#curtis and lance are mentioned
takashi-tuesday · 2 months
takashi-tuesday #1
“And you need to make sure you give him bottled water, not tap. He can tell the difference.” Shiro’s lip twitched. ‘Probably because your apartment’s tap water tastes like dirt.’ His brain helpfully supplied, but he kept that to himself. “And another thing, he-” Shiro grabbed Keith’s shoulders. “Keith, I got it, I can look after a dog-” “Space wolf.” The young man cut in. “Space wolf, for a couple of hours.” He turned him around and patted his shoulders. “I know what to do if he teleports, I know what to feed him, and what kind of water to give him, now, go have fun before Lance starts thinking he got stood up.” He playfully pushed him, Keith grunted. “I’m going, I’m going.” He said but paused. “And-” “Keith, please.” Shiro crossed his arms. “It’s important.” He sighed. “Okay, what is it?” His brother turned to face him, his face suddenly serious, Shiro felt his jaw clench. “Kosmo needs a bath, real bad.” Shiro’s shoulders fell and he snorted. “Bath? Okay, that's all?” Keith frowned. “You don’t get it, Shiro. I’ve been meaning to do this for weeks now, and I was going to tonight but Lance-” The older of the two exhaled loudly. “Keith. I will look after Kosmo, he will be okay. Look Keith, I get it, It’s our first month back, things are still..” “Strange.” Keith offered. “Yeah, strange. But don’t let it stop you from having a little fun. You deserve a night out with your fiance.” His brother flushed. “We’re not engaged.” Shiro rolled his eyes and pulled him towards the door, “You will be soon if I have anything to say about it.” He opened the door and nudged him out, Keith stumbled before whipping around, scowling. “Now, hurry up before Lance texts you something like; ‘It’s rude to keep your date waiting.’” Keith made a face of disbelief, clearly trying to choose between smiling and scowling. “You-” Before he could get anything else out. “I’ll call you if anything goes wrong!” And promptly slammed the door. 
Shiro locked the door and took a few steps back from his front door. “Jeez, I thought he’d never leave.” He murmured, a small smile creeping onto his face. He could look after a teleporting dog for a couple of hours, no sweat. He rounded the corner and entered the living room and was met face to face with the man- dog of the hour. He was sitting obediently like Keith left him, his eyes looked way too intelligent for Shiro’s comfort. He cleared his throat, he didn’t realize how unsettling the wolf’s stare was until it was just them staring back at each other. ‘Creepy.’ He thought but cleared his head, that’s not something he should think. The man suddenly felt foolish. “Okay, right, let’s get you some food.” His ears perked up but he stayed stationary. Shiro blinked before thinking back to what Keith told him. “Right, trigger words. Uh, Drvak?” The pronunciation was butchered but the wolf stood, padding into the kitchen, Shiro decided not to dwell on how he knew where that was. 
“What are you feeling? Chicken or, wow this stuff is fancy.” He whistled lowly, the dog perked up and made a noise at him. “Oh, sorry I wasn’t- my bad, no random whistling, got it.” He stumbled out like he was talking to a person. He patted the wolf on his head, he lowered his ears but didn’t shift away, that’s probably a good sign. “Right, food.” He turned to the counter. . After the wolf had eaten his dinner, he settled on the couch. Shiro figured he should give him a minute to digest before trying to drag him to the bath, but he’s had his rest and they just needed to get this over. He stood up suddenly, which seemed to startle the wolf who looked at him questioningly. “Kosmo.” He turned to the canine, the wolf somehow looked unnerved. He cleared his throat, he didn’t want to scare him, so he relaxed and made a beckoning motion. “Come here, Kosmo.” The wolf made a face. “Don’t look so suspicious!” He groaned, the wolf begrudgingly got off the couch, “Alright.. I know you don’t like them but,” They were standing outside the bathroom, he took a careful step towards him. “You need a bath- Oh, no you don’t!” He lunged at the wolf before he teleported them. He was hanging onto him around the neck, he felt grass on his ankles so he assumed they were outside. He looked up and saw his house, so they were just in the yard. “Kosmo.” He said warningly. They were back in the house, the kitchen this time. “Okay, okay.” He said it like he was speaking to a person. “Just a quick wash, come on, Keith doesn’t have time to do it himself.” Kosmo perked up at Keith’s name. Bingo. “Yeah, Keith thinks you should have a bath..” Kosmo’s ears lowered and he made an awfully expressive face. “What about, uh, Key words.” He thought before holding up his index finger. “Bath, treat, Keith.” The wolf’s ear twitched but he still seemed to be considering. Silence stretched between the two, Shiro wasn’t sure what he was expecting. “..Treat now, then bath, then another treat, and then Keith will be back.” The wolf gave a ‘boof’ of agreement. His tail now wagging as Shiro defeatedly went to grab the treats. “This is going to be a headache, isn’t it?” He murmured Although it was nice to see the look of relief on Keith’s face when he was returned to a perfectly groomed alien wolf. It wasn’t going to be nice to explain to his boyfriend why his drain is full of ‘dog’ hair that’s electric blue. 
- Please excuse any errors, I have no beta and I'm just winging it, you may see another post, but until next time, happy Takashi Tuesday! :D
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ririchanva · 7 days
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╰※╮▫◕‖ Current ‖ ∴❃∴ ‖ AO3 ‖ ∴❃∴ ‖ Next ‖ ◕▫╰※╮
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Summary: Shiro, in the last moments of dying, was sent back to the past to rewrite events that will change for the better. Once he started to change one thing, a lot of other things also went into a butterfly effect. Will he be able to prevent a disastrous future this time around?
A/n: Okay, so welcome to this second crossover story on this account~! This time, we're tackling not just Voltron: Legendary Defender, but we get a lot of Ben 10, Marvel and DC stuff as well. This was one of the other projects I've been working on besides Quirks and Miracles, and hope this one receives the amount of love as much as my other story does. I did try to write this story before, but had to scrap and re-do it for some major changes plot wise. Anyways, here is chapter one, and hope you all enjoy~
Chapter Warning: Mentions of war, violence, blood and major character death(s), but only for this chapter. It is also a Fix-It sort of fic about also an AU crossover that's different from canon events.
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Chapter One: The Return of Voltron (Part 1)
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 It was supposed to be an easy mission.
Being called out of retirement, Shiro was invited to a peace treaty celebration between some planets that were joining the Galactic Coalition. And of course, it was not only the former Captain of the ATLAS that was told to come.
It was good seeing the team again. With Hunk dressed in his culinary uniform, Pidge maturing over the years, even Keith grew up and calmed down from his “lone wolf” phase…
….the biggest change was Lance.
Shiro softened at watching the once bright eyed sharp shooter ageing faster than Shiro himself, especially since the Cuban no longer smiled or showed any emotions. He almost looked like a shell of his former self, taking Keith’s role into being a wall flower and avoided talking to people. Particularly to his former teammates. Losing Allura took it’s toll on the former Blue turned Red Paladin, to the point that he had retired earlier than Shiro to live in his family’s farm.
It was a shame, but Shiro respected his friend’s decision. 
The reunion was cut short when the party was ambushed by rebel Galras that did not join the Blade of Marmora nor surrendered to the Voltron Alliance. Shiro, being rusty, had tried to fight off the best of his abilities…
….But it wasn’t enough.
And now, the previous Black Paladin was lying on the cold, hard ground…bleeding out and dying.
He couldn’t move. He couldn’t even think straight as he was listening to the blasting of guns, the cries of allies and enemies alike…he even had to close his eyes tight at the shouts of his teammates names. Keith yelling at Lance as a body hit the floor, the screams of both Hunk and Pidge and more thuds. 
Shiro had turned his head with a broken sob at seeing his fallen friends. Hunk being the farthest away, body unrecognisable. Pidge…she was curled up as if hugging herself and unmoving…
Then, there was Keith and Lance. Side by side. Lance on his back with dead eyes and Keith curled up on top of him, as if shielding him. But it looked poetic as Lance looked at peace while Keith looked pained…almost regretful..
Shiro too. He felt regret wash over him.
Tears welled in his eyes at the memories flashing in his mind. He regretted not talking to his friends, his found family, more even when they separated to their own lives after Voltron was no more. He wished he knew where the Lions went, find Black maybe. That he didn’t talk to Keith more about Lance, or even talking to Lance himself as the former Blue Paladin withered away.
Heck, he didn’t even want to admit it…but Shiro regretted marrying Curtis.
Thinking now, as he was dying, he never really loved him. Curtis was a sort of comfort that Shiro accepted. At the time, Shiro thought he had true feelings for the man that helped him in the ATLAS. He deluded himself thinking he was in love with the man, because he couldn’t process that Adam was gone. That Shiro…settled because he thought that was what he wanted, needed, at the time.
‘I am an idiot. I’ve basically strung Curtis along in a lie…and I can’t even tell him because I am here…about to die…’ Shiro thought to himself as the world quieted down around him, signalling that the battle was over. He didn’t even care if his side won or if the rebelled Galra did. 
More memories of his past flashed before his eyes, and he chuckled. Did he deserve to remember? Allura must be scolding me in the stars by now…
What would she think about this?
He had to cough a laugh, thinking that Allura would be upset that they lost easily…or that she would be screaming at him to get up, keep fighting…
“I have no more in me to keep fighting…” Shiro admitted to himself while wheezing, staring at the sky about him as he sniffed, “I think…it’s time…”
“You gonna give up so easily?”
Shiro looked at the voice that spoke, seeing a familiar brown haired male sitting on top of him, staring down at him with those hauntingly green eyes. Hallucination or real, Shiro accepted the person with a bitter laugh, shaking his head.
“You of all people would show up as I breathe my last breath.” Shiro murmured weakly, as the person looked down at him sadly, tilting his head.
“You’re not a quitter, Shiro. You’re a fighter, and a stubborn one at that.”
Shiro softened, wanting to reach up and touch the other person’s face. Or even sit up and reach up to hug him, anything. But alas, he didn’t have the strength to do so and then sighed.
 “…You were right, Ben.”
Ben raised a brow at Shiro, who just chuckled then coughed hard, making the brunet concerned.
“Right…about what?”
“Everything. I should’ve listened to you when you said that I was in over my head before Kerberos. I should’ve listened to you when you said you were only looking out for me and not trying to talk down at me because of…of my disease. I know you’re not like Adam, and I just…” Shiro closed his eyes and sighed, his head lolling to the side, “…I should’ve talked to you. O-Or found you when I came back on Earth…hell, I should’ve tried to find you when I came back the first time before finding the Blue Lion…”
Ben stayed silent, and Shiro continued.
“There are many things I should’ve done and wanted to say. And…and I wish I didn’t…”
“…Didn’t what…?”
Shiro opened his eyes again, the light leaving his eyes as he saw nothing in front of him. Hallucination, then. 
Shiro sobbed as he felt alone, his vision slowly fading as he breathed out softly.
“I wish I didn’t go to the Kerberos Mission and followed after you that day…” 
“Is that what you wish for?”
Shiro looked up, expecting the illusion of Ben again, but was surprised seeing a young pale man with almost shaggy dark brown hair and dark brown eyes staring back at him blankly. While he did look on the youthful side, his eyes…it looked almost ancient and staring right into his soul.
“…Who are you?”
“Me? I’m…” The young man paused, tapping on his chin, bobbing his head side to side before speaking again, “You can call me Caspian. It’s the name I prefer actually.”
“Who…?” Shiro closed his eyes for a moment, before opening them again as he breathed out tiredly, “What are you? Are you…like, Death?”
“Heh, that’s a good one. Dunno what I am right now, honestly…but I do know I am here to help you~” Caspian had a quirk of an amused smile for a moment before looking seriously at the man before him, “Takashi Shirogane, you are in need to save the universe.”
Save the universe?
Shiro couldn’t help but painfully laugh, which confused Caspian as Shiro shook his head.
“Of course I’d be dragged into once again saving the universe….” Shiro sighed in annoyance, then looked at Caspian, “Why me? Why do I have to do it?” And not someone else for a change?
“Because you wished to fix your mistakes? Is that not what you truly wished for?” Caspian raised a brow at Shiro before tilting his head, “That you wanted to change things and make it right?”
Shiro opened his mouth for a moment, then closed it, sighing. “…Why not ask another person? Someone…not me? Someone else that could maybe change things for the better than I could…”
Something in Caspian softened as a solemn smile appeared on his face, “…The Universe cherishes you, Shiro.”
Shiro snorted, “The Universe has a funny way of showing it.”
“Well, the Lions of Voltron had chosen you.”
“…The Lions are gone. They left when Princess Allura died.” Shiro said miserably, feeling the guilt in his heart.
“And they wish to have their Princess and Paladins back,” Caspian countered, “The Universe needs to be put into balance, and properly this time. So, the Universe thought that you alone should go back and fix everything…save your—what did you call them? Your Space Family.”
Shiro turned his head to where Caspian was looking, his heart clenched at seeing the dead bodies of his friends. Pursing his lips, he turned his head back to the other male, and softened.
“…So, are you taking me now?”
Caspian snorted at his acceptance, and nodded.
“Right where you wished to be…”
A hand reached out to touch over the former Black Paladin’s chest as Shiro felt himself passing out.
“Remember, Takashi Shirogane. Once you make ONE change, everything else will be different than what you remember…”
Opening his eyes with a gasp, the Asian male whipped his head around frantically, as if just remembering to breathe.
He…he wasn’t in that planet anymore? He wasn’t dying and lying in his own pool of blood?
Shiro had to pat himself up, down and around his body to see where his gaping wound on his side was, clearly seeing he wasn’t even wearing his ATLAS uniform.
It was a Galaxy Garrison Space Suit.
“Shiro? We’re about to be launch for Kerberos in twenty minutes, are you coming?”
Whipping his head to the source of the voice, he almost dropped his jaws when seeing a very much younger Matt Holt staring at him in concern, fixing his glasses.
Shiro was at a loss at first, before his mind remembered the day of him, Matt and Sam Holt flying off to space for the first time. He had to look around then saw a reflection of himself, and gasped. He was twenty one again, his face young, full of life and…his hair was all black and he still had his right arm.
He was back.
Soon, he turned around and started running, ignoring the calls of Matt as he was making his way into the Garrison. 
He had to find him. He just had to!
Flashes of a memory formed in Shiro’s head as he ran. Of a brown haired male talking desperately to the young Shiro to not fly to Kerberos and wanted to say something more, almost looking sad and defeated. Flashes of Shiro angrily yelling at him and storming away…and into the very ship that changed his life forever. 
Shiro pushed himself to run faster, hoping he wasn’t too late…
…And smiled in relief at seeing a slouched figure going through the exit of the Garrison gates.
Back straightened at the sound of the voice, the young man was turning his head questionably, toxic green coloured eyes looked towards him in surprise, and almost slightly red as if he was holding back tears.
Shiro felt his whole body warm at the surprised and breathless tone the other male had and was rushing towards him in top speed, not caring that he looked like a lunatic with arms waving above his head and crying big fat tears. It seemed Ben wasn’t prepared as he was soon feeling strong arms around him, almost falling over if it wasn’t for Shiro pulling him into his chest and sobbing on him.
“S-shiro? What—?”
“Thank god! Thank god, you’re here…” 
Ben Tennyson was never one to be surprised about anything anymore. Ever since he was ten years old, the boy now ageing into a fine young adult, the brunet had been through so many things and met so many walks of life that nothing should ever catch him off guard. So it came to a shock that the summer childhood friend he’s known since he was eleven was now burying his face onto his shoulder, leaving tears and snot trails on his hoodie.
“…Ah, S-shiro…?” Ben asked awkwardly, looking at the bigger male tightening his grip around him, and was relieved when he looked up to see Matt running over to them, “Matt! Thank fuck, do you know what’s got into Shiro?”
“That’s what I would like to know! It wasn’t a few minutes ago that Shiro couldn’t wait to leave this place and go up in space!” Matt huffed, hands on his knees as he was taking a breath from running all the way here, and then looked back up, very miffed, “You got a lot of explaining to do, Shirogane! Do you have any idea how this is going to look?! What will Sanda say when you have begged and pleaded for your case to go on this mission—?”
“Fuck Sanda.”
Ben and Matt both looked horrified at Shiro swearing with a low growl, with Ben having his jaws drop and Matt almost breaking his glasses comically.
“Shiro…?” Ben questioned before Matt screamed out loud.
Shiro looked back up at his best friend and narrowed his eyes, and Ben squeaked when he felt the arms tighten around him more. What was going on with him?
“Yes. Tell Sanda to shove it, I changed my mind. I’m not going to Kerberos…”
Calming down, Shiro softened.
“Please tell your dad I’m sorry and thank you for everything, but there’s something important that I’ve gotta do…”
This time, Shiro turned to Ben and breathed out.
“Ben, I’m going to need your help. There’s a lot I wanna say to you, but for now, I think there are much more important things to cover. Will you help me?”
“Yes, of course,” Ben said without hesitation, smiling.
This…this was something that Ben had been waiting a long while for. He wasn’t sure what changed in Shiro at this moment, but it was better than the cold shoulder and violent overacting anger towards him for the past few years. Helping Shiro, whatever it is, was something Ben will do and more.
Matt stared at them for a moment, taking a minute or two to process what was going on and sighed. Rubbing at his head, he turned around and spoke out loud.
“You do realise that this will be seen as an insubordination. The Garrison are not going to be happy you did this…”
“And they’re not gonna be happy on what I’m going to do next~” Shiro smiled, before grabbing Ben’s hand and rushing off, “C’mon, we’re going to find a few people and go somewhere else. Talking here in the Garrison is not safe…”
Matt balked at him while Ben was still reeling at the change of attitude from the Asian male, before Matt started stomping his feet and waving his arms up and down angrily.
Shiro looked back and gave a happy grin, waving at him, “Fixing stuff. Please give my apologies to your dad and cover for me from Sanda and them! Thanks Matt, you’re the best~”
And with that, Shiro and Ben vanished back inside the Garrison, and Matt felt his heart stop. 
