ovwechoes · 1 month
‘Home’ Headcanons - Tank Edition This is a continuation of the headcanons I made a while ago about what the supports would say home means to them, and what that would look like for them but this time with the tank heroes! My asks are open and any/all requests are welcome - enjoy <3
Akande Ogundimu / Doomfist: If you asked Akande where home was for him, or what he thought of when he hears the word home itself, he would tell you it doesn't yet exist. For him, in order to feel at home, he would need total power and domination. On the other hand, the idea of home is for the weak, in his eyes. Akande views the concept of having somewhere as a safe or comforting place as an acceptance of weakness, and he doesn't want to indulge on such pitiful endeavours. 
Hana Song / D.Va: Hana's home is with the MEKA squad back in Korea; she misses them and the work relationships she had before joining Overwatch. Sure, the connections she has now might be up to par or better than the ones she had whilst working with the MEKA squad, but there's something comforting about thinking back to that time when she was mainly concerned with protecting Korea as part of their first lines of defence. She misses the culture in Korea too, the spotlight of her celebrity status there, and misses the connections she had whilst working there. It's always going to be her home, even if things have changed since the last time she was there.
ORISA: Orisa's home is Numbani, it's all she's ever truly known and where she was created. She likes to imagine herself there, when she's away. She takes great pride in her country, often gloating about it to others when they try to speak ill of it. Numbani will always be important for her and, if she had it her way, she would die protecting it.
Odessa Stone / Junker Queen: Home for Odessa has been long gone since she was barred from Junkertown, maybe even before that. She misses the outback of Australia, before the riots and the Omnic Crisis. She misses being a young child, able to explore the streets of her home town without worrying about toxic gases or nuclear explosions going on nearby. She wishes sometimes, that things were different and she could return to that state in time. However, she's learned that without that happening, she wouldn't be the woman she is now, so Odessa's grown to move on and learn to love her new home. She values Junkertown for the experiences it gave her, but she'll never truly feel at peace or comfortable knowing how she was treated as a child by the king previously.
Maugaloa Malosi: For Maugaloa, his home is American Samoa - it's more than just a destination for him, and he'd tell you that if you asked him this question. Samoa, for Maugaloa, is important to him and makes him feel accepted, seen, loved and welcomed. The traditions, family connections, cultural values, etc. all are things he truly appreciates about his native country. On the other hand, he might tell you he feels most at home in the wrestling ring, and if he could have it his way he'd still be competing while working for Talon even with his genetic alterations. Being able to show off his physical prowess makes him feel unstoppable, and wrestling was where he was able to do this the most.
Ramattra: Ramattra would tell you point blank that Earth will never have a home for him. He knows that even with laws and regulations passed that would encourage humanity to open their own homes for Omnics to reside with them, there would still be prejudice, power imbalances, and a general feeling of discomfort knowing that humanity could switch at any second regarding their standing on omnic rights. Ramattra is willing to make a home for him and his people, though, even if he has to force humanity to give them one. No one deserves to feel like they aren't safe or comfortable anywhere, and Ramattra will use any means necessary to create a world where him and his people don't feel this way any longer.
Reinhardt Wilhelm: Reinhardt's home is with the crusaders, it's where he felt his most confident and most able in life. He misses his youth, and often looks back on the fonder memories he has of his time with the crusaders. It's important to him, and ever since his mentor, Balderich van Adler, passed away he hasn't been able to feel at home since. The closest he got was when first working with Ana, learning to let someone into his life again, spending nights dancing under the moonlight with her. Otherwise, he would tell you that he's too old to consider such nonsense now. 
Mako Rutledge / Roadhog: Similarly to Odessa. Mako would say his home was the outback before the omnic crisis. He's an indigenous Australian, and so he misses being able to visit places that have cultural significance to him without the after effects of the omnic crisis lingering over those places. It's not something he concerns himself with anymore, and it's something he's grown too stubborn to thing about. He likes to consider himself a nomad, having no specific place that ties him down anymore. It's something he thinks to cope with the fact that a lot of his cultural roots are gone, and all that's left is wasteland.
Siebren de Kuiper / Sigma: Siebren's home would definitely be in the stars, analysing their behaviours and watching as they move through space and time with admiration. Siebren has always had a fascination for space, and has always looked to the stars and galaxies for explanations that Earth itself cannot answer. He enjoys thinking about when he dies, that he'll be within the stars at last and fully comfortable to be himself. It's something he's happy to talk about, so long as something doesn't distract him in the process.
Winston: Winston's home is with Dr. Harold Winston on the moon when he was an infant. He misses Harold a lot, and wishes to have that father figure around still who could be proud of the work he's completing with Overwatch. It's something he looks back on with fondness, but he still considers Overwatch his home as well. Winston feels as though his purpose that Harold helped him realise and grow into is finally realised through Overwatch and the work that's being done on missions. It helps motivate him, and remind him of where he came from vs. where he is now.
Hammond / Wrecking Ball: Hammond's home is in the fighting ring, showing off his skills and his expertise in destroying other opponents. He finds the limelight incredibly fulfilling, and it helps motivate him and feel integrated into the world. He'll never admit this, claiming he doesn't know what home is or what humans consider home. Hammond certainly doesn't consider Lunar Colony his home, after what Winston did to him.
Aleksandra Zaryanova / Zarya: Aleksandra's home is Russia, and always will be. She loves the culture, the way her country fought so fiercly against the omnics during the crisis, and loves to tell people who've never visited the best places to go. Sure, she's not happy with the corruption in the government, and how her brute strength was manipulated far after the omnic crisis, but she still feels as though Russia is where her heart belongs, and she values the life lessons that her experiences there brought her. Like Orisa, she would happily die protecting her country, and that's something Aleksandra would always believe and feel.
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llovelymoonn · 2 years
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i’m not really sure who i am or what my childhood makes me
kate rushin crusa prays for herself \\ @janasojka​ night landscapes \\ @sandmoonyelse​ \\ clarice lispector a breath of life (via @flowerytale​) \\ merita jaha angst \\ rob horning speaking to no one \\ maxim fomenko no face #5 \\ eric carrazedo identidade #2 [“identity #2″] \\ kim addonizio what is this thing called love: “body and soul”
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Flee to Safety
Author's note: Thank you for @sleepyfan-blog for letting me borrow Cedric. Thank you @kit-williams for letting me borrow Arnault and Roland and helping me get their voices right.
Warnings: Petras is His Own Warning (he's mentioned and what he did Ramiel). Mentions of Major Character Death (temporary). Let me know if I need to add more.
Past =-= Next
Summary: Cedric heads to Ramiel to warn him about the Honorable Chaplain Captain Petras being in the city with a 'feral' 'warband' of Black Templars. They decide to head to Arnault and Roland to warn them. A Conversation Is Had.
Author's note: More of Ramiel in Husbandry.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams,
Tagged continued: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k, @ms--lobotomy @bispecsual @thevoidscreams
Tagged continued: @i-am-a-dragon34, @gra93fruit-blog
The pair scurry off and split directions, not-running to gather up the rest of their make-shift squad. Ramiel is dutifully tending to the Reclusiam on this base, murmuring the prayers and other tasks that he’d been assigned to do.
He feels a great sense of calm and peace as he tends to his duties. Granted, he knows that some of the older cousins from earlier Eras can be… uncomfortable with some of the more religious overtones of his work, so he tried to do it when and where it wouldn’t upset them.
“Ramiel,” he hears Cedric call out.
“A moment Ced, I need to finish this task,” Ramiel asks, “Unless it’s something that is vital?”
“… What I need to talk to you about can wait until you are finished with your task,” Cedric says.
Ramiel pauses, there is something about the way Cedric is speaking that has him pause in his task and watch his brother. His head tilting a little, some of the older Chaplains also noticing that Something Is Bothering Cedric and they are watching, but have yet to approach. Knowing how skittish Cedric can be around them.
