#crypto currency tax accountant
australiantax · 15 days
Crypto Currency Tax Accountant in Sydney | Australian Tax Specialists
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Cryptocurrency investing can be rewarding, but it also comes with its set of complexities, especially when it comes to taxes. Whether you're dealing with a diverse portfolio of digital assets or are new to the scene in Sydney, the expertise of a Crypto Currency Tax Accountant can not only ensure compliance with Australian tax laws but can also help optimize your tax situation.
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Crypto Currency Tax Accountant
Looking for a Crypto Currency Tax Accountant? Look no further! Australian Tax Specialists can help you with all your crypto currency tax needs. We have years of experience in the field and can offer you a wide range of services, including helping you with tax returns, setting up a crypto currency tax account, and offering advice on how to avoid tax pitfalls. Contact us today for all your crypto currency tax needs!
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stanlyranchnapa · 2 months
Navigating Your Financial Landscape: Finding Top Accounting and Finance Companies Near You
In today's complex financial world, having the right partner to guide you through the intricacies of accounting and finance is essential for success. Whether you're a small business owner or a seasoned investor, finding reputable Accounting And Finance Companies Near You can make all the difference.
Why Choose Local Accounting and Finance Companies?
Personalized Service: Local companies understand the unique needs of businesses and individuals in your area. They offer personalized service tailored to your specific circumstances, ensuring that you receive the attention and support you deserve.
In-depth Knowledge of Local Regulations: Accounting and finance regulations vary from one region to another. Local companies have a deep understanding of these regulations and can help you navigate them effectively, minimizing the risk of compliance issues.
Accessibility and Convenience: When you work with a local accounting and finance company, you have the advantage of easy accessibility. Whether you need to schedule a meeting or have a quick question, you can rely on prompt and convenient service.
Community Engagement: Local companies are invested in the success of their communities. By choosing a local accounting and finance partner, you're supporting local businesses and contributing to the growth and prosperity of your community.
How to Choose the Right Accounting and Finance Company
Reputation and Experience: Look for companies with a solid reputation and extensive experience in the industry. Check online reviews and ask for referrals to ensure you're working with a trustworthy partner.
Range of Services: Consider your specific needs and choose a company that offers a comprehensive range of services, from accounting and bookkeeping to financial planning and investment management.
Technology and Innovation: In today's digital age, it's essential to work with companies that embrace technology and innovation. Look for firms that use cutting-edge tools and software to streamline processes and enhance efficiency.
Personal Chemistry: Building a strong relationship with your accounting and finance partner is crucial. Take the time to meet with potential companies and assess the chemistry between you. Communication and trust are key to a successful partnership.
Experience Excellence with DeFinance
At DeFinance, we understand the importance of having a trusted partner by your side to navigate the complexities of accounting and finance. As a leading provider of financial services, we're committed to delivering excellence and helping you achieve your financial goals. Contact us today to learn more about our services and experience the DeFinance difference for yourself.
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Unveiling the Hidden Gems: Revolutionizing Accounting Services for Small Businesses
In the vast landscape of financial management, small businesses often find themselves navigating complex terrain with limited resources. However, at DeFinance, we're rewriting the narrative by offering unparalleled Accounting Services for Small Businesses.
Empowering Small Businesses with Tailored Accounting Solutions
Small businesses are the backbone of our economy, yet they often face significant challenges in managing their finances effectively. That's where DeFinance steps in, offering a suite of accounting services specifically designed to meet the unique needs of small businesses.
Personalized Approach to Financial Management
At DeFinance, we understand that no two small businesses are alike. That's why we take a personalized approach to every client, tailoring our accounting services to fit their specific industry, size, and goals. From bookkeeping and payroll to tax preparation and financial planning, we're here to support small businesses every step of the way.
Harnessing Technology for Efficiency
In today's digital age, technology plays a crucial role in streamlining financial processes. At DeFinance, we leverage the latest accounting software and tools to automate repetitive tasks, minimize errors, and maximize efficiency. This allows small businesses to focus on what they do best—growing their business—while we take care of the numbers.
Expert Guidance and Support
Navigating the complexities of accounting and finance can be daunting for small business owners. That's why our team of experienced professionals is here to provide expert guidance and support every step of the way. Whether you have questions about tax compliance, financial reporting, or budgeting, we're here to help.
Experience the DeFinance Advantage
Don't let financial management hold your small business back. Experience the DeFinance advantage and unlock the full potential of your business with our comprehensive Accounting Services for Small Businesses. Contact us today to learn more and take the first step towards financial success.
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accountantsau · 5 months
Advantages of Hiring Local Expat Tax Accounting Services in Sydney!
Expat tax accounting services in Sydney, employ knowledgeable tax accounting experts who can suggest appropriate solutions to minimise relocation benefits and avoid irrational tax payments. 
Moving abroad is a remarkable experience, but it comes with some complicated monetary implications, and it is always suggested to solve all these legal complications with the help of an expat accounting expert. 
