#ctm christmas fic
fourteen-teacups · 2 years
O Christmas Tree 🎄
It’s been a long while since I posted any fic, but it’s Christmas… a bit of festive Turner family fluff, set in December 1967, just before the s12 CS
Thank you @thatginchygal and @wednesdaygilfillian for your support and for being my writing buddies! 🥰🥰
We're going to have a lovely spruce.
Timothy chuckled to himself as he remembered Mum’s words from that Christmas long ago. So much had changed in the eight years since Angela’s first Christmas -- and yet some things remained exactly the same. The annual evergreen tree was currently bundled into the rear of the Turner’s estate car as Tim manoeuvred the vehicle out of the last dark country lane and back into the city.   
Out of necessity, he had learned to drive during Dad’s convalescence. Tim was more than grateful he could help ferry his family about during this time, but the independence it provided was equally valuable. Especially when he thought ahead to eventually qualifying as a doctor. Although he liked to think, when the time came, he’d be driving something sportier.
This evening the family had been shopping at a Christmas tree farm in the countryside, just outside of London. Mr Buckle suggested the idea to Dad, who had been similarly enthusiastic regarding the outing. Traditionally, the Turners chose a tree from the stall at the Poplar Christmas Market but, since the accident, Mum and Dad had been more intentional about seizing every opportunity.
Timothy’s heart clenched in a moment of anguish, imagining all they could have lost on that autumn night. But his distress was immediately replaced with joy, recalling the way his siblings had worn themselves out in the excitement of running around the festive lot.
“Over here!” Teddy called, before ducking for cover behind a sturdy conifer, daring his sisters to seek him out.
Tim watched as May dashed forward, but mistakenly turned away from the row of trees concealing her younger brother.
Angela’s more methodical approach allowed her to spy a tiny red mitten as it contrasted with the pine needles. Her eyes shone in triumph as she looked first to Timothy, then ran ahead to claim her victory. 
Teddy’s shrieks alerted May and the three of them reunited for a brief moment, then took off again in separate directions.
Several rows over, Dad was speaking with the owner of the farm while Mum circled a nearby tree, inspecting it for flaws. “How fresh would you say this is?” Timothy heard her ask, as she reached to test the needles with a gloved hand. He couldn’t hear the man’s response but saw in Mum’s smile that she was pleased with the answer. Looking up, she caught his eye and beckoned him over. “What do you think, Timothy, is it filled out evenly?” 
Tim followed her around the specimen and agreed there were no bare spots. “It’s the perfect height, too,” he added, measuring it against himself. Mum made a predictable face that communicated she was equally proud and exasperated, causing Tim to laugh out loud.
Tapping his father’s arm, she put on her professional demeanor once again. “This one should do nicely.” Dad winked at her -- it was embarrassing how he not-so-secretly loved her authoritative streak -- but when he tried reaching for the tree, Mum promptly stopped him and began to explain his recent injury to the proprietor.
Taking that as his cue, Timothy set off to chase his siblings through the tree lot one last time.
Now all was quiet within the estate car as the road hummed gently beneath the tyres. The newly purchased tree stuck partly out the open back window allowing the crisp December air to circulate throughout the vehicle. To Tim’s left, Angela and May slept propped against each other, still wrapped snugly in their matching pink coats. 
From the back seat, the low tones of Dad’s voice reached him. “Perhaps this will be the start of a new tradition.” 
Timothy’s eyes flicked to the rear view mirror, briefly meeting his father’s eyes and catching the delighted grin on Mum’s face. Tim couldn’t help but think of the lost tradition of the silver tree, but he kept silent. He was beginning to understand that his dad’s passion for healing extended beyond the physical body. And though the memory still rankled slightly, he nodded his agreement.
Despite his vexation, Tim acknowledged the positive developments brought on by the passing years: another sister, and the excitement of Teddy’s arrival. He glanced at the mirror again, but couldn’t see his brother in the reflection. More than likely, Teddy was curled up on the back seat with his head in Mum’s lap.
Dad was speaking again, but it was too low for him to hear. Timothy assumed he was trying not to wake the little ones -- that is, until he heard Mum’s giggle. With a barely suppressed sigh, he turned his head to the rear of the vehicle, only to find them beaming innocently back at him. As their long-suffering son, he shook his head and returned his eyes to the road. The more things change, the more they stay the same. While Tim navigated along streets draped in coloured lights, the car was filled not only with the scent of their lovely spruce, but also the muted sounds of his overly-affectionate parents’ sweet nothings. And perhaps not-so-secretly, he wouldn't have it any other way.
