#nobody cares aga
exile-on-uwustreet · 8 months
how to survive any job ever
step 1. find fellow weirdo
step 2. be the most annoying people in the workplace, that way no one will annoy you again
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bfdifan26 · 10 months
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A9:&;$&;;);&:8);$;$;73$/::33&:&:&;&HELP ME
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blarshwritezz · 5 months
hi if u dont mind i would love a mafia x male spy reader (gn if you ur not comfy with that) so the mafia boss pretends to be the mission partner for the reader just for fun he almist kileed the reader on multiple occasions but the reader misunderstands and thinks that the mafia boss was just helping him albeit in a weird and rather violent way and although reader has a suspicion that his partner (the mafia boss) isnt who he says he is due to skme odd similarities between him and the target of his mission (that being the Mafia boss) and the fact that his partner could easily waltz in notorious criminals manors and party and one day everything just clicks for the reader and they try to escape but the mafia boss knew thus so he kidnapped em and the live happily ever after (idk how to end this so just do what you deem fit ty!!!)
(oh yeah its fine if ur not comfortable or just don't want to make my request im not paying you so you hqbe no obligations to do so remember to take care of yourself <333 /p)
(and if i could could i become 🦀 anon)
Yes! Welcome, 🦀 anon!
Yandere Mafia Boss x Spy Reader
M yan x gn reader (sorry, I prefer to do gn for non-nsfw asks)
TW - general yandere behavior, drugging, implied kidnapping
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Your mission was simple, at least on paper. Simply gain intel on a notorious mafia boss. But if it was that easy, you wouldn't have been working at it for so long.
It didn't help that your partner for this mission was...unusual. Not a bad guy, really, just strange. Sometimes you almost thought he was trying to kill you. You'd often catch him staring at you. You even felt his gaze when you swore no one was around.
Not to mention, danger was ever prevalent around him. He always managed to save you, though. But his face did often look rather annoyed...you just assumed he was one of those people with a really bad rbf.
But it was also suspicious how he was able to so easily and casually waltz into the homes or parties of very high-profile people. People you'd never be able to get near without months of careful planning. Maybe he just had good connections?
But all these coincidences were getting a bit too...convenient. If you needed to get in somewhere, he got you in the front gate. If you needed something, he miraculously had it only a day or two after at the latest.
And worst of all, you still haven't managed to track down this damn mafia boss! It didn't help that nobody knew what he looked like.
"Maybe he's right under your nose." His deep voice startled you out of your thoughts. His arm was wrapped around your shoulder, holding you close. Despite his cold exterior, he was pretty touchy and clingy. But...sort of sweet. You were glad to have met him, even if this mission was looking like a bust.
"But where? Where haven't we checked?"
"Well, our organization may be high security, but not impossible to infiltrate for a man like that." Was he implying that one of your own coworkers could be your target? Impossible!
But...now it all seemed to come together. Those coincidences...weren't just coincidences. He really has been right under your nose this whole time.
No wonder he could go wherever he wanted and get anything he desired. He had power and influence...more than you thought.
"I-Impossible! Our organization has the highest security possible! I'd know if someone like that could be...beside me..." It was a sad attempt to cover up your newest theory, but also to try and reassure yourself. If this was true, then you weren't as good of a spy as you thought...
You got up, or tried to at least. He kept his grip tight on you.
He knew.
"I can't just let you go now. You know my identity. So I'll just have to keep you as my newest little toy." In seconds his arm lowered to prevent you from moving your arms as he quickly used his other to cover your mouth and nose with a rag.
"Just sleep...Be a good pet and I'll be sure to reward you very well..." Despite your struggling, sleep soon took you. No one ever heard from you again...no one but him, of course.
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I'm sorry, this one feels so rushed and short, I was having a tough time getting inspired 😭
Forgive me, 🦀 anon, for I have failed
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strxwberry-milku · 10 months
Hello :3 it’s been a while since I requested a fic. How about evil!spoiled!fem!reader x Roman R. - she causes hell around backstage but in front of Roman she’s a saint lol
“ 𝐄𝐯𝐢𝐥 ,𝐖𝐞’𝐯𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐒𝐡𝐞’𝐬 𝐄𝐯𝐢𝐥 ”
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 🎀 : You going around causing chaos wherever you go , but hey whose gonna stop you ? exactly no one cause they know not to mess with THE tribal chiefs woman.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 🎀: Nothing accept a lil kissing
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Backstage was a living hell the workers had to face this demon like women every day , but if they hated it so much then they could leave . You wouldn’t care and certainly Roman wouldn’t care ether cause he knew he would be able to replace them real quick .
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“ But i want it , and i want it now ! ” the short woman screamed at the older panicked looking women “ i know darling but-” the younger girl raised her finger meaning silence and god forbid someone speaks over her . “ I SAID, i want it now . You don’t want me to tell your boss aka my husband that you’re denying his precious princess now do you ? ” you said playing an evil smirk on your face watching the worker start to get even more frightened than before . There’s something so sweet and delightful at the fact that you can get anyone wrapped around your finger just by mentioning your man’s name . Sighing in defeat the older woman named Janice got on her walkie talkie to make an announcement. “ This is Janice speaking, could one of you guys please order wing stop for y/n ” she said while looking elsewhere because she couldn’t look you dead in eyes knowing damn well you were boring holes straight through her head .
“ Ummm… what-t was your-r order aga-a-ain Mrs Reigns-s ? ” the poor lady trembled while speaking because she knew world war three was about the start . Looking offended you grabbed the walkie talkie from her hands and pointed it to your mouth “ listen here , you people have been working her for about a year now so how the fu-” just as you were about to finish your sentence you hear Romans voice come from behind you . Janice was probably thanking god above that she got saved from your tantrums by her boss . “ Is everything going on alright baby ?” he questioned and looked between both you and Janice who still seemed a bit shooken up.
Turning around you got on your tippy toes and kissed him which he happily obliged and wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer . Both of you still couldn’t give a fuck if anyone saw you guys making out because as stated before , if they don’t like it they can simply work somewhere else . Departing your lips from his you turned back around facing a shocked Janice , you almost busted out laughing from her expression , but nobody told her ass to stare .
“ Yes baby everything is ok , she was just ordering me my wing stop ” you replied while smiling up at him . Leaning down he kissed your forehead and said “ that’s good my love , however make sure you still have enough room to eat another meal because i’m taking you out for dinner at the new restaurant that just recently opened up down our street ” he then blowed you a kiss and took of round the corner back to his office .
Squealing in delight you shook Janice by her shoulders “ Did you hear that Janice ? my man is bout to take me out to eattttt , can you believe that ? who am i kidding, your man can’t even afford one of those microwave meals to give you ” without giving her a chance to respond you took off running to god knows where.
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝
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𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 : Ik this is a bit short but i did what i could do 🤷🏾‍♀️ i hope you liked it bae 💋
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pumpkinbirth · 10 months
For the build-a-birth prompt:
🤰2️⃣(surprise twin)🏙 (Alleyway) 🛑👖
( in a hurry to get back home but ultimately gives in / cant take it anymore)
"And...reason for leaving work early?"
Because I've been having contractions all morning and my water just fucking broke in the bathroom, that's why.
"N-not feeling well." I replied instead. The clearly uninterested and underpaid desk greeter didn't ask anything further, just stated blandly that this wouldn't count as paid time off.
"That's fine, it's fine, see you around." I said hurriedly, turning and leaving before she could say anything else. As soon as I set foot out the door I felt another contraction coming, but clenched my teeth and kept walking, my gait unsteady. All I had to do was make it to my apartment, where I'd left my phone like an idiot, call my boyfriend, and everything would be fine.
