theelvenhaven · 3 years
Dating Celebrimbor
Part 2 - Shy S/O
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Request:  If you could do it for a shy/anxious reader, I'd appreciate it! Thank you ❤
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- Regardless of your nature, Celebrimbor still isn’t very big on vulnerability, but there is something about your shyer nature that seems to easily draw it out of him.
- After everything he has been through Celebrimbor is extremely good at knowing whether you are being genuine or not, which really helps him lower his guard.
- Celebrimbor is already a softy when it comes to you, but considering how shy you are, he is more likely to treat you like delicate porcelain or glass.
- He’s not afraid to speak his mind with you, Celebrimbor is just more careful in how he speaks to you, wanting you to find him a comfortable and safe space to coax you out of your shell.
- He is always really supportive and encouraging with you, always gently pushing you to do the things you fear doing.
- If you let him, Celebrimbor will absolutely be there every step of the way with you to be your rock and comfort through what he can be.
- Though to ensure your success, Celebrimbor will make sure to spend time fostering your independence and confidence in a positive and healthy manner so you can continue with whatever you are doing that is out of your comfort zone.
- Including bringing you along to meet with his allies and other peoples that he knows well and acquainted with being the Lord of Eregion and all.
- He will be sure to start out supportive and talkative, properly introducing you and helping you break the ice, but progressively pulls back until you are comfortable speaking with those around you.
- Celebrimbor will never push you to be extroverted, respecting your more introverted and shy nature, but will make sure when you have to interact that you are comfortable with it.
- Anticipate that you will still receive affections from Celebrimbor, though he will still prefer to keep a lot of his affections in private.
- His favorite thing to do is hold your hand and give you forehead kisses and kisses on your cheek.
- Celebrimbor is always reaching to hold your hand, enjoying the feel of it in his hand, or using to do what he can to comfort you if he sees you beginning to retreat into your shell.
- As soon as he starts to see how your nerves are getting the best of you, Celebrimbor reaches for your hand regardless of how public it is, and gently squeezes your hand with his thumb rubbing a circle on the back of your hand.
- He also loves to give you a forehead kiss, and is likely to indulge in a warm embrace in doing so, especially if you are search of comfort.
- Another thing that won’t change regardless of your nature about Celebrimbor is him gifting you things.
- Though Celebrimbor will try and not make such a big deal if he sees that it flusters you in a negative manner.
- Unless of course it is something he’s made for you, then he can hardly contain the excitement he feels to see your shock and awe when you open the box it’s in.
- Celebrimbor will also still be protective of you, though he is more likely to be defensive of your shyer nature.
- He already wouldn’t tolerate anyone bad mouthing and speaking ill of you, especially if it is because of him, leaving him to be even more defensive and a little more willing to be harsh if he needs to be.
- Celebrimbor regardless of your nature is still just as physically protective, no matter what. So anticipate that you will always be safe with him no matter what.
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Tags: @saviorsong , @lilmelily , @dicksoutformtl , @fandomhoe101 , @icarus-fell-in-spring , @iwenttomordor , @red-riding , @miriel-estelwen​ , @ta-ka-shi-ma​
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tolkien-feels · 2 years
Can you explain… nolofinwean and arafinweans? Like I tried googling the etymology of that and didn’t get much. What exactly do those names mean, beyond the descendants of Finarfin and Fingolfin? (Also which is which?) and do Feanorians get a -finwean name too?
I have tons of asks to go through that I should probably answer first but this one is really straightforward so I'm starting from it
The Elves of Valinor (and possibly all or most other elves) have a complex naming system. For the purposes of this post, let's stick with father-names and mother-names, so called because they're given by the child's father and mother respectively. Because the language spoken in Valinor is Quenya, all names below are in Quenya.
Feanor's father-name is Curufinwë (meaning Skilled Finwe), and his mother-name is Fëanáro (meaning Spirit of Fire.) In Middle-Earth, Fëanáro is adapted into Sindarin as Fëanor, which is what you get throughout the Silmarillion.
