#crushing stage (as some of the ROs probably would have stepped in during the relationship stage)
midnightsun-if · 10 months
Just remembered another classic RO ask: What if the ROs saw someone trying to flirt with the MC but the MC was utterly oblivious to it, and once MC happily approached them and the ROs asked them about it, a baffled MC responded sincerely 'Why would I notice anyone flirting with me if it's not you?'
Koda: A bright smile catches his lips at the admission, warmth sparkling deeply within his gaze. “Really?” He places his hands to his chest, a happy little buzz running through his body like a live wire. “Can you tell me when we’re flirting next time? I don’t want to miss it.”
Scarlett: A singular brow arches, emerald eyes glinting with thoughts that she’d probably never share. “I wasn’t aware our conversations could be constituted as such.” She turns away then, though you think you notice the beginning of a smile starting to curl her lips, and snaps her fingers. “Let’s get going. I believe we have everything we need, correct?”
Cyrus/Cyra: “We’ve been flirting?” They tilt their head, genuinely perplexed, as they assess you. “When did that start and how did I not notice it?” Confusion quickly gives way to deep contemplation as they mull over their own question— clearly getting lost in whatever thoughts were plaguing their mind. Their next words being muttered in a low murmur, confusion riddled within each syllable. “Was I flirting?”
Quinn: “Is that right?” A gentle smile quirks their lips, even as they’re pointedly ignoring their swell of pride within their chest due to their wolf, and gesture for you to come closer to them, not wanting to continue moving on without you next to them. “I’ll make sure to keep that in mind for next time. Wouldn’t want to be the only not noticing something.”
Caden: “W-What!?!” Silver eyes widen completely, cheeks flushed a brilliant red as they flounder for any form of a proper response. “W-Why would I flirt with you? That’s highly inappropriate! I-I’d never do such a thing.” They turn away then, hoping that you wouldn’t be able to notice the clear lie that just left their lips. “We must be going. I promised I’d send a report off to your mother.”
Sloane: They huff out a laugh, arms crossed over their chest. “Work on that line in the mirror?” Turning to look at the path ahead of them, a disgruntled frown falls across their brow. Clearly not happy with whatever they’re seeing— or possibly because of what you said? It’s entirely possible that you’d find yourself alone in the next moment; it wouldn’t be the first time. However, Sloane turns back to look at you with an expectant expression. “Ready to go?”
Blake: “Is that so, angel?” A salacious grin tugs their lips upward, violet eyes glinting with familiar fire. Without hesitation they pull you into their embrace, wrapping you in a firm, yet gentle, hold. “I’ll make sure to remember that.” It’s softly whispered into your ear and, if you had been able to see their expression, you’d take note of the softness it now held— something they’d never be able to stop from feeling towards you, even if they weren’t ready for you to see it yet.
Reginald/Regina: “You’ve been noticing what now?” They turn to stare at you, eyes wide in shock. “Have I been putting the moves on you without even realizing it?” An expression of mortified horror etches across their face. “And you’re still talking to me? I’m either smoother than I thought or you’re a lot nicer than I realized.” Turning around, they begin to move down the hall, though you’re able to catch their muttered statement. “For my egos sake I’m going to say it’s the former.”
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wings-of-ink · 6 months
How would the Ro's react if you got pregnant from the person (can't remember name whoopies) you slept with before leaving home? Like obviously this is before getting with Ro's. How would they react in crushing and dating stage?
Interesting question, Anon!
Well, I will preface this with a disclaimer. In this world, contraception is easy to get and widely practiced, lol. It will come up in some passing conversation at some point especially with some of the hook-up events, but the people of Iroda have a mixture of common herbs they (all genders) can use to protect themselves if they want to. These herbs can be steeped in teas or pressed into a sort of rudimentary capsule, or even prepared into food. As long as it’s consumed a few days before or after, they’re good to go, and most people consume it daily - including our dear Kanta. But, that doesn't mean that this can’t happen either….
I’ll ask for your forgiveness though, on this particular subject, I don’t know how dramatic I’m willing to go because I have a lot of real-world experience with surprise pregnancies (I’ve been a social worker for 12 years - oof). So, I’ll give you some general feelings, but all of the ROs will end up being supportive. They care for the MC at either stage in the relationship and nothing will change that.
Oswin: At both stages in a relationship he’s a little shocked, but understands and respects the choices MC made (especially before they become committed to each other). These things are just a part of life. He’s seen a lot of it - his mother is a popular midwife and his father is a fairly renowned healer. He’s mostly going to fret over MC’s health. He will be the best damn step-daddy known to man.
Zahn: Totally cool with it. Knows MC had a whole life before they met, and so did they. They’re concerned for MC’s safety, especially with everything going on. They’re worried for the little one too. Childhood was rough for them, they’ll already feel protective.
