#cursed technique: headcanons
tomonari-nue · 2 years
i know this is probably just the art style but like the whole jutting out the bottom lip is a Zenin thing and by Zenin thing i really just mean Megumi, Maki, Mai and Toji thing (and Tsumiki too bc she kept imitating it to mock Megumi)
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prosciuttulipa · 8 months
Rambling slightly because I think Satoru and Suguru's cursed techniques are important to their characters, and why they progressed the way they did.
Satoru's Six Eyes and Limitless as innately born techniques, things that belong to him so wholly and without question, steeped in the blue of his eyes and bleached into the white of his hair. Who knows his technique the same way a child wears too large uniforms, splitting headaches no different to growing pains. Progress as visible and tangible results. Blue, Red, Purple. Logical consequences to achieving his greatness. Stepping stones already laid out for him since birth, but for his eyes only. Why is everyone so blind?
Suguru's Cursed Spirit Manipulation that inherently requires him to depend on others for power. Black hair and black eyes, just like the commoners. Who tames cursed spirits in the same way one befriends a stray, knowing that their home is on the streets and not with you. The visceral sensation of swallowing down pain so big it distends his throat, going against his gag reflex, his taste buds, every mechanism of safety. Not knowing the defining lines of 'enough'. Tolerance as a conscious choice. Already halfway to a curse user anyway. So what if he joins the wrong crowd?
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hermitw · 3 months
What if Toge could just say "pls" to make his cursed speech not effective
He's such a troll to he'd probably say "pls kys" and everyone would panic
Maybe it would still affect anyone without cursed energy. He only finds out after yelling "pls shit yourself" in public.
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huntershowl · 1 month
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so i just belatedly realized the insane fucking implications of the power i gave seph in jjk-verse, ie raine finally learns how cursed energy actually works and sits back in her chair contemplating life choices
like no matter WHICH side they’re on. being able to siphon cursed energy from someone else and funnel it elsewhere (or absorb it herself) is pretty bonkers. especially combined with the heavenly pact that gave them So Goddamn Much cursed energy production. a functionally limitless amount of the stuff just pouring and pouring and pouring and pouring. no wonder it almost killed them. imagine what that could do in the context of bringing in curse users for interrogation (or outright killing them)?????
like weakening a special grade so bad they can just be fully cornered and captured??? granted that would potentially fuck her up pretty bad from too much at once but STILL, it's WILD — and omfg. being able to act as a battery for someone they're fighting with by splitting the ridiculous amt of cursed energy she produces between the two of them!!!! amplifying the power of someone who would normally be hopeless against xyz enemy!!! TF!!!!! even without the ability to use reverse cursed technique it is ABSOLUTE INSANITY and i love it because as Fucking Usual, she pays absolutely no attention to anything but her martial skills & isn't even slightly aware of what she can dooooo
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aldebarangel · 2 years
autistic/adhd gojo do you agree
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shleemies · 2 years
Jujutsu kaisen manga readers are really funny to me sometimes. Do you know how many people who are fully caught up I've heard say "they never explain how itadori broke through a concrete wall" like. Yes they really do I promise.
[minor spoiler talk] Also the amount of people that were like WAIT (x) IS HIS MOM? only AFTER the character explicitly referred to him as a son as if it hadn't been so fucking obvious and laid out for months with that first face reveal??? Like who else?????
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[ID: a picture of Utahime from Jujutsu Kaisen in front of the tourette’s flag. the color are teal, a lighter teal, green, and white and there’s a ribbon in the center that’s just slightly darker than the teal. /End ID.]
okay but consider... utahime with tourette’s👀
s/o to @transokkotsu​ for helping me decide this <333
note: i did not make this flag—i found it online. there is no official ts flag, but i really liked this one:)
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firesofdainix · 2 years
So who was the first em of wind and what did they use their powers for? 👀
@kassycreations @mochinoodle @leesbian42 because I think you'd like being tagged over things like this<3
Also under read more since it's so damn long <33333
Okay so first, Long Before Time Had A Name, there was a great sea serpent named Wojira who harnessed the power to control the storm and the waves by the power of the amulets on her head. She has the power of Wind and Water, and uses it haphazardly to create fear and distrust over the first inhabitants of this Realm.
During one of her particularly stormy and destructive moments, she created the Merlopians and Keepers from the essence of Water and Wind. Meaning, that while they all have elemental blood inside of them, they can only have one elemental master per generation. Thus, the Merlopians attained the Element of Water while the Keepers with the Element of Wind.
