#cs pupstravaganza
snidgetsafan · 5 years
A Dog by Any Other Name
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Rating: T for swearing
Length: 3.2k
Summary:  After her boyfriend finds himself arrested, Emma Swan is left with a broken heart, a trashed apartment... and her ex's dog. While she agrees to keep the dog, she draws the line at calling him such a ridiculous name. Killian Jones, her hot British neighbor, wholeheartedly agrees.
On AO3
Notes: Here is my contribution to @cspupstravaganza​! Thank you to @profdanglaisstuff​ and @kmomof4​ for organizing this event, and thank you to the lovely ladies on the discord for making this event so much fun! 
Thank you as always to @shireness-says​ for her amazing beta skills, even though her lack of faith in my puns is disturbing. That John Oliver quote is for you, even though I wholeheartedly disagree with it. 
Disclaimer: I do think the dog’s name is terrible, and I designed it this way. I in no way think this is a good pun, or even that you should pun when naming a pet.
Emma sits on her couch, contemplating the mess that her apartment has become.
(Her life also has gone down the drain, but it’s easier to think about her living room.)
She says “her” living room, but yesterday it had been “their” living room – as in hers and Walsh’s, her now former boyfriend. Turns out she’s got a knack for dating losers, because just this morning as she was brushing her hair and Walsh was putting the coffee on, the police had banged on their door to arrest him and search the apartment. 
Walsh was accused of smuggling stolen goods and embezzling. Now she understands why he’d insisted on putting the lease in her name only; bastard wanted to cover his tracks.
Emma looks at the plaster and wooden frame scattered over the floor, all that remained of her ornamental mantle; she’d told Walsh that she’d always wanted a chimney when she was a child to hang Christmas stockings from and to spend cold days in front of. He’d surprised her when she had come back from a three-day stakeout with a new addition to their living room. She’d thought it sweet at the time, even if not what she had meant at all, but she now realizes that he’d had it built to hide money inside. Tens of thousands of dollars. That he’d stolen. Sleazy fucking asshole.
Not only does she have to piece her life back together, but she also has to get her living room wall fixed. She won’t rebuild the chimney; it was gaudy and useless. Who builds a chimney with no hearth, anyway? It was a lie, just like her relationship.
Her second biggest problem yips next to her on the couch. Oh, right. She’d forgotten for a moment that her ex had left her with his dog. His dog, not theirs. He’d had it before they met, and Emma had warned Walsh when they’d moved in together that she wouldn’t take over his dog duties.
Plus that dog has the stupidest name she’s ever heard.
Frantic knocking on the door announces the arrival of Mary Margaret, the dog’s barking picking up in volume. David must have told her – did she mention that it was her brother’s squad who had searched her apartment? Bringing in her next perp is going to be all kinds of awkward, now that Lieutenant Fa knows what’s hidden in the back of her underwear drawer. 
“Emma!” her sister-in-law and best friend says as she bustles in, gasping when she sees the state of the living room. “Are you alright?”
Emma snorts. Of course she isn’t alright, but for the moment she’s letting her anger overshadow her pain. Much easier this way. “My apartment is in shambles, my brother’s coworkers snooped through my whole life, and I learnt this morning that my boyfriend was a criminal. How do you think I feel?”
“Oh honey, I’m so sorry,” Mary Margaret says, hugging her. “Do you need anything?”
While an extraordinary amount of alcohol is Emma’s first answer, she swallows it back, not wanting to incur her friend’s disapproval. A bark and a little head bumping her leg give the blonde a more appropriate answer. “Yeah, do you have the number of a good shelter? I have to take care of this guy.”
Mary Margaret gasps as if she had just disclosed her plans to kill puppies in front of babies. “What? Why would you do that to your dog? Poor little Nacy, you can’t get rid of him!”
Emma groans at the mention of the dog’s name. Walsh had wanted to be clever when naming his dog and had called him Nacious in the most terrible pun to ever be uttered. Because his dog was a pug, so he was the pug Nacious. Pugnacious. “A ferocious little guy!” Walsh used to say, elbowing Emma as if she were in on the joke. 
 Turns out Emma had been the butt of the joke all along. Ha. Ha.
“He’s not my dog,” Emma snaps, “he’s Walsh’s, and right now? I want to get rid of every single trace of that idiot from my life. Including his stupid dog.”
“Emma!” This time she’s being scolded. “I know you’re hurting, but you can’t talk this way about Nacious, he is not stupid.”
She knows he’s not stupid. His name is, though.
Mary Margaret’s wheedling as they clean up manages to overcome Emma’s resolve to get rid of Nacious. Her attempts to get Emma to change her mind culminate in Mary Margaret holding the dog up to Emma’s face and looking at her with big round eyes. She will not call them puppy eyes; she has already had enough dog-related puns to last her a lifetime. 
Emma draws the line at the name, though. It has to go.
Emma had started looking for a contractor as soon as the apartment had been cleared of debris and everything either put back in its place, or in a trashbag if it belonged to Walsh. 
(Except the engagement ring. That had been quite the surprise – one that had made her sob for a whole night as Nacious licked her face, whining in worry. The ring she had kept, planning on pawning it off. It would pay for the repairs to her living room, at least.)
She finds one quickly, right in front of her mailbox while coming back from walking Nacious on the following Saturday morning. She’s on the phone with a building company, arguing with them about the price that they want her to pay for an expert to come assess the work that needs to be done. They seem to be under the impression that she isn’t aware making her pay $200 for a simple estimate is way too much. As she ends the call rather angrily, someone clears their throat behind her, making her turn around to come face to face with one of her neighbors. She’s seen him a couple of times in the lift, but apart from noticing how handsome he was, his striking blue eyes and the fact he was British, she didn’t know anything about him, not even his name.
“I’m sorry to have eavesdropped, lass, but I understand you seem to be in need of a contractor?” he asks her, smiling tentatively.
“Why, are you one?” Emma answers quite shortly, annoyed by her phone call and nosy neighbors.
“I’m not, but my brother is,” he says, rummaging in his satchel and fishing out a business card. “He does very good work, and he provides free assessments too,” he finishes mischievously.
Emma takes the card, still wary, even as Nacious tugs on his leash, trying to get closer to the man. Jones Contracting is written in a no-nonsense black on the card, along with a website and contact info. She could give them a try, she guesses. At least if anything goes pear-shaped, she’ll know where his brother lives.
“Thanks,” she tells him, slightly mollified, “I’ll – Nacious!”
The dog had managed to pull enough on his leash to reach the man’s – Jones, she guesses – legs and had started to play with his shoelaces, pulling on them and slobbering over Jones’ shoes. Ferocious little guy, my ass , Emma thinks disdainfully. The only way it would hurt a fly is if it drooled on it too much.
Jones looks down before squatting, reaching to scratch behind the dog’s ears. “Hello little lad! In a playful mood, are we?” Then, blinking, he looks up at Emma, “Wait, did you say his name is Nacious? Pugnacious? Really ?”
“Oh, believe me, not my idea. Blame my ex for that, he had the worst sense of humor ever.”
“Clearly, if he called his dog that . What that’s quote again? ‘Wit is the lowest form of humor, and puns are the lowest form of wit’?”. 
“And also the ‘worst form of human behavior.’ I watch John Oliver too,” Emma says, smiling slightly. “Although I have to disagree with him, as Walsh sank even lower than bad puns.”
“Ah, yes, and got himself arrested for it,” her neighbor nods as he straightens up. Emma winces. So everyone in the building knows about it. Great, as if she needed to be the subject of gossip on top of everything else.
“Sorry, love, shouldn’t have said it like that. Probably shouldn’t have said it at all, to be honest,” Jones apologizes, scratching behind his ear in embarrassment. 
“Nah, it’s fine. It’s not like his arrest was very discreet, was it?”
“No, it wasn’t. But still, thinking Nacious is a good name for a dog is criminal in and of itself.”
“Which is why I’m going to change it. Just need to find something appropriate.”
“Oh, as long as it isn’t Ilist, you should be good. Can’t sink any lower.”
Emma snorts despite herself. Who knew the gorgeous Brit had a sense of humor?
And so Emma calls Jones Contractors and talks to a bubbly woman on the phone, then a tall Brit in her apartment who comes to assess (for free) what needs to be done. He introduces himself as Liam Jones, and is very professional, despite a twinkle in his eye that is quite reminiscent of the one in his brother’s gaze. The quote is reasonable and in her budget, so Emma meets Belle, Liam’s wife and co-owner to draft and sign the contract.
Work on her living room starts the next week and advances quickly. Liam is a quick worker, and works cleanly. That is, until he accidentally hits a pipe while tearing out the ruined section of wall. He ends up completely drenched before he manages to stop the leak.
“Sorry lass, do you mind if I call my brother? I can’t continue like this and I’ve got a change of clothes at his flat, it would only take a few minutes.”
“Sure,” Emma agrees, shrugging. “I’ll start mopping while you do that.”
The brother – her neighbor – arrives five minutes later, his arms full and his eyebrow raised.
“Hello lass, heard my brother was making a mess?”
Before Emma can answer, excited yips grow closer as Nacious (or Spencer, as she’s started calling him, but she’s not a fan) bounds to the door, running between Emma and Jones excitedly. 
“Good morning to you too Nacious, has your mistress found a new name for you yet?”
“Nacious? I thought his name was Spencer?” Liam says as he comes dripping to the door.
“I’m… trying out new names,” Emma explains, taking Nacious in her arms.
“Good idea, Nacious is really weird for a dog.”
“You don’t understand, brother. What kind of dog is it?”
“A pug – oh you gotta be kidding me. A pun, really?” Liam exclaims, scrunching his nose in distaste.
“It was not my idea,” Emma insists. “It was my ex’s own brand of humor.”
“There’s no humor in that, lass, merely mediocrity. That arse deserves every day of jail he’s gonna get, even if only for that pun.”
Emma agrees, even if she can’t believe that even her contractor knows about her terrible taste in men. Then again, his brother probably had filled him in as to why she needed work done in her apartment. Still.
Liam takes the clothes from Killian and turns without another word towards the bathroom, muttering under his breath about arseholes and punsters and bloody crimes against humanity , leaving Emma and her neighbor standing a little awkwardly in her entryway.
“Well, that’s Liam,” Killian says, shaking his head slightly. “My brother has never managed to master social graces, I’m afraid.”
Emma snorts, before looking behind her and sighing. “Better get back to mopping, I guess.”
Killian curiously looks over her shoulder at the living room, and his eyes widen when he sees the mess of water and soaked towels on the floor. 
“That’s quite the mess you’ve got there, Swan,” he grimaces. “Would you like some help?”
“Oh no, don’t worry about it,” Emma says, putting Spencer down to grab the mop. “I’ve got it cov– Na– Spencer, no !”
Her stupid ex’s dog has run through the puddle and is now zipping across the whole apartment, leaving tracks everywhere and – oh no, he’s jumped onto the couch.
A light chuckle sounds behind her. “Are you sure you don’t need help, love?”
Without a word, Emma shoves the mop in Killian’s hands and goes to get her wet dog off the couch, wiping his feet with the last dry towel in her apartment before locking him in her bedroom. When she comes back to her living room, Liam has exited the bathroom and is working on fixing the burst pipe and bantering with Killian, who’s wringing the wet towels on the floor into a bucket before dropping them back on the hardwood. It feels… nice, her living room lively again after weeks of being an empty shell for her memories. 
Emma joins them after a few seconds to finish taking care of the puddle and clean the dirty tracks crisscrossing her living space. It seriously looks like a whole football team (and their probably less stupidly-named dog) have traipsed through her apartment after practice. Once it’s done, Killian doesn’t leave. They spend the afternoon trying to teach Spencer his new name as Liam pretends to work, though it seems the dog’s not a fan; Even his favorite treats don’t convince him to respond to their call, though they do prompt Liam’s laughter every time.
The next days pass in the same manner, with Killian and Emma trying to find a name that Nacious will answer to, Nacious spending his time either ignoring them or slobbering between them, and Liam alternating between repairing Emma’s wall and bantering with his brother and Emma. It’s nice, it’s comfortable, it’s warm . Emma also learns new things about Killian: he’s a professor of British history at Boston College and is on break right now, he loves Twain, despises Melville, and lost the fight to name his and his brother’s sailboat the Jolly Roger. It turns out, he is a huge nerd.
Emma is disappointed when Liam finishes at the end of the week, already missing her afternoons with the two Jones brothers – okay, one in particular, and it’s not the one covered in paint. Which is why she’s surprised to hear knocking on her door on Saturday morning, though Nacious’ excitement (or Windham, as they tried to christen him yesterday – Nacious isn’t a fan of British Conservatives, apparently) gives her a clue as to who might be behind the door. Seriously, it had been love at first sight for her dog; she’d be jealous of the attention Killian is getting, if she weren’t so vindictively satisfied that Nacious had never reacted this way to Walsh. There’s justice in the world, apparently.
Opening the door does reveal Killian, who smiles at Emma before greeting her dog, scratching behind his ears until Nacious’ tongue lolls out in bliss. Strangely enough, Killian keeps a hand behind his back.
“Killian! Can I help you?”
“Er, no,” her neighbor says, straightening up. “I just wondered if you’d allow me to give a small gift to Winston?”
Emma blinks, nonplussed. Of all the things she had expected, this was definitely not one of them. She watches as Killian gets a squeaky chicken toy dressed like a pirate from behind his back and holds it out to her. Emma takes it and can’t help but squeeze. Windham/Nacious turns towards the noise immediately, his eyes locking on the source of the noise and his little paws shuffling excitedly on the floor. Emma looks at the chicken, completely blown away. She had mentioned a couple of days ago wanting to replace Nacious’ squeaky toy as a throwaway remark, and they’d been joking about trying pirate names next. The guy had listened to her, and bought a pirate chicken for her dog. He was funny, clever, and handsome to boot. 
Also, there was no way tens of thousands of dollars were hidden in that toy. 
“Would you like to get coffee sometime?” she blurts out, raising her eyes just in time to see a blush steal across Killian’s face.
“Shouldn’t I be the one doing the asking?” he quips, raising an eyebrow teasingly.
“Well, I did it first,” Emma shoots back, smiling slightly. “So?”
“I’d love to, love,” comes Killian’s answer, as he smiles widely at her.
Emma smiles back, feeling giddy. So giddy, in fact, she doesn’t notice Nacious snapping the squeaky toy out of her limp hand and running back into the apartment, squeaks and yips sounding alternately. 
4 years later
Emma sits on her couch, contemplating the mess that her living room has become. Toys, both for kids and dogs, litter the floor as screams and splashes sound from the bathroom. From the noise alone, Emma guesses she’ll have to take the mop out… again. Her cheeks hurt from smiling.
Just as she’s about to get up to start tidying up, someone knocks on the door. She wonders who would come at this hour on a Sunday night. She hopes it isn’t Mrs Johnson from down the hall again; the last time she had lent her neighbor her toaster, it had come back smelling like cabbage, of all things. 
It’s not Mrs Johnson, though – it’s Walsh, of all people.
“Hey Em,” he says, smiling so widely it looks more like a grimace. “Long time no see, eh?”
“Yeah, weird how being locked up kills your social life, doesn’t it?” Emma snaps back, already tired with his shit. 
“Look, I’m not here to argue, I’m just here to get my things,” Walsh says, finally dropping the smile.
“Your things? Dude, they were either donated to Goodwill or thrown out years ago, did you really think I would keep them for you?”
“I… what?” The asshole actually has the gall to look outraged for a second before he rallies, frowning. “Half of what’s in this apartment is mine, Emma, you know it. I want my share.”
“Actually, no. According to the lease, this apartment is mine, and mine only. Anything else?”
Even after all these years, Emma is deeply satisfied to see Walsh flounder as he stands in the hallway. She can hear a tell-tale squeak and yip coming from behind her. Walsh hears it too.
“Nacious? Is that Nacious? You still have my dog?” He sounds actually hopeful. As if.
“Not your dog anymore, dude.”
“Damn right it is!” Walsh exclaims, raising his voice in anger. “Give me my dog back right now, I paid more than a thousand for him, he’s mine !” he goes on, thumping on the door. “Nacious! Come here, boy!”
And oh, does her dog come. He comes right at Walsh’s ankle, biting it as his former owner yowls in pain, hopping in place and looking at him with a mix of anger and incredulity.
“Westley!” Emma calls, before Walsh can get it into his mind to kick her dog. Westley jiggles to Emma smugly, visibly proud of himself for saving his mistress. Emma picks him up, and look at Walsh, who’s still jumping and swearing in the corridor. The opportunity is too beautiful to pass.
“Quite the ferocious little guy, isn’t he?” she chirps, before saying in a much sterner tone. “Never show your face here, ever again. Next time, I’ll be the one to take care of you.” 
And then she slams the door.
“Love, is something the matter?” Killian asks, exiting the bathroom with their giggling daughter in his arms. 
Emma smiles, looking at the sight of her husband completely soaked, with suds slowly dissolving in his hair as Westley and their baby girl yammer at each other.
“No babe, everything is absolutely perfect.”
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snowbellewells · 5 years
A Litter More Than They Bargained For
{Oh my goodness, this event has just been a joy, and I have loved every entry I’ve gotten a chance to read so far.  I’m excited to add mine to the list, and hope that you all will enjoy.  Thanks so much to all the lovely ladies on the @cspupstravaganza Discord chat, particularly @shireness-says  @profdanglaisstuff @snidgetsafan  @kmomof4 and @darkcolinodonorgasm, for all of the amazing dog name suggestions - I put a fair few of them to use here! ;)  Also, @profdanglaisstuff thank you bringing us such a fun event!!}
“A Litter More Than They Bargained For”
by: @snowbellewells
One pet she could have handled. One pet would have been perfectly manageable. A single, sweet-natured, reasonably well-behaved small pet - maybe a cat or a rabbit or even a hamster - wouldn’t have really changed anything about their lives in the seaside house or their daily routine that much. In fact, she and Killian had already been discussing a surprise for Hope in the form of a kitten from the litter her mom and dad’s barn cat had recently birthed, completely charming their pre-schooler upon her first visit to them at her grandparents’ farm.
Somehow, instead, all of Emma’s best-laid plans had been inverted and overturned, as so often seemed to happen in their chaotic magical town. When they had gone into the station that particular morning, they had found a large, mud-caked, burr-riddled dog tied to the bike rack and whining pitifully upon first sight of them. Emma was too disgruntled at the culprit for figuring out that their whole three person department were soft touches for strays as she charged foward to untie the poor beast, to even realize that the critter was already rooting into her affection. Needless to say, rather than their intended adoption, they had managed to take in a shaggy, slobbery mixed breed almost as large as a Shetland pony, with at least some Irish Wolfhound in its ancestry, according to the shelter attendant.
Gleefully mimicking that last declaration in her toddler voice, Hope had leaned over out of Killian’s arms to reach for where the huge hound lounged panting on the exam table, tongue lolling and tail thumping happily as she babbled, “Wolfie! Wolfie!” and patted along the dog’s back and shoulders as well as she could.
The thick, scruffy grey fur covering the animal’s lanky form did indeed resemble a wolf to some degree, and Killian chuckled goodnaturedly at the easy moniker their daughter had seemingly bestowed. “Well, it would seem our little love has already christened her, Swan,” he commented lightly.
Emma wasn’t fooled by the casual demeanor covering her True Love’s words. She felt her last chance of finding a more suitable home for a dog of that size outside the town limits (preferably with acres for it to run) fade as she realized that her husband, as well as her little girl, was already attached. Killian wanted this dog more than he would admit.
Reaching out to stroke the gentle giant’s head resignedly, Emma reluctantly admitted to herself that the poor stray really was a sweet dog, despite her astonishing proportions and the amount of extra responsibility she herself would no doubt be taking on. “Hear that, Wolfie?” she questioned, looking the dog in the eyes rather than either member of her family, whom she could feel nearly vibrating with excitement beside her, “I guess you’re as good as ours.”
Henry only confirmed the permanence of the decision when he got home from the high school after his editors’ meeting for the school paper. Though a dog had never been something he had particularly asked for - they had spent so many of his growing up years being flung from one realm to another, either trying to rescue some member of their family, or seeking the needed magic item to fight some new villain, that it hadn’t left a lot of time for house training puppies or taking one for leisurely evening strolls. Still, as Henry came up the walk and saw Wolfie stretched out on the porch, Hope cuddled against her side and Emma and Killian curled together on the porch swing, the way her nearly adult son’s face had lit up and he’d rushed forward in excitement had shown Emma that kids didn’t really grow out of loving dogs, no matter their age.
Ruby, or perhaps the irrepressible brunette’s inner wild animal, seemed to find their new addition, and the rather obvious name Hope had latched onto, especially entertaining. Due to Wolfie’s size, the Jones clan now ate outside at the patio tables when they stopped for breakfast on the way to drop Hope off at Ashley Hermann’s Pumpkin Seeds Daycare, and before Henry took off for class and they headed on for the station. Her mother’s best friend didn’t even try to hide the fact that she saved back either bacon, sausage, or ham especially for Emma’s pet each day, laughing when after about a week Wolfie came to her the moment she excited the diner’s front entrance, before she could even reach their table, and began nosing at her pockets for the expected bounty.
