dragon-starss · 4 months
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perelka-l · 11 months
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Allow me to explain:
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I just saw it and my soul left my body and I couldn't think straight until I was done. Thank you for your attention.
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hellnyah · 11 months
If there is a happy ending with lance and giovanni, they are probably living under a bridge
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basicallyjaywalker · 8 months
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thinking about luna and ivy this fine afternoon
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Thinking. so hard. GOD
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cyberstarlope · 5 years
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AU where they meet in the afterlife and realize they can make their way back but only if they face all their mistakes 👀
idk I just wanted to draw garmaclouse
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yuzhousky · 6 years
[GOSSIP][190213] Early Valentine's Day?
The analysis below is just delulu, so don't take it so serious ^^
I) ZZ went online 19 times in total, and share his Vlog 2 at 5:10 pm (510= I want you - 我要你. Jingyu did sing a song of the same name before)
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--> 121314 also means "A love forever" lol
II) JINGYU Studio weibo update
☆ Trans :"Lin Zhen Dong @JohnnyHJY gives you a heart ♡ Love your love, Speeding Life!"
--> It's actually the lyrics of background music of the video but it reminds me of ZZ's "I Love My Love"
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III) About WEIZHOU's Vlog 2:
1. The whole video is dominated by yellow (Huang) background.
2. His carrot pillow... There was a very famous YuZhou comic back in 2016. The carrot represents Jingyu, and eggplant represents ZZ
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3. ZZ keeps saying "MISS YOU (想你)" when practicing. It's also the lyrics of a song called 《I miss you》.
Jingyu, did you hear ittttt??
Listen to the original song 》》 YOUTUBE 《《 There's no official engsub yet, so here's the rough trans of its lyrics... Then you will know why ZZ trains so hard lmao. ZHOUYU shippers, raise your flag now!!!
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4. The background music of ZZ's vlog is the same as that of a video about Jingyu on a curseship in Paris on 180719 》》 HERE
--> What memories did he think of?
5. ZZ said in the last part of Vlog :"Sometimes, there are small pieces of memories in my mind. But many important stories and memories are still vivid."
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6. ZZ republished 2 hidden weibo posts (maybe that's why he went online so many times). Before he posted Vlog 2, there were only 307 posts, but after he shared it, the number of posts increased to 310:
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--> So why did he wanna keep 310 posts? Because 160310 was an important day lol?
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perelka-l · 1 year
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Tfw you dad isn't home and the guy that you are kinda using to deal with your daddy issues is busy (being railed by your dad)
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dragon-starss · 9 months
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dragon-starss · 9 months
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dragon-starss · 2 months
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dragon-starss · 4 months
Curseshipping info dump >:]
They're actually a really fun dynamic. As a multishipper this is, oddly, the Lance ship I like the most. I apologize brutaltrainingshipping, I still love you, you're just not my favorite child.
Anyways, I hc my Lance and Giovanni as childhood friends. They're friends all throughout their child years until they're both 16. Then, Giovanni is a little bitch and joins his mother in Team Rocket as an Executive. After that they cut ties, friends to enemies SHHWAJWIKWKWKWAN :((
However, their relationship starts to amend in HGSS. Not that much though. Giovanni is moving towards redemption and Lance's forgiveness. He was down bad 😭😭. But they also co-parent Silver, lol.
Poor Silver has to eventually see them together, rip. I can't stop that, they're gay Harold.
((Note: Giovanni and Ariana were in an arranged marriage set up by Giovanni's mother. Silver was the whole purpose of it for a new heir for Team Rocket. It wasn't pleasant for either of them. That's why they got divorced the minute they could))
This was definitely not written during the intermission of Hamilton. I do not have the brain cell today, I apologize.
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perelka-l · 9 months
Re: violent lance/giovanni brainworms, incredibly relatable
I still wonder about one thread I saw on twitter desciribing how when you think about those two, they can have at least two faces/goals on mind when going for interacting with each other and you can match and contrast them...
Lance can be entranced by dilfery magic, be impressed by someone much older and more experienced in league and eager to learn more from him... Or Lance can suspect, hear rumours about Giovanni and gets closer to him to check how true that is, try get info from him or around him, sneakily trying to want him slip and snatch proof whenever he can that yeah, Gio has his fingers in plenty of wrong pies.
Giovanni on the other hand can be genuinely charmed by this ambitious young man. Maybe it's also desire to get someone clearly powerful and with plenty of potential on his side. Or maybe he sees Lance as an opportunity - he is aware League could pay attention to him and it's easier to put soap in their eyes when you're close, right?
Now take any of the two, squish them together and boom, fun happens. So many fun scenarios, so little time... I don't even know which combo is more funnnn
You can chuck in Silver for extra explosive power if you wish to.
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dragon-starss · 1 year
Lance: Look, last night was a mistake
Giovanni: A sexy mistake
Lance: No, just a regular mistake
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dragon-starss · 1 year
Giovanni: I think we should kiss
Lance: And I think you should die but we don’t always get what we want
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dragon-starss · 1 year
Giovanni: Talk dirty to me~
Lance: Inflation is a serious problem and lumber prices are at a high.
Giovanni: Wha-
Lance: The economy is in shambles.
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dragon-starss · 1 year
Giovanni: "Bro, I had a dream we fucked"
Lance: "Bro, relax it was just a dream"
Giovanni: "Huh, gay, I wouldn’t fuck you"
Lance: "You wouldn’t?"
Giovanni: "I mean, unless you want to-"
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