#like some people just really want zoro to be sasuke
winchester101 · 1 year
Edgy lord/stoic emotionless badass/lone wolf Zoro is literally the worst take, Zoro is an orphan who had like one friend who died and he literally never got over it and he then was alone until he was 19 when Luffy pulled him into what would eventually be their little pirate family. It's not like Zoro self isolates, at most he gets a little in his head about training, but he doesn't actively push people away, he doesn't push anyone in the crew away, in fact he is actively mad and upset WHEN THEY LEAVE. In universe people are intimidated by Zoro at a glance and Zoro isn't particularly outgoing and/or extroverted like Luffy, so of course he doesn't make friend as easily, but when non-combative people approach, he usually does make friends/is friendly with them ie. yasuie, the akazaya, law etc
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prophecydungeon · 2 days
:EYES: gimme 1, 3, 10, 12, 16, 18, 22, 23, 24. :3c
How old were you when you started writing fic?
oh man.... it was the summer before 9th grade, so i think i must have been 13 or 14? that's the first time i sat down expressly thinking "i want to write a story about naruto where there's a GIRL with COOL POWERS and-", but then when i think back, i'm sure i probably scribbled down other similar "stories" about [insert media]. fanart For Sure came before fanfic for me.
3. What was your first fandom?
for the purposes of this Q i'm going to define one's first fandom as something i felt, like, Identifiably Fandomy feelings and experiences about (not just "omgggg i love pokemon lugia is my fave"), and that was, unsurprisingly, naruto.
HOWEVER, nart came to me on the heels of FMA, which i also definitely had fandomy feelings and experiences about, but nart was when i really dove into the whole fucking nine yards of early-aughts Fandom: AMVs, googling "cute sasuke pictures", printing shit out to put in my binder, baby's first yaoi (legitimately got a Talking To from a conservative christian friend about this, it was so goddamn funny), those animatics that people posted on deviantart, drawing soooo much fanart, and reading and writing Fan Fiction™ while actually calling it that.
10. Do you read your own fics for fun?
ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!!! dude i reread my stuff ALL the time. especially when i'm at the point where i can't find anything that scratches the itch. i wrote that shit for me, of course i'm gonna reread it a million times.
12. Post a sentence from your current WIP
ok i lied i guess since we talked about it yesterday i will try to make this an active WIP so:
“If you chop my hands off,” Sanji threatens in Zoro’s low voice, jabbing an accusatory finger towards his own body, “I won’t just kill you. I’ll make you wish you bled out on the Baratie’s deck.”
16. What are your favorite characters to write?
i'm gonna take this as asking for a type of character rather than a list of names, so: i looooove writing POV characters who have every reason to misinterpret/misread what's happening, which is to say, i love an Outside POV character who doesn't catch on because why the fuck would they catch on. i've loved writing every outside POV fic i've written because i get to find ways for the POV character to reasonably not catch onto whatever fuckoffery is actually going on, albeit in different ways: hiyori doesn't like sanji because she's got no reason to believe The Bit is just a bit (girl i get it); the POV chars in the last two ficlets in this bleach collection genuinely have no frame of reference for what the fuck kind of creatures ichigo or grimmjow could be; if someone had told aunor flat-out "yeah shin malphur is also zyre orsa who is also dredgen vale and he's in some kind of situationship with the drifter" she would have laughed and fried them to cinders.
i could do this shit all day! it's all about finding a logical path for the POV char to figure out what is actually going on, at least to some degree, and then letting them deal with the fallout. (sorry, aunor.)
18. Is there some headcanon you've included in more than one fic?
yes, totally! i think Reishi Theory and adjacent bits and bobs is the most salient example; i think everything i've written for bleach has included some facet of our headcanons regarding how it all works. in general, my headcanons and interpretations tend to be pretty stable across fics, so if i've written more than one work for a fandom, there's probably some connecting thread.
22. Pick out a random line from a fic you're really proud of
from the blood of the covenant:
Sanji thinks: this is a ritual like everything Zeff has ever taught me. The purpose is in its existence. There's nothing unpragmatic about that.
this whole bit might be my favorite part of the fic, but this line(...s) in particular i like a lot; there's a lot of things in a lot of different disciplines that boil down to just being ritual, and that's a purpose of its own.
23. What's the most personal fic you've ever written?
ah....... i think in a roundabout way that goes to steam, fill, shape, share in ways that are pretty clear from the first paragraph. i project plenty throughout fics - really, what else is writing for - but this one was definitely personal.
24. What's the cringiest (affectionate) fic you've ever written?
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sueske · 1 year
There is a tweet on Twitter asking what would Luffy has done about Sasuke if he were in Naruto's shoes. What are your thoughts?
hard to say. i think at first luffy would honour the fact that sasuke has a goal he has to complete no matter what, a match only sasuke can do, one he wants to do by himself. the same way luffy honoured zoro's wish of fighting mihawk at baratie even though he was obviously outclassed. luffy wanted to join but desperately restrained himself back because it was zoro's duel. it's only after it looked like zoro 'died', after the duel finished, that luffy went to attack mihawk. if sasuke eventually wanted to leave the village in order to fulfil his ambition then I also think luffy would honour that, like when usopp left the crew, even though luffy didn't want him to leave it was still usopp's decision, he wanted to leave. this differs to when sanji or robin left the crew and luffy steadfastly chased after them to save them and bring them back, because sanji and robin didn't leave the crew because they actually wanted to, but because they felt they had to in order to protect everyone. obviously it's a bit muddled since the curse mark also had some influence, but ultimately it was sasuke's decision to leave after listening to different people and thinking through everything. so again, I think luffy would honour sasuke's personal wishes in that regard. but another layer of complexity is then added because sasuke's safety at the hands of orochimaru comes into play here, and that's where I think luffy would step in. I think the situation with ace is an apt comparison here because while luffy recognised ace had his own adventures, and didn't meddle when he heard ace was in dangerous situations, when it come to a matter of ace dying that's when luffy went above and beyond to save him at marineford, even when ace protested about not wanting him there and telling him that he should leave. so while luffy would accept sasuke has his own goal and path separate from luffy, I think that due to sasuke being in imminent danger of dying by the hands of orochimaru, that would spur luffy to go and save him too even though sasuke wouldn't want that. but once luffy hears that sasuke killed orochimaru I think he'd take a step back and leave sasuke alone to complete his goal by himself. I don't think luffy would butt in just like he didn't butt in with zoro's duel, he also only really helped if people asked him for help, like nami for example at arlong park, but sasuke wouldn't ask for help against itachi at all.
after finding out the truth about konoha though... we all know luffy doesn't care about authority at all and is more than willing to punch royalty and dismantle governments and leave the fall out and mess of that to someone else. he doesn't mind fighting marines and other pirates, but completely destroying konoha (and civilians within) I don't know if luffy would actually agree to that. in his view if someone puts their life on the line they have to face the consequences of that, but civilians are not people that do that. he most probably would agree with sasuke's plan of taking out the kage at least, but sasuke's idea of becoming a new 'hokage' that oversees everything and dispenses judgement wouldn't go down well with luffy I think, since above all luffy wants to be 'free'. luffy would also not let sasuke kill him to be alone and in pain for all eternity as the one person who dispenses judgement either since emotionally luffy wouldn't want that for sasuke either.
idk I can make comparisons about situations luffy's been in before and apply it to sasuke but the way luffy views those close around him and what he would do for them is pretty much the same, he calls them the same too (like nakama/kyoudai), he doesn't single anyone out or treat anyone differently, luffy just wants to be free and lives that way, whereas with naruto it's different, sasuke is his 'one and only', it's sasuke > everyone and everything else even his own dream and responsibilities, so if luffy had a 'one and only' how would he really act? the same as he does for others or would sasuke become the exception to his rule too?
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mugeesworld · 2 years
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Request Something! ♥︎
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Requests are currently open! So feel free to request something!
I'll put some info below if you're interested!
My name is Mugee or M! I do mostly chubby reader content since their is a lack in it but I do almost anything. I write to hopefully make other people feel better about their body image or just make their day! So if something is on your mind and you want to put that in a y/n for me to write I happily will! No money needed.
A few examples of stuff I've wrote that you can find on my page:
Luffy/Franky/Zoro/Sanji/Ukai with a chubby partner (not all in one part. Head cannons)
Distant/sad fem reader x Zoro (request)
Now let's go over a few examples of what you can request!
First let's go over different types of requests!
Head cannons
Small fics
Match ups
Head cannons:
Want head cannons of your favorite character or maybe how different people in a anime would react to a certain quality? Write what character/ anime you want and what you want them to be about.
chubby, tall, short, shy reader x *character*
Or for my kinky people
*Character* reacting to partners certain kink
Or maybe something more wholesome
*character/anime* reacting to child Crewmate/team mate (something like that. You get the idea. Like fluff)
Or if you're feeling down
*character* reacting to sad/depressed reader (like how they would help)
One piece crew reacting to chubby, short, tall, goth, alternative, y/n
How boys in Naruto would react to you calling them a nickname/pet name (tell me what name)
Make sure to put a good description of how you want y/n to be and on what character you would like!
Small fics:
Give me a scenario or idea that you have and I'll write about it. Adding my own touches! It can be mad, sad, sfw, NSFW, fluff, smut. Anything! Give me your idea and I'll just run with it!
Make sure to go in to very very deep description though. Put what gender you want or I will make it female! Im open to doing doing Male and gender fluid tho! Just make sure to put that! Make sure to add if you want smut or not. Or if you want it sfw.
Match ups:
This is the one I really want to do!!! So please request it!!!
Tell me one or more animes you want to be matched up with a person in. Whether you want it to be a boy or girl. And then make me a long long long descriptive paragraph about yourself! Tell anything! Make it as long as you would like! Don't feel embarrassed!
Tell me your zodiac sign, your personality sign, your height, if you're plus size, hair length, personality, fav color, fav animal, fav anything!, music preference, hobbies, characters you kin, LITERALLY WHATEVER YOU WANT!!!!