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starzzyeyed · 1 year
9 (shit nine?) People you'd like to get to know better.
Thank you for the tag @domestikhighway58, let's see if I can figure out tumblr enough to complete this <3
Also, no way you watch call the midwife??? Ahhh, that's my favourite comfort show. I'm a whole season behind because life stuff got in the way but I can't wait for September/October to come around so I can sit and restart my weekly tradition (with my mum shh) of watching ctm in the run-up to Christmas
last song: After All by Cher
favorite color: Green or Blue
currently watching: Criminal Minds (slowly), The Mentalist (also slowly), The Sixth Commandment
last movie: Emily The Criminal not at all because I'm in love with Aubrey Plaza
currently reading: This list is too long to fit here because I am a slow af reader (thanks dyslexia) but a quick rundown of fanfics are: Hide and Seek, and Fortunate Fool by highway58. Rescue Dog by Jason_Silver and Star Power, and Homewrecker by goobzoop & darkbluedarkblue.
Non fanfic is also far too long to write but the book I picked up most recently to try to finish is Call Me By Your Name.
sweet/spicy/savory: Sweet all the way. I love spicy and savoury things too, but I'm much more fussy about those than I am sweet stuff!
relationship status: Single. And hopelessly in love with a friend.
current obsession: Besides Hotchreid? Uhhh.... Criminal Minds in general? Fic writing? I also really like baking, but that's not really a 'current' obsession, more a prolonged interets.
last thing i googled: do any zoos in america have honey badgers - for one little scene in a fic I was writing. Before that it was 'summer fruits pavlova recipe' because I have a shit ton of eggs to use haha.
currently working on: Fanfic wise I'm trying to finish Close Ain't Close Enough (a/b/o) and an untitled wip set at the end of the CM episode Psychodrama. Non fanfic - The Highway Code. Haha. Theory test revision takes all brain power at the moment.
zero pressure tags: @spencer-reids-adventures @hotchxreid @thefandomlesbian @starrr-dusttt @gay-in-a-jar @panevanbuckley
@sirmatthew1972 @a-potato-wearing-plaid @observaureium @goobzoop
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kienova66 · 6 years
Its Snowing [Turnadette]
Apparently I’m clearing out old things tonight - this was from a Christmas card to @alice1nwond3rland last year.
It started innocently enough, the day dawning dreary and grey from the get-go and only getting darker with each passing hour. Everyone hurried from the houses to work or the shops and back hoping to make it under their doorways before the skies would open up.
“So… this was unexpected…” The voice startled Sister Bernadette as she stood under the overhang at Lisbon Buildings, a frown on her features as she watched the snow pelting down from the sky, covering the streets with little hesitancy.
“That’s… not exactly the word I would have chosen Doctor Turner,” she said, glancing to her right until she could set eyes on the owner of the voice, watching how he leaned against the wall with a slight wince at a protruding brick, trying to tug his burgundy scarf tighter around his neck.
Patrick leaned forward, glancing at the clouds to see if the snow looked as if it would pass relatively soon and sighing when he realised it wouldn’t.
“I take it you’ve not got anything to dissuade the snow from continuing?” he questioned, scrunching up his nose as a rogue snowflake hit him square in the face. She glared at him in response, exhaustion radiating from her in thick waves. It’s only then that he realised that there was a little bit of blood staining her habit and that he could almost see a few wisps of light coloured hair peeking out from beneath her wimple.
“No, Doctor, I don’t,” she muttered, fingers clenching on the handle of her bag as she let out a huff of frustration, squeezing her eyes closed for a moment. “It may seem gluttonous of me as I still have evening devotions, I would like nothing more than to simply go home, have a nice bath and a cup of tea and fall into bed.” He blinked at her, wondering if he had every truly heard something so honest and human from her before.
“Sounds like a nice idea,” he mused softly, trying not to chuckle at the growl that suddenly escaped the woman’s throat, her shoulders sagging. “What do you need?” he asked instead.
