#ver 3.0 spoilers
photos-car · 1 year
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Pinned message for you to understand how this is gonna work
episodes are tagged #nge [number]
Final episode thoughts are under #closing thoughts
I know very little about Evangelion as a whole. I'm aware of the memes and the general gist of the original show's ending, but I know nothing more. This is a blind liveblog of the franchise.
I will be covering:
The original series (Netflix ver, subbed)
End of Eva (ditto)
Eva 1.1: You Are (Not) Alone
Eva 2.2: You Can (Not) Advance
Eva 3.0: You Can (Not) Redo
Eva 3.0+1.0
I'm gonna try to condense thoughts into watching blocks, and tag each set of thoughts per episode. Please no spoilers. I know about the hospital in EoE, i know about the orange juice, but other than that, I know literally nothing.
Here we go, I guess.
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lycheesodas · 2 years
Sumeru Storyline Predictions
omg Sumeru trailer was so intense i can’t believe it’s only the first look at the new quest?? I’ve had these theories for a long time but now with the trailer they seem more and more plausible, here we go!!
Disclaimer: not trying to pose anything as confirmed canon or whatever, these are just my thoughts.
I think this Archon Quest is gonna be so interesting because we’ll see someone who’s not of the original Seven publicly trying to step up to their predecessor’s legacy.
Kusanali is not Acknowledged as the new Dendro Archon
“Maybe they see Lesser Lord Kusanali’s birth as confirmation of Greater Lord Rukkhadevata’s death.” -> The people of Sumeru, or at least the Great Sages who basically run things there, are not willing to accept Kusanali as the new Archon. They’re still clinging to the old ways.
“Yes, well, Sumeru is the land of the God of Wisdom, where the quest for wisdom and knowledge is never-ending. But their obsession gives rise to some truly inexplicable things, for example... In Sumeru, knowledge is holistically managed as a resource. [...] I don't know whether it was the sages or Lesser Lord Kusanali who came up with the idea” -Yae Miko at the end of Inazuma Archon Quest
“Having personally witnessed raving-mad scholars in the forests of Sumeru and powerful sages sitting underutilized on advisory councils, Lisa realized what uninhibited erudition can really do to a person.It seemed such a high price to pay... How much did one have to sacrifice to attain the profoundest knowledge of all?“ -Lisa’s Character Story 5
Rather than knowledge, I think the Sages are more concerned with maintaining the status quo, acting as if things are still the same as before the Cataclysm.
The Conflict Between the Rainforest and Desert
There’s also the matter of the Withering... Here’s where things get more theoretical/headcanon-based.
We know that Sumeru is divided into two large regions, the rain forest and the desert. In one of the early trailers (I can’t find the link sorry) Kusanali’s voice says something about “If only the desert sand and the jungle ring can get along like this” hinting at... yet another civil war.
Thanks to the Withering, the desert area is slowly expanding into the rainforest. This causes a lot of misunderstanding which led to conflict between the two factions. The rainforest dwellers believe that the desert people are deliberately enroaching on their territory and killing all the plants. While the desert people might feel like they’ve been abandoned by the Dendro Archon, especially after the Cataclysm, and therefore hold a grudge against them. Because they are located further away from the Akademiya, they might not know that Kusanali pretty much has her hands tied by the Sages.
They might also end up following another leader (like the Abyss Order) who promised them resources and power, hence that scene in the trailer where a Ruin device is seen corrupting(?) one of the Eremite commanders.
Other stuff that might be connected but I don’t know how exactly they’re connected:
Someone is definitely trying to extract information from the Ley Lines and then destroy them afterwards. The giant burning tree at the end of the animated PV is confirmed to be an Irminsul tree. Presumably, this means all the knowledge stored in the tree will be destroyed too. But who is doing this? What are they looking for? Why are they burning the evidence?
EDIT 14/8/2022: Saw some posts on Twitter and Hoyolab that suggested that whoever they are (The Sages, with support from either the Abyss or Fatui), they’re trying to reincarnate Greater Lord Rukkhadevata, which I think is super interesting and plausible!
The Akasha Terminal is probably a brainwashing device. I got no canon evidence for this but I read a fantasy book with brainwashing plants once and that was a cool concept xD I’d like to see how Genshin pulls it off.
The grown ups in Sumeru don’t dream, only children do. This is also probably why Kusanali is so interested in the subject of dreams when she talks to the Traveler on the Golden Apple Archipelago. One of the devs in Preview Teaser 02 also mentioned “cute forest spirits that can only be seen by children”. Probably also something to do with the Akasha Terminal. But also probably because the Sages discourage imagination and creativity (they don’t want anyone questioning their status).
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cytusimagines · 3 years
How about characters actions when their partner is a diabetic?
This is probably the longest post I’ve made and I’m so sure I may have gotten some things wrong, but here we go!
Cytus Characters With a Diabetic S/O
-So I like to think that PAFF has probably the best healthcare and will get you on that plan ASAP
Insulin is expensive, that she knows
If she can bring down the costs for you, she’ll do it
Hell she might as well buy your medication She does by the way
-You cannot convince me that Aroma does not have a planner
Inside it is her schedule for meetings, interviews, concerts, etc.
But she always makes time for you
Especially to make sure you’re eating on a consistent schedule and checking your levels
Will move everything around her schedule when you mention that you have a doctor’s appointment coming up
Will also attend said appointments to make you more comfortable
-She is aware of what you can or can’t eat
Sometimes when you have dinner with her and Helena, she helps cook
This is to make sure Helena doesn’t do anything that could make your levels too high or too low
Of course she always asks for your input
-Overall a loving and supportive partner to her S/O
-Let’s be real, she’s not the best equipped to help
-But as long as you explain to her what she should do, she’ll be fine. Maybe.
-Will hound you about your insulin and levels if she suspects something off
“Don’t lie to me Y/N! Nothing gets past Neko!”
If you thought she was annoying before, she will be even more annoying if you even forget for a nanosecond
Sometimes she forgets though, especially in between streams and making music
-Please help Neko understand it more so she’s not constantly panicking about your health
-Honestly she does her best to help, but you’ll have to give her reminders to relax from time to time
Nora & ROBO_Head
-Nora knows how challenging something like diabetes can be to have
She doesn’t have it, but considering that the Ender virus took her ability to walk, she at least shares the sentiment
-She programs ROBO to have an alarm when it’s time to check your levels and take your insulin
-She can also be pretty strict when it comes to your diet/meal plan
You’re always allowed to give her feedback, but you can also tell her to tone it down if you think it’s too strict
It’ll take some time to adjust, but she will listen to you
-Where Nora is lacking in emotion, ROBO picks up the speed for her
On days where you beat yourself up, he’ll play you some music he made to make you feel better
His screen will show a pixelated heart to let you know that he loves you
Nora understands that it’s hard to keep everything balanced and in check, so she reminds you that there is always tomorrow to do it right
-Walking database based on everything she’s been seeing on the cyTus network
-Let’s not forget that she is slowly gaining a “human” side to her as her research went on
She’s protected humans in the past from dangerous situations
So to see that she is protective around you is not surprising
-I think when you two are in private, she knows you can take care of yourself just fine
-It’s when you’re out in public going to a restaurant that she starts to worry
She will make it clear to the staff of any changes you would want to the item you want to eat
She may not be a Karen, but she can probably exert that energy off to the staff
You’ll probably need to talk to her about letting you do the talking when it comes to ordering your food from now on
But be patient, she’s still pretty new to this
Crystal PUNK/Cherry
-Sherri has some family that are diabetic, so she knows what they go through
That doesn’t mean their experiences are the exact same as yours
-She doesn’t hover over you about your diet or when to take your insulin
You should know how to take care of yourself
Will give you small reminders just in case you forget though
-Cooking dates will become a thing
She wants to learn how to make your favorite foods
She also wants to learn more about what you can and can’t eat
Please give her kisses for a good job
-Overall she won’t baby you about it and knows you’re able to take care of yourself
-So let’s say Vanessa survived the final events of the game and Ivy & PAFF were able to fix both her body and core
She’s back to being kind hearted and more stable than she ever has been before
She was also able to escape from A.R.C since they were using her to keep the cyTus network up and running
-Years of knowledge don’t necessarily prepare her to help with diabetes
It may have been around since her time or it may have developed after The Decommission, I don’t have the answers exactly
Regardless, she’s just not prepared
You’ll have to tell her more about it and how it affects you
-Despite being unprepared, she is more than willing to put in the effort and help you live a normal life
As normal as it can be since she’s still recovering from what happened to her
She’ll most likely go to Ivy for help since Ivy has lived upon humans longer than her
-Chances are with time, she will know more based on your experiences and anything she’s researched with the help of Ivy
-First thing’s first- teach him about diabetes!
I promise he wants to learn more about it and how it affects you
Is it Type 1? Type 2?
What type of medicine do you take and how many times a day?
Is there any food you can’t eat at all?
Tell him everything please-
-You bet he made a spreadsheet and spent the next few nights researching everything he could find on diabetes
-He can’t go to your doctor appointments most of the time since work keeps him busy, but when he does he asks them multiple questions
Cares so much about your health, even if it sounds like he’s being rude to them
-Will help you with formulating a good diet based off what he knows about diabetes and what the doctor recommends
Obviously you’ll have to give him some input since you know your body the best
-Has a schedule on when you should check your levels in case you forget
-Very knowledgeable man, we love that
He has no knowledge of how diabetes works and assumed the worst when you told him
You had to inform him of how it actually works and how it’s affecting you on a daily basis
-Now he doesn’t panic, but he sure was worried for a second there
-You know, he would be extra and write a whole ass song for you
It’s based on your experiences and everything you’ve told him about diabetes
He’ll play it for you when you’re having a bad day or feeling upset about having to deal with it
-Tea time is his favorite time of day with you
He does love a good cake with his tea, but he won’t have it around you
-He’s also not afraid to correct anyone who spreads misinformation about diabetes
Why anyone would do that, he has no clue
He’ll go after them though, that shit is not allowed so long as he lives on the internet
-My man respects the fuck out of you!
You cannot look in his eyes and not see how much love he has for you!
And you got diabetes? Shit, he doesn’t care- he loves you for you!
-With that being said, he’s stupid and has on occasion slipped up on what you can’t eat when he’s cooking dinner
“Babe, how come you’re avoiding that?”
“Because I can’t eat it.”
“Son of a bi-”
-He is doing his hardest to cook you delicious food while working with your meal plan
I think it calls for good job kisses and cuddles
He definitely deserves it
-Anyone at the bar that decides to make fun of his S/O gets whopped by a pool stick and his foot up their ass
He does not accept anyone talking shit about them just because they have to deal with diabetes
All the regulars know not to fuck with him or his S/O
-He’s always testing out new dishes and drinks that’ll appeal to more customers with diabetes (just like you!)
Feedback is always appreciated! He accepts your critiques very well
Also free lunch? Who doesn’t want that?
-You picked either the right or wrong person to date
-Do you love exercise? Do you love healthy meal dates? Do you love feeling like your core is going to explode?
If you said no to any of these questions, too bad! :D
Sagar is ripped for a reason
And he will ensure that you stay on top of your health 100% of the time
-He’s the partner that will get you up at 7 am to go on a run
“But Sagar, it’s too early-”
To him, it’s never too early to stay in shape and keep you healthy
It is too early for you
-However, he does have fears of something bad happening if he doesn’t keep this up for you
The unknown scares him the most, even if he doesn’t show it
The next time you’re cuddling him, give him those gentle smooches and let him know that you’re going to be okay
You’re not going anywhere anytime soon
Now back to exercising
-She is an absolute sweetheart and her botanical work may pay off!
