#cutest pawpaw
jdms-flat-ass · 10 months
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elliespuns · 9 months
In the first game, Joel looks like he's her dad. But in the second game, he kind of looks like he's her grandpa (a really sexy grandpa tho, that's wasn't an offense). And the way joel acts like a grandpa and uses his soft pawpaw voice more often does not help. Ellie winned the cute score on first game, but in Tlou2 joel is the cutest bbg<3
You were saying?
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Joel as a paw-paw is my weak spot. Idk what I want more; to sit down with him and listen to him telling stories about his childhood or to sit on his lap and make him shut up. [photo: themodsofus]
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
Imagine Big Jim babysitting El all alone tho. They’d be watching TV, some hockey replays most likely and he talks to El explaining what’s happening.
And El stuffs his mouth with a cheeto puff and just lets out the cutest giggle
LMAO El is thinking “shh pawpaw, i’ve already heard all this from daddy.”
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 1 year
random notes on naddpod c1 ep 1-45
shared here in lieu of chewing my very indifferent friends' ears off irl. For whom it may concern. also why do i keep thinking i could keep these to a single post. this campaign has a hundred episodes.
spoiler warning! you will get no context but still
Scoutmaster Denny *murdered* me. The voice, the whole deal. I started this podcast on a trainride and fully lost it over Denny in public
“Let’s cast waterwalking on the boat!” “…Emily, that’s just a boat.”
Hardwon on the dumb mating call idea: "can't we just break a bunch of sticks or something? why do we have to make it horny?" and Murph losing the fucking plot in the background
DM lightly threatens player’s pet, endangers his marriage, more at 10
“The animals are going batshit. Even the bats.”
legit every time they describe someone and then land on "they're just hot" almost nothing they describe works for me, it's kind of hilarious
also a truly staggering percentage of the NPCs are naked
Moonshine is saved by an almost literal Deus Ex Machina as Pawpaw descends from the Heavens carried by a very helpful centaur
The reaction to the last remaining dude attacking Beverly in the Ezry lab cracked me up. “We’re trying to watch a cutscene! Read the room!”
whenever Emily shows the slightest hint of disappointment or frustration the world will immediately alter just a little to make her feel better (like retroactively making the stairs unsafe because Emily saved a whole spell slot to climb the wall of the tower). This is the cutest shit and also it took them TWELVE episodes to call Murph out on it
(I'm much further into the podcast now and i can't believe none of them have tried to weaponise this blatant weakness even once)
A BROOMBA is sweeping the floor
nothing is better than Murph doing Pawpaw but his fucked-up sounding seagull is a close second. Truly capturing the personality of those damn bastards, the man is the king of the garbage critters
Emily feels SO guilty about sending this dumb bird to die
Coming into this with the only prior experience of DnD being Brennan and Aabria is kind of wild. Like D20 campaigns you'll get the big philosphical speeches for the emotional beats and here's Murph with an equally heartfelt "Life just sucks ass, you know?"
Hardwon finding out about his parents is SUCH a good scene
“Are they bioluminescent?” “No.” “Can they be?” “Yeah, okay.” (16/17)
“Get out of town!” “I can’t, I’m a mushroom. I just stay here.”
Emily: “Oh, scrying means spying!” “It doesn’t, but-“ Murph, .2 seconds within Emily getting ‘um actually’-ied on dnd: “It does in this game, wiseass.”
Ol' Cobb’s big day!
When Hardwon goes down and the whole table has to watch Murph fight this intense squirmish against himself. Just a guy rolling dice and talking to himself. God that’s so funny (19/20)
Bev’s big day! Also Bev’s first kiss! (19-20)
they’re really going all out for Ol' Cobb. Now he has a tragic lovestory too! (21)
“The High Elves believe that they were banished because they were cousins who wanted to get married. The Crick Elves believe they were third cousins at most. The truth is somewhere in-between.” “Second cousins?” “They were second cousins.”
Not to be cheesy on main but the Crick is such a love letter. Like it’s so obvious how much care and heart went into this almagation of all the silly asides Emily has thrown out
I have one (1) American irl friend and they're from a smalltown in North Carolina so all I'm hearing is people approximating my friend's accent with varying consistency and success
the Crick sounds like paradise and my worst nightmare, simultaneously
having Pawpaw's mother speak and also speak in the most matter-of-fact serious tone (22) is the funniest thing to ever happen. truly inspired.
