perfectmetaphore · 5 months
Plotted starter for @cxptainflint
"There he is! Get him!" He is running for his life, sprinting through the forest, fighting through the thick snow as he hears the howling of dogs approaching from behind. This is it. His story ending before it even has the time to begin.
Next thing, he is falling. Falling into the abyss where nothing else awaits him but a certain death
It's so fucking cold. This is the first pinch of reality. The moistness of the pillow which his head rests upon. Then the damn brightness around, even despite the rainy clouds, the world is far too bright. He curls and uncurls his fingers, clawing at the wet dirt under his fingernails. ( what a familiar feeling )
The sound falling from his lips is more towards a whimper than anything, like a wounded animal trying its damndest to will the body into movement. ( you have to move )
He pushes himself up, eyes squinting at the world, then collapses back onto the ground. ' fuck ' is uttered under his breath. Good God, but his head hurt, as if someone decided to send up firework behind his eyes. A sob follows, then a deep breath, once more he makes an attempt to push himself up. Slowly but surely. ( get up )
It takes some time, but several trials and errors later, and he is almost on his feet. Eyes squinting at the world around him, grasping at a tree branch with an iron grip. Victory is short lived, however, for his legs give up under him, and a new sharp pain shoots from his side, as he collapses back to the ground on his knees so hard his teeth clatter. ( pathetic )
Bile rises in his throat, the nausea so strong he has to truly fight against the need to spill his guts all over the ground. "Shitshitshitshit..." He touches his forehead and through his blurry vision, he can see his fingers slick with blood. ( that explains a lot )
He sits for a moment. Tears staining his grime-covered face. Arms hanging uselessly at his sides, as his head tilts back to stare at the falling rain. This pain... he's felt it before... funny how the brain makes you forget such trauma. ( breathe, john )
"This is just perfect..."
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thomashxmilton · 10 months
@cxptainflint liked for a starter
The Savannah sun had been fierce that day, the guards had told the men as soon as they got the soil plowed and ready to be planted, they would be excused for the day. Thomas, eager to get back to get out of the sun, put his back into it, working as hard as he could to get him and the other men the reprieve they all so desperately needed. The life was so drastically different than his life back in Whitehall, his once soft hands that used to debate politics and philosophy were now calloused, and dry, a testament to how hard the man had worked to survive over the past ten years.
Oglethorpe's plantation wasn't ideal, a prison was still a prison no matter how you wanted to present it. However, considering what he had endured in Bedlam, he would take the plantation any day over a traditional jail. At least he felt like he could breathe at the plantation, that he had at least some form of privacy. He had also garnered favor with Lord Oglethorpe by proving himself not to be the problem that his father and Peter Ashe had painted him when he was brought to their gates, so he even had more freedom than others did. But still, Thomas yearned for his freedom, just like the other men there.
There had been rumors and whispers of a new prisoner being brought to the plantation today. "I hear it's a pirate!" He had overheard one of the men comment, and another added, "Yeah! I wonder which one it is?!" Thomas had kept his thoughts to himself but listened to the men as he had ate breakfast. Wondering himself what poor soul was being brought amongst their ranks?
Focused on his work he could hear the men unshackling what he assumed to be the new prisoner. Back to them, he turned the dirt with his hoe and had taken a moment to stand and wipe the sweat from his brow, but as he took a moment to breathe, something made him take pause. He felt as if he was being watched.
The men were watched 24/7, but this was something different, something new, but also familiar. He could almost hear the air around him telling him to turn around, a familiar voice, a kind one. Slowly he turned around to face what ever happened to be watching him. He first noticed the sheer amount of men that were there just to drop off one prisoner but as the man was uncuffed, and slowly started walking towards him, the heart in Thomas' chest began to beat hard against his ribcage. No. Thomas thought to himself. No he's gone, your mind is playing tricks again.
As the prisoner got closer to him, Thomas was frozen a moment, trying to take in what he was seeing. Those shoulders, the eyes, how often had he dreamt of those blue eyes that seemed to look right into his soul? Thomas stared in disbelief for what felt like an eternity before joy bubbled through his chest and a smile crossed his features, one that he never thought he'd give to anyone ever again.
But James was here, he was alive and he was here, with him.
Finally closing the gap between them, Thomas pulled the man into a tight hug, his hands gripping him to him, so scared to let go and find out this was just some wonderful dream. He tried to speak, god how he wanted to say everything to James, why couldn't he get anything out? Closing the gap between them, he hugged him close, rubbing his thumb against his shoulder the was finally able to let out an emotional, "hi. . ."
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avastyetwats · 7 months
Continued from here. @cxptainflint
“Right… with overwhelming force… mm.” Stede nodded to show he was listening to everything Flint was explaining to him, to show that he was, indeed, taking everything he said to heart and keeping it in mind. After all, James Flint had been doing this a lot longer than Stede Bonnet, and though Stede would much rather avoid bloodshed and death, well, he came to find out quite quickly after becoming a pirate that that was not always possible. He wasn’t as naive as he used to be. Admittedly there were even times where he did enjoy a good and fun fight. “Got it. So, we use overwhelming force and then we negotiate?” He asks, nodding again as though he was onboard. “But uh, what… exactly do you consider overwhelming force?”
