bobauthorman · 2 years
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This will always be the funniest moment of the 2003 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon. Always.
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oozeofthecovenant · 1 year
There are two types of mutagen in OOTC. One primary, one secondary.
Primary mutagen is a byproduct of Utrom atmosphere converters in the TCRI building— the Utroms have protocol to contain it so it doesn't contaminate their temporary home planet, but some of the machines were faulty and the Utroms were unaware— partially to do with the workers at the facility, and Bishop's external bribery to keep it hush hush.
The way primary mutagen mutates organisms is that it enhances/increases the self-awareness and intelligence of any organism with or without a nervous system, as well as anthropomorphising them and giving most the ability to speak. If a human were to come into contact with it, they would gain high intelligence but mostly keep their physical state with slight alterations that are easily overlooked.
Secondary mutagen is a highly reactive substance synthesised by Agent Bishop and Dr Baxter Stockman, who were previously capitalising off of the outflow of primary mutagen by using it as the main power source for their laboratory/office building.
After the Utroms fixed their atmosphere converters' mutagen disposal unit, Stockman and Bishop decided to synthesise their own chemical compound that manages to generate enough energy to sustain the high-energy work they do in Stockgen and the EPF. This is the secondary mutagen.
How it mutates organisms is by fusing the DNA of any organism with DNA into one— essentially creating amalgamations of species. If the mutated person has an obvious larger abundance of DNA of a certain animal, they will instead take on that form. However they will still retain their human-like cognition.
How it reacts to organisms mutated from primary ooze is very different— it reverses the mutation, essentially acting as a form of retro-mutagen which has slow-acting, but permanent consequences.
Examples of people from primary ooze would be Seymour Guts, who started out as a network of prototype organic nanobots which somehow ended up in the ocean, being bathed with ocean water contaminating the stuff. The nanobots gained an ability to coordinate extra well, forming a fully functioning organism with its circulatory system consisting of mutagen, hence the Mutagen Man. Because his cells are Nanobots Premium, Seymour is very fragile and needs extra care or he'll be splayed back into a network of organic bots.
The kidnapped children on D'Hoonib were exposed to mutagen because Krang got impatient when he realised that their intelligence level had not reached the point where they were able to conceptualise the Utroms' scientific theorems. With an enhanced intelligence they were able to be about as intelligent as the average Utrom at their point in lifespan, therefore made it easier for Krang to tell them about important concepts yet-to-be-discovered by humanity.
The Mutagen Bomb using secondary mutagen mutated many humans and changed their lives forever, including Jennika and one other Mona Lisa who was, at the time, babysat by April for the past 3 days and hence mutated into a human-salamander hybrid.
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bluepeachstudios · 11 months
Hey, you remember in the turtle with the four ninja rats in the sewers on D'Hoonib? What if Ghost ends up in a dimension where four baby RATS get mutated instead.
teenage mutant ninja rodents ......
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kudosmyhero · 7 months
TMNT: Utrom Empire (IDW) #1
Read Date: May 30, 2023 Cover Date: January 2014 ● Writer: Paul Allor ● Art: Andy Kuhn ● Colorist: Bill Crabtree ● Letterer: Shawn Lee ● Editor: Bobby Curnow ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● aww, a li'l Utrom family on a picnic!
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● Fugitoid :( ● 👏👏👏👏
Synopsis: Professor Honeycutt, also known as Chet Allen, also known as the Fugitoid, has an existential moment atop a cliff on Burnow Island. In a moment of hopelessness, Honeycutt steps into nothingness and shatters to pieces on the jagged rocks jutting out of the ocean. A short while later however, General Krang's scientists have retrieved and reassembled Honeycutt's robotic body, and continue to download his scientific knowledge in order to complete work on the Technodrome, Krang's tool to terraform the Earth.
Meanwhile, Krang ensures that his staff has taken necessary measures to avoid loss of power as a result of an approaching hurricane. However, Baxter Stockman has snuck outside and tampered with the power system.
On pre-historic earth, a number of Utrom scientists arrive via a transdimensional portal. Two of the scientists discuss political trouble back home, the D'Hoonnib people rebelling against Prime Minister Quanin, while they take samples from a triceratops.
Many years later, a much younger General Krang is celebrating the defeat of the D'hoonibs and the destruction of the Praxoid Alliance with his men, among them Zog, a Triceratons (a race of mutant triceratopses created by Utrom scientists). His father, Emperor Quanin walks in and asks what the commotion is for; Krang informs him that they have defeated the alliance.
