pencilscratchins · 4 years
OKAY i was being glib bc the phrasing made me laugh, but in reality (to the best of my understanding,) misha collins was a white house intern at the same time as monica lewinsky, and wrote an article defending her when the 1998 scandal broke and stating that it was an abusive of power on clinton’s part because (paraphrasing) all the interns were infatuated with him. please, nobody ask me to expand on this, i draw fan art of cartoons from the early 2000′s and study fossils i am not the source for more information on this topic 😂
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brw · 3 years
9, 17 nd 22 for the ask game!!
9 - most disliked character(s)?
in no particular order!
tony stark
nathaniel richards/kang the conqueror/iron lad/whoever the fuck else he was
bryne!piotr i love my normal metal man but christ why did they write him dating a 13 y/o 🤢
red hulk/thaddeus ross
sentry/bob reynolds
carol danvers
henry peter gyrich this bitch is so fucking annoying <3
hickman’s valeria richards, why the fuck did you write like a 5 year old saying the r slur what the fuck is wrong with you. like literally why. who does this. i’m so fucking angry
hickman’s moira mactaggart, still upset abt the no precogs rule
us agent
and probably more but i am tired <3
17 -  instead of xyz happening, i would have made abc happen…
hnnng multiple things i would change,,, um instead of civil war happening everyone just drinks some hot chocolate and takes a nap and calms down and then talks things out like reasonable adults and there’s no weird shitty ooc moments and no clones are made. instead of the illuminati deciding they know best and doing a bunch of shitty things they just gossip with each other and eat brunch like the catty old bitches they are. instead of repeatedly beating the dead horse into glue with hank pym & That™ they just stop fucking bringing it up like i’m fucking serious about this he’s done other storylines then that! idk explore his journey getting diagnosed with bipolar & anxiety later in life and how he started to modify his day to day life to support himself and that sort of shit which would be important to see because people at that age are rarely diagnosed it usually happens later but NO sure still continue bringing this up despite us ignoring every other character’s dubious/badly written moments.
and lastly instead of that stupid and gross Simon/Wanda/Vision love triangle that i hate more than anything we have someone calling simon out on his repressed gay feelings <3 stop doing this to all three of them they all deserve better than this can we not have wanda and vision happy with their children and simon as an awkward uncle in fucking peace why do you have to ruin EVERYTHING m*rvel.
22 -  popular character you hate?
fucking uh tony stark, i probably wouldn’t hate him if i wasn’t forced to see him so much but uh >:) here we are!! i just. he’s not interesting to me, he feels fakedeep (in my opinion i’m not saying he is please don’t send hate dhdhcbhjsd), his following on tungle dot edu feels mildly cultlike, amd i think everything he’s done or all the interesting parts of him have been done better by different characters tbh sdbhshhdxsdh
BUT ALSO. carol danvers, her brand of feminism feels so fake and boring and like not universal AT ALL but some fans think she is? like i like how pissed off she makes shitty fanboys but like that’s it for her. she doesn’t entice me, she feels like what if we took sue storm-richards and took away every interesting aspect of her and called it a day. monica again was much more interesting and feels a lot more genuine as a feminist character then carol. she just feels... eh.
and finally, wolverine (logan). stop trying to make him cool stop making him win against people he should have no right being stronger than, stop making him edgy and stop making him a loner or whatever shitty cishet male kinda projection u wanna put on him. stop pairing him with jean too stop pairing him with underage girls or girls who are like 18-24 just fucking. stop it <3 shut up about logan i don’t care if i wanted a sexy berserker with facial hair and dubious morals i’d go to mr hercules who has yet to treat me wrong. shut up about him alright either he is a struggling dad of like 5, boyfriend to literal god/desses or he’s the squad leader of a gang of lesbian mutants. anything other then these three things is bad <3
salty ask game!
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midniter · 4 years
se eles inventarem um deus vai ser um horror vei dc voce se botou numa rua sem saida unica coisa que te resta é fazer yara ter duas mães
ia ser maravilhoso se ela tivesse duas mães !!! 
sem falar que ia diferenciar um pouco da diana né. porque já tem isso dela ser filha da hipólita com zeus (o que eu já acho meio tosco, preferia quando ela vinha do barro)
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thethief1996 · 3 years
2, 3, 8 nd 9 for the 2021 asks!!!
2. What is the one thing that you're looking forward to the most?
Taking off my braces!!! I WON'T turn 20 with my braces still on
3. What is the one thing that you're looking forward to the least?
More quarantine, another year with Bolsonaro as the president
8. What is the soundtrack of 2021 for you?
Got7 I'm so obsessed and i can easily see myself listening to them through this year
9. Which trend would you like to bring back this year?
Not really a trend but I used to do a lot of skincare in 2018/2019 and i kinda let go of that last year and I'm looking forward to having healthy skin again
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laurakinney · 3 years
deleted a bunch of my saved urls but i still have six 😄 most of them have a layout + some reblogs already tho so i think im safe
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shamemp3 · 4 years
mutuals aaaaas rina songs 🥰🥰
stop this is so good but so hard. . 
you as chosen family bc...do i have to explain
@cyclopez as flicker 
@arobarbie as love me 4 me 
@bihunnicutt as alterlife
@vuong as stfu! 
send me ‘mutuals as’!
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OK. i shall elaborate abt my last post. basically, like,,,,, i move 2 new york 2 live w/ my sister after a big fight w/ my parentz. i just put my luggage back @ her place and we’re walking around the town. im complaining abt how cramped it is here but she’s like “....do u wanna go back home?” so i shut up lol
i see like.... this monster a little bit away and im like ??? hey sis do u see this??? n shez like ?? wht is tht.... turnz out itz some CYCLOPEZ’ and theyre COMING RIGHT 4 US... long story short, we get separated, i almost get killed, im saved by leo, i pass out.
i wake up and i get terrified bc WHERE AM I. WHEREZ MY FUCKING SISTER. n they have 2 explain and. yea. itz just basically adventurez w/ some of the main 7 where I Cant Fight n they have 2 protect me while we’re looking 4 my sister... 
anwyayz the climax is that every1 is down and can’t fight the Ultimate Battle, but i step in just as the monster is abt 2 k*ll some1 (? probably leo), so i grab nico’s sword and basically discover my powerz as a child of hades :)
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laurakinney · 4 years
I was going to tell you not to worry bc I thought it was like. cyclone but writing it made me realise that that too is spelt "cyc" and I thought it was cylone so I have nothing to announce other then that I am an idiot
ur url slapped dw i didn't notice (obviously 🙈)
CYLONE ODIJFWE cyclone but the c is transparent
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