#cw embo
kabukiaku · 10 months
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rewatching the clone wars allowed me to revisit my most beloved favorite bounty hunter- Embo 🧡💚🤎 he is just SO- AHHHH. it's been 5 years and I still fucking love him. I get so giddy when he's on screen.
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sinisterexaggerator · 11 months
... In this essay, I will reiterate that "Cad Bane is a depressed, sentimental bastard."
OK, so, @fat-tasty-krogan pointed out that the barrels of Bane's LL-30's are rusty in the Bad Batch via a screenshot and now I cannot stop thinking about things and connecting the dots.
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Here's me checking different angles. 100% rusty. This is a man who is the best bounty hunter in the galaxy, a man who is *the* best shot — that’s his livelihood right there. Something is wrong.
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I've always thought Cad Bane was depressed, mostly owing to his behavior in the lost arc, but this solidifies it for me. Let's talk about the canon, shall we? (Fair warning: I may throw in headcanons or share some other thoughts along the way, but I will warn you ahead of time if it's an original idea versus what is considered to be canon).
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First, let's take the idea that Jango Fett is mentor to Cad Bane. This in and of itself says to me they had a close relationship and that they often worked together in some capacity. I will spare you my thoughts on the rest, but Jango does in fact associate with him and most likely in a meaningful way we never get to see. Jango Fett does not trust easy, yet he trusts him enough to be around his child; his prized possession, let's say.
Proof: When Boba first mentions Bane, (in chorological order) it is in the comics.
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Him asking to spend time with Bane, and Jango saying "no, because you already know of him (and others like Zam)," means they had a close-knit relationship in my opinion. One that sadly comes to an end. In this comic, Jango wants to train Boba to deal with "the factor of the unknown," versus the known. Hmmm.
Moving right along.
The next time we see or hear anything about Boba and Cad being in the same room is during the Rako Hardeen/Box Arc, and in the audiobook CW: Stories of Light and Dark in the short story "Bane's story" that is read by Corey Burton as Cad Bane.
In it he states that the "kid's all right," and that he "owed his father a few favors." In the story, he reiterates what happens between him, Eval, and Obi-Wan to Bossk and little Boba Fett. It was Bossk and Boba who helped to create the diversion so that they could break out and escape.
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Bane returns, his job foiled, and explains why. At the end of the audiobook Boba has a plan to get them all out of jail, and he wants Bane to be apart of it. This is AFTER Aurra leaves Boba for dead on Florrum ( don't get me started on Hondo, WHEW - they knew each other too, for SURE ), before TBB, and before we see Bane with a plate in his head, this one:
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It is still present in the Book of Boba Fett.
Let's not rush ahead, though. Let's back up to a bit to where Cad Bane gets betrayed.
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#1 betrayal on screen is Obi-Wan Kenobi as Rako Hardeen. While I don't necessarily ship them, I can see how Cad was very much hurt by this, as he felt he had started to develop a kinship with another hunter, someone who could watch his back, imo. Maybe he hadn't experienced anything like that since Jango Fett. Maybe Rako was ticking all the right boxes; I see Cad as prizing loyalty. When Obi-Wan turned him over, you could see the pain and anger in expression -- he was truly hurt, and he promised to end his life with a blaster bolt between the eyes. I honestly think he despises him and that's that.
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Returning now to Boba, it is also canon that Boba was mentored by Cad Bane. Bane's story is also where he mentioned young Boba often reminded him of himself.
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In an unaired Clone Wars Arc, Boba Fett works together with Cad Bane on a job. During the animation created for the episodes that never aired, Bane is seen drinking heavily and seems to give two shits less about Boba or the job itself and is not taking things seriously.
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Boba begins to question his tactics, and does not like that he is willing to sacrifice innocent townsfolk just to get a bit of money. He stands up against him, and Embo, Bossk, and other hunters present decide to let him take his shot and do not interfere in their duel, even though most likely Bane is seen to be the one in charge or having authority.
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In the end they both fall, but Boba was (unfairly might I add) still wearing his helmet. You can tell that the plates on Bane's hat, however, are also armored. Still, it is not beskar. Bane is severely injured.
#2 betrayal: Bossk and Embo retract their weapons and let Bane go head-to-head with the boy. He even looks surprised in the video footage when they do this! It's the same face he gave Obi-Wan Kenobi!
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Boba comes out the winner. We see Bossk with Boba in The Empire Strikes back in the future, and in canon they are known to be seen often together. He especially looked after him in prison on Coruscant.
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Thus, we can assume, Bossk went off with Boba after Bane's defeat and joined forces, leaving him for dead. I assume, and in canon it is depicted that Embo is honor-coded. If what he thought Bane was doing was not honorable, he most likely left him for dead as well. What we DO see is Todo 360 being there. I am almost 100% certain it is because of his droid he survives. But, where did he take him for help? Hmmm.... HONDO!! (Kidding, kidding - another HC I have, but ANYWAY).
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In fact, Todo states he is Bane's "most trusted confidant" to Omega, and I believe this. He's a grumpy dick, but he never outright punishes Todo for anything, and he messes up quite frequently, but he is also a great help.
I have a headcanon that states his reasonings for keeping Todo, though this has no basis in canon:
"The little shit comes back after he is blown apart by a bomb Cad himself planted to go off in the Jedi Temple. Todo is loyal. He's there for him. He doesn't mind he's a grump. He provides conversation; stimulation in the otherwise solitary hours he spends in space. He becomes a comfort, someone to talk to, someone to fill the void that Jango left behind." Perhaps he also acts in the same capacity as a service animal.
Anyway, it is known what Bane thinks about clones. "Once you figure one out, de rest are easy." I don't think he liked clones, even if he tolerated and respected Boba until a certain point in time. He was different, he had "his father's blood pumping through his veins," and maybe Bane had trouble staring at that face - looking in those eyes -especially if there was more to him and Fett's relationship.
Imagine how he must have felt when he betrayed him? When he shot him? When he failed at repaying Jango's favor and failed at being Boba's mentor?
I personally do not believe Bane would have agreed to the Clone contract idea as far as his opinion. I think he would have told Fett he was crazy to have millions of himself running around out there, that there is only one of him that's the real deal. Let's add this to the fact he has to see their dead and dying faces everywhere to the point he's so numb he shoots them every chance he gets - no big deal. No big deal to have to kill one of your partner's lookalikes everyday for nearly the rest of your life, eh? Even after Jango himself is already dead.
Coming to The Bad Batch, it was pointed out by another user that when Omega is looking for a way off Bane's ship, we see some medallions/coins/ingots that have the symbol of the Mythosaur in a cabinet she is searching. That is Mandalorian. Who was Mandalorian? Jango. Boba by default. They are accompanied here by a journal. I think it could be Boba's journal, too. The boy most likely resided with him on his ship as he had the Justifier during the lost arc and they were traveling together.
That man is 100% a sentimental bastard.
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You could say he hated Boba. You could say he was his number one enemy, but deep down maybe he felt remorse. He had been drinking. Why? Maybe it was hard to be in Boba's company. Maybe he felt he could have prevented Jango's death. Maybe mentoring him was hard work, but in the end, Boba betrayed him after everything he had tried to do for him. And Bane liked the kid up until this point - said so himself in Bane's story.
In the lost bounty hunter arc, Cad is wearing the same outfit he is in The Bad Batch. Now he has a metal plate in his head. @allsystemsblue mentioned he talks himself up to Shand. Maybe he's trying to convince himself he's as good as he says he is. He headbutts her and it obviously throws him off. He shakes himself out, trying to regain his concentration. I personally headcanon he gets terrible headaches.
The plate is on the OUTSIDE, meaning it's protecting something underneath. I imagine he had a hole in his head and a bit of his skull was fractured. I say he wears the plate to reinforce a soft spot that makes him vulnerable.
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Even so, she kicks his ass. He's off his game. Maybe he's been drinking even more since his defeat and embarrassment at the hands of a kid. One he respected, one maybe he called family.
All the other hunters sided with Boba, left him high and dry, and he hasn't even been caring for or polishing his blasters; his moneymakers. They are RUSTY.
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He loses Omega, he loses his credits, and Fennec sabotages his ship. This man is pissed. He's at wit's end. For all we know, he sat down and cried afterward before he could figure a way off that damn planet, and the only one who was there for him was Todo.
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Years later, we see him confront Boba. He's a hardass. Nothing left of his personality in that show but a villain. It was like they made him extra mean on purpose.
He's still hung up on the past, he says it. He talks about Jango's blood being inside Boba, his "father." He leers at Boba. It is almost as if he takes a pause (again crediting @allsystemsblue for this observation), a moment to truly look at him. And let's not forget the hiss he gives him right before his "final lesson."
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"Look out for yourself, anything else is weakness."
GEE! Where did he learn that from, I wonder?! FROM BOBA HIMSELF MAYBE?! He was "weak" for Boba; he was his mentor; he tried his best to do right by his father and train him and he failed. He shot him, left him for dead, betrayed him along with all the other hunters present, and all that was left for him was to work alone. To grin and bear it. To take the jobs that came his way just to survive.
He had to of hit a downward spiral at some point in his life to come to this conclusion; something terrible must have happened, and I guarantee it's this.
Shat on all his life, all the way from being "hatched" in the Descent Ghetto on New Tayana on Duro, poor, coming up from the slums, working hard just to make ends meat.
Can't tell me he didn't have a wall up, and hell yes he was feeling low. What could make a man that mean besides betrayal and sentimentality for something he wishes perhaps he could have changed or prevented all together.
Now he takes the toughest jobs, the ones nobody wants. His reputation is fear and for good reason. He'll do anything for money, including killing innocents according to Boba. Where has his Code of Honor gone?
I'll tell you where.
No one ever respected Cad the way he tried to respect them. No one offered or afforded him the same luxury. Every time he was near to forming a decent partnership with someone, they turned right around and stabbed him in the back. We at least see it with Rako/Obi and Boba on screen. Bossk and Embo count too, for me. Maybe Jango was the only one he could trust. Him and Todo 360, which he was not around until long after Jango's death and in some form could have been a fractional replacement for companionship.
To throw in a few thoughts on Hondo, he knew them both well. Imagine if Hondo also kept secrets from Bane, whether intentional or not, or perhaps befriended him only to manipulate him for his own gain (which is definitely something that could happen). He speaks favorably of him in "Secrets of the Bounty Hunters," and calls him his friend, but he calls everyone that.
At one point they did work together as per the blurb on the back of a toy called the "Pirate Speeder bike," that features Cad Bane and a Starhawk speeder. If Hondo also betrayed him at some point, I can see it only adding fuel to the fire, IF Bane allowed him close to begin with. Considering his reputation, it's possible that no, he did not, but I also ship Cad Bane and Hondo Ohnaka as well as Jango Fett and Cad Bane. I won't go into it here, but I can see them being an insanely toxic, yet perfect match.
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To sum it up, yes, he is totally depressed. I feel like this is why. Can't change my mind.
P.S.: This is also a lesson in how to cite your sources and give credit where credit is due when thinking about headcanons and fandom fun. :) Ain't so hard, right?
