#my other cousin (she got surgery) and she’s hungry so i was gonna get something for her
tohokuu · 2 years
i have the most toxic ass cousins bro (dads side is at my house atm)
reminds me of that one mr bean episode where he has that childhood friend come over and he empties his fridge in the middle of the night
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weeb-writor · 4 years
Babysitting Aizawa’s 6... no 10 Nieces and Nephews
Hey There! Today we have the second part to the Aizawa fic I posted a few days ago! It can act as a stand alone so don't worry if you haven't read the first one! Ill try to post it here but I'm new at this. Also isn't much Shouta x you in this, just domestic fluff! More a set up for the loving in the next work, I hope you'll still read it anyway. Reader is neutral and I hope you all enjoy!
Aizawa Shouta x Reader
Aizawa’s mom goes into the hospital for an emergency surgery and all his siblings turn to you to watch their kids, but you don't remember there names let alone their kids.
Words: 2610
Part One  Part Two  Part Three  Part Four  Part Five
You look a bit of mess currently. You were sitting at home in your pj’s with about 20 pictures scattered around you and 20 pieces of paper. You looked like one of those crazy conspiracies theorists. When in reality you were only trying to learn your boyfriend's family’s names and likes, in preparation for Christmas of course. It was not going so well all you could remember was Saika was the eldest sister but which sister was she exactly? You looked between the two pictures on the table. None of the Aizawa’s age so that didn’t give away and you couldn’t remember if she had the long hair or the bob. 
“God help me.” You mumbled with a sigh as you threw your head back. By some great miracle a phone call pulled you from the task. Surprised to see it was Aizawa you picked it up with a smile.
“Hey baby.” He said
“What’s up love? Aren’t you in class?” You said a tiny bit concerned.
“Should be but my mom’s going in for some emergency surgery, so me and my family are going up there.” 
“Oh, are you alright?? Do you want me to come?” You rushed out to him
“No, and I’m fine. It’s a fairly low risk surgery from what I’m told. There is of course something you could do for me.” He said lowly
“And that would be?” 
“My siblings need someone to watch their gremlins and I had the perfect person in mind.” He said with a light chuckle. You knew right away who this mysterious person was. Part of you wanted to say no because it was a lot of young kids but the other part of you knew you were gonna say yes.  Even if he didnt say so, Aizawa was worried and he didn’t need to be stuck watching the kids, none of them did.
“Yes, of course! Tell your siblings to bring them to my place. I got a few toys from babysitting years ago.” You said getting up to get ready.
“You're a lifesaver.” He said fondly
“Says the hero, I love you babe, everything is gonna be fine and of course be safe.” You told him
“Love you more, kitty cat. You’ll be great, see you when I get home.” He said hanging up. Well now you were panicking. How many kids were there again? What about their parents? You couldn’t even remember their names. How are you supposed to greet them? Holy shit what did you get yourself into is all you could think as you rushed to clean your house. You were barely finished when the first knock came, you opened the door with a small smile.
“L/N!” A tall black haired man said. He looked like Shouta no doubt but he had an undercut and was taller.
“Please call me Y/N.” You smiled at him.
“Aww, you're too sweet! Seriously, how did Shouta end up with you?! Anyway, This is Haru and Jun, they are gonna be good little boys for you, right?” He paused as the boys nodded. “Thank you so much we should all be back to pick the kids at 10!” He said as he started to leave. You waved him off and showed the boys in.
“Alright! So I’ve got a few toys and I think i've got all the cartoon channels. I want to make sure we get all your cousins here first before we do something really fun.” You said to the little boys who immediately went to sit on your couch and watch the cartoons that were playing. You let out a huge sigh of relief. It was done prematurely as a knock at the door was heard. You opened it to reveal his two sisters which was which you didn't know.
“L/N you sweet little lifesaver! This is the rest of them except Rei, Daisuke, and Maki. They all walk together from school, we let them know to come here so don't worry about walking to go get them. Also, only two of them are still in diapers so you should be fine! Thank you so much, love.” The shorter one rushed out before she left, pulling her sister with her. You looked done at the baby that had somehow got into your hands.  Alright this one was obviously in diapers, the one grasping on to your pant leg barely standing up was probably the other one in diapers. Okay you were now surrounded by um.. 6 six kids, maybe more you weren't sure. 
“Okay, now that we're all here, wanna play a game? It's really fun I promise.” You said with a cute little smile but you were lying. You only wanted them to introduce themselves and say who their parents were. You had no idea how to make it fun.
“What kind of game?” A little girl asked, wait you knew this one! She was the only young girl when you first met all the siblings, it was Nozomi, right?
“A umm…. A… A scavenger hunt! Yeah! We're all gonna introduce ourselves and then get into groups by who your Mama's and Papa’s are and see who can find all the treasures first! Whoever wins gets a super cool prize.” You said hoping they didn't ask too many questions about the game you just made up. Which they didn't they all were giggling and saying incoherent things excited to play.
“We’ll go first since we're the oldest. Im Haru.” The tallest one with his hair pulled back into a ponytail said. “I is Jun! Our papa is Shiori! Can we play now??” The cute little blonde one said. Okay 2 down, Tall and hair pulled back is Haru, Small and blonde is Jun, they are both Shiori kids. 
“Oh us next, us next! I'm Tetsuya, that's Umi, my lil sister, and Yukio is the one on your pants. My mama is Shizumi!” The boy said. He was a cute pudgy boy with black hair that covered his eyes. Umi, the little girl had her dark blue hair in two pigtails on top of her head.  Lastly the little boy holding on to your pants also had black hair but it was super curly.
“L/N, Oni-chans at school and Taiyo is too small.” Nozomi said with teary eyes. Okay so the one in your hand is Taiyo, another one of Saika kids. Okay you got this. You made it through all 7 kids, you would worry about the 3 at school later.
“Its alright me and you can be a team okay?” You said as she beamed up at you nodding. Alright with that you went to place the sleeping Taiyo on your bed. You left the door open so you could hear if he started to cry or moved around too much. You took a sheet and made a makeshift sling for… Yukio, right! 
“Okay so there are 3 hidden treasures around the house! One is a pink treasure chest filled with jewelry and prizes. The other is a huge blue fluffy whale, be careful it may bite! Lastly, there are 2 little lions wandering sound, we gotta catch. I'm gonna get you guys nets of course! First one to get all of these things and show me them gets a super cool prize!” You said as they erupted into cute tiny roars!
“Okay here are your nets! May the best team win!” You smiled at them as they took off. You felt a little bad for the Aizawa cats you had just set up to be chased but something told you they wouldn't mind. They were always so attention hungry this would probably please them.
“Okay then, lets go Nozomi!” You said grasping the young girl's hand. You knew where everything was of course so you just followed her around. Only helping her when you heard kids getting close to the hiding spots or helping her try to catch the cat. You guys had been playing for about an hour now, only needing to catch the cats who caught onto the game and were running for their lives.
“Kitty cat c’mere!” Jun said as he chased the gray cat around.
“Yeah! We jus wanna win.” Haru said following his brother. You laughed as the cat gently pawed at boys. Now that you were thinking about it there were so many boys in this family. Only 5 girls out of all these boys, Aizawa’s genes were strong for boys. You didn't get long to think before you saw a flash and heard a camera click. You turned to see 3 older children one with a camera.
“Oh man, Uncle Shouta is gonna be so happy.” The girl said with a smile. She looked to be about 12 and was blonde, if you had to guess she was Jun and Harus’s older sister. There were two boys next her one was probably the oldest of all the kids.
“Sorry for letting ourselves in, we were just knocking for a while and you didn't answer.” The older one said as they bowed.
“No no it's quite alright! Sorry for not answering, my hands are a little full!” You said as you had Taiyo still slung around your back and Umi squirming in your hands. 
“Yeah, we can see that!”
“Daisuke! Rei! We gotta catch the kitties so I can win a prize.” Nozomi said, rushing off to her brothers. You made a mental note of who was who.
