#dæmian community
me-and-yancy · 1 year
Question coming from someone with autism and aphantasia(inability to see things in your mind's eye) could someone explain protection? Do you literally see your deamon or is it more of a metaphor?
(also if anyone has tips for projection it'd be appreciated! Due to the previous mentioned aphantasia it's tough)
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mongoose-bytes · 6 months
I don’t know much about plural/system stuff, but since there’s a lot of overlap with dæmonism, I’m curious to see how many folks in the community are plurals and systems. Please be respectful to eachother in the notes! This poll is intended in good faith for community demographics, and not to cause any arguments.
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hello!! i just found the daemonism community (did i use this word right?) and i have a few questions, if that's not a problem!!
daemonism looks like something i would be into, and i would like to learn about it as much as possible. can i ask for maybe an accurate webpage for research? i am not really sure what sources are reliable.
secondly, are deamons like, an alternative interpretation of the self? are they perfectly resemble the person? or are they a different self within the person?
that's all for today, and i hope you'll have a great day!!!
this post has 3 website links in it; 2 of them are detailed informational sites, the other is a forum.
as for your second question, the simplest answer i have to give to it is just: it's different for everyone. each person will have a different interpretation of their daemon(s) and how developed/different they are. not very great at words right now, so going to grab a handful of quotes from the daemon page below the cut:
"Dæmons are a part of our consciousness that we've assigned a name, gender, and usually, a symbolic animal form. They're glorified imaginary friends that act as the other side of our mental dialogue - sometimes being the voice of reason, devil's advocate, or just a friend. Simply put, dæmons play the role of mental companions, mental constructs often created from our internal dialogue."
"Most dæmians claim that their dæmon is a part of them, not entirely separate or independent, and that together they form a unit. It’s also not uncommon that the dæmon will act as a voice of reason, just like the books suggest."
"However, it can be argued that dæmonism lies somewhere on the plurality spectrum. Plurality covers all the experiences of having multiple headmates, voices or personas in your mind. There is no specific kind of plurality that dæmians identify with - some feel rather separate from their dæmons and identify as multiple systems; some find the description of median system more fitting, which means that they feel like they and their dæmons are separate facets of the same whole. Other dæmians will not consider themselves plural at all, having a strong sense of dæmon being a mental construct, not a developed facet or persona. The experiences can vary strongly from person to person."
hopefully i was able to help answer your questions ^^ thanks for the ask, and hope you have fun researching more!
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old-daemon-farts · 2 years
Hey daemians of Tumblr!!!
There was an idea of creating a directory, or hub, to connect the different websites and communities that exist about daemons. The goal is to have an easy reference to the many different communities and beliefs that exist for daemons. So new, and some old, daemians can branch out and connect with other daemians and find information in a far more convenient way.
There is a user submission form so you too can add your daemon related content, websites, servers, and even blogs.
I hope the community enjoys this new idea and hopefully some of you take interest in participating.
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I'm just curious about the language of refering to the self when the self is made up of more than one part
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dmv-plurals · 8 months
Just so you know, a person who has a daemon or practices daemonism is called a daemian, NOT a daemonist. It's been discussed in the community that we have no idea why or how people came up with the word daemonist for us, but we are called daemians.
Thanks for your message! We are aware of that--this blog is run by a dæmian. At the time of making promotional materials (July 2023), the dæmians we knew in person often used the term dæmonist instead (largely because it's much easier to differentiate from dæmon when spoken aloud), so that's what we went with.
We did forget to change it in our recent posts now that DMV Plurals has traction outside of the few systems we knew at the time, so we appreciate the reminder! Our future posts should use the correct wording :)
- safety pins/a Body et al.
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crepuscular-coyote · 1 year
Marion: Greetings to those who read this. I am Marion, Knight's stoat dæmon. For those of you who practice dæmonism, do you have tips for encouraging communication between dæmon and dæmian? It is quite challenging to speak sometimes when his mind is so busy.
Thank you kindly, and good day.
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daemogai · 8 months
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Dæmogai ♪ A place for dæmons and dæmians who's identity intertwines with the practice! Or those who want more specific terms relating to their dæmonism.
This blog is ran by a gal named Guy ★ I'm the host of a professionally recognized OSDD system, I call ourselves median - I use he/him and any neopronouns with the letter z! (Zie/zi/zx/ze/etc)
I don't really have a fancy tag system other than "asks : (username)" or "created terms"
Information/resources on dæmonism ★
The Daemon Page
Daemonism Wixsite
I'll add more as I go :^)
< psst! I'm new to dæmonism myself and haven't contacted mine just yet, I just saw there's not many MOGAI terms out there for the community >
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stupidmangydaemon · 2 years
Why hello there. I’m Lee, and I’m running this blog with my wonderful, stupid, mangy daemon Akereo. We’ve been in the dæmian community for about 5 years now, but mostly we’ve just been lurking on here, and we only ever really posted on the amino. We decided it’s about time we contributed here, so hello dæmians and dæmons!