When she first heard about your condition, she wasn’t sure on what to do
After a long talk, she understood and took notes on what you need when it comes to her support
-She finds a few plants in her greenhouse that can be added to your food depending on your meal plan
Any time you mention you don’t like eating a certain herb, she puts it on her “Do Not Feed” list
-She can’t exactly cook and leaves that up to you. You know what you can and can’t eat, after all
-Will pick up on your schedule when it comes to checking your levels and taking your insulin
-She is your emotional support Rin when you need her
Cuddles are her favorite thing to do when you’re feeling down
This isn’t an easy condition to deal with and she knows that
Dotes on you and calls you cute nicknames to get you to smile and cheer up
She’s a shy kisser, but cheek and forehead kisses are always up to the plate when it comes to you
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rawsanma · 3 years
In Memoriam of "Shin Evangelion: Curse"
*The following article contains a full spoiler for "Evangelion 3.0+1.0".*
I sat together with a person who was not in birth when EOE was released, and after watching the film we talked a bit and thought about the people who passed away without ever seeing this. I understand that fans from the old series and those who came from the new series may have very different perceptions of Shin-Eva. So I'd like to first correct a few things I said in my first impressions.
It may be somewhere between an honorable movie and a mediocre movie in general, but as Evangelion, it's garbage.
After about halfway through the two hours and thirty-five minutes, I started to look at my watch again and again. The double ending, which is both a personal novel and a product, was a fleeting fantasy, and the two songs "One Last Kiss" and "beautiful world (da capo ver.)" were not used effectively in relation to the story, only being played in the staff roll.
When I saw the first 10 minutes of the movie that was released last year, I thought that perhaps Paris was chosen as the setting for the story of "humanity fighting together in the face of destruction" or "the expansion of the Eva world (not G Gundam, but G Eva!)", but that was not the case at all. He just wanted to depict the battle using the Eiffel Tower as a FATALITY, I realized that he hadn't made a single millimeter of progress since when he asked Hayao Miyazaki if I could film only this action scene of Her Highness Kushana in the re-animation of Nausicaa, he was scolded, "That's why you're no good!"
At the beginning of the film, they try to carefully describe the things behind the scenes that were not told in Eva Q.  The third Ayanami like the TV version is the main character, and they go on and on about living in the countryside, copying "My Neighbor Totoro". The large family of our parent's home that we go back to during the summer vacation is presented as an image of happiness in life and a decent human being. It is also connected to Gendou's narrative during the Human Instrumentality Project but isn't it too Showa-era and too simple a solution? I am interested in how the young fans who are children of nuclear families who left their large families in the countryside and moved to the city saw the too sudden depiction of "life in the countryside". It was almost a gag to see Ayanami walking around in a plug suit which is a sexual orientation that has manifested itself after Space Battleship Yamato, in the images of pre and post-war farming villages depicted by recent NHK morning dramas. The director, influenced by his wife, must have been immersed in the LOHAS and vegan lifestyle as a fashion statement, which is only possible because he is an urbanite with too much stuff and too much money. As for this theme, it has already been presented in the watermelon field scene in the second film, and it is merely a re-presentation of the same theme in a diluted form.
I've pointed out before that Eva Q is "a crack in reality because of the loss of reality to rely on. "It's rude not to eat what you're served!", Shinji was scolded by Touji's father, who looked like a subversion of Hayao Miyazaki's work (Gedo Senki!). I have a simple question, how can the interior of a house become so old and wretched after only 14 years? How can a community of people of all ages be formed in just 14 years? There was a line that implied that Touji had killed someone for the village, and it is possible that the director had extremely beautified the "Showa era" as a sanctuary where people who are hurt and regret their committing murder during the war as a soldier live nearby, and when he opened the last drawer after using up all the materials, he found the image of the original landscape of his childhood.
Misato and Kaji's child, which is only described for a few minutes, is also abrupt, and I don't feel that it is more than a plot device for the purpose of staging the reconciliation with Shinji later on. Some people seem to be moved by the fact that "behind Misato's cold attitude towards Shinji in Q, there was such a conflict in her mind," but it's the opposite. All the answers are just excuses after wasting nine years of work. Even if the wounds healed and treated with a gentle "I'm sorry," after being beaten severely by a raging DV husband, the fact of the beating would not disappear, and the wife would feel nothing but fear at the sudden change in her husband. To a situation that he had set to minus 100, he spent 2 hours and 35 minutes gradually pouring water drawn from other places and past works to bring it back to zero...I've never seen such a horrible match pump. Well, now that I'm writing this, I'm thinking that I've seen this before.
The relationship between Eva Q and Shin Eva is very similar to the relationship between "The Last Jedi" and "The rise of Skywalker" in Star Wars. In a self-absorbed rampage of conjecture that did not listen to the opinions of others, the historical stage of the series that had been built up was turned into a mess, and then the destroyed story was carefully built up again from the ground using unnecessary length, and only the shape of the story was created to end it without being disgraceful, and every scene that tries to make things more exciting is a copy of past work. As for Star Wars, since 8 and 9 were directed by different directors, I was able to settle my feelings of resentment towards Ryan and gratitude towards Abrams, respectively, but as for Evangelion, the director looks like a child who has been proud to clean up his own mess and have his female cronies praise and pat him on the head. Moreover, what kind of sympathy do you expect when you are told to "I'll make amends" for the mere act of wiping your ass after defecating, in a cool, Showa-era chivalrous tone?
In this film, as a recovery from Q and a summary of new Eva, there are elements throughout the story that critics can easily relate to the old Eva. “Oh, I can talk about this in connection with that!” This is what gives them a good impression and it has nothing to do with how the old fans perceive it. The director seems to have a dedicated person in charge of communicating and negotiating with the outside, but now he wants the critics to communicate with the fans about Shin-Eva. As long as he doesn't speak for himself, he can correct their interpretations later based on the "misunderstandings" of the people in between himself and his fans. This is a very Japanese-style system of surmising feelings, a system of authority that is formed when only a limited number of cronies are informed of the true intentions of the president. If I talk about it in too much detail, right-winged Yakuza will show up very soon, so to make it short, it is an indigenous control structure unique to Japan that originated from the "Mikado behind the bamboo blind". This time the director was very conscious of that, and I was able to see that Eva, who was a challenger, has become an authority that does not tolerate any criticism.
And what fan from the past could enjoy watching the endless battle scenes after Shinji returns to Wunder in the middle of the film? One after another, the sister ships of Wunder appear--there's almost no difference in appearance, but Ritsuko is able to guess their names the moment they appear. Right after the line "I'm pretty sure there's a fourth ship," the fourth ship comes crashing upon them from underneath, with no intention other than to make us laugh, right? As well as the repeated tenseless bombardment fight with no description of damage no matter how many artillery shells are hit, and it's quite painful being poured Asuka and Mari's Me-Strong Battles which are already enough by the time of Q, continuously down my throat like a goose with a funnel in its mouth. There's no way to synchronize my feelings with the screen, and it just creates an atmosphere as if the story is going on with the unattractive super-robot action that I pointed out in Q. It's no use pointing out, but the repair and supply problems of Wille side in a world where the industry has been destroyed were shown in the farming village part, though it was inadequate. But those of NERV side, an organization of only a man and an old man, was completely thrown away.
The last part of the story about the Human Instrumentality Project is like a fanzine where Gendou, Asuka, Kaworu, and Rei are lined up in a row and complemented in turn and then dismissed, whereas EOE was a total complement through Shinji. The director has tried to upgrade his framework by borrowing them from EOE and has failed miserably. Someone who has created works by putting his emotion and flair into a copy has dabbled in copying his own work. As a result, he had to confront his own sensibilities from when he was young and had to compare the old and the new by his old audience. Frankly speaking, only the techniques have been traced, the sound and the screen have become gorgeous, but the emotion and the sense have deteriorated. The face of the giant Ayanami that was replaced with a live-action one -- probably based on the face acting of Shinji's voice actor, and the "untested ordeal" of her tweet means this -- appears in the background like a gold folding screen in the high sand at a Japanese wedding reception. You're getting tired of all this, and you're not making it seriously, are you? The battle between Eva Unit01 and Eva Unit13 in Tokyo-III, which I expressed my anxiety about before the film's release, is a scene where the company's CG team can't produce what the director expects and he is so frustrated that he has the same mindset as in the final two episodes of the TV version, "I'd rather get a minus than a red", and after that, it became like a gag scene, including Eva fights in Misato's apartment and Shinji's school classroom, as if he was staged them in desperation. The side-shooting screenshot of the little Wunder charging at the head of the giant Ayanami is a picture of ”Cho Aniki (Japanese STG)” itself, and it's also meant to be funny, right? It's a series of loose, sloppy, and tenseless scenes that can't be compared to EOE.
What the hell have the CG team been doing for the past nine years, getting paid with no progress and making Eva look like an outdated piece of crap? Didn't anyone have the chivalrous spirit of the Showa era like "Don't embarrass our boss!"? Don't be so relieved when you get the green light! The director has just given up on you! There were a few scenes where the person at the top of the editing and collage, who has been making the coolest pictures, was not given as much good material as he used to be and seemed to make desperate staging in a way that he would never have given the green light in the past. It's been more than 10 years since Xapa was established, but I guess they don't have enough talent to meet the director's vision. Perhaps because of this, the conclusion of the film is exactly the same as the old one, that the director has no choice but to use his personal feelings to finish Eva, but the film ends up being a self-imitation of "Sincerely Yours". It is sad to see a person who "surpasses the original by putting his heart and soul into the copy" start to copy his own past works on the big screen of the theater, because he has become a big name in the animation world after reaching the age of 60, and there are no others left to be copied. However, right after "Komm, süsser Tod" started playing in the old movie, the scene where the titles of each episode and the reverse side of Cels were played in succession was projected on the wall of the studio using a projector -- the title of the new movie was added.  It made me mad and thought, "Don't touch my EOE with the dirty hands of the merchant.  I'll kill you."
The last things that the man who "transfers his own life onto films" presented in his costly self-published private novel were a naked confession of his own mental history up to the point where he met his wife, which he temporarily entrusted to Gendou, and the words "I think I loved you" and "I loved you" exchanged between himself and the former lover who could not be together and themselves who had separate spouses, just a reckoning of the muddled love affair that existed behind the scenes of EOE. I half-jokingly said that the distance between the director and Asuka's voice actor was important for the end of Eva, but it turned out to be true in a different way. During the recording session, Asuka's voice actor was told by the director, "I'm glad Miyamura is Asuka," which sent chills down my spine as it conveyed the horror of a creator who doesn't hide everything about his life and relationships and uses them to create his works.
In the scene where Shinji says "I liked you too" to the adult Asuka, who is wearing a tight latex suit and drawn in a more realistic character design (making us aware of the cosplay by Asuka's voice actor), while she is lying on the EOE beach, I thought "You guys should do this in a coffee shop or something between recording sessions! Don't make us watch middle-aged man and woman having unpleasant conversations on the big screen of the theater!", I almost screamed out. I think that's the scary part, the director's one-sided love for Asuka's voice actor is falsified by having the character say that she liked him, as if it was a mutual love. The director's statement at the beginning of the pamphlet says that he started working on the sequel right after Evangelion 2.0 without hesitation, using the worldview of "Q". I'm not trying to quote the line "You can change the reality you don't like by getting on Eva.", but it's not as if he's trying to cover up the fact, but he really believes that using his strong imagery, and it made me feel a bit chilly that there was no one around to correct his misconceptions.