“I’ll finish that task for you Ramiel,” One of the Imperial Fist Chaplains chimes in, “You take care of your brother.”
“Thank you, sir,” Ramiel says with a nod to the older Chaplain.
Ramiel follows Cedric to a more private area, “What did you need to speak with me about?”
“Catius spotted your mentor in town,” Cedric blurts out in a rush.
Ramiel’s ears don’t seem to be working as he blinks at Cedric. His chest hurts all of a sudden, and he blinks a couple of times. It’s hard to breath all of a sudden. He feels like he’s flooded with adrenaline, and yet like he’s been frozen solid all at once.
“W-what?” Ramiel stutters. "Why is he here. Again?"
“Your Mentor.” Cedric says again, “Is in the city. I don't know.”
“Th-at’s.” Ramiel croaks out, “What I thought you said.”
Ramiel is doing his best to calm down, closing his eyes and taking in a couple of deep, shaky breaths. His entire body feels like all of it’s nerves are on fire. He sees and feels that one of his hands are shaking and he slowly clenches and unclenches his hands.
“It is likely he’ll come to the Imperial Fist and Salamander base to… check in and re-supply among other things,” Cedric continues speaking.
“… As,” Ramiel pauses after taking in another breath and a few seconds pause, “members of the Black Templars. W-we are duty bound to… As-assist. Older Black Templars as is fitting.”
“Ramiel, you’re shaking,” Cedric says quietly, slowly, telegraphing his movements as he reaches out to grab one of his brother’s shoulders.
“A-as his m-mentee,” Ramiel continues speaking through numb lips, “I-I need to… t-to greet him pro-properly and see to his n-needs as he deems fit.”
“I don’t want him to kill you again,” Cedric says, “High Marshal Helbretch deemed us non-abominations and non-heretical.”
“I don’t want to be killed again either,” Ramiel whispers, “It hurt a lot the first time… Aren’t Roland and… And Arnault nearby?”
“Yes, they are,” Cedric says, his shoulders which had been up near his ears in a defensive hunch had gone down.
“We- we sh-should let them know that an... a-a Crusade of brothers is nearby,” Ramiel says.
Cedric perks up at that, yes- they should warn, er, let Brother Roland and Brother Arnault know about the Crusade. Also, they both know how strict the Honorable Chaplain Captain Petras can be. 
He really would not like to know about the fact that Roland and Arnault have accepted the Warp-made bonds with baseline humans. Burn The Witch is a big deal for the Black Templars.
And… with The Honorable Chaplain Captain Petras’s temper… he would not react well to that at all. If he even knows that Warp Bonds are a thing. They don’t know if he does or not, and they don’t really want to stick around to find out.
They let Jophiel, Claude, and Catius know that they are going to head to where Arnault and Roland are. To warn them about the Honorable Chaplain Captain Petras and his warband being in the city.
“Stay safe, if you can’t, be smart,” Claude says seriously. His eyes are flickering from dark to teal to dark again.
“Eyes,” Cedric warns Claude after nodding.
The rest of them aren’t quite looking at Claude who takes in a couple of deep breaths to center, calm down and he says, “How do I look?”
“Like yourself,” Jophiel says.
“Good,” Claude says, “I’m going to head out hunting in the forest for… a while.”
“... I… I… should present myself to the Blood Angel and Lamenters base,” Jophiel says, his shoulders sagging in dread, hanging his head a little, “I’ve delayed informing my elder brothers of my arrival and seeing what they want to do with me.”
“If you are sure,” Cedric and Ramiel say simultaneously and with concern, “Don’t pull out your feathers, it will do you more harm than good.”
“I… am not sure, but it will likely be safer than staying in or near a base where a Primaris Killer is going to show up.” Jophiel says after a few moments of thought. “After all, it's … a lot of the older brothers and cousins are from Earlier times and Eras.”
They nod at that, and a few moments later Catius says, “I’ll volunteer for administrative work and, since Captain Ash’val knows, he’ll keep me busy and away from the, likely to visit, Black Templars.”
They know how protective the Salamander Scout Captain can be. They split off into different directions. Claude heading to the forest, Jophiel to the Blood Angel and their successor chapters base. Catius to Captain Ash’val and Ramiel and Cedric to where Arnault and Roland are likely to be in the city, avoiding the other Black Templars along the way.
They find the pair of older black Templars quickly, the pair of them talking about something in the local language. Arnault spotting them, sharp eyes assessing the pair of them. Roland as well, both of them going on higher alert, noticing how twitchy the pair of them are.
“What’s going on boys?” Roland asks lightly as he looks around, trying to see what has upset the pair of them so much.
Arnault’s hand lightly rests on his blade as he also scans the street, “let’s get off the streets and talk, ja?”
Cedric and Ramiel nod jerkily at that, Ramiel’s hands are shaking a little. Roland lightly rests one of his hands on Ramiel’s shoulders, while Arnault has laid a hand on one of Cedric’s shoulders. Their eyes sharpen a little when both of them flinch at the light, and are supposed to be grounding touch.
“A- ‘feral’ ‘war band’ of Black Templars has entered the city,” Cedric says, in stops and starts hesitantly.
Roland and Arnault felt their hearts sink a little at hearing that. They had grown quite fond of the pair of younger Black Templars. Neither of them wanted the younger pair to go with the War Band.
Also, they hadn’t exactly told them about… their social pariah status among most of the Black Templar War bands due to being Bonded. Also- they seem… rather scared and upset, rather than happy to hear about more Older Brothers nearby.
“M-my mentor The Honorable Chaplain Captain Petras,” Ramiel continues with an uncharacteristic stutter, as he subconsciously touches his chest, “is among their number.”
“He tends to be very strict,” Cedric says, “We wanted to warn, er, inform you that he’s here.”
“How strict?” Roland asks.
“... Very strict,” They both reply, not quite looking at them, curling in on themselves, trying to be smaller and take up less space. 
“As an e-example of how strict he can be,” Ramiel says, his tongue feels fat in his mouth and it's gotten hard to speak, “When he deemed his Apprentice an ab-abomination and heretical in his existence. He… he decided to purge them and end my life.”
Arnault and Roland are now very concerned and alarmed. They look at each other briefly and them back to their younger brothers and then start almost dragging them out of the streets, they were going to head to Angela’s home, it was farther away from the Base than Roland’s Backerin’s place.
“That is a very big deal!” Roland snarls, as the shock wears off. “We are not letting this war band getting their hands on either one of you. Much less both of you!”
"Roland is right. If he is part of this crusade that is in town they certainly would not be friendly to you. You'll have to wait for the next one to come round." Arnault says trying to ease the tension, the grip on his sword tightening a little bit.
“We just wanted to warn you because he’s… got a bad temper as well as being very strict,” Ramiel explains, “We… believe that he won’t react well to you two being… Bonded.”
“I don’t think he’d intentionally harm Terran born humans,” Cedric says quietly, his eyes fog over with memories of the past, “but he has a… heavy hand for punishment.”
The older pair of Black Templars look at each other for a brief moment before Arnault starts to speak, “You’ve seen how The Traitors react when anyone gets near their Bonded, yes?”
Cedric nods, as an Apothecary he helps tend to the Bonded if they are sick or wounded in some way. Ramiel shakes his head, he’s not needed to offer comfort and a listening ear to Traitors or their Bonded, yet.
“They are simply… less inclined hide their feelings,” Roland continues the explanation, the words slowly rolling off his tongue as he continues to try and explain the Bonds to the younger pair of Black Templars in a way that would make sense. “There are Rules, you see.”
“The Traitors are far more willing to show their Aggression,” Arnault says looking towards Cedric, “Cedric, you’ve probably been taught on how to handle touching another Astartes Bonded.”
Cedric nods, “That is one of the first things they taught me before allowing me to tend to others at the Astartes run clinics.”
Arnault nods and then looks towards Ramiel, “Ramiel… You’ve likely not been told yet. But, those rules are in place to keep you safe.”