“What I need is a bloody dog sled it would seem,” she groused. Patrick watched her for a moment longer before letting out a soft sigh of his own, eyes flickering up to the doorway above their heads. He wasn’t sure what compelled him, but before he could control his actions, he was leaning towards her.  “Doctor, what are you doing?” she asked, words caught in her throat.  
She let out a whimper hands fluttering at her side as his lips pressed gently to her cheek.
“Mistletoe,” he muttered, breath fanning out against her face. “I have to get back to the surgery but let’s get you home first,” he said. Swallowing thickly, she nodded, letting him take her hand and lead her towards his car.
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cooldoyouhaveaflag · 7 years
Hey guys! With the extremely gracious permission of the recipients, I’m posting the Christmas fics I wrote for the Christmas exchange! Here are the first two. Chapter one is Turnadette and chapter two is Pupcake. 
Merry Christmas and have a lovely weekend! 
Chapter 1 is dedicated to Alison!
Chapter 2 is dedicated to Denise! 
Side note for Pupcake writers, omg I didn’t realize that my autocorrect had turned Patsy into Pasty throughout the story until I was almost done and I was horrified. Your struggle is real. 
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levinson-mannion · 4 years
All the fanfic asks!! Hahaha
1. Favourite fic you wrote this year? Call the Midwife- Shower breakdown 911- cooking
2. Least favourite fic you wrote this year? I hate them all if I’m honest
3. Favourite line/ scene you wrote this year? I don’t even know I am not a fan of any of my stories and just ew. Edit- The two broke apart and giggled like eloping teenagers. (Home (Downton Abbey fic))
4. Total number of words you wrote this year? Well I have published 25,111 words on ao3 but I have wrote far more on ff.net and unpublished fics but still I’m pathetic
5. Most popular fic this year? 180 hits on nun to nurse and 14 kudos on shower Breakdown
6. Least popular fic this year? 35 hits on walk you home and not just friends and 2 kudos on nightmare and walk you home
7. Longest completed fic this year? 1,348 I know pathetic
8. Shortest completed fic this year? 315
9. Longest wip of the year? No idea
10. Shortest wip of the year? No idea
11. Fandom you enjoyed writing for this year? Downton CTM and 911
12. Favourite character to write about this year? Cora, Shelagh and Maddie
13. Favourite writing song/artist/album of this year? I don’t listen to music as I write
14. A fic you didn’t expect to write? All of them
15. Something you learnt this year? How to write (I started this year)
16. Fics you completed this year? All my stories minus Nun-Nurse
17. Fics you’ll counting next year? Nun-Nurse
18. Current number of wips? Two
19. Any new fics to start next year? My inbox has a few
20. Number of comment you haven’t read? I have read them all
21. Most memorable comment/review? When I scared @anamarialujan on my chapter about Shelagh having a nightmare and seriously just anyone saying they like my work, I will remember even if not word for word
22. Event you’ve participated in this year? Nonnatus Christmas Card Exchange
23. Fics you wanted to write but you didn’t? 72, 893, 917 fics
24. Favourite fic you read this year? Cobert- To get to you. Call the Midwife- @anamarialujan @aimee-jessica @miss-ute (all these peoples fics). 911- @crazybagelbitch @maddieandchimney @jessie2126 (all these peoples fics)
25. A fic you read this year that you would recommend to anybody else? See above
26. Amount of favourites/ bookmarks you’ve made this year? Favourites no idea probably thousands but only 12 bookmarks
27. Favourite fic author of the year? 911- @maddieandchimney @jessie2126 @crazybagelbitch downton abbey- @mcgonneville Call the Midwife- @anamarialujan @aimee-jessica @miss-ute
28. Longest fic you read this year? No clue
29. Shortest fic you read this year? 52 words
30. Favourite fandom to read a fic from this year? Downton Abbey, Call the Midwife and 911
Here you are! Happy new year x
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The Sixth Annual Nonnatun Card Exchange
What is this?  In the lead-up to the 2014 CtM Christmas Special, @superfluousbananas, a Charter Nonnatun, organized a card exchange for like-minded fans. We’ve since created an on-line option as well as the old-fashioned snail mail exchange.
Who can join in?  Anyone who loves Call the Midwife, loves Call the Midwife fans, or just likes to join in.
How do you do it?  First, get excited. Maybe make a cup of tea.  You know, go wild like a Nonnatun.  