“…I need better friends.”
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“Okay, are you going to explain what is going on now, or am I to wait until you stop dragging me to wherever we’re going?”
Shiro paused in his steps as he looked back at the confused look on Ben’s face, and his eyes softened. God…just looking at Ben made his heart flutter. He couldn’t believe he was living and breathing in front of him again. Shaking his head out of the thoughts, Shiro calmly spoke.
“Considering you’re a big hero, and know a lot about space, what I’m about to tell you might be shocking. But before that, I’m going to have to pull some cadets out that might help us out,” He explained, and soon started walking again.
Ben nodded slowly, trying to understand him, but he was sort of distracted as to why Shiro was still holding his hand as they walked together down the Garrison halls. Somehow the gesture sort of made Ben’s cheeks flush for a moment, head spinning. This is so out of character for Shiro…but why do I like it?
Ben was going through his internal monologue, Shiro meanwhile was looking through classrooms by their windows, peering in to look for two certain people. He paused for a second when he spotted Hunk for a moment and then looked unsure.
Should he pull Hunk out and drag him to Voltron again?
Shiro softened as he watched Hunk look out the window and into starry void that was space, the two standing at the central deck of the ATLAS in silence. The war was over, and yet…
“Sometimes…I wished that I didn’t get dragged by Pidge and Lance to space…” Hunk murmured quietly, but then looked to Shiro and looked sheepish, “D-don’t get me wrong! While I do love Yellow, and the team…it’s just…there’s a part of me that missed so much of my families lives, that I was gone for so long…I dunno…it feels complicated now that I’m thinking on it.”
Shiro watched as Hunk was fiddling with what seems to be a cup of Nunvil, staring down at the liquid with ageing eyes.
“If I had a choice to go back? I wished someone else would be the Yellow Paladin and I would stay on Earth…”
Shiro knew that Hunk, despite proving time and time again that he was stronger than he thinks, wasn’t cut out for being in a war. And, as much as he wanted to call out to his friend once more, he has been through hell already once in the past. Maybe someone else could take his place?
Deciding to move on, Shiro looked away from the window and started moving on, giving a mental parting farewell to his old friend. Maybe this time, Hunk can stay with his family and be safe.
Shiro was going through classroom to classroom once more, but then paused when he finally saw two familiar figures. He smiled when he saw Keith, who was very young with no scar on his cheek nor looking like he was haunted by war, and then turned his head to see—
Shiro’s smile fell when he spotted Iverson yelling at Lance, who was looking down at the ground and hands fisted on his sides. Right, Shiro remembered that Lance had a hard time in his first years of the Garrison. And Iverson particularly relished scolding Lance and trying to compare him to Keith, who somehow was some sort of secret genius. 
“Yeesh, this guy’s an ass…” Ben murmured to Shiro, and Shiro soon released Ben’s hand from his own and started walking in the room, “Shiro?”
This alerted everyone in the class, including Iverson and Lance, as Shiro was marching over to them.
“Shirogane? I thought you were flying out for the Kerber—“
Before Iverson could say anything, Shiro pulled his arm back and WHAM!
Keith’s eyes widened in surprise while his classmates, including Lance, were gasping and crying out in surprise. Takashi Shirogane, polite and the Golden Boy of the Garrison, just punched a commanding officer! Needless to say, it surprised every cadet in the room. Ben almost had to laugh at the scene, Shiro looking like a raging bull as he stood over Iverson, who was on the ground and holding his bloody nose. 
Shiro was quick to pull the man up by the front of his uniform jacket, and sneered at him, “You think it’s fun talking down on people that are not on the same level as others? You get some sick twisted kicks onto bullying cadets that need more guidance and care? Well, let me tell you something, Iverson…you’re never going to be half the man that Lance McClain is!”
While during his time as Captain of the ATLAS, Shiro remembered how Iverson had been somewhat tolerable when joining the Voltron Coalition, even making apologies to Keith and Lance on how he treated them during their Garrison days. But right now, this Iverson wasn’t the comrade he knew in the ATLAS. Might as well start humbling him while he was still high on his ego trip.
Shiro turned to the soft voice, seeing Keith approaching him and touching his arm, violet eyes wide and looking concerned. This caused Shiro to calm down, dropping Iverson to the ground and turning fully to look at his young brother figure. By Quintessence, he looked much like a boy than he remembered. Still looking hopeful and bright…right before Shiro flew in space and captured by the Galra.
This caused Shiro to reach over Keith and hug him, surprising the shorter male with a squeak.
“S-shiro?! What’s got into you?” Keith wiggled out of his hold, looking weirded out, “Aren’t you suppose to be flying to space with the Holts? Why are you here? A-and why did you punch Iverson?”
Somehow despite looking appalled at the thought of his hero punching an officer, Shiro could see the envious glee that someone actually put Iverson in his place. 
“Let’s just say that…there’s something more important that I have to do,” Shiro soon turned to Lance and smiled softly, “Lance, right?”
“I should thank you all for getting me out…Lance, right?”
Shiro remembered the very first time meeting Lance, and almost felt the same as before. Especially with Lance reaching a hand out and hesitating, his eyes looking unsure. But he then smiled, looking up at Shiro with hero-worship and admiration in his eyes, taking his hand and shaking it.
“Yes, sir. Lance McClain, reporting.”
“Ah, just Shiro is fine.” It felt weird for Lance to call him sir out of all things. 
“So, what’s going on?” Keith came in between them, looking at the both of them with narrowed eyes.
“I’ll explain later. But right now I need you two to come with me.” Shiro stated, and noticed that a few cadets had gone out, probably to call another officer while a few others were checking up on Iverson, “We should get out of here. Now.”
Keith didn’t hesitate as he nodded, already grabbing for his backpack and heading to the door while Lance faltered, looking from Iverson and back to Shiro.
Shiro noticed this and softened, “If…if you don’t want to come with, that’s fine. I’m not forcing you to do anything you don’t want. And I most certainly don’t want you to get into trouble, if that’s what your’e thinking.”
While he had decided to let Hunk be this time around and not bring him along, he’s not gonna lie and say that he was going to do the same for Lance. In fact, he was hoping Lance would come with them, no questions asked. Unlike Hunk, Lance was made to be exploring and fighting in space. He had shown Shiro time and time again how much of a fighter he was, and how he was someone that could be on equal footing to not just Keith, but too Shiro as well. 
Someone who was destined for great things, just like Allura had predicted. 
However, he wasn’t going to push Lance into coming along, as much as it pained him.
Lance looked like he was thinking for a moment, and Shiro’s spirit almost died at the thought that Lance was going to decline him…but was relieved when Lance looked at him in determination and nodded.
“If you say I should come, then I shall follow your lead, Shiro.”
Shiro smiled, nodding his head as he soon turned to rush out the door, Lance right behind him. Ben was talking to Keith quietly when Shiro and Lance approached, the two then glancing up at them. Shiro did wonder why they stopped talking as soon as they approached and what they were talking about, but he suppose he can ask them later. The four of them soon were rushing out of the Garrison quickly, especially when they noticed some officers were now chasing after them. 
“Oh man, it feels like we’re criminals or something!” Lance yelped as he kept on running, Shiro looked sheepish.
Okay, maaaaybe he shouldn’t have decked Iverson like he did just now.
Either way, Ben was reaching towards the Rust Bucket and got in the driver seat, looking at the other guys, “GET IN!”
Keith slipped into the front passenger seat next him, Lance jumping in the back. Shiro was about to go in when he spotted Matt and Sam Holt watching them from afar. Sam looked worried for him, albeit, also puzzled as to why Shiro was leaving and Matt…well, he was glaring at Shiro as if he wanted an explanation to all this. Shiro just gave a small apologetic smile and salute, knowing he’ll explain to Matt what’s going on when things have calmed down. And so, he slipped into the RV and Ben drove off, a few Garrison vehicles coming after them.
Lance had to look back, seeing the Garrison in their wheels and gulped.
 “Man, they do not look happy.” He stated nervously, then he looked to Ben, “Can’t this thing go any faster?”
“Never a dull moment. This is a typical Wednesday for me.” Ben murmured, rolling his eyes as he pressed something onto his steering wheel, and soon picked up speed.
“We could toss some non-essential weight?” Keith suddenly said, and Shiro’s eyes widened for moment at those words.
“Oh right!” Lance looked around for a moment but then frowned, looking over at a cheeky looking Keith as Lance huffed, “Okay, that was an insult, I get it.“
This…never happened, at least not at this moment? Shiro thought with a frown, but then again, a lot of things happened that weren’t like in his past memory. Since when did Keith look playfully at Lance, who looked slightly annoyed. Okay, wait, that was normal of Lance in this timeline…right?
Keith suddenly straightened, looking at the front window and his eyes widened as he pointed out, “Guys! T-that…is that…?”
Shiro and Lance looked over, and their eyes widened at seeing the edge of a cliff. Ben almost smirked at them, giving a wink before accelerating the speed of the RV. The three boys screamed while Ben was laughing as the Rust Bucket took flight in the air, the Garrison trucks and cars stopping at the edge of the cliff. Rolling his eyes at the men screaming in his RV, Ben pressed something on his dashboard as the RV started floating in mid-air. Shiro managed to calm down, looking at Ben staring at him with a smile.
“You think you’re the only one that knows how to fly the skies, Shiro the Hero~?”
Shiro’s eyes softened, letting out a chuckle as he smiled fondly, “You’re amazing.”
This caught Ben off guard for a moment, his face flushed before turning around to face the front, “W-whatever, Shiro, you’re so weird…”
Shiro continued on staring at the mumbling Ben, ignoring how Keith was looking at him in suspicion. 
“Soooooo, where are we going?” Lance finally asked as they were still flying in the air, looking from Ben to Shiro, “I mean, I know I said I’ll follow you, but I would like to know exactly what I’m getting into?”
Shiro knew that he had to eventually tell them what’s going on, but he didn’t know where to start. And would they believe him? The first time around, it was hard to believe anything that happened and what was about to happen in the future. But…what stays the same and what changes? Shiro had already done a lot of things that he didn’t do in the past…how was that going to effect everything from this point forward?
“It’s gonna sound hard to believe…” Shiro started, glancing at the trio with an unsure look.
“Try us.” Keith said, already giving a look that said that he will believe anything he says. Well, that was typical of Keith, who had his whole trust and faith on Shiro ever since the day they met. 
Shiro pursed his lips as he then let out a breath.
“Okay…but first, Keith, do you think we can stop by your house?”
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Reaching the Kogane home was something that Shiro didn’t think he’d be seeing again in this lifetime. From what he remembered, Keith had taken him and the Team into a shack. Shiro then remembered Keith saying that the shack was just an old place that his Dad had kept when being a part-time ranger around the dessert. Something about how there were stragglers around the area that wanted to sneak into places that are off limits like the Garrisons secret bases. Shiro believed that was the time when people were hearing rumours about aliens being in the area. Oh how right they were. 
“Keith, was there anything strange going around here that might seem…I dunno, extraterrestrial?” Shiro asked innocently as Ben parked his RV to the side, him and Lance talking while Keith welcomed Shiro inside his house.
Keith raised a brow up at him before fully turning to him with his hands on his hips, “Answer my question first, since when are you and Ben in talking terms again?”
This caught Shiro by surprise, “W-what do you mean?”
“From what I remember, last week you were telling Ben to ‘fuck off and never come into my life again!’ and always kept telling me how much you hated the guy?”
Shiro winced at the words coming from Keith’s mouth.
It was true. A long time ago, Shiro absolutely couldn’t stand Ben. He didn’t hate him, per se, it was more…Shiro was immaturely jealous of him.
Shiro knew Ben ever since they were young. One summer, when he was eleven years old, his grandfather and Max Tennyson introduced him and Ben with one another. Apparently, the two were pilot buddies and eventually ended up in the same Plumber business, becoming good allies and life-long friends. With that, their grandfathers thought that Shiro and Ben could be good friends too.
Young Shiro was hiding behind his grandfather’s leg as he peeked out for a moment at the smiling young Ben, who was giving the biggest grin and waving all friendly like. Their grandfathers looked amused at this interaction, knowing that they made the right decision. 
And it worked for a while…until the news of Ben being a hero came out. 
Fifteen year old Ben blinked when he and sixteen year old Shiro were coming out of Mr. Smoothies one day, and the two were surrounded by paparazzi. A lot of them asking about Ben being a hero and saving the day time and time again, to rumours about being an evil traitor to the human race and expect aliens to invade Earth. Either way, Ben looked annoyed as he grabbed Shiro’s arm and escaped the hounding tabloids.
Shiro looked over at his friend, “Wow, y-you’ve become so popular…”
“Yeah, but it’s getting irritating to the point I can’t even do my job,” Ben murmured as he sipped his smoothie, and Shiro looked away for a moment with a strange look.
Thinking on it now, Shiro always felt that Ben got everything in life too easily. He managed to fly by school despite being the worst student ever, he had friends despite that he never tried interacting with people…but what killed Shiro the most, was that Ben got to go to space. Shiro’s biggest dream…
“You…went to outer space?” A seventeen year old Shiro breathed out one day when he came out, a sixteen year old Ben waiting in his bedroom with a smile.
“Yeah! It was so awesome. Check it out, I got a souvenir for you!” Ben excitedly said as he was holding what looked like a shiny rock, and Shiro frowned.
“You…went to space.” Without me, Shiro would think bitterly. 
Ben looked at Shiro, confused, placing the space rock down and looked over his friend, “Yeah? I told you that already—“
“You knew exploring the stars and planets is my dream!” Shiro said hotly, looking away as he glanced around all the N.A.S.A. memorabilia and posters of planets and stars. 
Ben looked around as well, closing his eyes and sighing, “…It wasn’t like it was a field trip, Shiro. I was on a mission—“
“And yet you come running here to show off, is that it? Rub it in my face?”
Ben looked hurt at the accusation, which came out of nowhere to him, as he stared at Shiro incredulously, “I-I didn’t—”
“Get out.” Shiro pointed to the door with narrowed eyes, “I don’t want to talk to you today.”
Shiro had to mentally face-palm at his younger self, remembering how Ben looked incredibly and reasonably upset that he was shooed away. All because Shiro was jealous. Jealous of a chance that he wanted. And he did eventually get the chance, in the Galaxy Garrison…
…But even then, Ben was involved with that too.
Eighteen year old Shiro’s eyes widened as he looked down at the paper in hand, then looked to a grinning seventeen year old Ben, who was holding a cupcake and party blower.
“What…did you do???”
Ben laughed as he gave a sheepish look, “Surprise~? Thanks to my rep as hero of Earth and the universe, I managed to score you a way in to your dream come true. You said that you would do anything to get into the Galaxy Garrison to train and fly with the best~! And so, I placed a good word for you with them!”
Shiro crumpled the paper in hand and threw it to the ground, looking at Ben angrily, “Do you have any idea what you did?!”
“…Er, this is the part where you say ‘You’re welcome, Ben~ You’re the best, Ben~’ and all that?” Ben said slowly, wondering what had Shiro up in defence now.
Shiro shook his head as he then let out a huff of frustration, “Do you know how this is going to make me look? Thanks to you, they’ll think that I asked you to recommend me into the program, like I need to have you go up to them and beg me to be placed in! Like some desperate yuppy. They’re not going to take me seriously with my skills and knowledge alone. They’ll now think I’m The Great Ben Tennyson’s Charity Case.”
Ben didn’t think of that, and looked almost apologetic, “I didn’t—That’s not my—Shoot, ah, h-hang on! I can fix this—“
“THIS IS ISN’T SOMETHING YOU CAN FIX! AND STOP TRYING TO FIX ME!” Shiro slammed his fist onto a wall, almost scaring Ben for a second as Shiro breathed out heavy and in fury, “You’re sounding like my doctors. You’re sounding like my grandparents. Trying to control my life and tell me what to do with it!”
“I-I wasn’t trying to do that! I swear, Shiro, I just wanted to help you—“
That was the last time he had ever spoke to Ben like that. There was another time, but it was supposed to be today…when Ben was trying to also stop Shiro from going to the Kerberos mission.
The man blinked as he heard Keith’s concerned voice, and was brought back to the present. 
“Ah, s-sorry, what were you saying?”
“You zoned out. Shiro, why did you not go to the Kerberos mission? Are you okay?” Keith asked quietly, looking Shiro over, “Is it the disease? Is it acting up again?”
Shiro felt his heart drop for a moment, and looked down at his wrist, the very one that had the monitor to remind him of his booster medicine for his muscles and maintenance for his weakening body. Right…he was still sick. By not going to space and be captured by the Galra, it would mean that he was still on a ticking time limit before his whole body would fail him…and die.
“…That’s not it. But thank you for reminding me,” Shiro will have to figure out a cure later…because he knew there was one, but not on Earth, “I will explain everything to you, Keith, I promise. But there are some other things that I’ll need before then.”
Keith looked like he wanted to question him more, but decided against it and nodded.
“Okay…so what else do you need?”
Shiro hummed before he looked outside to see Ben and Lance approaching to the front door, and his eyes softened.
“We’re gonna have to call in some people.”
“Call in…who, exactly?” Keith asked curiously, before Ben and Lance stepped into the house and hearing the conversation, “That’s also another thing, why did you want Lance to come with us?”
Shiro looked over at Lance and smiled, “Because he’s going to be important on this mission~”
Lance’s blue eyes widened for a moment, looking flustered at being under the spotlight, rubbing the side of his neck, “I-I’m important…?—Wait, wait, time out. What mission?”
Shiro turned serious, glancing at a curious looking Ben, then to the cadets.
“What I’m about to tell you stays in this house. The reason that I didn’t go onto the Kerberos mission is because there is word that Earth is going to be invaded.“
Lance and Keith gasped, and Ben looked suspiciously at Shiro.
“That’s a big statement, Shiro. What makes you say that?” The Omnitrix wielder inquired, and Shiro knew that Ben was on the know about any alien race coming to invade Earth or not. Which is good, this means he’ll take me seriously. 
