#currently hogging the fuckin kitchen
rreskk · 1 year
Okay, I have this time in month so I had a creative streak and there's my fanfic ideas (maybe you'll like it 😄):
- Reader taking care of sick Trevor
- Reader giving Trevor massage (like back/shoulders/chest massage 😉)
- Reader and Trevor having a skincare time 😅
Send kisses 💋
A/N: Thank you for the list! I've done some ;)
In this fanfiction, I've included the following requests: -Reader giving Trevor as massage -Reader giving Trevor skincare.
Summary: He finally removed himself from the bed after a rough heist. The few days of caring for him was neglectful and undeserving... You felt shut out until one simple massage helped Trevor release his emotions... Through a good fuck.
Pairings: Fem!reader/Trevor Philips
Word count: 2861
TW: -Smut
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You were trying to work his static TV that hogged the useless space of his trailer home. As you were fiddling with the leads and plugging in random cords with some sort of hope, Trevor returned from his bedroom and was whining loudly.
“Fuckin’… Shoulder hurts.” He muffled when cracking a bottle of beer open. Shirtless as always, his body leaned against the kitchen counter as he continued to scowl at the pain. His eyes soon found yours and he twitched. “TV still not working?”
You shook your head, “What exactly happened to it?” Having the suspicion that he broke it while under the influence of anger.
Trevor gulped some beer and shrugged lazily. He shuffled closer and peeked down at the cables but before he could, his back cracked and he heavily groaned.
“Ohhh… Fuck. My whole back is killing me.”
He had recently done a heist that involved heavy armour and quite a distance of running. Trevor only just recovered from sleeping days straight so it’s no wonder that his back is playing up. You crotched your eyebrows and lowered your hands, slowly feeling his tense shoulder blades as Trevor would shiver at the contact. He tried to focus on the TV but feeling your nails graze across his naked back placed him in a… Needy mindset.
“You have huge knots in your back.” You raised concern before placing more pressure on his shoulder blades. Your palm pressed and kneaded the rough limbs. Trevor instantly jerked his head up and breathed out a shaky sigh.
“Ohhh, that feels good.”
Before he was hunched over, now he was kneeling on the floor, absolutely engaged in your physical touch. His knees dug into the tiles and he leaned against his hands, worshipping and praising your fingers that blessed his muscles to become bearable and easy. You found it a dramatic response but knowing the activities he had pushed his body through, you couldn’t even imagine the relief he’s feeling.
Besides, you were glad to find a cure for his grumpiness. After the heist, he hasn’t exactly been enjoyable to be around. Almost insolent and improper.
“That’s right, that’s it!-“ Trevor cried out when you were caressing and massaging near his spine. His whole frame shimmering and spazzing with delight. For a moment you’d think he was actually having a fit. The way he got into the zone and pushed against your fingers, it was quite erratic and abnormal… But it was Trevor, so what else did you expect? 
“I can’t massage any deeper when you are arched like a barrel.” You acknowledged, “Go in the bedroom and lie on your stomach. I’ll get some moisturiser for your skin as well.”
The affects of your touch made him shake and wobble. He flopped onto his small bed that was littered with cigarette buds, pornography magazines, used socks, and empty cans of alcohol. You followed his steps and made sure he was positioned currently.
Trevor grinned, resting his chin on a pillow as your hands centred him, “So are you a professional massager now?”
“I had my fair shares of muscle pains as well.”
“Oh yeah? What from?” He wondered.
Squirting moisturizer on your hands, you slowly pressed onto his skin and applied pressure. The sensation earned a rightful groan from the man underneath you. He nuzzled into the pillow and scrunched up his nose when you began tackling his knots. The dampness of the moisturizer made his back nice and smooth for you to process and massage.
“I can’t remember now.” You replied after a few minutes of silence.
Trevor felt your fingers prickle his shoulder blades and with one swift movement, he supressed into a pit of ecstasy. It felt like his muscles were being fondled as all the tension faded away. There wasn’t away to describe the climax he was feeling.
“Jesus Christ… What else can you do with em fingers, ay?” Speaking through troubled whines, his voice was muffled through the pillow.
You continued to rub in the moisture before working on his lower back. Your fingers gently grazed his skin. That’s when you noticed his skins conditions. Deeply examining the small scars and marks from whatever trouble he gets himself into, he left his back all rough and quite dark, especially since he lacks hygiene. When you pressed your palm against the small knots, his skin was hard and it made friction between you both.
“When was the last time you washed your back?”
Trevor’s shoulders tensed at the question.
“Don’t be lecturing me on showering. Not now, babe… I’m enjoying myself.”
You shook your head with a grin, “I’m just asking.”
In all respects, you were glad to hold a conversation with him, as mentioned before… He hasn’t exactly been in the right mood. Trevor, while sleeping most of time, had been neglectful of your affections and care. You knew he didn’t mean it, but you begin to wonder… Does he really deserve this massage?
“I can’t remember. I just let the water drip. I couldn’t give a shit.”
“Your back is really dense and dry,” You explained.
Trevor huffed in return. You felt the bed vibrate as he did.
“How’s your back feeling?” Deciding to change the subject, you leaned forward, pressing your full weight onto your hands which tipped the surface of his spine, cracking and tackling any remaining joints that caused him great pain.
He bit into his lip and enjoyed the physical contact, “Fuckin’ heaven.”
The compliment was just enough to make you proud. You reached the point where the massage was initially over. Trevor was slumped against the mattress with his ass perked up from the repeated pleasure of having his body massaged. His head was buried between the pillows.
“Okay, you are free now.” You alarmed.
He didn’t move.
“Trev, let’s go and fix the TV.” You tried.
Still no response.
His form jerked up and the lanky arms that belonged to his frame threw you onto the space beside him. The courage and force made you shriek as there was no way to predict his movements. Trevor was hovering over you with a cheesy smirk. His selfish hands rested just below your breasts while he adjusted himself to be sitting right on your crotch. The weight of his whole body made a great impact on your ability to push him away, failing every time.
He grinned, “I didn’t get to say my thank you.” His cheeks were warm and rosy. You could identify his mood from the way he was inclined in teasing you. Them cracked lips widened more as he felt you underneath his hips. He always turns into a big baby when horny.
“You could just say it.” You smiled.
His shoulders shrunk and his face moved closer to yours.
“But I don’t like saying thank you. I like showing you my appreciation.”
You sucked in your lips simultaneously while Trevor’s dirty nails browsed your skin from under your shirt. He fed every inch with his proximity.
“Besides, your hands…” He threw his head back with a loud laugh, “Your hands were beautiful. My God… The way you just roughly rubbed and kneaded me. I ain’t lettin’ you go any time soon, I wanna finish this with a bang.”
“I can’t care for you without turning you on, can’t I?” You riddled back.
Trevor’s eyebrows raised at the invitation for a good challenge. He smiled with his full sets of teeth.
“You can blame my mother for that, sugar.” His breath invading every ounce of your face as he spoke, “But let’s not… Go there.” His tone turning serious, “I wanna fuck you without thinking of my issues.”
“Always a way with words, aren’t you?” Your scoff made his eyes twitch.
“I have a better way with my lips, darlin’.”
The warning was subtle, but it wasn’t enough to prepare you. The seconds were increasingly fast before he dived into your neck and feasted upon the leftover skin like he hadn’t of touched you in decades. In the past week of his problematic grumpiness, you haven’t of fucked in a while. The night after his heist, he was bed struct and tired. He did grow horny but you suggested he rested… Causing an argument… And no sex.
“Trev…” You whispered.
The extra drool from his tongue dribbled down his neck and that was your breaking point. Normally you weren’t the first to break, but it seems as though this one drop of his saliva managed to prove you wrong.
The sudden burst of warmth in your stomach made you squirm which surprised Trevor as he found amusement in this reaction. In his eyes, you were fiddling with your shirt and sucking in your bright red cheeks. What made it obvious was the way you were cradling your legs together. You tried hard to apply pressure to your crotch before he forced your thighs apart. He made quick “tut tut tut” sounds from his tongue.
“Trevor-“ Your trousers were ripped down your thighs as he wasted no time. You grasped at his hair after noticing how hostile he was getting with your lap. There was no way to describe how rough he was getting… His fingers tangled with your pantie lines while his knee fully flunked forward, pressing against your groin, replacing the warmth you were trying to hide from him.
His tongue hung out of his wolfish mouth, a motion he does when he grows so uncontrollably aroused. Trevor’s eyes pierced your watery ones.
“You like that, huh?” His vocals enlarging with stimulation and odd submission. He was whingey, shouty, mouthy. There was no sight of dominance apart from his physical yearning for you. Even then, it was a sloppy gesture. Trevor wasn’t holding any commands over you, he was simply feeding his own passions by supressing your attempt at dominating the situation.
After all, he does love a bit of foreplay and power imbalance.
You just had to match this pining ache.
While the man handled your crotch with his clothed knee, you snatched his collar and forced him forward. Trevor gambled at this with a smirk. He resisted the clutch, instead, he kept on resisting. He watched you grow frustrated and cackled.
“What’s wrong?” He grinned.
You tried your best to pull him against the bed with you. His biceps bulged at the attempt to reject your forceful strength. Trying too hard and giving up, you were left panting.
Trevor tutted, “Oh no… Don’t run out of breath, I’m not done yet.”
“Come on! I gave you a massage, return my affections.” You pleaded with puppy dog eyes.
He smirked at your mocking looks, trying to find someway to tease you more. Trevor grinned as he began nibbling his bottom lip. He was obviously imagining some unholy things as for the way he’s looking at you with pure lust.