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billfinarts · 21 days
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Some Star Wars headcanon stuff I've had forever (probably shared these on my old account)
So... with the finale of Bad Batch, I figured it was time to revisit and touch up some of my headcanon and oc stories.
Today, I give Nomad Crosshair now more fitting for Pabu and my ocs that play a role in Crosshair's story in my CW headcanon.
Liri Scaleback is a bounty hunter who was taken in by Embo and raised to be a hunter. During the clone war, she met the Bad Batch on Saleucami. With a turn of events, they worked together and particularly grew a liking towards the sniper. The two would cross paths frequently during the war, growing close. They separated for a time after events on Yalbec Prime but would later reunite on Pabu after the fall of Tantiss.
Kada Scaleback is daughter to Crosshair and Liri. She was conceived on Yalbec Prime and born shortly after Kamino fell. Her mother later brought her to Pabu after hearing word from the batch. Kada would grow up on Pabu, living a life of peace but learning the ways of a warrior and hunter. She's young and still has much to learn.
Rakki is Liri's trusted and loyal mudhorn companion. She took him as an egg for a bounty but kept him shortly after he hatched. In many ways, he was her first kid and is a loyal protector and friend. A gentle giant.
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jiabeewrites · 1 year
He'll Never Be Prince Charming (2/?)
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(aesthetic by @aesthetics-and-fuckery, yeah, that's me. do NOT steal this!)
Harry Potter/Wizarding World x DC
Pairing: Klarion Bleak x Fem!Reader, Lilith Bleak (OC) x Fem!Reader
CW: romance, past breakups, use of she/her, language, shitty attempt at angst, author attempted to not use y/n and i think i succeeded but who knows, klarion & lilith are being lil bitches who doesn't know how to romance, playing with feelings, wizarding relations are really weird, toxic relationships probably, pining, i think that's it but if there's more tell me!
Summary: Reader is an exchange student. She's a witch, but not the kind that hogwarts is used to. She uses pentagrams and incantations instead of wands and spells. She uses poisons and candles rather than potions and charms. She practices moonlit summonings instead of defense against the dark arts. So what happens when not one, but two lords of chaos appear in the middle of the great hall, both claiming to be her lover? (this is part two of a multi-part series, so look out for a pt 3!)
SONG: Devil Doesn't Bargain by Alec Benjamin
A/N: I'm sorry if I offended anyone! I just tried to portray traditional-ish(?) witchcraft in the way that I've kinda seen it portrayed in fiction. Please don't take this seriously, this is a work of fiction and isn't meant to portray witchcraft seriously.
HOW TO READ: Each set of lyrics is kinda like a divider! each section of words/blurb between the lyrics are their own moment, and this particular piece has multiple little moments. Definitely timeskips. You can find more stories like this one by looking under the tag #ryn writes songfics
<Prev ~ Next >
"Klarion and Lilith Bleak get your asses down here right now!"
The two stopped arguing and grinned. With a pop they appeared in front of her, smiling like kids in a candy shop. One had a lovesick expression, the other had a flirtatious smirk.
"Hello, love."
I'm not one to lecture Talk down to a friend I don't mean to pressure Mean to condescend
She rolled her eyes.
"What are you doing here?" She asked, frowing.
"We're here to settle a little...disagreement of sorts between us." The female, Lilith, stretched her mouth into a cheshire cat smile.
"Oh really? And what is this disagreement?"
"Your heart, my love," the male, Klarion, replied.
She facepalmed. Noodle hissed at them both. The cat, Teekl, and the Raven, Deirdre, hissed right back. That was when the teachers *cough*umbitch*cough* decided to butt in.
"What is the meaning of this?!" Umbridge shrieked.
"This? Well, 'this' is used to identify a specific person or thing close at hand or being indicated or experienced. It can also be used to refer to a specific thing or situation just mentioned," Lilith said, cackling.
Klarion just rolled his eyes.
"Nobody likes a smart assault, Lily."
She sighed.
"It's smart-ass, Witch Boy."
"Whatever you say, my love." Lilith glared at her twin.
"Who said she's yours?"
"ENOUGH!" Umbridge screeched. "Who are you and why have you tresspassed onto these grounds?!"
The duo glared at Umbridge.
"You don't know us? How rude," Klarion said.
"Yeah, you'd think a magic user would know us," Lilith added. "Even if it's baby magic."
She pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Professor, this is Klarion the Witch Boy and Lilith the Witch Girl."
"Lords of Chaos, at your disservice!" The two said in unison. Umbridge's nostrils flared.
"I demand you get off this property at once!"
"Uh uh uh! We still need to settle our agreement!" Klarion exclaimed.
"Yeah!" Lilith turned her attention towards her. "So? Which of us do you love? Klari or me?"
"It's obviously me," Klarion said, scoffing at his twin's attempts.
"Puh-LEASE, you have zero game."
"Excuse you?!" He glared at his sister.
"Klarion, Lilith-" She pursed her lips at the chaotic twins. Umbridge decided she had had enough.
"So you're the cause of this!" Umbridge exclaimed triumphantly.
"Wha-You think I can control two people who are literally the embodiments of chaos?" She turned her attention to Lilith and Klarion. "Look, the two of you better get out of here."
"Wha-" Klarion cut his twin off.
"Do you want her to get into more trouble, Lily?" The female huffed and the two (along with their familiars) disappeared in a burst of red dust.
And the whole school was staring at the red-faced witch.
But I just want what's best for You in the end I know you don't want to let go
"So who are they?"
The whole school seemed to want to know the answer to that question.
Klarion and Lilith Bleak were twins. A chaotic duo, spreading destruction and mischief wherever they went. At times, they seemed like complete opposites. Lilith was the more mature one out of the two, sarcastic and flirtatous. Klarion was childish and disruptive, constantly bothering everybody he met. But when the two decided to cause trouble together, they showed the world exactly why they were twins.
Klarion "worked" for the Light, an organization that constantly plagued the JLA and the covert team. Since she dabbled in almost every corner of witchcraft, she met with the junior league on a normal basis to fix their magical maladies. Lilith, however, preferred to stay untethered to anything, wreaking havoc on either side depending on who she felt like helping.
"They're lords of chaos. Both have been around since the beginning of time and both are eternally confusing. But I can't exactly get rid of them, since they're immortal and a lot more powerful than I am," she finished.
"Was that cat and that raven their familiars?" Hermione asked.
Harry grinned at her.
"So two of the most chaotic, powerful magic beings in the universe have a crush on you."
She groaned.
"Shut up, Potter."
A group of girls passed them, and shot her terrified looks.
"The whole school thinks you summon demons on a normal basis," Ron said.
"I mean, I've done it before but I'd never summon those two. I see enough of them as it is." The trio laughed, and they pushed open the door to potions.
And just like before I can see that you're sure You can change him but I know you won't
"Hey! Demon-girl!"
She groaned at the nickname and turned around in her seat.
"The hell do you want?" She grumbled.
"What was that in the Great Hall? Did you summon them?" He asked. She just scoffed in response.
"Trust me, I would never summon those two."
A malevolent purple mist appeared next to her. It cleared to reveal the same girl from the Hall.
"Never? I think never's a bit too long, sweetheart."
Lilith Bleak had infiltrated Hogwarts. Again.
She sighed.
"What do you want, demon?" Lilith frowned.
"Demon? You and I know full well I'm way more powerful than just a pitiful demon," she scoffed.
She sighed.
"Whatever, but Lilith, you need to leave." The lord of chaos pouted at this.
"Leave? But I just got here!"
"Do you want me to get into trouble?" Lilith huffed.
"Fine, I'll leave. But I'm leaving Deirdre with you."
Her eyes widened.
"Lilith...what if you get attacked and she's not with you?"
She regretted saying that as soon as a smirk appeared on the other woman's face.
"Aww, looks like somebody does care!"
She rolled her eyes, then shooed her away.
"Go perish."
"Anything for you, sweetheart!"
And she vanished in a puff of purple smoke.
She faced forward, only for Professor Snape to glare at her.
"What? But it's not even my fault! They just appear and I can't do anything about it!"
He frowned, but turned back to the board.
"If they disrupt the class again I will have to give you detention and take away house points. No matter whose fault it is."
She groaned. Deirdre cawed out a laugh.
"Oh shut up you stupid bird."
The devil doesn't bargain He'll only break your heart again It isn't worth it, darling He's never gonna change
The same blond boy sat next to her during Transfiguration.
"You never answered my question"
She raised an eyebrow.
"Why do you want to know?" He shrugged.
"I'm just curious."
"They're lords of chaos. Uncontrollable, destructive chaos. Over a trillion years old and freakishly annoying."
He scoffed.
"I've never heard of such a thing."
"That's 'cause you people practice baby magic."
"Baby magic?" He asked incredulously. She nodded.
"Real witches don't need wands or spells. Incantations work better and summoning demons or fae are superior to wandwork."
"So you do summon demons," he sneered.
"They're not all evil, if that's what you think." He just sent her a dark look and moved to another seat. Harry took his place.
"Malfoy bothering you?" She shook her head.
"Nah. Just being a nosy prick."
Deirdre cawed loudly, and she rolled her eyes.
"Go away, you lousy bird." The raven looked at her with utter contempt, and vanished with a poof of lavender smoke.
He'll never be Prince Charming He'll only do you harm again I don't mean to meddle But the devil doesn't settle
"Wha-Deirdre!" Lilith glared at her familiar. "You were supposed to look after her!"
The raven just cawed in response.
What am I, your servant?
"No, but you should be looking out for her anyway."
Creepy laughter echoed throughout the room.
"Ugh! Go away, Klair!"
The male witch laughed.
"She liked you, y'know." Lilith whirled around.
"Yeah. A couple years ago. When you hated the Justice Babies because they killed Amaranth." Lilith smiled.
"Ha! I told you she-"
"Liked, Lily. Past tense. Her feelings are gone now." Klarion grinned while his twin looked enraged. "She won't love you again."
No, the devil doesn't bargain
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hacked-wtsdz · 2 years
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Green skinned Star Wars characters appreciation
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red-catmander · 4 years
cat lore cat lore
ahoy! word of warning, ember’s backstory is really dark so i’m slapping an abuse cw on this. this is your heads up!
so emberthroat wasn’t born with her underbite! it’s the result of a catastrophic wound she received in the fahrar after her primus tried to kill her with a mace. in every pic i make of her as a cute cub she either doesn’t have the underbite yet or her head is hidden in a shroud because from about 6-12 she had to hide her face to stop the other kids crying/it’s genuinely a little too gnarly for me to depict in a drawing. if she wasn’t injured, she’d look like this as an adult
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as it stands, she looks like this. at least, before she mellows out a little. gets a haircut, figures some things out. 