“Have you heard about Voltron?”
Ben looked at him for a moment, before raising a brow, “…From what I heard from Grandpa Max, it was an old wives’ tale. A story about five lions turning into one giant man that saves universes. Something to tell kids before bed—Shiro, why do you know about Voltron? Earthlings don’t know about that…well, they do, but they think that’s all anime cartoon and fake for TV entertainment?”
“Because it’s real. And I can prove it—”
Shiro paused for a moment, before looking to Keith.
“…Keith, I know you have some weird shack somewhere around here and you might be drawn to search around the grand canyons that are nearby.”
 Keith looked confused, “…Are you talking about Dad’s shed he uses as a man cave? And all those deserts are just that, deserts. Why would I search around there?”
This caused Shiro to look confused for a moment, but had to mentally slap himself. Duh, that part won’t happen until he disappears during the Kerberos mission. Where Keith got himself expelled from the Garrison and was turned into a hermit searching for the Blue Lion…that all won’t happen until next year. 
“Ah, r-right…” Shiro sweat-dropped before looking over at Ben, “Okay, I have another way to prove it…”
“Oh yeah? How?”
At Ben’s question, Shiro then paused once more, giving himself a slap at his forehead for real this time and almost freaking out Ben, Lance and Keith.
At this time, she would be under the name Katie Holt. She wouldn’t be the same Pidge he remembers because right now she didn’t have a purpose of sneaking into the Garrison, changing her name and looks, going on a mission to find her missing brother and father…that were not missing anymore, thanks to Shiro bailing. 
‘Meaning she won’t have the machine that tracks Blue or hear the message about the Galra and Voltron.’ Shiro felt himself groan inwardly, and as much as he wanted to find Pidge and ask for her help…how can he?
There were two things that could happen. One, was that Pidge would look at him like a crazy person and pretty much would call the police on him…or worse, send Mama Holt to deal with him. Another would be that Pidge might be willing to help in the name of science…although this might alert Matt and get him riled up into thinking Shiro was dragging his baby sister into something dangerous.
‘With Matt and Sam on Earth now and the mission cancelled because of me, there is no reason for her to come to the Garrison at all…or any reason to be part of Voltron.’
With this thought in mind, it would mean Shiro might have to consider that Voltron won’t be complete this time around. If he had things his way, he wouldn’t want to bring Pidge into war again. Right now, she was fourteen going on fifteen. A child. And Shiro wasn’t about to send her into space and get hurt again.
Ben looked at Shiro’s thoughtful face and sighed, “Shiro, I know that you think you know things, but I have to say that there is no way there is an invasion happening—“
“Okay, okay! I know I sound like a lunatic, but I’m telling the truth!” Shiro desperately pleaded as Ben almost backed away when Shiro stepped forward, “Please, I know you have every right to not believe me…”
“No, no! Shiro, I believe you. Really, I do,” Ben breathed out softly, “But I cannot just go running to the Plumbers with just word of mouth alone. We need actually solid evidence that there is going to be some sort of attack that’s going to happen.”
Shiro tried to scratch his brain on ideas, until he landed on one.
“Ben, do you remember the Teen Titans?”
This sort of surprised Ben as he looked at him strangely but then spoke slowly, “Er, yes but…why would ask about them?”
Shiro was confused why Ben’s tone changed, but then it hit him. How could he forget how he reacted in front of people that understood Ben the most. And the very people Shiro felt insecure around the most. Which was also yet another reason why he and Ben drifted apart.
“Guys, this is the friend I was telling you about.”
Sixteen year old Shiro felt nervous as he felt himself dragged along by a fifteen year old Ben towards a group of teens in costumes, the people turning to them with different expressions on their faces. Some of them curious, some of them confused. Either way, Shiro didn’t feel all that comfortable. At least Matt was with them, along with Ben’s cousin, Lucy Mann. 
“This is Shiro. He’s going to be a future explorer to space of the Galaxy Garrison~” Ben boasted with a smile, while Shiro was rubbing the side of his neck sheepishly. 
“I’m Robin, leader of the Teen Titans. Nice to meet you, Ben has told us a lot about you,” A teen in a domino mask spoke with a calm smile, placing his hand out to Shiro, who shook his hand.
“I-I’ve heard of you. Um, big fan?” 
Robin chuckled, having an arm around a tan-skinned girl with red hair and glowing eyes, “And this is Starfire. My, ah, girlfriend…”
“A pleasure to meet you, Friend Shiro. Ben has told us fondly that you wish to see the stars and planets outside of Earth,” She spoke softly, as Shiro felt his cheeks flush. 
Whew, if he wasn’t attracted to men, he would’ve thought Starfire was beautifully gorgeous. Well, she is, but still— 
Ben smiled, watching Matt and Lucy mingle with the other Titans before Shiro leaned over to him once Robin and Starfire left.
“Ben, why did you invite me to this party anyways? Matt, I understand, since he’s Lucy’s plus one. But…?”
“Why wouldn’t I invite you?” Ben looked up at him and tilted his head, “You’re my friend, aaaaand well Julie couldn’t make it. That, and Gwen and Kevin have a date night so, I called you,”
Shiro quirked a brow before looking over at someone calling Ben over. Ben just told Shiro to relax and enjoy the party, before disappearing off. Shiro at first did try to stay away from crowds and just people watch, but eventually thanks to Matt and Lucy, he loosened up. He even got to talking to people like Starfire, to Cyborg, and then to other Honorary Titans. He was about to find Ben when he heard his voice along with two others.
“Guys, c’mon, lay off him! I mean, he’s my friend,” Ben’s voice sounded, and Shiro had to lean back from being seen as it seems Ben was talking to Speedy and Kid Flash, “So he ain’t a super or an alien from another planet with awesome powers, so what? So is Matt.”
“The thing is, at least Holt is a super genius and he’s all buddy-buddy with Princess Sludge over there,” The archer hummed a bit when nodding to Matt and Lucy, sipping his drink, “What? Did you think your friend would be good for the team once he upgrades from cargo pilot? We don’t need another space cadet, Tennyson.”
“No offence, but I don’t see anything special about that guy. He’s…too normal, ya know?” Kid Flash hummed in agreement, “He’s no Robin, who was trained as a kid by THE Batman. Or like Speedy with Green Arrow or—“
Ben sighed in frustration, “You’re judging him already without seeing what he can do…”
“Didn’t you say that he was sick?” Another voice sounded as it was revealed to be Raven, floating over to them and looking at Ben seriously, “It wouldn’t be wise to have an ally that’s already on death’s door. Not to mention cruel to be giving him false hope. Does he even know that you wanted to recruit him as a Titan?”
Shiro felt his heart squeeze for a moment as he closed his eyes. He knew it. 
He left that party that night without telling anyone. He didn’t even answer any calls from Ben, Matt or anybody. Shiro just felt disappointment once more, and he never wanted to be involved with parties with Ben ever again.
“Shiro? Are you okay? You’re spacing out again.”
Shiro snapped out of the memory as Ben said this, and then sighed, “I’m fine, Ben. Really. It’s just, we’re going to need them.” 
Staring at Shiro for a moment longer, Ben then sighed and was grabbing his cellphone from his jacket pocket, “…Fine, there’s someone that I can talk with. Just give me a sec, okay?”
Shiro looked relieved, but then had a thought before asking cautiously, “W-who is it?”
“Ahhh, Starfire actually…”
Shiro had a mental cheer in his head. This is the exact person I need!
“Great! Ahhhh, there’s also someone else we might have to check on first. Where is your cousin, Gwen?”
Ben looked up and blinked, “Err, she’s probably in her Alma Mater considering she’s going for her advance magic masters…we can totally go and visit her if you want?”
Shiro looked thoughtful and then shook his head, “Do you think it’s alright to maybe call her over?”
“I can try and contact her too,” Ben tilted his head, “But why did you want to have her come here?”
“Just…I need her to check on something.”
Shiro had a theory. One that could be possible, but he needed to confirm it with someone that was magical. Turning to Keith and Lance while Ben was talking on the phone, he looked to the two of them and sighed.
“Okay, the next bit…we’re going to have to explore down at the canyons close by.”
“Is there something that we’re supposed to be looking for?” Lance asked curiously, and Shiro smiled a little.
While it may be a year or so earlier than expected, it was best that they find the Blue Lion now before the Galra does. Which is perfect since at this moment, one of Zarkon’s fleet that was stationed nearby Earth’s atmosphere was not close yet. If they could find Blue first and go to Arus to the Castle of Lions…maybe this time around they’ll have an advantage against them.
“But first, we’re going to need a machine…” Shiro hummed as he was resting a hand under his chin in thought, eyes narrowed, “One that could read Fraunhofer lines. It would give us the exact location…”
Keith folded his arms, looking sort of puzzled, “A frown…who?”
“It’s a number describing a spectrum of an element…” Shiro accidentally murmured, then blinked as he caught the weirded out looks from Lance and Keith, “Er, basically it’s gonna help us find what we’re looking for.”
“Shiro, you didn’t exactly tell us what we’re looking for,” Keith pointed out, now looking annoyed, “This whole being mysterious and not telling us exactly what’s going on is starting to bug me. Not to mention you’ve been acting weird and bailed on the very mission that you thought was your everything…punching Iverson—“
“Kinda had it coming,” Shiro interrupted with a frown, but then shook his head, “I will explain, once we find Blue—“
“Good news and bad news, guys,” Ben came between them with a finger up, glancing at the both of them before speaking cheerfully, “Good news, I managed to contact Starfire and she’s kinda flying her way here.”
“And the bad news?” Shiro raised a brow while Ben looked sheepish.
“Gwen is out world at the moment. Apparently Kevin has dragged her into one of his car shows in another planet and won’t be back for a while,” Ben explained but then tilted his head, “If you tell me what you need Gwen for, maybe it will be better so I can tell her properly why she needs to come back to Earth.”
Shiro sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, before closing his eyes, “I need her magical expertise to check on something.”
“…I might know someone else that might be able to do that for you,” Ben suggested, as he had his hands on his hips and raised a brow at him, “But again, you’re gonna have to tell me why you need magical help? Since if I recall, you never believed in that sort of stuff.”
“…It’s to check if there’s a cure for my disease.”
Keith and Ben’s eyes widened at that, while Lance gasped and placed a hand over his mouth.
“You’re sick?” Lance asked, clearly worried with sympathy in his eyes, which Shiro ignored as he looked at Ben.
Ben sighed, “…Shiro…”
“Please? I have a feeling that there might be something that could.” Shiro pleaded, stepping forward to place a hand on Ben’s shoulder.
“…I’ve tried to tell you this option before. But you had shut me out every time I tried mentioning it, saying that I should stop calling you and meddle in your life.” He took a deep breath, but nodded as Ben turned away and wiped his eyes, “…Okay. Okay, I definitely will call someone that can help. She’s almost the same level as Gwen and might be able to help.”
Shiro’s eyes soften as he smiled, squeezing Ben’s shoulder, “Thank you…”
Lance and Keith looked awkward at the moment the two men shared, and Keith interrupted them with a cough.
“Er…okay, so, is it really that easy that someone could magically cure Shiro?” He asked.
Ben nodded, “Surprisingly there are things magic can spot that human technology and medicine can’t. Anyways, if we’re gonna do this, we’re gonna have to find a big space.”
“Um…why?” Lance wondered out loud with an apprehensive look, growing even more nervous when Ben grinned.
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The four young men stood outside of Keith’s home, the sandy winds blowing around them. Ben stepped forward, holding what seems to be a small notebook, and flipping it open. Reading it quietly, he raised a hand up, and spoke softly that the other three had to strain their hearing a bit to understand. 
“Esporow Via Esprolixas Capti Capters Few Sonmow Lenton Oway On Respicklas Lokis Lusses Via Astendus Ocultes Ienwua!”
And with a flash of lights, a very large double door appeared before them, almost looking like an entrance of a spooky castle. Shiro, Lance and Keith looked up in awe while Ben just smiled in satisfaction. While they were distracted, Ben walked over to the door and knocked on it, placing his hand over the door and then called out softly.
“Charmcaster. I know you’re there, and I definitely know the password to your door. So you better come out here unless you want me to barge in—“
“Tennyson, I swear to Legerdomain that you are a pain in my ass sometimes.”
Ben smiled as he looked over to the side to spot a young woman with silvery hair tied up in a high ponytail, light purple-bluish eyes and wearing what seems to be a magenta coat with purple at the ends, tight dark pants that matched with her aesthetic makeup she had on.
“Hey Charmy~” Ben greeted cheekily, before the woman snarled.
“I told you not to call me that,” She looked over at the three other males that were there, then looked back at Ben tiredly, “So, decided to ditch Gwendolyn and her guard dogs and replace them with hot men? What also happened to that handsome alien partner in blue that hung around you?”
“Har, har…and Rook has his own thing going on, so that’s that.” Ben rolled his eyes playfully before looking back at Charmcaster, “I need your help with something.”
“You always need my help with things~” Charmcaster purred as she stepped forward, running a finger down his chest, “Is it that time again—?”
“NOPE! Nope, n-not that,” Ben blushed as he took her hand and placed it down, coughing a bit before letting out a small chuckle, “No, ah, there’s someone I want you to check out.”
“Mmm, checking out people besides you~?”
“You know that’s not what I meant.”
“Tease~ As usual~”
Shiro narrowed his eyes at the two of them for a moment, but then blinked when Ben looked over at him, making Charmcaster look at him too.
“Charmy, this is Shiro. He wanted to have someone magical do a medical diagnosis on him.” Ben explained, and Charmcaster’s eyes sparkled with mischief for a moment, and Ben noticed, “Charmy, no—“
“Shiro~? Is it the very same one that you’ve talked about?” Charmcaster teased, already stepping up towards the taller male, observing him and hummed, “Fitter than Levin, and quite handsome than Rook. I can see why Tennyson is very interested in you~”
“You talk about me?” Shiro questioned, making Ben reach over and smack the witch with a frown.
“Now’s not the time to be playing, Charmcaster. Can you please check on him for me?”
Charmcaster huffed, but nodded as she then stepped back for a moment, raising her hands towards Shiro. Keith wanted to jump in, thinking she was going to attack but Lance stopped him and shook his head. The sorceress hummed as her eyes glowed, murmuring some sort of language as a light surrounded Shiro. To him, it felt warm, like he was being wrapped around blankets and coddled into comfort. After a minute or so, Charmcaster stopped, the light dying down from her hands and around Shiro.
“…Well?” Ben asked as Charmcaster looked over at him, raising a brow.
“…There’s nothing wrong with him?”
All the guys looked puzzled.
“What?” Keith asked suspiciously, before Ben shook his head.
“Um, no? From what I remember, Shiro has a degenerative muscle disease?”
“He’s right,” Shiro said with a serious look, “According to the doctors, with my muscular dystrophy, I only have a few years to go and I wouldn’t be able to pilot or go to space anymore.”
Charmcaster raised a brow at him, and chuckled, “Well, your silly doctors are wrong. There’s no disease in you…”
Shiro looked floored, “Are…are you sure?”
Charmcaster looked offended, “Are you saying my magic is wrong? Then you’re even dumber than I thought,”
“Hey!” Keith growled, before Shiro stopped him from trying to thwart her for that comment. 
“So, what? You’re saying…I’m healthy and have no signs of my disease in my body?”
Charmcaster nodded, “Yes. Maybe someone out there cured you already without you knowing~”
Shiro tried to wrack his brain for a moment, feeling like this didn’t make any sense. But then the memory of him almost dying, the strange man that had brought him back to this time—
Charmcaster froze at the name while Ben, Lance and Keith looked confused.
“Who?” Ben asked, as Shiro breathed out, looking towards Charmcaster.
“You know who he is, don’t you?”
“How do you know that name?”
Before Shiro could answer, a shadow casted over them and everyone looked up to see a flying red haired woman in purple landing before them, her glowing green eyes looking at them before smiling.
“Greetings!” She cheerfully said, but once she spotted Ben, she soon swooped in and brought him into a hug, “Friend Ben! How I have missed you!”
“A-ack! G-good to s-see you too S-starfire…” Ben choked out as he wriggled himself free from her, and breathed out softly with a friendly smile, “Ah, glad you found me. Er, sorry for dragging you out here but we need your help.”
“I shall offer my assistance to the best of my abilities~” She said in a voice of positivity, almost looking like an angel the way she smiled and the sun shining down on her figure.
Shiro was waiting for a moment for Lance to say something, but blinked when a minute passed by and heard nothing. He glanced over at the Cuban male for a moment, witnessing Lance looking to the side boredly next to Keith. Isn’t this the part where Lance slides in and flirts with a pretty girl? He would wonder, scratching his head.
Maybe he should say something?
Sliding next to Lance, he nudged him, “Don’t you think Starfire is pretty?”
Lance glanced over at the older male, then looked to Starfire, then back to him and shrugged, “She’s attractive, I guess?”
“You…guess?” Shiro asked in surprise, with Keith tilting his head and looking at him suspiciously.
“Why do you care what Lance thinks about some alien chick’s looks?” He asked slowly, and Shiro smiled sheepishly. 
‘How weird…maybe this is a good thing?’ Shiro thought to himself, glancing at Lance again, who was staring at Keith with a thoughtful gaze.
With Ben and Starfire still talking, the Tamaranian’s eyes then glanced over to Shiro and blinked, but then recognition shone in her eyes as she then softened, “Ah, you are—?”
“U-Um, it’s nice to see you again, Miss Starfire,” Shiro was quick to cut her off, not liking the sympathetic look she was giving him as he placed his hand out to her, “I asked Ben to call you here because I wished to ask you a few questions and help me find something hidden among this canyons.”
Starfire looked at the hand, then shook it kindly with a small smile, “Any friends of Friend Ben is a friend of mine. Tell me, what is it you wish to ask me?”
Shiro smiled a little, and took a deep breath. “Do you know about Voltron and the Galras?”