“That’s right, you did, didn’t you?” He cooed, “Why… How rude of me? I should be a great man and appreciate my lady…” His fingers bringing your panties down and around your thighs, “I’m going to fuck you so good, baby. I’m gonna make you feel amazing.”
Suddenly, he forced two fingers into your pussy and explored your wetness with a sneer. His teeth grinded with focus and the man fully pledged his efforts into fingering you. It made you whimper and gasp.
“Trevor…” You breathed.
“Don’t come just let.”
“Trevor, please.”
“Come on, baby.” He asked with glassy eyes, “You feel so good… God, I’m so fuckin’ horny.”
You gripped his wrist and stared at him, “Trevor, you better fuck me.”
He grinned.
“You are going to fuck me tonight.”
Trevor admired your demands as he gazed at you with adoration. The way your words spat out. He immediately caught your glare and felt his boner striked up a notch. Your anger made him so horny, it was sickening. He just wanted you to shout at him all the time, he fantasises about your fury almost daily.
So he carried on watching you with a pester.
“Trevor, don’t go silent on me.” You carried on while his fingers still dismounted in your clit. Something about the way you yell at him through your flustered state. It made him feel like a bad boy.
“I’m not going silent.” He smirked.
His fingers kept on pounding your pleasurable spot. Your throat grabbled out groans and he took his chances.
Trevor, without warning, threw off his pants and handled his erection roughly. The tip was shrieking for warmth and fluidity. You lied back knowing he was about to settle deep inside you.
“Don’t relax just yet, [y/n], I want your fire.” He remarked, “You had your time massaging and caring for me. Now I want you to screw me up, baby. I want to see blood.”
His penis replaced his fingers and you moaned when he approached your pussy, already bruising the walls with his devilish aggression.
Trevor likes how he can make you so angry that can watch you unleash stress while he’s fucking you senselessly. Always have, and always will. He’s a menace and he knows it. Sometimes he knows he doesn’t deserve your love, so the only exception for disrespect is in the bedroom. Trevor’s dirty mind finds pleasure when you treat him like a dirty dog, someone to tame, someone to slap around while his cock pathetically drools over your tits.
Mhm, that’s his rightful fantasy.
“No more nice guy, [y/n]. I deserve Hell. Give me Hell.”
You were struggling to form words as he thrusted harder every time.
“[y/n]-“ His voice wobbled.
Your fingers scorn his back when he leant forward to add more force. The moisture made him so soft and smooth… Your nails glided without making a mark. However, with the help of his violent hips, you yelped forward and roughened the once clean skin.
It was like your massage gave him the energy he lost for days and days.
“O-Ohhh…” Trevor wheezed at the scratches.
Your kitty claws nailed him harder as your hips were being torn apart by his combative drive. He was the Devil and you were trying to tear off his angel wings, proving his true colours… His true blood.
“Oh, fuck.” Mumbling against his forehead, Trevor fell into your arms like a little boy. He was puffing through the thrusts, completely sucked into your breasts that was visible from the sweaty shirt you wore, his nose snuggled in between, as if he deserved this company.
You hurled his head back, immodestly slapping his rosy cheeks in attempt of disciplining.
“Oh, mama-“ His tongue wretched and snivelled.
Being detached from your tits made Trevor go completely insane. He fastened his pace, staring at you with drool dripping from his mouth. His eyes asked for permission to return to your breasts, but he was greeted with a pleasurable glare. Biting his lip, he tried to argue back with broken moans.
You had to say no words for him to understand your authority and modesty over him. After all, you care for him like a kid, you massaged his back, cleaned his trailer, served him dinner… And you rarely get appreciation.
Trevor knows this and the thought gave him motivation to fuck you harder. His hands grasps at your waist with faint strength. He wiggled in and out of your soaked pussy as his breathing pitched. He needed to return your pleasure and acts of service or he fears you’ll never offer him your love again.
“Oh, yes…” You praised.
“Mhm, [y/n]-“
“Oh my God!” Tears began forming in your eyes.
All the moisture from his back returned to your palms as blood circulated his shoulder blades. You felt your fingers be painted with red considering your nails only engraved him more at the power of his cock, that has been festering your clit for the time being, and reminding Trevor of his treachery and audacity.  
“Ma- Mama… Oh… [y/n], I’m so close.”
You flared your nostrils as he twitched inside you.
“Ohhhhh… Please, please, please!” Trevor cried out, begging you.
You kept on guiding his hips back against yours, rejecting his attempts to come. The pain was surreal and he felt like exploding.
“This ain’t fai- Ohhhh, fuck me… Shit, shit!” His moans pouring out of the watery mouth.
With distinctive motions, you moved your hands from his back to his jaw. A finger pressed against his pulse unnaturally and you held onto his face as he approached his climax.
Trevor’s final thrust must have triggered a reaction…
While he pulled out to cum all over your shirt, it seems that he intoxicated his moment of ecstasy onto you. You shared the orgasm with him, crying out unknowledgeable English. The problematic man above you felt the sincerity behind your climax since your hand fully wept, almost gripping his skin with pain. His cheeks squished at your fingers before he objected the contact, forcing your hands above your head.
Recovering from your orgasm was fast until he nibbled at your neck.
Oh the tease…
He lips rumbled against your jaw, “Round 2?”
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tohokuu · 2 years
i have the most toxic ass cousins bro (dads side is at my house atm)
reminds me of that one mr bean episode where he has that childhood friend come over and he empties his fridge in the middle of the night
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izurou · 2 years
last night, you had your very first sleepover with katsuki.
it was perfect. no snoring or sleep walking, no blanket hogging, and most importantly—no pro hero work pulling him away in the morning. the only thing that would’ve made it better, is some clarity.
you’re dating katsuki, but it’s not official—he’s not your boyfriend. you wonder if maybe, he’s just not that into you, or perhaps, he just doesn’t have the time. time—something he’s never had enough of, that has to be it, right?
your very first date, it was a two parter, because he was needed elsewhere mid mapo tofu. a few other dates after that were also cut short—maybe he thinks you just don’t know each other well enough yet? is it even possible for someone like him to think that way? whatever the reason, you need to know.
“morning katsuki,” you murmur, shuffling into the kitchen as you pull your sleeves up over your fists. you have a clear goal in mind—but he’s cooking, without a shirt, and suddenly your mission is ten times more difficult. is this what being a pro hero feels like?
“morning,” he mumbles back, glancing up briefly as you lean against the counter.
“what am i to you?” shit, how did that slip out? you could’ve sworn you asked how he slept.
“a fuckin’ headache,” he replies, sliding two glasses out of the cupboard and onto the counter. he opens the fridge, grabbing the carton of apple juice, and the carton of orange juice.
date three, part one—you had a heated debate over which is better, apple or orange. katsuki told you he doesn’t like to chew his damn beverages, and you told him that, believe it or not, they make orange juice without pulp. still, he went on about the bitterness, the acidity, and the horrid oj and toothpaste combo—yet here he is having both in his refrigerator—how odd.
“c’mon, i’m serious,” you urge, watching the liquids cascade into their respective cups.
“so ‘m i.” he nudges your glass towards you, bringing his own up to his lips and chugging it.
“but, i’m in your apartment,” you pause, noticing the way his face contorts into a full on sentence—one that reads yeah, no shit. “i slept in your bed with you, i’m wearing your shirt,” you continue, gesturing to the long sleeve currently swallowing you whole.
“you’re talkin’ my damn ear off too,” he breathes, wiping an arm over his mouth.
by date five, it was obvious that katsuki’s actions spoke louder than his words—which is impressive considering just how loud his words are. puddles lined the streets that evening, courtesy of the afternoon downpour. it was busy, drivers lost in their own little worlds as they drove past—and each and every time, katsuki would angle his body to the right just a bit. he cursed every last one of them who sped by, and he was absolutely miserable by the time you made it off the main roads but, at least you were dry.
“nevermind,” you say, sliding into a chair at the dining table. you’ve decided that, whatever this is—it’s good enough for you.
but it was on date one part two that katsuki knew you were it for him. after running out on you just three nights prior, he was glad you even showed up—but you went one step further. you sat there with that pretty smile on your face. no eye rolls, no guilt trips, and not a single snide remark or complaint. you even offered to pay for the meal—as if he would ever let you do such a thing, but he found it cute nonetheless. so, he owes you this.
“hey,” he barks, causing your head to snap up. the two plates he had set on the counter are full now, he must be done. “you’re mine.”
the look on your face must’ve said it all, because he’s choking back a laugh as he carries your plates over. you’re his? why did he blurt it out so casually? are you missing something?
“oh c’mon,” he huffs, plopping down in the seat next to you. he turns, trailing his eyes up and down your figure. “you slept on my damn side of the bed, in my fuckin’ shirt.”
he gave you this shirt—right before he told you to go wait in bed while he tidied up—how the hell were you supposed to know he has a specific side?
“don’t play dumb,” he pauses, scowl growing as he watches you reach for a piece of food with your bare hands. he grabs your wrist, ushering for you to let him roll your sleeves up—like hell he’s gonna sit back and watch you get his shirt dirty.
he folds the fabric with precision, biting the inside of his cheek in an attempt to hide his smile—but he just can’t.
“y’already know you’re mine.”
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betelgeuse-boo · 4 years
If you are a minor or someone who does not want to see smut, please scroll past this post!!! Thank you!
Extensive Info/Warnings: Penetration, almost ‘caught in the act’, reader has breasts and a vagina and uses she/her pronouns
For @rhodochrosite-love; “How about Beej and a fem reader having some very loving sex but only realize they’re in the Deezlands living room when they’re caught by Adam and Barbara?” 