At the end of Human Instrumentality Project, I wondered if the fact that a senior member of the movie industry had praised the shooting of EOE by flipping Cels over as a "tremendous deconstruction" was still fresh in his mind. This time, too, it was postponed after postponement, and even though the makings have been done in time, he showed the other side of the production with line drawings and roughs. The reason it was so innovative was that it was the first time anyone had tried it then, and now, 25 years later, it's just a rut. It's disgusting that everyone is praising the master's strange drawing habit and saying, "Oh yeah, that's it, that's it." As I've said before, it's like "defecating in a sixty-nine," which was successful because the first partner happened to be a scatologist. The expression of EOE was sharp and ”Rock’n’‐roll”, but Shin-Eva's "fun of anime images" has gone into the realm of traditional art, like slow "Gagaku".
The director hadn't decided who Mari Makinami was for a long time -- he was so indifferent to her that he threw the actor's acting plan to a sub-director -- but with Shin-Eva, he's changed her into an equal to Moyoco Anno, his wife. In other words, the flashy battle in the middle of the film, which is unimportant to many viewers, is revealed to have been a very pleasant pretend play for the director, in which he has his former love and his current wife fight on his favorite robots. Once again, we are shown the director's so-what-attitude, which has not progressed even a millimeter since "I'm an asshole," and which he can complete his work only by masturbation. So it's no wonder that they couldn't depict the extremely simple catharsis of Shinji's great success with Eva Unit01, which is what most of the old fans want. Because a robot with a pathetic old man on board can't get an erection due to impotence, let alone masturbation! Oops, excuse me, sir.
And as I said before, it's time to realize that the English language has become so popular in Japan that it's become lame. You use Infinity, Another, Additional, Advanced, Commodity, and Imaginary, just because it sounds cool to you, right? Everyone criticized the naming "Final Impact", but I never thought I'd see the time when I'd faint from the lack of taste and coolness in Evangelion, such as Another Impact, Additional Impact.
And the ending, with the wedding report in a live-action aerial shot of the director's hometown, newbie fans are screaming that it is like, "They're doing a very positive version of the old "Return to Reality!". But I felt it was too empty and cynical because it was intended to be read that way by the director. It depicts only the elation of marriage, and the pain of getting along with a partner and his or her family with different values is cut off (well, maybe Q was expressing the hardship of married life......). But isn't the emotional weight of a marriage report much higher when you meet your partner's parents? The fact that he ended the movie by showing his own hometown instead of his wife's hometown leaves me with the impression that he's definitively an egotistical geek through and through. "You may have graduated from a good university and are making good money in the city, but if you're not married and don't have children, aren't you somehow humanly flawed?" After 25 years, Evangelion, which was such a forward-thinking Sci-Fi, is now completely in sync with the earthly ethics of Showa-era's farmers and farm horses. "I got married and it saved my life. I don't know about you, but why don't you try?" You can think what you want, but if you want to convey it as a message of salvation, you have to express it in the content of your work, not in your own talk.
I've been married for 20 years, I have two children, both of whom are about to reach the age of adulthood, I've paid off the mortgage on my home, and I'm finally at the end of raising my children, but all of that is just an outer shell of a social skin that has nothing to do with my true nature or where my soul is! There's no connection between what kind of life an individual lives in the real world and the Sci-Fi sense of wonder, in fact, there shouldn't be any connection! If you're a science fiction fan, take a page from the great Arthur C. Clarke! I was a nerd with a negative value of 100, but when I got married, I gradually poured the "common-sense values" of the Showa era into myself, and now I'm a true man with no negative value? Don't write such pathetic fiction proudly! Listen, what you presented to the audience at the end was the same thing that someone would say to you, "You seedless stallion!" It's the same kind of unethical and vulgar message that you shouldn't be giving! The old Eva became a classic of Japanimation, and no one was able to properly scold you, or you keep away those who tried, and the result of this is directly reflected in the ending of Shin Eva! You've reached your 60th birthday and you only have such poor social common sense, damn it!
I'm sorry, I was so excited that I lost my control a little bit, just a little bit. I think the director is relying a little too much on his wife, who is ultimately a stranger on, to be his laison d'etre (lol). If they were to break up in the future, it would certainly be the soil for the next Eva, the content and development of which is completely predictable, but that is no longer my concern. I wonder if his wife doesn't like the fact that he's mentally dependent on her like this, and that it's being shown on screens all over the country. If it were me, I'd be furious, but since she's a creator, I guess she understands how he feels. Ignoring the other person's feelings and continuing to force what he believes to be love on her, thinking that it will make her happy, seems to me that there has been no progress at all since the way he treated his girlfriend 25 years ago. The person I want to hear from the most right now is not the self-proclaimed Eva fans who are looking at each other from the side and giving positive feedback in celebration of the final episode, but his wife. If the director had a child, he would not have been able to distinguish between his own ego and that of the child, and would have doted on his child, making a documentary film about his or her growth, but would most likely have turned into a controlling and poisonous parent in his or her adolescence. And he animated his feelings for his child who was rebelling against him, without the child's permission, considering it as a one-sided redemption for the child, and the child who was exposed to the whole country about their home life would have distanced from his father more and more.
In the end, Evangelion did not become a product like Gundam, but rather a robot animation that was the director's weird personal novel. The repeated use of the word "job" in the film has stuck in my mind, but in order for the studio to survive, it had to make Evangelion a product in this new series, and I'm sure that was the initial motivation behind the production of these new films. Your real "job" was to make Evangelion the same as Gundam, to protect the people who came to you because they loved Evangelion. Years from now, I can see a future where Xapa will be like Ghibli, behead the staff and continue as a copyright management company. The director, who didn't want to be embarrassed as a creator by a new challenge adopted the safe way -- I can't believe that I have to use the word "safe" for Evangelion -- to end the new series that relied on EOE only for himself, not for the future of the people who came to admire him. That's what Shin Evangelion is all about.
The good part? The fact that he didn't bring Shin Ultraman trailer at the end of the film makes me think he has grown up a bit. If you're declaring "Farewell, All Evangelions" with the intention of hurting, disappointing, and disinterested old fans like me, then your malice is unfathomable, and that's quite a feat. Brilliantly, your intentions have permanently killed a part of me that used to be an Eva fan.
As horrifying as it is to imagine, it must have crossed the director's mind to reschedule the film and set a new release date for March 11. The only reason he didn't do so is not that he has grown up to be a sensible adult, but rather because the idea of linking Evangelion 3.0 with the Great East Japan Earthquake was a fact that is too painful for him to make it public.
Ten years ago today, many lives were lost and Evangelion was destroyed.
This fact will never disappear, no matter how much the director denies and covers up with the "true" history. If there is any mission left for me as a fan, it is to continue to pass on this fact to future generations as a storyteller. It is a huge loss for Japanese fiction that the end of the great Evangelion has become a self-recovery work of the great failure of the reboot affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake, and that the potential of the great Evangelion has been consumed by the self-defense of someone who cannot admit his own mistakes, and I sincerely regret it. Shin Evangelion will be forever cursed by the dead, who yearn to see the sequel of Evangelion 2.0, and the living, who yearn to see the sequel of Evangelion 2.0.
This curse will be completed when it spreads, arrives, and is burned by the powers that be as a false history. I pray that my thoughts will reach him!
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zelasofthewind · 3 years
Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0 y La Cura a la Depresión
De acuerdo, tras nueve años de espera tras el film anterior, finalmente pudimos ver la cuarta y última película de Rebuild of Evangelion, el remake de ese anime mega friki de los 90 sobre existencialismo, el fin del mundo y peleas de robots gigantes. Una serie que mezclando géneros y sumando otros nuevos se volvió un referente de la animación en todas partes del mundo. Todos los inadaptados quedamos traumados por este anime cuando lo vimos a una edad más temprana de la que debíamos, especialmente la película The End of Evangelion que constituyó el final de la historia original.
La fiebre de Evangelion me dio fuerte cuando experimenté la serie por primera vez de adolescente. Durante años leí análisis y la vi varias veces, la compré en VHS con el horrendo doblaje al español de Madrid con una calidad de imagen deplorable. Después me compré los primeros DVDs (antes de que la remasterizaran) y aún los tengo.
Transcurrió el tiempo y se me pasó el fanatismo, especialmente cuando estudié cine y me interesé cada vez más por ficción con buena estructura dramática. La serie original nunca tuvo una estructura ni tono consistentes, y es algo que sigo afirmando aunque sus simbolismos e influencias son innegables hasta el día de hoy.
Sin embargo, las aventuras de Shinji Ikari, ese antítesis del protagonista shonen, nunca se me olvidaron. Un niño con serios problemas con su padre, inseguro e inadaptado, que cada vez que intenta hacer algo de valor tanto para él como para los demás termina empeorando las cosas y se sume más y más en una depresión irremediable. Hasta que finalmente, en The End of Evangelion, opta literalmente por acabar con este mundo donde las personas se lastiman al relacionarse las unas con las otras. Opta por un mundo donde todos somos uno, un solo mar de LCL y la individualidad y las relaciones interpersonales, todo lo que es capaz de brindarnos dicha y de herirnos, desaparecen. Es un personaje que nunca creció, nunca fue capaz de convertirse en adulto, el mundo resultó demasiado frustrante y, en algunos casos como en las relaciones amorosas, hasta incomprensible para él.
El final de la serie original siempre fue una anti-catarsis, un experimento artístico que, aunque portador de cierto contenido, me resultaba sumamente insatisfactorio, tanto a nivel emocional como dramático. Ya que una historia, especialmente la que en sus inicios plantea una narrativa relativamente concreta y tradicional, necesita de un final. Todos los elementos psicoanalíticos, existenciales e introspectivos de la serie original funcionaban para mí cuando estaban entrelazados con una narrativa más clásica. Es por esto que nunca me gustó ni el final de la serie ni el que le otorgó la película The End of Evangelion en los 90.
Después vino la sorpresa del Rebuild, que comenzó el 2007 y recién terminó el 2021 con el estreno de la cuarta y última película. Para mí fue una experiencia de altos y bajos, sin embargo, lo que me llama a escribir esto es mi experiencia con la última entrega. Debo decir que me gustó mucho, y es una opinión polémica incluso dentro de mis propios principios y parámetros de lo que constituye una buena historia. ¿Es perfecta? Claro que no, pero su mensaje, su final, es el que estuve esperando por más de veinte años.  
Primero lo peor. Aunque parezca un aspecto más superficial, los horrendos gráficos 3D y la dirección de las peleas. Cuando tus peleas son parte fundamental de la historia y usas malos diseños 3D la película sufre. Al menos en este caso, hubo tantos combates icónicos dibujados en 2D en el pasado, donde se transmitía la sensación de escala, de peso, de intencionalidad tras cada encuadre y tras la dirección, que el contraste es aún peor. En esta película no solo tuvimos que soportar malos modelos 3D, también una cámara flotante confusa, con una dirección floja, hasta carente en muchos casos de una intencionalidad dramática. El final de todo el universo de Hideaki Anno se merecía algo mejor. Necesitaba sacarlo de mi pecho.
