#scratch that it changes hourly
My Personal Ranking of Arcane CaitVi Moments + Poll for their Best Moment
This was harder than it should’ve been
1. Council Meeting + Oil and Water: There’s just something about the last episodes that have me in a chokehold. Them standing with each other, fighting for each other, Cassandra’s approval to go after Vi, then they break up even though they were never dating ????? My heart belongs to them. They’re just so attached to each other and it’s way more than "they have romantic feelings for each other and kinda wanna get it on," but they’re dedicated to each other. Full on respect and appreciation. Vi thinking this is her protecting the two of them and Caitlyn wanting nothing more than for Vi to stay but she makes the decision and leaves anyway, UGHHHHH
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2. Everything after Oil and Water: Again, the last episodes. The one thing that finally tied the two of them together, a unique bond. They’ve been through so much together after such a short amount of time and they have to be each other’s solid rock. Jinx calling Caitlyn Vi’s girlfriend then Vi being scared Caitlyn’s head is on that platter, then Vi not being able to let Jinx kill Caitlyn even though Jinx has been her motivating force throughout her ENTIRE LIFE. Don’t even get me STARTED ON THAT FRICKING SHOWER. They’re so in love. ALSO, their final shot of Vi holding onto Caitlyn and supporting and protecting her (plus the fact that she doesn't use her gauntlet hand for it). So good.
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3. Brothel Scenes + Saviour Caitlyn: One word: iconic. Vi is such a mess but Caitlyn will always be there to pick the pieces up. Their banter and them disliking each other but finally learning to trust each other is complete gold. PLUS: YOU'RE SO SWEET, LIKE A CUPCAKE!!!!
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4. Bridge Scenes: THAT HUG, THAT KNEE PAT, ALL THE FACE TOUCHES, CONCERNED VI, VI RUNNING INTO THE MESS FOR CAITLYN, CAITLYN GOING IN TO PROTECT VI FROM THE SHOTS UNTIL SHE (VI) PUSHED HER (CAITLYN) AWAY SO SHE DOESNT GET HURT!!!!! No words, they’re just in love. The way these scenes just show their growing connection and need is simply so important to me.
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5. Tie between Firelight Hideout Scenes and Caitlyn Releasing Vi from Prison + Everything After: Firelight Hideout scenes showed us more of their banter, Caitlyn’s amazing line, “this city needs healing,” and Vi gazing at Caitlyn like she was in love. Them in the sunlight is actually just gorgeous, but the fact that Ekko says “Vi says I can trust at you,” and Cait before that going, “It’s me you want,” just tops that. I don’t think Vi said this (Caitlyn can be trusted) because she fell for Caitlyn at that point, but because she knew that Caitlyn wasn’t on the side she was fighting against. She was practically harmless to her and, if anything, very useful. This is where I believe Vi starts appreciating Cait. Then, Caitlyn releasing Vi from prison then the wild goose chase that follows is just so fun. Vi’s new jacket and Cait’s new fit, Jericho’s food stand (they’re so annoying to each other at first, it’s amazing), it’s all so great. But… I cringe every time I hear Caitlyn go, “That place looks like it has bodies in the basement.” I know she was making a silly joke but it irks me knowing Vi’s history and reaction. Makes me scared and nervous that they wouldn't be able to move past that not so harmless joke (even though I know they do) and really shows you the differences they have to overcome.
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6. Tie between Vi’s Old Home and Bedroom Scenes: Okay, so this is, like, ridiculously low. I love these scenes a ton, but their thing is that they’re the least subtle. It doesn’t feel like total yearning it just feels like a relationship (WHICH ISNT A BAD THING). Caitlyn didn't seem like she was pulling away from Vi because she was questioning how she feels for her (or her breath stank), but because Vi was out of her mind. Again, not a bad thing and these scenes are fantastic. This might be so low because I’ve read so many fics and analyses about them that they’re just there to me. UGH BUT I LOVE THEM. Them climbing into Caitlyn’s window, Cassandra and Tobias busting in, them breaking down the sign, those FACE TOUCHES. Caitlyn giving up her prized possession for this hot criminal she hardly knows???? Gosh, I can’t deal. (Should I switch this 5th and 6th 😭).
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7. Mini Caitlyn and Vi being connected without them knowing: Threw this in here for fun. I love the idea of Mini CaitVi interacting, they’d be the absolute cutest. This just adds layers to their relationship. As if they were destined to be together. Like the world has been pushing them together for so long without them even knowing.
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everwalldigan · 1 month
To anyone who thinks Bruce has a clear and consistent favourite child I raise you this: it is infinitely funnier for Bruce to have a complicated and elaborate “ranking” system of his kids that only he’s privy to.
Picture this: Batman, dosed with truth serum, gets asked as a gag from one of the goons holding him captive who his favourite bat-vigilante is and instead of giving a straight answer, he launches into this whole explanation about the ranking system and who’s in the current lead, who’s hanging behind, etc. At some point (this is a mystery to everyone involved) a whiteboard appears and he starts explaining his system like he’s a football coach before an important match. Out of nowhere he starts pulling out little cardboard cutouts of his kids and pins them to the board. At some point the red string comes out.
Jason hasn’t killed someone in a week? Automatically promoted to favourite. Tim hasn’t caused an international incident in the past month? Puts him a few points ahead that keep decreasing the longer he refuses real sleep (20 minute power naps don’t count Tim! Says powernap inventor Bruce Wayne). Cass gave him a hug this morning and wished him a good day? Favourite until he gets a call from dick telling him (without shouting!!!!) that he’ll be there for this week’s Sunday dinner. Duke accidentally scratches the Batmobile? Demoted to the “in trouble” zone (which, honestly, that’s where his kids spend most of the time in😭). Damian did not attempt to free all the animals in the zoo they visited? Favourite. Until Bruce found out he was just trying to conceal the cat hidden in his room that Bruce explicitly forbade him from keeping.
Dick arrives at the family dinner with a busted shoulder and a bruise the size of Texas on his face? Gets demoted so far down that even azraeil scores higher than him. He’s in the “in trouble” zone for a constant month after that. Oh one of them survived an almost death? Favourite for at least the next week. At least. Multiple people survive an almost death? EVERYONES the favourite. The least favourite is the growing grey hairs on his head.
The end of day results are decided by who bothers to wish him goodnight and if all of them have fucked up in some way the past week then Jon (Kent) becomes the automatic favourite until someone cracks a joke that Bruce actually finds funny.
The favourite child changes daily, hourly even, and his kids are aware this system exists and keep trying to crack the code but he always Knows and just smirks smugly.
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the-kr8tor · 1 year
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Feat: The cats 😺😻😾
Pairing: Hobie Brown x gn! Reader/ Spider-Punk x gn! Reader
Word count: 1.7k
Synopsis: You and Hobie try to survive a record breaking heatwave.
Tags: no use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, established relationship, some miscommunication, FLUFF, lovestruck Hobie.
A continuation of this fic
My Masterlist
*I don't consent to having my work translated/ published on other platforms*
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You groan loudly, as if it helps make the air cooler, but alas it doesn't work that way. It certainly doesn't help that the air-conditioning in your building completely fizzled out last night, resulting in you and Hobie waking up sweaty and grumpy.
You breathe heavily through the humidity, but the sweltering heat doesn't make it any easier.
The cats don't help too, especially that they're currently blocking the air flow from your single working fan. Crumpet,Teacup and Crowley lay sprawled across a cooling mat, Crowley looks back at you every minute or so, checking to see if you've melted into a puddle.
Teacup, the ever spoiled baby, mewls towards you, as if to say it's time for their hourly wipe of their paws with a cold damp cloth. She's lucky you love her. She's been relishing the attention lately, especially time spent with Hobie, you can't help but get jealous sometimes, this is what Hobie probably feels like with Crowley attached to your hip.
