useless-catalanfacts · 10 months
Just an opinion on the is anti-latin american xenophobia the same in Catalonia as in Spain I would say in gwneral, yes.
First of all there ia a large Latin American immigrant population in Catalunya and that creates hostility from people who are against immigration. The common name calling exist too sudaca, panchito etc The xenophobia is not as bad ofc as Romani, Romanian and Magreb people face and Black and Indigenous looking Latinos will face it more.
On a deeper scale I think Catalunya even if its history with it was different created its social perception of Latam trought the lens of Spanish idea of the new world and Catalonia played a role in the late colonial economy (Cuba and Catalonia history is fascinating ngl) so I think the stereotypes associated to Latam are fairly similar if you see idk XIX literature of early havaneras. This gives some people today still the idea that all Latam is poor violent favelas and rainforest, some people exoticize Latina etc
All of this is just to say xenophobia does exist an when it appeard it is generally similar to Spain vet dufferent than in France for example where there are fewer Latinos. Ofc most people are not xenophobic, in Catalunya like in Spain they are more aware of Latam and its reality than in other parts of Europe and tons of Latinos visit and have the best time. Also there now a lot of Catalans of Latino origin now who can speak Catalan and people are aware of that.
Personally Ive never faced racism in Catalonia like I did living in Valencia as a teen in the 00s and though I had some encounters with xenophobia while working in tourism in Northern Catalonia (our clients where mostly Southern Catalonians) its the service industry and you interact with hundreds of ppl a day so something is bound to happen. For a read on immigrant experience from a Latino perspective in the 90s/00s I recomend 'Marron: Memorias' by Rocio Quillahuaman who immigrated with her family to Barcelona and writes in Spanish.
Agun this is said from a place of respect and love from Catalunya and its culture which I have learned by choice and I deeply appreciate and these are my personal views
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer! It's very interesting to read the experiences of other people here.
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andean-deer · 2 years
Imanalla andean-deer (taruka?) sorry to bother but do you mind telling what your last sentence mean. I don't know Quechua but know a few words and usually searching in the dictionary I can make sense of it. But here i'm going crazy with this it's mostly "shapraqa" that I don't get. Again sorry to bother, no need to answer if you don't want to or you cana always answer in private as you wish but i will be very grateful, sulpayki.
first off, sulpayki for noticing, but umm I'm still practicing, but shapra (-qa) means stubble / down / hair in chawpi qichwa (central quechua), which is the quechua language i am studying. in this case, i used it to mean fur, instead of using millma / qara.
the -qa marks that its continued part of the dog / allqu which it belongs to [the dog's fur].
together: allqupa shapraqa
i hope that answers your question!
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glittertrail · 28 days
this is 3 different tag games w similar enough questions i just decided to mesh together for my own sanity
tagged by @minglana @frosted-petals @jackredfieldwasmyjacob @masterinfangirlissues @sweetlikesunflowersandhoney @junosjukebox @honeybugy @myhusbandharryhamilton @frosted-petals @rialitysworld (.... I should have just said about half of my mutuals dhdkdhdk this one has made the rounds I see)
favorite color look at the blog and take a wild guess
currently reading work emails 🥲
last song taste by sabrina carpenter shdjdgdj I had seen the gifs from the video but hadn't heard the song yet
last series hotd
last movie recently rewatched argentina 1985
coffee or tea tia kofi coffee in the morning or I'm a zombie but tea if i need a warm beverage in the afternoon bc I'm an old lady and can't sleep if I have too much caffeine
past thing i googled ikea shelves
current obsession getting a desk, redecorating for autumn and painting a table
currently craving the cheese garlic naan of a nepalese place a friend took me recently
currently working on a shopping list, an audit, a schedule and trying to get back my will to live outside my phone
something you're looking forward to meeting the new puppy my cousin adopted
no pressure tags: @palominojacoby @gardenarcana @amillcitygirl @javierbardoom @cucullas @thecollectionsof @msaudreyannerambles @r0entgen @beforeliteracytherewasdeez and literally anyone else that hasn't done it but wants to play
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apricus-imber · 3 months
hiya @kingfisherprince! thanks for the tag :)
1. do you make your bed? occasionally i bother, but nah not really
2. favourite number? 12! also 24, and 48...the more things it can be divided by the better
3. what's your job? none immediately, but soon to be an intern at a really cool workplace :)
4. if you could go back to school, would you? yes, i'd want to keep learning for the rest of my life
5. can you parallel park? gimme like 20 minutes in an extremely low-stress environment and i can pull it off
6. do you think aliens are real? oh 100%
7. can you drive a manual car? no, but one day hopefully
8. guilty pleasure? pinterest...lemme sort all the pretty pictures into boxes :D
9. tattoos? no, but maybe someday.