However, it was Granny herself who startled them with a matter of fact question about a month after Wolfie had joined their family. The diner’s proprietress had come out to wait on them herself that morning, a real nip in the air as November neared, and explaining that Ruby was lying in for a while after the full moon the night before. Her half-spectacles perched on the very end of her nose, eyes sparkling with every bit as much pep and mischief as her exuberant granddaughter when she neared their table, sleeves rolled up to her elbows despite the chill and a pencil tucked behind one ear.
“The usual, Captain?” Widow Lucas asked with a playful nod to Killian, “or are you and your crew feeling adventurous this morning?” While awaiting their answer, she reached into her apron for her order pad, also pulling out a juicy ham bone for Wolfie.
“Here you are, darlin’ girl,” she continued, bending to offer it to their canine companion, much to Wolfie’s approving delight as she barked a ‘thank you’ and took the treat into her drooling jowls with an almost humorous care, then immediately dropped to hold it between her massive paws and began gnawing away.
When Granny stood to face them again however, a knowing smirk was painted across her face, taking their breakfast order seemingly long forgotten. “You don’t have a clue that dog is carrying a litter of pups, do you?” she asked, shaking her head at what she seemed to think was their dense naivete.
Crossing her arms, Granny watched a variety of reactions cross the four faces before her. Henry looked awed and curious, while Hope practically bounced on Killian’s knee asking, “Puppy? Puppy! We having a puppy?”  Killian’s brows rose in surprise, and Emma was already shaking her head in disgruntled exasperation. “Really?” she sputtered, narrowly eying the diner owner as if it might be some sort of elaborate joke being played at her expense.
Then, she plunked her head down to rest on her arms where they were crossed on the table, sighing as her daughter contiuned to chortle in delight and Henry and Hook laughed heartily, in spite of their manful efforts to hold back for her sake. “Why am I even surprised?” Emma muttered. “Of course, she is.”
From there, they learned that apparently the shelter owner did not have it out for them, but that it can be genuinely hard to tell when a dog is expecting until they are quite close to their due date. It also turned out that Granny’s lupine sixth sense had been right on the money. Within another couple weeks, they could see for themselves that Wolfie’s stomach was rounding and she was nesting in corners throughout the house, particularly favoring the warmth of the laundry room between the dryer and the wall. Seeing as how canine gestation was only eight or nine weeks from start to finish, and their mother-to-be was already showing, it was a bit of a scramble to prepare, knowing the litter of pups would soon be on its way.
As had become typical since Wolfie’s arrival, this too went well beyond what they had expected.  On the night they returned from Hope’s Thanksgiving Play at the preschool to tiny yips and whimpers greeting them the second the door opened, the entire Jones family was stunned to discover eight small wriggling bodies jostling for place against Wolfie’s exhausted form where she lay curled into the mound of old blankets and towels they had created for her once her fixation on her laundry room nest become plain. Various rather wetly bedraggled and squirming balls of grey, black, white and mottled mixes of those three colors in coat greeted their eyes, prompting Killian to comment rather drily, “Well, now there are nearly enough of us to crew a pirate ship.” He chuckled, shaking his head, as he added, “Mayhap we can give them proper nautical names this time, rather than letting Hope call them the first word that pops from her mouth.”
“Paaa-pa!” their daughter protested indignantly, stomping her little foot on the linoleum tile and placing chubby fists on her hips. “I did not!” In her two braids, beaded headband, and fringed brown “Indian” dress from the play, she made more an adorable than a threatening sight as she intended, but Killian nodded to their daughter dutifully all the same. “My apologies, little lass. Of course you didn’t. I must have been mistaken.”
Emma rolled her eyes and shook her head at his mannered playfulness with Hope, though her heart warmed inside her as well, loving that their little girl had never known anything but a devoted, adoring, present father, who might have to be pulled back from spoiling Hope at times, but would never let her down or abandon her. The two of them could melt her every defense, just as Henry had always done, even if it did sometimes leave her trying to be the voice of reason, Emma didn’t truly mind.
Henry, for his part, snorted inelegantly at their nonsense, crouching to pet a nervous-looking Wolfie on the head and scritch under her chin the way she liked. “Don’t worry, girl,” he mumured soothingly. “We won’t hurt them. You’re all safe here.”
Her son then grew thoughtful for a moment, as if mulling something over, then looked up when he asked excitedly. “What if we did pick nautical names for them all?  Like Jack and Jib and Scurvy?” He was grinning from ear-to-ear now, an expression Killian quickly mirrored, as his Author’s love of wordplay awakened.
“Aye, lad, those are great! And perhaps Scoundrel and Buccaneer as well?”
“Hey, hey, guys,” Emma broke in, trying to stop their now steaming train before they got any more carried away. “Let’s not get too into naming them. The families who adopt them may not be looking for pirate dogs.”
But her husband and son were already on a roll, adding Barrie in a nod to the Englishman who had created Killian’s literary counterpart and Doubloon to the list of potential puppy monikers, and not paying her words the slightest bit of attention.
Finding homes for their doggie brood proved more difficult than Emma had hoped. If nothing else, it had worked out that they were being weaned just in time to join a family for the perfect child’s Christmas present. And, much as she had intended for them to have a quiet little tabby kitten padding after her through the house rather than a train of panting, yipping, running and tumbling balls of shedding fluff, the pups were sweet and incredibly cute. So she couldn’t understand how every time she thought she had someone poised to take one home, it fell through at the last moment.
With a sigh, she turned away from the sidewalk where old lady Hubbard was walking away. Still cradling Cutlass and Matey to her chest, one in each arm, Emma crossed the porch to sink onto the porch swing with a dejected air. She bent to press a soft kiss into each of their soft, fuzzy foreheads, murmuring what good babies they were and that it wasn’t their fault. Intellectually, Emma knew it was rather ridiculous to be trying to comfort two puppies who were now playfully rolling and tumbling in her lap, not the least bit concerned at the interview’s outcome. They really had been particularly good as their potential new owner had arrived to meet them; sitting calmly without barking or jumping up, sweetly licking the elderly woman’s fingers affectionately when she offered them, and looking even more adorable than usual with their coats freshly bathed and brushed, so black and silky that their fur nearly shone. All their neighbor had seemed able to focus on though was that they might get under her feet and cause her to fall. When Emma had spoken to her before, the older lady had seemed so anxious for some company now that the last of her many children had left the house, but once she had arrived to see the puppies, all she kept saying was, “I’m all alone out there. If I fell, I might lie for days, unable to get up, and no one would know.”
Emma shrugged her shoulders and ruffled the pups’ fur once again, annoyed, but not sure what to make of the situation. Standing, she was about to take the two little rascals back inside when Killian arrived home for the evening.
“They’re both still here?” he asked curiously, one eyebrow arched in question. 
Something niggled at the back of Emma’s mind with his question, whispering that he didn’t seem especially suprised. Shaking her head in silent answer, Emma ushered man and dogs back into the house and headed toward the kitchen, where she still had all of the dog dishes to fill.
“Ah well, Love,” Killian replied, something about his voice just a shade too nonchalant. “Perhaps it’s for the best. As energetic as these scalliwags sometimes get,” he laughed and scratched Matey’s belly when she rolled over to bare it in supplication, “they might have proven a walking hazard to one of advanced years.”
Emma was about to question him further, shocked that Killian had hit on exactly what had stopped the potential adoption, but at that moment Wolfie and the other six of her offspring burst into the kitchen and set up a chorus of barks and howls for their dinner, toenails clicking on the floor and tails thunking against the cabinets. So it wasn’t until later that night, as she was speaking to her mother on the phone, bemoaning yet one more failed attempt at finding the pups permanent homes, that the niggling puzzle piece at last slid into place. 
“Well,” Snow offered hesitantly, “I’m sorry it fell through, Sweetie, but you know Mrs. Hubbard isn’t all that steady on her feet these days…”
Suddenly, it all added up: Mrs. Hubbard’s unexpected concern with puppies tripping her up around the house, how Ashley had at first thought they might take one of the puppies, only to be convinced by someone that mice would be much more fitting for class pets at Cinderella’s daycare, and how Aurora and Philip’s second child, Hope’s little friend Rory, had suddenly decided she wanted a white Persian kitten whose hair she could put a pink bow in, “like ‘Rie from ‘Ristocats” Aurora had explained in her daughter’s own words when she’d called to tell Emma.
“Oh my word!” Emma shouted, startling her husband, kids, and the pile of dogs sprawled over them in the living room where they were watching tv. “It was you all, wasn’t it? My whole family has been working against me this entire time!”
Looking sheepishly guilty, Killian and Henry both wordlessly shook their heads in denial. Her mother floundered for a defense for a few seconds and then simply fled by ending the call. But when Emma’s eyes came to rest on her daughter, Hope merely grinned widely, a shameless glint of mischief in her green eyes, and nodded her head in confirmation.
“Why?” Emma sputtered.
“Then the puppies are all ours!” her toddler chirped happily, falling back against Wolfie’s shoulder with a giggle, to which Wolfie merely huffed at the impact, then nosed Hope a bit further from the edge of the couch, as if she had one extra pup to watch out for and was making sure the child didn’t fall.
“We’ll see about that,” Emma grumbled, staring each of them down in turn. But, when she flopped down on the armchair in the corner, trying to hold onto her righteous indignation, and Scoundrel came over to check on her, pawing at her leg until she picked him up, and then nudging his grey snout flecked with white patches into her armpit as he stretched out across her chest and promptly fell asleep, Emma was smart enough to know when she had lost the fight.
They were the family with nine dogs now - an entire seaworthy crew.
Tagging a few others who may enjoy: @searchingwardrobes @jennjenn615 @whimsicallyenchantedrose @thisonesatellite @teamhook @revanmeetra87 @gingerchangeling @thislassishooked @spartanguard 
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exhaustedpirate · 3 years
spots and splashes
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Leave 2020 behind and start your 2021 with some happiness! Let’s all thank @csjanuaryjoy​ for helping us welcome this year with brighter adventures from our favourite pirate and sheriff. This is my first time participating in anything CS related so I hope I can help bring some joy to your day!
This project was one of the first ideas I knew fit in this theme because it came to me when I was, honestly, going through a bad time. We all have Disney movies that make us feel good and that day it just so happened to be “101 Dalmatians”.
It doesn’t follow the story exactly ( where would be the fun in that? ) but it’s the essence that counts, right? Also I was definitely inspired by @thisonesatellite​ and @profdanglaisstuff​ ‘s puppy stories. 
I hope you enjoy some CS with Dalmatians.
It all starts with a dog’s compassion and it all ends with a puppy-filled house. With a Swan and a Jones in the mix, it’s the promise of a happy family.
Also on AO3
The bachelor life wasn’t as glamorous as I’d hoped. It involved a lot of sitting around, eating and walking. A lot of walks. And while that was fun in the first years, it quickly became boring. There was more life in the house before; I think he gets lonely now. My pet used to laugh more, play more, go out more, now he mostly spends his free time with me or settles in front of the piano for hours when he has to work. My pet’s name is Killian, Killian Jones, he’s a songwriter. I’m Roger, the one with the spots. He took me home when I was just a pup and we’ve been inseparable since. But we’ve been all the other has for so long that I couldn’t see why he shouldn’t have a mate to keep him company. He is a caring and handsome pet, as far as I’m aware, who deserves a worthy mate.
The window seat where Roger lounged while Killian played the piano overlooked the busy Main Street within walking distance of the Storybrooke Park. That was the park which every dog owner in the town frequented, due to the vast green areas and the large lake in its middle. Turning his head to peer out the window, Roger took the opportunity to analyse the humans meandering up and down the street.
I’m not the best judge of human beauty but I should be able to find exactly what he needs.
Strolling down the street, with her nose stuck in a book and completely at the mercy of her Afghan Hound’s sense of navigation, in the direction of the store that always smelled like old things, appeared Belle French. She always gave Roger great belly rubs and a treat or two.
She’d be good, she’s kind, she likes books, just like Killian. And she’s always good to me.
The sound of a bell distracted Roger from his perusal in time to see a man take the book from Belle’s face with a teasing smile at which she laughed. 
That man is an unusual breed, very unusual.
With a kiss, the couple entered the shop.
Ugh, surely not. She has a mate already.
Walking in the opposite direction and completely ignoring the store, appeared the ice cream shop owner - on a summer’s day such as this, it was surprising for her to find the time to walk her French Bulldog. 
Hmm, maybe, she could warm up to us.
Just then, her little dog let out the most high-pitched bark that echoed through the apartment and caused Killian to miss his key, letting out a frustrated sigh before starting all over.
Nope, they won’t do.
Quickly gathering Roger’s attention was the clicking of the Mayor’s heels on the sidewalk.
Now, there’s a fancy breed.
By her side, matching her steps was her Poodle who didn’t usually pay much attention to anyone when they met at the park despite the tempting friendship between Regina and Killian.
Perhaps, a little too fancy. Hmm, too fancy, indeed.
Right behind her, Violet came running out of the ice cream store with her Golden Retriever pup jumping at her legs trying to get a lick of her frozen treat.
Too young.
On the opposite side of the road, the owner of the local diner and bed and breakfast carried her Cavalier King Charles Spaniel in her arms as the animal was already tired of its morning walk.
Too old.
With a frustrated groan, Roger laid his head on the window sill.
It’s a real problem. No one is good enough.
Just then, with the sun shining on her golden hair, came strolling the local sheriff. It was one of her days off so she had her Dalmatian on her leash as they walked. Now, that’s more like it! The most beautiful creature on four legs! 
Thinking of his pet once more, Roger took a gander at the woman.
Oh, she’s lovely too! She’ll do quite nicely. This is it! I won’t find another pair like that in this life or the next!
Soon, they were walking out of his sight, in the direction that Roger knew led to the park. He went there daily, he knew it like the back of his paw.
The park is the perfect place for them to meet. Now, all I need is to get his attention as fast as possible. It is still too early but he can never resist a good begging. I’m not losing our opportunity.
The sounds of scratching nails on wood and of canine whining were able to lift Killian’s attention from the piano keys. He turned to see Roger at the door holding his leash in his mouth with an expectant look.
“It’s still too early, Rog, let me work for a bit longer.”
Killian’s attention was back on the piano until he felt a weight on his thigh. Looking down, his dog was ignoring his request and doing his best imploring eyes.
“Don’t look at me like that. You are too spoiled, I can’t do everything you want, you know?”
That didn’t stop the new symphony of whines and Roger had gotten very good at begging.
“Fine!” Killian sighed in defeat as he stood from the bench and stretched to the victorious yipping of his dog. “I suppose it’s not today that either of us learned our lesson.”
As soon as he put on his jacket, Roger was already dropping the leash in his hand and, at its closing click, he began dragging Killian through the open door, barely giving him time to grab his book.
“Calm down, boy, I can’t keep up.”
Come on, Killian, they are getting away!
Killian stopped resisting his dog’s pulls once he noticed that his insistence wasn’t stopping. His neighbours already knew of the enthusiastic behaviour of his dog and there was no use trying to salvage any kind of reputation he probably had. The lonely songwriter had already caused enough rumours to be interesting anymore. 
Entering the park, Roger slowed his stride and Killian relaxed a little, trying to enjoy the walk. They always settled in the same spot and Roger knew it well, they’d end up there at some point, once his dog finally found what he seemed so eager to find.
Where are they? I’m sure they came here, what dog doesn’t want to come to the park?
A barking sound caught his attention but it wasn’t them, it was Regina Mills’ poodle standing at attention at the new passing company and rejecting it right away. Killian barely had time to wave at the Mayor before Roger was pulling at him again.
“Slow down, what’s gotten into you?”
Roger stopped once more at the bridge where Ingrid and her dog sharing an ice cream caught his attention. He didn’t waste more than a second before turning around to keep looking, almost tripping Killian and ignoring his surprised yelp.
Maybe I missed them. Maybe they didn’t come to the park after all.
Before he could think of giving up, he saw them. Sitting on a bench, close to their usual spot, sharing the same shade they always did when they came to the park - it was almost like fate.
This is perfect! But I can’t depend on Killian, he doesn’t have it in him anymore. He’ll sit by the lake and he’ll read his book and that’ll be it. It's all up to me!
In a much calmer stride, Roger nudged Killian in the direction of their spot, walking in front of the two females on the bench. The Dalmatian with her head on her owner’s lap and the woman with one hand on her phone and the other on the dog’s head. As they walked, Roger could swear the woman looked at them and the dog too.
Now, all I need is to get their attention. Come on, think! Ah-ha!
With a playful yip, Roger mouthed the book from Killian’s hands, lowering his body in a teasing position and shaking his posterior hoping his human would play along.
“Roger, you silly boy, what’s gotten into you?”
With a glance at the bench, he could see the blonde watching him and his owner but quickly turned to her phone again. In a juvenile strut, Roger dropped the book on the bench, right next to the human. That caused both humans to look at each other for the most fleeting of seconds. Killian was sure she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.
With a sigh, Killian rose from the ground and crouched in front of his dog.
“What are you up to, boy? You’re not usually this playful.”
The girl, Killian, talk to her!
But when Roger tried to indicate the woman to his human, she was gone. Her dog along with her. Where could they have gone? He tried to catch their scent while Killian stored his book in his jeans’ back pocket.
“Alright, how about we find a different spot today?” Killian asked as he clicked the leash back into its place. But before he could do anything else, the dog had already caught a glimpse of the duo and he was once again being pulled, this time in the direction of the lake.
I’m not giving up. They have to meet each other, no matter what.
In an impulsive move, Roger was able to catch up to them and tangle his leash around the two humans’ legs causing both of them to yelp in surprise.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I don’t-”
“Get off me, what are you doing?”
With a pull, Roger managed to unbalance both humans leaving them stumbling towards the lake. The woman’s Dalmatian tried to grab her owner’s sweater with her mouth but with their momentum it was no use and both humans tumbled into the lake. In the midst of the sputtering and coughing, they emerged completely soaked. On dry land, each dog seemed concerned with their own humans, the female completely ignoring Roger.
“I’m terribly sorry. Please, let me help you.” 
Always the gentleman, Killian tried offering his hand to the woman who, in turn, swatted it away with a scowl in her face. 
“I think you’ve done enough.”
“I’m really sorry, I don’t know what’s gotten into my dog, he doesn’t usually do stuff like this.”
Perhaps, it was too much. 
Only half-listening to his excuses, the woman ran a hand through her wet hair to get it off her face and stood up, the water hitting them by the knees. He got distracted taking the time to properly watch her and well, he had been right before - the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. It seemed that she hadn’t fully looked at him before either and now, Killian noticed with just a hint of pride, she was taking proper notice of him. With a shake of her head, she finally took stock of what was happening and with a look of shock, removed a dripping phone from her back pocket.
“My phone!”
That seemed to remind Killian of the contents of his own back pocket and after a small struggle, he removed his ruined book.
“My book!”
The humans looked at the other’s destroyed possessions and then at each other and began to laugh. 
Perhaps not!
In between the laughter, the sheriff finally accepted Killian’s help and their shoes squished when they struggled their way out.
“I’m really sorry, please allow me to pay for the damages. It was my dog’s fault after all.”
When she smiled at his apology, Killian almost lost his balance at its beauty and felt instantly ridiculous over that notion.
“No, it’s okay, I have insurance exactly for these situations. You’d be surprised how often it happens.” There was a shy smile and she tucked wet strands behind her ear. “I’m sorry about your book.”
“It’s alright, this was my third time reading it, I know how it ends.” 
They both laughed once more and Roger was sure this was the most Killian had laughed in such a short time. The humans’ eyes shone as they looked at each other and even the other Dalmatian approached in a much better mood than before.
“I’m Killian, Killian Jones.” He introduced himself, only then realising that they hadn’t actually released the other’s hands and he knew that the tips of his ears were impossibly red now - and maybe she found it endearing if the blush covering her cheeks meant something.
“I’m Emma Swan. It’s a pleasure to meet you, though I could have done without the lake.”
They were entering a new record of laughs and there seemed to be a whole slew of unspoken words in their eyes. Roger nudged their still touching hands, finally making them let go with only the smallest hint of regret in their eyes. The animal recognised the nervous tick of his owner when the now-free hand found his ear before acknowledging his dog’s.
“This old rascal is Roger.” Killian’s eyes left Emma’s and settled on his dog only for a few moments, before meeting hers once again with an intensity he hadn’t thought himself capable of.
Emma seemed to have forgotten where she was, so lost in his blue eyes, before almost jumping when her dog licked her hand. “Right, this is Anita.” Her eyes landed on her dog looking for a reprieve from the tension of the moment as she absentmindedly petted her head.
“If I can’t pay for the damages, let me buy you some coffee? Or anything you like to drink.”
Oh, I’ve never seen that shade on his cheeks, this is working better than I expected!
“I like hot chocolate with cinnamon, even in the summer.” Her breathy chuckle was accompanied by her own red shade of her cheeks.
“That sounds delightful.” Roger was sure she hadn’t seen such a brilliant smile on his owner’s face in a long time.
“I don’t think anyone would serve us like this.” Emma gestured towards her clothes, taking the opportunity to break eye contact, at least so that she could normalise her breathing. “I think she’d threaten us with the crossbow I know she keeps behind the counter.”
Killian’s laugh could have powered a whole town and maybe she should present the idea to the Mayor or some other ridiculous thing. Emma was trying not to let her ego explode at the thought of being able to make him laugh like that.
