#csi 5x13
buildinggsr · 5 months
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Jorja Fox as Sara Sidle’s Awesome Portraits Collection CSI 5.13
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lilcathsmith · 2 months
finally decided to make a part 2 Season 5 - 9 Greg still bringing the good vibes
season 1 - 4 here
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fandom-hoarder · 1 year
I'm on the Misha ep of CSI, 5x13. A few eps ago, Adrianne Palicki was on.
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woppy-my-beloved · 3 years
Random Questions from Starla Deluna about Misha’s roles outside Supernatural.  CSI Season 5 Episode 13 - Nesting Dolls
So we all know Misha plays the Receptionist Vlad in this episode, He is the partner of Chloe the owner of  Madame Matryoshka's a beauty shop. A former employee of the beauty shop named Svetlana is missing for 2 years at this point and ends up being found buried and encased in roofing tar.  But besides here there is another body underneath her. For the body underneath they simply find out that she tried to come into the country while hiding in a suitcase. For Svetlana they have to dig a bit deeper.
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                       SPOILER ALERT + Quick Summary/Recap
So they start the episode by going back to Svetlana’s ex husband who is allready remarried, and tells them Svetlana fell in love with someone else. They go back to her workplace Madame Matryoshka's and find out that it’s actually a key point in a Russian Mail order bride circle.
Svetlana was unhappy in her marriage, Andrew never beat her but there where signs that he was mentally abusive towards her, at her work Svetlana fell in love wuth a client named Ken and she wanted to escape Andrew. So she and had made him punch her so she could go to the hospital and falsely acuse Andrew of abuse. This resulted Ken’s blood being present on Svetlana’s body + clothes.
He is brought in for questioning, where he shows Brass a note from Svetlana telling him that she was running away. Ken finds it odd that the note refers to him as "Ken" because Svetlana always called him "Kenski." 
Their attempts at framing Andrew for abuse happend to be a succes since Andrew did spend a night in custody for false accusations. However not much more of it could be proven so he was let go. A days later Svetlana is murderd inside the Beauty Shop by her ex husband Andrew. However they have no proof of it. Untill they decide to examine the handwriting on the letter They compare the handwriting from the appointment book and the note Svetlana wrote to Ken. He finds that the letters are a match, meaning that the handwriting on both is Vlad's. They compare Vlad his credit card statements and find out that 5 years ago he brought alot of tar.
However not much later we see in a flashback Vlad coming up into the store whitnessing the murder and looking Andrew directly in the eyes.
Vlad cleaned up the crime scene of the body and took Svetlana to that oil field and dumped her in tar. As he did this same job before for certain Russian families. He dumps body, body never found. Vlad says that Andrew is a very good tipper.Then the question comes up if Andrew was a good tipper 5 years ago. Vlad says no, He explains that the girl beneath it couldn’t get a Visa but decided to come anyway in a suitcase. She didn’t survive the trip and Vlad decided to get rid of her.
With this they have a full confession from Andrew that he murderd his wife but Vlad’s faith is undecided.
And here are Starla’s questions about the episode & Vlad!
1. What the hell happend to Vlad? I mean he did just confess to whitnessing a murder, covering up a crime scene and burrying a body.
2. How did Vlad know in which suitcase the girl was hiding? Did he know which flight they came in and who the suitcase belonged too?
3. Why would Vlad get rid of the suitcase? If the girl came with nothing how would they know she would be there?
4. Why didn’t Vlad order multiply amounts of Tar? I know Tar can be used as a base for coatings and paint, in roofing and paving, and as a binder in asphalt products. A the amount would be less sucpicious and B. He could’ve just said Roofing repair.
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eddiestattoos · 3 years
Normal csi fans watching nesting dolls: it's the Sara ep
Me: it's the Misha Collins ep
(And the Sara opening up ep I'm not completely insane)
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*screams in Gil is so downright sexy*
I will try my best to be articulate.
So. The most striking thing to me (and, really, the crux of the whole matter) is his CONFIDENCE. And it's manifesting in what is to me such an attractive way...he's fucking irresistible.
I'd better not go on, in case some more less-than-respectful thots come out of me. But yeah, you get the gist.