“Oh no problem! Uncle sho’s cats are easy to catch.” Rei said and he was right, you just had to know how. He went over to the counter and got the cat treats and sprinkled a few on the floor. The cats came running and began eating as fast as they could. He then took the blanket/net and put it over the 2 cats and picked them up, they compiled so easily it was almost comical.
“Oh! Yay! I wins right?? I get the prize!” She said dancing around you.
“Yes you do! I should go get dinner ready but you can pick anything you want to take home.” You said booping her nose. She did a little gig before taking off like she knew what wanted.
“Alright, who wants to help with dinner!” You called to the kids you roared with agreement, racing to the kitchen
“Oh you three would you mind helping and introducing yourselves?” You asked as you took out a few different ingredients.
“Oh yeah! No problem! Im Daisuke, the eldest of all the Aizawa’s cousins. First year in high school actually! This is my little brother Rei, he is a middle schooler. Then the girl snapping pictures is Maki-chan she’s the closest to my age! Oh, Saika is my mom and uncle Shiori is Maki’s dad. What can we do to help out.” He said with a smile.
“I think they said introduce yourself but whatever.” Maki mumbled kind of chest fallen. You only laughed and pointed out what they could do while you helped the kids and before long boom, dinner was done. You might have to convince Aizawa to have kids soon cause they were actually helpful. You all set the table and sat down to eat, almost forgetting about Nozomi.
“Can I have this!” She rushed to you holding a black cat plushie that had red eyes. Aizawa had given it to you when he went on a mission that pulled him from home for a month. You gave a small smile to her.
“Of course! I said you could have anything you wanted, I meant it. Let's eat right now then you can go snuggle and lay down.” You said moving to pick her up and help her to the table. Your table of course wasn't big enough so the big kids were in the living room, the younger kids ate with you and the babies you fed first were now napping. You let out a breath, it was 7:30. They should be done by 10:00 at the latest and the younger kids would be asleep by 8:30, so you could say you had this in the bag. Dinner was peaceful to your surprise and now you were all washing up and laying down on the makeshift beds you made in the living room. Maki was taking pictures as you had put all the younger children into your shirts, it was quite a sight to behold.
“Alright everyone lay down!” You yelled as you grabbed the youngest and began rocking him back and forth. 
“We is ready” Umi said as she snuggled into her blankets
“Ready for what?” You asked cautiously.
“When we visit uncle Sho’ta he tells us ‘tories at nighty time.” Tetsuya slurred to you.
“Oh, okay then…. Um. Once upon a time there was a pretty Pink cat, who lived in a kingdom full of all kinds of cats. One day he got curious and left the safety of his kingdom. He went into a forest and everything was fine until he bumped into a big huge black wolf. He wanted to run back into the safety of his kingdom but the icy glare of the wolf kept him still. The wolf slowly opened its jaws…. Showing off its rows of bone crushing smile. The pink cat thought it was over for him until the Wolf smiled at him. ‘Your a little far from home, huh? Its okay I get lost sometimes! I can take you home.’ The wolf said, her tail starting to wag. The cat didn't know what made him say yes but he did. He continued to say yes time and time again, long after they had become friends. He said yes so many times to the cat he thought he might run out of yes’s to give. But when the wolf asked him to leave the safety of his kingdom behind and run around the world with him, though it frightened him. He said yes again without hesitation. And that's how the pretty pink cat learned to fly.” You said, it was a cheesy story with no real plot but it worked. You looked around to see everyone sleeping even the bigger kids. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. You looked at the lot one more time before you went to work on something you had been meaning to all day. You continued to work on it even as 10 o’clock hit and you said goodbye to the kids one by one. Only stopping when a familiar set of hands wrapped around your waist. 
“What’s this, kitty?” Aizawa asked as he kissed your neck sweetly.
“Ahh, nothing much! Just a family tree with pictures and the things about your family.” You said as you stated proudly at your work.
“Oh that's sweet. I saw the pictures Maki took and that you let Nozomi have your cat, I know it was special to you.” He said nuzzling further into your chest.
“It's fine, I told her she could have anything and to be honest, I'm wrapped around every single last one of them’s thumb and I would do anything for them so it really was nothing.” You said playing with his hands.
“God, I love you, how did I end up with you? I mean god I just love you. Let's get in bed. I wanna cuddle you, Right. Now.” He said turning you around and picking you up.
“Yes, sir.” You said clinging to him like a koala.
“Oh and babe, you got Shizumi and Saika mixed up.” He said into your hair.
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missfay49 · 4 years
Just Listen
Summary: The fam-ILY gets together for a Christmas celebration.  
Warnings: Logan and Virgil get in a fight but they make up, obligatory interaction with relatives, alcohol, food, Christmas, cursing, countdown, mention of past injury, struggling with recent hearing loss
Word Count: ~3000 
Oldest to Youngest: Logan/Remus/Roman/Janus/Virgil/Patton/Alec
Other Characters: Aunt Patty and Uncle Mitch, Aunt Mel and Uncle Jim, Titi, Grandma Sanders, Grandpa Sanders, Maman, Nico Flores
DD:HH:MM:SS - Days : Hours : Minutes : Seconds
Once upon a time, there were seven cousins born of four siblings.  The oldest sister and her husband had twins and named them Roman and Remus.  The second oldest sister and her partners had a child and named him Alec.  The youngest sister had one child and named him Patton.  And their brother, the youngest of them all, had three children named Logan, Janus, and Virgil.  
00:16:02:32 until Christmas Day, 7:58 AM
Logan, the oldest cousin, was leaning against the kitchen counter holding a fresh cup of coffee in one hand and rubbing his right temple with the other.  He blinked against the early morning sun of Christmas Eve streaming in.  
“You’re up early!”
Logan jumped at the movement to his right and found his aunt looking at him. 
“Good morning, Aunt Mel.  I made coffee.”
“Bless ya, kid,” she said, turning toward the machine.  When she came back around to grab the sugar, he was gone.
00:13:25:17 until Christmas Day, 10:35 AM
“Who took the last piece of bacon?!”  
Roman froze in his spot on the floor in front of the T.V.  If he were just very, very still, maybe-
“J’accuse!”  Remus shouted from the kitchen door over the sounds of chatter and clinking kitchenware.  Roman spun around to see Remus pointing at him menacingly.
“You already had some!”  Roman yelled back, pulling his plate close.  Remus, not breaking eye contact even once, methodically kicked off his flip flops and set his plate gently on top of a bookshelf.  He crouched a little and rolled his shoulders.
“Remus, no, my juice, Remus!  NOOO-”
00:13:23:03 until Christmas Day, 10:37 AM
From his cozy spot beneath the sheets in the spare bedroom, Virgil heard a scream and a thump.  And then several more thumps.  He blinked and stretched, smooshing his face into the pillow.  For one precious moment, he imagined he could go back to sleep but the dream was pierced by Aunt Patty’s shrill voice scolding someone down the hall.  
He shoved himself up on his elbows and sent a hostile glare at the general brightness of the room.  Things quieted down but it was too late - he was up.  He stretched for several more minutes before finally straightening his clothes and stumbling out to follow the smell of breakfast.
00:12:40:54 until Christmas Day, 11:20 AM
Virgil shuffled past the subdued twins in the living room and into the kitchen, stopping at the door as his brain tried to process what was happening.  His younger cousin, Patton, was furtively opening and closing all the cabinets, searching each and every one.  Apparently he found what he was looking for, because he started chuckling to himself and reached behind some cups to pull out a huge plastic bag of cookies.  He opened it and spun around on his socks, walking headlong into Virgil.
“Ah!”  Patton nearly dropped the bag, and a couple cookies fell out onto the floor.  Virgil laughed as they picked them up together.
“Whatcha doing, Pat?”
Patton waved him close, whispering.  
“My mom keeps hiding the cookies.  She said if I keep eating ‘em she’s gonna have to make more for tomorrow.  That sounds like a win-win to me!”  He took the floor cookie from Virgil and pocketed it.  They took turns peering into the dining room where the older folks were talking.
