outcastpack · 2 months
cyberwolf for the wip wednesday please!!
Of course!! Sorry it took so long but here it is
He felt his nerves almost skyrocket even as much as he tried to keep up the calm - ish - facade. Brett cautiously connected his system to the car they were hiding behind.
"I'm in." A smooth male voice said in his ear that Liam felt himself freeze at hearing. Whoever this 'Tee' was had somehow not only gotten into the cars systems but simultaneously dragged Liam himself into the call between him and Brett.
"Get ready."
Liam's eyes widened a fraction as he watched the room around car park around them erupt with chaos. Some of the cars alarms blared around, some driving fowards or reversing in their place.
A body went flying past where the two of them were hidden. A flash of blue followed by a car slamming into the figure again. Liam winced at the loud echoing crack the impact made.
His scanner showed the cop was alive, at least. A dead one would be the least of their worries right now.
"Shutter exit, on your left." 'Tee' told them, just as said shutter flung open.
"Race ya Li!" Brett shouted, clapping a hand against Liam’s shoulder before he started running. Liam rolled his eyes with a huff and set off to follow his taller friend.
The chaos of the cars and loud noises was enough to mask the two of them. Remaining undetected even as they dived over the wall and let out joint shouts as they fell the three stories.
"Son of ahhhhhh-" Liam heard Brett scream as they came closer and closer to the ground. The large pile of trash, luckily cushioned their fall, sending all sorts of bags and boxes flying across the small area.
"Motherfucker." Liam groaned, making his way out of the pile. He grimaced at the state of his clothes and couldn't wait to get somewhere with a shower. "Ugh, that smells bad."
"Good, you're both alive. You owe me Talbot." Their life saver said before the line went dead leaving Liam with Brett and the mountain of trash behind them.
Which reminded him.
Brett's jaw cracked beneath his cybernetic fists. "That was for being a dumbass." He snarled, pulling his friend back to his feet. "Now come on, you're probably due one of those from your sister."
(Not completely happy with this but can always hopefully work on it over time.)
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carpeossa · 6 months
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His name is Cyber Wolf and he’s here to wreak havoc upon your system.
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gamingisalifestyle · 1 year
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Cyberwolf Skadi by Arif Wijaya
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riskyraiker · 1 month
I have a idea that reader is like a sheep in their monoform and then a black wolf in their alt form kinda like a wolf in sheep's clothing or sheep in wolf's clothing🤩
Oh. my. Gosh! I love this😍😍 Just imagine reader seeming like a sweetheart and all by looking like a sheep, but in battles looking like a wolf they're ruthless!!!
TFP bots with a reader whos bipedal mode looks like a sheep, but alt form is a wolf
You've been on the team as long as you landed on earth. Everyone thought you were so sweet and nice, since you look like a sheep, but why you didn't have an alt form? Well you do, but don't want to show it that much, being afraid of their opinion on you. The team did like having a second medic whose actually optimistic! Unlike Ratchet, who is always grumpy.
Back up was needed and the fight wasn't going well on your teams side. You demanded Ratchet to open the groundbridge which did confuse him, but still went with it. Running through and transforming, you bite the first vehicon who happens to be infront of you. The team thought someone new arrived since the wolf didn't even look like you. Half of the team was amazed about your ruthless acts, the other half was almost horrified! The fight was over...The bots was secure enough to come back from their hiding spots. Optimus spoke first, "With who do you fight? Autobot or an decepticon." Your alt form didn't have a badge for some reason. "Why are you asking optimus? It's me? Y/N."
Optimus prime
At first he didn't believe it was you, until you went back into your bipedal mode.
Was worrying why you hid this from them or did someone do this to you.
Treats you the same ofc! If you need a shoulder to lean on Optimus listens.
He would stand next to you if someone was against Cyberwolfs.
Was actually surprised when he realized you could act so ruthless. He NEVER imagined you were like that this whole time.