10. favourite colour? lavender...wild guess i know
11. favourite type of music? open to pretty much anything?? currently alternating between classical music and alt/indie rock
12. do you like puzzles? certain types, yes very much! (love all sorts or word puzzles...the rest, not so much)
13. any phobias? don't vibe much with heights, or darkness, or small spaces...there's a lot haha i'm trying to get over it.
14. favourite childhood sport? swimming! swam competitively for 13ish years :)
15. do you talk to yourself? in my head? all the time. out loud? only if i know for sure that i'm not being heard.
16. tea or coffee? tea, but i don't really have a preference :) they're both cool i don't drink much either.
17. first thing you wanted to be when growing up? an author!
18. what movies do you adore? so many bollywood classics (shoutout rab ne bana de jodi for the first movie i remember seeing in a theater, and ajab prem ki ghazab kahani for being my favorite childhood movie) but i love chris nolan movies as well :)
tagging @forza-lh44 @cassius-come-down @palewolfcheesecake-blog @cucullas @suhrpriseme @kissingwalls @red-flagging @fried1ton and anyone else that'd like to join :)
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docpiplup · 2 years
I have created an Emdt server on Discord if anyone wants to join and chat about the series!
@queenmiriamele @dicenquedicen @epiphanyrook @winnieganny @romelzapower @polgaragold @sapphicfolch @marga-manso @enterthecuttlezone @nostalgia-tblr @butherlipsarenotmoving @isadomna @itickledthesleepingdragon @luceirosdegolados @asongofstarkandtargaryen @retratospastel @luckysheikah @basiltheratatouille @cucullas @borealnyx @artabria @remuslupinisthevoiceofgod @jaybarou @madd-fujoshiteko @btwinlines @beesknees18 @kei-yuki @goldenliartrash
(I miss when there was group chats here on Tumblr)
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nevoadecaipora · 1 year
@jcamilov06 tagged me to share my top songs on repeat on Spotify (kadhsjdhskd this ought to be a mess LMAO)
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As a said a total mess but at least two of those I blame entirely on tiktok
I'll tag: @cucullas, @figurante-no1, @acosmonautsloth, @soda-limonada and @corrupted-willy .
This was actually pretty fun, thanks for tagging me Cami!
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ikno-io · 3 months
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An in-depth article exploring what a monk's hood is called, delving into its various cultural names, historical significance, and modern perceptions. read the full article: https://bit.ly/3RWVD9I #monk's hood #cuculla #monastic attire #religious habits read more: what is a monks hood called
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davidsoto666 · 2 years
🧙🏻‍♀️ *LA CAPA DE UNA BRUJA* 🧙🏻‍♀️
✨La capucha simboliza la fuerza espiritual y el poder de concentrarse y ocultarse. La capucha forma parte de la cuculla, un modo de vestir que fue muy utilizado en la Galia. Se trataba de una ✨CAPA CON CAPUCHÓN DE UNA SOLA PIEZA✨
🧙🏼‍♂️La vida en los monasterios también ha sido una gran amiga de usar la capucha como así lo
vemos en la mayoría de los hábitos de frailes y ermitaños.
✨La capucha invita al recogimiento interior, te aisla del exterior y te oculta.
Debajo la senda capucha puede haber desde un rey a un pordiosero. La capucha es sinónimo de anonimato.
🧙🏼‍♂️La capucha del ermitaño de la carta del Tarot número 9, nos recuerda que la capucha y la espiritualidad van juntas por la vida.
✨Muchos personajes mitológicos de la cultura celta los vemos representados con una senda capucha, el dios irlandés Dagdá es uno de ellos.
