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perfectlyrose · 7 years
As it Should Be?
All was as it should be... or was it?
Edward Smythe was an eccentric gentleman with a penchant for velvet coats and funding public libraries. Rose Tyler is the pretty, young widow in need of funds who he hires as the librarian in his latest project.
The long hours they spend together setting up the library lead to a closeness between them. Dr. Smythe enjoys making Miss Tyler blush and she seems to enjoy making him laugh and he finds himself inventing reasons for them to stay hours longer than is perhaps necessary.
He’s falling in love with the gorgeous, mysterious librarian and he knows she feels something too but she won’t let his courtship move past a few stolen kisses amongst the books they both adore and he doesn’t understand what is prompting her hesitation.
He has the means to support her, has hearts - a heart - full of growing love, a well-appointed house with beautiful gardens and she hasn’t run screaming when he told her about his mad dreams. It was a perfect match if only she would admit it to herself.
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94 and/or 95 for the drabbles?
Thanks for asking, @cryofthewolf!  I combined both into 1.
TenToo, Rose, and their little girl.  Since it is TenToo, tagging @doctorroseprompts and @timepetalsprompts
Uh, given the prompt, warning for slight usage of language?  Though, the prompted line is really the only instance…
Prompts from this list:
94.  “I had a bad dream again.”
95.  “Have I mentioned, I fucking hate Halloween.”
Scary Movie
He’ll never admit it, but his reflexes and senses havedulled in the time since becoming human.
Which is why when he opened his eyes for no apparent reasonin the middle of the night, he almost had a bloody heart attack to see twosmall eyes staring at him from the side of the bed.
“Are you awake?” thesmall, dark shape asked in a loud whisper.
“I am now.  Use yourquiet voice, Mummy’s sleeping,” hewhispered back at a more appropriate volume for – 3 AM?!
The little girl simply stared at him, waiting.
With a deep sigh, he carefully untangled himself from thesheets, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and at the same time risingand swinging his daughter into his arms.
He knew he wasn’t going back to sleep for a long while whenshe wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, and they were still trembling.
Carrying her out to the living room, he sat on the couch andsnuggled her close.
“Young ladies named Sarah Jacqueline are supposed to beasleep at this time of night,” he toldher seriously as she played with the neck of his t-shirt.  He took a moment to be thankful that Rose hadmade him put it and his sleep pants back on after their, uh, pre-sleepactivities.
“I had a bad dream again,” Sarah confessed softly, burrowing into him.
“Oh, love,” he sighed,gently stroking her hair.  “I’m sorry.”  Though he hated that she was scared, he did relish that she still came to him - soon enough she would be too old to seek comfort from them, and the thought hurt his solitary heart.
She shrugged, pretending it was nothing, as though he couldn’tread her like a book.  Her mother’sdaughter, indeed.
“Is there anything I can do to help you get to sleep?” he asked, and she looked up at himeagerly.  Before she could even start headded, “That does not involve ice cream or candy or cookies or other sugaryitems?”
Her little bottom lip protruded, but she didn’t argue,instead asking, “Can we just have a cuddle here?”
“Of course we can, my darling.”  He carefully swung around torecline, resigned to spending the rest of the night on the couch.  It wasn’t long before she drifted off,leaving him with his thoughts.
The next thing he knew, there was the lightest dual pressureof a hand on his shoulder and Rose’s mind brushing his over their bond.
He blinked his eyes open to find it was still dark, hiswife crouched down next to him.
“Another bad dream?” she asked sympathetically, brushing a kiss along their daughter’s brow.
“Yep.  Third thisweek.”  He made no effort to hide his annoyed tone, though he kept it low to avoid waking the sleeping child.
“I’ll talk to Mum, tell her to absolutely never again showthat movie.”
“Thanks, but that doesn’t solve the here and now.”  He reigned in the uncharitable thoughts hewas thinking about his mother-in-law, and looked up to see his wife lookingamused.  “What?”
“’S just, she’s our daughter.”
“I dunno, I just would’ve thought that she’d be braver thanthat.  I mean, I could understandNightmare before Christmas, or something like that, but honestly Doctor – how isshe afraid of Pooh’s Heffalump Halloween Movie?”