It’s very difficult trying to explain the unspoken rules about the Bonded that those who are Bonded, Renegade, Loyalist, and Chaos Traitors alike. Trying to inform the younger pair of Black Templars, trying to keep them safe as well.
“It’s an unsaid rule really… Unbonded aren’t trusted around humans as much,” Roland struggles to explain, “You aren’t exactly Feral… but you don’t understand. You won’t until you are … if you are… Bonded.”
“Just… if he knows what’s good for him… He won’t touch our Bonded.” Arnault says darkly with a promise of bloody violence in his voice.
Both of them tense up a little at the tone in Arnault’s voice, but slowly start to relax again. They are still… really Confused on the whole Bonded Thing. But they are listening with rapt attention to what Roland and Arnault are saying. Even if it doesn’t make much sense to them. 
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oricreature · 5 months
Guys one of my players ( @stoovan01 )is playing a mechanicus/dune protagonist/Martin Luther
He schismed from his sun god cult who wanted him to kill a galaxy, while he just wanted to kill a couple systems
And in the text rp we run he said something along the lines of "I hope to be of great help on your crusa- MISSIONS"
And me, being the dumbass gm I am
Thought he meant Mormon missions not lancer missions
So he's space Mormon in my head now
Doesn't entirely not make sense considering the character
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I've seen some art of Genderbends of some JJBA characters online(most of them being from Golden Wind and Stardust Crusaders) and I wanna do my take on the Crusa-... I mean DIO's minions.
I noticed that most of my genderbends were male to female, so I made some female to male genderbends to balance it out a little.
Anyways, Mariah is now called Mariano. I didn't do a lot of changes to him except changing his name and replacing the skirt with Arabic pants...wait, if he's a guy, that would make him a GILF hunter because Mariah liked older men!
And here we have Nena who is now called Neymar, he's mostly created just to compliment F!Hol Horse, because why not? I had looked up online for Indian men's fashion and gave him what I hoped is some regal Indian clothes, I'm not of Indian descent so feel free to correct me.
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2lim3rz · 2 years
Imagine being from a world in Warhammer 30k which was sort of like Lorgars world where they worshipped the Chaos gods, but instead of worshipping them the Reader and their clan instead have honed and perfected the art of summoning and subjugating the various types of Chaos daemons. Like to the point where Nurgle daemons are used to improve fertility in cattle/crops, Khorne daemons are used as guard/attack dogs, and so on. How would the Primarchs/Big E react to their s/o being capable of this?
This definitely fits with my sorta view that.. I mean, Chaos does have its inevitable place in the world. And it has been established that with the whole belief system, there are minor 'gods' that sort of exist. But Chaos is a culmination of everything (and it happens in grimdark dystopia that it all sucks)
But we have been shown good sides of Chaos (or at least told OF them). With Slaanesh's pleasure (and pain does have its place in the world) [with Steeds being a good example because.. I mean they don't really actively do anything malicious, they're just curious titty raptors that like to vibe]; Khorne's honor (and bloodshed, because he IS the Warrior god) [and most things I see of Khorne are low-key pretty mechanical as well]; Tzeentch is ambition and psychic powers (both of which are important in the society of 30/30k and general life); and Nurgle's mortality (as well as disease having its place) [as well as rot and decay i.e mushrooms having its belonging in the food chain]
I'd imagine there's an UNDIVIDED tribe/settlement (going with tribe in assuming this is also a nomadic world similar to Colchis) as well as a tribe corresponding to each separate god (I can elaborate more but tl:dr: the khornate god takes in exiles/willing followers and uphold the Dedications of the Blood in which they attack the other tribes while dressing themselves similar to the daemons this also aids [unintentionally] in keeping the population down)
In saying this, I'd probably say it'd function closer to this: Nurgle - Sacrificial uses are plant based and generally the end of a life (i.e composition n such) while not many of his daemons are used, he's certainly revered enough
Slaanesh - The arts generally, but daemons are used to aid in performances or even arcetecture however you spell it lmao. No sacrifices so much as dedications and performances
Khorne - Sacrifices and Dedications. Honor aspect is leaning towards upholding laws.. in a sense. Laws being more eye-for-an-eye in this case. Daemons are used to aid in combat and transportation
Tzeentch - Lowkey.. a lot of things sort of goes with Tzeentch. Daemons are very versatile with this one. Sometimes takes sacrifices, sometimes dedications. Very unsure?
Note: Just Leman, Magnus,and Lorgar this go around cause I just had ideas for them and for simplicity's sake, the planet is called.. Let's call it Asybor (a-SIGH-boar)
Your world.. was one of peace. Similar to many worlds and yet.. oh was it so different. For the taint of the warp was upon it, so they said.
You were a Fraslen; a Sky Speaker. Runes were both carved and tattooed into your body.. yet they were artful and done with precision. A curling ball of flame upon your head, a horned triangle of sorts upon your breast alongside three loops with three coiled arrows and upon your back was a circle with a semicircle arrow split in half with another semicircle. These were only the largest however.. All of them curling into each other like beautiful holding hands.
You were nearly barren of clothes this time of year. Loose transparent cloths floated akin to ghosts on your body, with golden sandals protecting the soles of your feet across the hard ground.
You heard it; the songs, the cheers.
You saw it; the blaze of piercing light in the air, the sight of something falling into your planet.
You felt it; as if you were dipped into one of the warming rivers in the northern passes, a feeling washing over your mind.
Something was there..
It's the great crusade and.. admittedly even this planet was a bit out of his reach. Yet something told him that he needed to be here. It had to be seen. It was a yet to be conquered planet and scans deemed it to be.. suspiciously empty. There were readings of some animals but little else.. and upon a planet so green and clearly rich with life? It was off.
Until he and his ship of Space Wolves landed. Of course, all you knew was that you had to welcome this.. whatever it was. And at first your eyes and your mind were at war with each other. In fact, you had fallen to your knees the moment you beheld the men in strange armors.. their height rivalled the Kortons, their regality was unmatched to those of the Slaniths.
They had surprise as well. Scans showed nothing of human presence; yet here one was.. bearing symbols that made the mind ache.. the soul wander dangerously. Leman Russ.. was having none of it
But.. he was curious. And Curiosity was a dangerous thing. Being the closest thing to the planet's ambassador, you would lead them. And gladly tell them of everything. Why should anything be secret to your brothers of the stars?
You were greeted with skepticism, when you had shown them the elegantly made tents of the Cliff Treaders with their mounts of great winged beasts, they were astounded. Even more shocked when the burden-beasts could even carry one of the warriors upon its back
Yet the Giant one, the Wolf as he called himself was wary.. if not interested in what you had to show. What dangers there were. The only threat upon them was a foolish pack of Kortons that had challenged them. It was a joyous moment to discover how similar aspects of your cultures were: myths, foods, the nomadic traveling of your natures, the worship of nature with respect and wary fear.
You spent most of your time with the Great Wolf; the Star Hunter, Leman Russ..
Enough to gift him with a hand painted figure upon a sky-stone. A gleaming figure of him with painfully bartered paints from the Slaniths. The gifts of Fraslens were extremely few since they had to be Neutral in most things. Especially upon a stone only taken from upon one of the Pilgrimages
There was pain in his eyes when he accepted it
And you couldn't fathom why as he turned his back upon you. Not knowing just how you and your planet's entire precious culture would have to be disintegrated, less they faced His wrath.
The primarch that had arrived.. stole your breath away. Where in Leman's case, you were overwhelmed by the presence of such withheld ferocity and the appearance of primality contained.. with Magnus it is conflicting. Massive and regal, but at the same time something was innately Off about him. His soldiers were of similar..
Yet unlike the other primarchs (with exception to perhaps Konrad or Perturabo), with Magnus you felt.. as if there was a chance.
Magnus, and many of the Thousand Sons no doubt (tell me if this is wrong because I am not a Magnus expert) is a scholar. The usage of the.. Warp in natural day-to-day life was astounding! It was..