You reluctantly stand up, stretching to your full height, arms wide, you cringe at the sweat clinging to your back, arms, legs and clothes, it's safe to say you're covered in it. You grimace at how tacky your clothes feel on you, your tank top must look like an abstract painting from behind. You lick your lips in a futile attempt to keep them moist, feeling the cracks of skin underneath your tongue.
You grab the designated cloth to soak it in the sink, at the same time you open the fridge to grab another ice pack. Thank goodness you have a stock of them for whenever Hobie comes home bruised. You wish you don't have an abundance of it though, you hate it when Hobie gets hurt.
Teacup meows loudly, telling you to hurry up.
"Alright, alright! 'm coming, you big baby" not noticing your words slurring together. You lift up the cloth, wringing off the excess water.
You stride towards the cats, carefully patting the cloth on their paws, while checking their fur for any tangles. Making sure their water bowls aren't empty.
After rubbing their paws you move to pet Crumpet, moving your fingers on her head, and scratching behind her ear. She purrs under your touch.
You're concerned about Crumpet, she's a lot older than the other two, so you're taking more time to be more attentive towards her.
You rub her thick fur absentmindedly, the air from the fan blowing on your lashes. Your mind wanders back to Hobie, how is he faring in this temperature? Especially in his suit, you practically had to beg him to leave his leather vest at home.
"I always wear it, love, I don't feel complete without it"
"Yeah, I know for the aesthetic," you change your tone, you don't want to fight, "but damn it, just for today please, I don't want you getting heatstroke" you sigh at his stubbornness.
For added effect Crumpet meows at Hobie, backing you up.
Hobie sighs in defeat, "fine," he drops the vest haphazardly over your bed, you think he's mad.
He leans over kissing your cheek, it's too hot to give you a proper kiss, you curse at the temperature, depriving you of affection. "don't forget to drink water, yeah?"
"Mmhm, you too. Take breaks, okay?" you move to hug him, but you recoil your hands back, thinking the added heat might make him more agitated. Hobie thinks you're mad at him.
You wanted to convince him to leave his leather boots and wear his trainers instead, but it might've been all in vain, since he's already opening the window to swing away.
That was hours ago, you hope he's okay, and keeping hydrated. You wish he wasn't mad at you.
Putting the ice pack on your head, you lean against your sofa, watching the cats stay cool.
You zone out, not hearing the familiar thump of heavy boots.
Hobie thinks you're ignoring him, shit you look mad, your face scrunched up into a scowl, sweat dripping on your forehead.
He crosses the small distance, the cats lay sprawled on their mat, the only indication that they noticed him is their heads slightly following his movements, even Crowley refuses to scowl at him. It's hot even for the little hell spawn.
Hobie grabs the cool can inside his little plastic bag, it rustles, but you still haven't looked at him. Fuck he should've kissed you goodbye better.
You feel the cold can on your cheek, waking you up from your daze. You feel sluggish. Craning your neck towards Hobie, you give him a small smile.
"Hey, you're home, early" your eyes slightly glossy.
"Yeah, even villains are too hot to commit crime" he notices your eyes, "when did you last drink water?"
You grab the cold can of soda from his hands, your hands shake trying to open the lid. "Um, I'm about to drink now"
"Shit, sweetheart, that's not enough" he grabs the can from your hands, earning a small "hey" from you. "Let me get you some water, yeah?"
Hobie rushes towards the kitchen, shit how long have you last drank? You must've been too busy taking care of the cats that you forgot about yourself. He doesn't blame you though, those cats are your family. He should've checked in on you on one of his breaks.
Glass in hand, he webs himself towards the living room, so he can get to you faster. You hate it when Hobie leaves his webs inside, but he'll apologize and clean it up later.
Hobie brings the cold glass to your chapped lips, you empty it in a flash, water drips from your chin, he wipes it with his thumb.
"There, you're gonna feel better in a minute" he sighs when color comes back to your lips.
"Can I have the soda now?" You tilt your head prettily.
Hobie opens the can for you before giving it back, "lemme change and I'll get you another glass, yeah?" He rubs the sweat clinging on to your eyebrows, messing up the strands. He chuckles at your unruly brows.
"What's so funny?" You pout against the mouth of the can.
"Nothing" he pecks your forehead, ignoring the sweat. That kiss will have to do for now, he has to make up a lot of kisses for the lack of love he gave you that morning.
Hobie basically tears his suit off him, sweat clings inside, he should shower. He should also try and fix your aircon, but he doesn't want to leave your side, you were on the brink of heat stroke when he arrived, Hobie needs to watch over you till you're better, and the cats need attention too, he still hasn't won over Crowley yet. He's made it his personal mission since he met the rascal.
Crowley settles next to you, the fog clouding your mind slowly dissipating. You sigh with your eyes closed.
"Oi no sleeping" Hobie places another cold glass in your hands in exchange for the soda. He's now wearing an old band shirt that he's kept at your place. Hobie doesn't have shorts, so he just went for his boxers.
He sits next to you, with Crowley in between. Hobie stretched his legs in front of him, his toned legs in full display.
"Here," Hobie hands you a fresh cloth "nevermind c'mere" you happily lean towards him, "you need to take care of yourself too y'know" He dabs the cloth on your neck, drying it.
"I know," you sigh "I was just worried about the cats and you, it must've been hard being in that heat all day"
He hums too engrossed in wiping you dry. You take this as Hobie still being angry at you.
"Are you still mad at me?" You ask in a small voice. wringing your hands anxiously.
"What?" He stops his movements, "I thought you were the one who's angry" he grabs your hands, smoothing the skin with his thumbs, trying to calm your thoughts. "Why would I be mad?"
"Because of the vest thing" you look up at him through your lashes. "I thought, you might've looked at it like I'm trying to change you, I'm not, I like you just the way you are"
Crowley watches the scene with pensive eyes. Crumpet sneezes in her sleep, while teacup curls near Hobie's foot.
"I'm not mad about that, I understand you were looking out for me, and I was too bloody stubborn" he kisses each of your knuckles, his warm breath calms your nerves. You know he isn't good with his words, sometimes opting for showing what he means through his actions.
" 'm not mad either, I shouldn't have pushed you" you lay your head against the couch cushion.
"Nah, I want you to make me, you keep me in line, love. You're right I would've gotten heatstroke with it on" he softly lays your hands on Crowley, he returns to his previous action, wiping at the soft skin on your hip.
"Imagine, I fainted while swinging" he jokes but you glare at him.
"Not funny, Hobart"
"Now, you're mad" He chuckles as he moves the cloth over your nose.
"Augh!" You swat at the piece of wet cloth "that's disgusting!"
"It's your own sweat, lovey" Hobie smiles lopsidedly.
"Next time, wear your trainers instead of boots too?" You ask shyly.
"Alright, for you, yeah"
You nod, finally convincing him "you took care of yourself out there?" You cup his jaw, making circular patterns over his skin with your thumb.
"Yeah, took breaks, hydrated, can't say the same thing for you though"
"I know, I'll do better next time" you sigh, thumping your head on his shoulder.
"Oi" he shakes you with his shoulder "I still owe you that kiss"
You laugh, Crowley perks up at the sound "and I still owe you a hug"
"What are you waiting for? Come up here and get it" a smile creeping on the corner of his lips.
You lean up, head staying on his shoulder, Hobie does all the work, he cranes his neck down as he holds the back of your head, guiding you towards his lips. You sigh into his lips, ignoring the sweat forming on his upper lip.
You cling on to his shirt, slowly moving your arms around him, he kisses deeper.