Hardwon swears fealty to a middle-aged possum? what is happening
Jake v Murph’s ice ban is priceless (23) - “I caught Jake downstairs shovelling ice into his drink out of a bucket with a scoop - you had a scoop! - and he tried to cover it up and hide it!” “It was a joke!” “It sounds like you got caught though! Can you get caught making a joke?” #lifttheiceban
“I’m sure people will get the expedited version of the puzzle solving section-“ “No, give them the nine-hour cut, with just a full hour of us screaming at Murph begging for the answer.” “Join us for our new podcast, Puzzle Dullards.” (23)
Increasingly chaotic openings: “I am furious and I am also Brian Murphy” “If you edit out all my binks, I swear to Melora I’ll… I’m gonna pants you in your sleep!” (24)
Moonshine describing marble as “polite rock”
Emily attempts some straight up gaslighting: “Can I summon Illuminate Mystery?” “…that’s not… that’s not a real spell, you jerk.”
“Murph, if you kill Meemaw regardless of what happens in the fog just because it’s narratively interesting, I will sleep on the couch. For months.” “If Murph sleeps on the couch, is that a Murphy bed?” “No, I’ll sleep on the couch.” “Okay, if Meemaw dies, Emily will be punishing herself.” (25)
Not Murph giving Moonshine crickrot only to be audibly distressed when Emily is sad about it (26)
And then channeling this distress through her fictional pet possum
Pawpaw really is the funniest self-insert character of all time
“Balnor, are you from WWI?” I adore this theory and wish it were canon. But also he talked about fridges a bunch so probably not?
Okay but in all seriousness the whole Marabelle arc is SO GOOD
And Hardwon’s earnest devotion to Mawmaw is actually oddly touching ngl
Murph as the voice of Hardwon’s drug addiction is *devious* (30)
That NPC casino employee making zero efforts at the pirate lingo
Siobhan’s character trying to talk to Pawpaw!! Pawpaw being described as Moonshine’s accountant!!
Literally my reaction whenever pawpaw makes an appearance:
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Moonshine backing out of that threesome and opting back in like five times and also roping Balnor into it is GOLD
Genuinely the strategy to fake an immediate orgasm and sprint out in embarrassment is actually probably not the worst way to get out of a foursome? Maybe?
"And Siobhan Thompson as Apple Scrumper." "MVP! MVP! MVP!" "Yeah, Apple is the only one conscious right now." "Right now, MVP stands for Most Vertical Person."
Murph treating his Jersey accent like a full-on speech impediment
"Why are you writing that down? I haven't given you guys anything!" "This is Caldwell, out of character, trying to be helpful!" "No, this is Caldwell, out of character, wanting that money for Bev!"
(in)voluntary horse murder
Emily's thornwhip move!! her MIND
"So do we go and look for him or do I just cast Skywrite and make the clouds say something threatening to him?" "You're going to threaten him with clouds? Okay."
"LIAR! LIAR BOY! YOU'RE NOT A REAL GREEN TEEN!" "I would never lie! It's true! The stratosphere wouldn't allow for it, I'm sorry!"
Murph making a huge deal about how it would be impossible to see skywriting at night when the way bigger issue is that Moonshine is illiterate. They keep forgetting that and it's funny every time
Moonshine firmly believing that Pawpaw knows how to write and him just writing "MO" every time is my absolute favourite bit I hope it never ends
"Wait a minute, you're in the middle of a swamp and you summoned a big, beefy horse?" "Horses can swim! Horses can swim!" "We've all seen Neverending Story, okay?" [crowd boos] "I will kill your horse! I dare you to boo me!" "Don't boo, he thrives off of it..."
Murph is channeling so much rage at something workout related here. who hurt you
"You all killed my family! My friends!" "You also did that." "You might have killed more of them than we did." "Truly all I did was hold a door shut." This is vicious I forgot how off the walls fucked up the whole Josh thing was
"Shit now I gotta do math in front of people."
