#cutie interior book
rosy2k · 7 months
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CUTiE interior book 2008 / 2009
more late 2000s room inspiration
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antiquetrait · 2 months
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working in progress
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greenconverses · 9 months
PJO 1x01 and 1x02 thoughts
The first chapter monologue in the perfect way to open the show and establish Percy's voice from the beginning. Walker immediately nailed both Percy's sarcasm, impertinence, and anger, which is so so so critical for anchoring the show.
how dare you waste megan mullally like this (she's coming back later according to previews BUT STILL)
direction in the first episode, especially with the action scenes, was a little lacking. percy killing mrs. dodds was weirdly anti-climatic. the car chase could've been a bit more exciting and the minotaur was okay
I have seen some posts about Gabe being defanged but he's clearly still an abusive waste of space. The dude is answering her phone, unemployed, gambling away her money, it's red flag city up in here. Curious how they're going to show him in later episodes and what they'll do with the Medusa plotline.
Grover is one of those characters that I have very little emotional attachment to. He's just sort of... there in the books for me. But Aryan's a little cutie and he does a great job of acting like he's just a little bit older/mature than Percy. Loved his little back and forth with Sally in the cabin. Deeply underutilized in the second episode, but obvs he'll get more time later on.
is the dryad his mom???
I adore the set design for camp, especially the Big House and all the stained glass motifs. But WTF is up with all the skeletons in Cabin 3? get a better interior designer poseidon you fucking weirdo
Jason Mantzoukas' energy for Mr. D was perfect, no notes. Did love his interactions with Percy and Grover.
Chiron is... there?
Clarisse is perfectly cast. Luke is underwhelming so far, but he really hasn't gotten to do anything real meaty yet.
I'm ready to see more of Annabeth in future episodes because she really didn't do much more than lurk and be cryptic since they gave her role as guide to camp to Luke. (I am not a fan of this decision, but whatever, gotta set Luke up for ~ultimate betrayal)
Her exasperated shove of Percy into the lake was A+ but why was the trident so damn big lmao
Loved loved loved Percy's burning anger at his dad and wanting to make him show up. Excellent characterization
"I am Sally Jackson's son!" dead dead dead tell 'em perce
curious as to why the episodes are limited to 45 minutes because i think another 5-10 minutes on the runtime would've helped with some of the pacing issues. but the show's clearly cut with commercial breaks in mind so i'm guessing this is eventually going to air on the Disney Channel or ABC.
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TOS Replay Stray Thoughts No. 4 (Luin/Asgard/Balacruf Mausoleum)
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-“I’ve read nothing but books in angelic language since I was a child” Oof, the religious propaganda runs deep. I wonder how left out Colette felt?
-wait Kratos how do you know the angelic languagohhhhhhhhhhhhh 
-Mmmmm yeah listen to the Luin music sing. “Water symphony”, indeed!
-Ever notice how Asgard doesn’t have a fence? Like, it's on a cliff -- that's a public health hazard if I've ever seen one. Y'all so preoccupied with your tourism and open half-elf discrimination while there's a lawsuit waiting to happen. Get on that!
-One thing Tales of Symphonia does really well is how lived-in and handcrafted the house interiors are, with Asgard and Luin being particular standouts. Just look at the story Harley's house tells! You don’t see this sort of detail in modern Tales anymore...
-The Asgard Human Ranch…but it doesn’t have any relationship with Asgard. Hmm. Shoulda been Luin Human Ranch.
-I don't dabble into customization/spending GRADE *too* much, so I always forget how cost-effective it is. Managing Tales of Symphonia’s economy is fun.
-“There are hardly any trace of the ancient civilization left. It’s almost as if they were intentionally erased by someone.”
HMMMM. Cruxis??? But why would they care about the Balacruf Dynasty? Kinda wish we knew more about that. 
-There's this whole flying dragon business that's always talked about, but almost never seen aside from Hima. I wanna see how that works.
On that note, what's with how one Asgard dragon looks totally different? He's a cutie.
-“Aisha was chosen for the sacrifice because she associates with that half-elf."
Y E E S H.
-The background of the Asgard dais is purty.
-Y’all, Linar. Why do you keep rubbing your head in embarrassment like that. You're gonna shave all your hair off if you go any faster.
-That dais bomb disbarment scene is peak TOS comedy with how Raine keeps beating up that one dude. Also, sudden Lloyd bomb disarment skills.
-That scene when Harley almost gives away their half-elf identities 😬😬😬 The way the Asgard elder and his assistants giving Genis those looks says it all -- poor guy must've been terrified.
(By the way, I don’t remember if they fixed this in the ports, but did you notice Secret of the blue sky plays veeeeeeeeery faintly here? I know that’s a song associated with half-elf discrimination, but I think the wind howling speaks for itself.)
-“that monster with a giant f*cking blade for an appendage and demanding virgin sacrifices was a problem but Harley merely existing and minding his own business is a way bigger issue”.
Lady. Chill. Leave your racism by the door.
-“Well, he’s not causing any problems by being a half-elf but-” YES. YOU’RE THIS CLOSE TO GETTING IT.
-“My sister got a new fan!” *gets smacked*
-“The location of the next Summon Spirit is the next seal.”
yes, I would think that's obvious
-“I’m a little scared, but you’re with me, so it’ll be okay, right?”
“Yeah, leave it to me!”
-man Fatalize is such a cool song. I wish it played more.
-look at Lloyd’s arm clipping through Colette’s when she falls down
-how did Colette’s hand bleed that much from falling down
-“Colette, can I talk to you for a sec?” 
oh, here it comes 
“I thought it’d be nice for us to talk just by ourselves” 
The line, it’s coming…! 
“Here, it’s hot coffee.” 
“Hot, isn’t it?” 
“It’s actually iced coffee.”
“I lied. It’s actually hot.”
-Memes aside, how about that scene? Peak Colloyd. Colette’s trying her absolute hardest to downplay her trauma for Lloyd's sake (“But my eyes have gotten better!”) even though anyone paying attention can see she can't even convince herself ("I've gotten so good at hearing that...it's painful") and Lloyd just stops and hugs her in the middle of it and apologizes for everything…and she can’t even feel it! SHE CAN'T EVEN CRY!!! AAAAGGGHHHH
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The bond they share goes beyond the senses!!! IT'S TRUE LOVE
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skeeverboyreviews · 2 months
Death Cab for Cutie - Transatlantacism
An analysis.
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Transatlanticism is a third wave emo/indie rock concept album about a long-distance relationship. It's Death Cab for Cutie's fourth studio album, and it's by far my favorite that they've released.
The lyrics explore speaker's loneliness within his long-distance relationship, and it generally has a very somber tone supported by the instrumentation. The songs range from sorrowful ballads to higher energy, more upbeat tunes.
Personally, I love Ben Gibbard's voice. It's very smooth and melodic, and I find it nearly hypnotic. I find the vocal melodies very captivating, especially in tracks where he shows off his range- Death of an Interior Decorator, Lightness.
The lyrics are captivating, perfectly descriptive. They're poetic, devastating, and so painfully real. I love the instrumentation, too, from the beautiful yet simple piano part in Passenger Seat to the heavier chorus of Tiny Vessels.
This is one of my top five favorite albums of all time. I find it so captivating, so beautifully written. Everything, down to the album art, is so incredible.
The New Year
If you ask me, this is the perfect opening track. Starting off with a more powerful instrumental introduction, leading to the minimalistic but moving lyrics, this is overall a memorable track. It's one of the strongest songs on the album.
It works very well in introducing the themes of the album. It starts off with the lyric "So this is the New Year / And I don't feel any different," setting up the depressive, empty tone of the song. He isn't present at the celebration, lyrics saying things like "Thirty dialogues bleed into one" suggesting his disinterest in the celebration.
Later on in the song, he introduces the overall idea of the album with the lyrics "I wish the world were flat like the old days / And I could travel just by folding a map," then, later, repeating the line "There'd be no distance that could hold us back." This reveals what the speaker is truly upset about- the absence of his significant other.
This song has a heavy theme of head versus heart. The second verse sets up a metaphor; "Your heart is a river / That flows from your chest / Through every organ / Your brain is the dam / And I am the fish / Who can't reach the core." While I find this metaphor a little bit silly, it sets up that head versus heart theme that's later expanded upon in the lyric "Instincts are misleading / You shouldn't think what you're feeling."
Now, I'm no expert on lyric analysis, and I will admit that I went to a couple sources in order to decode some of these lyrics. I found a few interesting interpretations about the chorus, "Ivory lines lead." One that I found intriguing is that the "ivory lines" are the white lines in the road (credit to u/Double_U120 on Reddit). Other interpretations in the same thread suggested the ivory lines are legs (u/cathalaska) or bra straps (u/ToysNoiz) but personally I love the road interpretation. I love that links to the other car-related songs in the album like Title and Registration or Passenger Seat.
I also love how the chorus feels unfinished. He sings, "Ivory lines lead," but trails off without finishing. What does it mean? Don't ask me.
Another fact I found out through Genius is that Ben Gibbard credited the book The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera as an influence. This book is on my reading list, but I haven't gotten to it yet. I do, though, have a friend who is currently reading it (thanks Elliot!) who told me that the overarching theme is that of lightness, being complete freedom without morals, and heaviness, being morality and emotions. This heavily ties into the idea of brain and soul earlier described. Perhaps I'll be able to analyze this song further after reading the book.
Title and Registration
This track really explores the disintegration of the relationship after the speaker's girlfriend moved away. It's fairly straightforward; the speaker laments over the good times his relationship had, wishing it was what it used to be.
I believe this is the song where the relationship ends, with the lyrics "I stumbled upon pictures I tried to forget / And that's how this idea was drilled into my head / 'Cause it's too important to stay the way it's been." I think the speaker then breaks up with his partner, the breakup being the idea drilled into his head.
This song is truly devastating. The chorus, "But there's no blame for how our love did slowly fade / And now that it's gone, it's like it wasn't there at all" is heart-achingly realistic. The speaker's regret and longing are clear in his tone.
Expo '86
The speaker wants so badly to rekindle the relationship he ended. It explores the cycle they experience, of toxicity- maybe even an off-and-on sort of relationship dynamic.
It starts off with the lyrics "Sometimes I think this cycle never ends/ We slide from top to bottom, then we turn and climb again," demonstrating that cycle. The good parts of their relationship, followed by the lows, and neither can stop.
One of my favorite lyrics in this album is in the chorus: "I am waiting for something to go wrong / I am waiting for familiar reason." This is so captivating to me; the speaker believes the relationship's end is inevitable, and he almost wants his partner to break up with him because it's what he's expecting. This is later expanded upon when he says "I am waiting for that sense of relief." He can't relax in the relationship because he's constantly waiting for the end, and when it happens, he's relieved.
Another lyric I love is "Sometimes it seems that I don't have the skills to recollect / The twists and turns of plot that turned us from lovers to friends." This is how the cycle repeats itself; the singer forgets the reasons they broke up in the first place, blinded by his love and desire for the subject.
Sound of Settling
This track is much more energetic than the previous tracks, almost sounding upbeat you're not reading the lyrics. Though, this is a song about settling for second best.
The song starts and ends with the line "I've got a hunger twisting my stomach into knots." This is the singer's desire for more. I love that it both starts and finishes the song, showing that this feeling was never resolved.
The line in the second verse, "And I'll sit and wonder of every love that could've been / If I'd only thought of something charming to say" shows the hunger for something more, but it's too late to do anything. Therefore, the speaker has to settle.
Really, I have nothing to add to this song. He's settling.
Tiny Vessels
The singer's brief and meaningless rebound. It starts off bluntly, "This is the moment that you knew / That you told her that you loved her but you don't." It goes on to describe the speaker's physical relationship with this girl, and his realization that he never loved her, that the relationship was never more than a physical desire.
The lyric "All I see are dark gray clouds / In the distance moving closer with every hour" remind me of the line in Expo '86, "I am waiting for something to go wrong." The speaker knows the relationship is doomed, and he's only putting off the inevitable end. He's plagued with the anxiety over the end of their relationship.
In the end, they go their separate ways, and each pretend that the relationship meant more. For the girl, she pretends that she meant more to him, and for the speaker, he pretends he never got with the girl in the first place. He describes the relationship as "vile and cheap," acknowledging his own cruelty in leading on the subject.
Interestingly, in the beginning of the song, the singer uses second-person language: "she was beautiful, but she didn't mean a thing to you." Later on, he switches to first-person language, addressed to the woman: "You are beautiful, but you don't mean a thing to me." This switch indicates the speaker taking responsibility for his actions within the relationship and acknowledging his own fault.
This song also transitions so beautifully into the next track.
Holy shit, this song is a work of art. The lyrics are minimal; the real star of the show is the delivery and the instrumentals. The track starts off with piano and a sort of percussive part in the background, then introduces vocals.
For a song with such few lyrics, it fits so much into those two verses. It's the namesake for the album, obviously, describing the birth of the Atlantic Ocean. My personal favorite line is "I thought it less like a lake and more like a moat." The ocean only serves to separate the speaker from his partner across the sea.
