#cure sleep apnea
crenandos · 2 months
My cpap says I slept great but I feel like shit
This can't be....
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dashinghealth · 8 months
When Weight Loss is a Concern: When Should You Worry?
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Weight loss is a common topic in today's society, with many people striving to achieve their ideal body weight.
While maintaining a healthy weight is important for overall well-being, the pursuit of weight loss can sometimes become concerning.
In this blog post, we will discuss when weight loss should be a cause for worry and what steps can be taken to address it.
First and foremost, it is important to understand that weight loss can occur for a variety of reasons, and not all of them are cause for concern.
For example, if you have recently made changes to your diet and exercise routine, it is normal to experience some weight loss.
Additionally, if you are going through a stressful period in your life, it is possible that you may lose weight due to a decreased appetite.
However, there are certain red flags to watch out for when it comes to weight loss. The most concerning sign is when weight loss occurs without any intentional changes in diet or exercise.
This could be a sign of an underlying health issue, such as an overactive thyroid or cancer. If you are experiencing unexplained weight loss, it is important to consult a healthcare professional to rule out any potential medical conditions.
Another cause for concern is rapid weight loss. Losing a large amount of weight in a short period of time can be harmful to your health.
It can lead to nutrient deficiencies, loss of muscle mass, and a weakened immune system. Crash diets and extreme exercise regimens may result in initial weight loss, but they are not sustainable or healthy in the long run.
Furthermore, if you have a history of disordered eating or body image issues, any weight loss, intentional or unintentional, should be addressed with caution.
These individuals may have a distorted perception of their bodies and may not recognize when their weight loss becomes unhealthy.
So, when should you worry about weight loss? If you are experiencing unexplained or rapid weight loss, it is important to seek medical advice.
Additionally, if you have a history of disordered eating or body image issues, any weight loss should be monitored closely by a healthcare professional.
Now, let's talk about what steps can be taken to address weight loss concerns. If a medical condition is causing the weight loss, treatment for the underlying issue is necessary.
In cases of disordered eating, therapy and support from a healthcare professional can help address the root cause of the weight loss.
In general, a balanced and healthy approach to weight loss is always recommended. This includes following a nutritious diet and engaging in regular physical activity.
Fad diets and extreme exercise regimens should be avoided. Instead, focus on making sustainable lifestyle changes that will lead to long-term weight management.
In conclusion, while maintaining a healthy weight is important, it is equally important to recognize when weight loss becomes a cause for concern.
Unexplained or rapid weight loss should not be ignored and should be addressed with the help of a healthcare professional.
A balanced and healthy approach to weight loss is always the best way to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Remember to prioritize your overall well-being above any societal pressure to achieve a certain body weight.
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penpoise · 10 months
Unraveling the Mystery of Inspire Sleep Apnea: A Comprehensive Guide
Inspire Sleep Apnea Introduction In a world where sleep is a precious commodity, the prevalence of sleep apnea poses a significant challenge. From restless nights to the potential health risks associated with untreated sleep apnea, finding effective solutions becomes paramount. This article explores the revolutionary Inspire Sleep Apnea Therapy, shedding light on its mechanism, success stories,…
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happywhispersdream · 11 months
Discover How Essential Oils Help You Sleep Better and Reduce Stress Naturally
In today’s busy world, many people struggle to wind down, fall asleep easily, and get enough high-quality sleep. At the same time, high stress levels negatively impact mental and physical health. Using essential oils is one natural way to enhance sleep and lower stress through the power of aromatherapy.
Essential oils are highly concentrated plant extracts that provide various benefits when inhaled or applied topically. With regular use, certain essential oils can help you relax, reduce anxiety, improve sleep quality, and better manage stress. Read More
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staceyny · 2 years
How Weight Affects Sleep Apnea
How Losing Weight Can Help to Improve Sleep Apnea
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a sleep disorder that occurs when the airway becomes blocked during sleep, leading to disruptions in breathing. People with OSA may snore loudly, wake up frequently throughout the night, and experience fatigue and difficulty concentrating during the day. One of the most common risk factors for OSA is obesity, which can cause the airway to become blocked by excess fat and tissue.
