anonymousewrites · 2 months
Logos and Pathos (AOS Edition) Chapter Twenty-Six
AOS! Spock x Empath! Reader
Chapter Twenty-Six: Adapting the Plane
Summary: Enterprise vs Krall continues, and (Y/N) is not to be left out.
            “I’m picking up distress signals from every frequency coming from Yorktown,” said (Y/N) grimly as the Franklin raced towards Yorktown. “Krall’s already started his attack.”
            Krall and his swarm were ahead of them and already attacking Yorktown. He was close to his goal, and they needed to stop him.
            “Scotty, what kind of weapons do we have?” asked Kirk.
            “Uh, we have pulsed phaser cannons and spatial torpedoes,” reported Scotty.
            “Great, lock and load,” said Kirk. They would make do with whatever they had.
            “It does not matter. You cannot defeat the bees,” said Jaylah across the comms.
            “Maybe, uh, maybe we lure them away,” said Kirk. “How do we get Yorktown time to get people to safety?”
            “No, we are a horse and buggy compared to those things,” said Sulu, shaking his head. “We’re barely holding together as it is, Captain.”
            “Captain,” said Spock, rising. “The flight patterns of bees are determined by individual decisions. Krall’s swarm formations are too complex not to rely on some form of cyberpathic coordination. I surmise that if we—”
            “Captain, Spock is saying that we can disorient the swarm to defeat it,” said (Y/N), knowing where Spock was going.
            “Precisely,” said Spock.
            “Scotty, can you beam me into one of those swarm ships?” asked Kirk, seizing on the opportunity.
            “Have you gone completely mad?” was Scotty’s reply.
            “Yes or no?” said Kirk.
            “No!” said Scotty. “Yes! Maybe.”
            “Captain, my familiarity of the interior of those ships, however brief, makes me more qualified for this away mission,” said Spock.
            So that’s how he escaped. He ended up in one of their ships, thought (Y/N). However… “Spock, you’re still hurt.” They hadn’t missed the clear discomfort with his side.
            “They’re right, Spock,” said Kirk.
            “I acknowledge and respect your concerns,” said Spock, gazing intently at (Y/N). “Perhaps you would feel more confident if I were accompanied by someone with familiarity of both the ship and my injury.”
            “He’s gonna love this,” said Kirk, shaking his head.
            “Captain,” said (Y/N). “I should also go.”
            “No,” said Spock instantly.
            “It would be risky,” said Kirk.
            “I know, but we need to disrupt a cyberpathic bond,” said (Y/N). They lifted their chin. “You need a psychic. I am one.”
            Spock hated that their words were so logical. Was it incredibly attractive that (Y/N) faced challenges so logically? Absolutely (though he knew this wasn’t the time to be thinking about how attractive (Y/N) was)). However, Spock didn’t want them in harm’s way, no matter how strong their empathic abilities.
            “…Alright,” said Kirk, nodding. He could see the logic of (Y/N)’s decision. He chuckled. “He is really going to love this now that you’re all involved.”
            “You want me to do what?!” said Bones in the Transporter Room.
            “Come along, Doctor,” said Spock, stepping onto the transporter.
            “We can do this,” said (Y/N), smiling at Bones.
            “You two got me involved, didn’t you?” said Bones. He started at Spock. “Why you green-blooded ingrate!”
            “No need for name-calling,” said (Y/N), still smiling.
            “And you! You cannot be running into danger again!” said Bones, glaring at (Y/N). “Stupid empaths always trying to help everyone and causing themself problems. If you nearly die, I’m not helping this time!”
            They all knew that wasn’t true, so (Y/N) just shook their head in amusement.
            “Sorry, Bones. It’s a good idea,” said Kirk, not at all sorry. “Just make sure you find a way to break those things.”
            “If it gets hairy, I’ll beam you straight back,” assured Scotty.
            “Energize,” said Spock.
            “You’re gonna do great,” said Kirk confidently.
            “Damn it, Jim, I’m a doctor, not a—!”
            They dematerialized.
            The trio materialized in the swarm ship, and the pilots stared at them in shock. Bones held onto a bar on the side of the ship, and Spock pulled (Y/N) to his side and held onto another bar. He slammed his hand down on the familiar button, and the airlock shot the pilots out. The ship was theirs.
            “You do realize the last time I flew one of these things, we crashed?” grumbled Bones as he climbed onto the motorcycle-shaped helm. “So don’t blame me if we—”
            They smashed into the side of another ship.
            “—Hit something,” finished Bones.
            “Spock to Franklin,” said Spock. he crouched in front of a computer screen with (Y/N) beside him.
            “Spock, we read you,” said Kirk over the comms.
            “Captain, from what I can ascertain, the ships do indeed share a cyberpathic link which coordinates their actions,” said Spock. “Patching it through now.”
            A familiar signal from before the initial attack from Krall played over the frequency.
            “So it wasn’t a jamming signal, it was them talking to one another,” murmured (Y/N).
            “Well, how do we get them to stop talking?” said Kirk.
            “I can overload the psychic side of the bond with my empathy,” said (Y/N). “But we’ll need something cybernetic, too.”