Duri:  When feelings are first stirring, they’ll feel a bit weird about it. They’re already having some internal struggles over their feelings at times. During a committed relationship, this discovery will be a shock that they’ll need some time to wrap their head around. They’ll be more curious, and also worried about if they’re the type of person that should be around a kid.
Rune: Was probably the one that figured out MC was pregnant to begin with, and still went forward with their feelings. They handle things more logically, I guess. Having candid discussions with MC about their needs, offering to use their magic to do a health check for MC and baby, taking them to the midwife, etc…It’s a part of life and it just happens sometimes, they’re quite considerate.
???:  Doesn’t think much of it at the beginning when feelings are just starting. It’s just a normal thing in life - he’s seen it before, lots of times. During more serious parts of the relationship, after he’s had some time to absorb the situation, he may even get a bit excited about it. He has the potential to really embrace step-dadhood.
Thank you for the question, Anon! Sorry if I sucked any fun out of your scenario!
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checkmatein3moves · 3 years
If it hasn't been asked yet, how about people thinking the mc and ro are a couple during the crushing stage? How would the ros react
hebe: let’s be real. hebe and the MC have been asked if they’re dating at least once a month for the past 5 years, by press, by peers. she’s unfazed. it’s almost like an unspoken inside joke between the two of you. someone passively calls her your girlfriend without thinking and she’s like, hmmmm, yes, girlfriend. she nudges your shoulder and grins at you and her eyes sparkle, though she never confirms or denies the assumption.
windo: suddenly worried he might have been too clingy throughout the night. lifts his head off of your shoulder and politely denies the speculation. he doesn’t care what anybody else assumes about your relationship, and instead looks straight at you. “sorry. i’m not invading your space too much, am i? you’d tell me if i was crossing a line, right?”
sailor: internally, panic. externally, a super forced laugh. they fight the urge to step away from you and make the whole thing even more suspicious. you can feel the tension between you. “of course not. that’s ridiculous. i could never see my boss that way.” a barefaced lie, obviously, but they just manage to spit it out. not brave enough to look at you
jelly: they’re excited. these tropey moments are their lifeblood — for a brief second they imagine what it would be like to be your partner, and then they smile. “not yet,” they say, balancing on the hope and uncertainty equally. they don’t love you, they don’t know if they want you tied down, but they really want to make the most of this adventure with you, even if it ends up being a short one.
twenty: silent. blank faced. manages a “hm?” but thinks he’s just being messed with. there’s no way someone seriously thinks you’d have any interest in him beyond surface level. yeah, he knows he’s cute, but he’s also inconsistent, eccentric and closed up like a lockbox. he’ll try to gauge your reaction by just openly staring at you. gets quieter than he normally is, which means he’s on one word answers for a while.
noir: laughs through the pain, because if someone else finds it plausible, then fuck, there must be some real chemistry. and that means it’s 10x harder to pretend his feelings don’t exist until they go away. raises his glass in a toast to you self-deprecatingly. “congratulations. someone thinks you’d really stoop to my level.”
honey: kind of dependent on who you are. if you’re on the playful/sweet side, she rolls her eyes and hams it up like she’s embarrassed to be associated with you. how much time have i been spending with that dork? if you’re more serious/dour, she looks thoughtful. maybe it makes sense. “funny joke,” she says and walks off, but her heart is warmed.
jareth: a charming smile. pretends to look sheepish for a few seconds to really sell it. might even take your hand if he knows you’re ok with touch. “we might be,” he says coyly. if you deny it, he hems and haws with the “well, you know, nothing’s official…” if you play along, he also adds that you snore.
ludo: it’s probably down in some dive bar somewhere, and you’re the one out of place. he claps you on the shoulder, and straight up declares that you’re really not his type, even though he’s been flirting with you and teasing you literally all night. though he’s having fun with the crush, he’s managing his expectations and acting under the assumption that you’ll never go any further than a little fun.
monty: her eyes get wide for a second. this could really complicate things if she’s not careful, and she’s afraid people might think she’s using you. if you’re confident, she glances to you to take the lead, not wanting to risk hurting your reputation further. if you’re not, she steps up — the Other Introvert Override kicks in. “we’re just getting to know each other. it’s nothing more than that.” she wants to say yet, but doesn’t want to jinx it.
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northlight14 · 3 years
A love for love
Description: Roman loved love. He always had, even as a small child. So why was it so different whenever he was involved?
TW: panic attack, mention of making out but nothing is actually shown, cursing, questioning, unrequited love, let me know if I should add anything else
Ships: unrequited royality, platonic roceit, dukeceit
Genre: high school au
Prompt: prompt 6, aromantic (prompt by @pridewrite2021)
Roman loved love. He always had. Even as a small child, he'd watch wide eyed as Prince Charming leaned down and gave sleeping beauty true loves kiss, something so powerful that it was able to break an evil witches curse. He'd stayed up till early hours in the morning, squealing with excitement as he read about two warriors able to take on an entire army, motivated by their want to keep the other safe and stealing glances at each other as their metal swords collided with the enemies weapon. He'd sing his heart out when a romance song came on the radio, gushing about their love interest with such emotion that Roman adored.