Caldwell's silly little poems are actually so fucking impressive tho
"What's the damage on that?" "Rolling still." that is SO ominous
Spent this entire fight thinking the Watchman was throwing I beams at the BOB. Deeply confused when Murph said his players would get mad at him if he didn’t count those as spells. They meant “eye beams” as in laser beams from his eyes, and bottom line is English sucks because you can’t communicate anything clearly
“Murph, you’re living it up in this city.” “Yeah, you’ve invented a city full of anti-goof robots.” “The anti-goof police is out in full force.”
Murph setting up a super high-stakes social environment where the cast cannot pull their usual shenanigans and then deciding this will also be the arc where all the NPCs relentlessly flirt at Moonshine is honestly hilarious
holy shit no punches are being pulled in first half of the Frostwind arc. yeesh
Their massively lame "Headgum does Red Wedding" bit
Emily's Melora bits finally went too far: "Oh, Melora is masturbating in the corner!" "... Jesus." "Eww! That's the worst one!" "That is some Blumhouse shit, Emily!"
I think this podcast is the first time I've ever heard the word “brazier” actually pronounced out loud, and I hate it! please stop saying it
Murph taking the occasional run up at the fourth wall to go 'hey this is pretty good! who wrote this' always amuses me. i get it, if I could do that with my own writing i would
the 'one big bed' bit warms my heart. They keep trying to make it weird but honestly i still mostly come away missing big sleepovers
"I'm not afraid of the elements! The nature of mushrooms is sort of -" "Moonshine... mushrooms don't grow here." *Moonshine's life flashes before her eyes*
I know Balnor just confirmed he was around post early 80s because he quoted ESB, but the way he reacted to that whole gnarly giant murder and disembowelment is *really* giving WWI vibes
Starting to suspect Murph also just learned how to pronounce brazier. There seem to be a weird amount of them around, nobody has a campfire or an oven or a hearth or a fireplace…
The life and times of Ram Daniel
“I can’t tell you what a bad place this was to do a blood ritual.” Oh what a good and reassuring thing to hear from your DM
Murph starting to rate their little intros and immediately getting "bullied" into changing Emily's grade to an A (43)
“I sing a quick Gashlight Anthem”
Emily rolling for her dream and dreaming about Pawpaw dissolving, “that’s a one roll you monster!”
Murph stop making fantasy meth sound fun challenge
This party being fifty percent functionally illiterate is somehow still funny
"Bev crit on finding Werther's one time, and then failed a check to see cannons coming at his house, and his mom, his boyfriend and his grandma almost died."
"Everyone is hot, everyone is horny, welcome to NADDPod" well at least he admits it
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A Whole New Ballfield: "ALN" Story (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Modern Domestic AU)
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Positively smitten, Bucky gazed down at his grandson. Affectionately, the alpha stroked over Rory's cheek, just like he did with each of their own kids. And Steve got it. Really, he did, because he was right there with his mate. Absolutely in awe with just how much he loved this baby.
"And here I was thinking that we made cute babies," Bucky teased, sniffling. Just filled with so many emotions that they had nowhere else to go but out.
"He is cute, isn't he," Rhodey preened, bringing Oliver's hand up so he could press a kiss to the back of it.
"He's the cutest," Ollie corrected his mate.
"Damn right, he is," Rhodey grinned, leaning over so he could press a kiss to Ollie's lips.
Steve beamed and gestured for his husband to share their grandson with him. With being passed and slightly jostled from one loving embrace to another, Rory let out a small cry. Steve had plenty of experience though, so he gently swayed the newborn.
Softly, Steve assured Rory, "You're okay. Pawpaw's here. You're okay."
Thankfully, Rory was easy to soothe. He nuzzled closer and Steve smoothed his hand over that smattering of thick, black hair. Just like Bucky, Steve couldn't help but stroke his finger over that round, chubby cheek. Steve just couldn't get over how much this little boy had him wrapped around his little finger already. He wasn't even a day old yet, and Steve knew that he'd do anything for him.
"Knock, knock."
Looking towards the door, Steve watched as his kids entered the recovery room. Instantly, the kids started to ooh and aww at their nephew.
"Okay, come to kiki," Kit insisted, extending their arms towards Steve and Rory.
Passing the newborn to their kiki, Steve got a glimpse of how it would be if Kit were to become a parent. Sure, Steve already knew that Kit was phenomenal with kids. But seeing them interact with their nephew, it was amplified.
"He's so little," Leigh-Anne commented, in awe with Rory's tiny frame. "Aren't you afraid you'll hurt him?"