            Spock nodded. “If we combine a psychic attack with a disruptive communication signal inside the swarm, it might adversely affect their capacity to coordinate.”
            “It would have to be at a frequency they will not anticipate!” said Chekov.
            “We could cause a chain reaction that would wipe out the whole swarm,” said Sulu.
            “Sir, a closed network like that might be susceptible to very high frequency,” said Scotty.
            “VHF,” said Kirk in sudden realization. “Radio. We can broadcast something from the ship to drown out their link while (L/N) uses their psychic abilities on it. In combination, it should be enough.”
            “It needs to be something loud and distracting so that they can’t try to block my attack at all,” said (Y/N).
            “Loud and distracting?” repeated Scotty. “I’ve got just the thing!” He grabbed Jaylah’s speaker and began to plug it into the ship.
            “Do not break my music!” said Jaylah.
            “Break it? You’re getting an upgrade,” said Scotty with a grin.
            “Swarm ships are sixty seconds from breaking through into Yorktown!” warned Sulu.
            “I’ve just got to reconfigure the VHF output into a multiphasic sweep,” said Scotty. “(L/N), stand by! We’re ready to broadcast.”
            Aboard the swarm ship, (Y/N) sat in front of Bones and took ahold of the controls that linked the ships. Instantly, they felt the buzz of telepathy in their head. They couldn’t make out the words or understand them—they weren’t a telepath—but they felt the psychic aspect as clear as day. They winced at the concentrated energy in their head.
            “Are you alright, T’hy’la?” said Spock.
            “I’ve got it,” said (Y/N), nodding shortly.
            Still, Spock hovered beside them in case they collapsed from the energy they were about to exert. Bones also looked at them worriedly. Spock and Bones both knew (Y/N) strong—one of the strongest empaths of their generation, actually—but as their partner and basically brother respectively, they didn’t want (Y/N) to get hurt.
            “Sulu, put us in the middle of the swarm,” said Kirk. They needed to be close to broadcast. “Ready, (L/N)?”
            As the wave ships crashed down around them, Kirk stared at it evenly.
            “Let’s make some noise,” said Kirk.
            “Sabotage” by the Beastie Boys blasted through the cybernetic connections of the ships. At the same moment, (Y/N) closed their eyes, gritted their teeth, and pushed as much psychic power through the controls of the ship. They summoned all their strength and sent their pure empathic power through the swarm and all the psychic bonds held within it. They found the threads connecting the ships and snapped them with golden power. At the same time, the music blasted through the cybernetic connections, breaking apart the coordination of the swarm. The combination of psychic and musical power proved deadly.
            The attack caused a chain reaction in the wave as the ships began to explode, unable to combat the pure power being forced through them. As the Enterprise and Bones, Spock, and (Y/N)’s ship rode the wave of the swarm, they left explosions behind them.
            “Faster, Doctor, we risk being consumed by their trajectoral decay,” warned Spock.
            “Damn backseat driver,” grumbled Bones, going faster.
            (Y/N) held onto the cybernetic bonds and continued to push empathy through the bonds of the ships, snapping through them so only the powerful frequency of music was left—destroying them.
            “Evade, Doctor!” said Spock.
            “I see it, I see it!” said Bones.
            They dodged the explosions, and, at the same moment, Yorktown began to broadcast. Uhura had sent them the frequency, and explosions started to appear at the borders of Yorktown. The attacking swarm that had been far enough away from the Enterprise to avoid the musical attack were now affected as well.
            (Y/N) squeezed their eyes shut as golden empathy flowed through them. They were connected to so many minds at once, and as they snapped the bonds, the slight rebound as the ships exploded and killed the people within hit them. It wasn’t much, but since they were connecting to thousands of people at once, it hurt. But (Y/N) wasn’t about to let go until they won.
            “You three alright, Spock?” asked Kirk.
            “We are fine, Captain,” said Spock. “But there are still three ships heading into Yorktown.”
            “That’s got to be Krall. Keep on him, Spock,” said Kirk. “Do whatever it takes to stop him from using that weapon!”
            Bones directed the ship into the hole smashed into Yorktown’s bay doors and followed Krall’s ship in. At the same time, (Y/N) groaned and slumped forward. They had reached their limit after thousands of swarm ships—all but three—had been destroyed.
            They collapsed in exhaustion and fell from the helm. Spock caught them and held them close as their head spun.
            “Captain, (Y/N) is unable to continue with the psychic attack at present,” said Spock.
            “Just keep on Krall,” said Kirk. “We’ve got the music, and we only have three ships left. (L/N), you did good.”
            “Thank you…Captain,” said (Y/N), leaning into Spock in pure exhaustion.
            Bones followed Krall out of the passageways of Yorktown into the air of the colony. Below them, the Franklin was still attempting to come to a stop.
            “Do not lose them, Doctor,” said Spock, simultaneously keeping (Y/N) by his side and tracking Krall and his men.
            “You’re more than welcome to switch places with me, Spock,” grumbled Bones, but he was focused despite his grouchiness.
            “Captain, intercepting all three ships is an impossibility,” said Spock.