Ahora lo mejor. Evangelion tuvo el final que estuvimos esperando por más de veinte años. Quizás el viaje de sus personajes no tuvo un arco tan perfectamente cerrado, no en todos los casos al menos, pero Shinji y su viaje sí lo tuvieron. Mediante esta película, cuyos tres actos son casi abismalmente contrastables entre sí, puedo decir que Hideaki Anno lo logró. Shinji, durante décadas en nuestros corazones incapaz de superar su depresión, de aceptar el mundo, de madurar, finalmente creció. ¿Cómo lo hizo? Saliendo de su ego en el que estaba atrapado sufriendo. Aceptando el dolor, aceptando la ayuda de sus seres queridos y luego experimentando el mundo real, la gente real y los problemas del mundo real.
Después de salir de la prisión de su mente y ayudar a otros, estuvo listo para entrar al tercer acto, aceptar su destino como piloto de Eva y enfrentar sus errores y sus consecuencias. Confrontar su peor miedo: su padre. Pero su viaje de sanación y su verdadera lucha aún no habían terminado. Durante el enfrentamiento con su progenitor ya tiene la experiencia suficiente, la madurez, para darse cuenta de que no basta con enfrentar sus miedos, no basta con pelar con su padre. Necesita entenderlo. En el momento en que decide hacerlo se da cuenta que este es un reflejo de su propia existencia.
Gendo tiene sus mismos temores y fue devorado por ellos ya que, a diferencia de Shinji en este momento, nunca maduró. En lugar de aceptar el mundo, tal como el Shinji de hace 20 años, quiso destruirlo para huir de la soledad, porque nunca hizo ningún esfuerzo por entender la vida cuando esta lo lastimó más allá de lo que pudo tolerar. Gendo quiere regresar junto al único ser que lo entendía: a la madre de Shinji. Nunca logró crecer.
Entonces Shinji decide hacer el último sacrificio no por sí mismo, sino por los demás. Y es salvado por su madre. Ha unido ambos universos dentro de sí: el del padre o rey sabio y el de la madre o reina creadora. Ahora está en sus manos gestar el nuevo mundo; su nuevo mundo. Pero este Shinji ha madurado, ya entendió que el universo no gira en torno a él y sus problemas, ya no necesita ser reconocido como el héroe trágico. Por lo que decide eliminar a todos los Evas de la existencia, no por su propio beneficio sino el de todas las personas que quiso y sufrieron. Incluso toma la decisión, polémica para los fans supongo, de quedarse junto a Mari en lugar de a sus otros intereses románticos. Eso es porque Mari es la única mujer, la única que maduró junto con él, y este Shinji del final de la historia ya es un adulto y ha pasado de los romances de niños. Hasta ha pasado del anime, por eso la última escena es de él despertando, ya crecido, en una estación de metro del mundo real. Está tranquilo ya que al otro lado del andén están todas las personas que amó y que, a pesar de que ya no lo necesiten y ni siquiera lo recuerden, están a salvo y dispuestas a vivir sus propias vidas. Shinji se va corriendo con seguridad, apresurado por enfrentar de la mano junto con Mari un mundo real donde ya no es el héroes trágico, un mundo que ha decidido aceptar a pesar de que solo es una persona más sin nada especial; un mundo donde ha crecido al fin. El final de todo Evangelion resultó agridulce, pero es así como debía ser, porque Shinji, después de todo lo que pasó, descubrió la cura para la depresión.  
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defeateddetectives · 8 years
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natblanchart · 2 years
Adaptarse o quedarse afuera
Nuestra vida desde el momento en que nos erguimos sobre nuestras piernas se ha visto transformada de manera radical por las tecnologías disponibles de cada era. El hogar que una vez representó el fuego, migró hoy a las redes digitales.
La llegada de la era de la información estimuló la idea de revolución. Acceder a ese caudal de data, que por muchísimos años resguardaron unos pocos, favorecería el diseño de políticas públicas que harían de este mundo uno más equitativo. Hoy no somos simples ciudadanos que votamos una vez por año a nuestros representantes y nos olvidamos hasta le próximo período electivo. Hoy nos involucramos, exigimos, leemos, buscamos información, la compartimos y opinamos (vaya si opinamos!) donde más audiencia tengamos. Y aquí ingresan ellas, las emperatrices de la era digital: las redes sociales. 
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La irrupción de las redes sociales fue un meterorito en nuestra vida. Lo sabemos y lo disfrutamos, no obstante generaron mutaciones que nos transformaron en silencio para siempre. 
Para sobrevivir hay que adaptarse y a los ciudadanos 3.0 que habitamos esta era nos tocó aprender a fragmentarnos. Lo dijo Scolari: “la multiplicación de los medios, que en pocos años pasó de ser un ecosistema mediático poblado por pocas “especies” (prensa, radio, televisión, cine) a un entorno pleno de dispositivos y experiencias de comunicación ha cambiado radicalmente nuestros hábitos de consumo: si antes pasábamos mucho tiempo en pocos medios, ahora pasamos poco tiempo en muchos medios.” 
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Antes el tiempo que pasábamos leyendo el diario, mirando la televisión o escuchando radio hoy se distribuye entre Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube, libro impreso, Netflix, www, Kindle, podcasts, Pictoline, Instagram, TikTok, Telegram… y volvemos a empezar. En este contexto estamos ante una doble fragmentación: por un lado, un proceso de fragmentación mediática motivado por la aparición de nuevos medios y plataformas de comunicación; por otra parte, una fragmentación del consumo caracterizada por pasar poco tiempo en muchos medios.
Entonces no sólo se multiplican los medios sino que también se incrementa la cantidad de contenido en circulación. En las últimas décadas se han popularizado infinidad de piezas textuales breves que forman parte de la llamada cultura snack: gifs, tweets, memes, tráileres, teasers, spoilers. Formatos pequeños de comunicación que glorifican el arte de lo breve. 
“Todos somos aficionados. La vida es tan corta que no da para más.” Charles Chaplin
Todo se puede resumir en un tweet: somos testigos del cambio de paradigma de un sistema de medios centrado en el broadcasting a otro centrado en el networking. O, dicho en otras palabras, estamos viviendo el pasaje del modelo uno- a-muchos  al muchos-a-muchos. Y con una mano en el corazón, no tenemos tiempo para absorber esta mega relación de data. Queremos todo y lo queremos ya. No podemos leer una saga de 30.000 páginas mejor veamos la serie o la peli interrumpida mil veces por tomar el celular para ver si llegó un whatsapp o tweetear nuestra opinión sobre lo que estamos viendo. Bienvenidos a la era de la Cultura Snack. 
Los contenidos snack están proliferando, se reproducen con facilidad en un sistema social digitalizado y circulan a velocidades impensables. Adaptarse o quedarse afuera es la cuestión. 
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loadcreative173 · 3 years
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ao3feed-destiel · 7 years
read it on the AO3 at http://unicorn_feeds_back/works/13795065
by GrowlingPeanut
A confrontation results in a split-second rescue and Team Free Will ends up with a new (and highly unexpected) member. But over 400 years in Hell is enough to break an archangel, and Sam feels personally responsible for Gabriel's recovery.
Words: 1425, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Gabriel, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Dean Winchester, Jack Kline, Donna Hanscum, Jody Mills, Claire Novak, Annie "Alex" Jones
Relationships: Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Sabriel - Relationship, Destiel
Additional Tags: Very very slight Sabriel to start out, also basically non-existent Destiel to begin with, Wayward Sisters in the bunker, Team Free Will ver. 3.0?, Hurt/Recovery, Trauma, HE'S BACK BABY!, Season 13 spoilers
read it on the AO3 at http://unicorn_feeds_back/works/13795065
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ao3feedsabriel · 7 years
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2oAqhbk
by GrowlingPeanut
A confrontation results in a split-second rescue and Team Free Will ends up with a new (and highly unexpected) member. But over 400 years in Hell is enough to break an archangel, and Sam feels personally responsible for Gabriel's recovery.
Words: 1427, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Gabriel, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Dean Winchester, Donna Hanscum, Jody Mills, Claire Novak, Annie "Alex" Jones, Patience Turner
Relationships: Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Sabriel - Relationship, Destiel
Additional Tags: Very very slight Sabriel to start out, Wayward Sisters in the bunker, Team Free Will ver. 3.0?, Hurt/Recovery, Trauma, HE'S BACK BABY!, Season 13 spoilers, Jack is still in Apocalypse-Land, moderately slow burn for Sabriel and Destiel
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2oAqhbk
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cytusimagines · 4 years
So none of you can convince me Simon doesn’t practice piano after he learned how to from Alice
How he’ll only play piano for Shannon once she’s out of the hospital
How he only plays for the ones he trusts the most - his friends and family
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mobile-flasher · 6 years
Xiaomi Mi 8 SE review
Xiaomi Mi 8 SE review
L'édition Xiaomi Mi 8 Explorer a clairement et à juste titre absorbé tous les projecteurs de la dernière gamme phare de Xiaomi. Cependant, à mesure que la fumée disparaît, la valeur Mi 8 SE est celle qui collecte les regards du ventilateur, à gauche et à droite. En effet, sur papier, il offre tout le paquet, sans se ruiner. À certains égards, c'est presque trop beau pour être vrai.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMYkrlpAnpwQue vous aimiez ou non Xiaomi, il est difficile de nier la montée en puissance des équipementiers chinois au cours de sa durée de vie relativement courte de huit ans. En ce qui concerne les célébrations, la gamme de Mi 8 est assez impressionnante, pour plusieurs raisons. L’édition d’explorateur haut de gamme, avec son lecteur d’empreintes digitales sous écran et sa technologie avancée de numérisation faciale au laser, n’a malheureusement pas visité le bureau jusqu’à présent. Pourtant, nous avons dû revoir son frère, la vanille Mi 8, qui a laissé une bonne impression générale. Entrez le Mi 8 SE - la variante proverbiale "Lite" dans la gamme, avec un coup de poing assez lourd.
Fiche Technique du Xiaomi Mi 8 SE
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Xiaomi Mi 8 Xiaomi Mi 8 SE reviewSE review Corps: Structure en métal, verre Gorilla Corning 5 à l'avant et à l'arrière; 147,3x73,1x7,5 mm, 164 g. Affichage: Super AMOLED 5,88 ", résolution 2,244x1,080px, format 18.7: 9, 423ppi; compatible HDR 10 et DCI-P3. Caméra arrière: primaire 12 MP, taille de pixel de 1,4 µm, ouverture f / 1,9, PDAF double pixel, gyroscope-EIS; Secondaire 5 MP, ouverture f / 2,0, taille de pixel de 1,12 µm, pas d'autofocus, capteur de profondeur. 2160p / 30fps, ralenti 1080p / 120fps. Caméra frontale: 20 MP, taille de pixel de 1,0 µm, ouverture f / 2,0; Enregistrement vidéo 1080p / 30fps. OS: Android 8.1 Oreo; Superposition personnalisée MIUI 9.5. Chipset: Qualcomm Snapdragon 710: processeur octa-core (2x2.2 GHz Cortex-A75 et 6x1,7 GHz Cortex-A55), GPU Adreno 616. Mémoire: 4 Go / 6 Go de RAM; 64 Go de stockage; pas de slot microSD. Batterie: 3 120 mAh Li-Po (scellé); QuickCharge 3.0 charge rapide. Connectivité: Dual-SIM; LTE-A, Cat.15 / 13 (800 Mbps / 150 Mbps); USB-C; Wi-Fi a / b / g / n / ac; GPS; Bluetooth 5.0, Blaster IR Divers: lecteur d'empreintes digitales monté à l'arrière; unique haut-parleur de mise à feu; pas de jack 3,5 mm.