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it’s the result of years of improvised self-surgeries. it’s the biggest insecurity that tapes every other insecurity together; about her powers, her heritage, her visibility as a shaman in the blood legion, her extremely famous war criminal sire, etc. it informs every single aspect of her character. she’s a good person, really. it’s just when one of your earliest memories is surviving an attempted murder while a grown man yells about your father it does a few things to your self-esteem...
bonus teef pic:
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thebountyfucker · 3 years
The Two Princes - Royal AU
Embo x F!Reader x Cad Bane
Tags: sex party, public sex, double penetration, threesome, blowjob, handjob, overstimulation, maybe ooc but this is an AU so I don't care lol
CW: mentions of drugs, prostitution, power imbalance (the reader is a hired attendant, and both Embo and Cad are princes. Reader is not a part of either of their domains, so they have no control over her. However, I did want to include it just in case)
Here's a link to my masterpost and to the application for my taglist!
“So explain to me again what is going on?”
“There’s nothing else to say.” Your boss replied as he sorted through his collection of datapads, his fingers flicking through the stack until he found the right one. He pulled it out and thrust it in your direction. “Ya gotta sign it.”
“Sign… what?” You took the datapad into your hands and powered it on. A file appeared, one that was rather lengthy and full of legal words that you couldn’t, for the life of you, understand. You parsed through the paragraphs of Aurebesh, before pausing and glancing up. “Is this an NDA?”
“Yep.” Your boss was quick to reply, turning his stout body from you to search around his office for something else. You uneasily returned your attention to the swirling legalese, and faltered. Your boss noticed your hesitancy, and sighed. “I can tell you this - it’s the royal folk. One of them is planning some shindig, and needs you and the girls to help take care of them.”
“Is it… safe?”
“You tell me. You know them royal folk better than I do.”
You wouldn’t exactly say you knew them; one one-night stand with Prince Cad hardly seemed to count, in your opinion. Though, if this party was hosted by a royal, there was a good chance that you’d get to see him again. He’d protect you if things went wrong, right? You stared down at the datapad, and your boss huffed impatiently.
“Look, sign it or don’t. I need to know who to staff now. They aren’t the patient type.”
“Alright, alright.” You scribbled your signature down on the line and your boss snatched the datapad from your hand. He tossed it aside and waddled around from the other side of the desk, gesturing with two fingers for you to follow him.
“You and the others will caravan to The Veil, where you’ll meet the employer. Remember, none of what happens tonight can be talked about, or we’ll be sued to shit. You understand?” You nodded again at this, the uneasy sensation rising in your stomach once more. Your boss glanced over his shoulder at you, and scoffed. “They ain’t gonna eat you! Relax!”
“Easy for you, perhaps.” You muttered under your breath as you both slipped into the meeting room. About fifteen young women - your coworkers - were waiting in the room. Most seemed just as confused as you were.
“The employer has everything you’ll need. Don’t let them talk you into doing anything that isn’t in your job description, okay? You’re attendants, not whores.” Your boss drawled as he crossed his arms over his chest. The last line, specifically, caught your attention. You’re attendants, not whores. What about this job warranted that comment? He had to know more than he was letting on, and this bothered you. You supposed he, likely, had to sign a similar NDA, but at the same time, you hated going into jobs blind. Things were more likely to go wrong this way… and the royals weren’t the type you wanted to disappoint. “Get your asses moving. He’s waiting on you.”
The Veil was unlike anything you had ever seen before - it was a meeting hall affiliated with Azvergin Hotel - a high-end joint for billionaires and royals alike. This meeting hall was just as high-class, with high ceilings and sculpted arches and hand-carved crown moulding. Columns lined the grand hall, holding the heavy mosaic ceilings from toppling to the floor. Famous artwork was displayed along the walls. You were so caught in how awe-inspiring this hall was, you hardly noticed the room was empty. There were no tables or chairs to be seen - something you expected for a function fit for royalty.
“This way.” The grounds-keeper spoke, pulling your attention from the details of the room; it was then that you finally noticed how quiet everything was. You turned towards the groundskeeper, watching as they turned down a long hallway. You jogged after them, your coworkers following closely behind.
“Where is everything?” You asked, and the groundskeeper glanced over their shoulder at you.
They turned to the left and knocked on a door; a small peephole opened, and someone from within called out.
“Who are these ladies?”
“Attendants.” The groundskeeper explained. “The prince sent for them.”
The peephole closed, and the door opened instead. The guard gestured for you to enter, which you did; you slowly descended down the flight of stairs, noting that the lighting had dimmed and that low, sultry music was playing over hidden speakers. You turned to look at your girls, the pieces of this puzzle slowly forming in your head; it wasn’t until the door opened that things finally started making sense.
The room was much smaller than the grand hall above, without the frills and displays of wealth. It was hard to tell what colors the walls and floors were, given how dark the room was compared to the hall above. Plush chairs, chaises, and even beds were dotted around the room. Men and women were already wandering around, dressed in lingerie or kink apparel. They glanced at you and your party, but didn’t say anything.
Against the wall closest to the entrance of the room was a table covered in sex toys, condoms, lube, and little flags of various colors.
You understood the NDA now; this was not your typical job. No… this was a sex party. You had been hired, by one of the royals, to attend to them while they’re likely doing dope and fucking the brains out of prostitutes. Great. This would be fun.
A door to the left of the room opened up, and out stepped Prince Embo, the tall, broad chested Kyuzan prince. He wore a loosely tied satin robe, which exposed his defined chest; tattooed across his exposed skin were dark green, blocky symbols. You could make out the facsimile of a sun printed along his collarbone, though no other shapes made sense to you. Your gaze trailed down his chest and abdomen, before noting the loose tie which held his robe shut. You wondered if he was wearing anything underneath it…
Embo cleared his throat, and you startled, your gaze ripped from the knot of his closure. Your gaze flicked up to his face, before you remember that he was royalty and some royals found eye contact with subordinates to be threatening; you briefly met his gaze, noting the amusement in his face, before you cast your gaze to the floor.
“What is this?” He inquired, looking you all over; he waded through the crowd, looking over each and every one of you personally. His hand ghosted across the back of your neck, sending shivers straight down your spine. “My attendants, yes? Come. I have uniforms for you.”
You tentatively followed him into the room he had just exited from. He started rifling through a box, paying no mind as the sixteen of you gathered around you.
“What will be our role here tonight, your majesty?”
“Attendants. As is your job title.” He answered bluntly as he pulled out enough uniforms and set them aside. “You do not have to do what you are not trained for. Just offer drinks and take care of my guests.”
“I… well… okay.” You nodded as you grabbed one of the dresses - they were short, but not too revealing. Guests would definitely be able to tell the difference between you and the entertainment, even in the dim light. You held it up to you, noting that the prince was watching you. His gaze held interest, but no ill intent; you weren’t sure why, but your stomach somersaulted and your heart skipped a beat.
“Is that a problem, miss?”
“No, your majesty.” You replied, and he stood to his full height, towering over you in a way not many others could. This, embarrassingly, sent spikes of pleasure to your cunt. If he was this tall, you knew he had a huge cock to match.
“Good. My guests shall be arriving any time now. Do not keep us waiting too long.”
He ducked out of the room, giving you ample room and privacy to change. You slipped out of your work uniform and pulled on the given dress; it was red in color, and made of silk. It clung to your body, accentuating your curves; there was something about this dress that made you feel so pretty. Most other uniforms you were given were unflattering at best and purposely ugly at the best. You appreciated the prince’s good tastes.
The others gossiped about the situation you all were in as you pulled on your shoes. You weren’t much for gossip usually, but you understood how odd this situation was.
“So the rumors of the Prince are true!”
“Who knew that a royal could have such a ravenous appetite!”
“Of course he would! Those types always get what they want.”
You chuckled as your mind wandered to your night with Cad. They weren’t entirely wrong; royals were just as fickle and just as horny as everyone else. But you couldn’t imagine Cad throwing such a party. Hell, you couldn’t even imagine him attending such a circus! Prince Embo surely was something else...
You made sure your shoes were on tightly, and slipped out the door. You wanted to get a feel for the place before the chaos began. You took note of the supplies on the table near the door, and of the bar you had somehow missed. So far, there was nothing illegal, but you weren’t certain it would stay that way.
The main floor was still only populated by prostitutes at this point, despite the Prince’s warning that guests would soon be arriving. Some were fixing their hair or make-up, and some were chatting it up with anyone around. Missing, however, was the Prince. You tried to find his towering frame in the crowd, but that was easier said than done.
A hand slid across your back to your shoulders, and you jumped in surprise. You turned, noting Prince Embo staring back at you. You lowered your gaze respectfully, and he responded by wheeling you around to face him, and gripping your chin in his free hand.
“I think I would like for you to be my personal attendant tonight.” He purred, tipping your head back so he could look at you better. His glowing gold eyes searched your soul, and you couldn’t help but bite your lip in response. “Pretty thing. It is too bad you are not one of my entertainers tonight.”
His presence was engulfing, and your heart skipped a beat. His thumb brushed over your lips, and you had to stop yourself from parting your lips and accepting it into your mouth. Mindlessly, you edged closer, and the hand on your shoulder slid downward….
“Well, I’ll be damned.” A familiar voice drawled and you winced; of all the people that could have walked through the door at this time, it had to be Cad. The only royal who actively had a past with you, and the one you figured wouldn’t dare be seen at such a function. You turned away from Embo’s grasp, glancing over at an amused Cad. “Didn’t expect t’ see ya here.”
“I only hire the best.” Embo explained, sauntering over to his chair, which overlooked the rest of the room.
“Yeah. De best.” Cad smirked. There was no malice in his tone; rather, you figured this was his attempt at teasing. “Dat’s de one dat spilled wine all over yer mother’s dress."
Blood rushed to your face, and you were thankful that the lights are so dim; you had just barely forgotten about that whole mess, and now Cad had to bring it back up - to the Queen’s own son, nonetheless! You wanted nothing more than to crawl into a hole and die.
Your self-pitying was cut short by a loud laugh from Embo; at first, you were glad that he wasn’t upset by this information. But then, you realized that he was likely laughing at you. Your mood soured, and you crossed your arms over your chest in a pout.
“So that was you? Oh, my mother raved about you for days after that.” Embo leaned back on his little throne, spreading out like he owned the place. Maybe he did.
“I… what?” You dropped your arms, confused.
“You gave her an excuse to change out of that gods-awful dress my father bought her. She wanted to hire you to ruin whatever gifts he gave her, but we had to talk her out of it.”
“Shouldn’t have.” Cad chuckled. “It would be the best job she’d ever have in her miserable little peasant life.”
“Hey now.” You frowned. “We talked about this.”
“Yeah, yeah. I know.” Cad waved you off as he drew closer. “You wouldn’t happen t’ be available tonight?”
“She is an attendant, Cad. And mine for the night.”
“Figures. You always bag de good ones.” Cad shook his head as he stood; he looked you up and down with a licentious smirk. “I’ll see you ‘round, den.”
“Of course.”
You watched Cad retreat to settle in a nearby chair. One of the prostitutes - a handsome man - approached, sitting on the arm of the chair. Well… at least Cad was there in case things got out of hand.
Embo called to you, and you turned toward him; he gestured with his two fingers, watching with an intensity as you approached. You bowed your head when you reached the foot of his chair, and he tsked.
“None of that.” He told you. “There is no need for pleasantries here. Now… fetch me a drink.”