Yes, Roman loved love.
So why was it so different whenever he was involved?
The earliest memory Roman had of this was when he was in first grade. Two of his classmates ran up to him giggling as they sang "Savannah has a crush on you!" Instead of feeling that overwhelming joy like the ones described in his books and music, he felt a deep cutting disgust in his stomach. Roman felt less like he could conquer the world and more like the world was going to swallow him whole. Rather than singing any great love song that he'd sang so many times in his room or in the car, he began crying instead while the two girls looked at him in confusion.
"It was just because I don't like her." Roman told himself.
But this feeling of being out of place only grew as his fellow classmates gushed about their boyfriends and girlfriends, crushes and which cartoon character they find cute. Granted, they were in second and third grade, so the terms "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" roughly translated to "they let me borrow their crayon at break once and now we're in love and going to get married." However, this love for love spread like a virus and Romans desire to fit in only grew. So, during a sleepover with his friends, Roman looked upon the TV, at the princess Aurora and decided 'She'd make a good crush.' Before announcing it to the crowd of toddlers, the words immediately sounding wrong as he spoke them, as if he'd spoken them in a foreign language. He decided that night to never speak of his supposed "crush" ever again. Roman liked Aurora with Prince Philip much more, anyway.
Roman was in fifth grade when he was talking to one of his best friends, Valorie. The two of them just laughing and joking when his friends approached.
"Who's your girlfriend, Ro?" one laughed, putting his arm around Roman. And he knew it was a joke. He knew that. But it still felt like the arm hadn't wrapped around his shoulders and instead knocked all the air out his lungs in one hard punch. This moment lingered in his mind like a haunting apparition, quickly causing any friendships with girls to become strained. First only talking occasionally while in class or on the yard, to only talking when his guy friends weren't around, to only texting outside of school to nothing at all. Roman mourned these friendships but it had been made clear that boys and girls couldn't just be friends and the idea of people thinking he was dating any of these people made him feel like a caged bird.
Later that year Roman decided, despite his love for love, he didn't want to date. The reason for this being...
"I'm just more focused on my career."
"I just don't see the point in dating right now."
"I've never really liked anyone so what's the point?"
"I just like being more focused on myself."
And any other excuse he could possibly come up with, repeating them as many times as he needed to to believe them. Roman had always been a good actor, after all. But, of coarse, with this supposed decision came "reassurance" from adults, as if they had the ability to see the future.
"You just haven't met the right person, yet."
"You'll change your mind one day, when you get a bit older."
"All kids say that at your age."
"Roman isn't interested in dating YET."
These invalidating promises made Romans blood boil the more he heard them. It was as if he was yelling while trapped in a soundproof box, unable to escape. But, despite what seemingly everyone around him was saying, Roman knew deep down that romance just wasn't for him.
He also remained thankful that this love for love hadn't infected his friendship too much.
That was until seventh grade when what was originally a few cases of a love for love became an epidemic. It seemed that all anyone wanted to know was "do you have a crush on her?" "Did you hear that Lily and Reese are going out?" "Do you find her attractive?" This soon made its way over to his friends as they talked about how hot the girls were and teased each other relentlessly about who they liked. Roman once again felt like an outsider in his friend group. His friends conversations about their girlfriends may as well have been spoken in Latin.
Then the day came when his twin brother, Remus, came out as gay and started dating a guy named Janus. It then occurred to Roman.
"Maybe the reason I haven't been feeling anything for all these girls was because they were girls! Maybe I like boys instead!" Roman had never been a very logical person but this definitely seemed to make more sense. If he didn't like women then that surely must mean that he liked men instead, right? Because otherwise...otherwise Roman didn't know what that meant.
So Roman tried. Really God damn tried to find boys cute, to fantasize about dating them, to relate to gay experiences. But all he was met with was the same foreign and hollow feeling he'd felt when he lied about having a crush back in 2nd grade. Roman quickly began feeling his love for the concept of love diminish.
So when Roman entered grade 9, he decided to put anything to do with his romantic feelings (or lack there of) in a little box in the back of his mind to deal with later. Instead putting his passion and good acting skills to use by joining his schools drama department. The moment he stepped foot on stage, he felt himself come alive. The crowd, the praise, the creativity, it was addicting.
And it was only made better with the more friends he made. There was one person who he grew partially close to. Patton Heart. The two quickly became best friends, often hanging out outside of rehearsals and texting non stop. And, for the first time in what seemed like years, Roman was happy and comfortable.
