#cross posting from my twitter
winchester101 · 1 year
Edgy lord/stoic emotionless badass/lone wolf Zoro is literally the worst take, Zoro is an orphan who had like one friend who died and he literally never got over it and he then was alone until he was 19 when Luffy pulled him into what would eventually be their little pirate family. It's not like Zoro self isolates, at most he gets a little in his head about training, but he doesn't actively push people away, he doesn't push anyone in the crew away, in fact he is actively mad and upset WHEN THEY LEAVE. In universe people are intimidated by Zoro at a glance and Zoro isn't particularly outgoing and/or extroverted like Luffy, so of course he doesn't make friend as easily, but when non-combative people approach, he usually does make friends/is friendly with them ie. yasuie, the akazaya, law etc
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stitchdfox · 1 year
Cross posting from my Twitter fan account!
Eddie’s on Tour pt 1
Eddie can’t remember the last time he tapped out first from a night of celebrating with the band post show. Sure, they were only on the third show of the tour they, by some miracle, booked to open for A Day To Remember. It felt like a fever dream.
His head was swimming with excitement from the exposure of playing with a legit band. They had only ever played at local bars like the Hide Out and that one time they played Battle of the Bands in Indy. It’s crazy the last show of tour will be at the House of Blues in Chicago.
Eddie had to figure out a way to make it through the tour without vibrating out of his skin.
So, here he was, half drunk and spiraling in the van. Thanks to his favorite crop top his back stuck to the vinyl of the middle bench he deemed the best place to suffer.
“Goddamnit,“ he sighs as he shoves his hand into his pocket, pulling out his phone. He opens his contacts and selects /Uncle/ and clicks the speaker icon before dropping the phone on his chest.
As it rings Eddie realizes how late it must be in Indiana and thinks about just ending the call when—
“Hellooo?” The voice says on the other end.
“You’re not Wayne” he sputters out.
“You’re right.” The voice is deep but sweet somehow.
“Why are you on my uncle’s phone?” Eddie is so confused.
“I’m not, actually.”
Wayne had a new number from when he moved out of the old trailer.
“I’m an idiot,” Eddie whispers. The new number was under /Wayne/. He’d have to write the old man, like he promised, and tell him about the mix up. He’ll find it funny—
“You okay over there, stranger?” The voice asked.
Eddie had gone silent, lost in his thoughts.
“That’s a loaded question, sweetheart.” Eddie drummed his fingers on his bare midriff.
“That’s fair. Why don’t you start with why you were calling Wayne?” The man on the other end of the phone urged him on.
“Why the hell not?” Eddie hums. “I guess, I’m just feeling a little overwhelmed.”
“Hmm.” There’s a sudden clatter of dishes. “Shit.”
“You okay over there?” Eddie holds in a laugh.
“Fine. It’s fine.”
“Are you doing dishes? Oh my god. I’ve called a complete stranger and I’ve interrupted his chores. You were probably busy cleaning up after you made dinner for you and your lady friend. She’s patiently waiting for you to join her for the movie you settled on but you’re that weirdo that insists on doing the dishes right away.” Eddie rubs his hands down his face.
A sharp laugh comes through the phone. “You think you’ve got it all figured out, don’t you?”
“Hardly.” Eddie sighs. “Look man, I’m sorry I interrupted. I’ll let you go.”
“Wait.” The response was quick and Eddie could swear there was a pinch of desperation. The man continues. “I mean… uh. I don’t mind. See I just… um. I wouldn’t mind the company is all I’m saying.”
Eddie couldn’t help the stupid grin on his face anymore than the butterflies fluttering in his stomach.
“Well then… Hi.”
“Hi.” The man chuckles on the other end. “Wanna tell me why you’re overwhelmed then?”
“It’s kind of a long story.” Eddie isn’t sure he’s ready to dive into this deep rooted fear of failure with a complete stranger. Nice enough as he seems, it would be weird, right?
“I’ve got the time.”
There’s silence from both of them for a three count.
“Fine. I’m in a band.” Eddie pauses.
The man on the other end hums.
“We have only really played dive bars and Battle of the Bands type shit before, right? And I’m convinced one of the other guys made a deal with the devil to get us here, touring as the openers for one of our favorite bands. We’re three days into this tour and I can’t even enjoy it because I’m waiting for the fallout or to wake up from this dream and I can’t stop wondering when they’re gonna pull the rug out from under us. You know?”
“Sounds like you don’t see how amazing you really are then.” The man’s voice is so soothing, motherly almost. “Clearly this favorite band of yours saw something in you. They probably started out just the way you did. Give yourself some credit here, man.”
Eddie swallows back tears. “You don’t even know me though. I’m the freak, the fuck up. I…” he sighs. “Why do they think I can do this?”