🦉La capa y la capucha que utiliza Dagdá esta relacionada con el mito de la invisibilidad.
La leyenda nos cuenta que en realidad Dagdá llevaba un total de 7 capuchas superpuestas una encima de la otra que le concedían la invisibilidad durante los combates que protagonizó.
✨Encapucharse la cabeza significa mucho más que volverse invisible, ya que el hecho de desaparecer puede ser sinónimo de morir.
🦉En las ceremonias iniciáticas solemos ver que los candidatos suelen estar encapuchados.
✨Entre los nandis del Africa oriental, los noveles circuncisos tienen que recorrer un largo trayecto que lo realizan vestidos con grandes sombreros en forma cónica manufacturados con altas y largas hierbas.
🦉Los dioses, brujos, demonios y genios suelen presentarse encapuchados en muchas y variadas tradiciones.
✨Parsifal con sus dos cabrones y los cabiros son un excelente ejemplo. Los cabiros son los demonios enigmáticos que la mitología nos presenta actuando como símbolo de los poderes desconocidos del espíritu.
C.G. Jung afirmaba que la capucha simbolizaba la esfera más elevada que ya se sitúa en el mundo celeste. Bajo este contexto, "la capucha equivale a la bóveda y la campana".
🦉Algunos autores relacionan la capucha con un símbolo fálico, pero bajo mi modesto punto de vista, la capucha es un símbolo femenino y la barretina o gorro frigio son símbolo masculino.
✨En la vestimenta tradicional de Cataluña podemos comprobar como son las mujeres las que están ataviadas con capuchas blancas, mientras que son los hombres los que llevan una senda barretina.
🧙🏼‍♂️La famosa capucha roja que luce Caperucita Roja nos vuelve a recordar que la caperuza es un atributo femenino.
La capucha de la mujer cristiana equivale al velo de la mujer islámica.
✨La capucha en una mujer es muestra de honestidad, modestia y ocultamiento.
Los hombres cuando tienen que ponerse una forma cónica encima de su cabeza suelen preferir conos de grandes proporciones. Son unos conos tan grandes que ya no podemos llamarlos capuchas.
🧙🏼‍♂️El Mago Merlín y los hombres desfilando en Semana Santa son una buena muestra.
Una capa con una buena capucha es uno de los métodos más eficaces para no perder el calor corporal durante el otoño y el invierno.
✨Los esquimales son expertos en utilizar la capucha para poder sobrevivir en las regiones árticas.
El misterio y la muerte también prefieren andar por la vida de forma encapuchada.
🦉Los Cuatro Jinetes de la Apocalipsis y la propia Parca suelen representarse con sendas capuchas.
Los arcontes son otras de las entidades que suelen usar capa con capucha con el fin de "camuflar" que sus cuerpos no son de carne y hueso como el de los humanos.
✨El Profesor Corrado Malanga también nos habla en sus apasionantes conferencias de una raza extraterrestre que usa capucha. No es casualidad que el protagonista de la pelícua E.T. se escondiera de los humanos mediante una gruesa capa con capucha.
🦉La mayoría de grandes producciones cinematográficas suelen beber de fuentes de información que no están al alcance del mortal.
✨Una capa con capucha suele ser la indumentaria que algunos seres utilizan para poder ingresar en nuestra dimensión.
En estos casos la capa y la capucha actúan de autentico contenedor mientras están "de visita turística" por nuestro planeta.
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violetcancerian · 4 years
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[ID: two redheads, one looking happy doing the thumbs up, and one looking tired, going "You're so fucking stupid, Juan" in Spanish with the words Done™ are floating overhead. End ID]
@cukibola @cucullas ¿Juegos de Haciendas? Juegos de Haciendas. Como cuando tu novio va a jacer algo tonto pero uno de ustedes (Tormund) lo alienta (Ygritte está sonriendo, muy a fondo, pero al final también apoya a Juan)
Translation: Game of Haciendas? Game of Haciendas. Like when your boyfriend is going to do something stupid but one of you (Tormund) encourages him (Ygritte is smiling, very deeply, but in the end she also supports Juan)
This is for a (rather funny) Game of Thrones AU we came up with, but y'all ENJOY
Anyone can like and reblog my art but PLEASE DO NOT STEAL
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Hello!! First of all let me congratulate for the blog its what i needed in my life, i laugh a lot! Secondly as a reference in the colchonero-tumblr i was wondering if u know abt an atleti whatssap group or something similar? If you do i would love tobe pointed their way. Thank you for everything have a great day!