“You do you, cuz.”  They bumped fists and Virgil scooped some cold leftover eggs onto a paper plate to take with him to the living room.  Remus shoved past him coming back into the kitchen.  
Whatever Remus had planned to do in here was lost when he spotted Pat.
“Oo!  Cookies!”
00:11:22:49 until Christmas Day, 12:38 PM
“What exactly are we watching, Roman?” asked Patton, popping a couple Tums into his mouth and flopping down into a recliner.  Roman was still planted in the middle of the living room floor, but now Virgil was keeping him company, fast asleep on the couch with an empty plate in his lap.  Roman didn’t look away from the screen.
“A Christmas Prince.  It’s about a journalist that falls in love with the prince of a whole Christmas-themed country!  And the bad guy’s not too bad lookin’ either.”  Roman squeezed a pillow to his chest.
“Oh, right, I thought it looked familiar!  Did you watch Jenny Nicholson’s breakdown of it?”
Patton smiled at the look of wonder on Roman’s face as he followed the characters on screen.  At the silence, Roman turned around to look at him, distracted but curious.  Patton waved him off.  
“Never mind.”  Better not to spoil it.
00:07:12:24 until Christmas Day, 16:47 PM
“Dinner tiiime!”  Aunt Patty peeked into the living room.  “It’s all ready, you guys hungry?”
“Yisss!”  Patton launched himself out of the recliner with Virgil following slowly behind.  Roman tore his eyes away from the current Hallmark movie with great effort, checking his phone messages.
Aunt Mel was in the kitchen with their little cousin Alec.  Just as they passed through he let up a screech, making them all jump.  Roman’s phone went flying.
“AH, sweet Jesus,” Roman clutched his chest dramatically as the rest started laughing.
“Alright, keep it together, ya hooligans,” Aunt Mel teased them.  “Alec, I’ve had too much wine today for you to be screaming at the water.  You told me yesterday you love playing with the water-”
Auntie continued to help Alec wash his hands and the cousins tumbled into the dining room where Logan and the grandparents were already gathering.  Logan braced at the incoming chaos.  
“What happened to you?”  He asked them.
“Didn’t you hear Alec screaming?”  Virgil deadpanned.
“Oh,” Logan straightened his glasses.  “Yes, that.”
The rest of the family came up from the basement talking heatedly about the Saints and the Vikings.  Who was winning or losing at that particular moment was unclear, but dinner would proceed regardless. 
00:04:47:19 until Christmas Day, 19:13 PM
“Defuse!”  Remus slammed a card down onto the table.  “Whew, that was close.  I almost exploded in a fiery, kitten-y death!”
“Boom!” Alec cheered.  Nearly the whole family was gathered around the kitchen-table-turned-game-table, even the grandparents and great grandma, Maman.  Aunt Patty and Uncle Mitch were downstairs watching the end of the football game, and Titi was just a few feet away putting a new batch of sugar cookies in the oven.  She shot a good-natured stare at Patton.  
“Sorry, mooom,” “Sorry, Titiii” he and Remus chorused.  “Patton tricked me!”
“That’s okay, you two can help me decorate these later as punishment.  Remus,” Titi pointed to the person beside him. “Help Maman with her turn, remember?”
“Oh, yeah!”  Remus leaned over the centenarian.  “You got any actions, Maman?”
“Quel est ce dessin?”  She held her cards up to him and pointed.
“That’s a cat dressed as a taco, Maman.  C’est un mème.”
While the game continued around the table, Virgil watched Logan discreetly.  Sitting to his left, something was wrong with his oldest brother.  He wasn’t sure what yet, but it was definitely… something.
“Nope!”  Logan put a card down over Uncle Jim’s attack.  Aunt Mel went next, then she helped Alec with his turn, and then, there it was; Logan’s brow furrowed ever so slightly.  His eyes flitted back and forth between the players and the cards.  He stared at their faces, but not quite at eye level.  Patton’s, Roman’s, Grandma’s turns all passed the same - he was concentrating so hard.  Why?
“Virgil?”  Grandpa nudged him out of his speculation.  “It’s your turn.”
Logan was staring at him expectantly.  
“Oh.”  Virgil glanced at two mismatched cats and drew.  An exploding kitten.  He was dead.  “You’re turn, Lo.”
Logan spent a second longer waiting to see if Virgil was done, and then played his own cards.  As they both watched Remus go next, Virgil leaned in closer.
“What is up with you?”  He whispered.  Logan didn’t take his eyes off Remus’ cards.
“Hey!”  He kept whispering, jabbing Logan in the ribs.
“Ow!”  Logan yelped, then lowering his voice.  “What?”
“I asked you a question, don’t act like you can’t hear me.”  
Logan squinted at him, then his face shifted.  He looked stricken.  
“I’m playing “See The Future”,” someone said.  “Hand me the deck.”
00:04:22:44 until Christmas Day, 19:38 PM
VIRGE: what happened?
A new round had started and Virgil hoped that switching to text would let them continue their argu- debate without distracting the rest of the family.
BIG BRO: Nothing
VIRGE: bullshit
Logan ignored his phone, watching the game progress counter-clockwise this time.  Virgil did not accept this strategy.
VIRGE: tell the truth.  
BIG BRO: (Seen)
They paused to take their turns, and when Virgil picked his phone back up, Logan was already typing.  He tried to be patient, but the energy was clear in the way his foot tapped the ground.
BIG BRO: It seems my hearing has not entirely recovered since that explosion during chem lab a couple months ago.  I’ve got tinnitus in my right ear.  It is quite difficult to pick up sounds over the ringing when they’re coming from that direction.  
BIG BRO: Or sometimes from any direction.  So, I’m concentrating a little more.  That’s all.  
Virgil glanced between the texts and Logan several times, Logan staring with seemingly great intent at his cards.  
BIG BRO: Calm down, it’s not a big deal.
VIRGE: have you been to a doctor?
Logan stopped to play another “Nope” card.  Virgil was ready to scream at the delay.  The chatter at the table seemed louder to him now and much, much different.
BIG BRO: Yes.  And I’ve done plenty of my own research.  There’s not much to be done unless I want to get surgery or start wearing hearing aids.
VIRGE: so wear hearing aids until you decide about the surgery
BIG BRO: They’re expensive, Virgil.
VIRGE: dads insrance must cover some of it and ive got some extra money
BIG BRO: No.  Thank you.  That money’s yours.  You worked hard for it.  
VIRGE: your e taking it
BIG BRO: That’s not the problem.
VIRGE: then what is.?
BIG BRO: (Seen)
VIRGE: why won’t you make it easier on yourself?  you know none of us will care if you wear one.  the explosion wasn’t even your fault, it was that other kid
Virgil sent the text and looked at Logan, waiting.  Remus was nearly finished with his turn; Logan was next.  The turns passed, but Logan didn’t pick his phone back up from the table.
VIRGE: why
Logan glanced at the text preview when it came up on the screen, still not moving.
VIRGE: i know you can see this
VIRGE: why
VIRGE: why
VIRGE: why
“Because!”  Logan shouted, slapping his cards down.  Everyone fell into a stunned quiet.
“Are you guys cheating?  Mom says cheating is wrong.”  Alec’s voice broke the silence a second later.  Virgil stuck his tongue out at him.
“I assure you we are not cheating,” Logan smiled at Alec.  “Virgil’s just being a pest.”
The game resumed, Patton taking an absurd amount of actions before drawing another Beard Cat card.  Was it even legal to have that many cards?
Virgil leaned back in his chair, tired from the stress.  His phone buzzed.
BIG BRO: This is my last semester.  I’ll get one after graduation.
00:00:41:12 until Christmas Day, 23:19 PM
Roman carried two mugs of coffee into the living room as back-to-back commercials for 24 Hours of A Christmas Story played on the T.V.  He handed one to Virgil and got back under the throw blanket.