The metaphor of the Atlantic Ocean being created in a single day is used to describe how the speaker feels about his lover moving away. When he says "The Atlantic was born today," he obviously doesn't mean literally; it only feels that way because his lover moved across the ocean, and now that is a massive obstacle in his way of seeing her.
After the verses, more instruments are introduced accompanying the piano as the feelings get more intense. The final half of the song is just two repeated sentences. First, "I need you so much closer," repeated over and over again. While he repeats this line, the instrumentals get louder and more intense, crescendoing on and on even after he stops. This just shows the increasing intensity of his feelings and the cascade of emotions as he's thinking. At the peak, he changes to saying "So come on."
Passenger Seat
Without the context of the rest of the album, this song is a beautiful ballad of love, for all of time. In context, it's only a memory. There's no percussion, no guitar or bass, only piano and vocals, and the melody is filled with such longing and desire. Just the first few measures, the piano part, nearly bring me to tears.
It's a pleasant memory of the speaker and his lover, being driven home. He focuses on all the good parts of the memory; the sweet smell of evergreen, his lover's smile. In the end, he promises: "If you feel embarrassed / I'll be your pride / When you need directions / I'll be your guide / For all time." This is a beautiful promise of eternal companionship. Without the rest of the album, it's a simple love song about true love forever.
I find it so devastating. When the speaker promises "For all time," it's within the context of their inevitable breakup, the inevitable fade of their love. When listening to the song, the tone is very longing, very depressing, melancholic, and nostalgic. It crushes me every time, listening to the full album, knowing what is to come for their relationship.
Death of an Interior Designer
This is a retelling of the Woody Allen movie Interiors. I haven't seen the movie, but I read the Wikipedia plot summary, and, yeah, it's pretty much that.
As for how this fits into the context of the album, I think it has something to do with the relationship between Arthur, Eve, and Pearl. Arthur and Eve are married, when Arthur suddenly and out of the blue separates with Eve. He meets a woman, Pearl, across the ocean in Greece following Eve's suicide attempt and marries her back at home, which leads eventually to Eve's death in the end of the movie.
The speaker is comparing either himself or his lover to Eve; I'm inclined to say he thinks himself Eve, as his lover was the one to move across the ocean, although he does start the song with the line "You were the mother to three girls so sweet" and refers to Eve continuously as "you." He also, though, vaguely refers to Arthur as "he" rather than "I" so it's unclear who's who.
We Looked Like Giants
I see this song as very similar to Passenger Seat, reflecting on old, cherished memories, though it's much less melancholic and much more energetic. Instead of looking back at the young relationship with regret and longing, he's simply remembering the relationship for what it was.
Most of the song is him describing sex in the back of his car. He makes it clear that this was young love, using the phrase "learn[ing] how our bodies worked" which suggests this is a somewhat immature and younger relationship.
I don't have much to say about this song. It was covered by Car Seat Headrest, though, which was pretty cool, I guess.
A Lack of Color
The first verse of this song is romantic. He refers to the subject as "lover," promising them that there's color everywhere. It's almost sweet, optimistic about their relationship.
The rest of the song changes tone. My favorite line in the song, "This is fact not fiction for the first time in years." This contrasts his optimism in the first verse. His loneliness is very real.
Thanks to Genius annotators for pointing out that 703, mentioned when he says "I'm reaching for the phone to call at 7:03," is the D.C. area code. Ben Gibbard stated that he had a failed long-distance relationship with a woman who moved to D.C., so it ties into that theme.
He repeats the regretful, lamenting line: "I should've given you a reason to stay." He regrets the end of the relationship. Then, the song ends, on the line, "This is fact not fiction for the first time in years."
I think that this alludes to the off-and-on dynamic explored in Expo '86, though this time, their breakup is final. Instead of a temporary break, this one is fact, and they aren't getting back together.
It's a tragic end to their relationship and the album. But there aren't happy endings, not for Ben Gibbard.
I wanted to add here at the end something about the album cover. I find the red thread interesting, the crow wrapped in some sort of red string. It reminds me of the red string of fate, which I'm sure everyone is familiar with.
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whatthefishh · 1 year
hi angel <33 I';m SUPER DUPER late to the party but I've been busy so I apologise!!
CONGRATS ON 1K??? You deserve it and a million more!!! You're just so talented and sweet and mwah mwah mwah mwah <33
hmmm okay okay games games games hmmm. how about ships bc those are always so <33 fun!!
🌹 shipping: tell me a few facts about yourself and I’ll ship you with one of our faves!
OKAY!!! uhhh. I'm 5'5 with big curly hair that takes 50+ years to look after (so glad no one has to see it when I go out.). I'm overly dramatic for no reason (woo), I plan on going into interior design or like urban design, anything creative is nice. I love mystery novels and I was the absolute biggest history nerd in elementary school i would not shut up. I'm extroverted, I guess? I can't live without people, I need socialising!! I love having parties and dressing up, but I like to have a very small group of friends. I like my maths more than sciences, and I've got a hella lot of anger issues (sigh). Oh, and I speak three languages!! (two and a half? Three.)
anyway i LOVE YOU and i hope you are taking care of yourself and making sure to hydrate and sleep and eat yummy food <333333
Constantly thinking about you,
Clem :D
Hi cutie pieeee🩷🩷
You are so sweet, thank you so much!! 🥺 I’m trying to eat full meals these days I promise 😭 love you too sweetie, hope you like this little blurb ❤️
I ship you with: Steven Grant
Steven adores your curly hair, loves how unapologetic and untameable it is, almost like a reflection of your personality but just… external! He becomes quickly fascinated by your ability to switch between languages, and the first time you rambled on about a specific chapter of history to him he just about fell in love with you right then and there.
He loves going on bookstore adventures with you, and doesn’t mind listening to your chatting, excitedly dropping his own responses when he can but otherwise is happy to watch you animatedly speak. Steven finds your exuberant energy highly endearing, as he is more of an introvert himself he finds himself comfortable opening up around you and chatting a little more openly, laughing a little more loud.
You coax him out of his shell with compliments, words easily falling off your tongue to praise him and his kind actions, whereas he shows you how to quiet your mind in the evenings and rainy days, holding you close as you fall asleep to the rhythm of his chest rising and falling under your cheek. Steven gently plays with your curls as you do so, one hand holding a book out for him to read while you doze off on his chest.
Hope you like honey!! Dunno if that was what you were looking for loll 🥰
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chroniclesoul · 1 year
Decided To Redesign My Ponysona(Will Do The Same To My Normal Sona) He Has A Backstory, But It's Too Large For This Post I'll Add It In I'll Post It Separate Enjoy 😁
Name: Soul
Species: Some Sort Of Hybrid
Age: 22
Gender: Transmale(He/Him)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Size: Below Average For A Stallion
Living In: Manehatten
Personality: Stubborn, Hot-Headed, Compassionate, Loyal, Honest, Passionate, Workaholic, Perfectionist, Quiet, Creative, Socially Awkward/Anxious, & Energetic
Likes: Animation, Movies, Horror, Anime, Cats, Drawing, Writing, Rain, His Cactus(Violet), Ocean/Beach, Music, Candy/Sweets, LGBTQ+ Community, Punk/Emo Aesthetic, D&D, Books, Cool/Neutral Colors, Halloween(Nightmare Moon Night), Video Games, Chips, Hoodies, & Food(Specifically Pizza)
Dislikes: Close-Minded People(Homophobes/Transphobes), Neon Colors, Indoor Plants, Bright/Fancy Clothes, Healthy Food, Bad Interior Design, Beliefs Being Shoved Down His Throat, His Birthday, & Unruly Kids
Soul was created through unknown means. He was adopted by a pony family his mother was a unicorn, his father was an earth pony, and his older brother was a pegasi. Soul's mother helped him learn how to control his magic, and Soul became pretty good at it. Soul and his older brother would often run around and have lots of fun together. However, there was one person that Soul couldn't seem to bond with no matter how hard he tried, and that was his father. His parents would often argue about Soul being there as he was "not a pony" and also "not their foal." Eventually, his mother took the two foals and left their father. Their mother took care of the two fairly well, but eventually, as time goes on, things change, and his older brother moved out to pursue his dream of becoming either a Wonderbolt or part of the Royal Guard. Soul eventually also was enrolled into Celestia's School For Gifted Unicorns. He worked hard to become a powerful unicorn despite the fact that he had no cutie mark. Soul did really well, and he eventually graduated, and he now works to create spell tomes, and he writes books. Eventually, he came to terms with himself being trans and bisexual so he came out to his mother and brother. His brother took it well. However, his mother didn't. Soul hasn't spoken to his mother since and continues to work hard.
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dandelion-wings · 1 year
And we will tour the interior of the mansion as well! This is where I discovered that you can move individual items within the set as long as you keep them in a radius, which was a real game-changer for me in getting stuff to fit where I wanted it to.
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As we enter the teapot, you will note that much of the first floor is very firmly Lisa's domain. She's happy to show you around and check out books, but keep your voice down, cutie~! You don't want to wake her from a nap.
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Although if you're looking for something a bit more social than reading, you can see that Kaeya has slid in a little TCG venue behind the stairs. Purely for playing cards, of course, he certainly wouldn't bring any alcohol around the books....
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If what you want instead is feline company for your reading, well, you can step into the back room behind the lab. Although at the moment it seems the Prinzessin der Verurteilung is having some cat time. I wonder if Oz can play with them...?
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Now, if you're looking for the nonfiction section, here you can find all sorts of valuable tomes. Candace is here making selections to take back to Aaru Village!
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But it's not all books. If you're looking for something to fill your stomach, we have it here--and it looks like Dehya can also offer you an arm-wrestling match! Just be prepared to lose.
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Now, upstairs we have some bedrooms. First the luxury suite, for visitors who value comfort and privacy. Sayu was supposed to show you this room, but she doesn't seem to be around...? Oh, well, she's probably napping somewhere.
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But if you prefer to bunk down in company, we can do that for you too! Collei will be happy to help you settle in, just please remember to give her some personal space.
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And, finally, if you just want to lounge in front of a warm fire before bed, let me show you this comfortable little corner. It's one of my favorite places in the house. :> Remember that you're always welcome to stop by!
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angry-pinscher · 2 years
I was tagged by @miroslavcloset thank you so much cutie <3
Nickname: don't have one
Sign: Aries
Height: 163cm
Last thing I googled: Bundesliga (.....yeah what else)
Song stuck in my head: Quarter Past Four from Avi
Number of followers: 66 and i'm confused... last time I checked it was about 40 something. But thank you guys!!! <3
Amount of sleep: Usually 7 to 8 hours. But it's the end of semester so 5 to 6
Lucky numbers: 17
Dream job: interior design. And that's exactly what I do :)
Wearing: Black Leggings, Kimmich Shirt and a grey cardigan
Movies/books that summarise me: summarise me? I don't know... my all time favorites are lord of the rings. Books and Movie
Favorite songs: All time favorites mostly Linkin Park and Avi Kaplan, right now I like Cody Francis. Helps getting done with my study stuff
Favorite instrument: I play harp and like cello and hang drum a lot
Aesthetic: cozy cottage in the north, tea, books and a fireplace
Favorite author(s): JRR Tolkien, Sebastian Fitzek
Currently reading: Cut Off - Fitzek
Fav colors: Blue, Green
Fav animal noise: Don't know how you say it in english, but like when a horse snorts... so cute
Last song: Soldier, Poet, King - the Oh Hellos
Last Movie: The Menu
Last Series: Family Guy (I need stupid stuff to keep me awake at night right now)
Random: I have an important video to share
I'm tagging @reg-strikes-back, @onmywaytonarnia, @de-ligts if you want to <3
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biboocat · 6 months
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The Dog of the South by Charles Portis, 1979
Funny literature is uncommon in my experience, so I count myself very fortunate to have discovered this book. In fact, The Dog of the South is the funniest novel I have ever read! Your mileage may vary, but if for example you found The Secret Life of Walter Mitty starring Ben Stiller a riot, you’ll probably enjoy it! I’m gobsmacked by Portis’s prolific quirkiness. The humor never feels contrived because it’s inherent in the odd nature of the protagonist and narrator, Raymond Earl Midge. He’s a 26 yo underachiever from Arkansas who is on the trail of his unfaithful wife and her lover (ex-husband) who have stolen his credit cards, a shotgun, and car. He isn’t so torn up about his wife, but he wants his Gran Torino back. He uses the credit card receipts to track them through Texas and Mexico to Belize in a disintegrating ‘63 Buick Special. I loved Ray’s intelligence, eclectic fund of knowledge, and snarky attitude. His tangential asides, bits of superfluous interiority, and critical razor sharp observations are hilarious. He has an understanding of his limitations, is disappointed in what he has made of his life, yet he has a stubborn streak to do what he can with this latest setback and not give up on everything. Ray gives me a sense of the spirit of the American frontiersman who doggedly persists to survive in the face of daunting odds and repeated losses. The odd, yet believable, marginalized characters that he encounters are also great. Portis gives you an eyeful of the absurdities of our existence and is a comedic genius imo. I seldom reread, but I will definitely return to this book to savor it again.