By some sort of miracle the aircon comes to life, blowing much needed cold air into your flat. You both decide to ignore it, while you climb on his lap, so his neck wouldn't strain. He holds your back, anchoring you.
Crowley meows at the both of you trying to get your attention away from Hobie.
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A/N: thanks for reading! Hope you liked it! Likes and reblogs are always appreciated ❤️❤️❤️
*picture above is from pinterest*
My requests are open! Check out my rules.
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period-dramallama · 3 months
Things what I have learned
Now that my first novel is done, I'm reflecting on what I learned in the last 2-3 years. Tagging @theladyelizabeth @boleynqueenes @annabolinas because they are the fic writers that spring to mind.
Don’t try and write in one document because you can’t do it.
You just can’t. It’s too long. The document will get unwieldy very quickly. You don’t have to have a new doc for every chapter but please. Chunk. Make it easy to find scenes again without having to wade through pages and pages and dozens of keyword search results.
Highlight placeholder text so your eye doesn’t skip over it upon rereads.
I speak from painful experience here.
Start with a timeline of all the events
You are never going to remember every single little thing that is happening. You cannot memorise the order everything happens because things change on a daily or even hourly basis. Who died first on 17 November? Mary or Pole? Don’t force yourself to remember. WRITE IT DOWN. “Oh I’ll just compile my notes on that event when I come to it” NO. Start with the foundations. Otherwise you’ll be talking about the Pope and be like “SHIT I forgot about the Sack of Rome and him being the emperor’s prisoner because I was busy writing Henry’s intense tennis match”.
Organise your FUCKING notes
“I don’t need to organise my notes because I won’t be citing anything”. FOOL. Fool fool fool fool fool. That’s the Devil talking.
Events can be organised by the aforementioned timeline. It doesn’t matter if the timeline is excessively detailed because you can always remove irrelevant facts as you write the story. Information about people goes in the character profiles: appearance, character traits, favourite food, favourite books, etc. you never know when these little personal details may get mentioned. I also organise by location: information on church interiors, London, Rome, Hampton Court, Greenwich, the Mary Rose. And by theme: War, Trade, Proverbs, Catholicism, Protestantism, Agriculture, Disease.
Also organise your literal notes. I wrote snippets of dialogue on the backs of receipts. Worse. Down the sides of receipts. The FRONT of receipts. Take time to move notes from your phone to your computer.
Bibliography as you go along
It just saves time. And it’s nice to watch the list get longer.
Write a summary as you go along
Having to summarise at the end is just too daunting because either you worry you missed something out or you have to read the whole thing over again. Whereas if you write a detailed summary as you go along, adjusting it as you change things, it helps you to keep track of your plot beats and what’s happened so far AND for your final summary, you boil down your detailed summary to its essentials, which is easier than writing from scratch, if you ask me.
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gingersnappish · 11 months
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I've got a few slots available!
Please DM me Tumblr or email me at fatacoll16 at gmail dot com
SKETCHES -Half Body____________$30 -Full Body____________ $50 +Background__________$25 +Add. Character_______$30 FULL COLOR FINISHED ART -Half Body____________$70 -Full Body____________ $90 +Background__________$50 +Add. Character_______$60
F.A.Q. “Do you draw …X…?” ~Highly likely! I am comfortable drawing nearly anything! I have a very small handful of very specific exceptions - but it never hurts to ask! I reserve the right to refuse a commission in the rare event that I feel I am poorly suited to the idea - but I will let you know politely and without judgement at the outset.
~Comic Page(s) commissions are available on a case-by-case basis. I am first and foremost a comic artist by trade so please reach out if you have something in mind! My rates start at $150/page; final quote is determined by project’s size and unique demands. Please refer to the DIEYMLIH comic site for examples.
~I reserve the right to add and appropriate surcharge to the initial quote in cases that require a high degree of technical skill and additional time - complex battle scenes set in intricate environments, extremely detailed tech, or elaborate costuming and character design necessitating extensive from scratch concept work, to name a few examples - any surcharge will be fully discussed with the individual prior to invoice/payment.
~Payment in full required prior to start of work. All prices in USD (I invoice via Paypal once we agree on terms)
~Rough sketch sent for customer approval prior to completion for any full color commission. Alterations are gratis for 2 rounds prior to inking/coloring; any further changes will be subject to an hourly rate.
~Commission will be delivered 3 weeks (15 work days) from receipt of payment, unless otherwise discussed. — I look forward to working with you!
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neogandw · 1 year
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A commission made for my friend cheez of her original character, Parsley. A hard working mechanically inclined earth fairy!
I had to design her from scratch, so this is very much my original design for such a thing based on her directions, so I can do that much.
Took 7 hours to finish her up.
Also notably: I changed my hourly rate of comissions, I had to begin taking account Paypal's cut so the price was rounded to nice even numbers (9 to 10, 14 to 15 and what was supposed to be 19 to 20), my apologies for the slight price hike.
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jupebox · 2 years
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good grief it took me over a month to finally finish my hourlies from this year but i did finish them!!!! watercolor on a weird accordion notebook i found in my paper stash. i bought myself some fun sparkly and color changing watercolors on etsy and tested the sparkles out for shiny fuecoco and the “ALEX!!!” panel, so, included a closeup of those at the end so you can see the sparples.
Transcript provided below the cut for people who can’t read my chicken scratch!
6:40 “i need to get an autofeeder”
i am sleeping. my alarm starts beeping, and immediately my cat begins screaming at full volume, leading me to her empty food bowl. Once I put food into the bowl, the scream morphs into eating noises. with a dead-eyed stare, i contemplate this. my father says “good morning!” after a pause, I reply “no, good night”. the munching noises continue through all the final panels.
7:20 “i should enable do not disturb”
i am back asleep. my phone buzzes with a “bzzt”. On the screen is a picture of a bunny and a message that reads “LOL that’s totally my bunny!!”. i put the phone down, thinking “cute”. after a beat, I look back up and my internal monologue says “oh god i said so much stupid stuff in yesterday’s interview. there’s no way i’m getting that job now. aaaauuuugh brain shut UP”. The last panel is a small zoomed out drawing of me upset and screaming aaAAAAaaa
8:40 “undending regrets”
i am still in bed. my phone buzzes with a “bzzt” again. The screen says “interview: thanks for the email! feel free to ask any questions! :) - name”. the last panel is a zoomed in closeup of my upset face, surrounded by my internal scream of “I SAID SO MUCH STUPID STUFF”
9:40 “do it for him”
i am STILL in bed, but annoyed, when my phone buzzes with a “bzzt” again. This time the screen says “bro: hey when do we need to book kirby cafe stuff”. the last panel is me typing furiously on the phone while thinking “yeah I’ll wake up for that”
10-10:30 “too bad about those 530 fuecoco eggs”
I am playing pokemon on my nintendo switch. I say “ah. my whole team is physical attackers, huh”. the screen shows a tinkatuff, a flamigo, and the top of a veluza. The last panel shows a rabsca, with the text “except for the one that sucks, huh.”
10:30-11:15 “cleaning the bathrooms + harrow the ninth”
I am wiping down the counter in a bathroom, wearing headphones. text across the top of the panels reads “...because in those eyes, you were already dead. Your 18th birthday passe-” and is interrupted by me looking up, incredulous, saying “18???” loudly. “HARROW IS 18!? BABIES!!!” I say, while holding cleaning supplies. The last panel is just text that reads “i am absolutely mercymorn.”
11:25 “going for a walk outside!”
the first panel is a drawing of me, all bundled up. there are labels pointing to all of the warm things I am wearing - hat, scarf, hoodie, fingerless gloves, turtleneck. The second panel is me surrounded by people in tshirts. the text says “Forecast: 45F and sunny. I am a californian.”
