#cymraeg ask game!!
georgieluz · 10 months
Juleeees, how are you? I'll go with 4, 10, 11, 21 and 28 for the "not from the US" ask set
jess! hello!! i'm not too bad, thanks! just got back from braving the rain to buy christmas jumpers (it's christmas jumper weekend at work on friday so had to go searching), how about you?
4. favourite dish specific for your country?
probably glamorgan sausage, which isn't made of actual sausage. it's made of cheese, but it's a vegetarian alternative to normal sausage. but yeah, usually made with cheese and leek.
i do also love a slice of bara brith, but specifically the one served in the restaurant at my workplace!
if we wanna be really basic then welshcakes are always a good shout and i have one every friday with a cup of tea in work!
crempogs are soo very good also!!
10. most enjoyable swear word in your native language?
ooh okay so i don't know if it would necessarily be the most enjoyable but it's the one my friends and i used most whilst growing up and that's "cachau bant" which is a way of saying "fuck off" but if you translate it literally it's "shit away".. and then i can't not include "cont" which i imagine you can guess the translation of (we use it affectionately here though, so it's more like "alright, cont?" or "shwmae cont" when you greet your friend)
11. favourite native writer/poet?
okay, it's probably very predictable to choose dylan thomas but i do love his poems and his poetry is loved for good reason! he didn't write in cymraeg, only saesneg, but he's welsh and wrote about wales and life here, and i think the fact that he wrote in english and not welsh speaks a lot about the journey our language unfortunately went on
also r.s thomas' poems about wales are always interesting to study, in particular welsh history, which has the ending lines:
when we have finished quarrelling for crumbs under the table, or gnawing the bones of a dead culture, we will arise and greet each other in a new dawn
his other poems a welsh testament, welsh landscape, the village and sorry are all really interesting as well!
niall griffiths is a great welsh author too. his books set in aberystwyth are really really good!
oh and richard king!! both his books about music and his oral histories of wales book are 11/10!!
menna gallie's work is awesome as well, i loved 'the small mine' which explores how a fictional welsh village comes together after a mining tragedy. it focuses a lot on how women in the community deal with the loss. her other books are great too and she has a really witty writing style that i enjoy a lot
a few others: owen sheers, gillian clarke and sarah waters!
not quite relevant, but still worth a mention, is the story of the soldier-poet known as hedd wyn and the eisteddfodd of 1917!
21. if you could send two things from your country into space, what would they be?
ohhhh this is really hard.. does it have to be an object or can it be like just a welsh tradition or?? oH WAIT I KNOW i'd send mari lwyd up there!!! to maybe freak out all the aliens. it's one of my favourite welsh customs and traditions for christmas! this is what it looks like:
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28. does your country have a lot of lakes, mountains, rivers? do you have favourites?
oh boy! it does indeed... if you wanna know how many mountains wales has, it's better to just look at this topography map
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there aren't any genuinely flat areas of wales. my high school was near the top of a mountain, and my house growing up was halfway up the same one. we hated having to walk up it every morning, and yet, we still went down to the village on our lunch hour. maybe that's why we were all fucking tiny bc we trekked up a mountain twice a day.
here's one of our rivers, which we similarly have a fuck ton of
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so yeah. a shit ton of rivers and a shit ton of mountains. my favourite mountains are the brecon beacons bc we used to go there so much when i was growing up. it's like a tradition for welsh people to climb there and hike there as soon as the weather gets milder!
oh wow, sorry this was SOOOO long but it was fun to talk about these things so thank you for asking!!
for this ask game!
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llyfrenfys · 11 months
Gêm Gofyn: Rhagenwau Gymraeg
Ask Game: Welsh Pronouns
Os ydych yn ansicr sut i ddefnyddio 'nhw unigol' yn Gymraeg, dyma'r gêm i chi!
If you are not sure how to use singular they (nhw) in Welsh, this is the game for you!
Y rheolau:
Fi'n defnyddio'r rhagenwau 'fe/nhw' yn Gymraeg - 'fe/nhw' yw 'he/they' yn Saesneg. Dim ond yn Saesneg dwi'n defnyddio 'fe'.
