#cute aunt and niece
silvermoon424 · 5 months
I’m wearing my new t-shirt with Super Sailor Moon on it, and my nieces came over to spend the night. My 4yo niece Molly keeps comparing Usagi to Rapunzel (one of her more recent favorite characters) because they both have long blond hair. It’s so cute omg 😭
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koirioni · 2 months
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pushing500 · 1 year
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This crazy dinosaur doesn't know not to attack the guy with the brawler trait, kickass melee ability, and the magic hammer.
And Irwin is not clever enough to realise that when his toes get bitten off, he should maybe prioritise going to the hospital over eating his lunch. Silly boy.
I wonder where he keeps Xanxalbur when he's working? I just imagine he does the Animal Crossing thing and pulls it out of nowhere with that cheery little jingle.
I can't draw dinosaurs I'm sorry
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Not sure how the genetics of two baseliners makes one yttakin, but I don't feel like questioning it right now. Anyway, turns out Wendy and Kawoo are related. That's kind of fun. Also, Wendy's dad is named "Liquid Science", which is the coolest name ever.
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The flu has taken my sweet babies :(
This was just an excuse to draw Zonovo with his hair out, and Kaz looking after baby Andy (because despite being sick himself, Kaz is still one of my more competent doctors and decided to look after the kid before himself and I thought it was adorable).
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Also, today I had a flat tyre and nothing to do but draw while I waited for it to get patched up, so here's what I accomplished with the sketchbook from my car (I have hidden sketchbooks everywhere just in case) and a felt pen I had in my bag. I liked it, so it gets to go on the blog. Enjoy!
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takemebacktocaitlyn · 26 days
Best way of starting my day was both of my nieces (10 and 8) attempting to FaceTime me at the same time, like we were having a zoom meeting.
There was a lot of “I love you” and “I miss you” and “look at this Cay Cay” (my nickname for them) and “Will you come and pick us up?” And “can we stay with you this weekend since you’re off?”
I really just hope they always know that.
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fictionadventurer · 1 year
I have learned that there are mini American Girl dolls, and I'm in grave danger of indulging my inner child who loved Josefina at the expense of my outer adult who has no real justification for this purchase.
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bumblebookbeebzzz · 2 months
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Do you make vision boards for the style you want to dress as when you’re reinventing yourself? I’m remaking my wardrobe in a more whimsigothic image, which hasn’t been hard because I was half way there already. I just needed more skirts and spaghetti straps to layer over shirts lol. Perhaps a few bell sleeve shirts. I take this on shopping trips to hone in on what I’m looking for in style, shape, texture, color and pattern.
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lucielovekj · 3 months
My brother, SIL and niece went to Disney in Florida a while back and they brought me back this fan as a gift
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(in part because I carry a hand fan with me most of the time bc I get so warm) and I’m v thankful and also find it so funny that this is the gift that was chosen. I’ve never even come out to them they just know I’m Like This.
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boomerang109 · 3 months
listening to my aunts whisper and giggle like it’s a sleepover and im obsessed with them
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antiquery · 1 year
niece acquired
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princesssszzzz · 1 year
How do you think rhaena reacted to having her niece be named after her
They told Rhaena and she 100% threw a medieval baby shower for preggers Daenaera and Aegon iii then the baby came out looking like her 💕💕💕💕
But seriously I have this theory if Rhaena lived in Oldtown then she took Septa Rhaena to the sept when she was young to pray so they were very close. Rhaena would make a big deal about the baby name because the repeated female Targ names like Rhaenys and Visenya are spaced out betweens generations so Rhaena still being alive while having someone named after her is so cool. Daenaera names get that because she likes Rhaena, Aegon agreed because he needed to apologize for being so mean to Morning 😩
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silvermoon424 · 8 months
I don't give a fuck if I'm biased. My nieces are literally the cutest kids who have EVER existed. Objective fact!!!
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corner-stories · 2 years
irey and the eldritch blob
Irey West. Jesse Chambers. Todd Rice.
First Meetings. Aunt-Niece Relationship. Candy.
954 words.
Irey West prides herself on being the bravest, bestest, and fastest Impulse that she can be. 
However, a visit to the Justice Society brownstone puts one of her heroic values into question. 
Upon seeing an uncanny, unfamiliar shadow moving on the wall, Irey lets out a terrified shriek. Being thirteen (and a half), it’s unsurprising that her voice is loud, piercing, and resonates throughout the entire main foyer.
At least the shriek is short as Irey jumps back away from the wall. Fortunately, her Auntie Jess is there to catch her and prevent the hyperventilating middle schooler from tumbling onto the floor. 
Jesse Chambers grabs her niece by the arms and helps the little one back onto her feet. 
“Irey! Irey! It’s okay!” Jesse assures, speaking loudly, but firmly. “That’s just Obsidian, he’s our security system for the building!” 
Irey’s breathing is still a mess. Her heart is beating so fast that she just might pass out. Her eyes are focused on the shadow on the wall, and the way it’s so dark it looks like a black hole under the foyer’s fluorescent lights. It’s nothing she’s ever seen before, and in her odd years of life Irey has already seen her fair share of horrifying things.  
But yet, when Irey looks up and sees the calm eyes of her Auntie Jess, she can feel the fear in the veins slowly slipping out of her. 
“He’s… he’s what?” 
“He’s our security system,” Jesse repeats, placing her arms on Irey’s shoulders. “Todd’s powers allow him to be aware of the entire building at once. It’s very helpful. Want to say hi?” 