"Nah," Ollie playfully dismissed. "He's stronger than he looks."
Having been in the same boat back when Oliver was born, Steve got it. Always afraid of somehow being too rough with him back then. Even having to pass squirt to Bucky so the alpha could burp him. All he could do was laugh at his former self.
"You wanna hold him?" Kit asked their friend.
"Oh no," Leigh-Anne declined, shaking her head, "You don't want me to hold a baby."
"And why's that?" Rhodey chuckled, watching the pair and his son.
"I've never held a baby before," Leigh-Anne shrugged. "I don't even know the first thing about holding a baby."
Playfully, Kit rolled their eyes, but didn't press the issue. Instead, they focused their attention back to the sleeping baby in their arms. Just like with their fathers, it was clear that Kit was crazy about Rory too. And with how Leigh-Anne was huddled close, gazing at the peaceful pup, Steve could tell that she was too.
"Alright, Uncle Finny wants to meet his nephew," Finn said, outstretching his hands and flexing them as he joked, "Gimme!"
After giving their brother a pitiful pout, Kit passed Rory to him. And with their arms empty, Kit reached over and pulled Leigh-Anne close, just hugging her. Which, of course, made Bucky elbow Steve in a, see, kind of way.
"Oh gosh, he's so cute," Dani smiled, simply melting when Rory wrapped his little fist around her index finger. She looked up at her fiancé, "I want a dozen."
Finn blushed and choked on his saliva, "A dozen?"
Biting back her grin, Dani feigned sincerity as she nodded. Affectionately poking the dimple in Finn's chin, the beta teased, "Especially if they all look like you."
Looking up at Bucky, Steve knew exactly how she felt. One of his favorite things was how their children looked like their alpha father. A constant reminder of their love.
"Okay, my turn," Nevie decided, holding her arms out so Finn would pass Rory to her. Once he was settled in her arms, she instantly started cooing down at him before saying, "I can't wait to have a baby."
All Steve and Bucky could do was exchange A Look with each other. A part of them felt as though they should say that she could, in fact, wait – wait for a long, long time. But Nevie was the most levelheaded out of their kids, and she knew that right now wasn't the right time, even if her nephew was the cutest baby.
Glancing over at her sister, she asked, "You wanna hold him, Bits?"
"No, that's okay," Bitsy quickly turned down the offer. Standing, she brought her phone closer, so Cori could see little Rory Roo.
"This would happen as soon as I'm gone," Cori complained from the other end of the facetime call. However, she instantly gushed, "He's SO cute! He must get it all from Rhodey!"
"Hey!" Ollie complained loud enough for his sister to hear him. "He was cooking in me for the past nine months, thank you very much, I deserve some damn credit."
Rhodey muffled his chuckles, but not very well. Before anything else could be said though, Rory started crying. Rhodey stood from his seat and carefully took his son from his sister-in-law. By the time that he passed him to Ollie, the omega had his hospital gown unbuttoned, ready to feed the baby.
"Oh, I know," Ollie assured his son, situating him in his arms and guiding his mouth to his chest. A wince crossed his face when Rory latched, and Steve definitely didn't miss those days.
Torn between lingering and giving the new parents some space, Steve decided, "We should probably head out. Let you guys rest."
Yawning, Rhodey nodded and stood once more so he could hug his in-laws. "Drive safe out there."
"We will," Bucky assured and said, "Don't be afraid to call us if you need anything."
"Don't have to worry about that," Oliver smiled, accepting the kiss that his fathers pressed to his stubbly cheeks. Reminding, "Roberta is on her way with Terrence."
Glad to know that at least his in-laws would be able to meet their grandson before visitation ended, Steve simply nodded. But he knew that they were going to be in good hands even after Rhodey's parents left for the night.
Although, a part of Steve still longed to be with them even as the rest of the family was leaving. Giving Ollie one more kiss, Steve tenderly stroked over Rory's hair, and softly said, "Bye, bye, Roo. See you soon!"