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Hi there! When sara confessed to grissom that she still loves him on 5x12 snakes, why do you think grissom sent her to work with catherine on 5x13?
hi, anon!
so while episodes 05x12 "snakes" and 05x13 "nesting dolls" are certainly consecutive in terms of the airing order, they're actually not all that close together, chronologically speaking, in terms of the in-show timeline.
believe it or not, in-universe, they take place over three weeks apart from each other, with the events of the former episode happening in-universe on 01.12.05 and the latter on 02.03.05.
that so, i don't think there is actually any real correlation between sara's revelation in episode 05x12 "snakes" and grissom sending her to work with catherine in episode 05x13 "nesting dolls."
it's not as if sara blurts out that she's still in love with grissom and then he immediately the very next day "exiles her" to go work with catherine so that they don't have to be around each other.
rather, sara tells grissom she's still in love with him (in so many words), and then nearly a month passes—during which time, the two of them almost certainly end up working together elsewhere, just given the logistics of the split team—before he then loans out her services to catherine as a matter of availability rather than for any reason having to do with their personal relationship.
as grissom states in episode 05x13 "nesting dolls," the reason why sara is the csi he sends catherine from grave shift (as opposed to anyone else) is because sara is the csi from grave shift who just so happens to have wrapped her last case at the time when catherine finds herself in need of extra help.
had greg or sofia just wrapped a case instead of sara, then he might have just as soon sent one of them instead.
it's just a quirk of the schedule that sara is the one who is "up for grabs" at that particular juncture.
really, it has nothing to do with her or grissom's feelings for her specifically.
and especially not as, by this point in their relationship, i don't think grissom would be likely to try to foist sara off on catherine in order to avoid having to confront his feelings about her anyway. by mid-s5, he is in a much different headspace than he was in in s4; he's no longer running away from how he feels for sara. he's not trying to impose arbitrary distance between them anymore. she told him that she's still in love with him, and rather than being terrified, he's actually excited. he wants her close to him. he's not in the business of dodging the truth about their love for each other in the same way that he once did.
thanks for the question! please feel welcome to send another any time.
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okimargarvez · 5 years
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How CBS uses the same actors in different roles.
1- Josh Stewart.
*Robert Wharton in Ghost whisperer, 5x13 'Living nightmare'
*Colin Astor in CSI: Miami, 7x14 'Smoke gets in your CSI's'
*Sean Cleary in CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, 4x18, ‘Bad to the Bone’
*William LaMontagne Jr. in Criminal minds, recurring role
Note: only in CM he is totally a good guy 😂
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iriswestsallen · 6 years
Based on the 5x13 still, wouldn’t those criminals know Barry’s face because of the trial and that he’s a csi?
😂😂💀💀 you’d think that but nah consistency isn’t a thing. there are plot holes everywhere. it’s really freaking sad. they want the audience to think we’re as dumb as they are. 
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buildinggsr · 4 months
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Jorja Fox as Sara Sidle’s Awesome Portraits Collection CSI 5.21
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lilcathsmith · 2 months
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Greg in every episode of CSI (98/328) • Nesting Dolls •
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sophsun1 · 2 years
Did you ever watch the Stars In The House reunion? Hal said that he's always wanted more Queer as Folk (that he's even suggested a CSI thing, where it's like QAF Miami, QAF LA, QAF New York, etc, etc.) and I think that's such a fantastic idea, I don't understand why they haven't done it. I even think this new show could have been a good thing if it had been like a second generation thing - they could have taken characters like Gus, JR, and some new characters, and they could have made this new "woke" version of QAF without completely disregarding the original. I even think that it's a little bit offensive that they're just not mentioning it at all. Is it flawed? Absolutely. Is it offensive? For sure. But that doesn't take away from how incredibly important is was at the time, and everything that it did for the community. Scott even says in that SITH reunion that this was at a time when Bush was standing in the White House garden, promising to make it a law that gays couldn't marry. And these creators, these actors just went 'Fuck that. We're gonna shove this in your face, and it's gonna be unapologetic, and explicit, and you're gonna have to deal with it. We're not leaving.' Plus I do believe that it was the first show ever to show a wedding between two same-sex characters. This show is just so important. I'm happy to talk about the flaws, for sure, but to completely disregard it just feels... wrong. It feels bad. It did so many good things.
Hey anon!