His lips twisted in agreement, carefully moving to sit up sohe could put Sarah back in her own bed.
Like a well-oiled machine they got her settled withoutwaking her, and walked back to their own bed hand in hand, climbing beneath thecovers.
It’s not until they’re settled, her head on his chest overwhere his second heart used to be, his arms wrapped around her, that he speaksagain.
“Mmhmm?”  She’salready drifting back to sleep.
“Have I mentioned, I fucking hate Halloween?”
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pellaaearien · 7 years
POV? :)
Sure thing! Here’s Lucifer’s POV from part 4 - “Come here. Let me fix it.”
Lucifer leaned up against the door frame, watching his favourite detective prepare herself.
She was still wearing her bathrobe, which, while it wouldn’t be winning any fashion awards any time soon, looked well worn and hugged her curves in all the right places. The Detective did love to be comfortable, and it was a testament to her extraordinary beauty that it shone through no matter what she was wearing. And that was just in her normal clothes. Buffed and polished, how she would shine.
Such was the case tonight, or at least, that was the idea. As he became aware that Chloe was struggling, he spoke before he was aware of the desire to reveal himself.
“Come here. Let me fix it.”
                                                                 *As Chloe changed, Lucifer investigated the knickknacks scattered about her room, as much out of actual curiosity as for something to do with his hands (but absolutely not as a distraction from how those hands had felt wound through her glorious locks). 
He honestly had no idea of what to expect when the door opened and the suspense was thrilling.
At the first sound of the latch he spun, eager to catch the first glimpse.
What he saw blew him away.
Chloe stood in the doorway, framed in light, wearing a confection in emerald lace that suited her figure perfectly, from the deceptively modest full length sleeves to the drape of the skirt and slight pool of fabric about her feet. The sight was accompanied by a pang of memory deep in his chest, the realization that she would not have looked at all out of place in the Silver City. (Aside from the colour, of course, which looked much better on her than white anyway.)
Lucifer had lived for eons. He’d rebelled three “seconds” after Creation, and spent the rest of history in Hell, except for the five years he’d lived in LA. 
In all his years, he’d never seen anything so beautiful.
Thanks for asking! 
No excuses writer’s meme
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lastbluetardis · 7 years
This is from a future Soulmates story:
Rose cradled [James’s] head and shoulders against her stomach, and she stroked her fingers through his hair soothingly as he sobbed in her arms. Tears welled in her eyes, and fell down her cheeks when she blinked, but she ignored them in favor of comforting her soulmate.
send me a word and I’ll search for it in my WIPs
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thirddoctor · 7 years
jacob-the-pianist replied to your photo:Missy is encouraging Lucy to kill Simm
cryofthewolf replied to your photo:why is the Master always like this
I seriously want to read what you’re reading.    
Now you can! (just skip to The Unwanted Gift of Prophecy)
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fleurdeneuf · 7 years
this week in fic
Weekly round up of fic I’ve read and enjoyed this week.  Do yourself a favor and check ‘em out!
askbox fic (1) for @chiaroscuroverse by anon (Nine/Rose, NSFW, BDSM, Domme!Rose)
askbox fic (2) for @chiaroscuroverse by anon (Nine/Rose, NSFW-ish?)
untitled (53) by @tenroseforeverandever (Nine/Rose)
Soaked to the Skin by @countessselena (Nine/Rose, huddling for warmth, hurt/comfort)
Rose and the Mechanic: Chapter 6 by @annamarie83 (Nine/Rose, Human Nature UA)
Pipeline by @onthedriftinthetardis (Nine/Rose, NSFW)
Nature of War: Chapter 16 by @cryofthewolf (Eight/Rose, Human Nature UA)
Last Chance by @badwolfxoncomingstorm (Eight/Rose)
One Last Moment of Quiet by @starsandfairytales (Eight/Rose)
Images on Jericho’s Walls by jer832 and scifiangel (Nine/Rose, mentions of It Happened One Night (psst @rundalek!))
As always, links are to tumblr posts when possible so people can reblog fic if they want to.