“Oh, I’m sure she would. She is a scary woman. Perhaps later? With less lake?” His face would crack if he didn’t stop smiling but it was impossible. She had a plant stuck in her hair and her eyes fluttered when he removed it.
Emma cleared her throat. She hadn’t felt like this in a long time. “Later, yeah, good call!”
Killian laughed, already unable to imagine being away from her even if for a few hours. A happy yelp caught his attention and he turned to see Roger and Anita playing as if they’d known each other for years instead of minutes.
“It seems they are getting along.” He nodded towards the dogs with a smile.
“Maybe he did it on purpose.” Her hands went inside her back pockets and she barely acknowledged her ruined phone when Killian was smiling at her like that. “We should get going, I feel like there’s a whole ecosystem living in my boot.”
Killian really needed to stop laughing so much but it was out of his control at this point and Emma joined when he removed a water lily from behind his neck.
“Aye, I think that’s for the best. Allow me to accompany you?”
“Sure. Plus, I don’t think we’ll be able to separate them any time soon.”
It remained unsaid the fact that it would be close to impossible for the two of them to separate but Killian understood it and agreed.
They walked side by side out of the park and down the street, ignoring the looks of their neighbours at their less than presentable ensemble. The dogs strolled ahead of them, attention only on the other, while their owners got to know each other - the usual first meeting conversation. By the time they reached the sidewalk leading to her loft, Killian was sure he was halfway in love with Emma Swan. And it seemed to be mutual.
“See you at 6?”
“Aye, I’ll be the devilishly handsome owner of a mischievous dog.”
Her laugh and consequent blushing accompanied her to her door and both dog and owner shared the same look of longing watching the door close on their new friends. Roger leaned against Killian’s legs with a short whine and he sighed before petting his dog’s head.
“I know, Rog, she’s amazing, isn’t she?”
She really is... her pet is great too.
“Let’s go home. We have ladies to impress.”
After that first outing came many more and Granny already had their beverages prepared as soon as they stepped through the door by the second week. At the end of the third week, Emma took the plunge and asked Killian out on a date, to a restaurant, with more formal wear than their trusted leather jackets and even Roger donned a bowtie on his collar. Both females were charmed and Emma’s red blush almost matched the rose he offered when he called her stunning.
That first date ended with their first kiss and this time, Killian was the one to invite her. They kept accepting each other’s invites and six weeks later, they knew they loved each other.
It took another month before they finally told each other and their matching smiles filled their cozy spot in the park. The dogs didn’t have such a concept but they too had deemed the other their partner for life.
Five months after their splashy meeting, they moved in together. It was a good thing Emma was the Sheriff because it took almost the entire day shift to move Killian’s piano down the street before it found its new home by the loft’s giant window.
Roger had been with Killian for years, heard all manner of tunes but ever since that day, each new song was more beautiful than the other. All an artist needs is a muse and Killian had his Swan.
Their move had come just in time for the announcement that Anita was pregnant. Emma and Killian were shocked but so delighted, they celebrated and that night, both dreamed of a human baby surrounded by spotted puppies. Killian dreamed of a girl, a blonde blue-eyed treasure that was theirs. Emma dreamed of a boy, a dark haired green-eyed blessing to fill their hearts. Neither told the other for both thought it was much too soon.
Both humans had suffered plenty of heartbreaks in their short lives. Killian suffered the loss of his family until only he remained and the loss of who he had considered to have been the love of his life. His heart had been closed for so long that now, with such love in his life, he was determined not to lose it. The ring - the one that had been his mother’s, the one that Liam had passed on to him, the one that he planned to use to propose to Emma - had been hiding in his sock drawer for a few weeks, waiting to be used.
Emma didn’t have a family. She had grown up alone and her heart had been protected by mile-high walls that had been built year after year. Walls that one man had been able to break only to break her heart and the rubble didn’t make for good construction. The next one to come into her life had given her a lot, a home in this seaside town and love, but he had left too. Her heart wasn’t broken this time because he had not intended to leave her, there had been an accident, but her heart was tender now. She had taken a leap of faith and Killian’s love helped mend her fragile heart. Finding the ring had all but restored it.
For 3 weeks, Emma waited for the proposal. She was sure it was coming but every day she waited, she grew more nervous. He surely had a plan. She just needed to be patient.
By the end of the 3rd week, Emma found that her patience had paid off. She had just arrived home from work when she saw that the cause of the dim light were the dozens of candles lit all around the coffee table where Killian had arranged their dinner. 
“David offered to look after the dogs. Those candles wouldn’t survive around Roger.”
She chuckled, completely endeared, and the evening was perfect even if by the time they started the first course, Killian had to get up to turn on the lights because the candles were starting to die out. Despite knowing what was coming, Emma was nervous as she ate, especially when Killian’s own nerves were starting to show. When he produced the desert from the kitchen and she saw the ring leaning against the sundae bowl, her vision went blurry. Her heart was beating a mile a minute. He couldn’t get on one knee since they were both sitting on the floor but he made an effort, holding the ring in a slightly shaky hand.
However, sometimes things don’t go according to plan and he had barely finished saying her name and the first verb tense before she all but ran to the bathroom with a hand covering her mouth. Attentive as he naturally was, Killian had followed her.
“I really hope this isn’t your answer, love.” Despite his nervous laughter, he quickly helped keep the hair away from her face and she was soothed by the strokes at her back.
It felt like hours before she could actually reassure him. But she did, after washing her mouth and sitting on the now closed toilet seat. His hands had found hers at her knees and his eyes held all the concerned questions he had and waited for her to answer. 
“This was definitely not my answer.” She hoped her gentle caresses of his cheek made up for the weak tone of her voice. “I’m late and I’m not sure yet but I think there’s more of me to love than what you're proposing to.” She spoke fast and kept her eyes fixed on their hands.
Killian’s exhale was extremely loud in the quiet house. She feared the worst when he removed his hands from hers but looking back, she should have known better.
“In that case,” Killian started, and he was properly on one knee now, holding the ring in his hand. “Emma Swan, will you marry me and hopefully, make us a family?”
Killian was not without fears and not having had a father worthy of taking after, he was afraid of his own role as a father. But, at Emma’s enthusiastic acceptance and fiery kiss, he knew that with his Swan by his side, he could conquer any fears.
Once three pregnancy tests and a thrilling visit to the hospital confirmed that Emma was, in fact, pregnant, time seemed to fly by. Without a family to celebrate with, they decided to marry at City Hall accompanied by David and Mary Margaret - who had become close to family for both of them. Despite their desire for simplicity, Emma was happy to have succumbed to Mary Margaret’s insistence on a white dress, proper photos and a celebratory dinner at Granny’s. The photo album that had come from that event was a more than pleasant result.
In no time at all, the Swan-Jones household was increasing. They both owed much to Ruby Lucas, the local vet and close friend, who had followed the pregnancy and birth of the 15 spotless puppies. They kept all of them. There had been a discussion about it but neither really wanted to leave the future of the pups to chance. They would figure it out. 
The house was full with the yapping of the babies. For 3 weeks since the puppies had been born they had managed it - even with the added stress of the constant calls from Emma’s old colleague who just had to see the puppies and whose number they had quickly blocked. Until the day they came back home from an appointment. They hadn’t spoken for the entire ride home but as soon as the door closed, Killian let out a breath he had surely been holding since he had gotten the news before letting himself lean against the door.
“I know!”
Emma was pacing. That had caught Roger’s attention and he circled his owners before a new set of yelps brought him back to his family.
“What will we do?”
That question caught Killian’s attention and he quickly left his spot to rush to Emma and hold her hands in a reassuring grip.
“We’ll figure it out, we have done great so far.”
“But the house is so small and now puppies and twins…”
“Then we’ll get a bigger house. Like David and Mary Margaret, with a big yard and lots of room.”
“And a swing and a treehouse, they should have that, right?”
“Of course! Your heart’s desire, Swan, that’s all I want you to have.” Their hands intertwined over her stomach. “Yours and theirs.”
“I love you so much.”
“And I love you.”
Their kiss was everything - sweet, passionate and slightly salty from Emma’s happy tears. 
Soon they would have a Victorian pale-blue house, with a view of the sea, with more rooms than they need and the dogs definitely have their own room, and two toddling babies - a boy and a girl who share their father’s hair and their mother’s eyes. But before that future, they would have to prepare.
“Does this mean we’ll have to move the piano again?”
@thisonesatellite @ohmightydevviepuu​ @katie-dub​ @kmomof4​​ @mariakov81​​ @stahlop​​ @snowbellewells​​ @shireness-says​ @teamhook​ @optomisticgirl​​ @spartanguard​ @captain-emmajones @profdanglaisstuff​
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darkcolinodonorgasm · 4 years
Arm’d with Hell flames and fury all at once (2/2)
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A/N: And now, this piece comes to an end!!! I can’t wait for y’all to read it and I’m so excited to hear your thoughts! 
Thank you so much to @profdanglaisstuff​ for creating the amazingness (?) that is @cspupstravaganza​; thank you ladies of the discord chat; thank you @awkwardnessandbaseball​ and @snowbellewells​ for being awesome betas; thank you @hollyethecurious​ for listen to my ramblings and pushing me to write what I did without overthinking it too much; thank you @carpedzem​ for your patience.
@thisonesatellite​ this one is for you, because you deserve pup love - with angst, tho - and I’ll be sending a virtual Fenrir to cuddle with you as you sleep the influence off ♥
Summary: It should’ve been easy: hike up the hill, vanish the ghost, go back home, possibly without being killed or possessed in the meantime. But fighting monsters had never been easy, not even when hunters made it appear so. When hunting, things never go as planned, and sure as hell the girl you like doesn’t bring a puppy along, and you surely aren’t keeping very important secrets from your friends. Too bad said secrets won’t remain such for long, and that the dog hiding in the girl’s backpack isn’t exactly a regular dog.
Loosely based on this prompt.
Read on ao3
An eerie quiet fell over the clearing.
No, quiet wasn’t the word: it was as if they’d been deafened by a bomb, their hearing coming back slowly, dull at first, and then, suddenly, too loud to bear.
Emma gritted her teeth, her hand coming up to cradle her head. As soon as the whistling sound in her ears diminished, she blinked, eyes adjusting to the light.
She felt… light, in a strange, very physical way. It was as if someone had just freed her of a weight comparable to Atlas’, one she never knew she was carrying, not until Killian-
Her eyes found him curled on the ground, dark blood leaking from the wound left by the hellound’s mouth but still breathing, though weakly.
Stupidly or not, she knelt next to him, ignoring the threat that was Gothel, especially now that Killian’s barrier could protect them no more.
Her breath caught in her throat when she rolled Killian over. It wasn’t just due to the alarming whiteness of his face, but to the shocking realization that he was, indeed, part demon.
Dark horns sat atop his head, slightly curling backwards and then up, so pointed she knew one brush of her finger over the tip would draw blood. And they were… beautiful. Somehow, they completed him. Not that Killian needed to be completed, but she’d always known there was something missing. It was probably the reason why she’d always felt so connected to him: because she, as well, was incomplete.
With a sad smile, she brushed dark strands of hair from his cold forehead. «Wake up, please,» Emma pleaded, tears welling in her eyes.
Suddenly, her hand started to glow, a warm light that wasn’t warming her, but which was fuelled from within her, from the deep affection she felt for the young man on the ground.
As soon as Killian’s complexion started to gain colour, Emma cried out in pain as fire shot through her, unexpected and unwelcome.
«Did nobody tell you never to turn your back to your enemy, darling?» Gothel taunted Emma, her voice closer, her sickening accent curling around every word and coating them in too sweet honey that made Emma want to throw up.
Still sat on the ground, Emma turned around, one hand applying pressure to the bleeding wound, dirt and blood drenching her skin and soaking the fabric of her ruined top.
A snarky comeback was on the tip of her tongue, ready to be fired like one of Robin’s deadly arrows or Will’s sharp knives, but any word she might have had for Gothel was forgotten when she saw a fireball crackle above the ghost’s cupped palm as if she was cradling it with the same delicacy one would a newborn’s head.
Emma’s mind went blank.
There was no way in Heaven or Hell that Gothel could still be able to perform any kind of magic. What was scarier about ghosts was the ability to possess the living, sometimes managing to do it forever, if they took good care of their… vessel.
Emma felt bile rise in her throat at the thought.
But this wasn’t a possession, no, Gothel’s appearance still was transparent, no human body in sight.
Emma frowned, wondering how. It was her curiosity, the same one that killed the cat, that had her tilt her head to the side, seeking for an answer.
But soon, the unusual silence caused her heartbeat to quicken in dread.
When her eyes fell on Robin's body on the ground, Emma felt a scream rise in her throat. She knew, without having to look, that she would find Will in the same situation, hopefully just knocked down.
How stupid she'd been, focusing on Killian when her other two friends were facing the coven.
No, love, not stupid, she heard Killian's voice whispering in her ear, the tone so warm she almost melted.
Yet, she had nothing to fight the ghost and the whole coven with.
Not true, love, Killian seemed to murmur next to her. Emma knew he wasn’t awake, that he was still unconscious on the ground behind her. Perhaps… was it the spell he’d used to remove the block that contained her magic? Was it some kind of residue power, his own magic coursing through her and threading with hers? It was a new, strange, and unexpectedly welcome sensation that made her stomach flutter.
She didn’t have the time to dwell on this new feeling. Instead, she locked her jaw and stared daggers at the ghost, wishing she could physically hurt her.
Though she had magic now, Emma didn’t know any spells, more like an impulsive reaction that caused something. Suddenly, she felt stupid: she’d studied witches, kept herself away from them, but still did her research, and yet, now she had no weapon to use against a fucking ghost capable of throwing fireballs at her.
Magic is emotion, Emma, not just spells.
Her breath caught in her throat. It hadn’t been Killian’s voice the one she heard, it belonged to a woman with a deep English accent.
No, Emma shook off that thought. It couldn’t be. Alice Jones was dead, there was no way she was speaking to her now as if she’d left some kind of voicemail in which she told Emma what the hell she should do.
«Why do you want him dead?» Emma heard herself ask. She hoped pushing Gothel towards a monologue could give her time. Villains always wanted to be megalomaniacs, didn’t they? They wanted to have the scene to themselves, making a mistake in their ambition.
With Gothel, however, nothing was certain, and Emma knew not to underestimate her, especially not when her shoulder still ached and there was a fireball with her name on it.
Gothel’s lips turned upwards in a shady, bloodcurdling smile. «Dead?» she scoffed, her accent thick, «I don’t want him dead, I want him to live his immortal life suffering the pains of Hell.» The woman started to laugh at her own joke.
Emma raised an eyebrow at that, unimpressed.
«Why? What has he done to you?»
Another excess of laughter shook Gothel. «Why, you ask? Your precious Killian killed me, isn’t that reason enough for me to want him to suffer?»
Emma tilted her head to the side. There was definitely more to it: everything Gothel had done, from infiltrating his family under the name of Eloise, to killing Killian’s brother and probably even his mother, was undoubtedly a vendetta. For some reason, she’d chosen Killian to be the ultimate victim of her contorted plan, but her sixth sense told Emma he wasn’t the first piece of domino, but the last one to fall.
Something -  doubt, maybe - must’ve shone through her eyes because Gothel narrowed her own, looking at her from her elevated position, towering over Emma. Then, all of a sudden, her mouth broke into a grin. «You want the truth, don’t you?»
The question had Emma’s stomach in a knot. While yes, she wanted to know the truth behind the ghost’s cruel revenge, there was another part of her, one that trembled like an autumn leaf under the winds of winter, that wanted to know how could she have magic and why she’d never known about it until now.
It was when Gothel started to talk once again that Emma realized she’d nodded, answering her question and all it implied. Deep down, she knew the truth would better be kept buried, but she also needed time to study her opponents and for Killian to, hopefully, regain consciousness.
«The truth is, dear, that Alice was jealous of me and my power. Her magic wasn’t a match for mine, and yet, she thought she could just dethrone me. I’d been the one to find her and make her into the woman she was.» Disdain coated her voice, her nose scrunched in disgust. «How was I to know she would turn into a traitor?»
There was something Emma could only identify as regret flashing across her face, for only a fraction of a second that was forgotten when she went on.
«But wanting to take my role of Mother wasn’t enough for dear Alice, no, she took the most important man in my life away from me as well!» Gothel snarled. It was good she wasn’t human and in complete control of her magic, because her ire could make the earth shake and she would probably affect the weather as well.
But the earth was shaking, albeit slightly. Emma swallowed a gasp of surprise, wide eyes still settled on the ghost so not to give anything away.
Something was going to happen, and soon, and probably for the first time that day, Emma was glad the witch was dead: unless one of her coven warned her, she wouldn’t see it coming. Whatever it was. Emma shouldn’t probably feel as delighted as she did: her friends were still unconscious and her only strategy right now was to have Gothel talk for as long as possible. If she tried to attack her or one of her disciples, she would burn.
Gulping, Emma tried to buy herself more time. Or rather, she did that for whatever - or whoever - was coming.
«She made him fall in love with her?»
Gothel laughed maniacally and cold settled inside Emma’s bones. If she’d believed the woman to be crazy until a few moments ago, the words which fell from her lips made Emma wish she had the means to vanquish her and all her devotées.
«Love? Demons cannot love, sweet child, they are unable to, and before you delude yourself, their spawns can’t either.» The clear delight transpiring through Gothel’s words made Emma sick to her stomach, only for her to narrow her eyes, the dig only serving to fuel the fire inside her, deepening the growing hatred she felt. «It truly is a pity we didn’t meet when I was alive, even in death I can sense your power and it would’ve been a delight to have you as my sister. That way, I could’ve taught you how to summon a demon, a high-ranked one, even.» She sighed, looking at the sky longingly. «That’s the ultimate quest, to tie a demon to you, to have him serve you, be your weapon against the whole world. Everything was ready, the sisters all called to witness my glory. Too late I realized Alice wasn’t among them, she’d run in the depths of the forest and summoned my demon herself, stealing him from me.»
The earth split open a few feet from Emma, the chasm erupting with flames and darkness. Inside her, her magic hummed, partially attracted to it but equally ready to protect Emma from the danger it represented.
She scooted backwards, her hand falling on the other side of Killian’s body to steady herself as a black figure emerged from the flames, landing right where her feet were a moment before.
Glowing red eyes locked with Emma’s, flooding her with an inexplicable sense of calmness. Fenrir’s presence made her feel protected; even for someone who showed others she was brave on the outside, Emma didn’t hate to feel relief at the thought that someone had her back. In fact, it made her feel loved.
The sound of a thunderstorm echoed all around. The hellhound turned around, protecting Emma and Killian with his huge body, but not even he could hide what was coming out of the crater.
Or rather, who.
The demon had his back to Emma, and though she could hardly believe it, he was dressed in what looked like an expensive tailored suit. Aside from his tall and lean figure, the only other thing she could pick up was his raven hair neatly tied in a low ponytail which curled slightly at the end.
It shocked her how that particular trait reminded her of the way Killian’s hair curled at the nape of his neck.
Then, a realization hit her: Killian had sent Fenrir to Hell to deliver a message, a cry for help, and not to anyone, but to his own father.
Clear as day was the way Killian always spoke of him, hatred laced to his every word, and pain, so much pain due to his abandonment.
She felt Killian’s body twitch beneath her. In any other moment, the way her torso was thrown over his and her closeness to him would’ve made her blush fiercely and step away. Right now, if she moved a few inches closer as she felt the need to protect him grow, well, no one would know.
A quick glance at his furrowed features told Emma he was coming back to her, causing her heart to swell in her chest.
It was a greeting and an insult at the same time, the cold tone in which he spoke making Emma believe winter had come early.
Emma had to give it to the ghost: despite the clear terror drawn on her face, she managed to sound cold and unaffected. Too bad she wasn't, and the demon knew it.
Another thing she noticed was how the fireball extinguished in a hiss, and not by Gothel's doing.
The ghost lifted her chin in challenge. «I never thought I'd see you again.»
Had she used another tone of voice and had a different expression on her face, Emma would've thought she was trying to flirt with him. Perhaps she was, given how twisted her mind was.
«Believe me, witch, I certainly hoped I wouldn't.»
Gothel had the courage to scoff before her lips curled up in a sadistic smile. «I thought I would’ve had the pleasure when I killed your precious Liam and dearest Alice, but you didn’t show up for that tea party, did you?»
Why the hell she was taunting him, Emma had no idea. Had she been in Gothel’s position, she would’ve vanished forever, never to reappear again. But the dead witch wasn’t a normal person, her mind too twisted and thirsty for power to know where the line was or when to stop.
But Belial was calm, not showing any sign of tension. On his face, Emma could just see a smile forming despite the clear jab. It now made sense: Killian’s father hadn’t been there most of his life, but he’d not been there during the most crucial moment of it, he’d not protected his family when he had all the means to. So why was he here now?
«Bravery won’t let you leave this place as intact as a ghost might be, Gothel, so don’t try to pretend you’re not dreading the outcome of this meeting. After all, you killed the woman I love and my firstborn. The fact that Killian took the pleasure of ending your life doesn’t mean that I don’t want revenge for what you did myself.»