The connection between obesity and sleep apnea
Obesity and sleep apnea are closely connected. Excess weight, particularly around the neck, can cause the airway to become narrowed or blocked during sleep. This can lead to disruptions in breathing, which can wake the person up throughout the night. Additionally, fat deposits around the airway can cause inflammation and swelling, which can further narrow the airway.
How weight loss can help with sleep apnea
Losing weight can help to improve sleep apnea by reducing the amount of fat and tissue in the airway. Studies have shown that weight loss can significantly improve the symptoms of OSA, even in individuals who are only moderately overweight. Losing as little as 10% of body weight can lead to a significant improvement in symptoms.
How weight loss can improve sleep
Weight loss can also help to improve sleep by reducing inflammation and swelling in the airway, making it easier to breathe. Losing weight can also reduce the amount of pressure on the airway, which can lead to fewer disruptions in breathing during sleep. Additionally, losing weight can help to reduce other risk factors for OSA, such as hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, which can all contribute to airway problems.
How to lose weight
Losing weight involves burning more calories than you consume. This can be achieved through a combination of diet and exercise. Eating a healthy, balanced diet that is low in calories and high in nutrient-dense foods can help to reduce your overall calorie intake. Regular physical activity can help to increase your calorie burn, which can also aid in weight loss.
It's important to remember that weight loss requires a long-term commitment and effort. It's important to consult with a healthcare professional to develop a safe and effective weight loss plan. Losing weight and treating obesity can lead to significant improvements in symptoms and overall health in individuals with sleep apnea.
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Seek Professional Help
One treatment option to treat insomnia and sleep apnea is Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES), which involves using a device that delivers a small electric current to the brain. CES has been shown to be effective in reducing anxiety, as well as other mental health conditions such as depression and insomnia.
To learn more about CES and how it may be able to help overcome insomnia and sleep apnea, you can visit the CES Relief website and contact them for more information. A licensed professional practitioner can also be a valuable resource for information about CES and how it may help you.
CES Relief
1875 N Lakes Place
Meridian, ID 83646
(208) 846-8448
Disclaimer: This is not professional advice and is simply an answer to a question; if professional advice is sought, contact a licensed practitioner or doctor in the appropriate administration.
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ceyhanmedya · 2 years
Causes and Consequences of Obesity 2023
New Post has been published on https://bankakredin.com/causes-and-consequences-of-obesity-2023/
Causes and Consequences of Obesity 2023
Obesity is an important and chronic public health problem that is becoming increasingly common all over the world. Today, there is a serious increase in the number of people defined as obese due to the increase in the time spent in the office and home environment and the consumption of fast snacks instead of healthy foods at meals. Obesity , that is, having more fat mass than it should be, can cause serious health problems. If precautions are not taken, obesity can lead to serious health problems such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. So what are the conditions that cause obesity? What are the consequences of obesity? For all your questions about obesity, you can take a look at the details.
Obesity Calculator
In the report of Turkey Nutrition and Health Research, prepared by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey in 2010, it is seen that the prevalence of obesity in Turkey is 20.5% in men, 41% in women, and 30.3% in total. These figures show that obesity is a serious public health problem today. The most effective method used in the diagnosis of obesity is the calculation of body mass index. Body mass index is calculated by looking at the ratio of a person’s height and weight. According to the World Health Organization, people with a body mass index of 30 and above are defined as obese. In addition, if the body mass index is 25 and above, it is necessary to take precautions considering that the person is a candidate for obesity. Waist circumference measurement is another parameter that helps to evaluate whether a person is at risk of obesity. Obesity can be considered if the waist circumference is 102 cm or more in men and 88 cm and above in women, according to the values ​​determined by the World Health Organization. Obesity is a disease that can occur due to various factors. If it is not noticed in the early period, it can progress and be more difficult to treat.
What are the Causes of Obesity?