Fingolfin's father-name is Ñolofinwë (meaning Wise Finwe), but later, for political reasons, that name gets changed into Finwë-Ñolofinwë, which is really just a way to emphasize he is Finwe's son (and therefore a viable king.) Fingolfin's mother-name is Aracáno (meaning High Chieftain.) In Middle-Earth, Finwë-Ñolofinwë is adapted into Sindarin as Fingolfin.
Finarfin's father-name is Arafinwë (meaning Noble Finwe), and that later gets changed into Finwë-Arafinwë, for the same reasons as Fingolfin's name is. His mother-name is Ingoldo (which means The Wise or The Noldo.) In Middle-Earth, Finwë-Arafinwë is adapted into Sindarin as Finarfin.
(And now I'll drop the diacritics because my keyboard hates them.)
When they're using their Quenya names, Feanor goes by his mother-name, Feanaro, while Fingolfin and Finarfin go by their father-names, Nolofinwe and Arafinwe. This is a matter of personal preference, basically.
So when we want to refer to Fingolfin's family, we call them Nolofinweans (or sometimes Nolofinwions, which is a half-Quenya half-English way of saying "sons of Nolofinwe"), and similarly when we want to refer to Finarfin's family we call them Arafinweans or Arafinwions.
Feanarians is a little hard to say, so we cheat and borrow from his Sindarin name and just say Feanorians lol (Or maybe there's a different reason, but I don't know it.) Anyway, sometimes you might also see Feanorions or Feanarions, depending on whether the person borrows from Quenya or from Sindarin.
Instead of Feanorians, you could technically say Curufinweans, but that'd probably be a bad idea, because Feanor named his favorite son Curufinwë (which is how we get Sindarin Curufin), so it'd be difficult to know if you mean Feanor's family or Curufin's family. Plus, you'd be using the father-name Feanor doesn't really go by rather than the mother-name he goes by, which is a weird choice.
All of this to say... No, there's no real deep meaning, it's just a shorthand to talk about the three families. You might also see Finweans or Finwions when talking about all of Finwe's descendants.
For more fun with names, try and read volume 12 of the History of Middle-Earth series. It's called The Peoples of Middle-Earth, and there's a whole section dedicated to discussing the names of the descendants of Finwe! (That's also where we get the nicknames you might've seen being used, such as Nelyo and Kano for Maedhros and Maglor respectively. But that's a different topic.)
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theelvenhaven · 4 years
A Gift
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Celebrimbor x Reader
1.4k words
A/N: @emastrangee​ came up with this ADORABLE idea and shared it with me. With her permission I am allowed to write for it. So this is co-created with her, and dedicated to her as well!
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You had spent the last couple of days in the forges, though this time it was not in the company of your husband. This time you had been completely alone, working diligently on a project of your own... A gift for your beloved, considering all of the gifts he ever crafted you, you couldn’t but want to return the favor now that you had some skill under your belt.
You were by no means a great smith like Celebrimbor, but you had been slowly learning by his hand. You knew enough to start up a forge, craft very basic things even if the quality wasn’t that great, and to properly close down the forge. Giving you plenty of opportunities to continue this project in secret. 
You were nowhere near the level of intricacy the most seasoned of smiths were at, though they had all been encouraging in your learning. Especially encouraging when they had learned you wanted to craft a gift for your husband, a simple bracelet with blue topaz. 
Tolthon worked hard to help keep your secret and assisted you when you needed it. Especially when it came time to place the precious gemstones in it... He had helped bolster your confidence on your gift and you felt prideful at the time you had completed it.
Now that you were finished, all that was left to do was to find a time to actually give Celebrimbor his gift. But... between trying to find the right time and with your dwindling confidence in your own work, it left this part stagnant. Try as you might you couldn’t help but compare your own work with your husbands. 