It'll all work out, I thought to try and soothe myself, he'll come, he'll take me to the hospital, I won't have to push on the sidew--wait fuck am I pushing??
Without realizing it I'd stopped to steady myself against a building, and my body had decided to take control, my feet spaced apart where I stood and a new pressure beginning to descend.
No, no, fuck...! Taking a deep breath and checking that no one was coming, I slipped into a nearby alley. I reached a trembling hand down under the hem of my pencil skirt, feeling what was almost certainly the bulge of my lips about to part for the head. Before I could talk myself out of it I gently pressed inward, groaning as I undid what progress my baby had attempted.
"Just wait, baby, please..." I murmured desperately, legs shaky as I started moving again. I kept to the alleyway, if I remembered right it'd act as a shortcut to my apartment. It also kept anyone from noticing every time I'd have to stop and keep myself from progressing any further, my panties ruined with my steadily leaking water as I pushed the head back again and again.
Eventually it became too much to bear, and I didn't even recognize what part of the city I'd found myself in. With a resigned sob I pressed my back to the wall, hoping nobody would hear or see me as I gave into what my body had been trying to do all day.
The contractions were stronger and nearly on top of each other now, and now that I wasn't resisting anymore it only took one push before my baby was crowning into my panties, the soaked fabric bulging out as I muffled a cry. My thighs shook as I stood with my feet further apart, my hands between my legs in anticipation of what was to come. Another good hard push yielded one shoulder, then the other, and soon my panties bagged out further as the rest of my baby was born.
I sagged against the building with exhaustion, carefully retrieving my baby and wrapping it in my work blazer. My belly and lower back still throbbed, but I chalked it up to residual pain, possibly the placenta making its exit. As I waited, though, it didn't seem to be letting up. In fact, my still firm belly visibly cramped with discomfort, and a familiar pressure could be felt deep inside.
"Oh n-no...no no, I can't aga--ahhn...!!" I moaned, heart racing as I braced against the wall once more. My blouse was soaked through, both with sweat and from my swollen tits leaking as I fought through another contraction. I couldn't believe it, not only did I end up having to give birth in an unfamiliar alley, but now I'd have to do it again.
"Please, baby, please come o-ouuUUT!" I wept, no longer caring if I was loud, I just wanted it to be born quickly so I could finally go home. Mercifully, it only took another few pushes until at last I held both babies in my arms, their cries echoing in the alley.
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eris-snow · 10 months
5. 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐈𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐥𝐲
Tags: bakugou x fem!reader, juxtaposition, angst, swearing, confusion,
The constant stream of thoughts is similar to the ringing of an old rotary phone. It’s a sharp, blaring, drawn-out noise. It comes again, and again, and again, and aga—
It’s too quiet.
No talking, no conversations, nobody.
Your fingers burn from playing the piano for so long. You don’t even want to go on anymore, but if you stop, the silence will return.
Why isn’t Katsuki here yet?
You reach into your bag, a last-ditched effort to find your earp. Just like the other 99 times you attempted, you come up with nothing. Of course you forgot to bring them with you today.
What are you doing here?
You draw your knees closer to yourself, slamming your hands against your ears. You know how it goes, but you pray, just this once, that it will drown out the noise.
Silence is loud.
Silence is so, so loud.
You’re so lonely.
Are you crying?
“Didn’t I tell you to turn on the fan? What do you want, a heat stroke?”
Katsuki’s voice slices through your thoughts like a sharpened axe, and it grants you just enough time to exhale a shaky breath, pull your hands that are clamped on your ears off and fix your expression to a neutral one just in time for the curtains to be tugged aside to reveal ruby red eyes staring directly at you.
Part of you rejoices. It craves attention like a crazed, sugar-driven child and delights in the mere fact that Katsuki’s talking to me! Katsuki is looking at me!
The other part of you punches it in the face and flips yourself off mentally like any mature person would.
Your heart pounds in your ears and it takes little time for it to normalise as you smile sheepishly and tell him you forgot.
After an eye roll and another snarky remark, your hands stop trembling from behind the piano.
In less than a minute, the thoughts devouring you inside out are gone.
These spirals are nothing new for you, but they had eased off the moment Katsuki crashed back into your life. With each pull of the curtain signalled another day of bliss, another sigh of relief because it meant someone to talk to.
It meant that the silence would go away.
It meant that those voices, those calm, mocking, distorted voices would leave, even just a bit.
“You’re a good listener,” Katsuki had said once. “But this ain’t a therapy session. So spill. What is going on in your life? Unless being bad at math is your one personality trait.”
You laugh it off, and change the subject. Katsuki is on to you, and you know it. But you also know that he can read you well, so he won’t pry even if he’s on the edge of his seat.
It’s not that you don’t want to tell him about your day. You wish to tell him about that surprise test, or that weird philosophical essay question you have to do. You wish to tell him that you’d finished that question on circles, which ironically had more triangles than curves on it.
You wish you could tell him something that would stack up to his wild, exciting day, full of adventures you can never experience.
But you can’t, so you don’t.
Instead, you share little things: Your new assignment, your dead plant, those friends that are 5 years long gone.
It’s all to fish out the repressed chuckles and snorts because that is so, so much easier than poking holes at a fragile dam that’s bracing a lake of tears.
Part of you is scared. Scared that one day you’d wait, and wait, and wait and nobody would look behind the thick drapes that conceal you to find you. Scared isn’t the right word.
Terrified is.
Before Katsuki, the silence was deafening. Thoughts were all-consuming, and you had panic attacks coming out at the most random instances. You wish you were busy enough to simply not have time for these lapses, but that’s what happens when you become a wallflower. No one means no care, and you’re trying to tightrope the line between insanity and lucidity.
I’m okay.
Earphones block out the noise.
The piano overwhelms the silence.
You wanted to be a performer, once, but that dream fizzled away the moment it came.
Do you really, though?
You were cruising along life like a small sail boat in a storm: coping, even if just barely. And then Katsuki opened that curtain, with his red eyes and gruff voice you’re no longer used to hearing. He came back.
Why did he come back?
Silence rings loud in the hall.
You stare bleakly at the curtains.
You can’t wait for Katsuki to come.
Author's notes:
This is my way of saying sorry. My posting schedule is scattershot and I'm running on 4 hours of sleep after 5 hours of getting my ass whipped playing badminton, but my stubborn ass refuses to give up this story.
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whowantslovergirl · 4 months
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JJ Maybank x reader (reader is female with she/her pronouns)
warnings: this is a prequel to my other story feather so if you want to read that then go ahead but it can be read as a stand alone, ^ this means start the song 💋, cursing, suggestive, in readers POV, my queen sabrina again, hope you enjoy my loversss 🤍🤍 outer banks masterlist
Summary: JJ has Y/n thinking pure nonsense
posted: May 14,2024
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Y/n recently started talking to this guy. JJ, yes he is a pogue but you never really cared about anyone’s economic status. He’s tall, funny, a risk taker, and overall really hot. It’s been only a month and he has her thinking pure nonsense. ^
Think I only want one number in my phone
I might change your contact to "don't leave me alone"
You said you like my eyes and you like to make 'em roll
Treat me like a queen, now you got me feelin' thrown, oh
Ugh. Everything about him just makes you feel all giddy inside. You feel like a teenage girl in a romcom or something. You really don’t want him to leave you alone. Maybe his contact might be changed to don’t leave me alone.