Hell even tell me some of your kinks if you're up for it!
and then I will pick a boy/girl from the anime/animes of your choosing that I think would like you. (You can choose whether it be friends wise or love!) and I will tell you why I think that! Like giving you reasons why I think this character would love you!
Reminder that these matchups will be decided by me so you may not like who you get! Or might not get the person you we're expecting!
I write NSFW/ Smut so if you want it or don't want it make sure to put that.
Put what gender you would like or I will make it female
Put if you want it to be fluff, smut, sfw, NSFW.
If you want something kinky in your NSFW like choking, pegging, bondage, spit. Let me know! No kink shaming here! (I don't do blood, urine, scat, vomit, incest)
If you want something sad I can do that.
I'll do any gender of character. I'm pansexual so anything goes! As long as it's not a animal.....
Animes I do:
One piece (I just finished thriller Bark so don't request people like Law, sabo, do flamingo. I'm NOT do chopper unless it's like a sibling relationship)
Naruto (I'm sorry but i won't do sasuke. That guy pisses me off💀)
One punch man
MHA (Has to be a adult for nsfw. No like dating or crush stuff. Platonic is ok. Comfort is ok. Fluff is ok. I won't do bakugo tho period. He pisses me off. Very badly!!)
Haikyuu (no nsfw unless they are aged up or a adult. Haikyuu is the only exception I make for ageing up a character then writing nsfw for cause the creator showed what they are like when older and posted art for them aged up.)
Hxh (no nsfw unless it's a adult like illumi. Fluffy head cannons are ok tho with Gon/killua. It has to be a strictly platonic relationship tho. Like best friends. It's different for them cause it doesn't give much description about older them. Like how haikyuu does.)
And more! Just ask and I'll let you know if I have or haven't seen it!
Don't be scared to request something! Like seriously. If you have a question please ask! I will happily answer. It doesn't bother me I promise.
I can't promise I'll do every request I get but I will try! ♥︎
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lhenn · 7 months
Tag "9" people you want to know better
Tagged by @alma-amentet thanks! Always fun to take part in these
3 Ships
1. Zoro & Sanji (ZoSanZo) (One Piece) (and per extension my D&D OC Kaze and an NPC from the campaign named Muharib, they reminded everyone of them)
2. Soul & Maka (Soul Eater) (I'm not really obsessed over them, I just think they're sublime and have a special place in my heart)
3. Idgie & Ruth (Fried Green Tomatoes, they have all my heart and more and there isn't a single time I don't cry with them)
(probably should have added Erik & Christine, but even though I love them, I think the ones I mentionedhave sticked with me for far longer)
First ship
Well. Tough one. Since I became interested in fandoms? My first interaction with a fandom was due to Naruto being super gay with Sasuke, then either SasuNaru or NejiTen.
If not counting interacting with fandoms, earlier I really liked maybe Usui and Misaki from Kaichou wa maid-sama!
And from when I was a kid, I'm really not sure, but probably Eragon & Arya or Westley & Buttercup. I really liked them then.
I'm not really a "shipper"?, I have my preferences but I don't usually become focused with many of them.
Currently reading
Two years ago I started re-reading again (3rd time) Seven Realms Series by Cinda Williams Chima (I really adore this saga), but stress with university, switching from reading in Spanish to English (not being so used to it then), got me into a block soon after starting The Gray Wolf Throne.
Since then, I've read many manhwas/mangas/mangwas, some of them still not finished (Define the Relationship, Under the Green Light, Thirst...) (Mature content, be wary)
I also tried to go back to reading by beginning Treasure Island... it didn't quite work. I've read 4 chapters or so. Will go back to it in a few weeks probably, after exams.
Currently I am properly reading When the longing returns and Squirrel Girl, plus some D&D stuff from the campaign I'm currently playing.
Last film
Funny 'cause it's Treasure Planet xD
Last song
Well, this is a tough one, when I began writing this I was listening to "Hey, Little Songbird" from Hadestown and then "Todo Arde" by Juan Navazo, 6 songs later, right now Phantom of the opera (cover by Reinaeiry and Chloe Breez) is playing xD
Currently craving
Another D&D session for sure. I'm starving, I don't think I'll make it 'till the 25th
I mean, money, always money. I'm a currently unemployed broke student and living with my parents is driving me even more insane. Hopefully I'll land a job this summer coding as a still studying junior, the same one I intend to do my internship at next year. I won't make much, but I might be able to pay my part of a shared appartment with some friends once I've finished my current studies.
A hug, hormones have been driving me mad these past two days and I've been so so soft. Still am. I would like to drown in a big embrace, but honestly, right now, I don't have anyone I would like to give me that kind of hug. Am I weird? Haha I'm just not really a "touchy" person.
Time to draw and write, lately I haven't been able to.
Tagging: @night-unfurls-its-splendour @birdstooth @carpeossa @dross-the-fish @erik-carierre @gee1puu @jenjanart @muirin007 @royalavera @rose-margaritas @tondroom @toastjadan no pressure to join, and anyone who sees this and would like to participate is more than welcomed 😊
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diablademon · 2 years
Im actually mad at myself for not giving One Piece a chance earlier.
When I was young and first got into anime.
I wanted to try to watch all of the big three. Naruto, One piece and Bleach. To not make it too much I decided to watch one at a time.
Nothing I had seen at the time of Bleach made me interested in watch it.
One piece I seen little more of. But everyone I knew batched and called it stupid so I didnt have high hopes there. And I thought it was more childish. I knew there was some serious moment but I thought it was like MLP kind of stuff. (I wonder if I accidentally just saw 4kids stuff)
With Naruto I had seen some AMV with the nine tailed fox and thought that was the coolest thing. So I decided to watch Naruto first.
I wasnt impressed.
It was entertaining but I didnt really care about the characters. I like the beginning part with the exams and the pain arc.
But other than that I just wanted to see the nine tail fox. Very dissepointing when thats was what I only cared about as he isnt shown very often.
I normally always like the edgy characters but I disliked Sasuke so much. I just though his reasonings was idiotic. (Like that time at the end he came back and went "Im gonna be Hokage" BITCH! EFTER EVERYTHING YOU DONE!! YOU ACTUALLY THOUGHT PEOPLE WOULD TRUST YOU TO BE HOKAGE!??) And he was too 'cool' to a point I just cringed.
And all the pervers jokes got old quick. But that can just be my asexual ass that get so quickly annoyed about that. But sadly its not something Im getting free off anytime soon. Perverse is a common character trope in anime.
I still watched all of it (not boruto). Disliked the experience so much I didnt want to watch another long anime again.
Now I watch one piece. I realised it wasnt childish as I thought (it is childish, but its not FOR children) and I love it.
There are few 'edgy/cool' characters but they aren't allowed to get too serious by Oda.
Zoro and sanji could easily fallen into the same problem I had with Sasuke. But they keep getting put in stupid situations. Sanji is a simp and Zoro keep getting stupidly lost. And theres few times they try to be cool, Luffy ruins it.
Still have many pervert jokes.
One piece have a nice blend of 'cool and epic' and 'stupid and hilarious' that is right up my ally.
I should have started with One piece. I would have loved it more as a kid then Naruto.
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dageeta · 4 months
Summons: Shinobi vs Pirates
The following is a draft movie script for an idea I just couldn't hold back from publishing:
What if Naruto and Luffy were transported away from their major battles?
I hope you'll enjoy this premise at least.
(The content is beyond this point.)
On their way to the island of the Strongest Beast in the world, through the6 stormy seas and thunder, the heavy downpour and the Sunnies' violent shaking, a blinding light shines brightly beneath the Sunny on the sea.
What's going on?
There's a weird light coming from under us.
(Damn, it's bright!)
Ha ha, looks like fun!
The bright light intensifies before suddenly Nami, Franky, Sanji, Zoro and Luffy disappear along with the light.
What the--
Where's Sanji? And Nami?
Oh no, Luffy's gone too!!
Zoro's gone too, Franky!
Oh no, he's gone too!
(freaking out, sweating and screaming)
You don't think we have to fight Kaido when half our crew just up and poofed???
Perhaps, the light was just a distraction for a flock of man-eating birds to carry them away and eat them for dinner.
Why do you even think like that??!
Maybe, it was the ghosts of the sunken samurai who've summoned them away from our ship to the afterlife?
Not you too, Brook?!
The 5 straw hats find themselves in a lush forest with different types of plants.
Nami, Zoro, Sanji, Franky, Luffy:
What the--
Now, summon them.
A cloaked man performs hand-signs and gently slams his palm into the ground and ink marks extend onto the ground.
While Naruto, in his Nine-tails chakra cloak, dashes toward the site of the final battle against Madara, he vanishes .
Suddenly, smoke pops out of 5 different parts of the forest.
Cloaked man
Done, sir.
(speaks into microphones that relay into speakers strapped onto some of the trees)
"Welcome Shinobi, you've been summoned here to complete your mission: Naruto, as the leader of your squad, you'll face off against your favorite pal, Captain of the infamous Pirate Crew: Straw Hat Luffy!"
Luffy, it'll surprise you to know that your best buddy Naruto here--
He's not my best buddy! Stop saying that or I'll come kick your ass!
Temper, Temper, Captain Luffy.
As I was saying, Naruto thinks Pirates are dangerous, in fact he says "Pirates just do what they want and don't really care about anything else, that's wrong!"
In a part of the forest, Naruto nods.
So what if that's what he thinks?
Pirates do what they want, there's nothing better than that.
I'll show you what's better than that!!
Huh? I'll kick your ass, "yellow-to"
(thinks to her self)
Come on Luffy! This isn't the time to pick fights!
I'll kick **your** ass, "Pr-uffy!"
Naruto!!! We don't have time for this!
Eek!! You're here, Sakura??
Ok folks, there you have it: The Straw Hats have to fight the Strongest Squad in the Hidden Leaf—and Sasuke's here, too.