A gasp left Starfire as she released Shiro’s hand, looking at him appalled, “H-How do you know about—?”
“Let’s just say I have my sources. But it’s good that you might have knowledge about them and know why I’m asking?”
Starfire nodded slowly, “They are an advance alien species that are are known to work in terms of absolutes, with victory or death being a common motto and philosophy. Cruel and relentless, they are a race that you do not wish to go up against. They are even worse than the Gordanians…”
“Don’t…even know what those are?” Keith murmured, and Starfire didn’t look away from Shiro.
“Are you telling me you know the location of Voltron?”
“Yes. And the Galra are looking too. Luckily I might have an idea of where we can start looking before they do, but we’re in need of a machine to find it,” Shiro told her, and Lance raised his hand up, “Yes, Lance?”
“You said you need a machine…but since we have a witch with us—?”
Lance ignored Charmcaster for now.
“Don’t you think it’s easier to have her track whatever it is you’re looking for?”
Shiro blinked as he stared at the Cuban for a moment longer, before he smiled, “That’s…actually a good idea, Lance. That was really smart of you!”
Lance felt his face flush as he then rubbed the side of his neck bashfully, and Shiro couldn’t help but smile in pride. It was good that he has Lance here, the potential is still there.
Ben tilted his head and looked to the silvery haired girl, “So? Can you?”
“I can use my magic to track a lot of things…but it would be easier if I had some sort of sample of what I’m looking for~” Charmcaster said, placing her hand out as she stared at Shiro for a moment.
Shiro froze as he looked stumped for a moment. Right, how was he going to give something for her to locate the Blue Lion? He would think nervously, glancing around for a moment until his eyes landed on Keith. If he remembered correctly, Keith said that something had lead him to the canyons. Drawings and symbols leading him to where the Blue Lion could be—
Shiro looked back to Charmcaster and smirked, “First, we have to go near the canyons. Then you’ll understand.”
Everyone looked at each other at this, confused and somewhat intrigued. 
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“…Okay. I admit it…this is super freaky…” Lance murmured as everyone stood at the edge of a cliff, looking over at the large masses of rocks and mountains before them.
Charmcaster was floating for a moment, eyes glowing pink along with her hands as if being a human sonar. 
“Anything, Charmy?” Ben asked as he watched over her, and the woman breathed out finally after a minute.
“I have a lock on a strange signature. Follow me,” She murmured and floated downwards, and everyone soon followed.
Starfire stayed in the air to keep an eye on the sorceress, Ben also following by using a little power from his Omntrix. According to him, he had an upgrade on his watch, allowing him to borrow some of his aliens’ powers without transforming. It was both impressive and terrifying to Shiro how much Ben could use said powers. Keith and Lance also followed behind him, more cautious than anything, but somehow had faces on that looked like they felt something…familiar. 
Soon, everyone stopped when Charmcaster froze in place, looking down what seems to be an entrance to a cave.
“…We’re going in there?” Ben questioned, and Charmcaster started moving forward once more, and inside the cave, “…Yup, guess we are.”
A sigh escaped Shiro, knowing what was coming next and soon followed after the floating magic user, Ben and the rest behind him. As soon as they entered the cave, amazed sounds of gasping was heard from everyone…everyone except Charmcaster and Shiro.
Shiro, who knows what these were, wasn’t surprised in the least and had a fond smile on his face. Bingo, now all that’s left is for Lance to touch the walls of the Lion carvings…
He turned his head to see Lance already on it, curiously looking at a chipped drawing of a lion and running his hands over the markings. Shiro waited with baited breath for the walls to light up the familiar blue luminous light that would lead them to Blue…but his smile fell when nothing happened. He didn’t understand, wasn’t it Lance that triggered that awakening to Blue?
“Wow, these are…amazing…” Keith murmured, reaching out to brush some sand off one drawing, seeing the drawing of the lion.
It was then that a loud roar was heard, and Keith’s eyes widened when he saw that the drawing started to glow. Standing back, he looked around and saw all the drawings on the walls started lighting up, almost scaring everyone. Shiro had to double take looking at Keith, now even more confused.
‘Keith triggered Blue…?’
And suddenly, the ground shook under them and gave way, each one of them falling down like some sort of waterslide further into the cave. Starfire gasped, flying after them along with Charmcaster to grab them before they hurt themselves. She managed to catch Ben, while Charmcaster caught Shiro…although sadly Lance and Keith fell with a thud into some puddle of water, landing on each other. A groan escaped the two teens before they realised they were entangled with one another and quickly moved away from each other.
Keith slapped his reddening cheeks for a moment, but then his eyes caught sight of what seemed to be a gigantic force field that was holding an EVEN MORE GIANT ROBOT LION!
“Is this it?” Starfire asked, in awe and looking it over with a hint of excitement in her voice, “Is this the Voltron?”
“Part of it…” Shiro murmured, then saw Ben was staring at him and coughed, “T-there seems to be a force field around it. Lance, feel anything weird about it?”
“Huh?” Caught off guard being called out, Lance raised a brow, “Er, nooooo?”
Shiro blinked, looking back up at Blue then looking back at Lance, “You sure? You don’t feel like the eyes are, like, totally following you?”
Lance folded his arms, raising a brow, “No, I didn’t. Why are you asking me that?”
Keith stepped forward as he looked at the lion for a moment, then felt his heart race. For some reason, he felt like the lion was looking at him. The dark haired teen moved himself to the left, then sliding to the right, frowning a bit as he was very much feeling the eyes on him. Going closer to the force field, he hesitated. Then, he raised a fist, taking a deep breath.
“How are we going to get through the barrier?” Ben asked as he stood next to Keith, ignoring how Shiro and Lance were going back and forth behind them.
“M-Maybe we can knock?” Keith said awkwardly, hoping to come out as a joking manner, and even knocked on the force field for a second, “Heh, guess it didn’t work—“
His eyes widened when something shocked his hand, a light coming from the barrier as Keith stepped away. Before Ben could ask if he was alright, his eyes widened as he witnessed the force field melting away and the room light up with magical blue light. Both of them looked down when the ground shook, seeing how strange markings were appearing under them.
Shiro stopped and turned slowly to Keith and Ben, but mostly staring at Keith.
‘Blue…chose Keith? That can’t be right!’
But he then gasped when something was entering his mind, and knew then and there that Blue was communicating with them. 
‘Hello Black Paladin…it is good to see you once more.’
“What…?” Shiro said out loud, staring at the beast and then gulped, “You…recognise me?”
‘You may look young, but your soul is the very same one as before. Before you and the other Paladins sent us away when the Princess died.’
Shiro winced, but then looked confused, “Wait…do…are you from the time in my future?”
The purring is all the answer he needed. And he won’t question it right now. But this means that Yellow and Green are going to be pretty mad that their Paladins are not here this time around. Glancing at the others, he saw that they were slack-jawed and unmoving, almost as if time stopped for them. Blue must be giving the same vision that she did before, explaining who she is and what Voltron is.
Good, this gave him a bit of time.
“Why did you open for Keith and not Lance?” Shiro questioned, raising a brow at Blue, “He’s your paladin, isn’t he?”
‘While Lance is indeed my Chosen, because of you coming back to the past, things have changed. Thus, I have decided to bestow Keith as my new Chosen in this lifetime…’
Shiro didn’t understand, “But…why?”
That, Blue didn’t answer. And it frustrated Shiro so.
“Okay, don’t answer. So, are we going to head to Arus and meet Princess Allura and Coran in the Castle of Lions now?”
‘Yes. All seven of you will go.’
Confusion coloured Shiro’s face. Seven?
He had to count everyone in the room, and pursed his lips.
“Er, Blue? There’s six of us…?”
Suddenly, Blue roared once more and making everyone jump in surprise, including Shiro. It was then there was a sound of a girly shriek was heard somewhere around the cave, then a splash of water. Turning around, he soon found a blonde haired girl in all brown, orange and yellow sitting on the ground, wincing as she rubbed her back and butt with a pout.
‘Who is this?’ Shiro wondered, looking at the girl before a gasp left Keith.
The girl looked up at the sound of the name, her eyes widened in fear and looked like she was about to run.
“Wait!” Shiro called before Starfire flew past her and tackled the blonde girl to the ground, “Starfire, what—“
“TERRA!” Starfire shouted to her face, but then started crying big fat tears as she wrapped her arms around the freaked out girl, curling around her into a big, tight hug, “OH MY FRIEND, I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONE! A-AND FRIEND BEAST BOY SAID THAT YOU LOST YOUR MEMORIES AND, AND, AND—“
“S-star…y-your hugs are a-as suffocating a-as ever…” Terra choked out as she was trying to wriggle her way out of the Tamaranian girl’s arms, and sighed in relief when she was let go.
Keith took one step as his eyes narrowed, and Terra caught the look with a skittish look.
“Terra…is that you?”
“Keith…” The girl breathed out, standing up shakily as she had her hands onto her chest as if shielding herself, “I…I didn’t think I’d be seeing you again…”
“Why are you here?” He asked, looking like he was holding back some anger as he tried to keep calm.
Terra’s eyes saddened, but then looked up at the Lion before looking at everyone seriously, “I-I felt some weird energy level here. It called out to me and I followed it…although I wasn’t expecting to have some company here. Especially you, Keith…”
Shiro felt confused. Was this girl here before they found Blue?
Lance coughed, before speaking out loud, “Did…anyone else see that?” 
Charmcaster raised a brow as she looked at Lance weirdly, “See what?”
“Voltron is a robot!” Ben exclaimed, waving his hands in the air in excitement, “Voltron is a HUGE, HUGE, AWESOME ROBOT!”
"And this is only one part of it!” Terra said out loud, shocking Shiro for a moment as she continued with a hum, “I wonder where the rest of them are?”
‘Did…did Blue show her too?’ Maybe that was why Blue said that the seven of them are going. This just got more interesting, but complicated. 
Starfire frowned, looking somewhat lost, “I did not see anything?”
“Neither did I…?” Charmcaster also spoke up, which had Shiro thinking for a moment.
‘So Starfire and Charmcaster didn’t get shown anything by Blue. Only me, Ben, Lance, Keith…and probably this Terra girl that just showed up.’ He thought with a hum, tapping his chest while his arms are folded. But what did this mean for Voltron now? Were Ben and Terra possible Paladins now?
Shiro decided to leave those thoughts away for now. Right now, they had to leave.
The Blue Lion let out another purring sound, lowering her head in front of Keith. Surprise coloured the shaggy haired male’s face, watching how the robotic feline open her mouth to allow him inside. Keith stared, but then confidently walked in, the others following him inside. This included Terra, who stared at Keith’s back worriedly.
It made Shiro wonder what was her history with Keith?
Walking into the Lion, they noticed the inside looked a lot like a ship’s, and Keith was familiar with that scenery as he enters what seems to be the cockpit when another set of sliding doors opened up for him. He saw the single chair, smirked and took a seat. Suddenly, the seat slid forward, shocking Keith as he soon saw the dashboard light up before him, watching how a lot of holo-screens appeared before his eyes and how the command console activated.
“Wow…” Keith breathed out, seeing how the steering handles for a pilot just appeared before him, “This is so cool…”
“Ooookay, I dunno if I should state the obvious or not: but, is no one in here sort of freaked out that we are inside of a big ass cat’s head?” Terra asked everyone with a weirded out look.
Keith stared at her for a moment before he gasped, feeling warmth all over his head and down to his legs. It was as if he was feeling someone tapping at his mind and picture after picture was being presented before his mental cranium and…a voice talking to him.
“Er, d-did you guys hear that?” Keith asked, and Lance looked over at him strangely.
“Hear…what?” The cuban male asked.
“I-I think it’s talking to me?” Keith murmured, as he looked at the dashboard and then to his steering wheel.
“She. And yes, she is talking to you,” Shiro pointed out helpfully, making Ben stare at him weirdly.
“And how would you know that, exactly?” Ben questioned with narrowed eyes, as Shiro looked sheepish.
Keith didn’t hear them as he continued to stare at his console, then to the front window that was already showing the inside of the cave they are currently in. Humming for a moment, he curiously reached out to the bright keys in front of him, tapping onto it. It was then that Blue suddenly got up, stretching her limps and started making a move. Everyone inside held on with shouts of surprise, and Keith grinned once gripping both his controllers.
“Okay. Got it. Now let’s try this~” He chuckled, soon pushing his arms forward with eyes ablaze, forcing Blue to move as well. 
With a mighty roar, the mechanical lion soon broke free from it’s prison, smashing out of the cavern walls and off into the sky. Giving a small somersault, jet blasters from it’s paws activated, and the Lion soon was flying even higher up in to the sky.  Screams were heard inside of the cockpit, Keith’s eye twitch when both Lance and Terra were hugging around his head and gripping his hair, Starfire and Charmcaster pressed against the walls with their eyes closed and Shiro gripping his arms around Ben protectively while Ben’s eyes were wide and face flushed. 
“K-Keith! Slow down! Th-this isn’t the s-simulatoooOOOOOORRRRR—“ Lance was screaming as Keith kept making loop-de-loops with Blue and suddenly blasting off even faster.
Keith was smirking the whole time as everyone still was yelling for him to stop, in particular Terra expressing she was going to barf, and continued to fly. This was the most fun he’s had in a long time, no way he was going to stop now!
“Isn’t this awesome!?” Keith yelled out with a smile, and Lance had to move his head to the side as if finding a place to blow chunks or two.
“Make it stop! Please, make it the stop!” Starfire cried out with comical tears, as Keith laughed.
“I’m not making it do anything~ It’s mostly on auto-pilot~” Keith teased, as Lance snapped his head up and glared at him.
“Keith, you son of a bi—“
“Oops, can’t hear you, Blue seems to want to fly up again~”
More screams were heard as Blue was soaring high in the sky once more, but then Keith frowned when he looked down at the controllers.
“K-Keith?” Shiro asked, as Blue finally slowed down, but it seems they were not in Earth’s atmosphere anymore, “Keith, what is it?”
“The Blue Lion is telling me something…” He responded, as Lance looked at him in disbelief. 
“The Lion is…talking to you? What exactly is she saying?”
Keith raised a brow at him for a moment and huffed.
“I-It’s not like she’s saying words per se…more like she’s feeding me ideas in my head…”
Shiro looked curious then asked Keith, “What is Blue saying?”
“Blue wants to go home…but where is her home?”
Shiro knew that this was going to happen. As soon as Blue was free, it was only a matter of time that she would want to reunite with the other lions and meet with the Princess and Coran in the Castle of Lions. Thing was, Arus was pretty much a wormhole away at the edge of the solar system, and way past Kerberos. Meaning once they leave, there was no way they could get back to Earth for a long while.
“…Guys, I have a confession to make…” 
Everyone looked to Shiro for a moment, their expressions mixed with curiosity and caution. 
“Where we’re about to go…it’s gonna be even farther than you’ve ever gone.” He was mostly speaking to Ben for this part, but Shiro looked to everyone and sighed, “Before we fly any further, I want you to know that you don’t have to be here. We can easily fly you back down and you can walk away from this. Forget about this all happening and go on with your own lives. Because from here on out…your lives will be at risk.”
Shiro hoped at least Lance and Keith will stay and come with him to Arus, but he wasn’t going to force them if somehow they didn’t want to go to space and leave Earth. Shiro knew in his heart of hearts how Lance valued family above all else, like Hunk. 
He even had to loosen his grip on Ben just to show that he wasn’t holding him back either.
Ben stared up at him for a moment before smiling, “You talk as if I haven’t been far out of the galaxy before. Wherever you’re going, I’m in.”
Relief washed over Shiro at that moment, smiling down at Ben fondly.
Keith gripped his wheels, as he then breathed out, “I’m already in even if you didn’t say all that. You’re my family, Shiro. There’s no point being on Earth if you’re not around. Besides, who else is going to keep me in line when I get into trouble?” He teased, grinning up at the man.
Shiro chuckled, then looked to everyone else, “W-well?”
Starfire clasped her hands together, looking starry eyed as she smiled, “I would be honoured to join this voyage with you all. Besides, it would be good to stop by Tamaran if I can.”
“What about the Titans?” Shiro asked, ignoring the way Terra tensed up, and Starfire looked awkward for a moment.
“The…Titans are disbanded temporarily.”
Shiro decided not to question any further than that. He looked to Lance this time, and he looked worried. Lance was awfully quiet, and he looked like he was contemplating on his choices. Shiro’s heart squeezed, knowing that Lance was thinking of his family in Cuba. Especially with Veronica being in the Garrison, probably looking for him right at this moment.
“Lance, if you don’t want to, you don’t have to…I won’t force you or think any less of you…”
The brown haired male glanced up at his hero, his eyes wide and something flicked in those blue rises of his. Pursing his lips and narrowing his eyes, he soon straightened, huffing a little.
“I’m a Cadet of the Galaxy Garrison. And we do not quit on a mission. As this is my mission and you are my captain, I will follow you without question. I trust you.”
Shiro felt like he heard these words before, and he felt his whole being break remembering those were Lance’s last words to him.
“I’m a Paladin of Voltron, Shiro. We do not give up! Even if you are part of ATLAS, you’re still my leader. I will follow you to even hell and back if I have to. I trust you.”
“S-shiro? A-are you okay?”
Shiro didn’t even realise that his eyes welled up, quickly reaching to wipe his eyes and smiled weakly at the worried Lance, “I-I’m okay. Just…touched that you trust me.”
“W-well yeah! You’re my hero, after all,” Lance then placed a hand over his mouth and flusters, looking embarrassed that he said that out loud.
Keith saw this and rolled his eyes, but kept the Blue Lion steady.
Shiro smiled, but then glanced over at the remaining people and softened, “And you two?”
Charmcaster was immediate.
“I’m gone.”
And with a magical poof, she actually vanished into thin air, leaving a dust of pink behind.
Ben looked amused, “She does this. But she’ll back…when she’s bored, at least.”
Shiro looked unsure, “What makes you say that?”
