#cw spottedleafs heart
redtaiil · 8 days
did the erins NEED to age everyone in spottedleaf's heart up so hard??? as bad as it is its a book that couldve filled in a timeskip in bluestar's prophecy but it doesnt, cause they decided to make everyone except tiny several moons older?
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artaintfartwarriors · 7 months
Could you draw fenneldust and batear from spottedleaf heart (if it allowed unnamed retcon cats name)?
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Don’t see why not!
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need1etail · 5 months
What do you guys think was missing in Spottedleaf's Heart when it comes to her relationship with Thistleclaw besides a content warning?
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If I was in Warriors I would suicide bait Thistleclaw tbh
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tell me more about frostfurs dreams 👀 /nf
Cultist Frostfur still has dreams about a life spent with Spottedleaf but they always end in nightmares.
cw: unreality horror, descriptive gore
The warmth of a pelt pressed against her side, and Frostpaw purred reactively, cracking an eye open and smiling as Frostpaw crouched down beside her. She laid a mouse down in front of them.
"A mouse," meowed Spottedpaw, amber eyes shining just as bright as her always-shy smile. "For you. Freshest from the pile."
"Aw, Spottedpaw," purred Frostpaw in response. "Thank you. Brightkit, come see what auntie Spottedleaf got you!"
Frostfur craned her head over her shoulder, looking for her white and orange spotted she-kit, the prettiest kit of her litter. She smiled, warmth bubbling in her chest as she saw the kitten bumble out of the shadows.
"Auntie Spottedleaf!" cried the little kit. "A mouse! For me!"
Brightkit came to a halt in front of the bloodied carcass, immediately diving her tiny head down to bite at the flesh, ripping at it with little fangs.
Frostfur shrieked, leaping to her feet as she watched her tiny baby devour the corpse---the corpse of---"Brackenkit!" she screeched. She lashed a paw out, tearing Brightkit away from the brown-furred body. Blood dripped down from Brightkit's white chin, staining her beautiful fur a horrible dark crimson.
Frostfur screamed again, jerking away from her beloved daughter as a gaping hole stared back where her left eye was. It was completely devoid of anything, a black hole of endless shadows, devouring the pretty side of her face.
Brightkit smiled up at her, teeth fanged and sharp, unnaturally so, and painted red with thick blood.
"What's wrong mama?"
Frostfur's gaze snapped up at Spottedleaf, smiling at her.
"What's wrong, Frostfur?
"Aren't you happy?"
Frostfur's head snapped up, heart pounding in her chest. Her eyes were wide, staring into the completely darkness around her before her eyes slowly adjusted, taking in the shapes of the trees around her.
Rapid breaths left her lungs as the imagine of Brackenfur's dead body and Lostface's empty socket seared into her vision. She could see them in every shadow she saw---every twitch of her own whiskers she mistook for Cinderpelt limping through the woods or Thornclaw's towering form lurking nearby.
Her claws dug into the cold dirt and she shook her head, growling fiercely as the fur along her spine fluffed, a moonhigh chill making her achingly cold.
She abruptly stood to her feet, tail lashing as she paced forward, staring at her own paws and nothing else.
The forest was quiet.
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oakshade · 2 years
[CW! Mentions of grooming, spottedleaf's heart, proship content! Scroll if this is not for you!]
"good little girl" amv with spottedpaw and thistleclaw except he is very knowingly grooming her, and she is obliviously falling for it.
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tatertotwc · 2 years
Thistleclaw of Thunderclan
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(ode to thistle and weeds map in this design)
Cw? Maybe? I kinda elude to thisleclaw in Spottedleafs Heart, nothing is said blatantly and no events are mentioned? Idk, I tried to be as Vauge as possible for both mine and others comfort.