If you ever hung out using your alt mode, expect him giving you scratches! If you accept them of course.
Doesn't want you on the battlefield without you using your altmode. He doesn't want to use you, but the alt form is overpowered against regular vehicons. If you disagree about this he accepts it.
If you two were good friends expect him to be around you even more from now on!
Was confused not to see you with the team, but was more than shocked when he saw a cyberwolf walk through.
"WHAT HAPPENED TO Y/N?! WHE-" "Calm down doc, that's her." Wheeljack just teased the medic.
Was a little angry how you kept this form hidden, but couldn't be angry that long since you're so nice
He wouldn't give you scratches unless you asked.
Still confused how your modes didn't match up at all! Was thinking were you a sheep in wolfish clothing or vice versa?!
If he refuses to recharge you just pick him up and walk over to his berthroom door.
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Prepare for A LOT of scratches. He loves earth animals and now he loves you! Platonically!
He gives you scratches when he's in hand reach. So he'll give you scratches a lot!
If you're able to he wants to get a ride on your back!
Was confused why you kept this hidden, but wasn't mad, gladly.
He acts like a cowboy! Or is it a wolfboy? Who cares, it's cool!
He acts like you're his little pet, which you just joke about with anyone
If he's a bee and you're a wolf then you two are the animal duo!
Well this is a surprise! One of the nicest bots left in this cruel world did hide something big.
Was mad at you for a little bit, but forgave you since you're always so nice if others aren't.
Would love your skills in the field!!
If she's acting sassy on you, you just pull the wolf card and pick her up.
Ask her for a little petting and you have a nice little session of it!
Watch out with that tail of yours! Don't hit Arcee with it or you might get a small scar on it.
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Bulkhead & Wheeljack
"Hey Bulk, you always wanted a pet didn't you? So I got us a puppy!" Type of situation.
Since these two are not the smartest lads you might need to carry them out of the battlefield.
First they're protective and now they're still protective :)
But when you're in bipedal mode they treat you like a baby alright?!
They're the passive aggressive petters😭😍
LOBBING! If you want to play with them I hope you prefer the alt mode so you can BEAT THEIR AFTS!
Have fun with two dumb idiots who loves you like family no matter what form.
You're not his pet. No no no no. He's your little puppy now bitches!
If you acted soft like a sheep, protect him like the beast you are!
He's clinging on your tail the moment he has the chance.
You know when he was so happy and excited as he met optimus? This is part 2 baby!
He doesn't care if you're insecure about your alt mode. Number 1# fan right there!
Please let him ride on your back sometimes, he's like a child in a candystore😭
Ultra Magnus
Have fun with Commander here :D
Rules this rules that but still he has respect for you. You're probably rarer than red energon?!
Will not give you scratches when you ask or even if he could. Maybe, like reaaaaally maybe he might give you small scratches if you did something great!
If he's in a hurry just give him a lift. He doesn't care if you pick him up, but do it carefully!
"you're too soft during a war" happy now? Probably yes. If nobody of their own gets hurt, of course.
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yoayoaa · 3 months
YELLO AGAIN!! I was wondering if I could request a cybertronian! Y/n that's kinda like a sheep as their alt but they can also transform into a wolf as their other alt but rarely and Y/n is shy on the outside but scary on the inside! I'm also wondering if you can make it as a scenario for Transformer mtmte? :DD
Prompt: mtmte characters with a cybertronian!reader who has an alt mode of a sheep and wolf
Warnings: a bit of spoilers, im not using [y/n] in this :")
Notes: man this is basically wolf in sheep's clothing 😭😭 BUT ANYWAYS THIS IS FUN TO WRITE BUT A BIT CHALLENGING- although a bit short, HOPE YOU ENJOY! (Lets act that Overlord was successfully ejected from the lost light 💀)
The very last place you'd be expecting to be in was the Lost Light, but here you are now. Most bots there knew you for your alt mode, which resembles earth's sheep. Many said your shy and gentle behaviour matches your alt mode, little did they know you have a second one. Your rarely use your wolf alt mode, it was only used during dire situations...like right now. It was suppose to be a calm day, until Overlord broke free during one of Chromedome's interrogation and has left many injured.