Ben grinned as he was then holding up what seems to be a small raggedy pouch of some kind, “Because there’s no way she’d leave me with her magical bag full of unwanted secrets with me~”
Terra almost looked impressed, “Snagged it from her while she wasn’t looking?”
Starfire gasped, “Is that not stealing?”
Ben whistled, twirling the bag around his finger with the strings, “Well, it’s not stealing. More like borrowing~”
Ignoring that for now, Shiro looked to Terra, and waited for her answer with a look, “And you?”
Keith snorted, “Don’t bother, Shiro. If she wants to leave, she can leave. It’s all she’s good at anyways.”
Terra looked at him with narrowed eyes, then placed her hands on her hips as she looked at Shiro coolly, “You know what? Not like I have any place to be, so count me in~”
Keith quirked a brow at her, glaring at her with annoyance while Terra turned to him and stuck her tongue out to annoy him further. Lance glanced at the two of them weirdly but looked over to Shiro, who was just watching them in confusion.
“Sooooo…I guess everyone, minus one that left, are all on board,” Lance noted as he looked at the other man, “Shiro, you’re our senior officer here. What’s our next move?”
Everyone looked towards the man as Shiro then took a deep breath, looking out the window. 
“The Blue Lion knows where to go. I say we trust it…but we're a team now. We should decide together.”
Ben smiled, “My vote never changed.”
“Mine either,” Keith agreed, and it seemed Starfire and Terra also agreed along with Lance, “We trust you.”
Shiro nodded, relaxing a little, “Okay…I guess we’re out of here.”
Once he said this, Keith soon pushed his controllers forward, the Lion soon zooming into the skies and out of Earth’s atmosphere. This surprised most of them except Ben and Shiro, the two already used to space (With Ben being a hero and Shiro…well, from the future and all).
“Amazing. It would take a long trip to travel this far off the galaxy,” Starfire pointed out as she saw the planet that was Kerberos passing by them, “But we are here in a tick…”
Shiro caught this and snapped at her, “You…know that word?”
“What is a tick?” Lance asked as Starfire tilted her head.
“I believe in your Earth terms, it is a measurement of time?”
Shiro didn’t like how his stomach turned at that, but focused on Keith’s piloting when he spotted it.  A glowing blue wormhole appeared in front of them, and Shiro knew that this was it. There was no going back after this.
“You ready?” Shiro asked Keith, who smirked.
“Look who you’re talking to~” Keith soon made Blue go forward, the Lion speeding towards the portal and disappeared through it.
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After a few rumbles and tumbles from Blue, everyone was holding on tightly in the confined space they were in as they exited the portal. 
Keith breathed out slowly, blinking his eyes as he looked around, “W-wow…that…was…”
A groan and a hurling sound was heard at his left, Keith closing his eyes with a wince as Terra threw up at the side. Everyone else also looked away with a disgusted look, Terra then finishing with a small apology while holding her sides. 
“Surprised she took this long…” Keith murmured before looking out once more to the window and blinked, “Woah…”
“I don’t recognise any of these constellations…” Starfire murmured as she looked around, Ben also looking around and agreeing with her.
“Okay, maybe this is a part of the galaxy I haven’t been yet. Maybe it’s even farther than Revonnah…we must be a long, long way from Earth…”
“I think the Lion wants to go to that planet over there,” Keith pointed out to everyone as he spotted what seems to be a beautiful looking planet that almost looked like Earth, and Blue was speeding over, “I think…I think this is her home.”
Everyone braced themselves as the Blue Lion was hitting past the atmosphere, growing red hot as she never slowed down one bit, as if excited to be coming home to this unknown planet. But Shiro knew. He knew and was smiling brightly as they got closer. Passed the skies and down to look at the land below.
“Guys, personal space,” Keith murmured as everyone seemed squished against him as he piloted the Lion, then glared at Terra close to him, “Terra, your breath is killing me.”
"Um, is it just me or is anyone else having second thoughts about flying through a mysterious wormhole?” The blonde murmured and then narrowed her eyes at Keith, “Why are we listening to a robotic Lion anyway"?
“This Lion happened to take us to her home planet. So I suggest you shut up and stop complaining. You agreed to come with anyways,” Keith argued, and Lance sighed.
“Don’t be mean to her, Keith, she was just asking…case you haven’t noticed, not everyone is used to being inside a strange robot cat taking us to who knows where?”
Keith looked up at him and cocked a brow, “Ohh, you scared?”
“With you in the helm? Terrified.” Lance said coolly.
"All right, knock it off! We all agreed that we do this together and I know that it’s not a happy situation,“ Shiro interjected between them, trying to calm them down, “But we're here now. If we want to get through this, we've got to do it as a team. Okay?“ 
“Sooo, what do we do?” Ben asked curiously.
“First, we are letting Blue lead us to where she needs to go,” The Castle of Lions should be close by…He added in his mind then glanced over at Keith, “Keith? Is Blue saying anything to you?”
“No, she’s pretty quiet right now.” Keith said with a shrug, and Lance hummed a little, but then blinked when he looked up and leaned over Keith, who then blushed and looked up at the Cuban, “W-what are you—?”
“Guys! There’s a Castle up ahead!”
Everyone looked up and indeed, there was a beautiful view of what seemed to be a shining modernised Castle that was perched on top of some mountain that was nearby what seems to be a beautiful seaside. Shiro felt his eyes well up at seeing the view of the Castle of Lions, his heart yearning. We made it. We’re home, he would think to himself as Blue was zooming to land outside of the Castle, carefully placing their paws on the ground. Somehow, with a purr from Blue, the Castle suddenly lit up in bright blue lights, just like back in the cave.
“Wow!” Starfire and Terra were in awe, and Ben whistled.
“Neat trick,” He stated, but then turned serious with a pursed lips, “…Maybe we should keep our guard up?”
Lance looked over at him, “Something wrong?”
“Who knows what lies inside this Castle. Friend, or foe?”
Shiro sighed as he placed a hand on Ben’s shoulder, “I can assure you, they are friends. Let’s get going.”
Ben wanted to question Shiro, but one by one, everyone was getting out of the Blue Lion and staring right in front of some large doors with some sort of symbol on it. Suddenly, Blue straightened up and roared out loud, causing everyone but Shiro to tense up as if readying for a fight. But they soon turned around when the same doors were glowing brightly and soon opened wide for them.
“Ohhh…the door is open,” Terra breathed out before looking over at Blue, “Heh, s-sorry, thought you were going to eat us.”
Shiro soon rushed forward and started making a beeline to where he knew the Princess and Coran were, and Ben couldn’t help but follow after him. This also caused the rest of them to follow, wondering how in the world Shiro knew where to go? 
‘There’s a lot that Shiro isn’t telling us,’ Ben thought in his head, seeing how Shiro skidded to a halt.
It was then a beam of light appeared as the vestibule activates, Shiro remaining calm while the others sort of freaked out.
“Hold for identity scan.”
“W-what is going on?!” Keith exclaimed as he felt himself being scanned, looking around, “Who goes there?What do you want with us?!”
“Keith, calm down. The Castle is just trying to identify us.” Shiro murmured quietly, and then blinked when it finished scanning and started to light up another hallway for them.
“Welcome, Paladins of Voltron.”
Shiro smiled a little, before making his way down the halls, ignoring the look of suspicion from both Ben and Keith. Either way, yhe lights in the hallway started to glow warmly, the team then started to walk down the lit hallway and down a flight of steps. Soon, they ended up in what seems to be a chamber of some sort of strange looking pillars in them.
Shiro was immediate as he went to the centre of the room and looked over some console, while Ben looked around.
“Where are we? Some kind of control room?"
“Princess Allura…” Shiro murmured as he pressed a button on the console, watching two strange pods rise from the ground, “Hope you and Coran had a good sleep…”
“Alright, Shiro, I think I had enough. Tell us what the heck is going on,” Keith finally snapped and walked by Shiro, who looked over in confusion, “It’s like you know all of this. Like, you’ve been here before?”
Shiro softened and was about to say something until he heard a noise and snapped his head to see four more pods rise from the ground. This caused him to frown, as he remembered in the past these ones were empty. But apparently there seem to be people inside them as well. Alteans? Maybe…
“A-are these guys…dead?” Lance squeaked out in fright, but one of the pods started to open.
Shiro expected Allura’s pod to open, but it was one of the new ones as the glass melted away to reveal a blonde girl with a braid dressed in green. She looked…human.
She gasped, her eyes opening to reveal them to be of obsidian coloured, reaching her hand out and yelled, “Wally!”
Ben was quick to move as he opened his arms out and caught her, the young woman falling into his arms. Shiro was alerted for a moment, almost wanting to step forward but the other pods were opening. Soon, another pod opened to reveal a very young Asianboy in a hoodie, stumbling onto his knees and hands as he then was gasping for air. The next pod opened to reveal another blonde haired girl, this time her hair was down past her shoulders and held back by a black hairband, dressed what seems to be a Wonder Woman shirt and red jogging pants. The last pod opened to reveal some red haired rugged man with almost glowing ruby eyes, in a brown trench coat and even stranger clothes underneath.
Shiro…didn’t know any of these people.
“W-what…where am I?” The woman in Ben’s arms murmured, holding her head, “What the heck happened?”
“You’re…in a Castle. In another planet. Um, hi, I’m Ben.” The brunet introduced himself with a small smile, and the blonde looked up with a squint of her eyes.
“…You’re not Wally.”
“No, I am not. May I ask your name?”
Suddenly, Ben yelped when he found himself in a restraining hold, twisting her arm over his neck and looking at everyone else in the room.
“Stay back! Are you part of The Reach?!“
“The what?!” Lance yelped as he placed his hands up, almost wanting to step forward to stop her, “No! Let him go! W-we’re just passing through! We don’t know anything!”
“Gambit feels like a Sentinel has hit Gambit over the head one too many times,” The strange red haired man spoke in a deep Cajun accent, rubbing his head before looking around with confusion, “…This isn’t Genosha?”
“Artemis!?!” The other blonde girl there squeaked as she flew over and then placed her fists up to stand in front of the girl holding Ben, “Alright, you Reach scum! You’re not taking us or our home planet!”
Keith was already pulling what seems to be a knife from his jacket, and Shiro was also readying for a fight.
The young teenage boy in the hoodie just was rubbing his head before he looked around, before narrowing his eyes, “…I think everyone should calm down for a moment.”
“What’cha say, short stuff?!” The floating blonde girl looked over at him with a glare, while the boy looked up and gave her the stink eye, which made her flinch back with an unsure look.
“I mean, why are you guys going all aggro the moment waking up in…what I believe are Sleep Chambers,” The boy looked back to where he had come out from and then hummed, “Well, never thought I would be abducted by aliens at the age of fourteen. Sort of thought that would happen later on after I finished my brother’s nerd school—“
“Yo-you’re not abducted,” Shiro spoke up as he managed to calm down too, glancing at the one called Artemis holding Ben hostage, “W-what exactly do you remember before waking up…um—?”
“Hiro. Hiro Hamada,” The boy introduced himself as he looked to Shiro, “You seem to be the ring leader for this operation, correct?”
“Uh, I wouldn’t call myself a ring leader per se…” Shiro murmured before Hiro rolled his eyes.
“Anyways, the last thing I was remember was I was in a science fair with my brother and his friends along with my Aunt. I won and was going to go out to celebrate, but I hung back to double check on my invention one last time. I was the last to leave the building that held a lot of upcoming students’ projects but somehow the building was set on fire. Next thing I knew was I was knocked out and ended up here…”
“C-Can you please let me go now?” Ben tapped at the woman’s arm, before he yelped and was dropped to the ground and the blonde raised a brow.
“My name is Artemis. I’m a former protege of Green Arrow and I was supposed to be with the Justice League and The Team behind them to take down an alien race called the Reach…last thing I remember was watching my boyfriend get fried by some weird machine and I rushed in to push him out of the way and…nothing.”
“Wait, Green Arrow has another protege besides Arsenal?” Ben tilted his head, but then yelped when Artemis glared down at him.
“Arsenal? Do you mean Red Arrow or the real Speedy?”
“Who’s Red Arrow? And….real Speedy?”
Artemis shook her head before looking at the other blonde girl and softened, “Cassie, what are you even doing here? Do you remember what happened?”
Cassie looked sheepish for a moment before shaking her head, “I-I dunno. One minute I was with Robin taking down the Reach’s machines and army and then got a message about Kid Flash, Flash and Impulse being in trouble. I was going to fly to their location when I was zapped and…blacked out too…”
“You know of Robin?” Starfire asked curiously before Cassie looked over and nodded.
“He’s…my teammate,” She looked flushed for a second before coughing, then turned serious, “A-anyways, um, who are the rest of you guys? I only know Artemis since we work with the Justice League.”
“There’s no way you work with the Justice League,” Ben pointed out, “I’ve never met you two before.”
Artemis glared at him, “What? We do work with the Justice League. Who are you to say that?”
“I’ve worked with them plenty of times and I’ve never met you nor your Wonder Woman fangirl here,” Ben pointed to Cassie before looking at Artemis with a grin, “I’m Ben Tennyson. Or Ben 10, ya know, saved the universe a billion times~?”
“…Never heard of you.” Artemis huffed as she stared at him, arms folded. 
Suddenly, a whistle sounded and the strange man in the trench reached a hand up, signalling everyone’s attention.
“Ah, je suis tres desole for interrupting. But Gambit thinks that the other pods are opening,” He pointed to one that was already melting the glass away, and soon was making the move, “La tête haute~!”
He had shoved Lance out of the way when a strange mocha color-skinned woman with white hair and in a dress was reaching her hand out with a gasp, whispering out ‘Father!’ with a breathless tone, and Gambit soon caught her in his arms in time before she fell to the ground.
Shiro almost balked at this, knowing that it wasn’t Lance who caught Allura this time around, but a total stranger. Lance groaned as he was rubbing his butt since he fell when pushed away, Keith walking over and looking over at him, asking if he was okay.
"Who are you? Where am I?" The woman in his arms questioned, looking around for a moment before her eyes landed in front of the red head.
 “Remy LeBeau, chérie. But you can call me Gambit~”
The woman narrowed her eyes up at him, then tilted her head, almost confusing Gambit. She was quiet for a moment, but then blinked she looked into his eyes again, and felt her face flush.
“…Goodness, your eyes?”
Gambit chuckled, giving a charming smile, “Gambit knows. Eyes are attractive, non~?”
Suddenly, she soon brought him into a headlock, but somehow she squeaked when he turned it around on her before holding her in a princess carry.
“Ah, ah, ah, Princesse. There’s no need for violence~” Gambit smiled casually as the woman struggled.
"Who are you? Where is King Alfor? What are you doing in my Castle?" She interrogated with a yell, as she tried to break loose from Gambit’s grip.
“Princess Allura calm down!” Shiro approached this time, raising his hands up as he looked to her, “My name is Shiro. Blue brought us here, and we need to find the other lions and quickly before the Galra find out.”
“You know my name—Wait! You have the Blue Lion? What happened to it’s Paladin? What are you all doing here? Unless... How long has it been?" Allura gasped as she looked around then back at the strangers before her, and then felt her heart drop, “No…”
Shiro softened, as he breathed out, “It’s been ten thousand years, Allura. Sorry, but as much as it’s a lot to take in, I’m afraid we don’t have time to explain everything.”
“Oh, I think it’s the perfect time to speak about everything,” Ben spoke up as he looked up at Shiro, “You know more about this than you’re letting on…so start talking.”
Shiro sighed, knowing that Ben was right.
“Alright…I’ll come clean. Let’s…sit down so I can explain everything.”
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//So what do you guys think? Do you think I should continue this story? Or should I just stick to writing Quirks and Miracles only? Let me know what you guys think~! Leave a comment below or feel free to message me on questions or anything else of this story. Thank you and have a wonderful rest of your day~!
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chrisdrysdale · 2 years
my fairy diary
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welcome to my masterlist...
keys: (s)mut, (f)luff, (a)ngst, (d)ark, (i)llusions to smut
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
bucky barnes
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
to have and to hassle (s,f,a)
babysitting (s,f)
first time (s,f,a)
anything for my baby (s,f)
never again (s,f)
of course not (s,f)
help (s,f)
cant quite do it (s,f)
3 month 6 days and 15 hours (a,s)
crash (f,a)
sunrise kisses (f)
better alone (s,f)
not that just you (s,a,f)
dont look at me like that (s,f,a)
cling onto you (s,f)
my marks (s,f)
he likes her feisty (i,a,f)
home (s,f)
you'll always be with me (A,s,f)
touch (a,f)
im here i have you (a,f)
we'll try again (f,i,a) - mentions of pregnancy
you're soaking! (i,f)
the look around (i,f)
all for you (f)
these are for you (a)
Love shot (a,f,i)
My only love (a, f)
bucky drabbles
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
ketchup (f)
red lace (s) --- part 2 (s)
swim (i,f)
no apologies needed (s,a)
Am I dying (s)
drunk (s, f)
dom!bucky (s)
drunk!bucky (s)
shaving bucky (f)
protective bucky (f)
the hobbit and cookies (f)
sub!bucky (s,f)
easter with the barnes (f)
bucky's nightmare (f,a)
sea coral (f,a)
snuggles (f)
bucky & a breeding kink (s)
road trip (s)
repairs (s)
wake up (a,f)
boop (f)
hold me (f)
neck (a,f)
jealous dilf!bucky (s)
bucky series
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
Runaway bride masterlist
steve rogers
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
soon sweetheart soon (a,f) - platonic
petals (f,s)
petals - pt2. (f,s)
tipsy (f,s)
tispy - pt2. (f,s)
call me by your name (f,s)
Helpless ( d, s, a) - very dark
woah.. (f)--- part 2 (f) --- part 3 (f)
thingy (s, f)
lloyd hansen
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
breed (s)
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
ours (f,a,i)
let it out (a,s,f)
join us (s,f)
well well well what do we have here (s)
matt murdock
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
cutie (f)
sebastian stan
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
need a minute (a,f,s)
beautiful (a,f,i)
chris evans ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
love's gaze (f)
finally! (f)
i’m keeping it (f)
Grief (a,f)
Sleepyheads (f)
Bubble (f)
My AU’s
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
farmland sweetness AU (f,a,s)
Seb and Chris characters from kinktober in april 2022 +18s
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
marking with chris beck
eating out with nick fowler
swallowing with frank (e,b)
daddy kink with lance tucker
spooning with colin shea
roleplay with Ransom
sex toys with johnny storm
whips with curtis everett
281 notes · View notes
klanceficatalogue · 9 months
ahhh im so excited you guys are back!!!! ive read a lot of the fandom faves, but could you rec some long (possibly slowburn) hurt/comfort w a tinge of smut? canonverse if possible ☺️
on another note ive followed yall since like 2017!! missed you guys 🥰
thats so cool!! i think i made this blog in 2016/2017, absolutely wild. i guess we're all a lot older now too - K
Coming to Terms by gtgrandom (19/19 | 125,143 | Mature)
Once again, there are six paladins and five lions. As the team makes their way home to Earth, Lance musters the strength to say goodbye to his friends. Klance-centric, minor Adashi/Shadam. Or - Keith has lots of feelings and Lance wants to leave the team. (The S7 and S8 that could have been) + fanart
Do Not Go Gentle by Prevelant_Masters (10/10 | 130,976 | Explicit)
Wars never end neatly, and they rarely end quickly. It's kind of unfair that, after saving the universe, Lance still has to deal with evil plots, bad guys, assassination attempts, daring rescues, death, and bad dreams. Not to mention love. He thought he was done with all that. Or: After the war, Lance goes home. His problems follow. Namely, Keith. Lance has no choice but to follow him right back, even when he disappears without a trace. Funny how that goes.