11:30-12:05 “priorities”
i am walking by the river with my friend and infodumping about my pokemon troubles. I am saying “...and even after like 600 eggs we STILL didn’t hatch any shiny fuecoco”. “oh my god” she replies. “wait.” she says in panel 2, with a consternated look on her face, “so, winning a boss battle with items is “tedious” but spending 10 hours breeding eggs is a fun challenge?” a tiny chibi of me holds up a finger and says “listen.” in the last panel, as though this were any kind of defense.
12:05-12:15 “impeccable timing”
my friend is walking toward her car; we have finished our walk. “lunch at that indian place?” she asks. “yeah! i don’t actually know the address but i’ll google it” i confirm. “ok, see you there!” she says, and then leaves. in the second panel I type “indian” into google maps. in the third panel my phone fucking dies. in the last panel, i stare down at it with a customer service smile, text above my head “r u srs”
12:20 “little white lies”
we’re sitting down at a booth in the indian restaurant (i did finally manage to reboot my phone and get there but that’s another story). My friend is looking around while holding a glass of water. she says “my friend was upset when i said i was checking out this place without her”. “oh no!” i reply, “should we go somewhere else?” my friend waves off my concerns in panel 2 with a “nah, it’s fine. let’s see if it’s as good as she said”. Just then, our food arrives. The third panel is drawings of the food we ordered, with my star ratings and descriptions next to each. they are:
veggie biryani: 1.5 stars. flavorless & wet. veggies good tho
cauliflower pakora: .5 stars. flavorless & dry. somehow worse with the sauces
chicken tikka masala: 3 stars. rice was fine. sauce was fine. spice level ok. best thing we got
garlic naan: 2.5 stars. as crunchy garlic bread, delicious. as naan, useless
panel 4 is a top down view of us contemplating our empty plates. in the last panel, my friend is sweating and thinking hard, and says “when she asks me if it was good i dunno if i’ll be able to lie.” i encourage her “be strong”
1pm “and i get to pet her every day!”
my friend and i have gone to my house. we are knelt down on the floor trying to entice my cat to come closer. i am saying “hey business! wanna come meet my friend?” my friend is making “pss pss pss” noises. business peeks around the corner and cautiously approaches our outstretched hands. as soon as we reach for her, she shrinks away warily though, while my friend says “oh nope ok”. she finally acquiesces to being touched, but is highly suspicious. my friend says “oh! she is SO soft!’ and I reply with “ikr”
2pm “i want a rematch”
we are playing wingspan and tallying points. I have a phone in my hand, using the calculator app. in the first panel I say “so after adding up my birds, eggs, tokens, tucked birds, round points, and bonus cards, my total is-” in panel 2 i squint at my phone. panel 3: “how many points did you have”. my friend says “uhhh 73?” with a shrug. in panel 4 i flip the phone around to reveal that the score in the calculator app is 72. my friend is delighted and surprised in panel 5, saying, “i won?” I scream in outrage “BY ONE POINT”
3pm “jump to recipe”
This is a text heavy comic. in panel one there is a drawing of a vegetable in a strainer in a sink, with the text “my mom & i trade off cooking. today i’m making chinese broccoli!” panel 2 shows me cutting the ends off of the chinese broccoli, with the text “i had a few things i really wanted to learn to make when i took up cooking, & dim sum-style gai lan was near the top of the list”. the last panel says “i’ve now prepared it enough times that i don’t need to look up the recipe anymore!” and the picture shows the ingredients - sliced ginger root, 1 pound gai lan, garlic, enough water to cover the gai lan, 1 tsp baking soda, 2-3 tsp salt
4pm “5 stars!”
I am lounging on the couch, texting someone while my cat is on top of me. “made rin’s cheater chicken soup today!” i text. “oh yeah?” “yeah!” the second panel says “i just subbed the gai lan cooking liquid for the chicken broth, whatever veggies we had in the fridge for the frozen veggies, and pork potstickers for the chicken wontons!” each substitution is accompanied by a little drawing of the intended ingredient and the replacement. the last panel reads “... so you made a completely different recipe.” “yeah i sure fucking did huh”. i stare off into the distance with tears tracking down my smiling face, with a tiny “gomen” next to my head.
5pm “noble snacrifice”
each panel has a caption and small drawing. panel 1: “i overcooked....... the soup.........” with a drawing of a large pot of soup. in the pot there are indistinguishable vegetables, labeled “formerly: baby bok choy. now: mush, sad, unappetizing”. panel 2: “the textures are all wrong....” i am eating the soup with a tearful face, saying “weh”. panel 3: “but business was asleep on my feet & i couldn’t turn off the burner in time...” with a drawing of business asleep and purring
6pm “watching recovery of an mmo junkie”
i am sitting in bed with a laptop on my lap, leaning forward, invested, saying “does sakurai have the brain cell???” in the second panel i am making a victorious pose and shouting “HE DOOO” (fuck yeah!) while the laptop goes flying
7pm “friendship is magic”
i’m still lying in bed on the laptop, when my phone buzzes with another “bzzt”. The notification reads “joltik tagged you in a tweet”. panel 3 is a drawing of a tweet from “edelgard stan 4 lyfe (@tinyjoltiks)” that is just “@jupeboxal” and an image. the image is of a shiny fuecoco, with the text “fuecoco hatched from the egg!” the last panel is a chibi drawing of my overwhelmed and joyfully tearful face, with an enormous “ALEX!!!!” caption
8pm “tOo BaD aBoUt ThOsE 530 fUeCoCo EgGs”
it is a single panel. the panel is a 5 x 11 grid of tiny non-shiny fuecocos as you might see in a box view in pokemon scarlet/violet. There is a text dialogue at the bottom of the panel that says “Would you like to save your progress and start the Surprise Trade?”
9pm “no seriously where can you buy these”
In the first panel I am peering at a bookcase full of notebooks and art supplies, thinking “hmm what should I draw my hourlies on?” in the second panel i am selecting one notebook and thinking “i gotta have some watercolor paper somewhere”. the last panel is me stretching out an accordion watercolor journal with bugged out eyes, thinking “THIS IS SO COOL??? WHERE DID I GET THIS???”
10pm “she never leaves you guessing”
i am in bed again but now I am drawing in the watercolor notebook with little “skitch skitch skitch” sound effects. a large brightly-colored “MOW” yelling bubble appears at the bottom of the panel. the second panel is overlapping MOW” speech bubbles surrounding me, no longer drawing. panel 3 is from my perspective, of the door to my room, where my cat is screaming “MOW” with a hair tie in her mouth. In the last panel, I have put down the notebook and am sitting up saying “ah. it is play time.” while my cat stands demandingly on the bed, having dropped the hair tie in front of me, with a very long loud “MOOOOOOOW!!!” spanning the entire panel in the background
11pm “it’s something”
a drawing of the accordion watercolor notebook, unfolded. Outside of the notebook, the text reads “finally working on hourlies!” with sparkles surrounding the word “hourlies”. inside the notebook there is a sketchy drawing of the first comic, the one from 6:40. the next page of the notebook says “...hourly”. the next page says “i did one.” the next page has a drawing of the “it’s something” rage comic person, and the page after that says “it’s something.”
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bytelabz-solution · 2 months
Custom Web Application Development
Custom Web Application Development involves creating tailored web applications designed to meet specific business needs and requirements. Unlike off-the-shelf solutions, custom web applications are built from scratch to address unique workflows, processes, or functionalities that are not available in standard software.
 Key Services Offered
1. Custom Web Application Development
   - Tailored Solutions: Design and develop web applications customized to specific business processes and requirements.