Love this idea! I hope you’re okay with me tweaking it just a bit so that it’s almost being caught and not quite actually being found out! Thought that would add some excitement >w> Thank you so much for the ask!
Words: 3332
“Almost Caught”
It was no secret that you and Beetlejuice had enjoyed each other’s presence. Between the constant flirting on both ends, abundant PDA, and overuse of pet names, everyone in the Deetz-Maitland household would usually distance themselves when you visited. Not because they didn’t enjoy your company, of course, but Beej would often hog you to himself and his overly doting attitude towards you would make all the other household inhabitants sick. Thankfully, you two had the house practically to yourselves today! ...The operative word being “practically”.
Adam and Barbara Maitland were housebound their afterlife, the only place other than their home that they were allowed to reside in being the Netherworld. They preferred to stay in the house that they shared with their strange gained family, and while they were often about in other rooms in the abode, they had recently learned to stay in the attic when you would visit after giving you a brief greeting. They always intended to flee before seeing Beetlejuice press a thousand kisses against you. 
The house was quieter than usual as the Deetzes were gone- on a road trip to Vermont for some sort of convention Delia was interested in. After the ghostly married couple said their hellos to you and promptly dashed upstairs after BJ picked you up into a tight bear hug, you found yourself relaxing on the couch with your demonic partner. The green haired spectre was talking, at length, about how his week went, making sure to not leave out the details of eating an infestation of bugs that were found in the attic so that the Deetzes “wouldn’t have to call pest control”. You found yourself almost apprehensive as he pressed a kiss to your cheek, but as he informed you he had ‘taken care of’ the issue a couple of days prior, you figured it’d be okay to let him continue to smooch you. Hopefully...
Conversation between the both of you died down as he got lost in cuddling with you, his big, clawed hands holding you as gingerly as he could, the bulky demon taking turns between nuzzling you and peppering kisses all over your face. He was quite the sucker for both giving and receiving affection, and he always did an amazing job in making you feel loved. As he wrapped his arms around you and pressed you against his soft yet clammy body, he muttered against your neck. 
“I missed you.”
It had only been about a week and a half since you last saw him in person, but your job involved traveling out of town a lot. You had been unable to summon him in partial fear of him wrecking the hotel you stayed at and in partial responsibility in desiring to get full nights of sleep so that you could perform adeptly at work. Of course, you had missed Beetlejuice and you were hoping to transfer to a job soon where you could stay in town so that you could spend more time with him. 
“I missed you too, bug,” You replied, pulling away from him slightly to see him smiling at you, happy to hear that he was wanted. His relatively innocent sentimentality faded as the doofy grin transformed into a smirk, one of his hands sliding down your back and resting at your butt for a moment before he squeezed it with a crude chuckle.
“And I missed this too.” A chill traveled up your spine as the sensation of him touching you paired with the sound of his gravelly voice lowering ever so slightly to a more suggestive tone. Beetlejuice paused, his eyes finding yours, and you leaned forward to plant a kiss against his lips- intentionally banishing the bug eating anecdote he had given moments before to the recesses of your mind- cupping his ever so slightly warmer cheek with your hand. 
You knew complimenting him like this would go to his head, but figured it was still worth telling him. “I...thought about you a lot while I was away.” With this, you trailed one of your hands down his chest and over his plush belly before groping ever so slightly at his crotch, eliciting a soft gasp out of him. Your bug’s gaze grew more intense as he somehow scooched even closer to you, continuing to idly rub and pinch at the fat on your butt. The demon moved in to kiss at your neck, making you shiver once more at the initial electric sensation the contact gave you. A halfway stifled gasp soon left you as he incorporated his sharp teeth- gently nipping and sucking the sensitive flesh, holding you flush against him. 
While this was incredibly arousing, you couldn’t help but feel that doing this sort of stuff in the living room felt...odd. Like, the space was too open. “Do you think we should take this somewhere else?” You asked hesitantly, though there weren’t really many options to do more sensual stuff with BJ in the Deetz-Maitland household. The bedrooms, of course, were off limits, the Maitlands were currently in the attic, the kitchen just felt…wrong. You had normally only had sex with Beetlejuice when you had summoned him into your home instead of when you visited him at this location, and the one other time you had done anything sexual in this house was in the bathroom one night when everyone else was asleep. 
Beej laughed against your neck and you jumped at the sensation of his cold breath hitting the saliva coated skin he had previously been sucking on. “There’s no one else home, babes. The married dorks are doing some project upstairs and you know they can’t hear shit up there. Especially when they get in their ‘zone’, heh.” As you were silent, he pulled away, removing his hands off you and holding them up. “If you want to stop we can-”
“-No!” You interjected, a bit more vigor in your reply than you anticipated, BJ smirking at the enthusiasm. “....Okay. If you’re sure the Maitlands won’t be able to hear anything then I’m fine doing it here.” 
“That’s my girl.” Beetlejuice purred, clambering on top of you and cautiously pushing you down so that you were reclining on the couch, your neck propped up by the armrest. There was hardly enough room for his 6’5, 300 pound frame in this position on the couch, but he was determined in making you feel good after not having been able to for what seemed like forever to him. He began to rub at your sides, locking his lips with yours, that great big striped tongue of his quickly finding its way into your mouth. The two of you french kissed for a while, making up for lost time you guessed, before you felt Beej begin to rut against you, the both of you still fully clothed. A needy growl came from the demon on top of you as you could feel his erection press against your belly, and he had finally fully broken the kiss for the first time in what felt like ten minutes to comment that you were amazing. 
While you normally graciously accepted his compliments, there was something about him praising you during sexual acts that made you red and almost bashful. You choked out a ‘thank you’ before he gave you one last, brief kiss on the lips and pulled slightly away from you so that he could undo your button down shirt, fumbling with the buttons as he was way too eager to see what was under the garment. You stifled a giggle and let him flounder before he groaned in annoyance at the damned buttons and snapped his fingers, your shirt momentarily going up in a puff of green smoke before dropping to the floor next to the couch. Thankfully, he got your bra off without a hitch, and he moaned softly at the sight of your chest. “God, I missed these too,” Beetlejuice sighed out, pinching at the nipple on your right breast and grinning at seeing you inhale at the sensation. “Did you think about me playing with your body like this?” His yellow sclera seemed to glow as he locked eyes with you, rolling his fingers over the nub achingly slow. 
You quickly nodded in response, arching your back as electric arousal coursed through your body. Through having done intimate acts with you for some time now, Beetlejuice had gotten the hang of touching you in just the right ways. He always made it a point that he wanted you to be as turned on as possible and that seeing you aroused because of him was practically enough to get him to cream his pants. In other words, the ghost enjoyed playing with your body. 
Pleased at your affirmation, a rumble left his chest and he placed his hand on your other breast, squeezing and groping at the whole thing instead of just the nipple. “I thought about your pretty little self under me just like this, baby. Thinkin’ bout it got me jerking off so much pretending I was fuckin’ you,” He said with a laugh, relishing in you squirming with pleasure under him. “Can’t wait to cum inside the real thing after so long.” 
“It’s been a week and a half!” You giggled, voice quieter than usual as you found it difficult to speak when you were aroused. 
“I said what I said. That’s too long.” He returned to laying over you, making sure not to place his entire weight against you as he preferred that you were breathing, and began to nip at your earlobe, hands still against your breasts. At this angle, you could smell the dust that was collected in his locks, of which were now steadily turning pink. He was a master with his mouth- he had used it for God knows how many things that he could now excellently position his lips, tongue, and teeth to make sure he was making you feel the best you possibly could. Whining as you could feel his cold breath in your ear, you reached your arm up and held the nape of his neck, holding him against you. The space in between your thighs was incredibly tingly now, in between not having done anything of a sexual nature in a bit and Beej being admittedly good at foreplay, you felt like you needed him that very second. 
“I want you inside me now,” You murmured against him, and you heard him purr in response as he finished nibbling at your ear. Rising just a bit so he could plant his forehead against yours, he took a moment to catch his breath- you were still unsure on why exactly he still breathed despite allegedly not needing to. 
“Okay, sweets,” He responded, getting off you and clumsily undoing your jeans, managing to get them off without magic too. As he pulled the waistband of your pants down, he brought your panties off with them too- it was clear he was also eager to get right into it. However, as you sat there expectantly, waiting for him to push you down once more, he left his hands on your thighs and swallowed before asking, “Is it okay if you, uh, get on top this time? It’s kinda...hard to really get leverage on the couch,” Looking almost flustered, he flashed you a questioning, toothy grin, and you nodded. 
“Of course!” With this, Beej kissed your cheek and shifted so that he was in a similar position to the one you were just in, and you quirked an eyebrow. His signature two piece pinstripe suit was still on him. “Aren’t you going to take your clothes off?” 
He shook his head and yanked the waistband of his pants and boxers down, his dick springing up after he got his pants down to rest at his upper thighs. “Too lazy, plus I kinda’ like how warm fuckin’ with my clothes on makes me,” You wondered how he could possibly be too lazy to snap away his own clothes but you didn’t question it, wanting your bug to be as happy as he made you. After climbing on top of him, you played with his hair as you positioned yourself over his erection. Beetlejuice was in awe at the sight of your body, staring at your face and chest and hips and- he was suddenly squeezing his eyes shut, a long groan escaping him as you led him into you, half of his length enveloped by your warm vagina. One of his big, clammy hands found its way up to your hip, squeezing it as he rolled his own hips forward just a bit, pressing more of his dick inside of you. It didn’t take long before the both of you found a rhythm, you bouncing on top of him and him lazily rolling his hips under you. 