It was similar to his home. The feeling of.. magic everywhere. Permeating the very soils of the ground itself. Even if he had to get used to the fact that his first meeting with the inhabitants was.. very nude
You lead him everywhere you could, equally fascinated by the technologies he brought with him. He took great interest in the song-tales of the Slaniths, and the story-weavers of the Za'leech.
He was even more interested in the patterns across your body. Struggling to ignore the way that his staring eye made you want to shiver and hide yourself in the most curious of ways. Interested in how each rune, each symbol and picture.. was a testament of your trials and story. Everything from your birth to your current time was put upon you in excruciating detail
Fraslens held no secrets of who they were
So he was stunned when you offered yourself to be an 'Ambassador' of your people. You had already done so much, translating his alien words to your people (with the help of other called-upon Fraslens and exception to the Slaniths and Za'leech who seemed to already Know his words just as much as you did)
You would leave your planet? Abandon everything to represent your people?
It hurt Magnus. It tore him in two. He needed to bring this planet into compliance. To record it but- To do that would shred everything apart.. everything was so harmonious and.. why it was..
All planets took compliance differently. Some peaceful, some not. Some by force and some by underhanded means and.. Why did this world make him so hesitant? Was it the feeling of a home away from home?
Either way. It was a difficult choice. And one had to be made.
It was not the massive deserts of home, nor was it Khur but.. it was a beauty in its own right. Sprawling greenery stretched out before him, segregated by rings of mountains as though many hands eons ago had carved many bowls into its surface
You were the first to greet him.. and he was stunned perhaps just as much as you were. It wasn't every day that someone walked around naked and he had gotten used to the different culture of the Imperium.
Lorgar was silent through the first time he was lead about. Marching with ginger steps with Kor Phaeron and Erebus as you spoke. Multiple times he had to silence his compatriots.. well just Kor Phaeron. Erebus was silent. Lurking. Leering.. planning. His son was always.. off
You were showing him the peaceful and the wrathful. Explaining it all. The Kortons upon their metal-backed land beasts as they ravaged a splinter group that had sought to sow chaos upon the lands. Slanith performances in the evenings and celebrating.. everything; from the births of life, to even just the rains that the Four had blessed them with. The Norngat with their meanderings ponderous ways. Slow; displaying the dedications to caring for the land and unchanging will of nature. The Za'leech, with their mystery and intrigue cause of it. Sparkling the sky with elaborate displaces of wonderous images or serving as the wise soothsayers
Everything was a fascination to Lorgar. No blade of grass was left unexplained
Even if your time was unknowingly threatened to be cut short.. this.. this peace..
It couldn't be had.
It couldn't last.
Not if he could help it. Yet.. No.. he could always turn this further against the Emperor. To sate the lust his Gods had to ruin the formidable Enemy.
After all... is Chaos.. is the warp really so bad if humanity could so clearly live peacefully beside it? Isn't this what Lorgar and the Cult preached?
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cotl-marked-line · 1 year
Pregunta para Lamb : si tuvieras que elegir entre un adepto Peruano o Mexicano aquien eliges?
(Crusa los dedos por Peruano)
Question for Lamb: if you had to choose between a Peruvian or Mexican follower, who would you choose?
(Cross their fingers for Peruvian)
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A Peruvian! Peruvians are more cool. Although it would be better if I could have both.
Datazo: A los argentinos generalmente nos agradan más los peruanos. Más que nada por... Cuestiones históricas
Fun fact: We Argentines generally like Peruvians more. More than anything for... Historical reasons
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stolencrownsofplenty · 7 months
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@lambfated | Accepting
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Pros & Cons of Dating the Emperor:
While sometimes forgetful when it comes to their own needs, they do make up for that with wanting to be extra attentive when it comes to remembering their partners own wants and needs. No matter how many wives they managed to wind themselves with, they keep a journal on them that is filled to the brim with lists of wants/needs, names, dates, and even written logs/memories that they keep an archive of to make sure they have it on file. Did you mention you have a certain allergic reaction when it comes to eating sea food? When your head's turned they are quickly writing that down to make sure they have it memorized just to keep note for later, just so they don't forget. Did you guys have a really fun date or walk out in the forest when they specifically made some time for you to spend some special time together? Dw, they written a few whole pages detailing the entire event later that day because they wanted to mark that as another anniversary date.
Their love language is quality time and lots of touchy affection. As much as their own time is infinite because of their cult ordeal as a immortal deity, they do know (when they don't have an immortality necklace locked onto a new spouse just yet) their mortal spouses lives have quite limited days to their soul count. Sometimes they don't always have time to resurrect their partners right away since they can only ever resurrect one person every six months (mortal time), so it matters a lot to them when they go out of their way to spend time with those they really care about. If you both are busy and work has to come first since the Emperor has countless mouths to feed? Having just a few kisses or holding hands in between work is just enough for them for their heart to flutter.
If you're a single parent and have some kids on hand that were either indoctrinated with you or were born into the cult but their other parent died? By default they are gonna step in and help you take care of those kids like if they were their own!! They already have a bunch of lil kiddies of their own always running around that they're a family man who will always drop everything whenever they hear their children are in trouble or if they need their parent to play hide n' seek with them. Having time for your kids is always something precious. And if they can help make that kid's childhood something great before they have to go and carry their own weight later? They will just spoil you and your kids with a lot of gifts to let you know you are something special worth keeping to them.
Downside to them also being polyamory who's a lamb with many partners... Since they have a ton of partners they've cherished super deeply over the centuries? You'll have to expect them to not always sleep with you in bed most nights. Everyone gets an equal portion of their quality time spent together with them and sometimes some partners are not often willing to share the bed with three other spouses when their Leader either has to sleep with them or a three-four person love session isn't always on the table. Every spouse gets one night to spend the night in their bed, and the wait list can get a bit long even for their 114 spouse count; so it leaves their time a bit restrained when they're trying to keep everyone happy with their reserved time. While the hivemind link may sometimes suffice since they can talk to everyone over the line no problem, but if you're someone who gets touch starved a lot during the time.. Let's hope they bought you a plush to rest with when they're not there.
They're still a leader of a large colony. And with being a leader over said colony people need food to survive and roles to keep them occupied so they don't get cabin fever so easily. When they're not around to give their partners quality time, they are on the grind alongside their people working to make sure their cult runs as smooth as possible. When on crusades they can be gone for days at a time trying to collect resources and killing heretics. Maybe they'll be absent for weeks if they've gone on a long trip hunting down bosses who've been causing their lands trouble. If you're someone who's still good to exist on your own yet still willing to keep up with their speed? Expect them to be absent sometimes as they are a hard working bread winner for their cult. They know its sometimes not ideal, but there are reasons they started that telepathy link to keep their people happy.
When you're getting together with them? You're also getting together with their crowns as well since they're package deal. During off days when the crowns happen to possess them during a bad day, it's best to not take it personally if one of the crowns has an odd distaste for you sometimes. A lot of the time its just due to stress when those things just practically dragged their body back home from a depressing fight, and they're sometimes always a bit jumpy when they get on edge after a fight. Most of them are chatty, but don't expect too much if they're not into kissing their vessel's spouses.
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You know what actually
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Payback for the Sonic image (also. this is just like breadcrust crusa
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(same anon from earlier) hi what I meant to say earlier. did you beat crusa or something? i slept under a rock
Edge: …No….we didn’t actually, we had to retreat quickly. She seems to gotten stronger last time we all seen her.