“Whatcha doing?”  Roman peered at Virgil’s laptop.  There were at least a dozen tabs open.  The current screen showed some kind of fancy earpods.  
“Just killin’ time.”  Virgil opened yet another tab.
“Yeah, it’s a bummer Janus picked a college so far away.  But the train’s due in a few minutes!  Then it’ll be officially Christmas.”  
“I mean, he still has to, like, get here from the station.” 
“Whatever,” shrugged Roman.  He flipped through the channels.  All commercials.  He settled back on the Hallmark channel, laying down and closing his eyes while they waited for the latest must-have-product ads to end.
“Remember when we played dress up together?”  Roman mused.  “Mom taped all those toilet paper rolls together so we could have swords and we all fought over the two paper crowns from Burger King?  Do they still make those?”
“I have no idea,” Virgil laughed.  “That was so long ago, how do you even remember that?”
“Because I was a fabulous ruler!  The kingdom prospered unendingly under my leadership!”  Roman flung his free arm wide, not bothering to open his eyes.  “It was glorious!”
“All you did was declare free love-”
“An important doctrine!”  Roman jabbed at the air once before letting his arm flop back down and graze the carpet.  “All Janus did was universally pardon thieves and liars, was that so much better?”
“Well, I was playing a thief.  Maybe I’m biased.”
“You would…” Roman muttered.  He didn’t finish the thought.
 A little snort was the only response.  Roman was fast asleep, coffee untouched and the remote resting by his head.
00:00:00:03 until Christmas Day, 23:59 PM
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Virgil was stirring; he snuck like a mouse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
in hopes that his brother soon would be there.
Christmas Day, 01:23 AM
“Wake up!” 
Roman gasped.  Someone was shoving him into the couch cushions.
“He’s here!”  Virgil bounced on his shoulder again, almost knocking the laptop to the ground.  
“Okay!  Jeez, I’m up.  I’m up!”
Virgil was already gone, shoving his boots on while a taxi drove away outside leaving two figures in the darkness with their bags.  By the time Roman was on his feet, Janus was shouldering through the door with a backpack and giant suitcase, a cute boy following just behind. 
“What is up, king?”  Roman and Janus clasped hands and half hugged.  “Who��s this?”
“Oh, you know.”  Janus shrugged off the bag.  “This is my boyfriend.  Nico, this is my cousin, Roman.”
Nico stifled a yawn and waved.  “Pleasure to meet you, Roman!”  Virgil came in setting down two more bags and nudged Janus.
“I thought we all agreed not to bring dates again after what happened last-”
“Oh, sweetheart, you must be exhausted!”  Roman interrupted as he picked up one of the bags.  “I’ll show you where you’re sleeping.”  
“Thank you so much, our stuff took forever to load off the train.”  Nico started to follow him.  
“Hands to yourself, Ro,” Janus hissed after them.  “I like this one.”  
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Roman grinned, disappearing around the corner into the hallway.  Nico hesitated.
Janus waved him off.  “I’ll tell you later.”  When they were both out of sight, he turned to Virgil.  
“It looks like half the county’s parked in our front yard.  Is dad up?”
“He didn’t stay.”  Virgil shrugged.  “He got into a fight with Titi last night and left after an hour.”
“I see…” Janus sighed, looking down the hall for a moment.  “Can’t break tradition now, can we?”  He smiled up at his little brother.  “Did you get taller?”
Virgil answered by way of a bear-hug, squeezing the breath out of him.
“I missed you, too, Virge.” 
Christmas Day, morning-ish
“Merci, Maman!  Thank you!”  Everyone spoke over each other, unwrapping the sweaters she had made for each of them.  
“Yellow was very, uh, popular this year, no?”  She teased them.  “I hope that you like them.”
“Mine does not have yellow, it’s gold.”  Roman corrected everyone.  Aunt Patty scolded him.  Janus laughed.  
“Don’t complain, Roman, yellow is just the superior color,” said Janus, wrestling his own sweater on.
“Yours is more black than yellow!”  Roman pointed out.  Janus’ head popped up through the collar.
“Did I say yellow?  I meant ‘black’.  Black is the superior color.”
“Black’s not even a color,” Roman called after Janus shimmying away to grab a cookie with Nico in the kitchen.  He came back a second later.
“Why does this cookie look like it’s frosted with vomit?”  Janus held one up, looking affronted.
“Don’t suppress my creativity!”  Remus shouted from under the tree.
Christmas Day, sometime, who cares anymore?
Logan stood in the hallway, reading an email from Virgil, sent at three that morning.  It was lists of hearing aids, their pros and cons, and prices.  And another email from Janus a few minutes ago with links on how to get disability funding.  That would explain Virgil’s note at the end...
I love you.  Please don’t be mad.  I told Janus.
He rubbed a hand over his face and chuckled.  Had he really thought he was going to keep this a secret for even a day around those two?  He pocketed the phone for now and walked through the house.  
There was Patton and Roman watching a girl in a beret talk on youtube.  Roman had a horrified look on his face.  Janus was in the kitchen teaching Alec how to play chess, and not going easy on the kid at all.  Logan peeked downstairs.  There were Virgil and Remus and Nico, playing charades with the aunties.  Remus was making some obscene gesture that had Aunt Mel on the floor laughing and spilling her wine, and Aunt Patty was yelling at both of them.
Logan wandered to the couch and plopped down.  It’s a Wonderful Life, was playing on the television.  Logan hummed along with the closed captioning as the characters celebrated saving George Bailey from false charges.  The vibrations in his chest felt right.
For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne
We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet
For days of auld lang syne
The End.
@sanderssidesgiftxchange @kieraelieson
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kissmymongoose · 5 years
Tumblr media
So ready for this beautiful rose to bloom! These were aquired by my granny from my great grandmother and a great great grandmother, one my poppas family, and the other my grannies family. I feel like these roses really pull together the ties that bind our families. I feel closer to both sides of my ancestry by having them both. When I asked my granny for roses, I made sure to ask for both varieties. She has a few other types, but these two were the most important.
One blooms a beautiful deep red, and the other blooms white and pink, it's a very delicate and beautiful rose. Ill be getting some more of the pink ones to spread around near the lavander, new blueberry, etc. There are several at my grannies that are maybe an inch to 3inches tall. Perfect for transplanting. 💕
Ive been watching foamy the squirrel again lately. illwillpress is the source for anyone interested, foamy was one of my favorite shorts when i was younger. I still cant remember the website I originally found them on, it was a longer url. Something domain? Idk. Anyway. I also picked my GBAsp back up, and have been playing around with the urbz: sims in the city game. Ive been using a fucking flashlight to see the damm screen because my light went out on the GBA :( this is why i like emulators lol. But with my flashlight, ive been making it work. Aaaand somehow i just made my font bigger? Woo hoo!
God the controls on tumblr mobile suck.
Todays my only real free day to do what i want and need. Well, technically thursday also, but if my aunt comes to town ill be with them. I've got to re catch up on laundry, cause it literally takes one down day for the shit to look like a fucking tornado hit it. I kinda WANT to cut grass, but i know that push mower is gonna fuck my back up and ill regret it. Plus, anything with hard vibrations like that make my rib sore. And my rib has been bothering me more than usual lately. I think I honestly separated it again, and we are just back to the start point again. Its almost been 10 years, and it is STILL tender, weak, and wont heal correctly. Surgery is not only too much money, but it's also not recommended, so insurance probably wouldnt cover anything anyway. Im hungry and grumpy, but david has our car at work and my mom is spending time at my brothers house while his wife runs some errands. They went and got lunch yesterday and got to eat together, my mom is so worried about him. 😔 i am too, but since the second seizure, he hasnt had anymore so far (knock on wood), and he is getting used to his medications again.
I know this post has been long, but its about to be longer.