Your cuff for him nowhere near as smooth, with as Tolthon called it, rustic dents though polished immaculately. Even the gemstone placement was off and uneven, though fortunately your gemstones were securely in place. It was Tolthon who finally gave you the bolsters to your confidence, and that was how you found yourself in front of Celebrimbor’s office door.
The lacquered wooden box in your hands, thumbs gently stroking it as you stared at the door trying to muster up the rest of your courage to go in. You could hear Celebrimbor’s velvety and deep voice speaking with another elf. Hearing how the conversation was drawing to a close...
At this you put the box behind your back just as the door opened, and you gave the ellon a smile as he held the door open for you. Entering the office to see Celebrimbor hunched over the paperwork on his desk. Not seemingly noticing that you had entered the room, as he continued to scrawl away. 
For a moment you considered leaving... It was indeed your last moment to finally back out and give up in this endeavor to try and give him a simple gift. But you took a few more steps forward coming to the very front of his desk,
“Tyelpe?” Your voice rang out softly in the room, immediately garnering the attention of the Lord of the Eregion. Crystalline blue eyes looked up at you instantly, mirth sparkling in them as they landed on your form. A faint smirk pulling at his lips,
“Mírë, to what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you while I work?” His voice was velvety and warm as he spoke to you, soothing some of the nervousness that still filled you. Those gorgeous blue eyes noting how you were hiding something behind your back. Yet he waited patiently for you to answer, setting his quill down in the ink pot, leaning back in his chair. You smiled at him, shifting some in your spot,
“Well… I have something for you.” You began, and you could see the curiosity bubbling in him at your words. Almost perking up entirely at your words, gaining his complete and total attention.
“Is it something you need help with, mírë?” He asked you curiously, occasionally you came to him with paperwork like this. That or when you were working in the forges without him, you’d approach him in a similar manner. So Celebrimbor was anticipating for a similar need.
But as you took a breath shaking your head, Celebrimbor slightly tilted his head watching you as you moved to walk around the desk. Evidently nervous to Celebrimbor, only making him furrow his brows as he watched you.
“I have a gift for you.” You said just as you began to pull the box from behind your back, and a look of surprise crossed his face. While you wrote him little poems or brought him favorite food often and even bought him new things, it never changed the fact that the gesture always seemed to catch him off guard. You knew this time he’d be completely off guard once he figured out that you had made him a piece of jewelry.
You extended your hands, gesturing for him to take the box from your hands, to which he did. By his facial expression alone you knew he recognized it as a jewelry box, and you held your breath while you waited for him to open it. Clasping your hands together as you watched him intently as he opened the box to reveal the bracelet. 
“You made this..?” He asked slowly, still with surprise as Celebrimbor looked from the box and back to you. A nervous smile pulled at your lips as you began to nod, the expression on Celebrimbor’s face was completely unreadable. Leaving your anxiety to begin soaring as you wondered what could possibly be running through his mind...
You practically winced seeing it compared to the current cuff on his wrist that became visible from beneath his black tunic sleeve. The one on his wrist so smooth and even and perfect… though the worn one was currently gemless. You waited patiently for his scrutiny as he looked it over, seeing him eye the inscription of tengwar on the inside. A simple I love you etched into the silver, with a simple stamp that was your signature. For the moment all you could do was wait in silence, completely oblivious to the love and happiness that filled your husband over your handmade gift. 
Just as you were beginning to pick apart your work, did you watch him slip the perfect one from his wrist… replacing it with the one you made. The beautiful blue topaz matching his outfit perfectly… 
“This is beautiful, Y/N…” Celebrimbor’s voice came out soft and gentle as he looked it over, finally looking up at you as he began to stand. Your eyes widened at hearing this, and it was your turn to be filled with surprise! It was just a lofty compliment coming from him!
“Truly? I know it’s not per-”
“It is perfect.” He interrupted you quickly, seeing that you were about to put down your handiwork. But to Celebrimbor it was perfect, with as well as he knew you... With all the time of you missing during his day, he knew that you poured your heart into this for him. To be the recipient of your creation, to him that was a great honor.