Get over Yellow-to! I'll kick your ass! After that, I'll kick Kaido's ass!
Heh, I'll kick your ass so hard, that Kaido guy won't even want to kick your ass after I'm done with you!
Get over here!
What's the matter? Can't make it yourself? Do you need directions??
Say What??!!
Unlike you, I've been trained to track my opponents. Don't worry, you stay right there—I'll come to you!
Not if I find you first!
Heh, Goodluck with that!
(He's too sneaky! Better to drag him out!)
He bites his two thumbs and inflates them till they become much larger.
Gum gum-- Giant Pistol!
He clears many trees away and creates a giant dustcloud.
Suddenly, he sees 5 people rushing out of the smoke.
(There you are, Yellow-to!)
His arms deflate and return to him in a lash. He bends his knees, touches his right arm with the ground and appears to pump two his legs, before announcing:
Second gear!!
(Each of his 5 clones speak simultaneously)
Still using Bushy-brows' technique, huh?
(While in his red and steaming form yells)
Gum gum: jet pistol!
Naruto's shadow clone leaps into the air and an orange streak appears around his eyes. His other shadow clone leaps into the air and they form a spinning spiral which he throws at Luffy's incoming punch:
Windstyle: Rasenshuriken!
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aerialflight · 4 years
Fic Recs (mostly Naruto cause I read too many good fics in the fandom and now I'm in hell)
Spirit-Touched by phooykazooi
Once upon a time, the Haruno clan were priests. It was said that they were spirit-touched, and that they walked among the downtrodden and the poor, and did not bow to royalty.
Or, an AU in which Sakura can see spirits.
Part 1 of The Realms Between
(Really, and I mean REALLY fantastic Shikamaru & Sakura friendship! Fantastic, beautiful writing, and such good worldbuilding, god, and the Haruno family is so badass!! Sakura and everything she does makes me want to scream!! Please read!)
Final Evaluation by Do_the_Cool_Whip
Progress evaluations are one-on-one consultation meetings between academy students and their teacher. Their purpose is to inform academy students of their strengths and weaknesses and guide them down their ideal path to becoming a strong shinobi. Upon graduating the academy and passing their jounin-sensei test, new genin return to the academy for one final consultation. (Or: The story of what happens when Umino Iruka uses his final meetings with his students as way to send them off to become the best shinobi they can possibly be.)
(Iruka! Is! The! Best! Teacher! Ever! End of story!!! Great interpretation of all the characters and their capabilities and I am so so excited for the sequel that will undoubtedly come! XD)
Celestial Bodies by Oceanbreeze7
Sasuke looked at the fire, eyes glowing red as the mutated corrupted seal on his throat. "Amaterasu blessed me. I see things. Like you with two normal eyes and the Hokage. And Sakura with a seal on her forehead. And I run Chidori through Naruto's heart. I keep trying to kill him. Over and over. And that knuckleheaded idiot never gives up.”
(Don't you get it? I saw it. The moon will bleed, the nations will die. The world is going to end.)
Part 1 of Celestial Bodies and Anomalies
(I swear, this fic freaking elevated my expectations on Sasuke-centric fics in general holy hell. Also, read the fucking sequel after this cause EVERYTHING GOES NUTS AND THE PLOT GOES OFF AND I'M HERE FOR THIS SHIT. Fucking Uchihas man. Also, you wouldn't think this series is funny, but it is, and it's amazing.)
A step to the left (and right off the cliff) by weavingBlue
Team Seven starts off on a different foot and Sasuke's canonical journey to get stronger goes off the rails a bit. It all works out though. Probably.
(This fic went in a direction I didn't expect and it's GLORIOUS. SO FUNNY, I honestly was dying while I was reading this. Please give this a chance!!)
promises by BombsAreForBabies
It's her first kiss and Naruto's last. She promises him that she will bring Sasuke home. It's his dying wish, after all.
(Naruto bleeds out faster than the kyuubi can heal him.
Sakura learns that being a ninja is more than fancy jutsu and fun.
Sasuke does not know that he just killed his best friend and turned his most loyal comrade into his worst enemy.)
(Listen LISTEN I know this sounds depressing but the relationship developments and slow healing is EVERYTHING and I think it's absolutely worth it to read this. Sakura's characterization is so good and Kakashi makes me want to hug him. A lot.)
Fang Under Fang by Vroomian
"Are we sure he's really an Inuzuka?"
(The answer is no.)
Someone reborn as Inuzuka Kiba not only has to deal with bullshit ninja magic, but soulmates being A Thing.
(Really good self-insert fic and its platonic soulmates, not romantic! I am always here for a good Kiba-centric fic and I won't say who the soulmate is. It's unexpected but so, so good! Trust me!)
Haunt The Lonely by Tht0neGal666
(Series where Sakura can see ghosts and the Things she gets up to due to this ability. The fics are short but man, you can already see the shifting differences in Team 7's dynamics, it's great!)
Perception by Ellie_Enchanted
Naruto can sense auras, which throws everything off it's balance. Because really, with someone as open as Naruto running around and peering into the depths of people's souls, something is bound to change. In other words, sometimes all that's needed is a push. Also, Sasuke apparently glows.
(Naruto the empath changing the plot and making it Better and I am loving it!)
Crossfire by DejaVu22
Following the events of Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke never makes it to Orochimaru's hideout. Instead, he is waylaid by a one-eyed man named Tobi, a man possessing a Sharingan, a terrifying dual personality, a penchant for always being late, and a single-minded mission to stop the Akatsuki in their tracks. When Sasuke runs into Naruto again years later, he must ally with his old teammate in order to protect him from the Akatsuki, while keeping him out of the two man war Tobi and Sasuke have started against the dangerous organization.
(I honest to god can't stop cackling when I read this, the Sasuke & Obito dynamic is so freaking chaotic and Sasuke's characterization is the best thing I've ever read. This boi is a mEsS and I'm fucking rooting for him. He cares so much! There's secret identity shenanigans happening on sasuke's end and it's HILARIOUS! This is the duo I never thought I needed but here it is! *cackles insanely*)
[Diamond no Ace]
Echo in His Hands by SportRayne (rayningnight)
Ship: Miyuki/Sawamura
What does it mean, when you remember snapshots of your own future?
Is it your future at all, if you change it?
Would you even want to change it?
(Look I am WEAK for BAMF Eijun and time travel fics and Miyuki being a tanuki bastard, okay? Time travel fic where Eijun gets feelings of people he knew before in the future. Really good so far and am so excited over this fic!)
The path we walk by WindsOfTime
Ship: Miyuki/Sawamura
Eijun goggles at the magazine she just shoved into his hands. "W-Wakana!" "I know!" she says, beaming. "That's my soulmate!!" "I know!!" "My soulmate plays baseball!!"
(Became such an instant fave so fast it's unbelievable. I LOVE THESE IDIOTS SO MUCH! Best soulmate fic in this fandom, hands down!)
[One Piece]
switching places by fireflywitch
Zoro is 21 and wakes up in a desert they already saved, on a ship that they burned two years ago, and standing next to a man who is supposed to be dead. Except, that can’t be right, can it?
Zoro is 19 and wakes up on a ship that’s too big, next to a robot wearing a swimsuit, and he’s supposed to fight something called a Kaido. Also, he’s missing an eye, and no one’s even a little worried about it?
Time travel is a shitshow, and Zoro didn't sign up for this.
No Time To Crank The Sun by VIKAN
He’s surrounded by strangers, but they’re all trying to convince him otherwise. Or, Zoro faces a mysterious and relentless challenge that he just can’t wrap his head around.
(This ripped my heart open, I cried reading this my god. Please read this, the pain is so worth it and Zoro and his relationship with his crew is so good here. This reminded me why I love the Straw Hats so much!)
[Fairy Tail]
to learn about a lucy (with a look into the future.) by るる凪 - nagi (arurun)
A watching the future fanfic.
It's currently X781, three years before canon. A group of Fairy Tail mages find themselves in a large building, with no known way out.
They sit down, and they watch the future.
(This is so much more fun than I thought it would be and I'm so happy I found this fic. This fic reignited my old love for this fandom and I hope it does for you too!)
[Harry Potter]
sunflowers by Marnie27
One day, a young girl sits on the edge of a well. On this day, she falls in. Then the next, she’s not even a ‘she’ anymore. He’s Peter Pettigrew — doomed to die at the hands of his (betrayed) friend’s son.
Peter is selfish, bitter and brash. He’s not some fairy tale hero, he doesn’t care if everyone around him dies, as long as he lives. The marauders are annoying and childish. Survival is his priority, and he can’t afford to face distractions.
This just makes the fact that soulmates are now apparently a thing all the more godawful.
(And then another day years later he falls into an entirely new impossibility, Remus Lupin in tow, right into the third book of Harry Potter. Smack bang on the other Peter Pettigrew’s grave).
It’s confusing and graceless, and entirely something that would happen to him of all people.
(Self-insert fic where a girl reincarnates into Peter Pettigrew! And there are soulmates! And it's angsty and hilarious and Peter is an Asshole (somewhat unintentionally lol). Always a fan of biased pov fics and characters slowly improving themselves and their mental health! Cause dying! Is! Traumatic! *smiley face* Please read!)
he's a killer queen, sunflower, guillotine by hoye
Fandoms: Fullmetal Alchemist, Harry Potter
He has to be the weirdest Hufflepuff Harry’s ever seen. Scratch that, he’s the weirdest Hufflepuff Hogwarts has ever seen.
(One thing everyone could agree on: NEVER call Edward Elric short.)
(This is peak Edward Elric and all the best things about him and I'm just having a Good Time. Friendships! Logical solutions! Marauder screentime! And so much More! *bright grin* It's a fun place here!)
166 notes · View notes
amindofstone · 3 years
A update about the current state of your authors work... please read. It´s kinda important I guess...