Fun story time: one of my first cousins, Greg, took his own life this year. But, my granny told a story yesterday that i had forgotten, and i am so so glad she remembered! We were all at her house, and we were messing with red ants. One thing in the south, is that we are all dumb country kids, so we know a trick- you place your hand on the ant bed, they climb onto your hand, and with a swift yet gentle shake of the hand, they fall back into their bed, and everyone is happy. We were talking about how a red ant hurts more than a fire ant. And greg wants to show off and says 'red ants dont mess with me, seriously they dont bite or anything' he rushes to stick his hand in the ant bed, lets them ascend, then swishes his hand to shake them off. One stayed on by holding onto his arm hair, and then promptly stung his assailant, Greg got so much shit that day about it- oh, i thought they didnt mess with YOU? Follwed by howls of laughter. Granny fixed him up with some sting kill and he was fine. And the thing about my family- if we cant joke on each other, then we arent okay. We ALWAYS pick with each other. He regained composure and began to pick back, but we always poked at him for it. Hed falter a little, then come back with a retort that would make a whore blush 😂 i love that kid, and i miss him a whole awful lot. But, its one of those silly memories thst we had together, and something I can hold onto in remembrance of him.
I need to get up and clean, but I dont want to do anything! 😐 i need to do some clearing in the garden, and try to focus on covering my okra and sunflowers. Still don't feel like it though. 😒
Once my mom has a chance ill get a ride to the store so i can grab something to eat and then im sure ill feel better. Just need some fuel! For my belly!
Why are the cool blue gatorades so gross!?
Oh! Camo overalls! Thats what I got yesterday! And a cute as fuck shirt. 😊
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smile-stephan · 7 years
Rules: Answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people (or less)
i was tagged by @printzess-blog (thank you!!)
1. drink: lemonade (and not the weird carbonated stuff y’all have in europe, i have no idea what the hell that’s about)
2. phone call: my cousin bc she wanted to know where we were getting dinner
3. text message: the previously mentioned cousin’s wife bc she couldn’t find her phone charger
4. song you listened to: september by earth, wind, & fire, which is such a tune
5. time you cried: like two days ago (i cry all the time so this isn’t really surprising to me lol)
6. dated someone twice: never
7. kissed someone and regretted it: eh not really
8. been cheated on: nah
9. lost someone special: my mom, right before i started high school
10. been depressed: every day of my life, my dudes
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: never done that lol
12. navy blue
13. yellow
14. mint green
15. made new friends: yeah definitely
16. fallen out of love: nah not really
17. laughed until you cried: absolutely
18. found out someone was talking about you: yeah but not in like a bad way, like my friends will mention they were talking about me to their friends, which is nice bc it means that they think about me when i’m not necessarily there lol
19. met someone who changed you: yeah the whole ski jumping family, love you guys
20. found out who your friends are: well i mean i already knew who my friends were so?
21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: nah
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: pretty much all of them
23. do you have any pets: yes i have a beautiful kitty who i love with all my heart
24. do you want to change your name: i mean when i was younger i did a little bit bc i thought it was an old lady name, but not so much anymore
25. what did you do for your last birthday: my dad came up to visit me at college bc it was parents’ weekend (and also my birthday obviously) so i got to see him and he took me and my best friend out to get food, we went to the movies, and then my friend and i ate some cheesecake in my dorm room while listening to hamilton
26. what time did you wake up: like noon which is terrible i really need to fix my sleep schedule lol
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: probably just scrolling through tumblr tbh
28. name something you can’t wait for: well i’m visiting family in pennsylvania rn so i can’t wait to see my cousins and stuff but i’m also missing out on playing d&d with my friends back home so i can’t wait to go back and play with them lol
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: august 2011 when she was in the hospice
31. what are you listening to right now: the sound of the air conditioning bc it’s hot
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: i can’t really name anyone specifically but tom is such a common name that it’s hard to imagine i haven’t
33. something that is getting on your nerves: i can’t really think of anything right now but i’m sure something will come up eventually, that’s just kinda how life works
34. most visited website: tumblr probably
35. hair color: brown
36. long or short hair: long, my hair poofs up too much when it’s short
37. do you have a crush on someone: not really on anyone i know
38. what do you like about yourself: i can be funny sometimes i guess
39. piercings: i have my lobes pierced and also my cartilage, although i want more lol
40. blood type: o?? i think??
41. nickname: my family calls me tora sometimes and one of my friends calls me tori but other than that not really
42. relationship status: single
43. zodiac: libra
44. pronouns: she/her
45. favorite tv show: firefly and also i’ve gotten into this show cable girls recently which is really good
46. tattoos: no, but i want some
47. right or left handed: i’m a lefty
48. surgery: not that i can remember, but i broke my collar bone when i was really little so i might’ve gotten something done with that?
50. sport: well i’ve never really played any personally (unless you count marching band lol) but obviously i’m into ski jumping
51. vacation: i go to pennsylvania to visit family every summer and winter, but i’ve never been out of the u.s. so i’d love to go to another country someday
52. pair of trainers: i probably have like 2 or 3 i think
53. eating: like favorite food?? if so sushi....or anything my grandmom makes lol
54. drinking: usually just water lol
55. I’m about to: finish catching up on big brother bc my cousins really want me to
56. waiting for: ski jumping tbh
57. want: food tbh i’m really hungry lol
58. get married: maybe one day if i meet someone i really like
59. career: well ideally i’d like to be an archivist considering that’s what i’m going to school for
60. hugs or kisses: hugs bc they’re the best
61. lips or eyes: definitely eyes
62. shorter or taller: taller, especially bc i’m pretty short
63. older or younger: generally a little older or the same age as me, but i don’t really care that much
64. nice arms or nice stomach: both are good, i don’t really have a preference
65. hookup or relationship: relationship definitely
66. troublemaker or hesitant: i think a little bit of both is good, you just gotta know when to do which
67. kissed a stranger: nope
68. drank hard liquor: probably although i don’t really drink ever (because it’s kind of illegal lol)
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: all the time it’s the worst
70. turned someone down: yeah a couple times
71. sex on the first date: nope
73. had your heart broken: eh not really
74. been arrested: no lol
75. cried when someone died: yeah
76. fallen for a friend: nah
77. yourself: sometimes, on good days lol
78. miracles: idk i’ve yet to experience one to believe in them i think
79. love at first sight: not love at first sight but i do think you can connect with people upon first meeting them, which is a bit different
80. santa claus: sadly not anymore lol
81. kiss on the first date: idk i think it would depend on the person
82. angels: idk i’d like to
84. eye color: brown
85. favorite movie: dead poets society
i’m gonna tag @skihuepfer, @vodkaforprevc, and @aalto-of-skijumping if you guys wanna do it lol
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lov3bone · 7 years
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
Pretty shy generally
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
My coworker tomorrow, he just got back from hip surgery and I’ve been worried lmao
4. Are you easy to get along with?
I can be, but I know I can flip like a switch on some people.
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
Probably not.
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
People who are kind of jerks, or have a kind of mean personality. I also love people who are witty, and make it easy to keep a conversation going tbh.
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
I don’t know things are kinda rough rn lmao
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
This guy named Jeremy 
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
I was kinda drunk, but I was talking about how I’m very confused
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Help - Blackbear, Guillotine - Jon Bellion, The Good In Me - Jon Bellion, Tear In My Heart - twenty one pilots, I Needed You - Blackbear (I’ve been fixated on blackbear lately)
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
Yeah, but only from certain people
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
Yeah lmAO
15. What good thing happened this summer?
I got to march in the gay pride parade
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Yeah I would
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
There has to be. We definitely are not the only ones out here man omg
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
19. Do you like bubble baths?
ehhhh nah
20. Do you like your neighbors?
Wouldn’t know, never met them. It’s been 16 years. Not gonna do it now.
21. What are you bad habits?
Drinking, pushing people away before they get a chance to get close, getting anxious and clinging to people while also not letting them help me lmfao
22. Where would you like to travel?
I wanna go to Sicily one day to see part of my family!