He moved quickly to draw you into an embrace, holding you close to his chest. You couldn’t help but wrap your arms around him, feeling all of your anxiety and worry over his thoughts of the bracelet you crafted for him. Shoulders relaxing, and taking a deep breath as you let the scent of him fill your lungs, a warm smile beginning to pull at your lips. 
“Thank you, mírë. It is a wonderful gift.” Celebrimbor continued, you were over the moon with joy to hear how happy he was with your gift, though the emotion to others seemed muted, you knew the emotion was genuine. If there was anyone’s opinion that meant the most over your work it was his, and trusted he’d be honest if your work was bad.
“You are so welcome, Tyelpe. I am so happy you like it, meleth.” His hand began to gently rub your back, before finally the two of you parted only slightly. So you two could look at one another, Celebrimbor leaning forward to press a soft kiss to the top of your head.
“I love it, Y/N.” The faint smile pulling at his lips as he brought a hand to cup your face, thumb gently stroking your cheek. His skin rough and tough against your face, yet soothing the feeling was soothing.
“Come let us take a break, I want to hear more about you creating this gift.” Celebrimbor said rather seriously, with a glint of curiosity filling his eyes as he looked down at you. You couldn’t help but feel your smile begin to grow, more than delighted to fill him in on all that happened. Easily walking alongside him to leave his office, so you could begin indulging him.
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tags: @saviorsongwrites​ @lilmelily​ @dicksoutformtl​ @fandom-hoe101​ @icarus-fell-in-spring​ @allinwonderlands​
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theelvenhaven · 4 years
Come to bed
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Celebrimbor x Reader
2k words
Unrequested work
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You woke stretching, hands wandering across the silk smooth sheets in search of Celebrimbor. Yet you were only met with an empty and cold side of the bed. Slowly you opened your eyes, staring groggily to see that not even the comforter on his side had been disturbed. A soft sigh escaped your lips at the sight, saddened some to know that he still hadn’t come to bed. Eru only knew how late it was… It was later than midnight, that much you were sure of.
With that you slowly sat up beginning to rub your tired eyes and taking a moment to look around the room in search of your husband. The fire in the hearth having long dimmed out, though its warmth still radiated in the room helping keep the autumn chill at bay. Especially with the doors and windows closed and you being beneath the heavy comforter.
His figure was nowhere to be seen, not at his desk at the other end of the room. The washroom lights were not lit, and his comfortable chair that sat before the hearth was empty of his presence. Again it seemed that his latest project kept him absent, for far too long as far as you were concerned. 
Sometimes nights like these made you feel pushed off and to the side as much as you understood his love and passion for smithing. Celebrimbor couldn’t help himself when it came to his passion and for that you didn’t fault him, though tonight it was driving you mad. Annatar certainly was not helping your cause and case, only furthering his own it seemed. While you were glad your husband had a friend that encouraged his interests, sometimes it seemed far too encouraging.
While you had a neutral respect for your husband's new friend... You couldn’t help but feel as though he didn’t hold the same respect for you. Though you were grateful that it was kept civil, you would hate for him to lose someone that had grown dear so quickly. 
You pulled yourself from your thoughts beginning to stretch again, before you slipped from the comfort of your bed and moved towards your dresser where your robe lay. Shifting into the warm and heavy fabric, that way you could try to be warm should you have to go down to the forges. You began to tie the cord in a knot around your waist, mindful to keep it decent as you were in your night clothes. Too tired to try and change into anything far more modest.
With that you began to leave the room, once more with your caution, you were mindful to not make a loud ruckus as you left. The lights extinguished leaving only the silvery moonlight to illuminate the long stretch of corridor, and quickly you began to shuffle down it. Folding your arms over your chest to keep the cold out, as it was chillier out here compared to the comfort of your room. 