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me-and-yancy · 1 year
Hi hi! I'm new to the daemon community :)
Absolutely open to chatting with people, currently frantically researching and absorbing every scrap of information I can find lol
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myriadeyed · 3 years
do you have any entry level reading, websites, etc., for somebody interested in getting into daemonism? it feels a little overwhelming trying to find where to start.
The Daemon Page was my intro to the community. They have a link to the forum there but I (personally) would advise against it, at least for new dæmians because they have a very specified focus on form-finding which isn't ideal if you're not sure what you want out of the community yet. I would also highly recommend @old-daemon-farts' blog and Discord server (a bit inactive at the moment but it's a good server/resource).
Keep in mind no way to start doing it is the right way though. Dæmonism is purely for yourself and your dæmon(s) and no-one else, so any way that feels right to get into it is perfect.
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azuremist · 2 years
You used the wrong word for dæmon in your alterhuman dictionary. Dæmian is synonymous with dæmonian (which is a newer term that I don't recall being in use when I was part of that community in the early '10s).
Updated! Thank you~
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calicoconstellation · 2 years
Thank you to those who sent muis warm welcomes to the dæmonism community, and thank you to Saffron for introducing me for muis! I am looking forward to talking occasionally on this blog, especially with other dæs and dæmians!
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hapalopus · 2 years
#lmaooo yeah i'm sure ppl hired to astroturf would have year long histories of being in the otherkin/dæmian/furry communities
wait im confused what does this actually mean? i get the original post tho and the rest of the tags
Scout and Matthias are both therians/otherkin. Scout has a decade long online history, writing analyses for The Daemon Page. Matt is a furry/yiff artist. Respectable deeds if you ask me, but those don't seem like the traits astroturfing companies would look for when hiring lmfao
Edit: ok I can't remember where I saw Scout talking about being a therian cause their last posts I can find on it are from 2009, which is hardly relevant. I might be mixing stuff up since their daemon tends to favor dog forms
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old-daemon-farts · 3 years
Daemonism Survey
I wanted to see if I could summarize my experience. I know I have long winded thoughts on many of these subjects. Figured others may enjoy reading my answers. Survey found at the bottom.
What is a dæmon to you? The subconscious speaking through inner monologues.
What makes a dæmon, a dæmon? A daemon provides a positive change in their person while also intrinsically being a part of who they are and their identity. You cannot have one without the other. I feel this being needs to be tied to the subconscious (or soul) and will use our inner monologue to communicate.
I am of the belief many different beings can play the role of a daemon. Tulpa, alters, other headmates, and spirits can match these qualifications. "Daemon" has always felt more like a job title or other very personal labels like pronouns or familial titles like "daughter" or "father". I think daemons can stem from too many things and how they connect within the mind to say for sure what is and is not a daemon.
What does dæmonism mean to you? Daemonism is cultivating our inner-self to be a companion who supports us, and in doing so we are learning how to support ourselves.
What is the purpose of dæmonism? To provide a healthy mindset. Can be focused on mental health or cognitive thinking. A healthy mindset for one may be self-improvement; for another it may be companionship and self-compassion; or perhaps they just need someone to help recall information. What daemonism is varies from person to person but to me the base line is you get into daemonism seeking something you feel is going to improve something about your life.
What is/are your dæmon(s) like? What is your dæmon's personality like? What are their likes and dislikes? This is the space for anything you want to share about how your dæmon behaves, thinks and feels! Thats a lot to put. So I will place what may make them different from other daemons. They are very self-focused on me. No matter their personality its always focused around what is best for me. What needs to be done for me. Their world revolves around me and they do not question nor hate it.
How did you meet your dæmon(s)? Inspired by His Dark Materials. Finished the 3rd book, tried to see my daemon, he laughed and the rest is history. I thought we were the only human/daemon pair at the time.
What is/are your dæmon(s)? Dæmons can be many things; a gateway to the subconscious, a personification of your conscience, the other half of your internal dialogue, a spiritual entity, or many other things besides. What is the nature of your dæmon? They are me. They are how I connect to my inner self/subconscious. At the moment they are a gateway rather than the full personification of my subconscious. Please see the answer for "how they are connected to me" for more examples.
What is/are your dæmon's gender(s), and how do they relate to and differ from your own? Mostly female. I use to think my daemons gender was my opposite, then I though I was the outcome of their genders, then I thought their gender supported my own. Now I think it just is another outcome of what my brain needed to be happy and healthy, and while my daemons genders never change future daemons may be influenced by the same factors.