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mathewingram · 6 days
The latest entry in The Torment Nexus, a newsletter featuring my analysis and perspective on technology and culture: “The crusade against TikTok is a ridiculous waste of time” torment-nexus.mathewingram.com/the-crusa…
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444namesplus · 2 months
Ade Adeke Adenu Ado Afoxi Afuci Afugacru Afuganu Afuo Afuqa Afuru Afurusade Afusa Afuwu Agavi Aguo Ahi Ahifofuqu Ahigafu Ahiqa Ahivi Aifui Ainu Aioi Aiqa Aiwe Aiwodesahitza Aiwu Ajaqa Akuwu Anbe Anuja Anuo Anusade Anvesa Anwe Anwo Aoi Aomiwe Apaqa Aqa Aqocru Aqu Aquduxi Aque Aqufuqo Aquhifu Aquja Aqujasaja Aqunu Aquo Aquqa Aquqatza Aquraqa Aqurufu Aqurupo Aquruwu Aquruzi Aqusrugu Aqusruhi Aqutzazu Aquve Aquwu Aquxiwe Aquxiwi Aquyosru Aquyuqu Aquzi Aquzisru Asaide Asakunu Asasru Asavi Asawe Asrunetza Asrusafo Asruya Atusruwe Atzage Atzao Atzaqa Atzarupo Atzaruwu Atzasru Atzawu Atzaya Atzazi Aven Aweqo Awerupo Awevefo Awexiwi Awezimi Awofu Awohi Awoqa Awoqaxi Awu Aya Ayaca Ayago Ayane Ayasa Ayave Ayavi Ayawu Ayaxi Ayu Ayuji Ayuqa Ayusa Azaqa Azasa Azave Aziji
Bedo Beetza Beicrupo Bejapo Beke Bequcru Beyo Cai Caifu Caiwu Cazu Cazupo Cazuqa Cibe Cigo Cigon Ciicru Cimo Cipo Cislofodenu Citza Civuntu Cizi Cloei Cloqu Clora Closru Cniicru Cnio Cruaqu Crucruwi Crudidu Crue Crueqa Cruewu Crufofuqu Crufuzi Crugaci Crugagoi Crugahi Crugasruxi Cruja Crulo Crurupo Cruryu Crusa Crusanu Crusayosru Crutu Cruveqa Cruvetza Cruwodu Cruwowu Cruxi Cruyawu Cruyo Cruyoqo Cruyowu Cruzigo Dejadu Dekehi Deksavei Denuku Desawu Desayahi Dewu Dicruhinjai Dicruoke Dicrupo Dicruxizo Didu Diduaqu Diducrusa Didue Didujasa Diduo Diduqa Diduqu Diduru Didurufu Didurupo Diduruwu Didusa Diduve Diduwu Diduxiwi Diduyo Diduyosru Diduzi Digafun Digai Dige Dihihitza Dihiqo Dijinu Dikeca Dikuquxi Dinqo Dinven Dinxi Dinyu Diqoxi Disadu Disruhi Disrumizi Ditza Ditzae Ditzao Ditzasaicru Dive Divee Divehiqu Divewu Diwoqu Diwuqovu Diyavewe Diyavu Diyazi Dizaqo Dofu Dogun Dohi Doicru Doicrupo Dojapo Doke Donu Doo Doqefounu Dosa Doti Doxizapa Dozapa Dumii Duqa Duqawu Duve Duwe Duwewu Ecruson Efide Eiicru Eiicrupo Eike Eikepo Eipu Eiqa Eiqucru Eisnin Eiwu Eixizapa Eizapa Ejakehi Ekuve Ekuxi Enetza Eqa Eqawe Eqawu Etzake Etzawu Eve Ewe Ewesa Ewewu Exafode Ficruven Fiidihi Fiifoja Fiiqa Fiixu Fikwu Filonhitza Finufuqu Fisalo Fisrudequ Fisruo Fisruxiomivu Fisruxiqaya Fisruzikyo Fissrun Fixizo Foga Fogazi Fohiciwe Fucrue Fucruo Fucruwu Fudewu Fuewu Fufo Fufoe Fufoqadinu Fufuyahi Fuga Fuganu Fuganufode Fuganui Fuganuwu Fugomo Fuibe Fuiicru Fuijahi Fuiqu Fuisai Fuizi Funbe Funji Funqo Fuowe Fuptopo Fuqoaqu Fuqodidu Fuqoo Fuqoruwu Fuqowu Fuqoxuvi Fuqoyosru Fuqozisru Fuqu Fuqucru Fuque Fuquwu Fusae Fusai Fusaiqavezi Fusaiqe Fusaja Fusaxa Fusequ Futue Futvu Futzahigonqoi Futzao Futzaqu Fuvee Fuwipo Fuxa Fuxi Fuya Fuyahi Fuyasa Fuyawu Fuyowu Fuyuqa Fuyuwe Fuzidu Fuziqa Fuzisru Fuzivewe Fuziwu Gadeve Gaduca Gaduqa Gafiaqu Gafie Gafifuqu Gafijacru Gafijapa Gafio Gafiqatza Gafirufu Gafirupo Gafiruwu Gafiwu Gafiyuqu Gafutza Gahifoya Gahijapo Gahimizi Gahixi Gake Ganusruqu Ganuxizapa Ganuyosru Gapoisru Gapone Gaqa Gaqawu Gaqohitza Gaqu Gasruhi Gasrupo Gata Gatavei Gawedinu Gazao Geicru Gen Gera Gexiden Goici Goigun Goiicru Goiicrupo Goike Goiken Goikepo Goilo Goipu Goiqucru Goisru Goisrupo Goiwu Goiya Goiyo Gojafoya Gommoga Gonqoi Gonqucru Gonven Goqu Gottza Gotzave Gotzawu Gozi Goziucru Gun'icru Gun'icrupo Gunja Gunjapo Gunkepo Gunpu Gupo Gyoqo
Hiaya Hicru Hicruqo Hicruwu Hidufoca Hietusru Hifide Hifuaqu Hifucrusa Hifudidu Hifudu Hifue Hifugafi Hifuicru Hifuie Hifujapa Hifujasa Hifujavi Hifujinu Hifujivi Hifuke Hifumiwe Hifuo Hifuoqa Hifuqa Hifuqacru Hifuqatza Hifuqu Hifuraqa Hifurufu Hifurupo Hifuruqe Hifuruwu Hifuruzi Hifusagu Hifusatza Hifusawo Hifusru Hifusrugu Hifutzazu Hifuveo Hifuvudu Hifuwiqa Hifuwoqa Hifuwu Hifuxiwe Hifuxiwi Hifuya Hifuyosru Hifuyuqu Hifuzi Hifuzimi Hifuzisru Higanuxuqu Hiitunu Hiiwodu Hiiwu Hijanei Hilo Himidu Hinjapo Hinkepo Hio Hiqa Hiqawu Hiqu Hiquo Hiquwu Hiquxidinu Hirupo Hitao Hitzacru Hitzae Hitzafusa Hitzamizi Hitzao Hitzaqu Hitzasrugu Hitzatunu Hitzaunu Hitzawu Hitzaxa Hitzayahi Hive Hiveqa Hivewi Hiwe Hiwee Hiwewu Hiwu Hiwuzi Hixasa Hiyawu Hiyu Hiyunu Hiyuqa Hiyuwu Hizao Hizapu Hizaqa Hizaqo Hyufo Icrudinu Icruei Icrupo Icrupu Icruqugasruquxi Icrusade Icruwu Icruxigoqu Icruxiqaya Idegafi Ideganu Ideja Ideo Ideqaxude Ideqe Idequ Idesehi Iduhi Iefuqo Iehifu Iemin Ierufu Ifo Ifu Ifudiya Ifuji Ifuo Ifuqa Igae Igao Igapo Igaqa Igo Igodinu Igofuqu Ihituwe Ihiwe Iiqo Iiwosa Iiyahi Ijadu Ijaqa Ijatusru Ijawu Ikwu Inxui Iowe Ipaqo Ipkii Iqawo Iqu Iseyahi Isgoi Isrufoqu Isruosa Isrusawe Isruxihiqu Itunu Itunuqu Itzaqa Itzaqu Itzawu Ive Ivege Ivene Ivesruqu Ivexude Iwizaqu Iwo Iwomi Iwoqa Iwoqafuxi Iwoqaotza Iwoxigafi Iwuhi Iyo Izaqa Izi Izihin Iziifode Izisruhi