The demon’s speech was so… diplomatic, and yet still a warning. No, not a warning, a promise: he was way more powerful than Gothel and her new coven. Emma arched an eyebrow as she saw some hoods shift, probably wanting to run as far away as they could.
For a moment, she wondered if Belial would let them go or if he’d hold them accountable for helping the witch. He probably wouldn’t give them the chance to escape.
A chill ran down her spine as sudden shockwave rolled off from Belial’s outstretched hand, knocking out the witches. Only when the capes gathered on the floor in a heap and smoke rose from the gaps, Emma realized he’d not just defeated them momentarily: he’d destroyed them.
Unconsciously, Emma got closer to Killian, the hand she had on the ground finding its way to his shoulder. In some way, she needed to make sure he wouldn’t disappear anytime soon. Frantically, Emma searched for her two friends, letting out a sigh of relief when she saw them still intact.
Gothel hissed, her eyes glowing in a way that would’ve had anyone die of fear as if seeing a ghost wasn’t enough. «This isn’t over, Belial.»
«Oh, but it is, Gothel,» the demon promised. «You have done enough and you are right, I wasn’t there when you killed two of the people I love the most, and there’s not a day that goes by in which I don’t damn myself for it, but I won’t stay put this time.»
But Gothel smiled once more, spectral eyes locking with Emma’s. «Too bad your son has acted foolishly once again. First he doesn’t burn all my bones the way a witch’s are supposed to be and now he unlocks the girl’s magic?» She shook her head with a sigh, the thick braids swaying with the movement. «I hope he didn’t think I wouldn’t recognize the magic of my descendant just because I’m dead.»
Emma’s mind suddenly felt very empty, as if she were floating on the water’s surface right in the middle of nothing.
All her life, Emma had never known who her parents were: she was no one, anonymous, a lost girl with just a blanket with her name stitched on it, and yet now she not only discovered magic flowed in her veins, but her… her mother was a dead witch who’d killed Killian’s family?
At first, it felt like an earthquake, spreading beneath the ground and shaking everything anchored to the soil, only to concentrate right under Emma like a nucleus of raw power.
And power it was, indeed. Only, it didn’t come from another realm, nor from the demon whose head was tilted on the side and slightly backwards, as if he was listening to something Emma couldn’t hear, and it didn’t come from the ghost either, her smile impossibly wider.
Magic is emotion.
The female voice rang again inside Emma’s head, its owner now clear. Alice was speaking to her, guiding her through the labyrinth of darkness and uncertainty as she plunged deep into the unknown.
Heat danced on the tips of her fingers, causing the air to crackle in the same way it would when in contact with exposed cables. Hard was the ground when her nails dug into it, the rumble of something shifting in the depths of the earth making her gasp in fear.
She almost screamed, almost exploded as if her body actually was electrically charged, waiting for the last push to create a disaster, when something warm wrapped around her upper arm.
Disappointment flooded her when, looking down, she wasn't met with sparkling blue eyes, seeing only closed eyelids instead.
Her attention was dragged away involuntarily, everything inside her screaming not to look away, to just hold Killian closer and focus on him and him alone. The turmoil inside of her had calmed slightly, the earth not trembling anymore even though her palms still itched.
Reluctantly dragging her eyes away from Killian, Emma gave Gothel a hard stare, chin lifted. If it was all true, and every tiny bit of information collected today, more than she ever had in years, seemed to confirm so, then Gothel would certainly not find the warmth of a daughter eager to meet her mother. Not after all this time, not after what she did.
Gothel’s eyes harboured maniacal satisfaction, her face a mask that belonged to the darkest of nightmares, the ones people prayed to forget.
Terror settled deep into Emma’s bones, not stopping until every cell of her body was inhabited by fear in its purest form, filling her until there was space for nothing else. Under other circumstances, she would’ve fought through it, through the paralyzing sensation that left her no strength to move a limb.
Her vision swayed a little, or she did, everything vibrating so violently trees would probably start to fall soon and the fragile house would come crumbling to the ground in a matter of seconds if it didn’t stop.
Something wet and warm  brushed her cheek, causing shock to ripple in waves through her.
And then, just as Gothel’s form disappeared into thin air only to reappear closer and lunge forward, clawing hands reaching out to grasp her, inside Emma something snapped.
It felt like a bomb going off somewhere near her heart, forcing the girl to thrust her arm in front of her and turn her head, crouching over Killian as she was blinded by the light, the need to protect him stronger than any other feeling.
Somewhere, a woman screamed.
For the second time that day, Emma felt deaf to the world. Nothing moved, no one spoke, nothing seemed to breathe.
This time, every little noise came back to her slowly, giving her time to gradually adjust to her newfound hearing. She registered sharp intakes of breath before realizing her lungs were burning because of the lack of air.
A loud rhythmic thumping sound filled her ears, somehow reverberating through all her body like a shockwave. It wasn’t unpleasant: if anything, she wanted to keep listening to it a little while longer.
A gentle weight settled on the back of her head, what definitely were fingers threading through messy strands of hair to massage her scalp. A moan almost tumbled from her lips before she realized someone was actually running their fingers along the back of her head, sometimes slowly descending to the nape of her neck to toy with the short curls there.
So focused on what she could feel, Emma didn't hear the soft voice whispering to her that everything was okay now. Only when the soft British accent registered in her mind, not helping her sudden need to snuggle closer to the source of heat and sleep until she woke up in the next millennium, Emma’s eyes blew open.
Planting her hands on Killian’s chest, she pushed up in a rush, knocking the wind out of him as well as dragging a groan from his lips.
«You are alive!»
Suddenly, Emma launched herself forward, peppering Killian's face with kisses. Never before had she been so affectionate with him: maybe a hug once or twice, perhaps a kiss on the cheek, which couldn't be considered a kiss at all when it only was a soft brush of lips against skin.
And yet, Emma didn't pull away making excuses. In fact, she snuggled closer, wrapping her arms awkwardly around him to make sure he was still there.
«Easy, lass,» he said breathless, glee on his face as well as a bright pink blush, only to be cut off by Emma's lips.
Shock shot all through her system as she realized what she was doing, pushing it away in favour of savoring the moment.
The kiss didn’t involve tongues or teeth, it wasn’t charged with lust, only with deep relief and a sense of completeness.
Killian’s fingers tightened their grip in her hair without being less gentle, pulling her impossibly closer since she already was half thrown over him.
Since they were not vampires or water creatures capable of holding their breaths for long, at some point they had to pull away so their lungs would stop screaming at them with such ardor they seemed to be burning.
The Prince of Hell, who’d now turned around to take a better look at them, head tilted to the side and the ghost of a smile on his thin lips, politely coughed loudly enough to catch their attention.
With her face burning as hotly as the flames that had surrounded Fenrir and Belial earlier, if not more, Emma pushed herself up, legs trembling a bit as she helped Killian up as well.
Now that she could take a better look at him, Emma searched his body for more signs of his true nature and wounds. Thankfully, the hellhound’s bite was the only scar he would have. Unless…
Her palm tingled, and when she looked down at it, her eyes were met with a soft glowing light.
As if he’d read her mind, Killian wrapped strong fingers around her wrists in a gentle hold, bringing them up to cover his forearm.
No word was spoken as her magic flowed out of her and poured into the wound, healing it. Wonder shone in her green eyes: never before had she like she did now, both like she had a purpose and a place in the world. Balanced. Complete.
«You are bloody brilliant.»
Killian’s words broke her out of her reverie, and when she looked up at him, the deep red gracing the apples of her cheeks matched the one colouring the tips of his ears. Before she could stop herself, Emma’s eyes travelled up, taking in the horns. Her shy smile widened into a teasing one.
«They suit you.»
This time, the one to smile bashfully was Killian.
The second cough was only slightly less polite and a bit more pointed. «I apologize for intruding, but I’m afraid there are important matters to be discussed.»
Both Emma and Killian blushed even redder; it felt like being caught making out by their parents, something neither knew about aside from watching movies or reading books. Then she gasped, looking over at Robin and Will. Before Emma could even open her mouth to ask about them, two deep voices replied to her unspoken question: «They are under a sleeping spell.»
With a polite smile, Belial added: «There are truths that are only yours to tell and which you alone need to hear first.»
Emma nodded, as if in a trance. She just hoped it wasn’t an actual trance. Demons could seduce, not exactly enchant, but she’d never actually met one. She sneaked a peek at Fenrir, who was sitting next to the demon, his expression, if possible, amused. It even seemed he was grinning, and even if he wasn’t, the glint in his blood red eyes was unmistakable.
When she finally looked at Belial, Emma felt her breath catch. The similarity was unmistakable, from the colours to the features, even the way he pursed his lips to conceal a smile. The shape of their eyes was slightly different, but not the blue captured in their irises, even though Emma knew from many testimonies and studies that the eyes of a demon were pitch black and had no irises or pupils of sorts, just two black holes which threatened to swallow whoever had the misfortune of looking into them whole. This must’ve been some kind of courtesy Belial was offering her. She couldn’t say she minded at all.
«Son,» Belial greeted him with a nod of his head, and Emma’s eyes snapped from the high cheekbones that matched Killian’s, to the horns she could finally see. They were bigger than Killian’s, but had the same shape.
«Father.» Killian’s tone wasn’t rude: in fact, it even sounded grateful. So of course he had to ruin the moment: «Glad you showed up, this time.»
There were some falsehoods about demons having steam blowing out of their ears when they were infuriated, and though Belial was furious, he simply clenched his teeth, lips almost disappearing in a thin line.
«I am as well,» he gritted out slowly, shoulders sagging in what looked like defeat. A sigh followed, and Emma was certain he would run a hand through his hair hadn’t it been tied. «I can never apologize enough for not being there, Killian, and I know my excuse will fall on deaf ears, but I truly am sorry.»
Instinctively, Emma squeezed Killian’s forearm. Trying to buy him some time to come at peace with his feelings, she decided to attempt to sort out her own. «So, uhm, I guess the obvious question is… what the fuck did just happened?»
«You see, love-»
«You killed your own mother.»
All blood drained from her face. Having a suspicion about who Gothel was wasn’t anything like hearing the truth.
Next to her, Killian went rigid, probably staring daggers at his father, who was still looking at Emma.
The demon shrugged a shoulder. «Technically, you vanished her, but Gothel was your mother.»
«Crazy bit- uhm, witch ghost was-»
Belial stifled a chuckle. «Aye, she was. I suppose she said-»
«She said your- uhm, Killian’s mother stole you from her, and I think she was involved with her coven of crazy girls who you, uhm, turned into ash or something. I think. And then Killian said-» Emma suddenly cut herself off, biting her lower lip a bit too forcefully. She was rambling, and probably - read: surely - breaking some etiquette rule - or several - she should follow when speaking with high-ranked demons, but the weight of the day was finally taking a toll on her and she just couldn’t help being a bit snarky. Or try to laugh about it so she could overthink and cry about it in the solitude of her apartment, preferably with a mug of hot chocolate and loads of ice cream.
Killian gave her a small smile that shouldn’t have been so soft and shouldn’t be touching her heart the way it was, especially not before painful words started to tumble from his lips. «Gothel showed up in my life first, about thirty years or so after the fallout with my mother. She was pretending to be a damsel in distress, you know the type, and I foolishly fell into her honey trap. She was nice to me, but belonging to the supernatural world means keeping regular human beings at arm’s length, no matter how eager to know and belong to it they seem to be. I kept her distant, but she kept showing up and being gentle with me to the point I didn’t know what to do with her. I even asked Liam for help, what with him having more experience in the field than me, and he would come around the shop often-»
Emma’s brow wrinkled. «Shop?»
«Oh, right,» Killian mumbled, scratching that spot behind his ear. «Uhm, timeline-wise, this happened in the 80s, as in your 1980, or one or two year after, though time runs differently, and I owned what you’d call a blacksmith shop… Don’t be so shocked, love, between my mom being a witch and my father being a demon, it should’ve been obvious by now that I’m quite old even if I’ve retained my youthful glow.» He even had the audacity to smirk. Oh, how she wanted to smack it off his face.
Or kiss it off of it.
Yup, the latter. Definitely the latter.
Ignoring the voice in her head and the sparkle in Killian’s eyes telling her he knew what she was thinking, Emma raised her chin. «Okay, old man, so- Oh my god. This is disgusting. You… please tell me nothing happened between you and… her.»
Thinking of the man you’ve fallen in love with - oh, yeah, she had fallen in love with him during her time in Storybrooke, and it wasn’t the ley lines’ doing, nothing magical, just pure, scary love - with another woman was torture enough already, but thinking of him with your own mother was seriously threatening to make Emma sick.
The warmth of Killian’s hand on the side of her face brought her back to reality, back to him, and when his eyes bore into hers, she felt relief sweeping through her. She sneaked one arm around his thorax and squeezed him tightly to her.
Killian dropped a kiss on her hair, which was surely a mess and now was not the time to think about a shower with him to get the dirt out of it. «Nothing happened. As I said, I was keeping her at arm’s length. When Liam saw her, he knew why I was asking for help. For some reason, Gothel stopped coming in. My best theory, she saw she had no opening with me and even my brother was unapproachable.» He licked his lips, averting his gaze. «I didn’t see her for almost two years, and during that time, Mum brought me on a mission with her.»
Clearly picking up his son’s uneasiness, Belial continued for him, and Killian shot him a tight but grateful smile. «Gothel was a very powerful witch. If you’d been raised by her, or at least one of your kind, you would’ve learned better how hierarchies inside the witch world and, more importantly, inside a coven, work. She wasn’t just one of the oldest, but she was the one who’d held her title as head of her own coven, of Mother, as she called herself, longer than her predecessors and any of the other leaders in all the realms. It surprises me that she only ever had one child, but she also waited centuries before trying to summon me.» He shrugged, as if he didn’t have a clear explanation of how Gothel’s mind worked himself. «Her motivations escape me, perhaps she had foreseen her demise was near. The fact is, she suddenly abandoned her old plan of summoning another demon knowing all too well they’d be ready to take her out even bound by spells and seals, but didn’t let go of her original plan. She did have a baby, a baby born right on the twelfth stroke of midnight, a little girl she was ready to raise not like a daughter, but like a pawn in her own twisted game.»
Emma gulped, the amount of information being dumped onto her already too much to bear. She leaned into Killian, thankful for his presence and support. With all she’d heard, she probably should stay away from him, and yet she just couldn’t. If anything, all Emma wanted was to stay as close to him as humanly possible.
Next to her, Killian sighed, turning his head slightly to bury his nose in her hair. «Mum was always one step ahead of Gothel, therefore she knew about you and planned to get you as far away from her as possible.»
Guilt was laced tightly to his voice, and Emma knew why. All her life, she’d thought her parents never wanted her, and oh, how many scenarios had she played out in her mind to justify them? And now, everything made sense, the puzzle was complete, and all she felt was… nothing. Or… not quite nothing. She still felt many other things, namely the deep affection and need and want to take care of Killian, but deep inside, all those scars that growing up alone in the system had left her with, simply stayed the same. They didn’t reopen, they stayed as they were, existing, because there was no way she could change the past, but now she knew the truth, and well, if she had to feel something, that something was gratitude.
True, she had grown up alone, and it was awful and horrible but it shaped her into the woman she was now, a woman she decided to be with all her flaws and strengths, and not a pawn, not nothing.
Later, later she knew she would cry and scream and Killian would probably have to duck to avoid anything she might throw at him, but now, now she felt relief: even just the idea of growing up as Gothel’s pawn filled Emma with absolute despair.
«What happened that night?»
What, for now, was more strange than anything else, was thinking that Killian was already an adult when she was born and that, apparently, he came from another land. She wondered if he’d ever go back. Or if he’d ever take her there.
A muscle in Killian’s jaw ticked. «My task was to keep the coven asleep and blocking the wards. Demon’s magic is tricky, darker than any other you’ll ever encounter; not even those witches who practice dark magic could ever handle it. I used my abilities to allow Mum to take you away without alarming the witches. And she did it. We managed to bring you to a safe haven where Mum proceeded to seal your magic, the only method to keep Gothel from finding you, a taboo in the witch world, one that had to be broken to ensure your safety.» He licked his lips, stalling for a moment, debating whether or not to give her this last bit of information. «We didn’t know your name, so Mum decided on one before letting you go. Widow Lucas, the werewolf who runs the shelter, stitched the baby blanket you were found in. You stayed hidden with us for almost two weeks before we moved you. It was agreed that you'd be sent to this realm, to the Land Without Magic. Liam was tasked to bring you through the portal and to a family we knew would welcome you and raise you as if you were their own.»
Hurt came in waves, lapping at her heart at first, and then proceeding to drown it in sorrow with the force of a tumultuous sea.
She was supposed to have a family.
She was supposed to be loved.
Tears welled in her eyes, tears born out of injustice, because the life she'd lived wasn't the one she was supposed to.
A look into Killian's baby blues was all it took.
The breath caught in her throat, one lone tear traced a slow path down her cheek, and acceptance bloomed like a flower into her.
Perhaps her past should've been different, but the outcome would've been the same: Emma Swan had a family and, above all, Emma Swan was loved.
It didn't matter that she was loved by a bunch of guys that might very well try to kill her once they knew the truth, just as it didn't matter that the man she loved and hoped loved her in return - and not just like a friend - was a half demon. She smirked, inwardly laughing at Gothel and her belief that demons couldn’t love: had she really known Killian, she would’ve seen how he loved his friends.
Ignoring Belial - who was mostly amused by her action - Emma raised on her tiptoes and pressed a gentle kiss to the corner of Killian's mouth, squeezing him in an awkward embrace neither broke out of.
After a deep breath, Emma heard herself asking in a shaky breath: «What happened next?» In truth, she didn't want to hear more of it, but she needed to, and she'd learned all too well that what she wanted and what she needed weren't often the same.
«The coven tracked down Liam.» Pain twisted his features as he spoke those words aloud. Emma squeezed his hand. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Belial hung his head in what she could only call sorrow. «They were late: he'd already opened the portal, but to ensure you'd make it safely to the Land Without Magic, Liam sent you through it and defeated the witches. Without his guidance, however, the ley lines diverted your path and led you to Storybrooke, the most unusual and magically charged place in this world.»
Emma nodded, slowly, realizing why Killian was looking right into her eyes, searching for something he was sure to find. Had she been in his shoes, she might have had the same thought as well.
Certainly letting her go through the portal alone was stupid, and more than that, it'd been dangerous, but he'd managed to fend off those witches so none of them could reach her.
«That was when they cursed him,» Belial said in a grave voice. There was hatred in it, both for the witches and for himself. «He didn't call for me, but I should've been there. At the time, Hell was in riot, and Lucifer needed all his trusted demons to contain the civil war before it escalated.»
Emma nodded, understanding how torn he must feel, how guilt had dug a hole inside of him for too long. But it wasn’t Emma’s understanding or forgiveness that he needed, and she was in no position to ask Killian to bury the hatchet.
Killian cleared his throat. «Curses don’t work the same way on demons that they do humans. Normally, a true demon would be immune, but Liam was only half demon, and that was part of his undoing. Me and Mum brought him home, searching for a cure for what looked like a sleeping curse but was different in so many ways it looked a concoction of spells we couldn’t decipher or break.»
The rustling of leaves was the only sound Belial made as he got closer, a clear warning and a way to let Killian decide whether he wanted to stay where he was or move as far away as possible.
Next to her, Killian exhaled. Running away didn’t solve a thing, and it was about time he faced his father.
Blue eyes, just like Killian’s, showed nothing but anguish. «Son, there was nothing that could help Liam. I’d already spoken to Alice, and the only plausible solution was to make him a full demon. That way, he would’ve been able to repel the curse.»
«But I was too desperate, and was fooled by Gothel’s words about a miraculous plant that could cure all evils.» Killian hung his head, but before Emma could comfort him, two strong hands grabbed his shoulders.
«Listen to me, son. You made a mistake in judging her character, aye, but it isn’t your fault. None of what happened is. It’s time you move on and stop blaming yourself. It was Gothel who killed Liam and Alice, not you. She would’ve found another way, and you might have not been able to kill her before she killed you. What you did was heroic. There’s no great battle in which both sides don’t lose, my son. You held yourself together after losing your whole family and didn’t seek revenge on the coven, no matter how much I’m sure you desired to. This, my boy, makes you the man you are now. Not a demon, not a witch, a man, the kind of man you always wanted to be»
Silently, Emma wiped away a few tears threatening to fall, though she almost lost all self-control she had when Killian launched himself into his father’s arms and hugged him tightly. She completely lost it when she heard Killian whisper “thank you, Papa”.
Something soft and warm brushed against her arm before the wet nose of the hellhound nudged it away so she could only loop it around Fenrir’s neck. «Hey, there, boy,» she smiled down at him.
«It doesn’t surprise me that he found you first.»
Emma frowned at Belial’s words. Demons, always speaking in riddles even when you ask them something simple. She was reminded of Killian, and that should’ve probably been a dead giveaway.
Belial smiled. «You have my son’s scent all over you, his hellhound was easily sidetracked by it. Besides, you had a faint trace of Alice’s magic in you, which didn’t help tracking down the right person either.»
There would be a day in which such words would have no effect on Emma, but today was not that day, especially given the way her cheeks coloured red. It should make her feel dirty or, well, almost like an object, but instead it made her feel butterflies in her stomach. She was totally screwed. Not at all, her traitor mind reminded her.