Additionally, these reputable Australian accounting experts deliver their expertise in crypto currency tax filing services, by focusing on a variety of income tax saving possibilities including bitcoin or crypto investment. These are the types of investments, that are subject to complicated tax laws and regulations, and the Australian Internal Revenue Service or IRS has recently stepped up its study of these instant market transactions. Therefore, it is even more important for investors to contact renowned tax accountants to make sure they save money and adhere to tax laws. 
Advantages of Hiring Experts for Tax Saving:
Recognised Australian expat and bitcoin tax saving accountants help in optimising financial planning and suggest their clients informing about the best tax-saving options. 
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While Bitcoin is a very popular cryptocurrency for investing and managing funds, this accountant always advises investors to understand the tax system and fully grasp the tax implications. 
Experts who understand financial tax-saving tactics unique to digital assets, such as capital loss deductions and tax-efficient trading methods, ensure compliance and optimise profits.
Furthermore, international nationals must deal with certain tax concerns, and contact financial and tax experts to find out more about tax-saving tactics tailored to their circumstances. 
When it comes to using tax-advantaged accounts, comprehending tax treaties, and the foreign working income exclusion or FEIE, they can receive guidance from these experienced tax professionals.
In addition to expat tax and cryptocurrency tax, recognised accounting services provide a variety of services such as GST management, late tax returns, non-residency tax returns, ASIC agents, foreign resident tax returns, overdue tax returns and more.
Find a Recognised Accounting Service Locally:
Find a reputable local accounting service for tax saving and monetary management. 
First, search for accounting services that have a track record of dependability and their feedback and positive client testimonials. 
Secondly, ensure professional competence, and check their certifications or affiliations that demonstrate adherence to industry norms. Reputable accounting services frequently have a physical location, which adds to their credibility. 
Find out what services they offer and what areas of expertise they have and provide affordable services. 
Finally, locate a reputable local accounting business that meets accounting needs and guarantees financial success.
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theambitiouswoman · 7 months
Wealth Building: Money Topics You Should Learn About If You Want To Make More Money
Budgeting: This means keeping track of how much money you have and how you spend it. It helps you save money and plan for your needs.
Investing: This is like putting your money to work so it can grow over time. It's like planting seeds to grow a money tree.
Saving: Saving is when you put some money aside for later. It's like keeping some of your treats for another day.
Debt Management: This is about handling money you owe to others, like loans or credit cards. You want to pay it back without owing too much.
Credit Scores: Think of this like a report card for your money habits. It helps others decide if they can trust you with money.
Taxation: Taxes are like a fee you pay to the government. You need to understand how they work and how to pay them correctly.
Retirement Planning: This is making sure you have enough money to live comfortably when you're older and no longer working.
Estate Planning: This is like making a plan for your stuff and money after you're no longer here.
Insurance: It's like paying for protection. You give some money to an insurance company, and they help you if something bad happens.
Investment Options: These are different ways to make your money grow, like buying parts of companies or putting money in a savings account.
Financial Markets: These are places where people buy and sell things like stocks and bonds. It can affect your investments.
Risk Management: This is about being careful with your money and making smart choices to avoid losing it.
Passive Income: This is money you get without having to work for it, like rent from a property you own.
Entrepreneurship: It's like starting your own business. You create something and try to make money from it.
Behavioral Finance: This is about understanding how your feelings and thoughts can affect how you use money. You want to make good choices even when you feel worried or excited.
Financial Goals: These are like wishes for your money. You need a plan to make them come true.
Financial Tools and Apps: These are like helpers on your phone or computer that can make it easier to manage your money.
Real Estate: This is about buying and owning property, like a house or land, to make money.
Asset Protection: It's about keeping your money safe from problems or people who want to take it.
Philanthropy: This means giving money to help others, like donating to charities or causes you care about.
Compounding Interest: This is like a money snowball. When you save or invest your money, it can grow over time. As it grows, you earn even more money on the money you already earned.
Credit Cards: When you borrow money or use a credit card to buy things, you need to show you can pay it back on time. This helps you build a good reputation with money. The better your reputation, the easier it is to borrow more money when you need it.
Alternate Currencies: These are like different kinds of money that aren't like the coins and bills you're used to like Crypto. It's digital money that's not controlled by a government. Some people use it for online shopping, and others think of it as a way to invest, like buying special tokens for a game.
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saber-monet · 4 months
“They’re talking shit” manifesting technique
“Let them talk shit” Method
So this is the technique that I used, and still currently use as an over-thinker to manifest my desired reality and maintain my desired mental state.
So back in college, I was insecure. The type of insecure, where if I hung out with friends and then I left the room, only thing that would be racing through my mind would be the idea of them talking about me behind my back. Like Just talking the most shit and calling me out of my name. Granted these are the types of friends I had back then, I now know better.
So here was the pattern :
Every time I left the room, and I felt insecure about something I had just said or done, I would imagine them saying bad things about me or finding me weird of off putting. The things I would imagine them saying, would break my heart. So I put a stop to it.