Jacrusade Jadinu Jaduqawo Jaewu Jafobe Jafode Jaga Jagahi Jagake Jagao Jagapo Jagapu Jagaqa Jagaya Jagazi Jahi Jahio Jahiqu Jahive Jahixi Jaicru Jaicrupo Jaifo Jaiicru Jaike Jaiqu Jaisru Jaivei Jaizapa Jaizi Jajinu Jakeqa Jamitza Jamtu Japaaqu Japadidu Japadinu Japadu Japaicru Japaja Japakepo Japao Japapu Japaraqa Japarufu Japarupo Japaruwu Japaruzi Japasru Japavefo Japawu Japaxiwe Japaya Japayosru Japazi Japazinu Japazisru Japo Jaqao Jaqawu Jaqoaqu Jaqocrusa Jaqodidu Jaqohifu Jaqojasa Jaqomiwe Jaqoo Jaqooqu Jaqoqa Jaqoraqa Jaqorupo Jaqoruwu Jaqoruzi Jaqosatza Jaqosru Jaqotzavi Jaqotzazu Jaqovefo Jaqoveo Jaqovewe Jaqovudu Jaqoxiwe Jaqoxiwi Jaqoyo Jaqoyosru Jaqoyuqu Jaqozimi Jaqozisru Jaqusade Jaquxude Jasa Jasaaqu Jasadige Jasadihi Jasadisru Jasafuci Jasafuqu Jasahifu Jasahitza Jasaisru Jasanuwosa Jasao Jasaosa Jasaqatza Jasaqu Jasaraqa Jasarufu Jasarupo Jasaruqe Jasaruwu Jasaruzi Jasasru Jasasruhi Jasatzaqu Jasatzazu Jasauke Jasawu Jasaxiwe Jasaxiwi Jasaya Jasayahi Jasayaza Jasayosru Jasayuqu Jasaziqa Jasazisru Jatzaaqu Jatzahi Jatzake Jatzao Jatzapo Jatzaqa Jatzarupo Jatzaruwu Jatzaruzi Jatzasru Jatzawu Jatzaxi Jatzaxiwe Jatzaya Jatzayosru Jatzayuqu Javene Javuo Javutuyasru Javuyahi Jifusrujinuyahi Jifusruxi Jigapo Jinusaqa Jinusrugu Jinuyahi Jiponun Jipozi Jitza Jitzao Jitzaqa Jitzawu Jivesaja Jivijasa Jivimiwe Jivio Jivirupo Jivisrugu Jivixiwe Jivixiwi Jiviziqu Jivizisru Jiwu Keicrupo Ken Ken'icru Kenrocru Kepo Ketzawu Koficru Kojapo Kon Kon'icrupo Kon'ya Konei Konke Konkii Konpu Konqu Konwu Kopu Koqucru Kosrupo Kuson Kutui Kyo Kyoicru Kyojanci Kyojavene Kyoke Kyowu Kyozapa Kyozi Kyozoi Kyuqucru Logazi Lojadu Lonbe Lora Loveqa Lowoqa Lowuja
Micruaqu Mie Mimi Mimie Mimisa Mimiwu Minnetza Miosa Miqucru Mitunu Miwehifu Miwejasa Miweo Miweosa Miwerupo Miweruwu Miwesawo Miweya Miweyahi Miwezucru Mizapa Miziaqu Mizididu Miziicru Mizijaqo Miziji Mizikepo Miziqaya Miziqu Mizirupo Miziruwu Mizisru Mizisrugu Mizitzazu Miziwu Mizixiwi Mizixuvi Miziyaza Miziyuqu Miziza Mizizapa Myowu Nepla Nuipu Nun Oca Ociwe Odego Odeweafuru Ofo Ofoqu Ofuji Ofuqu Ofusa Ofusafuyahi Oge Ohicru Ohiexuqu Oija Oja Ojadenu Ojadu Ojapa Ojija Ojinu Okeya Okurupo Opafode Oqa Oqadicruhin Oqajahi Oqo Oqodenu Oqovu Oqumizi Oqutzazu Oquvede Oravezi Osade Osaxuqu Osaya Osayahi Osni Otuhi Otuvexude Otza Otzaqu Owi Owoai Oxi Oxibe Oxiqacru Oyahi Oyane Ozica Ozidi Oziruwu Pafuo Pagonsehi Pai Paici Paiicru Paiicrupo Paija Paike Paikepo Paiko Paipu Paiqu Paisru Paiwu Paixizapa Paizapa Pan Pan'icru Pan'icrupo Pan'yu Panci Panfuga Panja Panjapo Panke Pankepo Panpu Panqu Panqucru Pansrun Panzapa Panzi Pogapo Qacruaqu Qacrudidu Qacrudu Qacrujapo Qacrujasa Qacruo Qacrupo Qacrurufu Qacrurupo Qacruruwu Qacruwu Qacruxiwe Qacruya Qacruyo Qacruyosru Qade Qadewu Qadinu Qae Qaewu Qafude Qafuo Qafuqu Qafuwu Qafuzi Qaga Qagadu Qagafi Qahi Qahifusa Qaiwu Qajasa Qalo Qamiwe Qanui Qaqu Qaquo Qaquwu Qasa Qasafu Qasawu Qasruhi Qatzaaqu Qatzadidu Qatzadu Qatzage Qatzahifu Qatzajasa Qatzamiwe Qatzao Qatzaoqa Qatzapa Qatzaqu Qatzarufu Qatzarunu Qatzarupo Qatzaruqe Qatzaruwu Qatzavudu Qatzawu Qatzaxiwe Qatzaxiwi Qatzayaza Qatzayo Qatzayosru Qatzayuqu Qatzazapa Qatzazisru Qatzazu Qau Qaunu Qave Qavee Qavehija Qaveqa Qaveqaadeke Qaveqaasrufonu Qaveqadohi Qaveqafutzahi Qaveqakyusni Qaveqamodo Qaveqasruhitunu Qavewu Qavezi Qavi Qaviicru Qavio Qaviwu Qawolo Qawoqu Qawoveqa Qawowu Qawuzi Qaxawe Qaxi Qaxih Qaxisami Qaxiwe Qayadesa Qayahi Qayaku Qayawo Qayawu Qayawukehi Qayawuxibe Qayaxuqu Qayosru Qayowu Qayu Qayuqa Qayuqu Qazi Qaziyo Qoi Qoici Qoicru Qoigon Qoipoga Qoipu Qoiqu Qoisrun Qoizapa Qoizi Qovu Qoxuira Qudicru Qudicrupo Qufunuwo Qufuwipo Qugacru Qugae Qugafode Qugao Qugawu Quicrupo Quja Qujaaquja Qujaitunuqu Qujakyusni Qujamizi Qujaqa Qujaruposruhi Qujasaja Qujasaqa Qujaveciya Qun'icru Qun'icrupo Qun'ya Qunjapo Qunke Qunkepo Qunu Quqao Quqatza Quqawu Quqaya Quryu Quslo Qusrudeqo Qutzaqu Quwesruhi Quwofode Quwu Quxisade Quyoaqu Quyogo Quyojapa Quyojasa Quyoke Quyomizi Quyoraqa Quyorupo Quyoruqe Quyoruwu Quyosawo Quyosru Quyovewe Quyowu Quyoxiwe Quyoyuqu Quyoza Quyozae Quzoi