I actually have a Headcannon over how bodily limits affect the way Elemental Masters control their element. To make it short, Merlopians and Keepers have different bodily make ups so that they can control the native elements in a different manner than what is known and limited to the humans. Here's the link below to learn more about the hc: https://at.tumblr.com/manjirian/i-think-we-should-talk-about-how-kalmaar-called/19auso7h9nny
ANYWAYS you already know about Nyad, FSM, the battle to become independent from Wojira and just make her stop doing BS like this, and the creation of Ninjago. The whole Nyad merging with the sea thing kind of kick-started the FSM's fear to see people extend the limitations of their body and convinced the next elemental masters of water and Wind to marry into his new creations, the humans.
A few decades after Nyad merges with the sea, the FSM creating Ninjago, he created the First Generation if the Elemental Alliance, choosing the first users of the elements passed down to him. Fire, Ice, Earth, Lightning, even meeting a few more elements he doesn’t control that weren't derived from him such as Time, Seasons and Weather. That is when he meets what people consider to be the First Elemental Master of Wind, since this one also blends in with he Ancient tradition of the Keepers.
The Keepers were secretive, obscure people, who was given the task of guarding the storm amulet for the next thousand of years by the FSM. While there is no denying they have the element of wind for a while, all of their inscriptions, like Merlopians, had mentions and legends of wind and water users, Ninjago and by extension, the FSM, haven't seen them. Thus, Nyad was considered to be the First Master of Water.
Anyways yes, the First 'recorded' Elemental Master of Wind is a Keeper, and according to FSM he washed upon the shores of his lands wounded, found by one of his Elemental Masters. Because he was compassionate and caring, he nurses the stranger back to health, only to find out that he was what he was looking for: the Elemental Master of Wind.
They told FSM their name was Morro, and that they had been banished from the Keepers for committing a terrible crime. He expressed guilt over what they did, and FSM, sympathizing with him, comforted their conscience. He didn't know that Morro wasn't guilty over THAT particular crime, however. While no one knows what he'd been banished of, FSM has assumed it was something like petty thievery. Yet, if only he saw the signs sooner...
Morro I is a very formidable and skilled fighter, even without his powers upon the creation of Vengestone. He's always battle-ready, dressing up with elaborate armor derived to remember their Keeper heritage yet managed to still have nimble and agile feet, like the wind. They can never be controlled or put in cramped situations, they were quite flexible and resourceful as a person. Because of their craftiness and contrast to FSM's more reserved, shier attitude, they managed to be closer to him than others were.
As a person, they were kind of like the Morro we all know and love: ambitious, prideful, impulsive, temperamental, but they exude an air of charisma and stoicism that made them so popular amongst their peers. His personality is immensely popular, as he is also not quite emotionally attached to things such as missions that concern family members put in jeopardy, thinking only with his mind. Various Elemental Masters say that while they are fun and approachable as a friend, you shouldn't become a thorn on their side when they're busy completing a task. They are also quite cryptic and vague when talking, but purposefully, which puts them at odds with the others.
His most famed weapon are these beautiful, intricate fans that have been recreated a lot of times and his actual fan put in museums. They use the martial arts of Tessenjutsu, which uses the iron fan. Because of their strong power against wind and their general impressive combative moves, they were able to subdue the enemy and make him yield.
While they were a formidable, strategic fighter, they occasionally alienated himself from the other Elemental Masters. Either because of his own choice, or rather, his peers started to figure out there was something wrong with them. Their only friends in this instance would have been FSM, the EM of Seasons and Weather (which I'll make a post about I swear).
While they weren't interested in marriage or romance, they decided to do FSM a favor by marrying a nice girl upon his recommendation to continue the Elemental bloodline. They had one child at the age of 20, and returned to the Elemental Alliance shortly after to be close to FSM again. Generally a dick move and an asshole, yeah.
Why did people think he was a little nuts? Well, it started out innocent- a couple of jokes and a few weird behavior, but they weren't THAT concerned over Morro's quirkiness. Everyone is different from each other after all. But it started getting worse: Morro seemed to have developed an unhealthy attachment to the FSM, waiting for him, having a certain clinginess, and just preaching about his teachings to others when they have ears open. The way they speak about FSM was quite obsessive and strange, as if they love him but not really. They also have a strong sense of 'worthy' and 'unworthy' people, deeming all of them unworthy of their elements.
He's pretty much a fanatic over elements, and firmly believes that the FSM has the right to all of those elements once more. They usually just lock themselves in their own private house, trying to take note of the history of the elements and is just so obsessed. There's a reason why they become a cautionary tale about obsession and how friendships like those suck like balls.