            “Get me a schematic of Yorktown!” said Kirk. “There! Yorktown headquarters!”
            “Mr. Chekov, can you do a bioscan of Central Plaza?” asked Sulu.
            “Aye,” said Chekov. “They are clearing civilians.”
            “Bones, there’s a city plaza coming up,” said Kirk. “You gotta make sure Krall heads for it.”
            “Why?” asked Bones.
            “Just do it!” said Kirk.
            Bones obeyed and dove towards the ships. They avoided him and skimmed over the waterways below. They zoomed towards the people running for safety. And then the Franklin emerged from the water like a colossal whale, a barrier of metal. Ships smashed into its hull as it came to a floating rest on the water.
            “Great work, Bones,” said Kirk.
            “Thanks, Jim,” said Bones. “Now I’ve just got to figure out how to land.”
            Below, in the Franklin, Starfleet officers ran towards the ship to help their people out, and Kirk ran towards the hull breaches to check that Krall and his men were dead. That was the most important part of this moment. They needed him and the weapon neutralized, or else Yorktown was still in danger.
            Unluckily for them, Krall turned out to be alive—and a former member of Starfleet, a captain named Edison. It seemed Kirk was facing off against a Federation member that had gone down the wrong path once more.
            (Y/N) lay in Spock’s arms and let out a tired sight. Their eyes fluttered, and Spock looked at them.
            “Stay awake, T’hy’la,” said Spock. He understood psychic attacks, understood what (Y/N) was going through, and understood they were incredibly strong for putting up with it for so long.
            “So…tired…” groaned (Y/N). The pressure in their head was still pounding, and every nerve ending of their empathy felt fragile and sensitive. “But I…got them.”
            “You did, T’hy’la, now just focus on me,” said Spock.
            “Don’t worry…I always do,” said (Y/N), attempting to smile.
            “You’re going to be alright,” said Spock softly. “Just stay with me, T’hy’la.”
            “Don’t think I…can,” murmured (Y/N), their eyes shutting.
            “T’hy’la? T’hy’la?” Spock looked at them, tensing in worry.
            (Y/N)’s consciousness fled them. Their last thoughts were of hoping Krall was stopped and how much they loved being near Spock. If his eyes were the last thing they saw, they’d be content.
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gkt-tummyaches · 26 days
BRAT – middle – [salt / blue]
fiercely protective of her privacy, brat has a tendency to keep people at arm’s length despite the many personas she wears to create a false sense of intimacy. there are no real stakes in her life - the consequences of her actions are, in fact, a welcome surprise most of the time. it’s all just a game in the end: something fun to pass the time. ‘consequences’ are just another form of entertainment. 
despite feeling so separate from others, is very good at maintaining friendships. 
treats daily life like a ‘grind’. lots of ‘scripted events’ and ‘interactions’. routine.
is acting as herself in every situation. finds it funny when people think they have found her “true self”.
fun fact: has a reputation for being super tech-savvy in a way that makes people imagine sleek cyberpunk designs, but in reality she started out as a lil’ greasemonkey and still is one at heart. adores old, beat up hunks of junk. treats them more like people than her actual friends sometimes. 
special power is cyberlingualism - not to be confused with cyberpathy. strictly pertaining to the innate ability to understand all forms of cybernetic tech, with a focus on coding languages. however, is often mistaken for being cyberpathic because of her affinity for ‘tech stuff’. 
no known disadvantages. she does a lot of the legwork herself when it comes to learning about computers, robots, mechanics, etc. perhaps prone to migraines from eye strain from staring at screens too long. 
name interpretation:
[noun] ; a poorly behaved child. has a tendency to behave in a way that twists someone’s arm until she gets what she wants. 
[noun] ; a cloak. alludes to the misconception that brat shields her ‘real’ self from people; or perhaps, more correctly, that she often conceals parts of herself. 
related pages - to be added
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deusvervewrites · 2 years
Random thought, it must be interesting being a cyberpath in BNHA. One day when you are less than 4, there you are minding your own business, when you get curious about the new shiny thing, then BAM one "welcome to the internet" montage later your are traumatized for life.
It's just like when most people get access to the internet! :D
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evillordzog · 2 years
Transformers: Earthspark
So, many people are going to flip their shit over this for being ‘woke’, but the latest Transformers series is awesome.
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The series is set in a new continuity that takes inspiration from the numerous G1 takes, most notably with Megatron having thrown in his lot with the autobot/human alliance in order to bring the war to a close. Sadly we don’t see any sign that any other Cons have put the war behind them, which feels like a lost opportunity as well as grist to the mill.
The main humans are a mixed African American/Filipino family. Dad is a history professor. Mum is a former soldier turned park ranger after being invalided out  after losing her leg during the war. The family have relocated from Philadelphia to the rural town of Witwicky for her new job, much to their son’s fury and daughter’s seeming phlegmatic indifference. Shenanigans ensue and suddenly the family gain 2 new members in the form of Twitch and Thrash, the first Transformers to be born on Earth -- a secret Optimus is at pains not to share with his human allies in the semi-secret military force the autobots teamed with at the end of the war. The nature of their forging ends up with the newborns having a cyberpathic link to their human siblings, which plays a consistent role in the events of the season
Of note is that both Skywarp and Nova Storm are again shown as female as per Cyberverse, with Frenzy joining the sisterhood with a rather awesome looking punkrocker makeover.