When the causes of obesity are mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is unhealthy and irregular eating habits. In addition, obesity can have many causes, from endocrine system diseases to psychological disorders. Having knowledge about the causes of obesity is also very important in preventing obesity. Some of the factors that cause obesity can be listed as follows:
1. Wrong eating habits:  One of the most important causes of obesity is wrong eating habits. Eating carbohydrates instead of protein, consuming less vegetables and fruits, and consuming too much sugar and fatty foods can cause weight gain. In addition to these, some nutritional behaviors can be counted among the causes of obesity. Some of the malnutrition behaviors are as follows:
Nutrient intake above the need
Swallowing food in large bites without chewing
Engaging in activities such as watching TV or talking on the phone while eating
Eating late
Consuming large amounts of unhealthy snacks between meals
Eating between sleep
2. Genetic factors: Until recently, obesity was thought to be related only to eating habits, but nowadays, genetic factors are among the causes of obesity along with scientific studies. The regulation of people’s eating habits starts in the womb and genetic factors have an important role on their eating habits. According to scientific studies, the risk of obesity is 80% in children whose parents are both obese. In fact, genes alone do not cause obesity. Obese people usually have a combination of genetic factors, malnutrition, and a sedentary lifestyle. According to some studies, it is stated that people with obesity in their first-degree relatives have twice the risk of developing obesity compared to other people.
3. Hormonal factors: Although hormonal disorders are the cause of obesity, it can also be counted as the first among the consequences of obesity. As a result of studies, it is known by many people that there is a connection between obesity and thyroid hormones. For example, the hypothalamus has a role in regulating eating habits. Sending hunger and satiety signals to the brain is possible thanks to the hypothalamus. A malfunction in the hypothalamus can cause an increase in appetite, leading to obesity. In addition, the majority of obese patients have high TSH levels in their blood. In addition to these, resistance developing in tissues and organs against insulin hormone, that is, insulin resistance, is a common finding in obesity patients. FSH,
4. Psychological factors:  Psychological health problems can be counted among the causes and consequences of obesity. Eating habits are usually determined in infancy and childhood. In these periods, it is a wrong approach for parents to force their children to eat or to apply pressure to prevent them from being overweight. This approach may cause children to experience malnutrition problems in the future and, accordingly, to obesity. In addition, sudden changes in people’s lives such as death or separation can cause people to experience mental problems. Some people with health problems such as depression and anxiety may see eating as a way to escape from these problems.
Consequences of Obesity
According to scientific research, the majority of chronic diseases are caused by overweight and obesity. When the consequences of obesity are mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is cardiovascular diseases. Apart from these, obesity can be the cause of many diseases from reproductive problems to lung diseases. Health problems caused by obesity can be listed as follows:
Cardiovascular diseases:  In obesity patients, the fat tissue is much higher than it should be. Like other tissues of the body, adipose tissues also need blood and oxygen. In obese patients, the circulatory system works harder to carry blood and oxygen to the excess fat tissues. In this case, blood pressure may increase, that is, hypertension may occur. Apart from this, excess adipose tissue in the body; It increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease by causing insulin resistance, LDL, that is, bad cholesterol, while HDL, in other words, a decrease in good cholesterol, and an increase in triglyceride values, a type of fatty acid.
Diabetes:  Diabetes, also known as diabetes, is a health problem that occurs as a result of the body’s inability to produce insulin or the inability to use the produced insulin by the cells. The excess amount of fat in the bodies of obese patients may disrupt the mechanism that allows the cells to perceive the insulin hormone secreted from the pancreas. In this case, the high level of sugar in the blood causes diabetes.
Reproductive problems:  Low or high levels of hormones in the blood may cause obesity. In addition, obesity can cause deterioration in hormone values ​​and accordingly various health problems. obesity in women; By affecting the release of hormones such as FSH, LH, TSH, it may cause health problems such as polycystic ovary and reproductive problems. In men, obesity can cause hormonal disorders as well as negatively affecting the quantity and quality of sperm, which is the male reproductive cell, and may cause reproductive problems.
Psychological problems: Psychological problems  such as depression, anxiety and panic attacks can be seen in the vast majority of obese patients. Situations such as not being at peace with their bodies and not being self-satisfied may cause these people to isolate themselves from their surroundings due to their lack of self-confidence. It can be said that fear of death is a common condition in obese patients. These patients also have a high risk of health problems such as panic attacks, panic disorder and anxiety.
Meet With Obesity Treatment
Obesity is a health problem that needs to be intervened before it causes serious health problems. Changing eating habits and lifestyle is the first rule in the fight against obesity. However, making these changes may not be easy for every patient. For this reason, obesity surgery is recommended for patients who have chronic diseases related to obesity or who want to get rid of the obesity problem quickly . In these patients, sleeve gastrectomy (tube stomach) , gastric bypass , if the doctors deem it appropriateIt would be better to use obesity surgery methods such as gastric balloon. In our hospitals, services for the diagnosis and treatment of obesity are carried out by expert teams. You can also get detailed information by applying to our clinics to get information about obesity treatment.