You walked in silence, listening carefully and into the distance as you rounded corners and passed by offices. Finding that they were all empty, meaning that it was once again the forges that kept Celebrimbor away tonight. You only hoped that any actual physical work hadn’t been started and they were still working on drawing up the designs for this project Annatar had roped him into. You shivered as you opened the heavy oaken doors, leaving the safety of the building and beginning down the path towards the forges.
You took a deep inhale, enjoying the sweet scent of night phlox and night jasmine that bloomed beautifully around the path. Little white blooms littered the grass, glittering almost like silver in the moonlight, the stone beneath your feet no less enamoring at night, yet chilling you further and you huddled further into yourself. Doing what you could to keep warm, though you were hoping the forges would be warmer and fortunately you weren’t far.
As you approached there Celebrimbor and Annatar stood before a table in the center of the forges, both still in their tunics and robes as opposed to the heavy aprons and lightweight tunics they wore while forging. You felt some relief at this knowing getting him into bed sooner would be possible. Quietly they both spoke amongst one another, both oblivious to your presence even as you came to stand in an archway resting against the marble column. 
You took this moment to admire Celebrimbor, the look of concentration never breaking as he drew on a large sheet of parchment discussing their project. His braids that you had done were still neatly pulling his long black hair away from his face, silver beads placed throughout- gifts from the dwarves. 
He wore a black tunic with a silver vest and long flowing blue robes, the high collar of the tunic framing his square jaw exquisitely so. Pale little silver vines embroidered along the hems of his tunic and robes. Simple yet elegant, perfect for his simpler clothing tastes. In true Curufinwean fashion he’d rather wear more flashy jewelry than clothing, in his words gaudy fabrics would take away from his craftsmanship.
Though you enjoyed seeing Celebrimbor in his element- and admiring how beautiful he looked, a cold wind blew through whipping at your face and through your robe making you feel even more frigid. You pulled your robes around yourself more snugly before entering fully into the forges, your bare feet tapping softly against the smooth stone.
“Celebrimbor?” You began in a soft voice, pulling him quickly from his work. Bright blue eyes sparkling with joy to hear the sound of your voice as they landed on your form that stood just behind Annatar. The other ellon making the effort to turn around to glance at you, none too pleased with your appearance, but he kept quiet.
“Y/N, why are you awake mírë?” He asked gently, beginning to walk around the table, slipping his heavy robe off to pull across your shoulders seeing that you were shivering. The weight and warmth of his robes made you shudder from just how good it felt, not hesitating to gravitate towards his tall, warm and muscular self. Unable to resist the urge to be so close to him, even with Annatar present. 
“You were not in bed…” You stated to him simply closing your eyes as you felt his arms begin to wrap around you, your head was resting against his hard chest listening to the soft sound of his breathing and the sound of his heart thrumming. A low chuckle rumbled through before he leant down to press a kiss to your head. 
“Will you come back to bed with me?” You asked him sleepily, savoring the warmth and scent of him. It was exactly what you had been looking for and the very reason as to why you had woken, craving the closeness that you had now. For a long moment Celebrimbor was silent, his hand rubbing your back in a slow and smooth circle but you didn’t rush him to make a decision.
If anything between the warmth of his robes and body you leaned against, and the gentle and soothing ministrations of his hands you couldn’t help but begin to nod off. It was well past midnight and desperately you didn’t want to have to go back to sleep alone.
“Alright mírë, let us go to bed hm?” He said to you in a soft whisper, a large hand came to stroke the back of your head before cradling you against him. Celebrimbor was completely unable to deny you the comfort you craved and needed.
“Annatar, forgive me but I am afraid I have a more pressing matter to attend too at this moment.” He began moving to lift you from the floor, an arm coming to slowly sweep your legs from beneath you to hold. The other supported your back and side, clutching you close to his chest as Celebrimbor turned to face Annatar.
