#cw exercise
clunelover · 29 days
C is seven today! My beautiful boy!! I feel a little bad his birthday gets kind of lost in the shuffle of back to school. He just started a kids D&D campaign at the library last week and he is OBSESSED, and I get to take him to that tomorrow, so that’s exciting.
Also, his bday is usually my benchmark for when I need to go up on my antidepressant for fall - the pattern is that I notice complete apathy and inability to plan his party and that’s when I go up. Now, we’ve started having Jeremy plan parties by default (as a way to redistribute mental load - let him do all that hustling and organizing and gathering phone numbers) so that’s kind of confounding cause I lost my clear benchmark, but I don’t think I’m depressed yet! And it’s super cheesy, but I think it’s because of newfound bike obsession?? Both as something to cling to, and the mental health benefits of exercise and being outside? That’s kinda cool…note I am not saying exercise can replace meds. I’m still ON antidepressants…but it’s possible that it’s staving off the seasonal plunge? We shall see.
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Hey tumblr how do I go outside and get exercise when I am very sensitive to heat and it's warm outside and exercise makes it worse and holding back is almost physically painful
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autogeneity · 1 year
what's really weird to me is how in many contexts strength training is seen as like hard or intimidating when it's like...i do something hard but relatively painless for 3 seconds and then sit around for 2 minutes. whereas "women's" workouts that people think are easier look like setting fire to your entire body for 15 minutes straight and then resting for 30 seconds
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jerkeline · 1 month
After a full week off for a sore back, getting into my weight routine this morning exactly where I left it is hard work. I should probably be taking it a little easier, but my back is fine, and I only have 2-3 weeks before I have to take a medically mandated month off, so I want to cram as much progression in as I can. My goal by the end of the month is 5kg more weight on the bar, and 5kg less weight on the my body. Sounds pretty unreasonable but c'est la vie.
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eddywoww · 2 years
Started actually working out again and I truly hate body weight workouts like fuck this my thighs are killing me
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prominence12 · 6 months
I know literally no one cares but I have been training for my very first 5k since the beginning of the year. My race day is May 11th, and today was the start of week four of my real running training. It's such a dumb thing but I am so proud of myself so far.
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I ran for 16 minutes tonight and I was bummed because I wanted to keep running?! I never got too out of breath, and I could sing and jam out the whole time. This is probably the most active and fit I've been in my adult life... Which is pretty sad. But I'm feeling so good!!!
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kaladin-sadblessed · 1 year
This is the flex of a nine year old, I’m aware, but I can now consistently swim 500m without taking a break!! Not fast and not well, and the guy in the lane next to me had a whole ass chart of what he was meant to be doing and his “warm up” was 450m so I’m guessing that this isn’t actually very impressive to anyone who swims properly but it’s massive improvement for me!
This wasn’t particularly a goal of mine, in try very heart not to make goals about exercise and I only count the distance I swim as a matter of interest of what I’m capable of. I do the same amount of lengths every time I go swimming and take breaks when I need to It’s just really nice to have a noticeable improvement in my fitness/endurance. Especially one that has absolutely nothing do with weight loss or calories or even really skill, just moving my body because I enjoy it!!
And being able to swim my lil heart out and refuel with ice cream and vegan fried chicken? Actually quite magical. I’ve had a weird week and a weirder month but not only am I not falling back into shitty old habits, I’m actively able to see how I’ve grown around them and I’m actually really fucking proud of myself 🥰
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rossithepixie · 1 year
I’ve missed the post workout euphoria all week since it was way too hot to do so. -basks in it-
Also i’ve been needing to get out the excess antsy energy i’d been slowly building underneath the fatigue from the heat
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yellowistheraddest · 1 year
used to say that people that exercise before they eat breakfast were insane but now i look back and realise they were so right all this time,,
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scribblesandknots · 1 year
Planking workouts are so hilarious from my body's perspective
Like, I'm just laying on the ground reading fanfic and then sometimes
And then back to the fanfic for a bit
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clunelover · 2 months
Whoosh, I did my first peloton pz ride with my new zones. It was quite challenging. I’m pumped at the thought of maybe getting better if I hang with it?!
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Hurray my muscles hurt in strange and unusual ways 🥰 yippee
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autogeneity · 2 years
me: *lifts weights thrice a week*
me: *is fine*
me: *holds up pads for an hour once*
me next day: ow yow wow ouchie my shoulders :(
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cutthroatkindness · 2 years
If you see this and want to help a guy out, hype me up for working out please? 人(_ _*)
I've been overweight all my life and I've been getting serious about this within the last year and a half but I still struggle with many different things, motivation being a big one.
Thank you! (─‿‿─)♡
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sinni-ok-sessi · 2 years
me sowing (doing a bunch of inverts in class because Apparently I Can Now?!): haha oh fuck yeah this rules!
me reaping (being unable to use my arms tomorrow as a direct consequence of this): hey no what the fuck :(
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dncingthrghlife · 8 months
terrible. horrible. awful news.
apparently regular exercise really does cure your depression.
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