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shittysawtraps · 11 months
Hello Darby
For too long you've been suffering from sleep apnea, snoring way to fucking loud and sometimes not breathing in your sleep. We're worried about you bro.
In front of you is a fully paid surgery to get rid of your uvula, ultimately curing you of your sleeping issues. But, you will never speak French again.
Breathe in your sleep or speak French, the choice is yours
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variousxreader · 11 months
Puggy Buggy
Domestic Head canons and general comparing Buggy to a Pug
Like a Pug his bark is worse than his bite. His screams could be compared to this.
Man SNORES like a pug and bull dog mix from hell
Loud dad bed shaking snores.
You swear the bitch has sleep apnea.
You literally have to smack him awake or manhandle his ass into a better position for him to breathe in.
Jerks awake with loud ass snorts when you kick or smack him awake. You only do it when you're worried he's gonna suffocate so he's never mad about it; he'll pull you to his chest and snuggle you and mummer a "sorry" before falling asleep again
If his snores just wont let you sleep, you'll wake him up in more pleasant ways. Lay on his chest, he has an automatic cuddle response that he'll wrap his arms around you, and drag you into Him, changing his position to do so.
But at this point his snores are white noise to you.
You actually can't sleep well without hearing him, its too quiet without him snorting and snoring away next to you.
Buggy is also a dog in the way that he has been asleep and Farted so loud he scared himself awake and nearly fell out of bed
You nearly pissed yourself laughing at him for that.
He was so fucking embarrassed but eventually your infectious laugh sent him into his own fit of giggles till you both had tears in your eyes, and you personally got to the point of laughing like a strangled seal.
Mohji and Cabaji ran to check to make sure you both weren't dying because you were both cackling so loud.
You and Buggy had residual giggles for a day after
Man Has Dad™️ Sneezes
Also Burps so goddamn loud and long and is Proud of it.
You egg each other on. Complimenting each others burps and challenging eachother. You are pirates after all.
Richie has you both beat though.
Def gets a distended Stomach after a feast and bingeing. You pat and smack it gently. He swats at you for it. But if he gets a tummy ache he'll BEG and plead for you to rub his belly till he feels better while his head is in your lap or on your chest.
DRUNK BUGGY is something
The man can handle his booze but there is a LINE and he can and will cross it on rare occasions. He regrets it every time.
Shit Faced, plastered, Sloshed Buggy, is a whole other LEVEL
He cannot stand and walk on his own,
You also better be keeping track of potentially detached body parts. Though they're very slow when he's this trashed.
He has to be touching you, HAS TO BE
You literally have to hold his dick so he can piss straight.
Will throw up before the night is over. Hold him so he doesn't go over board.
He lives in the latrine after that point.
You're holding his hair and rubbing his back. The whole nine yards.
If you manage to carry his ass to bed when he cannot puke anymore, you better prepare for the next day.
Water water water.
Hes so fucking dehydrated.
Who left him in Alabasta overnight?
His head is pounding. Is it attached to his body for is it in a barrel in a hurricane? He does not know.
You're gonna be babying him all day.
You thought he was pathetic before?
Oh Honey.
He gives new meaning to the word when he is this hungover.
You gotta wait on him hand and foot.
He'll cry out all the water you put into him.
Hes a fun drunk, but majorly depressed when it comes to BAD hangovers
With your TLC though he'll be cured the next day and beg you to never ever let him get that fucked again.
He worships the ground you walk on 100000x more after that.
The man will literally do anything for you. Not even within reason.
Want him to get you a pet sea king? He'll find a way.
Want him to send a buggy ball at the Marine hQ? He'll find a way.
Literally anything.
This has gotten massive so imma end it here!
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m4xwell16 · 7 months
hello again tumblr. here’s rody hating the french idk
(since i know the audio is hard to understand captions under read more 😭 sorry if they are formatted weird i was not sure how to write them.
MANON: did you know that if a french person had sleep apnea surgery they’d never be able to speak french again because you need your uvula to say the french “R” sound and they wouldn’t have their uvula
RODY: you’re telling me we can cure those poor people?!? WHY ARE WE NOT FUNDING THIS????