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trekkie-lkm-archive · 7 months
Info: How is there no X-men crossovers?
Some humans have developed a gene, called the "X-Gene" or "The Unknown Variable Gene" as there is no way to predict how or when the gene will effect the carrier. However, once it starts effecting the character, it's permanent.
Mutant!Human Crew. I have no idea what powers they'd have. I kind of want them to have powers that have nothing to do with their learned talents (Uhura and languages, Kirk and his…promiscuity) but I have to admit a Technopath!Scotty or Cyberpath!Scotty would be LOLARIOUS.
1) Mutants 2) SEXY HIJINKS ENSUE. 3) ???? 4) PROFIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any pairings you want. (Though I'm a bit of a slasher and femmeslasher. Uhura/Rand or Uhura/Gaila, anyone? If you must have het: Kirk/Gaila. Or Bones/Chapel. Because that is hot.) (thread)
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tagged by @seventhscorpio thanks!!
Three ships: Three current fandoms - three ships:
Zaiatl (Destiny 2)!!! It's MY flagship. Ok, I haven't done much in it's name lately but to be honest Bungie won't even throw a single crumb so. Maybe post Light vs Darkness saga...
Freevancehoun (Half-life) - I'm just a sucker for "that's it - the love triangle is poly now" ships. I also like all of them so. Oblivously.
The City Council x Station Managment (WtNV) - do I have to explain? I love City Council, I want them to be happy!
First ever ship: I remember shipping two characters from Gacha World - DJ Phantom and Cyberpath. Why? I don't remember even! The game isn't playable now anyway...
Last song: In the Shadows by the Rasmus. My childhood's band! I've bought their CD - Dead Letters - from some guy's thriftshop last summer. He had a CD player and he played the disc to check is it was working. This track is second on it and I remember him playing it and we both headbanged to it a little.
Last movie: The Pale Blue Eye (2022). I've watched it together with my friend a few weeks ago. It's pretty good detective story!
Currently reading: Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man: Death of Jean DeWolff. I've just stared but the art looks amazing! I need to do some art studies of faces and expressions
Currently watching listening: I'm not watching anything rn but I'm listening to ep 91 of WtNV now.
Currently craving: Good grades. And crisps.
Tagging: Anyone, go ham.
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inkdreamt · 4 years
@asafehavenx​, for anyone willing to interact with a telepath.
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Perhaps it was par for the course as the aliens grew more active in public, now two did people assume anyone with powers were the same.  The tensions were at an all time high.  Normal people were scared, aliens were scared, the people like her were scared.  None of this was going to end well.
Luckily for Victoria, her particular gifts made it rather easy to walk down the streets without gaining the attention of the random passerby, without the new security measures reporting that she wasn’t some normal human.  It was hard to calculate what exactly she was, if she was just an evolved human or if she had some alien in her, passed down from a time the world had forgotten.  Perhaps it was better that she didn’t know.
And, despite her relative safety of her pseudo-invisibility, Victoria paused as she saw a child with blue skin be ripped from what she could only imagine was their adoptive family... or maybe the family member could camouflage, it was hard to tell.  Placing her fingers on her temple, she directed a message to the man: “the police are closing in on you.  Let the child go now, and you may walk out of here unscathed.”  Of course, the police weren’t here and, even if they were, she doubted they’d be any real help.
Once the men had released the child, her attention went to the rest of the people the men were with. “Sleep,” she sent through, and, one by one, the men fell to the ground, snores filling the scene.  The family whisked  the child away with fervour as Victoria’s hand left her temple and she turned to head on her way.
Of course, she hadn’t expected someone to be standing mere inches away, and she ran right into them, her pseudo-invisibility wearing off as she went.  “Sorry, sorry,” she mumbled as she rushed to pass the person.  She wanted to get into a secluded space and disappear again.  This was not a safe place to be for people who were different.
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darkthingshappen · 2 years
Poster Child (Continuation of Connor's story from the Merry Whump of May Drabble)
So, as some of you know, I held a poll for which of my stories would get a continuation. Far exceeding every other story, was the story about Connor and his Pet Lib parents. So, without further adieu, I'd like to introduce you all to Connor's family as they try to find their missing son. This will be a multi-chapter story, most of it from Connor's perspective.
Also, @ashintheairlikesnow is the creator of Karen Renford, who appears with her permission.
This story will contain noncon, but it's not in this chapter and will be clearly tagged when it occurs.
As always, I'd like to thank my amazing beta, @whumpcereal for always doing an amazing job and pushing for more detail and depth of my characters.
I don't have have a tags list for this yet, but if you'd like to be added, let me know. :-)
General warnings for BBU and WRU - institutionalized slavery.
Connor' Introduction can be found here
“Where is he, Daniel?” 
Kai Lightfoot paced around the small living room of the safehouse where she and her husband had been hiding for the past month.  The Lightfoots moved around a lot so that no one could catch up with them.  It had been a hard six months.  She had never wanted to leave her baby behind. 