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Not me being done with life, college, family, humanity! And the never ending pandemic! Like seriously I and every other person that wears their masks would really, really appreciate it if some other people would wear their damn mask too! PLEASE! For the safety of every nations people! Please wear your damn masks or else I´ll send Trafalgar Law and Roronoa Zoro to come and cut off your heads! Thank you. I appreciate. <3
Like if you don´t want to wear them then just stay home. What is so hard about that?! GOD DAMN!
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Anyways. *internally screaming because of 99 problems in her life *I need a shoulder to cry on but my mother’s is occupied by my tiny cousin crying on it because we told him that the tooth fairy doesn´t exist. My aunt and my mother send me death glares *help
But lemme get to the point.
I just wanted my dear followers know that I did not forget you or any other person that requested a match up until yesterday (15/06/2021), right before I closed the requests. In fact, every request that got send in so far is accepted and worked on or at least got marked with a character I´d ship yall with.
BUT PLEASE just know that I NEED TIME to actually work on them properly. Those who read my already published match ups will know that I put a lot of time and work on them. SO please be so kind and have patience and mercy with me.
Currently, there are ca. 25 accepted requests for match ups and about 5 + imagines I am working on. I try to do my best and get as much match ups done as I can. Until then please bear with me. College is having the best of me and not being able to go to the library is not helping at all. I can´t even see any other students or friends because my father is close to a heart attack whenever I tell him or my mother that I want to go out because of the fear of me getting the corona virus again (and yes, it sadly is possible to get infected by covid twice.).
Other than that, take care of yourselves my dear mask wearing people and those who actually stay home and enjoy eating and staying in bed all day long just like me. (It´s an actual wonder that I did not gain much of a weight. Just a tiny bit of fat on my tummy that will leave as soon as I start doing my little workout routine. LMAO!) Drink lots of water. Eat healthy food. Work out a bit or go for walks in bit or none crowded places. Love yourselves and rewatch Naruto and Jujutsu Kaisen because yall never know what the future will do to Itadori Yuuji and Uzumaki Naruto.
(You see what I did there? Exactly I only wish my mask wearing humans the best because I am sick of having to hear the sentence “Ma´am/Sir please put on a mask.” I .Am. DONE!)
BYEEEEEEEE! I Love every single person that likes and reads my stuff! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?! THERE ARE PEOPLE READING AND EVEN LIKING MY STUFF!! *crys in trilingual 😭💙🥺
Okay Alright I leave and enjoy the rest of the night by finishing “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier” and then switching to Boruto because ya girl is a hoe for Hatake Kakashi and my friend is one for Uchia Sasuke, that mf. I´ll never get over the fact that he gets to have a family with Sakura. She deserves better but let’s put that aside for some other time…. (But if anyone likes to talk about Boruto I´m on episode 96. *winks)
Ok. Love you! Byeeee! 💙
P.S.: The list of stuff I am working on is getting longer and longer but don’t hesitate to send me ideas for imagines/oneshots. Because I can assure you that when it really inspires me I will be working on it instantly while not even sparing a glimpse at my long ass list of imagines and match ups or my studies. My hands truly have their own will.
Oh and yes I'm crying because of the picture at the top. You see how my man Luffy, the future pirate King, is giving my other man Naruto, the actual hokage, a high five?! Y'ALL SEE THAT! I'M IN TEARS! 😭 That's my desktop wallpaper. 🥺
Sorry. I'll leave now for sure....
Update (26.06.2021) : Please don't make any requests for match ups. I'm sorry to say that but I would like to finish the ones that were send in before I choose to close the requests for it. I kinda feel bad that I'm making y'all wait for so long but I'm at the end of my semester and I have to focus on the upcoming exams so please have a bit more patience with me. Thank you in advance. ♡
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jippy-kandi · 4 years
Digimon Adventure 02 Blood Types (+ Astrology)
The Chosen Children (DigiDestined) in Digimon Adventure and 02 do not have official birthdays. However, Toei Animation officially gave Miyako the star sign Gemini and the blood type AB. But I’ve always focused on the astrology aspect of their source of inspiration -- and completely disregarded their blood types.
That was wrong of me. Their blood types are almost as important as their Western zodiac signs, no matter how ridiculous I think the idea is.
Taichi ‘Tai Kamiya’ Yagami: Aries Sun, Blood Type O
Hikari ‘Kari Kamiya’ Yagami: Taurus Sun, Blood Type A
Miyako ‘Yolei’ Inoue: Gemini Sun, Blood Type AB
Mimi Tachikawa: Cancer Sun, Blood Type B
Daisuke ‘Davis’ Motomiya: Leo Sun, Blood Type O
Jou ‘Joe’ Kido: Virgo Sun, Blood Type A
Ken Ichijouji: Libra Sun, Blood Type AB
Sora Takenouchi: Scorpio Sun, Blood Type O
Takeru ‘T.K.’ Takaishi: Sagittarius Sun, Blood Type B
Iori ‘Cody’ Hida: Capricorn Sun, Blood Type A
Koushirou ‘Izzy’ Izumi: Aquarius Sun, Blood Type AB
Yamato ‘Matt’ Ishida: Pisces Sun, Blood Type AB
Blood types are even more popular than astrology in Japan. And, more importantly, every single anime character with an official birthday is always listed with both their star sign and their blood type. Because it matters. The blood type is there to either offset or complement the Sun sign.
I’ve recently fallen into a bit of a Sailor Moon hole (nostalgia at its finest!), and noticed that the main character, Serena (Usagi), was officially a Cancer with blood type O.
So I actually decided to look up what blood type O meant -- and it gave Serena an outgoing, friendly disposition with leadership skills.
Ah. That’s cheating! XD;
So, yeah, it only took me 20 years to really acknowledge that Miyako was given an official blood type, and that it might actually mean something, lol.
Apparently, only around 30% of people in the US know their blood types, whereas at least 90% of people in Japan know their blood types.
Yeah. Blood types are a MASSIVE DEAL in Japan (and South Korea and Taiwan . . .). Even bigger than astrology, apparently.
I still find the whole thing utterly ridiculous, but I forced myself to read up on it because I’m interested in the “origins” of the Chosen Children (character trivia is interesting to me!). Because, as Sailor Moon showed me, their blood types should either complement or offset their Sun signs.
I’ve also never thought about the “impact” of their blood types because I’ve never had an issue with identifying a character’s Sun sign. Whether an anime character with a Sun sign was introverted or extroverted was never an issue to me because, well, if you’re really knowledgeable in astrology, it’s really easy to see “through” that and see the “core” of their character anyway.
Mimi being an extroverted Cancer, for example, was never a barrier to me -- because all Sun signs can be introverted or extroverted, especially in an anime series created by writers who can do whatever they want with their characters. It’s the “skeleton” of the character that lets you know exactly which Sun sign inspired them. So I’ve always just accepted, “oh, the writer wanted to create an extroverted Cancer”, for example.
I just didn’t know that the writers actually gave a reason for their characters’ extroversion or introversion -- via their blood types.
It’s been in front of me this whole time . . . but I just ignored Miyako’s blood type because I personally think the whole blood type thing is ridiculous. I still think it is, but it was wrong of me to ignore it -- and I think anyone who is actually interested in figuring out the origin of the characters would be wrong to keep ignoring their blood types, too. It goes hand-in-hand with astrology.
Fortunately, there are only four blood types, so reading up on it was pretty easy. But, as there are only four, it’s a lot more restrictive than astrology -- and a lot of traits are contradictory, especially when you give one character a blood type, as parts of it will fit and parts of it won’t.
(This blood type system is just as bad as the Hogwarts Houses. Honestly, I never understood its popularity -- it never made sense to me and is such a terrible system. Hermione is a Gryffindor because she’s brave? So . . . all Ravenclaws are cowardly intellectuals? And not one Slytherin stayed to fight in the final battle, so all Slytherins are pure evil? OK, I’ll stop. I’ve just been disappointed in JK Rowling recently.)
Here’s one summary of the four blood types (note: there are tonnes . . . so I recommend googling for some more to get a better idea!):
Type A -- “The Farmer” Best traits: Warmest, reserved, sensible, patient, responsible, perfectionists, wise, and cautious. Worst traits: Fastidious, over-earnest, obsessive, stubborn, the least temperate, inconsiderate, jealous, cold, angry.
Type B -- “The Hunter” Best traits: Passionate, active, creative, animal-loving, flexible, cheerful, friendly and optimistic, vocalizing personality Worst traits: Irresponsible, forgetful, selfish, lazy, impatient, unreliable and "going own way".
Type AB -- “The Humanist” Best traits: Creative, calm, rational, sociable, intelligent and adaptable. Worst traits: Critical, indecisive, unforgiving, aloof and not trustable
Type O -- “The Warrior” Best traits: Confident, self-determined, ambitious, strong-willed, intuitive, agreeable, competitive and athletic. Worst traits: Unpredictable, spiteful, self-centered, cold, aggressive, arrogant, envious and ruthless.
(Source: Wikipedia)
The Japanese population consists of approximately 40% blood type As, 30% Os, 20% Bs and 10% ABs. This is actually important because the As and Os are considered the more “popular” (”socially accepted”) blood types, whereas people really consider the minority, ABs, as “weird” . . .
The associated traits are also kind of all over the place, depending on which source you’re reading. And there are a lot of them . . . so it can get pretty confusing! But I found it a lot easier and simpler to break them down into groups of introverts and extroverts:
Type A: Introverted
Type B: Extroverted
Type AB: Introverted or Extroverted (AB is A + B combined, hence, AB!)
Type O: Extroverted
I also read some anecdotal descriptions from Japanese people or people who have lived in Japan -- and what their Japanese peers think of the blood types (so a “real world” impression of them). Because it gives me a better idea of the “general opinion” from actual people (therefore a reflection of “common knowledge”), which gives me more context and understanding than just reading a set of traits.
