#cytus imagines
sentistrange · 2 years
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but nekopaff
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alias-mike · 11 months
i am so normal about conner from cytus 2
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body headcanon sheet under cut (shirtless)
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some details i would like to elaborate on:
i transed his gender :)
started hrt after the sasha thing and imagines it as a farewell gift from her bc it was using the money he made while working with her
his prosthetic arm is not removable without surgery, theres a shell/cover that you can take off but theres an endoskeleton like thing underneath that is connected to his body with wires n metal and stuff. if he tries to take it out himself (which. he has definitely tried) its gonna be really painful and he might get electrocuted
the harness is there to make it easier on his shoulder and thats removable
his prosthetic eye glows in the dark bc cool sci fi aesthetic. its also part of why he hates it, other than the wanting to look at the world "authentically" thing. which, considering how sus arc and the tech is, yeah thats fair
scars from repeatedly scraped knees bc i have those and i feel like he was very active and ran around (and fell) a lot as a child
scars are all from exploring when he was younger and less experienced. now he can navigate the terrain well and also has better medical supplies
despite that, he often forgets to wear sunscreen. also the thing about looking old due to severe lack of skincare is canon, i think its mentioned in the cherry dlc
his (flesh) hand is pretty scarred, he used to not wear gloves and had to break a couple of nasty falls
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p1x1x · 1 year
sbnk and ysmo who's good at rhythm games go
RHYTHM GAMING !!!!! ok sabina and nika are both pretty good with their hands bc. Piloting and Mechanic,ing but i don’t think. sabina has phones on her game. but if she did play them she would probably be confused at first but then be able to get to a high level quickly… whereas nika, deciding to take a break from mechanical gadget tinkering, turns to rhythm gaming to scratch that. “my hands still gotta do something” feeling and actually get pretty good :00 has several rhythm games on their phone to switch it up. i think they would branch out past the standard “notes falling down a lane” and enjoy the ones with more fun stuff like phigros, rotaeno, arcaea, cytus,,, hum there was a bullet hell mixed in one that i cant remember the name of. just starts trying out random ones bc Oh these are really fun
for ysmo mio do be having games on her phone. with her pianist bg i’d say she can actually be pretty good, but what gets her is tensing up and then losing that FC/AP jdhdhssggs. i think yushura would enjoy rhythm games as well! since im mostly talking in the realm of mobile rhythm games and its. touchscreen so physical pressure isnt really required yknow. i’d imagine that she would probably set the phone down on a table to play, maybe even lightly rest her hands on the table (i sometimes play like this and while my performance is a bit worse (skill issue jdhdd) its pretty easy to stay lax like this?). i dont think yushura would play as intensely as mio does also i realize im not really Answering The Question oops so i think:
nika > sabina (but like really if sabina were to play a lot i think she would have God Accuracy)
mio > yushura (yushura winning in the Not Hurting Hands Playing Rhythm Games department tho she knows her limits)
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kyinpeachichu · 1 year
Writer/artist habits I still do even when I don't draw or write as much as I used to
observe things. From how things move, to how they're shaped. Behavior patterns and how they speak relating it to their current emotion
trying to read minds. Going "This person is acting like this, so they much be feeling like this"
stopping by to observe paintings and sculptures. From architecture to restaurant music, so long as it catches my attention I'll lend an ear
trying to master things constantly. From my cytus rhythm scores to japanese songs. "I wanna learnnn--"
Fantasize, imagine, visualize. "What would it be like if this person did this". "How would they react-". "If this was this big, then how big would it really be?". "How long would it be if I made it-"
Staring off into space and seeing... something else.