But Connor wasn’t a baby, not anymore.  He was a grown man, forging his own path. He’d gotten himself a scholarship and was going to college.  It was more than either Kai or Daniel had done.  They’d tried but couldn’t afford it back when they were young.  And then they’d gotten into the Pet Liberation Movement, and it became their passion. 
Their protests and crusades to ban the sale and owning of human pets had at least been successful on the reservations.  Treaties had been made across the country with nearly every Native American Tribe and Nation banning it. 
They’d even gotten successful legislation passed with the US Federal government recognizing the illegality of Native American pets.  It took them years, but the entire Lightfoot family had been there when the bill was signed into law. 
Not for the first time, Kai wondered if it had been a mistake to take her then sixteen-year-old son to the press event.  Maybe this wouldn’t have happened if they hadn’t been able to get pictures of the whole family celebrating together. 
But Connor had insisted.  He’d backed their movement one-hundred percent.  He was going to be a lawyer so that he could do more for the cause. 
The phone rang. 
“Hang on!  Don’t answer it,” Eli Riggs said, from behind his computer monitor.  Eli was their loyal and steadfast friend who was brilliant with anything electronic.  They often joked that the was part computer himself, or a cyberpath.  He’d been with them since before Connor was born and also served as Connor’s godfather.  He clacked out a few things on his keyboard and then nodded to Daniel. 
A computer generated voice came across the line.  “Daniel Lightfoot?”
“I can’t confirm that other than to say if you have a message for the Lightfoots, then I can make sure they receive it,” Daniel Lightfoot replied curtly.
“Play your games, then.  Tell the Lightfoots if they want a chance at ever seeing their son again, then they will present themselves to the WRU and associated authorities in two days’ time.  If they do not, they will never see him again.  We’ll leave it up to your imagination what might happen to him.  But we can assure you, he will not be a lawyer.”
What the fuck!  Kai was livid.  Clearly they’d been watching and tracking their family for some time.  Spying on them was probably closer to the truth.  Was it worth it if their own son was turned into a pet? 
Kai wanted to scream at that voice in her brain that, yes! It was worth it.  But she also wanted to curl up in a ball.  These people had her son.  And even if he was  a grown man, he was still her baby.  He always would be.  And right now, she wanted nothing more than to take her baby in her arms and run and hide with him.  
“How do we know you even have Connor Lightfoot?”
“Go to the following web address in the next five minutes…”
Eli was already clacking away on his computer so he could screen grab whatever they were about to be shown.
“The evidence will remain there for two minutes and will then be gone.”
“That’s what you think…” Eli whispered in a sing-song voice. 
“We won’t contact you again.  Be at the location at the time stated or your son is gone… for good.”
The phone line clicked and went dead. 
They can’t do this.  They can’t have my Connor.  Images of Connor as a newborn flashed through Kai’s mind.  Holding his tiny body, his little fist curled around her finger.  He’d been so helpless then - utterly reliant on them for care and safety.  And now here they were twenty-one years later, and he was still reliant on them for safety–they just hadn’t known it.  It wasn’t fair. 
Connor wasn’t even involved.  Not really.  He hadn’t actively worked to rescue people and hide them.  He wanted to approach it differently and contribute to a more long-term solution.  This shouldn’t be happening.  
He’s bait.  He’s bait because you created the attack on that facility that freed dozen’s of pets in one go.  You wanted to hit them at their bottom line and you did.  Now they want to get back at you for that.  
They had no proof that it was us, but the suspicion is enough.  
“Oh my God, they really took him.  They all but admitted it.  What do we do? We’ve been looking for weeks.  This is why we couldn’t find him.  It’s just as we feared.  They took him.” 
“Now, Kai, let’s wait and see.  Let’s not panic.  Eli?  What’s on that site?”
The three of them crowded around Eli’s computer with bated breath.  When the site loaded, all that was there was a video; the resolution was terrible..  Eli was already screen recording. 
It was obviously Connor.  His hair was shorter – looked like he’d put up a fight when they cut it judging by the choppiness.  He was kneeling, muzzled and chained to the floor wearing nothing but a pair of grey, standard issue, WRU shorts.  They could see he was trembling.  And he was thin, so very thin. 
“Oh my God.  Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!  Connor, baby.  No!  No!” Kai was hysterical at the sight of her only child in that horrible place.  She leaned into Daniel, stifling a wail from deep in her core.  Her only child was bound and gagged in one of those brutal facilities of human suffering they’d fought so hard against.  He shouldn’t be there. 
Working in under the sorrow was an anger unlike anything she’d ever felt - almost holy in nature.  They touched something that wasn’t theirs to touch.  They would regret that if she had anything to say about it.  Kai Lightfoot vowed to bring the entire system down around Karen fucking Renford's head, and anyone else that got in the way of her getting her boy back.
The video feed replayed twice and then the website went down. 
“He must be so scared, Daniel.  What are we going to do?”
“Oh!  I know exactly what we’re going to do,” said Eli, rewinding the video. 
Both Daniel and Kai looked at him. 