First of all - thank you so much!! 🥺🥺 I‘m glad that I can make you laugh, I tend to always crack up making the posts and it‘s always relieving to read that I‘m not the only one liking them! 😅🙈 Hope you‘re having a great day as well 🥰
& nope, I‘ve only started my (personal) blog in January and unfortunately haven‘t talked to many other blog owners yet. I do know people who like Atleti, mostly from Twitter and Instagram, and I know that there are many What‘s App groups, but I don’t know anything about Tumblr-What‘s App groups, I‘m sorry!
Maybe we could set something up by ourselves if enough people want to join? ☺️
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I was born in the andes, I'm by no means a girl a from the plana and still Andorra is the most mountain I've ever witness.
It's true Andorra has many mountains, more than 50 of which higher than 2,000 m above sea level. Not bad at all for a microstate that's only 468 km².
However, it still comes as a surprise to hear this from someone who has seen the Andes!
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Thoughts on the Song of Solomon/Canticle of Canticles?
I once saw a post that went something like “the Song of Solomon isn’t about God’s relationship with Israel, it’s about sex. Grow up”, and I think it might actually be the single worst take on Biblical theology I’ve ever seen--all the worse since it was coming from somebody who, if asked, I’m sure would roundly reject Biblical literalism.
SoS is of course about sex and about God’s relationship with Israel--and, depending on how one feels about typological exegesis (connecting the Hebrew Bible with the New Testament), a subject on which my thoughts could easily be their own post, it might be about Christ’s relationship with the Church as well. I once saw an art critic say that Bernini’s statue of St. Teresa isn’t about sex, it’s “about something that sex is also about”, and I think that’s another good way to conceive of what’s going on in SoS. The shockingly overt (and at times not exactly Paul VI-approved) tryst between the poem’s enraptured, not-necessarily-married-yet characters is just what’s happening on the surface. There’s so much more going on underneath. As one rabbi once said, “all of Scripture is holy, but the Song of Songs is the Holy of Holies.”
can y'all send some asks that are like “thoughts on ______”
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momo-de-avis · 5 years
Since yesterday I just wanted to tell you that your love for teaching at museum and teaching art history is really inspiring. I'm so sorry that people don't support on this what you do is really noble. Also as a teenager my story and art professor inspired me to love history but also to have a better understanding at the world. Good luck in all your projects!
Thank you, that means a lot to me!
I’ve always wanted to get that experience of teaching teenagers. A lot of people just outright assume teenagers are difficult but like, from what I see, a lot of people don’t even waste time trying. I just enjoy so much sharing knowledge and seeing the spark of interest in people’s eyes. Every time one of my students says ‘I still think this is ugly, but now that I understand it, it’s actually pretty interesting’ I get so happy!
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incorrectlhquotes · 7 years
Rodrigo: Estamos mal con Fernanda, pero los psicólogos dicen que discutir es bueno para la pareja…¿no?
Catalina: Eso es verdad a medias. Concretamente, la mitad de si ganas.
Rodrigo: ¿Disculpa?
María: ¿Tú para que discutes Rodri? ¿Para "hacer crecer a la pareja”?¿Para “que se afiance”? No, para ganar. Para aplastar al otro, para reventarle, aniquilarle, sacarle los ojos de las cuencas meterle en una arepa y comértelos. Y al momento del ultimo beso le arrancas la lengua.
Catalina: Eso sí, es importante siempre controlar tus emociones. Por ejemplo cuando sientes que la cosa se va a salir de madre, que vas perder el control y tirar algo siempre para, respira tres veces… y ahí lo tiras. Cuando no se lo espere.
Francisco: Super importante. Saber calmarte, cuando gritar, cuando llorar... Si lloras muy temprano eres el loco, si lloras muy tarde, después de lo que le dijiste ya no le das pena.
Rodrigo: ...Voy a morir solo.