«I-I heard Alice’s voice, I think,» she stuttered, ignoring that voice in her head. She turned to Killian, brows knitting together. «And yours. You two kept telling me that magic is emotion.»
Her heart fell a little as Killian frowned, clearly confused.
«Ley lines.»
They both turned to look at Belial, who shrugged, pointing a manicured hand towards the sky.
Holy fuck.
During all her time as a huntress, Emma had seen the ley lines only on maps, but now she could see them crossing the sky above her head, blue lines she could even hear.
«They work in mysterious ways, as you both well know. And with Storybrooke being at the very center of a crossroad, even the tiniest spark of magic is amplified. They must’ve picked up Alice’s magic and managed to give you a message, Emma. You might’ve not heeded it rationally, but it still helped you banish Gothel.»
Slowly understanding what he meant, Emma nodded her head again, fingers threading through Fenrir’s fur. Then, she turned towards Killian, trying not to sound as accusatory as she did in her head. «Did you know who I was when we first met?»
Pure, earnest honesty was the only emotion on his face when he shook his head. «I did feel your magic, which I admit, was strange since it was supposed to be sealed, but I had no idea you were the baby I helped my mum take away all those years ago. Only when I broke the spell she cast on you I realized it, a bit too late, given I had no time to warn you.» Killian sighed, scratching again that spot behind his ear, now surely raw. «I apologize for not telling you about your magic. I just-»
«You just didn’t know how, I understand.» And she really did. Even for someone who’d hunted down several different creatures, Emma would’ve not believed him had he told her she had magic. Hell, she was still struggling to believe what had just happened!
The grateful, bashful smile he shot her way warmed her heart.
Then, the wind changed.
«It is time for me to go, I’m being called back.» Belial didn’t want to go just yet, that much was clear. It was unfair how little time him and Killian had had to mend their still fragile relationship.
Killian arched an eyebrow. «Is it true that Uncle Lucifer has taken a vacation?»
Uncle Lucifer? That Lucifer?!
«Ah, yes, that much is true. He also fell in love with a miracle.» Belial tilted his head, amused. «I knew he would, and was one of the few to win the bet.»
At that, Killian snorted. «Of course. I would’ve placed the same bet, knowing him, and knowing demons can fall in love. After all, I’m proof of that, am I not?» And if he glanced at Emma as if saying “because I’m fallen in love as well” and she’d caught him, her hand squeezing his was confirmation enough.
Flames danced in Belial’s palm, retracting under his skin to reveal an old flask. «This is the ale of Seonaidh. Use it well, my boy, though I believe your mother’s grimoire contains instructions on how to brew it.»
Killian looked at the flask in wonder before clutching it to his chest. «Would- would you like to use it with me, when the time is right?»
Belial appeared to be taken aback by those words, barely containing a gasp of surprise. After the shock wore off, he nodded slowly. «I would like that very much.»
A nod from Killian to which followed another tight and long embrace signaled them it was time to get back to reality, or what was left of it after it’d been revolutionized in a matter of seconds.
Even if awkwardly, Emma offered Belial her hand to shake, only to have him bend slightly in a bow and brush his lips on the back of it. Blood rushed to her face, boiling beneath her skin. Of course
«I bid you farewell, Emma. It was a pleasure meeting you, even if in such dire circumstances.»
Please, take care of my son.
A gasp of surprise almost fell from her lips upon hearing the demon’s voice inside her head. Affection and deep love transpired, affecting her a bit. She nodded slightly so Killian wouldn’t notice. She would take care of him, knowing all too well he could take care of himself, but she could still support him and just be there. That was what taking care of someone really meant: being by their side all through their life, mistakes and all.
Belial disappeared in a vortex of flames, and this time the earth didn’t shake or anything. Perhaps it hadn’t been just the opening of the portal. Perhaps it’d been Emma.
She hummed at the thought, shaking her head slightly before turning to face Killian completely.
«So, that was Brennan Jones, uh?»
Killian flashed her a smile, dimples and all and oh, boy, was she swooning? Now of all the times? «He couldn’t very well go by Belial, could he? But aye, that was him. I’d not seen him since I yelled my disdain at him. I even tried to curse him, you know? And he just stayed there. I knew it was useless anyway, but I’ll never forget how defeated he looked.»
She squeezed his arm. «You both stayed alone when you should’ve mourned together. I hope you’ll be able to forgive him, one day.»
Killian nodded. Perhaps he wasn’t ready to forgive him yet, but now he understood his father more than ever before. Especially when it came to love.
Caught in Killian’s intense stare, Emma felt her heartbeat increase in speed. «How long until the spell wears off?» she asked wetting her lower lip, nodding slightly towards Will and Robin.
He never looked away from her eyes. «Give or take, a few minutes. Time to decide what to tell them, love.»
Ah, right, the whole witch thing. Taking a deep breath, Emma squared her shoulders. «Part of the truth, for now. I’m still processing the whole Gothel thing, and that will take me some time. And I need to do this by myself, without risking to be burned alive or hung by my own friends.»
Next to her, Fenrir growled, surprising them both. Emma chuckled, scratching him behind the ear.
«Should’ve known you’d steal his heart, too,» Killian mumbled barely loud enough for her to hear, which probably wasn’t his intention given the way the tips of his ears lit up like Christmas lights.
For her part, Emma blushed as well, her eyes never leaving the thick fur her hand had disappeared into as she whispered: «And he’s not the only demonic creature that has stolen mine.»
When textbooks said demons were lustful creatures, driven by Hell flames flowing through their veins, they weren’t far from the truth.
A low moan resounded deep in her throat as Killian’s lips pressed almost violently against hers, crushing her much smaller body into his.
Lips and tongues brushed frantically against the other, Killian’s mouth swallowing her moans as his hands wandered up and down her back before stopping at her hips to pull her impossibly closer.
Emma’s hands never stopped either, tracing his chest up until she could wrap her arms around Killian’s neck and bury her fingers in his hair, tugging not so gently at the strands.
She could feel desire mounting like a galloping horse, teeth pulling at Killian’s swollen lower lip. It was scary how much she felt like she needed him, and yet it felt completely normal. Truth was, she might even go a bit insane if she didn’t have him soon. Was it a side effect of being a witch? Did she really care, though?
And then the tip of her finger brushed accidentally the base of one of Killian’s horns and he was run through by what felt like electric energy, so intense it reverberated through Emma’s body as well.
Killian shivered, head burying itself at the juncture of Emma’s neck. «Careful, love,» he panted, his hot breath causing her skin to burn, «they are quite… sensitive.»
Fuck. It was Emma’s turn to shiver. Perhaps she could just try how teleportation worked.
She was just about to suggest it to Killian when a groan echoed in the clearing. Of bloody course the spell would wear off in that precise moment.
Luckily enough, Will had Fenrir to keep him distracted so Emma and Killian could adjust their clothes.
Alas, they had no such luck when Robin woke up as well. At least he had the decency to look away, not before winking at them.
Feeling like two children caught with their fingers in the marmalade jar, half-demon and witch stayed rooted to the spot, side by side with not an inch between them and faces as red as beets as Will enjoyed all the attention Fenrir was giving him and Robin wandered around whistling some tune as he retrieved his arrows.
Low, so low they friends couldn’t hear, Emma whispered: «Please tell me there’s a way for you to conceal your horns from others but not me.»
The smirk and glance he gave her was the truest definition of lewd. «The lady likes me horns, doesn’t she?»
She clicked her tongue. «The lady fucking loves them.»
Killian nearly burst out laughing, his whole face lighting up in happiness. He pressed a kiss to Emma’s temple, mumbling something about them being his love handles that made her hide her head in his chest.
Fenrir caught his eyes, one huge paw still holding Will to the ground in their little game, and winked.
Killian chuckled, winking back before calling the hellhound to him. It was time they went home.
All three of them.
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Nana - A CS Pupstravaganza Story
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special thanks to @profdanglaisstuff and the rest of the ladies in the @cspupstravaganza discord -- without you, this story wouldn’t exist, and I still would have only spent this semester working on academic things. and who wants to do that? 
also on AO3 // rated G, 300% fluff // roughly 1k
It was insane. Really, almost the most insane thing Emma Jones had ever done. And she had travelled realms, learned that fairy tales are true, and married a god damn pirate, but this really took the cake. 
She had a newborn at home. A newborn so new that she would still be classified as a newborn, and a three-year-old whose magical abilities were slowly making themselves more known, giggling as she makes the bubbles in the bath grow or as she changes the color of Killian’s slowly-greying hair. She doesn’t need this. She barely has room in her house for the four of them, even less so when Henry comes home from his adventures and stays in his old bedroom. But her very appropriate question of, “But where is it going to stay?” was all but avoided by her husband, whose eyes have still not left those of the large pup still laying on the ground in front of him, three small kittens lying between his very large paws. 
When he does finally turn to her, his bright blue eyes are filled with the same begging expression as the dog’s. 
The puppy dog eyes on the dog were one thing, something that the heartlessness in her could easily avoid. But Killian, who rarely asks her for anything, nonetheless begs, is a whole different story, one that is much harder for her to ignore. 
He’s been so good to her lately, a loving father to Hope as she struggled with her pregnancy, always beside her and backing her up — and since Alice was born, he’s been doing more than his due diligence as father to a newborn (which doesn’t surprise her in the least, because he has always done more than his due diligence when it came to their relationship, from the very beginning when he moved aside and let her choose what her heart desired.) 
But this is why, though absolutely insane and something that she easily could have talked one or both of them out of, she hears the words leave her mouth without being able to stop them: “If it’s what you really want, babe.” 
The smile that spreads across Killian’s face is the brightest she has ever seen. 
She’s heard the horror stories: people that bring newborns home to dogs, only to find that the dog has no idea how to act around the baby, or becomes unnecessarily rough, or simply stops listening to its owners because of the new addition to the family. 
These are the stories floating through her head as she sits on the ground with Alice in her arms, Killian holding Nana on the leash as they try to introduce her to the baby. While she’s been pretty helpful with advice, Ruby, who works for the pet adoption agency out at the park today — the whole reason they’re in this mess in the first place — is standing back for this part, Hope standing beside her, both of them watching from the sidelines as Killian slowly moves Nana towards Emma and Alice, pulling the leash tight around his hand to have better control. 
Emma feels her heart pounding in her chest, more worried in this moment than she feels she may have ever been as Nana moves the last few inches towards them, Killian’s grip on the leash as tight as it can be. 
But she watches, wide-eyed, as Nana lowers her body to the ground, front paws spread out in front of her and almost touching Emma’s legs, nose pressed against the dirt, and slowly crawls the last of the space between them, sniffing Emma’s legs and arms before her nose travels anywhere near Alice. He looks at her, her blue eyes somehow almost the same color as Killian’s — and as both of their daughters’ — as if asking for permission before gently nosing at Alice’s leg. 
The baby gurgles, a sound that Emma assumes would be more like a giggle if she were a few weeks older, and Emma raises her eyes to find Killian’s, trying to figure out what to make of this whole situation. 
“Hope, darling,” he calls, his eyes still locked with Emma’s as an another bright smile spreads across his face, and the little girl comes running to him from her spot next to Ruby. “This is Nana, and she’ll be coming home with us.” 
Hope, of course, is old enough to laugh, the sound bubbling out of her as she sits next to Emma on the ground and reaches out to press her hand against Nana’s head. 
“Yes, little love,” Emma says, stealing Killian’s nickname for her, leaning to hit her shoulder against Hope’s. “She’s going to be our puppy.” 
Little did any of them know just how well Nana would fit into their household, finding her own spots in the spaces that she is the most out of the way: under the table, in the corner next to the couch. And while she sleeps on the bed Emma and Killian put in their bedroom for the first few nights, after two weeks, she refuses to follow them into the bedroom, staring at the door to Alice’s nursery. 
Emma and Killian share a glance, Emma shrugging as he reaches for the doorknob, worried that the clicking of Nana’s nails against the hardwood would wake the baby. 
But Nana is silent, not a single click between the door and the carpet in front of her crib, and after turning around and meeting first Killian’s then Emma’s gazes, she silently lays down on the rug. 
Killian could swear that he saw her wink at him before closing her eyes, her snout resting on her paws, but it was a secret he never told a soul, not even Emma. 
tagging some of the regular crew: @shireness-says @welllpthisishappening @wellhellotragic @let-it-raines @kmomof4 @stahlop @captainsjedi @teamhook @thisonesatellite @resident-of-storybrooke @superchocovian @darkcolinodonorgasm  I have no idea who else because I haven’t posted in such a long time I’m sorry 
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wistfulcynic · 4 years
october-y fics for your spooky reading pleasure
Witches! Creepy forests! Sentient houses! Black cats! Candles! Delightful dogs! Magical battles! Smut! If you enjoy any or indeed all of these things, here are some fics of autumns past that you might enjoy (re)visiting. 
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As Soon Kindle Fire With Snow 
Emma Swan lives alone and likes it that way. Still, she has needs. Needs that since she moved to the small town of Storybrooke have decidedly not been met. Then one snowy afternoon Killian Jones appears at her door, and Emma realises that he can give her everything she needs… and more.
This was my contribution to CS Cocktoberfest 2018. At the time it was the smuttiest thing I’d written. Possibly still is. Certainly I made a powerful effort with the smut. Also the notable first appearance of witch!Emma and the house that talks to her, plus my cat Hester in a supporting role. 
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The Very Witching Time
Emma Swan is a hereditary witch, last in a long line of wise women who for centuries have guarded the coast of Maine and the small village of Storybrooke with their homemade cures and their ancient magic. She holds the delicate balance between magic and mundane, but now that balance is threatened by a new foe, one capable of bringing an end to everything Emma is and everything she loves. To defeat it she will need all her power, help from her friends and neighbours, and the loyalty of a very unusual dog who answers to the name of Killian.
2019′s Supernatural Summer contribution. Witch!Emma in her full glory, another magical house (this one with a magical garden) and hands down the most adorable version of Killian I’ve written. 
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The Sleep of the Sun 
It’s eighteen years after Emma and Killian defeated Cora and her plan to flood their world with dark magic, and the story moves on to their son Liam. A sweet and loving boy with the ability to shift into a dog at will, he is also more observant than his parents give him credit for.
And now, as Samhain approaches, something dark is brewing in the forest yet again...
Written for Pupstravaganza, this is a follow-up to The Very Witching Time. There is a third part to the tale that I planned to write for this year, but alas... SOME DAY I promise.
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come sit at our feast 
“…for we all have stripes, and we all have horns, we all have scales, tails, manes, claws and thorns
and here in the dark is where new worlds are born…”
It’s Halloween, when all the weird and wondrous beasts of the world creep out of the shadows and throw themselves one hell of a party.
For Emma Swan and Killian Jones, witch and shapeshifter respectively, it’s a chance to kick back, get high, and watch the mayhem unfold…
The most truly Halloween-y story on this list, and properly weird. 
Embrace the weird. 
Written for the Halloweek Role Reversal to accompany @allons-y-to-hogwarts-713​‘s amazing art which you can see in all its glory here.
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stahlop · 3 years
18 for the writers asks please xxx
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterizations?) Tell us about them.
The only thing I can think of is that I was originally going to write a sequel to Must Love Dogs, the first fic I ever wrote, for CS Pupstravaganza. I had a whole Emma was pregnant and the dogs thought she smelled different but couldn’t figure out what was going on and were being more attentive to her plot going. But it just wasn’t working out, so I wrote something completely different instead having nothing to do with Must Love Dogs.
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kmomof4 · 4 years
So today is the birthday of a dear friend and wonderful author in this fandom!!!
Happy birthday @stahlop!!!!
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For your gift I want to make a fic rec post of my favorite of your fics! Thank you so much for writing these Lisa!!! I’ve enjoyed them sooo much and can’t wait to read what you have coming up! Love you my friend!!!
All of Lisa’s fics are wonderful, but these are my personal favorites. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have!
Romancing the Throne for @mariakov81 birthday.
Princess Emma has run off with the notorious Captain Killian Jones, who also happens to be the brother of her father's deceased best friend.
Honeymoon in Paris written to go with the art I made for this years CS Valentine’s Day Role Reversal.
Emma and Killian are on their honeymoon and Emma wants to take things really slow and just enjoy each other.
Not All Treasure Is Silver and Gold (Sometimes It’s Chocolate) written for CS Halloweek 2019.
Killian takes his children on a trick or treat treasure hunt to learn about the town’s history and reflects on his own in the process.
I Get Knocked Down (But I Get Up Again) written for CS Pupstravaganza 2019
Emma thinks her new neighbor is hot. Like really hot. Now if she could just get her Great Dane to stop knocking him down every time she sees him.
(Even Before I Met You) I Was Far From Indifferent to You written for CS September Sunshine 2019
Killian is forced to bring a date to his parents Christmas party and is shocked that Liam is bring his homicide detective partner, Swan, who as far Killian knows, is a man.
Happiest of birthdays Lisa! I hope you have a wonderful day!!!
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shireness-says · 4 years
Hi! I just wanted to say I love your writing! I frequently reread your CS fics. They just give me so many warm fuzzies. I was wondering if you still intend to do your 1950s AU? And the sequel to Love Amongst the Snowflakes? I really loved that little one shot.
Oh, sweet nonnie, thank you so much! I love hearing that people enjoy my fics. 
The good news is: yes! I do still intend to write both of those. 1950s AU has an entire outline plotted, I just need to flesh it into a fic. Snowflakes sequel is less formally outlined, but I know the structure and exactly where it’s going and have written maybe a quarter of it.
The bad news: I am easily distracted. And commit to far too many events. Which is which neither of those fics have been written yet. Starting in September of 2019, I committed to no less than SIX writing events (September Sunshine, Pupstravaganza, Secret Santa, Concert Series, Rewrite-a-thon, and CSSNS) and did not think about how much that would stress me out and how many planned fics would have to be back burnered. I’m through the events (for now - until I’m foolish enough to sign up for something else...) but it means I just haven’t had time to focus on much else for the past year. 
The ?????? news: I have continued not working on any of those things for the past month and a half by writing a season 3 no-curse divergence fic. It will hopefully be dropping this week. It is nearly 20k. It’s titled for yet another Frank Turner song. I enjoy taking potshots at canon and have no sense of prioritization. Everyone, let me know if you want tagged on that.
So, in conclusion: yes, I will write them, but no, I don’t know when. Because I also need to work on the next monster chapter of A Fate Woven in Thread and Ink. 
(Hoping to get Snowflake sequel out around the holidays, but no promises.)
Let me know, folks, if there are any more sequels you want; I can’t promise promptness, but I will add them to the list. XD
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cssns · 4 years
Hello again everyone! Please help me welcome @snowbellewells back to this years CSSNS!!!
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How long have you been in the CS/OUAT fandom? 
I have been in the OuaT fandom since the summer before season three began. My best friend and I discovered it and pretty much mainlined the first two seasons just in time to join the "Save Henry" mission to Neverland.
When did you start shipping Captain Swan? 
I would say they were on my radar for sheer chemistry all the way back to the beanstalk, but honestly considering them a real potential couple didn't come until about the time she gave him the "You and I, we understand each other" speech at the end of season two, and he then turned his ship around and offered it and his services in going after Henry.
What drew you to this event? 
Well, the simple answer is my online friendship with Krystal and my intense desire to discover and read all of the werewolf!Killian fics there are. ;)  Beyond that though, it led me to so many other great fics of all supernatural varieties, so many new friends, and so much fun!!  (And, over the last two summers, it finally gave me the courage and the push to write the werewolf story of my own that I had rolling around in my brain.)
What inspired your topic? 
My first one shot for this year's event was inspired by a prompt on Tumblr that I just couldn't get out of my head - that an attempt to right something that had a traditional fairy tale tone/feeling to the writing style. The second (which may or may not stay a one shot) is a little less fleshed out in my mind at this point, but the idea really came to me initially from a line in a song.
If you would like to share a snippet/sneak peek/summary of your fic or artwork, please use the space below. 
Once, not-so-very long ago, in a cozy village on the eastern seaboard, a town right up by the ocean waves crashing onto the rocky shores, a rather peculiar story took place. The little burg was quite isolated. Surrounded by the Atlantic on one side and the Maine woods on two others, it almost seemed as though the little place - Storybrooke was its name - had been forgotten by time and the rest of the world. There was, of course, a road in from the south, bu it seemed that very few newcomers ever traveled it; either unable to see, or unconcerned with discovering, its presence.
 Instead, Storybrooke, Maine was quiet and close-knit; the people banded in solidarity by time and trust, just as the houses and shops huddled together against the chill sea air and harsh winter squalls. They were a rough and craggy lot, but will a quaint and beguiling self-reliance and simplicity to them as well. 
All except one of their number, that is. The beautiful woman who lived in the old mansion on the hill at the far edge of town. She was different, an exotic treasure, who had arrived in town and made herself at home some years ago. (Exactly when, no one could recall.) In some ways, she seemed ill-suited to such a small, staid little outpost, and yet, she never appeared dissatisfied. And where the neighborhood gossips and old-timers might have often closed ranks, refusing to accept such a mysterious newcomer, watching suspiciously and whispering behind their hands, she had wormed her way into their good graces.
Who/what have you beta'd before, or is this your first time? Feel free to give as much info as you like. 