“But we shall speak further about this project soon.” You kept your head against Celebrimbor’s chest, eyes too heavy to peel open as he held you. But you heard a soft sigh escape Annatar at Celebrimbor’s words,
“I understand my friend, perhaps tomorrow then?” Annatar said with a lilted voice, hopeful almost that it could continue as soon as possible. Celebrimbor hummed for a moment in thought, their talking beginning to make you stir and perk up despite the comfort. 
“I am unsure if I can continue it tomorrow, I must make sure things are in order including with Y/N. I do not want them neglected when this project has taken up so much of my time already.” Celebrimbor answered far more openly than you had anticipated from him, considering he was not one to disclose all of his thoughts so openly and willingly. There was another pause,
“Ah… I see.” Annatar began in a stiff voice,
“No matter, we shall continue when time allows for it, though I hope it will be soon.” He continued in a lighter voice than he originally answered with. 
“I can assure you that it will be soon enough, my friend. I will see you then.” Celebrimbor responded pleasantly and gently to Annatar, with that you felt him begin to turn away and listened to his every step. Only shifting to nestle further into his hold, feeling the rush of air glide past you as he opened the door back to the corridors. 
His every step rushed yet smooth so you weren’t jostled so much and not a moment later it seemed you were back in your room. Celebrimbor bringing you to the bed where he laid you in his side, finally opening your eyes to watch him walk away. You only made a disgruntled noise in protest, warranting another soft chuckle from him but you began to wiggle your way back beneath the covers. 
You watched as Celebrimbor began to move to the hearth, stripping the silver vest and the black tunic and the thin undershirt. Giving you a perfect view of muscles from years of training as a smith and battle hardened warrior. Faint pale scars on were sparsely scattered, along with a few freckles.
Quietly he removed the charred remains of the logs before piling on new ones and stuffing kindling beneath the logs. Taking his flint and steel from his pocket before striking it repeatedly until the fire began to bloom to life beneath the logs. Steadily and quickly growing until it was roaring in the fireplace. 
“You are taking forever to come to bed…” You grumbled out curling up with his side of the blankets, only your eyes and forehead peeking from beneath the covers. A smirk began to pull at his lips at your words as he kicked off of his boots,
“The fire was necessary lest you freeze in your sleep.” He answered matter of factly, walking around to your side of the bed where he climbed in scooting all the way over to you. Chest pressing against your back before his arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you into him. You shuddered at the contact and wiggled back against and into him, 
“Who needs a fire... when I have you, my love..” Your voice slow and sleepy, again Celebrimbor chuckled at your words, forehead resting against the back of yours, lips brushing softly against the shell of your pointed ear. 
“Mm need I remind you that you were shivering the night before last because the fire had gone out?” You only frowned at his words knowing he was certainly speaking the truth, but you were too tired to even attempt to argue with him. So you only nodded feeling your body relax completely, Celebrimbor hummed softly at your lack of response. Another faint smile pulling at his lips to see you so content with him here,
“Sleep well mírë… When you wake I will be here.” He whispered to you pressing a kiss to your ear, only squeezing you snugly. You were unable to resist the lull of sleep as it began to pull you under, and this time you didn’t fight it. Only allowing yourself to be whisked away to sleep deeply, finally in the arms of your husband. 
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@saviorsong​ @lilmelily​ @dicksoutformtl​ @fandom-hoe101​ @icarus-fell-in-spring​
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theelvenhaven · 4 years
Late Night Stresses
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Celebrimbor x Reader
1.3k words
                                                       * * *
It was about three am when the sound of your bedroom door opening woke you, you slowly rolled your head to look at the growing sliver of orange light to your left. Celebrimbor’s blurry figure slipped through the small opening as quietly as he could, in your own silence you began to rub your bleary eyes. Only sighing softly as you finished watching as your husband began to close the door.
As your eyes adjusted you could see how rigid and tense your husband was, the faint silvery glow around your husband from the two trees giving you a perfect view of where he was. You were knew he had been in the forges as you could smell the coal, metal and sweat on him. Celebrimbor let out a heavy sigh as he began to walk away from the door, you rolled over slowly following his form. 
