truly-quirkless · 5 days
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"Tree Man'n I are goin' swimmin'- y'wanna come with?"
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savvypervy · 2 months
This blog is a safe space to all people, if you're homophobic, transphobic, racist or just a shit person in general, kindly fuck off.
I'm a 23 yo pervert from Brasil (GMT-3).
I'm pansexual, and poly.
Not looking for a relationship rn. Just smth casual. We can keep talking for a long casual thing too.
I'm into mostly anything. And I like taking control.
Limits: SH, 3D, scat, vomit, z00, "melon", detrans (I'm not trans, but it deeply discomforts me), sacrilegy of religious imagery (crucifix, religious images, holy grounds...)
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S3ss: 0536632f9755a0ba500263e16d21d4bab543180f8ad7df1cc94a27ad936a3b732d
D1sc: jorgejones2058
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haunted-car0usel · 9 months
1 H4T3 H4T3 H4T3 WH3N P3OPL3 F4K3 B31NG 4 SYST3M
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jaded-falcon · 1 month
Personnel List: Talon 3, Trinary Charlie, First Falcon Strikers, Delta Galaxy, Clan Jade Falcon Touman
Date: 21 May, 3052
Unit Designation Code: D1SC Talon 3
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Star Commander, MechWarrior Elizabeth Ryhill-Hazen (Point 1 | "Spirit")
Born: 11 November 3030
BattleMech: Timber Wolf (Prime Configuration), "Death Knell"
Noteworthy Heraldry: Nautical star on right side of right missile rack.
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MechWarrior James Redshore (Point 2 | "Tourist")
Born: 21 February 3030
KIA: 20 May 3052, Tukayyid
Circumstances: Personally fought a holding action to allow the rest of Trinary Charlie to withdraw. Destroyed three BattleMechs in close combat before falling to enemy fire.
BattleMech: Warhammer IIC, "Doorknocker"
Noteworthy Heraldry: Sledgehammer on shoulder, above five tally-marks.
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MechWarrior Malia Noveau (Point 3 | "Ronin")
Born: 31 July 3029
KIA: 20 May 3052, Tukayyid
Circumstances: BattleMech overheated and shut down due to ComGuard "Commando" COM-3A equipped with flame weaponry. Destroyed shortly thereafter by an autocannon round to the cockpit.
BattleMech: Marauder IIC (Custom Refit), "Trespass"
Noteworthy Heraldry: Shark grin decal just below the cockpit.
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MechWarrior Allison Graves-Hardy (Point 4 | "Samurai")
Born: 19 February 3025
KIA: 20 May 3052, Tukayyid
Circumstances: Killed by artillery fire while securing a river crossing.
BattleMech: Summoner (C Configuration), "Seppuku"
Noteworthy Heraldry: Cherry blossom decal on centre chest.
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MechWarrior Tanya Indell (Point 5 | "Blade")
Born: 1 July 3030
KIA: 20 May 3052, Tukayyid
Circumstances: Ammunition explosion caused a reactor flame-out; pilot killed while ejecting.
BattleMech: Archer C, "Caliburn"
Noteworthy Heraldry: Sword-in-the-stone decal on both shoulders.
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parznite · 3 months
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[ COMMISSION ] Finished a Commission of D1SC for a friend on discord! He do be stretching!
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inertia392 · 6 years
Hello weekend. Good to see ya🚀🚀🚀 Get to the weekend a little faster with our cams 🤣 #Repost @procharged_srt8 with @get_repost ・・・ Just using up last years tires in Mexico. #srt8 #srt #Wisconsin #oakley #usa #procharged300csrt8 #prochargedhemi #Murica #merica #chicagoblackhawks #QP #D1SC #tunedbyjohan #diablotoona #crowercams #kooksheaders #magnaflow #southernhotrod #WARVIKING #CPCARILLOPISTONS #molnarrods #kingxp #beard #inertiamotorsportscam @inertiamotorsports Boost cam hard at work 😉
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dangan-meme-palace · 4 years
Analysis – Kokichi's Plan in Chapter 4
The concept, the execution, and the failure.