Anyways a few years later, when he was 24, he started acting on his obsession and it went too far. This is all of his crimes accumulating into one consequence. One day, while he was out patrolling his designated area, he runs into a group of naysayers who were disagreeing with the FSM and his teachings. And Morro I FINALLY let the intrusive thoughts win. They were a Keeper, and they are proud of their heritage, for his body doesn't have limitations. He can conjure up wind from people's lungs without the soul complaining.
They did a forbidden Wind technique- when one of their friends figured out what was happening, all the naysayers who disagreed with the FSM were on the ground, breathless, literally. Morro I admitted that they murdered them all, but without any remorse. They firmly believe that these bunch of haters deserve what happened to them, and refused to plead guilty. Thus, once FSM hears all the BS Morro I said and did, he called for a trial.
Of course, Morro I was noted as guilty, which, for some reason, SHOCKED him. Like, my brother in the FSM, you firmly went against your own friend's condition because you have the weirdest praise kink for him EVER. They pleaded to the FSM, stated that they were only doing what had to be done, oppressing people and never letting them fulfill his own opinion. But FSM tells Morro I that their complaints can help further the way he can help teach better. FSM wonders how far Morro I would dedicate himself and how his unwavering, unhealthy loyalty would go. He just HAD to ask.
The Elemental Alliance decided that he will spend his lifetime in banishment, but before he was banished off the known Ninjago lands, into the unclaimed, uninhabited territories that were filled with Grundles and various predators that run amock, he says his final vow, his last words to the Elemental Alliance that turned their backs on him. It's well-known as the Curse of the Masters of Wind.
In a bid for sympathy, or to show how they've truly went too far gone with their obsessive love for FSM, he curses his entire line. While the lines of which he said were unclear and even something the masters have tried to forget, it's said that they give their descendants' lifespan to the FSM. They tell him that all of his descendants after him will die before the age of 30; either having an accident or sudden death before their thirtieth birthday, or just having a shitty life and dying. Just anything before thirty.
After the curse settled on the Elemental Masters, they released him into the unclaimed lands, never looking back to their face, mad and filled with injustice over simply 'saving his friend from the negativity of the people. They lurk near the line between claimed and unclaimed lands, wandering from every border, trying to talk to FSM, before vanishing completely after their 25th year alive. Many say they died, their remains dispersed through the wind, but all of them are too scared to cross into the wilderness.
The curse took its hold on Morro I's son immediately: he died a brutal death in his 29th year, and his daughter died at the age of 19, then her sister died at the age of 28. The Elemental Masters were baffled at this series of incidents, wondering if there truly WAS a curse within the Ehecatl family. Needless to say, it made the entire family erupt in paranoia, fear, and anxiety. Their breaths could be their last. They couldn’t even have multiple sons, all of them dying until only one remains.
Because of this Curse, people, especially the Elemental Masters started to look at every single Masters of Wind differently. They fear that their brevity and shortness in life would rub off on them and started to alienate the Masters of Wind from the Alliance more. The FSM, compassionate as ever, tried to undo the curse, but only found himself at odds with the circumstances of this curse, forsaking those who are victims of the curse.
Oh, also! Since the Masters of Wind slowly but surely become more and more full-blood human, they are unable to do the feats that Morro I had done. Morro’s power he showcased in S5, no matter how much of an actual prodigy he is, pales in comparison to Morro I’s and Nyad’s power. Like I said in one of my posts, Wojira is a step above the rest when it comes to Water and Wind.
Because of the curse, not only do they try to vilify and erase Morro I out from records or use them as an allegory for obsession and how it can doom the person, ‘Morro’ was generally a terrible name and was almost written out of naming suggestions, saying that the person who name their infant as Morro curses their child into misery. Morro’s bio family actually was debating whether to call him Morro or just leave him blank, so...
They were turned into a scary campfire story, like the Overlord, the Great Devourer, Wojira, by the FSM, even bringing down one of Morro I’s old friends to his level. Wu and Garmadon were not comfortable by these stories, and Wu only tells Morro I’s story to children who were quite obsessive, to learn their lesson. However, he did not think that one of his students would idolize Morro I, to the point of naming himself after him...