“You’re going to confess and turn yourselves in–well, virtually at least.  We have people inside WRU.  As a Native American, Connor will stick out like a sore thumb.  Someone will find him,” Eli said with a smile. 
“But no one has seen him.  Why haven’t any of our people inside the WRU reported anything if he’s so obvious?” Daniel countered. 
“I don’t know.  But I’m sure they’ll find him.  But here’s what we’re going to do.  We’re going to take that phone call we just recorded and the footage I just got off their website, and we’re going to go to the media.  I’m going to put that footage and the phone call all over the internet.  They’ll never be able to scrub it,” Eli reassured them.  “And then they’ll have the court of public opinion to deal with.  And trust me, Karen Renford cannot afford the negative press right now.  Not with the anti-human pet bills that are pending in congress.  Not with an election cycle coming up.  This will come back to bite them in the ass.  I can guarantee it.”
“What if they’ve already erased him?  They’ve had him for two weeks.” Kai’s voice sounded hollow. 
“Kai, they’re not supposed to wipe people anymore.  It’s illegal,” Daniel’s said shakily, like he wasn’t even sure he really believed it. 
“So’s kidnapping our fucking child!”  Kai was so angry she couldn't see straight.  “We’ve been doing all this for him.  So that he can have a better future, so his kids have a better future.  What are we doing if he’s made into another one of their fucking box boys?”
“Look,” Eli said, “I swear to you that we have absolutely every mole looking for your son.  He’s going to surface, and when he does, we’ll get him.  And we’ll help him deal with whatever they’ve done to him.  No matter what.  You know as well as I do that it’s very difficult to truly wipe someone’s mind.  There are ways around the process.”
Kai let out another small sob, but nodded her head. 
“You can’t hide someone like him indefinitely.  We will find him,” Eli said.  He frowned and took a moment to look at each of them.  “The three of us have been together almost since the beginning.  I was at your wedding.  I was at the hospital when Connor was born.  I… I know I’m not Navajo, but… but, you have to know that I care for Connor.  I mean it when I say I’ll do everything in my power to find Connor and bring him home safely.  He’s your child, but he’s also my godson”
“We know, Eli.  We know.  You’re family to us too.”
Kai took a deep breath.  “Okay.  So, your plan, Eli.  What do we have to do?”
Eli smiled, “What you two do best.  You’re going to crusade.  Only this time, it’s not on behalf of nameless boxboys.  We want everyone in the fucking world to know who Connor is by tomorrow night.”
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moon-mirage · 2 years
Moon-Mirage Fanfic Masterpost
I just saw that my next post would be my 1000th so I wanted to do something special ... but didn’t know what and I have no time anyway. ;)
So, instead, I compiled a list of my fanfics and will link them to FFN and AO3. I would be happy if this reaches someone who hasn’t yet read my fics or encourage the rest to reread my stuff. And also, I’m kinda surprised I wrote so many fics so maybe it was time to compile them in a single post.
Play Ball
A few years after the revolution has ended, Thorne takes Cress to her first game of baseball. Oneshot.
Planning Ever After
(AU) When Cress and Thorne are tasked with planning Kai and Cinder's big wedding, sparks fly between the two wedding planners who couldn't be more different: Thorne's cool elegance clashes with Cress's flowery romance. For now, they're stuck with each other - for better or for worse. But Cress and Thorne have to learn that some things can't be planned ...
Till We Meet Again
Airport AU. When Cress and Thorne keep meeting randomly in many US airports, is it just a coincidence ... or fate? A series of drabbles.
Cresswell oneshots. A look into interactions we missed out on during and after the events of the books. Canon-verse.
Pocketful of Rainbows
Cress and Thorne make plans to celebrate the Third Era version of Valentine's Day: Love Day.
[Superhero AU] After a lunar eclipse leaves some with special powers, Cress becomes Satellite - a superhero with cyberpathic abilities. Besides the supervillains she's got to fight, there's the smug thief called Captain, a man who uses his powers to foil all her plans. But when the masks come off, little does Cress know her nemesis is actually closer to her than she thinks ...
Take Me Away
Cress and Thorne sneak away for a romantic date in Neo Barcelona. [Post-Winter, two-parter]
The World of Tomorrow
Six years after the revolution, the world is a different place for Earthens, Lunars, cyborgs and shells. Our favourite heroes lead new lives, but no one has seen more changes or more consequences than Cinder. In one of her darkest hours, secrets will be revealed and alliances will come into question. Will she face them alone or trust her friends to stand by her side once more?
