#cytus sagar headcanons
cytusimagines · 4 years
....I want all your Sagar headcanons. ALL OF THEM. Bobo included.
This is big brain moment here.
Sagar Headcanons
- Feels out of touch with his Eastern heritage
His parents are doing their best to teach him more about that side of the family
It is my belief, in my heart, that he is of Egyptian descent
He doesn’t feel like he represents them well and will beat himself up about it
Please give him a hug the next time you see him
- Has a strict workout schedule that he follows
That was until Rin showed up
Now he sometimes skips leg day to hang out with her instead
- Rin is the reason he started to feel more human
Ironic because she’s technically a robot
Will take her shopping so she can learn about the outside world
Will lose her when they’re shopping :^ )
Rin stop running into that random clothing store, this is why he keeps losing you
- He doesn’t look like he enjoys it, but he definitely enjoys cosplaying/crossdressing
Look no further than the Yuko skin
Lucy and Rin work on his makeup
I also think Lucy would be down to join him for some cosplay
- He and Alex are bros, that much we know
But they are bros joint to the hip
Catch these two fucking around during combat training because Lucy wasn’t there to watch them
They are the epitome of “TWO BROS CHILLING IN A HOT TUB” except they’re down to be gay
- Speaking of, I like to think he’s bisexual. Or at least not afraid to be gay around the boys
Bonus: Bobo Headcanons!
- The cutest fucking rock dove you’ll ever see in your life
Nothing compares to this baby bird
His fur is super fluffy after Sagar bathed him multiple times when he first got him
Bobo loves bath time
- Please do not feed him more than three times a day
He likes to think he’s a bottomless pit
In reality, he is not
Bobo can and will get into leftovers like the sneaky fuck he is
Rin has resorted to giving him treats as a way to keep him out of the cabinets
- He sheds like crazy in the summer
Sagar walked in one day to find fur almost everywhere in his bedroom
Bobo was proud of himself
Sagar had to look into how to groom him in the summer because of that undercoat shedding
No one tell him about the feather molting, that’s a secret for another day
- Bobo likes to make nests
This is a problem
He’s destroyed pillows and has stolen blankets just for his nest
Rin and Sagar made him a nest so he can stop stealing blankets
Bobo still steals blankets to this day
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Today’s Autistic character of the day is:
Sagar from Cytus II
Requested by @sentistrange
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sentistrange · 4 years
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trans sagar for my trans soul
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cytusimagines · 3 years
How about characters actions when their partner is a diabetic?
This is probably the longest post I’ve made and I’m so sure I may have gotten some things wrong, but here we go!
Cytus Characters With a Diabetic S/O
-So I like to think that PAFF has probably the best healthcare and will get you on that plan ASAP
Insulin is expensive, that she knows
If she can bring down the costs for you, she’ll do it
Hell she might as well buy your medication She does by the way
-You cannot convince me that Aroma does not have a planner
Inside it is her schedule for meetings, interviews, concerts, etc.
But she always makes time for you
Especially to make sure you’re eating on a consistent schedule and checking your levels
Will move everything around her schedule when you mention that you have a doctor’s appointment coming up
Will also attend said appointments to make you more comfortable
-She is aware of what you can or can’t eat
Sometimes when you have dinner with her and Helena, she helps cook
This is to make sure Helena doesn’t do anything that could make your levels too high or too low
Of course she always asks for your input
-Overall a loving and supportive partner to her S/O
-Let’s be real, she’s not the best equipped to help
-But as long as you explain to her what she should do, she’ll be fine. Maybe.
-Will hound you about your insulin and levels if she suspects something off
“Don’t lie to me Y/N! Nothing gets past Neko!”