Now time for some cute trivia about the first EM of Wind <333333:
uses he/they pronouns, if that wasn’t clear
the reason why I chose the name Morro is because it’s cute Nya was named after Nyad, first Elemental Master of Water. except, when she landed fame he gained notoriety.
either uses Feng or Ehecatl as a last name. Feng’s bloodline ended two thousand years ago after the main branch didn’t have any heirs left, so the Ehecatl line had to take over.
he is into music!!! he loves playing guitars or any other stringed instruments. they’re the reason why all Masters of Sound to this day continue to play with stringed instruments
he sucks at teaching, nor is he a good companion. they joke a lot and almost get themselves and their partner in trouble.
cryptic. they’re a little shit that is also quite flexible, their personality changing everyday to accommodate the masters.
they have the texture and skin of Keepers, but they have ebony dark hair that reaches to the floor. they look like a purple Sadako if you want to imagine him. except they’re buff. and they have a fuck ton of armor.
didn’t end up in the Cursed Realm?! that honor is bestowed upon their friend who got fucked over <3333
all of Morro I’s descendants have different pigmented hair stripes, and they’re all dark-haired. wow, the phenotype continues to haunt the family after 5000 years. anyways the stripe is either to signify his curse still quite prevalent, or just a genetic thing.
what if I told you Nelson is descended from a descendant of Wind. that’s why his dad never showed up. that’s why his mom is so worried about him. that’s why he always breaks bones. what if i told you he’s going to die someday.
probably would have laughed at all the costumes made of him, and the stories told of their ‘deviousness’ and ‘evil’
also works as a medium. Wind is the element of spirits after all, and Morro I has a better grasp over the element.
he was created for angst and comparison for Morro in my magnum opus, my Morro redemption fic TAGOMJTR. he was mentioned through chapter 1, and showed up in chapter 3.
too bad he’s the main antagonist for this new fanseason i’m making.
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avikats66 · 8 months
I don’t think I’ve ever seen any discussion about Yorozu and Mai having the same innate technique. My assumption is that there must be a genetic link between Yorozu and the modern day Zenin clan: at some point one of her siblings/cousins or their offspring or offspring’s offspring or such must have married into the Zenin family. This would make Construction an inherited technique that just pops up along the blood line very rarely like Ten Shadows (which I’m assuming came into the Zenin family under the same circumstances of a relative of the main/original progenitor marrying into the Zenin family). Doubtful that we will get a canon explanation so this is what I’m rolling with lol.
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ignominiosus · 11 months
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jellys-compendium · 1 month
Newlywed Nanami Headcanons
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Rating: T | Pairing: Nanami Kento x F!Reader | cw: mostly fluff & a little suggestive
Newlywed!Nanami who has no problem admitting that he teared up during your wedding ceremony (even when his colleges and friends tease him). Nanami has no qualms about it. Why on earth would he ever feel embarrassed about the happiest day in his life?
Newlywed!Nanami who despite thoroughly enjoying your wedding day, was more so looking forward to the honeymoon. While entertaining guests and making sure you had the perfect wedding day was all well and good, he couldn't adequately suppress that selfish little spark of excitement at the thought of having you all to himself for two blissful weeks.
Newlywed!Nanami who planned your honeymoon in secret. The day after the wedding, he flies the two of you to a tranquil seaside town, renting out a quaint and cozy beach house just for the two of you. Each day, you and Nanami spend the time at your leisure. Fishing, taking in the beautiful sights, chatting with the locals, attending a festival or two, and trying a variety of new and delicious dishes. When it was all over, both you and Nanami think back wistfully to that time. It was truly heaven on earth.
Newlywed!Nanami who unsurprisingly settles into his role as a new husband quite well. He's quite a natural at it. Nanami is a caring, thoughtful and conscientious husband. But that being said, Nanami is no pushover. He is quite the skilled negotiator, preferring that you both reach a satisfactory compromise rather than simply bending to your will, or alternatively, proving himself right. In the end, you'd be hard pressed to find a more stable and loving husband than Nanami Kento.
Newlywed!Nanami who effortlessly establishes a daily routine with you. He makes breakfast in the mornings, alternating between western and more traditional style breakfasts, while you prepare each of your lunches, experimenting with different kinds of breads and sandwiches, fueled by the desire to perfect your new husband's favorites.
Newlywed!Nanami walks you to work, pressing a soft kiss to your lips and telling you to have a great day before watching as you slip into your building. He never leaves until he sees you safely make it past the security guard. The big smile and wave you give him from across those glass doors is all the fuel he needs to motivate him for the rest of the day.
Newlywed!Nanami who isn't really the type to brag about his new wife or bring you up in conversation at work. But, he absolutely drives his coworkers up the wall (and makes some of them a little jealous) by being very clear that you are his priority. He will do what needs to be done during times of need, but outside of that he is completely and indisputably yours. Newlywed!Nanami who after marrying you becomes known around his office as Mr. Nanami, "I won't be working overtime tonight. I'd much rather spend that time with my wife", Kento. Newlywed!Nanami whose highlight of the day is cooking dinner with you, bantering amicably back and forth about both everything and nothing at all. Sometimes the two of you talk about your future, sometimes it's about the mundane, and sometimes it's silly teasing, which quickly derails into flirtatious invitation.