JJ and Y/n were walking on the beach during sunset. Golden hour really frames his features especially his eyes. He looked at you and just stared. You giggled. “What are you looking at?”
“You have really pretty eyes.” Your face got flushed and you look down in embarrassment. “Would love to make them roll by the way.”
“Shut up!” You both laughed and you got to the twinkie. He opened the door for you. “After you malady.” He said in a terrible British accent. “Why thank you kind sir.” You said also in a terrible British accent. You love how he treats you like a queen.
But I can't help myself
When you get close to me
Baby, my tongue goes numb
Sounds like bleh, blah, blee
JJ invited you to a kegger and you went obviously. He said that he wouldn’t be able to survive if his girlfriend didn’t come. He’s so dramatic. He quickly saw you and guided you through the party after he got you a drink and you both just stood together.
He started getting closer and you started getting hot and flustered. He dipped his head to whisper in your ear. “You look really pretty tonight.” You started getting hot and your cheeks flushed. “Oh no I thanks you’re pretty too.” Y/n why would you say that? He laughed and got closer.
I don't want no one else
Baby, I'm in too deep
Here's a lil' song I wrote
It's about you and me
You were at a family get together and this guy who was your mom’s friend’s son kept making eyes at you. You didn’t make eye contact and felt a tap on your shoulder. “Excuse me?” He smiled.
“Hi I just wanted to tell you that you’re so beautiful and I was wondering if you wanted to get out of here.” You almost laughed. I mean you did used to have a crush on him but you’re with JJ now sooo you don’t really want anyone else.
“Oh no thanks I have a boyfriend.” He just nodded sadly and left.
I'll be honest
Lookin' at you got me thinkin' nonsense
Cartwheels in my stomach when you walk in
And when you got your arms around me
Ooh, it feels so good I had to jump the octave
You, Kie, and Sarah were at the chateau, just talking. Then the guys came in specifically JJ. Literal cartwheels in my stomach when he walks in. He sat next to me and gave me a kiss. He wrapped his arms around me and I just stared at him.
“You guys are disgusting.” Kie said pretending to gag. You both rolled your eyes.
I think I got an ex but I forgot him
And I can't find my chill, I must have lost it
I don't even know I'm talkin' nonsense
I'm talkin', I'm talkin' (ah)
You never been this down bad for a guy. There’s just something about him that just makes me feel tingly inside. Ugh I don’t even know I’m talking nonsense.
I'm talkin' all around clock
I'm talkin' hope nobody knocks
I'm talkin' opposite of soft
I'm talkin' wild, wild thoughts
He was rushing to get your top off almost ripping it off. “Make sure the door is locked.” You whispered since you were against the door he reached behind you and it was locked. He then pulled you over to your bed. When he got on top of you. Let’s just say he was the opposite of soft.
Then your alarm went off.
You gotta keep up with me
I got some young energy
I caught the L-O-V-E
How do you do this to me?
“I think I’m in love with you JJ.” He looked at you. He looked scared in a ‘oh shit’ type of way. “Yeah?” You nodded. “Well I think I’m in love with you too Y/N.” It sounded forced but you didn’t think anything of it.
But I can't help myself
When you get close to me
Baby, my tongue goes numb
Sounds like blah, blah, bleh, blee
You guys were in your room just cuddling and talking. “You know I’m crazy for you Y/N.” You giggled and looked at him. “Really?” He nodded and you laughed again.
Little did you know he was crazy for other girls too.
I don't want no one else
Baby, I'm in too deep
Here's a lil' song I wrote
It's about you and me
JJ and Y/n’s relationship was better than ever. She is still whipped for him and he is ‘whipped’ for her too. He gives her gifts unexpectedly, always spent time with her, giving her more love than anything, and she can’t see how it was suspicious but everyone else did.
But she’s in too deep.
I'll be honest
Lookin' at you got me thinkin' nonsense
Cartwheels in my stomach when you walk in
When you got your arms around me
Ooh, it feels so good I had to hit the octave
You guys are cuddling on the hammock just giggling to each other and everyone else is watching.
“Someone’s gotta tell her man.” John B said looking away. “Maybe Kie and/or Sarah could do it.” Pope mumbled. They both denied it.
“So what? We just let her be cheated on when we can tell her?!” They all got in an argument and you can hear them from outside.
“Do you think everything is okay Jay?” He nodded and he knew exactly what they were talking about. “Probably something stupid.”
I think I got an ex but I forgot him
And I can't find my chill, I must have lost it
I don't even know I'm talkin' nonsense
I'm talkin', I'm talkin', I'm talkin'
You noticed that your friends were acting weird completely ignoring you. JJ was as well. Maybe they know something. You went over to Kie and she immediately avoided eye contact. After watching a lot of criminal minds you know that she is hiding something.
“What are you hiding Kie?” She didn’t say anything. “Is it something with JJ.” At that she got up and left. So it’s something with JJ. Imagine if he cheated or something. Wait no that’s pure nonsense.
I'm talkin', I'm talkin'
Blah, blah, blah, blah, uh-uh-uh-uh
After further investigation you noticed every time you mentioned JJ. Everyone got all weird and nervous. If it’s something with JJ they should tell you. Right?
“Ugh I don't even know anymore.”
This song catchier than chickenpox is
I bet your house is where my other sock is
Woke up this morning, thought I'd write a pop hit
How quickly can you take your clothes off pop quiz?
You were looking for other sock when you got a text from Kie.
Kie 😝
I’m so sorry Y/n
What? Then a video came through and you dropped your phone and started sobbing.
It was a video of JJ making out with a girl. Then another video came in, different girl. Then another, different girl. There was five videos of JJ with different girls.
And to think you thought you found the one.
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An: AHHHHHH hoped you enjoyed my lovers 🤍🤍🤍 until next time 💋💋
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aly-corner · 5 months
AGA Goldie Community!!! Who wants to help?
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I kind of forgot we were in Mermay now and I wanted to do my little contribution. This year, I have decided to write ''The Little Mermaid'' but in AGA Goldie version (don't know how nobody thought of that yet).
On top is some ideas of design for some characters. However, it is an enormous task, so anybody who wants to participate can contact me and we can work together.
Now, some facts on the present characters in this au:
King Freddy: Ruler of the seven seas, he is also the eldest between all his brothers. He is worrying way too much and refuses any kind of help with his job. He is also very protective of Golden.
Golden / Goldie: One of the sea prince, he is actually the second eldest of the bunch. He loves exploring (earth stuff mostly), pranking and giving the king gray hairs whom he often clashes with. He is madly in love with a terrestrial purple bunny he saved once.
Prince Bonnie: He is a prince who loves boats and exploring. He is also a mechanic who often travels at sea. One day, on a trip back home, a thunderstorm appeared, he got yeeted overboard. He was found some hours later on the coast by his butler, captain and friend, Foxy. The prince swears someone saved his lives, he would remembered this voice anywhere and anytime.
Foxy: One one hand, he is a butler working for the prince's family. On the other, he gained a friend in Bonnie whom he swore to protect. The accident left him shaken but all is good now since the prince is alive. He can't just fantom why his dear friend would thing someone sang to him after saving him and after all leave him...
Mary/Marionette/Puppet: She is king Freddy's advisor. They often gives advices to his majesty and is a peace maker between Freddy and Goldie. They misses when those two were kids, times were easier. Now, they are stuck on babysitting duty....nice promotion from the king.
