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'Baie de Saint-Jean-de-Luz'. Georges Lacombe. 1904. :: [Guillaume Gris]
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"The vast marvel is to be alive… The supreme triumph is to be most vividly, most perfectly alive. Whatever the unborn and the dead may know, they cannot know the beauty, the marvel of being alive in the flesh. The dead may look after the afterwards. But the magnificent here and now of life in the flesh is ours, and ours alone, and ours only for a time. We ought to dance with rapture that we should be alive and in the flesh, and part of the living, incarnate cosmos. I am part of the sun as my eye is part of me. That I am part of the earth my feet know perfectly, and my blood is part of the sea. My soul knows that I am part of the human race, my soul is an organic part of the great human soul… There is nothing of me that is alone and absolute except my mind, and we shall find that the mind has no existence by itself, it is only the glitter of the sun on the surface of the waters."
--D.H. LAWRENCE/"The Apocalypse."
[h/t The Marginalian]
[follies of god]
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gattogrigiobjd · 5 months
I got the blues thinking of the future, so I left off and made some marmalade. It's amazing how it cheers one up to shred oranges and scrub the floor.
--D. H. Lawrence
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valhallarealm · 2 years
L'amante di Lady Chatterley: la storia personale di D.H. Lawrence è più avvincente del romanzo
L’amante di Lady Chatterley: la storia personale di D.H. Lawrence è più avvincente del romanzo
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lillyli-74 · 8 months
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Even you, if you knew how this darkness soaks me through and through, and infuses unholy fear in my essence, you would pause to distinguish what hurts from what amuses.
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haysillustrations · 1 year
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New illustration! Titled 'Let It Be Spring' from the poem 'Craving for Spring' by D.H.Lawrence. Inspired by all the things that remind me of early spring! I hope you like it 🌸🌱🐸🍵🌼
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yorgunherakles · 1 year
incitircesine gururlu, sonra birden kendini hiçe sayarcasına alçakgönüllü..
d.h.lawrence - lady chatterley'in sevgilisi
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byronsmuse · 3 months
At evening, sitting on this terrace, When the sun from the west, beyond Pisa, beyond the mountains of Carrara Departs, and the world is taken by surprise … When the tired flower of Florence is in gloom beneath the glowing Brown hills surrounding … When under the arches of the Ponte Vecchio A green light enters against stream, flush from the west, Against the current of obscure Arno … Look up, and you see things flying Between the day and the night; Swallows with spools of dark thread sewing the shadows together. A circle swoop, and a quick parabola under the bridge arches Where light pushes through; A sudden turning upon itself of a thing in the air. A dip to the water. And you think: “The swallows are flying so late!” Swallows? Dark air-life looping Yet missing the pure loop … A twitch, a twitter, an elastic shudder in flight And serrated wings against the sky, Like a glove, a black glove thrown up at the light, And falling back. Never swallows! Bats! The swallows are gone. At a wavering instant the swallows gave way to bats By the Ponte Vecchio … Changing guard. Bats, and an uneasy creeping in one’s scalp As the bats swoop overhead! Flying madly. Pipistrello! Black piper on an infinitesimal pipe. Little lumps that fly in air and have voices indefinite, wildly vindictive; Wings like bits of umbrella. Bats! Creatures that hang themselves up like an old rag, to sleep; And disgustingly upside down. Hanging upside down like rows of disgusting old rags And grinning in their sleep. Bats! In China the bat is symbol for happiness. Not for me!
D.H.Lawrence, The Bat
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handgiven · 5 months
songs and quotes for the muse
tagged by @shilohgreen tagging anyone who would like to do this .) tag me so i can have a look at what you write down <3
five SONGS for my muse:
—suntescobar by lor. how would you feel if you were the sunset / sailing alone behind the mountains looking at her / she dances losing her way far from home
—everything matters by aurora. you're part of the dawn where the light comes from the dark / you're a part of the morning and everything matters / and we are, an atom and a star / you're a part of the movement and everything matters (to me, to me, to me, to me)
—sleeping giants by the crane wives. i feel the mountains, i feel the mountains / shifting under me / the sleeping giants are finally waking / waking finally
—rule #1 - magic by fish in a birdcage. pass it along, pass it along, i'm just the messenger givin' a wake-up call / pass it along, pass it along, i wanna speak to your soul, this is our conversation starter / there is magic in this room, i don't know if you can see it / there is magic in this room, i don't know if you can feel it / it's called love.
—diamond day by vashti bunyan. just another diamond day / just a blade of grass / just another life to live / just a word to say / just another love to give / and a diamond day
five QUOTES for my muse:
"the field that you are standing before appears to have the same proportions as your own life." the field by john berger.
the entirety of the 'my name' chapter of in watermelon sugar by richard brautigan.
"my brother once showed me a piece of quartz that contained, he said, some trapped water older than all the seas in our world. he held it up to my ear. "listen," he said, "life and no escape." plainwater: essays and poetry by anne carson.