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tardisly · 7 years
⭐️ + aughhhh! It's so hard to choose! Probably Charley Pollard. She's so brave and compassionate, and is just fantastic!
CHARLEY!! I love her so much haha, fantastic character choice!! Just thinking about her makes me smile tbh, she’s so wonderful x
URL: 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10!!comment: It’s so cool!!I love the bad wolf reference haha. I remember making a url graphic for you a while ago, and it was really fun!! your url was great for that
Icon: 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10!!comment: A manip! It looks pretty good, and it shows two of your favourite characters (well I’m guessing they’re your favourites xD) I might add just a bit more colour to it to make it stand out, but otherwise it’s great!!
Theme: 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10!!comment: Hmm well you don’t really have a desktop theme, so I can’t rate it oops! (Right now you’ve got the default Tumblr mobile theme, which while it looks awesome in the dashboard stretches out the header and makes it look weirdly pixelated in desktop view :/) I’d suggest either finding a theme you like or changing the header image to dimensions that work better :)
Mobile Theme: 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10!!comment: Your header image looks awesome here!! I love the bright orange of Gallifrey in the background and the red text :)
Posts: 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10!!comment: I looove all your Eighth Doctor posts!! (And your fanfic is awesome too!)
Following: nope, sorry! / just followed / yes!! / forever and ever!!comment: Your blog is lovely, I enjoy the things you post, and you write wonderful fanfic!! x
Want a blograte?
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perfectlyrose · 7 years
For the fic game, have you ever written a Eight x Charley Pollard soulmates UA?
I have not! But oh now I have ideas!!
When the Doctor stumbles across Charley Pollard on the doomed R101, he first just thinks she’s an interesting accomplice, a kindred spirit looking for adventure. But then in the middle of unraveling the mess on the airship, he grabs her hand and is shocked by the fire that runs up his veins from where their palms connect to the mark in the middle of his chest.
Charley doesn’t react and he knows humans have a different soulmate system, knows that she won’t know if he’s her soulmate until she knows him well enough to connect the phrase somewhere on her body to him.
He rails against the unfairness of the whole thing, of finding his soulmate on a ship that is fated to crash and take all of its passengers to their untimely deaths. He can’t just leave her here, not when he just met her, not when he already likes her so much and wants to take her on all the adventures she’s ever dreamed of.
So he doesn’t. He thumbs his nose at the universe and the Web of Time and takes her with him as they fly away from the doomed ship on the back of a Vortisaur.
He knows the soulmark is not a promise of any sort of future, but he wants to learn more about Charley, wants to explore this connection that his romantic heart has always longed for.
This might be a stolen beginning but when she levels that bright smile at him and lobs a sarcastic comment his direction, he can’t feel a whit guilty about stealing it.
Send me an ask about whether I’ve written a thing [ship, trope, dynamic, category of fandom, etc.] and if I’ve written it, I’ll link you. If I haven’t written it, I’ll tell you how I would write it if I did.
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💬? Your writing is awesome!
Thank you so much!  I don’t have that much written yet, most of which has been published, and decided to give you something from my soulmates WIP (which is entirely different from the one I’ve been posting - you can read here).
General synopsis - human/soulmate au where they can write to each other on their skin (a la/generally inspired by [but hopefully not too similar to] @lastbluetardis ‘s Perfect Match).
Mostly rambling James, proof that he doesn’t need an audience, haha
In the end, she made it ten minutes into history classbefore checking her arm, pleasantly surprised to find a response.
Oh.  Ok.
I was just a littleworried – the exclamation points made me think you might be a bit younger,which would be weird.
Well, it’d be weirdnow – not in like, 10 years.
Well, maybe still in10 years – it would’ve depended on how much younger.
But 3 years isn’t thatbig a deal now.  At least for talking.
I’m sorry if I hurtyour feelings – also, for disappearing. I was trying to figure out what to say when my teacher announced a popquiz.  I hope you don’t think
The writing stopped there, but there was an arrow pointingto the left.  It took a moment, but thenshe realized what it meant and twisted to see her forearm, where the messagefinished.
that I was rejectingyou.  Because I’m not.  I was just a little thrown.