How autonomous is/are your dæmon(s)? How independent and free-thinking is your dæmon; how much do they rely on you in order to exist and function? Autonomy is an illusion. Myself and my daemons will always be influenced by my subconscious and factors surrounding us. Their identities rely on my focus but who they are at the core and how they function is thoughtless. I can personify my heart and it can grow independent but as soon as I stop talking to my heart it doesn't stop beating. It just returns to what it was prior and continues its constant task of keeping the body going without needing any thought on the matter.
How is/are your dæmon(s) connected to you? Subconscious, inner monologues, and even intrusive thoughts. Anima/animus. ID/Ego/Super Ego/ Shadow, split-brain ... Basically if there is a term for connecting with any inner part of yourself or piece of our mind my daemons encompass or build upon that.
How do your dæmon(s) differ from you? They are very goal oriented and driven involving my life and health.
What are the similarities between you and your dæmon(s)? They reflect key parts of myself (good, bad, and desired). We all like and dislike similar things, look for similar things in life and friendship, share taste in fashion, food, and entertainment. Only time things vary are when my daemons reflect an extreme. Like Tess who loves physical activity. I'm not a fan of exercise or sports but I wish I was and so does my body and mind. So her favorite activities are not mine by choice but I know on a subconscious level I need to enjoy these more. There is always a connection so there will always be similarities.
How have your dæmon(s) changed since you first met them? They have changed as much as myself, as they grow the very same as I do effected by my surroundings and experiences. Cayde started just as childlike as myself and grew into an adult. My more recent daemons started based around emotions or specific traits and then grew to be far more complex. This is the nature of living, remaining static is nearly impossible.
Can your dæmon(s) front? Fronting: taking primary control of the physical body. I believe with practice they can but since they have very strong opinions about fronting will refrain from doing so. We have co-fronted to allow my daemon to speak louder and to use "mind-over-matter" to stop pain. But during co-fronting there is no physical control. It is only causing a shift in where my daemon lies on my consciousness.
What are your dæmon form(s)? They have many. Both animal and human.
What do your dæmon form(s) mean to you? Some represent who I am on a subconscious level, a deeply analyzed level, and a more surface level.
How did you find your dæmon form(s)? Some through created systems, others through daemon's choice, and one picked completely out of my or my daemon's control.
What do your dæmon form(s) say about your personality, if anything? One describes my behavior and how I interact with others. The other portrays how I am seen and my narrative in life.
How does your dæmon feel about their form(s)? They love all of them and the more meaning behind a form the prouder they are taking it.
What does it mean for a dæmon's form to be settled? Represents who I (or they) are for a set moment in time. Finding and being content with who we are and our identity.
What kind of forms has your dæmon taken in the past? A variety, mostly animals.
How did your dæmon(s) get their name(s)? Chosen together or they picked one they liked.
What do your dæmon(s) names mean to you? Not much. One of my daemons shares my name which is pretty cool but there is little meaning behind everyone's name.
Has your dæmon's name ever changed? If so, feel free to elaborate! Yes! My first daemon has gone through 3 name changed. First one didn't fit right, second lasted years but he got tired of seeing other people with it, so now he's on his third.
How did you first learn about dæmonism? I learned about daemons through His Dark Materials and daemonism through The Daemon Page.
What motivated you to try dæmonism? Loved the companionship daemons gave in the books
Has your experience of dæmonism changed since you first discovered it? If so, how? I take it far more seriously now as a tool for mental health and self-awareness. I just wanted a unique friend that was a talking animal in the beginning.  
How do your dæmon(s) affect and influence your everyday life? Hm, its so hard to say after living over half my life with one. But I'd say they influence my day just by helping me process everything?
How has dæmonism helped you? My daemons have taught me self-love, self-worth, pride, and acceptance.
What does the dæmian community mean to you? They are my home. Sometimes you leave home, and sometimes family upsets you, but you still feel drawn back no matter where you wander. The community is a family I have chosen and I will always feel a part of.
The survey this came from can be found here “ Daemon Survey “. If you are interested in sharing your thoughts please consider completing it, I know the creator would greatly appreciate it.
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starrun · 3 years
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Please call me Captain. I'm 25+ and my pronouns are they/them.
I have been in the otherkin community for 10+ years, and fictionkin since Aug 2021. This blog is for my OC kintype and Fictionkinity.
I am also a dæmian, a rogue archetrope, and I do have other kintypes (though I will avoid talking about them here). My hearthome is the Star Wars setting.
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I don't know how often I will be posting on this blog, but I will reblog a lot of posts that make me feel at home.
I am open to talking to new people, so feel free to send DMs or asks - especially others with OC, sci-fi, or Star Wars based alterhumanity (though that is not a requirement).
This is a sideblog, so I can't follow anyone from here.
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Important tags - #Commlink [My original posts], #Noemata [My 'kin noemata/ "memories"], #Essays [Essays, often about my own experiences], #Holomail [Asks], #Correspondence [Anything where I am replying to someone else], #After Dark [Anything suggestive or otherwise NSFW]
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