Neither of you were particularly quiet either- and it only took a moment before pleasured noises and groans were coming from the both of you, only silenced partially when you caught his lips in a kiss. When you had gotten all of him inside you, you sat there and relished in the feeling of it for a moment.  His dick was more than substantial for you; his dick always made you feel nice and full. The arousal was almost painful as you continued to bounce on him, feeling him grip at your hips and thighs and ass and- it took you an embarrassingly long amount of time to realize that he had summoned his extra limbs to grope at more spots on you at once. Beej was hissing with pleasure and grumbling under his breath in his demonic language- he’d only really start speaking in the infernal tongue when he was really mad or really happy. It was easy to guess that the latter was the case in this situation. It was surprisingly arousing to watch him dip into his more arcane side, but it was as equally arousing when his eyes found yours and his gaze softened.
“F-fuck, baby, you feel fantastic around me,” Beej whined, beads of sweat trickling down his forehead. Looks like using his suit as a sauna was working for him. He was choked up, almost overstimulated with pleasure, his claws pressing into your soft flesh. You couldn’t help but huff back in response as you continued to move your body on top of him, your own hands circling his chest and tummy. 
“And you feel fantastic inside of me.” You moaned out, having to speak just a bit louder over the sounds of your body meeting his. One could say that Beetlejuice had a praise kink, as he whined at the slightest mention of being good for you. The demon was basically drooling at this point, basking in the euphoria that the very notion of pleasing you brought. His hands- all six of them that were currently on you- aided you in your motions now, shifting your body up and pulling it back down against him. His penis was throbbing inside of you- you could feel it, the demon was already nearing orgasm. It was cute how easily you got him to cum- your bug was initially embarrassed, thinking that it wasn’t desirable to be essentially a two pump chump, but you couldn’t disagree more. You loved making him feel good as he did you. Nothing was as arousing and gratifying as when he flooded any one of your openings with his cum, and it would often bring your own orgasm on prematurely too. 
Trembling under you, you heard him beg for you to keep going, him all but singing your praises under you, losing his rhythm and just slamming his hips upwards now. He wasn’t lying, he was desperate to empty out his balls inside of you after a week and a half of having to get himself off, the poor thing. You were more than happy to accommodate- since he was a demon, he couldn’t get you pregnant due to some weird rules from the Nether. It was completely safe for him to make a cream pie out of you, and that’s honestly the way you preferred it anyways. It always felt weirdly dirty and you appreciated that.
“Th-that’s my bug,” You choked out, tears prickling in your eyes from the overwhelming euphoria encompassing all of you. Beetlejuice hummed at the nickname. “You’re almost there, baby.” 
The two of you kept going for a few moments, the big demon under you whining your name out as he could feel the onset of his orgasm. Sharp claws sunk into you as he pulled you against him one last time, about to explode inside of your warmth- however, something seemed to grab his attention as his pointed ears perked up, his previously closed eyes snapping open. While you paused and were about to ask him what was wrong, he began to mutter “fuck” over and over, snapping his fingers. In an instant, all your clothes were back on, albeit messily, and your ghost was hastily pulling his pants and underwear over his erect cock- which was leaking copious amounts of pre-cum- and tucking his undershirt in. 
“What-” Was all you managed to say before you jumped at a voice behind you. 
“Hey, (Y/N), would you happen to know the name of that one animal you were telling us about?” You recognized the voice belonged to Adam Maitland, and it was coming from the top of the stairs. Awkwardly, you turned around to face him, wondering why in the world that was such a burning question that he had to come down unannounced. As you opened your mouth to respond, you could see Adam’s expression shift, and Barbara piped in too, walking out from the upstairs hall and standing behind her husband.
“Adam was saying that you said it was ‘capybara’ but that doesn’t feel right. Aren’t capybara those big rodents? The one we’re talking about are small ones.” It was Barbara’s turn to stare at the both of you- her eyebrows knitting together as she noted how… uncharacteristically unkempt you in particular looked. “Are we interrupting something?” 
“No, not at all,” Beetlejuice sarcastically responded, turning to face the couple too. You could see out of the corner of your eye that his hair was back to green, smidges of red running through it. “You’re thinking about a ‘jerboa’, Adam. Not a capybara.” 
Adam’s face lit up with the realization that he had gotten the rodent’s name wrong. “Ahh, right.” His expression dropped after he noticed Beej scowling at him. “...Right, well, uh, thanks!” He quickly ducked out of view while Barbara stood still, quirking an eyebrow down at the two of you. 
“What is it, Babs?” Beetlejuice sighed. 
The blonde woman shrugged. “Maybe don’t do...that on the couch next time. If Delia notices a stain she’s gonna’ have your heads. I’d spray some Oxi-Clean on it if I were you.” With this, she turned and followed after her husband, leaving you and the demon feeling incredibly awkward. 
A few moments passed before Beetlejuice stood up and said, “Welp, that was the worst thing to ever happen.” His expression softened as he looked at you and he ran his fingers through his mane, now back to its neutral green. “Sorry that was cut short. I could hear them leave the attic cause...y’know, superhuman senses and all.” He tapped one of his pointy ears.
You placed a hand on his thigh and smiled, finding humor in the situation. “It’s okay, Beej. It was fun.” Rising as well, you straightened your clothes out and planted a kiss against his chest. “...And besides, we can always try for round two at my place after we clean this couch.”
Pink strands began to jut through his locks again, a doofy grin once again finding its way onto his face. “Yeah. I’d like that, baby.” 
156 notes · View notes
spacebrick3 · 5 years
Evenfall University: Ring of Fire Part 1
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So my own character of Mira Niemczyk is currently enrolled at @note-katha’s Evenfall University, and it seems that her adventures there need to be detailed! So without further ado, I present Mira’s adventures at Evenfall U!
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Mira Niemczyk is brave. Foolishly, recklessly brave. She would die for her friends, and has only survived this long because she doesn’t have that many. Arrogant and stubborn, the type of person to whom warnings are no more than challenges and who very nearly launched her own satellite into orbit (it would have worked, too, if she hadn’t been ripped off with low-grade sulfur).
Mira Niemczyk also does not believe in magic. 
This is despite the fact that Mira attends one of the most prestigious magical universities in the country, and perhaps the world: Evenfall University, hidden deep within the forests of the northwest United States. This is also despite the fact that Evenfall only accepts those with proven magical talent or abilities. An impressive feat of cognitive dissonance.
She doesn’t quite remember whether or not she in fact applied to the university, or if she was even aware of its existence until she received her acceptance letter. The tuition was affordable, and a chance for her to leave behind the state of Texas to cooler weather and slightly less irritating inhabitants*. She has cause to regret her decision, and cause not to, and at present rests somewhere in the middle.
Currently, she is sitting in the middle of orientation, listening to the professor drone on about their ‘circles of magic’, which honestly looks like a bootleg version of the Olympic rings. Not the most original design. There’s lots of words, none of them meaning anything - orientations are supposed to be fun, aren’t they, getting to meet the clubs and students and teachers at the school. And instead she’s sitting here, falling asleep with her head in her hands.
“Any idea when this is going to be over?” she whispers to the girl next to her, black-haired with glasses that seem too big for her face.
“No, I - stop talking!” She glares at her, pushing those same glasses up on her nose. “I am trying to listen to the professor! And you should too,” she says in a huff.
Mira rolls her eyes, dropping further into lethargy. Is there really no better way of conveying information than a lecture? A video, maybe, that she could watch in the comfort of her own home - dorm, whatever. Something with better visuals than rings stolen from one Mr. de Coubertin and someone who didn’t speak like they were giving a TED talk. “Any questions?” they ask, staring out across the assembled crowd.
Silence. “You should have lots of questions,” the girl next to her mutters. “Seeing as how you refused to listen to a word of it.”
“Actually, yeah,” she tells her with a wink, standing and trusting in her brilliant red, completely-not-dyed hair to get their attention. Or the fact that no one else wants to say anything. “Magic…-“ she coughs, already coming down with a cold. “See, magic! Isn’t! Real!”
She didn’t have to scream it. It wasn’t even a question like had been asked for. But that wasn’t going to stop her, because she is right and she knows it. It doesn’t matter if they’ve put together fancy special effects to draw circles in the air, if what they’re telling her is no more than a collection of lies. 
College is supposed to be a place of learning, isn’t it? Not a place of-
The other girl drags her down, color flushing across her face. “Stop talking!” she hisses, glancing around. “I didn’t intend - you - you cannot do that!” she stammers. “Why would you do that?”
They’re laughing at her. People are laughing at her because she told them magic wasn’t real. “Because it fuckin’ isn’t. Don’t tell me you believe what they’re selling, uh-“ She jabs a finger at her, poking the lens of her glasses. “What’s your name?”
“Samantha Venera, Third Circle,” she recites as if reading it off from a roll. “But - oh, no. Did you have to say that? And now the students are all looking at us - and they’re laughing, why did you even choose to attend if you refuse to believe in magic-“ She tugs at her collar, a fancy outfit in blue and white that looks more suited to an old-timey ball than college orientation. Somebody’s looking to make a good first impression, she notes to herself.
“Not like I had anywhere else to go-“ 
Her voice rings out a little too loud, and she realizes it’s gotten quiet. “Please! Stop! talking!” Samantha whispers again in desperation, and this time she listens.
“The First Circle of Magic,” the professor is saying, voice low, “is extremely dangerous. I beg you, please do not look into it.” Doesn’t sound like you’re begging, she notes. More like you’re warning us. “You could lose your life by doing so. And for those who think this is a joke, that we are warning you away for our own personal gain-“ Her gaze seems to find Mira- “we’re not. Unfortunately, we’ve been warned by the APA to not disclose the stories, so I’m afraid we can’t provide more details.”