   - Technology Stack: Utilizes modern technologies like React, Angular, Vue.js for frontend development and Node.js, Python, Ruby on Rails for backend development.
2. UI/UX Design
   - User-Centric Design: Focus on creating intuitive and engaging user interfaces that enhance user experience.
   - Responsive Design: Ensures applications are compatible with various devices and screen sizes, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
3. Enterprise Solutions
   - ERP Systems: Development of comprehensive Enterprise Resource Planning systems to streamline business operations.
   - CRM Systems: Custom Customer Relationship Management solutions to manage and analyze customer interactions and data.
4. E-Commerce Solutions
   - Online Stores: Creation of custom e-commerce platforms with features like payment gateways, product management, and user accounts.
   - Integration: Integration with third-party services for shipping, inventory management, and analytics.
5. Mobile Application Development
   - Cross-Platform Apps: Development of applications that work across multiple platforms using frameworks like Flutter or React Native.
   - Native Apps: Building native applications for iOS and Android to leverage platform-specific features.
 6. API Development and Integration
   - Custom APIs: Development of custom APIs to enable seamless integration between different systems and applications.
   - Third-Party Integrations: Integration with external APIs for services like payment processing, social media, and data synchronization.
7. Maintenance and Support
   - Ongoing Support: Providing regular updates, bug fixes, and performance enhancements to ensure the application remains functional and secure.
   - Technical Support: Offering helpdesk and technical support to address any issues that arise post-launch.
 Benefits of Choosing a Custom Web Application Development Company in Trivandrum
1. Local Expertise
   - Regional Knowledge: Understanding of local market needs and business practices, which helps in creating solutions that are relevant and effective.
   - Cultural Insights: Ability to tailor applications to fit local cultural and linguistic preferences, enhancing user engagement.
2. Cost-Effectiveness
   - Competitive Pricing: Generally lower development costs compared to Western countries, providing a cost-effective solution without compromising on quality.
   - Value for Money: High-quality development services at competitive rates, often due to lower operational costs in the region.
3. Skilled Talent Pool
   - Technical Expertise: Access to a skilled workforce with expertise in various technologies and development methodologies.
   - Innovative Solutions: Ability to deliver innovative and cutting-edge solutions due to a focus on continuous learning and skill enhancement.
4. Scalability and Flexibility
   - Custom Solutions: Ability to build scalable applications that grow with your business and adapt to changing needs.
   - Flexible Engagement Models: Various engagement models, including project-based, hourly, or retainer, to suit different business requirements.
5. Strong IT Ecosystem
   - Technology Infrastructure: Presence of a robust IT infrastructure and support services that aid in the development and deployment of web applications.
   - Networking Opportunities: Access to a network of other IT professionals, businesses, and technology partners in the region.
 Challenges and Considerations
1. Communication Barriers
   - Time Zone Differences: Potential challenges with communication and coordination due to time zone differences with clients from other regions.
   - Language: While English is commonly used, ensuring clear communication and understanding of project requirements is crucial.
2. Quality Assurance
   - Standardization: Ensuring that development practices align with international quality standards and best practices.
   - Testing: Comprehensive testing to identify and resolve any issues before deployment.
3. Project Management
   - Scope Management: Clear definition of project scope and deliverables to prevent scope creep and ensure timely delivery.
   - Client Collaboration: Regular updates and collaboration with clients to ensure that the project meets their expectations and requirements.
 Notable Companies in Trivandrum
1. Innodata
   - Specializes in custom web development, digital transformation, and IT consulting services.
2. Smartech
   - Provides a range of services including web application development, mobile app development, and digital marketing.
3. Ezhil Tech
   - Focuses on delivering web and mobile application solutions with expertise in various technologies and industries.
4. One Point Six Technologies
   - Offers custom software development, web application design, and IT support services.
Websites come to life through custom web apps. We can transform your website into an effective business tool by offering customized (custom) software and database solutions for the web, PDAs/handhelds, mobile phones, and other devices. Our solutions range from basic email forms to full content management systems. We provide full-service consulting, equipment, development, security, deployment, and support with our offshore bespoke web application development services. 
Bytelabz Solutions is a custom web design and development company in the Trivandrum. With a strong local client base and clients from around the world, our team is dedicated to push the boundaries of internet technologies.
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mirandamckenni1 · 2 months
Paris Paloma - drywall [Official Video] Listen to 'drywall': https://ift.tt/IJgYEBq Subscribe to Paris Paloma's YouTube channel: https://ift.tt/gF9Ezqn Follow Paris Paloma: Instagram: https://ift.tt/Vo3e6Z9 TikTok: https://ift.tt/NKigVlw Video Credits: Director: Matthew Grass @mattngrass DOP: Matthew Butler @mattfuckinbutler PA/Driver: Honor Woollett @honor_woollett Spark: John Cooper-Johns @john_cooper_johns Actors Paris Paloma Henry Hayward Lyrics: He’s punching walls again Cohesive arguments evade him Eggshell temperament No emotional regulation Hysterical baby His gaze always evades me Doesn’t know he is paving The road for my escape way Every time I scratch another line I used to think of him a caring thing Knuckles on his drywall I’ve tried all Of the parenting Descent into hysterically Ripping into ribbons The things he knows he isn’t And severing ties Funny rationality What would positions in power be? Led by feelings that seemingly change hourly I’m floored you ever got there And when he snaps out of it He drones in monotone, on a power trip With tell-tale blood still running in his coward lips From raising strokes that he hopes I’ll cower in I used to think of him a caring thing Knuckles on his drywall I’ve tried all Of the parenting Descent into hysterically Ripping into ribbons All the things he knows he isn’t And severing ties Never making good on silent threats So that he knows that I have nothing Never making good on silent threats So that he knows that I have nothing Never making good on silent threats So that he knows that I have nothing Never making good on silent threats So that he knows that I have nothing Never making good on silent threats So that he knows that I have nothing Never making good on silent threats So that he knows that I have nothing Never making good on silent threats So that he knows that I have nothing Oh but he has nothing I used to think of him a caring thing Knuckles on his drywall I’ve tried all Of the parenting Descent into hysterically Ripping into ribbons All the things he knows he isn’t And severing ties I’m severing ties #parispaloma #drywall via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZA_JrDOFTo
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jahidatamanna · 4 months
How to Get Proper Image Editing Services: A Comprehensive Guide
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In the digital age, high-quality images are paramount for businesses and individuals alike. Whether for marketing, personal use, or social media, professionally edited images can significantly enhance visual appeal and engagement. This article delves into how you can get proper image editing services, covering everything from what to look for in a provider to the benefits of outsourcing this task.
Why Image Editing is Crucial
Enhancing Visual Appeal
Professionally edited images can transform ordinary photos into captivating visuals. This enhancement is essential for making a strong impression in various mediums, including websites, social media, and print.
Consistency in Branding
For businesses, consistent image quality is crucial for maintaining a strong brand identity. Properly edited images ensure uniformity in style, color, and quality across all marketing materials.
Boosting Engagement
On social media platforms, posts with high-quality images receive significantly more engagement. According to a study by BuzzSumo, posts with images get 2.3 times more engagement than those without.
Key Factors to Consider When Choosing an Image Editing Service
Expertise and Specialization
When selecting an image editing service, it's vital to consider the provider's expertise and specialization. Look for companies or freelancers with a proven track record in the type of editing you require, whether it be portrait retouching, product photography, or creative manipulations.
Portfolio and Reviews
A comprehensive portfolio and positive client reviews are strong indicators of a reliable image editing service. Examine the portfolio to ensure their style and quality align with your needs. Additionally, reviews can provide insights into their reliability, turnaround time, and customer service.