Unfortunately you were caught up in the fight between the bots and the con, you were forced to use your wolf alt mode to defend yourself. Not many payed any mind other than the fact that theres a cyberwolf on the ship, also at the fact how you're more aggressive in this mode. Rodimus was finally able to momentarily stunt Overlord and was herded back by Fort Max. Still in your wolf mode, you saw bright orange pedes walking towards you. It was none other than Rodimus himself. "You have two alt modes? I thought your sheep alt mode was your only one." He asked, probably still baffled at the display you have shown.
"Well, i was never forced to use this mode anyways" You answered him. You can see a few bots looking your way, they're not used to seeing their very shy and gentle bot suddenly becoming a big bad wolf with a complete opposite vibe and looks. "I am never going to get used on how scary you are when you're always so shy..." Rodimus commented. You chuckled and jokingly said "Well get used to it, who knows you might see this again."
Meanwhile Fort Max just stood silently, not having a single comment 💀
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leota-nexus · 6 months
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chronivore · 1 month
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mychlapci · 4 months
User earthstellar here again because I saw your post about werewolf Drift and Rodimus and I honest to god had a fic drafted of this exact thing for Halloween and then the file corrupted and I gave up, so here's what the plot was:
Essentially, the Lost Light has to make a stop on an unknown planet in order to search for energon crystal deposits, as the ship is running a bit low
Rodimus insists on going out to explore it-- The planet seems to be heavily organic, and something is preventing the ship's scanners from working as they normally would.
He doesn't want anyone else going out as a landing party because they don't know if it'll be safe or not, but Drift insists on going with him, to keep Rodimus alive in the event they run into something weird.
They do indeed run into something weird-- Some kind of techno-organic thing, not Cybertronian in origin (probably?) but definitely aggressive and very, very fast.
It gets a few hits in on both of them, and they drag each other back to the Lost Light in order to head to the med bay. They pass out as soon as they get inside. Everyone assumes it's from energon loss, due to the deep cuts all over their armour.
When they wake up, they are in the med bay as expected, but they are now cyberwolves.
Their internal comms are different now, they can't access them and they don't seem to work anyway, and they have a whole new sensory suite and it's a little overwhelming.
But they also can't speak (like a beastformer would be able to), and therefore can't communicate to anyone that they're still there, they're just... cyberwolves.
They understand each other; They have some kind of new language data pack, able to interpret each others barks and whines.
But to everyone else, their captain/co-captains have turned into fucking huge giant cyberwolves and seem to be more animalistic than a beastformer would be and nobody knows what the fuck to do.
Gradually, cyberwolf instincts leak in more and more to their cognitive processes; Drift doesn't want to sleep anywhere other than curled up by Ratchet, and Rodimus doesn't want to curl up anywhere other than beside Drift, so Ratchet's habsuite becomes a temporary kennel of sorts until everyone figures this out.
By a couple cycles in, while Drift and Rodimus are still very cognizant and self-aware, their cyberwolf instincts get harder to ignore. Prompts keep popping up on their internal HUDs that they couldn't understand at first but now can't ignore, instinctive drives, like chasing flight-capable crew members and treating mini-bots like pups and play-fighting (to be fair, a thing Drift and Rodimus already do lmao)
And gradually this could turn into them not being able to ignore mating instincts, maybe Ratchet has to break up a little dog fight that broke out in his hab suite after the cyberwolves worked themselves up running around Swerve's getting petted (mostly Rodimus, Drift is more touch-averse) and playing ball with various patrons etc.
