#cw: tmi
not-heavenly · 9 months
im gonna be so honest sometimes its a “flush halfway through” kinda day
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momochanners · 3 months
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The subject of Saltburn appeared in my P*treon chat, and many of the eyebrow-raising scenes in the movie felt veeeeery Astarion-coded to me. Including that very…uh…messy one midway through 🫣
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carelessflower · 19 days
malec interview with jimmy fallon
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nyxronomicon · 1 month
about to get my nipples pierced and I'm scared lmao
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callsign-rogueone · 23 days
it’s a race against the clock to finish this smut fic before I get my period and can’t even think about sex anymore because it hurts too much lmao. but 2.9k and counting!!
“Our section leader works so hard,” you coo. “All these long night shifts, keeping us safe… The least we can do is thank him for his service, and help him relax.”
Bodhi knows where you’re going with this, eager to follow along. “It’s for the good of the quadrant, really. Got to keep morale high.”
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chrollohearttags · 3 months
rule #1: never take ashwagandha and get wine drunk 🧍🏾‍♀️
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devondespresso · 1 year
on the topic of stobin having No Boundaries and because i recently had to experience my period after several months of blissful non-period-ness (healthily and intentionally i promise im not like severely-not-ok):
my lovely only child robin in a household where the women presumably outnumber the man moving in with steve after everything and just. forgetting to take her bloodied panties out of the bathroom sink (the most convenient place to let them soak in cold water before throwing them in the wash) (im hoping to fuckin god here that this is a universal afab experience and not just a me-and-my-sibling-are-strange-fucks thing)
it takes two, mayyybe 3 instances before steves just completely unbothered. hes washed (his own!!) blood out of plenty of clothes at this point and has seen way more gruesome shit than organ lining that at least supposed to leave the body so despite being an amab only child he Does Not Give A Shit. at first he'll just casually remind her its there with that type of euphemism Me and The Girls™ enjoy using to make it sound badass ("Robbie you've got a crime scene left in the bathroom" "sorry ill get it before the police arrive") but after a while it becomes a definitely normal thing so sometimes when robins having a rough week he'll clean it up real quick and not mention it, because after all its just blood and at least no one has to go to the hospital for it this time
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stavroginova · 3 months
bought a waterproof vibrator and a memory foam pillow. if those two items don't fix my life, nothing will
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trustymikh · 1 month
....i ask you to please elaborate on the pain kink quote. I am being very normal about all of this, clearly (<3)
Of course, I am clearly very normal about him as well <3
putting this under the cut because it's a long-ish rant, also cw suggestive ->
So, pretty much in every game he's in he has some variation of this line, for example:
RBY - 'experience a world of pain!';
HGSS\BW2\LG- 'you will feel a world of pain!';
USUM - 'I will make you feel a world of pain!';
Go - 'prepare yourself for a world of pain';
Masters ex - 'underestimate a man like me and you'll be in a world of pain\You're in for a world of pain!\Get ready to feel a world of pain if you plan on disobeying my orders.'
Now, he usually says that to a teen character, which tells us an obvious fact that Giovanni is a ruthless sadistic person and just likes seeing kids cry (truly, he is the ChildHater#1).
Overall interesting that he threatens insubordination to be punished by pain, because he always speaks highly of his underlings and vice versa, I wonder if Gio is more violent towards people he dislikes.
Regardless, he seems to derive some joy from hurting others. I simply take this trait of his further - if Giovanni likes causing pain to just regular battle opponents that much, I wouldn't put it past him to keep this preference for pain in the bedroom. He seems like he'd enjoy both hurting and being hurt, to a certain level, but the latter is on the condition that whatever is inflicted upon him does not leave long lating marks. He himself though can bite or scratch so hard his partner may get a scar.
Anyway old man has a poorly hidden pain kink and he just won't shut up about it even though no one asked
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bluenightcomedies · 1 month
⭐i don't know if it's a trans or therian thing or just a weird thing on its own (tho a few ppl told me it's a trans thing) but once in a while i suddenly have an overwhelming urge to get knocked up, like a "phantom heat" and it'll last for a few days at a time you'd think that'd be fun or kinky but oh my god it's super distracting and awkward to have that urge blaring in your head while you're out trying to get groceries or do bills akdhfj;aldk
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wanted to get that off my chest and see if i'm not alone dealing with this sorry
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carelessflower · 6 months
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“You know–” With a sigh, the gun found its way, moving from his eyes to the shape of his cheekbone. “I’d hate to die for such a small mistake. Don’t you agree?” There was a familiar glint in those smoldering eyes. 
They had done this dance countless times before, where every rhythm slipped in as natural as breathing. Two leaders faced, one lost, leaving the other begging for mercy, for anything they could do in exchange for their life. There was always a way, of course. 
-Week 1 of Problemalec, prompt ex & mafia. Check the tag before you read it here.
tag list:  @magnus-the-maqnificent @literallytypogod @ukisteria  @wildesummerchild @sociallyineptbibliophile @queenlilith43 @khaleesiofalicante @wandererbyheart  @raziyekroos  @onetimetwotimesthreetimess @alexandergideonslightwood @andrwminward @noah-herondale-lightwood @elettralightwood @dustandducks​ @deliciousdetectivestranger @delightfullyterrible @letsgofortacos @kita-no @mxtthew-fxirchild-apologist  @thelightofthebane @secrettryst @pocketoffeels @cityofdownwardspirals @stupidfuckindinosaur @i-have-not-slept @rinadragomir @potato-jem @kasper-tag @animalecfest
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maxcatz · 1 month
very much tmi (it’s about periods)
i hate standing up on my period because i like. feel the blood. it’s so yucky
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audible-smiles · 2 months
tumblr seems like a pretty heavily medicated website...have any of you ever decided to stay on a psych medication despite libido suppressing side effects?