Glam/Glamy (Glamrock Freddy): He is the youngest of the princes, caring, passionate, he wished for the King and Goldie to finally make peace. He gets along well with Toy (Toy Freddy (third in line) ) because they both have manners (only these two in this crazy family). He likes to sing and even has a band with three other mermaid.
Shadow/ Burntrap (Shadow Freddy): He wants the mic staff of King Freddy to become king himself. He will use Goldie's passions and relationship with his older brother to reach his goal. After gaining the golden bear's voice, he will transform into a beautiful golden rabbit of the name of Sprintrap.Will he succeed in separating the two lovebird appart? Will he become king? Will he break this family apart?
Ps: yes I will be colouring these drawings. Any help is welcomed. Have a good day/night.
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marune2 · 10 months
Servamp Family
Sleepy ash is the oldest out of the family and take care of the house and siblings
„Ding dong“
The mother : it’s ringing sleeping ash can you open the door I’m cooking
Sleepy ash: can’t deal“ say he and going to the door and open it
Saint Germain: oh hello sleepy ash long time no see I’m home aga-„ sleepy ash smash the door close
The mother: Wo whas it?
Sleepy ash: nobody they Get the wrong door
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exile-on-uwustreet · 7 days
i was promised sushi at the office and I've been waiting for 2 hours now. my sugar is so low. if I knew were getting catering from the other side of the city I would've brought a sandwich
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alwaysdjarin · 2 years
a Dave York x f!reader Series
Part 2 - Saphira
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Part 1
RATING: Explicit 18+ ONLY. No Minors Please. My work is 18+.
Warnings: Dave York always comes with his own warning, soft!Dave, strip clubs, reader has blue eyes. {I think that’s it}
Words: ~1.1k
A/N: Thank you for all the kind reactions to part one. I really appreciate every like, reblog and comment. Here we go again. I think the story will get a bit more spicy in part three. Let’s see. ;-)
previous part / series masterlist || series taglist
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You smile at the stranger in the hallway. His eyes roam over your body, of course, that’s what every man in this building does when he sees you. You hear him clear his throat when you approach him and he greets you with a „Hey!“
„Hey. Can I help you? Are you searching for someone?“ You study the man in front of you. His eyes are brown and deep, a prominent nose and a sharp clean shaven jaw. He is gorgeous, you have to admit, but something on him tells you to be careful. You notice how his gaze wanders over your features, his adams apple is bobbling in his throat. „Sir?“
His question if you want to have a drink with him caughts you offguard, even if it’s a question you hear almost every night you’re working here. And so you decide to give him your standard answer. You can see the disappointment in his eyes before you turn around and walk away from him. You feel his gaze on your back (or ass) long after you’re out of his sight.
You no longer pay any attention to the encounter when you come into your apartment and scrub the past hours of work off your body under the hot shower.
This night you dream about dark brown eyes and a low baritone you can’t quite remember the next day.
One week later
Daves week was a blurr. He had to concentrate at work, making plans for an upcoming job, writing reports and negotiate with „customers“. And all of this with one thing on his mind, you.
Friday couldn’t come fast enough and so Dave is back in the strip club you’re working at. His wife Carol and the girls staying with Carols sister this weekend, so nobody will know that he’s not at home. He’s sitting at the bar for almost two hours now and you’re nowhere to be seen. His frustration grows as he turns around to face the barkeeper.
„Hey big boy. Want another whiskey?“ The red haired woman behind the bar counter smiles at him but he’s just shaking his head.
„I need some information about one of the girls who’s working here. Maybe you can help me?“
The woman frowns. „Which one?“
Dave scratches the back of his neck. „I don’t know her name. She worked last Saturday, I saw her dancing on this stage.“ He describes how you looked but all he gets is a chuckle from the woman who faces him.
„Oh darling…there are over 30 women working in this club. Your description fits for every second one of them.“
Dave scoffs. What the fuck? No, there’s no way any of the other girls could match your beauty. „She…she told me that she doesn’t do private shows. Maybe this information minimizes the possibilities.“
But the woman behind the bar just laughs at him again. „What? I’m sorry to disappoint you, but every girl in this club does private shows. Even me, if you ask nice enough big boy.“
She leans over the counter so that her breast almost fall out of her top, her fingers brush his knuckles with a feather light touch. But Dave doesn’t even notice. He’s deep in his thoughts. You lied to him. You told him that you don’t dance for anybody in private, but that was a lie. Why did you do that? Did he scared you? Or maybe it was because you were on your way home?
The flirty barkeeper straightens her back and and yells over Daves shoulder. „Hey honey! How 'ya doing? Maybe you can help this sweetheart over here. He’s searching for one of the girls.“
Dave sighs and turns around, he’s willing to give up, maybe he will come back tomorrow, have one drink and try his luck aga—
He feels like he gets hit by a truck the moment he realizes who’s standing in front of him. It’s you. Your hair in a messy ponytail, wearing a loose shirt and leggins, your bag sling over your shoulder.
You do a double take, seemingly reminding him from last week. You both just look at each other for some seconds, Dave forgets how to breathe.
A shy smile forms on your lips. „Hi?“ you ask.
Dave takes a deep breath. Talk to her you idiot!
„You! YOU! I mean…I was searching for you!“
David Christopher York! What is your fucking problem?
You’re looking down at your feet and play with the hem of your shirt. Shy! That’s it! You’re shy. Dave thinks and can’t fight the warmth growing in his chest because that is so adorable. You’re eyes meet his gaze again before you speak. „Sooo…I think you found me. But I have to work now and as I told you already, I’m not supposed to drink with our customers.“
A chuckle from behind Dave catches your attention and Gina, the woman behind the bar exposes your lie again. „That’s a rule that no one follows.“
Dave turns his face back to you and you manage to give Gina a warning look before his hopeful gaze meets you again. You sigh „But I’m the main act tonight. I will be on stage at least an hour. It’ll get late and—“ „No problem!“ Dave interrupts you. „I have time. I’ll wait for you if you want me to.“
Your gaze goes to Gina who’s standing behind Dave. She nods enthusiastically and you have to suppress a laugh. „O-okay. One drink. But NOT here. I don’t want to see these titties in my free time.“ You wave your hands around and laugh. An honest laugh, even if it’s full of nervousness. But Dave recognizes directly. The way you sound, the small cute crinkles around your eyes. God, he never want to forget this.
He laughs with you. He didn’t expect this kind of joke from you. Not after your shy attitude from before. He nods. „Of course! Everywhere you want. No titties in your free time. I get it.“
You give him a shy wink before you leave in the direction of your dressing room and Dave turns back around to the bar counter where Gina already serves him a whiskey with a mischievous smile.
„What’s her name?“ Dave asks.
„Saphira. It’s her artist name here.“
„Yeah.“ Gina nods. „It’s because of her eyes.“
And then Dave understands. Your eyes are blue. The most beautiful blue he has ever seen. Like a sapphire, one of the most precious gemstones in the world. How fitting.
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Next part
Thanks for reading! 🫶🏼
I’d love to read your comments or reblogs if you like my writing.
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unhelpfulfemme · 9 months
She was singing. He had never heard any expression of happiness from her before, much less this joyous uplifting of voice, light and free. He drowned it with his hammering, and when he stopped, it had halted, too.
Okay but the fucked up Jerott/Marthe bits are gripping me like nothing else this time. He drowns out her joyous self-expression with his hammering.
And Jerott is such a fascinating character in general because he's so... In love with love? While neglecting everyone else's humanity and treating them like dogshit. And he is just... Constantly on the verge of realizing it but never quite there.