That’s all of them. A big thank you to my betas and readers and everyone who reviewed my fics. I got so many great comments which always encourages me whenever I’m in a writing slump. Thank you for your support. :D
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z0mborb · 3 years
i wanna do a villain with technopathic abilities. they would have a bitter rivalry with a hero with cyberpathic abilities, they used to be a duo but the technopathic one just got rly angry and corrupted over time after seeing the sins of the world or smth edgy like that. the cyberpath still wants to redeem the technopath and genuinely cares about and loves them. i definitely didnt think of this while listening to Separate Ways by Journey haha what nooooo
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comiiical · 3 years
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Hunter Wiz
CEO of Wiz Industries (a tech developer company)
Enhanced mutant
Hunter’s past is a mystery to him and most, given out for adoption and trapped in the system unadopted for as long as he was unable to emancipate, Hunter never felt like he would belong in a world of humans as deprived of all forms of normalcy, he saw it all in a sense of competition. You either had to be the smartest, or the prettiest, or the goodest of boys to call the attention fo those that, little by little, would refuse to pay attention to you due to age. He was given a name, and nothing else, by the nuns that raised him in the orphanage, and as soon as he could leave it on a legal base, he did so. Providing that he started from the bottom at age 16, it tells a lot of how much he’s advanced on his own now that he is 30 and has literally made a name of his own. Hunter Wiz built his business from the bottom and registering invention after invention he’s earned a place in the world, mostly in a world of security measures.
Hunter’s past, unknown to him, is just as dark as what he knows, or even worst. His parents were biologists that after a test for disease on the kid found a weird genetic trade (an X gene marker) that led them to believe they would dispose of him, why would they keep a monster. Convinced though to have him by the self same doctor that test them, they sold the boy before he was born. Yet, during pregnancy, convinced to taste up procedure after procedure that didn’t endager the mother but would potentially so the kid (did they care? obviously not). Hunter was born healthily but different, a stronger X gene trait and a body that already as a baby displayed tests of strength unmatched by those his age (to the point of breaking his mother’s cervix’s bones on birth (justice? probably). He was however given up for adoption at age 6 with no recollection of those first six years of existence and a programmed blocker within his body that run out at age sixteen, when his adoptive father was found experimenting on the kid and unabel to hold him but also unable to get properly rid of him.
His powers manifested from a young age but the enhancements done in the laboratory didn’t until he became a man of his own (legally at least) when it run out. Hunter saw visions of a fight between Peter Parker and Mysterio, many years before Peter Parker came to b eSpiderman, but that inspired him enough. 
As a mutant, Hunter possesses a strong precognitive technopathy. He can create, communicate and manipulate technology, whether this is ancient (and basic, no electricity) or futuristic or foreign, it doesn’t matter; and he can also foresee technology to come which is where he gets his ideas. After the modifications, he has enhanced strength, durability (that grew stronger as he grew older to a point or near invulnerability), speed, dexterity and senses, and can produce electricity, this electricity can be use to magnetice metal, build protective field around his inventions to prevent any form of power hacking and even create constructs that imitate a harmless (or a paralysiing) spider silk. He has a natural understanding of technology and mechanisms, allowing him to even understand and perceive the powers of others jsut by looking at patterns in their persona, or bodies. Detecting these with ease. Hunter has built himself a technosuit to become Web, he uses special gloves and boots that alter gravity to allow him wall crawling, wings for gliding, etc. Overall, he imitates other Spiderheroes aware of the multiverse with his suit, a suit that resembles Future Foundation’s spiderman. He has also added Mysterio’s technology in order to camouflage himself becoming invisible by reflecting and redirecting light. He has a mnimal sense of telepathy, as well as an empathic ability to manipulate the human body by contact (as it is, by all means, a piece of technology). He uses external technology for a cyberpathic nature, as well as a brain implant that he is not aware of how he got it, though the scar behind his ear gives him a clue.
While a hero, Hunter can be often seen too as a sidekick, communicating with other Spider-Men in order to help them perform from afar while retaining his isolating (or sometimes isolating) life.
Due to his advancement in life, he is a multibillionaire whose philanthropic work is well known for his focus on kids care. Also a well known Tinder user,
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mcteora-blog · 7 years
“Fair warning, if you’re in New York and you decide to buy a slice of pizza, if it goes for under $2.50, don’t buy it.”
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“Good New York pizza is only ever $2.50 per slice.”
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ravagerchose · 5 years
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As the Antichrist was starting to come into his power, altering reality on a global and universal scale--in another universe similar to theirs, Corvus was on her way to Earth. It was just a simple trip really, pick up much needed items that could only be obtained on the planet and yet, not simple at all. For a brief moment, the Ravager encountered some rather unusual turbulence when going through a jump and ended up in a whole different universe.
It was rather easy to tell that she wasn’t where she was supposed to be--everything felt wrong for starters. What was a constant buzz at the back of her head due to her cyberpathic abilities now became pure silence. The magic within the universe felt different, almost made her feel nauseous at first.
Not to mention there was the urge to deliver a message.
Going along with whatever hand that was guiding her, Corvus finally arrives on Earth and makes contact with one recently-recruited Witchfinder, Newton Pulsifer. Delivering a message of universal peace or something, she didn’t care, Corvus suddenly finds herself being pulled into the whole end of the world bit.
Nothing is ever simple when it comes to her life apparently.
Once the whole business with Armageddon ends--a high point being seeing this universe’s depiction of Satan--Corvus realizes that she’s still here. In this universe. Now a somewhat permanent resident, the Ravager has to find a way back to her own universe--she does have a crew to treat.
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nxtafirestarter · 5 years
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Canon relationships for Tanner before his 25th birthday:
Samantha, phoenix witch, around two or three years of emotional torture.