As a fan I would absolutely love a follow up to the og cast and the characters, whether that would be a one off film or a couple of episodes following each pairing post 5x13. As to why it hasn't happened there's lots of factors to consider - would all the cast want to be involved, having a script/story arc that would live upto and not ruin the previous legacy, Dan and Ron willing to do it etc. Many shows have rebooted or done follow ups that have failed or just not worked with the same magic.
There's no media out there that isn't a bit problematic and without flaws and you have to look at the time when it was made. It was incredibly important and groundbreaking, the point of the show was to give a voice to the queer community and give people the representation they didn't have and deserved. I've seen the interviews where they talk about how hard it was to even cast the show because no one wanted to do it or were scared to be associated. But the cast said fuck you we're doing it anyway ended up being part of such an important show which touched and educated so many people.
Whatever happens with this new show it's not gonna affect the previous two versions or erase whatever good they've done.
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jencsi · 7 years
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“Do you think there’s a murder gene?” 
“ I don't believe that genes are a predictor of violent behavior.”
“Do you agree with Dr. Corey’s theory that individuals with the MAO-O gene are predisposed to violent behavior?”
“I think it’s utter nonsense” 
CSI parallels- 5x13 and 11x15
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thewhumpproject · 8 years
Crime Shows Whump Catalogue (WIP)
Crime/Cop/Detective/Investigative dramas/whodunnits/Murder mysteries/whatever you want to call them. Incomplete and will be updated as I write it all up.
NCIS - DiNozzo:
Found this halfway through making this list. Goes as far as 8x15. Has every little thing [x]
1x20 – Drugged, kidnapped
2x22 – Plague
2x23 – Still lowkey weak from Plague, gets almost blown up and ‘collapses’, continues to need rest
3x08 – Tied to a chair (w/ Ziva) and punched
3x12 – ‘Shot’ (scratched) in arm
3x16 – Injures ankle
3x23 – Bloody nose
4x04 – Knocked out
6x24 – Fight, breaks arm
6x25 – Still has broken arm, gets tackled by Ziva
9x01 – Shot in head, amnesia
10x21/22 – Car crash, unconscious, cut nose (Ziva hurt more these eps)
NCIS: LA – G. Callen:
[NCIS 6x23] – Shot multiple times
1x08 - Hit over head/‘concussion’
4x01 – Captured, beaten
4x20 - Poisoned
5x04 – Thrown/knocked out by explosion
6x12 – Exposed to ‘deadly’ virus
7x01- Tased (tasered? Shot with a Taser? ...Mildly electrocuted)
8x24 - Shot in vest
NCIS: NOLA – Christopher Lasalle
1x15 – Gassed/high
1x22 – Shocky (emotionally)
2x02 – Shot in Kevlar
JAG – Harmon Rabb:
1x20 – Captured, tied up, drugged, interrogated
2x03 – Head injury, blinded
2x13 – Hit by car, nasty gash, ligament damage, slight concussion
2x14 – Knocked out, hits head again
3x01 – Deteriorating concussion
4x01 – [After ejecting from plane, wakes up in a tree] Knocked out
7x01 – Head injury, severely hypothermic, amnesia
9x01 – Knocked out in plane crash, head injury
Criminal Minds – Spencer Reid:
An in-depth breakdown [x]
1x06 – Hostage, kicked
2x15 – Kidnap, torture, drugged (begins drug addiction arc)
4x24 – Anthrax
5x01 – Shot in leg (covers actor’s own injury) on crutches in further episodes
6x12 – Headaches (storyarc that sort of fizzles out)
9x23 – Shot in neck
Derek Morgan:
4x18 – Tackled through window, knocked out
5x23 – Knocked out, tied up
9x23 – Shot in arm
11x16 – [11x15, drugged and kidnapped] drugged, tortured, chemical burns
Chicago PD – Antonio Dawson:
[Chicago Fire 1x13 – shot. 1x14 – Shooting aftermath]
1x13 – Shot
1x14 – Shooting aftermath, hospital
Jay Halstead:
3x01 - Torture
CSI:NY – Don Flack
2x24 – Explosion
6x08 - Beaten up
Mac Taylor:
4x10 - Knocked out, drugged, kidnapped
8x18 - Shot
Danny Messer: 
6x01 - Shot
CSI (Las Vegas) – Nick Stokes:
2x19 – Pushed out window
5x25 – Buried alive
Greg Sanders:
3x22 - Caught in explosion, hospital
7x04 – Beaten up
Numb3rs - Don Eppes
1x02 - Shot
2x24 - Drugged
5x20 - Stabbed
Hawaii 5-0 – Steve McGarrett:
1x01 - Fight
1x20 – Falls off cliff, head injury, broken arm
2x01 – Stabbed, collapses off-screen
2x10 – Captured, tortured
2x16 – Hit by car
4x08 – Shot in arm
4x19 – Trapped in building collapse
4x21 – Captured, beaten, tortured
5x01 – Shot in leg
5x07 – Gassed, drugged, tortured
5x13 – Car crash
6x06 – Fight
6x17 - Gassed
6x25 – Shot on a plane
7x01 – Continuing issues from liver transplant
7x04 – Stabbed (but apaaaarently he’s too tough for being stabbed in the back with a kitchen knife to do more than be momentarily inconvenienced)
7x25 - Peaky, turns out he has radiation poisoning
Danny Williams:
1x01 – Bullet grazed arm
1x23 – Sarin poisoning
3x10 - Shot
4x19 – Trapped in building collapse, impaled
5x16 - Stabbed
6x17 - Gassed
6x25 – Donates some liver
Lethal Weapon – Martin Riggs:
[Emotional whump like every episode especially the first half of the season]
1x01 – Shot twice, shoulder + foot
1x02 – Bar fight, black eye, crashes through window from building across street,
1x03 – Cattle prod-ed
1x04 – Fight
1x07 – Hit by car door, tortured,
1x10 - Drugged
1x12 – Almost drowns
1x13 - Shot with nail gun
1x16 – Angsty, smashes head into mirror
Quantico – Ryan Booth:
1x01? - Shot
1x07 – Shot
1x08 – Continued from shooting
1x09 – Tortured
Bones – Seeley Booth:
1x15 – Explosion
2x18 – Knocked out, tied to chair, beaten
3x05 – Shot in leg
3x08 – Car crash/explosion (Bones in car too)
3x14 – Shot and ‘dies’
4x13 – Breaks his hand punching someone, knocked out, concussion
4x14 – Kidnapped, trapped in box then on ship, hallucinating, explosion
4x25 – Hallucinations
4x26 – Brain surgery, coma
5x10 – Explosion
9x24 – Shot
11x01 – Shot
Graceland – Mike:
1x09 – Stabbed
1x10 – Continued stab wound, attacked
2x01 – Tortured
2x13 – Shot, suffocated
3x01 – Continued shooting injuries (drug addiction arc begins)
3x07 – Drug withdrawal, sweats, vomiting, delirious, ice bath
Rush – Michael:
1x09 – Car crash, knocked out
1x10 – Head injury
2x10 – Captured
3x07 – MMA fight, nasty fight later (attempted eye-gouging involved)
3x15 – Tumbles down hillside
3x22 – Speared
4x06 – Knocked out (beginning of story arc to 4x08)
4x07 – Kidnapped, head injury, shot
4x08 – Coma hospital scenes
1x04 – Hit on head, collapses
1x06 – Smoke inhalation
2x08 – Shot in leg
2x11 – Kneed by suspect
3x09 – Fight, stabbed, injures arm/shoulder, hospitalised
3x14 – Falls through ceiling, dazed for a second, shot (in vest)
4x06 – Fight
4x11 – Comes to on a boat, shot, falls overboard
2x01 – Caught near explosion, minor head injury
3x17 – Hit by a car
4x12 – Hit on head
3x19 – Knocked out
1x10 – Caught in explosion, hospitalised for head trauma
2x18 – Glass in face
1x04 – Hit in face
1x10 – Caught in explosion, collapses, hospitalised
1x03 – Shot in vest 
New Blood: Stefan –
1x02 (Case 1, Part 2) – Drugged
1x03 – Caught in explosion
1x04 (Case 2, Part 1) – Dog bite, drunk, punched
1x05 - Knocked out, strung up
1x06 (Case 3, Part 1) – Car crash (tbc)
1x07 – Fight, car crash, thrown by explosion
1x03 – Caught in explosion
1x04 – Kicked in the nads, drunk
1x05 - Knocked out, strung up, punched
1x06 – Car crash (tbc), hit, thrown to ground
1x07 – Fight, car crash, thrown by explosion
The Glades – Jim Longworth:
1x01 – Alligator bite
2x01 – Dog bite
2x08 – Snake bite
2x11 – Fight – sand in eyes, knocked out, attempted drowning
4x13 – Shot (cliffhanger, last episode)
The Finder – Walter Sherman:
1z12 – Shot (fine, later complications: subdural hematoma)
Brooklyn Nine-Nine – Jake Peralta:
1x06 – Concussion from falling from ceiling
2x13 - Exercises, flops to the ground
2x19 - Kidnapped