But it turns out the dog fight was an instinctive "no Ratchet is MY mate" kind of thing and Ratchet does not realise this until he starts to figure out that they're competing for his attention etc.
something something
Eventually they sort of figure out how to reverse the altered transformation sequence, but not fully, so when Drift and Rodimus enter their root modes they still have cyberwolf features like ears, tails, claws, etc. -- And their HUDs are still throwing up instinct prompts.
So they still don't want to go back to their own hab suites, Ratchet eventually gives in because they make the argument that this is their first night in root mode again and what if something weird happens again??
And they end up Doin It.
Bonus: Ravage figured out more or less what was happening before everyone else did, but didn't tell anyone because he figured they'd sort it out eventually, and also it's more interesting to him to not help. He did, however, immediately tell Nautica about "new cyberwolves on board" and Velocity nearly had to barricade the medical bay, lmao. and also Drift and Rodimus following Ratchet around in their wolf forms made him miss Soundwave ;__;
okay. so, i will be honest with you. i don’t think i made that post. i probably didn’t even reblog anything like that. but i did make a post about transformer werewolves and so i’m answering this anyways because i need everyone to know that i’m open to talk about transformers werewolves. (and perhaps you just understood The Implication of my werewolf posting and knew what i was asking for) (and this has nothing to do with my teen wolf thing shut up)
I love werewolf Rodimus and Drift <3
At first they’re pretty aware of what’s happening, not that they understand it, but they know that they’ve turned into mechanimals and no one can turn them back. Slowly though, it does not matter as much, as the instincts take over... Drift and Roddy start walking with more practice in their step, moving faster, becoming stronger, their hearing and sense of smell get better as well. Ratchet is, unfortunately the designated handler for these two. They insist on curling up besides him every night and he’s then forced to recharge with two absolutely massive cyberwolves huddled up on top of him. it’s as annoying as it is endearing.
hgrhhh Roddy and Drift eventually sinking into their breeding drive. They already sleep with Ratchet in their den hab-suite, they should get to mate with him too. The dominance fights don’t get too bloody but you know Ratchet’s very angry at the two of them.
Drift and Rodimus turning back but they still insist on sleeping with Ratchet. It might have been a bad idea. Their breeding drives are in no way sated yet, they start to rub up against Ratchet, trying to get their smell on him, scent him, make him theirs, a simple instinctual response that Ratchet thinks it the two trying to get frisky, which... isn't too far from the truth. Before be knows it he's got too strong cyberwolves mouthing at his panels and then at his bare array, barely even bothering to get him prepared before Drift finally mounts him... Rodimus tries to growl at him but you know Ratchet shuts that up right this moment. He'll wait for his turn, like a good puppy <33
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transingthoseformers · 6 months
TFP but Optimus is a tripleformer in the style of Airachnid
Mostly inspired by his feral past :3 I think he should turn into some sort of wolf.
Wolf Oppy?
Cyberwolf Optimus
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moonlight-tmd · 7 months
Prowlbee where prowl is a cyber wolf originally but it only happens on certain nights and bee is half insecticon and can actually change into a bumblebee but he hides it.
They see each other by chance in their actual alt modes👀.
I see the cyberwolf thing with Prowl a lot, and i get it. You like it. I'm not sure i do but it's a cool concept.
Now two were-bots? That's interesting.
They wouldn't know the other is a were-creature but they would defo feel something is up with the other, different scent n all.
Bee would hide the fact he's half-insecticon and has that additional alt mode, he'll cover up any fluff exposed and his wings under his armor. He can transform anytime he wants, he only hides it because he has been bullied a lot and looked down on for being a techno-organic.
Prowl is a sensitive to sounds, he knows how to walk to not make any and will know if someone's coming. His optics are actually dark with blue pupils, so he hides them under a visor. His changes are not controlled like Bee's, he has a callendar of earth lunar cycles with full moons marked so he knows when it's time. Being a cyberwolf means he is also a techno-organic. Although he doesn't actually have a wolf alt mode, his root mode's parts shift and he becomes more animal-like.