And I recognized those people were not in the room with me and I was using my imagination to hurt myself .
I could have been imagining them saying anything because I have that power and I’m choosing to see them saying most terrible things about me. So, I made the decision to imagine them still talking shit, but this time it was about all the good things I wanted.
( you have to keep the same hater energy when you do this btw)
“Who does she think she is? Just because she has a great body and works out and is always in a happy state of being. She think she’s better than us. 😒.  she think she’s rich too. She only has about $100,000 in her bank account. The rest is tied up in the stock market and crypto currency. So she technically doesn’t even have that much money. 🙄”
“ she wants to be an influencer sooo bad .ugh, So what if your YouTube channel grew by 200,000 subs in less than 3 weeks and you’re getting amazing sponsorship oppertunities. So what bitch you ain’t pewdie pie. You don’t even have 1,000,000 subs yet . Pipe down”
So in those examples, I just affirmed a reality where:
- I great healthy body
- im in a happy/content state of being
- $100,000 in in my bank account
-I have plentiful bountiful investments/crypto currency
-my YouTube channel successful
-I’m getting great sponsorship opportunities
And because I used other people to affirm those for me, it’s a stronger self concept/reality. Because I’m affirming it in, first person, third person and second person( by default).
This technique works with any “negative” dominating emotion.
So if you were anxious or have anxious dominant feelings. Start affirming, anxious thoughts that you would WANT to have.
For example:
“I hope my professor doesn’t hate me for being more educated/smarter on the subject than he is 😭. Like I get he spent years in school studying this stuff, but it comes easy to me and surpass his expertise every time without fail. I hope he doesn’t think I’m trying to show him up😰”
“ I hope the bank doesn’t get suspicious about how much money I’ve been depositing into my account. 😥Plus I’ve been getting so much money this year from random sources, in such large amounts, I’m kind of worried that the IRS is going to get involved and make filing my taxes a little complicated this year.☹️”
So, in those two short sentences, you just affirm that
you’re smart,
you’re doing well in the class, and
you’ve been getting large amounts of money throughout the year, from expected and unexpected sources. 
Remember if you want it, you can get it. Try “under-thinking” , it’s easier than you’d expect. No matter what state you are in. If you were able to tell a consistent story about how you want to be, you’re good.
* when I use the word “negative”, I’m talking about the words you are using to describe the situation. Because by default every situation is neutral. It doesn’t become positive or negative until you choose to assign it a value .
Don’t force yourself to be happy, force your thoughts to tell a better story. One that wouldn’t mind living out and experience. And the only except thoughts that affirmed the reality that you want. From any angle. You have to learn when and how to work with your emotions. Emotions are only bad if you identify them as bad.
When you come up with any other examples, please, I would love to hear them. share them with me.
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QUESTION: Hello Martin, Been reading your writings with keen interest for over 15 years now since while you were incarcerated. My question is: The way you paint a picture of the past economies going back hundreds and thousands of years through the discovery of coinage hoards is brilliant. How will a future “Martin Armstrong” from say 500 to 1,000 years from now be able to utilize that methodology of discovering the history of this era when we’re largely a computer digital transaction society? (Especially if government-planned digital currency takes over?) Thanks. Jerry S.
ANSWER: I know the crypto-people do not like my view that digital currency is entirely dependent upon the power grid and once money is in any official exchange, it will be subject to government regulation. Just look at Tik Tok. The government wants to ban it because they CANNOT get into the data and who is saying what. It has nothing to do with China. They are not interested if you paid the babysitter next door, but Congress is. They have backdoors into everything – not Tik Tok. That has become the hub for many threats to their form of society called the dreaded CONSERVATIVES.
Reading historical accounts of things would never provide the real picture. The coinage has been the breadcrumbs that lead to the truth. I can see the real level of debasement, and when put together with historical accounts, we can get a real picture of history. We must also respect that some periods are black holes and the coinage is what turns on the light.
For example, it is the coinage that enables us to confirm much of history and I believe we will see the future follow the past. The wife of Augustus, Livia, the first empress of Rome, was a very powerful woman. The real power behind the thrown. I suggest watching the series – Domina. It is far better than any fictional story. It was his mother, Livia, who pushed him to be Emperor.
Livia was renowned for her intelligence but was also one of the most beautiful women in Rome. Tiberius was not her favorite – that was his brother Drusus. Tiberius had a son with his first wife Vipsania who was born in 14BC. Livia compelled Tiberius to marry Augustus’ daughter Julia as a way to the throne. Augustus was not fond of Tiberius for he was simply unsocial. His marriage to Julia was like a mixture of oil and water. She sought sexual parties and ignored Tiberius and was finally exiled by her father.
Frome the coinage, we can confirm that Tiberius responded to a major earthquake that destroyed much of Asia, modern-day Turkey. Tiberius issued coins for the aid of Asia. We also know that he waived all taxes for 5 years and donated 10 million sesterces for relief. What politicians would ever system taxes as a tool of relief today?