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willowcreekrun · 3 years
also! a more general question but when horses have their hair in braids do people sit on their back to do the braiding?? bc the image of that has such cute sleepover vibes ksjdfnkskjnk braiding your horse's hair like 'how was your day bestie <3 i saw u looking at Peppermint Paddington PawPaw'
OMG I’m obsessed with this ask 🥺💖
So if you’re talking fancy plaited braids for a show they’re typically done from the ground (or on a stool if you’re a short bitch like me lol!!) That being said, you absolutely can braid a horse’s mane from their back and have all the cute sleepover vibes in the world 💕💕💕
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My Pawpaw asked me if I was taking to my boyfriend and I'm on tumblr looking at my gay sterek fanfics
Pawpaw: are you talking to your boyfriend?
Me: *laughs* I don't have one of those
Pawpaw: what? How? You're so pretty
Me: I know right! That's what I ask myself everyday
Pawpaw: well if I was your age and not your Pawpaw I would ask you to prom/on a date (I can't remember which one he said)
Me: awe that's weird but thank you
Me: *internally* that is the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me *cries*
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sabtalkshockey · 4 years
Hey Sab! I hope you had a good day and a lovely lunch out! 🖤💙 and 99 😄
68. what’s winter like where you live? well i live in the great midwest where i’m not sure if we’re having winter in the morning or if summer is coming in the afternoon! it’s either really fucking cold or not cold at all
71. what’s your favorite kind of tea? i actually do not like tea 
79. what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? i was looking through a magazine around christmas time a couple years ago and saw a cute stuffed animal (it was a moose) and my pawpaw saw me looking at it and a week later at christmas i opened my present from him and it was the same moose from the magazine!
84. are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? yes i am! not sure what i want yet. was wanting to get my last name tatted on below my left breast but i’m not too sure yet. 
87. what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? remember the titans, the breakfast club, mr. magorium’s wonder emporium, HIDDEN FIGURES (everybody should watch that. i put it in caps because it’s important)
95. what are your plans for this weekend? i don’t have any yet. probably watch hockey 
99. list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. that’s a hard question. but i would have to say Then by Brad Paisley always hits different in my opinion. i can’t really answer this without exposing my sad girl playlist 
also, my lunch was amazing! 
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rawratinyrawr · 5 years
Micah's slumber party at Mimi's
October 19-20, 2019
Last Saturday/Sunday was the first time Micah has been away from us since February.
8 months since we had had alone adult time. 😮
We were exhausted from the busy week, from Micah waking up a million times wanting to play in the middle of the night, and from the party Saturday. So we didn't do anything special.
We lounged around talking, laughing, eating candy, watched a movie on Sunday, and we GOT LOTS OF SLEEP!😁
Micah slept pretty much all night at Mimi's waking only once at 415. He woke up smiling and happy, and not at all scared which made me super happy. She changed and fed him, and he went back to sleep until 830. He must have been exhausted from the party. 🤣
Sunday morning he played with Mimi and followed her around the house. He ate yummy mac n cheese for lunch and played with Pawpaw & his cousins before his nap. After his nap he went shopping with Pawpaw and got a balloon.
Mimi and Pawpaw sent us lots of pictures. Cuz yanno even tho we needed a break we still missed the kid!
He did SO GOOD considering he hadn't been away from us in 8 months. I think I'm the only one who had separation anxiety. 😆
When we got there Sunday evening to pick him up he had fallen asleep on Pawpaw with his balloon clipped to his sleeve. It was one of the cutest things I've ever seen. He played with that balloon all week even tho it didn't float anymore and was shrinking by the day.
It's a shame that the only day my dad is off work is a day that my wife works (Sunday). It's hard for my mom to care for Micah alone for very long with her back injury. So Saturday night is really the only good day for him to spend the night or we would take him more often for sleepovers. Since my wife works long hours all weekend and we wouldn't really be able to do a Saturday date night it has seemed pointless to take him. But maybe we should, at least once every 6 to 8 weeks or something. No we wouldn't be able to really do anything but Micah loves spending time with them. And they love having him. At the very least I would get a night/day for some me time. And we would both get a decent nights sleep on a Saturday night.
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Look at that 🧀 face!!😍
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wtfzodiacsigns · 6 years
The Zodiac signs and the type of person they would date.
Aries: Your blonde moments would need to paired up with someone who learns by the books. The cutest couple ever omg. Religion is a key thing in your relationship, along with a love for dancing and One Direction. Your partner would need to be allergic to pawpaws and be able to cook, since you can’t even crack an egg without damaging something.