2x20 – Falls through car sunroof, various broken and bruised bones, later hit by car, hospitalised
3x10 - Knocked out
3x16 - Knocked out
4x01 - Run over by go-kart
4x02 - Fight
4x03 - Hostage, shot in leg
4x04 - cont. shooting recovery (cane)
4x17 – Hungover, mentions that he might have injured his ribs
Psych – Shawn Spencer:
3x11 – Knocked out
4x09 – Shot
5x04 – Barely poisoned
6x13 – Appendix burst
7x08 – Head injury, concussion
Endeavour – Morse:
0x01 – Faints
1x02 – Stabbed
1x04 – Shot
2x01 – Knocked out, tied up, beaten up
2x02 – Falls through floor
4x02 – Drugged
4x04 – Head/ear injury from grenade
Lewis – James Hathaway:
2x03 – Drugged, trapped in fire, caught in explosion
4x01 - Shot
5x04 – Mild arsenic poisoning
7x01 – Whiplash
Midsomer Murders – Ben Jones:
15x02 – Knocked out, tied up, concussion
19x03 – Knocked out, tied up
Grimm – Nick Burkhardt:
1x01 - Injected with a toxin, collapses
1x08 – Brutal fight
2x13 – Drinks a potion, stomach pains, collapse
2x15 - Blinded
3x01 – Zombified, enraged and gets into fights
3x02 – Continued ‘zombification’, fights as his pals try to capture him, injected with painful cure
4x02 – Sudden headache
4x06 – Sudden headache develops into general weakness gets worse over time
5x21/22 – Fight, torture, hallucination, shot
6x04 – Lightheaded for a moment
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coolmoviemanmike · 6 years
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I just watched CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 5x13 "Nesting Dolls"
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Hi! It's your SS again!! Sorry for the delay-finals week has been kicking my ass, but it's basically over now! I'm getting back to watching some CSI now that I have free time again and it just keeps getting better lol. Do you have a particular favorite episode or season? And for a more general question, how has your past week been? (I also ended up baking a ton of cookies which was a great stress reliever, although not the best for my physical health whoops)
Hi Secret Santa, I hope your finals went well and you have been enjoying a bit of a break now! My week has been pretty good, have just been catching up with a few friends before they travel to visit family for Christmas. Oh cookies, they seem like your kryptonite haha What kind did you bake? I may have attempted making a mango cheese cake that I ate far too much of last weekend hehe.Ok, so time to go down the CSI rabbit hole now :) Only thing I can probably talk more about which is gym! So because the series is so long I don’t have have one fav season or episode really but the build up and story arcs from season 4 through to 7 are awesome (and the first part of season 8 too) - it was after season 8 that a lot of the core writers left as well as a couple of key actors which really impacted the show (don’t want to give away too many spoilers!). As for my favourite episodes, they all centre around GSR (Grissom and Sara’s Relationship - also a play on the gun shot residue acronym). I love the writing of their characters and how committed the actors were to developing it’s depth properly. There are probably my ultimate favs:2x16 Primum Non Nocere 4x12 Butterflied (probably my all time favourite because of a lot of behind the scenes details and the technical/layered aspect of the writing)5x13 Nesting Dolls (epic revelations about Sara)6x21 Rashomama (Not so much obvious GSR content but love how each character retells the investigation from their perspective)Season 6 finale Way to GoSeason 7 finale Living Doll then Season 8 opener Dead DollI also LOVED the series finale because of how homage was paid to the entire series and the epic amounts of GSR :DWhat are you up to this weekend? Are you getting excited for NCAA yet? I’ve just watch a bunch of the showcase/preview meets and videos. So much excitement for this season!! Thanks again for your questions xx
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