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docpiplup · 2 years
I have found some more interviews and made a compilation of them @asongofstarkandtargaryen @queenmiriamele @isadomna @cucullas @luceirosdegolados
I've always been a lover of mythology in general, but above all of Basque mythology, which is mine, the one that was taught to me, and I have always wanted to make a film about this mythological world, this cosmogony.
I've always wanted to do sword and sorcery, which is one of my favorite genres and well that's a bit, that love for the sword and sorcery genre, that love for mythology and medieval history.
-It's better to die by a Christian sword than to live under the Saracens.
- Are you looking for my iron?
We wanted to make a film as big as possible, in 2.35, with anamorphics... Visually it was spectacular, epic, big! So for that we had to go to natural locations, as large as possible, the Pyrenees, the forests, the rivers, the caves... Immerse ourselves in that natural world that is very difficult to access to be able to shoot with all the materials and so on, and it is very hard also for the cast.
-Put this on.
-No way.
-The eguzkilore will protect you more than that cross, it is an amulet for the darkness.
-I'm not going to wear that.
Nature is also the protagonist of the film, it somehow represents those mythological deities. Recreate all that historical world, with battles, extras and so on.
As I comented the other day in a post about Irati that Belasko is the antagonist of the film, he and some other nobles are against Eneko inheriting his grandfather's position as lord of the valley and Belasko propose himself as the next lord of the valley, because they believe Eneko's family isn't "Christian enough" because his father believed in pagan beliefs and his mother Oneka is now a Muslim woman because she married Musa Ibn Fortun and had children with him (like Musa Ibn Musa al-Qasawi) after her first husband died ( this marriage meant the beginning of an alliance in the family with the Banu Qasi against the Franks and more or less a good political relationship with the emirate of Córdoba) despite Ximeno and Eneko being staunchly Christian and Eneko starts understanding the old beliefs during his adventure with Irati.
Eneko is a young man who is destined to be the leader of the valley. His father was, so Eneko returns to the valley after a few years wanting to restore a bit of order and peace in the valley.
-I remember little, my father's funeral, a wild tradition. When I am lord of the valley there will be nothing like this anymore
He's in for an adventure...
- What are you doing here?
-Don't worry, there's no need to shed blood. Tell us where the gold is and we'll be in peace.
-Get out or duel!
That will be played by Irati, a mysterious young pagan from the valley with whom he will have to unite if he wants to become the leader of that valley. Then, all his faith and all his beliefs will be put in check to achieve peace. But also review his past and review his father.
-Be careful Belasko, respect or you will go to the dungeon!
-God has cursed your surname.
The most difficult part of the shoot was maintaining my weight, which I gained almost ten kilos for this film, along with also maintaining the choreography of the swords, that the horse listened to me, all these things that are already a bit out of the actor's control. That was really like a leap of faith.
The funny thing is that this film wasn't the first time Eneko Sagardoy has been in prominent changes, although in my opinion in Irati for he didn't change so much, although the following ones were more like an aspect of the effects and the production, there's Handia in which he played Miguel Joaquin Eleizegi, aka the Giant of Altzo, and in Errementari he played as the devil Sartael:
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Eneko: Some beings have been created that I want to find in my nightmares. The public is going to be incredibly surprised with the beings that we are going to see during the film. I can not say too much... I think the work that has been done to put body and shape to all this that until now we have only had in our minds, in our imagination is precious and I think it is impressive and that the public is going to hallucinate.
Edurne: Wonderful. Special mention to David Heras because he is also a good friend and is working hard for the effects. It is another of the quadrangular stones that believe a lot in Irati. Him and his entire team, because let's not forget that there are like, I don't know, 120 people pixel by pixel, working to make it believable, so that this universe reaches the screens as big as possible. So this department is really crucial and Paul holds it in high esteem.
Itziar: I remember that I had an LED attached to my hand and to my body that, when she got angry, it turned on the LED, because well, this later with the effects... I didn't understand anything, all full of cables.
The first film by director Paul Urkijo, Errementari: The Blacksmith and the Devil, despite its defects, evidenced the author's intentions to exploit an almost intact beta in our cinema, that of folklore and peninsular legends.