That was until 10th grade. Roman way lying on his bed watching Netflix on his phone when a message from Patton came through. Roman clicked on the message and was caught massively off guard as he read it.
Patton: hey, Roman. So I've been thinking a lot lately. In particular about us and about you. And over the past few months I've started to realize that I have a really big crush on you. You're really handsome, funny and talented and I love spending time with you. It's totally ok if you don't like me back, but I figured it's better to be honest.
It should've been it. The moment when one of the main characters confesses their feelings for the love interest and they proclaim they feel the same way. Sparks fly and their hearts beat faster with excitement. It all becomes so clear when they hear that confession in movies and books.
But this wasn't a movie.
Roman felt time stand still as he read the message, his hands shaking so much he didn't think he would be able to respond even if he knew how to answer.
He couldn't breath. Why couldn't he breath?! The edges of his vision went fuzzy as he desperately gasped for air.
"Patton's great." He thought through his suffocating panic. "He's funny and charming and sweet. You should like him. Why don't you like him? What's wrong with you?!" Romans thoughts yelled as he tried desperately to hold back the tears threatening to spill over.
Not sure of what else to do, Roman ran to Remus' room, hoping he'd know how to respond.
Roman knocked on his brothers door and Remus responded with a very annoyed "come in" after a few beats of silence. Remus and Janus were sat on Remus' bed and Roman could tell from their slightly red lips that the two had been making out. But he wasn't in the headspace to even pretend to care that he'd interrupted them right now.
"Ugh, what do you want?" Remus said, clearly too irritated by his brothers presence to notice his distress.
"P-Patton just messaged me s-saying he likes me and I don't know what to say." Roman barely stuttered out, trying desperately not to cry in front of Remus and his boyfriend.
"Aw, cute. Roro finally got a man." Remus joked but Roman was definitely not in the mood for that kind of humor.
"Do you like him back?" Janus asked, calmly, clearly taking more notice of Romans distress.
"Well, I do. But not like that."
"Ok, so just tell him that. It doesn't have to be this whole thing. Why are you getting so upset?" Remus said, looking at Roman as if he was stupid.
Which, to be fair, Roman did feel very stupid right now.
"He's my best friend. I don't want to upset him." Yeah, that was the reason Roman was freaking out. He just didn't want to hurt Patton. That was it.
"Well, just say you don't want a relationship right now or some shit. Besides, he's probably more worried now because you've taken so long to answer." Remus pointed out. Yeah, Roman was never coming to Remus with his problems ever again.
"Yeah...ok." Roman said. Slowly, he walked out the room, noticing Janus looking at him curiously but deciding not to focus on it.
Roman: I'm really sorry Patton, but I don't feel the same way. We can still be friends tho. It doesn't have to be awkward between us. Especially because I really like being friends with you.
Patton: Yeah, that's ok. This is kinda what I was expecting to be honest. But yeah, I still wanna stay friends.
A few days later Janus came over again for dinner. Afterwards, Roman went into the living room and sat on the couch, scrolling through Instagram.
To his surprise, Janus followed after him and sat next to him. "So, how are you feeling after a few days ok. Broken his heart yet?" Janus teased.
Roman huffed out a laugh. "Uh, yeah, we agreed to just stay friends. Which I'm happy about but it's also really weird. I honestly don't know where we go from here which sucks because I really like Patton. Just not like...that." Janus nodded in understanding.
"You must care about him a lot if you had a panic attack just because you didn't want to hurt his feelings." Janus said. Roman just shrugged in response. "So, does that mean you like someone else?" Janus asked.
"No...I. I don't know. I've...I've never really liked anyone. I don't think I ever will. And people say I'll change my mind but...it isn't like I've made a choice. I've felt like this my whole life and everyone around me has had a crush on someone by now. I just... don't think I was built for romance. Which I know probably sounds stupid but that's just how I feel." He said, so honest it almost hurt.
Janus nodded slowly, taking in what Roman was saying. "It doesn't sound stupid." He said before pausing, as if considering his next choice of words. "Roman...have you ever heard of the term aromantic?" He asked.
"No." Roman answered, looking at Janus curiously.
"It basically means someone who experiences little to no romantic attraction. So they don't get crushes and stuff like that." He explained.
Roman felt his heart leap and for once it wasn't because of a fight or flight reflex. "Wait, that's a thing?" He asked in disbelief.
"Yeah, a surprising number of people identify with it. I don't want to assume anything but I thought I might mention it just from what you've told me and what Remus has said in the past. Plus that panic on your face yesterday reminded me a bit of when I tried to force myself into romantic situations with girls." Janus smirked to himself.