Watching as he went to the bathroom drawing a bath before he began to undress to bathe. The door cracking only slightly and you listened he fiddled with the ties of his apron grumbling under his breath before with a heavy thug they hit the floor. Celebrimbor began to curse softly when small metal tools clanged loudly against the floor, making you snort out in hazy amusement. 
Try as he may, Celebrimbor could be noisy even in his most quiet moments after working in the forges. Especially if his mind was clouded deep in thoughts as tools and metal pieces made their way from the forge and too your room.
You lay there quietly, listening to the bathwater slosh noisily around the tub as he go in. It sounded like endless sloshing as the minutes began to tick by, tonight was clearly not a night where things had been unwinding in the forges. Just hours of endless frustration, as Celebrimbor wasn’t even taking the time to sit and relax in the bath. Just enough to wash the grime of the forges away and off of his skin. 
It made you wonder when the last time Celebrimbor stopped to relax over these past two months. Lately the forges didn’t seem very therapeutic for him if at all, only coming back to you more tense than he was before.
He had made sure that time had been made for you, even with him being down in the forges so often Celebrimbor hadn't neglected any second with you that he had. But in doing so he had neglected himself and he had hid it well from you.
When the water began to drain from the tub it pulled you from your thoughts, and prompted you to sit up in your soft bed. The fluffy and warm comforters pooling around you just as your husband stepped out of the bathroom in nothing but his clean trousers. Celebrimbor stopped for a moment and you saw the frown that graced his lips.
"Mírë, have I woken you?" He asked with some concern in his voice as Celebrimbor began to pad across the floor quickly to your side of the bed. You could feel the guilt radiating from him, though you began to shake your head softly registering his question. 
"I am sorry that I have." Celebrimbor muttered softly to you as he sat next to you, hands coming to grab yours. Gently you squeezed his large calloused hands, savoring the roughness and warmth of them. You smiled groggily to him,
"Do not apologize to me, I am glad that I have this moment with you." You said to him softly as you began to pull away from him, scooting to the center of the bed. Celebrimbor watched you curiously hating the sensation of your delicate hands leaving his, but when you patted the bed beckoning him to be with you he obeyed.
"No not up here, lay your head here." You said gently directing him to lay his head in your lap, Celebrimbor paused for a moment not understanding why you didn't want to lay with him as you usually did but nonetheless he did as you directed.
"You've done so much for me and not enough for yourself... I can tell whatever it is you're working on has you stressed my love..." You whispered softly to him as you looked down at him, hands coming to either side of his face where you caressed gently, his eyes fluttering close at how good it felt.
With care you traced your hands down his jaw and to his neck, fingers pressing to the back of neck, kneading firmly enough to massage him and working your way down to his broad shoulders. Muscles tense beyond their own volition, and you were confident it was from the weight of all of his work on his shoulders.
A soft sigh of approval left his lips as you began to feel his shoulders slacken, and you kneaded roughly knowing it felt good to him. With as big as he was a massage required much more force coming from you, as opposed to it being the other way around. It was very rare that Celebrimbor relinquished any control of you being the provider of any kind, but in this moment it just felt so good to be cared for.
You began to hum softly, letting your hands work on one side of his shoulder. Kneading down his strong bicep, making sure you took your time and watching his facial expressions to make sure he was enjoying himself and even though he was so big you worried about hurting him. Coming down to his hands here he seemed to frown some when you began your ministrations, feeling how tight and tense the muscles seemed to be here too.
But after a moment his face relaxed again and you worked your way back up slowly so you could begin again on the right side of his body. It had been so long it felt like since he had been so relaxed, his eyes shut and his breathing soft. The tension at long last falling from his body and with as calm as he was you were sure he was asleep until you ran your fingers back over his shoulders.
Nails gently caress his shoulders making him groan out softly at how good it felt, it made you smile widely. It was adorable and it made you feel so good to know that you could take care of him too.