Esboniad o 'nhw unigol' yma (Saesneg)*.
(*Mae teipo yn y teitl)
Felly, ges i syniad:
Nid yw rhai pobl yn gwybod unrhyw bobl sy'n defnyddio 'nhw unigol' fel rhagenw. Felly, mae angen lle arnynt i ymarfer defnyddio 'nhw unigol'. Mae fy mocs gofyn yn lle i ymarfer!
Anfonwch 'gofyn' gyda brawddeg a triwch 'nhw unigol'.
Dyma restr o ffeithiau amdanaf i'w defnyddio:
Fy hoff liw yw glas
Fi'n wyliwr adar
Madarch yw fy hoff fwyd lleiaf
Fi'n siarad Saesneg, Cymraeg a Sbaeneg
Fi'n byw yn Aberystwyth
Reblogwch gyda rhestr amdanoch chi a chwarae'r gêm hefyd!
The rules:
I use the pronouns 'fe/nhw' in Welsh - 'fe/nhw' is the equivalent of 'he/they' in English. I only use 'he/him' in English.
(Explanation of singular 'nhw' here)
So, I had an idea:
Some people don't know anyone who uses singular 'nhw' as a pronoun. Therefore, they need space to practice using singular 'nhw'. My request box is a place to practice!
Send an ask with a sentence and try out singular 'nhw'!
Here is a list of facts about me to use:
My favorite color is blue
I'm a bird watcher
Mushrooms are my least favorite food
I speak English, Welsh and Spanish
I live in Aberystwyth
Reblog with a list about you and play the game too!
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revoevokukil · 1 month
Is the reason why it’s commonly repeated in the Witcher fandom that the Witcher is based on Slavic mythology and not European Mythology in general ( a lot particularly from the British isles) is that when it came out in the 90s it was marketed that way due to the cultural Zeitgeist at the time in Poland
Or is it just something that became a thing after the games came out and it was just people in the English speaking world saying “oh it’s from Poland it must be based on their mythology” and Polish fans are fully aware that it has just as much of not more references to the Arthurian legend than it does to Slavic culture
Hey, anon!
I just reblogged something in relation to this, so you might want to check it out (and the several reblogs).
I think if we want to trace the creative influences from the fantasy genre, then it makes no sense to employ umbrella terms with The Witcher. It's Polish fantasy a Polish author with all the particular sensitivities of a Pole wrote. Does the history of CEE inform the writing? Yes, absolutely. Do the cultural attitudes, linguistic peculiarities, and humour? Of course.
Slavic, though? And, moreover, Slavic alone? Well that's a bit preposterous, because Slavic does not designate something "specific" in the first place. I'm a particularist, I'm sorry. And while I am not even a Slav, I can relate to the outlook and "voice" of the characters in The Witcher instantly, because we live in the same neighbourhood. (The neighbourhood has very different corners with equally shitty beaches, you don't usually understand what your neighbour is trying to say to you, and body language can go overbroad just as frequently as overt familiarity is not appreciated.)
Slavic or Celtic or Indo-European or what have you are umbrella terms. They are totalising and their nature overlooks the cultural diversity that the terms draw upon: Celtic, for example, should be divided into insular and continental branches, and the insular Celtic groups, again, could be linguistically divided into Brythonic (Cymraeg/Welsh, Kernewek/Cornish, & Breton) and Gaelic (Gàidhlig/Scottish, Gaeilge/Irish, & Gaelg/Manx). Ditto for Slavic, starting from the East, West, South divide and going more intricate from there.
The lore changes the closer you get with your looking glass. These are not unified categories, even if they are used to generate broad solidarity for good or bad purposes, or to simplify and refer to some broadly received meme (but, for example, your quintessentially Slavic Baba Yaga likely derives from contact with Finno-Ugric and Siberian peoples with their stilt-hut building style, tucked away in the middle of forests, so tell me more about how a legend can "belong" to one people alone).
I guess what we should ask is when and why does it matter who lays claim to these things, and why Slavic? Why not Polish in particular and pan-European in general? I guess it depends on who you are and what you want to do with your statement. Yes, it's that banal.