Then, watch out for the Official Nonnatun Holiday Card Exchange Survey (I’ll post it to this blog next Sunday).  
Third, respond to the survey within a week (Hey, I know you’re busy.  It’s 2019, everyone’s busy.  Deadlines matter.)
By the following Sunday, I’ll send out emails to those joining in with the names and addresses of those they’ve been assigned. Buy a card, make a card, write a fic, draw a pic, whatever, and send it out to your Nonnatun.  We won’t now how many until all the responses are in.  If it’s anything like past years (and 2019 has proven again and again that it is not like past years), you should expect between 4-5 cards to send and receive.
One last thing from the cranky old bird.  Only respond if you intend to follow through.  Cards should be in the recipient’s mail box before the holiday.  That means if you’re sending one internationally, you should have them in the post with time to spare.
feel free to reach out with questions!  
Reblog to spread the word!
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thatginchygal · 5 years
I decided to post all my drabbles/short CtM fics in one collection on Ao3. I’m calling it In the Small Moments. Chapter 9 is new on November 24. The chapter title is Resilient. I wrote it for @wednesdaygilfillian on the occasion of her fandom anniversary! She asked for Tim at Christmas. 🎄💕 You’re so sweet and wonderful, lady!! I hope you enjoy!! 💙💙💙💙Thank you to @my-little-yellowbird and @fourteen-teacups for looking this over and being so lovely!! 🥰🥰 I hope y’all enjoy!! 🤩🤩
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tangledupinmist · 6 years
As requested by @thatginchygal, here is part 2 of one of my Christmas fics in which Patrick is taking Shelagh to the dinner dance on New Year's Eve 1963.
It was a smashing year with all of you over here. Thank you for being such lovely, supportive and creative people. I wish you all the best for 2019 and am looking forward to watching CtM s8 with all of you.
Sincere thank you for last minute beta-ing to @weshallc!!
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bbcshipper · 6 years
CtM Spoilerz!
Well I thoroughly loved that Christmas Special! It really seems that our good ole eavesdropping smcganns gave Heidi some hints that we wanted some things, cause don't think I didn't notice the subtle hint from Shelagh about a nanny (solves all the what about the kids stuff), nor the obvious update re: Mount and Busby, and of course the reference to Barbara that all show they've realized we want more closure for past characters than we've gotten before (imo). Plus the way they weaved in the story of the Australia program, which we've seen before, I thought fit in well with the tone of the ep.
I thought the Shulienne moments were beautiful and incredibly well done and the face acting from both Laura Main and Jenny Agutter was amazing.
While some of it seemed predictable (who didn't see them taking Mei home??? I called it the moment Patrick stooped to talk to her before they left for the Mother House), we knew Sister Julienne couldn't really leave (they made her a tad to conflicted for me to believe they'd actually make her stay away for good), and Sister Winifred would stay because her relationship with the boy was too freaking cute... All in all, I really really enjoyed that.
Now who is writing me some fics?? 😂
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ctm-rota-blog · 6 years
2018 100 Days Until Christmas CtM Round Robin
Calling all Nonnatuns--today marks 100 days until the 2018 CtM Christmas Special (and also Christmas but we know the gift we’re all waiting for!)!!  To celebrate, let’s try something new and have a little fic fun!!   
We will be doing a fandom round robin (RR)! What is a round robin?  It's basically a collaborative story told in pieces written by different people.  Let's give it a go!!  The goal is to keep this low-stress and high-fun!
Who Can Join?
The RR is open to all CtM fans who want to write!!  We’re hoping that fans of all ships will feel welcome to participate!!  
Where will the stories be posted?  
https://ctm-rota.tumblr.com/  The idea will be to have one dedicated story post that can be reblogged by each writer with their new content.
How long will the RR last?
The goal is to have 100 days’ worth of fics, so we will begin on September 16th and conclude on December 25th. This does not mean that you have to make a three-month long commitment by signing up. One story might last for a few weeks or might peter out quickly.  We’ll find out as we go along.  Again--low stress, high fun!!
Some basic parameters
A post can be up to 500 words long
A post should be posted on the posting date by midnight in the poster’s time zone
We’re thinking 3 days between posts to give authors time to write but so as not to lose momentum --- but we’re flexible and open to ideas!