Like, Francis prostitutes himself to the Aga among other things so Jerott can get medical care as soon as possible and Jerott is disgusted by him and treats him like shit over it.
And then the scene at the tekke where he is hurting Marthe, and recognizing it, and feeling bad over it, but still continuing on with it because he immediately gets distracted by how pretty she is. While at the same time telling himself that he's in love with her not Francis Marthe not Francis Marthe notFrancis... Truly the scene of all time.
Her light bones lying against him were part of him: the voice was the voice of his heart.
Look at this for Christ's sake. Nobody gives Shitty Person POV better than Dunnett - you can feel Jerott's relief that she's given in, his childish infatuation with the concept of being one more than with Marthe herself, and feel for him because you know enough about him to understand what the world looks like from his POV, even as you know that he's also drunkenly forcing a woman to dance, gripping her so hard that tears well up in her eyes, and that she's only dancing with him so that he'd stop doing that. You understand him even as you're judging him over it. Amazing.
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ellerevelle · 2 years
hello again
Its been an eternity. I had to login with my yahoo email. My YAHOO. email. 
I’ve been sitting in the same position, at my computer, slouched over watching netflix for hours now. Not accomplishing a damn thing except panic. I’ve been enjoying the program I’m watching but continually keep checking my phone. As one does. 
I check Instagram to look for that little red message notification indicating a new DM. Its not obsessive, but I do feel relieved to see someone is there. I’ve been alone in my room, day in day out, for what feels like months now. I go to work, I go out dancing occasionally, but all in all, I’m lazing in my bedroom. Its basically my studio apartment, despite living in a 4 bedroom rented house. 
I’m here to journal. Because my life needs an entire overhaul. I really wonder whats wrong with me. Today I examined a LinkedIn job listing for, upon reading the details, is like- THE job. THE DREAM JOB. And I have no qualifications. 
If I had even remotely TRIED. AT ALL. the last, oh I dont know, TEN YEARS OF MY LIFE to do anything actually photography work related, I’d be maybe closer to qualified. But despite talking like I’m an artist, despite going to goddamn art school, despite telling myself or others I meet “yea I’m a photographer,” ... it has to be what you DO. As a VERB. And my cameras literally, absolutely, are coated in dust. I havent handled them in over a year. Probably more. 
What is wrong with me. I read the job description, I even took a screenshot of the listing for when it goes down, because I want to dream about it. Study it. But it says at the top of the list “at least 5 years of experience.” My last five years? have been bullshit. I’ve just gotten fatter and lazier and probably less mentally healthy. I mean, I’m barfing my thoughts on Tumblr again, I’m probably not okay. I’m here feeling like I’ve squandered my fucking years, that my life needs a genuine total overhaul. I am not mentally healthy. 
Why. Am. I. Afraid. To. Move.
Not move away, but literally MOVE. Work out, create, explore my city, meet people, even pick up a new book. I’m afraid to move. 
I need to clean my car. Its gotten out of hand. She doesnt deserve it. I feel like everything I SING about loving, I’ve stopped living up to. I talk about going on road trips ALL THE TIME. I feel like by letting my car fall into terrible disarray, I’m betraying myself. If I were to try to take a road trip, I’d have to do so much work. SO much work. Its so cluttered, the trunk is full of old clothes and weird concert souvenirs and random tupperware and literal trash. I need to vacuum it, I need to dust it, I need to clean the glass. I need to empty the entire thing out. I am afraid to do the work. I am unmotivated to do the work. 
Want to know what I’m thinking about why:
I want someone to care. 
I feel like I dont exist anymore. Like... no ones asking my any questions, no ones noticing me out there doing anything, I dont feel witnessed, I dont matter. So its really difficult to find motivation to do something that no one cares about. Which I dont mean to sound like the cliche “if you cant instagram it, did it really happen?” “if the tree falls in the woods but no one was there to see it, did it make a sound?” 
Its a vicious cycle, I observe, because in not doing the thing I think no one sees or cares about, the thing I CARE ABOUT definitely never happens and, therefore, doesnt exist to be cared about or seen at all. 
If I threw a party and nobody showed up, and quit throwing parties, then NO ONE would show up. Wayne Gretski “You miss 100% of the shots you dont take” la la la blah yes I know. 
Its so fucking scary. I feel so goddamn freaked out. I feel so obvious. Everyone wants to be loved and noticed, obviously. I’m in part afraid of no one caring, but also I’ve become so egotistical in a way- that if I AM seen, I want to be seen right. I want the right people around me. 
I’ve been dissappinted about people I’ve met or who has noticed me in this town. Again, ego, but like... I dont get hit on here. And those who DO, are AWFUL. I drive home after a night out and think - THAT guy? thought he had it to ask me for my number?
Not to sound cruel. But I’m talking like, total like... icky dudes. Or just blah dudes. 
I sparkle, and I want to share it with somebody ... whats a better way to say “with somebody who matters”? Because that sounds horrible. I dont see myself as some queen diva champion, but I just... have a lot and have lived a very interesting life, and I feel like its just kindof. Stopped. 
I hear some voices say that inspiration is bullshit. waiting for inspiration is an excuse. but like. 
So in lieu of this fear, I’ve done nothing. I miss feeling fearless. 
I’ve felt happiness lately going to kpop shows. When the artist looks at me. Not a sexy look or even a real look, but I still feel seen. Your eyeballs, You this Artist I care about, has seen my face. Has felt my presence in the crowd. And I like to delusionaly think that matters. I know in a woo woo way, everyones energy matters, but I’m in my head really BELIEVING that my presence is special. So when I go out, or try to meet new people, and just get met with duds or nothing at all - I feel like it was a waste. Or, worse, that I’m the joke. And that I’m crazy for thinking I’m special at all. 
So. I need to clean my car. I need to get in shape. I need to dust off my cameras. I need to USE them. I need to play piano. I need to shred my magazines and make collage art again. I need to go out into nature and get attuned to the sunset and stars again. I need to even like, update my goddamn facebook page, and instagram and delete emails and FIX MY FUCKING LINKEDIN PROFILE BUT I’M SCARED. and lazy. And I want to have somebody to impress, but NOBODY. CARES. So why bother? But I genuinely feel like I’m disappearing! talking in circles. 
By not doing things for myself out of fear, I’m essentially proving the world right. By not existing, I dont exist. 
Why am I so scared? I mean, theres the Mom card. I’ve been aching to call her more than usual lately. This year I’ve felt the physical, tangible craving to call her. She died in 20...15? 2015. August of 2015. 
And I never knew what being loved like that felt like until it was gone. She knew me, she saw everything. And she thought I was the most special, just for existing. She had 5+ miscarriages after having my older brother. She didnt think she was gonna have another baby. Let alone a little girl. Then she got the call, that the pregnancy stuck, that I was gonna be her daughter. The doctors literally SEWED HER CERVIX SHUT to keep me up there long enough. I was still born a month early, but I was her treasure. She wanted me SO BADLY. 
I still dont know if her death was an accident or intentional, and I’m afraid to ask. I dont even know if my father would tell me the truth, he may need to believe it was an accident. But she was deeply depressed and addicted to hydrocodone, and she was found dead on our living room floor, all alone, on the day of her’s and my father’s 35th wedding anniversary. He was in the hospital at the time, he’d broken his shin bone weeks prior and has bad bones so he was in a rehab place. She was home alone, encouraged by him to just stay in and enjoy the house, and that they’d celebrate their anniversary another weekend. He sent her a bouquet of roses that she’d never see. They sat on our doorstep while she laid inside on the floor. It was devestating. Well, duh, thats an understatement. 