Of course the only one to know would be Ratchet cuz this grandpa is literally the best medic known to cybertron and there is no way the scans wouldn't show anything related to that. He knows Bee and Prowl are different but he never mentioned it to anyone nor the bots themselves.
I imagine the way it happened is that Prowl, while in cyberwolf mode, was strolling thru the woods looking for something to hunt and pounced on something hiding in the bushes(thinking if was a bear or something) but surprise surprise it was big-ass insecticon that is now trying to sting him. They fight for a bit before Prowl bites that bug's leg which forces it to transform into root mode and wouldn't you know- Prowl is now staring at the bug-looking Bumblebee with a bleeding arm.
There is that moment of awkward tension before they Prowl speaks up in a slightly staticy voice and they realize. Bee of course yells at Prowl for biting him and Prowl is trying so hard not to give in because of the smell of energon. He feels so bad for hurting one of his. They talk and before they know it the sun is going up and Bee is witnessing Prowl (painfully)change back and they return to base.
Ratchet is of course annoyed when Prowl takes the damaged armor-covered Bee to him and straight up tell them what happened even tho he has only guessed. Both of them are surprised Ratchet knew about their conditions but still it should have been obvious that a medic would know. And so Bee is put on leave until the wounds on his protoform heal, the cover up being that he has some glitches with the nerve-wiring that cause him pain.
Now i know you said ProwlBee, so i think they were in that awkward "i care about you a lot but i don't know if i should tell you" stage of (pre)relationship when they found out about their conditions. They grow closer and eventually romance starts.
Prowl likes to be pet a lot. Bee is happy to provide the scritches for the metal doggo. Bee likes to cuddle when it gets cold/rains and Prowl is happy to have him snuggle on his lap while he meditates. Bee's wings flutter when he's happy but since they're covered all is heard is this quiet buzz sound, It's like purring but bug.
That's all i got for it.
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outcastpack · 2 months
about ur snippet: it was...graphic. i even blushed with embarrassment jxsndksndk
anyway: Cyberwolf, please?
Dhhdhdhrh it was ndhdh
OK here's cyberwolf
Theo stepped into the office, eyes swerving between the three occupants of the room observing the large screen showcasing a space council meeting about to take way.
"Theodore, take a seat." The female voice of the 'geneticist' instructed from her place at the end of the table, her gaze returning to the big screen.
Theo reluctantly did as told, lowering himself into the seat. He watched Dr Marcel or more commonly known as 'the surgeon', walking back and forth, hand raised to his ear while he talked.
"The situation is all at hand." The man said to whoever was on call with him. "We are handling it." He added a few seconds later, voice even yet hard. Theo knew the man was getting frustrated with whoever from years of being forced to work for the man and his group.
He stayed silent until the call ended or he was called upon to speak. It was the quickest and safest way he could get in and out of this room.
"Mmh... yes, it's just a we thought..." Marcel muttered, head staring up at the screen and the council meeting. "Begin the prcedure."
Theo grimaced as on the screen nine of the council members' circuitry overloaded. The sparks and the soundless screams as all nine convulted in place. It was a gruesome scene.
One of the males began coughing blood before one last spark had him collapse on the table. Another and another followed seconds later.
He was glad he had told the others to wait in his office space.
"Procedure complete, sweep the server and return." Marcel ordered to whoever was on the other line, the person responsible for the massacre. Theo wasn't stupid he knew exactly who would do this for the doctors.
Mere seconds after the call ended, the screen changed to a pissed off looking women hunched over her desk.
"Marcel, when I said handle this, I didn't mean butcher half the space council!"