"I'm still convinced that your actual cursed technique is being able to fold fitted sheets into perfectly symmetrical squares. That's true sorcery." The sound Nanami's warm, deep chuckle perfectly complements the wine's pleasant burn as it makes its way down your throat. "You shouldn't be so surprised, love. You married a man of many talents." You hum in agreement, sultry gaze fixed on Nanami as you return the wine glass to the table. "Hmmm, care to demonstrate a few more of those talents while the night is still young?"
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haruchi-slit · 8 months
Being sukuna's favorite concubine! he would spoil you with luxury, but sometimes the luxury's not even necessary, like gifting you expensive hairpins, expensive cushions, expensive platter, expensive utensils and undergarments.
Being sukuna's favorite concubine! he would let that tongue of yours to run non-stop, either complaining or whining about everything and sassing him up with sarcastic responses which he loved, he thought to himself that you weren't like others-whose treating him like a monster which he is, fearing him with every word he commands, he felt like a human being, being with your presence after all he was once human.
Being sukuna's favorite concubine! during sex he would be as gentle as a flower asking you if it hurts or should he slow down, handling you with care and caution, carefully thrusting in you rearranging your insides each and every time he buries his huge cock in you. if he's jealous, he'd be rough and would not hesitate to break you in half and restore you with his cursed technique. (RCT) (please it's a headcanon don't come at me pleaseeee)
Being sukuna's favorite concubine! he doesn't like being the giver during sex but, BUT just for you he would burry his face, deep between your legs for eternity if you asked him to, he'd lay his tongue on your pussy eating it out like a starved man, like a feral animal with out a leash, nibbling your inner thighs, leaving hickeys, the one's that turn purple the next morning, "Su- nghh yess right there!" you'd moan tugging his hair, roughly pushing his face deeper on your pussy rocking your hips back and forth, he'd shook his head left and right on your pussy while sticking his tongue out, gobbling your pussy up like a five-star Michelin.
Being sukuna's favorite concubine! He's a top a solid fucking top! but ohhhh when it comes to you, he'll let you dominate him, he'll let you ride his throbbing dick as long as you please!
a/n: that's all for noww :)
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cursed-peanut · 3 months
A/N: Hello everyoneeee!!! As promised, here is part 2 of Reunited!! I will be making more parts however it won’t be like a fic, more like a combination of scenarios, headcanons, etc. If you have any questions or thoughts on this AU, my ask box is always open and so are my comments. My taglist is also open! If you’d like to be added, lmk! Please make sure I can tag your account first though. May sound silly but I couldn’t tag some people because they had tagging disabled. If you were one of the people who asked to be tagged but wasn’t, please change that in Tumblr settings :) Anyway, this kinda gave yandereish vibes at the end??? If you want me to turn it into that or write a spin off where Sukuna is a Yandere for reader, lmk in the comments 💗 Anywho, happy reading and I hope you all enjoy this as much as you all did in part 1 <333
“You are to be monitored by me at all times! If you get caught walking around by yourself well…I will either get an earful from the old hags at the top or they’ll have both of our heads, no in between!” Gojo Satoru tells you in a tone way too cheerful for what he was telling you.
“What? Why? I don’t even have any cursed energy, I’m just a regular human, I’m not some powerful sorcerer.”
“That is exactly why. We’re keeping your presence under the radar for now, but as soon as it inevitably slips out that you’re back and so is Sukuna, so will immediately become a target.”
“That’s not true. ‘Kuna may not be back to his full power, however he is still strong. No curses and sorcerer’s alike would dare hurt someone so close to the King of Curses.”
“While you may be right that he’s powerful even though Sukuna isn’t at his full potential, your ‘Kuna’ currently has the power of one of his fingers and is stuck in a fifteen year old boys body. He could easily be evaded by fellow special grade curses and curse users. Please realise this is for your safety.”
This doesn’t make sense to you. Yes, he’s not at his full power, but it’s not like you’ll be leaving Jujutsu Tech anyway. After all, you don’t go on missions, you’re not a Jujutsu Sorcerer and you will never have a chance to — not that you want to anyway. So logistically there is no need for your protection. Are they worried sorcerers might attack you? That’s surely a fault in the system of their schooling and society if they’re scared of that. Or maybe…they don’t trust you?
“They want me dead because of my relation to ‘Kuna, don’t they?” Gojo’s deafening silence answers your question. “Why?”