I really am sorry –once we meet (if we meet – was that too presumptuous?) you’ll realize that I’vegot a bit of a gob, and it can sometimes take off without me.
Though, I suppose, inthis case it’s my hand that’s got away from me.
Please, Rose, don’tlet me have ruined this on day one…
It was the final message that truly got her, and shepractically knocked all of her books off her desk to scramble for her pen.
Let me know what you think?  Chapter 1 (which this is from) is scheduled to be posted on Saturday.
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pellaaearien · 7 years
As It Should Be? For the fic title game?
For Doctor Who, as requested!
Cold open: the Doctor is in a plain white room. He’s locked in some sort of mental institution. The doctors (lower case) are telling him that he’s imagined everything, Rose and the TARDIS, the whole thing. 
As the story progresses, it cuts back to scenes of Rose working out where he is and trying to rescue him, but it’s always unclear whether or not it’s real or just a fantasy the Doctor concocted to distract him from reality.
Just when the Doctor is starting to believe what the other doctors are telling him, Rose busts in and grabs him and takes him back to the TARDIS, and everything is as it should be.
BONUS SUPER ANGSTY ENDING: it turns out it really is all just an elaborate fantasy, but the Doctor chooses to cling to his delusions rather than be cured because he prefers his imaginary life with Rose to his real life. It ends with the Doctor slipping happily away into another daydream as the doctors try and fail to reach him. He hugs his imaginary Rose and they go off for another adventure through time and space. Because that’s how the Doctor has decided it should be.
Send me a title and I’ll send you a fic!
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6 ICONS OF THE FIFTH DOCTOR from Doctor Who, requested by @cryofthewolf
Please like or reblog this post if using ♥
All icons can be found under the cut
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shakingshore · 7 years
Shattered glass for the fic title game?
dark!rose fic, lost in her own journey to find the Doctor, crosses so many parallel universes that she doesn’t even know what’s real and what’s not. She begins to see time, and becomes a legend. She saves worlds and destroys others. When she finds her Doctor, will he even recognize her anymore? 
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fleurdeneuf · 7 years
this week in fic
Weekly round up of fic I’ve read and enjoyed this week.  Do yourself a favor and check ‘em out!
In the Palm of Your Hand by @ciara-jane (Nine/Rose, NSFW)
askbox fic for @naughtylupine by anon (Nine/Rose)
askbox fic (1) for @chiaroscuroverse by anon (Nine/Rose, NSFW, BDSM, Domme!Rose)
askbox fic for @lastbluetardis by @escapadesofanaskboxficfairy (Nine/Rose, soulmates UA)
askbox fic (2) for @chiaroscuroverse by anon (Nine/Rose, NSFW, BDSM, Domme!Rose)
Undone by @perfectlyrose (Nine/Rose, NSFW, corset fic)
askbox fic (3) for @chiaroscuroverse by anon (Nine/Rose, NSFW, Domme!Rose)
Rose and the Mechanic: Chapter 4 by @annamarie83 (Nine/Rose, Human Nature UA)
Meant to Be by @creirdyddlyddthings (Ten/Rose, NSFW, Human Nature UA)
Nature of War: Chapter 14 and Chapter 15 by @cryofthewolf (Eight/Rose, Human Nature UA)
A Way Back: Chapter 1 by @thesilversun (Nine/Rose, UA, Nine doesn’t regenerate)
My Eternity: Chapter 1 by @moment-of-the-wolf (Nine/Rose, NSFW, UA, post-The Doctor Dances)
New Shampoo by @unnnedited (Nine/Rose)
As always, links are to tumblr posts when possible so people can reblog fic if they want to. 
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tardisly · 7 years
@cryofthewolf replied to your post “Oh my God I decided to watch the Shada webcast and I didn’t know what...”
The power of the Daleks, was not, in fact, better.
ashjkfhsd and they showed it in theatres too??
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morganapendragon · 7 years
Could you do fifth Doctor icons? Thank you very much. :)
feel free to save as many as you want
don’t claim as your own
reblog this post or like if you’re taking any
You can find all the Doctor Who icons I’ve made here.
Check out my icons page
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