“I dunno. It’s not just you though. You’ve got your bandmates with you. Don’t you believe in them?”
“Of course!”
“Don’t you trust them?” The man asks.
“With my life.”
“Then reel it in a bit. I’m sure they need you as much as you need them right now.” The man’s tone goes low. “Trust it.”
“Maybe you’re right.”
“Oh, I know I’m right.” There’s a smile in the man’s voice.
“Cocky, cocky. Wish I had your confidence.” Eddie rolls his eyes.
“Shit. I’ve got call.
“I can let you go, man.” Eddie couldn’t mask his disappointment in letting the stranger off the line.
“No! No. Sorry. It’ll be a quick call. I’ll be back.” There’s a lull. “I promise.”
The phone beeps and Eddie is left with a faint static sound and his buzzing thoughts. This is absolutely not where he thought he’d be after the show tonight. There’s something about being on stage and the confidence he has in himself when he’s performing, but the second the lights go down and their gear is packed up, he feels like an imposter. Maybe the stranger was right, maybe he just can’t see what everyone else does. Maybe–
“You still there?” The man comes back on the line.
“Yeah. I– Still here.” Eddie covers his face, embarrassed.
“My friend needs a ride and I’m the designated driver it seems. I gotta go, but I…” there’s a soft huff, Eddie can almost feel the warmth of the breath, “I’d like to chat again. I mean, uh, if you’d like to. I figure the tour could get lonely? But now that I say that I realize you have so much happening and so many people there and fans to meet and this is probably dumb and–”
“Hey now. I’m the one that’s supposed to be spiraling tonight. You can spiral the next time, okay?” Eddie chuckles.
“Next time?” The hopeful sound of the man’s voice was all Eddie needed.
“Yes, sweetheart.” Eddie coos. “Next time.”
“I’m Steve, by the way.”
“Can’t wait. I’ll talk to you soon, Eddie.”
The line dies before Eddie can make a bigger fool of himself.
There’s a ruckus outside and he jumps as the rest of the band topple into the van.
“Are we sleeping in the parking lot tonight, fellas?” Eddie asks.
They all grumble. —
Part 2 on the way. You can catch up on Twitter if you’re impatient enough. Ha!
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space-cadet-blues · 1 year
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ukienam · 1 year
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(Fixed ver.) decided to post this here too!!
Twitter: ukienam
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emilyh1983 · 1 year
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Day 1- Missing
Find Bailey
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the-kingkas · 1 year
In honor of my Abuela trying to smoke us out, Wayne waking Eddie up by cooking red chiles on the stove , and acting like nothing is wrong as the smoke flows from the trailer .
Eddie is somewhat used to it and wakes up with watery eyes . The CC boys aren’t so lucky .
Jeff is sitting there “it’s fine ..”
Manly tears are streaming down his face he isn’t moving .
Gareth has fainted and Eddie is trying to do CPR cause he doesn’t know what to do for fainting from lack of non chilie air .
Freak is blind and is calling out for his grandma he can hear her calling for him from the beyond .
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argo-bolo · 9 months
Made a new Twitch account because it's only a matter of time that I can't login to my original one due to 2factor... Don't have the phone connected to it anymore...
I had that account since 2012 :(
End of an era I guess... Gonna suck when I have to restart my Philza substreak...
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allyaloe · 1 year
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New crosspost! Please go check it out and let me know your thoughts in the comments ❤️
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yeyinde · 12 days
posted on twitter originally. but. streetfighterGhost.
he probs does it to escape his home life. but got noticed by a coach at local gym when he was just eighteen. would've went pro easily, but Tommy's debts with a loan shark piled up, leaving him no choice but to fight in an illegal ring. unfortunately, there's no escape when the boss thinks you're worth serious money. and the Ghost brings in a lot.
his only break comes from enlisting. a terrible decision because Tommy's debt soon come with a life sentence when he takes his anger out on the wrong man. to keep his brother out of jail, Simon agrees to fight again, getting roped into it full time. for keeps, this time.
another life of broken bones, bloody knuckles. staged fights. slowly chipping away at a debt that doesn't belong to him. mundane, really. but Simon would be a liar if he said he didn't get a sick thrill from fighting this dirty. no holds barred. anything goes. and he gives it his all.
goes and goes until he's sweaty, dazed. nose broken beyond repair. and leans over the rail to spit out blood, teeth. and happens to catch sight of the prettiest bird he's ever seen in the stands. his bird.
(well. you will be his once he's done with this fight, anyway.)
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arealtrashact · 2 years
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'Why can't Auntie Brandy just have the thing she wants?' 
 'Because it's not meant to be...'