Despite having screamed loud enough for the entire west wing to hear, Irey looks towards the wall once more. The shadow moves again and she has to fight down the urge to scream again. She reaches up to squeeze her Auntie Jess’s hand as the shadow morphs from a two-dimensional splotch and into a cloudy black blob shaped like a hand. 
Somehow, the sight of the hand becomes less terrifying when it waves towards Irey.
“Hello,” greets the gravelly voice of the Justice Society’s security system. 
“Hi,” Irey replies, squeezing her Auntie’s hand even tighter. “Todd, right?” 
Irey looks up to Jesse for guidance, who only smiles down to give the little one more assurance. 
Somehow, when Irey looks towards Todd the Shadow once more, she feels just a little less scared. 
“I heard my Grampa Jay talking about you,” Irey says. “He said you’re on new meds and feeling a lot better.” 
Jesse looks down at Irey with a shocked, scolding expression in her eyes. “Irey!”
To the surprise of both speedsters, Todd the Shadow lets out a deep, humored hum.
“You’re Grampa Jay isn’t wrong,” he says in a rather chipper tone — well, as chipper as an eldritch-looking blotch on the wall can be. “I am feeling better nowadays.” 
“I’m on meds too,” Irey tells him. “For my attention deficit hyper-action disorder.” 
With a smile, Jesse affectionately squeezes Irey’s hand again. “You mean hyperactive disorder.” 
Irey nods along. “Right, what she said.” 
With that said, Irey reaches into her coat pocket and rummages around. What she pulls out is a small plastic tube of candy. 
“Do you want an M&M?” Irey offers, holding the tube towards Todd. “My meds make me anxious sometimes, so my parents put candy in my pill box. You know, the ones with the days of the week.” 
For a beat Todd says nothing as Jesse keeps her hands on Irey’s shoulders, a secure gesture that does wonders to calm the young speedster down. Then the shadows on the wall form into a hand again, which reaches out towards the redhead once more. 
With a grin, Irey pours a few M&Ms onto Todd’s shadowy palm, then watches as the hand retreats back into the wall. The sight of a dark cloudy blob is still unnerving, but somehow seeing Todd holding onto a handful of multicolored candy makes it a lot more palatable.  
“You’re very kind, Irey,” speaks Todd. “And I love M&Ms, thank you.” 
With a lot less fear, Irey gives the eldritch blob. “You’re welcome.” 
“We should get going now, Red,” Jesse soon says, squeezing Irey’s shoulders once again. “Don’t wanna keep Grampa Jay waiting.”
“Okay,” the middle schooler replies, nodding. She then gives the JSA’s security system one more friendly look. “Bye!” 
“See you around, Todd,” Jesse says, letting her little niece run down the brownstone’s hall at a normal speed. 
“You too,” says Todd’s gravelly voice. Despite the deep, ominous tone that comes from Obsidian’s shadow form, there is something oddly personable about the way he speaks. “By the way, how was that doctor’s appointment last week?”
Irey stops running and turns around to see her Auntie Jess speaking to a shadow like it’s a co-worker at the water cooler. 
“It was alright, thank you for asking,” Jesse continues, placing a hand on her hip. 
“How far along are you now?” asks Todd. “Three months?”
“Four, actually.” 
“Oh, I can’t tell.” 
Despite the hoarse, smoky tone that Todd continues to speak in, his comments manage to put a grin on Jesse’s face.
“You flatter me too much,” the blonde speedster says. Finally, she begins stepping away from the shadow on the wall to walk towards her niece in the hall. “Anyways, gotta run — take care, Todd.” 
“You too.” 
On Irey’s end of the hallway, she raises an eyebrow at the scene in front of her. Despite all the peculiar things she had seen in the last few minutes, she’s quite sure that this might be the strangest. 
According to Irey’s father, her Auntie Jess is never this friendly with anyone!
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corvidaedream · 2 years
work story:
tiny seth finally had his first big road test in his actual job as child-distracting assistant yesterday when i was on tea room duty.
i was sitting next to the fireplace at the little table sewing a little doll-sized jacket for him when this family with two very young children sat down nearby, and the kids were very interested in what I was doing, so I stopped my sewing & took the needle off so I could show them how the work in progress jacket goes on him, and the older child (a little boy who proudly announced to me that he's two) was fascinated
for the next hour and a half, he made seth walk around the table, pointed out different features of him & how they related to us (ex: pointing out his eyes and then our eyes, or holding up his hat, and then the boy's own winter hat, and then my frilly white cap and shouting "HAT!" very proudly), and, my favorite, picking out scrap fabric from my basket and tying them around the little rabbit as a cape or a scarf (or handing them back to me and saying "help" to get me to tie the actual knot on a few of the scarves)
he also stuffed a bunch of the fabric scraps he really liked (the very soft ones) into his little jacket pocket.
when his family finally left, the tea room was closing, so I started packing up my stuff, and he asked me to bring the rabbit back out so he could say bye to him.
10/10 tiny seth did a great job at child-entertaining and not being accidentally mistaken for a gift or being walked off with
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solpng · 2 years
anyway today was rly nice❣
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curemoonliite · 2 months
random fun fact about me: i absolutely adore cybunny plushies and have all the official ones neo has ever made (including the LE 1000 green one, who i named millie bc i was studying latin roots at the time and i thought it would be hilarious to name her that).
in fact, i actually got into neo bc my uncle won me a blue cybunny plush at an arcade when i was little! he lives far away from me and he has even worse chronic migraines than i do so i only really get to see him once a year, so i really treasure my cybunny collection and the old kaleidoscope he gave me bc they remind me of all the good times i had with him growing up (sappy as that sounds).
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autumnrory · 8 months
damn sometimes i agree to things just to see my nieces/nephew and it's like why did i do that
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