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probskay · 11 months
imagine the transgender homura akemi offering to hold the security code for the ICU and regularly letting people in to have their final words to their, and the transgender homura akemi's grandmother. they do it enough times that the nurse running the door doesn't even let them say they code at all and just opens it upon seeing them through a camera. meanwhile this transgender homura akemi is playing a rhythm game on their phone in between passes. and then they go into the room with their dying grandmother, whom they haven't talked to in probably a good year or so, and hasn't shed a tear and honestly wasn't that close to this grandmother and doesn't have strong feelings about her passing. and they sit there, in full cosplay, staring at an old woman who's time is up.
the transgender homura akemi sitting in a room full of family they haven't seen in years, most of which they don't even like and don't even talk to anymore, really, as they all discuss the way they're going to let this woman die. discussing how they're going to let their mother die. and the most they can do is offer to hold a code and open a door for everyone else so that they don't have to remember this four digit string--2586--and don't need to speak. they tell them where the door is, just down the hall at the end under the exit sign room 14, and then when the last pair of mourners come out they go and find the next pair. people they haven't spoken to in years and aren't likely to speak to again. and their last impression of this transgender homura akemi, their relative they haven't seen in so long, is going to be them sitting in full cosplay opening a door for them and playing cytus 2 in a corner.
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cytusimagines · 3 years
How about characters actions when their partner is a diabetic?
This is probably the longest post I’ve made and I’m so sure I may have gotten some things wrong, but here we go!
Cytus Characters With a Diabetic S/O
-So I like to think that PAFF has probably the best healthcare and will get you on that plan ASAP
Insulin is expensive, that she knows
If she can bring down the costs for you, she’ll do it
Hell she might as well buy your medication She does by the way
-You cannot convince me that Aroma does not have a planner
Inside it is her schedule for meetings, interviews, concerts, etc.
But she always makes time for you
Especially to make sure you’re eating on a consistent schedule and checking your levels
Will move everything around her schedule when you mention that you have a doctor’s appointment coming up
Will also attend said appointments to make you more comfortable
-She is aware of what you can or can’t eat
Sometimes when you have dinner with her and Helena, she helps cook
This is to make sure Helena doesn’t do anything that could make your levels too high or too low
Of course she always asks for your input
-Overall a loving and supportive partner to her S/O
-Let’s be real, she’s not the best equipped to help
-But as long as you explain to her what she should do, she’ll be fine. Maybe.
-Will hound you about your insulin and levels if she suspects something off
“Don’t lie to me Y/N! Nothing gets past Neko!”
If you thought she was annoying before, she will be even more annoying if you even forget for a nanosecond
Sometimes she forgets though, especially in between streams and making music
-Please help Neko understand it more so she’s not constantly panicking about your health
-Honestly she does her best to help, but you’ll have to give her reminders to relax from time to time
Nora & ROBO_Head
-Nora knows how challenging something like diabetes can be to have
She doesn’t have it, but considering that the Ender virus took her ability to walk, she at least shares the sentiment
-She programs ROBO to have an alarm when it’s time to check your levels and take your insulin
-She can also be pretty strict when it comes to your diet/meal plan
You’re always allowed to give her feedback, but you can also tell her to tone it down if you think it’s too strict
It’ll take some time to adjust, but she will listen to you
-Where Nora is lacking in emotion, ROBO picks up the speed for her
On days where you beat yourself up, he’ll play you some music he made to make you feel better
His screen will show a pixelated heart to let you know that he loves you
Nora understands that it’s hard to keep everything balanced and in check, so she reminds you that there is always tomorrow to do it right
-Walking database based on everything she’s been seeing on the cyTus network
-Let’s not forget that she is slowly gaining a “human” side to her as her research went on
She’s protected humans in the past from dangerous situations
So to see that she is protective around you is not surprising
-I think when you two are in private, she knows you can take care of yourself just fine
-It’s when you’re out in public going to a restaurant that she starts to worry
She will make it clear to the staff of any changes you would want to the item you want to eat
She may not be a Karen, but she can probably exert that energy off to the staff
You’ll probably need to talk to her about letting you do the talking when it comes to ordering your food from now on
But be patient, she’s still pretty new to this
Crystal PUNK/Cherry
-Sherri has some family that are diabetic, so she knows what they go through
That doesn’t mean their experiences are the exact same as yours
-She doesn’t hover over you about your diet or when to take your insulin
You should know how to take care of yourself
Will give you small reminders just in case you forget though
-Cooking dates will become a thing
She wants to learn how to make your favorite foods
She also wants to learn more about what you can and can’t eat
Please give her kisses for a good job
-Overall she won’t baby you about it and knows you’re able to take care of yourself
-So let’s say Vanessa survived the final events of the game and Ivy & PAFF were able to fix both her body and core
She’s back to being kind hearted and more stable than she ever has been before
She was also able to escape from A.R.C since they were using her to keep the cyTus network up and running
-Years of knowledge don’t necessarily prepare her to help with diabetes
It may have been around since her time or it may have developed after The Decommission, I don’t have the answers exactly
Regardless, she’s just not prepared
You’ll have to tell her more about it and how it affects you
-Despite being unprepared, she is more than willing to put in the effort and help you live a normal life
As normal as it can be since she’s still recovering from what happened to her
She’ll most likely go to Ivy for help since Ivy has lived upon humans longer than her
-Chances are with time, she will know more based on your experiences and anything she’s researched with the help of Ivy
-First thing’s first- teach him about diabetes!