Because intellectually, when sniffing out the history of its ideas and the flavour of them, The Witcher is incredibly diverse. The author has also been very open about it, referring in detail to a vast amount of literature he has come in contact with in fantasy canon. Generally, that includes authors from Western Europe and Northern America (but his literary influences do not stop with those alone of course) and the thing about, for example, Northern American fantasy is that it has a penchance to romanticize the British Isles (followed close behind by Germanic and Greco-Roman world). It is not without reason that Sapkowski considered Arthuriana the bedrock of Western fantasy - it really was one of the first "medieval fantasies" that was being written and re-written throughout medieval Western Europe already at the time. The PR that memefied the entire enterprise of Arthur and his Brythonic roots has been chugging away for a VERY long time, cross-fertilized by lore from all over the place. But its roots stretch back to the Isles. Because that's where history related to him took place - at the forgotten outpost of the crumbling Roman Empire, which had been colonized before the Romans and would be colonized again after the Romans (and would eventually go on to colonize peoples far and further away from the European peninsula).
The thing is, Arthuriana is like a gateway into the myths of the people among whom he was likely born, and the actual bedrock of various Celtic mythological traditions is much more varied and has a wholly different vibe than the most popular French monks' agendas with Arthur. You could similarly consider Geralt's and Ciri's story a gateway into the folklore and history of the peoples among whom they were brought to life and among whom they first proved popular and "homely"; a signpost leading you into finding out more about the part of the world that birthed them. But CEE, to my knowledge, does not have a fantasy genre tradition with that strong of a PR that would derive from a semi-political legend stretching back a good thousand years, acting as a kind of unifying fairy tale for the various people among whom its figurehead proved popular and drew its tale from. Scratch the figurehead; there just isn't one particular tale as such that would have risen into prominence above all others.
And to split the hair even further, Geralt and Ciri are not semi-historical. Not semi-mythical either, even though Sapkowski tries to lift them into that status by the end of the Pentalogy. They are already composites or subversions of broader fantasy traditions, which have mostly been heavily Western European-centric. The Witcher, however, takes this Western European tradition, traces the roots of its underbelly, and gives its own interpretation. While keeping in spirit intact the lived experience, mentality, and speech of its characters, which are - if you like - the most Slavic features of the tale.
It popularises a lens the like of which there was little of in the Fantasy genre at the time.
(and yes, the games' PR - as a market-oriented enterprise - obviously would try to find the broadest possible common denominator that is still specific enough to ring as novel and sexy in the world-wide market and proud back at home)
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pfhwrittes · 2 months
hi p!! for the plant ask game: aloe vera and cactus pretty please - kiko
hi @mikichko!! i love you!!
aloe vera ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
i want to go see the puffins on skomer island! my ex, S, did some volunteering on the island and they had a great time.
cactus ⇢ something you’re currently learning (about)?
right now i'm learning welsh! dwi'n ddrwg am siarad cymraeg (a sillafu cymraeg)... oops?
plant ask game
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tinknevertalks · 5 months
Omfg, I'm on a computer and can copy things easily! Let's do this!! XD
@chartreuseian tagged me in this game and I'm finally able to do it. :)
1. How many fics do you have on AO3?
241. Send help?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
295,404 words. I write many drabbles.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Sanctuary mostly, although I do wander over to rogue simulant country Stargate SG1.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Ghost of the Machine - 160 - Stargate SG1
Brothers - 157 - Lucifer
Acceptance - 89 - Stargate SG1
A Missed Birthday (But We'll Always Have Cake) - 85 - Stargate SG1
Beer Basted Omelettes - 84 - Stargate SG1
And yet I mostly write Sanctuary fic? Shows popularity of fandom and ship counts a lot. (Lucifer was still fairly popular when I wrote that, and we all know how the Sam/Jack shippers are. XD)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yaaaaas! I love it! Except for 19 edits. It's a big part of the fannish community - how else are we all meant to squee together?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uhm... *Thinks in 241 fics* Maybe Fed is Best? It's certainly not a happy ending, anyways.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of them, really? Words Don't Come Easily and Of Sequins and Scalpels are proper happy ever after ends.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I don't get hate. I have had someone ranting about my choices but I just blocked that convo after saying, "Thank you. I don't agree. Have a good day." I do this for fun, I haven't time for negative vibes.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yus. What kind? Kinda romantic, but also featuring many different walls (if I have a vampire who can hold someone up no problem I am going to use that to my advantage, lol!).