In the Molta VI Asteroid Field in deep space, a crew of Utroms attempts to find ooze to harvest. Just as another asteroid fails to yield any ooze, the Utroms are fired upon by a rebel ship, manned by Neutrinos and Triceratons.
Months later, a meeting is being held on Utrominon in the High Council Chambers. Emperor Quanin reports that the rebellion continues to grow stronger and they must increase their military efforts to maintain their control over the edges of their empire. Quanin appoints Krang to the Praxoid Viceroyalty to oversee their mining and military operations. Councilor Lorqa interjects to ask why they continue to press outwards, colonizing new planets and enslaving new races. Quanin retorts that he had to interceed to avoid a power vacuum caused by the Praxoid Alliance's defeat. Lorqa accuses Quanin of bringing ruin upon his own people, throwing all their resources away on the expansion of his empire.
On Burnow Island, present day, the power goes out during the storm thanks to Baxter Stockman's sabotage of the power system. Stockman leaves his room and finds the Fugitoid being held in an examination room. Stockman frees the Fugitoid and tells him he wants to use the cover of the storm to thwart Krang's efforts. Fugitoid, planning on destroying his body so Krang can no longer use his knowledge, agrees to help Stockman.
In New Quanin City, the Seat of the Praxoid Viceroyalty, Krang is briefed on the current state of the fight against the rebellion by Commander Zog. Zog tells him that as a result of him ordering public executions for the miners who led the uprising, more people have joined the rebellion. Krang tells him that they can start killing the children of the rebels. Zog tells Krang that its not his problem anymore, just as a blast shatters the windows. Outside, a fleet of ships swoops down upon the city. Krang orders Zog to arm the Triceraton forces; Zog tells Krang to look outside, where the Triceratons themselves are the ones attacking the Utroms. Krang looks back at Zog who is pointing a gun at him. Zog tells Krang that his pride has blinded him to the futility of his father's efforts to maintain his empire. Krang knocks the gun out of Zog's hand and the two fight. Krang tells Zog that his people should be grateful for the elevation of their species, the bestowal of purpose. Zog manages to defeat Krang, but leaves him alive because he believes that Krang will realize his people are doomed if they continue on their current path.
In Northampton, Massachusetts, present day, Donatello searches furiously for something. Michelangelo asks what he's looking for; Donnie tells him that after Fugitoid was kidnapped by Krang, April broke into his StockGen locker and found his journal. Donnie, finally finding it, looks through and finds designs for the Technodrome.
On Burnow Island, Stockman and Fugitoid walk unnoticed through the building. Fugitoid tells Stockman that if they wish to destroy the Technodrome they have to go the other direction. Stockman tells Fugitoid that he's insane if he thinks they're going to destroy the most powerful weapon ever invented. Stockman shows Fugitoid where they were headed, the room storing the other Utroms in stasis, suspended in huge vials of ooze. Stockman tells Fugitoid that his plan is to hit Krang where it hurts the most, to destroy his purpose. Stockman opens the vials of ooze so that they start to drain and kill the Utroms. Fugitoid, deciding that he cannot simply destroy himself to keep his knowledge from Krang, takes action. Fugitoid knocks out Stockman and closes the vials. "I can fix everything" says Fugitoid.
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Fan Art: The day of a lifetime by childrenoftherosx
Accompanying Podcast: ● Shellheads - episode 62
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tamachan221 · 5 years
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A collab of little Kimmy moments in the Turtles in Space arc (one of my personal favorite arcs) I might do another one after this...since I'm starting this arc in my fanfic ouo - It's Ninja Time! Starting on the top left, Kimiko is sneaking through D'Hoonib in a stuffy, hooded robe that is much bigger than she is. That, and feeling the fabric scratching against her plastron and shell is very uncomfortable. Going to the bottom left, in the bar, Kimmy had yeet a broken Federation gun at the head of one of the Federation men, while shouting "UTINNI!" at the man as he went down. 2003 Kimiko is a Star Wars nerd, so along with being stressed and pressured by the fact that they're not on Earth, she is a tiny bit excited to know that other galaxies and aliens exist. Utinni is the line said by the Jawas in Star Wars - Then, on the bottom right after getting captured by Triceratons and stripped of her weapons and gear. The Triceratons have the Fugitoid/Professor Honeycutt, who is the turtles' only way of ever getting home and helping Master Splinter. Of course she is still very much under pressure and stress, even more so when they may never be able to go back to New York as they are imprisoned by the aliens. Very first day she's captured, a prisoner pokes fun at her, and Kimmy just kinda 'snaps' after a foul comment is made and proceeds to beat the daylights out of the bully (a Kalmarian too owo) until either one of the turtles, Mikey probably, or one the Guards takes action. But this results the Little Turtle into a one way ticket to The Games (or just goes straight the Tri-Sports Gladiator prison idk yet...).