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gooeyslime · 2 months
100% legit leaked MGS Delta cutscene
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remynisce · 4 months
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Norman and some gals for your consideration ☺️
Mabel glassless ver below cut (plus bonus doodle)
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stitchdfox · 1 year
Eddie is on tour pt 2
“I haven’t even thought about him once this week,” Eddie lies as he stacks their home designed shirts on the table.
Jeff rolls his eyes. “I know you, Munson. Let’s recap. You’ve talked to this guy once, haven’t even text him because you’re in your head, and you’ve been agonizing over calling him again since the second you hung up the phone nights ago.”
Eddie lets out a low snarl.
“That means I’m right.” A smug grin peeks at the corner of Jeff’s lips. “You’ve not stopped thinking about him.”
Whatever. Maybe Jeff was right. Eddie didn’t know the rules with something like this. Should he text? Should he call? If he calls, what time would be okay to call? It’s not like he could guess when he’d be free. Plus, time lost all meaning on tour. It had been 5 days and almost 500 miles on the road between shows.
Tonight Eddie was on merch duty. He is the most engaging one out of the guys. They usually put him there because he brought in the most profit. It was easy for him to talk. He chats with a girl who was terribly interested in how the band started.
“We did a talent show together in middle school. We didn’t win but we did a blood bond ritual that night so we are stuck together forever.” He shoots her a devilish grin and she gives a nervous chuckle. “Only kidding. These guys—“ his phone lights up. It’s Steve.
“Excuse me,” he nods at his phone as he picks it up. He takes a deep breath before he answers. “Hello?”
“Hey Eddie!” Steve sounds excited he picked up. “I am so sorry I didn’t call sooner. “
Eddie smiles “it’s okay.”
“I swear I wanted to call—“
“Steve, it’s okay!” Eddie takes the cash from the girl as she walks off with a copy of their EP.
“Okay.” He gives a soft chuckle.
“Hope it wasn’t a beautiful girl who kept you away.” Eddie teases, causing his heart to drop into his stomach. Sure it had been on his mind since they first talked but—
“Nah, man. I was at camp this week with the kids and we had negative amounts of service. I wanted to call. I did!”
“And Robin kept giving me shit about it and—“
“Maybe she was right—“
Steve goes quiet. “Yeah?”
“I’m glad you called.”
“Cool. Alright. Yeah.”
Steve sighs.
“Couple questions though.” Eddie grins.
“You have kids?” His voice catches in his throat.
“Ah. No. It’s kind of complicated.” Steve sounds more relaxed so Eddie urges him on.
“Do tell.”
“I used to babysit them. I know, weird. They are all wonderful little brats, as much as I’d like to strangle them. They’re growing up too fast and this is our last summer together before they head off to college.”
“That’s… not what I expected.” Eddie says more to himself than anyone else. He’s startled as the next band starts up, loudly presenting their set.
“Shit. You’re still at the show!” Steve hollers through the phone.
“Time zones, man. I can call you back—“ Eddie is cut off as Jeff joins him at the table. He makes a lewd gesture at Eddie, knowing full well he’s on a call with Steve.
Eddie waves him off as Steve’s call drops. He sighs, a bit defeated. Jeff pokes at his shoulder making kissy noises. He ignores him and pushes him away as his phone vibrates in his hand.
Steve: call me tonight if you want. I’ll be up late. :)
Jeff peers over Eddie’s shoulder and reads the text. “Eddie and Steve, sitting in a treeee.”
Eddie elbows him in the stomach.
“Shut it, man. I don’t even know if he’s into guys! He mentioned a girl named Robin. Could be his girlfriend.”
“I’m not convinced.” Jeff shrugs. “He called you tonight. That text has a smiley face on it. He doesn’t have a girlfriend. And if he does, and he’s doing that,” he points to Eddie’s phone. “Then you don’t want any part of it.”
Eddie has to agree with him there. Before his thoughts run away from him he spots another patron eyeing their table and waves to her.
Jeff leans in, “guess that’s for future Eddie to worry about, huh?”
Eddie rolls his eyes and readies for his performance.
“Fair maiden. Can I interest you in our wares?” Eddie sweeps his hands in front of him to present their small selection of merch. She steps forward and smiles as she points to a hand designed shirt.
He makes mental notes of the things he wanted to ask Steve. Need to figure out who this guy was and how did he have such a hold over him already? All Eddie knew was that he was completely taken with him.
Cross posting from my Twitter fandom account.
Part 1 here.
Part 3 soon. You can catch up on Twitter if you don’t wanna wait!
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trans-top-stede · 1 year
I just saw a gifset of this scene and I'm sorry but I always forget how hard Ed is giving Stede the ol' bedroom eyes here and Stede is just like "gosh it's nice to help my good friend Edward with something he couldn't possibly have done himself 🙂"
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hermesmoly · 1 year
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you know i'm right
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bring-onthe-rain · 1 year
this is just tally hall, right?
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