I haven't done a lot of beta-ing, but I have had wonderful experiences so far. I beta-read for Melanie (@searchingwardrobes) in last year's CSSNS event, which I THOROUGHLY enjoyed - I felt like I was getting a sneak peek of a much anticipated movie before its release! I also beta-read @darkcolinodonorgasm's Pupstravaganza fic, to my utter delight! I have beta-read a couple other MCs along the way, and I'm thinking I'd have fun being a beta even more often in the future.
What are you looking forward to most about participating in this event? 
All the Discord conversations, ideas, fangirling, and cheering each other on - not to mention all the ideas that flourish there. Really digging into my stories for this summer and making progress. Beta reading for my author this time around (I've only read a few pages so far, and I already can't wait for more of it!)
Marta is one of my very favorite authors in this incredibly talented fandom and is a dear friend as well. I’m so excited that she has more for us this year and can’t wait to see them!!! She will be dropping fic on June 9 and July 5, and betaing for @xhookswenchx​ in the third wave. Everyone go tell her hi and welcome her back to the event!!!
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teamhook · 4 years
CS Pupstravaganza ~ Our Love’s Melody Chapter 2
Hello all! Well, just wanna say I’m sorry it has taken me a while to update. I’m just really sorry I’m such a slow writer and I’m trying to update a couple of fics at the same time and then I had some medical issues. I hope you all forgive me. Thanks for your patience.
This is my contribution to the @cspupstravaganza​
Thanks to the pupper moderator, the lovelies over at Discord, and my Beta- @gingerchangeling​
Gotta tag a few people.
@searchingwardrobes​ @revanmeetra87​ @ultraluckycatnd​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @hookedonapirate​ @seriouslyhooked​ @snowbellewells​ @kmomof4​ @let-it-raines​ @shireness-says​ @profdanglaisstuff​ @xhookswenchx​ @kymbersmith-90​
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Emma was in the safety of her home. She had rushed to her bedroom and locked herself in. She let herself fall on the bed. The melody was still in her head. It was so beautiful and for a moment she was lost in a feeling and with those feelings, the words just poured out. It was so dumb of her to let her guard down.
MM and her charming fiancee David shared the love seat in the living room at the soon to be bride's home. They were busy discussing the wedding when the front door opened and a blur of blonde hair passed by. The pair shared a look.
David's eyebrow raised to his hairline. He was confused, it was unlike Emma to walk by without acknowledging them. Usually, there was a comment about how annoyingly in love they are and how it makes her want to barf. "Sweetheart, go check on her."
MM smiled and gently met his lips with a kiss, “Okay, I’ll be back. Wish me luck.”
David knew that his soon to be sister-in-law was a bit prickly but once he proved himself a good egg, her words, she became his little sister.
Knock, knock… “Emma, are you okay?”
“I’m okay, MM. I’m just tired.”
“Ems, I know something happened. I’m here whenever you're ready.”
Emma listened carefully on the other side of the door.
The door creaked open, Emma stood in front of her sister with red eyes.
MM rushed her and hugged her. “What happened?”
MM sat down on the bed as Emma paced the room.
“Okay, I finally met your Killian Jones.”
MM gasped and covered her mouth to stop the squeal.
Emma looked at MM to make sure she hadn’t fainted. “I uh,” the pacing was back “he was playing his guitar and I sang for him.”
“Okay, you sang for him. How is this a bad thing?”
“He is looking for a lyricist and he liked what I was singing to his music. He wants me to help him write a song. Toss some ideas around.”
MM squealed loud, “oh my god, oh my god!!”
“MM, I’m not doing it. I’m just there for Jolly and the plants.”
“Emma, he obviously thinks you’re good. Why not? You were an amazing writer.”
“Do you know why I work with dogs?”
MM shakes her head no.
“Because they can’t let you down. Dogs will never betray you.”
“Oh. Emma, I know but I really think this could be a good thing for you.”
"Ems" MM sighs "not every man is going to hurt you. Look at David, you like him."
Emma rolls her eyes, "He is a good guy but I'm pretty sure my sis would knock him out on his ass with a rock if he did. Look I know, okay. It’s just hard for me to even think about it. Those poems were a part of me, I don't know if you understand. Those poems were there for me when I had no one, and he just took them claimed them as his. He made money off of my misery and I couldn’t do anything about it."
MM smiled, "But now you have a second chance for a new beginning. Emma you cannot lose hope, I have a feeling about this one. Please, don't decide yet besides it's just to toss some ideas around right? I know I’m a little biased, but I think you can do it."
“MM, I agree I think you’re biased too. You love the Scoundrels. I'll think about it." Emma’s phone rings.
“I meant I’m a little biased when it comes to you. Ooo look at that I think it’s for you.”
Emma sniffles, “Hello.”
“Hello, is this Miss Swan?” There’s some muffled barking and not now Jolly.
“Yeah,” Emma is straining to understand what is being said.
“I’m sorry about that, Jolly was a little antsy. I asked my brother for your number I hope you don’t mind. Lass, I was hoping you’d come to a performance. Liam agreed to it. It’s a high school reunion for the president of the band’s fan club.” Liam had insisted they perform, it’s for your number one fan he kept saying to him.
“You want me to come to a performance?” Emma asked as she turned her gaze to find her sister jumping up and down.
“It would be an honor if you accepted my invitation, Lass, if only for a laugh at my expense. I’ll text you the address.”
Emma stays quiet as the call ends and braces herself for her sister’s reaction.
“Emma, was that him? He invited you to a performance! Where? I haven’t found anything online.” MM was now opening Emma’s computer.
“Yes, MM it was him. It’s a special performance I think it’s for the president of the band’s club high school reunion. I’m surprised you’re not in that.” Emma’s phone dinged with the text.
“You have to go Emma! Please! Ooo, can you take me with you? Oh my god!! Can I come, please?” MM begged her sister.
Emma chewed on her bottom lip.
MM smiled and shouted, “David, Emma and I are going out! Emma, sweetheart you are not wearing that.” MM moved faster than a tornado as she grabbed Emma’s best pair of skinny jeans, a red sheer top, and her favorite boots. “Here you’re wearing this. I’m gonna go change, I’ll be right back.” As MM leaves the bedroom she squeals in excitement.
Emma looks at the clothes and reluctantly starts changing once she is finished, she ventures to the living room where David is still looking for the perfect venue for the wedding. “Hey, Dave. Sorry about earlier.” She sits next to him and he hugs her.
“I know, it’s okay, Buttercup. So you’re stealing my fiancee for a night?”
“Eh, I rather not go out but we both know there’s no winning against MM once she decides something.”
David groans, “Don’t remind me. She hates every band we’ve seen.” He sighs. “It would be a dream come true for her to have The Scoundrels sing at our wedding.”
“I know, she’s gonna embarrass me isn’t she?”
David smiles, “Where are you guys off to?”
“Well, it turns out Jolly, my new client, belongs to Killian Jones, who turns out is the lead singer of the Scoundrels.”
“Oh,” that explained all the squealing he heard. “Emma, we’re family a family of three. Whatever you need, I’m here for you.” David reassured her.
Yes, they had become a trio surrounded by loss. The fact that all three had lost their parents had only made the bond stronger. MM had made it known that if her parents wouldn’t have adopted Emma, the grief would have killed her.
“I know Dave, thank you.” Emma smiled as her sister appeared ready to go.
MM drove to the address and once they arrived she could barely hide her excitement. They enter the hotel lobby and follow the signs. At the sign-up desk, Emma notices Liam is talking animatedly with the lady behind the desk. The woman giggles before she turns to glare at Emma and MM as they arrive to the desk. Liam smiles and says, “They’re with us, I hope that’s okay?” The woman smiles and nods her approval. “Thank you, love.” Liam then asks Emma and MM to follow him to the made-up backstage. As soon as the band is visible, MM gasps and grabs Emma’s hand only to squeeze it tight.
MM pulled her close to whisper, “That’s Robin Locksley-rhythm guitar, Will Scarlet-drums, and you know Killian Jones vocalist and lead guitar, finally Little John on bass.”  
Emma looks at the men on stage. MM has a big smile on her face as they watch. The crowd of fangirls swooning for the men as they played song after song. The mini-concert had been a special gift to the number one fan. The women were ecstatic, and the men were making good use of the free bar.
Once the band’s set ended Killian made his way to Emma. The rest of the band were busy putting away their instruments. They still had to do a small greet session. Killian hoped he could convince her to reconsider working with him on that song.
Emma is the first to greet him, “I hope you don’t mind my sister tagged along. She is a big fan. Mary Margaret, Killian Jones.” MM is just staring at him with a glazed look on her round face. Emma nudges MM to wake her from her daze.  
MM flushes red, “Hello, nice to meet you.” A small giggle escapes her.
Killian grins, “Lovely to meet you, lass. Would you like to meet the rest of the band?” He turns to Emma to ensure it’s okay, he doesn’t want to overstep. He would love to talk about the proposition he’d made her. He was sure they would make quite the team, but he will not push.
Emma nods and turns to MM who is nodding vigorously as they follow Killian. They end up having dinner at a 24-hour diner. The band is super friendly to them, and they treat them like part of the group.
At the end of the night, Emma and MM go home with a smile on their faces. Emma will never admit to MM how much she enjoyed herself that night.
Killian keeps looking at the time, he is sure she is running late. He truly hopes she is only late, he looks at Jolly and smiles. Jolly’s tail is wagging and stops suddenly, his ears perk up. Killian and Jolly both turn to the door as soon as they hear the door unlock and open.
Emma walks in with a small smile on her face once she notices her welcoming committee.
“I was afraid you wouldn’t show,” Killian says as he pets Jolly.
She walks towards the coat closet that holds Jolly’s leash, she stays quiet as she opens the door and grabs Jolly’s items. Leash, pooper bags, and a few treats for him. She shakes the bag. Jolly’s ears perk up and his tail starts thumping rhythmically on the floor in excitement.
Killian scratches behind Jolly’s ears. “Lass, would you mind if I accompany you and Jolly on your walk?”
Emma turns to Killian, “Is this so we can talk about your proposition?” Her right brow raises.
“Aye, I thought we could talk about the possibility while we take Jolly for his daily walk. If you don’t mind my company.“
Emma reasoned, she had to take Jolly on his walk because that is her job. A little company should be no problem. She was trying her best to follow MM’s advice. “Okay, but keep up. Jolly loves to run around. Are you ready?” Emma smiles and latches the leash on Jolly.
Killian smiles, “Aye, I’m ready.”
They walk in silence to the park, Jolly stopping to sniff everything in sight then trotting on to the next thing. Once they arrive to the park Emma and Killian sit on a bench. Emma releases Jolly to go play with the other dogs.
Killian clears his throat, “I hope you and your sister had fun last night.”
“It was fun, my sister couldn’t stop talking about it. She was so excited. I’m sorry she tagged along but last night made her year. Just don’t let her fiance know that.”
“Is she really that big of a fan?”
Emma rolls her eyes, “I’m surprised she didn’t ask you guys to play her wedding.”
Killian smiles and scratches behind his ear nervously.
Emma turns to make sure Jolly is still frolicking with the other dogs. She holds her breath for a second as she turns her attention to Killian.
He smiles, “Lass, I would have preferred to share a much better performance with you. Instead of you having to listen to us play old songs.” He invades her space and whispers, “I sing covers of hit songs at a small club called Neverland. Sadly, Liam had insisted we perform at the reunion.”
Emma smiles, “It’s okay, you were good. Thank you for being so sweet to my  sister.”
“How could I not? She’s a fan and somehow convinced you to go.”
His words remind her of the whole reason for her avoidance and why he was on the walk with her right now. She takes a good look at him before she makes up her mind.
“Okay, how about this. We test it out, see if we work well together, and go from there?”
“Lass, I have a feeling we will make quite the team.”
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cspupstravaganza · 5 years
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JOIN US IN CELEBRATING your love of all things canine with the CAPTAIN SWAN PUPSTRAVAGANZA!!! 
From OCTOBER 14th to the 25th we will be featuring CS fics and art that focus on DOGS. ANY and ALL dog-related material is welcome! 
There will also be a PROMPT LIST for anyone who would like to participate but needs ideas! Ideally we will have at least one fic or fanart per day, but THE MORE THE MERRIER, so PLEASE JOIN IN!!
TO JOIN please send an ask to @cspupstravaganza and say whether you can contribute fic or art (OR BOTH) and if there are any days you CANNOT post. Sign-ups will be open until the 30th of September and the list of posting dates released in the first week of October. 
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snowbellewells · 5 years
A Litter More Than They Bargained For
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{Oh my goodness, this event has just been a joy, and I have loved every entry I’ve gotten a chance to read so far.  I’m excited to add mine to the list, and hope that you all will enjoy.  Thanks so much to all the lovely ladies on the @cspupstravaganza Discord chat, particularly @shireness-says  @profdanglaisstuff @snidgetsafan  @kmomof4 and @darkcolinodonorgasm, for all of the amazing dog name suggestions - I put a fair few of them to use here! ;)  Also, @profdanglaisstuff thank you bringing us such a fun event!!}
“A Litter More Than They Bargained For”
by: @snowbellewells
One pet she could have handled. One pet would have been perfectly manageable. A single, sweet-natured, reasonably well-behaved small pet - maybe a cat or a rabbit or even a hamster - wouldn’t have really changed anything about their lives in the seaside house or their daily routine that much. In fact, she and Killian had already been discussing a surprise for Hope in the form of a kitten from the litter her mom and dad’s barn cat had recently birthed, completely charming their pre-schooler upon her first visit to them at her grandparents’ farm.
Somehow, instead, all of Emma’s best-laid plans had been inverted and overturned, as so often seemed to happen in their chaotic magical town. When they had gone into the station that particular morning, they had found a large, mud-caked, burr-riddled dog tied to the bike rack and whining pitifully upon first sight of them. Emma was too disgruntled at the culprit for figuring out that their whole three person department were soft touches for strays as she charged foward to untie the poor beast, to even realize that the critter was already rooting into her affection. Needless to say, rather than their intended adoption, they had managed to take in a shaggy, slobbery mixed breed almost as large as a Shetland pony, with at least some Irish Wolfhound in its ancestry, according to the shelter attendant.
Gleefully mimicking that last declaration in her toddler voice, Hope had leaned over out of Killian’s arms to reach for where the huge hound lounged panting on the exam table, tongue lolling and tail thumping happily as she babbled, “Wolfie! Wolfie!” and patted along the dog’s back and shoulders as well as she could.
The thick, scruffy grey fur covering the animal’s lanky form did indeed resemble a wolf to some degree, and Killian chuckled goodnaturedly at the easy moniker their daughter had seemingly bestowed. “Well, it would seem our little love has already christened her, Swan,” he commented lightly.
Emma wasn’t fooled by the casual demeanor covering her True Love’s words. She felt her last chance of finding a more suitable home for a dog of that size outside the town limits (preferably with acres for it to run) fade as she realized that her husband, as well as her little girl, was already attached. Killian wanted this dog more than he would admit.
Reaching out to stroke the gentle giant’s head resignedly, Emma reluctantly admitted to herself that the poor stray really was a sweet dog, despite her astonishing proportions and the amount of extra responsibility she herself would no doubt be taking on. “Hear that, Wolfie?” she questioned, looking the dog in the eyes rather than either member of her family, whom she could feel nearly vibrating with excitement beside her, “I guess you’re as good as ours.”
Henry only confirmed the permanence of the decision when he got home from the high school after his editors’ meeting for the school paper. Though a dog had never been something he had particularly asked for - they had spent so many of his growing up years being flung from one realm to another, either trying to rescue some member of their family, or seeking the needed magic item to fight some new villain, that it hadn’t left a lot of time for house training puppies or taking one for leisurely evening strolls. Still, as Henry came up the walk and saw Wolfie stretched out on the porch, Hope cuddled against her side and Emma and Killian curled together on the porch swing, the way her nearly adult son’s face had lit up and he’d rushed forward in excitement had shown Emma that kids didn’t really grow out of loving dogs, no matter their age.
Ruby, or perhaps the irrepressible brunette’s inner wild animal, seemed to find their new addition, and the rather obvious name Hope had latched onto, especially entertaining. Due to Wolfie’s size, the Jones clan now ate outside at the patio tables when they stopped for breakfast on the way to drop Hope off at Ashley Hermann’s Pumpkin Seeds Daycare, and before Henry took off for class and they headed on for the station. Her mother’s best friend didn’t even try to hide the fact that she saved back either bacon, sausage, or ham especially for Emma’s pet each day, laughing when after about a week Wolfie came to her the moment she excited the diner’s front entrance, before she could even reach their table, and began nosing at her pockets for the expected bounty.
However, it was Granny herself who startled them with a matter of fact question about a month after Wolfie had joined their family. The diner’s proprietress had come out to wait on them herself that morning, a real nip in the air as November neared, and explaining that Ruby was lying in for a while after the full moon the night before. Her half-spectacles perched on the very end of her nose, eyes sparkling with every bit as much pep and mischief as her exuberant granddaughter when she neared their table, sleeves rolled up to her elbows despite the chill and a pencil tucked behind one ear.
“The usual, Captain?” Widow Lucas asked with a playful nod to Killian, “or are you and your crew feeling adventurous this morning?” While awaiting their answer, she reached into her apron for her order pad, also pulling out a juicy ham bone for Wolfie.
“Here you are, darlin’ girl,” she continued, bending to offer it to their canine companion, much to Wolfie’s approving delight as she barked a ‘thank you’ and took the treat into her drooling jowls with an almost humorous care, then immediately dropped to hold it between her massive paws and began gnawing away.
When Granny stood to face them again however, a knowing smirk was painted across her face, taking their breakfast order seemingly long forgotten. “You don’t have a clue that dog is carrying a litter of pups, do you?” she asked, shaking her head at what she seemed to think was their dense naivete.
Crossing her arms, Granny watched a variety of reactions cross the four faces before her. Henry looked awed and curious, while Hope practically bounced on Killian’s knee asking, “Puppy? Puppy! We having a puppy?”  Killian’s brows rose in surprise, and Emma was already shaking her head in disgruntled exasperation. “Really?” she sputtered, narrowly eying the diner owner as if it might be some sort of elaborate joke being played at her expense.
Then, she plunked her head down to rest on her arms where they were crossed on the table, sighing as her daughter contiuned to chortle in delight and Henry and Hook laughed heartily, in spite of their manful efforts to hold back for her sake. “Why am I even surprised?” Emma muttered. “Of course, she is.”
From there, they learned that apparently the shelter owner did not have it out for them, but that it can be genuinely hard to tell when a dog is expecting until they are quite close to their due date. It also turned out that Granny’s lupine sixth sense had been right on the money. Within another couple weeks, they could see for themselves that Wolfie’s stomach was rounding and she was nesting in corners throughout the house, particularly favoring the warmth of the laundry room between the dryer and the wall. Seeing as how canine gestation was only eight or nine weeks from start to finish, and their mother-to-be was already showing, it was a bit of a scramble to prepare, knowing the litter of pups would soon be on its way.
As had become typical since Wolfie’s arrival, this too went well beyond what they had expected.  On the night they returned from Hope’s Thanksgiving Play at the preschool to tiny yips and whimpers greeting them the second the door opened, the entire Jones family was stunned to discover eight small wriggling bodies jostling for place against Wolfie’s exhausted form where she lay curled into the mound of old blankets and towels they had created for her once her fixation on her laundry room nest become plain. Various rather wetly bedraggled and squirming balls of grey, black, white and mottled mixes of those three colors in coat greeted their eyes, prompting Killian to comment rather drily, “Well, now there are nearly enough of us to crew a pirate ship.” He chuckled, shaking his head, as he added, “Mayhap we can give them proper nautical names this time, rather than letting Hope call them the first word that pops from her mouth.”
“Paaa-pa!” their daughter protested indignantly, stomping her little foot on the linoleum tile and placing chubby fists on her hips. “I did not!” In her two braids, beaded headband, and fringed brown “Indian” dress from the play, she made more an adorable than a threatening sight as she intended, but Killian nodded to their daughter dutifully all the same. “My apologies, little lass. Of course you didn’t. I must have been mistaken.”
Emma rolled her eyes and shook her head at his mannered playfulness with Hope, though her heart warmed inside her as well, loving that their little girl had never known anything but a devoted, adoring, present father, who might have to be pulled back from spoiling Hope at times, but would never let her down or abandon her. The two of them could melt her every defense, just as Henry had always done, even if it did sometimes leave her trying to be the voice of reason, Emma didn’t truly mind.
Henry, for his part, snorted inelegantly at their nonsense, crouching to pet a nervous-looking Wolfie on the head and scritch under her chin the way she liked. “Don’t worry, girl,” he mumured soothingly. “We won’t hurt them. You’re all safe here.”
Her son then grew thoughtful for a moment, as if mulling something over, then looked up when he asked excitedly. “What if we did pick nautical names for them all?  Like Jack and Jib and Scurvy?” He was grinning from ear-to-ear now, an expression Killian quickly mirrored, as his Author’s love of wordplay awakened.
“Aye, lad, those are great! And perhaps Scoundrel and Buccaneer as well?”
“Hey, hey, guys,” Emma broke in, trying to stop their now steaming train before they got any more carried away. “Let’s not get too into naming them. The families who adopt them may not be looking for pirate dogs.”
