#crowley university
professor-pants · 10 months
Genre of character: submissive like a guard dog is submissive
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camilleflyingrotten · 1 month
Another Good Omens Faeries AU
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maplesamurai · 4 months
🎨 for the fic ask
For The Witch's Apprentice, Arthur having tea with the Witch after meeting her for the first time would be a fun scene to see someone bring to life. Also the scene where the Witch discusses the terms of Arthur's pact with his family for the different emotions the different characters are expressing in the moment. In terms of more action focused scenes, the one where Arthur uses magic for the first time to fight back against Umbra would be a fun one as well.
As for Crowley University, Victoria joining Khulan, Hillevi and the others for breakfast, because it involves quite a few characters expressing their different personalities together, so it would be fun to see someone bring that scene to life. Also, it has a bunch of monster girls together, and you know me. ;)
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allysketches · 3 months
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this drawing started off as tv crowley and aziraphale dressed like their book cover counterparts, but then I got carried away and it turned out... not being exactly that anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️
so... late 80s/early 90s au? (aka. literally the book lol)
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gleafer · 3 months
Sketch fest tonight and had some fun with an exercise in movement. Enjoy!
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golswia · 4 months
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THE wall slam scene with my reverse gremlins 🧡
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thatskindarough · 1 month
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Crowley sprawled out on a couch bathing under a heat lamp…an essential component of proper snake care.
This piece was a commission from the wonderful @alphacentaurinebula for their friend @fellshish ‘s amazing and hilarious fic, Empirical study on the principles of snake care for Fells’ birthday! It was a lot of fun to work on, happy birthday my friend!
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moonflowergayy · 11 months
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He and I go back a long time. (crowley's version || insp.)
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kuronekoartsblog · 6 months
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“Oh Crowley… we could be angels! Doing good”
It’s not like he doesn’t remember, how it felt like, having the stars in your hands
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melspontaneus · 11 months
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In the beginning
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isa-mocha · 9 months
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Another Good Omens AU fanart I started a while back.
This one is based on my favourite GO fanfic called Petrichor & Parchment by Mrs Noggin.
I loved the writing and the story, just wish there was more ♥️
It’s Gardner Crowley and Book Restorer Aziraphale. And yes, Crowley had a flower sleeve cause I’m a sucker for botanical tattoos 😎
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innefableidiot · 16 days
Did some more doodles of florist Crowley but I changed the design in the slightest way
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camilleflyingrotten · 8 months
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AU where Crowley lied and said to God that the suggestion box was also Aziraphale’s idea.
They lied bc they genuinely thought that if they said that someone else had the same idea, it’d add weigh to their suggestion…
God knew it was a lie but just so Crowley could be devoured by guilt forever, She banished them both.
After that, Crowley undoubtedly felt so guilty toward Azazel (the demon name Aziraphale choose for himself) they decided to protect him the best they could from both Hell and Heaven.
Azazel never knew about Crowley’s lie. He just thought he had made a shtty job working on humans and thus got banished.
He is visually impaired, since he’s linked to the proteus salamander. And grew a moustache that actually helps him feel and “see” his surrounding!
And as the usual, these two have a hard time building a healthy relationship. Azazel is very much opened about his love for Crowley, mainly because he doesn’t fear Heaven anymore. But Crowley is still feeling very guilty, so they try to act distant. (but it’s so hard, they constantly fail)
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one of my FAVOURITE interactions is when aziraphale is possessing madam tracy, because when aziraphale sees crowley he says his name in the most loving, thankful and tender voice i have ever heard, communicating ten thousand words at once, the most important ones being i am so glad you're here.
and then crowley replies in a would-be casual voice "hey aziraphale! see you found a ride." but its so familiar, and immediately knowledgeable?? like crowley has just arrived but he already knows everything about the situation, and i love it so much because everyone else is still so behind, trying desperately to figure out what's going on. crowley and aziraphale though? they're there side by side knowing exactly what the other knows, no explanation or catching up required.
and then of course:
"nice dress, suits you"
"ahh! 🥰 this young man won't let us in"
"leave it to me"
the way they lean into each other??? the softness in aziraphale's voice as he says one little sentence knowing that he can count on crowley to fix it for him. and then crowley leaning and softly promising that he'll do this bit, don't even worry about it angel.
everything is just so reminiscent of an older couple who know each other inside and out, can always rely on each other, and can communicate their feelings and the situation with a half glance alone
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yun-lii · 2 months
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obsessed with my human au of singer Aziraphale and her personal stylist Crowley😭
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eluetime · 6 months
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Happy New year And a new illustration for 2024
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