“Because they’re afraid that there’s a possibility you’re hiding a powerful technique from us. I personally don’t believe you are deceiving us, but even if you were, I’d be able to stop you anyway. So don’t be become all cocky with delusion. Thinking you can defeat me.” He grins.
“Mhm, well…thank you then.”
“Thank you for believing in me,” You shakily sigh. “I’m happy to know someone is willing to stand up for me.”
“Of course! I would get a mopey Yuji if you died, and who knows how Sukuna would react, but I know for a fact it would not end well. Talking of Yuji and Sukuna, we should go check on them now!”
That’s right. Itadori has recently been announced as dead, however it seems Itadori must have made some sort of pact with Sukuna to revive him. You and Gojo, along with a few others at Jujutsu Tech, are the only people who know he’s alive. Gojo seems to take this opportunity to train Itadori well, and what that truly means is most of the time he conducts experiments that mainly consist of Gojo purposely annoying Sukuna to see how Itadori’s body would react. Most experiments involved you in some way — he found Sukuna’s threats very amusing, but what he found even more amusing is your ability to make the King of Curses sulk for a day by simply lightly reprimanding him for these threats.
“‘Kuna! That is no way to talk to someone. He just wanted a hug.”
“Yeah ‘Kunaaaa. I just wanted a hug.”
“Gojo-Sensei, please. Stop angering him. It’s getting harder and harder to suppress him.”
“This is exactly why I’m doing this! To help you learn how to suppress Sukuna, no matter the circumstances.” Gojo explains. While that may be partly true, Itadori knows that’s a lie. He’s doing this because it’s funny to him.
“You better watch it, Sorcerer scum,” Sukuna grits. “May I remind you that when I make this idiots body my own, I’m killing you first.”
“‘Kuna!” You scowl, hugging Gojo tighter to Sukuna’s dismay. Gojo flashes a shit-eating-grin Sukuna’s way for one last time and lets go of you.
“Thank you, Sensei. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could suppress him for.” Itadori sighs. You sit down next to him and give him a warm hug, rubbing circles on his back. Itadori looks up at you with warm eyes as you press a kiss to his forehead. You always bring the mummy issues out of him.
Meanwhile, in Sukuna’s domain, Sukuna is looking at you through Itadori’s eyes and he can’t help but marvel at you. You’re even more beautiful than he remembers, and you’re so unbelievably near. He wishes he could take his vessel’s place, return to his former glory with you by his side, but that will have to wait.
He will return to his former glory and you will be at his side when that happens. But above all else, what makes his wait all the more worth it, is the world he plans to create will be perfect for you and him. You wouldn’t need to worry about any disgusting sorcerers killing him and sealing you again.
Even if you hate him for killing the sorcerers, he can live with that. As long as you still love him, and stay by his side, he can deal with that.
Taglist: @makuzume @spicyhyunn @pearlescentwonderland @namjooningera @six-eyed-samurai @natriae @domainofmarie @lixern @fluttershyfangs @girlyuuta @anabort @yu-87 @sukunaglazer4ever @madison777x @dervngedgf @calisnewworld @ilybbg @the-banshee @mostnormalsukunastan2024real @williamafton26 @mythoswarrior-23 @megantheefan @mindless-rock @kimsunoo2003 @anayesha1 @lelelenlenn @shyshybabyy @unlikelystay @shigemis0ra @iloveboysinred @eresel4mordemivid4 @meo66 @frozen-waffles @mrsslytherin00 @lazyperfectioniste @whosmarjj @itawifeyy @sugurubabe @hanniebanggi
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sundaycentric · 9 months
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⌢  ⌢ yandere choso x gn reader
␥ content — yandere, sfw, headcanons, stalking, choso is weird idk, dependency?, mentions of babytrapping, mahito jumps u btw, mahito warning, general obsessive and possessive behavior, possibly ooc?? idk i wrote this for my own pleasure ... 1.3k words
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— Choso has only cared about 3 people in his life. His late brothers, and his alive half-one. Not even his "colleagues" that he has to work closely with on their schemes. Outside of his family, nobody else mattered. At least, that's how it was. Choso doesn't consider you family, so why is it that he seems to care so much about you? It angers him. Has he lost loyalty to his brothers?
Choso tended to avoid you at first, paying you no mind like the rest that surrounded him. The most attention he'd allow himself to give you is subtle glances or the occasional hand when you needed help. Nothing more, as you were nothing to him. Except you were.
Choso realized his feelings, despite not being able to tell exactly what they were, pretty quickly. The weird beating of his heart when you were around, how his hands got shaky, and how he could feel the sweat trickle down his neck as he spoke to you, nervous that you wouldn't approve of him somehow. He became a bit more conscious around you. He wanted you to like him.