An excerpt:
There were two Australian girls across the room and the Flying Tiger said they wanted to see me. He told me they had been trying to get my attention for quite a while. I went over at once and sat with them. These girls were slender cuties who were hitchhiking around the world with their shoulder bags. But it was all a hoax, the invitation, and they didn’t want to see me at all. I sat down by another girl, this one a teacher from Chicago, and then I had to get up again because the seat was saved, or so she said. I watched that empty seat for a long time and it wasn’t really saved for anyone. A hippie wearing striped bib overalls came in from the bar and sat beside her. She advised him that the seat was saved but the bird didn’t get up. ‘You can’t save seats,’ he said. What a statement! You can’t save seats! I would never of thought of that in a thousand years!
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denimbex1986 · 10 months
'Has it really been more than a year since we bid Jodie Whittaker farewell in a special episode laden with old-Who references that had to be liveblogged because we weren’t sure if we were going to get David Tennant or Ncuti Gatwa at the end of it?
It really has. But after a fourth-wall busting “new viewers start here” sequence, Russell T Davies, Tennant and Catherine Tate wasted no time in getting on with a whole new era of Who, now being made by Bad Wolf Studios and distributed by Disney globally, and with a visibly big hike in the budget.
We’ve been promised a big bold reimagining of the show for this second Davies era, and while this wasn’t quite that, it felt like a more-than-solid “holiday” special. Davies said at the launch he wanted it to be like a Pixar movie, with laughs as well as scares that the whole family could watch together. It successfully bolted a Sarah Jane Adventures-ish monster story involving kids on to an emotional reintroduction to Tennant and Tate.
Miriam Margolyes’s voice coupled with the Meep’s appearance was adorable, and the “Most High” of the Meeps remained a cutie even when they turned bloodthirsty. Another highlight was having Jacqueline King back as Sylvia Noble. During his initial turn as showrunner, Davies created memorable but somewhat abrasive mothers for the Doctor’s Earth companions, but King got a chance here to show a greater range and more sympathy for her daughter’s plight.
Yasmin Finney as Rose was a bright and kindly presence. The bores who thought the Whittaker era was too “woke” – whatever that means in the context of a science fantasy show that has always pushed stories with progressive values – will be choking on the scene where the Doctor is chastised by her for assuming the Meep’s pronouns.
Does the bigger budget show up on screen? You bet. The producers of Doctor Who in the 70s would have bitten your arm off to stage the kind of drone-shot street battle scene we saw here. The centrepiece, though, was the relationship between the Doctor and Donna, and it was genuinely lovely watching Tennant and Tate rebuild that spark.
Sum it up in one sentence? The Meep steals the show as the 14th Doctor crashes back into the life of Donna Noble and her entertaining family.
Life aboard the Tardis We didn’t get much inside the Tardis, but we did get a new Tardis inside, and wow, what a beauty. It is packed full of “the round things” and harks back to the classic era more than any Tardis interior since the 2005 revival. It was, apparently, Tennant’s own idea to do all the running round on the ramps, an idea that Davies said seemed less fun for the actor by the eighth take.
Fear factor The Star Beast was based on a comic book, and these were very much comic-book villains. There weren’t really any frightening moments, unless you truly feared that Donna might die – despite knowing that Tate is in the next two specials. And you definitely couldn’t fear the Wrarth Warriors after they opened their mouths to reveal plummy voices that would have happily featured in Doctor Who in 1963.
Mysteries and questions We still don’t know why that face for the 14th Doctor, we don’t know how Unit has reconfigured itself since being disbanded in Resolution and then time-manipulated during Flux, we don’t know where the Tardis is heading next and we don’t know who the boss is that the Meep alluded to. Well, OK, we probably do, as we know Neil Patrick Harris is in the third special as the Toymaker, and the three specials probably tie together.
Deeper into the vortex The Star Beast is based on a 1980 comic strip in Doctor Who magazine that originally featured the fourth Doctor, Beep the Meep and the Wrarth Warriors. It was written by Pat Mills who created 2000AD and John Wagner, the co-creator of Judge Dredd, and was beautifully drawn by Dave Gibbons, who is probably best known for his work with Alan Moore on Watchmen. It has long been considered a classic by the DW fanbase, and the plot of children discovering a crash-landed alien and hiding it pre-dates Steven Spielberg’s ET by a couple of years. But unlike Beep the Meep, ET didn’t want to drink anybody’s blood.
We heard about Wilf being in sheltered accommodation, and we know the late Bernard Cribbins filmed scenes last year, but he didn’t appear in this. Tennant said in April they weren’t able to film as much with Cribbins as had been intended. Hopefully we will get to see the wonderful old storyteller’s final appearance in the Whoniverse in the next couple of weeks – after all, Cribbins first stepped into the Tardis in the 1966 Daleks’ Invasion Earth 2150 AD movie, and it would be a lovely 60th anniversary treat and tribute to see him one last time.
If you are wondering why Tennant had a new sonic screwdriver since Power of the Doctor was broadcast, Doctor Who magazine has been publishing a 14th Doctor comic story – Liberation of the Daleks – which picked up directly from the regeneration scene and led in to last week’s Skaro-based Children in Need skit, and has seen Jodie Whittaker’s sonic screwdriver design come a cropper. Twice. All the people who hate the sonic being waved around so much in modern Who are probably not going to like the new features it had in this episode.
Next time At the time of writing there hadn’t been a standalone trailer for Wild Blue Yonder, and so, dear reader, you might already know more than the Guardian. Davies has said the episode is “weird” and really stretched the design team to realise what was on the page. Tennant has said it is “unlike any Doctor Who episode ever”, and the latest issue of Doctor Who magazine redacted the guest cast. So who knows. See you next week – allons-y!'
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trixcuomo · 2 years
Okay time to stop lol
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Nozdormu: And then the other aspects have fun themes they came up with, ya know, just for funsies.
Trixany: *in awe* Nozdormu, you should write your own book!
Nozdormu: Alexstrasza is the aspect of drama... she just starts rumors behind people's backs. Pfft! Natural gossip girl, that one. Her mother dragon thing is just a front. The proto drakes used to be the cool clique, you know. Before she lied and said Titan magic made you bloated. And look at me, look at these abs? Not bloated.
Trixany: Well damn.
Nozdormu: Kalec doubles as the aspect of magical girls--
Trixany: I knew it!!
Nozdormu: He's working on a project with Blizzard HQ right now to make a Azerotha Magica Azerite Mogu anime.
Trixany: Uh... with mogu?
Nozdormu: It's a typo, right? But he's trying to salvage it. Also, Ysera was the aspect of marshmallows.
Trixany: Huh?
Nozdormu: It doesn't make sense, she's just a cutie. Oh! And Neltharion was the big surprise. His madness even played into it. He was secretly the aspect of... interior decorating?
Trixany: What.
Nozdormu: He felt the world needed a refresh. You know, move an ocean over here, blow up a volcano there. He was obsessed with those fancy magazines that come in the mail. You know those heavy, glossy ones? They kept misdelivering them to Deepholm. Stacks of 'em.
Trixany: I love those, how sad.
Nozdormu: It pains me. You should see how he was intending to redo the Caverns of Time before he lost it. That was one gorgeous, golden shag conversation pit he was planning. He found it at the thrift store of all places, that maniac. *sad chuckle* We all fit in, perfectly.
0 notes
sunshine-on-my-mind · 2 years
The Mobster’s Wife
pairing: Mob!Lloyd Hansen x Plus size reader
a/n: hey cuties, this is my first time writing a Mob AU so I really hope you all like it. Please read the warnings before moving forward.
warnings: 18+ Minors Dni Mob AU, mentions of being a mobster and implied themes, no graphic details, angst, arranged marriage, crying, reader has body insecurities, implied body shaming (not from Lloyd), cooking and eating mentioned, doubts of infidelity (but nothing really), overthinking, fluff, soft moments, kissing, mention of sex but nothing happens, flirting. Let me know if I missed anything.
words: 5.3k
Comments and Reblogs are appreciated
-> Next Chapter ; Drabbles ; Asks
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Some say you are happiest on the day you become a bride.
In your case, you didn’t even know what to feel. A cloud of confusion wrapped you up when you walked down the aisle. All eyes on you, judging, measuring and probably calculating the outcome of this wedding.
Your eyes landed on the man you were destined to call your husband. His jaw sharp, beautiful blue eyes that had a sense of dominance in them, plump pink lips making a straight line, making it hard to read what might be going in his mind. But the feature that stood out most on his conventionally beautiful face, was a neatly trimmed moustache.
Everything was mechanical after that, the vows, the rings, the kiss, everything. Cheers and claps brought you out of the trance and it hit you suddenly that you were indeed married at that point. You were Mrs. Hansen.
Dinner involved loud toasts and speeches, mainly with the intention of impressing your husband. Everyone wanted to be in his good books, and why wouldn’t they? Lloyd Hansen was one of the most powerful and influential mobsters of the city. And the man lived up to his image.
Even though everything was so loud around you, you didn’t miss the absolute silence that surrounded your husband and you. And that silence continued when you found yourself in front of your new house, a massive one.
Being the daughter of a mobster, you were not unfamiliar with luxury and riches, sure you tried to stay away from all of it as much as possible because you didn’t want to be a part of the mobster life, in fact you wanted to get out of the city, the country if it was possible and live an independent life, away from it all.
But life had other plans, or rather your family. You hardly knew the man you got married to. His house spoke a lot about him, you realised as you walked inside his grand home. Dark hues all around, had a gorgeous glow, minimalistic and fashionable, a lot like the man who was walking beside you. The silence still there.
It was only broken when his men entered, they exchanged a few words, your focus on taking in the interiors of your new home.
When they left, your husband turned towards you, as if finally seeing you. The more his sharp gaze took you in, the more insecure you felt about yourself. You wrapped your hands around your upper body and looked down, but his gaze didn’t leave you yet. You felt heat rushing to your cheeks. The heat was gone in a moment as a cold voice reached your ears.
“Your room is upstairs, you can decorate it however you want to.” Lloyd spoke, his first words to you “My room is downstairs and I like my privacy. I don’t expect much from you but there are certain rules you must follow. There are areas in this house which are off limits. The rest you are free to explore unless I tell you not to, in case I have some important meeting here. Don’t go out of the house without informing me. I’ll arrange a car for you.”
There was complete lack of emotions behind his voice as he went on with the rules.
“I expect you the follow the rules, another thing I expect from you, but won’t demand, is for you to cook for me.” And with that Lloyd left you behind making his way upstairs. When he saw you weren’t following him, he stood in his place and sighed.
“Do I have to invite you? I’m showing you your room, hurry up I don’t have all the time in the world.” Lloyd didn’t try to hide his irritation.
So that was how your married life was supposed to be. Sure it was an arranged marriage, you weren’t expecting love. And you knew from what you had heard about Lloyd that he wasn’t exactly a soft man. You wondered what this marriage had in store for you, as you went up the stairs.
With a huff, Lloyd opened the door of your room. You both went inside. A big but dull room, not like the rest of the house you saw. Perhaps a guest room?
“This will be your room from now on. No one will disturb you here. If you want to buy something for your room, or something for yourself go ahead. here keep this card.” Lloyd gave you a credit card. You were still in a haze about everything. Was this how mob marriages were supposed to be?
Before the wedding one of your main concerns was to share a room and a bed with a stranger. At least that won’t be a problem. But you didn’t feel relieved at all, a pit of doubt formed in your stomach. Was this all happening because of your appearance? He must had known how you looked before agreeing to the marriage right? Or maybe you were overthinking and this was just how most of these marriages were. Mobsters had the image of being with many women. Perhaps Lloyd was one of them.
All you could do was nod to let your husband know you had understood everything. With that Lloyd left your room. As the door shut, a little harshly maybe, all the negative thoughts came rushing to you, and it didn’t help when you ventured in front of the mirror and saw yourself in your wedding dress. Alone, on your wedding night.
You used to have some insecurities about your body but you had tried your best to overcome them and you were definitely in a much better place. That was before you were left alone in that big room, on your wedding night.
It was difficult to explain, because not that you were eager to be sleeping with a stranger, a mobster, the worst ideas about what he might do to you and your body had already flashed in front of your eyes many times before the wedding. Mob families were full of misogyny, hence there was an unspoken, actually sometimes directly spoken rule of pleasing the husbands, and always doing what they said. You were nervous and scared about your wedding night, but even with those multiple thoughts, being left alone somehow didn’t cross your mind. Did Lloyd leave because he didn’t like the way you looked? Did he leave because he wasn’t at all attracted to you?
Lloyd didn’t even talk to you properly, or ask anything about you. Just informed you what he wanted to and left. You hardly knew him but you sure wanted to learn more about the man you were supposed to spend your life with, unfortunately or fortunately, that didn’t seem to be the case with Lloyd.