Racni Raeraqu Rafuwu Rafuxizapa Rafuxuvi Ragacruyahi Ragai Ragaosa Ragapoi Ragaqa Ragasruhi Ragatza Ragayahi Rake Rakeeqo Rakefude Rakeiqenu Rakeo Rakeosa Rakeqa Rakeqaxi Rakewu Rakexiqaya Rakeyosruqo Ranuxi Raqaaqu Raqae Raqao Raqarupo Raqaruwu Raqasa Raqawu Raqaya Raqazi Rasafode Rasaya Rasfu Rattza Ravetusru Rayuqu Rayuwu Razisru Rucake Rucawu Rufosrugaduca Rufosruhitzasruhi Rufosruhitzayahi Rufosrujinuyahi Rufosruofusa Rufosruoqa Rufosruruposruhi Rufosrusafode Rufosruvi Rufosruyahizi Rufue Rufujasa Rufumizi Rufuo Rufuqatza Rufuruzi Rufusru Rufuvudu Rufuwu Rufuxiwe Rufuxiwi Rufuya Rufuyaza Rufuyo Rufuyosru Rufuyuqu Rufuzi Ruja Rujacru Rujacruoja Rujacruoqaya Rujacruvesa Runusade Runusaja Runutzasa Runuxa Ruoqu Rupo Rupoaqu Rupoe Rupofuqu Rupogafi Rupohifu Rupojaqa Rupojasa Rupoji Rupoke Rupomiwe Rupoqa Rupoqacru Rupoqatza Rupoqu Ruporaqa Ruporufu Ruporuqe Ruposatza Ruposawo Ruposru Ruposrugu Ruposruhi Rupotzazu Rupovewe Rupowu Rupoxiwe Rupoxiwi Rupoya Rupoyaza Rupoyo Rupoyosru Rupoyuqu Rupozi Rupozimi Rupoziqu Rupozisru Ruqa Ruqeaqu Ruqedidu Ruqehifu Ruqejasa Ruqeke Ruqeo Ruqeqa Ruqeqatza Ruqequ Ruqeruwu Ruqeruzi Ruqesawo Ruqesru Ruqetzazu Ruqewu Ruqexiwe Ruqexiwi Ruqeyo Ruqeyosru Ruqeyuqu Ruqezi Ruqezisru Ruqo Ruqosa Rusadu Rusawe Ruveja Ruwuvi Ruxi Ruziqa Ruzisru Ruziyosru Ryo Ryogoi Ryohi Ryoicru Ryoja Ryojapo Ryoke Ryopu Ryosa Ryowu Ryozapa Ryozoi Ryu Ryufofuqu Ryufuga Ryugoi Ryuicru Ryuja Ryujapo Ryuke Ryupu Ryuqu Ryuxizapa Ryuya Ryuzapa Ryuzoi
Sacaosa Sacayahi Sacisruhi Sadecie Sadecruvefoxi Sadefisru Sadefuqu Sadei Sadezucru Saeqe Safi Safo Safoqa Safuhi Safui Safuosa Saga Sagake Sagaqo Sagujasa Sagumiwe Sahi Sahifoya Sahiganu Sahiisru Sai Saike Saiven Saiwo Saiwosa Saizi Sajafoqa Sajaxi Salo Salodu Saloga Sami Samifode San'icru San'onke Sangapo Sanutza Sanxuqu Sanzapa Saodu Saowe Sapafode Sapu Saqa Saqaxiyahi Saqaza Saqucru Sasaqafodinu Sasehi Sasrude Sasrudenu Sasrudexuqu Sasrudinu Sasruhi Sasrutu Satzaaqu Satzaei Satzahifu Satzajapo Satzake Satzamizi Satzanuge Satzao Satzaqa Satzaqu Satzaquyo Satzarufu Satzarupo Satzaruwu Satzaruzi Satzasru Satzasrusa Satzaunu Satzavefo Satzavewe Satzavudu Satzawu Satzaxiwe Satzaxizapa Satzaya Satzayahi Satzayosru Satzayuqu Satzazapa Satzazimi Satzazisru Save Saveca Savee Savewu Savexude Savihitza Savijapa Savimizi Savirunu Savirupo Savitzazu Saviyosru Savizapa Savizi Sawen Saweya Sawo Sawoaqu Sawodidu Sawoe Sawofu Sawohi Sawohifu Sawojasa Sawoo Sawooqu Sawopo Sawoqa Sawoqu Saworufu Saworupo Saworuwu Saworuzi Sawosru Sawosrugu Sawovewe Sawowu Sawoxi Sawoxiwe Sawoya Sawoyo Sawoyosru Sawoyuqu Sawozi Sawoziqu Sawozisru Sawufode Saxahi Saxiya Sayo Sayowu Sazafo Sazafoi Sazaqa Sazaqafounu Sazasane Sazi Saziwe Sazuya Sehija Sehiwo Skicual Slo Sloci Slohi Sloicru Sloja Slojapo Sloke Slokepo Slopu Slotunu Slowu Sloya Slozapa Slozoi Snici Snifuga Sniicru Snija Snike Snin Snin'icru Snin'icrupo Snin'ya Sninfuga Sninjapo Sninke Sninkii Sninpu Sninqucru Sninzapa Snipu Sniven Sniwu Snizapa Snizoi Sonjapo Sonkepo Sonpu Sonqucru Sontzake Srubevedevu Srucrupo Srudo Sruguaqu Srugudidu Srugudu Sruguhifu Sruguhitza Srugujaqo Srugujasa Sruguo Sruguqa Sruguqatza Sruguqu Sruguraqa Srugurufu Srugurupo Srugusawo Sruguvefo Sruguwe Sruguwu Sruguxiwe Sruguxiwi Sruguyaza Sruguyosru Sruguyuqu Sruguzi Sruguzisru Sruhi Sruhinzi Sruhiqo Sruhitunu Sruhiwu Sruive Srulo Srumiqo Srumitzahi Srumitzapa Srumixigoqu Srun Srun'icru Srun'icrupo Srunbe Srunci Srunetza Srunfuga Srunja Srunjapo Srunke Srunkepo Srunkii Srunkoga Srunpu Srunqucru Srunsrupo Srunusade Srunya Srunzapa Srunzu Sruofohi Sruokewe Sruon Sruowe Srupoi Srupoisru Sruqu Srutuja Sruvefode Sruvewu Sruwisade Sruwisru Sruwiya Sruwoe Sruwoo Sruwoosa Sruwosa Sruwowu Sruwu Sruwugacnio Sruxi Sruxiwi
Tai Taiicru Taike Taipu Taisa Taiwu Tan Tanjapo Tave Tunwe Tunxa Tza Tzacruunu Tzadu Tzadufo Tzadufosruhi Tzaduosa Tzafodu Tzagaqa Tzagatu Tzagatuqanui Tzageo Tzasafu Tzasruhi Tzatuca Tzatufu Tzavididu Tzavikepo Tzavio Tzaviqa Tzavirufu Tzaviwu Tzavixiwe Tzaviyosru Tzaviyuqu Tzayahi Tzayosru Tzaziji Ucake Ucawu Udekehi Uduhi Ueqo Uexidinu Ufu Uhixizapa Ujasruvei Uke Une Unson Unudoe Unuyaza Unven Uosehi Uowo Uqo Uqu Uqudi Usruga Utasruxi Utzaxiqaya Uzaqu Uzi Vecafoja Vecawesade Veci Veciya Vedi Veduqa Vedurufu Veduruzi Veduzi Vefodidu Vefodihi Vefofuqu Vefohifu Vefoi Vefoosa Vefoosakyo Vefoqacru Veforuqe Vefotayahi Vefoveo Vefowu Vefoxi Vefoxiwe Vefozi Vefozimi Vefoziqu Vegefu Ven'yo Venbe Venjan Venqucru Venu Venusruxi Venwuga Venzi Veo Veohifu Veojapa Veojasa Veoke Veomiwe Veoqa Veoqacru Veoqu Veoraqa Veorufu Veorupo Veoruwu Veoruzi Veosatza Veosru Veowoqa Veowu Veoya Veoyuqu Veozi Veqa Veqao Vesa Vesahi Vesatza Vesatzafode Vesaxi Vetuwe Vetzaca Vetzae Vetzaqa Vetzaqu Vetzawu Veve Vevego Veveo Veveqa Vevewu Veweaqu Veweaqunu Veweja Vewejasa Veweyaza Veweyuqu Veyopo Vezasanuzayahi Vezasruotunu Veziwe Vijipo Viwehi Viyafode Vudu Vuduaqu Vuduhifu Vuduo Vuduqa Vudurufu Vuduruwu Vuduwu Vuduxiwi Vuduyosru Vuduyuqu Vuike Vuikepo Vuipu Vuiwu Vunwe Vunxa Vupkii Vutza Vutzadidu Vutzahifu Vutzajapo Vutzake Vutzao Vutzapo Vutzapu Vutzasru Vutzaya