You had never been around so much sex in your entire life. Everywhere you turned, there was someone giving someone else head, or someone riding someone else’s dick. The room was filled with the sounds of skin against skin, of gagging, of slicked up cunts… and the moans… oh the moans!
You edged around one of the beds -where a princess was getting gangbanged by a group of various alien men- carrying the tray of goodies to your prince. Embo was leaned back in his chair, looking surprisingly bored even as two ladies fondled his cock. You leaned down to hand him his drink, which he accepted with a grunt.
“You don’t seem to be enjoying this, my Prince.”
He just shrugged nonchalantly as he sipped at his drink. “I am not feeling particularly inspired.”
With a wave of the hand, he dismissed the two ladies, and closed his robe up. You set your tray down and knelt before him. He carded a hand through your hair, muttering something in his mother tongue. “Is there anything I can do to make this a better experience?”
He glanced over at you, his gaze lazily trailing down your form; something - which you figured was lust- sparked in his golden eyes, but he was not quick to act on his feelings. He gestured with his free hand, and you offered him some sort of smokable, which you figured was not smart given his need for a breathing mask. He lit it and slumped back in his chair.
“No. Stay your course, kamour.”
“Are you sure, my Prince? I… am offering to help you. You hired me to help, right?” You inquired, reaching out to touch his hand. He glanced over at you, and you wondered how much convincing it would take him before he realized you were serious. Not much, it turned out.
“I am no monster. Say the word and I will let you go.”
“Of course.” You settled between his parted legs, your soft hands slowly sliding up his naked thighs. What was it your boss said? Oh, that you were attendants and not whores. Well, what he didn’t know wouldn’t kill him.
Your hands swept under his satin robe, parting it open to reveal his large cock. You wrapped your hand around the base of it, and slowly worked your way up his length. He was already hard from the ministrations of the prostitutes, the head of his cock flushed a deep and needy green. You leaned forward, gathering spit in your mouth before drooling it out onto his cock; you locked gazes with him as you spread your saliva down and around his shaft.
“Now, dat ain’t fair.” Cad’s voice startled you from your task, and you turned to spy him sitting on the arm of an unused chair. He was completely naked, with his arms crossed over his chest. “You said she was an attendant.”
“I did not lie. She is attending.” Embo put his mask back into place, and ran his hand through your hair. “She is doing her duty.”
“Yeah, well, I want in on dis.”
“That is up to her.”
You hardly even had to think - you reached for Cad, wrapping your hand around his slick, hard cock. You gave him a pump, and Cad hissed through gritted teeth in response. You gestured for him to move closer, and he did; the princes met gazes but said nothing to each other as you reached the other hand out to stroke Embo’s cock.
You stroked them both at the same time, reveling in the hisses and grunts trickling from their mouths. The way their cocks pulsed in your hands was enough to make your pussy tingle, and arousal slowly built within you. There was something depraved about this - about a lowly attendant pleasuring two powerful princes in the midst of a sex party - but the depravity only added to your pleasure. You could hardly stop yourself from grinding your needy cunt against the heel of your own foot.
“Enough of dis pussy-footin’. Are ya gonna suck me off or what?” Cad drawled, as impatient as ever; you quirked a brow as you leaned forward to give him a long, wet lick. He growled in response, his hands threading in your hair. “Come on, doll… don’t be teasin’ me now.”
“You forget that you weren’t the first man I was pleasing.” You replied, your voice wavering. You weren’t sure it was a good idea to talk back to him, especially in this position. Though, you supposed, you held the power when you held his cock. Any wayward comment and you were in a prime position to bite him. You figured he wouldn’t risk it.
Cad scoffed and you leaned away to wrap your lips around the head of Embo’s cock. He chuckled and leaned back.
“She is not lying.”
“You shut up.” Cad muttered as he pressed a hand to the back of your head, almost as if he was trying to guide you. You rolled your eyes but didn’t protest.
It went like this for a while - you’d take one into your mouth, bobbing and sucking like a good little whore, before pulling away to take the other one. You felt oddly powerful knowing you had the ability to bring these two princes to their knees with only a touch. You reveled in this power for as long as you could before Embo lifted you up and sat you on his lap. He pulled you close to his chest, purring.
“I am going in you.” He told you, giving you ample time to back out of it. When you didn’t protest, he lifted you as though you weighed nothing, and turned you to face Cad. He guided you onto his cock, and you winced as the head slipped into your drooling cunt. You hadn’t realized that he was quite this large. He gripped your hips, controlling how slowly you eased down onto him so you didn’t hurt yourself.
Cad waited until you were ready before offering his cock to your mouth once more. You parted your lips, your eyes half-lidded and darkened with lust, and he chuckled.
“Are ya cock-dumb already, doll?” He reached out to tangle his hand in your hair. “Are our cocks just dat good?”
You nodded in response to this, greedily latching around his cock and sucking hard. He let out a hiss and tugged at your hair, spurning you to start bobbing up and down his length. At the same time, you had fully engulfed Embo, sheathing his cock deep within you. Your whine was lost amongst the sloppy slurps of Cad’s cock easing in and out of your wet mouth.
Embo slowly, gingerly, eased in and out of you, taking care not to hurt you in the process. Every time he pulled his cock half out of you, you took Cad’s cock to the hilt with a gag. Every time Embo bottomed out within you, you pulled away to breathe. It was tough to find the right rhythm at first, but when you did, the pleasure was all-encompassing. Your head was spinning, arousal burning deep within the well of your stomach; your eyes rolled back and your hands went to your breasts, squeezing so tightly you were sure they’d bruise.
“Think she could take us both in there?” Cad asked, and your mind wandered at the prospect. You imagined the sensation of their cocks filling up your cunt, stretching you out in a way you’ve never felt before. The idea was fascinating, and a bit frightening. You didn’t realize that you were drooling around Cad’s cock until your spit splattered on your thigh.
Embo leaned you back against his chest, a finger probing at your cock-stuffed pussy. He slipped it inside, and your eyes went wide; Cad’s cock slipped from your mouth as the air vacated your lungs. You quivered against Embo, a pathetic little whimper escaping your lips.
“No… not unless you intend to split her in half.”
“Shame.” Cad shook his head; he pondered for a minute, before tipping your chin up. “Stay here. I’ll be back.”
As if you had other plans. Embo rested his head against you shoulder, purring softly. “I would like to see your pretty face, kamour.”
“Alright.” You turned around, facing the prince; you couldn’t tell for sure, but you guessed he was smiling behind that mask of his. His large hand cupped your cheek, and you leaned into his warmth.
“Beautiful.” He slowly rocked his hips up into you again, and you whimpered. “A beautiful, sex drunk whore. You like my cock, hm?”
“Yes.” You breathed, matching his thrusts by rolling your hips; his finger slipped out of your cunt, and instead stroked your swollen, trembling clit. A fire built in your stomach, and your vision went blurry. Your orgasm was within reach! You gasped out his name, your voice strained yet velveteen. Embo’s eyes brightened at this, and he reached up to wrap a steady hand around your neck.
“Say it again. Say my name again.” He commanded, his voice husky with his own desire. You whimpered.
“Again!” He rubbed at your clit faster, slamming up into you with a ferocity you had never felt before. You could hardly find the strength within you, but you couldn’t displease him.
“Embo!” You cried out, your entire body quivering as the fire of orgasm consumed you. Your head danced in the clouds as your body went limp and useless against him. He held you close, his hands dancing over your form.
“Shit, did I miss out on all de fun?”
You lifted your head and glanced over your shoulder to spy Cad with his hands on his hips. You shook your head, your tongue weighing like lead in your mouth. You gestured for him to draw closer, which he did, and you gave his now condom-clad cock a stroke.
“I do think she can take more.” Embo hummed, his hand rubbing at your thigh. You nodded in agreement at this, and Cad leaned down to nip at your neck.
“Good. Do you still want to take de both of us?”
“Yes!” You chirped, and Cad chuckled.
“So eager.” Cad maneuvered you into Embo’s chest, giving him better access to your ass. Cad lubed you up with a bottle he had grabbed from somewhere, and gently eased into you. A strangled cry escaped from somewhere within you as Cad brushed against the thin, sensitive wall separating his cock from Embo’s. You could hardly keep yourself upright, the sensations quickly overwhelming you; Embo had to keep you from falling completely limp onto his chest.
“Easy now. This is not too much for you, is it?”
You shook your head at this. “N-no.”
���‘Course it ain’t.” Cad yanked on your hair, pulling your head back enough so you could look him in the eyes. He smirked, and then sheathed himself within you. You let out a cry, and his smirk deepened into a depraved smile. “Yer a good lil’ doll. You can handle us.”
“Yes! Yes!” You whined in agreement as they both slowly rocked into you. Every inch of you was set ablaze as they took turns massaging that oh-so-sensitive wall. Cad released your hair, his hand instead sliding down to roll your nipple between two of his fingers. His other hand gripped at your hip, keeping you steady. Embo’s hand returned to your clit, pinching and rolling the overstimulated bud around until you were panting and pleading for release. Your admissions only made them hasten their paces, and soon, they were both slamming into you. Your head lolled back on your useless neck, resting squarely on Cad’s chest; your legs quivered and jerked as you chased after your second orgasm. Hands wandered, acquainting themselves with every aspect of your body; this only added fuel to the fire which threatened to consume you once more.
With only a few more thrusts, you came undone. Your vision went white as you rode waves of pure bliss, only faintly aware of how erratic their paces had become. It wasn’t until Cad lurched forward and bit you that you were pulled from your euphoria.
His fangs pierced your skin, surely drawing blood; his orgasm, contained by the condom, manifested in quick, jerky motions up into you. Slowly, he eased out of you, lapping up any blood that had trickled from the wound.
Embo found his pleasure not long after that, shooting his cum deep within you; the searing heat of his seed was unexpected, but wasn’t unpleasant. You were almost certain that if he hadn’t been wearing his mask, he probably would have bit you too. He, unlike Cad, didn’t ease out of you. He let you decide what it was you wanted to do, even if it meant keeping his soft cock in you until he hardened up again. You did, however, ease off of him to sit on his lap.
“Dat was good, doll. I might need t’ keep ya around.”
“Yes, well, you may have competition.” He leaned toward you, humming. “Though, I suppose it would be your choice.”
“Who says I have to choose?” You managed, your voice sultry. They cast glances at each other, and Cad shrugged.
“‘Spose that could work.”
Taglist!: @sat-nam-saint @that-clone-wars-girl
You leaned back into the warm chest of one of your Princes. Huh. You liked the sound of that. Who would have thought that someone like you could pull two Princes!
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werealljerkshere · 7 years
Star Wars The Clone Wars Celebration Orlando Panel
More untold CW episode news told here, about the Bounty Hunter Arc to be precise. 
Cad Bane, Boba Fett, Embo (with Marrok), Bossk, Highsinger C-21, Todo 360, Seripas, and some guy with a mustache in a town on Tatooine I think. Boba seems to be the hero here, standing up for what is right.
Highsinger and Todo have Seripas and mustache guy hostage, Boba demands for Bane to order their release and Bane says “Always fighting for those in need, that’s a quick way to end up poor or dead and probably both.”