That night Roman researched more on aromanticism than he did for his science test. The more he searched, the more it just made sense. Of coarse, he still had a long way to go towards self acceptance. Roman could feel himself already starting to mourn the idea that this was a choice he'd made ages ago and he was going to feel romantic love one day. It was an odd feeling, realizing that even though he knew deep down it wasn't a decision and he'd always hated when people made those comments, a part of him took comfort in adults promising that he'd change his mind one day. He was also horrified to realize that he didn't know what his future was supposed to look like now without romance. After all, media seemed to show single middle aged adults exclusively as depressed and lonely. But as he scoured through wiki articles to tumblr pages to memes, he knew this was a good start to unlearning any nonsense society had been shoving down his throat.
The more Roman learned and the more people he talked to online about it, the more he started to feel his love for love increase. But instead of it being centered on a prince and princess in a movie, two in love warriors keeping each other alive in a book or a cheesy love song on the radio, it was a different type of love Roman was finally starting to feel the more he accepted himself.
Self love.
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dragonsaphirareads · 5 years
Winding Strings
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nekoabiwrites · 5 years
I unironically love Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging and its soundtrack. Ultraviolet has been a song I’ve always loved and I had a cool idea for it. This was supposed to be a short fic... but as usual, I managed to get it to a fairly substantial length...
Here’s the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pmqi21YMJP4
AU: School/Teacher AU Parings: Past Prinxiety, Logince Words: 2564 Warnings: Alcohol mention, mention of FWB relationship, kissing, swearing. Anything else, please let me know!
Summary: Roman is crushing hard on his fellow teacher, Logan. When an old friend appears and sets off Roman’s inner performer, well... things start progressing.
Roman sat at one of the round tables, a tall glass swirling beneath his hand. It was full of a sparkling drink that was supposed to mimic something akin to champagne. The school couldn’t possibly provide or condone any of their students being given such drinks, though Roman was 99% sure he’d seen some of the kids around him passing some form of alcohol around. It didn’t matter, these kids were leaving anyway, and this was the last night he’d be in charge of any of them. Plus, it was prom. They deserved to have fun, or whatever.
The music was currently pounding, some new dance song that he’d never heard just blasting through the speakers and most of the kids were out on the dance floor. Roman watched them for a moment, but then his attention was stolen by someone sitting at a table almost directly opposite him and the drama teacher couldn’t help the soft sigh that fell from his mouth.
Even this evening, at a relaxed event, where all the teachers were really expected to do was make sure none of the kids got hurt, the object of his affection was dressed so… seriously. The physics teacher was standing up as straight as ever, his shirt and tie just so perfectly fitted and crisp. Yet, his expression was far softer compared to his usual one when he was in the school building as he chatted with some of the other teachers. He just looked so good, Roman wanted to walk up and kiss the soft smile off of those lips.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Ro.”
Roman jumped and turned in his seat to see the person who’d interrupted his thoughts. A soft blush coated his cheeks as he realised who it was, “I didn’t think I said that out loud…”
The giggle from beside him had the drama teacher throwing a playful glare towards the man who’d joined him, “I thought so! But you should probably just tell him how you feel rather than just walking up and kissing him.”
“Patton. Please. You know I can’t tell him that! It would ruin the perfect working relationship we already have!” Roman threw his hands in the air, huffing dramatically.
Patton took a short sip from his own glass before placing it down on the table, “You mean the working relationship that has you both ending up in an argument at least once a day?”
Roman wanted to reply with something snippy but thought better of it. He, instead, looked back over to Logan, watching once more as the teacher conversed. Patton was right; the two of them got on like a dragon and a knight – meaning they fought often and with all the ferocity of such a dynamic. At first, Roman had despised the physics teacher for his high and mighty attitude and the fact that he had an uncanny ability to just appear whenever Roman was about to get something wrong. Logan also seemed to just enjoy correcting the drama teacher, his expression turning smug as Roman was often left getting frustrated at his words.
As time passed though, their arguments turned from something Roman loathed to something he looked forward to. The usual fire behind their words fizzled out over time, replacing their harsh tones with something akin to fondness. They snarked at each other, gave each other withering looks as they passed in the halls, but it was all from a place of friendship or affection, at least in Roman’s case. With each day that slipped by, Roman felt himself falling more and more for Logan and it had gotten pretty bad.
Suddenly, Roman was pulled from his thoughts by a very familiar and specific opening to a song. It was one not many people knew of, at least not anymore. No one else seemed to be paying it much attention, but the drama teacher’s gaze flew around the room for something specific. Then his eyes landed on the DJ, who was staring right at him.
Roman snorted and stood, “I’ll be right back, Pat.”
“Uh, okay?” Patton seemed confused, but Roman didn’t have time to explain, especially as the DJ was tossing around a microphone in his hands.
The drama teacher quickly hopped up onto the short stage to stand beside the DJ, but before he could even get a word in, the man held the mic up and began to sing.