Augustus’ heir was to be Germanicus (15BC-19AD) who was the son of Nero Claudius Drusus, the younger brother of Tiberius, and Antonia, who was the daughter of Mark Antony and Augustus’ sister Octavia. He was married to Agrippina, Sr, who was the daughter of Agrippa and Augustus’ daughter Julia. Agrippina seems to have been the independent-minded woman who blamed Livia for the death of her husband.
Agrippina, Sr. was such a disruption politically that Tiberius was compelled to banish her like her mother in 29AD where she eventually died of starvation in 33AD. Her son, Caligula, seems to have inherited her insanity, and her daughter Agrippina, Jr, as well. She is actually the first woman on Roman coinage displaying her name. Livia’s portrait would be used but always styled as some goddess.
Of course, her son Caligula has warranted films exclusively devoted to his. He is famous for insulting the Senators by making his horse a senator. Caligula was born in 12 AD. He was named as Tiberius’ heir in 37AD and it has been long suspected that Caligula smothered Tiberius to death to take the throne. He was notorious for his depravity and cruelty. He was assassinated by the Praetorian Guard on January 24th, 41AD.
The Praetorian Guard needed an emperor or there was no point in them being the Praetorian Guard. They turned to Claudius and made him emperor. You can see from his coinage the image of the Praetorian Guard camp on the reverse announcing that he was made emperor by the Praetorians.
There is a great series of these events done years ago by the BBC. It was based on the book I Claudius and the series bares the same name – I. Cludius. That too is a worthwhile series that was produced decades ago.
In fact, Agrippina Jr, sister of Caligula, was not only the mother of Nero who ordered her killed for her dominance, but she married he uncle Claudius to secure the throne for Nero. Once again, we find her portrait on coins alongside her son, Nero, which also reflected her dominance and effective rule of the empire. Some have likened her to Hillary Clinton for her cunning and effective rule behind the curtain.
To ensure Nero would become Claudius’ heir, she poisoned Claudius’ son – Britanicus. It shows what a bad apple can do to the whole lot. Many have pointed to the fact that it was the dominance and cunning of the women that brought down the Julio-Claudian Dynasty.
Nevertheless, the coinage not merely confirms history, but also provides a window through time for us to see how human nature never changes, and as such, the future becomes merely a repetition of human contrivances.
To answer the question if future historians will be able to do what I have done if the currency is eliminated and we have just electronic digital currency, I believe the answer lies in the past. We can see something rather astonishing right here during the reign of Tiberius (14-37AD).
Augustus/Octavian (heir to Julius Caesar) became the first emperor of Rome following the defeat of Cleopatra and Mark Antony in 30 BC. He was granted the title Augustus in 27BC by the Senate for saving Rome from the proxy war of Cleopatra who used Mark Antony to try to conquer Rome. However, because he was the first emperor, it appears that he blanked the empire with coinage to justify his position as emperor, not king, which was really the same thing. There are over 500 different silver denarii types. I have never even heard of a collector assembling each type.
Against that backdrop, being indeed a reluctant emperor and forced into an unhappy marriage, it is understandable that being an unsocial workaholic, the circumstances most likely drove Tiberius deeper into seclusion. He rarely left Rome. In fact, he would not even attend the gladiator games. This is the extent of his coinage – two types. That’s it! Instead of the proliferation of coinage under Augustus, spending was curtailed and we can determine that from the coinage, not contemporary accounts. This led to a SHORTAGE of money, and in such a recession. That became the Financial Panic in 33AD.
Because of the shortage of money, this is where we find the first time that the private sector began to issue its own coinage. Some have claimed they were some sort of token. But they are confined to this period of Tiberius where there was a Financial Panic and a shortage of coinage compared to the reign of Augustus.
During the Great Depression, because there too the austerity measures of the government created a shortage of currency. Thus, over 200 cities in the United States began to issue their own currency for local use.
Likewise, during the Civil War, there was also a shortage of money There is a whole array of private coinage during that event. Then there was the hard time that followed the Panic of 1837, Again we have private coinage surfacing. The same again took place with the Panic of 1873.
In Japan, because of the corruption of the government always devaluing the currency of the previous emperor, the Japanese finally just stopped accepting the coinage of their own government. The economy reverted to one of barter and they used the coinage of China. Japan lost the authority to even issue coinage for 600 years until the Meiji Era.
Cryptocurrency will fade with the collapse of governments. It will be too dependent on a unified power grid. If history is any guide, we will return to a barter system combined with perhaps old identifiable coinage that the average person will recognize. That is one reason why I do not recommend bars of silver or gold, but the old coinage. Bags of pre-1965 silver coins in the US or similar in Europe and Canada where the average person can look at a date and accept it whereas they cannot tell the difference between a var of silver or nickel.
Do not make the mistake of judging others by yourself. You may know was a bar of silver is, but that will not help you if the other person does not. There are videos on YouTube where people are offered a silver bar or a chocolate bar and they take the chocolate. Not everyone knows what you may know. Keep that in mind.