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cablestwisted · 1 year
Hello. I have a question for you, since you know a lot about towers lore, I think you might be able to answer it / provide information / give thoughts ect. I've been scrolling through pictures recently and noticed that a big difference between (most) smiler Era advocates and sanctuary Era advocates is that sanctuary Era advocates have scars on their mouth corners, almost all the way up to their ears . It is implied that "marmalise body and mind" is literal, after all. Could it be that because of the gas/substances and harsh treatment that the advocates went through in the sanctuary their brain / body was rewired to smile more than their skin was capable of, causing the scars? Could the inoculator serum have something to do with it since in the marmaliser video it's implied to change the brain? Thank you for reading.
Thank you so much for your question! This is fascinating line of enquiry - There is a definite divide between "manually" corrected Advocates and Smiler corrected Advocates.
Chelsea Smiles are seen frequently in Sanctuary patients, yes - it's said that these were intentionally cut by Dr Dalton and other members of the surgical team at the Sanctuary. There is always the possibility that some physical changes were indeed caused by Inoculation with Joy Serum and exposure to Giggler Gas as you've said, but in the Sanctuary era these physical modifications were often surgically done. We even see the Smiler logo carved into certain patients faces in this era - I can't find a source for this, but I know I've seen it, so if anyone has a source please do let me know! Sidenote.. If you want some good Sanctuary pictures, check this forum out.
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In this more recent era, there are still Advocates with Chelsea Smiles, though it's unclear how these were obtained. Festival of Thrills advocates had chelsea smiles, and were resident Advocates - they said that after the day ended, they went back underground into the Ministry of Joy, and wondered where everyone went.
[First picture by yours truly, second picture by CyberWolf one one of our trips to the Festival!]
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We do know that Advocates corrected by Manual means have more trouble with memory, harsher side effects, etc etc - for example, the Advocates during Festival of Thrills couldn't count correctly. They could quantify amounts, but didn't know which order the sequence of numbers went in, so when counting would just.. Choose random numbers. For example, Hyperhaus would count in with something like "2, 6, 55, 75".
There's a good chance we might learn more during this year's Festival of Thrills, due to the Smiler takeover. I really would like some more lore it's very good thank you Towers.
Advocates corrected specifically by The Smiler in promotional materials etc don't tend to have smiles physically cut in...
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Though it wouldn't be a surprise if the process can cause some form of damage to the skin. Some of the promos do have what looks like scarring, and generally a lot of facial distortion.
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While we're on the topic though... It's likely that Joy Serum specifically does cause some form of permenant change. It's implied, I believe, in the screen videos, that it causes changes to the structure and chemistry of the brain. It's labelled as an irritant the screen videos, too, which I did always find interesting! As well as having a specific biohazard label which is.. Kind of hard to read from what images I do have of it. If anyone can find anything clearer please do let me know.
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There's a chance that Joy Serum could be a Neurotoxin, like spider venom.. But no canon evidence to support this, it's all headcanon. Also a fun fact- the Inoculator doesn't break the skin - it's shown on the screen videos to be a pneumatic injector.
There's actually surprisingly little in the Marmaliser screen videos regarding Giggler Gas and its effects, it's something that just.. Wasn't explored all that much, from what I could find. Though I could easily be wrong about that! Do please let me know if you find anything.
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It is stated to be laughing gas on the signboard and in the game, so we can assume it has similar properties!
Apologies if this is a bit disjointed, I have a lot of emails to send today haha! XD
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2-eeillustration · 2 years
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Cyberwolf Robot Adopt [OPEN]
Spooky cyber moon wolf bot drop is here!! I really like how the mane/tail shaped out for this one! Closing 24 hrs after the last bid :) Comment below to bid! TOS: https://twitter.com/2eeillustration/status/1584948549615497217
Posted using PostyBirb
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manfrommars2049 · 2 years
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Cyberwolf Skadi by Arif Wijaya via ImaginaryCyberpunk
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aazzzul05 · 9 months
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My Transformers Oc! He's Makoto, transforms into a cyberwolf! and their pronouns are he/they
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pad-wubbo · 8 months
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Infinite Painter.
I wanted to draw a light dog, okay.
I publish my painting with a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International licence.
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