Muttering breaks out among the students. “Absolutely not suspicious at all,” she says, turning back to Samantha. Or turning to where she was, because she and her enormous glasses** have already vanished into the crowd. “…huh.”
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Her roommates blur by, their names going in one ear and out the other. Harmony Washington, thespian who is already hogging the shower and slumping dramatically against the walls. Aishwarya Kamal, whose claim to the hardest name to spell is only challenged by Niemczyk, and Nitya Nair, who arrives in the dorm to sleep and that’s it.
She should get to know them, but she doesn’t want to. Just more people. That is, until Aishwarya drags her from her bed and her laptop, to the kitchen and three boxes of pizza. “Look - I didn’t know what you wanted,” she says, flipping the lids open, “so we’ve got pepperoni, cheese, and vegan. So…have some pizza!”
It’s free real estate food. “Why?” she asks through a mouthful of the pepperoni. Aishwarya’s even managed to drag Nitya in from her nigh-incessant soccer practices, though she doesn’t seem pleased by it. 
“Because we are going to be friends,” she says, barely managing to keep the smile from her voice as the last of the group sits down. “Right? I mean, we’re living in the same space for at least half a year. I’d like to have that be a good relationship - and everybody likes pizza. No better way to begin, right?”
“Where’d you get it?” Harmony asks, looking at her slice in suspicion. “Not sure I trust the pizza shops around here.”
“Local place, just-“ she gestures vaguely towards the south- “down that way. Can’t remember what it’s called. It’s no, uh, Pizza Port, but - doesn’t matter. I mean, this is mostly for you, Mira, more than anybody.”
She rubs the back of her neck, looking guilty. “We, ah, we all know each other. We went to the same school, actually, and were in the same astronomy club and everything. So we’ve been introduced to each other a long time ago. So this is more about getting to know you, Mira…Niemczyk-“ She mangles the pronunciation, Nee-em-zeek instead of Nehm-check- “and about you knowing us.”
“Not a great start for being included in the group, is it?” she asks, perhaps a little more harshly than she’d like. “Not if y’all know each other and I don’t.”
“Well, there’s only one way around that,” Aishwarya replies, cheery demeanor refusing to be put out, “and that’s if we get to know you! So - where are you from? What’s it like? Why’d you come here?”
All more personal questions than she’d like to answer right now. “Houston, Texas,” she starts with, became that’s the easiest place to. “We’ve lived there for a while, and in Texas my whole life. Until now.” She shoots a glance outside, more to avoid eye contact than anything else, and sees that it’s pouring rain. Maybe she should have noticed from the fact that Nitya’s currently dripping water onto the carpet, but ‘noticing things’’ has never been her strong point. “Is it always this rainy here?”
She shrugs, over by the sink as she pours herself another glass of water. “I think so? That’s the stereotype, at least, but I don’t know if it’s true.”
“I wonder if it’s magic?” Harmony says, standing and walking over to the window. “It’d be fitting, don’t you think? All those stories that they can’t even tell us-“ Lightning flashes, framing her in a halo of jagged light- “and the rain pours down outside, washing away any of the evidence. Footprints, paths, light - it’s all gone, swept away by the unending torrent. Maybe it’s how they keep their secrets-“
“Monologuing,” Nitya says without even looking up. “Because maybe it’s just the damn rain.”
“Alright, alright. I’m just saying. This is literally a magical university, why couldn’t they have magic rain? There’s water witches, air witches, nature witches like you, Aisha - they could do it.” With another faux-forlorn glance out the window, she goes back to her seat - nearly knocking over her drink in the process. “Maybe they just do it for fun. Two students falling in love, they turn on the rain for the dramatic argument that leaves both convinced the other one will never speak to them again-“
“About half - 170 out of 365 - days in Seattle had rain,” she replies, looking at her phone. “So either there are lot of people having their dramatic arguments and falling out of love, or it’s just the weather. Yes, I know there are that many people here,” she says, cutting off Harmony’s counter, “but I don’t think it’s magical rain.”
At least the conversation isn’t on her anymore. Or it wasn’t, until Aishwarya turns back to her and she curses herself for tempting fate with that statement. “So? Houston have less pointless arguments?”
“Not really.”
“Any of your friends going here, too, and you weren’t lucky enough to room with them?”
“Do you know what you’re planning to major in?”
“Not sure.”
“What circle - what magic you have? Why did you come to Evenfall?”
“Second-“ though there’s no such thing- “and…“ There’s no good way to put it, so the best she can offer is a shrug and an “eh.” There are some things you don’t start out by telling people, especially not if you want to make friends. Why she came to a magical university while not believing in magic is one of them. “You?”
Though she’s clearly less than satisfied with Mira’s answers, politeness demands she answer. “Nature - I’m studying to be a doctor - have been almost all my life, from those little doctor’s kits to interning with a lab technician. Because I don’t think there’s anything more amazing than being able to save lives-“
“We’ve all heard the spiel, Aisha.”
“Mira hasn’t!” she says, not trying to deny that there is a spiel. “And what’s wrong with trying to convince people? There’s a shortage of doctors in the world, you know, and especially a shortage of magical doctors. What if Harmony there were to get hurt, then who would treat her? Sirens can’t just walk up to any hospital.”
“A siren?” Mira doesn’t even realize she’s asked it until it’s out of her mouth. “I thought - what?”
“You don’t know?”
“Know what? I thought this was a school for people with ‘magic’?” She hates being told she doesn’t know, and hates it even more when the other person is right.
“And those from the Nevermore,” Aishwarya explains. “Magical - well, they’re…people, but with magic…more imbued in them than something they can control. Sirens, for example, don’t have control - technically - Harmony?” she asks at last, finally admitting she’s lost.
She sits up from where she’s thrown herself dramatically into the chair. “Yes? I’m a siren. And I’m studying to be an actress. I mean, it’s kind of the route you go, because we’re good at the whole-“ she gestures to her throat- “voice thing. I could show you,” she says, with the eagerness of someone who almost certainly will whether you accede. 
“…sure,” says Mira.
“Alright, I think I’ve got it,” says Harmony, except it’s Mira’s voice. She has to press a hand to her throat to check that it’s not her speaking, because she can see Harmony’s mouth moving but hear her own words. “How is it? I can’t really tell if I’ve got it right-“
She nods hurriedly, just wanting her to stop. “Yes - yes, that’s my voice and I don’t like it.”
“You’re no fun,” she says again, switching back. “But, that’s what we sirens can do. It’s weird, you know, finding out you’re not wholly human. Like, I got a letter and it said “hey, you know all these people? Well, you’re not one of them. Come to Evenfall!” 
“And you did?”
The look she gets for that comment - a fairly innocent one, really, given the options - feels overdramatic. Like everything about Harmony, she supposes. “Um, yeah. What was I supposed to do, go to some normal college and pretend that I didn’t have gills? No, I don’t actually-“ she adds, seeing her glance- “but shut up.”
“And that’s the story,” Nitya says. “Now I really do have to go, since I think they’re running practice late. In the rain. Nice meeting you Mira, I suppose-“ it doesn’t sound like it- “but I do have to go.” She picks up the soccer ball from the corner, spinning it in her hands and spraying everybody else with water before pushing through the door. 
“That was abrupt,” Aishwarya says, frowning.
Harmony glances out the window, grimacing as a flash of lightning races across the sky. “Her fault for getting into sports,” she says, pulling out her tablet and flicking through it. “At least plays are inside, most of the time.”
The group dynamic has dissolved, and Mira takes that as her cue to leave. It’s a chance to get back to the normal world, a place where things like magical rain and sirens aren’t something she has to deal with. Not that anything at Evenfall can be called normal, not how the word is usually meant. Back to a point where she can pretend things are normal, then.
She’s always been good at that, pretending things are normal. It’s how she got here, and why she’ll stay. 
*this message paid for by the State of Washington
**much like Pluto and its moon Charon, Samantha’s lenses are large enough that the two of them should be considered a binary system rather than that of a single body
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I’ll use my current tag list for this, since this will be just a short AU/story thing, but please let me know if you want to be added or removed! @lady-redshield-writes, @no-url-ideas-tho, @ratracechronicler, @ken-kenwrites, @ravenpuffwriter, @cirianne, @lonelylibrary @maxbeewriting, @endlesshourglass, @thebloodstainedquill,  @anip-ocs, @note-katha @dreamwishing, @incandescent-creativity, @fatal-blow, @danafaithwriting, @wri-tten, @writingwhithotchocolate, @katekyo-bitch-reborn, @klywrites and @dogwrites!
(and if you liked it, don’t forget to check out @note-katha‘s actual Evenfall University story and their stellar characters! We’ll be meeting them soon enough…)
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reddieloserz · 6 years
I looooooved the latest reddie oneshot you posted and I was wondering if you would write a fic where eddie surprises or catches Richie off guard somehow? Angst or fluff is okay!! Xxx
Thank you my sweet anonymous!! That means so much to me you have no idea. Ya’ll have been making me feel so special with these prompts like ugh Im a lucky dog. And hh absolutely! How fun omf g
I spend most of my time writing aged-up eds and rich but im just feeling really nostalgic and i want to focus on our sweet 13yr old canon boys once again!
This is sort of a continuation of my last one shot and is v fluffy with a light dose of angst pls enjoy
Word count: 2,298
It had been about two weeks since the awkward (and perfect) kiss happened between Eddie and Richie in the movie theater. Neither of them really brought it up again, because there wasn’t a lot to explain. Richie was enthralled with Eddie and Eddie absolutely adored Richie.