Conception et Design
Comme vous pouvez l'imaginer, le Mi 8 SE emprunte une grande partie de son design à la vanille Mi 8 et à l'édition Explorer. Cependant, c'est plus qu'une simple version réduite. La construction globale suit les conventions du jour - une armature en métal, à l'intérieur d'un sandwich en verre. La différence la plus notable dans le profil du Mi 8 SE semble être les bords chanfreinés le long du cadre métallique. Ceux-ci ajoutent certainement un peu de flair au design, mettant quelque peu le 8 SE à l'écart de ses frères et sœurs. Le design du Mi 8 SE nous semble définitivement moderne. Le choix des matériaux ne semble pas non plus décevant. Xiaomi a utilisé Gorilla Glass 5 à l'avant et à l'arrière de l'appareil. Il devrait être assez durable pour un usage quotidien, même sans étui. Alors que sur le sujet, nous devons mentionner le dos incroyablement glissant et c'est un aimant d'empreintes digitales. Pourtant, ce n’est guère une question de surface vitrée. Le choix de couleur de Xiaomi mérite une mention. Notre unité de révision est commercialisée sous le nom de Gold, mais la meilleure façon de décrire la nuance particulière du panneau arrière est "rose crémeux". C'est un look très intéressant. Le lecteur d'empreintes digitales arrondi s'intègre parfaitement à son environnement. Grâce à ses solides antécédents, Xiaomi a veillé à ce que le capteur biométrique soit performant et fiable. Les bonnes nouvelles, compte tenu de l'absence d'un scanner laser avancé, consistent à jouer avec. Au moins, Xiaomi a installé un voyant de notification à l'intérieur de l'encoche. Le cadre en métal est mat et vraiment propre de tous les côtés. À moins que vous ne l’empoisonniez, c’est. Contrairement au Mi 8 classique, il n’ya pas d’aluminium de la série 7000, donc un peu plus de soin et d’attention sont nécessaires. À droite - un double logement pour carte nano-SIM. Malheureusement, pas de berceau micro SD en vue. Vous êtes coincé avec la mémoire à bord. Pour l'instant, Xiaomi propose uniquement une version 64 Go, gardez cela à l'esprit si vous souhaitez transporter beaucoup de contenus multimédias.
Panneau OLED extra-large et cranté
Couper un téléphone phare dans une fourchette de prix plus modeste dans une version "Lite" n'est pas une tâche facile. L'affichage est généralement assez haut dans les listes de fabricants, comme l'une des premières et des plus faciles à obtenir un traitement de rétrogradation et à réduire les coûts. Le Mi 8 SE prouve qu'il peut en fait être réalisé de manière assez sensée. Nous apprécions que Xiaomi se soit à nouveau tourné vers Samsung pour trouver l’écran de 5,88 pouces. Cela a dû faire augmenter les coûts, mais les avantages du panneau OLED sont nombreux et les modèles de Samsung sont généralement les meilleurs. Celui du Mi 8 SE ne fait pas exception. Quelques petits ajustements au point blanc pourraient potentiellement réduire encore ces valeurs. Malheureusement, le Mi 8 SE ne prend en charge que le point blanc personnalisé en mode de contraste adaptatif. Celui-ci définit cependant divers paramètres d'affichage de manière dynamique, en fonction des conditions d'éclairage externes. Pas vraiment ce que nous recherchons. Vie de la batterie Le Xiaomi Mi 8 SE embarque une batterie de 3 120 mAh, soit un peu moins que le Mi 8 et un peu plus que l'édition Mi 8 Explorer, avec tout son matériel supplémentaire. Bien qu'il ne soit pas spectaculaire en termes de nombre pur, il s'agit toujours d'une capacité très décente sur un appareil assez compact (147,3 x 73,1 x 7,5 mm).
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Xiaomi Mi 8 SE review Et puis, il y a le panneau Super AMOLED éconergétique, qui devrait, à peu près, sip power. Mais le plus intéressant est le nouveau chipset Snapdragon 710. Au-delà de l'aspect performance (alerte du spoiler, il bat le Snapdragon 660), le SD710 est bien conçu pour offrir une excellente efficacité de la batterie. Tout comme les puces phares de la série 800, il est basé sur un processus de fabrication de 10 nm tout en emballant des noyaux de faible puissance. Dans ce cas particulier, l’arrangement est plutôt étrange - six, efficaces Kryo 360 Silver à 1,7 GHz (à base de Cortex-A55) et seulement une paire de Kryo 360 Gold à 2,2 GHz (à base de Cortex-A75). Nous avons rencontré des problèmes étranges avec le lecteur vidéo par défaut et notre vidéo de test h.264 mp4 assez générique. Pour une raison quelconque, le clip a juste étouffé le joueur à l'occasion et a effectivement planté l'application. Cela ressemble à un bogue logiciel, que Xiaomi espère pouvoir résoudre rapidement. Par conséquent, nous avons été obligés de recourir à un lecteur vidéo tiers externe pour mesurer notre autonomie. Haut-parleur Le Xiaomi Mi 8 SE ne dispose que d'un seul haut-parleur à tirage inférieur. Cela peut devenir très fort. Malheureusement, la qualité sonore est une autre histoire. Il y a pas mal de distorsion, surtout dans les sons plus aigus. Il est utilisable, mais pas vraiment génial pour tout ce qui dépasse la sonnerie. La même chose vaut pour le reste du paquet Mi 8 SE. Certes, des compressions ont été effectuées pour sortir de la version régulière du Mi 8 et de l’Explorateur, mais ce qui en reste peut encore être qualifié de qualité phare. Le panneau branché, extra-haut, cranté est présent, même s'il est un peu plus petit, à 5,88 pouces. Néanmoins, il s'agit de la variété Super AMOLED, même avec le support HDR10. Sous le capot, on retrouve le nouveau chipset Snapdragon 710 de Qualcomm - le premier d’une nouvelle gamme de silicium, placé juste en dessous de la série 800 et au-dessus de la série 600, tout en empruntant une connectivité et des fonctionnalités avancées. C’est la première fois que nous voyons cette puce en action et les résultats de performance initiaux nous ont déjà beaucoup impressionnés par son potentiel. Avec peu ou pas d'omissions matérielles évidentes, des fonctionnalités modernes et de nombreuses performances à gérer, à toutes fins utiles, le Snapdragon 710 peut offrir une expérience de niveau phare, destinée aux masses. Déballage
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Xiaomi Mi 8 SE review La boîte de choix de Xiaomi est assez simpliste, d'une manière très Apple. C'est-à-dire blanc tout autour, à l'exception d'un chiffre important de huit sur le devant, dans toutes les couleurs de l'arc-en-ciel. On ne peut qu'imaginer que Xiaomi a aimé l'approche d'Apple pour attirer l'attention sur la palette de couleurs percutante AMOLED de son appareil. En tout cas, la boîte est une affaire de deux pièces standard. Joliment épais et vraiment durable, c'est tout ce que nous recherchons vraiment dans un conteneur. À l'intérieur - un berceau en plastique approprié pour garder le MI 8 SE un peu plus sûr. En outre, un ensemble d'accessoires assez riche, y compris un chargeur mural très compact de 18W, certifié pour la charge rapide 3, tout comme le téléphone lui-même. En outre, un câble USB de type A à Type C et un dongle audio de type C à 3,5 mm. Oui, même le Mi 8 SE n'a pas été épargné par le traitement "courageux". Pas vraiment une surprise, cependant, en regardant le Mi 6. Au pire, contrairement à ses frères et sœurs, le MI 8 SE avait suffisamment de place pour tenir dans un blaster IR. Qualité audio Le Xiaomi Mi 8 SE avait un volume élevé lorsqu'il était connecté à un amplificateur externe actif, mais sa sortie était entachée d'une distorsion élevée, ce qui est plutôt décevant pour un produit phare de nos jours, même une version Lite telle que celle dont nous traitons ici. Les écouteurs ont quelque peu atténué les problèmes de distorsion, mais ont provoqué une baisse assez importante du volume sonore - jusqu’à un niveau inférieur à la moyenne. Ils ont également rendu la qualité stéréo plutôt moyenne et provoqué un léger tremblement dans la réponse en fréquence. Un médiocre ensemble si on en voyait un. logiciel et performance Xiaomi Mi 8 SE MIUI 9.5, sur Android 8.1 Tout comme ses frères et sœurs, le Mi 8 SE est livré avec le dernier système d'exploitation Android 8.1, avec MIUI en tête. Pour l'instant, c'est MIUI 9.5, mais MIUI 10 est juste autour du coin et le Mi 8 SE est sur la liste d'attente officielle. Dans l'ensemble, l'interface utilisateur populaire de Xiaomi offre une expérience assez cohérente sur tous les appareils, ainsi que sur les versions. C'est un moyen très réussi et délibéré de cacher le cœur de Google et de créer une expérience de système d'exploitation reconnaissable. Cela étant dit, il convient de noter que Xiaomi est plutôt libéral en ce qui concerne les modifications et les saveurs de MIUI. Certains grands détaillants se chargent de traduire et d’améliorer les ROM chinois, principalement pour les expédier à des clients internationaux, avant la publication d’une version globale appropriée d’un appareil donné. Repères synthétiques Nous avons déjà mentionné à plusieurs reprises que le nouveau Snapdragon 710 nous excite et a de bonnes raisons. C'est l'ambassadeur, en quelque sorte, de la nouvelle gamme de jetons de série 700 de Qualcomm. Tout d'abord, certaines spécifications sont en ordre. La plate-forme mobile Snapdragon 710, comme l'appelle Qualcomm, se situe au-dessus du Snapdragon 660 et au-dessous du Snapdragon 835 et 845, visant à faire passer les fonctionnalités phares aux midrangers. Certaines de ces fonctionnalités avancées incluent un processeur de signaux d'images Spectra 250 capable de réduire les bruits multi-images dans les images. caméra Configuration double caméra tonifiée Nous avons été ravis de la nature phare du Mi 8 SE, pour un prix moins que phare, assez difficile, jusqu'à présent. Cependant, comme vous pouvez l'imaginer, Xiaomi n'a pas réussi à briser l'économie de la fabrication de smartphones de manière mystérieuse. Il a fallu couper Corners pour atteindre le prix de 350 dollars. Parmi celles-ci, notons la configuration de la caméra principale - un pas en avant notable par rapport au Mi 8 habituel. La caméra dispose des modes disposés côte à côte pour vous permettre de changer en glissant vers la gauche et la droite. Malheureusement, le fait de balayer vers le haut / bas ne permet pas de basculer entre l’appareil photo avant et l’appareil photo arrière - il ya un bouton pour cela. Il existe des boutons pour le mode flash, HDR et AI (soupir ...), un ensemble de filtres et un raccourci de hamburger pour les paramètres. Enregistrement video Le Xiaomi Mi 8 SE peut capturer des vidéos à 4K @ 30fps ou 1080p @ 30fps. Malheureusement, il n'y a pas de mode 60fps, quelle que soit la résolution. On ne peut pas vraiment s’attendre à ce que le premier provienne d’un mid-ranger, mais ce dernier aurait été un bon ajout. Compétition Le Xiaomi Mi 8 SE vérifie certainement beaucoup de boîtes. Mieux encore, il le fait à un prix très abordable. Il est également le premier à sortir avec le nouveau chipset Snapdragon 710 de Qualcomm, jusqu'à présent. Tout cela rend la tâche difficile de trouver des concurrents directs pour faire correspondre le Mi 8 SE. Read the full article
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luisdemen · 6 years
La historia y deportividad de Jaguar hecho SUV
El concepto de lujo y deportividad británico son, sin mucho pensarlo, muy diferentes a la idea de lo que un alemán puede pensar. Son líneas exteriores más finas, sin mucho detalle, más simplistas pero funcionales y los interiores son sencillos, lujosos y justos, sin adornos de más que pueda hacer ver el diseño cargado o excesivo. Bajo este tenor, nació el primer SUV de la marca, obviamente con la experiencia de su hermana filial Land Rover, el resultado que esperamos tenía que ser muy bueno.