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I've done a few crossovers, and a few fusions. Craziest crossover? It isn't that crazy (yet) but Sanctuary/Ted Lasso. Fusion? Sanctuary/Pokémon. I love the idea of Helen as a Pokémon trainer. Oh, but Helen as The Arrow from DC has a special place too.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Someone wanted to translate one of my smutty fics to Russian but I never heard anything from them again, so I assume nothing.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yes! With samsg1 when she came over to visit a few years back. We started planning it in my living room as our kids played Mario Kart then wrote it over GDocs together. Die Hard Isn't a Christmas Movie. It was fun, but brought up some residual feelings I had at school that I thought I had got through. Didn't tell her, because I didn't want to bring her down (because she is *so* so cool and I adore her). We do wanna write together again but we're both super busy (and I'm more a Sanctuary girlie at heart).
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Helen/Nikola. They bring me joy.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Comedic timing? I'm not sure tbh. Oh! I can write a bonzer last line. You need a great last line when you write drabbles.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Length. I cannot write long fic on the regular to save my life. Like, I know I got OSaS done, and I'm slowly getting to the denouement of In The Nice Part of Town (very slowly), but it's haaaaaard. I want the flash bang dopamine fix posting oneshots give me.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
If it's a language I know well (aka Cymraeg) then I'm filling that dialogue up. If it's a language I have a tiny bit of passing knowledge on, or I can ask someone, "Omg, how do I say [xyz] in [language]?", I'll use a bit of it. If it's a language I know not, and I don't want to go looking stuff up, I don't use it. XD If someone else wants to do it, more power to them. :)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Voyager? Yeah, pretty sure it was Voyager.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
This is called cruelty. Today? Waves - Teslen, AU, everybody's human (kinda). It's rushed in places but I love that universe.
Tagging (if they wanna play): @drewsaturday, @cookie-sheet-toboggan, @ladyelysandra, @electricrogue, @zebsfloppyears and anyone else who wants to join in. XD
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cwbuggo · 1 year
hi i’m back to document / boost the work my latest project, and maybe also reach out a hand to the pokémon community if anyone is interested in asking questions, giving criticism, or helping me out with world-building 
Academy Aces AU
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“The Perfect Sandwich” | Arven Character Study 
“The Toughest Trainer” | Nemona Character Study
“The Rising Star” | Penny Character Study
[TITLE TBA] | Main Story
The Academy Aces AU is a parallel re-writing of the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet versions, where the player character (Florian/Juliana) doesn’t appear, and instead focuses on the other Academy Aces: Arven, Nemona, and Penny. The three unite to achieve their respective objectives, balancing each other throughout the story rather than being united by the player character.
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Thus far, content of the AU is planned to consist of three pre-canon one-shot character studies establishing key characteristics of the characters; and one multi-chapter story aligning with the respective events of the Path of Legends, Victory Road, and Starfall Street.
As it takes place in a middle ground between the Scarlet and Violet, certain details have been modified to allow a logical setting. Thus far, this parallel version of Paldea is modified to:
Combine the Uva and Naranja Academies into a single entity, formally known as “Academy Frutífera.” It is commonly referred to as simply “the Academy.”
Include both Legendary beasts. Rather than two Miraidon or two Koraidon, the Koraidon that accompanies the trio had been cast out by the Miraidon that still occupies Area Zero. Area Zero is also home to both kinds of Paradox Pokémon, who engage in a pointless and seemingly endless war that slowly becomes more threatening as they occasionally damage the surrounding region.
Depict both Professors as Arven’s parents. The relationship between the two is explored in the story.
The AU serves to focus on the individual development of the three characters, and thus includes certain interpretations and details to fill in the blanks left by the game. These assumptions are made solely based on their relevance and convenience to their characters, and as of the first three one-shots, include:
Speculations on the exact and relative ages of the characters. For the purpose of reference, Penny is 14, Nemona is 16, and Arven is 16. The former are in their 11th year, and the latter is in his 12th.