23. Do you have trust issues?
Y e s. sorry
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
Wandering around by myself after work for a couple hours
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
Jawline. Like. My neck. The little part between your chin and neck. I hate it.
26. What do you do when you wake up?
Kind of sit there and boot for a second, then check my phone
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
I think I’m fine with my skin lmao
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
My cousin, the age difference prevents me from really relating though. But she’s one of the only people that I feel safe around rn.
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
30. Do you ever want to get married?
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
n o 
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
None because I’m uncomfortable with sex LOL
33. Spell your name with your chin.
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
I don’t participate in sports anymore. But I used to be on a competitive crew team.
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
I would rather live without tv
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
Yes, many times
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
I usually break that by doing something stupid or blurting out something stupid because awkward silences are uncomfortable
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
Pretty sure I’ve answered this before, but my answer is definitely changed since then. My dream person would be someone who’s there for me. Not leave me on read, reassure me when I start getting anxious, not see only my mental illness. Go on adventures with me, hold my hand a lot and be down for cuddling whenever.
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
Target, hot topic (y EAH FUCKING FIGHT ME I LIKE THE T SHIRTS), zumiez, and tj maxx
40. What do you want to do after high school?
I’ve already been through it. But, I still don’t know. I’m trying to find my way the best I can.
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
Fuck no.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
If I’m being extremely quiet in person that’s pretty normal it’s more my facial expression while I’m being quiet that gives anything away. If it’s texting and I’m not seeking you out or not answering you should probably be concerned.
43. Do you smile at strangers?
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
Outer space, the ocean is cool too but fuck the bottom hell no
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
Either anxiety about my mom or I have to go to my job
46. What are you paranoid about?
Trusting others, being alone, certain people in my life, me
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
I really don’t fucking care at this point, but I guess. I did a big bad thing earlier today.
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
My personality
53. Favourite makeup brand?
None lmao
54. Favourite store?
This pet store that’s kinda close to my house
55. Favourite blog?
@humiliated B)
56. Favourite colour?
My hair color, multiple types of greens and blues are my faves. I don’t really have a favorite 
57. Favourite food? 
cherry poptarts
58. Last thing you ate?
cherry poptarts
59. First thing you ate this morning?
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
I don’t remember what I wrote last time but I don’t think it was anything
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
Almost was expelled from my mom being an asshole and telling the school that I was a ‘ticking time bomb,’ they took it very seriously
62. Been arrested? For what?
63. Ever been in love? 
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
It was with a boy and it was gross
65. Are you hungry right now?
no, I actually kinda feel sick
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
This is a bad question. I love all of my friends equally. 
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
70. Names of your bestfriends? 
Azalea, Daria, Gianna
71. Craving something? What?
Affection, feeling wanted
72. What colour are your towels?
White.. With patches of green dye lmao
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
no, unless my dinosaur shaped pillow counts?
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
Around 15 or more idk
75. Favourite animal?
Mantis shrimp. I get really excited about those fuckers for some reason.
76. What colour is your underwear?
Black, and covered in pokemon
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
Green tea
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
Light blue
80. What colour pants?
81. Favourite tv show?
BoJack Horseman
82. Favourite movie?
Ig zootopia
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
Mean Girls
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
Mean Girls
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
Janis Ian
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
The turtle
87. First person you talked to today?
88. Last person you talked to today?
89. Name a person you hate?
90. Name a person you love?
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
92. In a fight with someone?
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
3 pairs
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
95. Last movie you watched?
The Babadook
96. Favourite actress?
97. Favourite actor?
98. Do you tan a lot?
99. Have any pets?
Yeah I have a lot of pets lmao
100. How are you feeling?
Really bad now tbh
101. Do you type fast?
Depends on how I’m feeling
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
Yes. Many things.
103. Can you spell well?
I do if I’m not intoxicated or anxious
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
I guess
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
108. What should you be doing?
Making amends
109. Is something irritating you right now?
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
111. Do you have trust issues?
Y e s. This was answered earlier on wtf
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
I don’t really cry in front of people. I can’t remember. Probably Marielle. That was almost a year ago.
113. What was your childhood nickname?
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
115. Do you play the Wii?
Not anymore
116. Are you listening to music right now?
Yeah, listening to blackbear
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
Not really tbh
118. Do you like Chinese food?
Yes I love chinese food
119. Favourite book?
Perks of being a wallflower
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
A little bit
121. Are you mean?
As of lately, yeah
122. Is cheating ever okay?
It’s never okay to do that.
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
Hell nO LMAO
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
125. Do you believe in true love?
I’m not sure
126. Are you currently bored?
127. What makes you happy?
Not much. 
128. Would you change your name?
Yeah, I’m currently trying to 
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Give it a go, whatever.
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Wtf more double questions. But Jeremy.
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
‘I’ve been going to sleep with my head fucking pounding, ow’
It’s fucking relatable okay
134. Can you count to one million?
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
“Yeah I’m not drunk I swear.”
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
137. How tall are you?
138. Curly or Straight hair?
139. Brunette or Blonde?
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
142. Favourite month?
143. Are you a vegetarian?
Fuck no
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
147. Mars or Snickers?
148. What’s your favourite quote?
Well, you come by it honestly, the ugliness inside you. You were born broken, that’s your birthright. There’s no cure for that. -BoJacks mother Beatrice
Kinda just hits home lmao
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
I’ve answered this like 4 times. Yes.
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
A skin of seaweed had washed up on the rocks and jumped with sea lice.
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nycyoochan-blog · 7 years
I GOT TAGGED BY : @aceandchoices and @wowace7 !! THE LAST… 1.Drink: orange soda 2.Phone call:my cousin she was telling me about all the fake people in her school lol 3.Text message:“pineapple pizza spit in my face and called me a jiggaboo & ofc that’s that guyanese shit ew! ” 4.Song you listened to: Monster by Exo 5.Time you cried: like an hour ago I’m sensitive HAVE YOU EVER… 6.Dated someone twice: yeah 7.Been cheated on: technically 8.Kissed someone and regretted it:YES 9.Lost someone special:eh 10.Been depressed: I am in a constant state of xxxdepressiòn 11.Gotten drunk and thrown up: no I’m a baby LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: lilac orange pink 15.Made new friends: yeah!! 16.Fallen out of love: what is tht 17.Laughed until you cried: every single day 18.Found out someone was talking about you: every single day LOL 19.Met someone who changed you:nah 20.Found out who your true friends are: yup 21.Kissed someone on your Facebook list: I don’t have a facebook GENERAL… 22.How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: still don’t have a facebook 23.Do you have any pets: no :( I want seventeen dogs 24.Do you want to change your name: no I like my name 25.What did you do for your last birthday: made people give me money instead of buy me gifts so I could go shopping 26.What time did you wake up: 9:27 am I think 27.What were you doing at midnight last night: making a list of every song namjoon says muhfucka in then listening to every song on the list like 17 times 28.Name something you cannot wait for: the school year to be over (I still have 2 days left) 29.When was the last time you saw your mother: 2 seconds ago 30.What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: the feelings I feel 31.What are you listening to right now: naruto theme songs LMAO 32.Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: no 33.Something that is getting on your nerves: I feel like I’m hungry but I know if I get food I won’t eat it 34.Most visited website:LMAO ever since I’ve discovered a.c.e it’s been YouTube and tumblr 35.Elementary: a catholic school in nyc 36. High School: a stupid school full of nosy children that love starting drama also in nyc 37.College/university: I wanna go to ucla or study abroad! 38.Hair color: dark brown I WANT TO DYE MY HAIR WHITE SO BAD 39.Long or short hair: I like both 40.Do you have a crush on someone:nope 41.What do you like about yourself: I have nice eyebrows and pretty lips kind of also I have great skin 42.Piercings: I have two in each earlobe 43.Blood type: O 44.Nickname: nani, nana 45.Relationship status: single 46.Zodiac sign: Scorpio! 47.Pronouns: she/her ! 48.Favorite tv show:I’m just gonna list all the shows I like : Naruto Shippuden, HunterxHunter, The Get Down , Steven Universe, Yuri on Ice, Voltron legendary defender, and there’s probably more 49.Tattoos: once again, I’m a baby 50.Right or left hand: right ! 51.Surgery: not yet 52.Piercings: this was asked already but I’ll just say I want to pierce my bellybutton 54.Sport: i play basketball and volleyball 55.Vacation: I went to turks and caicos and it was so beautiful! I want to go to the Dominican Republic and Haiti to visit family tho 57.Eating: I’m chewing on a string 58.Drinking: water now 59.I’m about to: take a shower 60.Listening to: my little sister talk about her school 61. Waiting for: nothing lols 62.Want: an a.c in my room 63.Get married: maybe 64.Career: I wanna be an actress but if that fails then anesthesiology it is WHICH IS BETTER… 65.Hugs or kisses: kisses! 66.Lips or eyes: lips 67.Shorter or taller: both 68.Older or younger: idk lmao 70.Nice arms or nice stomach: what LMAO idc 71.Sensitive or loud: I like both 72.Hook up or relationship: I’m a baby 73.Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant omg HAVE YOU EVER… 74.Kissed a stranger?:no 75.Drank hard liquor?:yup 76.Lost glasses contact/lenses?:I’ve broken every single pair of glasses ive ever owned 77.Turned someone down?: yeah 78.Sex on first date?: I’m a baby 79.Broken someone’s heart?: nope 80.Had your heart broken?: uh at the time it felt like it was but the next day I was chillin LMAO 81.Been arrested?:no 82.Cried when someone died?: yeah 83.Fallen for a friend?: no DO YOU BELIEVE IN… 84.Yourself?: occasionally 85.Miracles?:yes 86.Love at first sight?:no 87.Santa Claus?: yes 88.Kiss on the first date?: yeah sure 89.Angels?: yes! (see: kim seyoon) OTHER… 90.Current best friend’s name: whats tht 91.Eye color: dark brown 92.Favorite movie:right now it’s moana!