Paul: We have such a large compendium of legends and there are many people who do not know them, that is a pity, that is, these legends are not transmitted for not giving them importance or taking them as a story, when they really are part of our culture, that is, they root us deeply in the world and our way of seeing the world. We also have to preserve these stories because they are precisely a lesson to preserve all this natural world that we have.
-To arms!
-Prepare for battle!
Now in Irati the director jumps back several centuries, specifically the 8th century to narrate, more accurately than its predecessor, the legend of Eneko, the first king of Pamplona. Once again with the participation of RTVE, shot in Basque, Urkijo repeats the leading role with Eneko Sagardoy, who faced the action challenge typical of these fantasies, apparently far from the actor's physique.
-That's enough, grandfather is waiting for me.
Eneko: He is one of the characters that I would never have thought that any casting director, for example, would have thought of me to play the king of Navarra who rides a horse, and such, that I put on 10 kilos based on sandwiches, cheese and milkshakes, and I gained a lot of muscle. I would never have imagined seeing myself like this or learning to ride a horse, to fight with swords very quickly and I think it was necessary.
Also in that case it was not a question of i Look, how I have transformed!, it was not binding, and it has been nice to see you physically transformed, it is always interesting.
-Calm down, what's up?
-The pain of the forest anguishes him
-This river is full of lamia tears. They left long ago with the construction of your hermitages and mills.
He takes as his starting point the first volume of the comic El Ciclo de Irati with which he builds a precious and careful story of magic and swords in which we witness the return of Eneko years after the battle of Roncesvalles in which his father lost his life. against the army of Charlemagne.
-Boy, you'll have to be strong to be a leader.
-To die!
-To arms!
Eneko will find himself in a region where the emerging Christianity and Muslims coexist with pagan beliefs. To reclaim his dynastic right, he will try to recover his father's body with the help of an enigmatic hermit, the beautiful Irati, played by the young debutant actress Edurne Azkarate.
-He appreciates you, he likes that you give him nuts
-How do you know that?
Paul: I've been able to make a movie three times as big, more serious too, although that adventure is also good, it's a movie with monsters and sword blows, but it's also a drama.
-Lamias...there are no such female creatures with bird feet
-A noble like you will have been with many women, right? Have you seen many feet?
We can affirm that Irati is the best to date, also almost the only magic and swords genre film in our cinema. It contains everything that fans of these formats of evocative adventure landscapes and magical beings such as lamias or mermaids and Basque mythology such as the mother earth goddess Mari or the tartalus, a kind of cyclops.
Paul: What I like is doing fantastic genres with creatures from fairy tale worlds, it's what I like the most, and it's what I want to continue doing as long as they let me.
Its technical envelope transmits a sensation of big-budget cinema, the care from the photography to the special effects or its impressive soundtrack and the epic of its story reminds us of productions such as the classic Excalibur or the recent The Green Knight, excellent distant cousins for a second work by a director to keep an eye on.
- Lamiak, Basajaun, mamarroak, Gaueko...
-Do they all have names?
-Yes, as long as someone remembers them
Previous interviews: Edurne Azkarate, Itziar Ituño
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Ok, so Liv my dear. (@kleinerosalia )
First and foremost welcome to psg once again! And second of all, I collected a couple of psg blogs I absolutely love and adore. I know there are a lot of other psg blogs out there (not that many but some) but I don't know them very well so I didn't tag them.
There are also a couple of other blogs that have gone quiet the past year or so, so I didn't mention them either. These blogs however are the once I regularly see on my dash and interact with and all of them are just the loveliest and kindest psg fans. So yeah, here you have them!!
@spartak1985, @kingkyks, @too-multifandom-to-function, @psgmisquotes, @psgermaintrashh, @mbappefc, @football-tears, @juledraxler7, @stfucuzyoudontknwme, @ratocon, @cavani-fc, @cucullas, @messfc, @elnathhhhh, @amelmajrii, @psg-est-magique
Also to my lovely PSG mutuals that are not here on this list! I'm sorry!
I can't spell for shit ok! and I couldn't find your names in my chat because we talk through asks or rebloggings and I can't for the life of me spell anything right so yea, there you go.
Please reblog and tag yourself if you can. Would much appreciate it.
Anyways, hope this helps Liv!!!
Welcome to PSG!
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