Exact dates are yet to be determined.  These dates will probably depend on how many people sign-up to write.  However, we’re all busy and want everyone to be able to participate that wishes to do so! Tentatively we’re thinking of posting on Sundays and Wednesdays.
If you’re unable to post on your designated day, message Kagu or Ginchy as soon as possible so that we might find a back-up writer (or be the back-up writer!).
So glad you asked this question! Please message Ginchy, Kagu, or the ctm-rota here on Tumblr and we will contact you with your assigned dates. Depending on the number of participants, writers may or may not have multiple writing dates.  We can randomize the writing order, or allow for signing up for certain slots. 
If you have questions or advice about the RR, please message @thatginchygal @kaguyahime1224 or @ctm-rota here on Tumblr.
This is going to be a learning process for all of us--but we hope to have fun along the way!
To start us off, Kagu has written a fun little opener--who’s ready to take on the next part??  Are you ready to be on the rota?? 
Let’s make the wait for new CtM content even more fun!  Happy Writing and Happy 100 Days!!  
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oneweekobsession · 7 years
Violet Creams
A CTM fic.
Val gets a telling off.  Set in 7.5 (also here, without the typos: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13850883)
Phyllis reaches over for another licorice torpedo and then, with it halfway to her mouth, she sits up suddenly. 'Which fridge?'
Val, her mind still on Lucille's problems, is slow in catching up.
Phyllis is unforgiving of her mental tardiness. 'Which fridge? Which refrigerator have you put the violet creams in?'
Fully in the picture now, Valerie opens her mouth. She closes it again. She has made a fatal error.
'Nurse Dyer, we've had words about this once this month already.'
Phyllis, Val can tell, is winding herself up to unleash chapter and verse of the Nursing Regulations, no doubt with a hefty serving of the Nonnatus House Code of Conduct mixed in for good measure piled on.
'The refrigerator in the clinical room is not to be used for the storage of confectionary. It is not - as you are well aware - an appropriate repository for the stockpiling of comestible items. It is, as you also know very well, neither a hygienic nor particularly safe environment for food, and as for the dangers of cross contamination...'
Once Phyllis gets going, Val knows from experience, she can keep going for a while. Phyllis has remarkable stamina in the issuing-of-reprimands department. Even in this heat. Valerie makes another feeble effort at interjecting, but Phyllis waves it away, and keeps on. Valerie reasons she'll be lucky to get away with being rota'd for extra shifts on deep cleaning duty at this rate.
As Phyllis keeps going, Lucille catches Val's eye, sympathetically. Valerie feels an odd fondness tug at her heart. It gives her courage, of a sort.
'But - ' she tries again.
'No buts. You will take those chocolates out of that fridge at your earliest convenience. Hiding them away like that like a secret - I'm surprised at you. Most of all, it's not like you to be so - ungenerous.' 
That stings, a little. See, that's the thing, really. It isn't that Valerie's not generous. She is - to a fault, her dad would sometimes say. But the first lesson anyone at Nonnatus House learns is that if any sweet treat is left unattended anywhere on the premises, it will, fairly promptly and not-so-mysteriously disappear without a trace. And - well - to put it bluntly, Sister Monica Joan is banned from the fridge in the clinical room.
'I'm not hiding them. They aren't a secret. I've just told you where they are.'
Phyllis harumphs. 'Well. You will take them out of that refrigerator, and then you will make sure that the whole area is spotless. I don't want any hint of contamination anywhere near it.'
Lucille gives Val another small smile, but there's laughter in her eyes. That fondness tugs at Valerie's heart again.
Because that's the thing. That's the thing. It's not like Valerie was ever planning on keeping the chocolates to herself. Because ever since they were handed to her by Mrs Hagger, Val's had this little bubble of a growing idea. Just a couple of days earlier, she and Lucille had spent a pleasant tea break in swapping stories about the food that reminded them of home ('Just wait until you try my auntie Edie's pie and mash' - 'It'll be nothing to my mother's special saltfish' - 'I dare you to say that to auntie Edie' - 'I dare you to say that to my mother!'). Val couldn't help but thinking of that when Mrs Hagger put the sweets in her hand: violet creams were Val's mother's special treat, bought for Christmas, birthdays, and other, select, special occasions.