Turnaround Time
Depending on your project, the turnaround time for image editing can be a critical factor. Ensure that the service you choose can meet your deadlines without compromising on quality. Some services offer expedited options for an additional fee.
Pricing Structure
Understand the pricing structure of the image editing service. Some providers charge per image, while others offer packages or hourly rates. Ensure that the pricing aligns with your budget and the complexity of the editing required.
Communication and Customer Support
Effective communication is essential for ensuring that your vision is accurately realized. Choose a service that offers robust customer support and is responsive to your queries and feedback.
Types of Image Editing Services
Basic Editing
Basic editing includes adjustments like cropping, color correction, and exposure adjustments. These services are suitable for improving the overall look of an image without extensive modifications.
Retouching involves more detailed adjustments such as skin smoothing, blemish removal, and enhancing facial features. This type of editing is commonly used in portrait and fashion photography.
Advanced Manipulation
Advanced manipulation includes complex edits like background changes, compositing multiple images, and adding special effects. This service is ideal for creative projects and advertising.
Image restoration services focus on repairing old or damaged photographs. This can include removing scratches, correcting discoloration, and restoring missing parts of the image.
E-commerce and Product Photo Editing
For businesses selling products online, e-commerce photo editing services are crucial. These services ensure that product images are clear, attractive, and consistent with the brand’s aesthetic. This can involve background removal, shadow creation, and color correction.
Steps to Get Proper Image Editing Services
Define Your Needs
Before searching for a service provider, clearly define what you need. Determine the type of editing required, the number of images, and your budget. This clarity will help you find a service that fits your specific requirements.
Research and Shortlist Providers
Conduct thorough research to identify potential image editing services. Use search engines, review websites, and social media to find reputable providers. Create a shortlist based on their expertise, portfolio, and client reviews.
Request Quotes and Samples
Reach out to your shortlisted providers to request quotes and samples of their work. Providing a sample image and asking for an edited version can give you a firsthand look at their capabilities and quality.
Evaluate Communication
Pay attention to how responsive and communicative the providers are during the initial contact. A provider who communicates clearly and promptly is likely to be reliable and easier to work with throughout the project.
Make Your Choice
After evaluating the quotes, samples, and communication, choose the provider that best meets your needs. Ensure that you have a clear agreement on the scope of work, pricing, and deadlines.
Provide Clear Instructions
Once you’ve selected a provider, give them detailed instructions about your requirements. The more specific you are, the better the final results will be. Include references or examples if possible to illustrate your vision.
Review and Provide Feedback
After receiving the edited images, review them thoroughly. Provide feedback to the service provider and request any necessary revisions. Most professional services will offer revisions as part of their package to ensure customer satisfaction.
Benefits of Outsourcing Image Editing
Time Efficiency
Outsourcing image editing allows you to focus on other critical aspects of your business or personal projects. Professionals can complete the editing more efficiently, saving you valuable time.
Professional Quality
Professional image editors have the skills and tools to enhance your images to a level that is difficult to achieve on your own. This professional quality can significantly improve the impact of your visuals.
Access to Advanced Tools
Image editing services use advanced software and tools that may be expensive or complex to use for individuals. Outsourcing gives you access to these resources without the need for a significant investment.
Whether you need a few images edited or a large batch, professional services can scale their operations to meet your needs. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for businesses that may have varying demands.
Finding the right image editing service involves careful consideration of several factors, including expertise, turnaround time, and pricing. By defining your needs and conducting thorough research, you can find a provider that enhances your images to meet your specific requirements. Outsourcing this task not only saves time but also ensures professional-quality results that can significantly impact your brand's visual appeal and engagement. Whether for personal or business purposes, investing in proper image editing services is a step toward achieving polished, captivating visuals.
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ekanshsingh · 9 months
How Much Does it Cost to Develop an App in Mumbai? Pricing Guide for 2024
Today, Mumbai businesses need mobile apps to connect with customers and improve operations. Creating a well-coded and well-designed app from scratch takes time, planning, and money. The cost of app development can vary a lot. It depends on things like the type of app, its complexity, its features, and if it needs to be integrated with other systems.
Before you start developing your app for your business in Mumbai, it is important to determine an accurate budget. This will help you avoid any issues later on in the development process.
This pricing guide helps you understand the factors that affect the cost of an App Development Company in Mumbai users in 2024 and beyond. It will help you have realistic expectations about the investment required.
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Factors Impacting App Development Costs
At a baseline, these key considerations influence app dev pricing:
Platform (iOS, Android, hybrid)
App functionality complexity
Custom feature add-ons like AI, AR, etc.
Visual and UX/UI design complexity
Developer hourly rates
Integrations needed with other software
Hosting services
Target market research
Strategy consulting
Security requirements
Of course, specialized apps like gaming apps or enterprise apps cost more than basic branding apps. And exclusively designing for iOS is typically more expensive than Android. The more add-ons, customizations, and complex capabilities included, the higher your price tag climbs. However, the right developer can still work within your budget constraints.
Average Pricing Estimates by App Type for Mumbai
So, what price range can you reasonably expect for your Mumbai-based business app in 2024? Here are ballpark figures:
Basic Apps - Rs 100,000 to Rs 500,000
For simple brand awareness and engagement apps with basic functionality, allocate around Rs 100,000 to Rs 500,000.
Database Apps - Rs 500,000 to Rs 1,500,000
If you need to build a robust database-driven app for inventory or HR, expect mid-tier pricing of Rs 500,000 to Rs 1,500,000.
Advanced Apps - Rs 1,500,000+
Highly complex apps with AI, 3D modeling, IoT integrations, or data analytics capabilities will require over Rs 1,500,000.
Those estimates apply to natively built iOS or Android apps. Going cross-platform can save you 15-30%. Tight scoping an MVP first is highly recommended to validate your app concept more affordably.
How Development Firms Price Projects
A reputable Web Design Agency in Mumbai uses tried-and-true formulas to estimate overall project pricing for clients based on the following:
Hourly Rate x Estimated Hours = Cost
Their hourly rates factor in salaries, overhead, margins, etc. Expect rates starting around Rs 3,500 per hour up to Rs 7,500+ per hour for advanced development firms.
Fixed Bid Pricing
Some Digital Marketing Agency in Mumbai offer defined package pricing like “Basic App Development Package for Rs 300,000” where the scope is clearly defined upfront around key parameters like:
# of platform environments
# of basic screens/views
Basic UX elements allowed
Max # of approved revisions/changes etc.
This pricing model offers predictable costs but less customizability. Carefully evaluating the value of custom add-ons versus staying within budget caps is key.
Budgeting a six-figure amount for a professionally built mobile app in Mumbai is reasonable. The cost will depend on features, functions, platforms, visual design needs, and complexity. The first step is to allocate a budget for the app. Basic branding apps start at Rs 100,000, while advanced apps with special capabilities can cost over Rs 1,500,000.
Working with Marketing Agencies in Mumbai that use established estimating models and provide package pricing can make cost planning easier. Testing your idea with a minimum viable product (MVP) can help you save money.
If you want help with your app goals without spending too much money, contact the mobile app experts at https://buzzlinkstudios.com/. Mumbai clients can maximize returns on app investments with their transparent pricing and strategic approach.
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brillmind · 1 year
How much would it cost to create an iOS app
The iOS application improvement costs change extensively, going from $40,000 to $730,000. The degree of application intricacy is the main consideration that makes sense of such a wide reach. Different contemplations that may likewise influence your costs incorporate engineers' hourly rates and the kind of a designated iOS cell phone.
Understanding what influences the last expense of application improvement is fundamental for going with informed choices and not winding up paying multiple times more than anticipated. JatApp has been developing iOS mobile apps since 2015, and we'd like to share our extensive knowledge of iOS app development cost estimation.