They begin circling each other, Boba says that “No more innocent people are going to die, or be locked up, or live in fear.”
Just then Embo and Marrok come out with Sugi’s weapons, hinting that Sugi was killed off screen. Embo aims his gun at Boba while Bossk joins in. Bane says he’ll let Seripas and mustache guy go if Boba gives up, but Bossk and Embo turn on Bane, letting  Boba have a chance to shoot him.
Intense western standoff and they both shoot. Bane’s probably dead and Boba’s helmet protected him, revealing the origin of the dent in his helmet.
So... Sugi and Bane are most likely dead. Bummer.
Wish they’d just release the remaining arcs as comics or books or in some form... get a freaking hint Disney!
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qeinti-qeimva · 7 years
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STAR WARS Embo CLONE COLLECTION CW 33 TCW SOTDS LOOSE http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=2&toolid=10044&campid=5337410313&customid=&lgeo=1&vectorid=229466&item=192233311682
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reofba-rueppu · 7 years
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STAR WARS Embo CLONE COLLECTION CW 33 TCW SOTDS LOOSE http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=2&toolid=10044&campid=5337410313&customid=&lgeo=1&vectorid=229466&item=192233311682
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kauxzi-deuxte · 7 years
Tumblr media
STAR WARS Embo CLONE COLLECTION CW 33 TCW SOTDS LOOSE http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=2&toolid=10044&campid=5337410313&customid=&lgeo=1&vectorid=229466&item=192233311682
0 notes
zeupbo-yuugco · 7 years
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STAR WARS Embo CLONE COLLECTION CW 33 TCW SOTDS LOOSE http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=2&toolid=10044&campid=5337410313&customid=&lgeo=1&vectorid=229466&item=192233311682
0 notes
thebountyfucker · 3 years
The Royal Affair - Cad
Don't read this without reading the first part!!
Part 1
Cad Bane x AFAB!Reader (gender-neutral, though reader does wear a skirt.) Tags/CW: power imbalance, claiming, dirty talk, sex as payment, collaring, everything is consensual but Cad is a bit forceful
Here's a link to my masterpost Want to be tagged in upcoming fics like this? Here's the link to my taglist application!
Your gaze followed Prince Cad for most of the rest of the night. He wandered around the venue, making small talk with Lady Sing or Lord Jango. He seemed less inclined to stay with his family unit than some, you noted, and appeared to be most comfortable when conversing with others. He nursed a few glasses of whiskey, but never pushed too far into drunkenness. Though you were sure he’d deny it, he was a royal, and as such, he had appearances to maintain.
Your gazes met many times during the night; at first, his gaze was strictly chaste, but as the night continued on, his gaze became more and more licentious, as if he couldn’t wait to get you alone. A chill ran down your spine, and you couldn’t quite tell if you were nervous or aroused by the prospect.
Toward the end of your shift, you made your way toward him; Cad was leaned against the wall, joking with Lord Jango about something. His gaze met yours and a wide, fanged grin spread across his face.
“Well, well, well… look who it is.” He pushed off the wall to stand straight. “Made up yer mind?”
“Yeah… I want to come with you.” You answered, and he hooked his thumbs into the pockets on his suit coat.
“Good choice. Ya would’ve regretted goin’ wit’ Em.” He replied, glancing up toward the departing Kyuzan clan. Prince Embo offered you a small nod, as if honoring the decision you made. You turned back toward Cad, who had fished around in his coat pocket for a cig. “Come wit’ me.”
There were no other pleasantries as he led you out of the meeting hall toward the adjacent Azvergin Hotel; the hotel, which catered exclusively to billionaires and royalty, was largely a mystery to you. You either had to be staff to said clientele, or a member of these groups in order to be let inside. Rumor had it that one could rent an entire floor, long term, for fifty million credits! You’d never see that kind of money in your life, but you supposed that it was like spare change to the Prince at your side.
He led you inside, through the rigorous security detail which awaited you. The guards hardly regarded you, and you figured that this may be a common occurrence with the Prince. They took your fingerprints and ran a background check - when it came up clean, they allowed you through. Then, Cad led you into the lift and up 15 floors to what you assumed was his family’s floor.
The entire ride was silent, but he kept looking at you, as if he couldn’t figure out what he was going to do with you. This made you a bit nervous, only because you weren’t entirely sure if he was to be trusted. Some girls from your work told you that the Prince would lay claim to his favorite servants and mark them with collars. You briefly wondered if this would be your future too.
Cad offered you a smirk as the doors parted and he led you out into the hallway. The walls were white, with intricate gold crown mouldings; doors lined the hallway, each with carved tags denoting who stayed where. Two guards stood at attention at each door, and servants - mostly women, of varying species - bustled about. Each and every person you passed bowed for their prince, and Cad ate it up. He gripped the chin of one of the servant girls, and leaned down to kiss her straight on the lips. She swooned.
Cad turned back toward you, and gestured toward a nearby door with his head. “Dis is my room. You can stay wit’ me. Dat is, unless you want to sleep in de servants’ quarters.”
“I suppose I can stay with you… if that’s alright.”
“Sure, sure.” He nodded, and the guards pushed open the door for you both; Cad stepped in first, and you followed closely behind.
The room was cavernous - larger than your entire apartment, you wagered - and designed with royalty in mind. The walls were pristine white with gold filigree, and spanned higher than you thought possible. He had chairs gathered in one corner, near a small bookcase. Not far from that was a fireplace, which had seemed to burn real wood, which was hard to find on Coruscant.
On the other side of the door was a wardrobe - it was a modest size for a prince, which was about twice as large as your own closet. And near that was his bed. It was massive, with bedposts at each corner and silver silk sheets. His comforter was pulled back, and you swore you could see restraints bolted to the frame.
Perhaps the rumors about him weren’t exaggerated…
“Should I… leave and get my stuff?” You inquired, standing in the middle of the room awkwardly. Cad glanced over at you as he pulled his suit coat off.
“Whaddya need?”
“Clothes, toiletries.. You know, the basics.” You watched as he tossed the coat on the floor haphazardly, before he went about unbuttoning his black shirt.
“I’ll call de servants fer ya. Dey’ll fetch your things.” He replied, nonchalant. He tossed his shirt atop his suit coat, and sat on the edge of his bed to pull off his shoes. He glanced over at you. “You got a starin’ problem?”
“N-no!” You replied, casting your glance to the floor. He chuckled and sauntered over to where you stood. He took a step toward you, pushing up against you; you took a step back, not sure if this was intentional. He took another step toward you, and then another, until you were trapped up against the wall. He reached out, cupping your chin and tilting it up so you could look him in the eyes.
“Dere ain’t no need to be shy, doll. I ain’t gonna hurt ya.”
“How can I be so sure?” You replied, your voice shaking. Heat pooled in your core, and his ravenous gaze only intensified the sensation.
“If I wanted t’ hurt ya… I would have done it already.” He brushed his thumb over your bottom lip, and it trembled in response. His gaze trailed toward your tantalizing tits. “I think I found yer ‘price’.”
“Oh?” You squeaked, surprised by how easily he could sway you.
“Why don’ we getchu out of dese clothes, and you can show me why it was worth it t’ take ya in?”
“I-.” Your body screamed ‘yes’, but your sensibilities told you that this all seemed to be happening so quickly. But you weren’t sure he’d care if you told him this. He was a Prince, after all. You were sure he was used to getting what he wanted, when he wanted. “S-something tells me you really weren’t trying to save me from the King.”
“Yer a smart one.” He drawled, a dark, hungry look in his eyes. You could smell the whiskey and tabac on his breath as he pressed closer to you. “How else would I get you to come with me?”
That tracked, you noted with a frown. Your life was ostensibly in danger, and this spoiled, entitled Prince used that to get you in his bed. You pushed him off and walked away, but he was not so easily deterred.
“Yer safe, ain’tcha?” He wasn’t wrong. Being with him meant you were safe from the King… but were you safe with Prince Cad? You crossed your arms over your chest and sat down in one of the chairs in the room. Cad followed you over to the chair, but he did not sit beside you. “Don’t be a brat.”
“I’ll be what I want.” You replied, your pussy pulsing to remind you that you were still aroused. You cursed under your breath, but figured that maybe you could make a game of this. You were scorned, sure, but you wouldn’t pass up a chance to sleep with the Prince.
“Is dat so? Do ya need to be tamed? Is dat it?” He crossed his arms over his chest and quirked a browridge. “I’ve dealth wit’ many brats. Ya ain’t special.”
“I don’t like being lied to.” You explained to him, and his expression soured. “If you just wanted to fuck me, you could have told me that.”
“Yeah. Like dat would’ve worked.” He rolled his eyes.
“It would have! I was having a shit day and I would have loved to let off some steam!” You told him, and Cad sat on the arm of the chair next to yours. A small smirk grew on your face as you held his gaze. “You want to fuck me? Hm? You can start by telling me you’re sorry.”
He pursed his lips and turned his head. “Ain’t happenin’.”
“That’s a shame. I guess this cunt of mine is off-limits.” You pointedly closed your legs, and anger flashed in his eyes. You could practically see him trying to work his way out of this and still get what he wanted. But you wouldn’t budge and you could tell that he knew this. It took him twenty minutes before he was able to form the words.
“I… I’m sorry.” He growled through gritted teeth.
“Good. You should be.”
There was silence for a moment, and you figured Cad was sulking because of the apology. Before you could react, he got up and thrust his knee between your legs. You gasped softly as he pressed his thigh to your aching cunt.
“Now listen here… I don’ like dat attitude of yers. Yer in my home - ya don’t get to order me around. Got it?” He leaned forward, boxing you in against the chair. You tried to fight it, but you found yourself grinding your cunt against his leg. He hissed in response. “No sass now? Nexxu got yer tongue?”
“I got… I got what I wanted already.” You told him.
“Words are cheap, doll. You know I didn’t mean it.” He grabbed your chin and tipped your head back, before leaning down to press a kiss to your lips. It was forceful and needy, and you had to fight against pushing him away and digging in deeper. Your cunt throbbed again, and wetness seeped into your panties. You whimpered, and Cad chuckled. “Yer a little whore, ain’t ya? Despite all yer whining, ya still want me.”
He eased away, moving to finish undressing. “Get up and get naked. I wanna see dis cunt of yers.”
“M-make me.” You replied, your voice wavering with lust. He cocked a browridge and pulled you up to stand; he ripped your shirt off, and rucked the skirt down over your ass. You were nearly bare in front of him, and his ravenous gaze on your body made warmth well in your belly. He pulled down your panties, watching with interest as webs of slick stretched between your cunt and the cloth.
“Yer droolin’ fer me, doll. Filthy whore. Do ya want my cock?” He inquired, and you slowly nodded at this. He dragged you to his bed and tossed you onto it. “Show me yer cunt, doll.”
He took a step back, watching as you casually spread your legs open and then parted your labia with your fingers; Cad watched, his hungry gaze scouring over your soaked cunt. He drew in close, his knobby finger slipping inside of you. “Yer wet fer me, ain’tcha? Mmm… so wet and tight.”