Taurus: You partner would have to be buff and fit, just like you. If they’re not health conscience, you guys wouldn’t be able to go on those cute afternoon jogs around the neighbourhood before stopping to get a salad somewhere fancy. Their sparkling eyes would match yours, putting you both under a spell when together. You’re quite on the serious side with a slight salty undertone. Your partner would balance that out by having a slight sense of humour but a love for vintage items.
Gemini: Having beautiful hair yourself, you look for someone who could meet your high standards. They would need to be taller than you, with a love for sleeping and dogs. Other than them needing to be able to cuddle for hours, not minding late night phone calls, enjoying all the weird foods you enjoy, loving KPOP and being as funny as you, you’re not that picky (NB sarcasm).
Cancer: The main things that you look for in someone is height (taller than you) and being able to make flow jokes. Together, you’ll have a large sock collection. They must love hugs that last over an eternity, watching cartoons at 4 in the morning, dealing with the fact that you’re a hoarder and must be brave since you’re afraid of pretty much anything.
Leo: The rebellious, bad boy/ girl kinda vibe who’ll break rules for you is the one that you hunt down. You’ll need someone that shares the same kinks as you, which is plenty might I add. The person you seek has to have a personality to die for, that consisting of being possessive over you, a mind dirtier than a public bathroom floor, being hilarious and obviously up for late night adventures.
Virgo: Deep conversations at night? Cuddles in the morning? Being able to understand your mumbles? Accepting of who you are? Loving the booty? Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes. Their strength, angelic singing voice and magical instrument playing roped you in since day one. Dancing till the cows come home will be a common occurrence.
Libra: You’d date someone sassy with a hefty dash of sweet. Their ability to bring your beautiful smile to your face is something everyone desires. They need to be able to do athletic activities, but also not mind doing anything at all. They need to be a good listener, someone who you can trust with your life and someone who’s just as amazing as you. Cute galore.
Scorpio: All you need is a shared love for sports, 9gag, dirty minds and bread with butter. Simplicity at its best, nothing is in your way. You’re quite easy to please, but buff biceps or big bum bums really get you going. You need someone who is either just as fussy as you or is willing to help you get over some of the things you struggle with.
Sagittarius: The classic Prince Charming or Cinderella is the one you long to hold. They have high determination levels to get what they really want, along with endless charm, amazing moves on the dance floor and being people-people. There’ll never be a dull moment in your relationship as you’ll always be trying out new things with them.
Capricorn: Although your hatred for people is strong, there is that one person that’ll make your knees weak. They’ll be strong with no emotions, always ready for climbing a mountain or some adventurous shiz like that, being able to cook (but not as good as you), able to make you laugh till your tummy hurts, and having the ability to crack the shell that you’ve put up.
Aquarius: You don’t look for anything specific. You love who your heart chooses to love. The only things you look for personality wise is pride in what they do, self confidence, having the ability to turn your frowns upside down, having a secret party trick and they must love every animal that exists. There’s no excuse to not want a million of every one.
Pisces: To be honest, you don’t even need a horoscope to find out what type of person you’d date. You get along with everyone and although you are very awkward, it just seems to work. Your constant charm lures in almost every person who lays eyes on you. You taste in a companion varies almost everyday. Some very serious and short, others tall and flexible. Who knows. What I do know is that this partner will be lucky as hell.
Source:  horrrrorscopes
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jdms-flat-ass · 8 months
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the pee to his paw 🥰🥰🥰
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sleepy-steve · 8 years
i’m actually crying bc there;s a lonely grandpa in adelaide who put an online ad up for a fishing buddy and i’m about to jump on a plane right now and take this man fishing i’m just s o
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hwfarm · 2 years
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This Nana and PawPaw thing is just the cutest 🥰 (at www.HWfarm.com - Horses Worldwide - Selected Quality Horses -) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfSKRlcLCtB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Nick Jonas Shares Sweet Birthday Message Dedicated to His Niece Alena
Nick Jonas is the best uncle!
The 25-year-old singer wrote the cutest message on Instagram on Friday, dedicated to his niece, Alena, on her 4th birthday.
"Happy birthday to my beautiful niece Alena! You light up my world every single day. Love you so much!" Nick captioned a pic of himself with his older brother, Kevin Jonas, and little Alena.
Happy birthday to my beautiful niece Alena! You light up my world every single day. Love you so much!