Your luggage was already there in your room and you changed into something comfortable. The bed was big, and soft. You lied down and covered up yourself with a blanket. Sleep sleep sleep sleep. Tried your best to fall in slumber. And you did, eventually after some turning and tossing.
The next morning you woke up and got ready for the day. You made your way down towards the kitchen. All it took was a little exploring, and you found some ingredients and utensils to make a simple breakfast. You didn’t know what Lloyd liked so you decided to stick to classics. Toast, eggs, bacon and a fresh pot of coffee.
Soon you could hear footsteps towards the kitchen, and the confidence the footsteps had, made it clear, it was none other than the owner of the house. You looked at him, even in the morning he was well dressed, hair neatly gelled back.
“Morning” you wished Lloyd and in return got a nod. “I’ve made breakfast, didn’t know what you like-” you couldn’t finish before Lloyd made his way towards the dining table, and started reading a newspaper. Clearly not interested in listening to whatever you had to say.
You took a deep breath, and tried to deny the little pang you felt in your chest. Serving the breakfast on a plate, and pouring coffee in a cup, you took it to the table and placed it in front of your husband. His face was still behind the newspaper.
“I hope you like the food.” And finally the newspaper was out of the way and Lloyd looked straight into your eyes. His piercing gaze had quite an effect on you. No further words were exchanged.
Lloyd started eating and you joined him on the table with your food and coffee. You wanted to start a conversation but didn’t know how. Lloyd’s focus was on the food, his phone chimed and his focus shifted towards his phone. You gave up and started eating.
He was soon done eating and with a quick ‘thank you’ he left you alone. Again.
And that became your routine for the next few days. You were alone most of the time, explored the house, the parts you were allowed to see of course, got acquainted with it. There was a Television in your room and you decided to binge watch something, to keep yourself distracted from other things.
The only time you weren’t alone was during breakfast and sometimes dinner, Lloyd generally accompanied you. He had informed you he was usually out during the day so no need to prepare lunch for him and that sometimes he would come home late so not to wait for him. You always prepared dinner for him though, when he was late you kept it in the fridge. Left a note there, to let him know.
One night, when Lloyd was late again, you decided to wait up. When he arrived it was quite late. You were sitting at the dining table, reading a book to stay up.
“What are you doing?” Lloyd’s deep voice made his presence known. You were quite invested in the book so you didn’t hear his footsteps.
“I’m- I was waiting for you to come home” Lloyd sighed and ran his fingers through his now slightly disheveled hair. “How was your day?” You asked bravely, hoping to get some response from him. Anything.
“I told you, you don’t have to stay up for me. You should have gone to bed.”
“I wanted to. I wanted to check on you.”
“You don’t have to.” Lloyd sighed again. “And to answer your question, I’m alive aren’t I? So you can get from that how my day was.” You gulped and looked down.
“I’ve made dinner.” You almost whispered.
“Yeah I can heat it and have it on my own, you don’t have to stay. You can go sleep.” Only if he understood that you wanted to stay.
Or maybe he did understand that, and that was why he wanted you to leave. Maybe he didn’t want to spend time with you. Not like Lloyd had not done or said anything to make you fee otherwise. The time you spent together felt obligatory or just to maintain decency. You wished him a good night and went back to your room.
There wasn’t much change in the following few weeks, except you stopped trying to make conversation with your husband. You did what you were supposed to and kept to yourself.
“I have a party to attend today” Lloyd spoke while you two were having breakfast. Why was he informing you suddenly? He hardly ever told you his plans for the day. Was he- was he inviting you to go with him? You got lost in your thoughts and Lloyd tried to figure what you might be thinking.
“You’re invited as well but you don’t have to go, I’m don’t think you’ll like the company.” Oh, it wasn’t an invitation. You nodded. Of course Lloyd didn’t want you there. Why would he? He would probably be embarrassed if he was seen with you. The man was quite attractive, gorgeous beautiful ladies were desperate for him. God they’d probably lick his wounds if he just spared them a glance. There was no way he would want to be seen with you.
You let out an ‘okay’ and focused on eating. Lloyd could sense something going on in your head but he didn’t know you enough and shouldn’t assume anything. As usual he was finished eating before you and he left the table with his usual ‘thank you’.
Sleep felt like a distant thought that night. Your mind filled with thoughts of Lloyd and what he might be doing in the party. Did he have a mistress, or many? Was that another reason he didn’t want you at the party, would she be there?
You desperately tried to remove those thoughts from your mind and think about positive things, but you didn’t find any. Eventually your mind got tired of thinking and let you sleep.
The next morning you had breakfast alone. No sign of Lloyd. Later you got a call from him.
“I’ll come home early today, I have a meeting in the evening. I’ll have some people over. And I don’t want you to come down tonight when the meeting takes place, understood? Stay in your room.” And as soon as he was done speaking he hung up the phone.
The rest of the day went by quickly and soon it was evening. You had already prepared dinner so that you won’t have to go down later. Unfortunately you didn’t bring up any of that food to your room.
It was getting late and you were getting hungry. Maybe if you quickly grabbed some food it won’t be a problem. Besides, the meeting was taking place in the office, which was far away from the kitchen.
You silently went down and opened the door of the fridge, but before you could do anything, an angry, very angry Lloyd appeared behind you.
“Do you not know how to follow simple instructions?”
You kept quiet, looked away.
“Answer me. I don’t like repeating myself.”
“I’m sorry I just-“
“You’re sorry? What the fuck am I supposed to do with that? I told you not to come down. It was a simple and clear instruction. Are you that dumb?”
And the angrier his tone got, the more you lost control of your emotions.
“I-“ You looked at him with teary eyes.
“Are you fucking crying right now? Is that supposed make me feel bad when you’re the one who didn’t follow instructions? You know what, I’m done talking to you. Go up to your room and cry all you want there. Just not in front of me. I have a meeting to get back to. I don’t have time-“ The tables turned, and it was Lloyd who couldn’t finish his sentence this time. You ran past him. Went up to your room as quickly you could and shut the door.
Lloyd sighed and went back to his meeting. You on the other hand cried your heart out. Everything piled up together and you couldn’t hold it in any longer. In that moment you truly realised how alone you were. You had no one, and your husband hated you.
When Lloyd’s meeting got over, he went to the kitchen. As soon as he opened the door of the fridge to get his dinner, he realised there was another container of food, resembling the one kept for him.
Oh fuck. You must had come down to get your dinner. Lloyd closed the fridge and made his way up to your bedroom. He wasn’t sure what he would do or say, but his feet were moving on their own towards your room, before his mind could process much.
As he stood outside your room, he could hear your cries. Lloyd didn’t feel much for people, but something about you was breaking all his walls and he was nervous about it. He barely knew you. Lloyd didn’t trust people easily. That didn’t mean it didn’t affect him at all to see you cry. To hurt you unintentionally. He was just trying to protect you from any kind of possible danger.
Lloyd realised that damage was already done and it would be better to give you space. That was how your husband always tried to make you feel comfortable, by giving you space. If he only knew it was having the exact opposite effect.
The next day you didn’t show up for breakfast. Lloyd found the kitchen empty as well as the dining table. He realised he had royally fucked up. Or maybe you were simply late? But you were never late.
Lloyd decided to wait for you. His day was comparatively less packed. An hour turned into two. Still there was no sign of you. With a deep sigh. Lloyd made his way up to your bedroom. He knocked on your door.
You woke up early in the morning after crying yourself to sleep last night. But you didn’t feel like leaving your room. You were still wrapped up in your blanket when you heard the knock on the door. Maybe Lloyd was angry because you didn’t make breakfast, but to be fair you didn’t really care about it at that moment. Dragging your feet towards the door, you opened it.
Your eyes were puffy due to crying. But you made sure not to drop a single drop of tear in front of your husband. No words came out of you, you didn’t have anything to say to be fair.
“You should get something to eat.” Lloyd managed to speak out, his voice had no anger. A little concern maybe but you were too upset to notice.
“I don’t feel like eating”
“But you-“ Lloyd cleared his throat “you haven’t eaten anything since yesterday” A humourless chuckle left your mouth.
“That doesn’t concern you does it? It’s not like you care.”
“Doesn’t matter if I care or not” Lloyd replied.
“You don’t care, just admit you don’t. Admit that you are embarrassed by me and that’s why you didn’t want anyone to see me. That’s why you were so adamant about me not going down wasn’t it? You are ashamed of me.” Your voice was slowly getting louder.
“You think I asked you to stay in your room because I’m ashamed of you? The people who were attending the meeting were dangerous people, bad people, I wanted you to stay here so that you were safe. I was trying to protect you.”
“Really? Everyone is afraid of you, what possibly could those people have done?”
“Well I’m not going to justify my decisions. It’s my responsibility to protect you and that’s what I was doing.”
“Fine, even if that was the case yesterday, what about the day before, when you didn’t want me to go to that party, huh? You even said I was invited, still didn’t take me with you, why? I’ll tell you, it’s because you are ashamed of me.”
“The only reason I didn’t take you with me is because I have heard you don’t like the mob world. I thought this marriage is already a burden for you and that I shouldn’t trouble you more by making you attend these parties.” Lloyd spoke loudly but only to make his point. But he wasn’t angry at you, he was angry at himself for making you feel that he might be ashamed of you. That wasn’t the case at all. Lloyd knew this marriage was just a deal, between two Mob families. Of course it wasn’t an ideal marriage, and whatever he had heard about you, from his different sources, was that you didn’t want to belong in this world of violence, but unfortunately you got married into it. So giving you space felt like he was doing you a favour.
Lloyd wasn’t always proud of everything he did but he knew it was necessary. That made him believe the less you knew about him, the less you would dislike him. He didn’t want his wife to dislike him, or worse, be scared of him. Hence pushing you away seemed like the only reasonable thing to do.
But in that moment, Lloyd realised keeping you at distance had a reverse effect than what he had intended.
“I’m not ashamed of you. I didn’t realise you felt like that.” You kept quiet, still looking away “Hey look at me.” And you did.
“There is actually another party tonight, I wasn’t gonna go anyway, but if you want to, we can both go together.” You weren’t really in the mood to attend a party, but if it was just crumbs you were gonna get as hopes of spending time with your husband, then you were gonna take them.
“Alright. We can go together.” Came your reply, and Lloyd gave you a nod.
“Let’s have breakfast now come on.”
“You haven’t had breakfast yet?” You asked and he shook his head.
“What do you wanna eat?“ You asked.
“I was thinking about cooking today. Do you like pesto eggs?”
For the first time in your married life, you didn’t feel that distant to your husband. It wasn’t like you both talked a lot, hardly in fact, still it felt like the air around you was a little more relaxed than usual.
The pesto eggs Lloyd made were truly very delicious.
“This is so good.” You commented without looking up from your plate. Lloyd smiled.
Your husband had some work to do, he went to complete them in his home office, while you decided to do something about your current cried out appearance. You were nervous about what to wear for the party.
Finally settled on a long black dress that wasn’t too tight, or too loose, just the perfect fit, most importantly one that looked pretty good, and made you feel comfortable.
When Lloyd saw you in that dress it was very hard for him to not keep staring at you. You always looked so cute but tonight, wow.
“You look nice.” You weren’t used to many compliments. And thus you didn’t really know how to respond to them and decided to stick with the classic response, ‘thank you’
“You look nice too.” It was true, actually Lloyd always looked so handsome. You would be lying if you said you haven’t stared at him from time to time when he wasn’t looking.
The car ride to the party was mostly silent. Both of you stole glances when you thought the other wasn’t looking. One time you caught Lloyd looking at you and you couldn’t help but feel shy under his gaze. Before getting out of the car Lloyd finally broke the silence.
“As I had said earlier, these people might not be the best company for you, but since we are here, let’s try to have a good time. But if something happens, if you feel uncomfortable or even boring, just let me know and we’ll leave. Alright?” You nodded as a smile appeared on your face. Maybe he did care about you.
The party was truly nothing you had ever seen or experienced. Mobsters, rich businessmen, influential people everywhere, not to forget the gorgeous women adding to the grandeur of the party. And the air carried a distinct smell of alcohol mixed with hints of danger.
It was all kind of overwhelming, and something about the party wasn’t sitting right with you, maybe simply because it was all new to you, and also because Lloyd rightly said those people weren’t definitely your ideal company.
Lloyd introduced you to some people before excusing himself when he was called by others. You tried roaming around but the way most people looked you up and down, scanning, wondering how you were chosen as the lucky one to be Lloyd Hansen’s wife made you feel uneasy.
You tried to ignore the whispers and poorly covered laughs, you even heard things like ‘her father must be very influential and rich if Lloyd married someone like her’ and ‘of course this marriage is nothing but a deal, look at them, they don’t fit together’
Their words finally got to you when your eyes began to moisten. You made your way towards the bar, but there were too many people present. Who were you kidding when you thought you can belong in this world? Most of those people were either too heartless, too misogynistic or too full of themselves. Definitely not your type of crowd. Those people only understood money and power.
Your eyes automatically started scanning for Lloyd. You didn’t have to look much, as the man appeared right beside you.
“What’s wrong?” His question made you look away to wipe off any sign of tears, his words still fresh in your mind which had made you decide never to cry in front of him.