Choso thought these weird, firstly platonic feelings towards you were because you were family. Perhaps Itadori wasn't his only half-sibling. However, thinking about it like that made Choso feel awfully weird. You weren't his family, as it made his stomach churn to think of you as such. So, what were you then?
— Choso didn't care what happened to the people of Shibuya during that incident. When planning it out with the other curses, he felt no sympathy or worry for the people who would be present. Yet, upon hearing that you could possibly be in Shibuya on the day on the attack, Choso almost completely forgot about everything else.
Choso had separated from the others to look for Itadori, to try and get his revenge. While walking around Shibuya, he passed many of the trapped people within the veil. They spoke in hushed, worried whispers which Choso paid no attention to. Their conversations did not matter to him, who was focused on something else already.
Choso then heard your name fall from someone's lips. The voice sounded familiar. He turned around to verify, and it was one of your friends. Choso had taken a liking to 'watching' you as you went about your day, so it was no trouble recognizing this person you frequently saw and spoke with. Suddenly, he started paying a bit more attention to the conversation.
Choso listened as the person spoke. He knew he was wasting his time he could be using to search for Itadori, but he couldn't bring himself to move. From what he heard, you might be in Shibuya right now, specifically in a location near the veil. Without a second thought, Choso set off in another direction.
— Choso felt pure rage like this only once before in his life: when he found out that his brothers were dead. He had made it to the edge of the veil to see Mahito toying with you. It made Choso sick to even see you crying for a split second. Without thinking, he stepped in and used his curse technique to force Mahito to step back.
Choso looked furious. His eyes furrowed, brows pulled down in a sharp V. His fists shakily clenched onto your clothes, pulling you up into his grasp. All the while, his shrunken pupils glared at the curse in front of him. A few drops of blood fell onto you from the mark on his nose. Choso made no effort to clean it.
Choso frowned even deeper as Mahito laughed, questioning his behavior. He gritted his teeth together, the grinding sound rough. He wasted no time in telling Mahito off, claiming that you were his and that Mahito needed to go somewhere else. Mahito only looked confused since Choso seemed so occupied with you, what about hunting Itadori down?
Choso breathed a deep sigh of relief as Mahito left, deciding that this wasn't worth his time. After all, he needed to find his natural enemy before Jogo did. Choso watched as Mahito skipped away before looking back at you. How shaken you were, some stray tears still dripping down your cheeks. You looked so fragile, like a doll. Choso, after seeing you almost get into serious trouble, decided then that you were too weak to be out on your own. He'd protect you now, and he wouldn't fail loosing you as well.
— Choso lovingly ran his hands through your hair, the fingers playing with your locks. He had you resting in his lap, consoling you and making sure to wipe every tear that formed at your waterline. He might not know exactly what he feels, but he knows that protecting you is just as important as protecting his brothers.
Choso wouldn't allow you out of his grasp, let alone his sight. However, you are a bit confused because this man is a stranger, but he did save your life. You could tell he was strong, so it was best to stay with him. He tried to be soothing and gentle as well, but it was a bit difficult for him: Choso knew humans were more fragile than curses, and he didn't want to get too happy to finally be in contact with you.
Choso noticed that you began to calm down as he petted your hair, but you were still shaken. He couldn't blame you: Mahito was terrifyingly sadistic. However, he was glad he was able to intervene before things spiraled. He gently pushed your head against his chest, cradling you as he would do to a young child.
Choso began to speak, trying to calm your nerves even more. He apologized for Mahito, reassured you were safe, and even made some subtle comments about some things you liked. You didn't pay much attention to the fact that he shouldn't know those things since you had bigger issues to worry about. Like your friend, who Choso overhead and you knew was in Shibuya.
— Choso blankly stared at you when you inquired about your friend's whereabouts. He shook his head before shushing you. Your friend was in the main building, there was little likelihood of their survival. But why did that matter to you? They weren't your family. Choso's chest felt weird. You shouldn't care about your late friend. You are here with Choso right now. Why are you worrying about another?
Choso felt jealous. Light jealousy, but still jealousy. That's when it finally clicked for him. No, you weren't family. But you were his. When he said you were his to Mahito, he hadn't even realized what he said. However, now he finally realized what he said, and what it meant. He loved you.
Love was such a strange concept. He stared down at you, his hand playing with your hair without thinking. He was in love, with you. His grip on you got slightly more tight as his thoughts wandered. He had saved your life. Did you love him back for that?
If you didn't, that'd be okay. Choso prefers if you love him back, but you'd learn to either way. He needed you. You and his family were what he loved. But what if you and him had a family too? He knew his mind was going too far too soon, but he couldn't shake the idea of having kids with you. Maybe that'd be another way to get you to stay. That sounded like a good idea.