Arven’s hair covers a scar on his face, thus rendering him half-blind. 
Arven was taught English by his father; he would pick up basic words and phrases from his mother in Spanish, and eventually would become fluent in Spanish a few years into school.
Rika (“Paprika”) is the elder sister of Nemona, preceding her by seven years.
Nemona’s first language is Spanish. She was “corrected” to speak English from a young age as part of her grooming to inherit the company. Occasionally, a Spanish word or phrase will slip out, as she almost exclusively uses the language with her sister.
Having grown up in Galar, Penny has a Welsh accent. She is also fluent in Cymraeg and struggles with Spanish, only picking up a few phrases here and there.
Penny skipped her 8th year and as a result was bullied for being smaller/younger than her classmates.
Additionally, some lesser details are modified to fit the character’s goals. So far, these include:
Nemona has not yet achieved the rank of Champion; during her battle against the Chairman, she backed down for reasons elaborated on by the story.
Nemona’s dialogue in Area Zero states that “My big sister’ll probably take over the [Rotom Phone] business…” The likely interpretation of this has been changed; with her sister joining the Pokémon League, Nemona was raised to be her father’s successor. However, as the second child, she was also allowed to pursue her personal interests. 
This list will be updated as I continue working and releasing new works!!
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jerswayman · 8 months
about me
julian ‣ 1998 ‣ he/him ‣ welsh
boston bruins fan
jswayman & tfrederic enthusiast
my eihl team is the cardiff devils
enjoyer of the sens, avs, kraken & stars
very fond of leon draisaitl
marc-andré fleury lover ♡
talk to me in: english, cymraeg or korean
i make gifs/edits → info about use/requests
if you do use any of my gifs please credit me!
this blog is 18+. minors please don't interact!
i sometimes queue my posts but don't tag them as such
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frequently used tags
#j made a thing – any edits, gifsets, creations i make
#julian is rambling again – longer form text posts
#julian.txt – more general or shorter text posts
#julian's journal – anything about my daily life etc
#bruins lb or #[team name] lb – liveposting games
#j talks bruins – text posts about bruins players, trades, news
#j talks hockey – non-bruins hockey posts
#julian's inbox – replies to asks
#not hockey – anything unrelated to hockey (which is rare tbh)
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ongoing gifset series
☆ hockey moments that make me insane
☆ jeremy swayman brainrot
☆ trent frederic propaganda
☆ soon to come: my favourite players series
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find out more about my interests → 케이팝 ‣ music ‣ tv & film
other sports i follow → football (bvb & barça) and f1
↓ my tiers list is a bit unhinged but i had to get specific ↓
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croziers-compass · 11 months
Terror ask game - Little, Crozier, Jopson?
Leftenant Little -the Wettest wet boy! - I don't party! When I go to "parties" they are more like a soirée. I dress nice. Keep to myself. Which is difficult because I get sought out. Or I've attended to play my violin for some of the evening.
Crozier - Being an omniglot I would say. I am comfortable with both Gaeilge, Gàidhlig and Cymraeg as well as my native dialects and English.
Jopson - I am very fastidious indeed! I am finnicky about many things. I enjoy organised clutter but it needs to be organised and clean. Clustered bookshelves. Oddities. A science to the clutter.
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zerodaryls · 11 months
For the ask game: 6, 22 and 24!