I promise he wants to learn more about it and how it affects you
Is it Type 1? Type 2?
What type of medicine do you take and how many times a day?
Is there any food you can’t eat at all?
Tell him everything please-
-You bet he made a spreadsheet and spent the next few nights researching everything he could find on diabetes
-He can’t go to your doctor appointments most of the time since work keeps him busy, but when he does he asks them multiple questions
Cares so much about your health, even if it sounds like he’s being rude to them
-Will help you with formulating a good diet based off what he knows about diabetes and what the doctor recommends
Obviously you’ll have to give him some input since you know your body the best
-Has a schedule on when you should check your levels in case you forget
-Very knowledgeable man, we love that
He has no knowledge of how diabetes works and assumed the worst when you told him
You had to inform him of how it actually works and how it’s affecting you on a daily basis
-Now he doesn’t panic, but he sure was worried for a second there
-You know, he would be extra and write a whole ass song for you
It’s based on your experiences and everything you’ve told him about diabetes
He’ll play it for you when you’re having a bad day or feeling upset about having to deal with it
-Tea time is his favorite time of day with you
He does love a good cake with his tea, but he won’t have it around you
-He’s also not afraid to correct anyone who spreads misinformation about diabetes
Why anyone would do that, he has no clue
He’ll go after them though, that shit is not allowed so long as he lives on the internet
-My man respects the fuck out of you!
You cannot look in his eyes and not see how much love he has for you!
And you got diabetes? Shit, he doesn’t care- he loves you for you!
-With that being said, he’s stupid and has on occasion slipped up on what you can’t eat when he’s cooking dinner
“Babe, how come you’re avoiding that?”
“Because I can’t eat it.”
“Son of a bi-”
-He is doing his hardest to cook you delicious food while working with your meal plan
I think it calls for good job kisses and cuddles
He definitely deserves it
-Anyone at the bar that decides to make fun of his S/O gets whopped by a pool stick and his foot up their ass
He does not accept anyone talking shit about them just because they have to deal with diabetes
All the regulars know not to fuck with him or his S/O
-He’s always testing out new dishes and drinks that’ll appeal to more customers with diabetes (just like you!)
Feedback is always appreciated! He accepts your critiques very well
Also free lunch? Who doesn’t want that?
-You picked either the right or wrong person to date
-Do you love exercise? Do you love healthy meal dates? Do you love feeling like your core is going to explode?
If you said no to any of these questions, too bad! :D
Sagar is ripped for a reason
And he will ensure that you stay on top of your health 100% of the time
-He’s the partner that will get you up at 7 am to go on a run
“But Sagar, it’s too early-”
To him, it’s never too early to stay in shape and keep you healthy
It is too early for you
-However, he does have fears of something bad happening if he doesn’t keep this up for you
The unknown scares him the most, even if he doesn’t show it
The next time you’re cuddling him, give him those gentle smooches and let him know that you’re going to be okay
You’re not going anywhere anytime soon
Now back to exercising
-She is an absolute sweetheart and her botanical work may pay off!