For example, guys with blood type B are considered playboys -- so a lot of women (who believe in this crazy blood type personality indicator) generally avoid dating them. Blood Type As are considered the “stereotypical” quiet Japanese personality, blood type Os are considered the best people in general to be around, and blood type ABs are considered “weird” and social outcasts.
I even read someone saying that they’ve never seen people in Japan being discriminated against due to their star sign, but that they have seen people being discriminated against due to their blood type (usually AB). Apparently ABs don’t “play well with others” to the extent that some Japanese companies avoid hiring them. Some Japanese politician even exploded angrily at work, subsequently resigned, and his apology was, “Sorry, I’m blood type AB” . . .
Yeah. Crazy. But it gives me a really good idea of what the blood types “mean” (no, I do not believe in blood types -- I’m just seeing what the “rules” about it says!).
Because I like to be thorough, I also wanted to see the blood types “in practice” -- with Sun signs, too. So I looked up the Sun signs and blood types of some official anime examples to give me a better idea and understanding of how anime creators/writers use and execute star signs and blood types together. I think these characters are popular enough that most people would be familiar with a few of them, too.
Sailor Moon: Cancer Sun, Blood Type O
Sailor Mercury: Virgo Sun, Blood Type A
Sailor Mars: Aries Sun, Blood Type AB
Sailor Jupiter: Sagittarius Sun, Blood Type O
Sailor Venus: Libra Sun, Blood Type B
Tuxedo Mask: Leo Sun, Blood Type A
One Piece’s Luffy: Taurus Sun, Blood Type B
One Piece’s Usopp: Aries Sun, Blood Type O
One Piece’s Nami: Cancer Sun, Blood Type A
One Piece’s Zoro: Scorpio Sun, Blood Type AB
One Piece’s Sanji: Pisces Sun, Blood Type O
Naruto’s Naruto: Libra Sun, Blood Type O
Naruto’s Sasuke: Leo Sun, Blood Type AB
Naruto’s Sakura: Aries Sun, Blood Type O
Gravitation’s Yuki: Pisces Sun, Blood Type AB
Gravitation’s Shuichi: Aries Sun, Blood Type AB
I definitely understand it a lot better now. But it’s clear that they do “cheat” and just take certain aspects of a blood type to go with a zodiac sign. For example, while Sanji is an outgoing, silly Pisces, he’s not the leader of the Straw Hats.
Also, most of the ABs are the typical “dark” characters with tragic pasts . . . so social outcast is spot on.
Now let’s finally get to the Digimon characters!
I want to be clear that I am not trying to “assign” blood types to the Digimon characters. This is about determining what the Digimon Adventure/02 staff actually used as a blueprint for the characters.
For example, if I were to “assign” a blood type to Yamato in Digimon Adventure tri., I would definitely give him blood type O (for leadership abilities -- while ignoring the outgoing aspect . . . I guess his Pisces Sun “dims” it!).
But I don’t think the original staff for Adventure/02 “used” that blood type for him. I really don’t see Adventure/02 Yamato as a capable leader (but I do in tri., where he is 1000% the better leader for most of the series, over tri. Taichi).
This is about the actual source of inspiration for Yamato’s character by the original Adventure/02 staff, and not the tri. staff (who I don’t think knew that the characters were based on signs/blood types), so tri. Yamato’s personality is irrelevant to this particular discussion.
Because Toei Animation gave Miyako both a star sign and blood type (as do the majority of anime writers for their characters), and it’s 100% clear they gave star signs to all the Chosen, then they gave all the characters blood types, too. Because star signs and blood types go hand-in-hand in Japanese anime.
Taichi ‘Tai Kamiya’ Yagami: Aries Sun, Blood Type O
I think they kept it super simple with Taichi, their main character and protagonist of the entire series. Aries Sun for leadership, blood type O for leadership as well. I don’t think his Aries Sun needed to be “offset” -- he’s an outgoing person and a “warrior”, and blood type O just complements that.
Hikari ‘Kari Kamiya’ Yagami: Taurus Sun, Blood Type A
I think blood type A for her because it just complements her Taurus Sun. Type A is really the Earth equivalent in astrology, and there’s nothing about Hikari that suggests to me that she’s more than Earth (well, except when she’s taken over . . . which I think has nothing to do with her).
Miyako ‘Yolei’ Inoue: Gemini Sun, Blood Type AB
Official. Note that the blood type here just complements her Sun sign as well. Blood type AB is actually considered the equivalent to Gemini in its duality . . . so the writers here just doubled down on her duality. She’s also the more extroverted version of an AB, where they can be both.
Mimi Tachikawa: Cancer Sun, Blood Type B
She needs an extroverted blood type to offset her introverted Cancer Sun, like Sailor Moon, who is a Cancer Sun with blood type O. So B or O for Mimi -- I lean more towards B, because Mimi doesn’t have leadership qualities. And I think of her outgoing, cheerful nature as more similar to that of Takeru, rather than Taichi.
Daisuke ‘Davis’ Motomiya: Leo Sun, Blood Type O
Like Taichi, I think they went super simple with him and just gave him the leadership blood type. There’s nothing about his personality that sways away from being a stereotypical Leo -- this includes the fact that quite a few anime makes the Leo the “mean” character. Daisuke is not that mean, but compared to the others, he’s definitely the most “obnoxious, jerk”-type amongst them. (Examples of mean Leos: Sasuke in Naruto, Tuxedo Mask in Sailor Moon.)
Jou ‘Joe’ Kido: Virgo Sun, Blood Type A
I just think all the Earth signs are blood type A, lol. It just complements their boring Earth sign . . . again, I am not insulting Earth signs, it’s just textbook astrology! (I swear. I’m a boring Earth sign . . . lol) Jou is such a Virgo to me that I think his personality is the Earth equivalent in blood types.
Ken Ichijouji: Libra Sun, Blood Type AB
I’m the most confident with Ken’s blood type. AB can give you an introverted, social outcast character -- which offsets his Libra Sun’s extroversion. Done. (Sasuke in Naruto, for example, is a Leo Sun who should be outgoing -- instead, he’s an introverted, social outcast because he’s blood type AB. Also, I just noticed that Ken and Daisuke are Naruto and Sasuke, but with swapped blood types. Neat.)
Sora Takenouchi: Scorpio Sun, Blood Type O
I view Sora as an “extroverted introvert”. She’s definitely an introvert, but she plays well at being an extrovert. Because her Scorpio Sun is introverted, I think her blood type offsets it to make her a little bit more extroverted than usual for a Scorpio. So I think O or B both works for her -- I lean towards O, because it’s called “The Warrior” and she has that meaning in her surname. Plus, O would make her the same blood type as Taichi, giving exactly the same “connection” as being Mars-ruled does. (The exact same connection . . . competitiveness, sports, etc.)
Takeru ‘T.K.’ Takaishi: Sagittarius Sun, Blood Type B
This also just complements his Sun. Also, I know I’m supposed to disregard his tri. personality, but I do also think that Adventure/02 Takeru has the ingredients to grow up to be a charming playboy, so . . . lol. Blood type B it is!
Iori ‘Cody’ Hida: Capricorn Sun, Blood Type A
Again, this blood type just complements his Sun. I think the blood type is complementary when the character is so like their Sun sign -- and Iori is incredibly Capricorn. So much so talking about him bores me, lol. (I don’t hate him! I swear! He’s just SO MUCH Capricorn!)
Koushirou ‘Izzy’ Izumi: Aquarius Sun, Blood Type AB
Blood type AB are said to be “geniuses” or “talented”. Koushirou is Adventure’s genius, seen as a bit of an outsider just because of his intellect. I think AB is being expressed in a similar way to Miyako’s AB here; the more positive aspects of it (”genius”), as opposed to the negative aspects of it in Ken and Yamato (social outcast). I also view Koushirou as an “introverted extrovert” -- I think he’s actually an extrovert; if you put him in a room full of intellectuals, he’d stay there forever talking to everyone.
Yamato ‘Matt’ Ishida: Pisces Sun, Blood Type AB
Similar reasoning to Ken -- I think the writers set out to make Yamato the “social outcast”-type character in Adventure (when Ken didn’t exist). I consider Yamato the blueprint for Ken’s character in a lot of ways, actually. They used Yamato to be the “outsider” (troublemaker, doesn’t really fit in) in Adventure, to turn against his friends -- and then upped it a few hundred notches for Ken in 02, who also has blood type AB. ABs are also blood types A and B combined (who are opposites); see the contradiction? Yamato can be both shy and confident; he can be cool, calm and collected one minute, then off-the-rails emotionally the next. AB! Actually, I’m just as confident about his as I am Ken’s. ABs are the easiest to spot in anime! They just turn every Sun sign dark, lol.
And that’s my current list!
The blood types are subject to change, as I’m not an expert on them by any means. I literally just looked the whole thing up a few days ago, so my knowledge on it is very, very basic compared to the years I spent reading about astrology from multiple different sources (and thus why I’m 100% certain on those).
This was a lot harder than their Sun signs. With astrology, I could fact-check myself with their character designs, Crests, digimon partners, name meanings and roles in the plot -- but with blood types? Nope.
This is just me guessing with what I think was being done with their Sun signs (to complement or offset) -- where most of them do seem to just complement their signs. But I can’t grasp on to any “evidence” like I can with astrology, unfortunately. I’m pretty confident with Ken and Yamato’s blood types, though.
What do you guys think? What blood types do you think the kids were given in Adventure/02? Please disregard anything you saw in tri., as that’s an entirely different staff (who interpreted and expressed the characters as they saw fit). Just focus on the characterisations from Adventure/02.
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brixzli · 5 years
Introduction and F/O List
Hey all! I'm new to the self shipping community and I'm a little nervous but also  really excited to meet some new people and to follow some cool new blogs! 