Wee Weewu Wefu Wega Wegasonjasaja Weicru Welo Wen Wenslo Wequcru Wequya Wesa Wetzawu Wetzi Weve Wincijasaqo Winja Winke Winkyo Wison Wosru Wucipo Wucru Wudidu Wudon Wufo Wufovii Wufuga Wufui Wugawinke Wugoi Wuhie Wuhifovi Wuhiqu Wuhitza Wuhitzasruhi Wuicru Wuicrupo Wujapo Wuke Wukepo Wumipo Wune Wupu Wuqoinu Wuqu Wuqucru Wura Wusa Wusni Wusru Wusrufoya Wusrupo Wutuyasru Wuuja Wuven Wuweyahi Wuwoe Wuxiqa Wuxiza Wuxizapa Wuya Wuzapa Wuzi Wuziqa Wuziwe Wuzoi Xia Xifoja Ximodu Ximowenetza Xineosa Xipuji Xipuqa Xiqa Xiqo Xisrupo Xiweaqu Xiwehifu Xiweo Xiwerafu Xiweraqa Xiwerupo Xiweruwu Xiweruzi Xiwesawo Xiwewu Xiweyaza Xiweyo Xiweyosru Xiweyuqu Xiwiaqu Xiwiatza Xiwididu Xiwifuqo Xiwihifu Xiwijasa Xiwimizi Xiwio Xiwiqatza Xiwirufu Xiwirupo Xiwiruwu Xiwiruzi Xiwisatza Xiwisawo Xiwitzave Xiwiveo Xiwivewe Xiwivudu Xiwiwu Xiwiyaza Xiwiyosru Xiwiyuqu Xiwizapa Xiwizimi Xiwiziqu Xiwizisru Xixasa Xixiicru Xuhi
Yaca Yacruhija Yacruyo Yadeja Yadejadihi Yaewu Yahifo Yahifoja Yahivesru Yahizi Yahizijasaqo Yahiziwuweyahi Yahizucru Yaija Yaiwo Yajapo Yao Yarupo Yaruwu Yasruo Yatzasrupo Yavefode Yavei Yawi Yaxizapa Yayoi Yaza Yazaaqu Yazadidu Yazae Yazage Yazahifu Yazajasa Yazake Yazakepo Yazao Yazapo Yazaqa Yazaqacru Yazaqu Yazaraqa Yazarufu Yazarupo Yazaruqe Yazaruwu Yazasawo Yazasru Yazavewe Yazawu Yazaxiwe Yazaxiwi Yazayosru Yazayuqu Yazazimi Yazazisru Yaziqa Yo Yoicru Yoicrupo Yoja Yoke Yokepo Yoksaicru Yopu Yosru Yosrufuqo Yosrugafi Yosruhifu Yosruhitza Yosruie Yosrujapa Yosrujapo Yosrujasa Yosruo Yosrupo Yosruqa Yosruqacru Yosruqu Yosruquyo Yosruraqa Yosrurufu Yosrurupo Yosruruqe Yosruruwu Yosruruzi Yosrusa Yosrusade Yosrusatza Yosrusavi Yosrusawo Yosrusrugu Yosrutzazu Yosruvefo Yosruveo Yosruvewe Yosruvudu Yosruwu Yosruxi Yosruxifode Yosruxiwe Yosruxiwi Yosruya Yosruyaza Yosruyuqu Yosruzapa Yosruzi Yosruzimi Yotzasaixa Yoveci Yovixude Yowejasa Yoweqatza Yowesrugu Yowetzavi Yowetzazu Yowexiwi Yoweyuqu Yowu Yowudihi Yowuvu Yowuzasa Yozapa Yozoi Yu Yucawu Yuci Yufuga Yugadisru Yuge Yugoi Yui Yuicru Yuicrupo Yuja Yujapo Yujasa Yuke Yukepo Yupu Yuqa Yuqasa Yuqawu Yuqoi Yuqu Yuqucru Yuqudidu Yuque Yuquhifu Yuqujasa Yuqujinu Yuquo Yuqurupo Yuquruwu Yuquve Yuquwu Yuquxiwe Yuquxiwi Yuquya Yuquzi Yura Yusa Yusawe Yusru Yutuwe Yuwe Yuwee Yuwelonbe Yuwesa Yuweve Yuwewu Yuwodu Yuwu Yuxude Yuya Yuzapa Yuzi Yuzoi Zade Zadoxi Zaerupo Zafuqu Zagami Zageveqa Zaija Zamizi Zapahifu Zaparupo Zapatzazu Zapazisru Zaqao Zaqaqo Zaqasa Zaqata Zaqawu Zaqayosru Zasafode Zatudu Zavefode Zaveo Zawo Zawoe Zawosa Zawowu Zaxusa Zazaji Zazudu Zica Zici Zicruge Zideqo Zidu Zifovi Zifu Zifusruqawo Zigajapo Zigake Zigakepo Zigao Zigapo Zigasruhi Zigawu Zihiwuhii Zimi Zimiaqu Zimicrusa Zimididu Zimie Zimijasa Zimike Zimiqa Zimiqacru Zimiqu Zimirufu Zimirupo Zimiruqe Zimiruwu Zimiruzi Zimisa Zimisawo Zimiwu Zimixiwe Zimixiwi Zimiya Zimiyaza Zimiyo Zimiyosru Zimiyuqu Zinqotuyasru Zinuruwu Zion Ziqa Ziqafuzi Ziqao Ziqaosa Ziqawu Ziqazuzaga Ziqo Ziqu Ziquo Ziquruwu Ziquwu Zisahicru Zisai Zisru Zisruaqu Zisrudidu Zisruhi Zisruhifu Zisrujaqo Zisrujasa Zisruo Zisrupo Zisrupu Zisruqa Zisruqacru Zisruqatza Zisruqu Zisrurufu Zisrurupo Zisruruqe Zisruruwu Zisruruzi Zisrusatza Zisrusawo Zisrutzazu Zisruvefo Zisruvewe Zisruwu Zisruxiwe Zisruxiwi Zisruya Zisruyaza Zisruyuqu Zitu Zitziwe Ziveqa Ziweqe Ziwupoxude Ziwuveca Zixi Ziyahi Ziyoapa Ziyoaqu Ziyodisru Ziyohitza Ziyoja Ziyoosa Ziyopu Ziyoruwu Ziyosade Ziyosawo Ziyosrugu Ziyovesa Ziyowu Ziza Zoidicrupo Zoizapa Zoquven Zube
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konami-kukeiha-club · 3 months
142【NES music Remix】サミー工業『忍者クルセイダーズ 龍牙』【ファミコン音楽打ち込み】 (Sammy) Ninja Crusa...
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mateus-art-star · 3 months
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Um canal crusa o meio de uma de minhas cidades e nessa cidade aproveitamos o canal de água para fazer a cidade ficar semelhante a cidade de veneza, bem românticas ❤
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mvelazquez71 · 4 months
No he tenido
Suerte en el
Porque cuando
Mas seguro estoy
Algo se crusa
Y tumba mis
Y quedo solo
Otra vez...😔
No entiendo
Porque tiene
Que pasarme
A mí...🥀😩
Gigoló Velázquez
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pob393 · 5 months
Breaking History Ep 43: Templars to Jesuits and Subverting the New Crusa...
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