Top right, she is stuck in Gruell's Gladiator Prison, with her ankles now having cuffs for bad behavior. Next to it, a little later, when the guards aren't nearby, she breaks down as Leonardo comforts her >w<
  TMNT 2003, Leonardo- Kevin Eastman, Mirage
Art, Kimiko, Kalmarian- TamaChan221
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orange-n-juice · 8 years
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And so, by the powers vested in me by Planet D'Hoonib, it gives me great pleasure to pronounce you, Casey Jones and you April O'neil, man and wife. You may kiss the bride.
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kaylasrose · 6 years
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Fugitoid's real name is Professor Zayton Honeycutt. He is a robot with a human mind who is an ally to the turtles. He is a cyborg and his weapon is his robotic body. He is an alien from the planet D'Hoonib of humanoid scientists. Who are obsessed with penetrating the highest truths of the universe. He is very smart and he and Donnie would hang out. He is a great person.
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bobauthorman · 5 days
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Surprised Turtles are best Turtles.
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oozeofthecovenant · 1 year
Zayton Honeycutt
Zayton was a normal human child on Earth until he was abducted by Krang at around 8 years old, to a distant planet called D'Hoonib, tasked to be a scientist. He has always taken an interest in STEM, so he diligently listened and tinkered around curiously.
This brought him closer to Krang, especially how Krang saw bits of himself in Zayton, they bonded as if they were father and son. To Krang, Zayton was his #1 scientist.
Somewhere along the lines, he got along with troublemakers Harold and Libby, whom he uses his "favourite child" privileges to help them out.
He doesn't hate the life he has in D'Hoonib, but he sometimes just wishes he could go back home. He brings this up to Krang sometime around his late teens, and asks if Krang could let him return just for a bit. Krang knows the risks of potentially exposing him to Earth and gives him a firm NO, and Zayton never asks him again.
However, his best friends Harold and Libby were determined to let him live his dream. They would build a teleportal device to Earth and send him through there. Since they have subcutaneous trackers in them there's no way that Zayton could walk around on Earth without Krang finding out. So, they will build a robot— the Simulated Anthropomorphic Lifeform (SAL), and transfer Honeycutt's conciousness into it while he's on Earth. This way his body can stay in D'Hoonib, while his mind can be on Earth and do Earth things, without Krang realising.
They stuck a remote camera on SAL so Zayton could watch over his body while he's on Earth, along with a remote telecommunications device that will help Libby and Harold communicate with him then. They also agree to always keep an eye on Zayton's body and the technicalities of everything on the D'Hoonib side— they never felt the need to return.
It took them about 20 years to finish the project— side gig and all— and by then they're in their late 30's. Zayton finally goes to his home, and sees his family under SAL's cloaking device. His family handles it surprisingly well, considering he was gone for about 30 years. They believe him, because stricken with grief they'll believe anything. He spends some time on Earth both with his family and alone, enjoying the things that he was missing all this time.
Along the way he meets and falls in love with Marra, and they start dating... somehow. I have ideas where they met in a park with Marra infodumping about her special interest to him. I love autistic people. Commencing comical romantic romcom that I honest to god don't know how to write... Marra takes Zayton's whole backstory quite nicely, because, well, in front of her is literally a robot explaining the situation, things couldn't get any weirder than this.
He leaves Earth through the portal, and goes back to D'Hoonib to tell Harold and Libby about his day on Earth. Then, a few days later, he goes back to Earth, to experience it again. He does this again and again, for years. And Harold and Libby were always smart enough to make sure Krang doesn't find out.
One day, he tells Marra about Krang's plan to terraform the Earth. Marra is disgusted, and rightfully calls it out as genocide. Zayton is confused and horrified— he was never taught this, nor the history of Earth— and Marra patiently explains it to him while progressively getting more angry. I could see her refusing to talk to him for a few days after that, too. But ultimately, she understands that this is a new concept to him and he probably never heard of it. He isn't evil, he's just... an idiot.