//graphic violence //PTSD //kidnapping //referenced torture
(past allura/lance, allura/romelle, curtis/shiro, hunk/shay)
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angelpuns · 10 months
Lance deserved so much more in the end. The end in general felt like it was a little rushed. There was also the season in the first episode of season 6 where Lance had died that no one talks about not even fandom
The clone shiro thing was weird, but if you look at how his hair changes throughout the series it's like the phases of the moon. And the relationship with Curtis (I had to look it up because I forgot his name) was definitely something I wanted to see more but it was on the back burner and then suddenly they got married? Like I get it the show is more focused on the war but if Allura could have to relationships and they both got screen time (wishing the second one never happened) why couldn't the LGBT+ one get more screen time?
ABSOLUTELY! I can understand wanting to retire from the hard life and be a farmer, I totally get it, but for Lance it feels like such a cop out! Like - for one he doesn;t ever really get to move on from Allura - like we don't really see him getting any sort of actual closure??? Also they did Allura so so so dirty! There was no reason she had to sacrafice herself!
everyone watching: hey did Lance just die
The show: uh no? you silly little goose ignore him
OH ABSOLUTELY- I'm still upset that Adam died to begin with, and while it was upsetting that they tried to put a bandaid over it with Curtis, they should have given us MORE - they really tossed poor Curtis in there like ' here does this fix it' without really giving us any actual Lgbt rep. There should have been so much more focus on relationships in my opinion - I think they were trying to give us an Avatar-type show but they failed in the end because there just wasn't enough focus on all the character's relationships. Not to mention Hunk was given NOTHINGG, like he has development and a character arc, but not nearly as much as everyone else. Even Pidge has like- a whole thing with her brother and all that. Idk Hunk and Allura deserved way way better in my opinion
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justmultifandom · 5 months
Kidge winter event
Day 6: Mistletoe/Movies
Christmas didn't exist in Altea, so Coran was very surprised when Lance asked him if they could celebrate it with their families at the new Castle of Lions. Keith remembered how complicated it had been for all of them to explain each tradition to him, and since they came from different cultures, each paladin had different traditions for that joyous day. He remembered how Lance boasted about the gifts to give to everyone, while Hunk talked about the cooking competitions with his family, while Pidge explained the religious reason in which she had been rigorously educated by her parents. Of course, Keith also had traditions that had been passed down to him by his father, and which he had continued to do after his death. However, Coran liked the idea, so he immediately nodded and accepted the proposal. For a week, the castle was in total commotion as robots hung pine garlands, branches, and fairy lights throughout the castle. The ballroom had been decorated and illuminated, and in every corner one could find small or large Christmas trees, and for a moment, although he hated large parties, he thought it was a nice thing to get all together on a day that it was Allura's commemoration.
December 24th arrived quickly, and all the families and important friends of the paladins showed up at the Castle of the Lions elegant and smiling. The foods that Hunk had carefully cooked together with his and Romelle's group accompanied the buffet of appetizers full of laughter, smiles and harmony, and for a moment everything seemed perfect in Keith's eyes. At least until the Holt family arrived, late, but not without smiles and elegant clothes; and as soon as he saw Pidge in a gorgeous, elegant green dress… well… that was more than perfect for him. The dress was a simple green dress with thin straps, a skirt with layers of tulle that fell above the knee but reached the calf at the back, a V-neck and stockings that perfectly reflected the color of her pale and warm complexion . She smiled and sat at the table apologizing to everyone for being late, while he watched her move around the room. Hell, it took Hunk to lock his jaw shut! But only then did he realize that, damn, she was now twenty years old and no longer a little girl, but it had taken such an elegant, tight and feminine dress, that it had surely been Colleen's idea, to make it for her. note? Apparently yes, but apparently that stupid reaction of his made someone else understand something else, even if in fact it didn't take him long to understand it. His cheeks colored every time he looked at her from behind or in front, even though he didn't have this effect with the other girls, who were dressed more or less the same.
Lance had approached him while he was drinking a glass of champagne in the corner of the party a few minutes after eleven while everyone else was dancing, an evil smile on his face.
“How's it going?” He laughed, wrapping his arm around his shoulders.
“Good…”: Keith replied, shrugging and taking a sip of the yellow, gaseous liquid, hoping it would stop the slight blush on his cheeks, while he looked at her from across the room talking to Matt and Curtis.
“Pidge looks beautiful tonight, doesn't she?” Lance chuckled, hitting that sore point Keith had hoped he wouldn't mention, and in fact he almost choked on his champagne.
“W-What? Well, in short... It's the usual Pidge...": he stopped his embarrassment by wiping his mouth with a napkin.
“Do you really hope that I believe you? Poor naive person, we all saw that as soon as she entered on your face exploded little hearts ...": he sighed, shaking his head.
"Everyone?": he turned pale: "Even her?"
“I don't know, either she's the only one who hasn't noticed or she's too kind to pretend nothing happened”: he replied.
“AH”: Keith nodded: “So what should I do now…?”
“You definitely can't miss her, I mean, look at her! She is smart, strong, smart and beautiful! Once upon a time, I admit, I would have questioned the fact that she was cute but now, man...": he interrupted the sentence, but the other immediately understood where he was going. For Keith, beauty was a subjective thing, and after seeing different alien races in so many physical aspects they had made him believe that, rightly, beauty wasn't that important, but then why was he now so attracted to her in that way? Once, as paladins, he was amazed at her strength and speed, her ingenuity and her mentality, perhaps it was that attraction that returned to the surface after all that time that made him react that way?
“You can't escape from love…”: his father always repeated every time he placed a mistletoe leaf on the ceiling. He always said that he did it because his mother liked that tradition, and that therefore for him it was like a symbol of hope that she would return. This had always made baby Keith cry.
“I didn't mean that…”: he shook his head: “I mean… How… How do you conquer a woman?”
"Oh! Wow! I never imagined I would have to give this speech to lone wolf Keith Kogane!”: Lance laughed.
“Just answer!”: he whispered, embarrassed and with his face on fire. Lance simply pointed to a small archway at the end of the room, where there was some mistletoe tied with a red Christmas bow.
“Are you kidding!?”: Keith shook his head, feeling his cheeks as red as his former uniform.
"Why not?"
“Because that's in front of everyone, you idiot!”
“Oh, well, then what's another one in the corridor before the stairs and the bathroom, almost no one ever goes there!”: he explained.
“Okay!”: He grumbled, rubbing his cheeks to reduce the blush. He looked back across the room at Pidge, who was standing up and giving Matt the glass of water. From her lips and how she pointed to the door he could assume she was going to the bathroom, perfect.
“It's your time!”: Lance exclaimed, giving him a pat on the shoulder that almost made the champagne fall. He growled for a moment, then sighed and with slow steps headed towards the door. Once he crossed the threshold he could see a short corridor lit only by the classic blue neon lights of the castle and by a few light lights on the stairs to the left, which had a small mistletoe plant on the ceiling at the beginning. He was alone for the moment, although he could hear the water running from the bathroom not far away, so he decided to lean on the start of the stair railing without rushing and waiting for her. Pidge came out a short time later waving her hands at the ground as if to dry them and when she looked up she jumped slightly.
“Keith, you scared me!”: she laughed, approaching him and leaning on the pillar as well.
“It's been a while since we talked, alone and as friends I mean…”: he sighed, and thanked heaven that the alcohol was finally having its effect, making his tone much calmer and sedate and his cheeks less reddish.
“Yeah…”: she nodded: “I've been pretty busy with the Garrison…”
“I know…”: he replied, looking up once again towards the mistletoe. After all, it was he who told Coran to put a few leaves hanging here and there around the castle, after all it was his tradition, and each paladin had been pleased with an important piece of their culture: Lance had embellished the tree and the gift packages with colored shells, Hunk had shared much of the traditional food on the menu, Shiro had bought lights of all kinds and Pidge had managed to steal an old nativity scene from her mother.
“Anyway, I was surprised to hear that your Christmas and your traditions are different from everyone else's…”: Keith confessed, looking at her.
"What can I say? My parents are very religious and then the traditional Italian Christmas is much less complicated than the American one. There's no mistletoe, Christmas Eve parties, stockings hanging on the fireplace...": she sighed: "You only see all this in those horrible Christmas films..."
“Have you really never imagined a kiss under the mistletoe?”: he asked.
“A kiss under the mistletoe? We don't even use mistletoe...": she shook her head.
“Oh, well, it kind of sucks… I thought everyone did that…”: Keith admitted.
“But, now that you make me think about it, it would be nice…”: she thought, thinking out loud: “It seems romantic…”
“It is…”: he nodded.
“Have you ever tried this?”: Pidge asked.
“No, I've never had the opportunity, like you…”: he shook his head.
She sighed, looking at him and then moving her gaze to the green leaves above his head. She looked around the empty hallway as loud sounds of music and laughter could be heard from the front door. Sometimes you could even hear someone yelling about the Christmas countdown.
“What if this was an opportunity?” She finally found the courage to speak, and he raised an eyebrow at her.
"Really? Would you like it?”: he asked shocked.
“Well, yes, just to try, and then we can just forget everything…”: she shrugged, moving away from the column and opposing him.
“What does it tell you that I want to forget?”: He followed her example, approaching her and looking down at her; she had grown and stood tall, but he still towered over her.
“And what does it tell you that I don't want to forget either?”: she replied in the same way. They both smiled as they slowly approached, moving backwards slightly so they were completely under the mistletoe. Shouts could be heard from the main room, probably the countdown had started.
Her arms wrapped around his neck, gently massaging his tense muscles and jaw, adjusting the collar of his red shirt. Likewise he grabbed her waist, pulling her as close as possible and studying her hips with his fingers through the delicate fabric of her green dress.
His hands moved from her hips to her cheeks, stroking them gently and looking into her eyes. With a slow gesture he moved her glasses, moving them above her head, definitively freeing those golden and shining eyes of hers.
She looked into his eyes, drowning in that work of art of purple colors and shades. Maybe that was the only way she could tell that part of him was Galra. She wet her lips slightly, and, even though she had never done it, she didn't feel scared or embarrassed. Maybe it was Christmas that gave such a magical atmosphere?
They came closer, again and again, closer each time. His hands fell to her sides again, while her arms wrapped around his neck as she moved on tiptoe despite the small heels she wore, and he bent over.
Their lips joined with heat and passion, carried away by each other's taste as they gave impetus to what they had desired and hoped for for years.
"Merry Christmas to all!"
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cornus27florida · 1 year
GwenDerick/FredDolyn Hogwarts AU
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Their houses color (as Ravenclaw: blue & Hufflepuff: yellow) if mixed will become their color motif : green
Hence why I am coloring the background (probably not that clear in the photo IG?) with CPC X Hogwarts AU color theory : the wittiness of Blue's Ravenclaw from Frederick and the kindness of Yellow's Gwendolyn - make birth of Green if mixed together, their color motif in CPC - hence heart <3
Time spent to drawing and coloring? so long lmao I am indeed a rusty artist - and yeah art-blocker ~ thou I am enjoyed the sufferings of drawing Frederick's hair, coloring Gwen's soft green hair, and drawing their respectful insignia of their Hogwart Houses (a badger like a possum imho)
Frederick being a Ravenclaw (due to bookworm he is) & Gwendolyn being a Hufflepuff (the kindest soul fits here) is based from this HC CPC BLR post as the following :
--------------------------------------------------------------------- This part skippable, I just want to expand the lore of CPC in Hogwarts AU with the following of my headcannons - comes from me being a Potterhead and playing the game "Hogwarts Mystery" - hence the example: the mention of 'frog choir' as music extracullilcular for the example. So, some of the HCs are differentiates with Cookie's HC and I am lessening everyone's age so they're could all in Hogwarts = I am not following their canon ages told by LambCat and CPC ) :
All Pastel siblings (Maria/6th year and the diva of the frog choir's club with her muses are ; Celestina Warbeck and Bozart/Schozart), Lorena/5th year and the Quidditch's star playing the role of Chaser, Jamie and Gwen/4th year - Jamie's the best friend of house elves and since he enrolled the feast's quality greatly improved & Gwen's helped her twin with best subject is Potions-her kindness able to even softens Snape's rock-hard's heart) are Hufflepuff
Yet the Plaid brothers are in different houses, Frederick Ravenclaw (4th year, his best subject is History of Magic, the underdog of top student that not expected to excels at the class that literally a 'sleep-fest') - Lance Gryffindor (6th year, have miracles of could passed OWL to NEWT class and overall is described nicely by Aqua in here) - Blaine Slyterin (7th year, kinda bitter that he's not becoming the head boy even thou he's "know-it-all, could-do-all" perfect. Excels in all classes except Divination - by having Outstandings score)
Prez (Calpernia) is the head girl, while Whitney is the head boy - 7th year and final year at Hogwarts they are - they're have "mysterious strained" past but now working on it. They're as Cookie's HC, both from Ravenclaw. For Curtis-Ravenclaw, somehow I feel he actually lotta older than them, so I placed him as the assistant professor of DADA (as the one that holding the syllabus lectures, so the things that will taught kinda structured) - dw he'll never get the curse/jinx of 'No DADA teacher can lasts more than a year' because he's not teaches it. Asa could becomes the healer's assistant for madam Pomfrey - but I am not sure as student (so being 7th year) or already graduating. Miss Agatha feels to have similar vibes with Prof. McGonagall, while Molly is to madam Hooch with her agility - but I just don't know if they're in the time of Hogwarts studies (September - June) or not.
The parents which have history in the following houses: Leland Slyterin, Izzy Ravenclaw, Jack Gryffindor and Lilyth Hufflepuff) - and we have more characters in the AU!!
Monika - IMHO it will be interesting if she's in Gryffindor - as what she wants is to be braver (like Ben Copper in Hogwarts Mystery game, he's a coward but learnt to be braver)
Beckett and Bernadette will be in Hufflepuff
Orson in Ravenclaw Idk other Princels thou prob in Slyterin (interesting dynamic hating Blaine in same house ngl)
So in Summary, My HC's of Hogwart Houses as following :
$= they're already graduated from Hogwarts School
[number]= the year they're are, is not following canon and basically I make the ones at twenties in 7th year >/\<
Gryffindor : Lance [6], Saffron [7], Thermidora [7], Monika [5], Miss Agatha $, Jack $
Ravenclaw : Frederick [4], Prez [7], Whitney [7], Leopold [6], Orson [5], Curtis $, Isolde $.
Hufflepuff : Gwen, and Jamie, [4] Maria, [6] ,Lorena [5] Jolie, [6] Renee and Bernadette [5], Griffin [7], Beckett [6], Horace [5], Asa [7/$], Molly $, Lilyth $
Slytherin : Nell [6] - the top student of Divination, Syrah [7], Aurelia [5], Abbi [3], Suzanna [6], Leland $.
So many CPC characters fits in Hufflepuff IMHO, yay for them being so pure kind-hearted sweet people !! ^^
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shipposttt · 7 months
Ship of the Day: Adashi and Shurtis
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Names: Takashi Shirogane (AKA Shiro) and Adam W., and Shiro and Curtis, respectively.
Ship Name(s): Adashi and Shurtis
Original Content: Voltron: Legendary Defender (2016-2018), adapted from the original Voltron series (1984)
Ship info:
Voltron is a show on Netflix following the Paladins of Voltron- the ‘Defender of the Universe’. Fighting a losing battle against the Galra Empire (a volatile alien group who had plagued the universe for millennia, destroying planets and enslaving the races on them), 5 paladins stumble upon one of the sentient lion mecha ships. These 5 ships ‘choose’ their paladin and combine to become the giant robot warrior Voltron as a team- with Shiro (Takashi Shirogane), the paladin of the black lion as the head, the leader. The series follows this group as they try to save the world and defeat the Galran Empire, with varying successes throughout the series.
Now, there were multiple queer ships within this fandom at the time such as Klance (paladins Keith and Lance of the red and blue lions), though the two canon ones were greatly controversial- Shiro and Adam and then Shiro and Curtis. Voltron ran across 7 seasons, with no mention of Shiro’s sexuality until the final season. It is in this season that Adam is briefly mentioned as his dead fiancé who had died in a battle against the Galran’s prior to the formation of Voltron. There is a lack of exploration into this, with a severe lack of character building for him- just getting introduced and killed off in a flashback and a visit to a memorial. Curtis was also introduced this season, as a background character,,, with about 2 lines total. His relationship to Shiro within this time is shown as purely ship captain/crew, with them being shown getting married within a postcard shown within the outro of the epilogue.