And so, this little bubble of an idea that Val has - a silly idea, perhaps, but it's one which since it occurred to her Val has become strongly attached to - is that she'd like to share the violet creams with Lucille. It's daft, she knows, but somehow, she feels like she needs to show Lucille that little bit of herself, and her history, and her family, and her Poplar. But when she'd got back to Nonnatus, the sweets were not at their best: over-warm and sweating and claggy to the taste, and so she had put them in the fridge to spare them from Sister Monica Joan's embrace for one evening at least and - well, trying to explain all of this to Phyllis seems far too complicated, and so Val decides not to try.
'I'll sort it,' she says.
'See that you do.'
'So these are your secret sweet treats,' Lucille says, the next afternoon, while she's on call and Val's just returned from her rounds. Lucille picks a chocolate from the bag, and popping it in her mouth.  
'They were never a secret,' Val says.
'No,' Lucille agrees. 'The refrigerator is looking spotless, by the way.'
'But what do you think?' Val urges. She's not sure why, but Lucille's opinion on the matter somehow seems to matter quite a lot to her.
Lucille tastes again. 'Different,' she says. 'Very - you.'
The ringing of the telephone prevents Val's reply.
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turnt4turnadette · 7 years
Twas the Night Before Christmas (Turner Family Fanfiction)
Happy Christmas Eve everyone!! It is hard to believe that a new episode of CTM will be on tomorrow and I am very excited. I wrote this fic earlier this month to send to the people I was assigned to in the 2017 Nonnatun Holiday Card Exchange and now I am so happy to finally get to share it with all of you. I hope that you all enjoy this piece of Turner Family Christmas fluff!! 
Timothy and Angela sat on the floor in the sitting room that Christmas Eve as Shelagh sat on the settee with Teddy in her arms with Patrick beside her. They were all in their pajamas and Patrick had the poem A Visit from St. Nicholas in hand and started reading.
“'Twas the night before Christmas, when all thro' the house, Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there”
“Who is St. Nicholas?” asked Angela
“That is another name for Father Christmas” Shelagh answered
Patrick continued to read the poem, but this year it took longer than normal because of Angela’s questions. Shelagh did not mind because it was a sign that she was entering the magical age of believing in Father Christmas which excited her. Almost all of the answers were easy until Patrick read the line “Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound: He was dress'd all in fur, from his head to his foot”
“What about old flat?” questioned Angela
Shelagh wasn't sure what she meant at first, but then when she repeated the line in her head and it hit her, Angela wanted to know how Father Christmas got into their old flat without a chimney. Shelagh was able to determine that Patrick figured it out too when they looked at one another with panic, not sure what to say.  
“Every year I would leave a key under the mat with a note on the doorstep telling him where the key was so he could get into our old flat” Timothy answered with ease
They looked down at him with a look of gratitude and Timothy smiled at them. They were able to finish the poem with only three more questions from her that were easy to answer.
“The end. Now that we have read A Visit from St. Nicholas, that means that it is time to go to bed so Father Christmas can visit” said Patrick
“No Daddy” Angela said
“You don't want to end up on the naughty list do you?” Patrick asked in a light tone
“No” Angela replied
“Then why don’t you go up to bed and we will tuck you in” Shelagh told her
“Okay Mommy” she replied and ran up the stairs to bed ____________________________________________________________________
Shelagh and Patrick were downstairs late that night putting out the presents that “Father Christmas” would bring for the children. They were trying to be super quiet because it took Angela longer than usual to fall asleep and so Teddy wouldn't cry which would wake the whole house. As they were about to start placing the presents into different piles, they heard footsteps coming down the stairs and they froze in a panic. “What if Angela sees?” Shelagh thought “Her belief in Father Christmas would end before it ever really started”. Shelagh and Patrick huddled by the pile of presents as best they could to hide them. She let out a breath that she hadn't even realized she was holding when she saw Timothy walk into the sitting room.
“What are you doing?” Patrick asked him in a whisper
“I wanted to help with Father Christmas duties” he whispered back
“We were just about to sort the presents in piles if you want to help” Shelagh whispered to him
“Sounds good” he replied in a whisper
They sorted the presents in three piles in the sitting room quickly between the three of them. When they finished, they walked into the kitchen and each grabbed a biscuit from the plate left for “Father Christmas” and they all took a bite.