But her husband and son were already on a roll, adding Barrie in a nod to the Englishman who had created Killian’s literary counterpart and Doubloon to the list of potential puppy monikers, and not paying her words the slightest bit of attention.
Finding homes for their doggie brood proved more difficult than Emma had hoped. If nothing else, it had worked out that they were being weaned just in time to join a family for the perfect child’s Christmas present. And, much as she had intended for them to have a quiet little tabby kitten padding after her through the house rather than a train of panting, yipping, running and tumbling balls of shedding fluff, the pups were sweet and incredibly cute. So she couldn’t understand how every time she thought she had someone poised to take one home, it fell through at the last moment.
With a sigh, she turned away from the sidewalk where old lady Hubbard was walking away. Still cradling Cutlass and Matey to her chest, one in each arm, Emma crossed the porch to sink onto the porch swing with a dejected air. She bent to press a soft kiss into each of their soft, fuzzy foreheads, murmuring what good babies they were and that it wasn’t their fault. Intellectually, Emma knew it was rather ridiculous to be trying to comfort two puppies who were now playfully rolling and tumbling in her lap, not the least bit concerned at the interview’s outcome. They really had been particularly good as their potential new owner had arrived to meet them; sitting calmly without barking or jumping up, sweetly licking the elderly woman’s fingers affectionately when she offered them, and looking even more adorable than usual with their coats freshly bathed and brushed, so black and silky that their fur nearly shone. All their neighbor had seemed able to focus on though was that they might get under her feet and cause her to fall. When Emma had spoken to her before, the older lady had seemed so anxious for some company now that the last of her many children had left the house, but once she had arrived to see the puppies, all she kept saying was, “I’m all alone out there. If I fell, I might lie for days, unable to get up, and no one would know.”
Emma shrugged her shoulders and ruffled the pups’ fur once again, annoyed, but not sure what to make of the situation. Standing, she was about to take the two little rascals back inside when Killian arrived home for the evening.
“They’re both still here?” he asked curiously, one eyebrow arched in question.
Something niggled at the back of Emma’s mind with his question, whispering that he didn’t seem especially suprised. Shaking her head in silent answer, Emma ushered man and dogs back into the house and headed toward the kitchen, where she still had all of the dog dishes to fill.
“Ah well, Love,” Killian replied, something about his voice just a shade too nonchalant. “Perhaps it’s for the best. As energetic as these scalliwags sometimes get,” he laughed and scratched Matey’s belly when she rolled over to bare it in supplication, “they might have proven a walking hazard to one of advanced years.”
Emma was about to question him further, shocked that Killian had hit on exactly what had stopped the potential adoption, but at that moment Wolfie and the other six of her offspring burst into the kitchen and set up a chorus of barks and howls for their dinner, toenails clicking on the floor and tails thunking against the cabinets. So it wasn’t until later that night, as she was speaking to her mother on the phone, bemoaning yet one more failed attempt at finding the pups permanent homes, that the niggling puzzle piece at last slid into place.
“Well,” Snow offered hesitantly, “I’m sorry it fell through, Sweetie, but you know Mrs. Hubbard isn’t all that steady on her feet these days…”
Suddenly, it all added up: Mrs. Hubbard’s unexpected concern with puppies tripping her up around the house, how Ashley had at first thought they might take one of the puppies, only to be convinced by someone that mice would be much more fitting for class pets at Cinderella’s daycare, and how Aurora and Philip’s second child, Hope’s little friend Rory, had suddenly decided she wanted a white Persian kitten whose hair she could put a pink bow in, “like ‘Rie from ‘Ristocats” Aurora had explained in her daughter’s own words when she’d called to tell Emma.
“Oh my word!” Emma shouted, startling her husband, kids, and the pile of dogs sprawled over them in the living room where they were watching tv. “It was you all, wasn’t it? My whole family has been working against me this entire time!”
Looking sheepishly guilty, Killian and Henry both wordlessly shook their heads in denial. Her mother floundered for a defense for a few seconds and then simply fled by ending the call. But when Emma’s eyes came to rest on her daughter, Hope merely grinned widely, a shameless glint of mischief in her green eyes, and nodded her head in confirmation.
“Why?” Emma sputtered.
“Then the puppies are all ours!” her toddler chirped happily, falling back against Wolfie’s shoulder with a giggle, to which Wolfie merely huffed at the impact, then nosed Hope a bit further from the edge of the couch, as if she had one extra pup to watch out for and was making sure the child didn’t fall.
“We’ll see about that,” Emma grumbled, staring each of them down in turn. But, when she flopped down on the armchair in the corner, trying to hold onto her righteous indignation, and Scoundrel came over to check on her, pawing at her leg until she picked him up, and then nudging his grey snout flecked with white patches into her armpit as he stretched out across her chest and promptly fell asleep, Emma was smart enough to know when she had lost the fight.
They were the family with nine dogs now - an entire seaworthy crew.
Tagging: @whimsicallyenchantedrose​ @searchingwardrobes​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @resident-of-storybrooke​ @bmbbcs4evr​ @therooksshiningknight​ @spartanguard​ @thislassishooked​ @tiganasummertree​ @linda8084​
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ao3feed-captainswan · 5 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/33VQ6Fd
by gingerchangeling
Written for the CS Pupstravaganza event- An app that lets people rent time with other people's dogs and David books a session for Emma in secret. But she might get a bit more than the half hour that David booked for her.
Words: 2689, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Once Upon a Time (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Captain Hook | Killian Jones, Emma Swan, Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time)
Relationships: Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Emma Swan
Additional Tags: Captain Swan Pupstravaganza (Once Upon a Time), Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Fluff, Dogs
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/33VQ6Fd
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darkcolinodonorgasm · 5 years
Arm’d with Hell flames and fury all at once (1/2)
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A/N: helloooooo there! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY @kmomof4 !!! My dear, may your day be beautiful and wonderful as you are ♥ This is my @cspupstravaganza contribution, but also my birthday gift for you. Well, part of it, since I also have another event coming up and this thing escalated a biiiiiiiit too much. I still hope you like it :3 (also, sorry, but no Walsh in here hehe)
Big, ginormous shoutout to @awkwardnessandbaseball and @snowbellewells for helping me with this fic - apparently, using not one, but two sets of eyes to go over your fic means you don’t need your glasses anymore. Thank you, dear ladies, you are awesome ♥
Summary: It should’ve been easy: hike up the hill, vanish the ghost, go back home, possibly without being killed or possessed in the meantime. But fighting monsters had never been easy, not even when hunters made it appear so. When hunting, things never go as planned, and sure as hell the girl you like doesn’t bring a puppy along, and you surely aren’t keeping very important secrets from your friends. Too bad said secrets won’t remain such for long, and that the dog hiding in the girl’s backpack isn’t exactly a regular dog.
Loosely based on this prompt.
Read on ao3 - ffnet
«Bloody ley lines.»
Killian looked at the sky. No, he glared at it.
Storybrooke, Maine, an almost deserted town in the middle of nowhere, next to the ocean. Peculiarity of said little town was its location. No, not quite the middle of nowhere, but its longitude and latitude, which corresponded to the intersection of several ley lines. Not just two. Several.
«You say something, Jones?»
Will's voice startled him, and all his gracefulness left him, sending him almost face first on the muddy ground.
At least his reflexes weren't useless, unlike his sixth sense, or whatever one might call his superpower of sorts. The ley lines kept fucking it up, to put it nicely, always messing with his perception of supernatural beings.
Ah, yes. Right. The supernatural beings.
Well, ley lines were important vessels of pure magic, their intersections places where witches and warlocks performed rituals - and sometimes even summoned… things.
Said intersections were also the most common places where to find dangerous creatures.
Perhaps dangerous wasn't the right adjective, though. Or rather, it was, but much like there were evil witches, there were also good ones. And werewolves, too. Vampires… jury was still out on that one.
«Nay, Scarlett, it’s not as if I have any air left in my lungs to even breathe!»
That was a lie, of course. Not only because he’d just formed a sentence, but because of the ley lines as well.
Why he’d stayed in Storybrooke was beyond him. Well, that was another lie.
He looked back, where a blonde young woman was struggling with the steep slope, her palms and fingers red and covered in scratches as she tightened her grip on the lowest branch she could reach.
Killian bit his lower lip, ultimately letting himself slip lower to help her up. When she gave him a grateful smile, Killian felt all the air leave his lungs. So much for still being able to breathe. That happened quite often when Emma Swan was involved. Or was not. Even just a mention of her name was enough to make his heart beat wildly in his chest. And leave him breathless, apparently.
«You are all drama queens.» Will rolled his eyes, resuming the hike.
«Do you think I’d go to hell if I shot him?»
It took Killian a few moments before realizing Emma was speaking to him, too focused on her hand resting on his forearm. When he did, his complexion turned as red as the berries growing in a bush a few feet from them «I-I think they’d make you a Saint instead.»
Smooth, Jones, bloody smooth.
The faint blush colouring the apples of her cheeks made him grin.
«Hey, lovebirds,» Robin shouted from way above them, somewhere beyond the trees in their line of sight, «stop whatever you are doing that’s scaring the squirrels and keep walking!»
Killian choked on air whilst Emma’s face was so red it started to radiate heat.
The two of them being lovebirds was a common joke among their friends, borne out of nowhere - or so they thought, because they totally didn’t yearn or make eyes at each other - and no one ever let the occasion to say something about them slip away. For their part, Emma and Killian just rolled their eyes, flushing red, of course, but dismissed those jokes with a shrug or a wave of the hand.
«You think in Heaven they’ll have space for two Saints if we kill them both?» Emma muttered, adjusting the strap of the admittedly huge backpack she was carrying. It wasn’t like her to carry such bulky baggage. Usually, in fact, all she required were several daggers hidden all over her body - and Killian definitely had never dreamt of searching for those daggers himself, ever - and the occasional wooden stick to stab vampires with. And her trusted gun with magazines of silver bullets. She couldn't possibly be carrying a crossbow in there. Besides, there was something about it that didn't sit quite right with him, now that he looked at it more closely.
His attention snapped back to Emma herself when she moved forward, using him as a support. Why couldn't they go find haunted houses near the sea? Or take the actual road to get there? It wasn't as if ghosts could escape the confines of the property they haunted.
But no, Robin had suggested they take the unmarked trail through the woods, never mentioning the climb to get to the tumbledown house.
«We'd better go now. Neither of us is as good at tracking as those two.»
Killian quirked a brow at Emma's words. «Speak for yourself, love. I am indeed very good at navigating the sea, whether it be made of water or wood.»
Emma looked at him, one eyebrow raised in amusement. She opened her mouth to say something surely cutting but was interrupted by a piercing whistle.
«If I'm sent to Hell, Jones, I'll drag you down with me.»
With that, Emma left a gulping and an alarmingly pale Killian behind.
 The house was exactly the one a brochure would assure you was haunted. Which, by the way, it was, but whenever real estate agents claimed a ghost wandered through the halls, all they meant was the abundance of whispers the wind generated and the sinister creaking sounds created by whatever phenomenon had the almost rotten wooden floorboards emit said noise. And they never talked about the cottage deep inside the forest nearby, into which a couple had just moved in with their newborn child and the crying sound one could hear was not some kind of ghost of a child.
However, the houses listed as haunted, were never actually so. This one, instead, was. What was worse, was that it wasn’t haunted by a mere spirit, it was haunted by a bloody witch.
Killian could feel it, he could feel her and her power. It was a welcome side effect of his nature, to be able to sense supernatural beings. In the case of Emma Swan, it was a curse. He should’ve told her. He should’ve told her many things, first of all that she was a witch, or half-witch, he had no idea who her parents were, much like she didn’t.
But, of course, he hadn’t, and now it was too late.
The moment they’d settled their eyes on the house, they all knew something was wrong, really wrong. Whilst neither Robin or Will were in possession of any kind of powers, they both were seasoned hunters, and whereas their skills were more indicated to hunt down wendigos or woodland creatures, they were deadly against most of all the other beings. They still hunted down werewolves, if they needed to, but Robin’s men had stipulated a truce with those creatures after his son, Roland, was bitten, turning into a were himself. It wasn’t easy, but everyone was making an effort in the name of their love for Roland.
Emma and Killian weren’t exactly part of Robin’s men, they were loners - in more ways than one. Given their young age, both of them not even being twenty-five years old yet, Robin had taken them in. Sort of. They still lived their separate lives, but they hunted together, giving Killian and Emma a purpose.
All around them, the place was quiet, too quiet, too still, unnaturally so.
Therefore, when Emma’s backpack started to whine, three pair of eyes glared at her - in Killian’s case, stared; he wasn’t able to glare at her, unless he was extremely pissed off. It didn't happen often, not with Emma, at least.
Her usually pale complexion turned a bright pink; for the first time, Killian witnessed Emma Swan being truly and utterly embarrassed, so much so that her blush had reached her hairline.
«What the bloody buggerin' hell do you have in that bloody backpack?» Will hissed, moving to stand next to her, wrenching one of the straps from her shoulder.
Emma hissed, clearly both in pain and anger, her eyes reducing to two slits. «What the fuck, Scarlett?»
Her protest fell on deaf ears because the backpack was literally torn open and something black fell on the ground in a heap of four… five legs? No, no, there were four of those, and a tail. A long one. A, black, fluffy one. It wasn’t the only fluffy thing, though, everything of that creature was black and fluffy and-
«Why the bloody hell did you bring that bloody thing here of all the bloody places on this bloody buggering earth?»
The amount of “bloody” Will managed to insert in that sentence was nothing compared to whatever bloody that creature could do. Killian’s eyes widened when he realized what it was, something he’d never seen but knew about. And the stories he’d heard did not have a happy ending.
«Fenrir is a dog, as you can clearly see, Scarlett. Do I need to tell Whale to check your eyes?» Emma snapped, staring daggers at the man as she knelt down to check on the pup, who was wagging his tail. When he started to lick Emma’s fingers, Killian sucked in a breath. Everything he was seeing was making all his beliefs on the matter crumble.
«Swan,» he tried, stepping closer. He needed to warn her, he needed to-
The dog turned his head, his whole body going still the moment his golden brown eyes fell on Killian. It was as if he’d suddenly heard his master’s words.
An odd and chilling sensation settled deep inside Killian’s bones.
And then, the dog’s eyes began to glow a deep, dark red.
«Bloody hell!»
Killian couldn’t even find it in himself to sigh, too worried about what would happen now.
«What the hell is that?» Robin finally decided to intervene, the grip on his bow getting firmer, the fingers of his free hand twitching, clearly desiring to notch an arrow and shoot the creature.
«That, Robin, is a hellhound.»
Everyone stared at Killian, jaws dropping in disbelief. «He’s a what?» Emma asked, pulling her hand away and standing. When she stepped away from the dog, something inside of Killian died a bit. If this was her reaction to a simple dog, she would cut him out completely once she knew about his true nature.
«How do you know that?»
«Yes, darling, how do you know?»
Killian whirled around, dread tightening its icy fingers around him like a vice, making him feel as if he'd been drowning and the water had frozen over all around him, encasing him in its deadly embrace.
He knew that voice, and he should've thought about it before embarking on this let's-hunt-a-ghost adventure.
His brother's voice was damning him in seven different languages from the ether for forgetting about the woman who'd killed him and their mother. The woman Killian had killed.
«Eloise,» he spat, unconsciously moving in front of Emma. They didn't know what Eloise was capable of; they didn't know how dangerous she was. There was an absurd lack of knowledge lately, it might have been better if they'd just forgotten all about monsters and whatnot for the rest of their lives, especially since said lives seemed to shorten by the minute.
The fluctuating ghost squinted, glaring at Killian as her upper lip curled in a light snarl. Killian's mouth quirked, almost betraying a smile. Oh, she still hated to be called with the pseudonym she'd used to infiltrate his family's life.
There was always a drop of contentment when you managed to succeed in irritating your adversary when facing certain death.
«Jones,» Robin cut in, fingers brushing the feathers at the back of the arrow he’d grabbed, «how?»
Killian knew he wasn’t asking him how he knew Eloise, not now: he was asking him how to take her down, if he knew where her bones were buried or if he knew another way to defeat her.
The ghost tilted her head, her lips curling into a cruel smirk. «Yes, Jones, do you know how to banish the ghost of the woman you killed?»
Between the four of them, they’d killed their fair share of creatures, some more dangerous than others, therefore being accused of another death wasn’t strange. It was, however, when said accusation came straight from the victim.
Killian growled low in his throat. «I only wish I had considered you’d find a way to come back and torment me after killing my family.»
Eloise laughed, a deafening sound that still filled his nightmares. «Oh, Killian, you still are the same naïve young man you were years ago,» she patronized him, fluctuating closer and extending her right arm to take his chin between her thumb and forefinger. Even if she couldn’t touch him, his nature allowed him to sense her as if she was still alive. «There is no way a witch as powerful as your mother could care for someone, not even the fruits of her own womb.» She pulled away, laughing quietly to herself. «Especially when they are the spawn of the demon who broke her heart.»
A massive shadow flew past Killian. It would’ve hit the witch straight in the chest if she’d been human. The hellhound, now looking more like a huge black wolf instead of a pup, got back on his legs, face low as if ready to attack her again, ready to protect his Master.
It wasn’t a coincidence the hellhound had showed up today, not the day she had showed up again, haunting him so to finish what she’d started five years ago. At the time, he’d been just a lad of seventeen, the magic from his mother’s side reacting to his raging hormones and his father’s inheritance presenting just then, threatening to corrupt his soul.
A loud laugh echoed through the open space of what used to be a beautiful garden, Killian was sure of that. It reminded him-
«Bloody bastard,» he seethed, recognizing this place as his childhood home. He was certain it wasn’t the same place, not when that was in the outskirts of London and was kept by a nice butler named Smee. No, this was an illusion, an admirable one, especially for a dead witch.
Bloody fuck.
«We’re not alone,» Killian realized in a whisper, warning his friends at the same time.
As if summoned, cloaked figures emerged from the shadows cast by the trees.
«A coven,» Robin breathed, clearly scared. There was little that scared the man like a witch did, his beloved wife had died by the hand of one of the most cruel ones, whose half-sister bewitched him during a full moon night and conceived a daughter. Said daughter was now part of the Merry Men, had no ounce of magic flowing through her veins, and was a good archer herself. Robin’s hatred for witches was another reason why Killian had stayed silent about Emma and himself. Funny how now he wished he’d let her cultivate her magic. It would’ve made it easier.
The scenery around them changed drastically, more ruins scattered all over the place, the area like a green desert devoured by poison ivy and briars erupting from the center of the earth. A quick glance was all Killian needed to recognize that plant, that magical remedy Eloise had claimed would cure Liam’s poisoned heart, a heart she’d poisoned herself to keep Killian away from him, to make him go against his mother’s wishes and ask Eloise for help. He’d been partially responsible for his family’s death, but had thought he’d avenged them. What a fool.
Killian’s jaw was clenched so tightly, it felt like it would disintegrate in a fraction of a second. «Do not touch that plant,» he warned his friends, hoping he could still call them ‘friends’ and that they would listen to him. At least about the dreamshade.
Warm fingers laced through his. Looking down, Killian found himself shocked to realize the hand holding his belonged to Emma. That shouldn’t be happening, she should’ve been scared, ready to kill him and pissed because he’d not told her the truth about his nature.
Instead, Emma just smiled, reassuring. «Let’s end this bitch and make sure there’ll be a later in which you’ll reply to all my questions, alright?»
Killian almost laughed. That was his Swan, the woman who’d bewitched him. What a relief it was that she’d not done that literally. He found himself nodding, squeezing her hand in return. She was real, she was alive. «There’s something you need to know, love,» Killian murmured in a hurry, knowing that Eloise was watching, listening, waiting for the right moment.
As if she was dying to prove just that, Eloise laughed. «Oh, my, Killian, you haven’t told her?» A tsk left her lips, head shaking; the way her many braids moved made her mane look like Medusa’s, evil snakes ready to end a life. Even if she was a ghost, the witch was powerful, Killian had known then and he knew it now, standing once more in front of her. She was crueler than most, and Killian had known his fair share of evil creatures. It was surprising, even with the past he had with her, that she’d managed to create a coven of witches clearly ready to reach her even in the land of the dead.
A thought shot through his mind, but was quickly cast aside when Emma spoke again, her nails digging into the flesh at his wrist. It was all she could do to keep herself in check, to restrain herself from asking Eloise what Killian had hidden from her. Unexpectedly, the hellhound growled. Killian cast him a quick glance, wondering. The hound snapped his head towards him, red eyes glowing in understanding. A thrill ran down Killian’s spine, excitement and terror mingling together.
«Oh, I don’t think so,» Eloise said, snapping Killian out of his thoughts. «Gretel,» she called, and the hound was enveloped in briars of nightshade, the thorns magically elongated to penetrate through his thick fur and pierce the skin.
The hound howled in despair, a blood-curdling sound which shot painfully through Killian’s heart. There were legends about hellhounds, that they were born with a demon and would stand by them for eternity, and even if they weren’t linked from birth, they could serve under only one demon forever, becoming their companion.
As far as he knew, Killian had never seen the dog before, but in that moment he couldn’t deny it: they were bonded, somehow.