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Type of Ship: Queer bait/ bury the gays trope
As previously mentioned, this was a very controversial move for Voltron, with fans being outraged, claiming they were queer baiting and feeding into the trope of ‘bury the gays’ and i am inclined to agree (yes, i was once one of these Voltron fans, no, i dont want to talk about that stain on my fandom history/j). By giving Adam no character development and instantly killing him off,  they bought into the bury the gays trope- wherein studios add gay characters to appease calls for representation and LGBTQ+ fans and then dont bother to flesh out the characters, making them one dimensional before killing them off so they dont have to actually display a queer relationship at all. Similarly, there was outrage over Shiro and Curtis, whose relationship was non existent and then just jumped to a singular image of their wedding day, yet again failing to actually explore any semblance of queer relationship within the show. I for one agree with the fans on this subject, feeling as though it was just included to tick boxes and to try to score points with the large amount of LGBTQ+  people within the fandom- which was clear based on their reactions to Pidge (Paladin of the green lion) and their exploration of gender.
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abbatoirablaze · 1 year
Bad Girl's Club, Chapter 28
Word Count:  1.6k
Warnings:  angst, mentions of cheating, sex/smut, over-intoxication, mentions of drug use, mentions of unintentional harm to a child/neglect.
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“How is it that the only relationship that managed to work out was Jenna and Lances?”
Avery frowned, “Me and Johnny are still together.”
“Johnny’s been hanging around with Lily, partying with him and the rest of the guys…you know how that’s going to work out!” Jess spat angrily as she glared at Avery momentarily, “she ruined my marriage and she’s going to ruin yours too if you don’t stand up for your family.”
Guys, stop!” Jenna frowned, looking at her two sad friends who were making sure that Rose, and Avery’s two little boys were having engaged tummy time, “we’re not supposed to be talking about negative things today…it’s a happy day!”
“Easy for you to say,” Jess frowned, “you and Lance are all rainbows and sunshine.  Ransom married me two months ago and now we’re getting a divorce because Lily ruined it!”
“What actually happened?” Avery asked quietly, nervously, as she feared for what type of thing Lily might be setting Johnny up in, “you’ve never told us…just kept saying it was Lily’s fault.”
“Harlan and Linda wanted to celebrate Evan’s birthday, so I stopped into Blood Like Wine, because Harlan was there for the day.  We went out to lunch, and Ransom missed it.  Lily insisted on having lunch with him alone, but I knew something was up…he wouldn’t answer his phone either.  And when I got back with the kids, he was beyond blackout drunk, with Lily’s mom riding him.  That son of a bitch now has bastard Drysdale number four cooking up in his exes stomach.”
Both of the girls gasped, shocked to hear that coming from Jess’ lips.  But she only nodded, a few tears welling up in her eyes, “he didn’t even realize I’d walked in and was telling her that he loved her…telling her that he missed her while she rode him…in our bed.”
Avery bit her lip, her own anxiety growing as she looked down at her identical sons, Dominic and Alex.   They were spitting images of their father with his oceanic eyes and sweet smiles, “L-Lily wouldn’t mess with anyone’s marriage…sh-“
“She messed with mine, Aves…” she spat, “and ever since she went to that stupid event last month with Sam, she’s been schlepping around Stark Tower…left Curtis for that one guy that claims he’s a god.  She’ll mess with you and Johnny.”
“Johnny wouldn’t do that,” she whimpered as she played with Dominic’s little curls, “he-he wouldn’t do that…”
Jenna put her hand on her friend’s shoulder, “Jess is just upset, Avery…Johnny wouldn’t cheat on you, Avery.”
“Yeah, well I didn’t think Ransom would cheat on me either.”
She sighed, picking Rose up, “you’re right though, I’m being too negative.  I’m going to go feed Rose…”
But she was already walking away, moving around the back of the couch and towards her diaper bag so that she could get some cloths to put between her shirt when she fed Rose. 
“S-so what’s going on with you and Lance, Jenna?” Avery asked after a moment, “you always talk about how well things are going with the lecture circuit and stuff…and I know you and Lance moved in together last month…”
“Yeah,” she smiled softly, thinking about her boyfriend, “we uh…we’ve been talking about it since before graduation, and Lance and I are going to adopt…”
“What?  When?”
“We-well, we met this really nice woman while I was touring and she didn’t want the pregnancy, but she didn’t have the heart to abort it…Her partner is trans, and in the middle of transitioning male to female…they didn’t think they could have children…and didn’t really want children,” she admitted sadly, “but we got to really know them, and they offered us the baby…and well, I really want to be a mom, and Lance really wants to be a dad.”
Avery gasped, “Jenna…that’s amazing…wh-when is she due?”
“Next month,” she admitted, biting her lip, “I-I didn’t know if I should tell you guys until it happened.  Lance is very skittish about it, because he’s worried they’ll see the baby and want to keep him.”
“You know the baby’s going to be a boy?”
She smiled, “yeah…we uh-we want to name him Ryder.”
“Jenna, that’s so amazing,” Avery cooed, “I’m so happy for you.”
“I’m not going to lie, I’m pretty scared,” she admitted, “I mean…it’s all happening really fast.  I didn’t expect it to all go so quickly.”
“It does sneak up on you pretty quickly,” she answered, “I mean…it feels like just yesterday Johnny and I found out that we were having twins…and now here they are…”
“Lance is putting up the bassinet today while I’m out with you and Jess,” she smiled, “he’s been over the moon since we agreed on it…I didn’t think we’d ever get to start a little family of our own…but here we are…”
“Well yeah,” Avery smiled, forgetting about her own concerns for a few minutes as she reached out to her friend, “Jenna, you’re going to be a mom.”
“I’m going to be a mom!” she repeated happily. 
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“This isn’t working for me anymore, Curtis,” Lily scoffed as she looked at her husband who was cradling his newborn daughter in his arms.  Curtis looked up at her with an emotion that she couldn’t recognize, “why are you looking at me like that?”
“You’re drunk again, aren’t you?” he asked softly.
“I’m telling you that I want you to get out!” she spat, “butt out of my life, Everett!”
“You live in my cabin,” he growled, “if anyone’s ‘getting out’ it’s going to be you!”
“Well then I’m taking my daughter!”
She went to reach out for her, but Curtis held tightly to his daughter, “you’re not taking Maritza anywhere, Lil!”
“She’s my daughter!”
“She’s our daughter!” he pointed out, “I may not have been a consenting partner, but she’s mine just as much is she is yours, Lily!  And I’ll be damned if you think you’re going to take her away from me!”
“I’ll have my father call up the lawy-“
“And do what?” he growled, “I can prove that you’re a neglectful mother!  I can prove that you’re a partying, lazy alcoholic, Lil!  I don’t even have alcohol in the house because of you!  Because I’m worried that if I go to work in the Fall that you’ll be left alone with her and hurt her!”
“I would nev-“
“YOU ALMOST DROWNED HER LAST WEEK!” he yelled.  The little girl didn’t so much as shift in his arms and he frowned, “she’s already deaf because of you…you had to harm her while she was still developing…but that wasn’t enough.  I came home from grocery shopping, and you were passed out in our bed while she was in the tub.  The water was almost at her nose and mouth.  Imagine if I’d gone out and got your dry cleaning like you demanded too!  Our daughter would be dead!”
Lily wanted to argue. 
She wanted to yell and scream at her husband, and tell him that he was wrong, but he wasn’t.  And she couldn’t tell him that he wasn’t.  The tears pricked at the corners of her eyes and Curtis frowned. 
“You need to think about someone other than yourself for once, Lily…” he growled as he clung to his infant daughter, “you may have willed our daughter into this world, but I’ll be damned if I let you hurt her anymore than you already have!”
“Fucking asshole!” she seethed as the man below her bucked up into her core.  Her manicured nails pressed down onto his chest as she rode him, allowing herself to feel every inch dragging along her inner walls, “Fuck.  Right there!  God, it’s about fucking time.  THERE!”
“Sammy,” Chase whimpered pathetically, his eyes closed tight as he bucked his hips again.  Lily frowned, knowing that the one person that stood up for her was the object of her lovers’ fantasies in that current moment.  Her orgasm ruined, she started to shift, attempting to move herself off Chase’s rock-hard length, but he stopped her.  His hazy inebriated eyes shot open as he held onto her, “baby don’t leave me.”
“Chase you’re drunk…too drunk.  This isn’t working for me,” Lily commented, pulling her arm from Chase’s grasp as she rolled off his bed, “I’m Lily, asshole…”
Lily Everett?” he asked, his eyes finally opening even more as though he was actually just now seeing her, “wh-what are you doing here?  Where’s Sammy?  Whe-where’s my girl?”
“Sam left at the beginning of summer, asshole!” she hissed, collecting her clothes, “not that you’d remember any of it.  You’ve been drunk since she broke up with you!”
“Whe-where are you going?”
“Home,” she growled, not bothering to shoot him another look as she threw on her dress and started on her heels, “or maybe to that club in Soho…Johnny texted me again…needed to get away from his nagging wife and kids”
“Johnny?” he asked shortly, sitting up, “Johnny’s married to Avey!”
“Maybe tell your daughter to be less of a whining bitch next time she comes over and makes sure you’re not passed out in a pile of your own vomit,” Lily spat, rage filling her to the core as she thought about her one-time best friend and her so-called picture perfect life, “he likes it when a woman is quiet between his legs and he’s high as shit a lot better.”
“What?” Chase asked, clearly confused.  Lily rolled her eyes and started towards the door as Chase began whimpering from his bed, “SAM WAIT!  Baby come back!”
“I’m not Sam, you drunk prick!” she called, slamming the door behind herself.
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ao3-feedshance · 1 year
Home Is Where You Choose
by Not_You
As mentioned in On The Record, the Shirogane-De la Cruz marriage has settled comfortably around Lance when Keith arrives unexpectedly and in a bit of a state. Through a simple but very deep misunderstanding, he feels rejected and miserable and just wants Shiro's love. Shiro is more than happy to provide it, and Curtis and Lance are just surprised it has taken Keith this long to show up.
Words: 822, Chapters: 1/8, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of A White Picket Fence Big Enough To Hold Us All
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Curtis (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Krolia (Voltron)
Relationships: Curtis/Shiro (Voltron), Lance/Shiro (Voltron), Keith/Shiro (Voltron), Curtis/Lance/Shiro (Voltron), curtis/lance/keith/shiro (voltron)
Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Polyamory Negotiations, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Pining Keith (Voltron), Galran Culture (Voltron), Alien Biology, Alien Cultural Differences, Misunderstandings, Krolia (Voltron) is a Good Parent, Mother-Son Relationship, Protectiveness, Krolia has to remind herself that Humans Don't Get It, True Mates, idek about that tag, but keith is kinda bonded to shiro in a way humans don't get, Infidelity, or at least from a certain Galran point of view, Emotional Hurt/Comfort
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/47305486
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takashi-tuesday · 2 months
━━ ☆ Welcome to the Takashi Tuesday blog! I'm here to provide you with your weekly Shiro content, since we don't have nearly enough fun media of him. Who is Takashi and why do they have an entire blog? Takashi, better know as Shiro, is a character from the animated show Voltron: Legendary Defender. His full name is Shirogane Takashi, he's around 25-27 years old; As well as a pilot, the black paladin and the leader of Voltron. What kind of content is going to be here? All things Takashi related! Art, snippets, fanfics and other forms of media. There is no plan for a type of order, like art, snippet, fanfic, art, etc. Just whatever feels right that particular Tuesday! On that note, while you don't have to have watched the show to enjoy the content here, there will be many spoilers so if you plan to, be prepared. Does that mean follows can request or submit things? Yes! The submissions and asks are on. Request ideas, ask Shiro related questions or send in your own art, snippets, headcanons. The guidelines are mentioned under the submission area but to reiterate; I will ask that everyone is (moderately) appropriate because you never know who's in these spaces. Suggestive comments and other silly things of that nature are allowed but please no explicit NSFW. Is it just going to be Shiro? It is mostly about Shiro but that doesn't mean other characters won't be mentioned! But for shipping that I'll be posting about will likely alternate between Curtis/Shiro and Adam/Shiro. I will not be posting about Shladins, this means any ship between him and a paladin. (ex; Shance (Shiro/Lance), Sheith (Shiro/Keith) If those are your preference, this isn't the place for you sadly! But other characters will be featured on this blog of course. What is the upload schedule going to look like? Every Tuesday will be a main post, which may be a submission or an ask but there may be double or even triple posts on those days. There is no general time frame, just whenever I have the spare time. ━━━━ ☆ For the record, I have no idea what I am doing with this, it may be unorganized and a little unprofessional but we're all here for a good time. Please be respectful, this is a safe-space for all kinds of headcanons that are appropriate. If you do not agree with it, keep it to yourself. Any question feel free to ask, I'll get to them as soon as possible. Your weekly Takashi content will begin Tuesday, seeya soon! :)
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vldkatt · 1 year
Not All That Meets The Eye
by Crystalwolf125
Keith sighs, and puts down their phone. Lance has just posted another video that includes Shiro and Curtis all over each other in the background, followed by a glimpse of Curtis bringing Shiro with him out of the door in another picture on the same post. They turn their phone so its screen is facing the couch that they’re currently nestled on, and take another quick drink of their tea.
Matt looks up from whatever thing he’s tinkering on in his lap, “You alright Kitty? Need a break from work or something?”
 Or; Keith is sad because they're living in the past and struggling to get over Curtis taking so much Shiro time from them, and they're sad about it. Matt is there to comfort Keith like the good boy he is.
Words: 2414, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Crystal's Voltron Works
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Matt Holt, Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Curtis (Voltron)
Relationships: Matt Holt/Keith, Curtis/Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Mentioned Krolia (Voltron), Mentioned Kolivan (Voltron), mentioned voltron team, Unrequited Love, One-Sided Keith/Shiro (Voltron), Angst, Jealousy, Fluff and Angst, Domestic Fluff, Keith (Voltron) Needs a Hug, matt's there to give him a hug, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, they're not in space, keith works with orphanages, they're kind of a case worker, actually, Adam dies, shiro was in the military, They/Them Pronouns for Keith, Nonbinary Keith (Voltron), Drunk Shiro (Voltron), Hurt Keith (Voltron), keith and matt's relationship is unlabelled, they're just there for each other, shiro calls keith otouto, which is cute only in certain contexts
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/pJP3ebL
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msookyspooky · 2 years
Im watching The Lost Boys for the first time !! I wanna watch more horror movies, i only started watching the ones not for kids like last year sksksk so i have some catching up to do
And i think theres no one better to ask for recs than you spooky, so please send me your favorites !
Besides the scream franchise and, as of like yesterday, the first two Halloween movies i actually haven’t seen any big classics
I saw that AND Near Dark fuck yeah good for you!! You're getting a damn good head start lol Thanks for giving me this honor bc adgwadhfa I swear that's so nice of you 🥺🖤 Sadly, I really haven't found too many like Near Dark or Lost Boys. You could consider Fright Night or Vampires or Interview with a Vampire but imo they still don't have the same feel.
I'm elaborating on certain ones bc I think you'll really like them.
Cult Classic's with a decent following here on Tumblr so you can look at Fanart/fanfics afterwards:
- House of Wax (2005)
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You'll like this one! Pretty decent sized fanbase here on tumblr, new content all the time even for it being almost 20 years old. Listen if you liked Severen in Near Dark...You'll probably like Bo cause not only do they look like they could be long lost cousins or brothers (I need a crossover that Severen is the Sinclair's like great-great-great Uncle or something and they run into each other while looking for food one night) and the Sinclair's got that thick Louisiana accent that's hot af especially if you thought Severen's Southern accent was hot 😏😤
Simping aside, the story is pretty good. It's a little morbid but in a good way, really great backstory for the villians and you know somethings off with this town right away. It also has Paris Hilton in it and Brian Van Holt plays both Bo and his twin brother Vincent. Oh, and Wade/the protagonist boyfriend is Sam from Supernatural.
- Jennifer's Body (2009)
- Ginger Snap's (2000)
- Texas Chainsaw Massacre
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This one is different for everyone bc they made so many...So freaking many and none of them match up together. Not really, lmfao! I like the 2003 remake and 2006 remake prequel the best, then the original from the 70s, then 2 and 3 and 4 I lump together bc they are some campy wild as fuck rides. I laughed through most of them and then was mortified and then laughing again. It's truly peak camp horror. I personally dislike the newest one and the 3D one was *okay* but you can honestly pick and choose to watch any of them and it won't matter bc none of them relate to each other like they should. I would watch the original and the remake and whether you want to watch the remakes prequel in 2006 or number 2 onward etc is up to you!
- Childs Play & Bride of Chucky (1988 and 1998)
- Rob Zombies Halloween Remake
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I think you should watch this one if you liked the original Halloween's it's a gritter remake and honestly this Michael scares me even more than the original. He's freaking like 7 feet tall. I have not watched Halloween Kills or any other newer ones with Jamie Lee Curtis and I need to! But I definitely think you should give this one a chance if you liked Halloween. If you ever see RZ Michael Myers on here in prompts or imagines; this is the Michael they're talking about.
- Evil Dead (1981)
*This one is a classic its as campy and gorey as it got for back then but be warned there's a SA scene you can skip where she goes out into the woods. When you see the vines wrap around her...SKIP. The rest is fine.*
- Fear Street (2021)
Honorable mentions that don't really have fandoms but should definitely be watched at least once:
- Pumpkinhead (1988)
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It has Jesse from Near Dark/Lance Henrikson as the main character! I grew up with this one and it has that Appalachia horror vibe that's near and dear to my heart. It's about a man getting revenge for his dead son by a witch that lives deep in the mountainside. He pays her debt to summon a hellish demon to take revenge on the young adults that accidentally kill his little boy and leave him to die by the road but then Lance/ The Dad has to try and stop it when it goes too far.