So at the end of the day, we will have to rebuild society from the ground up post-2032. A currency need not be backed by anything. Its value is ALWAYS based upon a belief system. The same is true with gold and silver. They had no utility value, only as jewelry from the outset. They were valued because at first, the kings reserved gold only for their adornment.
Orichalcum, brass, is the legendary metal mentioned in the story of Atlantis in the Critias of Plato. In fact, orichalcum was considered second only to gold in value and it held a greater value than even silver. It was said to have been mined in many parts of Atlantis in ancient times. These ingots of orichalcum were discovered in a shipwreck that had sunk 2,600 years ago, off the coast of Gela in southern Sicily. The ingots are an alloy consisting of 75–80% copper, 15–20% zinc, and smaller percentages of nickel, lead, and iron. In other words, they are brass. Because the color is closer to gold, this was highly prized.
The Greeks rarely used orichalcum for coinage in the Hellenistic world. It was used experimentally by Romans under the reigns of Octavian and Mark Antony. Where we begin to see orichalcum used in the coinage consistently is dated to the monetary reform of Augustus (23 BC). It was then that he introduced sestertii and dupondii were struck in orichalcum (Cu-Zn alloy) rather than silver and bronze.  The sestertius of the Republican era was a tiny silver coin of about 0.7 grams. Later, the monetary reform Nero made during 63–64 AD,  introduced the use of orichalcum to the denomination of the as, semis, and quadrantes.
Following the Civil War with the death of Nero, orichalcum was replaced in the coinage with bronze. It is highly likely that someone figured out how to make orichalcum and its premium just collapsed. Counterfeiters had long figured out how to mix wrap a coin in silver and strike it to make it appear it was silver, but also to use chemicals to cause the silver to appear on the surface. We cannot rule out that someone had figured out how to make brass and thus it lost its premium.
The value of any currency is entirely based on belief. Once the ancients figured out that orichalcum was just an alloy and could be made, then it no longer seems as more valuable than silver. Even cryptocurrency is worthless. Its entire valuation is simply based that others believe it has some value. Money at its most basic core during a financial crisis is predicated upon its utility value. Hence, in Japan, bags of rice became money. It is unlikely that even cryptocurrency will survive the transition post-2032. Precious metals ONLY in the form of some recognizable coin will be accepted like the Japanese accepted Chinese coins. Barter will return as it always has. That will most likely be in the form of food.
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brostateexam · 1 year
GBTC stands for Grayscale Bitcoin Trust. The Grayscale Bitcoin Trust, originally known as the Bitcoin Investment Trust (BIT — no G!), was launched way back in 2013, and it began trading over-the-counter that same year. Grayscale would go on to become a subsidiary of Digital Currency Group (DCG) in 2015.
It’s important to remember that it was a lot harder for the average person to buy Bitcoin (BTC) in 2013. Grayscale observed that there was a market there: investors—both institutional and individual—wanted exposure to Bitcoin, but didn’t want to or weren’t able to mine it themselves, buy it peer-to-peer, or use one of the various (and somewhat shaky) crypto exchanges. So, Grayscale launched GBTC.
GBTC is, as the name would suggest, a trust. Grayscale owns a big pile of Bitcoins, and they issue the $GBTC security. The idea is that Grayscale does all the work of obtaining and custodying the Bitcoins, individual investors can buy GBTC via their usual brokerage accounts (and even put it in tax-advantaged accounts like retirement plans), and investment firms and funds can get exposure to BTC in a compliant way.
Because the number of GBTC shares is proportional to the number of Bitcoins held in the trust, the idea is that the price of GBTC will generally track the price of Bitcoin.
For the more crypto-familiar readers, this is not entirely unlike the mechanism of asset-backed stablecoins. If I take in US$100 and issue 100 MollyUSD, the value of MollyUSD should track the value of the US dollar, assuming people trust me to actually hold on to those dollars responsibly, and trust that they could likely obtain $1 in exchange for their 1 MollyUSD (either by redeeming it with me directly or trading it on the secondary market). We’ll come back to this in a moment.
High demand for GBTC, coupled with its limited supply, actually caused GBTC to trade at a significant premium to its net asset value (NAV—that is, the total value of the Bitcoins held in the trust) up until early 2021. From 2019 until the beginning of 2021, GBTC enjoyed a premium that hovered somewhere between 10% and a whopping 50%, meaning that people were willing to pay considerably more for GBTC than the equivalent quantity of BTC.