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This might be taboo to say on a body positivity blog, but I'm losing weight intentionally.
While I'm not on it *now* (im in the states and on vacation so it'd be unreasonable to try), it was working pretty well.
I'm going for a straightforward calorie deficit. Try to have my activity higher than intake, give or take a bit, don't go lower than a certain amount.
And honestly? Accepting my body as it is, was the ONLY way this was going to work. My motives couldn't be "i fucking hate myself and need to change to be acceptable". My motives were "my snoring is unstoppable and I've tested and tried everything except for losing weight. It causes me pain when I walk too far because of thigh chafing, and back pain sucks" I don't want to be skinny after, hell, I like my soft and curvy self. Going to the actual "healthy" weight according to Bullshit BMI would mean my tiny ass would fly out the window if you hit a bump on the highway.
Being kinder, and loving my body means that I can take it slow, take it at my own pace, and not beat myself up on a day where my goals aren't achieved (i have three. 10k steps a day, 3L of water a day, and stay under some type of deficit. As long as 1/3 is achieved, I'm happy. If 0/3 is achieved, hey i can try again tomorrow. Were it not for fat liberation philosophies, I'd be having breakdown after breakdown).
I can be at this for a month, noticed I've lost 7 lbs and instead of going "WHY AM I A FAILURE I NEED TO GO HARDER ABOUT THIS" i can say "neat! That's about the rate I wanna be going!"
Staying on these body positive and fat liberation spaces made me say "hey, the difference between "good food" and "bad food" is awful. I'm gonna succeed, but I'm not going to cut out any food that makes me happy." I can say "alright, I'm cutting it close to my limit, but fuck it, I'm still hungry so I'll make myself a snack, because listening to my body is more important than numbers".
Losing weight will not make me more worthy. I am worthy at whatever weight I am. For those who it matters to, I'm pretty damn hot, no matter my weight. It will not make me immune from health issues, and this doesn't have anything to do with morality. My health status, if it changes, will be because I'm active and hydrating more, not because of the number on the scale.
I just want less thigh chafing without remembering to put deodorant or some shit on my thighs. I want to not snore while I'm in bed with my fiancé (and yeah sleep apnea apparently isn't it, got it tested). I want less back pain when I'm standing at a till for 4.5 hours, even if I've got the world's best shoes on. It's not health reasons, it's inconvenience reasons.
But I could never be successful about it until i disentangled fatphobia from weight loss. Until i stopped saying "these foods are bad, these foods are good", I was always going to fail. Until i stopped believing I was worthless because of my fat, until i stopped saying "I need to lose weight and do it now because I need to be hot", it was never going to work.
There's still things I need to work on, I'm not totally cured, and maybe some days the ED's gonna influence. Hell, idk if this weight loss attempt will stick, and be successful once I get to my goal weight. But even as someone who's trying to lose weight, fat liberation is so important.
Because without the idea that being fat is totally okay, I'd be unable to enjoy myself in the times where it's absolutely unreasonable to count calories. I'd have my goal as "stick thin" and not "how I look now, just less chafe". By the end of this, I'll still be medically overweight.
And btw I still believe in Health at Every Size. Your weight has no fucking impact on your worth, your health, your beauty, ANYTHING.
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bodyalive · 4 months
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How to Shift the Body into the Parasympathetic Side of the Nervous System
Breathing out and holding out or pausing at the bottom of the breath amplifies the body's natural production of Nitric Oxide, a vasodilator that expands the porosity of our vascular system. During Covid, researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital found that Nitric Oxide improved respiratory permeability & bronchodilation. (They were not looking for the vasodilation effects but I’m sure that must have been happening too.) I first learned about breath holding out from Rosealba Courtney DO Lac from Australia, who used it to test Eucapnic metabolic health, the O2/CO2 exchange rate in the lungs. This was a contributing factor to asthma and sleep apnea and restricted breathing exercises could be used to cure asthma. Then I encountered this again studying at the beginning level with Lois Laynee. She had adopted a practice of Breathing out while humming to increase Nitric Oxide and Vasodilation and used it to calm the nervous system. One of the key actions to making the shift was swallowing at the bottom of the breath before inhaling again.