Y como era de esperarse la entrega es muy buena, es un vehículo interesante, de buen armado, de gran calidad de diseño e interiores premium como en cualquier otro Jaguar. No es fácil hacer o entrar e un nicho de mercado con un producto que la gente no identifica y posicionarlo rápidamente en el gusto del consumidor; y Jaguar lo logró de maravilla con su F-Pace, tan es así que hoy en día no es su único SUV.
En el exterior, podemos ver toda la influencia de diseño de lo que es Jaguar, los faros y calaveras son distintivos de la marca y su ideología de diseño. Grandes tomas de aire y una gran parrilla adornan al F-Pace, dándole una imagen deportiva y robusta. Recordemos que yo probé la camioneta más equipada y radial en temas de motorización, que es la F-Pace S. Pero sin duda el diseño exterior no pierde la sobriedad británica, no es un SUV que pretenda darse a notar por un diseño exterior atrevido, al contrario, se nota es imagen de Lord Inglés, deportivo, sexy, pero con mesura. Grandes rines, un detalle de spoiler en la tapa de la cajuela, líneas bien rematadas y sin terminaciones caprichosas, todo hace juego para ver n SUV completo e interesante por fuera.
En el interior, reafirma la idea de lujo británico y lo hace muy bien, combinación de materiales de buena calidad, detalles modernos como iluminación ambiente, techo en color antracita para darle un look mucho más deportivo, asientos de buena sujeción, etc. Realmente un espacio interior muy bien logrado y de muy buenas dimensiones también, se siente espaciosa por dentro, pero sin verse enorme en dimensiones exteriores. Los revestimientos son en piel y gamuza, lo que le dan un toque más chic al interior; además de que se nota que es un SUV pensado en la comodidad y conectividad. Una gran pantalla de poco más de 12” es el clúster de instrumentos, que es obviamente 100% digital y podemos controlar muchas de las funciones de nuestro auto desde ahi, además de cambiar los diales según el modo de manejo en el que nos encontremos. A esto le sumamos una gran pantalla de 10” al centro para controlar todo el info entretenimiento del auto, así como algunas cuestiones de configuración del F-Pace. A todo esto le sumamos un sonido profesional Meridian y tenemos un vehículo perfecto para salir de viaje.
En el apartado más especial e interesante, el motriz, sin duda no nos deja deseando algo más, al menos esta versión, es infinitamente exquisita en su comportamiento mecánico y dinámico. Monta un motor de 3.0 litros en V de 6 cilindros supercargado que entrega 380 HP @ 4,5000 RPM con un torque de 332 LB·PIE @ 4,500 RPM, acoplado a una caja automática de 8 velocidades y una tracción AWD. Con este motor el F-Pace S se mueve como si fuera un deportivo, imaginen hace el 0-100 Km/h en tan sólo 5.5 segundos… Creo que ese número lo dice todo, Jaguar ideó un SUV deportivo, de muy buenas prestaciones y de gran calidad de diseño e interior, para encantar a cualquiera y colocar rápidamente su producto en el gusto de la gente.
Ahora lo cierto es que Jaguar y Land Rover, nunca han tenido productos baratos que puedan competir directamente por precio con algunos de sus competidores, pero lo cierto es que tienen algunas ventajas competitivas importantes y que la gente que busca en este segmento puede tomar a consideración. Desde mi punto de vista es que la calidad y fiabilidad de Jaguar mejoró enormemente desde hace unos años para acá, tendrán un crecimiento como marca en el país con más puntos de venta y servicio para poder ofrecer mejor atención a todos sus consumidores y por último y no menos importante, ofrecen una de las garantías más robustas del mercado premium.
Entonces en resumen, un producto interesante, de gran manejo y comodidad, que además tiene una cajuela para llevar a media familia de vacaciones sin preocupación del espacio. Tecnológicamente completa y mecánicamente muy interesante, Jagua F-Pace S, creo que una gran opción para todo aquel que quiere un auto deportivo hecho SUV y que prefiere un diseño más sobrio y elegante en general.
Precio Jaguar F-Pace S: $ 1,399,000 *Precio puede variar después de esta publicación.
Luis de Mendieta Twitter: @luisdemen
Prueba CarManía – Jaguar F-Pace S La historia y deportividad de Jaguar hecho SUV El concepto de lujo y deportividad británico son, sin mucho pensarlo, muy diferentes a la idea de lo que un alemán puede pensar.
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kaialone · 7 years
Yokai Watch 3 ver. 3.0 Translation
(Masterpost for my Yokai Watch translations can be found here)
This will contain spoilers for a sidequest of Yokai Watch 3 (ver. 3.0) and also some rather major spoilers for the main story of the game, so proceed with caution.
With that being said, this will be a translation of the entire “The Half-fish Man of Mimisippo River” sidequest.
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I enjoyed this quest a lot, personally, but it’s kinda like the conclusion to something with build-up that I never translated ^^; I dunno, just be aware of that if you’re gonna read this.
I’ll go through this scene by scene. (There will be links to watch the scenes on youtube, too.)
Bolded is original japanese; for reference and in case someone who is better at japanese than I reads this, and feels like correcting something.
Bolded and italicized is my translation.
(Number) Indicates I got a specific comment to make on that part in the translation notes.
Please keep in mind that I´m a beginner when it comes to japanese, so it’s possible that I make mistakes, too.
Accepting the Request:
Logan: やあ ケータ! Hey, Nate!
Nate: ニコラスにローガン! こんなところで なにしてるの? Nicholas and Logan! What are you doing here?
Logan: このミミシッポリバーで ボートに乗って 釣りにいこうって 計画を立ててるんだ! We want to ride a boat on Mimisippo River to go fishing! (1)
Nicholas: でも こわいウワサがあってさ… ちょっと 困ってるんだー。 But there are some scary rumors... It's a bit of a problem.
Nate: こわいウワサ…? Scary rumors...?
Nicholas: それがさ… ミミシッポリバーには 出るらしいんだ…。 Yes, about that... Something’s said to appear at Mimisippo River...
Nate: 出るって もしかして… By that, do you mean...
Logan: そう! 半魚人がね! Yes! The half-fish man! (2)
Nate: は… 半魚人!? Ha... half-fish man!?
Logan: いやぁ〜 でもこれじゃフィシングに 行けないね… 困ったなぁ〜。 Man, with this we can't go fishing, though... What a drag.
Whisper: 半魚人といえばUMA! ミステリーですよ これは! This half-fish man has to be a cryptid! This is a Mystery! (3)
Whisper: おともだちも 困ってるみたいですし くわしく お話を聞いてみては? Your friends seem be having a problem, too. Why don't you listen carefully to what they got to say?
Mission Description: セントピーナッツバターグを流れる 大きな川 ミミシッポリーバでは 「恐怖の半魚人」の 目撃情報が 多数 報告されているらしい…。 It seems there are a lot of reports of a "Fearful Half-fish Man" being sighted in the large Mimisippo River that flows through St. Peanutsburg.
Nate: えっと… 半魚人が出るって ほんとなの? Umm... So does this half-fish man really show up around here?
Logan: そうさ… 魚のヒレと水かきをもった 全身うろこまみれの人間がね…! Yeah... It's a human with fish fins, webbing, and it's whole body is covered in scales...!
Nicholas: きっと見つかったら最後… 川底に ひきずりこまれて 半魚人にされるんだ…! If you happen to find it... you'll probably get dragged to the bottom of the river and turned into a half-fish man, too!
Logan: HAHAHA! こわいっていうか おもしろい話さよね! HAHAHA! It's a scary, or rather, interesting story! 
Logan: ボクは逆に気になるんだけどさ ニコラスがビビって行きたがらないんだ! But unlike me, Nicholas is scared and doesn't want to go!
Nicholas: ビ… ビビってるわけじゃないけど… なんかちょっと危険がなーって。 I... I'm not scared, but... It's just kinda a little dangerous.
Nicholas: 目撃情報だって けっこうあるしさ…。 There a quite a few sighting reports, after all...
Nate: …よし わかった! じゃあオレが正体をたしかめてくるよ! ...Alright, got it! I will go and figure out what it really is, then!
Nicholas: えっ… 本当ー!? お前 意外と勇気あるなー…。 Ah... Really!? You're suprisingly brave...
Logan: じゃあケータ よろしく! おもしろい報告 待ってるよ! We're counting on you then, Nate! We'll be waiting for your interesting report!
Whisper: そうと決まれば その川の近くで ミステリーの手がかりをさがしましょう! Now that that's decided, let's search for clues related to this Mystery near the river!
Nate: うん! Yeah!
Mimisippo River is of course meant to invoke Mississippi River. In japanese, Mimisippo is spelled as ミミシッポ/Mimishippo, which could translate to “ears and tail”, but I don’t know if that’s intentional or not.
What I translated as Half-fish Man is 半魚人/Hangyojin, which literally means “half fish human”. It’s often translated as “merman”, but they’re more commonly portrayed as bidedal human-like creatures with lots of fish-like features, like fins and scales and so forth.
In japanese, Whisper calls the half-fish man a UMA, which stands for “Unidentified Mysterious Animal”, and is a popular term for cryptids in Japan.
Asking a Sailor about it:
Nate: あの… 半魚人の目撃情報とか 聞いたりしてませんか? Excuse me... Have you heard about sightings of a half-fish man or the like?
Sailor: はっはっは! ああ… 実は あるんだ! Hahaha! Yeah... there really has been some!
Sailor: お客さんで 何人か 見たって人がいるんだ。 There's people among our customers who saw someone.
Sailor: しかも その半魚人は ムキムキマッチョらしいな! What's more, appearently this half-fish man is a ripped muscleman!
Nate: ム… ムキムキマッチョ!? R... Ripped muscleman!?
Sailor: ああ! このオレのようにだ! Yeah! Just like me!
Sailor: 筋肉というものは すばらしい…! そう 筋肉があれば なんでもできる! Muscles are really something else...! Yes, with muscles, you can do anything!
Sailor: 少年よ! 筋肉について もっと知識を深めたくはないかい!? My boy! Don't you want to expand your knowledge about muscles!?
Whisper: ちょっと! 熱く語りだしちゃいましたよ! Hang on! He's started to ramble about muscles!
Nate: あ… ありがとう お兄さん…! 筋肉は えっと… 大丈夫です! T... Thanks, mister...! Muscles are, umm... okay!