When I was going to therapy (I stopped over COVID and havent gone back) my therapist asked me “would it make anything different for you, if you knew?” and at first I answered No. But even the next day I was honest with myself and truly, it would make a huge fucking difference. Knowing if it was a mistake, too much wine, took an extra hydrocodone, got woozy and passed out, maybe hit her head, or maybe a heart thing. That would change everything, if she didnt WANT to leave us. If it was just a fluke. That’d make a very big difference. 
I’ve gotten over a lot since then and the layers of growth and wisdom I’ve developed is indescribable. I’m deeply proud of myself and who I am inside. But thats what makes me angry and sad right now. Why have I become such a blob? Surely I miss her love, even though it was so broken the last five years of her life with her severe depression. I forgive that, and I think she’d forgive me for being too young to understand and fight harder for her. Our hometown doesnt have shit in the way of Mental Health services. She needed worlds more help, and I couldve fought harder for her. Alas, I think she would be upset with me for thinking this way. She’d express “we’re the parents, its not on you to parent your own parents.” 
Anyways. I feel like my Father is loving me how he knows how. He’s great for sweet support, but not great with life advice. He’s the least ambitious man I know since he retired. He HATED work, but suffered and sacrificed infinitely for us anyway to keep our lives afloat, and for that I’ll be forever grateful. But since he got to leave work and came into family money, he doesnt do much unless he HAS to. He’s a music man, but hasnt played guitar or written songs or done anything creative in decades. He let it burn out. I respect him, I love him for him and try not to be disappointed about his choices but... its just difficult to express my feelings to him about these things. He’s like “Josie, dont worry I have money, you’ll never be in trouble.” And I just... I believe him but I dont believe him? I dont want to buckle into that. I feel like I need to earn that privelege. I cant just ask, I’m not a trust fund kid. Cant just be like DADDY I WANT TO GO TO MIAMI CAN I HAVE TEN GRAND? Like, no! First of all He’d never say yes to that hahaha. I’ve definitely lied (*white lied) to my family to sound more put together and “worthy” than I actually probably am. I talk about my job like its a bigger deal than it is, when in reality I’m only making $15 an hour and I’m late every single day. 
Fuck, speaking of. I was supposed to take a shower about 6 hours ago, but its 11:30pm and I have to go to bed and still havent gotten clean. Its been too many days. I’m gross. 
See!? my life needs a fucking overhaul. WHY AM I STRUGGLING TO TAKE A FUCKING SHOWER. 
I am broken dude. wtf. 
I feel more motivated to take care of myself WHEN I FEEL LIKE SOMEBODY GIVES A SHIT WHO I AM! Somebody to wash my hair for, dress up for. Even though truth is, I absolutely do it for me. I go out to a concert to be seen, sure, but when I’m getting ready, I LOVE my reflection. I love hanging out with music on and expressing artistry with makeup or clothing styling. I do it because IIIIII like it. And then out in the world, at least if no one else likes it, at least I do?
But it still requires an invitation out. Someone saying “hey come meet us at this bar!” or a great concert I want to see and SHOW UP for. TURN UP for. 
How do I do these things, how do I give a shit about showing up, if theres no invitation? if theres no obvious purpose other than just doing the thing?
I fear by existing out there, youre inviting critique. If i carry a camera around, people will ask to see. And what if I suck!!! What if theyre like “oh my god who the fuck does she think she is, carrying that nice ass big ass camera and her photos are so mediocre.” 
I dont want to be a joke. 
Sometimes I go into massive panic attacks getting dressed to go out because I feel like, too old and fat or the wrong genre to pull anything off and if I go out like... it’ll be the “who does she think she is.” 
fuck fuck fuck. I need to wash my face. I need to brush my teeth. 
I need to get a FUCKING LIFE. 
I want that Hybe America job. Content Preditor, they mushed together the words pre- and editor to make PREDITOR. How sexy could that be! 
The job description describes who I wish I was. Prepared, experienced, creative, multitasking, able to improvise, team leader, good with new people, passionate about the music industry. 
I havent taken any vitamins today. the EASIEST thing to do. because I hate walking into the kitchen to get water. 
Thats a WHOLE OTHER CAN OF WORMS. my living situation. this post is already too long. I’ve already procrastinated showering for far too long. I’ve already watched... lets see... NINE episodes, 40 minutes each. 
I need help. Talk more tomorrow. Or, yknow, six more years or however long the previous gap between my posts have been. 
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donttalkaboutmemes · 2 years
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996) Sentence Meme
Under the cut you will find 120+ sentences from the 1996 version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame to use for your enjoyment!    
CW: Use of the g word referring to Roma people
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1.      “Listen, they’re beautiful, no? So many colors of sounds, so many changing moods. But you know, they don’t ring all by themselves.”
2.      “Up there high, high in the bell tower lives the mysterious bell ringer.”
3.      “It is a tale. A tale of a man and a monster.”
4.      “Sanctuary! Please give us sanctuary!”
5.      “This is an unholy demon. I’m sending it back to hell where it belongs!”
6.      “Care for the child. Raise it as your own.”
7.      “Will today be the day? Are you ready to fly?”
8.      “If I picked a day to fly, oh, this would be it.”
9.      “Nobody wants to stay cooped up here forever.”
10.   “That’s what you get for sleeping with your mouth open.”
11.   “What’s going on out there? A fight? A flogging?”
12.   “It is a treat to watch the colorful pageantry of the simple peasant folk.”
13.   “Aren’t you going to watch the festival with us?”
14.   “If twenty years of listening to you two hasn’t made him sick by now, nothing will.”
15.   “What good is watching the party if you never get to go near it?”
16.   “He’s not made of stone, like us.”
17.   “I’d never fit in down there. I’m not…normal.”
18.   “Do you mind? I would like to have a moment with the boy if that’s all right with you!”
19.   “As your friends and guardians, we insist you attend the festival.”
20.   “Take it from an old spectator. Life’s not a spectator sport. If watching’s all you’re gonna do, then you’re gonna watch your life go by without you.”
21.   “When he say’s you’re forbidden from ever leaving the bell tower, does he mean ever ever?”
22.   “Better to beg forgiveness than to ask permission.”
23.   “When your heartless mother abandoned you as a child, anyone else would have drowned you. And this is my thanks for taking you in and raising you as my son?”
24.   “You don’t know what it’s like out there. I do.”
25.   “You leave town for a couple of decades and they change everything.”
26.   “You’d know a lot about stealing!”
27.   “Maybe a day in the stocks will cool you down.”
28.   “Ease up. Wait between lashes. Otherwise the older sting will dull him to the new.”
29.   “I expect nothing but the best from a war hero of your caliber.”
30.   “I’m sure you’ll whip my men into shape.”
31.   “It will take a firm hand to save the weak-minded from being so easily misled.”
32.   “Their heathen ways inflame the people’s lowest instincts. They must be stopped.”
33.   “The real war is what you see before you.”
34.   “Look at that disgusting display.”
35.   “You all remember last years king?”
36.   “We asked for the ugliest face in Paris, and here he is!”
37.   “You think he’s ugly now? Watch this.”
38.   “A lesson needs to be learned here.”
39.   “You mistreat this poor boy the same way you mistreat my people. You speak of justice, yet you are cruel to those most in need of your help.”
40.   “Mark my words. You will pay for this insolence.”
41.   “It appears we’ve crowned the wrong fool. The only fool I see is you.”
42.   “Witchcraft!”