Type of the device
The application improvement cost will vigorously rely upon the sort of the iOS gadget for which you foster an iOS arrangement. The matter is that iPad and iPhone are completely various monsters, with various sizes of the screen. The iPad has a bigger screen and thusly can incorporate more UI components. The additional screen space implies half greater expenses contrasted with the iPhone, since planners need to invest more energy making an application.
In light of your application classification, you should zero in on planning answers for either iPhones or iPads. For example, most people download Google Maps to their iPhones because they need it when they're out and about.App Complexity
Also Read More: Best Mobile app development companies in India
Complexity of iOS app
Arrangement Model of Design There are two sorts of backend improvement Custom and BaaS. In custom programming backend improvement, you will be given a backend engineering produced using scratch. In actuality, BaaS improvement offers just the instant backend design.
Advancement of Administrator Board The administrator board improvement is the center of the application. It is worked to monitor the exercises performed on the application, view application insights, and update application content whenever
Integration with Third-Party Apps: In order to perform certain functions, such as signing up with Facebook or Google or interacting with a monetary app for transaction functions, your app will unavoidably need to interact with other third-party apps.
Expansion of In-Application Buy The vast majority of the applications grew now contain the in-application buy highlight for the application adaptation reason.
Use of the Device's Functions: Your app will most likely need to use certain functions like GPS, Bluetooth, and so on, so it's important to add this feature.
iOS App Development Cost
Basic iPhone App
$5,000 – $10,000
Medium-complexity iPhone App
$10,000 – 15,000
Complex iPhone App
$10,000 – $25,000
iOS App Size
The development cost of a mobile application is directly proportional to its size. The number of features, functionalities, and technology stacks in your iOS app increases with its size. This prompts higher iOS application improvement costs.
Also Read More: Mobile Game development companies in india
App Type iPhone App Development Cost
Small iOS App $5,000 – $10,000
Medium iOS App $10,000 – $15,000
Enterprise iOS App $15000 +
To keep away from the greater expense of making an iPhone application, an itemized plan ought to be made to feature each and every part of the iOS application. It will assist you in determining the app's size, allowing you to ultimately create a distinctive application within your anticipated iOS app development budget.
iOS App UX/UI Design
Various applications have different planning instruments, so the iOS application improvement hours will shift contingent upon UX/UI plan. Keep the iOS app easy to use, regardless of the design you choose.
UX/UI Design Process iOS App Development Cost
Research $50 – $350
UX Designing $2000 – $5,000
UI Design $1,000 – $5,000
App Branding $5,000 – $10,000
Animation & Illustrations $1,000 – $15,000
The iOS application improvement cost related with UX/UI configuration process. Plan accordingly now that you can quickly see how much the app design will cost.
iOS App Category
It is one of the most important factors that will determine the final cost of developing an iOS app. Before beginning planning for the development of an iOS app, every business needs to be aware of these factors, one of which is the category of the iPhone application.
App Category (Industry-wise) iOS App Development Cost
Business Apps $5,000 – $15,000
Health & Fitness Apps $5,000 – $20,000
Gaming Apps $10,000 – $25,000
Entertainment Apps $10,000 – $30,000
Travel Apps $5,000 – $15,000
Education Apps $5,000 – $30,000
Social Networking Apps $10,000 – $35,000
Also Read More: E learning app development company in USA
iOS developers’ hourly rates
Software developers’ hourly rates also matter when calculating the budget for your project. Engineers’ location is one of the major factors of the project cost estimations. While coders in the US might consent to work for $100 each hour, the help of IT specialists with a similar degree of skill in Ukraine will cost two times less. Designers in France or Finland are another great other option, yet significantly higher than in Eastern European nations. Also, we should not disregard charges designers need to pay, which contrast from one country to another, yet are essentially higher in the EU nations contrasted with Ukraine.
Partnering with a software development company with hundreds of projects under their belt is essential if you want to create an iOS app of the highest quality without spending a lot of money. At JatApp, you can have such a profound experience. We've finished in excess of 200 tasks and constructed excellent versatile applications for various classes. Some of them have a huge number of downloads on the Application Store. If compared to the Western markets, you can benefit from up to 60% cost savings with our talented and competent development teams.
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sagorhossen123 · 1 year
AI Ninja Cashout Review – 100% Truth Exposed!
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AI Ninja Cashout Review - Introduction
Welcome to my AI Ninja Cashout Review post. The entertainment industry has undergone a significant transformation with the emergence of streaming platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, YouTube, and Twitch. These platforms have revolutionized the way we consume media, experiencing exponential growth in popularity.
As streaming has gained momentum, it has introduced various monetization methods, including ad-supported models, sponsorships, brand partnerships, and subscription fees. These methods have attracted advertisers seeking to target specific customers and achieve higher returns on investment.
However, entering the streaming industry comes with its own set of challenges and considerations. Are you willing to dedicate long hours in front of the screen? Do you feel confident in being on camera? And what type of content should you choose to attract more viewers?
Thankfully, a groundbreaking solution has emerged that breaks away from traditional methods and changes the way individuals can make money. Introducing AI Ninja Cashout, an innovative tool that eliminates the need for video creation and live streaming. With AI Ninja Cashout, the arduous task of crafting videos from scratch or spending countless hours on streaming platforms is no longer necessary.
This cutting-edge system leverages the power of artificial intelligence to automatically generate high-quality videos that are tailored to the specific requirements of the chosen platform. By utilizing AI Ninja Cashout, content creators can focus their time and energy on other aspects of their work while still producing engaging and professional content.
In summary, the rise of streaming platforms has transformed the entertainment industry, and with it comes the opportunity for content creators to monetize their work. AI Ninja Cashout provides a game-changing solution that harnesses the power of AI to simplify the video creation process, enabling creators to maximize their potential and reach a wider audience.
AI Ninja Cashout Review - What is AI Ninja Cashout?
Imagine a world where you can effortlessly generate income without the need for writing, video creation, or spending any money. It may sound too good to be true, but let me share with you the secret: AI Ninja Cashout utilizes the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to unlock the enormous potential of streaming platforms, particularly the lucrative video streaming websites.
Created by the brilliant mind of Jason Fulton, this revolutionary system is the world's first AI technology that cleverly exploits a hidden loophole within these platforms. By leveraging this innovative approach, you can effortlessly earn money on an hourly basis.
I can see the surprise in your eyes, but trust me, it's real! AI Ninja Cashout presents an untapped opportunity to generate consistent profits without requiring any effort on your part. This groundbreaking solution has the potential to transform the way you generate income, providing a hands-free method that maximizes your earnings without the usual time and energy investments.
In summary, AI Ninja Cashout offers a remarkable chance to tap into the vast potential of streaming platforms and generate income effortlessly. With the power of AI on your side, you can unlock a new realm of financial possibilities and enjoy consistent profits without lifting a finger.
Read more full review here>>
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ginadirane · 1 year
Unlocking Success with Dedicated .NET Developers: A Wise Hiring Move in 2023:
In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses are increasingly relying on robust and scalable web applications to drive growth and stay ahead of the competition. Microsoft's .NET framework has emerged as a powerful tool for developing high-performance applications, making the demand for skilled .NET developers higher than ever. However, finding and hiring the right talent can be a daunting task for many organizations. One solution that has gained significant popularity is hiring dedicated .NET developers. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of this hiring strategy and why it makes sense in 2023.
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Access to Top Talent:
When you hire dedicated .NET developers, you gain access to a vast pool of highly skilled professionals with expertise in the .NET framework. These developers are often part of reputable outsourcing companies or specialized agencies, allowing you to tap into their knowledge and experience. Moreover, dedicated developers are committed solely to your project, ensuring their undivided attention and focus on your specific requirements. This ensures a higher quality of work and faster delivery times.