A post shared by Nick Jonas (@nickjonas) on Feb 2, 2018 at 10:10am PST
Kevin also took to Instagram to gush about his firstborn, writing, "Happy birthday my beautiful girl we love you so much Alena!" Meanwhile, the Jonas brothers' dad, Kevin Jonas Sr., also shared a flashback pic of the birthday girl.
"Happy Birthday to our special little angel Alena. Glammy and PawPaw Love you so much!," he wrote.
Happy birthday my beautiful girl we love you so much Alena!
A post shared by Kevin Jonas (@kevinjonas) on Feb 2, 2018 at 7:04am PST
Happy Birthday to our special little angel Alena. Glammy and PawPaw Love you so much!
A post shared by Papa Kevin Jonas (@papakjonas) on Feb 2, 2018 at 12:58pm PST
Alena has been celebrating all week long. Last week, the Jonas' threw a birthday dinner where she received an amazing ice cream-filled special treat.
My girl getting her early birthday celebration in! I love you Alena!
A post shared by Kevin Jonas (@kevinjonas) on Jan 26, 2018 at 6:05am PST
4 year old birthday fun! I love my sweet little angel of a niece Alena, and her incredible parents @kevinjonas @daniellejonas
A post shared by Nick Jonas (@nickjonas) on Jan 25, 2018 at 6:20pm PST
The brothers recently reactivated their Instagram account, which had fans freaking out and speculating a JoBro reunion. While Nick took notice of fans' reactions, none of the guys have said anything about a possible reunion.
For more on the Jonas Brothers, watch below.
Nick Jonas Recalls Super Awkward Date With Him, Selena Gomez, Brother Joe and Taylor Swift
Selena Gomez Jokingly Takes a Stab at Nick Jonas for ‘Ruined’ Date With Joe Jonas and Taylor Swift
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A Whole New Ballfield: "ALN" Story (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Modern Domestic AU)
"Oh, goodness," Steve gleefully picked up a pair of tiny striped shorts. Turning to look over at Ollie, Steve started, "Look at how cute these –"
Catching Oliver's scent, Steve realized how odd it was. It wasn't the scent Steve knew for all of Ollie's life. No, it was the new, diluted scent of a pregnant omega or beta. It was Oliver, but it was mixed with Rhodey's, but even then there was a generic tinge to it.
It was then that it fully hit Steve that this was happening. He was going to be a grandfather. He was going to watch his first baby have a baby.
"Jesus, pops," Ollie playfully complained, "I'm supposed to be the overemotional one."
Sniffling, Steve blinked back his tears and held up the pair of tiny newborn shorts, "Aren't these just the cutest?"
Melting, Oliver confirmed, "They're definitely in the running."
Smiling, Steve folded the shorts and placed them back on the shelf. He couldn't help but remember how small Ollie was when he was born. Sure, he wasn't as small as Nevie – and Steve didn't even want to think about how small Flora had been before her – but he was still tiny. And he could remember how difficult it was to imagine something that grew in his body could fit into something so itty bitty.
"Can't believe they'll be that small," Ollie said, holding up a newborn onesie.
Rubbing over the younger omega's back, Steve playfully said, "You won't think they're small once it's time to give birth."
"Just as long as they're not as big as Belly was," Oliver teased, thinking about how Sadie and Monica's second daughter, Isabella, weighed ten pounds when she was born.
Chuckling, Steve attempted to assure, "I doubt any of your babies will be that big."
"Who says we're not just gonna be one and done?" Ollie quirked a brow, but was clearly fighting a smile from breaking through.
"Better not tell your dad," Steve feigned seriousness as he warned, "You'll give him a heart attack."
At that, Oliver couldn't stop the laughter that bubbled up inside of him. Loudly barking out the laugh, Oliver agreed, "Yeah, that'd really suck if they didn't have their pappy. Especially since he's been looking forward to it for so long."
"You don't even know the half of it," Steve grinned.
Even twenty-seven years later, it was still a whirlwind to think about. He would've never believed that he could've had this life. Yet, there he was. Not only in a loving, fulfilling relationship with an alpha who didn't bully his way through life, but as a father who did the best he could and was amazed to see that it was enough. And now being promoted from papa and pops to pawpaw.