43.   “What a woman!”
44.   “Find her! I want her alive!”
45.   “I’m sorry, master. I will never disobey you again.”
46.   “Just calm down. Just give me a chance to apologize.”
47.   “Watch it. You’re in a church.”
48.   “Are you always this charming or am I just lucky?”
49.   “Candlelight, privacy, music. Can’t think of a better place for hand-to-hand combat.”
50.   “You fight almost as well as a man.”
51.   “Funny. I was going to say the same thing about you.”
52.   “That’s hitting a little below the belt, don’t you think?”
53.   “You’re not at all like the other soldiers.”
54.   “Claim sanctuary.”
55.   “You think you’ve outwitted me, but I am a patient man.”
56.   “Gypsies don’t do well inside stone walls.”
57.   “I was just imagining a rope around that beautiful neck.”
58.   “Such a clever witch. So typical of your kind to twist the truth to cloud the mind with unholy thoughts.”
59.   “You’ve chosen a magnificent prison, but it is a prison nonetheless.”
60.   “What do they have against people who are different, anyway?”
61.   “You can’t right all the wrongs in this world by yourself.”
62.   “Haven’t you caused enough trouble already?”
63.   “Wait! I want to talk to you!”
64.   “Look! He’s got a friend with him!”
65.   “Maybe today wasn’t a total loss after all.”
66.   “Here you are. I was afraid I’d lost you.”
67.   “I’m really sorry about this afternoon. I had no idea who you were.”
68.   “This is beautiful. If I could do this, you wouldn’t find me dancing in the streets for coins.”
69.   “You’re a surprising person.”
70.   “I bet the king himself doesn’t have a view like this! I could stay up here forever.”
71.   “How could such a cruel man have raised someone like you?”
72.   “He saved my life. He took me in when no one else would.”
73.   “I am a monster, you know.”
74.   “You look at me. Do you think I’m evil?”
75.   “You helped me. Now, I will help you.”
76.   “There’s no way out. There’s soldiers at every door.”
77.   “The trick is not to look down.”
78.   “I’ll never forget you.”
79.   “I’m never going back out there again. You saw what happened to me today.”
80.   “If you ever need sanctuary, this will show you the way.”
81.   “When you wear this woven band, you hold the city in your hand.”
82.   “I didn’t mean to trap her here, but it was the only way to save her life. Will you tell her that?”
83.   “The nerve of him! Snooping around here trying to steal your girl!”
84.   “I appreciate what you’re all trying to do, but let’s not fool ourselves.”
85.   “I’ll find her. I’ll find her if I have to burn down all of Paris!”
86.   “Our home is always open to the weary traveler. Have mercy, my lord.”
87.   “If what you say is true, you are innocent and you have nothing to fear.”
88.   “Burn it until it smolders. These people are traitors and must be made examples of.”
89.   “With all due respect, I was not trained to murder the innocent.”
90.   “The sentence for insubordination is death.”
91.   “Such a pity. You threw away a promising career.”
92.   “Consider it my highest honor.”
93.   “Don’t waste your time. Let the traitor rot in his watery grave.”
94.   “Find the girl! If you have to burn the city to the ground, so be it!”
95.   “When things cool off, she’ll be back. You’ll see.”
96.   “She likes you. We always said you were the cute one.”
97.   “I thought I was the cute one.”
98.   “Knights in shining armor certainly aren’t her type.”
99.   “Those guys are a dime a dozen. But you? You’re one of a kind.”
100. “You’ve done so much for me already, my friend, but I must ask your help one more time.”
101. “He can’t go on much longer. I knew he’d be safe here. Please, can you hide him?”
102.  “You’ll hide here until you’re strong enough to move.”
103.  “You’re either the single bravest soldier I’ve ever seen, or the craziest.”
104.   “Why is it whenever we meet, I end up bleeding?”
105.   “Promise you won’t let anything happen to him.”
106.   “You idiot! That wasn’t kindness, it was cunning!”
107.   “What chance could a poor misshapen child like you have against her heathen treachery?”
108.   “I will free you from her evil spell. She will torment you no longer.”
109.   “She stood up for you. You’ve got a funny way of showing gratitude.”
110.   “What am I supposed to do? Go out there and rescue the girl from the jaws of death and the whole town will cheer like I’m some sort of her?”
111.    “She already has her knight in shining armor, and it’s not me.”
112.    “I’m not doing it for you. I’m doing it for her.”
113.   “Cheerful place. Kinda makes you wish you got out more often, eh?”
114.  “You’re very clever to have found our hideaway. Unfortunately, you won’t live to tell the tale.”
115.   “Gather around everybody! There’s great noose tonight!”
116.   “Any last words? That’s what they all say.”
117.   “You took a terrible risk coming here. It may not exactly show, but we’re grateful.”
118.    “I always knew you would someday be of use to me.”
119.    “Another miracle no doubt. I shall remedy that.”
120.   “You stand upon the brink of the abyss. Yet even now, it is not too late.”
121.   “I can save you from the flames of this world and the next. Choose me or the fire.”
122.   “After all, we’re only made of stone.”
123.  “Have you gone mad? I will not tolerate this assault on the house of God!”
124.  “It was my duty, horrible as it was. I hope you can forgive me.”
125.  “The time has come to end your suffering.”
126.  “All my life you have told me the world is a dark, cruel place. But now I see that the only thing dark and cruel about it is people like you!”
127.   “And He shall smite the wicked and plunge them into the fiery pit!”
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indiejones · 1 year
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Veteran film journo Devyani Choubal who was known in film circles to be a real nasty piece of work when came to most stars, but somehow close to, & like most women of the time, a secret admirer/lover of, Rajesh Khanna, narrates of the moment (as shown in the most viewed Rajesh Khanna BBC documentary by Jack Pizzy, 'Bombay Superstar') when Rajesh spoke to her on the phone at 3 am in the night to give her the info that he was getting married (to a girl unheard of by most before) next week! When a stunned & probably heartbroken Devyani asked her who this female was, he told her "I saw this girl drowning in the sea, & I went into the sea & rescued her out, & in the process fell in love!". Devyani mentions to Jack how she thot Rajesh was quite drunk at the time, so didn't take it too seriously, but when called him up again in the morning, a now sober Rajesh narrated almost the same incident but with a few (strange) changes (obvi for would've likely forgotten details of his narration in the night when a little drunk), namely, that this time, he never went into the sea to rescue her, but twas her that got pushed ashore by tidal waves, when he first saw her lying on the sands, & fell in love! .. Devyani mentions how she immediately quizzes him, about the stark contrast in his narrations from night to morning, but that's when the documentary too mysteriously shifts focus, & the matter is forgotten in the aftermath.
This means, what Rajesh mentioned about this whole 'girl drowning & hero rescuing' act was no drunk talk, but actual "star supplied info", for whatever it's worth.. (Watch from 7:50-9:15 > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvX6p2OoGP0 )
Neither does Jack Pizzey probe further on the subject anytime after the docu release, that we know of, nor do we very strangely hear Devyani talk any more on it, given that a journo of her reputation was almost impossibly unlikely to let such huuge discrepancies in narration of one of the most momentous occasions of inarguably India's most famous person ever, pass her by, just like that!
A discrepancy that gets even more bewildering yrs later, in early 1980's when Khanna & Kapadia officially separate, when Dimple actually opens up more on her first meeting with the megastar, her narration making it 7 days before the wedding, somewhere in a flight, where on one occasion it's him proposing to her at first sight or so, or at another instance she indirectly proposing to him at first sight or so.