— You gazed up to Choso, who had gone unresponsive while thinking. You frowned slightly, a bit worried. Gently, you tapped him, and he seemed to wake back up. He stared at you silently for a few more moments before fully hugging you. His mouth was close to your ear, hot breath tickling you, "You'll be perfect."
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yanderenightmare · 9 months
Top half – FEMx Bottom half – GNx
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Gojo being a pervy wierdo with strange taste:
Childhood friend Gojo doesn't want to share you with anyone:
Gojo x Curse darling:
Bully Gojo & Geto picking on their classmate:
Bully Gojo teaching his little victim a lesson about who she belongs to:
Bully Gojo ♡2.5k
Immature bully Gojo picks on reader:
MILK ♡2.4k
Bully Gojo & Geto drugging crush:
ODD… ♡2k
Arranged marriage with Geto, but he shares you with Gojo:
Boyfriend Suguru shares you with his best friend Satoru:
Gojo x maid darling:
drabble ♡1.3k
Smug teasing boyfriend Gojo:
PLAY ♡1.1k
Gojo Senpai won't leave you alone:
Soft boyfriend Gojo headcanons:
Boyfriend Gojo ♡1k
Gojo x heartbroken reader in office au:
You're not Gojo's type, but then again, maybe you are:
SatoSugu kidnap curse!reader:
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Yandere Gojo with a reader who is immune to his techniques:
FINITE ♡3.8k
Bully/boyfriend Gojo roleplay and fluff:
Hunter Gojo traps Nymph reader in the woods:
Senpai Gojo teasing Kohai reader:
Gojo is too late to make you his:
Alpha Gojo teasing Omega reader:
SCARED? ♡2.1k
Gojo x Curse darling:
ANGST ♡1.6k
Poly SatoSugu sharing captive darling headcanons:
God!Gojo x human sacrifice:
You stab Gojo. He kinda likes it:
KNIFE ♡1.4k
Yandere Gojo fighting your man for your hand:
DUEL ♡1.4k
Sadist Gojo with curse darling:
How scary is yandere captor Gojo:
Scary ♡1.2k
SatoSugu x assistant superviser:
SUIT ♡1.1k
JJK boys as mystic creatures:
MYSTIC ♡1.1k
Love-sick but scummy Gojo Senpai:
SatoSugu with kidnapped reader:
Yandere gojo x reader with a nullifying technique:
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femdomdiaries · 11 months
Sub!Sukuna Headcanons
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A/N: Strays from canon, no real smut just dumb takes. This is like a prequel to the fic that I’m supposed to be writing, kinda stuck so I’ve been working on other things too. Might post stuff out of order.
Sub!Sukuna who was praised and worshipped for being a strong Jujutsu sorcerer and maybe liked the attention a little too much
Sub!Sukuna who doesn’t realize that his lust for power stems from craving attention as well as admiring those with said power
Sub!Sukuna who compliments his opponents when fighting because his love language is praise and validation and he’s unaware that he’s subconsciously attracted to the strength and valor of his opponents
Sub!Sukuna who always took the dominant role in relationships because that was what was expected of him and none of his partners ever suggested otherwise
Sub!Sukuna who lost his desire to be in a relationship altogether because his partners wanted to be punished and degraded and he just could not get into it
Sub!Sukuna who treats sex like a chore, who just wants to get it over with because his post nut clarity never fails to remind him that he’s not really enjoying himself when he’s always in the dominant role
Sub!Sukuna who is an involuntary voyeur to everything Yuji does, so he experiences being a sub for the first time with you and it all hits him like a new drug
Sub!Sukuna who feels threatened by you, because he can’t piece together why you’re making him feel so weird, you’re not even that powerful by sorcerer standards, why does he feel like this
Sub!Sukuna who attempts to ruin the intimacy between you and Yuji by biting you when you’re within proximity and heckling you when you scold him
Sub!Sukuna who catches himself thinking about you, about how you edged Yuji until he cried, about how you cuddled with him afterwards, and it frustrates him
Sub!Sukuna who decides to take care of the problem once and for all, and abuses the pact to take control of Yuji’s body
Sub!Sukuna who fights you in battle but gets a bit distracted by you, (your attacks, the way you move without fear, the way you smell, etc) shies from your eye contact, and effectively fumbles the fight
Sub!Sukuna who gets hard after you pin him with your curse technique, and then retreats, leaving Yuji to wonder why he’s bricked up
Sub!Sukuna who doesn’t interfere this time when you’re helping Yuji get off
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