You moaned, your head lolling back onto his impossibly soft comforter; your legs spread wider of their own accord, as if anticipating that he would insert his body between them sooner rather than later. You rocked your hips, aiming to drive his finger deeper within. He chuckled.
“Yer just beggin’ fer my cock at dis point… all I need is t’ hear it. Beg fer me.” “Oh Prince…. Oh Prince!” You whined, gripping his sheets tightly. He retracted his finger and drew aimlessly on your stomach with your slick. “Please, I need your cock! Please!”
“I wanna hear my name on yer lips. You know it, don’tcha?”
“Cad… Please….” You begged, lifting your hips to present your cunt to him, trying to tell him that you so desperately needed him to fill the void. He smirked at this presentation, and drew two fingers between your folds.
“Yer cute… I’ll give ya dat.” His fingers danced up and down the slit of your cunt teasingly. You whimpered, wriggling your hips closer. First, he was bitching at you about not giving in, and now he was the one dragging his feet? Entitled prick! “Most of my lays would offer t’ sell me deir families at dis point… just to get my cock.”
“Stupid.” You muttered, and he pressed a thumb to your clit.
“My favorites get special treatment. T’ dem, it’s a good trade.” He smirked as he slowly rubbed circles on your clit. Your body tensed, and your vision went spotty. “Besides, what use is a family t’ dem if dey’re here with me?”
Your toes curled as he dipped his finger into your cunt, only going in to the first knuckle. He rubbed around the entrance as he played with your clit. Stupid, entitled Prince! Fuck, you wanted him so bad...
“Now… what would you offer t’ me t’ get my cock? Hm?” He inquired as he eased his finger in a little further. “Do ya even have anythin’ of worth? You peasants usually don’t.”
“Hey!” You squeaked as he shoved the rest of his finger into you. Another slipped in soon after, and your whole body began to shake.
“Tell me, doll… what would you give to have my cock?”
“Nothing.” You replied as he thrust his fingers in and out of you. You whimpered, grinding your hips against his hand. The heat in your belly threatened to spill over, and your cunt tightened around his fingers. He was quick to remove his fingers from you.
“Ya don’t get t’ cum until ya tell me what you’d give me.”
You panicked, trying to find something, anything, of worth to give him. He wasn’t wrong about you not having much of worth; you worked a mediocre job making decent pay. You didn’t have much in the way of family, and even if you did, you would never offer them to him. This was ridiculous but you were also desperate. In the moment, all you could say was:
“Me! You can have me!”
Cad paused, quirking a browridge at this; a slow, devious smirk spread across his face and he leaned down.
“Is dat so?” He was mere inches away as his slick-covered hand slid down your stomach. “You want to be mine?”
“If - if that means you’ll fuck me… yes!” You cried out, aching and yearning. Satisfied with your answer, he angled his hips and pressed his cock into your cunt. His cock was searingly hot inside you, and filled you up sufficiently; every inch he plunged into you drove you closer and closer to an orgasm. The moment he bottomed out, you came, your body shaking as sparks of electric pleasure shot through you. Your back arched toward him, and Cad wrapped an arm around you, holding you to his chest.
He slowly rocked into your spasming pussy, moaning at the way you desperately milked him for his cum. He would not give so easily, however. He picked up his pace, a high-pitched whine escaping your lips; the ridges of his cock massaged all the sensitive parts of your cunt, and you had to stop yourself from begging for more.
“Ya feel good, doll.” Cad grunted as he thrusted harder into you. You could only whimper in response, your hands gripping your breasts tightly. “My cock feels good, don’t it?”
“Yessss.” You cried out, your toes curling as your orgasm loomed once more. You laid your head back on his bed, closing your eyes to bask in the sensations. He raked his fingers up and down your thighs, which quivered at the touch. There was only so much more you could take before the building tension snapped and you came again.
“Say my name.”
“Say it louder! Let de whole place know who ya belong t’!” He roared, digging his fingers into the meat of your thighs to the point where you were certain they would bruise. A wail rose from deep in your chest.
“CAD!” You yelled out, arching your back and thrashing about as the sensations became unbearable. You were so close! So close! Your cunt tightened around Cad’s cock and he let out a groan at the sensation.
“Ya gonna cum fer me again? Ya gonna cum, lil’ slut?”
“Yes, yes, yes!” You cried, bucking your hips up against his, grasping at any additional pleasure you could get. Cad’s pace was growing erratic, and you knew that he wouldn’t be too far behind you.
“Cum fer me! Cum!” Cad commanded, pressing his thumb to your clit. Your vision went dark as your body when stiff; fluids shot out of you, soaking Cad, as waves of euphoria washed over your body. Through the haze of pleasure, you could feel Cad biting down on your shoulder, puncturing your skin, as he shot his cum deep inside you. Your cunt milked him for all he was worth.
When you came back to your head, Cad was lapping at the blood which leaked from your wound. He pulled out when he realized that you had come to, and went to find a rag so you could clean up. He returned with a towel, and gestured to your throbbing cunt.
“Go on.”
You cleaned up, as you were directed, while Cad strutted around his room. He returned to you with a collar in hand, and you quirked a brow. “For me?”
“Yeah. Ya did give yerself t’ me.” He reminded you.
“I did, didn’t I?” You managed a smile and leaned forward, presenting your neck to him. He clasped the collar around it, and stroked your cheek.
“Dere you are. All pretty.”
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thebountyfucker · 3 years
The Royal Affair - A Choose Your Own Prince Fic
I wanted to try an experiment where I wrote a story with two parallel branches so readers could choose which character they wanted to read without me writing two separate fics! Let me know what you think! (Subject to more parts!)
Embo x AFAB!Reader or Cad Bane x AFAB!Reader
Tags/CW: Threats of violence/assault, embarrassment
Here's the link to my masterpost!
Want to be tagged in upcoming fics like this? Here's my taglist application!!
You eased up to the table, smiling despite yourself, and bowed your head. You didn’t say anything to them, as per the instructions from your boss, and carefully handed out the flutes of champagne. The royals prattled on in Durese, hardly paying you any mind, though the Prince did cast a glance up at you from the periphery of his vision. You bowed your head once more, and turned to leave.
You had never been more nervous in your life than you were now; with a tray of champagne flutes balanced in your hand, and the heel on your left shoe coming loose, you had to put the entirety of your focus onto your task at hand. It was a simple one, really - deliver the drinks to the Duros royal family, bow, and return back to the kitchen to fetch hors d'oeuvres. Simple. Easy. Yet the wobbling in your ankle frightened you. The last thing you needed was to drop the crystal flutes in front of everyone - or worse, on someone.
As you turned, you heard a loud snap, and your ankle buckled and rolled; you went down, your tray clattering to the floor. Conversations around you stopped, and the gazes of three royal families found you collapsed on the floor. A horrified blush crept up on your cheeks as you crawled toward your tray and gathered it up in your arms; you pulled off your shoes and slowly stood, pain blossoming from your ankle. You limped to the back room, and tossed your shoes straight into the garbage.
“What happened to you?” One of your coworkers, a pretty Rutian Twi’lek, asked, glancing down at your now bare feet and rapidly-swelling ankle.
“My fucking heel broke!”
“Oof, tough luck.” She shook her head as she kneeled down and prodded at your ankle. The pain was horrendous, but she didn’t look concerned. “It ain’t broken… I’ll see if I can get a wrap and some new shoes for you.”
“Thank you, Salicia.” You muttered as you sat down, propping your leg up on the seat beside you. Your other coworkers came and went, taking out drinks and snacks, and coming back with dishes and trash. They hardly spared you a glance. There was work to be done and attending to the weak link would only slow it down. You sighed softly as Salicia returned with a bandage and a pair of silken flats.
She sat beside you, gingerly lifting your leg to wrap your ankle. She was gentle, and the pressure of the bandage made it feel instantaneously better. When she had secured it in place, she handed you the pair of flats; colored a vibrant blue, the flats sported a winged lizard embroidered on each of the sides. The slippers clashed with your uniform, but it was better than nothing; you eased them on, and cast Salicia a glance.
“Queen Esmera gave these to me when she saw me asking the other girls. She saw you fall, said these would probably be more comfortable than anything we could offer.” She explained, her lekku tips curling up as she shrugged. “I think she may be fishing for a thank you… so… you might want to go out and tell her.”
“Alright.” You sighed as you stood and brought your tray back to the bar; the bartender noted you with a frown, but knew better than to say anything. “Can you get me seven glasses of your most expensive Phatrongi red? You can… add it to the party’s tab.”
“Did Queen Esmera give you those?” He asked, suspicion heavy in his voice. You glanced down at your shoes and nodded.
“I suppose the wine is a ‘thank you’ to her.” He muttered, waiting for your nod, before continuing. “And you’re stroking her ego because…?”
“Because it’s the polite thing to do, I guess.” You shrugged, and he shook his head as he poured the thick, purple wine into the glasses.
“Yeah. Polite. And then they turn around and treat you like trash.”
“They’ve been nice to me so far.” You muttered as he helped stack the seven glasses of red wine onto your tray. Your departure toward Queen Esmera’s table was slow-going, as you didn’t want to risk tripping or putting undue stress on your ankle. Your coworkers were careful about not bumping into you, but there were a few close calls.
You made your way toward the Kyuzan Queen, careful to stand a distance away in case she turned her head to regard you; her ostentatious crown, constructed of metals and jewels and silken cloths, was large enough that it could sweep the wine right off your tray. That was the last thing you wanted.
She did, in fact, turn when she noticed you, and you breathed a small sigh of relief as her crown cleared your tray. She offered you a kind, mask-less smile, and you bowed your head respectfully in response.
“Thank you for your kindne-.”
And then it happened. You took a few step closer and the slippers caught on something - likely the queen’s dress. You tripped, and the tray of wine went flying; the wine splashed upon the Queen’s lap and onto the table. The princes and the King jumped back from the table as the wine spread out toward them. Your heart plummeted to the bottom of your chest, and you dropped to your knees at her side.
“I am so sorry.” Tears welled in your eyes. Salicia rushed over with towels, much sooner than you expected, and thrust one at you; she mopped up the table, apologizing to the princes, while you gingerly dabbed at the Queen’s dress. The red wine marred her white and gold gown, and you knew that the stain would never come out. “Please forgive me. Please. I’ll do whatever you want to make it up to you.”
The Queen gingerly patted your head as you dabbed at her gown; the weight of her ring-covered hand was rather comforting, and it did make you feel quite a bit better.
“There, there, Little One.” Her voice was honeyed and velvet-smooth, yet there was an imposing timbre deep beneath it, as if she knew and reveled in the power she had in this situation. “It was an accident, and these things happen. It is okay.”
“It is not okay!” The King’s booming voice startled you from the calmed stupor the Queen had put you in. Your gaze focused on the Queen’s dress as the party hall went quiet. “This insolent worm ruined your dress!”
“There is no reason to be upset. What is done is done.” Queen Esmera continued to pat your head reassuringly.
“There must be recompense!”