If you thought she was annoying before, she will be even more annoying if you even forget for a nanosecond
Sometimes she forgets though, especially in between streams and making music
-Please help Neko understand it more so she’s not constantly panicking about your health
-Honestly she does her best to help, but you’ll have to give her reminders to relax from time to time
Nora & ROBO_Head
-Nora knows how challenging something like diabetes can be to have
She doesn’t have it, but considering that the Ender virus took her ability to walk, she at least shares the sentiment
-She programs ROBO to have an alarm when it’s time to check your levels and take your insulin
-She can also be pretty strict when it comes to your diet/meal plan
You’re always allowed to give her feedback, but you can also tell her to tone it down if you think it’s too strict
It’ll take some time to adjust, but she will listen to you
-Where Nora is lacking in emotion, ROBO picks up the speed for her
On days where you beat yourself up, he’ll play you some music he made to make you feel better
His screen will show a pixelated heart to let you know that he loves you
Nora understands that it’s hard to keep everything balanced and in check, so she reminds you that there is always tomorrow to do it right
-Walking database based on everything she’s been seeing on the cyTus network
-Let’s not forget that she is slowly gaining a “human” side to her as her research went on
She’s protected humans in the past from dangerous situations
So to see that she is protective around you is not surprising
-I think when you two are in private, she knows you can take care of yourself just fine
-It’s when you’re out in public going to a restaurant that she starts to worry
She will make it clear to the staff of any changes you would want to the item you want to eat
She may not be a Karen, but she can probably exert that energy off to the staff
You’ll probably need to talk to her about letting you do the talking when it comes to ordering your food from now on
But be patient, she’s still pretty new to this
Crystal PUNK/Cherry
-Sherri has some family that are diabetic, so she knows what they go through
That doesn’t mean their experiences are the exact same as yours
-She doesn’t hover over you about your diet or when to take your insulin
You should know how to take care of yourself
Will give you small reminders just in case you forget though
-Cooking dates will become a thing
She wants to learn how to make your favorite foods
She also wants to learn more about what you can and can’t eat
Please give her kisses for a good job
-Overall she won’t baby you about it and knows you’re able to take care of yourself
-So let’s say Vanessa survived the final events of the game and Ivy & PAFF were able to fix both her body and core
She’s back to being kind hearted and more stable than she ever has been before
She was also able to escape from A.R.C since they were using her to keep the cyTus network up and running
-Years of knowledge don’t necessarily prepare her to help with diabetes
It may have been around since her time or it may have developed after The Decommission, I don’t have the answers exactly
Regardless, she’s just not prepared
You’ll have to tell her more about it and how it affects you
-Despite being unprepared, she is more than willing to put in the effort and help you live a normal life
As normal as it can be since she’s still recovering from what happened to her
She’ll most likely go to Ivy for help since Ivy has lived upon humans longer than her
-Chances are with time, she will know more based on your experiences and anything she’s researched with the help of Ivy
-First thing’s first- teach him about diabetes!
I promise he wants to learn more about it and how it affects you
Is it Type 1? Type 2?
What type of medicine do you take and how many times a day?
Is there any food you can’t eat at all?
Tell him everything please-
-You bet he made a spreadsheet and spent the next few nights researching everything he could find on diabetes
-He can’t go to your doctor appointments most of the time since work keeps him busy, but when he does he asks them multiple questions
Cares so much about your health, even if it sounds like he’s being rude to them
-Will help you with formulating a good diet based off what he knows about diabetes and what the doctor recommends
Obviously you’ll have to give him some input since you know your body the best
-Has a schedule on when you should check your levels in case you forget
-Very knowledgeable man, we love that
He has no knowledge of how diabetes works and assumed the worst when you told him
You had to inform him of how it actually works and how it’s affecting you on a daily basis
-Now he doesn’t panic, but he sure was worried for a second there
-You know, he would be extra and write a whole ass song for you
It’s based on your experiences and everything you’ve told him about diabetes
He’ll play it for you when you’re having a bad day or feeling upset about having to deal with it
-Tea time is his favorite time of day with you
He does love a good cake with his tea, but he won’t have it around you
-He’s also not afraid to correct anyone who spreads misinformation about diabetes
Why anyone would do that, he has no clue
He’ll go after them though, that shit is not allowed so long as he lives on the internet
-My man respects the fuck out of you!
You cannot look in his eyes and not see how much love he has for you!
And you got diabetes? Shit, he doesn’t care- he loves you for you!
-With that being said, he’s stupid and has on occasion slipped up on what you can’t eat when he’s cooking dinner
“Babe, how come you’re avoiding that?”