“She's a wave and she is breaking She's a problem to solve.”
During this, the other man held out a second microphone towards Roman. He snatched it out of his hand as quickly as possible, the two of them sharing a look that to outsiders may have seemed a little too flirty between what should have probably been strangers.
Roman, ever the performer however, completely forgot that no one in the room was aware of his past with the DJ and instead joined in the song.
“And in that circle she's making I will always revolve”
A victorious smirk crossed the DJ’s face before both of them sang together.
“And on her sight These eyes depend Invisible and Indivisible”
As they jumped right into the chorus, the two of them continued to flirt. Roman seemed to be following the DJ’s lead, reacting to his advances more than adding his own. Yet, he was clearly enjoying it and was more than used to what was happening as everything seemed almost rehearsed.
“That fire you ignited Good, bad and undecided Burns when I stand beside it Your light is ultraviolet.”
“Visions so insane Travel unravelling through my brain Cold when I am denied it Your light is ultraviolet Ultraviolet.”
A short musical break started and Roman leaned in close to the DJ in order to be heard over the music, “Why didn’t you tell me, Virgil!?”
“Like I knew it was your school.”
Roman pulled back and pouted, only getting yet another smug look thrown back at him. “Oh, you asked for it.” Before Virgil could think of a response, the handheld mic was back up to the teacher’s mouth.
“Now is a phase and it's changing It's rotating us all”
The drama teacher took a few steps away from the DJ’s stand, his back to his friend. He threw a look back over his shoulder at the next couple of lines though.
“Thought we're safe but we're dangling And it's too far to survive the fall”
Something seemed to take Roman over. This was a song he’d performed multiple times in the past and he still knew the routine he came up with for it. That unconscious part of his performer side must have had something to do with the fact that Roman, without considering where he was or what he was actually about to do, performed a slut drop with a rather slow recovery back up to his standing position. He was filled with a sense of pride as Virgil’s eyes widened significantly and his smirk fell away at the move. Roman then sharply turned back to the DJ, staring directly into the other man’s eyes.
“And this I know It will not bend Invisible and indivisible”
Roman, as the chorus kicked in once more, turned his attention fully to the crowd of students and colleagues before him. He was utterly in his element, loving the feeling of performing solo before them all, and the fact that many of the students seemed to be enjoying themselves alongside him on boosted his confidence.
“That fire you ignited Good, Bad and undecided Burns when I stand beside it Your light is ultraviolet”
The drama teacher’s eyes were roaming the crowd as he sang, and he managed to accidentally lock eyes with Logan, who’d crossed the room to stand by Patton at some point. Roman held the man’s gaze as though it were a lifeline, as though he was trying to shove the words he was singing into the other’s head, to get him to realise that every single one was being directed at him and was about him. Well, at least now that Roman realised it fit him so well.
“Visions so insane Travel unravelling through my brain Cold when I am denied it Your light is ultraviolet, Ultraviolet”
There was no moment that Roman’s eyes left the other’s. The instrumental played on and Roman managed to coax the other teacher closer to the stage, Logan almost moving in a trance like state. When the instrumental died out, all that could be heard was Roman’s voice, powerful and strong as he sang to the object of his affection. Roman reached out towards Logan and he continued the chorus. He pulled the man up beside him as soon as he had a good grip on his hand, which caused Logan to stumble a little and practically fall into his chest.
“That fire you ignited Good, Bad and undecided”
The physics teacher sharply pulled away, almost ripping his hand from Roman as if he’d been burned, yet both were still to break their eye contact.
“Burns when I stand beside it Your light is ultraviolet”
Logan was already a step away from Roman, his face visibly red even under the multi-coloured flashing lights that were the only thing illuminating the room. Roman continued to perform, literally acting some of the words out.
“Visions so insane Travel unravelling through my brain Cold when I am denied it Your light is ultraviolet, Ultraviolet”
Once again, Roman’s free hand had a hold of Logan’s, which allowed the drama teacher to get the other to follow him around a little in his performance. It was awkward and uncoordinated as Logan was completely unaware of what was even going to come next, but he ended up laughing his way through it, especially when Roman attempted to spin him into and away from his body during the last, short guitar solo.
“Your light is ultraviolet
Visions so insane Travel unravelling through my brain Cold when I am denied it Your light is ultraviolet, Ultraviolet.”
The song faded into another and the two teachers were left staring at each other once more, this time both of them silent. Virgil, after a moment, reached over Roman’s shoulder to pluck the microphone from his hand.
“You gonna introduce me or what, Princey?”
Roman snapped himself back to reality, “Oh, uh… Virgil, this is Logan Croft, one of the physics teachers. Logan, this is Virgil Crow, an-” The drama teacher practically swallowed the words that were about to leave his mouth. It only took a mere few seconds for him to recover however, “-o-old friend.”