Asking Jungle Hunter Shopkeeper about it:
Nate: あのー もしかして… 半魚人を見たこととかありませんか? Excuse me, have you ever... seen a half-fish man?
Shopkeeper: 半魚人…? Half-fish man...?
Shopkeeper: ああ! そういえば夕方ごろに… Ah! Now that you mention it, during the evening...
Shopkeeper: ものすごい いきおいで 川を泳ぐ何かを見たな…! ...I saw something swimming in the river with amazing force...!
Shopkeeper: あれは半魚人にちがいないよ! That must have been the half-fish man!
Whisper: ふむふむ… 夕方ごろですか。 これは手がかりになりそうですね! Hmmm... The evening, huh? This could be a clue!
Nate: うん! ありがとうございます! Yeah! Thank you very much!
Asking William about it:
Nate: あのさ! 半魚人のこととか聞いたことない? Hey! Have you heard about the half-fish man?
William: ああ そのウワサか。 もちろんボクも 聞いたことがあるよ。 Oh, that rumor. Of course I've heard about it, too.
William: どうやら 島にある あの大きな屋敷地くでよく見られるらしい。 Appearently it’s often seen near that mansion on the island.
Nate: えっ…!? 島にある大きな屋敷って… Huh...!? Mansion on the island, that's...
Whisper: ええ… マックくんのお屋敷でしょうね。 あの島に上陸したのでしょうか…。 Yes... That is Mac's residence. So it went ashore on that island...
William: 半魚人を見にいくのかい? くれぐれも無茶はするなよ。 Are you going to see the half-fish man? Don't be so reckless.
Nate: う うん… 気をつけるよ…! ありがとう! Y-yeah... I'll be careful...! Thanks!
Reviewing the Information so far:
Nate: えーっと… Ummm...
Nate: どうやら 半魚人は 夕方ごろに泳ぐ姿が目撃されてて… Appearently the half-fish man was seen swimming during the evening...
Nate: ヘーゼルタイン邸に上陸する …ってことらしいね。 It goes on land nearby Hazeltine Mansion ...or so it seems. (1)
Whisper: ムキムキマッチョの半魚人… 見つかると危険かもしてません。 A ripped muscleman half-fish man... It'd be dangerous if we found it.
Whisper: 待ち伏せして こっそり確認するのが いいかもしれませんね! We'll have to lie in ambush, and then secretly check it out!
Nate: よし… じゃあ 夕方ごろに ヘーゼルタイン低に行ってみよう! Right... Well then, let's go to Hazeltine Mansion during the evening!
What I chose to write as Hazeltine here is spelled ヘーゼルタイン/Hēzerutain in japanese. I don’t know if it’s written out in english anywhere in the game, but I figured “Hazeltine” is a likely candidate.
Waiting for the Half-fish Man:
Nate: よし… ここで半魚人を待ち伏しよう! Alright... Let's wait for the half-fish man here!
Nate: 半魚人… なかなか出てこないね…。 That half-fish man... Looks like it's not gonna show itself that easily...
Whisper: ケータくん しずかに…! あ… あれを…!! Hush, Nate...! T... that is...!!
???: プハァー! 今日のトレーニングも最高だったぜ! Phew! Today's training is pretty great, too!
Whisper: あ… あの方は…!! T... That man is...!!
Nate: 妖怪ヒーローの ザ・シャーク…!? The Shark, the Yōkai Hero...!?
The Shark: …あ? ...Ah?
The Shark: なんだ お前らか! 何してんだ こんなとこで? Oh hey, it's you guys! What are you doing here?
Whisper: それは こっちのセリフですよ! アナタこそ ここで何を? That's what we were gonna ask you! What are you doing here?
The Shark: あー… Ahh...
The Shark: ここはオレ様にとって思い出の場所でな。 今でも特訓に使ってんだよ。 This place holds memories for me. Even now, I still use it for special training.
The Shark: 最近はゴゴゴGF事件のせいで なかなか特訓できなかったが… I couldn't really train much recently 'cause of that GoGoGo Godfather incident, but...
The Shark: お前らのおかげで解決したからな。 こうして特訓を再開したってワケだ! That got taken care of, thanks to you. Now I can continue with my special training!
Nate: へー そうなんだ! Oh, I see!
The Shark: で お前らはどうしたんだ? オレ様に なんか用か? So, what are you guys up to? You want something from me?
Nate: えっと… この川で半魚人が出るって ウワサがあって 待ち伏せしてたんだ! Umm... There's a rumor that a half-fish man appears in this river, so we where lying in ambush!
Whisper: そう… そしたら あなたが! Yes... and turns out, it's you!
Nate: そっか… シャークのことを 見た人が 半魚人だと思ったんだ! Oh, right... people that saw Shark must've thought he was a half-fish man!
The Shark: そうか オレ様のことが 見えちまった人間もいるのか…。 Right, there's some humans who can see me, too, aren’t they...
The Shark: 特訓場所を変えることにするぜ。 あー 人気のないところっていうと… I'm gonna change my training spot. Ahh, a spot without any people...
Nate: あ それならモクノームの森は? あそこなら だれも近寄らないかも! Ah, in that case, how about Mokunome Forest? Because there's probably no one who even goes near there! (1)
The Shark: おう じゃあそこにすっかな。 Ohh, that place will do, then. (2)
The Shark: おどろかせて悪かったな。 あばよ! Sorry for startling people. So long! (3)
Nate: まさか 半魚人の正体が シャークだったとはね! Who would've thought that the half-fish man was really Shark!
Whisper: まぁ たしかサメは魚ですけど… サカナちがいでしたね! Well, it's true that sharks are fish, but... They're a different kind of fish!
(Mystery solved cutscene)
Whisper: さて ザ・シャークは 特訓場所を変えると言っていましたし… Now then, The Shark said that he would change his training spot...
Whisper: これでニコラスくんたちも 安心して釣りに出かけられますね! So now, Nicholas and Logan can go fishing without needing to worry, too!
Nate: うん 教えてあげなきゃ! Yeah, I gotta tell them!
What I chose to write as Mokunome here is spelled モクノーム/Mokunōmu in japanese. I’m not exactly sure what the name is based on, so this spelling is really more a guess of mine, and I haven’t been able to find in-game text spelling the name in english.
I translated that line a bit loosely, unsure if I got right.
Because of how the japanese language works, it’s unclear if The Shark here is saying “Sorry for startling people”, as in the humans that saw him and all, or “Sorry for startling you”, as in Nate and co. just now. I think the former is more likely, but I’m not sure.
Talking to Logan and Nicholas again:
Nate: ねぇ ふたりとも! 半魚人のことなら もう心配ないよ! Hey, you two! You don't have to worry about the half-fish man anymore!
Logan: えっ!? 半魚人 いなくなったのかい!? Huh!? The half-fish man is gone!?
Nate: えっと… その なんていうか… Umm... How do I put this...
Whisper: 実は妖怪だった! …なんて言えませんし テキトーに ごまかしときましょう…! 'It was actually a yōkai!'...Since you can't just say that, you'll have to just kinda make something up...!
Nate: う… うん… なんか どこかに行っちゃったみたい! Y... Yeah... Looks like it just went somewhere else!
Logan: うーん そりゃあ… なんだが ちょっと残念だね! Hmm, that's... kind of a shame!
Logan: でもこれで 安心してボートで フィッシングできるよね ニコラス! But now we can safely go fishing with the boat, Nicholas!
Nicholas: よーし それじゃさっそく明日の朝… ボートを出してフィッシングだー! Alright, then let's go out with the boat and fish... first thing in the morning!
Nicholas: ケータ 明日ここに来なよー! たくさん釣れたら分けてやるからさー! Nate, come back tomorrow! If we catch a lot, we'll share!
Nate: うん わかった! Alright, got it!
Next Day:
Nate: ニコラス! ローガン! 魚は いっぱい釣れた? Nicholas! Logan! Did you catch a lot of fish?
Nate: ケータ! ひどいじゃないか! Nate! That was low of you!
Whisper: ギクッ… みしかして テキトーに言ったのがバレちゃいました…? *Gulp*... Perhaps they found out you just kinda made something up...?
Nate: ええっと… もういないはずだけど なんで…? Ummm... It should be gone, so why...?
Nicholas: だってオイラたち この目で見たんだ…!! But we saw it with our own eyes...!!
Nate: …ええっ!? ...What!?
Logan: ボクたち あの屋敷の近くに 朝早く釣りに行ったんだ… それで… Earlier this morning, we went fishing near that mansion... and then...
Logan: 見ちゃったんだよ!! 半魚人を…!! We saw it!! The half-fish man...!!
Nate: え… でも……。 Ah... but...
Whisper: ザ・シャークは 特訓場所を変えると たしかに 言ってましたね…。 The Shark most certainly said he was going to change his training spot...
Nate: うん…。 Yeah...
Whisper: しかし ザ・シャークといえば… But then again...
Whisper: 妖怪プロレス界でも ヒール役… つまり悪役としても有名…。 In the Yōkai Professional Wrestling scene, The Shark is a famous heel... in order words, a bad guy...
Whisper: まさか 人間のこわがる顔見たさに 再びあの川に現れたとか…!? You don't suppose he appeared in the river once more, to see the frightened faces of humans...!? 
Nate: えええー!? Whaaat!?
Nate: と… とにかく もう一回 シャークに会いにいこう! A... Anyway, let's go meet with Shark one more time!
Whisper: モクノームの森ですね…! 行ってみましょう! Mokunome Forest...! Let's go there!
Talking to The Shark again:
Whisper: ちょっと! ザ・シャークさん! あなた どういうおつもりなんです!? Hey now! Mr. The Shark! Just what is the meaning of this!? (1)
The Shark: …ああ? ...Huh?
Nate: 実は ヘーゼルタイン定近くの川で また半魚人を見たって人がいてさ…。 You see, there's people who've seen a half-fish man in the river around Hazeltine Mansion again...
The Shark: あ!? オレ様はあれからずっと ここで特訓中だよ! What!? I've been doing nothing but my special training here since then!
Nate: じゃあ 川で目撃された半魚人って… So, the half-fish man that they saw in the river...
Whisper: も もしかして ホンモノってことでうぃす!? M-Maybe it was the real thing!?
The Shark: チッ… 半魚人だかなんだが しらねーが… Kch... I don't care about half-fish men or whatever, but...
The Shark: ソイツのせいで オレ様が うたがわれたってのか? Because of this guy, I'm being suspected?
The Shark: チッ…!! オレ様も その半魚人とやらに会わせろ! Kch...!! I'd like to give this half-fish man a proper talking to! (2)
Whisper: と… とにかく! A... Anyway!
Whisper: 今度は 再び目撃されたという明け方に ヘーゼルタイン邸で待ち伏せしましょう! This time, let's ambush it around Hazeltine Mansion during the time the others said they saw it again, which was near dawn! (3)
Nate: そうだね…! You're right...!
Here Whisper uses the suffix さん/-san when referring to The Shark. I just want to point out while I translated it as “Mr.” here, the two aren’t exactly the same thing.
I translated this line a bit loosely, but that’s the basic idea.
I can’t help but feel like I made this line more convuluted than it needed to be.
Waiting for the Half-fish Man again:
Nate: よし… ここで待とう! Alright... Let's wait here!
Whisper: ホンモノの半魚人… ゴクリ…。 The real half-fish man... *gulp*...
The Shark: おい! あれじゃねぇか? Hey! Is that it?