“I’m fine.”
“You’re not fine. Did someone say anything to you?” His voice a mixture of concern and anger, anger which you could feel wasn’t directed towards you.
You shook your head. Technically it wasn’t a lie, no one said anything directly to you. Lloyd didn’t push you more on that topic. The way you avoided his eyes and fidgeted with your hands made it quite evident that no matter what happened, you didn’t feel comfortable in that atmosphere.
“We’re leaving, come on. This party is too boring anyway.”
The ride back home was almost nerve wracking. Would Lloyd be angry at you? He did say you probably won’t like the party but you still wanted to go. And now you’re leaving quite early. Although Lloyd hadn’t shown any signs of anger towards you, the slight tick in his jaw made you feel worried.
As soon as you were home, you decided it’s best to get to the point and apologise before things could go wrong any further.
“I’m sorry.” Your random apology caught Lloyd off guard.
“Huh? What are you apologising for?” His question made you question yourself. Exactly, why were you? Except the part that you didn’t take Lloyd’s suggestion and still went to the party, you didn’t exactly do anything wrong, did you?
“I- I don’t know. I’m sorry to disappoint you I guess.”
“You didn’t disappoint me.” Lloyd took a deep breath. “Can I ask you something, answer me honestly, why did you want to go to that party? It was clear you didn’t feel comfortable there, and that those assholes aren’t exactly your ideal type of people. You have grown up in a mob family, I’m sure you know how those people can get, and I’m also sure you are not like them. So why?” You gulped. Lloyd definitely knew more about you than you expected, or he very quickly had understood a lot about you.
“I get so alone in the house. I didn’t want to feel so lonely, I wanted to spend time with you.” You answered without beating around the bush. Not that it didn’t make you extremely nervous to say those words. A smile, no a smirk appeared on Lloyd’s face.
“Hmm so my pretty wife wanted attention from me? If that was the case you could have just asked for it” Lloyd came closer to you with each word. But then the playfulness of his tone shifted to something more caring “Did I actually make you feel so alone?” You nodded
“Truth be told, I felt giving you space was what you needed. I know it’s not easy giving up your life and start living with a stranger, that to with a mobster. It felt like the less you know about me the better it would be. But now, I guess it wasn’t such a good idea.” Lloyd confessed and gently held your hand. “I’ll try to do better from now on.”
“Lloyd, you know, I thought you kept your distance from me because of the way I look, many people have implied I’m not beautiful before, so I got used to it. And when you didn’t interact much with me, even though I tried, I thought that was the case.“
“Who told you you’re not beautiful? Did someone insult you? Give me names, you know I can-“ Your chuckle stopped him mid-speech. You couldn’t help it, you liked the way he suddenly got all protective over you.
“Listen, you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen and you have the most beautiful heart. Far too beautiful for an asshole like me.”
In that moment, he didn’t feel like Mobster Lloyd, but just your husband.
“Now coming back to the part where you wanted my attention,” Lloyd teased and you couldn’t help they way you felt warm. Your husband had a smirk on his face as he took in your form.
“How about you go get changed and come to my room?” A soft gasp escaped your lips on hearing that. Lloyd chuckled.
“Don’t worry I’m just inviting you to my room, not asking to have sex with you,” he paused and leaned closer to your ear “Unless you want to.” Shivers ran down your body, because of the proximity and his words. Involuntarily you bit your lip and tried to form a reply.
“No, um- not yet. I don’t even know you properly.”
“Well you don’t need to know someone to have sex with them wifey, hope you know that, hm?” Did the man know what he was doing to you? He definitely did, his cocky attitude and smirk made it clear.
“I know that, but you’re not just someone are you? You’re my husband, and I want to know you first.”
“You’re a smart girl, wifey. I like that.” A genuine smile graced Lloyd’s face “Alright then, freshen up and come to my room.” You nodded and quickly went to your room to get changed.
As you stood in front of Lloyd’s bedroom, you felt excited but also nervous, but before you could ponder much, Lloyd came out.
“Come on in” your husband held the door open for you. Lloyd’s room was not only big but matched his personality perfectly. “You look cute.” You weren’t sure what to wear so you decided to go with some comfy shorts and T-shirt.
“Thank you.” Lloyd motioned at the bed for you to get in.
“Make yourself comfortable.” You sat down on the bed while Lloyd lied down beside you.
“Are you planning to sleep like that?” he asked you with a chuckle. Well he had a point, so eventually you lied down beside him.
It all felt so foreign, and so weird to be sharing a bed with your husband more than a month later after getting married. You were feeling overwhelmed, happy and sad at the same time.
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours? Don’t think too much okay? Let’s focus on this moment.” Lloyd tried to be as sweet as he could. “I’m happy you are here. I don’t really know how to apologise because I haven’t had to till now, but I apologise for being rude, and hurting you.” You gave him a smile.
“Can we try to be there for each other from now on?” The sincerity in your tone and the soft expression on your face made Lloyd feel things he didn’t realise he could.
“Yeah, let’s try that.” His answer was good enough for you.
After taking your permission, your husband softly wrapped his arm around you. You felt protected. And not alone.
Lloyd leaned in and waited till you gave him a nod, then attached his lips to yours. This was different than the first kiss you shared together, on your wedding day. It was full of care and compassion and didn’t feel obligatory.
In that moment you were hopeful about the future and what it brought for the two of you. Maybe married life won’t be so bad.
“Hey, let’s get some sleep now okay? You’ve had a long day.” It was true, you could feel the exhaustion in your body. You gave him a nod.
“Although before we sleep, I have a very important question to ask” Lloyd asked seriously and it made you look at him curiously.
“What do you think about my Moustache?”
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jiminiejamie · 2 years
Bts!Stoner AU introduction
before we begin, i am in no way promoting people to smoke weed (well i kinda am) but i mean no harm in creating this, i just really like AUs for BTS and i thought this would be very interesting and frankly hilarious to imagine them like this lol. If you have any suggestions to add to the boys info or a situation you'd like to see them in please let me know I'd love to explore these characters and their lives!!
Age: 26
Job: nobody knows, imagine chandler from friends, he has a job but nobody knows eXACTLY what it is. It includes maths and IT.
Sexuality: He’s quite ‘fluid’ and very open, most of his relationships have been open. His last relationship ended a few months back and they'd been together for 3 years so he is… how do you put this lightly.. He's been very horny lately so he has a few people he's seeing. (nothing serious!!)
Housing situation: Lives in a flat with namjoon and yoongi. It’s a relatively nice flat, four bedrooms for the three guys, they've tried in the past with a fourth roommate but they either moved on with their lives?? Or it went BAD.
Crushes: Namjoon..kinda.. He's kinda a cutie or whatever ;))) no but seriously Jin has had a lil crush on Namjoon for a while, he’d never do anything tho…. Also he’s WELL aware jungkook likes him a lil but let's be real, jungkook likes everyone.
Smoking/weed preferences: Jin is nowhere near the biggest stoner of the group, he has smoked and he still does every few sESHES, if he is to get high he much prefers edibles but even then it's not that often. He’s normally the designated sober guy at the seshes, he doesn't mind tho. Because of this his tolerance is the lowest of the groups by far, if Jin’s getting high, someone else has to be sober since sometimes handsome gets a lil too high, especially since the rest of the groups tolerance is qUITE high.
‘Fave weed method?’ : Edibles
Drinking preferences: Our Jin is a drinker, he loves a drink. So sOMETIMES at seshes he’ll drink while the rest smoke and it works quite well. Most often he is drinking some sort of spirit, he loves a vodka :)))
Room decor ;): very warm tones!! Beige, oranges, browns, very clean most of the time. He has a lil mini fridge with snacks and drinks for when people are in his room, mostly kook :)
Hobbies: He spends a lot of time on interior design! The apartment is BEAUTIFUL compared to Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung’s flat. He is constantly rearranging, buying decor. It is nice for Yoongi and Namjoon to have a nice home but it drives them crazy when they come home and the apartment has an entirely different layout.
What do they smell like: he has that ermmm… old smell? Hard to explain but he smells like the oLD aesthetic, a slight scent of yoongi’s cigarettes, a slight smell of his flatmate’s weed, and the smell of old books. A VERY pretty smell.
Age: 25
Job: Editor! He edits videos for quite a few youtubers which is his fave job but he also works in a cinema on the side. He ideally in the future wants to just edit and potentially work for a company editing. The cinema job is quite literally the least favourite thing in his life. He dreads it every day and his managers are assholes, BUT the rest of the boys will  not let him quit because they get discounts on screenings and free food :))
Sexuality: Bisexual, his last relationship the guy cheated on him and Hoseok nearly had a fight outside a bar when he saw they guy the week after lol. But Yoongi’s been single for a while but he quite likes fucking around with strangers recently :)
Housing: Lives in a flat with Namjoon and Jin. It’s a relatively nice flat, four bedrooms for the three guys, they've tried in the past with a fourth roommate but they either moved on with their lives?? Or it went BAD.
Crushes: Hoseok :))) Him and Hoseok had a thing a while back, nothing serious but Hoseok got a boyfriend which Yoongi was obviously fine with all they did was fuck around high. But once Hoseok and his boyfriend broke up, he and Yoongi didn't really reconnect the way they did and Yoongi misses it a lil. Shhh dont tell anyone but Hoseok misses it too. Also of course Yoongi is well aware of the crush Jungkook has on him but once again Jungkook likes all of them.
Smoking preferences: My guy Yoongi likes weed a whole bunch, he loves it. One of the decided stoners in the group. He is high basically everyday, his tolerance is through the ROOF. Him and Namjoon introduced weed into the gang and Jin LOVES to make them feel guilty about turning 17 year old Jungkook at the time into a stoner. No hard feelings though, they didn't actually let Jungkook smoke with them for a while.
Fave weed method: Joint
Drinking preferences: loves whiskey, doesn't drink very often because he is the biggest lightweight you have ever seen. ONE glass of whiskey and he's gone. The boys have gotten him very pissed a few times, the worst  being when Yoongi ended up in hospital because they thought they poisoned him. Turns out he was fine, he was just very vERY sick. So yeah, he’ll drink on occasion but very very rarely.
Room decor ;): imagine a tumblr user from 2014’s dream room, it's like that. Walls painted black with psychedelic mushrooms on the walls, vinyls stuck to the walls, photos of friends, and cant forget the LEDS which are only ever red or green. He likes to make it green if he's high because he thinks he’s hilarious. Also his room smells of weed, incense from Joon, cigarettes (he and Taehyung are the only cigarette smokers) and Linxs Africa because despite being 25 years old, he is still a teenager.
Hobbies: makes music, but nobody actually knows. He hires out a room in a studio and makes music. He’d die if people actually found out, even if he is proud of a song nobody gets to hear it. Jungkook heard one once coming from Yoongi’s phone and asked who that was but Yoongi just replied with a shrug
What do they smell like: cigarettes, his expensive aftershave that the boys love so much, he buys one every year for his own birthday because it's EXPENSIVE so he has to make one last a whole year, but it is so worth it it smells aMAZING.
Age: 24
Job: He is a preschool teacher. He teaches 3-5 year olds and he is vERY good with kids. Sometimes in public his students will come up to him and when he’s with another one of the boys, they MELT he is so sweet with them and it's so clear he has such a passion for the children and letting them learn. Another job he has is he teaches dance lessons to people, children and adults!!
Sexuality: He’s gay, he thought he was straight until recently-ish, he only learnt he was gay when he was around 22 so its only been the past 2 years he’s known and hes been out to the boys for about 1.5 years now. He’s had numerous girlfriends in the past but is yet to have a boyfriend, which the boys love as they get to be lil hunters trying to find someone for Hoseok.
Housing: Lives in a flat with Taehyung and Jimin, it also has 4 bedrooms like the other flat. The difference with this one is that they don’t have interior designer Jin living with them. It's an actual wreck. It's not MESSY per say, it's just the weirdest looking place ever. If you've never been high before this flat is NOT the place you wanna do it in. Overwhelming af, Jungkook learnt that the hard way.
Crushes: He misses Yoongi (mentioned before), but he really doesnt wanna make the first move to get back what they had because he's worried Yoongi will think hes needy and weird(yoongi would never think that lol) Oh and the Jungkook thing to, poor kook loves them all :(((
Smoking preferences: stoner, stoner, stoner. Sober Hoseok is a rare sight, let's be real. BUT he is mature about it and does not abuse it (disclaimer:: None of the members abuse drugs or alcohol it's just vibes man, and for the sake of the plotline, they all keep each other in check in terms of they stuff they are smoking <3) but yes Hoseok is a STONER, textbook definition of a stoner, down to his dress sense. You would know he was a stoner from 3 miles away, well you'd smell him from about 15 miles lol. Is the kind of stoner thay will smoke anything, strains are bullshit to him, if he gets high it's good weed for him.
Fave weed method: Bongs
Drinking preferences: Doesn't drink at all. His family were drinkers growing up and he doesn't even like to be around people who are insanely drunk. He has drank in the past but it really isn't for him. Also he has a predetermined opinion of alcohol from his family and he is vERY scared he would act like them drunk so he doesn't touch it.