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fxckin-blackbeard · 8 months
@cxptainflint || Cont. X ||
ᒥ☠ᒧ—        Oh, Edward was well aware he was testing the other's patience, and with a playful, mischievous glint in his eyes it was his intention of doing so. He lights his pipe and takes a few small puffs, delaying answering Flint's question for a few moments longer. Finally, as he blows a smoke ring towards the other man's face he grins under his long beard. "What? Maybe I just wanna chat with my fellow Captain, mate." There was certainly more to this meeting than a friendly chat.
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fornassau · 5 months
"I beg your fucking pardon?" (@ Vane.)
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“ Oh you heard me, Flint. You can either get the fuck out of my fucking sight or I can make you. Your funeral. “
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violethamilton · 8 months
'I needed to be alone.'
"I understand," Violet moved to sit next to him on the steps of the home, looking out to the horizon, Violet said, "I cannot fathom, what England put you and the Hamilton's through." Picking at one of her nails she said, "then to have someone come in claiming to be the child of the two people you cared most about in the world? I think I would need to be alone for a bit as well."
"Are you okay?" She asked, looking to the older man.
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theonetruepod · 2 years
Take a listen to this weeks episode (that I totally didn't forget to post!).
This episode discusses questionable age gaps as well as shipping adult aged characters with minor aged characters. Listener discretion is advised.
Ro and Liz discuss all the multiverse of shipping Tony Stark with other MCU Characters.
Liz's twitter Liz's AO3
Fic Recs
Starker The Devil Inside Me Prototype Protocol  The Scenic Route Ephemeron
Stony Will Be Your Salvation The Twice-Told Tale
Tony/Stane The Key to a Good Party Spirals No Different Fan Art Recs anonoite 000ctopal Slasher_art444 Lil_BitofMac mikemeganyanko cxptainflint 
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shinydixon · 2 years
https://twitter.com/cxptainflint/status/1604446887452766209?s=21&t=jc28UGD-yPsxOYKyGlij8w the comments on this post
why do they feel like they have to attack anyone that says they headcanon Eddie as gay????!???!
Saying “we aren’t talking about headcanons we are talking canon.” what is canon? that chrissy was in a romantic relationship with her boyfriend? that chrissy didn’t even remember who eddie WAS til her fucking last year of highschool? Since when what Grace said was canon….
It's useless to talk to them lol
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imposterogers · 3 years
twitter com/cxptainflint/status/1393951974689841154?s=20 (her tumblr is moonykink. we’re moots but she keeps talking about mlm ships in a gross way and is getting on my nerves so
they way they’re literally picking thru anti content (the way this wasn’t even one of my popular posts so they had to dig) just to bitch about it!!!!!!!! I saw when they screenshotted another blog how the convo was like “wow antis are so obsessed fan behavior” ok then why are you obsessed right back? like babe thanks for boosting my content I guess 🥰
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mthofferings2020 · 4 years
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See JustLous’s existing works here and here.
Preferred contact methods: Twitter: cxptainflint Tumblr: justlous-art Email: [email protected]
Preferred organizations: - Anything from the list of approved organizations
Will create works that contain: domestic things, fluff, angst, platonic or romantic relationships, any kind of AUs... But I am open to any suggestions.
Will not create works that contain: extreme NSFW, extreme gore, hard zoomorphism and content containing triggering issues such as incest or pedophilia.