6: Most famous person you’ve met
Either Bill Nye (thE SCIENCE GUY! BILL! BILL! BILL! BILL!) or uhh if we're going with like. Teeny bopper famous dudes of the olden days (i.e. 2007) then Mitchel Musso aka the nerdy guy friend on Hannah Montana whose name escapes me (Oliver??? that's my cat's name lmao okay)
22: Favorite Movie
can't choose just one but i guess i'll go with Killer Klowns From Outer Space because i've been spending stupid amounts of money on KKFOS merch lately and because the theme song is constantly looping in the back of my brain
24: A random fact about yourself
uhhhh, idk... dwi'n dysgu Cymraeg! (i'm learning Welsh) and i really wanna be fluent someday and maybe even move to Wales if i can make that happen. i've got an autistic Special Interest in Wales (which i feel weird saying because like that's a whole country with people in it and it feels weird to be like THAT'S MY SPECIAL INTEREST especially being an American bc Americans are The Worst when it comes to being weird about other people's cultures but like. <insert that one Drake & Josh meme that's like I DO NOT CONTROL THE SPECIAL INTEREST here> 😅)
thanks for the ask!! <3
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gwynbleiddyn · 1 year
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all the cool kids have pinned posts and i’m at least a year late so let’s go
raging homo and i will simply Not tolerate masc negativity here y’all went too far with that
dw i’n gymro, a dw i’n dysgu cymraeg 
old enough to have a full time job with office besties so make of that what you will
i cosplay sometimes, i rarely share photos but if i do it’s #aj cosplays
i play dnd a lot and not necessarily in any kind of logical order
to that point i also DM a game in a very similar manner
blog content
bg3 / i said i wasnt going to get involved and then i did. i rotate astarion around my brain like a microwave meal and i think we should be allowed to kiss raphael actually. dyn is my main tav who is in a mlm (monster loving monster) relationship with astarion and sometimes halsin. the rituals are complex and unknowable.
critrole / im a c3 ho and im not interested in reading your meta on why caleb is autistic actually bc ive decided he is anyway and that’s enough for me thank u
destiny / dont get it twisted i play this game for saint-14 only
ac origins -  valhalla / bayek and eivor have me in a chokehold and i spent about 6 months writing frenzied alexios / thaletas content in between those two protags so you could say i enjoyed this trilogy more than anything else ac has ever given me
dragon age - mass effect / they get to share a category like a get-along t-shirt bc these are the only two braincells in my head that will survive a nuclear winter and this is the only way i can control them. i have many ocs. i always want to talk about them. i sent shepard to andromeda, and i rewrote thedas to cope with the harrowing ordeal of facing an egg as my villain. bioware will not let me rest.
ocs - dnd / i play in 2 campaigns, i dm one of my own. blorbo from my dnd is usually referring to maahes, he is an acquired taste so your mileage may vary in how far u can go before u simply want to block his tag. the good news is i wholly support curated dashboard experiences. the bad news is all of my ocs are equally hot messes of morality.
worldbuilding / you may see mentions of myridos; this is my homebrew world and eventual setting for some novels that i’d like to publish one day.
im not above shitposts or random stuff that makes me go hehe (fruity) and i generally do not engage in tumblr activism as a rule. you’re unlikely to find Real World Stuff˜ here unless it involves cymru or annibynaeth i gymru. i tag fandoms and art, i do not tag specific characters with enough consistency to make it safe for blocked tags. i’m open to dms/asks if you want a specific tag blocked - i can’t guarantee i’ll say yes, but i’m v nice about it i promise.
mini tag + link directory 
my doodle tag / my writing tag 
archive of our own
cosplay instagram
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ratmans-notebooks · 1 year
Cactus for the random ask game :)
dw i'n dysgu cymraeg :) im still a rookie though
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georgieluz · 10 months
Hiiii!! How are you? 7, 10 and 22 for the nationality ask game please??
7. three words from your native language that you like the most
ok i have a lot but lemme try and narrow it down... i both love and hate that our word for 'ironing' is 'smwddio' pronounced similarly to "smoothio". our word for ladybird is 'buwch goch gota' which translates to 'little red cow' and hamster is 'bochdew' which means 'fat cheeks'.. actually most of our words for animals are pretty great... raven is 'cigfran' which translates to 'meat crow' lmao. some more fun ones are 'ychafi' which is the welsh version of 'yuck' or 'eww'. all welsh kids hear this on the regular bc mums will constantly use it as a way of saying "please do not do that gross thing again". 'spigoglys' means spinach, and 'sglodion' was my favourite word as a kid, it means chips! "dwi'n hoffi coffi" is every non-welsh person's favourite welsh sentence ("i like coffee") because of the rhyming, but "dwi'n hoffi sglodion" was my fave as a kid. i don't even like chips much tbh, but it just sounds so right on a welsh person's tongue!