Logan looked Roman up and down suspiciously before reaching out a hand towards Virgil, “Pleasure to meet you.”
Virgil grasped a hold after a moment of consideration, “Same here, I guess.”
There was an air of tension between the two, which had Roman sweating in such a way that would have stage lights jealous. “Well, uh, I suppose we should get back, need to watch over these kids of course!” Roman rambled awkwardly, just wanting to split the two men up as fast as he could. He let out a tense laugh before going to grab Logan’s arm and drag him back down to the table that Patton was still sat at.
The physics teacher was having none of it, however. He easily slipped his arm from Roman’s grasp and stayed put, “So, I assume there is somewhat of a past between you two?” He addressed Virgil, voice perfectly calm.
Virgil let out a short snort, “You could say that.” The DJ gave Roman a once over before smirking as he returned to looking at Logan, “I’m his ‘It’s Complicated’.”
Logan’s head snapped to Roman, who was just a little behind him now, a questioning look on his face. He clearly didn’t quite understand, which had Virgil almost doubling over in laughter. Roman simply sighed and blushed.
He approached the pair and explained, “Virgil and I were in… somewhat of a relationship, a while ago, and it just… sort of stopped one day, though Virgil insists on flirting with me still.”
“That’s a funny way of saying we fucked, Princey.” Virgil’s laughter had stopped so suddenly, allowing him to snarkily respond to Roman’s admission. As Roman spluttered and both of the other men before him blushed darker, Virgil turned and wandered back over to the DJ table, just in time to check in on the next song.
Roman’s head flicked quickly between his old fuckbuddy and his current crush, trying to decide whether to storm up to Virgil and give him a piece of his mind or stay next to Logan and explain things better. During his dilemma, Roman felt a hand gently rest on his arm and he watched as Logan passed him and approached Virgil.
“May I ask you a question?”
The DJ glanced up at him before letting a fond smile cross his lips for the first time, “If you wanted to know if me and Roman are still hooking up, I can tell you that stopped a couple years back. Nothing for you to worry about there, Specs.”
Logan instinctively reached up to adjust his glasses at the nickname. He nodded slowly, “Ah, yes, that was… what I wished to find out. Thank you for your honesty.”
“No problem, lover boy. Just go get him already, the two of you keep staring at each other and it’s painfully obvious.” Virgil turned back to the laptop in front of him, speaking plainly as if he were chatting about something that didn’t concern Logan and Roman’s private life.
Logan opened and closed his mouth a few times before nodding once more. He turned back around and headed over to Roman. The drama teacher went to speak, likely to apologise or to explain himself but Logan simply grabbed a hold of his arm and dragged him to a space away from the curious students.
Once they’d stepped into the dark space beside the stage, Roman continued to babble away about something or other. Logan was still not listening. Instead, he quickly leaned in and pressed a harsh but short kiss to the other’s lips.
Roman fell silent, even as Logan pulled back. He simply stared and blinked.
“I apologise if that was something… unexpected. I was not sure how else to convey the affection I hold for you while you were speaking so rapidly.” Logan flushed and went to take a step away, his gaze falling to the side in embarrassment.
A hand reached out and tilted his head back so Logan was staring at Roman again. The science teacher’s breath caught as he saw the extremely loving look in the other’s eyes. Roman spoke quiet and low, yet it was still loud enough to be heard over the pounding music that was playing behind them, “I’ll admit, it was definitely unexpected. But it certainly wasn’t unwelcome. ...How about you convey it again, but this time I’ll be prepared?”
It was Logan’s turn to be silent and stare. While he’d considered the idea of Roman returning his affections, Logan had not once truly thought it to be possible. But now, here he was, hearing the man before him essentially confess. Logan almost shot forward and recaptured Roman’s lips once more, melting into the contact and letting the negative thoughts float away.
My other stuff: http://nekoabi.tumblr.com/myworks Mobile Accessible Masterlist: http://nekoabi.tumblr.com/post/181954641376/fic-masterlist
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rotten-games · 3 years
Just saw this cute ask on another blog so I’m stealing it: During the crushing stage, how would the ROs react to someone seeing them with the MC and saying “You two are such a cute couple!”
You're right this is adorable. I tried to keep angst to a minimum but... you'll see.
Ardwen: "Darling, I certainly know it," Ardwen winks with a widening grin spreading across his thin face as he wraps an arm snuggly around your middle and drags you to his side. Jolts of electricity run through your skin at the touch, muscles tensing and cheeks heating as you avoid any eye contact. Long fingers twitch at your side before dropping away entirely. When you finally glance at Ardwen you're met with a stiff smile that quickly transforms into a vacant frown once he looks away. Neither of you mention it.