You can call me Britta! I'm a nice person so feel free to message me anytime  whether it be about me of my fictional others, any message is welcome. I do  have really strong social anxiety though, so I might be a little awkward to get  to know, sorry ^^;
I do like to draw and hope to share some of my drawings with all of you. I might even take requests from time to time c:
I don't mind sharing my f/os because I know that they make others as happy as they do me. I understand though that some people are sensitive about this though and that's perfectly fine! If we share one or more of the same fictional other and you're okay with sharing then please feel free to message or follow me! You don't have to be afraid to like or reblog anything of mine either as it's completely fine with me
I'm still working on ship names and the like and my list is steadily growing (and I have more that I'm sure about sharing at the moment), so I might update it every once and a while
I'm actually really excited to be starting this! For the longest time I've held back because I had it in my mind that I'm weird and things like this aren't normal, but seeing so many people openly share the same feelings and thoughts as I has cast a little bit of that doubt aside. Self shipping has helped a lot with my anxiety and depression, and a lot of the struggles I have in life and it's not something I can share offline, so having a little corner of the internet where I can do just that is like a breath of fresh air
Do not follow me if you're racist, homophobic, support maps/pedophiles or whatever the hell they call themselves -- if you're a garbage person, just stay away and do not interact with me
Here's my list of fictional others!
I'll keep rambling if I don't stop now lol
(Is it weird to have more than one f/o from the same series? I've seen a lot of people do it but I get paranoid and anxious really easily)
Edit: I’ve added some new f/os [*]
Main Fictional Others
Sebastian Michaelis [Black Butler] [Romantic] [Main] [Ship Name: Contracting Hearts/Fatal Attraction]
Summary: If you can't tell from my blog I am very, very, attached to Sebastian. I love his character so much and I feel so strongly for him. Sebastian helps me deal with a lot of things going on in my life and I always find comfort in him. The relationship I have with Sebastian is very complicated and grey, but it's oddly the one that brings me the most comfort
Warning: This relationship is very nsfw and has dark themes to it. My attachment to Sebastian and the relationship I have with him is one that most wouldn't consider healthy with strong yandere and dark themes. It's more of a vent relationship if anything. When something is SFW it will be tagged as "Contracting Hearts" and anything that goes against that will be tagged as "Fatal Attraction". Please be warned of this. I love Sebastian dearly, but I could never see a relationship (between him and I at least) being sunshine and rainbows
Gray Fullbuster [Fairy Tail] [Romantic] [Main] [Ship Name: Permafrost]
Summary: I love Gray with all of my heart. He's one of the first characters I really ever got attached to and care so much for. Even if I'm not attached to the series anymore I still love the characters and setting very much! Gray was my favorite character from the moment he appeared on screen and he's always going to be very close to my heart
Natsu Dragneel [Fairy Tail] [Romantic] [Main] [Ship Name: Heatwave]
Summary: Natsu is hard not to love. He's one of those characters that warm their way into you heart and never leave, and why would you want him to? He's such a sweet guy who cares about his friends and family so much and his goofiness leaves me with butterflies
Polar-Fire is the polygamous ship of Gray, Natsu, and myself.
Juvia Lockser [Fairy Tail] [Platonic Romance] [Ship Name: Raindrops]
Laxus Dreyar [Fairy Tail] 
Baldroy, Finnian, and Meyrin [Black Butler] [Polygamous] [Platonic Romance]
Shikamaru Nara [Naruto] 
Kakashi Hatake [Naruto]
Roronoa Zoro [One Piece] 
Aizawa Shouta [My Hero Academia] 
Dabi [My Hero Academia] 
Hawks [My Hero Academia] 
Hisoka Marrow [HunterxHunter] 
Uta [Tokyo Ghoul] 
Steven Stone [Pokemon] 
Cynthia [Pokemon]  *
Grimsley [Pokemon]  *
Jumin Han [Mystic Messenger] 
Leon Kennedy [Resident Evil] 
Yami Sukehiro [Black Clover] 
Finral Roulacase [Black Clover] 
Fuegoleon Vermillion [Black Clover] [Romantic]  *
Klaus Lunettes [Black Clover] [Romantic]  *
Jakob [Fire Emblem Fates] 
Niles [ Fire Emblem Fates] 
Xander [Fire Emblem Fates] 
Alex [Stardew Valley] 
Elliot [Stardew Valley]
Thomas Hunt [Hollywood U]
Peridot [Steven Universe] [Platonic Romance]  *
Lapis [Steven universe] [Platonic Romance]  *
Tai Kamiya [Digimon Tri] 
Agni [Black Butler] 
Rinkah [Fire Emblem Fates] 
Camilla [Fire Emblem Fates] 
Leo [Fire Emblem Fates] 
Cana Alberona [Fairy Tail] 
Thunder Legion [Fairy Tail] 
Macbeth [Fairy Tail] [Platonic]  *
Cobra [Fairy Tail] [Platonic]  *
Kiba Inuzuka [Naruto] 
Ino Yamanaka [Naruto] 
Erza Scarlet [Fairy Tail] 
Lucy Heartfilia [Fairy Tail] 
Gajeel Redfox [Fairy Tail] [Crushing]  *
Levy McGarden [Fairy Tail] [Crushing]  *
Naruto Uzumaki [Naruto] 
Sakura Haruna [Naruto] 
Sasuke Uchiha [Naruto] 
Temari [Naruto] 
Ciel Phantomhive [Little Brother]
Elizabeth Midford [Black Butler] [Little Sister]
Tanaka [Black Butler [ Grandfather]
Soma Asman Kadar [Black Butler] [Brother]
Wendy Marvel [Fairy Tail] [Little Sister]
Mirajane Strauss [Fairy Tail] [Sister]
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crossroadsimagine · 5 years
Can I please have a male match up from Naruto and one piece? Girl, 5'8, scorpio. I tend to intimidate people without trying but I'm really just an awkward, anxious person with trust issues. I also can be pretty blunt and honest. I love art, music, animals(especially owls), video games, nature, horror and supernatural things have always intrigued me. I enjoy humming/singing to music and drawing. I'm very affectionate when I get to know people. I always wanna help people and make them feel better.
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☰ Matched with Zoro
Zoro doesn’t seem very interested inyou at all at first and it will take some time knowing you first before he willeven develop feelings for you, because he has to get to know you first and oncehe begins learning more about you and sees more of your personality and willslowly begin falling for you. 
However, it will be a while before he actuallymoves to do anything about it so it’s likely to be months before he’ll ask youout and when he does it’s in a rather casual setting, but he will seem prettyannoyed but will relax when you agree to go out with him. 
You can be a bitintimidating when you first meet people without even trying to be though youcan also be really awkward, though this intimidating side won’t put him off onebit and can seem just as intimidating to others. 
He will like how blunt andhonest you are because he doesn’t sugar coat things and can get irritated whenothers seem to beat around the bush or try to lie about things. He will be openand honest with you about everything right from the start so you will neverhave to wonder what he thinks about something or a situation because he willlay it all on the table for you. 
He will expect you to be honest and open withhim as well and he will push you to talk if he feels like you are hidingsomething, though you can be anxious and do have some trust issues which he’llunderstand. He won’t pressure you to open up if he can tell you are gettinguncomfortable or upset, because he won’t want to hurt your feelings or make youfeel uncomfortable especially with him. 
You are more kind and caring than hecan be towards others because you always want to help people or make them feel betterespecially when it comes to your loved ones, which he will like about you butyou shouldn’t expect him to be as caring or helpful towards others. 
Because heis far more cautious and unwilling to help people unless he knows them andreally genuinely cares about them. In fact, the nicest he’ll be is to you andyou only and you will see a much warmer and gentler side to him, though he willreally only act this way with you when the two of you are alone. 
The fact thatyou enjoy humming and singing to music he’ll find cute though he’ll neverreally tell you, and actually won’t even compliment you that often because hecan find it really embarrassing to compliment you, or do kind gestures for youjust like giving you presents he tends to leave presents for you to find ratherthan give them to you in person. 
He can be pretty loving and affectionate whenthe two of you are alone, and will like cuddling with you and taking naps withyou. Zoro does show a rather passive interest in your hobbies and interests andwon’t be too nosey about them but may occasionally ask questions when he seesyou doing different things. He can get annoyed pretty easily and can argue withyou from time to time and can even be pretty snippy, but generally doesn’tdwell on things for too long unless its over something serious. 
He can also getlost very easily because of his terrible sense of direction, which means if yougo anywhere with him in a crowd you could easily lose him if you take your eyeoff of him for one moment. Over all he is very loving and very protective overyou, he will do whatever it takes to keep you safe and stay by your sidethrough all highs and lows in life.
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☰ Headcanons between you two
■Rather distance at the beginning of the relationship and may not seem veryloving or caring at first but it simply takes time for him to warm up to youand get use to being in a relationship with you. And once he does warm up toyou, he’ll show a more relaxed, kind and considerate side towards you.
■Will be protective over you but won’t seem over protective and rarely shows aprotective side at all unless he has to, or if he feels like someone isthreatening you or making you uncomfortable. Which he isn’t afraid of making ascene or physically starting a fight or attacking someone because they evenlooked at you the wrong way.
■Generally, pretty happy doing anything with you and just goes along withwhatever you want, going out, traveling, sighting seeing, going to restaurants,or staying in and watching the stars or the weather. Though he can becomeagitated if he’s around crowds or people he dislikes.
■Not particularly a fan of PDA but at the same time most of the time he won’tflat out refuse affection if you try to cling to him or hug him in front ofothers. However, he really won’t respond or instigate affectionate acts unlessthe two of you are alone, even if it’s just a hug. Because he can be prettyembarrassed if other see him being affectionate with you.
☰ Other Possible Matches
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◐ Shikamaru is loving and caring thoughpretty neutral to PDA but won’t flat out reject any affection you show him evenif it is in public, he can be pretty lazy and won’t like overly energeticactivities. He has a great memory and is a great listener and enjoys talkingwith you and can even get annoyed if the two of you get busy and can’t spendmuch time together or talk for a while. He can be very thoughtful but notromantic and isn’t really one to surprise you with things because he will wantto give you exactly what you want and won’t want to plan something and you notlike it so he will involve you in the planning right from the start for a dateor trip is exactly what you want.