Idly, Ollie looked at a pair of footie pajamas decorated in adorable little sheep. A soft, genuine smile was on his face as he asked, "Did you and dad have a registry?"
"A registry for what?"
"For a baby shower." Ollie mocked, "Duh. What else?"
Playfully, Steve rolled his eyes and shoved Ollie's broad shoulders. "Alright, smart ass. No need to get lippy."
Oliver chuckled and Steve continued, "No, we didn't have a registry. We didn't really need one. The family took care of everything."
"So, you don't think we should have one?" The brunet asked, picking up another outfit and studying it.
"Well, Roo isn't going to want for anything," Steve smiled, adoring the image of Oliver window shopping for baby clothes. "But if you want a registry, you should have one. Just know that there are a lot of people who can't wait to spoil that baby, registry or no."
Ollie nodded, listening. Hanging the outfit back in its correct place, he beamed, "It's all so exciting. Did you feel like this?"
Steve redirected his attention to the neatly folded baby t-shirts on one of the shelves. Sure, his kids could do the math and see that their fathers weren't in a long – or any – relationship before their older brother was conceived. But Steve still found it difficult to admit that he hadn't been excited. At least, not at first. Not from the jump.
"At this point? Absolutely," Steve left out how absolutely terrified he had been at first and how many options and scenarios he ran through before deciding to continue. He knew that Oliver could tell that he was leaving out something, but the younger man wasn't going to call him out for it. And Steve was just happy that his son didn't look disheartened. So, instead, he tried to verge into neutral territory. "Just wait until you can feel them move. That's when it gets really trippy."
"What –" Ollie paused, wondering "– what does it, uh... um, feel like?"
Steve grinned fondly, remembering the sensation of each of his babies. "Like butterflies. The little flutterings that are so close to the true embodiment of excitement. It's the best part. It's like sharing a secret that only you and your wombmate know."
Affectionately, Oliver placed his hand on his flat abdomen. It was clear that he couldn't wait. He and Rhodey had been waiting and trying and hoping just for this. And now, here they were. It took everything Steve had to not break out into sobs from all of the happiness filling him up.
Deciding that they had been dilly-dallying for long enough, Steve wrapped his arm around his son's torso and guided them towards the grocery part of the store. "We've got another – let's see – six months to worry about all of that. But if we don't find our alphas, they will come looking for us. And I can guarantee that then we'd be here all night. Because your dad has always had baby fever and it's only gotten worse the older we get."
Oliver chuckled and wrapped his arm around Steve's slender shoulders, letting his omega father guide him through the store. There they found the two alphas debating about which chip dip was better.
Spotting his mate, Bucky gestured for Steve and asked, "Please tell your son-in-law that jalapeno cheddar is far, far superior to whatever the hell that... that... paste is."
Rolling his eyes at the fierceness in his husband's argument against queso blanco dip, Steve said, "I'm not going to tell him that."
Touching his chest as though he's been deeply betrayed, Bucky whined, "You're supposed to be on my side."
Ollie chuckled and Steve crossed the space for his mate, "Babe, it's chip dip."
"Besides," Oliver butted in, "I'm feelin' some bean mixed with spinach-artichoke."
"Gross," Rhodey mocked.
"Better get used to that," Bucky joked, pulling his son-in-law close so he could give the younger man a noogie. "If he's anything like his father, he's going to be craving some truly nasty stuff."
Rhodey couldn't help but laugh, all the while Oliver feigned offense, "Hey! Isn't there a cosmic rule that you have to be nice to the birthday boy?"
"Aren't I always?" Rhodey quirked a brow, wrapping his arms around Oliver's still slim waist and pulling him closer.
"Yes, always," Ollie confirmed, leaning in for a sweet kiss. Only to pull back shortly after and amending, "Except for when you don't share food."
"Hey," Rhodey good-humoredly scoffed. Looking to his fathers-in-law, "Can you believe him?"
Companionably clapping his hand on Rhodey's broad shoulder, Bucky teased, "He's carrying your baby. Better get used to it, bub."
All the younger alpha could do was affectionately watch the freshly turned twenty-seven year old. Even as Ollie loaded their cart with odd snack foods that he was craving. And just like every other year in past fifteen years, Steve was glad that his son had a best friend like Rhodey. Even more so, to have him for a husband.
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theleisygirl-blog · 8 years
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with the cutest! pawpaw😘😍
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