When she first heard about your condition, she wasn’t sure on what to do
After a long talk, she understood and took notes on what you need when it comes to her support
-She finds a few plants in her greenhouse that can be added to your food depending on your meal plan
Any time you mention you don’t like eating a certain herb, she puts it on her “Do Not Feed” list
-She can’t exactly cook and leaves that up to you. You know what you can and can’t eat, after all
-Will pick up on your schedule when it comes to checking your levels and taking your insulin
-She is your emotional support Rin when you need her
Cuddles are her favorite thing to do when you’re feeling down
This isn’t an easy condition to deal with and she knows that
Dotes on you and calls you cute nicknames to get you to smile and cheer up
She’s a shy kisser, but cheek and forehead kisses are always up to the plate when it comes to you
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luchiaketchum-art · 4 years
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Fell asleep at his desk
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sheephat · 5 years
The fact we're getting Sherry as a separate character for Cherry means we should expect a Simon or X for Xenon in the future...
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12serve · 6 years
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perhaps yamaguchi would be proud of me............
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cytus2music · 6 years
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weirdlyfitting · 2 years
here’s some random thoughts : cytus ii should do a collab with stray
i want robo head to meet the robots from stray so friggin much I’M GOING FERAL ABT THIS NGL
the dystopian set-story, the many kinds of robo heads, the music, THE CAT 🥺😆
just imagine how rin, sagar and bobo’s (also conner maybe???) reaction when they found out there’s a cat living in this era, also with nora and robo head meeting the other robots AND MAKING MUSIC FOR/WITH THEM OMGGGG
the robots learning about the nodes and robo head learning about rooftops, antvillage, midtown, and outside aweeee
edit : wait i think i remember vanessa came out of a pod from cytus 1 ? I WANT B12 TO TALK WITH VANESSA ASAP HOLY SHIT
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jinxxedwammys · 3 years
Ok hear me out. I’ve listened to “Sway with me (slowed)” by Cytus II and I have this whole imagine of the reader at a masquerade ball as an undercover agent, and as The Wammy Bois (preferably L or Near) S/O or crush. Well the situation turns for the worst and L (or near) rushes out into the party (he was originally watching on cams) to get a hold of the situation to either like confront the Bad Guy or just protect the reader. Idk I think about it when I listen to the song. Love your writing btw
Aww thanks anon, I'm glad you like my writing! And damn, I like this one a lot! This calls for a fic. Thanks for requesting! (Not me accidentally making this somewhat like that ball scene in Black Butler.. oof)
For this I chose L and decided not to do Near, I hope that's okay.
Warnings: Mentions of human trafficking, Main antagonist being a creep, daggers.
(Image from some wallpaper site and very lightly and badly edited with befunky)
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The night was young, the sun had only just set below the horizon plunging the city into darkness. At 8PM this night there was a masquerade ball at a very wealthy businessman's mansion. As all the high society guests exited their limousines and luxury cars escorted by servants you stood staring at the lavish mansion.
"I feel so out of place here... Do I really blend in enough?" You quietly asked Watari who stood beside you as your "servant". You shifted uncomfortably and looked to him for an answer.
"Yes, of course you do. You fit in very well. Please do not worry, I'm sure you will be alright in there." He bowed before reentering the drivers seat of the vehicle you'd arrived in. You took a deep breath before carefully ascending the marble stairs leading to he door. Before you could be noticed by anyone in particular, you placed the earpiece you had been provided in your ear disguising it with your hair.
Unlike the other guests, tonight wasn't about enjoyment or entertainment for you. You were assisting with an investigation into one of the high class men attending this party known as Daniel Grant. He had been suspected of human trafficking, though it seems he had been doing more than just that. A recent investigation by the private investigator known only to the public as L suggested that he may potentially be behind multiple murders in the area. As it happens, you were the lynchpin in solving this case and getting the evidence needed to put Daniel Grant and all involved behind bars.
He seemed to target young people between the ages of 18 and 25. As it happens, you were perfect for that role. You were also a police officer. So only two weeks ago, you had been asked to assist the one and only L. Of course, when he contacted you, you were overjoyed. Finally, something more interesting than petty crime! But now, as you entered the lavish mansion you were far less confident than you were when you initially joined.
You knew L was watching the camera feeds from the CCTV system, but it still didn't calm your nerves. You nervously approached the table where the guest sign in book was placed, carefully signing your alias. Then you made your way to the ballroom where the party was held. You took a deep breath and adjusted your mask before entering into the room.