“Enough. You are causing a scene.” Her voice was even and steely, and her husband eased back down into his chair. The waves of rage radiating off the king made your skin crawl - he was one of those kings where the rumors of his temper far outshined any good he had done. There were numerous stories about girls being used and thrown in ditches after minor misdeeds. You hoped your employer would protect you from the likes of him… but that was no certainty. “The dress is ruined. I will call for a maid to bring me another.”
“I’m so sorry.” You repeated, and she tilted your chin up.
“That is enough, Little One. Now run along, okay?” She smiled sweetly, and you got up with your metaphorical tail between your legs. You limped back to the staging room, where you found a bench and collapsed onto it. Tears threatened to spill over, but you rubbed them away with the heels of your hands. You felt so foolish, so demeaned. The worst part of this, though, was that it was all your fault. No royal had made you spill the wine. No royal purposefully tripped you, nor did they break the heel from your shoe. It was your own insolence. You buried your head in your hands, a strangled sob leaving your lips.
Someone sat down on the bench beside you. You figured it was Salicia, until you noticed their scent - it was woodsy and entirely manish. You couldn’t think of anyone you knew who smelled like that. Curious, you spread your fingers open and peeked through them; sitting beside you was one of the Kyuzan Princes - the youngest of the four, whose name, you believed, was Embo. He cast you a glance, his browridge cocked.
“Oh! Uh…” You wiped your eyes on your hands, and then wiped your hands on your skirt. “Hello there, Prince.”
“You are in trouble.” He spoke, his voice unwavering and deeply serious. Your heart skipped a beat, and your stomach dropped.
“My father is like a jungle cat chasing a rat. In his eyes, you wronged him, and he will not rest until you pay the price.” He explained, his voice low and conspiratory.
“But I didn’t do anything to him!” You squeaked.
“You embarrassed him, and my mother. He believes you made fools of them both before our allies.” Embo explained, his hands laced together and resting on his lap. “I came to offer my help. The last thing I want is for someone undeserving to be left in a ditch to die.”
“But you’re his son. How can I trust you?”
“Just know that I would rather see him dead than let any harm come to you.” He replied, his gold eyes narrowed and a small growl rumbling in his chest. You blinked at him, and then looked down at your hands. “And he knows better than to touch anything I lay claim to. If I tell him you are under my protection, he will not dare bother you.”
“I… wouldn’t want to be a bother.”
“Nonsense. My family keeps a large staff already. We would hardly notice one more.”
Your gaze remained on your hands, your mind running a million miles a minute. If you didn’t take the Prince’s protection, what would happen to you? Would the king stoop to harming you? It seemed that if his own son was worried, the answer was likely yes. So it would be best to go with the prince then. What if he was lying? What if this was all some elaborate ruse to get you into bed with him, or worse?
“I’ll… need time to think.” You replied, your voice shaking.
“Of course. You have until the end of the night.” He got up, dusting off his expensive suit, and disappeared through the door which led back out to the main hall.
You sat there, still trying to process what was going on; the staff around you stared at you, either concerned or shocked that you had gotten so close to the Prince without mention of sexual activities. You glanced at them, before standing.
“I… I need to take a walk.”
No one stopped you as you slipped out the door into the main hall. The royals were all happily conversing, and you noted that Queen Esmera had, indeed, changed her dress. You ducked down the hallway to the front door, desperately needing some fresh air to help clear your head. Ugh, you had a headache.
The guards allowed you outside, and you sat down on the top step to gather your wits. The warm, humid Coruscant air caressed your bare skin, grounding you to reality. The ambience of the thousands of speeders and marching of armor-clad guards drowned out any sounds from the gala itself. You buried your head in your hands once more, just trying to think.
“You’ve got some shit luck tonight.”
You turned toward the intruder, noting that the Duros Prince was approaching; he had a lit cig between his fingers, and he took a long drag.
“First de heel, den sullying Queen Esmera’s dress…” He shook his head as he eased down onto the step beside you. He offered you the cig, but you declined. “What gods did ya anger?”
“I don’t know.” You sighed, shaking your head. Cad leaned back, perching the cig between his lips.
“I assume de big guy already warned ya?”
“About his dad? Yeah.” You answered, your worry rising again; it was one thing to hear about the danger from the King’s son… now you were hearing it from an unrelated royal? Great….
“Den ya know you’ll need t’ low ‘til he comes t’ his sense, right?”
You nodded at this. “Prince Embo offered to let me stay with him.”
“Did he now? Doesn’t seem quite safe t’ be going back to de same home as yer threat.” He mused as he took a drag of his cig. “I came t’ offer de same thing.”
“Why?” You asked, wary of Cad’s intentions.
“Well, King Triakt has no domain over me and my family. And messing wit’ us could end badly fer him.” Cad drawled as he plucked the cig from his lips and flicked the ashes off of the end.
“Seems like a lot of trouble for someone you don’t know.”
“I don’t know ya but dat doesn’t mean I can’t extend some kindness.” He took a long drag of his cig.
“What’s the price?” You asked, watching his lips twitch into a small smirk.
“I don’ know yet. We’ll figure dat out as we go.” Cad smothered the cig beneath his boot. “Whaddya say?”
“I… need to think about it.”
“Sure, sure. When you make up yer mind, come find me.” He winked at you and stood, straightening out his outfit. He sauntered back inside, leaving you alone in your thoughts. Now, you just had to decide who to go with...
Who do you choose? Embo or Cad Bane
Tags List: @justanotherstarwarswhore, @doctor-ren, @that-clone-wars-girl, @some-serendipity-snail
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thebountyfucker · 3 years
The Royal Affair - Embo
Don't read this without reading the first part!
Part 1
Embo x AFAB!Reader (reader is gender-neutral but they do wear a skirt)
Tags/CW: power imbalance, public blowjob/indecency, voyeurism/exhibitionism, masturbation, long alien tongue, risky practices, big cock
Here's a link to my masterpost!
Want to be tagged in upcoming fics like this? Here's the application for my taglist!
It wasn’t hard to find the Prince in the crowd of people. All you had to do was look for Queen Esmera’s crown, and he was close by. It was getting to him without his father noticing that was the problem. You watched him, waiting for him to break away from the table so you could more safely approach him.
The break came a few hours after he broke away from the rest of his family. He stood, straightening his suit jacket, and started toward the hallway to the left of the backrooms. He met Salicia on the way, and whispered something to her, which elicited a giggle in response. Your brows furrowed as you watched the way they interacted, trying to figure out what was going on. But your observations were cut short by the bartender.
“Can ya bring this to Lord Jango’s table?” He thrust something at you. It was a juice pouch, likely ordered for the Lord’s son who had been dozing for a while now. You sighed but didn’t argue, carefully making your way toward the Mandalorian regent. You passed Embo on the way, and he offered you a wink.
You bowed your head as you approached, offering Lord Jango the pouch since his son was asleep with his head on the table. Lord Jango raked a hand through Boba’s unruly curls, and spoke soft words in Mando’a to try to wake him. The kid roused, sleepily reaching for the juice pouch, and Jango dismissed you with a thanks.
You limped back toward the back room, stopping short of the door and turning to see if you could find Prince Embo anywhere. He had vanished in that short period of time, but judging by his trajectory, he either went outside or to the restroom… so maybe you could intercept him on the way back.
You started down the hall, passing the bathrooms. Though you intended to pass by the restrooms, a decidedly feminine giggle from the men’s room intrigued you. You drew closer, listening to the wet slurps sounding from within, and spikes of pleasure shot to your cunt.
You pressed your ear to the door; if anyone was to ask, you were merely curious… but a part of you found these obscene sounds arousing. You had to fight the urge to jam your hands between your legs and finger yourself. Deciding that this was too much of a temptation to you, you moved and turned away.
“I know you are out there. If there is something you need, you can come in.” You froze where you stood, embarrassed. You could recognize the voice as that of Prince Embo, so this would be the time to let him know of your decision. At the same time, though, you wanted to run and escape this predicament.
Deciding against running, you poked your head in, and a small squeak left your lips before you could stop it. Prince Embo was leaning against the wall while Salicia was sucking him off! You met her gaze and she froze, mortified.
“What is it that you want?” He inquired, quirking a browridge. He seemed rather nonchalant about this situation, despite the reactions of both you and his pleaser.
“I… uh… thought about your offer.” You answered, stumbling over your words. You did your best to avert your gaze, but it was easier said than done.
“I’ll come with you.”
“Brilliant. Give me… ten minutes, and I will come to collect you.” He ran a hand over the base of Salicia’s lekku.
“Okay.” You stiffly left the bathroom and found a bench outside to sit on; your eyes were wide, and your hands were clasped on your lap patiently. Whenever someone approached the restroom, you waved them away; apparently, the haunted look on your face was enough to deter them from pushing forward.
Like a man of his word, the Prince was out in ten minutes, acting as though nothing had happened at all. Salicia wouldn’t meet your gaze as she scurried past you, and the Prince didn’t regard her at all. He eased onto the bench beside you, and cast you a glance.
“You look as though you have seen a ghost.”
“I saw your cock.” You replied, glancing over at him. A part of you was embarrassed for interrupting them… but a dark part of you wanted nothing more than to see it again… to be the one with your lips wrapped around it. Your pussy pulsed, and you bit your lip.
“I wasn’t expecting it. I figured that… well… it’d be quite a while longer before I saw it.” You admitted, and he chuckled in response.
“I suppose my reputation precedes me.” He leaned back against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest. “My parents intend to stay here for a few hours, but we may depart, if that is what you desire.”
“Yeah… I would really like a place to put my foot up.” You admitted, and he cast a glance to your wrapped ankle.
“That may be wise. I can carry you, if that would help.”
“I’m alright… thank you.” You got up and he did the same, towering over you. You couldn’t help but blush at this. He offered you his arm, and though you were unsure of his true intentions for you, you looped your arm around his. Resting some of your weight on him did help your ankle feel better as you walked toward the adjacent Azvergin Hotel.
The hotel, which catered exclusively to billionaires and royalty, was largely a mystery to you. You either had to be staff to said clientele, or a member of these groups in order to be let inside. Rumor had it that one could rent an entire floor, long term, for fifty million credits! You’d never see that kind of money in your life, but you knew this was spare change to the Kyuzan Royal Family. Queen Esmera’s crown collection was worth more than that, you were sure.
He led you through the vast security detail, and you noted that some of the guards rolled their eyes. You wondered just how many commoners he had brought through the doors. You wondered if Salicia had been one of them, or if the blowjob was a one-off thing. He led you toward the lift, and you climbed inside with him. He punched in the number ‘20’, and the lift slowly started ascending.
“How many… uh… people have you brought to your room?” You asked, though you weren’t sure if he would appreciate that. He shrugged at this.
“More than I can keep track of.” He admitted.
“And your parents are… okay with this?”
“They have no say in the matter.” He replied bluntly. “I am an adult. I do as I please.”
“I… well… can’t fight that logic.”
The doors to the lift slid open, and he gestured for you to exit. The halls were a warm tan wood dotted with sparkling gems. There were grand murals hanging from the walls, depicting the royal family in various activities. A portrait of the seven caught your eyes - they were all so graceful, so imposing. They looked as though they knew the power they held and delighted in it.