As they ate their biscuit, Shelagh whispered “Thank you for having such a clever answer earlier and for playing along with all of this”
“You’re welcome. It is a lot of fun seeing Angela so excited about Father Christmas and I want to help keep this going for her and someday Teddy as long as I can” Timothy whispered back
“You are such a good older brother” Patrick whispered to Timothy
“Thank you, but do you want to know the real reason I came downstairs?” He asked them in a whisper
They gave him a confused look and he said “Because I wanted to eat every biscuit on this plate” he whispered in a joking tone. They laughed a noiseless laugh and finished their biscuits. They tiptoed up the stairs very carefully and walked silently down the hall to their bedrooms.
“Happy Christmas” Timothy whispered before going into his room
“Happy Christmas” Shelagh and Patrick whispered in unison and they went to bed
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cooldoyouhaveaflag · 7 years
Last installment is up! 
This one is Barbara/Tom and dedicated to the lovely jlyspio! 
Merry Christmas, Nonnatuns!! I hope everyone is having an incredible holiday season and enjoying their Christmas exchanges! I know I am! 
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levinson-mannion · 4 years
All of them (the ones you're comfortable with anyways) 😘😘😘
1. Pfffffff I don't know maybe
3. To see the answer to any question
4. As if
7. Stabbed in the torso (bonus a punctured lung)
8. To actually right something
9. No
11. No. Absolutely not
12. Trying
13. Shut up for once and actually turn around and help someone struggling
15. Salad
16. Not sure, I kinda want a tattoo of a scar on my left palm (CTM reference)
17. Books
18. Nope
19. My friend made me something that said it today
20. No reason or the fact that I will get body lice which was the actual thing that carries the great plague of 1665
21. No
22. No
24. A Ford
25. I’m a perfectionist- yes
27. Anything I read
28. I’m fine
29. I definitely don’t write stories (to people in real life obviously)
30. It should not be but yes
35. -
36. Madeline Sylvia or Boy- no idea
37. CTM, DA, 911
38. I have a list. At the top is myself
39. A book
40. A Christmas card/fic
42. Amazon
48. Write
49. Write Cobert (that’s actually good)
52. One thing, ummmmm everything
53. Everything. My favourite book however is ‘To marry an English Lord’
55. Purple Hycinth
56. Negativity
59. Mushrooms
64. Every person I know of the opposite sex are so annoying, immuture and disruptive so that’s your answer
65. Something- no idea what yet
67. No clue
68. Who knows
69. Nope
70. Haha! No! As if!
74. Drumsticks
75. @aimee-jessica @maddieandchimney @crazybagelbitch @anamarialujan @jessie2126 @miss-ute @weshallc (love you)
77. Hi! Welsh one to my blog- Downton Abbey, Call the Midwife and 911
79. Harry Potter and the philosophers stone (for the nth time) so need I say more? I mean @cyssiamalfoy is my other blog
80. Love it! I have thought about Vegetarian
81. Just less then 100 days
82. Yes! Yes! Yes!
83. Subway (sorry Aimée)
86. Ya
87. Levinson is Cora’s maiden name and mannion is Shelagh’s maiden name. So yeah
88. Like everything
89. About five minutes ago by myself
92. Tumblr/Google docs
93. White
94. Yes and coleydoesthings (@whimsquirksandstuff)
95. No fandom quote- “the monster moved from under our beds to inside our heads”
96. Who. Damn. Knows
97. NO
100. Yes
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I was tagged by @gabolange (months ago!!) to do the one-shot fic writer meme, and why not!                                                        
list your five longest one-shot fics on AO3 (not chaptered works or series) with the word count, fandom, year, and comments/kudos/bookmarks. one-shots are the short stories to fandom’s books and a distinctly different process in my experience.
OK, so here’s the thing.  I’ve written over 120 Call the Midwife fics on My-Little-Yellowbird.com, most of them multi-chapter.. Only 8 are posted on ao3 and 30 or so CtM fics are on ff.net--it’s where I got my start.  I’ve always felt funny cross-posting my fics to different platforms, but that’s silly.  Writers that get paid to write don’t hesitate to promote their own stuff. Why shouldn’t fic writers??  I mean, we do this for FREE.  If a reader sees my stuff they can always scroll past.  the best person to promote your stuff is you. So maybe one day I’ll post them all to both fan sites.