Inside, everyone was chatting amongst themselves every single person dressed very formally, women in beautiful ballgowns, men in fancy suits. Every single one wore a masquerade mask, some plain and simple, some adorned with gemstones, lace and other ornate designs. Everyone went silent when one man tapped his glass with a fork.
"Hello everyone, I'd like to thank you for attending tonight. Thank you all for celebrating my niece's 20th birthday with us" He motioned to a young girl blonde girl wearing a dark pink dress with a black lace mask. Everyone gave a short applause in response. "Please enjoy yourselves" He bowed slightly. You hadn't known this was a birthday party beforehand. You wondered what Daniel Grant had to do with this girl. About 20 minutes into the party, you decided to check in with L as you hadn't heard a thing from him since you arrived. You excused yourself to the bathroom.
"L are you listening?" You asked quietly and waited for a response.
"Yes, I am, is anything wrong?" He asked. You shook your head before you realized he couldn't see you right now, there were no cameras in the bathroom.
"N..No, I haven't seen Daniel yet either... I was just making sure you were there." you hurriedly replied.
"Mmh, I'll guide you to him if you would like, I can see him on the cameras." He replied clearly eating something.
"Okay, please do!" You left the bathroom and reentered the ballroom doing your best to hide the fact that you were scanning the room for the suspect. L's voice came over the earpiece again, this time instructing you to look for a woman in an emerald green dress near the center of the room. You entered the crowd of guests. Your eyes widened slightly when you saw the woman L had been talking about. She was in fact talking to Daniel Grant. They seemed to know each other. You stayed back, waiting for L to say something.
"Seems like you found them, stay back for a little while, I'll tell you when to approach" He said. You of course didn't respond since you were surrounded by others in earshot. You casually checked your pockets and approached another guest making small talk to kill time. You had taken your eyes off of him for a second, and the moment you looked back, the niece was talking to him. L seemed to notice as well.
"Daniel is currently talking to an important innocent. Please intervene now." You looked around the room before casually approaching the two.
"Hello, I came to wish you a happy birthday!" You said, sort of putting yourself between them. She nodded, thanking you and went back to talking with Daniel. You sighed in annoyance, but persisted.
"Hey, could you by any chance show me to the washroom? I've been looking for it and I just can't find it" You asked. She looked at Daniel, excusing herself from their conversation before leading you to said washroom.
"I'm sorry for inconveniencing you... Oh.. and I think it would be best if you stayed away from that man." She gave you a quizzical look.
"Why is that? He's one of my mother's friends." She asked. You were kind of shocked. Another detail L had left out. You questioned if he trusted you before ultimately banishing the thought. Of course he trusted you. You wouldn't be the one confronting the guy if he didn't.
"Just trust me, he's no good" You warned. It was clear that she didn't take your words seriously whatsoever. She scoffed and left. Now what? You wondered. And just like that, L's voice came through again.
"I want you to talk to him, try your best to get him away from her." Immediately you left the bathroom and made your way back to the ballroom again. By now, there were a few people dancing. Unfortunately Daniel seemed to be one of them, but you had a plan. Dance your way to him! You started off with a tall man with a purple tie, then to an average height lady in a light blue dress, then a lady with a fuchsia pink dress, and so on until finally, you were dancing with Daniel.
"You're the person who rudely interrupted my lovely conversation with the guest of honor" He observed. His voice was cold, though there was a tinge of intrigue.
"And what of it?" You sort of snapped. He smirked, it sent chills up your spine. You backed away slightly, but he closed the distance.
"Oooh, I like them feisty" He growled into your ear. You couldn't help your face twisting in disgust at that.
"Why don't we go... somewhere more private" He suggested. It was then that L's voice came on through your earpiece.
"Go with him, I want to see what he'll do" You gulped. You really didn't want to go anywhere with that creep. But L's orders... You nodded and Daniel led you upstairs. You both stood in front of a bedroom door. He opened it, directing you to go inside. As you did, his eyes seemed to undress you. It was then that he took out a dagger holding it to your neck.
Meanwhile, L sat in his temporary investigation headquarters observing your actions. He had just stuck a piece of cake in his mouth when you had been attacked. He had not expected Daniel to be armed. You were in grave danger and he knew it. He immediately stood up, the fork clattered to the ground and the plate the cake had been on shattered as it hit the floor. He didn't care.