You know, as someone who started these books in like 2008, I remember vividly the time when Thistleclaw was just 'angry evil man who sure does love his wife' and then in 2017 Spottedleafs heart came out and oh boy-
I'm not going to sit here and say that I don't consider it canon, fuck thistleclaw he's gross. I do not subscribe to the victim Denier vibes that comes from it. But let me tell you when I heard about what the new book added (I have not read it as the themes make me uncomfy) it was a shock.
A bit heavier than normal for these little blurb opinions (normally it's like 1 sentence or so) but I also don't think that there are other characters in a situation quite like this one, and it didn't feel right just being like 'Stinky >:(' ya know?
Fun one coming soon I promise.
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butchhollyleaf · 3 years
CONTENT WARNING BELOW FOR CSA DISCUSSION more specifically I’m going to be talking about my feelings about Spottedleaf so please skip if you feel that would be upsetting.
I hate what happened with spottedleaf because they implied one of the heaviest real world parallels possible in this fucking children’s animal fantasy series and I cannot bring myself to even touch talking about her character because it’s so dark and deals with something that I’m extremely cautious about being discussed in SERIOUS ADULT MEDIA. like it feels almost inappropriate to talk about what’s going on with her because warriors should not fucking go there. And like I’m not trying to police what can be talked about in media and kids media can talk about extremely heavy real world situations with respect but introducing this lore where a fucking csa victim perpetuates her abuse into adulthood to a kid the same age as she was is WAY too much for fucking warriors. And like I know that it wasn’t intended because nothing in warriors is fucking intended because it’s all a stream of consciousness but good god this is way too much dude like it’s so fucking messy and dark and I genuinely hate it. and I really feel bad for younger fans on the cusp of coming to terms with their own abuse having a narrative like that in warriors which while can imply deeper serious narratives should never have gone into that territory in such a careless uncritical way. Like I’m not sure how much a kid would understand but I don’t think it even matters because this shouldn’t have existed in the first place. Genuinely thinking about spottedleaf’s storyline can border on sending me to a really dark place and I’m 23 and even if it’s not explicit it puts such a dark shadow over events in the prophecies begin that doesn’t need to be there.
Spottedleaf was already weird but having this backstory is just…too fucking much
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moths-wc-aus · 3 years
listen,,,,,, i hate spottedleaf's heart as much as the next person, and i honest to god wish i had never read it... but you can't read it, then ignore the fact that it exists and continue to worship thistleclaw and say he deserves to go to kitty heaven. every time i see a post like that, i cannot help but think about people who have been groomed, and how they would feel about the whole thing.
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marshclaws · 3 years
!!Cw I talk about Spottedleaf’s Heart!!
Warriors fandom can we please not compare every apprentice x warrior ship with Spottedleaf and Thistleclaw? A ship like FeathertailxCrowpaw is not nearly on the same level. Feathertail is like 19 while Crowpaw is like 16, that’s not comparable to a middle aged man, with a son who’s older than Spottedpaw, manipulating her from kithood to trust him so he can pursue her. Like at all!! Claiming that they’re the same lessens the severity of Spottedleaf and Thistleclaw’s relationship. If you don’t like Feathertail x Crowpaw, that’s fine! But don’t compare it to an actually abusive relationship.
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😿 for the ask game!
Hey, sorry for the late response! I've been somewhat busy lately. Thank you for the ask!
⚠ tw / cw: grxxming mention
For my least favorite cat, it's gotta be Spottedleaf. I don't like her as a supporting character because of her two-faced attitude, especially with Leafpool (i.e., "follow your heart; no, not like that dumbass").
She knew Firestar for a couple of days, but she's all in love with him. You know, even though he was just barely an apprentice when they first met. She shouldn't have driven such a divide between Firestar and Sandstorm, especially in Firestar's Quest.
I genuinely think she's unsettling and creepy. For one, she reciprocated a crush on a kit. Firestar moved on, but she continued. Spottedleaf's connection to Firestar's kits is something I find to be very obsessive and uncomfortable. Like, home girl, he's married. You're dead. He has children. Move on.