Their dumbass antics only escalated from what they used to be- instead of just keeping their endless teasing between each other, they would now turn and roast whichever other Loser was closest, like some sort of sassy dynamic duo. It would of bothered the Losers more if it wasn’t just as hilarious to them as it was to the other two boys. They still annoyed the shit out of one another too, of course, don’t get me wrong. They still bickered nonstop, not unlike a boy tugging on a girl’s piggy tails to get her attention.
Difference is, now they were absolutely glued to the hip. If the Losers thought that Richie was clingy to Eddie before, they were in a whole different ballpark now. It was as if Richie’s hands were magnetized to Eddie’s body and he didn’t have the strength to resist them. What used to be a casual tousle of Eddie’s hair or wiping away a stray food crumb from his cheek, was now incessant tickling, wrapping his arms around Eddie’s middle, and Richie’s personal favorite- blowing raspberries into Eddie’s neck.
And Eddie didn’t even seem to care! Sure, he would say that Richie was ‘up his ass’ and to ‘leave me alone, Trashmouth’ but the smaller boy would never actually make a move to get away. He would just let Richie pull him into the other boy’s lap, acting as casual as possible whenever it happened. They were completely compatible and comfortable with one another, and a kiss wasn’t about to change that. They had grown up together, after all. They knew each other in ways that nobody else in the world could understand. Besides the other Losers, of course.Like right now, for example. It was a Friday night and all of the Losers were all cramped in Bill’s basement watching a horror movie (again). Richie was on some kind of kick, soaking up any and all horror media he could find. It all started when they watched Nightmare on Elm Street 5 earlier that Summer when IT… Well, you know.
Anyway, it was Richie’s night to pick, unfortunately for the other 6. It did give Mike a good excuse to coddle Stanley, though, and every once in a while Eddie would glance over to the pair and find that they had been slowly but surely scooching closer and closer to each other on the love seat. Eventually Stan’s head found Mike’s shoulder, and they both watched the carnage that was happening on screen in contentment.
Since Eddie had gone to that unofficial date with Richie at the Aladdin he found that he wasn’t as frightened of scary movies as he had thought. Not at all, in fact. Sure, seeing them in theaters could get him a little riled up, but that was his anxiety talking more than his actual fright. He knew movies weren’t real… He had seen what real horror was.
Eddie was currently perched in Richie’s lap on the floor just in front of the couch that Ben, Bill, and Beverly were occupying. Bev had fallen asleep almost as soon as the film had started and it was Ben and Bill that were awkwardly squished together because of Beverly’s hogging two out of the three couch cushions. Her faint snores filled the room, almost louder than the dialogue on the tv, but no one in the room seemed to care. Beverly must had been pooped from her train ride back to Derry from Portland.
As Eddie stared at the television he was only half paying attention to the action of the film. Richie’s nimble fingers were messaging into Eddie’s even smaller hand, rubbing small circles into his palm. Richie’s hands were always warm contrasted to Eddie’s cold ones and it felt really nice to have him fiddle with his fingers.
While Eddie and Richie had not kissed again, Richie had taken said kiss as permission to hold Eddie’s hand whenever he liked. Eddie never seemed to initiate any touching, so when Richie was feeling like he needed a little extra attention, Richie would take one of Eddie’s hands and place them on his head, forcing him to rub softly into his hair. Eddie, not looking up from whatever he was doing, would automatically oblige. He’d run his fingernails softly from the crown of Richie’s head all the way down to his neck and then back up again. Richie would close his eyes at that, going slack beneath Eddie as he sat in his lap. It usually made Richie fall asleep, and Eddie was happy to do anything to get Richie to calm down enough to be able to relax.
This was exactly what was currently happening, and before Eddie knew it, he had glanced back to see each and every one of his friends fast asleep. The action on the movie continued loudly, but it didn’t seem to disturb any of them. Ben had rolled over until his side was flush with Bill’s and they were sleeping with their heads leaning on the other’s for support. Fucking adorable.
Eddie got up from his place on Richie’s legs slowly, stretching with his hands up in the air until he felt the soft popping of his knees and spine. He let out a light sigh and padded across the basement and up the stairs to the kitchen, on the hunt for some popcorn.
Richie opened his eyes slowly, the draft in the basement waking him up lightly. He was shivering a tiny bit and realized it was because he had lost the warmth of his small counterpart. He looked around the room for a moment, acknowledging that everyone was napping, but Eddie was nowhere to be found. He quirked and eyebrow before rubbing the sleep out of his eyes from underneath his glasses. He quickly hopped up, ignoring that his legs had fallen asleep, and quickly darted upstairs.
“Eddie?” He called into the empty hallway. The bathroom door to his left was empty; unoccupied.
“Eds?” No reply came. It was raining harshly outside and the room was colored in grey from the clouds. Richie quickly strutted into the Denbrough kitchen, expecting his companion to be on his tip-toes trying to reach the popcorn in the cupboards. (fuckin shorty.) But he wasn’t there.
No, Richie didn’t think he was one to panic, but boy did he jump quickly to conclusions. His heart began pumping wildly and he started breathing heavily out of his mouth. Where the fuck did he go?
“Eddie! Where are you?” His voice rose just enough for his voice to crack in the middle of his sentence.
In a last ditch effort to deduce where Eddie had gone, Richie raced outside. Rain fell down on his head and shoulders, and to his dismay, he saw that Eddie’s bike was still propped outside in the yard. He hadn’t left.
Running around the threshold looking for Eddie sat uncomfortably familiar in Richie’s gut. The last time he had chased Eddie, trying desperately to find and protect him, was at Neibolt. Just the memory alone made his heart race and his head feel dizzy. Suddenly, a far off memory resurfaces in his mind, and his eyes widen at the sinister voice that whispers in his ear.
“Don’t touch the other boys, Richie… Don’t… Or they’ll know your secret.”
“No… This can’t be happening. This can’t be happening.” Richie whispers to himself, quickly turning back around and speeding up the porch steps. He swung the screen door back open and b-lined it straight for the basement stairs, footsteps loud and heavy. He was completely prepared to make an incredibly large scene, yelling for the others to get up, that IT had returned and Eddie was gone. Admit his failure. Again. He couldn’t keep Eddie safe.
Just as he was about to put his foot on that first step, something burst from around the corner and shouted an incredibly loud “BOO!”
This knocked Richie straight onto his ass, his hands coming up to cover his face as he let out a strained cry. “NO, PLEASE!”
Eddie had just pounced from behind the pantry door, crouched with his hands up like he had bear claws. He was pink in the face from trying his best not to laugh as he hid from Richie, sneaking around the house as Richie went on the hunt for him. He thought that this prank was going to really set a new bar between them, and he knew he was going to make Richie scream like a girl.
What he didn’t anticipate was this.
Richie had fallen down in front of him, his face blotchy and red already with tears. He had covered his glasses and crown of his head with shaking hands. He was breathing harshly, lips quivering after he let out his scream. Eddie straightened up, all humor repelled out of his body like a bullet. Richie had cried, muttering a small, “Don’t hurt him!”
Eddie kneeled in front of Richie, then. Slowly, he lifted his hands until they were covering both of Richie’s as he said, “Rich! Richie! It’s just me! It’s Eddie.”
“Eddie?” Richie whispered, removing his arms from his face and staring at Eddie with wide, frightened, sad eyes. They were rimmed with red and the fact that his glasses magnified their anguish made Eddie’s heart split in two.
“It’s just me, Rich. It’s Eddie.” He squeezed both of Richie’s hands softly, not letting them go.
“Eddie.” Richie just stared at him, almost disbelieving that it was really him. He finally relented and relaxed, letting his body slump. He wiped his face with his shoulder, looking away from Eddie in embarrassment. He refused to look back at the smaller boy.
Eddie let Richie come back to himself for a bit. In an attempt to comfort him, Eddie did the first thing he could think of. He brought both of Richie’s warm hands to his lips and lightly kissed his knuckle.
Richie’s head turned back towards him and his wet eyes landed on where Eddie’s lips were giving him a soft peck. Eddie continued, caressing each finger with soft and quick kisses. Richie just silently watched as Eddie pecked his fingers.
Eddie waited until Richie’s breathing returned to normal again to speak.
“What happened just now, Rich? Why did that scare you so bad?” He said quietly, barely even a whisper.
“I…” Richie stopped, looking down at his hands in Eddie’s instead of the other boy’s eyes. “I thought it took you.”
“You mean… IT?” Eddie hadn’t thought of IT in weeks. It was like a faint and distant dream, even though it had only happened to them a few months ago.
“Yeah.” Another beat of silence.
“Richie, nothing is going to happen to me. We killed it. YOU killed it. It’s okay.”
“I just want to keep you safe!” Richie blurts, almost interrupting Eddie’s sentence. “I thought that it took you from me again.” Richie sniffles, only once. “I don’t know what I would do if it did.”
Eddie just looked at Richie. Tried to memorize the way he bit his bottom lip to stop it from quivering. Wanted to imprint the way Richie’s eyes couldn’t quite meet his while he admitted his confession. It wasn’t very often Eddie got to see this version of his best friend. He wanted to store it for eternity to memory.
“You keep me safe, Rich.” Eddie says. Richie just scoffs. Eddie squeezes both of his hands again. “Hey, you do!” Richie doesn’t reply this time, lost in his tornado of self deprecating thoughts.
Without thinking about it twice, only focusing on comforting his beautiful friend, Eddie utters a few earnest words.
“I love you, Rich.” Eddie breathes. He keeps his eyes steadfast, never faltering from Richie’s expression. He didn’t want to miss anything.
Richie slowly lifts his head again, this time bravely returning Eddie’s gaze.
“I love you. Richie.” Eddie says again. He is beginning to feel embarrassed now, like that was the exact opposite thing to say, and that it was so stupid of him to think otherwise.