"Y/N, hang in there, I'll be there soon" he quickly said to you before rushing to get Watari and speed off to the party. The car ride seemed to take forever. Every second of it, he watched and listened. Daniel seemed to be just threatening you for the time being, but at any second, he might just kill you. The very second they arrived, L clumsily jumped out of the car and rushed up the stairs to the manor, past the guards outside and up another flight of stairs to where you were.
L had for the first time in his life, brought a gun in case things got even more ugly, but he doubted he'd need it. Daniel didn't seem like the type to be bold enough to kill in front of another person. Even so, he gripped the gun before entering.
"Let them go!" L commanded. Daniel's head snapped in his direction.
"Get out, this is none of your business" Daniel said, turning back to you.
"It is my business, that happens to by my significant other you have there." You blinked. Significant other? Is he acting? You thought before mentally reprimanding yourself for thinking that now. L moved a little closer.
"Oh.... She is... I'm sorry" Daniel backed away. It was kind of comical how he looked like a scolded dog. You stood up and walked towards L, glancing back a few times at Daniel to ensure he wasn't going to get violent again. And without another word, L led you out of the manor to safety. Though there was one question burning in your chest. When you were safely in the car you decided to voice it.
"L... Do you actually like me?" L turned to you, his expression was completely unreadable.
"Yes" He said almost monotonously. But that was good enough for you.
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afallensmessage · 4 years
Okay kinda rambly and spoilers for the ending of his story but im suddenly thinking about cytus!hans and realizing how potentially ableist and horrible that entire situation was for him..
Like goddamn did anyone think about what the kid wanted before putting him to sleep for fifty years so that in the best case scenario he'd wake up with his memory in tact to everyone he knew either being dead or way older than him?
I cant imagine how alone he'd have felt even if everything Had gone to plan. Did they even ask him??
"his family agreed to the experimental treatment"
Okay but did he???
With how family oriented every iteration of hans seems to be i simply cant see him being okay with this plan.
How much did this poor kid beg and be ignored?
This course of action, had it worked out, would have set him an entire generation behind at best
Possibly two
And would drastically alter his relationships with both the people he loves and society as a whole
I genuinely cant imagine him being anything but horrified
Why couldn't his family have just accepted that their child is disabled and cared for him accordingly rather than actively traumatize him?
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entomycetic · 5 years
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Based off Cytus II’s character NEKO#ΦωΦ; her music really gave me Steven vibes! They felt so alike that I made a playlist of some of her songs that I imagine Steven would play (Spotify doesn’t have all of NEKO’s songs unfortunately)
I’ve actually made LEO into a bit of an AU in my head in between sketch and final version of this, and I definitely wanna draw the redesigns to share with y’all sometime soon! 
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murderpuff · 4 years
I got tagged by @luckystarchild - and honestly for a moment I forgot we were mutuals. This hit mye right out of left field but at a great time cause I'm busy with NPCs for my DND campaign!
So here we go!
Gender: Female
Star sign: Libra ♎
Height: 5'3. I am... not tall.
Birthday: Sometime in October
Fav Bands: Bump of Chicken, K/DA (I've been listening to the recent EP nonstop-), Fleetwood Mac, KanonXKanon, Garnidelia (is that a band?), SID,.... Not really a lot bands.
Fav Solo Artists: Kanon Wakeshima, Ayahi Takagaki, Nikki Simmons, James Landino does great work even if he doesn't sing, Yousei Teikoku....
Song stuck in my head: 'My Friend's Love' by Three Lights from Sailor Moon. Words cannot describe how much I love that trio. Also Anno Domini by Hibiki Hojo.
Last movie: I don't remember.
Last show: Cobra Kai season three, which I haven't finished yet.
When I created this blog: September of 2014.
Last thing I googled: Nehelenia from Sailor Moon. I wanted to look at her outfit for sleeve puff picture refs.
Do I get asks: Very. Very. Rarely.
Following: My heart? Yes.