Arke: "What, no." Arke's denial is more flimsy than he cares to admit, but as he takes a step away you can't ignore the emptiness that tugs at your heart. Logically, you're well aware of the uselessness of your own feelings, however, emotions never did kowtow to the might of logic. Arke momentarily catches your eye, but before you can say anything, he ruffles his hair and stalks ahead with a growl.
Bex: "Erm, well, that isn't to say..." Bex tapers off, at a loss for words as he glances between you and the person standing with smug triumph before you. Your heart jumps but you're not sure if it's in joy that someone believes you to be a good match or fear that someone noticed your feelings at all. Instead of replying, you freeze, but your eyes meet Bex's yellow gaze when you realise neither of you corrected the issue, but doesn't speak on his curiosity.
Calyssa: "Absolutely not," As if to drive home her point like a knife in your heart Cal separates herself from you by at least a meter, arms folded  as she glares at you then the person who even dared suggest the two of you could be a couple. "I will not, ever, be with someone like the Queenslayer." Okay, ouch, you wince, yet somehow it feels as if she's trying to convince herself more than anyone else.
Druvel: "Well, we are just the cutest, aren't we?" Druvel finds a slow smile, hip cocked, tail flicking back and forth in silent agitation that barely holds upon the contours of his scaled face. Discomfort holds his shoulders taut despite the smile, and silently you give him a look. As much as you don't mind that you were mistaken for a couple, you know perhaps better than anyone that Druvel isn't romantic relationship-inclined. So what's his game?
Emil: "No!" Emil is angrier than you've seen him in a very long time, fists clenched, small body shaking. It's as if he's going to launch himself at any who dares suggest you and he might be together, which, to be fair, is perhaps not a wise course. Yet aggravatingly, your heart clenches at the thought. You... and Emil? Ugh, even you know better than that.
Ettia: Ettia giggles at the thought, and your immediate worry is whether that's the kind of laugh that tells you she'd never consider it. You look down, face heating in shame. "Well, not yet..." She says, eyeing you shyly, but before you can say anything on the matter she looks away, ears twitching.
Gwyn: "You hear that?" Gwyn snickers, tapping you on the shoulder, "They think we're a cute couple." Your skin burns from that pale-eyed grin, Gwyn's fangs digging into his bottom lip to suppress his tittering. Eventually, his snorting causes your own laughter to form, and the two of you lean on one another  as it tapers off. "An interesting thought." Gwyn eventually says through little gasps. Yeah, interesting indeed.
Herron: "Erm, we're, uh, nothing of the sort," Herron murmurs far quieter than you thought possible, shrinking a little under even the slightest scrutiny. He doesn't look anywhere but at his shoes, mouth forming around the words but never finding the wherewithal to voice them quite like he wants. Dark eyes fall on you, widen slightly, then dart away again, a little groan signalling hus discomfort. And the whole time all you can wonder is if that means he wouldn't want that.
Keller: Keller chuckles, "As wonderful as that may be, I'll have to stop you there." As always, she's calm, but she doesn't turn to you. Not until you've left the mortifying presence of someone who dares think the two of you are together. "Do we really look attached?" She asks genuinely, brows furrowed in thought.
Korrin: "Fascinating, " Korrin says, resting their chin on their hand. "Perhaps you're wrong now, but," they shrug, purr almost playfully as electricity rolls up your spine, "Who's to say of the future?"
Lokeira: "Then you are clearly not looking," Lokeira grumbles, his tail flicking wildly and ears pressed flat against his head. "We aren't... there isn't... NO!" He growls and storms off, disappearing into the shadows. Well, that's rude.
Necrolym: "I wish," He grins that typical goofy grin of his and slaps your back in comfortable camaraderie, your breath expelled in your lungs from the touch alone. "But I'm afraid we are but siblings in arms, my dear." He holds his chest in playful fondness, then waves the person away. You give him a glance, his smile is tense despite the ease in which it appeared on his face, and the tips of his ears are pink.
Nox: "Hah, no." Nox says, rolling her eyes. "We aren't a thing." Only momentarily, she glances at you, then away again. "And we never will be."
Qora: Qora frowns but says nothing, inspecting you with her eagle eyes. Zora purrs, pressing up against her with a look that directs the frown to him. "Oh, shush," she says, no heat in her tone. "It's not... It's not like thay."
Severa: "Me and them? Seriously?" Severa looks at you, one brow raised, then barks out some laughter, "Yeah, no. That's not how this is gonna go down, thanks."
Spotter: Spotter squeaks and jumps back, pink face already blooming red. They stumble for a word, anything, but can only gawk like a fish. You grimace and press a hand to their shoulder, heart sputtering to a halt when they flinch. Eventually they take a deep breath and shake their head, face blotchy now, "I'm fine. I was just... surprised, is all. I'm probably just some kid to you, right?" But they're barely much younger than you are. Through the smile you realise they're trying to ignore the previous comment. And you do. For now.
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