I tag all of my mutuals lol I’m not good at remembering at names but yeah if we r mutuals say I tagged u to do this!!
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cosmosogler · 7 years
didn’t do much today. got up before 10:30. stumbled into the bathroom and took my meds. felt like i was forgetting some, but i took them in order and i was looking at my bedtime meds. i normally wake up on my chest but it’s so sore these days that i usually end up on my back when i put my alarm on snooze for a few minutes in the morning.
i cooked myself the other two veggie burgers for lunch, and i almost ate both of them. it seemed like my appetite was coming back a little bit. i was very lethargic all day. wasn’t focusing very hard on anything in particular. i did beat the beginner doubles battles and multi battles over the course of the day at least. so... i can start doing the more difficult challenge. the final goal would be a 200-win streak to get every item you can win, but i don’t really need the last item... i don’t think i would use it. i would just know i had it. i’ve never gotten it before. i think that’s been the grand prize since generation 3. i’ve never even seen anyone use it for anything. it’s really dependent on luck in battle and by the time it activates half the potential boosts wouldn’t be helpful.
the second to last prize doesn’t seem like that big a deal either. i’m more interested in hitting a 50-win streak. that’s when you get the stamp in your trainer passport. which is even more useless than either of the grand prizes! 
well, technically, nothing in the game helps me personally. i just do it because it’s fun. or, when it’s not fun, i can trick myself into feeling like i accomplished something.
anyway while i was flopped on my desk i managed to call the doctor and she can see me tomorrow morning. it’s even at a nice time for me. i gotta finish this prescription first though so i can stay on my “start on sunday” schedule... luckily the next few days are just sugar pills so hopefully the side effects will cool off a little bit.
i was thinking about maybe taking pictures of wiley while we’re out in the yard. i used to like taking pictures, and wiley is a really pretty dog. eve and doge don’t like the camera so i generally have to pretend i’m using my phone to text and turn off all the sound. they only notice i’m trying to take a picture if i point the lens at them. it’s kind of funny. they do it with my 3ds too since it has the lenses.
or i take pictures of them zoomed in through the window while they’re lounging in the yard. i took a really good picture of eve and doge laying together in the shade a few years ago. i’ll put it in a post. i think i’ve uploaded it before but it makes me happy to look at it.
for dinner mom and dad decided they wanted mexican food. i was crying internally because ralberto’s is so bad, but mom said she was talking about manuel’s. manuel’s is on bell road and it has THE BEST SALSA. i have never tasted better salsa in my life in any mexican restaurant i’ve been to. the only person who makes better salsa than manuel’s family is my aunt sharon. i don’t know what she puts in it but i can’t ever get enough of it. and she must make it in her bathtub because there’s buckets of it when she makes it for parties. when i’m at her house sometimes for my cousins’ birthdays i end up just sitting by the salsa tank.
i got sidetracked. the point was that i went with dad to pick up this mexican food and then i sat and ate it. i got sick right as i had the first bite of my enchilada but i forced myself to keep eating because i have been so hungry. 
while i was on the road with dad there was a song that came on the radio and dad was like, “oh man, i used to play this song all the time in my firebird.” he told me about the Good Old Days when he had a convertible and long hair and an enormous speaker set  that he kept in the back seat so he could blast this single song every time he rolled up to his friends. he said he had it on a cassette and it was the first track so he could always find it right away to put it on when he got in earshot of his friends.
i kinda looked at him and i said “i admire your dedication to having a theme song.”
then he told me that before junior year of high school for a few years he just flat out had no friends because they all started doing drugs and he didn’t want to so he stopped hanging out with them. and judging from how his brother turned out (dead) he had good reason. i didn’t know uncle jimmy very well. he had trouble following rules, i think he gets that from his mom. my dad’s like that too sometimes. he won’t do something just because you asked/told him to do it.
he was chronically homeless so we’d let him stay at our place. we’d gotten this house specifically to house long term guests. we’ve had a variety of people stay with us between houses or jobs. but uncle jimmy, he had an ancient beetle with faded blue paint, and he was always working on it. and by working on it i mean he would disappear and leave his car in our garage. it had a sticker on the window that said “skydive naked - balls out” and mom would turbo frown every time she saw it. the rule he had to follow was “don’t smoke” because dad hates the smell and also if you don’t properly dispose of the butts the dogs get into them. but that wasn’t the reason, it was mostly just because dad hated the smell and mom liked having A Rule. they probably had other arrangements that i was too young to be told about. 
he got sick. i don’t know how or with what. a heart attack? he’d always been a real bruiser, but prone to getting overweight. but he died. dad didn’t let any of us go to the funeral because his family tends to get drunk at gatherings and they often top off their reunions with a good brawl.
the point of that story was that dad grew up pretty poor but married into a rich family of basically immigrants who got lucky with their engineering degrees. but even though dad is now securely in the middle class he thinks of himself as the perpetual tough guy blue collar underdog. i think that’s why he keeps his part time job at ups, aside from the great insurance that i need to live and have depended on for 14 years since my heart surgery. he likes to come off as gruff and badass but he’s kind of, a tired old supernerd. it’s fascinating how much time he puts into cultivating his look. 
and jimmy was bigger and stronger than him! dad’s the responsible one in his family!!
but i think he still, kind of, has that attitude of, i don’t know, having to physically fight everyone that he had growing up. i don’t know how to describe it. i also am not quite sure how his political views work. he seems to be getting more moderate and also more extreme as he gets older. he’s always been a huge fan of unions, but not when they start strikes, but he hates getting screwed over by the board of directors of ups, but he supports big business because that’s what the greatest country in history was built on. like, he’s a republican in theory, but as soon as the downsides of conservative policies affect him he gets frustrated. but he also gets frustrated when people take action to get a better working environment because “things aren’t that bad.” 
hmm. it’s like, he expects things to be bad for him, because that’s his lot in life, and only whiners complain about what they’re given. he’s like that with mom too. and he’s pretty catholic and very traditional with masculinity and the nuclear family dynamic. it’s like, a self fulfilling prophecy with him. he expects things to be bad, so he reacts to everything as if he’s already in a bad place, which gets him into a bad place?