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◐ Sasuke can be distant and a bit cold at firstuntil he warms up to you and the idea of being in a relationship, once he fallsfor you, he falls hard and can’t see his life without you. He can be veryloving and gentle with you when the two of you are alone but dislikes PDA, heis supportive and understanding and will always listen to you. He can be veryattentive when he wants to be and enjoys relaxing and spending time with you,even simple things like eating meals with you or just being in the same roomwith you he is more content but doesn’t have to be doing something with youconstantly to be happy.
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hxhrendezvous · 6 years
My Comperhensive OmegaVerse for dynamic
So, I just read this whole werewolf hierarchial thing and here is my thought no one asked for but feel free to fill up your cup o tea, prepare your pillow fort and blanket, enjoy reading this ☕📃
Disclaimer : this is not the traditional one in which Alpha can't mate with Beta. This is more of the dynamic when ABO happen in certain group. It shows their unique quirks and responses when an event happen.
First off in the simplest form, Wolf or Dog hierarchy contains three different level that are : alpha, beta, omega
Alpha is the ringleader. They are the ambitious type, have vision, have time-goal to be achieved, surrounded by fans, have all the connection, infamous basically. They are not always the trailblazer of powerful speeches everytime, it could be like flirty, charming, and engaging.
They work harder and more than anyone and everybody acknowledge that. Perfect place to hide when you want some security and don't want to do as much. You can occassionally teases them or even often as they always have a perfect retort to it. They pick up things easily and empathetic. You feel like they just understand you and that's how they win over people. Especially after they got a Beta.
Common persona for Alpha :
The Bitch
Attractive and Charismatic
Emotionally expressive
Feminine Energy
Articulate and creative thinking
Anima chara ex. : Gon Freecss, Ging Freecss, Monkey D. Luffy, Oikawa Tooru, Naruto Uzumaki (Shippuuden), Son Goku, Kaneki Ken, Kirishima Touka, Hinata Shoyou, Fa Mulan, Igarashi Ganta.
Beta is epically so so so so so much stronger than the Alpha. It has to be if you want to have a functional relationship. Not always, but if not, then beta is in totalitarian or tyrannical relationship and not even God can save you from it. They are usually the rock-hard type, the anchor, the voice of reason, the wise tactician, the crusader, the General War.
They are basically a perfect human being in the context of can do basically everything by themselves. Not liking the limelight, have a rival outside of the pack that they trained together with, the Motivational Speaker that is the morale of the group. Unbeknownst they are the most loved and reliable for how strong they are meanwhile is bullied the most and teased for any little klutz because they look so perfect it's unfair.
Common persona for Beta :
Superior physical strenght
Protective Masculine Energy
Understand intricacy of the Rules and can play it off with almost 0 cost of the group (doing the hardest part themselves.)
Know everything, keep everything
Calling the Alpha an Idiot Moronic Baka
Anima chara ex. : Killua Zoldyck, Roronoa Zoro, Hideyoshi Nagachika, Iwaizumi Hajime, Hijikata Toshiro, Kirishima Akira, Uchiha Sasuke (Shippuuden), Li Shang, Vegeta.
Omega is the outsider, the emo, the merchant, the third POV, the individual. The great side of them is mainly for the Alpha/Beta pair to sort out any problem, Omega basically is the sage who the pair go to whenever there is a dispute. Be very careful not to get hurt too much when you are in this position, as you are not in any intimate relationship like the A/B.
When they feel insecure about the uncertain place in the hierarchy (third wheeling) they could become annoying biatch who breaks everything, plastic mean girls who throws tantrum and everybody's reputation out the window, as dramatically, as a bazooka in a canon, as possible. It's out of the world.
It's understandable since no one wants to be just a provider and enabler without security of relationship and have to always see the A/B pair being extravagantly flaunting their connection and achievement. It's so great when you have a partner when in this role. Most Omega just keep to themselves or making alliances.
Common persona for Omega :
Very friendly, very nice, very cute, very artistic, very hot usually and could be very sadistic
Intelligent weirdo with creative original ideas that really sell to people. e=mc2.
No one hates them, no one particularly loves them.
Manipulative but has a nice ring to it. I don't know how they do it.
Anima chara ex. : Nami, Usopp, etc., Issei Matsukawa, Takahiro Hanamaki, Naruto Uzumaki, Mushu, Okita Shogo, Leorio Paladiknight, Hisoka Morrow, Gerald Fernandes.
There is also one called as Queen Omega, who basically the leader of the omegas. They have this charisma that is on par with the Alpha to speak up some sense when they're being too dictatorial or too egotistical. Can and will fight the Beta for life. Could be the Mother of Dragons.
Anima chara ex. : Sanji Vinsmoke, Erza Scarlett, Emperio Ivankov, Chrollo Lucifer, Takasugi Shinsuke.
Now, that's all I have about the Omegaverse to better understand the relationship around you.
What's your favorite A/B and O pair?
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multi-fandomtrashtm · 7 years
Time to compare Big 3 and FT!Part 1
Now that FT has ended, I can do a full(er) evaluation of this. Yay. 
As you know, the big 3 are One Piece, Bleach and Naruto. 
FT is like..a rank or two below them in terms of popularity and sales except Bleach. Anyway, it’s still up there so time to compare and contrast. Characters, fights, story are all being judged. This post is all about characters.
Obvious spoilers for all series mentioned above. Because One Piece isn’t even close to being done yet, I’m only evaluating up until Dressrosa arc.
Character Basics Designwise:
I’d say that FT falls behind in this department, but isn’t last. In terms of design, One Piece wins by leaps and bounds in term of design diversity. Oda has made literally hundreds of characters and has interesting designs and personalities for each of them. He gives a lot of them good backstories and relationships with other characters. 
Bleach has some interesting characters as well. Most of them have interesting abilities and cool designs, but not to the degree of the sheer outlandishness of Oda’s designs. The hollows look very good, though.
The designs in Naruto are kind of plain even for the villains. It’s understandable for the less fantastical setting I suppose, but it really feels like the designs could be spiced up a little at times. However, most characters have some kind of depth to them and decent backstories. 
Fairy Tail has decent designs,kind of like Bleach in terms of creativity/complexity. It’s kind of odd at times because you’ll have human people wearing normal things then there’s just that one guy with the bizarre design. With such a fantastical setting, you’d think you’d see a lot more wild designs but nah. Unfortunately, FT has a bad streak of following basic tropes when it comes to villians. Later in the series, it’s the Psycho Lesbian(?), the battle enthusiast(s), that one cool intelligent guy and/or an Ice Guy/muscle dude. Earlier on, there was more variety in types. Backstories are alright. 
Main Characters:
Seeing as how they’re all following the Jump formula, let’s just get it out of the way. 
Orihime/Lucy/Nami/Sakura: Main-ish girl character who can technically fight but almost never does (if she does, she rarely wins).
Robin/Rukia?/Erza: Typically more mature mentor-like character who engages in some of the main group’s hyjinx anyway.
Uryuu/Zoro/Gray/Sasuke: Somewhat angsty/edgy main character’s best friend/rival (Zoro is the only exception to the angst/edge and rival). Typically smarter than the main character and more cool headed except when they’re not. 
Happy/Kon/Chopper: Cute animal sidekick for plushies.
Natsu/Luffy/Ichigo/Naruto: The main character who is basically a child in a teenager’s body with an insatiable hunger, no intelligence except in battle and little to no sex drive despite all of the beautiful (mostly half naked) women constantly around them. So basically Goku clones. Ichigo and Naruto thankfully dodged this or, in Naruto’s case, grew out of it. 
In terms of development of the main characters, I’d say Naruto absolutely wins this. Naruto and Sakura grew into great young adults and developed pleasantly along the way. Naruto stopped being so reckless and kind of a mess. We got some great looks into his psych with the whole Kuruma issue and dead parents thing.
Sakura eventually stopped being such a damsel and got the powers that she really needed. Although, I really did appreciate when she cut her hair and tries to protect her friends even though she was really weak. Listen, I don’t give a damn what you say, Sakura accomplished great things in Shippuden and does not deserve even half of the hate she gets from the fandom. Now I’m fully wiling to acknowledge that her persistent love for Sasuke got pretty ridiculous. But the same could be said for Naruto’s persistence, so I think that’s on the writer. I don’t think that it’s too much of a problem, though. 
Sasuke..is an odd case. I don’t think he really developed that much in Shippuden until near the end-ish. It was more like he had a breakdown in slow motion? Idk, the whole thing was really strange. Him being stoic or batshit crazy for most of it made it hard to tell. If anyone has some solid evidence of development I’ll take it, but his case is just really strange. 
Bleach is also an odd case. I’m certain that the main cast changed, I’m just not sure how. It was quite subtle. I suppose Orihime got a bit more confident in her abilities and Ichigo, Uryuu and Chad got stronger. Again, I’m open to some enlightenment on this. 
One of the most glaring problems is how the human characters tend to get sidelined quite a bit. Orihime is especially bad about this because of how she’s written. Her powers are the most game breaking ones in story-she’s basically a God and she does almost nothing when it comes to battles. At best, she’s defense and a medic. Her main ability is essentially to “reject” parts of reality i.e rather than healing someone’s arm, she just “rejects” that it got injured in the first place. There’s no known limit to her abilities except that if she doesn’t believe that can do it,then she can’t. It’s the worst restriction possible because she doesn’t have cripplingly low self esteem or anything. That kind of restriction is just begging for her to be hated. 
Chad just kind of faded into the background as time went on. It’d be really easy to forget who he is if you hadn’t read Bleach in a while.
In One Piece, I feel like the crew was pretty static outside of their individual character arcs except maybe Chopper. I’m very, very glad that Chopper is presented as more of a part of the group than a cute mascot. All of them got stronger after the timeskip and Sanji got a new gag. And I’m certain that Usopp got more competent and manly?/confident, too. Luffy definitely matured at least a little because of a certain incident with Ace. As sad as it was, it was kind of neat to see Luffy at his lowest point. 