You heard a small laugh from a room nearby, and a door slid open; a young child darted out, being chased by another child of a similar age. The two darted between you and Embo, before disappearing into a different room. You glanced at the closing door, and then at Embo.
“They are not mine, if that is what you’re implying. They’re my father’s bastard children.” He growled, his browridges furrowed. You looked down at the wooden floors.
“Oh. I’m… sorry.”
“Do not apologize. It is not your dysfunction.” Was all he said in response. He brought you to a room far from the lift, and gestured to this. “This is my room. You will be safest there. I will fetch you a cot.”
“Are you sure that… you’re okay with me being here?”
“Of course. I would not have offered otherwise.” His guards opened the doors for you, and Embo gestured into it. “Go on. I will return shortly.”
You stepped into the room, hearing the door shut behind you; his room was much smaller than you were expecting, though perhaps that was by design. His bed was laid out on the floor, covered with sheets of gold thread-trimmed silk. He had an armor stand nearby, equipped with what you could only assume was traditional armor and a large, circular, metal hat.
Along the back wall was a large wardrobe, which was cracked open; from what you could see, he mostly had clothes stored in there, but there was something metal that glimmered in the light.
You sat down in one of the chairs in his room, and propped your leg up on the other chair. It felt nice to put your foot up after such a long night. A maid shuffled in to tidy his room, and she offered you a glance; you waved, but she didn’t return the wave. Instead, she muttered something about the Prince’s ‘insatiable appetite’, and went about making his bed and clearing out a space for your cot.
Embo returned not long after, carrying another mattress in his arms. He laid it down on the cleared space, and the maid rustled around in his wardrobe for extra sheets and pillows. Embo let her do her job, and instead sat on the arm of the chair your leg was resting on.
“That bandage was wrapped incorrectly. Would you like me to fix it?” He noted, and you nodded.
“If you would.”
You moved your leg and he sat on the chair, gesturing for you to rest your foot on his lap. He gingerly unwound the bandages, taking care not to jostle your ankle too much. He then went about rewrapping your injury, taking care that the bandages were tight enough to compress it without causing further injury. You watched his ministrations curiously.
“I was a part of my planet’s military. All must learn to care for minor injuries.” He explained, as if sensing your curiosity. He patted your foot and you lifted it off of his lap.
“You were allowed to serve as a Prince?”
“I was required to. I did not have much of a choice.” He crossed his legs and leaned back as the maid finished up and departed from his room. He glanced over at the bed beside his. “You must be tired. I can offer one of my shirts for sleep. Tomorrow, we will go fetch your things.”
“How long will I be here?” You asked, and he shrugged.
“I am sorry… I cannot stay. As long as you desire, I suppose.” He stood and rummaged through his wardrobe for an old shirt. He tossed it to you. “My restroom is to the right. Feel free to use it as you need.”
You gathered the shirt up in your hand and limped into the bathroom; it was just as large as his room, with a large tub and a shower off to the side. You quickly undressed from your uniform and slipped on the large shirt. It was soft and smelled woodsy, just like him; you eased out of the bathroom, trying your best not to disturb his own undressing.
You slipped into your bed, and though you did your best to ignore him, you couldn’t help but turn to watch him. His body was lean and muscular, etched with little scars you figured were from his days in the military. You averted your gaze as he rucked off his pants, worried that he might not be happy with you trying to catch a glimpse of his cock.
He eased into his bed and the lights went dark. There was no propositioning, no forceful entreats for sex… just… quiet. It was not what you expected from such a playboy. You stayed awake for a while, waiting for something to happen - but nothing did. A part of you was… disappointed, you supposed, though you couldn’t pinpoint why.
Your sleep came soon after, but you were restless. You didn’t like sleeping with strangers, even if he had shown no interest in being with you. You were vulnerable… and you didn’t like being vulnerable.
You awoke when he slipped out of bed; you peeked open an eye, watching to make sure he didn’t approach. Instead, he padded almost silently toward the restroom, and closed the door behind him. You waited a while for him to return, but he didn’t come - instead, he turned on the shower. Seemed like an odd time to take a shower, but he was a Prince; you figured that he did what he wanted, when he wanted.
You laid awake, listening to the shower for what felt like an hour. He hadn’t made a sound, and a part of you was worried that he had died in there. It sounded absurd, but the more time passed, the more worried you became. Slowly, you got up and trekked toward the bathroom. You didn’t bother knocking, and instead slipped inside.
Your gaze found him in the shower, hurriedly stroking his long, hard cock; his eyes were squeezed shut, and he seemed close to orgasm. You covered your mouth to stifle your gasp, but it wasn’t enough; his eyes shot open and his gaze found yours. You blushed embarrassedly. His pace never faltered.
“You have a knack for -fuck- walking in at inopportune moments.” He said, bucking into his hand. You drew closer despite yourself, and he didn’t protest.
“I’m sorry… I thought you had died in here.” You admitted, and he managed a chuckle.
“No… I am not dead… just taking care of a problem.”
“I can see that. Did you want help?” You watched as his pace grew erratic, and he came in the shower; he just kept cumming and cumming, spilling more than a human ever could. When he was done, he leaned back against the shower wall, panting. “Nevermind.”
“You can still be of use to me.” He stood straight, and turned the shower off. He met your gaze, his eyes glowing bright with a feral lust. His cock, which had softened for a mere moment, went hard once more, and your eyes went wide. You have never seen that happen before. “Climb up onto my bed and get prepared for me.”
Your cunt throbbed at the deep, needy entreat, and you turned to vacate the bathroom. You eagerly climbed up onto Embo’s bed and your hand went to your clit. You gave it slow, even strokes, and wetness quickly started leaking from your cunt. Your other hand probed at your entrance, and a finger slipped in, testing how receptive you were to intrusions. You were still quite tight, but a quick massage of your g-spot helped fix that issue. You squirmed against your own hand as you slipped another finger into you.
“Fuck…” You whined, jacking your hips up against your hand. You heard the quiet whir of some machine, and the oxygen levels spiked. Your head started to spin, and you glanced up to see Embo discarding his mask on some end table nearby. “This doesn’t feel safe…”
“It will not be for long. You will be okay.” He promised as he approached, climbing up onto the bed and leaning over you. He drew closer to you, his hot breath dancing on your lips. “I want to taste you. Is that permitted?”
“Yes.” You managed, spreading your legs open even wider for him. He shifted downward, settling between your legs; he drew a finger up and down the slit of your cunt, acquainting himself with your clit and lips. Then, his tongue snaked out, sneaking between the lips to prod at your cunt; with little effort, his surprisingly long tongue slipped inside. You shot upright, your heart pounding as his tongue went deeper, further than any human could ever go; he hummed contentedly, the vibrations shaking you to the core. You gripped the sheets on his bed tightly, a strangled whine leaving your lips; he lapped at your cunt greedily, as if he loved the way you tasted.
“So delectable.” He pulled away, licking his lips with that wicked tongue. He slipped a finger inside, slowly and steadily thrusting it in and out of your cunt.
“I… I didn’t think a prince would stoop to this.” You admitted, desperately wanting his tongue again but you weren’t sure how to ask for it.
“And why not?” He inquired, his tongue slithering out to tease at your clit. You whimpered, and he responded by doubling down, dragging his tongue up and down your clit, before leaning close to take it into his mouth.
“Didn’t think… fuck!... Didn’t think you’d be interested in my pleasure.”
“What would be the fun in the alternative?” He inquired as he pulled away from your clit. He jacked his finger into you quicker, harder, watching the way you squirmed with a feral arousal. “In my youth, I was a greedy lover. I have long since found the good in pleasing my partners. Would you prefer that I just shove my cock in you?”
You glanced down at his cock, which was probably one of -if not the- largest cocks you had ever taken. You knew that going in without any foreplay would likely be quite painful, and potentially even damaging. You shook your head and he chuckled, lowering his mouth again.
“That is what I thought.” He retracted his finger from you, and his tongue slipped in you once more. The noises he drew from you were honestly a little embarrassing, but you hardly noticed them with the burning in your lungs and the spikes of pleasure shooting from your cunt. You pulled his head closer to you, riding his tongue as it lapped at your walls; the warmth, which welled in your stomach, was on the precipice of boiling over, and it seemed that he could tell. He pressed a thumb to your clit, and you exploded with a rush of fluids and cry of pure ecstasy.
When you came to, he was hovering over you, his mask on and the oxygen lowering to a more comfortable percentage. He waited for your gaze to meet his, before he leaned down, nearing your ear.
“May I take you?”
“Yes!” You cried, and he chuckled; before you could register what was happening, he rolled you onto your stomach and lifted your hips.
“Eager little thing.” He drew the head of his cock around your entrance, slicking it up, before pushing into your drooling cunt. You gasped, your hand flying to your mouth to prevent unholy sounds from leaving your lips; Embo just hummed and removed your hand. “I do wish to hear you.”
“I don’t want to be too loud…”
“There is no need to worry. My walls were made sound-proof.” He eased more of his length into you, earning him a high-pitched screech. He paused. “Is it hurting?”
“No! No….” You moaned, his sheets gripped tightly in your hand. He looked you over, making sure you were telling him the truth, before proceeding.
His pace was painstaking, as he was worried about hurting you. But you couldn’t take it much longer. You started pressing your hips toward his, impaling yourself on his cock… but goddess if it didn’t feel wonderful.
“Easy, easy.” He told you, but you didn’t listen. You needed his cock so desperately, and before you knew it, you had taken him to the hilt. Your stomach was distended from taking his entire length, and you pressed a hand to feel his cock poking through. You moaned as Embo’s hands found their way to your breasts. “Good… you are so good for taking my cock like this.”
You could hardly hold yourself up at this point, and he hadn’t even started thrusting; he rolled your nipples between his fingers, purring at the way your pussy clenched around him. He pulled you up flush against him, his hands moving from your breasts to your neck and clit. He squeezed lightly, and your head lolled back against his broad shoulder. A quick rub of your clit made your legs shake.
“You are so easy to please.” He purred in your ear, tightening his grip on your neck just a little bit. Your head swam and your eyes slid shut. “Would you like for me to go faster?”
“Yes, Prince, yes!” You cried out, and he released his hold on you. You slumped onto the bed and he grabbed your hips. His thrusts were slow and even at first, his cock hitting places you hadn’t known existed before this; every pull of his cock along your sensitive walls sent sparks of arousal to your cunt. Holding your orgasm back was easier said than done… you were so close...
He went faster, harder, gripping your hips tight enough to bruise. Your cunt tightened around him, and he slowed his pace.
“You are close?”
“Yes.” You moaned, and he reached down to pinch your clit between two of his fingers. You let out a scream as you orgasmed, soaking him with your fluids and going limp on his bed. Your cunt milked his cock for all it was worth, and he orgasmed soon after.
He pulled out, and you felt a gush of his seed leaving your cunt. You slowly caught your breath, and sat up.
“Thank you for the help, my dear.” He reached out to stroke your cheek. “I foresee this being a… wonderful arrangement for the both of us.”
You couldn’t agree more.
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