Cyberpathic male witch he met at the Magic School. First boyfriend in fact. Lasted his last year of school before meeting Sam. 
Merman, neither wanted to renounce to their lives, so it was bound to end.
Technopathic twin witches, he was dating both of them (man and woman) for a year and six months respectively. Things ended with a little hex thrown at him.
College colleague mortal.
First charge he ever had, it was an open relationsihp tobegin with but ended when the other settled.
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scholarlypidgeot · 6 years
Power: manipulating electronics
Name: Albany “Albie” Paschal 
Age: 19 y/o
Gender: female 
Alignment: Hero 
Alias: Programmer 
Ability: technopath/cyberpath 
Hair: Black 
Eyes: Brown; become luminescent gold when using power/touching machinery
Fun Fact: She’s a huge gamer.  She tries not to cheat but occasionally she’ll get stuck on a level and tweak the game so she can get through it. 
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the-ir-regulars · 6 years
The Irregulars Intro Post
“Wait... is this going on the internet?”
Name: Albany Paschal
Age: 19 y/o
Gender: female
Alignment: hero
Alias: Programmer
Ability: technopath/cyberpath
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown; become luminescent gold when using power/touching machinery
Fun Fact: She’s a huge gamer.  She tries not to cheat but occasionally she’ll get stuck on a level and tweak the game so she can get through it. 
“Why are you announcing we’re Irregulars? Isn’t that supposed to be a secret?”
Name: Evan Lane
Age: 18 y/o
Gender: male
Alignment: hero
Alias: Glide
Ability: Air Running
Hair: white
Eyes: grey
Fun Fact: Evan is probably the most embarrassed by his irregular ability, not because it’s embarrassing in itself but because… well, it’s irregular.  That doesn’t stop him from using it either to walk faster (without people seeing him of course) or impress his actual friends by walking out on the lake, extending backflips, or doing tricks like the invisible rope (just, of course, with no rope).
“Do I say hi? Is that what we’re doing?
Name: Tennille Reed
Age: 22 y/o
Gender: female
Alignment: hero
Alias: Psyche
Ability: touch-telepathy; requires skin-on-skin contact.
Hair: blonde
Eyes: green
Fun Fact: She’s actually had a good degree of control over her ability from a young age, allowing her to focus her attention on certain thoughts if skin contact is intentional.  If not… results vary, but they include and are not limited to: getting the last song listened to by the person she has touched stuck in her head; those random and unclear childhood memories that you sometimes experience, except that they’re not her own; intense desires to either yell at or make out with someone she’s never even met; etc.
“I think most people get scared when an Irreg goes off.  If they know you they think it’s pretty cool, but, y’know.  People worry.  And I think they have good reason to.”
Name: Joseph Zaid
Age:  25 y/o
Gender: male
Alignment: hero
Alias: Stretch
Ability: mégethoskinesis - the ability to change his and others’ size.
Hair: Black
Eyes: brown
Fun Fact: Joseph’s ability is one of the simplest to understand and master, and if anyone can be called a “master” of sizeshifting.  And, yes. He does use both shrinking and growing for everyday purposes.
“Yeah, I’m Irregular, what about it?” 
Name: Lenin Swift
Age: 17 y/o
Gender: male
Alignment: villain
Alias: Sharpshooter
Ability: can create sharp projections of energy which can be cast/launched at opponents.
Hair: Brunet
Eyes: Blue
Fun Fact: He cannot aim.  Which is ironic, yes. (He has no sense of balance, either, in case you were wondering.) And he will deny it till the day he dies but he relies more on throwing a random barrage rather than one or two well-timed projections.
“Did you see that? ...they can’t see it? Oh.  Well, it was awesome, let me tell you.”
Name: Miley Acke
Age:  15 y/o
Gender: female
Alignment: villain
Alias: Morning Glory
Ability: Xylokinesis
Hair: naturally brunette, dyed blue
Eyes: green
Fun Fact: while she has had these powers for a while, she’s barely scratched the surface of the extent of this ability, as it is so varied and intense.  She’s probably one of the most powerful “Irregulars” because of the wide variety of abilities that comes with her power.
“No comment.” 
Name: Rayne Dupont
Age: 20 y/o
Gender: female
Alignment: villain
Alias: The Precipitator
Ability: limited hydrokinesis
Hair: strawberry blonde
Eyes: blue
Fun Fact: While Rayne’s ability is itself limited, she is naturally gifted with the ability to teach others, especially new Irregulars or those who recently discovered their abilities (since her abilities are weak enough for them to spar against without endangering themselves.)  She’s self-aligned as a villain, however, though nobody’s quite sure why.
“Well, if anybody asks, I’m nothing special.”
Name: Daimon Alastor
Age: 23 y/o
Gender: male
Alignment: neutral
Alias: “The Enlightened” (self-attributed)
Ability: Astral Projection
Hair: Brunet
Eyes: hazel (go blank when projecting)
Fun Fact: Because Daimon’s ability is spiritually based and thus mostly undetectable, no one knows his identity, or even that he’s an Irregular, although both heroes and villains are well aware of the existence of “The Enlightened”.  
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