Jaws: ふう……。 仕事のあとのひと泳ぎは 気持ちいいな。 Phew... Going for a quick swim after work sure feels nice.
Nate: あのー… ジョーズさん… ですよね? Umm... That's Mr. Jaws... right?
Whisper: 半魚人の正体は ザ・シャークと ジョーズ… 2人のことだったんですね…。 So the half-fish man was actually those two... The Shark and Jaws...
Jaws: おや? きみたちは…… Oh? You're...
Whisper: もー! あなたともあろうお方が こんなとこで なに水浴びやってんです!? Geez! Why would someone like you, of all people, be bathing in a place like this!?
Jaws: それは… いや そんなことより… That's... No, It's not like that...
Jaws: お前… You...
The Shark: フン…… これでミステリーは解決だな。 Hmph... Guess the Mystery is solved with this.
The Shark: オレ様は帰るぜ。 I'm leaving.
Jaws: ……。 ...
Nate: あれ…? なんかフンイキ悪くない? Huh...? Did the atmosphere suddenly turn bad?
Whisper: ええ… ザ・シャークもジョーズさんも どこかおかしな様子でしたね…。 Yes... Something seems off about The Shark and Mr. Jaws...
Whisper: でも まずはジョーズさんに ここに来た理由を聞いてみましょう! But, let's ask Mr. Jaws why he came here, first of all!
Talking to Jaws:
Nate: あの ジョーズさん… どうして ここで泳いでたんですか? Excuse me, Mr. Jaws... Why where you swimming here?
Jaws: ここは 私にとっては 思い出の場所でね…。 This place holds memories for me...
Nate: あれ…? それ… シャークも同じようなこと言って… Huh...? That's... exactly what Shark said, too...
???: ちょっとちょっと チミたち〜! こまるんだよねぇ〜。 Hey now, dearies! This is gonna be a problem. (1)
Kaīgyo: オレたちのバリナワに 勝手に入られちゃあさ〜。 Cause see, you just waltzed right into our toryterri. (2)
Whisper: バリナワ…? まさか縄張りのことでうぃす? Toryterri...? Do you mean territory, whis?
Whisper: …ていうか 魚ばっかり出てきて 混乱するんで 帰ってくれません? ...And also, confusingly, a whole bunch of fish suddenly appared, so how about we leave?
Kaīgyo: おやおやおや〜? My, my, my, what's this?
Kaīgyo: 誰かと思えば… ヨップルのシャチョーさんじゃないすか〜! Look at who we have here... If it isn't the CEO of Yopple!
Kaīgyo: そういえばシャチョさん 最近 復帰してチョーシ乗ってないですかねぇ…? By the way, Mr. CEO, aren't you getting a little carried away since your comeback...?
Tunatic: えらいさんだが 何だかしらねーけどよ… You're some big shot, but you don't know anything...
Tunatic: 人のバリナワに 勝手に入られちゃあなぁ〜!! You don't just walk into other people's toryterris all willy-nilly!!
Blowkade: 痛い目みてもらおう! You're in for some pain!
The Shark: おい なにやってんだオマエら!! Hey, what the heck are you doing!?
The Shark: 大丈夫かよオヤジ!? You alright, dad!? (3)
Nate: オヤジ!? Dad!?
Jaws: ポ… ポール!! もどってきたのか!?? P... Paul!! You came back!??
Whisper: ポール!? まさか ザ・シャークの本名です!? Paul!? No way, is that The Shark's real name!?
Whisper: もしかして… ジョーズさんとザ・シャークって…… Could it be that... Mr. Jaws and The Shark are...
Nate: 親子だったの…!? Parent and child...!?
The Shark: チツ… 何が親子だ…。 Kch... Who're you calling parent and child...
Whisper: あ… あまり仲が よろしくないんでしょうか…? A... are they not really getting along...?
Nate: え? でも それじゃあ… どうして助けにきたの…? Huh? But then... why did you come to the rescue...?
The Shark: う… うるせぇ!! 話はあとだ! コイツらを何とかするぞ!! S... Shut up!! We'll talk later! We gotta take care of these guys!!
He didn’t literally call them “dearies” here, just a sorta strange sounding word for “you”, but I translated it more loosely to get the feeling across better. I’m gonna go into more detail about the way this guy talks in the next point.
Okay so, this guy Kaīgyo here basically supposed to invoke the image of a sorta sleazy, smug producer guy, from what I can tell. And in japanese there is this thing where guys like that got their own special way of talking and referring to things, which often involves switching around or reversing syllables of words. Essentially, from what I gather, this entire yōkai is based on the idea that he talks like that, among other things, and people have trouble understanding him because of it. Of course this kind of “word reversing” doesn’t translate well at all into english, but that’s pretty much what he does here with the word “territory”, for example.
The Shark here refers to Jaws as オヤジ/Oyaji, which is a sorta informal, masculine way to refer to one’s father. I like to translate it as “(my) old man”, but that wouldn’t have worked here with Nate’s reaction and all.
After the Battle:
The Shark: チッ… 気をつけろよなオヤジ! Kch... Be more careful, dad!
The Shark: 夜の川は タチ悪いサカナが わいてきやがるんだからよ! At night, some nasty fishes appear in the river!
Jaws: あ… ああ… サカナには気をつけよう…。 R... Right... I'll be careful about fishes...
Whisper: (アナタたちもサカナですけど…!) (But you're both fish, too...!)
The Shark: …ったく! なんでこんな場所に来てんだよ! ...Seriously! Why did you even come here!?
Jaws: それは…… That's because...
Jaws: 私とお前の 思い出の場所だからだ…! This place holds memories for me and you...!
Jaws: ここに来れば いつかお前と 2人っきりで会えると思っていた。 I thought if I came here, the two of us might be able to meet someday.
The Shark: チッ… 会って今更どうすんだよ……。 Kch... We've met, so now what...
Jaws: …ポール これを見てくれ。 ...Look at this, Paul.
The Shark: コイツは……! This is...!
Jaws: そう… ケータたちの協力で 空をも飛べるようになったYシャークだ。 Yes... The Y-Shark who has become able to fly, thanks to Nate and the others.
Jaws: この 「空飛ぶヒコーキ」に乗って 空を飛んでみないか? Wouldn’t you like to fly on this "flying airplane"?
The Shark: …!! ...!!
(flashback start)
The Shark: ねぇダディ! ボク ヒコーキに乗りたい! Hey, daddy! I wanna ride an airplane! (1)
The Shark: ダディの会社って ヒコーキつくらないの? Can your company make an airplane, daddy?
Jaws: ハッハッハ。 それはちょっと専門外だなぁ〜。 Hahaha. That is slightly outside of our specialty.
Jaws: でもな ポール。 この会社がもっともっと大きくなれば… But you see, Paul. If this company gets even bigger...
Jaws: 空飛ぶヒコーキくらい 作れるようになるさ! We might be able to make a flying airplane!
The Shark: ほんと!? じゃあヒコーキができたら乗せてくれる!? Really!? So, when the airplane's done, can I ride it!?
Jaws: ああ もちろんだ! Yes, of course!
(flashback end)
The Shark: な… なんで… そんな昔のこと覚えてんだよ…。 W... Why... do you remember that old story...?
Jaws: 全部…… おぼえているさ。 I remember... everything.
The Shark: ダ… ダディー……。 D... Daddy...
Jaws: なあ… ポール。 Say... Paul.
Jaws: ……乗ってみるか? ...Do you want to try riding it?
The Shark: でもさ… よりにもよって 空を飛ぶのが… But you know... Of all things, flying in the sky is kinda...
The Shark: サカナかよ…! Fishy...! (2)
Jaws: ハハハ 夢があっていいだろう? Hahaha, it's good to dream, isn't it?
Whisper: (えっ いや だから…! アナタたちもサカナですからね…!) (Ah, no, I'm telling you...! You're both fish, too...!)
Jaws: さて… 空の散歩でも楽しみながら ちょっと話をしようか… Now then... While we enjoy a little stroll in the sky... Shall we talk for a bit...?
Jaws: 今まで 話せなかったことを… ゆっくり話そう…。 Let's talk in depth... about all the things we couldn't talk about until now...
The Shark: うん……! Yeah...!
Nate: よかった… 仲直りできたんだね…! Thank goodness... They made up...!
Whisper: ええ…! これで ぜんぶ解決ですね! Yes...! That takes care of everything!
Nate: うん…! めでたしめでたし…! Yeah...! All's well that ends well...!
Text: こうして『空飛ぶヒコーキ』に乗りこみ… And thus, riding on a "flying airplane"...
Text: 父と子は朝まで語らった…。 ...father and son talked with one another until the morning...
The Shark literally uses the english word “Daddy” here.
I’m pretty sure The Shark makes a fish pun here, but as a result I’m not entirely sure if I got the actual meaning of the line right.
Next Morning:
Nate: ジョーズさんたち… あれから どうしてるかなぁ〜。 Him and Mr. Jaws... I wonder what they've been doing since then.
Whisper: 親子水入らず 仲良くやってるんじゃないですか! They're probably getting along well, all by themselves!
Nicholas: あ! ケータ! ねぇねぇ聞いてよ!! Ah! Nate! Hey, you gotta hear this!!
Nate: どうしたの? What is it?
Nicholas: それが… あの川でまた とんでもないモノが目撃されたらしいんだ! About that... Something incredible was sighted by this river again!
Nate: とんでもないモノ…? 半魚人は もういないはずだけど…。 Something incredible...? The half-fish man should be gone, though...
Logan: もう半魚人どころの騒ぎじゃないよ!! No one's talking about the half-fish man anymore!!
Whisper: あ… それって… まさか…… Ah... that's... don't tell me...
Nicholas: そうだよ…!! だってまさか あの川に…! That's right...! Because, you won't believe it, by this river, there's...!
Logan: そう… あんな大きな…! Yes... that gigantic...!
Logan: 「空飛ぶサメ」がいるなんてさー!!! "Flying Shark"!!!
Whisper: あああー!!! やっぱりーーー!! Ahhhh!!! I knew it!!
Nate: あはは…… YシャークAirのことだよね…。 Ahaha... They're probably talking about Y-Shark Air...
Logan: …ってことだかさ! 今度は空飛ぶサメのこと調べてきてよ! ...So anyway! This time you gotta look into the flying shark!
Nate: え… ええー… S... Sure...
Whisper: サカナばっかり… もう うんざりでうぃす…!! So many fishes... I'm fed up with this, whis...!!
Mission End Description: 半魚人の正体、ジョーズ親子ついに和解へ…。 The  Half-fish Man's true identity, father and son of the Jaws family, have finally found reconciliation...
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read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2oAqhbk
by GrowlingPeanut
A confrontation results in a split-second rescue and Team Free Will ends up with a new (and highly unexpected) member. But over 400 years in Hell is enough to break an archangel, and Sam feels personally responsible for Gabriel's recovery.
Words: 1427, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Gabriel, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Dean Winchester, Donna Hanscum, Jody Mills, Claire Novak, Annie "Alex" Jones, Patience Turner
Relationships: Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Sabriel - Relationship, Destiel
Additional Tags: Very very slight Sabriel to start out, Wayward Sisters in the bunker, Team Free Will ver. 3.0?, Hurt/Recovery, Trauma, HE'S BACK BABY!, Season 13 spoilers, Jack is still in Apocalypse-Land, moderately slow burn for Sabriel and Destiel
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