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cryptofinancetruck · 2 years
Economic recession effect on cryptocurrency | Bitcoin & Economic Recession | Eco Recession 2022
Recession – or the "R word" as politicians like to call it – pops up in everybody’s conversations these days, and with good reason. Many investors are searching for assets to shield them from the impending storm as they consider the likelihood of a recession or a stagflationary environment. However, according to experts, you won't find it in crypto. What could an economic ice age mean for crypto? Make sure to stick till the end of this video as we have a lot to cover. Welcome to the finance bro, Lets dive right in. Economic recession effect on cryptocurrency | Bitcoin & Economic Recession | Eco Recession 2022 | What is recession and its impact on crypto? What includes in this video? 1. What will happen to crypto incase of a recession? 2. What does this mean for bitcoin? 3. How likely is a recession going to happen? 4. Can a crypto crash itself trigger a recession? 5. How does inflation affect crypto currency? 6. Is there an opportunity for investors? Economic recession effect on cryptocurrency | Bitcoin & Economic Recession | Eco Recession 2022 | What is recession and its impact on crypto? ✅🔥Trade hundreds of crypto-currencies with low fees on FTX, Use our referral code FINANCEBRO upon sign-up and get a free coin when you trade $10 or more. https://link.blockfolio.com/9dzp/8l3l... Watch our other videos! 💸 You NEED to know this about Ethereum before you Invest. https://youtu.be/qnyPz42JjCg Should you be fearful or full of greed. 💸 https://youtu.be/34bxIQfigZ8 Top 5 safest crypto exchanges 2022 💸 https://youtu.be/Yt0iGDQNsM4 Economic recession effect on cryptocurrency | Bitcoin & Economic Recession | Eco Recession 2022 | What is recession and its impact on crypto? #cryptocurrency #economiccrisis #cryptocurrencybitcoin Economic recession effect on cryptocurrency | Bitcoin & Economic Recession | Eco Recession 2022 | What is recession and its impact on crypto? Disclaimer: Some of the links and products that appear on this video are from companies in which The Finance Bro will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. The Content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some offers mentioned may no longer be available or available in your country. This is not legal or accounting advice. This material is for entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. Always consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction. Economic recession effect on cryptocurrency | Bitcoin & Economic Recession | Eco Recession 2022 | What is recession and its impact on crypto?
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australiantax · 7 months
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At Australian Tax Specialists, we provide the highest quality service and advice to clients in the field of Crypto Currency Tax Accountant. Our clients value and trust us, thus they choose our services. We support you in your planning and offer the ideal option for the expansion of your company.
For more info, visit us - https://australiantaxspecialists.com.au/shares-crypto-tax
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Crypto Currency Tax Accountant
The tax rules for cryptocurrency are complex, and a cryptocurrency tax accountant can help you navigate the regulations and minimize your tax obligations. A Crypto Currency Tax Accountant can also help you determine which crypto transactions are taxable, and can provide guidance on how to report and pay taxes on your crypto income.
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babiescrysometimes · 8 days
Work in progress
Networth App Lease Agreement
Effective Date: [Date]
Parties: This Lease Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and between:
Networth App, a virtual currency issued by [Your Company Name], a [Your Company's Legal Status, e.g., corporation, LLC, etc.] ("Networth App", "we", "us", "our"), and
User, an individual who has downloaded and installed the Networth App and agreed to these terms ("you", "your").
Purpose of the Agreement: Networth App is a self-help software platform designed to assist users in tracking their net worth, developing financial literacy, and enhancing their credit score through the use of virtual currency and in-app purchase (IAP) credits. This Agreement establishes the terms under which you may access and utilize the Networth App and its associated services.
1. Nature of Services: 1.1 Self-Help Platform: The Networth App provides virtual tracking of net worth, financial goals, and credit score progress. It is designed for personal financial management and self-improvement purposes only.
1.2 No Investment Platform: Networth App does not offer any custodial services for stocks or cryptocurrencies. The app does not facilitate the buying, selling, or holding of any securities or investment assets.
1.3 Social and Self-Development Platform: The Networth App serves as a social platform where users can engage in discussions related to personal finance, credit improvement, and financial goals. It provides educational resources and tools to assist users in building their net worth and improving their financial health.
2. Lease of Software: 2.1 License Grant: Subject to your compliance with the terms of this Agreement, Networth App grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Networth App solely for your personal, non-commercial use.
2.2 Restrictions: You may not (i) modify, adapt, translate, or create derivative works based upon the Networth App; (ii) sublicense, lease, rent, loan, or otherwise transfer the Networth App to any third party; (iii) reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise attempt to derive the source code for the Networth App; or (iv) use the Networth App for any purpose other than as expressly permitted under this Agreement.
3. Ownership and Intellectual Property: 3.1 Ownership: Networth App retains all right, title, and interest in and to the Networth App, including all intellectual property rights therein.
3.2 User Content: You retain ownership of any content, data, or information you submit to or through the Networth App ("User Content"). By submitting User Content, you grant Networth App a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, and sublicensable right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform, and display such User Content (in whole or part) and/or to incorporate it in other works in any form, media, or technology.
4. Disclaimers and Limitations: 4.1 No Investment Advice: The Networth App does not provide investment, financial, tax, or legal advice. Information provided on the Networth App is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold any securities or investment assets.
4.2 No Guarantee of Results: Networth App makes no guarantees regarding your credit score improvement, net worth growth, or financial success as a result of using the app.