After this exchange Zayton goes back to D'Hoonib and has a good cry with Harold and Libby, telling them about the truth on Krang's plans. They, too, are horrified, with an "I knew it, Krang's screwed in the head" kinda reaction.
Instead of growing distant from Krang Zayton decides to get even closer to him, because he refuses to believe that Krang is actually this heartless, evil monster who wants to wipe out all life on Earth. So, he tries to change him, subtly hinting to Krang that he thinks that something is very wrong about his idea.
Now, Krang is not stupid. He picks up that Zayton has changed his demeanour somewhere along the lines, and wonders what is wrong with this guy. He starts plotting ways to spy on what Zayton is doing in his free time, at first he was convinced it was Harold and Libby's doing, and decides to find out once and for all.
Thus, while Zayton is out on Earth as usual, Krang pays the secret lab they made a visit. He finds out about everything they've been doing over the past 25 years. He was so angry at the secrecy and gall of these 'children' that in a fit of wrath, accidentally destroyed his top scientist's body and severely injures Harold and Libby who tried to protect him. Thinking they are dead, Krang leaves the place.
Krang tells everyone that there is a Fugitoid on the loose. He tells the other D'Hoonibians that the Fugitoid is very violent and dangerous, nearly killed Harold and Libby. He tells Granitor to go to Earth via Krang's teleportal device and track down this Fugitoid, wherever it is, and intentionally leaves out the fact that he was originally Honeycutt.
Zayton watches all this unfold on his remote camera, unable to do anything about it. And worse yet, once Zayton returns home, he finds his family dead. Burnt. The work of Granitor. He goes to Marra for asylum, and to maybe live at her place.
Zayton is filled with grief and anger, but at least he has Marra. She was his support for most of this and she urged him on to fight against what Krang was doing, because it was the "right thing to do." Of course, not before coming to terms with... everything that's changed. Stranded on Earth, with no family, no Harold or Libby.
He tries to find networks. He confides in the EPF, who agrees to track Krang's location and give him all the information that they can find on him. Since the Utroms and the EPF are under contractual solidarity they can't hurt them, but they track all Krang activity as much as possible.
He sneaks into TCRI. Surely, that must be the place where he could find the truth about Krang? Marra offered to follow him, but he tells her to keep herself safe because she has a job, a life, and God knows Krang is out there looking for the person who 'tainted' his top scientist and most useful asset.
And that's where we are at the start of the story.
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oozeofthecovenant · 1 year
Character Masterlist
There's a lot of side switching, so this was a biiit hard to write...
The Hamato clan {#hamato clan}
Hamato Yoshi [#yoshi]
Hamato Splinter [#splinter]
Hamato Karai [#karai]
Leonardo [#leo]
Raphael [#raph]
Donatello [#donnie]
Michelangelo [#mikey]
April O'Neil [#april]
Casey Jones [#casey]
Mona Lisa [#mona lisa]
Venus [#venus]
Lita [#lita]
Hamato Allies {#misc:protags}
Angel Bridge [#angel]
Marra (insert last name here) [#marra]
The Mutanimals {#mutanimals}
Old Hob [#hob]
Slash [#slash]
Sally Pride [#sally]
Mondo Gecko [#mondo]
Seymour Gutz/Mutagen Man [#seymour]
The Foot {#foot}
Oroku Saki/The Shredder [#saki]
Jennika [#jennika]
Alopex [#alopex]
Bebop [#bebop]
Rocksteady [#rocksteady]
StockGen [#stockgen]
Baxter Stockman [#stockman]
Jake O'Neil [#april's dad]
Elizabeth O'Neil [#april's mom]
Lindsey Baker [#lindsey]
"Chet Allen" [#honeycutt]
The Earth Protection Force (EPF) [#epf]
John Bishop [#bishop]
Kara Lewis [#kara]
Sargeant Winters [#winters]
Utroms {#utrom}
Krang [#krang]
Ch'rell [#ch'rell]
Ma'rielle [#ma'rielle]
Quanin [#quanin]
D'Hoonibians {#d'hoonib}
Zayton Honeycutt/the Fugitoid [#honeycutt]
Libby Meitner [#libby]
Harold Lilja [#harold]
The Triceratons {#triceraton}
Zanramon [#zanramon] - old tyrant
Zom [#zom] - new leader
Zog [#zog] - advisor
Neutrinos {#neutrino} (not developed yet but they will be there, i prommy)
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