he always calls me a wuss because i’m more of a pacifist. even though i’ve been bullied and in fights before... but then he turns around and says “you’re a better person than me.” and he taught me how to fistfight effectively. it feels like his opinion of me depends on his mood.
he also laughed at me after i was working on barbara’s car with him yesterday. we went in the grocery store to get her stuff and i said i was gonna go wash my hands because they were oily and dusty. he said this is why i’m always sick and licked his fingers. i said i don’t like having dirty grease all over my fingers and i’m gonna wash it off. he said something like a little grease never hurt anyone. 
i dunno. i really don’t like having anything on my hands or face. it’s a little weird because when i do stuff like yardwork or building i have trouble getting started. but as soon as i get started i’m fine with it. until i’m not doing it any more, and then i need my hands clean immediately. it’s like swimming. i don’t want to get wet, and then when i’m in the pool or ocean i have a great time, and then when i get out of the water i want to be dry immediately and am super uncomfortable until i’ve washed my hair because it feels all grimy if i don’t at least soap it off afterward. or i get sand on my feet and don’t want to put on my shoes or walk anywhere off the beach until my feet are c l e a n. 
maybe i set myself up for failure there too. i really don’t handle germs well, immune system wise. i think my immune system didn’t develop properly because my body was always in overdrive mode with the bad heart. so i was sick literally all the time even when i had just been sick with the same strain of flu and it always takes me weeks to recover from anything. since high school i’ve started getting better and only get sick maybe three times a year in a good year. this year’s been bad so far though especially with the mysterious illness.
so i learned to keep everything clean and then i REALLY never built up my resistance to disease.
i also wash my hands every time i drive, but that’s because i have watched mother sneeze directly onto the steering wheel more than once.
i feel a little better when i’m writing my journal entries. it keeps my mind off how bad i feel physically. but then i start feeling emotionally junky when i bring up all these buried feelings and memories. 
eve seemed to be feeling much better today. she was back to walking just sort of funny, the way she’s always walked. the only time she moves her legs normally is when she’s running or prancing around. and even then she runs greyhound style, not regular dog style. so i think the odd way she carries her hind legs is more a greyhound thing than a leg thing. 
i was talking to dad about how she used to catch the birds in our backyard when she was younger. dad said she caught a lot of birds. i said that if i’d been the hunting type she would have been a beast at nabbing waterfowl. she probably wouldn’t be too good at catching rabbits though, she’s too heavyset to turn quickly enough. she’s got, like, the legs and face and ears of a greyhound, but the chest and fur and tail and feet of a black lab. so when she runs into you she hits like a truck. the birds never stood a chance. dad said the worst was when she brought birds to the door that were only half dead. 
she’s also, sort of, abnormally good at manipulating her environment, for an animal? if something’s in her way she either jumps over it or pushes it. diogi and wiley have never touched the baby gate, and if a door is cracked open they treat it like it’s closed because they see that they won’t fit through the crack. but eve hops the baby gate or tips it over, and pushes open doors, and actively tricks the other dogs. she’s not much for standing on her back legs, but if she was i probably could have taught her to flip the lights when she wanted. ping was a little bit similar, where he figured out how to open doors and he liked to push everything off the counters and all the photo frames off my dresser. but he never applied more force to anything than a tap. when we velcroed the modem to the counter he stopped tipping it over even though he could have easily gotten it if he’d pushed harder.
she also recognizes a lot of words and phrases. wiley and diogi are pretty good at that too, but eve figured out “cross here” for crossing the street during our walks and “this way” when she turned the wrong way at a fork in the road, while wiley seems to think i am babbling at him. she also picks up really fast on when you’re trying to teach a new trick to wiley and will start doing it sometimes. there’s a few tricks she doesn’t do mostly because she doesn’t like people touching her paws. she wags her tail, very tiny wags, when she’s confused.
she’s also the only animal who’s ever like, grabbed me and tried to take me somewhere. wiley grabs my arm sometimes but he usually just wants to play tug of war.
i dunno. i’ve been writing for a really long time now. i forgot to do some daily stuff in pokemon. i don’t want to leave it until i wake up... but it’s also after 1 and i want  to sleep. it’ll only take a few minutes.
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grilledkatniss · 5 years
Didn't blog nor inktober in two-three days. But not much happened really. Yesterday was my parents’ wedding anniversary and my sister had had this idea for a present for my mom. Okay so my mom had kept this tiny aquamarine stone for over 27 years, she’d bought it on their honeymoon in Brazil. Last year she decided she wanted to show it off and took it to a jeweler to put it into a ring. She could afford it now. So the new ring bliss lasted about two weeks until the stone fell off and got lost. It could’ve fallen on the street, in our house (it’s very viable, the stone is so small and translucid, we’d sweep and thoroughly look through the dust we'd pick up trying to find it. It was that small) So my sister went "let's get her another ring with the same type of stone! And if we could actually embed the new stone into the old ring that'd be great". Come their anniversary and the ring isn't ready. Well mom doesn't know we're working on this so it's fine but it really is a shame.
Oh, I finally got my invitation to join AO3. I created the account to post the single piece of fanfiction I think I’ve ever wanted to put out and it happens to be a Scarletvision one-shot I've almost finished. User name is SpontaneouslyCommitted ;D
Technically we can't do inktober anymore causes it's patented now (or something like that) so I'm starting this new version called drawcember and it can be in pencil. Maybe that'll be the only rule. Pencil doodles only.
What else... at last I managed to bend my sister's will and successfully forced her to watch thor. My wrist pain? Turns out also a chronic thing too. I'm really hungry and omg hair grows so fast like I just waxed. K onto the doodlydooes
Prompt for day 26: DARK
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Tis Palpatine. He dark. The emo white raisin fuck we never saw coming back to haunt our jedi again but twas plot convenient and they ran out of material get off their rich tired backs.
Prompt for day 27:COAT
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This coat was surprisingly hard to make. Cause like idk how that coat works have you seen pictures of it? The designers in paradise island are misunderstood being. Steve looked more like himself in plain pencil. This is the moment when Diana goes " to the war!" And Steve is all like bitch cover yerself it's minus ten degrees this time o' iier here in London youll bring all sorts of diseases back to Themyscira also u exhibitionist literal goddess well have a bunch of creeps tailing us all the way to the end of the film now..
I wanted to make the part where she screams "a babyyyy" but no way i was gonna make that coat one more time. I feel like this is their dynamic for a good portion of the movie anyway.
Prompt for day 28: RIDE
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I'm so proud of how the horse turned out. And the little bruv over there looks like my cousin. He's barefoot because who doesn't love feeling the tingling grass underneath their toes, possibly some horse shit too.
Prompt for day 29: INJURED
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Lol this one's more of a concept. The girl that played Lady Sif in Thor and Thor Dark World, and goes by Jane Doe in Blindspot? Yeah idk how on earth she's still alive. Lemme quote this part of her Wikipedia personal life section right here
“Also in 2012, Alexander suffered severe injuries when she slipped off a metal staircase during a rainy morning on the Thor: The Dark World set. The fall caused her to slip a disc in her thoracic spine and chipped 11 of her vertebrae, as well as dislocate her left shoulder and tear a rhomboid on her right side. The injuries took her out of filming for a month.[21][22]
Additionally, during the filming of Blindspot, Alexander experienced many injuries, including: ruptured C6 and C7 discs from being water boarded; herniated T3, T4, T8 and T9 discs; broken nose; dislocated right shoulder; broken right index finger; broken left foot; broken left two toes three times; broken right foot; broken right two toes; dislocated jaw; 
and other injuries that she was not allowed to disclose.
[23]In March 2018, Alexander was hospitalized and underwent surgery after her appendix ruptured.” 
And know this is outdated cause later that year she also tore both her ACL and MCL. She sounds like a hoot.
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