Cost-Effective Solution:
Hiring dedicated .NET developers can be a cost-effective solution compared to building an in-house development team from scratch. With dedicated developers, you eliminate overhead costs such as recruitment, training, infrastructure, and employee benefits. Additionally, many outsourcing companies offer flexible engagement models, allowing you to hire developers on an hourly, part-time, or full-time basis. This flexibility enables you to scale your development team up or down as needed, saving costs in the long run.
Faster Time-to-Market:
In today's fast-paced business environment, speed is of the essence. By hiring dedicated .NET developers, you can expedite your development process and bring your applications to market faster. Dedicated developers are well-versed in the latest development methodologies and best practices, allowing them to quickly understand your project requirements and start coding. Their singular focus on your project ensures reduced turnaround times and faster delivery of milestones.
Enhanced Focus on Core Competencies:
Outsourcing your .NET development needs to dedicated developers allows your internal team to concentrate on their core competencies and strategic initiatives. Instead of spreading your resources thin, you can delegate the technical aspects to the dedicated developers while your in-house team focuses on tasks that are essential for your business growth. This division of labor ensures increased productivity, better efficiency, and improved overall performance.
Continuous Support and Communication:
A significant advantage of hiring dedicated .NET developers is the seamless communication and ongoing support they provide. Reputable outsourcing companies ensure clear channels of communication, allowing you to collaborate effectively with your dedicated team. Whether it's project updates, addressing issues, or incorporating changes, you can maintain constant contact and receive real-time feedback. This level of engagement fosters transparency, reduces miscommunication, and ensures your project stays on track.
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djshannonc321 · 1 year
Dj Services In Phoenix, AZ
Wedding DJ / MC Services
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6 Hour Wedding (Ceremony + Cocktail + Reception) Pricing starts at $2000*
Includes Consultation, 2 Event Planning Sessions, professional sound system, dj setup, wireless microphone, basic dance floor lighting, additional setup (same location) and customized DJ/MC performance for your next event.
5 Hour Wedding (Cocktail / Reception Only) Pricing starts at $1700*
Includes Consultation, 2 Event Planning Sessions, professional sound system, dj setup, wireless microphone, basic dance floor lighting, Additional Setup (same location) and customized DJ/MC performance for your Wedding Reception / Cocktail Hour.
4 Hour Wedding (Reception ONLY) Pricing starts at $1200.
Includes Consultation, 2 Event Planning Sessions, professional sound system, dj setup, wireless microphone, basic dance floor lighting, and customized DJ/MC performance for your 4 hour Wedding Reception.
Ceremony Only (2 Hours or less) $600
Includes Consultation, 1 Event Planning Session, professional sound system, dj setup, wireless microphone, and customized DJ performance for your Wedding Ceremony.
Additional hourly rate is $300
Additional Setup (Same Location) add on $200.00 Additional Speaker / DJ Setup for your ceremony / cocktail hour
Custom Uplighting – Pricing Available Upon Request Custom Dance Floor Lighting or Monogram – Pricing Available Upon Request
Mobile DJ / MC Services
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4 Hour Private Event (Corporate, Birthdays, Anniversary, Holiday Party, etc.) Price starts at $600.00
Includes Consultation, Event Planning Session, professional sound system, dj setup, wireless microphone, basic dance floor lighting, and customized DJ/MC performance for your next event. Pricing starts at $125/hr* with a 3 hour minimum
3 Hour Private Event ( Corporate, Birthdays, Anniversary, Holiday Party, etc.) Price starts at $450.00
Includes Consultation, Event Planning Session, professional sound system, dj setup, wireless microphone, and customized DJ/MC performance for your next event. Pricing starts at $125/hr* with a 3 hour minimum
Additional Hourly Rate is $150/HR
Holiday Pricing is $250+/HR * Holiday Pricing Subject to Change*
Upgraded Dance Floor Lighting – Chauvet Gig Bar – $100
Custom Uplighting – Pricing Available Upon Request
Custom Dance Floor Lighting – Pricing Available Upon Request
Additional Sound (Speakers, Subwoofers) – Pricing Available Upon Request
Digital DJ Academy
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One on One DJ and Music Production Lessons are a great way for you try a new skill or strengthen an old one.
60 Minute 1 on 1 virtual DJ lesson $60.00
Work with Serato, Traktor, or Virtual DJ and your hardware of choice to strengthen your transitions, beat matching, scratching, and learn how to be more creative with your Djing. Lesson will be hosted on Zoom.
60 Minute 1 on 1 onsite DJ Lesson $60.00
Work with Serato, Traktor, or Virtual DJ and your hardware of choice to strengthen your transitions, beat matching, scratching, and learn how to be more creative with your Djing. Lesson will be hosted onsite at the DDJA studio.
60 Minute 1 on 1 HOUSE CALL DJ Lesson $60.00 + Travel
Work with Serato, Traktor, or Virtual DJ and your hardware of choice to strengthen your transitions, beat matching, scratching, and learn how to be more creative with your Djing. Lesson will be hosted in the student’s home residence (providing student has all equipment)
Travel: Under 25 Miles Round Trip – $20
Travel : Over 25 Miles Round Trip (within 50 Mile Service Area) $40<,strong>
Click HERE to sign up today!
Virtual Party / DJ Services
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Your friends and family.Your Music. Mixed live by Shannon C! Virtual parties are the newest trend. With a direct connection to the DJ mixer, you’ll get crystal clear audio that you can play through your phone or through speakers to get an even fuller party experience. Hang out and dance with your friends and family virtually to your favorite songs mixed live. Submit your song requests before the event, and request songs live! Don’t let quarantine stop your celebration. Book your virtual party today!
Private Zoom Party (Corporate, Birthday, Anniversary, Holiday, Graduation Party.)
Includes Consultation, Event Planning Session, professional sound system, secure video conference bridge, in conference video and chat capabilities.
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gingersnappish · 1 year
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COMMISSIONS: OPEN Please DM me Tumblr or email me at fatacoll16 at gmail dot com I can also be found HERE
SKETCHES -Half Body____________$25 -Full Body____________ $40 +Background__________$25 +Add. Character_______$20 FULL COLOR FINISHED ART -Half Body____________$55 -Full Body____________ $70 +Background__________$50 +Add. Character_______$50
F.A.Q. "Do you draw …X…?" ~Highly likely! I am comfortable drawing nearly anything! I have a very small handful of very specific exceptions - but it never hurts to ask! I reserve the right to refuse a commission in the rare event that I feel I am poorly suited to the idea - but I will let you know politely and without judgement at the outset.
~Comic Page(s) commissions are available on a case-by-case basis. I am first and foremost a comic artist by trade so please reach out if you have something in mind! My rates start at $150/page; final quote is determined by project's size and unique demands. Please refer to my site for examples of my work.
~I reserve the right to add and appropriate surcharge to the initial quote in cases that require a high degree of technical skill and additional time - complex battle scenes set in intricate environments, extremely detailed tech, or elaborate costuming and character design necessitating extensive from scratch concept work, to name a few examples - any surcharge will be fully discussed with the individual prior to invoice/payment.
~Payment in full required prior to start of work. All prices in USD (Paypal prefered, alternatives can be discussed)
~Rough sketch sent for customer approval prior to completion for any full color commission. Alterations are gratis for 2 rounds prior to inking/coloring; any further changes will be subject to an hourly rate.
~Commission will be delivered 3 weeks (15 work days) from receipt of payment, unless otherwise discussed. --- I look forward to working with you! ---
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