Signs that the parasympathetic nervous system is coming back online in the body:
+Spontaneous swallowing. When we are in a state of shock, our mouth dries up, we don’t produce saliva (neither are we producing digestive enzymes), and in order to swallow our food we need to drink something. Eating when in a state of stress, you can’t digest your food.
+Intestinal gurgles and rumbles. Have you noticed that when a client begins to relax that their organs and intestines begin to gurgle? As the parasympathetic wakes up, the viscera wake up.
+Yawning. Did you know you can make yourself yawn simply by rubbing your jaw muscles vigorously with your fingers and opening your mouth wide anticipating/expecting to yawn. Fake it til you make it.
Putting these two things together has enabled me to work effectively with shifting people out of long Covid symptoms. It has become my conviction that breathing dis-regulation is the metabolic habit that locks our nervous system into the Sympathetic side of the CNS where natural healing and self regeneration cannot happen due to the ‘emergency’ metabolism associated with the fight for survival.
[Thanks Jocelyn Olivier and Neuromuscular Reprogramming]
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lancer plushie seems to have the opposite effect of spamton plushie. i fell asleep hugging lancer and my nap hit the 10th dimension. cured my sleep apnea AND i woke up before my alarm
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wanderingnork · 7 months
Crying from relief today: as long as I keep wearing my CPAP like I have been (100% compliance), my sleep apnea is functionally cured. I still Need it because without it the issues will return, but…my blood pressure, my blood O2, completely normal. I’m breathing through the night. I felt like I was walking on thin ice bracing for something bad and now…no. The other shoe isn’t going to drop because it doesn’t exist. At least in this respect, I’m going to be okay.
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thrandilf · 3 months
would getting good at sucking dick cure sleep apnea
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seascapesandsalt · 7 months
I wish people understood that long covid/post covid damage, isn't really one thing or another and it's unlikely to have a single, solid cure. You get covid, and then sometime after it you realize your body isn't working the way it used to. Then you (and it's usually you, not your doctor) get to investigate what's happened. Did covid trigger POTs, ME/CFS, chronic pain, diabetes, sleep apnea? Is your immune system failing? Do you have micro blood clots? Heart failure? A constant low-grade fever? Brain fog? Early onset Alzheimer's? Pick at least two, probably more.
Every case of long covid seems unique and requires unique treatment, even those of us with the most common fatigue/brain fog symptoms. If you're lucky, you have enough access to healthcare to investigate what's happening to your body and maybe get some treatment for your treatable symptoms, but all 18 million + of us getting comprehensive treatment would require a robust health care system and social security net that's not constantly being overwhelmed with new waves of virus and, well...
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speechandot · 8 months
Children facing sleep disorders may experience issues such as learning impairments and behavioral problems. It is crucial to address sleep disorders in children promptly to manage the condition and prevent potential harm to their development. At Speech and Occupational Therapy of North Texas, our trained staff can diagnose and treat various sleep disorders in children.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA): OSA occurs when a child’s airways are blocked or restricted during sleep. Enlarged tonsils, excessive soft tissue near the airways, obesity, or distortions in airway size can contribute to OSA. Roughly 5% of children may be affected by OSA.
Parasomnias: Parasomnias encompass behaviorally based sleep disorders like sleepwalking, nightmares, and sleep-talking. About 50% of children experience some form of parasomnia, influenced by genetics and aggravated by lack of sleep.
Behavioral Insomnia: Behavioral insomnia is an acquired inability to fall or stay asleep, affecting up to 30% of children. Sleep-onset insomnia occurs when a child refuses to sleep until a demand is met while limit-setting insomnia results from parents not setting or enforcing sleep-related rules.
Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder: This disorder occurs when children’s circadian clocks are offset by external stimuli, most commonly light exposure. Factors like body temperature, meal timing, and physical activity can also disrupt sleep schedules.
Restless Leg Syndrome: Children with restless leg syndrome experience an uncomfortable urge to move their legs due to discomfort or pain. Hyperactivity, iron deficiency, and genetics can trigger this syndrome. Diagnosis can be challenging, and while there’s no cure, treatment plans are available to alleviate symptoms.
If you need assistance in treating your child’s sleep disorders, please contact us at Speech and Occupational Therapy of North Texas to schedule a consultation and establish a tailored treatment plan for your child.
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