luca-ercolani · 13 days
Women training on exercise bikes at the gym (1922)
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(via: @the1920sinpictures 👉 Source 👈 )
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jambettina · 11 months
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Today I'm doing the cyclette
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sami-journey · 1 year
Today’s Exercise 5-1-23
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20 Minutes of Cyclette....GO! (Don’t forget to drink a lot of water!)
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sandroconti · 1 year
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#palestra #gym #cyclette (presso Arcore) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpkabw1sHLt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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area1789 · 2 years
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chiara-casamassima · 2 years
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Oggi #cyclette e #camminataveloce ❤ #sport #pinerolo #piemonte (presso Parco Giochi Le Macine) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce9U2K8MdZF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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janniksnr · 1 year
finita giornata di laboratorio tornata alla mia attività preferita ovvero recuperare tutto quello che è successo durante la giornata e la prima cosa che vedo è la foto degli scamattesi feliciotti in allenamento e poi letteralmente la colla che dire sono felicissima sollevatissima grz vlaudio tvtb
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victoryrifle · 2 months
deadass had to google if it's normal for nipples to hurt during/after exercising because it happened to me rn and while i can take it i thought it was weird. apparently it's not.
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thingstol00kat · 1 year
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debrink · 2 years
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La Cyclette
~ Mich (Jean-Marie Michel Libeaux 1881-1923)
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luca-ercolani · 18 days
Small home gym @ Wilson, Wyoming (USA)
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(Via: RoomPorn on Reddit)
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burroesalvia · 4 months
Loredana unica vera vincitrice di Sanremo, la stimo perché oltre a perdonarsi da sola a 70 anni si fa 60km di cyclette al giorno per avere quelle gambe, io neanche a 34
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mezzopieno-news · 5 months
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La 90enne padovana Emma Mazzenga ha battuto il record mondiale dei 200 metri. Con il tempo di 54 secondi e 47 centesimi, la donna ha abbassato di oltre sei secondi il primato che la canadese Olga Kolteko aveva realizzato 13 anni fa.
Al PalaIndoor di Padova la nonnina veneta ha stabilito il primato nella categoria W90, quella riservata agli over 90. L’anziana signora non è nuova a questo tipo di primati, avendone raggiunti centinaia nella sua vita, incluso il record mondiale anche sui 400 metri. Tuttavia, una frattura l’aveva fermata nello scorso mese di agosto per quattro mesi e da meno di un mese aveva ricominciato ad allenarsi. Emma, nata il 1° agosto 1933, nel 2023 ha stabilito tutti i primati italiani SF90 dai 60 ai 400 metri. «Sono stata a casa una settimana dopo l’incidente – racconta Emma, che vive da sola in un appartamento al terzo piano senza ascensore – ma quando sono scesa per portare le immondizie mi sono resa conto che facevo fatica e che lo stare ferma non mi avrebbe aiutato. Ho così ripreso a camminare, a fare cyclette per recuperare almeno il fiato, e a metà dicembre sono tornata in pista. Ora spero con l’allenamento di migliorare e avvicinarmi allo stato di forma di un anno fa».
Emma oggi detiene 2 primati mondiali, 6 primati europei e 28 migliori prestazioni italiane di categoria. Nella sua carriera agonistica master, iniziata a 53 anni, ha vinto 21 titoli mondiali, 50 titoli europei e 113 titoli italiani.
Fonte: Federazione Italiana di Atletica Leggera
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heartlaboratory · 1 year
Here's represented a stress test at the cardiologist using a cyclette. At first you can hear her heartbeat at rest with the patient standing topless, in front of the bike, hooked up on an ECG machine. A bluetooth microphone, held on her chest by an elastic belt, picks up her slow beats. Then the recording is done while she rides the bike. She's probably around 180bpm, it's quite an effort for her. Finally the recovery after the ride. Her heart becomes quite irregular with a lot of PVCs. She feels them and with her hand on her chest says: "I'm not in shape anymore, when I was younger I trained for competitive cycling... It was normal for me to reach 200+bpm... It seems my heart can't handle this anymore". She's actually quite happy with the whole thing. Probably she enjoied the exam.
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cheste7 · 6 months
dead inside (11/12/23)🌟
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my men are gone i really can't believe this😭😭😭 as soon as i woke up very early and I saw videos and photos and tae's and jin's posts they made me really emotional, THEY ALREADY SERVED!! so i did everything to distract myself, actually it was a pretty productive day (Alexa play pied piper idk)
these are some things i've done today:
wash and skincare routine🧚‍♀️
japanese lesson about て form with the app renshuu and a yt video by miku real japanese (i've just learned how to conjugate it and few of the usages, there are so many of them!) 🇯🇵
learned new korean vocab watching some shorts by miss vicky and of course i've written my to do list in korean🇰🇷
drove my lil sister to school👩‍🏫
went to my grandma's house to study for my finals in a more quiet environment, i've almost studied for eight hours i'm exhausted but I have to finish an important chapter before bed 🦠
also, shoutout to my crazy uni schedule because luckily i lost jimin and jungkook's live.... i watched pieces of them on social media and I was tearing up I'M FINE I PROMISE👍👍👍👍👍
right now i'm working out on the cyclette i hope to find more time for excerce🏃‍♀️
chatted with some friends and now I have to call one of my uni friends 💌
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aurozmp · 29 days
domandine mentre faccio la cyclette? 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲 tenetemi compagnia
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