4.3 No Stock or Crypto Custody: Networth App does not hold, manage, or store any stocks, cryptocurrencies, or other investment assets on behalf of users.
5. User Responsibilities: 5.1 Compliance: You agree to comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations in connection with your use of the Networth App.
5.2 Security: You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password and for restricting access to your devices. You agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account.
6. Privacy: 6.1 Data Collection: Networth App collects and processes personal data in accordance with its Privacy Policy, available at [Link to Privacy Policy]. By using the Networth App, you consent to such collection and processing.
7. Term and Termination: 7.1 Term: This Agreement is effective as of the date you first access or use the Networth App and will continue until terminated as set forth herein.
7.2 Termination: Networth App may terminate this Agreement at any time for any reason. Upon termination, your license to use the Networth App will terminate, and you must cease all use of the app.
8. Miscellaneous: 8.1 Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Your State/Country], without regard to its conflicts of law principles.
8.2 Entire Agreement: This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and Networth App concerning the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous oral or written agreements.
9. Contact Us: If you have any questions about this Agreement, please contact us at [Your Contact Information].
By downloading, installing, and using the Networth App, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by this Agreement.
Please replace placeholders such as [Your Company Name], [Your Company's Legal Status], [Link to Privacy Policy], [Your State/Country], and [Your Contact Information] with your actual company details and contact information.
This draft aligns with SEC compliance by clearly stating that the app is not an investment platform and emphasizes its intended use as a self-help and educational tool for personal finance and net worth tracking. Adjustments can be made based on your specific legal requirements and preferences.
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legalpillers24 · 16 days
Crypto Tax Solutions: Unlock Success with Online Chartered Accountants
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In today's dynamic world of cryptocurrency, it can be difficult to manage your crypto taxation. However, if you hire chartered accountant online, you will get the clarity and peace of mind. Here, in this article, we will tell you why it is important to hire CA online for crypto taxation.
Importance of Hiring Chartered Accountant Online for Crypto Taxation
Understand the Regulations of Crypto Taxation: Online CA possesses the updated knowledge about the constantly changing tax laws related to crypto currencies. They will make sure about the compliance to relevant regulations by keeping updated about the most recent rules & guidelines that have been issued by regulatory agencies and tax authorities.
Maximizing Tax Deductions & Credits: If you hire CA online, they help you in identifying the possible tax deductions & credits in order to balance the crypto currency gains and reduce the total tax liability. They help the clients in taking the benefits of all the deductions that have been available including transaction fees, mining costs, and crypto donations to charities.
Comprehensive Record Keeping: It is essential to keep the proper record for reporting crypto currency transactions precisely for the tax purposes. If you hire online CA, then they will assist you in maintaining the comprehensive records of your crypto activities. These crypto activities include purchases, sales, exchanges, and transfers. This proper record keeping is not just make sure about compliance with tax regulations but also provides valuable insights into the financial performance of crypto investments.
Addressing Tax Compliance Issues: If you hire CA online in India, then they represent & assist you at the time of tax audits & inquiries related to crypto currency transactions. Chartered Accountants will navigate the audit process, gather relevant documentations, and communicate with the tax authorities on your behalf for the resolution of any compliance related issues.
Peace of Mind: If you hire Chartered Accountant online in India, then they will provide you the peace of mind. You can stay stress free knowing that you have a trusted financial advisor by your side to navigate the complexities of crypto taxation. You can focus on growing your crypto portfolio.
It is a smart move to hire Chartered Accountant online for anyone who want to navigate the world of digital assets. Online CA will become trusted partner in making sure about your financial success and compliance due to their expertise, personalized approach, and convenience.
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accountantsau · 1 year
Hire Skilled Tax Return Accountants for Financial Assistance in Professional Tax Filing
Businesses need to hire skilled tax return accountants for their professional accounting and taxation needs. They provide valuable services such as bookkeeping, financial insights, and business advice that contribute to making informed decisions and maximizing return on investment (ROI). 
These professionals establish strong client connections and work diligently to help businesses achieve their financial objectives and restore their financial equilibrium.
In addition to traditional tax services, businesses involved in the world of cryptocurrencies can benefit from specialized assistance in crypto currency tax filing services. As the regulations surrounding cryptocurrency taxation can be complex, crypto enthusiasts need to seek the help of skilled tax professionals who have expertise in this ground. It also helps them to have knowledge about the taxation norms specific to cryptocurrencies and ensure compliance with legal obligations.
Significance of Hiring Professional Tax Accountants: 
Some significant advantages are there for both businesses and individuals hiring professional crypto tax consultants. 
Firstly, these experts possess in-depth knowledge of cryptocurrency tax laws and regulations, ensuring accurate and compliant tax reporting. By minimizing the risk of errors or discrepancies, businesses can avoid potential audits or penalties.