“I love you too, Eds.” Richie says and there is laughter in his voice. Eddie’s eyes widen, eyebrows shooting up, and Richie laughs whole-heartedly now. “I love you, Spaghetti!”
Richie throws his arms around Eddie’s shoulders, and Eddie returns his invitation easily. Eddie is kneeling in between Richie’s open legs and they just stay in that awkward embrace until Eddie’s knees are screaming at him to move.
Eddie leans back, just enough so that his face is a few inches from Richie’s.
“You want to go finish that movie?” He asks softly, not wanting to tell Richie he has to do anything.
Richie just nods, giving Eddie a little mischievous side-ways smirk that he always wears.
“Oh what, Trashmouth, you going to hang that over my head forever now?” Eddie scoffs, returning the smirk at his dumbass friend.
“Yup! Forever. For-fucking-ever, Eds.” Richie’s voice is beginning to sound like his usual self. “It’s going to be the one thing I think of before I go to sleep at night, laying next to you mother after we-”
“Okay! That’s enough! Get off me, you dipshit.” Eddie shoves Richie playfully and stands up, marching back towards the stairs.
“What? No kiss this time? Come on, Eds! Way to send a guy mixed signals here!” Richie calls as he follows him back down to the basement.
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wtfholland · 6 years
Headcannon of dom!mafia!Tom Fucking you over and over after a long day. I love you btw ❤️
i love you too babez😌💘
***18+! If you’re not comfortable with smut, please don’t read this!***
[for dialogue, italics is for y/n and bold is for tom]
dom!mafia!tom is gonna be the death of me i s2g
okay sooo
tom would always have his hands full dealing with crooks and doing deals and what not
he never wanted you to get involved in his business so sometimes he would push you away
all this stress always falls onto tom’s shoulders and one of his favourite ways of taking it out is on you
he would either work out for hours on end or fuck you till you can’t walk properly
today was one of those days…
you were sitting on the couch in your shared mansion (it was more of tom’s mansion but whatever, you get it), enjoying the book you were currently reading
that is until the front door busted open, causing a loud bang to ring throughout the structure
you just thought “i know what that means” and put your book down
tom stomped into the living room, his eyes practically hunting for you
neither of you had to say anything. you could tell what he wanted and how badly he needed to feel you
“had such a long, hard day, baby girl…i need you.” he growled
within a second, you fell in front of him onto your knees and began undoing his slacks
tom groaned at your enthusiasm
you quickly took his cock in your mouth and sucked his member hard, emitting a delicious moan from deep inside of tom
his fingers tangled in your (h/c) hair, gripping the locks and he began fucking your mouth onto his dick
“yes, baby, just like that…take me in your mouth. that…feels so bloody good…” 
you felt the head of his cock in the very back of your throat and he quivered at the sensation
you began jerking what you couldn’t fit in your mouth with your hand
just before he could release, tom yanked your mouth off his cock and pulled you up to your feet and kissed you hungrily, teeth clashing and tongues swirling together
he frantically ripped your dress off, not giving a shit that he ruined the gorgeous piece of clothing
tom pushed you down onto the couch and pulled your panties to the side
“look how wet you are for me, you dirty girl.” he swooned before smacking your ass a few times, leaving your skin hot to the touch
before you could let out a single whimper, he plunged his cock inside of you
you gasped at the friction before you felt the weight of tom on your back, forcing you into the plush material of the couch
he was pounding into you ferociously
his arm circled around your waist and his fingers rubbed generously on your clit
you were screaming at the sensation, moaning his name like a prayer
the obscene noises of skin slapping skin, your juices mixing together and the moans and groans coming from the both of you
“t-tom! fuck, i—ahh! i’m gonna c…cum! pl-please, god, let me fucking cum!” you begged from underneath him
“yes, cum for me, love. cum all over my hard cock.”
and with that, you roared as your walls clenched down tightly around him
without giving you a second to rest or catch your breath, tom clambered off of you and pulled you back to your feet
he picked you up and let you wrap your bare legs around his waist as he kissed you fiercely
he placed his hands on your ass to support you
cheeky bastard kneaded the skin
the two of you began making your way towards the staircase but tom couldn’t help himself
he pressed you up against the hallway wall and slid his aching member back into you
you groaned at the feeling, still sensitive from your previous release
“you’re mine, y/n. you hear me?” he slowed down his thrusting
“all. fucking. mine.” he growled into your ear, flexing his hips up at every word to emphasize his claim
“yes, tommy…i’m all yours. i need you so badly…” you pleaded and with that, tom began fucking you up against the wall
the expensive paintings that hung behind you shook and clattered against the wall but neither of you cared because the feeling of your conjoined bodies was eating the two of you alive
“you like that? huh? you like it when i fuck you like this, baby? you like it when i fuck that pussy?” he snarled, licking up the small beads of sweat forming on your neck
you were in total euphoria, you couldn’t respond
tom adjusted his hold on you and began moving to the kitchen
he placed you gently on the cold, marble counter. the cool feeling against your flesh sent goosebumps up and down every inch of you
tom lifted one of your legs and placed it on top of his shoulder and began to pound into you again
you squealed at the new angle as he took your left nipple into his mouth, sucking and nibbling the delicate skin
“tom, tom, tom, please…i can’t—fuck! i can’t cum again, not ri-right now at least!”
this just urged him to move faster and harder against you
his fingers returned to your clit and rubbed harsh figure eights on the small bead
you threw your head back and covered your face with your hands
“you cum when i want you to cum and what i want is for you to come again right now!” tom mumbled against your breast, before straightening himself up again
you concentrated on absolutely nothing else but releasing and when you finally did, you were exhausted
tom dropped your leg back down before picking you back up
“oh, no time for resting, darlin’. we’re not done yet.”
you felt tears prickle in your eyes. the way his form was rubbing against your swollen clit was almost unbearable
but you knew better than to argue with tom. after all the shit tom puts up with in his daily life, especially on a day like this, he deserves to dominate the hell out of you
tom carried a whimpering y/n slowly up the flight of stairs before giving in to his own demands and fucking you at the top of the staircase. he didn’t let you cum (which was a good thing for you at the moment because you were pretty sure if you came again, you’d pass tf out)
afterwards, he brought you to the bathroom and stripped out of his clothes and pulled off your panties before the both of you hopped in the shower
the lukewarm water against your burning skin felt amazing
tom smiled at the look painted on your face before he wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and began to place soft kisses along your neck
you tilted your head back, inviting him in for a sensual kiss
his wandering hands slithered up your form till they were cupping your breasts. you whimpered as he twisted your nipples in his fingers
“you’re so beautiful, y/n. my gorgeous angel…” he drowned out against your mouth
he sneakily slid his still hard cock in between your thighs, up to your pussy
“it’s my turn to cum now, love. i can’t hold it anymore…” he whimpered as he pushed himself past your aching lips
you brought your hands behind you to hold onto his hips, loving the feeling of the muscles flexing underneath your fingertips as he thrusts into you
you turned your head back towards the wall of the shower to focus on the feeling of tom inside you
you were so tired by this point but this was for tom and he needed this
his hands fell down to your hips, gripping them as he fucked you
“baby…tell me—ah! tell me…you love me...” he groaned
you placed your hands on top of his. “i love you, tom.” you whispered, running your thumbs over his clenched knuckles
“again…” he begged, thrusting slightly harder
“i love you, tom…”
“i love you, tom!
“I love you, thomas! fuck, i love you so much!”
“ahh! FUCK!”
and with that, tom came deep inside you
he wrapped his arms tightly around you, pulling you into him
his breathing was uneven, you could feel his heart beating out of his chest against your back
after a minute, tom turned you around and kissed you passionately, brushing the wet strands of hair clinging to your face out of the way
you washed each others hair and lathered each other in your favourite citrus scented soap, getting cleaned up together
after your shower, tom wrapped you in a fluffy white towel and carried you to your shared bedroom
he dried you off, pressing delicate kisses to every inch of your skin before he quickly dried himself off and wrapped the towel around his waist
the two of you were tuckered out by now
i mean
all that fuckin😎
tom tucked you into bed before leaving the room to check that everything was locked, that the security system was on and that the mansion was armed
he returned with two glasses of water
he dropped the towel to the floor and slid into the bed beside you before gulping down his entire glass
he playfully hogged your glass, which resulted in play wrestling
it ended with half of the water spilt on the bed and tom’s warm body on top of yours
you looked into his gorgeous brown orbs and found yourself getting lost
you placed a gentle kiss on his lips before saying, “tom…i want you to make love to me.”
he smiled brightly before clicking off the bedside table lamp
tom gently wedged himself between your legs
he pressed another kiss to your lips as he slowly entered you
“i love you, princess. thank you for this…” he groaned as he began to move in and out of you gingerly
tom pressed his forehead up against yours while he gazed into your beautiful (e/c) eyes, thinking of how lucky he is to share himself with such a gem like you
i don’t want this to get too long but let’s just say it was definitely one of the best love making sessions you guys have ever had
sara’s big 400!⚡️
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official-negan-blog · 7 years
A Different World
Fanfic Request: Can I make a request where a girl loves the walking dead and loves Negan and suddenly on a stormy night, the power goes out in her apartment and suddenly the lights go back on and the t.v. comes back on but to the Simpson or something like that instead of the walking dead. And she heard something behind her and it's negan. She freaks and fandoms. Explains the whole world he is in and he sleeps on the coach. She goes to her room get all hands with herself cus of negan. Negan sees and then smut.
Warnings: Smut, swearing, sex
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It was that time of the week again -- a new episode of The Walking Dead would premier tonight. You grabbed a bowl of popcorn and hopped onto your cozy couch to settle in for the next hour. The fact that it was storming outside made your apartment feel even cozier, sheltering you from the ominous thunder and lightning.