- Tremors (1990)
- Night of the Demons (1988) *Flash Warning*
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LMFAO my face when she stuck a lipstick tube through her... 'skin' 😦
I qoute this all the time 👹TeLL mE Im Preettyyy👹 lolol it's fun! Point blank, it is FUN! They were so dumb and decided "Let's open a portal to hell in an abandon funeral home on Halloween" 😃
- I Know What you did Last Summer
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This isn't one of my favs bc Julie/the main character gets on my nerves so much. She is so fucking useless most of the movie...BBUUTTTT her friend Helen/Sarah Michelle Giler really makes up for it. It's very similar to Scream that they're being killed off one by one and have to figure out who it is before it's too late but it's not nearly as good as Scream imo. It was kind of a trend after Scream for movies like Valentine, IKWYDLS, Urban Legend etc to try and copy what Scream had and some are good! The Curve is an example! But none of them are Scream to me, not even close but It's worth a watch tho.
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Yes, the movie 1992)
- Trick r Treat (2007)
- The Craft (1996)
- Let's Scare Jessica to Death (1971)
- Salems Lot (It's getting a remake this year!!)
- House on Haunted Hill (1999)
- Ghostship (2002)
- The Skeleton Key (2005)
Horror Movies that are my favs that I found scary or creepy or were just that good:
- Pet Semetary (1989)
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This is probably my all time favorite horror movie. It is so...Unnerving and eerie and gross without hardly any jump scares and zero cgi for the time. It's all just wonderful acting and special effects makeup and story telling. To this day as an adult, Rachel's sister in the bed makes me uneasy. Anything by Stephen King is usually good but this is by far my all time favorite. Other favorites by him are Carrie, Christine, Sleepwalkers, Firestarter, Children of the Corn, IT, Sometimes They Come Back, and The Shining just to name a few.
- Rosemary's Baby (1968)
- Orphan (2009)
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It's ggoooddd, even tho I've only watched it twice, that was something else.
- The Descent (2005)
I'm claustrophobic and yes whats in the cave is scary but she gets STUCK at one point and I couldn't breathe. I was biting my nails like it's scary but couldn't be me cause I'll never go cave diving ever never ever. The cave itself was scarier than the creature im js.
- The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
- Us (2019)
- Suspiria (2018...I've never seen the original but it's on my list)
- The Others (2001)
- Jeepers Creepers (2001)
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THIS ONE. It's probably going to be considered a classic in a few decades. It's this...THING stalking ppl for their body parts. It all could have been avoided if ppl minded there business in this case 🙃 They had the sister being the smart, brave one while the brother was more sensitive which was a nice change of pace for a horror movie
And they are the most realistic sibling duo I've ever seen in a movie too. No overly mushy, 'love you bro/love you sis' vibes. They call each other names but don't hesitate to save each other either while calling each other names. And did I mention the Thing/Creeper is scary af? I live near a cornfield. My parents would point to the sky and be like "OMFG WHAT IS THAT?!" KNOWING this thing terrified me and lil me was screaming and ready to windmill any demon coming from the sky or cornfield after me.
There might be a fandom for this but it's small if there is.
There's so many but I some are good, some are forgettable, some are downright out bad. I just tried to include ones like Scream or Near Dark or that I think you would like! Hope this helps and any followers feel free to drop any recommendations too!! 🖤
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mvdbutler · 2 years
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You and me made 3. Prt 20
*** You and me made 3. Prt 20
Premise: Lance accidentally winds up pregnant and begins to reevaluate his relationship with his long term boyfriend
Scene: Lance works splitting his time between teaching on Altea and back on Earth his family. Keith works on both diplomatic and sneaky sneaky missions for Diabazaal and the Blades of Mamora. Things used to be good, but Keith’s been pulling away for months and Lance does the dumb panic. Set 5 years after season ewght. Supportive Shiro because I’ve been writing too much negative Shiro… and Curtis is a big arse nerd boy. Soooo much dialogue. Thank you to the Love/Sex Pistols manga. Showing my age with that one.
Keith knew it was coming. He’d felt Lance shaking and the grip on his hand tightening as they’d left the hospital. By the time they’d reached Lance’s apartment, his boyfriend was nearly apocalyptic. Throwing his jacket on the bed, Lance spun round taking two steps and sweeping everything off the top of his dresser as he yelled
Knowing the anger wasn’t directed at him, Keith grabbed his boyfriend before Lance could start on anything else. Holding him against him, Lance’s shoulders were heaving
“We can if you like”
Just like that he’d disarmed his boyfriend, Lance mumbling bitterly against his chest where Keith kept him firmly trapped
“No. But fuck. Why the fuck does everyone keep bringing up Allura!? I’ve always felt you carried part of her essence! What the fuck?! Like… she has nothing to do with this!”
“I knew you wouldn’t be happy”
“Because I’m not! In my head we were going to see them and you were going to cry and she wasn’t going to be mentioned and you’d be all proud and… and…”
Coran had more than put his foot in it. He’d been trying to compliment Lance from what Keith understood, but Coran also had no way of knowing how deeply his words would have hurt
“And I know. Babe, you’re you. I’m here with you”
Lance wriggled a hand up to thump it against Keith’s chest
“Then why was it about her and not you?! He should have been congratulating you. You should have been smiling and happy!”
Lance melted his dumb heart when he did silly things like getting angry on Keith’s behalf, Keith nosing into Lance’s hair
“I’m okay. You’re okay. You’re okay…”
“I’m not. I’m pissed off. That was supposed to be our special moment and he…”
“He was his usual self and got too excited to think through the weight of his words”
“But it was their first big scan…”
That was very true. Keith had been beyond relieved when he found out the worm had a one time use and he wasn’t pregnant. He’d felt awful for the relief, thinking of all the things he still wanted to do, before instantly being disgusted by himself. Lance had things he wanted too, and being host to an alien worm wasn’t one of them
“I know, baby. But we had their real scans together. I got to see them before Coran”
“I… just wanted this to go right. And now… God. I feel… I feel sick. I felt like… like he only wants me here for my connection to Allura… that all this time since she died he’s been looking at me and seeing her”
A hug wasn’t going to cut it. Moving his hands, Keith cupped Lance’s cheeks and forced him to look at him
“I see you. I’m not in bed thinking of her. I’m looking at anyone but you”
“I… I feel… really hurt”
“I know you do, babe. But I’m here and I’m not her. You’re not her. You’re Lance. My right hand man, rival for life, and my boyfriend. I honestly, truly, completely swear to you that I only chose those flowers because I thought you’d like them. I had no idea a womb worm existed, and I swear to you I never would have done this on purpose”
Lance sniffled as he nodded, before nuzzling into Keith’s left palm
“I know you wouldn’t. I’m not angry at you. I’m sorry I had a tantrum, but he really…”
Lance didn’t need to finish that sentence again, Keith finishing it for him as all he felt could do was continue reassuring Lance
“Hurt your feelings. I can’t say it felt great, but the main thing is that we have confirmation, we know how it happened, and the three of you are okay”
“I just wanted to get out of there. I was really looking forward to seeing them if I was”
“We can have our scan here. It might not be as high definition…”
Shaking his head, Lance took Keith by the wrists, moving Keith’s arms to hug him a little awkwardly
“No. I… think I need to calm down. Can we cuddle for a bit?”
“Of course we can. When have I ever said no to your cuddles?”
“I’m not sure, but I also don’t go around attacking innocent dressers either”
Snorting a laugh, Keith rubbed away Lance’s tears with his thumbs, smiling over how cute Lance could be
“It had it coming. Can I get you anything? A drink? Something to eat?”
“I just want to lay in your arms and be ridiculously annoyed until I’m not”
“Should I get the chocolate?”
Keith was surprised when Lance leaned in to kiss him. It was nothing more than a simple peck, yet Keith couldn’t help the way his smile widened
“Please. God. Keith, how did I get so lucky?”
“I’m not sure you’re lucky, but you are kind of pretty”
Scrunching his face up, his boyfriend laughed
“I don’t know where that came from. I said lucky not pretty. You’re the pretty one”
“Nope, you are. Sit down and let me do your shoes”
“Only if I can have you shirtless?”
“Are you going to be shirtless?”
Lance’s smile dropped, his boyfriend biting his lip as he looked to Kosmo who hadn’t moved from their bed. Keith thought that since the scan was all good, maybe he’d get some time to really see Lance’s stomach
“Lance, it’s okay. When you’re ready, I’d really like to see”
“I’m sorry I’m not there yet. I hate this”
“It’s fine… well, it’s not, my smoking hot pregnant boyfriend is upset, but luckily for him, I’m such a great boyfriend and there to give him shirtless cuddles”
“You don’t have to. If you want to go out…”
“Babe, it won’t be the first day we’ve spent in bed with me shirtless”
Lance blushed slightly, before paling
“I’m going to be sick”
Rushing off to the bathroom, Keith dropped his head as Lance went, wincing as he heard him vomiting. The way Lance had run had almost been comical, Kosmo jumping off their bed to trot after Lance. As much as he wanted to message Shiro and Curtis, that’d have to wait until Lance felt like it. With Lance now preoccupied, Keith looked to the mess on the floor and their unpacked things. If Lance was going to busy may as well be busy too.
Tracing the lines of Keith’s chest with his fingertips, Lance was thinking about Paris. The rain and dark clouds had seemed to set in as soon as he’d hit the city, as if nature had been privy to all his private emotions. He’d thought about having an accident. An accident so bad that whatever inside him would be gone without Keith ever knowing. Now he was glad he did. Too nauseous to sleep, then running hot and cold, no blankets and Keith for warmth seemed to be the perfect temperature.
Keith had conked out again, falling asleep as Lance picked at the block of chocolate resting on his chest. Their best boy laying on the ground between the door and their bed, as if he knew that’s where Lance needed him to be. He’d been so angry over Coran disregarding Keith. He adored Keith. He adored Keith so quiznakking much. He’d tried to keep all his struggles inside and it’d been so hard… that’s why he was still terrified that they really wouldn’t be able to fix this in the end. A couple of good weeks without a schedule was nothing like the busy pace of their two demanding jobs. He’d been so close to giving up in Paris. Still known as the most romantic place in the world, his chest had ached that he’d been there alone. With no word from Keith, he’d spent almost every moment worrying. Worrying that Keith had moved on. That this time their inability to contact each other would push Keith into someone else’s arms. Or worse yet, that it already had. He’d felt so sick, imagining Keith laughing and smiling with someone else. Wrapped up in blankets of a stranger as Keith cheated on him.
He’d also felt incredibly guilty and disgusted with himself for doubting Keith. Keith had been so good to him. He’d been through so much. He’d grown to be so amazing and into his skin in a way Lance still struggled too. Lance had felt he’d gotten so much better since beginning to teach. He had a passion for it he didn’t know he had, and though constantly reminded of Allura, he had something so real with Keith that it was okay.
Leaning down, Lance kissed Keith’s chest. His boyfriend had a few more scars since they’d started dating. He’s gotten broader and taller again… but at the heart of it all, Keith was still Keith
“Mmm, my lips are up here”
Lance jumped at being caught. He hadn’t felt any change in Keith’s even breathing, nor sensed he wasn’t as asleep as he seemed. Kissing Keith’s chest again, he couldn’t help feeling a little embarrassed
“This is all a dream, go back to sleep”
“If I’m already dreaming, why are you telling me to go back to sleep?”
Keith had him there
“Touché. But it’s okay, you can go back to sleep”
“Not when my boyfriend’s kissing me, I can’t. Are you okay?”
Lying his head against Keith’s chest, Lance really loved when Keith breathed. Humming lightly, he knew now probably wasn’t the time, but he still owed Keith an apology
“I’m fine… babe, I’m sorry about losing my temper. Even if it wasn’t directed at you, you still cleaned up my mess. I shouldn’t have lashed out like that”
Keith’s arm came up, squeezing Lance tightly to him
“Don’t tell my boyfriend, but it kind of felt nice that he cares about me that much”
“I have it on good authority that he does. He really does”
“Then do you know if he’s feeling any better about things?”
“He knows he loves you… other things, he’s still working out”
“He was meant to be sleeping”
Keith had Lance smiling like an idiot. The first time he’d pulled “don’t tell my boyfriend” on Keith, Keith hadn’t got it at all. Now they there were, Keith teasing him and Lance loving being held
“I got distracted. You were doing this thing I really love and missed”
“What? Farting in my sleep?”
Lance snorted. He didn’t love Keith’s farts and boy could he let them rip when he really wanted to
“No. Breathing. I was thinking about some things and got distracted”
“Good things or bad things?”
“Me things. Just about Paris. It’s nothing major”
“Did you want to go back?”
“No. I’m perfectly fine right here with you. As long as I don’t think too much there shouldn’t be any worries”
Keith snorted at him, rolling Lance onto him with that unfair Galra strength of his. He couldn’t hide his face now. Keith brushing back a stray lock of fridge
“Babe, you worry about everything”
“Trust me, I’m sooooo worried about everything, but for now I was happy watching you sleep. Are you okay? I mean… I had a space worm in me and now you’re going to be a dad and it’s kind of really creepy”
“I think we both would have acted differently if we’d known, but we can’t undo what’s happened. My baby is having our babies… and I’m scared too”
“Mmmm. I mean, my arse is great and all, and I can see why it’s so attractive, but still… I think I feel even weirder than before”
Keith’s hands slid down Lance’s back, groping him lightly
“Babe, I’m half Galra. A space worm might be weird but it doesn’t make you anyone else. Stranger things have happened”
Lance knew Keith wasn’t fishing for reassurance, yet still wanted Keith to know
“You being half Galra never made me think of you any differently… other than being slightly jealous you had this cool secret super power. You were still you. You’ve been trying to get it”
“I don’t, but I do”
Lance nodded
“Yeah, like that. Out of all the weird scenario is I had in my head I can honestly say space worm wasn’t one. I’m… I’m relieved. I feel bad but I’m relieved. It’s… it’s not something that can just happen again”
“You worry too much. I’d still love you, even if it was a permanent thing”
Wriggling up a few millimetres, Lance kissed Keith softly
“You’re saying all the right things”
Keith groped his arse again, Lance mentally sighing. He wanted to feel sexy, but all he felt was creeped out that a worm had done all this with him being clueless
“Mhmm. You love me even with a worm up inside my junk”
“And you’d love me all the same if it was me. Stop thinking that it’s changed how I feel about you”
“I can’t help it. I don’t feel… I don’t feel sexy in myself”
“Then should I show you?”
Lance’s heart gave a funny beat. He didn’t think he was ready, but was that him running away, or thinking to hard?
“I don’t know. It’s not like I never want to have sex again, I just don’t feel very confident about being naked”
“You should. You’ve got nothing to be ashamed of”
“See, you’re saying the words but my head is like no. I don’t want to do it but I don’t know if that’s only because everything’s messed my head up”
“That and you spent weeks thinking I couldn’t be attracted to you”
Lance groaned in shame. This was just something Keith wouldn’t get… they each had their own differences but yeah… he was incubating two lives and Keith had been born the way he was
“In my defence, I didn’t sign up for this”
“I know. I know I’m not known for taking it slow, so I won’t pounce on you”
Lance snorted
“If we can have sex without you seeing me, that would solve all my problems. I feel so self conscious about my stomach”
“Then leave your shirt on”
Keith had rendered him wordless, Lance squeaking out
“Wha… but… you…”
“If you’re trying to meet me half way, then I should be meeting you half way too. I’m patient enough to wait to see my twins again, if you’re patient enough to accept to you’re loved”
“But my moods… I’ve been an arsehole”
“A bit… but so have I. I didn’t realise what I was doing to you”
Keith was going to be the death of him, Lance quickly pointing out
“I didn’t tell you”
Keith countered with ease
“Because you love me. Like how I didn’t tell you things because I love you”
And broke Lance’s argument, though he did try to retort, trailing off at his lack of solid reply
“Yeah, well… yeah…”
Keith was way too practiced, rolling them to Lance was on his back, Lance’s legs wrapping loosely around him boyfriend without him thinking. He was definitely starting to wake up down there, and with a shirtless Keith above him, horny brained Lance was starting to set in
“It’s been a while for you, so we’ll take it slow. If you hate it then I’ll stop”
“I don’t hate sex with you”
“You know what I meant. Say the word and I’ll stop. But you know, today wasn’t all bad. You’re okay and they’re okay, so maybe we deserve a little us time?”
“I… no belly?”
“No belly until you’re ready. Okay?”
Swallowing hard, Lance nodded his permission. Keith most definitely was unfairly attractive and he was weak.
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Tales Of Arcadia(Voltron)
This an AU I'm going to do, putting the Voltron crew as people in Arcadia. Here is the character list and index.
Jim - Keith (Keith's personality will in no way change. Blinky will have all new problems with him.)
Claire - Lance (you saw the tag, you knew it was gonna happen.)
Toby - Hunk (again, won't change the personality.)
Blinky, Arrrgh, Draal, Douxie, and anyone else I don't mention stay the same. But may be up for debate
Stuart - Rolo
Barbara (Jim's mom) - Shiro
Strictler - Curtis (who Shiro marries)
Aja - Allura
Krel - Lotor
Varvatos - Coran
Eli - Pidge
Matt - Himself (will explain later)
Steve - James Griffin
General Morando - Honerva and Zarkon
Darcy - Shay (if there are any humanized versions, I'll take that.)
Claire's parents - Veronica and Acxa (still his sister and have a son, Lance's nephew, named Enrique. I like how NotEnrique rolls of the tongue.)
There will also be a self insert of mine that maaaay or may not be in a relationship with Douxie.... (why am I only bi for fake men?)
Any other suggestions, I'll gladly take. Also, don't know where else to put this, but the Blanks from 3Below are so a reference to I Love Lucy. I'm keeping them.
Boring old Arcadia
Romeo and Juddas
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