“still, a great deal of light falls on everything.” from a letter by vincent van gogh
"be alone, and feel the trees silenty growing. be alone, and see the moonlight outside, white and busy and silent. be quite alone, and feel the living cosmos softly rocking, soothing and restoring and healing." lonely, lonesome, loney - o! by d.h.lawrence
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haggishlyhagging · 1 year
“The sexologists listed an impressive array of dangers which would befall women, children, men, marriage, and ‘society’ from woman’s failure to enjoy or engage in sexual intercourse. The sexologists assumed that there was a sexual instinct or drive and that if this instinct did not find its appropriate outlet in sexual intercourse, then women would suffer from ‘repression’, and thwarted instincts, which would cause them to be ‘bitter’, ‘man-hating’, ‘destructive’, ‘fanatical’, ‘kill-joys’, a ‘threat to civilisation’. Ludovici, in his antifeminist classic Lysistrata (1924), employed this idea. Ludovici’s book was a powerful fascist tract, in which he called for the return of the superman and the destruction of democracy in order to save the race from deterioration. The main problem, which necessitated these drastic measures, was women’s withdrawal from sexual intercourse. Ludovici made it clear that he was terrified of feminism. The connection between fear of feminism and the rise of fascist ideology in the immediate post-war period would repay further study. It has been suggested that D.H.Lawrence’s flirtation with fascist thought at this period, combined with the developing strength of his misogyny, might have stemmed from this source.”
-Sheila Jeffreys, The Spinster and Her Enemies
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andreyshch · 10 months
"I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself." D.H.Lawrence.
 “Dishonesty in a woman is a thing you never blame deeply - I was casually sorry, and then I forgot.”
Help us translate this quote.
remember someone involved in the recovery and saving of wild birds said that it is often hard to tell if a bird is sick or wounded from their appearance because in the wild they are hiding it to the last moment. Not showing. Not because they don't have an ego or self-consciousness. They do have them, only small and primitive in comparison. And in human they are often just a tool. One owns an ego like a car or something bigger, a house.
In the beginning of the 20th century it was widely believed that animals are not able to experience pain because they have no self-consciousness. Even such thoughtful man as C.S.Lewis thought that (his treatise "On pain"). Or Heidegger. Not some havily tattooed and mustached whale gunners. I remember a picture, more like an engraving than a photograph, printed i think in "London Illustrated" in 1922 (?) depicting a scene when the gunners of the navy ships were training on whales. The whales floating with their bellies emerged from water and few battle ships at the distance. And there was a cheerful inscription under this image, something like: "When there are no enemies around, the brave gunmen of the navy keep mastering their skills on whales". No enemies around, no. There are always no enemies around but nearby, disguised. I depict this picture and the inscription by memory because it is not searchable, obviously as excessively cruel. Possibly upsetting as they now call it. One must go to the library or look through all the scans for 1922 or 1921.
This belief, about the lack of self-reflextion in animals, is really mystical. Why did they need it? To emphasise the presence of it in humans? Now it is strongly doubtful it's a gain, at least that it can be reached by effort or chosen. It is said that all is in our mind, all reality sits in our brain, and at the same time - that we should put down the burden of our mind - say, through meditation, since drugs are too effective, to stop the flow of inner talk which is
[photo of a hawk sitting on the electric wire with an arrow piercing its chest through]
"Starve, scourge, deride me: I am dumb,
 I keep my secret still. " (G.K.Chesterton)
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callmewinged · 1 year
"[D.H.Lawrence]... Is a master of selective precise observation within a wider luminosity, like one of the great impressionists--Monet--or perhaps like Cézanne." ~ Stephen Spender
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librarrodent · 1 year
I forgot about this blog
Ok so now I'm reading The Rainbow by D.H.Lawrence, and I can not BELIEVE how this man has just articulated my deepest most vague and flighty feelings, those feelings that I get that are so strange and mysterious, I never could put them into words or talk about them to somebody else yet he just GETS it.
The way this book is structured and written is so like the way we as human beings THINK, it's very vague and it goes on tangents but you know what he is talking about because you have FELT it before.
Or maybe it's just me interpreting the book in a way it was not meant to be but it doesn't matter because this book has definitely earned its way into my favourite books shelf.
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tyhaodiary · 2 years
時髦的自然酒館『Wine RVLT Taipei』
“If we sip the wine, we find dreams coming upon us out of the imminent night.” 「如果我們喝點葡萄酒,我們就能從茫茫黑夜中看到夢想的星光。」—D.H.Lawrence 日期:2023年2月20日(一) 天氣:多雲氣溫: 16 地點:臺灣臺北市-中山區。 休假日的小確性就是要建立在一天從頭至尾的充實安排。除了早上起床有點晚,整理一下家裡,洗個衣服,直到近中午時間去咖啡館補一補網路日記,而完成後,我又找了一間理想的咖啡館認認真真的喝了一杯拿鐵。 爾後,我慌了,沒有計畫了?空氣冷卻,天空霧濛,恰恰是使人憂鬱憂愁的景想。不過,依我的個性,不是大繞一圈北市,就是硬要擠出個計畫出來。而在近傍晚時,我開始有了想法,可以安排個喜愛,且稀少的Wine…
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gaslitbyamadman · 4 years
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quotaholic · 4 years
Every man has a mob self and an individual self, in varying proportions.
D.H. Lawrence
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psychodollyuniverse · 4 years
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