  -- Video --
Auction ID: 1191
Will create works for the following relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - MCU James "Rhodey" Rhodes/Tony Stark - MCU Pepper Potts/Tony Stark - MCU Gamora/Peter Quill - MCU Peter Parker & Tony Stark - MCU Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov - MCU Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson - MCU Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers - MCU Loki & Thor - MCU
Work Description: I'm offering an edit full HD (1080p or 720p) with the song of your choice. If you want examples, you can find some of my works on youtube and others on my twitter account. Of course it depends of my personal life but most of the time it would take me around two-three weeks to do an edit. I will of course contact the winner if I need more time. At first, I'll make a draft which consists in matching the lyrics with the scenes I picked and send it to you for approval. Once everything is clear, I'll start the editing and show you updates all the long if you want. Don't hesitate to tell me if you want some specific scenes in the video or if there are scenes you want to match with specific lyrics. I also use contents from the MCU movies only because I tend to just play with canon but we can discuss if you want scenes from others movies/series (for example, I used a scene of young RDJ and one of Aubrey Joseph as Tyrone Johnson to play young RhodeyTony + the kiss of Simon and Bram from "Love, Simon" or for Stevetony the kiss between RDJ and Val Kimer from "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang")
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature
-- Art --
Auction ID: 2077
Will create works for the following relationships: Tony Stark/Any - 616, 1872, 3490, AvAc, AA, EMH, MCU, Marvel's Avengers (video game), Noir Bucky Barnes/Natasha Romanov - 616, 1872, AvAc Patricia Walker/Jennifer Walters - 616 Sharon Carter/Steve Rogers - 616, AvAc, MCU Bucky Barnes/Clint Barton - 616 Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson - 616, MCU Poly!vengers - 616, AvAc, AA, MCU Pepper Potts/Natasha Romanov - MCU Tony any gen - 616, AvAc, MCUBucky Barnes/Toro Raymond - 616
Work Description: I'm offering a piece of art with a simple background for the starting bid. $10–$20: for line art $20+: for colors $30+: you can add a character in addition to the first two and every $15 you can add another (my max is 6 characters) $60+: while I don't draw any advanced/hard background it could be possible for me to do a more complex scenery (ex: landscape) At first a sketch will be created and sent to you for approval. You can ask for revisions so long as it isn't anything too major and once the colouring process is complete, further changes will be difficult. I will deliver the digital file via email. The time to wait for a commission really depends on what type you chose, the numbers of commissions I am working with at the time and my personal situation. I will make sure to inform you of my process. /!\ Please note that for the Tony Stark/Any ship, my exceptions are with Peter Parker or any of the young superheroes. I have no problem to do rarepairs as BuckyTonyNat or ReedTony. Make sure to precise what you really want whatever it's a trope, a pose, a type of colouring style, a background color, references, an outfit, scene from your fanwork etc. My mission is to draw something you wish and like!
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit
The auction runs from October 18 (12 AM ET) to October 24 (11:59:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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tinytelepathy · 4 years
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perfectmetaphore · 6 months
@cxptainflint said "What if it's a lesson that I don't care to learn?"
"Well, I cannot force you then, can I?"
His mind dwells in dangerous territories. Memories of a time he has done his best to erase, yet which once in a while comes back to haunt him. Flint, stubborn, unmoving like the ocean herself, reminds him of the time, of someone he refuses to even speak the name of. 'a ghost of his past '.
Yet, this fragment is willed away, forced to the furthest corner of his mind and locked up tightly.
This inner turmoil is never shown on the outside, and the smile of danger and mischief spreads on his lips. ' untouched, unfazed '.
"You are a hazard. Not only to the world, but very much to yourself... and also me. The world I can't say I truly care so much about" A shrug. "You, however, are quite necessary for my survival, and I would very much like to stay alive"
He leans over the desk, peers into the eyes of one James Flint. There is no longer fear when he looks at him for they are equals now, partners, perhaps even friends if he dares believe so.
"If you don't care to learn the lesson, Captain, at the very least take heed. Because if you go and get yourself killed, I will find your sorry corpse and return you to the land of the living, only so I can beat some fucking sense into you"
Knuckles turns white from the iron grip he has on the heavy wooden desk, perhaps out of pain, the half fever he always seems to carry due to the blasted leg. But also from the slight hint of rage burning deep within him.
"You are endangering me as well with your idiocy, so for fucks sake, listen to me for once, think before you act"
His voice is never raised, but rather holds a tone low like the softest of growls, as if he's containing this mix between thunder and fire brewing in his chest. Soon to burst, and when it does, he wonders what will be left.
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thomashxmilton · 7 months
@cxptainflint from here
Thomas reached up and took his hand, keeping it pressed against his cheek, he looked to him, "Bedlam wasn't your fault, James, it was his." He said, knowing full well James knew who he was, looking at him for the longest time, he turned his mouth into James' hand, kissing it before resting his cheek back into his palm. "You quiet my demons, and I'm thankful for that."
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avastyetwats · 7 months
'i don't feel fear.' (to izzy.)
"Everyone fears something." Izzy responds matter-of-factly, his eyes on the Captain. "Or someone. Sometimes even yourself." He's seen it himself. The fear of oneself, whether it was what one already was, what they could become, or what they could return to if they've somehow escaped it. Izzy has seen it for himself, maybe even experienced it... not that he'd admit it out loud. Why the hell would he? When people knew your fears, it made you a target. It outed your weaknesses and Izzy would be damned if he let that happened. "You don't even fear losing something? Or someone?" He questions then, watching the other man closely.
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fxckin-blackbeard · 8 months
'is it true?'
ᒥ☠ᒧ—        He lifts the golden necklace out from the jewelry box, looking it over for a moment. He then brings it up to his mouth and bites the metal. It was real, and it tasted gross. Edward spits on the ground a few times to get the taste out of his mouth and he sticks his tongue out his mouth with a disgusted expression.
"Huh?" Ed turns, sticking the necklace in his pocket and spitting one last time. "Is what true, mate?"
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mrd-gvf · 3 years
the cxptainflint person is a stevetony and their tumblr on here is moonykink
Yeah I saw their Twitter, no surprises there
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