What a (multi) world of (multi) difference! .. but ofcourse, nobody cares (for such seeming triviality), so his too, we let pass.
Btw, Did You Know- (Per Dimple's own wiki page> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dimple_Kapadia )
Dimple Kapadia's parents are both Muslim Nizari Ismaili Shias, both as weird as it sounds, having "embraced Hinduism" (the father, a wealthy businessman, who was known for roaming in influential filmy circles, & promoting his daughter, changing his name to Chunnibhai Kapadia in this 'embrace') yet family remaining followers of Aga Khan, her mother infact staying a practising Ismaili all her life! Also, Dimple's actual birthname is Ameena! .. Infact his father had become a good friend of top director H. S. Rawail too, & near-bagged her 11 yr old a role in Dilip Kumar's 'Sunghursh' but was rejected at last moment as looked too old for her part!
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Did You Know- ( https://www.masala.com/bollywood-news/dimple-rajesh-rocky-marriage )
The megastar who was known for his near-impossible timing, achieved that timing yet again, by getting married (as the whole world knows, & has seen & videographed) on March 27, 1973, & having her 1st daughter born (per the daughter's own announced wiki page), by God's miracle, on Dec 29, 1973, miraculous also for being Rajesh's own birthday too, that then making it a full 9 mths & 2 days to their marriage!
Did You Know- ( https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1149378/?ref_=nmtrv_ov) ( https://www.bollywoodbiography.in/reem-kapadia.html)
Dimple has a 3rd sister, younger to her & Simple, named Reem, that died of sleeping pill overdose, or per many committed suicide, on March 27, 1991, that's the date of her elder sis Dimple's marriage anniversary!
Did You Know-
( https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0438092/trivia/?ref_=nm_dyk_trv )
From available info on Imdb & various places on social media, Dimple also had a real younger brother named Suhail, who was a struggling actor & recovering drug addict for a very long time, before dying in a, per many, most mysterious car accident.
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Did You Know- ( https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/entertainment/hindi/bollywood/news/when-dimple-khanna-said-that-she-knew-her-marriage-with-rajesh-khanna-wont-work-the-moment-she-stepped-into-his-house/articleshow/99764330.cms?from=mdr ) ( https://www.masala.com/bollywood-news/dimple-rajesh-rocky-marriage )
Dimple in several interviews, incl to India Today in 1985 (from her own wiki pg), gave weird & very very suspiciously cryptic statements like "The life and happiness in our house came to an end the day I and Rajesh got married" & "OUR MARRIAGE WAS A FARCE!" & "The day I entered his house, I knew the marriage wouldn't work".
How can a 15 yrs 9 mth old girl know all these gigantic things from the future, unless told?
Well, we'll leave it at saying, the 'real' family that believes in astrology (like Rajesh atleast acknowledged if nothing more) & in karma (like Rajesh we know for sure did), did succeed in disabling all the 'Rahus & Ketus & Shanis' in his life, enuf to notch up, "BY A LIGHT YEAR, THE GREATEST CAREER IN WORLD CINEMATIC HISTORY", in all his good wisdom & foresight afterall!
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nutritionnahas · 2 years
Como ganar mas dinero en bullet force multiplayer
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Invisible walls, doors that can only be opened by a robot, and then suddenly the same door, just around the corner can be opened by the player makes you just go, "wtf?". Levels look great, but its basically just that. Sometimes it tried too hard to be deep, but instead, came off as pretentious. Example: One scene Dave the robot receives love and care from a fellow team mate and then the next scene he is replaced by another robot and then suddenly nobody gives a **** about Dave. Its a lot of up and down weirdness that just makes you go. Sometimes a little maturity comes through, but as you enjoy the fresh air, it gets poisoned by some idiotic line or action a few seconds later. The story is immature when it needs to be mature. However, the characters are extremely shallow and sometimes it feels like I am watching a bunch of teenagers stuck in big adult bodies. My review: Its better than Gears 4 and the graphics is really top notch. Makes me also really wonder why the critics gave it such high scores.Something fishy is going on. This review contains spoilers, click expand to view.įanboyism aside go and look on STEAM to see what people that actually own the game think. Hodně promyslete jestli si Gears 5 koupíte a když nemáte kámoše ušetřím vám čas, nekupujte to. Poslední blbina je Store kde opravdu vše nestojí zato. Crossplay, který měl hře pomoci, ji spíše topí.
#Como ganar mas dinero en bullet force multiplayer pro
Totálně nepřehledné prostředí v menu pro začátečníky a naprosto stupidní tutoriál zcela zbytečný. Vskutku skvělá akční hra s výbornou grafikou i když má pár bolístek, na které rád upozorním. Multiplayer skvělí, kampaň na insane obtížnost skoro nehratelná. Gears 5 je opět jedna z nejlepších akčních her z pohledu třetí osoby a jedna z nejlepších tower defence akcí na trhu. Totálně nepřehledné prostředí v menu pro začátečníky Stále ta stejná drsná rubačka jako dříve a konečně na Steamu. Blayze Games also created Forward Assault, Critical Ops, and the Modern Combat games.Stále ta stejná drsná rubačka jako dříve a konečně na Steamu.
Learn the maps well and you'll never be caught out.īullet Force Multiplayer is developed by Blayze Games based in the USA.
Pay close attention to your surroundings and listen for enemies.
Use the UAV even if the round's about to end – you'll get XP.
Experiment with loadouts until you find the right one for you.
What are tips and tricks for Bullet Force? What are the controls for Bullet Force Multiplayer? The cheapest perk takes 1 slot and the most expensive perk takes 7 slots. Every perk requires a different amount of slots. The are 27 different perks to choose from. For example, press the left arrow key to use your UAV. You can activate your Killstreaks with your arrow keys. Every killstreak requires a different amount of kills in a row without dying. You can choose from UAV, Counter UAV, Advanced UAV, Haste, Super Soldier, or Nuke. KillstreaksĮquip yourself with 3 different killstreaks. There are 3 different throwables to choose from Smoke Grenade, Frag Grenda, or a Flashbang. Unlock cool camos for your weapons by opening crates. Select a pistol, shotgun, or knife as a secondary weapon. Loadout WeaponsĬhoose from 6 different types of primary weapons Assault Rifles, SMGs, LMGs, Shotguns, Snipers, and Rocket Launchers.
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You can also play offline against bots to practice. Othersįree for All, VIP, Conquest, and seasonal game modes. Or the game stops when the time runs out. The first to progress through all 47 kills/weapons wins the game. However, now after every kill, you get a different weapon. GungameĮverybody in the lobby plays against each other, same as in Free For All. Make 150 kills with your team to win the match or the team with the most kills when the time runs out wins. Play in a lobby with a maximum of 14 players where 2 teams fight against each other. Enjoy this competitive first-person shooter on Poki! Game Modes Team Deathmatch
#Como ganar mas dinero en bullet force multiplayer download
You do not have to download the game and we also offer full-screen mode.
#Como ganar mas dinero en bullet force multiplayer for free
Here on Poki, you can play Bullet Force for free directly in your browser on your PC. At last, you can choose from 6 different Killstreaks and 25+ different Perks.īullet Force is a Unity web game. Customize your loadout in Bullet Force by choosing from many different weapons. The game has nice 3D graphics and can be played in full-screen mode.
#Como ganar mas dinero en bullet force multiplayer series
Each Bullet Force game gives you the chance to take down your enemies across a series of varied and exciting maps. Bullet Force is an online multiplayer first-person shooter game.
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