But, because grouping (The Coward Trio, the Power Trio,etc.) Nami especially got shafted after the arc right after the timeskip. It’s like...she showed off her abilities then and it was cool, then she got moved to the backseat by just about everyone else on the crew and barely seems to use them anymore. Anyway, all of the crew have good backstories despite like half of them making me cry like a bitch. Brook’s backstory is both depressing and horrifying. 
I wish that the groups would be mixed up more often, though. 
Fairy Tail has the absolute minimum amount of character development for the main characters. Out of all of them, Wendy is the most developed. She grew more confident and powerful over time. Lucy has stayed just about the same over the entire series. Well, I guess she got less vain and more confident, I suppose. With Erza, it was a combo of character depths and development that got her to show her goofy self after the Tower of Heaven. After that, her characterization just got strange because of the romance subplot with Jellal. She just grew more and more into being just a love interest around him rather than being a character who happens to be in love.  
Gray did develop a bit, although its kind of hard to tell most of the time. By the time Tartaros hits, he’s learned his lesson about trying to whip out Iced Shell when things get tough. At least, that’s what I thought he learned until he decided that it’s better to kill yourself and erase your existence while trying to be a hero rather than just getting strong enough to have to drop to that point and wanting to live the very next big arc. 
Natsu has not changed at all. He is the exact same guy he was at chapter 545 and at chapter 1. Despite his dad dying, his very existence being a lie AND his family history being shoved in his face, he has not changed at all. 
Happy, for the most part, is a cute mascot character. He had his character depth/development in Edolas arc, but it vanished right after. He is occasionally shown to be Natsu’s support, but that’s about it. 
It’s a real problem when almost all of your main characters have barely changed outside of their respective character arcs. What’s equally irritating is that their character designs have not changed except for Lucy’s and Wendy’s. After two timeskips! Natsu, Gray and Erza all look exactly the same as when they started. Outfits don’t count with this series because the characters frequently change their attire anyway except Erza. Erza has had the same outfit for 500 chapters except the GMG. 
I think that’s it for this post. It’s gotten quite long. Next time I’ll do side characters and villains.
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grayclouds · 7 years
also for ask meme: Ochako Uraraka!!
also also for ask meme: Nami (from One Piece obvs)
also also also ask meme: Sakura! (from naruto) (if you want)
Ochako Uraraka
How I feel about this character: queen in the making. she’s a badass and so fucking cute, i have so much respect for this girl and i also want to hug her a lot.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: no one atm
My non-romantic OTP for this character: ochako/izuku/tenya, everyone else move.
My unpopular opinion about this character: mmm… i can’t really think of an unpopular opinion?? i haven’t even caught up with the manga, im about 20 chapters behind so we’ll see if anything occurs to me. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: more screentime!!! MORE SCREENTIME!!!! MORE SCREENTI–
How I feel about this character: i love her, so much.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: vivi for sure, reiju to a lesser extent but still Very Good Ship, Very Nice.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: all the strawhats. also with nojiko and belle-mere as a happy family with a mother that is totally not dead and very alive.
My unpopular opinion about this character: it’s not really an unpopular opinion i don’t think but i really… really want to see her develop her skills in combat even further. like she doesn’t have to be some sort of absurd monster like luffy, zoro or sanji or whatever but come on man, in an action-focused shounen a serious one-on-one battle for her has been long overdue. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: oda give her MUSCLES YOU COWARD, YOU COWARD!!! also less male gaze, thanks.
How I feel about this character: in two words? wasted potential.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: forever ino.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: i really like her as a brotp with sasuke without the absurd infatuation getting in the way so you have a dynamic of sasuke being a stupid ass edgelord and sakura dragging him for it mercilessly 24/7
My unpopular opinion about this character: i don’t like her clothes. that’s it. the color scheme of her character is just very meh to me, i hate that dark pink top she wears.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i wish her character hadn’t REGRESSED TO THE POINT OF CRINGE AFTER THE SASORI FIGHT also i wish she married ino.
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recentanimenews · 6 years
Jump Force Is A Really Great Game That's Surrounded By Garbage
The "Hey look! My favorite character is beating the crap out of my other favorite character!" genre of video games has been pretty strong lately, with stuff like Injustice 2 and Dragon Ball FighterZ surpassing expectations and draining me of my social life. Jump Force, a fighting game centered around the characters of Weekly Shonen Jump mauling eachother, wants to be added to that pantheon. And why shouldn't it be? It features a bunch of your favorite anime and manga characters all screaming out their attacks as they fight across surprisingly large stages in chaotic combat. I should be holding a copy of Jump Force up on my roof while I scream, shirtless, at my neighbors to come try and challenge their new god. 
  Instead, I'm politely cracking the window and whispering to them that if they have a quick second to maybe give Boruto a try, Because there is a very cool game inside of Jump Force, a game where Jotaro Kujo, Seiya, and Roronoa Zoro team up to stomp on the skulls of Gaara, Blackbeard and that one Dragon Quest dude. That's a game that makes you want to buy a crate of Mountain Dew, steal a country's supply of Doritos, and kick it with your friends like you're in an old school commercial from 1998. That game is in there. It's just tough to find sometimes.
    See, in between all of the combat, Jump Force fills you with questions. For instance, why am I playing as some kind of self-created avatar that's just a Frankenstein'd glob of other anime character features? I don't know anyone who wants to do this, outside of the people that just buy WWE games to say "HAHA. I MADE PICKLE RICK. EAT IT, TRIPLE H." But those games tend to have complex, gratifying character creation systems, while Jump Force gives you a few options and then sets you loose to stand beside Trunks and Naruto in awkward cutscenes that are so vengefully clumsy that you'd swear they were making fun of you.
    Side note: Why do I even have to use this avatar? Why can't I just switch between the characters that people are buying the game for? I got excited to play as Toguro and Gon and Boa Hancock. When I first saw the trailer, I didn't watch Luffy, Goku, Naruto and Light Yagami and think "But where the heck is my favorite Weekly Shonen Jump character....ME?" 
  A bunch of these cutscenes take place in your headquarters, which sadly takes the place of a simple menu in this game. In this abandoned shopping mall-looking area, you run around to accept missions, talk to characters, upgrade stuff, and just kinda look at the goofy designs other players have inflicted on their own avatars. This layout is cool for a bit, until you realize that it's far bigger than it needs to be. I don't want to spend a decent chunk of my time as my dumb avatar, running around, looking desperately for things to do. And while there are things to do, your instructions for them are pretty vague. The Jump Force boss will tell you "Have you communicated with your allies?" and this is code for "Run halfway across the base, stupid, and see what Yusuke's having anxiety about."
  Speaking of the Jump Force boss, the story of Jump Force is almost exactly what you'd expect it to be: an elongated system of unlocking new characters. See, a bunch of them that appear outside of the core Dragon Ball/One Piece/Naruto series have been infected by evil cubes and you have to beat them unconscious to get them on your side. However, it's not a bad story. It's no worse than most Mortal Kombat games, where the plot is pushed along by another person entering the room and saying "Now, YOU will die," or Dragon Ball FighterZ's, where you spent hours pummeling the same Yamcha clone. 
    That said, Jump Force does succeed in a really crucial way, something that's necessary in all of these "Who would win?" simulators: It makes you play as (and love) characters that you never thought you would. I remember, when Injustice 2 came out, I figured that I'd probably stick to Batman and Bane if I could. One week later, I was all about Swamp Thing, Scarecrow, and Wonder Woman. In Dragon Ball FighterZ, my sights were locked on Cell and Vegeta, but I ended up almost totally ignoring them and joining Team Yamcha, Majin Buu and Tien. 
  And when it comes to Jump Force, I was dead set on making Luffy, Toguro and Hisoka my main team. But you know who is AWESOME in Jump Force? Boruto. I don't know if there's a character in the entire game that's more delightful to play as than Naruto's kid. Yusuke is awesome, too, and I looooooove how it feels to squash an opponent with Roronoa Zoro. If you can get used to him, Jotaro Kujo is also very cool, even if that's partially due to the fact that I like to yell "ORAORAORAORA" along with the game. I'm terrible as Yugi, but I just can't stop using him. And if you're able to master Asta, you will rule the world. 
    Another thing that I didn't mind very much was the arena combat. I know that, when I played FighterZ, I thought that all fighting games should either be like FighterZ or just be a different copy of FighterZ that I had lying around the house. But the arena battling works here. There's something really epic about sending your opponent flying and then rushing toward them to deliver another blow. I know that it's not a proper adjective, but the fighting in Jump Force feels very, very anime. The fighting noises and all the copious explosions and earth-shattering moves make you feel like you're controlling the final battle at the end of an intense arc ALL THE TIME, even if you're just having a friendly spar with Sanji. 
  Honestly, the story in Jump Force doesn't really matter in the long run. The labyrinthian headquarters doesn't either. They're just there to get you acquainted with the game and the characters, so that you can jump into Online and Offline battles and settle grudge matches with your friends and people on the internet. So if you can wade through some of Jump Force's clunkier set-ups and finally get down to mashing buttons and yelling about how Sabo could totally win against Ichigo, you'll find something to like here. Jump Force is pretty good, as long as you can forgive the non-fighting stuff that's pretty bad. 
+ The characters are all pretty fun to play as, as long as you don't like playing as Sasuke
+ Combat is fast and chaotic, with a bunch of cool explosions and sweet-looking moves
+ Online matchmaking for ranked matches is very simple
+/- Story is simple, but it's kind of just filler anyway
- The main menu area feels sloppy
- I haaaaaate playing as my avatar, and you probably will, too.
  Are you gonna pick up Jump Force? Who are you gonna play as? Let me know in the comments!
Daniel Dockery is a Crunchyroll writer/editor that has a Twitter, but more importantly, now has a love for Boruto. 
   Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
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