beautiful, all kinds. and yes, i have to make everything about shuake. i feel like one reason i really like them so much is cuz of my own projections onto them, its uhm.. a lot that goes into all that but in the general, i based akechi on someone i heavily care about and met last year (which when once talking to them told me about how they would think about transitioning like mtf when they grew older) and with that, was born my akechi transfemme headcanon. didnt realize it at the time, didnt realize many things but i also ended up learning apparently i have a thing for transfemme characters and just feminine presenting characters in general! like to list some characters i have hyperfixated on in the past esp in the art category goes from maya fey to saki tenma to akechi in that order and when it comes to some of favorite characters i wasnt able to draw more often due to a bunch of other stuff were characters like phoenix wright and mizuki akiyama and further in both lists is a bunch more. and its true i only listed two characters i really like headcanon as transfemme there but i see phoenix more of a feminine guy, still being cis but liking more pink girly “gay” shit lol and obviously the struggles that come with that. i see saki and maya as more femme girls liking pink and struggling with their femininity in a way that goes with sexuality and what it feels to be the femme one in a relationship or a feminine presenting woman which brings me into my bigger topic.
mi nina bella arquita (arca the singer lol) posted on her story a tumblr post about transfeminity and how difficult the experience is for trans women and mind you im not a trans woman myself but just knowing the experience of being a woman or being born female more like it like i cant imagine what that must be like to somebody who is new to that concept, even if it’s scientifically not very different, i can’t imagine learning that so late in life or whenever u learn it to someone treated as a complete outsider if that makes any sense. and again like i stated early and in no little more to my adhd i always think about akechi, its just a necessity atp. but he was somebody who never got the chance to even think about things like that, like i know what that experience feels like, as a trans person myself and mind you my upbringing was very different than his aside being born female and all, i had the time and the support even if very little and not the best to be honest to think on all those things but he didn’t he had nobody else. that even brings me to akira. i dont headcanon akira as transfemme at all i see him as transmasc very heavily to the point i treat it as canon but anywho, its the same sorta contrast. akechi is so closed off to the idea of his transfeminity, even i feel he would already know he’s gay and interact probably with others online who are, very distantly but yea lol i think he would be a stan twitter reveluv but to the idea of being trans and not just trans but transfemme, is a completely different story for him.
while on the other hand, i feel like akira would be so open to the idea. yea maybe he wouldn’t be outwardly telling everyone “HEY IM TRANS!!” yk lmao but thats not really pride, thats not really what it looks like contray to popular belief and also dont even get me started with the fear of the people around you, the first most prominent point. its a whole other fear a whole other level of boundaries that people cross just to know if you have boobs and a pussy or not, from personal experience its disgusting disturbing and just plain out insane. but i feel like with the right people that he trusts its something its more comfortable to share, even sharing with it sojiro despite his age and the fact that most adults don’t care to respect to understand transness. i feel like akechi would be so terrified to even think about it, the fear of even asking someone he knows is trans (little stalker lmao) because it forces him to think. and it makes others question yk you don’t really ask someone “hey what does it feel like to be trans” for a friend lol.
i also think about shuake as a whole too the fact that i think akechi would grow that level of comfortability to even ask at some point, probably right before he’d die but the effort was put you know? the question was asked, the barriers were broken and i think their love is so beautiful because even with anything and everything, akira would still be there for him. not just because akira loves him which to be honest, probably has a much bigger sentiment but in a way, that just sorta feels like an obligation right? akira wants to be there for akechi because he knows what that feels like even if, no he really doesn’t because being a trans woman and being a trans man are very different experiences it all ties back to the same string. men and women really aren’t that different, we’re all human and the literal same species. we all have brains and can think for ourselves and oh does the list go on. the experience is obviously very different societally, which can not be ignored with our current society but again, he wants to be there for him because hey, you’re a transgender person like me too. the support and comfort i never had. pushing that extra level of questioning and testing and support and validation and whatever it may be because yes being a transwomam not have been the same experience akira went through but he is still trans and in that simple word lies some kind of a connection and the type of support he was never given. he had to learn it himself and he’s just passing it onto akechi. like again again, yes he loves him but he knows what he needs and like ugh. that is just so beautiful i love solidarity
its so many things that make their relationship for me that i feel i will never find again. something so beautiful in the complex, no little thanks to my multiple personality disorders as if one wasn’t enough. something so beautiful in the support and love you can offer somebody and i wish wish wish wishh transphobia wasn’t such a PLAGUE in everything! like ugh naoto, the storyline you deserved… honestly fuck atlus with all my heart tbh♥
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