You flipped on the TV and began watching the new episode, focusing on every scene, and getting aroused every time Negan came on screen. God, he was sexy. You wished so badly that you could have a night with him. It would be filled with wild and kinky sex.
As you become further lost in your day dream, a huge flash of lightning appears right outside your window, the brightness blinding and thunder deafening. A millisecond later, everything stops working -- your tv turns off, the lights in your apartment go out, and your microwave clock is no longer lit up. 
You sit there in the darkness for a moment, still shocked, and considering what to do. Before you even decide whether to take a shower in the dark and wait for the power to come back on, or just go to bed, everything turns back on. You sigh in relief, knowing that no electricity meant no air conditioning and without such, it wouldn’t been a very uncomfortable night. 
You turn your attention back towards your TV, no longer showing The Walking Dead. Instead, you see The Simpsons playing. 
“This isn’t what I was watching”, you mutter confused. You grab the remote and change the channel, but can’t seem to find The Walking Dead again. Puzzled, you go to your TV menu hoping to find some sort of answer.
Just as you start to browse through the TV menu, you hear footsteps and some light shuffling in the kitchen.
“Hello?” you call out, suddenly terrified that someone had snuck into your apartment earlier and just stayed hidden after you walked in from work.
You hear the footsteps head toward the living room, where you lay, and in comes a man dressed in a leather jacket, holding a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire. It took you a moment to realize that it was Negan. 
You blink hard and rub your eyes, making sure you weren’t hallucinating or processing the current situation incorrectly. When you opened your eyes again, nothing changed -- there he stood, just as he was before you shut your eyes.
You stand up immediately and back away from him, gripping a pillow out in front of you, ready to smack him if he came at you, still wondering if it was some sort of strange prank.
He looked just as confused as you, however, as he furrowed his eyebrows looking around your apartment, and then back at you.
“I hate to be rude, Doll, but I'm incredibly fuckin’ confused right now. Not one moment ago I was at the Sanctuary, ordering some of my men around. Where the fuck are my men, anyway? And where the fuck am I?!”
Your heart is beating fast in both terror and awe. You didn’t know how to act or what to say, especially as the current situation became more and more real as the seconds ticked by. 
“I’m as confused as you are”, you manage to say.
“Where the fuckity fuck am I?” he says, a mixture of anger and confusion.
“New York City”, you say back immediately.
“Fuckin’ how?”
“I don’t know. But you’re here, and there’s no zombie apocalypse, and everything is normal here. Well, relatively normal. The recent election this past November has kinda been a curve ball for this world.” 
“And just how the fuckin’ hell did I end up here?”
“I don’t know. Really. I didn’t do anything to cause this. There was a huge strike of lightening just outside my apartment and then you just sort of showed up. I thought someone had broken in, and I guess I technically wasn’t wrong. Not that I have a problem with seeing you in my apartment.” 
He ponders this for a moment before focusing on you.
“Well, I suppose I can’t be too disappointed. Anything is better than trying to survive at the end of the world. I’ve ended up in a universe with regular plumbing and no food shortages.”
You start to consider your next move. He couldn’t just walk out and leave. He’d have no place to go. Sure you being attracted to him worked out in his favor, for if it was some creep, you would’ve kicked him out the moment you saw him.
“I think you should stay the night. I, um, have a black t shirt from my ex and it’s the only men’s item I have in this apartment, but I think it’ll fit you. Unfortunately I don't have any pajama pants”, you say awkwardly. 
“That’s alright, Doll. I sleep in my boxers.”
You dig the t shirt out of your drawer and bring it back to him. He unzips his jacket and takes it off, along with his red scarf and t shirt. You watch him hungrily, staring at his toned abs and biceps, decorated with tattoos. You bite your lip as his muscles flex with every movement.
He slips the shirt over his head and sits down on the couch, next to where he placed Lucille.
“You can sleep on my couch. It’s really comfortable,” you say, not wanting to seem too desperate or aggressive for his attention. You couldn’t believe that you were trying to play hard-to-get with a supposedly fictional character-turned-real. You wanted to face-palm right there.
“On your couch? Darlin’? I was hoping I’d be able to sleep somewhere else, and WITH someone else.” 
He winks at you and grins, showing his perfect white teeth while scratching his bicep. Heat pools between your legs and you know it’s only a matter of winks, smiles, and other flirtations gestures before you jump his bones.
“I think it’s best you sleep here tonight because I’m, um, a bit of a bed hog and I’m terrible at sharing a bed with other people. But I’ll see you in the morning! Goodnight!”
You run into your room to avoid further temptation and awkward confrontation. But you leave your door open so he doesn’t think you’re angry or standoffish. As you laid on your bed, you thought of him, his abs, his beard and what it would feel like against your skin, and his deep, husky voice that dripped with masculinity.
Reaching down your pajama shorts, you begin to touch yourself, rubbing your clit and pretending it’s his tongue. You get really into it, letting out quiet moans and heavy breaths, moaning his name quietly.
Suddenly you hear someone clear their throat and you open your eyes and see Negan standing in your doorway, leaning against the frame. You gasp in horror and pull your hands out of your shorts and close your legs, hoping he didn’t see any of what just happened even though he obviously just did.
“You need any help with that, baby doll?” he asks, before he runs his tongue across his lower lip. 
“Um, it wasn’t what it looked like”, you said trying to cover up what just happened.
He chuckles darkly.
“Doll, I can fuckin’ see your wet fingers from over here. I know exactly what filthy thing you were just doing. I even heard you moaning my name. Don’t try and hide it from me.” 
His eyes turn lustful, pupils dilated, eyes glazed over, as he stalks towards you. You’re breathing increases and you feel the heat between your legs immediately return, your tight cunt begging for his cock. 
He reaches your bed and slowly leans over you, one hand by your head and the other one lightly grazing your hip. He lowers his face to yours and his nose lightly brushes against your own. You feel his breath against your mouth and he smells like mint. He must’ve been chewing gum just before he arrived in your apartment.
He tests your reaction by planting a light kiss on the corner of your mouth. You let out a faint moan and he leans back in, this time planting a kiss right on your lips, and then the third time opening his mouth and running his tongue across your bottom lip.
You eagerly wrap your arms around his torso and pull him against you as you open your mouth, inviting his tongue in. He slips his tongue past your teeth and runs it against your own. The feeling of it against your own drove you while and you wrap your legs around his waist. 
You feel his growing arousal through his boxers against your lower abdomen, making you yearn for his cock even more. You reach up and pull the black t shirt off of him and run your nails down his back, most likely leaving red lines for the next morning. 
He wraps his arm around your lower back and pulls up, exposing your chest and neck, where he plants delicate kisses. You hear a growl deep within his chest as he bites harder against the skin on your neck, a delicious blend of pain and pleasure.
He gently helps you sit up before pulling off your shirt, removing your pajama shorts as well. The hair on his chest tickles your skin, arousing you even more. He begins to move down your abdomen, planting kiss on it along the way down, before finally pushing your panties to the side and licking a wet stripe up your already-dripping cunt.
Your legs shake as you let out a louder moan. 
“You want me to eat this pussy, baby girl?”
“Please, Negan!”, you say breathlessly.
He quickly dives in, running his tongue along your folds and across your clit. Soon he adds his fingers, which make a lewd wet noise as they move in and out of you. You grab at your bed sheets, desperately trying to ground yourself in the pleasure that enveloped you.
“Fuck! I’m gonna cum!” you cry out, your back beginning to arch off the bed. 
He continues his motions, the feeling of his beard against your skin adding to the pleasurable sensations. Soon you come undone, releasing all over his hand and face as your body convulses and twitches. 
He comes back up to where your face is and gently kisses your collarbone, sucking yet another hickey into it.
“I want you to fuck me, Negan.”
“Don’t worry, Doll. That’s exactly what I plan to do”, he says, a smile spread across his face. 
It was an unusual smile. One that seemed to show a sense of compassion and tenderness, things you never really saw from him on TV. He was still Negan, but the angry undertones seemed to wash away minute by minute.
He reaches down and pulls off his boxers, all your clothes peppered about your floor, dispersed amongst each other. He gently parts your legs and wraps them around his torso as he guides his cock into your entrance.
“Shit, Doll. You’re fucking tight. I don’t know if I’m gonna last long with a pussy this tight.”
He begins to thrust in and out of you slowly, letting you adjust to his large size. His thrusts are met with your moans and whimpers as his cock massages your walls without missing a millimeter. He fills you perfectly.
“You take my cock so well”, he says softly, placing your legs on his shoulders, the new angle making your toes curl with ecstasy. 
“Oh God, Negan. That feels so fucking good.”
“I know, baby doll”, he says with a little chuckle. 
You feel your orgasm building up again, approaching fast. He feels you begin to tighten around his cock.
“Already, Doll? Aren’t you a horny lil’ thing.”
“C-c-cum. I need to cu--oh god, Negan! I’m coming!”
He wraps his hand around your throat, squeezing the sides gently, enhancing the pleasure of your orgasm as you descend into a delicious darkness. He picks up his pace, chasing his own orgasm that isn’t far off. 
His hips begin to stagger in rhythm as he cums, groaning as he fills you with his thick cream. Thrusting a few more times, he finally pulls out and collapses next to you, exhausted.
“Okay”, you say, taking a pause to catch your breath, “I guess you can sleep in here with me.”
The two of you get cleaned up and crawl under the covers and he wraps his arms around you as you fall into a peaceful asleep on his chest. But he stays awake because he wants to watch you sleep, your steady breaths pulling him into a much more desired reality. 
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