Oh, and aside from a ridiculous there’s-only-one-bed-but-the-floor-is-made-of-lava Blake fic and a silly shout-out to Mary Poppins, it’s all Call the Midwife.
1. Dearest Friend -- 3,252 words, Turnadette, 2014, original publication 2017 on ao3. 32 kudos, 3 comments, 3 bookmarks.  This is an early tale written during the hiatus after s3.  I love eponymous stories, and we all have imaginings of what Patrick wrote to Shelagh during those long months in the sanatorium.  My head canon is built on the idea that both Sister Bernadette and Patrick adhered to a strict honor code.  Patrick would never put Sister Bernadette in the position where she would be asked to renounce her vows.   I will admit to almost having him push the envelope a bit, if you’ll excuse the pun, in a hidden letter.  In the end, I worked very not to say too much, or not enough.
2. His Safety Net -- 2242 words, Turnadette, 2015 - 33 kudos - 6 comments - 3 bookmarks. 2015 original pub, 2017 ao3.  When asked about my favorite fics, this one always comes to mind.  Again, so much of what makes the Shelagh / Patrick relationship work is their ability to say so much with so few words.  I wanted to get that across with physical gestures that speak to their level of emotional intimacy.  I also wanted to deal with the idea of commitment.  They’ve just weathered another storm partly brought about by the fact that while they do communicate, there are still secrets between them.  Has Patrick learned to trust her?  Will he ever?  In the end, it doesn’t matter, because they are bound together by more than romance.
3. How the Brownies Saved Christmas -- 1986 words, Turnadette 11 kudos - 3 comments - 0 bookmarks. 2018,  This one might have been a bit passive aggressive.  The holiday season is ridiculously stressfull for mothers of young kids (I blame Martha Stewart and Pinterest). This is one of my complaints about Shelagh, as well. W never really see HOW SHE DOES IT.  So I gave her helpers. 
4. Losing Her Breath --1,514 words, Sister Bernadette, 2009 (orig pub) - 14 kudos - 3 comments - 0 bookmarks). 2017.  Breathing is a thread through Turnadette (I know that sounds dumb, but bear with me).  TB, polio, smoking are all obviously big ticket items, but many of the most wonderful Turnadette moments have no words.  We just feel them breathe each other.  So I used the idea for this fic, set during the time when they were just starting.  Sister Bernadette is indeed losing her breath, as the TB is already growing within her, just as Patrick takes her breath away.
5. A Moment’s Peace -- 7,464 words, Turnadette 2019, 1 kudos - 18 comments, 1 bookmark. 2019  This was my first “commuter fic,” written onboard the train to Grand Central. My new job was pretty miserable, and the four hours on the train every day were near unbearable.   My betas gently encouraged me to try and redirect my new anxieties into classic Turnadette.  Hence--a coffee shop fic!
Funny thing is, I’m sure there are newer Nonnatuns that are just now learning that I have ever written a fic. I wrote most of my stuff before I went back to work, and all the kids were in school all day. Believe me, I’m trying!
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thatginchygal · 6 years
ginchy’s turnadetteiversary!!!
It’s my Turnadetteiversary!!!  A  year ago I sent out an urgent call about my obsession and boy did y’all answer (particularly @ilovemushystuff who was the first to send me a DTE post to try and sate my hunger! hee!).  I had been out of active fandom for a year or so before discovering CtM and falling in deep. I fought against going to fandom (I was worried that I would fall in and ignore my graduate work) but eventually I couldn’t stop the siren’s call.  My Tumblr had been pretty much inactive for over a year, but I put together a post, sent it out, and look at us now!  Thank you all so much for feeding and nurturing my obsession with Turnadette, CtM, and fic. I’ve made so many wonderful friends and even started writing again.  I’ve so enjoyed the Christmas cards, chats, word wars, and hangouts with all of you.  A year later I can say that I’m still obsessed and still in deep.  Here’s to another year--thank you all for being so wonderful!!!  
I’ve scheduled some of my favorite Turnadette posts (a big thanks especially to @miss-ute for so many wonderful gifsets!!) from the year to show up throughout the day, and hope to have a drabble for y’all by day’s end, too.  (For followers who don’t want to view the posts you can block ‘turnadette’ or ‘ginchy’s turnadetteiversary’, if you’d like!)  
ALSO:  I’ve been wanting to organize a fandom Round Robin.  Is anyone interested??  
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