"How about considering a late start to your day tomorrow? Or getting off earlier tomorrow so you can take some time to yourself?" You asked in a light, soothing voice making him hum out at your words. There was a long moment of silence as you didn't press Celebrimbor to make a decision, knowing that he wouldn't let you go to bed without an answer.
Quietly he worked out what had to be done tomorrow, deliberating if the project he was working on could be put on hold until the following day. As your fingers left his shoulders he slowly opened his eyes, seeing your adoring and smiling face unable to help the small smile that found his lips.
"Alright... I shall take off sometime tomorrow after noon." He calmly, happily relenting to your advice, wanting nothing more to be in your company alone. Craving more of your affection he moved to lay down next to you, waiting for you to settle into bed so he could wrap his arms around you pulling you close to his chest.
You couldn't help the bright smile that found your face, excited to be able to spend some time with your husband. But more importantly make sure that he was taking care of himself, and doing what you could to make sure he knew you would help when he needed it.
"I love you..." Your voice said muffled in his chest, feeling a soft chuckle rumble through him,
"I love you too mírë..." He whispered sweetly to you in return before you two lay together in silence, gently drifting to sleep together.
* * *
@saviorsong @lilmelily @dicksoutformtl @fandom-hoe101 @icarus-fell-in-spring
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theelvenhaven · 4 years
Jealous Celebrimbor
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- When it comes to jealousy in your relationship, it is something that will be bound to rear it’s ugly head before you and Celebrimbor marry especially.
- While your relationship will be incredibly loving, it doesn’t mean that there won’t be times where he is jealous.
- He is usually an incredibly patient ellon, with you especially but just like everyone else he has limits.
- Celebrimbor is incredibly insecure when it comes to himself and how deserving he feels of you, that and it took a long time and considerable self arguing about letting you into his life.
- A way that usually helps trip and trigger his jealousy is if there is any time that you begin choosing someone else’s company over his. 
- While at first he will understand that you do in fact want to have friends and be with them, if they are another ellon that you are spending so much of your time with that Celebrimbor is getting sidelined it isn’t going to sit well.
- Another thing really gets his jealousy going is if you are overly touchy with other ellons, while he is receptive and comfortable with a handshake, if it is anything more he is quick to grow uncomfortable.
- Because Celebrimbor has that famed Feanorian temper, rather than being quick to unleash it against you he shuts down entirely trying to keep under lock and key.
- He will grow physically tense, holding all of the tension in his shoulders and jaw and won’t make eye contact.
- Instead of wanting to stick around to see anymore overly friendly displays or wanting to continue watching you bound off to be in someone elses company over his, Celebrimbor will avoid you and hole himself up.
- He won’t explain what it is that has him feeling the way that does, he just begins mulling everything over to himself and will keep to his office or forges not even wanting to hide from you in his room.
- Since he is a one man council this time will be spent trying to decide what exactly it is that he should do to handle the situation and he won’t come out from hiding until he has one.
- Even if that means hiding for days at a time, your best bet would be to approach him first to explain yourself.
- When you begin to speak with him, Celebrimbor will be doing his best to be as cold as he can to keep his distance if his worst fears come to light but he is listening to your every word. 
- But once you explain to him the nature of the relationship or that you didn’t realize your friendliness would upset him or that you didn’t mean for things to come off so wrongly he will soften and begin asking you questions.
- Celebrimbor is diplomatic so he will want for things to be handled as calmly as they can be, even despite his jealousy. So he will run through every question he can to better understand the situations.
- Once you both have gone over everything and it has helped put to bed some of his insecurities Celebrimbor will take the time to apologize for reacting the way that he did. 
- Keeping his insecure reasons more to himself, even if you already have an inkling as to why he reacted the way that he did. 
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@saviorsong​ @lilmelily​ @dicksoutformtl​ @fandom-hoe101​ @icarus-fell-in-spring​
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