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Secondly, professional tax consultants offer valuable tax planning services for crypto investments. They can assess current and anticipated crypto income or losses before the end of the fiscal year, providing clients with ample time to make informed decisions that optimize their tax position. This proactive approach helps businesses take advantage of market opportunities while minimizing tax liabilities on their crypto profits.
Furthermore, crypto tax consultants assist in structuring crypto taxes in a way that maximizes tax benefits. They provide comprehensive advice on tax strategies, deductions, credits, and exemptions that can legally reduce tax liabilities and optimize overall tax position.
In addition to crypto, these professionals have expertise in assisting in a wide range of taxation and financial assistance including GST management, late tax return, expat tax management, accounts and bookkeeping, benchmarking budgeting, cashflow forecasting, non-resident tax return and a lot more.
Therefore, by hiring professional tax consultants for cryptocurrency tax filing, businesses can benefit from expert guidance, risk mitigation, and compliance with tax laws. This saves time and effort while maximizing tax benefits, ultimately helping businesses achieve their cryptocurrency investment goals.
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In spite of the fact that President Biden and U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen have told Americans that the U.S. Banking System is “safe and sound,” Moody’s Investors Service today announced that they had downgraded the U.S. banking system to “negative” from “stable” to reflect “the rapid deterioration in the operating environment.”
They also announced today that they were studying First Republic’s debt rating for a potential downgrade, along with five other regional banks.
Sifting through the plethora of news today regarding the banking industry’s woes, there are some who are now questioning why the Feds closed down Signature Bank on Sunday, when other banks appeared to be worse off.
This has led to speculation that cryptocurrency banks are being targeted, and the revival of the “Operation Choke Point” conspiracy theory.
Forbes, which is part of the corporate news media and NOT the alternative news media, reported on this theory of the government targeting the crypto industry in an article published late last night.
While this article does not mention Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), it would make sense that the U.S. Government would try to eliminate competition if they are planning on a wide-scale roll out of CBDCs to replace the monetary system.
 Tech Crash of 2022-2023 Continues Downward Spiral
As Silicon Valley venture capitalists continue discussing how to rescue their failed Silicon Valley Bank so that they can continue funneling $billions into new startups and new technologies like AI chat bots which are all the rage these days, the Big Tech Crash that I have been reporting on since early in the 4th quarter of 2022 continues its downward spiral.
Meta announced today that they were cutting another 10,000 jobs.
Apple Computers announced today that they were delaying bonuses and implementing hiring freezes.
With so much of the world today dependent upon technology and these mammoth technology companies, this spells big trouble for the economy, regardless of what happens to the banking system.
Consider the nation of Israel, where the tech sector accounts for around 25% of the country’s total income tax revenue and about 10% of the workforce. (Source.)
Israel’s two largest banks, Bank Leumi and Bank Hapoalim, raised some eyebrows here in the U.S. when they were somehow able to transfer about $1 billion out of Silicon Valley Bank to Israel before the bank collapsed.
It was also reported today that the Justice Department and the Securities and Exchange Commission were investigating the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and the possibility of misconduct by its officers regarding whether stock sales by executives violated trading rules. (Source.)
This Big Tech Crash which has now spilled over into the Banking System is a continually developing story, and I don’t think the public in general truly understands the significance of what is currently happening, so I am going to continue reporting on this, but I am not ignoring the other large issues that face us during these troubled times, and will continue reporting on them as well.
And while I don’t have impressive “credentials” as a financial analyst, what I do have is over 25 years of experience as a business owner in the U.S., including running an ecommerce business for over 21 years now. We have had to understand market forces and politics to survive this long, having survived the dot.com crash of 2001-2002, as well as the financial crash of 2008, and COVID.
Many have emailed me asking for financial advice, but I do not provide that. I simply report the news and the analysis, but as far as what you need to do with your finances is a decision that only you can make according to your own personal circumstances.
What I do with the financial resources entrusted to me are not necessarily the same things you need to be doing.
And I would be biased in any advice I did give out, because I earn my living from selling high quality clean food, and that is where God has led me to invest for the past 2 plus decades. If the Internet or the power grid ever goes down for any length of time, or if a full-blown banking collapse occurs, we will suffer like everyone else because people will not be able to order our products over the Internet.
But at least we won’t go hungry, as we continue to spread our inventory out across the country to distributors in the event something like that does happen, or if the financial system adopts a digital ID that is required to do business on the Internet.
We would never comply with something like that, and it would effectively put us out of business as an ecommerce company.
The take-away here is that everyone needs to start planning on living in a post-technological age, because our current dependency on technology is not sustainable.
It doesn’t mean that all the technology will disappear, but it does mean the false promises of technology are now finally becoming known, as well as its limits, and we have not yet even begun to understand just how much of our lives have been dependent on this technology in a very unhealthy way that leaves us very vulnerable.
Build local communities and relationships, and get out of the virtual world of technology as much as possible. Get to know your local producers, and get ready to start supporting them when the technological-dependent supply chains begin to fail, because they will fail, as the technology fails. It is only a matter of time now.
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