“Because I can’t eat it.”
“Son of a bi-”
-He is doing his hardest to cook you delicious food while working with your meal plan
I think it calls for good job kisses and cuddles
He definitely deserves it
-Anyone at the bar that decides to make fun of his S/O gets whopped by a pool stick and his foot up their ass
He does not accept anyone talking shit about them just because they have to deal with diabetes
All the regulars know not to fuck with him or his S/O
-He’s always testing out new dishes and drinks that’ll appeal to more customers with diabetes (just like you!)
Feedback is always appreciated! He accepts your critiques very well
Also free lunch? Who doesn’t want that?
-You picked either the right or wrong person to date
-Do you love exercise? Do you love healthy meal dates? Do you love feeling like your core is going to explode?
If you said no to any of these questions, too bad! :D
Sagar is ripped for a reason
And he will ensure that you stay on top of your health 100% of the time
-He’s the partner that will get you up at 7 am to go on a run
“But Sagar, it’s too early-”
To him, it’s never too early to stay in shape and keep you healthy
It is too early for you
-However, he does have fears of something bad happening if he doesn’t keep this up for you
The unknown scares him the most, even if he doesn’t show it
The next time you’re cuddling him, give him those gentle smooches and let him know that you’re going to be okay
You’re not going anywhere anytime soon
Now back to exercising
-She is an absolute sweetheart and her botanical work may pay off!
When she first heard about your condition, she wasn’t sure on what to do
After a long talk, she understood and took notes on what you need when it comes to her support
-She finds a few plants in her greenhouse that can be added to your food depending on your meal plan
Any time you mention you don’t like eating a certain herb, she puts it on her “Do Not Feed” list
-She can’t exactly cook and leaves that up to you. You know what you can and can’t eat, after all
-Will pick up on your schedule when it comes to checking your levels and taking your insulin
-She is your emotional support Rin when you need her
Cuddles are her favorite thing to do when you’re feeling down
This isn’t an easy condition to deal with and she knows that
Dotes on you and calls you cute nicknames to get you to smile and cheer up
She’s a shy kisser, but cheek and forehead kisses are always up to the plate when it comes to you
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cytusimagines · 4 years
Your 3 favorite characters with an S/O that brought home a tiny baby kitten in the rain.
You know choosing 3 of my favorite characters is difficult when I love all of them-
Bringing Home a Tiny Kitten!
Sagar -Something about cute animals makes him become a dad
Take Bobo for instance- that is his actual son
-So when S/O brings home a kitten, he’s not saying no
“We should take it to the vet, get it some fresh water, buy cat food- would Bobo like sharing his toys?”
-Baby kitten is healthy, she’s just a little underweight
Sagar can fix this
Bobo is the clear example of that
-Overall, if he wasn’t working for A.R.C. he would be working at a rescue or make his own rescue for animals
-It takes a lot of convincing to get Colin Neumann Jr. to say yes to a single thing his S/O wants -So when they decide to bring home a kitten one day during a thunderstorm, Colin was hesitant on keeping it
“Darling, who’s going to take care of her while we’re working?”
“Do you know what type of food it eats?”
“Are you going to take it to routine appointments with the vet?”
You think he could be a private investigator with all of these questions he’s asking
-They go back and forth for a full 2 minutes before the kitten meows at them
He looks down and notices its big round eyes
That meow may or may not have pulled at his heartstrings
-“We’ll keep her for tonight” -They end up keeping her forever
Nora -Robo brought up the idea at first
She immediately said no
“ :( “
-Nora works practically 24/7 unless S/O puts her to bed -Bringing a kitten into the workplace was not the greatest idea
She’s in the middle of a new project when S/O walks in and hides the baby behind their back
“Hey Nora...”
-Alright, so they went back and forth for quite a while
Nora kept refusing to keep the kitten
She’s pretty stubborn once she sets her mind to something
It’s surprising how sometimes S/O or even Robo can break through her walls
-S/O gets tired of arguing and puts the kitten in her lap
The second he starts purring, she stops her complaining and reaches down to pet him
Perhaps she could use a cat around the office
-Cat now roams around the office, and everyone loves him
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