and i guess to finish up 'cwtch' and 'cariad' are perfect welsh words in my opinion. cwtch is unique to the welsh language, it kind of describes a type of hug/cuddle that's more warm and intimate than both of them and invokes a cosiness and homeliness that can only come from Your Person/People. it's not romantic, though can be used that way too, but is for times with close friends and family and anyone special to you. cariad means love but it's also a term of endearment. i guess in the same way 'love' can be used as a term of endearment too, but it has a bit more affection and warmth to it than "hey, love". but yeah, people will often call each other cariad here as an endearing thing and it's something i still think is cute even as a fully grown cynical adult
10. most enjoyable swear word in your native language?
i answered this one already over here :)
22. what makes you proud about your country? what makes you ashamed?
proud: that we've never voted for a tory government ever? lmao, but yeah, our resistance against the tories, especially thatcher, definitely makes me proud of wales. also, how we've kept our language alive despite all of england's attempts at eradicating it. bc that's not an easy feat and it very nearly wasn't the case
ashamed: our national performance in rugby and football this year? obviously, there are more serious things that make me ashamed but this would end up being way too long, and i'm not in a great place mental health wise, so maybe i'll talk about those things another time when i can go into them in more depth, etc!
for this ask game!
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llyfrenfys · 11 months
💌 Cymraeg neu saesneg ofc
[Ask game here]
Sori am fod yn hwyr, jyst cyrraedd adref ar ôl gwaith.
Un peth fi'n garu yw eich chwaeth mewn memes, gemau fideo a cachupostiadau!
Always lovely to see you on my dash with your superb taste in games and memes!
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standing-flowers · 12 days
Intro Post!! ✩°。⋆⸜ 🎧✮
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Hiya my name's Toby/Flowers, I'm a 17 year old (suspected) autistic nerd and I post abt any and all of my interests :3
atm I mainly reblog/post abt creepypasta, little shop of horror, stardew valley, Re-animator, Deadpool and a few little tidbits of things from bbc ghosts, will wood, and Chicago.
feel free to send asks and tag me in tag games or anything else!!
(more info (hyperfixations and the such) under cut if you wanna take a peek x3)
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✮ I'm gay and transmasc and use he/him pronouns
✮ I loooooove music like an insane amount and spend most of my time listening to it
✮ on the topic of music!! I love love love finding new lesser known bands, there's smth abt them that just speak to me
✮ some of my fave artists are will wood, will wood and the tapeworms, catatonia, cerys Matthews, nine inch nails, dead slow hoot, Radiohead and various others (current number one faves in bold)
✮ fandoms I'm in!!! little shop of horrors, the thing (1982), various other horror content, creepypasta, Chicago, stardew valley, Cornetto trilogy, good omens, reanimator, Deadpool, BBC ghosts, Ghostbusters, corpse party (the game) (current hyperfixations in bold)
✮ I am cymraeg (Welsh) and PROUD. I am incredibly patriotic and as a result will pretty much only ever refer to W*les as Cymru and W*lsh as Cymraeg (if anyone's interested in why send me an ask and I'll happily explain 🤭). currently only semi-fluent in the language and it upsets me deeply 😓
✮ I have suspected autism and various other things, diagnosis' and the such are currently unavailable for me bcs my family tend to ignore things like that
✮ I have many MANY ocs and I plan to share artworks I have done/will do of them :3 those fellas mean the world to me
✮ tags I use!! #flowers rambles for my original text posts. #drunk flowers for when I'm drunk. #flowers draws for my art/edits.
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theoriginalsuki · 4 years
Ooooh! I would love to participate in the Welsh name game! 💜 Preferred name gender is female, favourite season is autumn and an interesting fact is that I have a double first cousin! ☺️
The Welsh name I give you is Angharad, which means “much loved.”  Cariad means “love” or “beloved one” in Welsh, and I’m assuming that it is related to the very old Welsh name, as “ngharad” sounds like it could be related via mutation (a phenomenon in the Welsh language whereby the first letter of a word changes depending on where it comes in the sentence or who or what it describes) or linguistic evolution. Welsh native speakers, feel free to step in with more information!