And, somehow, they had to find a way to free him. The poison wouldn’t kill him, but it would make him weak, and the tight grip the briars had on him made it impossible for the hound to move.
He was their only chance to destroy Eloise for good.
Unless, of course, a miracle happened, but “up there”, they had never been much for helping.
A choked scream and the dull sound of a body falling to the leaves-covered ground made Killian look towards the treeline, where a cloak was gathered in a heap, its hood not revealing the face beneath. It wasn’t the body itself that caught the attention, but the arrow stuck in the woman’s chest, emerging proudly from it.
He couldn’t help but look back, disbelieving eyes settling on a quite smug Robin.
The man just shrugged, totally looking like one of those western characters that would’ve blown the steam away from a Colt after a perfect shot. «Zelena was a bit helpful,» he said, grabbing another arrow, arrow that was apparently capable to penetrate through some magical shield and that the witches couldn’t just push away with a wave of their hand.
He didn’t want to think about it much.
Eloise looked enraged.
«As you can see, Eloise-»
«It’s Mother Gothel,» she screeched like a banshee. In less than a second, a clap of thunder pierced the air and their ears.
She wasn’t supposed to have powers. She was also supposed to be dead, Killian hissed to himself. But no, it wasn’t her magic, it was her coven’s. How she could master it, however, was a mystery he didn’t care to uncover, too afraid it would corrupt him irredeemably. All his life, Killian had walked a thin line, like a funambulist balancing on a tightrope, trying not to succumb to the darkness inside him calling, tempting him. And oh, was he so tempted right now. But he couldn’t: he had too much at stake.
For the right cause, though, he might.
«Funny,» Killian ground through his teeth, «you’ve entered my life as Eloise, and left it as such. I know no Gothel, and you certainly are no mother.»
The moment the last word left his mouth, Killian raised his left arm, creating a barrier between them and Eloise’s ghost, keeping the witches on the other side as well.
For a few, interminable seconds, nobody spoke. It was as if time had stopped completely.
«Why the bloody hell didn’t you do that earlier?» Will asked in indignation.
Killian whirled around and looked at him, shock marring his features even if he was quick to school it. «And risk being hit by one of Rob's arrows? Thank you, but no, thank you.»
Will huffed, shaking his head. He was clearly about to say something snarky but a whimper left him speechless. What left Killian speechless, though, was Will striding to the briars and cutting them with impressive accuracy, careful not to touch the thorns. Killian had to bite his tongue not to warn him about them again.
Once free, the hound shook his whole body, black blood leaking from the puncture wounds and darkening the fur. Killian felt his heart ache at the sight, the dog’s pain seeping into his soul as if it was his own.
Still maintaining the barrier up, aware of the numerous spells being cast against it. Storing up his magic for years might have made him weak in certain aspects, but he still had the strength of a demon. Eloise had chosen the wrong hybrid to mess with. Fool me once…
«Shhh,» Killian gently hushed the hound, who leaned his head into Killian’s open palm when he brought it up to brush the soft fur, kneeling on the ground. The dog nosed his palm, leaving a cold wetness behind. He could feel a rush of power between them, their bond serving as a healing spell and so much more: Killian could sense the hound’s wounds remarginate and his pain slowly quench.
It was like the vibrating sound of a music note, the sensation penetrating Killian’s entire body, settling deep inside his bones where it kept humming quietly, still present and impossible to forget about.
The hound opened his mouth, panting, and his tongue lolled out in the resemblance of a smile which Killian reciprocated, a spark of normality - as much as a bond between a hybrid and a hellhound could be - in the very middle of a war.
A moment later, when another spell hit the barrier, the hound moved a few steps back, starting to tremble slightly.
Knowing what was about to happen, Killian rushed back to his feet. «Stay back,» he whispered, hand connecting with Emma’s arm. He didn’t look at her, not wanting to face whatever emotion he would read in her wonderful jade eyes. Anger, disappointment, sadness… he deserved it all.
«Jones?» Will asked in mild panic, eyes almost falling out of his head, watching as the hound slowly grew in height and mass in front of them. A quick glance at Eloise’s raging expression made Killian’s smirk widen.
When the hound stopped trembling, he stretched on his front legs, deadly sharp nails clawing at the ground, his tail curling over his back.
Will blanched visibly once the hound stood in all his magnificence, his withers reaching Killian’s shoulders.
«Bloody hell.»
«Magnificent,» Killian breathed, the demonic beauty of the hound was breathtaking, enchanting, even. The charm of evil.
The blood red eyes of the hound gleamed, breaking Killian out of his reverie. As much as he would’ve loved to take his time to bond with his new friend, time was running out. He turned to Emma, her unintelligible expression a wound to his heart.
«Swan,» he said, almost taking her hands in his before thinking twice about it and curling his fingers into fists, nails biting painfully into his palms. «We need to create a portal to hell.»
«We?» she asked, shock breaking through her emotions like the sun on a cloudy day.
After all that was sorted out, they would need to check Will’s mental health: all of these new bits of information and emotions were taking their toll on him.
Robin, meanwhile, just rolled his eyes. It was strange, how calm he was about all of this, as if he knew. Or, perhaps, he was just very good at bottling everything up under pressure, which was something to give him credit for.
«Aye, love, we.» Killian took a deep breath, closing his eyes briefly. «Forgive my bluntness, I wish I’d told you all of this sooner. You have magic, Emma. Someone, a warlock or witch, must have locked it with their magic-»
«Someone put a spell on me?»
A smile threatened to appear on his face. «As a matter of fact, yes. Someone did, and if we had the time, I could try and search for their signature, but we don’t. I can, however, unlock your magic. After this, we need to create a portal to hell to allow my hound to get to my father.» Killian rushed out the last sentence, ashamed of his parentage. No, not quite ashamed of who he was, but of how he would be perceived by Emma. His mother had been an exception, but there was a question that had haunted him for years: who could ever love a demon?
Emma held his gaze, studying him, searching for a lie, a trick, something that had changed in Killian in the last few minutes, and he couldn’t help but hold his breath, hoping the knowledge that he wasn’t completely human wouldn’t break the trust she placed him.
Whatever doubt she had, even the most quiet alarm bell in the back of her mind, meant nothing, was nothing: what Killian was wouldn’t change who he was, not to her eyes.
«Do it.» It was barely a whisper, yet Killian heard it. When disbelief morphed his features, Emma squeezed his hands, pronouncing three words she’d never told anyone: «I trust you.»
Killian’s mouth hung open, her confession clearly unexpected. It shouldn’t have surprised him: everything Emma Swan did was unexpected.
For the briefest moment, he wondered how kissing her would make things turn out. For everyone’s sake, it was best he didn’t. Later, perhaps.
«The barrier won’t hold for much longer,» he said hurriedly, his spell weakening already. Too soon. «Unlocking your magic will drain mine, as will the ritual to open the portal. I’ll need to access your magic, and to do so, I’ll need you to trust me. Completely.»
If he thought he’d see even the barest flicker of doubt in her eyes, Killian found himself pleasantly disappointed by his own assumptions. There was no trace of distrust, and if another spell hadn’t hit the barrier and the hound hadn’t growled in warning, Killian would’ve kissed her.
Forcing himself to look away from Emma, he looked at Robin and a still shell-shocked Will. «The moment the portal closes, the barrier won’t protect you anymore. You have to be ready.»
Robin nodded, readying the arrows. He was scanning his surroundings, clearly going over his own shooting strategy again. «How long until your new… mate comes back?»
Killian sighed. He feared what would happen next. Summoning a Prince of Hell - nay, begging him to come without a proper ritual - would entail destruction, death, some even believed the Apocalypse. Only once had he been summoned, and it had ended up with him falling in love with a witch.
What a coincidence, Killian mused, then shook his head.
«Hopefully, not much.» And he meant it: time in Hell ran differently, it either stretched or sped up depending on which nightmare the devil or a demon torturer wanted their victim to relive. Demons had quite the twisted sense of justice, more leaning towards vengeance. Yet, they would still call it justice, and sometimes Killian found himself wondering when exactly the line was crossed.
Once Robin nodded, slowly, assimilating this new information, Killian nodded back.
Taking a deep breath, he turned to Emma, grateful no hesitation could be seen on her face. His heart skipped a beat or two, the faith she was putting in him an unbelievable concept to him. Shaking off any uncertainty he may have, Killian curled his fingers around hers. «Follow my lead. Whatever you do, please, please, don’t let go until it’s over.»
Emma nodded, and whatever fear Killian had finally loosened its grip on him. He might not have practiced much in the last years, but growing up, he’d read his mother’s and ancestors’ grimoire over and over, memorizing spells and potions of all kinds: if there was something Killian Jones knew as the back of his hand, was magic.
Closing his eyes brought darkness, yet he could feel and hear everything that was going on around him, every breath of air, every spell sent their way, the tremors shaking the still-standing barrier between them and certain death.
And then, he sensed it, his magic.
It was neither pure or dark, it was just magic, made to be used whether for bad or good, but never defined by its own nature. It purred like a cat, stretching just like a feline until it was ready to attack, to spread death all around whether he allowed it to.
Not now, he hushed it gently, making it almost pout in disappointment. He chuckled inwardly before settling into a more serious attitude.
As if without any rush, Killian let his magic flow from him to Emma, the enchantment he knew - the one he’d searched for just in case, the one he’d studied night and day and wondered if it would ever be useful - already on his lips.
Words could only describe the blocking spell someone had cast on Emma as such: a plug preventing the water to descend into a drain, a cork forced into a glass bottle, a tightly fastened iron well curb, yet clearly something that wasn’t easily removable.
For Killian, such a spell wasn’t an easy task, and his mother was a clearly better witch, but he wasn’t stupid either. Yet, when his magic touched the block, he recognized it like he would recognize Alice’s embrace when he came home from school, excited to tell her about his days.
It took him all his strength not to open his eyes and let go of Emma’s hands in shock.
Mum, he thought sadly, longingly, wanting to make the moment last a little bit longer when wishing for more time wasn’t an option.
Her warm smile flashed before his closed eyes, and Killian tugged gently at the block as if he were a ribbon on a gift, his mom’s magic dissolving like ripples on the water’s surface when they were too far out of reach, much like Alice Jones was.
Killian had no idea why she’d blocked Emma’s magic, answers could be found later, cried and fought upon, but now there were more pressing matters at hand.
It was as if the block had waited for him to free the magic inside of the loner girl haunting his dreams; if this was destiny or not, Killian hadn’t the faintest idea.
A gasp pierced his focused mind. Emma’s palms were slick with sweat against his, but she didn’t let go, tightening her grip on his hands. Her fingers were holding on so tightly he knew they’d leave faint bruises in their wake.
Stay with me, Killian murmured in her mind, using his own presence and magic to calm her. Through their connection, Killian could sense how she felt, her terror, how she was overwhelmed yet felt complete, and that spark of curiosity would soon become a bonfire, that he knew for sure: when he’d been a child, he’d felt just like that.
Sadness broke through all those emotions, and Killian was surprised and ashamed when he realized Emma, too, could feel him. He had clearly underestimated this connection, far more intimate than he’d thought it would be.
Her magic and Killian’s touched, creating inside them tiny fireworks with the power of a thousand suns. Had it happened during some other moment, a more private, intimate one, they would’ve let it consume them, and it wasn’t the first time Killian fantasized-
Nails dug gently into his skin.
Biting back his smirk, Killian let himself admire Emma’s magic - so unbelievably pure - before focusing on the other spell.
Many were the ways to create a portal between worlds, or realms, as Killian preferred to call them, but only one was the way to summon a portal to Hell, very different than summoning demons, and more dangerous as well.
The only way in - and out, for that matter - consisted of pronouncing a simple spell in an archaic language known to demons only, and a demon’s blood.
The moment he changed his hold over her hand and placed it above the other two, a surge of power shot through his right arm. Freeing his hand from Emma’s hold but making sure she wouldn’t let go of him, Killian held out his arm, the sleeve riding up enough to expose his wrist.
He felt confusion coming from Emma, and he squeezed her hand in return, reassuring her everything was alright and getting a squeeze from both her hands in return, but it all disappeared when a stinging pain shot up his forearm.
As gently as he could, the hellhound had pierced his skin, allowing four rivulets of blood to smear Killian’s pale skin. Thick drops of blood fell on the ground. As soon as they touched the earth, it began to shake.
Differently from what many believed, Hell wasn’t located at the center of the earth: much like other realms, it existed in parallel.
The earth shook, but didn’t open, not in a literal way. What appeared next to them was the mouth of a vortex, burgundy and black mingling together as flaming lightning appeared from time to time and Robin and Will’s eyes were dragged towards its center, a dreadful yet hypnotizing sight, much like all things evil.
Killian felt his knees weaken, and he locked them, holding onto Emma to support himself.
Sensing the hound’s hesitation, Killian uttered his strong order: «Go.»
In a matter of seconds, just as Killian felt the tip of the hound’s tail disappear, the portal closed.
The earth stopped shaking and, for a few instants, everything became still.
Until Killian’s knees hit the ground, and the barrier around them shattered.
Tagging: @resident-of-storybrooke @winterbaby89 @objectsatsleepstayatsleep @gingerchangeling @ilovemesomekillianjones @jennjenn615 @killianjonesownsmyheart1  @wyntereyez @kday426 @therooksshiningknight @sals86 @superchocovian @thejollyroger-writer @heavenlyjoycastle
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gingerchangeling · 6 years
Gingerchangeling- Master Post
One Shots
The Crown (M)- Ao3 and FF
Attending the Renaissance Faire was not Emma Swan’s idea of a good time. But there may be someone who could change that.
My first Contribution to @cscocktoberfest. Check out their collection on Ao3 or here!
Many many thanks to my perfect one @bluegraywilde and my wonderful beta @courtorderedcake.
The Captain (M)- Ao3 and FF
When Emma signed Henry up for a week long course for his birthday, she had no idea that it would lead her to meeting… The Captain.
Here is my second submission to @cscocktoberfest! Enjoy!! Check out their collection on Ao3 or here!
Alpha Cygni (M)- Ao3 an FF
Written for CSSV 2018 for shipsxahoy: requested AU with fantasy/sci-fi elements, work rivals, soul mates, and inspired by Stardust with a little angst and smut thrown in. Hope you like it!!!!!
It Will Not Be Long, Love (G)- Ao3 and FF
My CS Secret Santa 2018 gift to @love-with-you-i-have-everything. It was a rough night in the Swan-Jones household. Bath times, scars, and nightmares. It takes coming to the brink of falling back into darkness to realize just how much light you have.
Another Attachment (M)- Ao3 and FF
So my muse abandons me for months, and then today comes and continuously hits me with a baseball bat until I write this. *Also unbeta’d cause he’s on a date, so forgive any errors. Essentially very long smut with some angst and comfort thrown in.
Emma is not sure what to get Killian for their first anniversary. And then she is…
Lost, But Not Forever (M)- Ao3 and FF
Pan pays the Neverland crew a visit that has Emma in a panic. And when Neal comes across her trying to deal with her frustration and fear, he did not expect to witness how even lost ones can find each other.
The Shadow of the Deep (G) - Ao3 and FF
After a fight with Snow, David finds himself at the sea. And gets some of the wisdom the sea can give.
No Change (G) - Ao3  
I read part 1, part 2, (and now part 3 of @winterbythesea‘s beautiful fic The Look of Love for the prompt on @csprompter: a one shot where Emma gets hit with a love spell where she falls in love with the first person she sees, and she sees Hook and everyone is like “uh oh!” but Emma acts EXACTLY THE SAME AS BEFORE And this kind of wrote itself.
Rent-A-Wag (G) -  Ao3 and FF
Written for the CS Pupstravaganza event- An app that lets people rent time with other people's dogs and David books a session for Emma in secret. But she might get a bit more than the half hour that David booked for her.
The Misthaven Witch - Ao3 and FF (Ch 2 - Ao3 and FF)
When Will Scarlett drunkenly accuses Killian Jones of being afraid of the town’s local legend, he of course has to set his inebriated friend straight. Because there is nothing to fear about the ruins of Misthaven...... and the witch rumored to reside there.
That Most Common of Afflictions - Ao3 and FF
Emma know she has a letter for a standard parent teacher conference. Emma knows that the dreaded Valentine's Day is quickly approaching. What Emma doesn't know is exactly how intertwined those two facts of life are going to become.
I Didn't Know Where Else To Go - Ao3 and FF
What if, when Cora arrived in Storybrooke, she was just a bit more direct about it all?
Her Smile - Ao3 and FF
What happens when too many misunderstandings stack up on top of each other? (Basically, it started as the idea that Killian would be hyperaware of how his physical presence would affect Belle, and then just........ kept going)
The Choice That Matters - Ao3 and FF
Hook awakes from a dream and find solace upon the deck, but unexpectedly, not from the sea.
Hallowed Be Thy Name - Ao3 and FF
A future spec fic for what could be in a sequel episode, where JJ Sneed escapes the noose and goes to hunt down the woman who bested him- Maddie Hawkins
Quenched In Blood - Ao3 and FF
Based on the very real history of the infamous Ulfbehrt blades- a set of Viking swords found across the vast expanse of northern Europe, each with a metallurgical makeup that should have been impossible to achieve with the skill and resources for another thousand years in the west. How were these blades crafted? Where did they come from? Why were they made? Perhaps it was with desperate hands that had everything to loose? Hand that had everything on the line- family, home, safety, freedom? Love?
By Your Lights (M) - Ao3 and FF
Killian Jones, desperate professor trying to get tenure and earns extra income on the side using his interior design degree, somehow gets roped into acting as Santa this Christmas and listen to all the earnest wishes of the children of Storybrooke. But after one boy makes a quiet and selfless wish, Killian might find out that Christmas miracles can happen- if someone tries hard enough to make them.
Luck of the Irish (M)- Ao3 and FF
Emma needs parent volunteer hours. So she offers to chaperon Henry’s upcoming field trip to the museum. Its just a pack of prepubescent angst ridden children, an exhibit about dead people, and a rock used in blood sacrifices with a curse carved into it. What’s the worst that could happen?
Scammed (M)- Ao3 and FF
Emma just wanted to relax at the end of her day. But there are always those annoying scam calls……..
A Lifetime Of Almosts Made Up In An Instant Of Always (M)- Ao3 and FF
Emma Swan, Bailbondperson and mother extraordinaire gets hired to act as body guard after she is approached by an agent. The only problems? She is supposed to accompany her charge out of the country, her charge is an actor, and that actor is Killian Jones, a man she has loathed since she met him.
Yo ho ho @thejacketandthehook!!! I am your Secret Santa and here is your promised Bodyguard AU! hater-to-lovers fic!! And because I have no self control and I have actually been wanting to write this for a while, its turned into a multichapter.
Crimson Shadow (M)- Ao3 and FF
Let me tell you- all that fairy tale isht about happy endings and true love…. It’s a lie. And yet, I must also acknowledge (despondently and with no small amount of bitterness) that like all great lies, it does have a grain of truth. Granted, that particular grain is trying to kill me and my best friend, but a grain of truth nevertheless. Now shut up, sit back, and enjoy the show of how isht hit the fan, and I and my best friend came to Storybrooke and to be here, face to face, knowing only one of us would live to see tomorrow.
This multi-chapter is my baby. It came to me when I thought “How would I react if I found myself in a magical town with screwed up families and smoking hot men around every corner?” mixed with “How much self insertion I can get away with before it’s obvious?”
A Darkness For The Light (M)- Ao3 and FF
She has no choice but to find Him. A young, innocent princess must seek out help from the one person she was told to never encounter. The Dark One-aboard his blood soaked ship, driven by the winds of revenge against the very world that created him. The only question that remains is will he help the frail child of light or allow his darkness to consume them both, and her kingdom along with them.
This was born out of a prompt I saw and the beast decided that it would be a great idea to just keep going. The prompt was Wish!verse Emma and Dark!Hook AU. And this ridiculous hydra was born.
The Disaster Series (M)- Ao3 (FF are listed individually on the Disaster Series Page)
The only way that nature knows how to change is to destroy itself. And then something new arises from the destruction. It is only by disaster that it can grow.
A series of on-going one shots that explore various emotional hurdles that both Emma and Killian undergo throughout the course of their years together, and how they help heal each other, using the coming together of their bodies to let their spirits embrace.
The Secret of Inis Oiche (M)- Ao3 and FF
Emma never had a family, and every year on her birthday she makes the same wish. That Henry will always have people who love him. So when a letter arrives, addressed to her with two plane tickets to Ireland, she doesn’t know what to do. Especially since the letter is addressed to “Our Darling Daughter.”
In Search Of The Sea Wolf (M)- Ao3 and FF
Emma Swan, the woman that fate had decided to leave behind. Emma Swan, the woman who lives only for her son. Emma Swan, the unwilling golden child of Golden Enterprises. When she is tasked by her employer, Robert Gold, with the assignment that could “make or break the fate of all those within this company,” Emma Swan could hardly believe that a rural town on an island off the coast of western Canada is what held key to that fate. Going undercover in the town, with her son in tow, can she complete her assignment? Or is there something even greater at stake? It all falls to her, Emma Swan, the woman that fate has thrown to the wolves. The Sea Wolves.
Written for the Captain Swan Supernatural Summer! This was inspired by an article from National Geographic years ago about sea wolves. I’m combining that with some of my favorite of Irish mythology.
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