I absolutely hated Spottedleaf's Heart, but I guess it explains her disgusting behavior. However, we know damn well the Erins didn't plan that or even think of it in that way. Thistleclaw is evil, we been knew that.
I remember seeing a post on here where someone said, "You're childish if you say Spottedleaf's Heart is canon." That lowkey infuriated me. I didn't enjoy reading a children's book about a cat grxxming the feline equivalent of a child.
That shit didn't sit right with me, especially since Spottedleaf carried on to be all loving to a kit as well.
I don't like her, and I will never like Spottedleaf. She just frustrates me. It would've been better if she was a supportive figure that could've been motherly like Bluestar and Yellowfang, or maybe even a sister figure rather than an unneeded love interest/conflict.
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foxstride · 3 years
do you have any firepaw/heart x spottedleaf prompts? :0
Hope these work, anon!
cw: age gap, potential grooming
"you just admitted that you have feelings for me."
"you're in denial" "i am not in denial!"
"do you think that this, us… do you think it could ever… be something more?"
"just tell me what I can do to make you feel better"
"you're always welcome here, you know that"
"you know we can't be together, don't you?"
"nobody can find out - they can't ever find out"
"this isn't right" "but it feels right"
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moths-wc-aus · 3 years
as a victim of grooming i choose to see SH as not canon and enjoy thistleclaw as the awful person that he is outside of that book due to me heavily relating to his trauma from losing people close to him(sweetpaw especially) and dealing with it the worst way possible. legit seeing people say he did nothing wrong is gross as fuck. he was still awful to his kin, almost murdered a kit and would have torn down thunderclan and the whole forest if he were to be a leader.
right! my problem isn't people liking him, because he's a fictional character and i also enjoy characters that are moraly grey at best and downright evil at worst. i have a problem with it when people ignore the bad shit a character has done, and says that they deserve only good things in their future.
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moths-wc-aus · 3 years
You post Warriors opinions, yeah? I'm curious as to what your opinion on Spottedleaf is, since you've made posts about Spottedleaf's Heart in the past.
hi, yes i do post about warriors opinions! cw for thistleclaw, spottedleaf's heart, cursing, and grooming. long post.
spottedleaf is... tricky. she could be a great character, if she's written well and her background is properly acknowledged. first off, you've got to acknowledge that romantic relationships with large age gaps are very, very common in the clans. they're pretty normalized, as evidenced by several past partnerships. spottedleaf grew up in this community, plus she was groomed by thistleclaw. chances are, if their relationship was public, not many cats would have seen anything very abnormal in it. i could talk for HOURS about that little tidbit of information, but i'm here to talk about spotty, so i'll just say that the erins fucked up with that one and move on.
so, spotty was groomed and grew up in a community that, to an extent, normalized that. this is, obviously, going to have a certain affect on what she considers an okay age gap in a relationship. but, if you read into the wild... spottedleaf.. doesn't really appear to have a crush on firepaw for a while. when lionheart is dying, spottedleaf briefly presses herself against firepaw, but that can easily be interpreted as a healer reassuring and comforting a young apprentice, and the moment doesn't really last that long. Aside from that one moment, most of their interactions have been that of a doctor and her patient, or a doctor and the person caring for her patient.
it's only after spottedleaf dies that she starts lingering and saying how she loves fireheart. vicky holmes actually wrote a short story from spottedleaf's perspective explaining why. you can read it here:
all in all, i like spottedleaf. i think she's a complicated character that, unfortunately, not many people understand. as i said before, she was groomed at a young age and grew up in a community that normalized it. if what vikky wrote is considered canon, then spottedleaf would normally never have acted on what small feelings she may have had. what she did feel was strengthened by her death- she wasn't ready to die, and kept clinging to the real world by whatever means necessary; those means just so happened to be firestar.
of course, her actions aren't excusable because of all this. spottedleaf made some pretty poor choices. i can sympathize with her because of all the things she's gone through, but spotty still very much deserves a good, solid whack with the common sense stick.
thanks for the ask, anon!! <3 ^-^
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