I've been trying to get off of Venlafaxine for a year and a half. If I go too low on the dose, symptoms of major depressive disorder return immediately. That's an unacceptable quality of life, to me. The various medications that we've tried as adjuncts to facilitate a safe/smooth reduction in dose have caused a variety of secondary side effects, including my recent acid reflux/regurgitation issues. I'm now stable on a dose of Venlafaxine about half as much as I was on originally, without much of a change on the libido front. From my understanding I'd need to discontinue it entirely and wait weeks to months for things to get back to normal (assuming they ever do; for a small number of people the effect lingers for years).
I tried to do a cross-taper onto a newer medication, Trintellix, which is known for causing fewer issues with libido, and got unbearable dry mouth pretty much immediately. This could be temporary while I adjust to the medication, or it could be permanent. Psychologically, I don't think I can handle constantly feeling thirsty for more than a few days; it really sucks.
Most of my options from this point seem pretty drastic. If I go off of Venlafaxine claiming I can't tolerate the side effects, it will throw me into another depressive episode, which would make me eligible to try TMS, but 1. there's no guarantee that would work, 2. it's wicked expensive, and 3. this would seriously disrupt my life and could effect my ability to provide for myself.
I think I can tolerate the side effects, though? When desire is absent, you don't feel like you're missing much. But it's already playing absolute havoc with my ability to maintain a pretty significant relationship. It's like an artificial asexuality; I'll have to entirely rethink what I want/need from my partner, and if I like someone new (relatively rare for me anyways) I'll have to bring up my lack of interest in sex. This sounds exhausting and sad. The alternatives kinda sound worse.
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syoddeye · 2 months
absolutely miserable and menstruating. i just know my man price would make a fuss. 😔
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space-spring · 8 months
Ostomy Awareness
October 7th 2023 is Ostomy Awareness Day! So I'm going to make you aware of ostomies whether you like it or not!
If you've never heard of an ostomy before, the first definition I get searching it is, "Surgical construction of an artificial excretory opening, as a colostomy or ileostomy." Which is just sort of a complicated way of saying, "the end of your intestines/urinary tract is surgically placed outside the skin such that the stuff that comes out of it ends up in a disposable bag."
Ostomies are, in general, considered a gross thing to talk about for a lot of people (which, alright. it's poop/pee. fair). But getting an ostomy is a life-saving procedure that about 100,000 people undergo in the US alone each year. The most common reasons for getting an ostomy are:
medical issues where the intestine or urinary tract is causing active harm to the individual, e.g. ulcerative colitis or colorectal cancer
specific injuries like car crashes that result in trauma to the abdomen
things like bowel obstructions that require surgery or removal of parts of the intestines
I couldn't find a great public domain image of what they look like, so here's a quick drawing:
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The red bit is called a stoma, and is made up of a part of your intestines/urinary tract. The placement will differ slightly depending on the situation, but it'll always be roughly in that lower abdominal area. The bag is made up of plastic and rubber, and is made up of two parts: a base and the pouch itself. The base is made of a circular rubber "wafer" adhered to the skin using strong glue, and is replaced every few days or once a week. The pouch is attached to the wafer, and is replaced more often as needed. The one I have pictured here has a clear plastic front, but most people who have ostomies for an extended period of time end up using ones with non-transparent fronts (some people also get cloth coverings to go over the pouch that have fun designs).
I had an ostomy nearly a decade ago as just a temporary thing between surgeries, but I still think about it a lot. For me personally, my ostomy ended up being a really painful, embarrassing experience. I was in high school at the time, and having the whole "there is bodily waste coming out of my stomach" thing going on on top of just the general stress of having severe health issues was a lot. Nowadays I feel strongly about making it a more normal, commonplace thing to talk about, if just for kids who have to go through that sort of thing themselves.
But all of that said, I'd be wrong not to mention that there's a ton of people who have had ostomies for the majority of their lives and feel really happy with them. Ostomies can mean a huge relief in terms of chronic pain, and over time, it just becomes a normal part of people's lives. Chances are you've met someone with an ostomy before and never realized, due to the fact that it's often hidden under clothing.
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halsinsnaturepocket · 2 months
Cw my personal life
Sometimes, I think im cute and then sometimes Im genuinely so insecure that after a solid hour of being railed by my partner of 6 years my dumbass still asks "Do you still think I'm hot even though I was making a lot of weird noises?"
(He stared at me like "??????? Are you kidding??? I just pounded you like a stubborn nail????" Which sent me into a laughing fit)
((Also I've been extremely pent up for like almost a month and we finally got some time alone where neither of us were sick or tired from work. Bruh. I am literally HOARSE and SORE. Straight up felt my soul leaving my body 🫣😵‍💫🥴 it takes a lot of work to get me to the point of squirting/female ejaculation but gotDAMN he got me there in record time. I also didnt know my body was capable of doing that more than once))
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