Room decor ;): Once again, exactly how you'd imagine it, has the messiest room of all of them, besides mAYBE Kook. He has sO many bongs, I'd say he has one in every single place it will fit. Nightstands, wardrobes, drawers, he has about 12 in his room. Thrasher everywhere and he doesn't even skate he just likes it. Music playing 24/7, even at night it just is turned down much more. Taehyung loves Hoseok’s room vERY MUCH.
Hobbies: Dancing!! He loves dancing, he dances everywhere constantly, his room and Jimin’s are right next to each other and Jimin complains at least 34 times a week.
What do they smell like: the only one who vERY rarely smells like weed! Although he probably smokes the most he can not risk smelling a lot like weed even in public since a parent could see him and boom he’s lost his job. But he smells very clean at all times. This makes no sense but he smells warm? Not in a sweaty way lol, in a comforting way, all i can describe it as warm??? Idk 
Age: 24
Job: Owns in a wellness/self care/spirituality store. The most beautiful place you've ever seen. Crystals, incense, yoga, and a lot of healthy foods. It's a very nice and ‘aesthetic’ shop and he also does tarot readings in the back room which the boys enjoy a lot. Speaking of the room in the back, when the shop is closed some days during the week they all sit in there and get higher than the clouds, a prime hangout spot for the group. Also on the side Namjoon sells weed, mostly to just the boys and mutual friends though. 
Sexuality: namjoon is currently questioning! He is straight as far as everyone knows, he has had a few girlfriends over the years but he is now thinking whether he likes men? He isn't sure and it's causing some stress for him since he questioned when he was around 16 and he kind of just forgot about it?? He is thinking about going to some of the members and talking about it as he is well aware those gay mf will always help him.
Housing: Lives in a flat with Yoongi and Jin. It’s a relatively nice flat, four bedrooms for the three guys, they've tried in the past with a fourth roommate but they either moved on with their lives?? Or it went BAD.+
Crushes: He doesnt think he has a crush on anyone at the moment, but he is still figuring out the difference between platonic and romantic feelings about men but he thinks Yoongi is quite pretty (why is this so cute aww) but yeah he’s working on it <3
Smoking preferences: He sells weed so he obviously smokes quite a lot, he is one of the most chill smokers. Random thing he was REALLY against kook smoking when they all first met but kook eventually convinced them all it took namjoon mUCH longer to come around since he’s much younger but aNYWAY back to namjoon. He always has a joint on him. Last year he went to the extent of buying a lil box to keep one in his pocket to stop it from snapping which lets be real he should have bought a lil box much earlier than last year.
Fave weed method: Joints/Bongs
Drinking preferences: loves a beer he does!! Someone that often drinks with Jimin. They love going to the club together when the others don't wanna go anywhere. Sometimes he has phases when he prefers drinking to smoking!
Room decor ;): its giving incense smell, its giving spirituality, its giving crystals, but it's also giving weed smell, rolling trays and pure vibes (that sounds very cringy) He has a yoga mat in front of his bed, and he in fact does use it every morning.
Hobbies: Yoga obviously, but also he really enjoys spending time with Jin in his shop. He obviously LOVES when everyone is in the shop but when it's just him and Jin he gets to hear Jin talk about ideas for the shop and how it can be better. His main hobby is spirituality and wellness though, he spends his DAY researching and learning!!
What do they smell like: Incense, weed and his really pretty scents that he sells in his shops. His favourite smell he sells is tobacco and orange which is dIVINE, jungkook’s is not shy to shoving his head in namjoon’s neck when he's high and just ‘breathing’
Age: 21
Job: ‘accountant'..if you know what i mean. No seriously he has onlyfans which fund most of his life but he also sometimes works in the local strip clubs which the boys take a lot of pride in going in whenever he's working. Only because Jimin refuses to give any of them his onlyfans name!!
Sexuality: very veRY VERY gay.
Housing: Lives in a flat with Taehyung and Hoseok, it also has 4 bedrooms like the other flat. The difference with this one is that they don’t have interior designer Jin living with them. It's an actual wreck. It's not MESSY per say, it's just the weirdest looking place ever. If you've never been high before this flat is NOT the place you wanna do it in. Overwhelming af, Jungkook learnt that the hard way.
Crushes: One of the only guys who doesn't have a lil crush on another one in the group. BUT he has a very good eye for figuring out who might. I can guarantee Jimin is aware of every single crush within the group.
Smoking preferences: He has smoked in the past, have you SEEN his friend group? Of course he has. But he prefers not to because he’s not a massive lover of the feeling of being high. Getting cross-faded tho? That's something he likes to get involved in. Jimim likes getting FUCKED UP, which isnt the smartest thing to do but he loves it and lets be real…so does his onlyfans supporters.
Fave weed method: Edibles
Drinking preferences: Wine, spirits, beer? It's all good. Jimin looooves alcohol. Biggest drinker in the group 100%. Is his tolerance high? No, but he will still outdrink the whole group.
Room decor ;): Very classy, a sexy vibe bc if my boy is taking photos *wink* He needs a good background. LEDS also, always red, doesn't matter time of day or occasion always red.
Hobbies: clubbing, not rlly a hOBBY but he loves it. He also draws all the time but only Tae gets to see his drawings and Taehyung prides himself on the fact that only he gets to see them!!
What do they smell like: fresh plant vibe, descriptors would be: sunny, refreshing. He very rarely smells of weed just as he does it much less basically not at all.
Age: 21
Job: Tae works as a photographer. He has his own photography business that he set up in the past few months. He's only gone ‘professional’ and created it into a business in the past few months since he'd been doing weddings of people he knew, photoshoots for his semi-influencer friends and namjoon told him one day he should go professional since he already has a lot of pre-existing clients and charging people would mean he could quit his job at the library. He did enjoy his job at the library, he would just talk to some old people and get high on his break but he only had the job for the money which he now didn't need.
Sexuality: Taehyung is a lil quirky, he doesn't know if there is a label for what he experiences so he just says Bisxual but it is definitely not jUST bisexual. He doesn't have any desire to date men, he dates women and he has had multiple girlfriends. But he will fuck men, and he likes men he just doesn’t date men. Which for a while he thought was internalised homophobia but after trying to date a guy he realised he just didn't like the idea of having a boyfriend. (BTW if anyone knows the label, or a better way of describing this pls lmk <3)
Housing: Lives in a flat with Jimin and Hoseok, it also has 4 bedrooms like the other flat. The difference with this one is that they don’t have interior designer Jin living with them. It's an actual wreck. It's not MESSY per say, it's just the weirdest looking place ever. If you've never been high before this flat is NOT the place you wanna do it in. Overwhelming af, Jungkook learnt that the hard way.
Crushes: he really likes Jungkook, like he really likes Jungkook. Everyone is aware other than Jungkook. It’s adorable watching Taehyung dote over him and Jungkook being oblivious <3
Smoking preferences: Loves a cheeky blunt, doesn’t use them a lot as no one else is a massive fan but he loves them :))) but joints with Namjoon at 3am is his favourite thing <33
Fave weed method: Blunts/Joints
Drinking preferences: Much like Jin is also a vodka drinker. Not a lightweight at all, pisses him off sometimes but it is a good thing there's always someone who can be there for the rest of the group!!
Room decor ;): He always has music playing, it's always from his record player. Jimin and Hoseok love to call him an old man. The music playing drives Jimin mental as both of his flatmates are aLWAYS playing music so he has to choose between Hoseok’s stoner/indie music or Taehyung’s 50s/classical music. Creates an odd vibe in the flat but very fun. Tae’s room is the stereotypical skater room. Old boards on the walls, posters and a lot of black. Like Yoongi, his room also smells like cigarettes at times.
Hobbies: He really likes skateboarding!! Is he good at it? Not really he only started a few months ago and he is getting better! He loves making Hoseok go to the skatepark with him and take videos of him, very cute bonding sessions for them.
What do they smell like: cigarettes, with a slight smell of weed, more cigarettes and then more cigarettes. 
Age: 19
Job: is only a wee kid so he works in a shoe shop in a shopping mall. Much like Yoongi’s job he has the worst manager on the planet and all the other staff are 45+ so every shift he talks to no one all shift. He hates it so much that one of the boys normally picks him up after he’s finished and goes out with him to cheer him up. His ‘goal’ is to be a tattoo artist so he has been working on a portfolio and is looking for places he'd like to do his tattoo artist apprenticeship.
Sexuality: nobody ask him or he will cry. He has been aware he’s not straight since he was around 14, he has panicked himself since as he is yet to find a label that fits him and he doesn't know what a lot of his feelings mean and it scares him that he needs to find an identity. Jin told him recently that he doesn't need a label!! Jin doesn't label himself and mentioned to Jungkook that unlabeled is jUST as valid as anyone who has a label. The word ‘queer’ is somethign that resonates with Jungkook so he has been using that recently.
Housing: This lil 19 year old still lives with his Mom, trust me you don’t need to bully him, heh gets enough shit from the boys. Although he lives with his Mom, he crashes in the spare room of one of the flats a lot of the time. He was going to buy his own flat once he saved from his job but the boys said he’s more than welcome at either flat. He just needs to decide which one lol.
Crushes: All of them, he loves them all so much. He cherished all the hugs and cheek/forehead kisses he gets when a member is high. What he doesn't know is that all of the members are well aware of his lil crushes on everyone. Poor thing thinks he's so fly and nobody has caught him.
Smoking preferences: oK, he was quite young when he became friends with the rest of them and they flat out refused to let him smoke, or even get high around him massively. Which used to irritate him so much he was so confused why since Tae and Jimin were only 2 years older?? But he experienced the age-old tale of accidentally eating an edible that Hoseok left out and the rest berated him for wEEKS. From then on they let him smoke sometimes and it took a while for Namjoon to agree with it just because he was still living with his Mom. Eventually he became the stoner they all know and love. Jungkook high is the sweetest thing ever. He is just adorable, chilled and hilarious. But still to this day Hoseok is blamed for ‘corrupting the child’
Fave weed method: Edibles/Bongs
Drinking preferences: He only started drinking in the last year so isn't very good at it. He often gets too drunk accidentally so he doesn't drink mUCH but he has had enough bad experiences in the past to stop him from going too far now.
Room decor ;): His room hasn't changed much since he was a younger teenager, he still has blue walls and pictures of his family on the walls, which is fine but he sometimes gets quite insecure of it as the rest of the boys have their own homes and he lives with his Mom. His Mom always said that since Kook’s older brother moved out, Jungkook should redo his brother's room and he could have it how he wants, which he was going to do for a while but since he's planning to move into one of the apartments he never bothered. Also his room is the only one that doesn't sTINK of weed, his Mom would kill him if he stunk the house out. She knows what the group get up to because he really isn't that subtle when high and she had a conversation with him saying she doesn't care what he gets up to (he's an adult and she only cares that he’s safe and she knows the rest of the boys are mature), so yeah she doesnt care what he does with his time but she would prefer nothing happened in her house, which Jungkook respects.
Hobbies: loving his friends, no JOKING but not really lol. He really likes gaming! He's a lil gamer, his favourite thing is getting high and playing video games all night!!
What do they smell like: monster energy, weed, taehyung’s cigarettes (which he hates the smell of) and some random aftershave his grandad bought him last christmas.
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clearlydiamondz · 3 years
New Partners
Erik Stevens x Black!Reader
(Y/N) and Erik are partnered up on a mission. After getting stuck together, things get a little heated between the two.
Warning: Cursing, SMUT, 18+ Content, Semi Fight Scene, mention of infertility, self harm
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(Y/N) looked around the table with men as she rolled her eyes. So many men sitting here with their pride so far up their ass, it was showing in their face. She knew they had a problem with her being here, but it was more that just that. She was one of the best assassins this organization had to offer. They were intimidated by that. Who wouldn’t be. 
You were on of the girls that escaped the Red Room. That’s right. You were a black widow, trained along side the infamous Natalia Romanova. Better known as Natasha Romanoff. After loosing you’re home from S.H.I.E.L.D, you joined this organization. Just one thing threw it off. You were the only women here. Even though you irked something in their head, they couldn’t help but find you sexy. The only person in here who’s never given her a hard time was Erik. 
Erik was to himself. He didn’t speak to no one unless it was call for for a mission. He was just to himself.
“Good morning everyone.” Your boss Ricky came in as you put your phone away. “I’m going to keep this meeting short and simple. We heard a big deal going around the streets that some of the alien space craft parts from the attack on New York in 2012 is floating around the black market. We will be attending a bidding so that we can get those parts in our hands. Each of you guys here have been handpicked by me because you are  one of the best that we have here.” he said. 
After going her case file, she saw that was playing the role of Isabella Hardaway.  The wife of Simone Hardaway. She looked at all the information that was given to her. 
After the meeting, she was walking to her office when she felt someone tap her shoulders. She turned around seeing Erik standing there with his arms cross. It looked as if she just came back from a mission considering he had all of his tactical gear on. 