Angharad is a rich name belonging to Welsh history, royalty, and myth.  Angharads have been daughters, mothers, sisters, and lovers, of kings, princes, and even a knight of King Arthur’s round table, as recounted in the Mabinogion.  
It is pronounced ahng-HAHR-ahd.  It sounds like something straight out of Middle Earth’s Sindarin!
Thanks for the ask!
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I posted 1,373 times in 2021
108 posts created (8%)
1265 posts reblogged (92%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 11.7 posts.
I added 116 tags in 2021
#welshie's ramblings - 28 posts
#sokkla - 23 posts
#hot damn - 12 posts
#asks - 11 posts
#cymraeg - 10 posts
#my writing - 8 posts
#doctor who - 7 posts
#horizon zero dawn - 6 posts
#zutara - 6 posts
#atla - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 77 characters
#and we could have known that if we'd known tecteun for more than five minutes
My Top Posts in 2021
I'm not much of a writer so most if not all of my entries for this thing will be rather short.
Day one, First encounters:
When their eyes first meet across the cavernous expanse of the drill's interior both are fascinated. His are pools of deepest blue she could have sworn she was drowning in, hers were an electric yellow that seemed to light up his very soul. Both only caught a fleeting glimpse but deep down they knew, they would... no. They had to see more of them.
30 notes • Posted 2021-05-01 09:00:29 GMT
Sokkla for the ask game
As you may have gathered judging from my frequent posting about this pair I absolutely
I can't remember what exactly caused me to ship these two but I do remember that this piece was my introduction to it
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This was made by the talented Laurbits on deviantart who you can find here:
2. I really like the dynamic these two have, they're both incredibly smart which leads to many lovely conversations between them. I also love how they can support each other emotionally. Also, they're cute together, what more reason is needed?
3. Personally I'm not a fan of sokka being the only reason she improves as a person and recovers from her breakdown. It's nice if he's part of the recovery but she should also be allowed to have help from other people and her own motivation. (I don't know if this makes sense, I had to clutch at straws to think of something that I even marginally dislike about this ship)
32 notes • Posted 2021-04-17 15:18:27 GMT
I feel like post war Sokka could become either ATLA's Tesla or its Elvis. No in-between.
39 notes • Posted 2021-11-08 00:42:09 GMT
Horizontober 2021 Day one - Favourite machine
(I know it’s a day late but i completely forgot this event was happening)
ANYWAY, here’s what i think some characters’ favourite machines are:
Talanah - Stalker 
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Talanah is actually be quite envious of Stalkers because they are arguably the perfect hunters, able to get right next to a person without them knowing. She actually once tasked an Oseram with trying to replicate the Stalker’s cloak for her. It unfortunately didn’t work.
Petra - Thunderjaw
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There are two main reasons that Petra likes the Thunderjaw, the left disc launcher and the right disc launcher. Oftentimes Petra will camp within view of a Thunderjaw just in hopes to see the launchers in action and maybe, finally, figure out how they work so she can replicate them.
Erend - Ravager
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Erend is of the opinion that the Ravager is the best fighter out of both man and machine. He finds it perfectly balances large size and devastating power at both close and long ranges. One day he asked Aloy to override one so he could ride it into battle just like he’d dreamed of since he was a kid back in the claim.
Nil - Corruptor
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The Corruptor is deadly. That’s why Nil likes it. He finds a beauty in how intricately it moves and hopes to come across one whenever he goes wandering so he can face it and watch in awe as it weaves past his attacks; he hopes that if he is to die at a machine’s hand it would be a Corruptor’s doing.
Aloy - Glinthawk
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Aloy deeply admires how free the Glinthawks are, being able to fly wherever they want whenever they want; she wishes she could do the same sometimes. One thing she always wishes is that she understood other machines as well as the Glinthawk does (i mean, they’d have to if they’re able to break them down effectively) and sees it’s knowledge as one of the final remnants of APOLLO.
48 notes • Posted 2021-10-02 19:20:27 GMT
I was in Cardiff and decided to stop by and pay my respects to the greatest tea boy
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79 notes • Posted 2021-08-14 13:02:57 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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