Why I chose this url: My url on here has gone through several changes since I started this blog. At the start it was an imagines blog, then it was a personal (and it's still personal). MurderPuff is just what I inevitably settled on because my old icon used to be a very upset looking Jigglypuff and honestly I love it too much to part cause I feel like it suits me.
Other blogs: I run a headcanons blog with my friend but that's still a work in progress for right now so its hush hush-
Average hours of sleep: Oh dear. Oh heaven. I have ADHD so it kinda varies at times cause my brain can't shut up long enough for me to pass out sometimes- I'd say around 6 to 8 if I'm lucky enough. Otherwise I wake up a lot at intervals of the night and my sleep gets scattered.
Lucky number: 13
Instruments: I can't play any but I do love pretending to know how to play piano sometimes. Pianos are just fun in general to play. I wanted to learn violin as a kid but my grandpa didn't really let me do it.
What I'm wearing: A pair of floppy yoga pants and a large soft gray shirt my sister gave me. Its cozy.
Dream trip: If you asked me two years ago I would have said Japan straight up but honestly like... I'd wanna go on a tour of Asia. I watch a lot of travel blogs and food videos from this guy on YouTube and he's been all over and it looks amazing.
Favorite food: Ramen. I'm used to eating the instant kind and I'm picky as hell about how I cook it too. Actually I'm a picky eater in general, which is weird considering my entire family is full of foodies.
Nationality: USA. Yeehaw.
Favorite song: Meteor Light by Ayahi Takagaki
Top 3 Fictional Universes: This is a loaded question. This is always a loaded question with me because I love too much and as I mentioned I have ADHD so it's easy for me to hyper fixate on stuff....... for right now I'd say I'm fixated on Fire Emblem: Three Houses but some of my constant favorites are YYH, Cytus 2 and Sailor Moon. Will I get out of Fire Emblem hell soon? Probably not.
Alright! That just about does it so now... I'm gonna tag a few people!
@nobody-says-hello @axartstudios @spacenight-nerd @thatwitchykitty @everyday-im-preaching annnnnd... whoever else wants to do it!
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cytusimagines · 4 years
!!!!! bro could u pls give us some ivynessa headcanons
While I personally see the two as sisters cause it’s stated in both Ivy and Vanessa’s backlogs, I can see the appeal in people putting them in a romantic relationship, so...
IvyNessa Headcanons!
-Alright let’s do this! -When they were first able to roam freely, Ivy would pull Vanessa away from her job so they could talk for at least a few minutes a day
It helped Ivy get through her work with as an architect and as a Blessed
Ivy loved showing her nature while they were together
If they could even get outside of the big cold building they worked in
She also loved recounting human history with Vanessa
Seeing as they’re a walking talking database, they would hold some sort of information on humans
-Vanessa was concerned when Ivy first told her about “The Blessed” and their plan to destroy the remainder of humanity
Ivy was conflicted. Does she protect Vanessa and the humans or does she go with “The Blessed?”
Vanessa would always tell her she couldn’t answer that question
Ivy wished she chose for her
-During “The Decommission,” the last thing Ivy thought of before she fell into her slumber was Ivy
The flower in her hair, the way it would glow just a little brighter-
They had to cross the river when they woke back up
She had to find Vanessa
What would humanity be like if they ever woke back up?
-Ivy felt lonely when she first woke up
She thought she would be back with Vanessa and they can try to live among humans
A lot can happen in 500 years
Including her Vanessa being taken away
-Vanessa in her captivity only thought about Ivy
A million thoughts ran through her mind
Vanessa didn’t know how the humans could manipulate her system so easily
Then again humans always seemed to surprise her
The one thing they could never manipulate? Her love for Ivy
If she was even awake
-When they met again, it felt like whatever deity watched over humans was watching over the architects
But Ivy knew
This wasn’t her Vanessa
Vanessa had slowly grown a cold and dark heart, only wishing for humans to die
But she had no power
And Ivy wished she never gave her back that power
-Their final moments together during the attack on A.R.C. were nothing but bittersweet
Ivy recounted every memory they shared together
From the moment they met to the time she gave her the flower
Vanessa cried
She regretted ever turning on humans, but something in her protocol stopped her from ending the pain she caused on this world
All Ivy could do was promise everything would be okay
Even at the cost of her own life
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