“I am going under as Simone Hardaway. Meet me at my office to discuss details before you go on lunch..” Was all he said before stepping away. She turned around walking back to her office and shutting the door. 
Before her lunch break, she walked to Erik's office knocking on the door. She heard a come in before walking into his office. The first thing she noticed was the interior of it. Everything was black and gold. It smelled good in her, kind of like Pine Cone. And he had a lot of Wakandian artifacts. The only reason she knew about it was because back in the red room she would read all types of articles and books about Wakanda. 
“You have a very nice office..” she trailed off. 
“Let’s just talk about the mission, yeah?” he said. She nodded. 
Erik was a cutie. She was always attracted to the guys who didn't say much. Due to some research, she knew it was always the niggas that didn't talk a lot knew had to handle business.
And there was nothing more than she wanted for him to handle her...
(Y/N) rode the elevator back to the quarters that same night. It was time for them to start the plan and she was only a couple of  minutes late. As the doors opened, she walked into the building and instantly everyone's eyes were on her.
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She ignored their stares as she went to the tactic room grabbing the gear that she needed. As she was signing out her equipment, Erik came beside her leaning against the wall. 
“You’re late.” he simply said as she looked up at him giving him a fake smile. She closed booklet before looking at him standing up fully. 
“Sorry but I have to look the part of a billionaire.” she said then looked at herself. “It just doesn’t happen sweet heart.” she finished before walking out the room. Erik turned around as she walked past him, looking at her backside as she walked outside the door.  
There was no hesitation that Erik wanted to have his way with her. She was fine, smart and witty. She’s been working here a little over two years now and this was the first time he could actually talk to her. Even the first time on a mission. 
They received their instructions sitting in the back of the limo, riding to the place where they were doing the bidding at. (Y/N) was looking over the notes she had tucked into her clutch before Erik spoke up. 
“You shouldn’t hide the notes in your hand bag.” he said in a suggestive tone as she looked at him. 
“I’m not. I just bring it with me so that I could go over everything before the mission.” she said folding it and tucking it under the seat. He shook his head chuckling. She looked at him raising an eyebrow. “Oh wow.. he actually laughs. Someone record this.” she said shaking her head.
“Anyways...” he trailed off turning around and looking at him. “There are somethings that you need to know about this place. It’s heavenly guarded. Metal detectors everywhere. So.. those weapons you have is useless.” he said. 
“Yeah I figured that out. But that’s why I have this.” she pulled her dress up to see a knife strapped to her thigh. Erik wasn’t really focused on the knife, more of how full her thighs looked. Damn, he wouldn’t mind being in between those thighs and getting lost. She pulled it back down, Erik not making it noticeable that he wasn’t paying attention at all. 
“A knife. You are going up against a bunch of men with guns... and your defense is a knife?” he asked pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“Oh.. you have a lot to learn my friend.” 
They inserted the hall, their arms linked with each other. “Their holding the parts on the 5th floor but it’s heavily guarded.” They heard in their coms. 
“We need to make our presence known a little bit, then we can sneak off.” she told him as he nodded.
“Ah, you must be  Simone and Isabella, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” An Italian man walked up to them. Erik reached his hand out for him to shake.
"Ah, you must be Giovanni." Erik said to him as (Y/N) shook his hand.
"Oh wow, you're even beautiful in person." he winked at her. Deep inside, she was disgusted. But she had to play along with the roll.
"Oh stop, you're making me blush." she playfully said as he smirked at her.
"Well the bidding is going to start an hour so make yourselves comfortable." he said. They were left alone as Erik whispered in her ear.
"We need to get back there before they start bidding." he said as she nodded.
"I memorized the floor plan of the place. There is a hallway on the left side of the building behind the bar. It should direct us back there." she said. They saw the entrance was blocked by two guards standing there with AK-47s.
"Yeah, but those big ass niggas standing in the way." he said as she smirked at him.
"Well, all we need is a distraction." she said to him as he leaned back in the chair. "What do you mean you have a plan?"
"Just follow my lead..."
- - - - - - - -
She walked to Fabian tapping his shoulder. He turned around about to snap until he saw who it was. "Oh, Mrs. Hardaway. Is everything alright?" he asked placing his hand on her shoulder.
"Actually, one of your guests here have been incredibly rude to me. A-And it's just making me and my husband a bit uncomfortable and I really just don't appreciate it." she said shaking her head.
She pointed in the direction where a man by the name of Rodney stood. She knew who he was. Rodney was one of the dudes that ran a drug ring on the West Coast near Compton. He was a hot head that didn't mind popping off on anyone at any minute.
Mixed with Giovanni, who didn't think with his head but his fist. If this was going to be a distraction, she didn't know what was.
"Aye, what the fuck Rodney!" Giovanni yelled walking over to him. "Why the fuck you're being a bitch!?" he exclaimed as Rodney eyes went wide with pure anger.
"Nigga who the fuck are you calling a bitch, bitch."
And they fell right into place. The two guards standing at the door ran to the commotion as Erik walked calmly to the back door. She followed as they ran down the hallway.
"See, easy work." she said to him as he shook his head.
"No you're just lucky that the two of them don't know how to control their emotions." she responded as she shrugged.
"Same thing." He followed her as the posted behind a wall. She turned her head to see more guards standing at the entrances. She turned to look at Erik putting up five fingers to tell him that there were five guards.
She dug into her purse grabbing the penny electricity lock before turning around smirking at Erik. She flipped it around the corner before she heard the groans.
"Yo.. you're fucking crazy." he shook his head as she smirked.
"Okay, well look where it got us." she said walking down the hall. She picked up the guns only to see that they were digitally activated. "What kind of..." she whispered looking at this.
"Yeah we can't use these." Erik said looking over her shoulder.
"Whelp the only form of weaponry is my knife so let's get this thing rolling." They grabbed the key card opening the door letting themselves inside. Erik shut the metal door before he walked in shutting the metal doors.
"I have a feeling that Ricky only sent me on this mission for the if it goes wrong because it seems like you got this figured out." Erik said leaning against the table. She dug into her purse grabbing a pair of tweezers before she chuckled. "
"I've seen you're record file, you have some pretty impressive stunt work under your feet." she said as he tilted his head to the side.
"So you stalked me?"
"No, I was just making sure that Ricky didn't put me with an idiot. And he has not." she said cutting the wires to the safe. She heard the air exit the safe before Erik opened the safe. He grabbed the piece as (Y/N) looked at it.
"That's it? It literally just looks like scrap metal." she said as he nodded.
"Well, this is what we need so-"
"Hands up!" Both of them turned around to see a guard standing at the door. "Put it down and step away from the safe." he said as she looked at Erik. He placed it on the ground before the guard walked further inside.
"Alright, lift your dress up."
"Nigga what the fuck?'
"Excuse me?"
"I'm the one with gun here, lift it up." he said as she nodded.
"You don't have to do this? I mean-"
"Shut up! Lift it." she nodded, faking pouting. She lifted up her dress before grabbing the knife aiming it at his arm than throwing it making him drop the gun.
"What the-" Erik punched him the nose the nose before flipping him on his back, grabbing his arm and bending it before she heard a crack. Before he could scream, Erik punched him again in the face as his eyes went shut and he laid limped on the floor. She grabbed the wreckage before smiling at him.
"A bunch of men with guns.. and you bring a knife?" she mocked him as he rolled his eyes.
"Yeah yeah.. okay. You can handle yourself. I like that." he said licking his lips as she raised her eyebrows.
"Don't look at me like that?"
"Like what?"
"Like that. You lookin at me with some, 'I wanna fuck you' eyes." she said as he smirked.
"Maybe I do."
"Boy bye. You wouldn't know what to do with all this even if it came with instructions. Now come on." she said walking out with a sway in her hips.
- - - - - - - - -
They were outside walking to the limo when the agent on the phone started talking. "Change of plans you guys. They found that there has been a breach with the stuff. So you guys have to stay in character. We guys got you a hotel downtown." they heard as Erik mumbled a 'shit'.
"Well let's get out of here before they think of something?" he said, she agreeing. They got into the car before the limo driver pulled off.
They made it to the five star hotel and settled into their rooms before she sighed. "We don't even have clothes." she groaned as he shrugged.
"I sleep naked anyways." he said walking into the bathroom. 
“By the way, they have the room wired just in case something goes left!” she yelled out for him but he didn’t hear her. She smacked her teeth before taking off her shoes. I mean she did too, but sleeping next to him. She wasn't going to lie, she was a bit intimidated by him. But oh well. 
As she waited for him to get out the shower, she went through some paperwork she bought with her before she stripped from her gown laying it on the sofa that was in the living room. She grabbed a whiskey glass from the bar before pouring herself a glass of crown royal that Erik purchased. She drink a little more before she felt herself have a little buzz. 
  She had a wet rag wiping the make up off when he stepped out of the bathroom. She didn’t even notice the shower stopped running. He had the tower wrapped around his waist before looking her up and down. She noticed the scars that sat over his body. 
Damn that shit looked sexy... 
He wasn’t hiding that he was checking her out. His eyes traced over her frame. His tongue traced his bottom lip as he looked up at her. He looked further down noticing the scar above her abdomen. 
“What happened to you?” They both said at the same time.
“I said it first.” she said quickly, as he rolled his eyes. 
“Do you want the simple version or the extended version.” he said crossing his arms over his chest. “Extended version?”
“It’s just something that I did to myself to remind me how many people I killed. You know, never make me loose sight of who I really am. Also to remind myself of what I can become.” he responded honestly. 
“You did that to yourself?” she asked, shocked. He nodded. “And you call me crazy...” she said as he chuckled. 
“And you?”
“Do you want the simple version or the extended version?” she asked him. 
“So, I grew up in the program called the red room.” she started. 
“Oh yeah. I heard about that shit. That’s why you’re so good at what you do.. huh?” he said as she nodded. 
“Yeah, well anyways. At your graduation ceremony, we had this procedure done. They told us it was just tying tubes so you don’t mess up and get pregnant. But turns out, they took... everything.”
“Ohh...” he trailed off. “That’s-”
“Yeah, It sucks. I want my life to be more than just this. I want to have a kid one day but that’s never going to happen so.. yeah.” she responded.  
“Damn, I’m so sorry.” She didn’t want to end so awkwardly, so she used a little bit of her dark humor. Something she did to avoid having to dig into her feelings.
“But on the bright side, I don’t have periods. The sex is amazing, well depending on the person I’m fucking.” she responded as he squinted his eyes. 
“Why you say that?”
“Well, if their clean, I don’t need protection. And sex is best when it’s raw.” she winked at him.  His eyebrows raised with a sense of caution. He didn’t know if that was a sign or something, but he took it as one.
“Well, I need to get going into the shower.” she walked passed him, walking into the bathroom before turning around and shutting the door. Apart of her wished that he would turn around and follow her inside but she knew he would never do that.
She stripped naked before turning the water to a comfortable temperature. After that, she stepped in letting the water drip down her skin. The water pressure in the shower was no joke.
While she was in her own little world, lathering her body up, she didn’t even notice that Erik came into the bathroom with her. He took the towel off placing it on the sink before putting his hands on the glass. She still didn’t notice that he was in the bathroom with her. Erik wanted that.
He slid the door open, (Y/N) turning around in shock to see him standing there. Dick standing tall and him breathing hard. (Y/N) was stuck. Here he is, one of the sexiest man she has ever laid eyes on, is butt naked in the shower with her. Something took over her as she wrapped her tiny hands around his dick slowly stroking it up and down.
“You want this dick, (Y/N)?” Oh his voice was deep deep. “Once I start I ain’t going back. I plan on ruin your little ass.” he said as she looked up at him.
“That’s what I want..” she whispered to him. She leaned forward placing a kiss in his chest before making her way down, placing kisses all the way until she was face to face with the monster.
His dick was just as beautiful as him. Long and thick, a vein very noticeable and his tip leaking out with ore cum. “You want this pussy?” she asked him, putting her hand down there rubbing her clit in a circular motion. “She stay wet and ready to take some big dick like this..” she whispered kissing along his dick. He clenched his jaw as he leaned against the shower wall.
“Keep talking like that. Watch me fuck that mouth of yours.” he warned her as she smirked. She wrapped lips around the tip, swirling her tongue around it collect all of the syrup he had to offer. Sweet but tangy. She liked it.
She slowly made her way down his dick as he closed his eyes throwing his head back. “Yeah... you know what you doin. Show me what ya little freaky ass got.” he said to her. She wrapped her other hand around the base stroke it as she sucked him properly. It was nice and slow. For her sake, this man was big. Way too big to fit in her mouth. She don’t even know how she managed to get this much of him.
“You’re so big Erik.. you sure it’s gonna fit in this tight ass pussy?” she asked him as he chuckled.
“You should be asking yourself that question. I’m digging in that shit no matter-ooh.” his sentence was cut short when she started to stroke him faster while sucking his dick. “Show off then. Little nasty bitch, I love me a nasty bitch. Play with that pussy. I want the shit dripping down my chin when I eat that shit you hear me?” he said as she nodded.
“Yes sir.” Oh that made his dick jump. She noticed the little peak of excitement before smirking to herself. She focused her attention on his dick before letting him fuck her mouth. Her hands were on the floor as he grabbed her hair keeping her still as he attacked her throat.
“Fuck! Your shit is dangerous ma!” With a final thrust, he came all down her throat. It came out of no where and she coughed. She wasn’t no bitch though and swallows it.
“Swallow all that shit.” he directed her. He saw her swallow it before smirking. “Stick ya tongue out.” she stuck her tongue out before he grabbed her by the throat pulling her to her foot. Within a split second, he had his tongue down her throat. He sucked on her tongue, tongue gliding along each other as she moaned.
“I know, I’m finna play in that pussy right now. I know she’s wet.” (Y/N) stuck her tongue out once more as he looked at her confused until it finally hit him.
This is just one nasty bitch... yeah he definitely keeping up with this one.
He spat in her mouth as she smiled bringing him into a soul crushing kiss. “Go put your leg on the counter, I’m hungry and I want some of that pussy.” he told her as she smiled in content. She opened the glass door before stepping out. He followed her to the counter as she placed her leg on the counter stretching out. He walked behind her wrapping his arms around her waist. She felt his hard dick rubbing against her thighs as she leaned back against him. With his other hand, he rubbed her ass then giving it a slap.
She gasped then moaned as he smirked at you. "You like that, don't you?" he said as she nodded. His fingers traced around further before he was rubbing her clit from the back.
"You got this wet just by sucking my dick?" he asked her a she nodded.
"Yes.. I love sucking dick." she told him as he smirked.
"Yeah, slutty ass." Unexpectedly, he dipped his finger in her pussy as she gasped. Damn this nigga have some thick ass fingers.
"Shit you tight.. you sure she can take all this dick." he said rubbing his dick against her ass as she nodded.
"Yes I can take it- ooh." she moaned closing her eyes throwing her head back. He curved his finger hitting her G-Spot as she moaned.
"Fuck daddy, Right there. Shit!" she gasped out as he kissed her shoulder. His pace went faster as she felt a pressure in her abdomen. "I'm going to cum.." she whispered.
"Yeah, let me get that." he said as she smirked. A couple of seconds later, she came all over his fingers. He kept going like nothing ever happened. She was overly sensitive, and he could tell bu the slight shake she had.
"Fuck... Erik wait." she gasped as he shook his head laughing.
"Nah, all that fucking teasing you did. Keep your leg up. Don't fucking move." He bent down gliding his tongue along her folds as she fluttered her eyes shut.
Erik moaned as her wetness dripped down to his tongue. He thought it was damn near impossible for someone to be this wet but here she is like a faucet. He stood up as she placed her foot on the ground. He turned her around lifting her up and sitting her on the counter. She bit her lip looking at him as he shook his head.
"It doesn't make any fucking sense how wet this pussy is.." he said to her. He grabbed his dick rubbing his tip along the fold as he sighed in pleasure.
"Stop teasing me.."
"Don't tell me what the fuck to do." he grunted at her. He teased her a bit more before entering his slowly.
"Fuck..." she whispered out as he stretched her out. "Fuck you're filling me up."
Erik on the other hand went silent. He was in complete shock about this. He slowly started to thrust as she gripped the counter top for support.
"Good ass pussy, this my shit here. You understand?" he said as she nodded.
"Yes.. oh my god." she groaned. She put her hands between their bodies, rubbing her clit in circular motions. "Faster please." she moaned a nodded. He started to fuck her faster, the sounds bouncing off the bathroom walls.
"Fuck..."he groaned picking her up. He walked out into the room, pushing her against the wall, thrusting faster into her. She let out a loud scream before he kissed her to muffle the noise.
"Fuck baby... you beating my shit up."
"Like I'm suppose to. You hear her, making all that fucking noise." he said a she nodded.
"Talk to me."
"Yes, I hear her!" she moaned.
"Yeah, she like that shit. Slutty ass pussy.." he grunted. She bit his shoulder in attempt to keep her from screaming.
"I-I think I'm about to cum." she whispered as he smiled. "Let me feel that shit." With a tight squeeze, she released all on him as she hit her head against the wall.
"FUCK!" she groaned. Her body shook once more as he carried her to the bed. He flipped her on her stomach before arching her back.
"We not done.. far from it." he said. Without warning, he thrusted fully into her, thrusting into her at a fast pace. She bit the sheet as she moaned. Tears rolled down her eyes as she let the pleasure overwhelm her.
"What happened to me not being able to handle yo ass? What was that shit you was talking?" he taunted her. Now it was her turn to be stuck. He grabbed a fist full of her hair, pulling her back to his chest. He laid his chin on her shoulder whispering in her ear. "Answer me when I'm talking to you? You got some good dick and now you can't talk?"
"Baby.. please." she whispered as he smiled at her. Oh that shit was wicked.
"Baby please what? I can already feel that pussy tugging on my shit. You about to cum again?"
"YES!" she screamed as he smacked her ass. "Stay just like that while I bust this nut all in your guts bitch." he grunted letting go of her hair. The pressure came quick again, and within a couple of seconds she squirting all over him and the bed. She lost balance falling into the bed with him following her.
It triggered his own orgasm as he let his cum drip deep inside of her. "Fuck!" he grunted out as she spasmed a bit feeling it.
"We ain't done..." he whispered to her as she groaned.
- - - - - - - - -
Meanwhile, in the control room, the entire team was in shock. At first they were confused.
"It's silent, why can't we hear them?" Ricky said as one of the tech geeks, James, started typing away.
"Everything seem to be connected. We don't know. We can hear the shower running..." he said as Ricky stood up biting his nail.
"Maybe we should-"
"Fuck daddy, Right there. Shit!" They heard that shit loud and clear.
"Uhhh...." James awkwardly said. It was silent for a few moments before the heard smacking noises. That's when they heard a loud scream.
"Fuck baby... you beating my shit up."
"Like I'm suppose to. You hear her, making all that fucking noise."
"Should we turn it off?" James said about to push the mute button.
"Just put them on low. We can't risk not hearing anything if something happens." Ricky said, his face in utter disgust. "Jesus Christ..." he said walking away shaking his head.
- - - - - - - -
The next morning, they woke up to a loud banging on the door. (Y/N) shot up looking around to see Erik laying next to her snoring." She grabbed the robe that the hotel provided wrapping it around her body. She ran to the door to see guards standing outside of her door. She opened it.
"Oh well how can I help you gentlemen?" she asked smiling at them.
"We are reporting to all the guests that was at the bid last night. Some artifacts was stolen from us." she said as she gasped.
"What? Oh my goodness, who would do such a thing?" she asked.
"Well we suspect you two. You guys aren't really together are-"
"Everything alright baby?" Erik came into view as they looked at him in shock. Not because of his scars but because all of the hickies and scratch marks that was over his body. They took notice of the ones that you had on your neck.
"No, they are accusing of us of not being together! They think we stole some artifacts from that place. Well I tell-"
"So why were you the first ones to leave?" he asked as she scoffed.
"After that fight, we decided that it was out of control and unprofessional. We can take our business else where." she said rolling her eyes. "Y'all don't have any cameras or security. Just ghetto if you ask me."
"We did have cameras, they were all out."
"So you're accusing us of stealing? We don't need to steal."
"Do you want us to show our wedding pictures? Because we-"
"Actually Mrs. Hardaway, we don't have any more questions. We are sorry for bothering you." he said. She slammed the door in their face before turning around.
"I'm surprise you can even walk."
"Shut the hell up."
- - - - - - -
They made it back to the quarters for the briefing. After the briefing Ricky went to your office to talk to you and Erik. "First I would like to say congratulations. You guys did an excellent job." he smiled at the two.
"Well you know I always try my best." (Y/N) said smiling back to him.
"And another thing. If you know the room is wired, please be a little more quiet when you guys do the do. It's very uncomfortable." he said before walking out. (Y/N) eyes went wide as Erik chuckled shaking his head.
"I totally forgot that it was wired..." she said putting her hands in her face.
"To be honest... I realized half way through but I was like fuck it." he laughed as she threw a pen at him but he caught it. "While we're on topic, I need to finish up my report. But meet me in the quiet room in an hour. I want some more." he told her and with that he left.
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batgirlsay · 2 years
Her Date’s Not Set
Wedding Planner AU Playlist for Obiyuki AU Bingo 2022 by @snowwhite-andtheknight
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Would never have expected this “sad wedding” playlist to work for an AU, but I hardly had to make any edits to this one… just a slight edit to the title from “Company Calls Epilogue.” (I was tempted to call the playlist “Always the Wedding Planner, Never the Bride” though lol.)
In this playlist, Shirayuki is a wedding planner and is tired of planning weddings for others and seeing drama like the stories in the Death Cab and Eisley songs, so she doesn’t want a wedding of her own. Obi finds out about these feelings, and they talk things through during the two Alvvays songs and eventually decide what works best for them (the “unveiled clarity” in “Ambivalent Peaks”) by the end of the playlist.
Company Calls Epilogue- Death Cab for Cutie Company Calls- Death Cab for Cutie Cath…- Death Cab for Cutie Death of an Interior Decorator- Death Cab for Cutie Smarter- Eisley Archie, Marry Me- Alvvays Atop A Cake- Alvvays BWU- Tegan and Sara Ambivalent Peaks- Bad Books
 Summary lyrics are cited after the cut:
Company Calls Epilogue- Death Cab for Cutie
Synapse to synapse, the possibility's thin I'm dressed up for free drinks and family greetings On your wedding day The figures in plastic on the wedding cake that I took, were so real
You were the one but I can't spit it out when the date's been set The white routine to be ingested inaccurately
Company Calls- Death Cab for Cutie
I'll take the best of your bad moods And dress them up to make a better you 'Cause all the company calls amount to one paycheck
Synapse to synapse, possibilities will thin or fade And your wedding figurines, I'd melt so I could drink them in
Cath…- Death Cab for Cutie
Cath, she stands With a well-intentioned man But she can't relax With his hand on the small of her back And as the flash-bulbs burst She holds a smile Like someone would hold A crying child
And soon everybody will ask What became of you 'Cause your heart was dying fast And you didn't know what to do
Cath, it seems That you live in someone else's dream In a hand-me-down wedding dress Where the things that could have been are oppressed
But you said your vows And you closed the door On so many men Who would have loved you more
Death of an Interior Decorator- Death Cab for Cutie
Can you tell me why you have been so sad?
While you arranged flowers and chose color schemes
The girls were all there, they traded their vows The youngest one glared with furrowed brows They tenderly kissed then cut the cake The bride then tripped and broke the vase The one you thought would spend the years So perfectly placed below the mirror Arriving late, you clean the debris And walked into the angry sea It felt just like falling in love again
Smarter- Eisley
If I had one wish It'd be for you, and all your friends that didn't like me And if I had one wish It'd be that we had danced more at that apocryphal wedding
If I sound angry, I'm sorry This body can only cry for so long And if you want to blame me, then go on I'm smiling now cause I'm smarter than you think
I apologize for not telling you that my halo was cut from paper Sliced from the fibers that made up all the parts that we were together And even though I miss you, I'm thankful It's obvious that this war was futile
So put your hands together and clap for the painful choice you've made cause it's right
Archie, Marry Me- Alvvays
You've expressed explicitly your contempt for matrimony You've student loans to pay and will not risk the alimony We spend our days locked in a room, content inside a bubble And in the nighttime we go out and scour the streets for trouble
During the summer, take me sailing out on the Atlantic I won't set my sights on other seas, there is no need to panic So, honey, take me by the hand and we can sign some papers Forget the invitations, floral arrangements and bread makers
Atop A Cake- Alvvays
I lie on a sofa awake It's what you said last night You'd like us on top of a cake But you won't let me take a bite
Flowers arriving in fleets Can't we talk about this? Why let the State in our sheets? Can't we do without it?
Well, I don't mean to wind you up But I'd like to slow it down How do I remain a pup? If you put me in a gown?
What's it got to do with you? What's it got to do with me? How could I lose control When you're driving from the backseat?
BWU- Tegan and Sara
I love you I don't need a ring to prove that you're worthy You're under my skin It's easy, I don't need a lock to prove that you trust me I walk the walk To be with you
Save your first and last dance for me I don't need a white wedding Save your first and last born for me We don't need a white wedding All the girls I loved before Told me they signed up for more Save your first and last chance for me Cause I don't want a white wedding
Keep your name, you can keep your dates Keep your name, you can keep it all
Ambivalent Peaks- Bad Books
Can't find the forest Too stuck on trees But now you're invested So I'm left pretending It's all I can see
I asked for a window To open my cell You came as kaleidoscopes Climbing, colliding You came as yourself
Whether I'm ready Is not up to me
A clutch of hydrangeas A strange sort of peace In loss, I'm made certain Unveiled clarity It's you I will marry My lover, my family You always will be
But every word Seemed too small to speak So we watched the sky reach Ambivalent peaks We made our projections Present and free
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