Before we start, it's my personal recommendation that you read this analysis before rewatching the chapter 4 trial, and then reading it as you rewatch it. Unfortunately, due to tumblr limiting the number of pictures I can put in a single post, I've decided to refrain from adding screenshots as I just have too many I want to add. However, my points are evidenced by the trial itself if you watch carefully with them in mind, and so I'm encouraging you to do so. Please, please do so.
By my analysis, Kokichi's plan was to implicate himself as the culprit and for Gonta to get away with the murder in order to mercy kill the rest of the students and save them from despair.
Kokichi mentions this much before and after the trial, most people remembering the moments after and not the moments before; probably because between subtle admittance and loud screaming and crying, you'll remember the screaming and crying more. This analysis is based on the fact that his words pre- and post-trial are true, which is backed by several canon instances and also it just makes sense.
Now! This plan required a few things to work:
It required Kokichi to make everyone hate and be suspicious of him
It required Gonta to cooperate
It required Kokichi to be able to get around Shuichi's deductive reasoning in some way
It required a majority of the class to vote for Kokichi
If that wording seems specific, it's because it is!
I'll be talking about each major component of this plan and how each factor (almost) worked together to create a perfect storm + when, how, and why this plan failed despite quite frankly being a fantastic display of Kokichi's talent as the Ultimate (Supreme) Leader.
The 1st component is pretty much accomplished before the chapter even begins, he is a self-proclaimed liar that annoys people regularly after all, but in order for the 3rd and 4th components to really work he needed to sink his reputation even lower. He does this in a multitude of ways both before and during the trial: making sinister faces or looking nervous at appropriate times, antagonizing everyone (but most importantly Gonta and Kaito), and just in general being a lying nuisance that no one really wants to listen to.
The 2nd component was accomplished inside the Virtual World... and then immediately undone as soon as Gonta logged out due to a couple of crossed wires. The fact that Gonta forgot remaining undiscovered by everyone (including Kokichi) until two-thirds of the way through the trial is important to how the plan failed and adds perspective in areas, but I'll hold off on explaining why until it's time to talk about it in-depth. Make a mental note and let's move on.
The 3rd component explains why during the investigation every single surviving member of the cast told Shuichi that they trusted him but then when we get really into the trial we start seeing them doubt him immensely, Kaito being among the people that doubted Shuichi the most. Why is that? How did everyone go from relying on Shuichi to thinking for themselves and doubting his reasoning, and what does it have to do with Kokichi? It's simple: Kokichi lead the others into doing so.
We see this a lot during the investigation period, or at least the prep work of it. Kokichi constantly encourages the others to say things like: "We can't leave this all to Shuichi, we have to work hard too!" by telling them that they should all rely on Shuichi and to never doubt his judgment. Kokichi was using his bad reputation to make them come to a conclusion that is the exact opposite of what he said. More on that a little later as well!
Kokichi knows his reputation, he's the one that made it that way after all, and frequently you will see him use it to his advantage. Whether he's trying to cover up an emotional outburst or he's trying to make someone admit something, you will often see him use his reputation as someone untrustworthy to lead conversations in subtle ways.
I use the word "lead" with great emphasis as that is his Talent. He is the very best of the best at leading people; The Ultimate (Supreme) Leader. When he wants someone to think a certain way or do something they end up doing it whether they realize it or not, because he is extremely talented in his field. I cannot stress enough how good this man is at leading conversations and people into going where he wants them to go. Oh shit back to the point–!
During this time we also see Kokichi acting strange, so strange that Shuichi mentions it four times in his internal dialogue. Following him, being helpful, offering advice and hints... it seems nice until you realize his intention wasn't to become good partners with Shuichi, but to instead ruin Shuichi's reputation with the others by having them associate Shuichi with Kokichi, who they already hate thanks to component 1.
During the trial you'll see this subtle manipulation working as soon as Kokichi starts calling Shuichi partner and making Shuichi agree with his points, putting on a false show of partnership. To the others it seemed that Shuichi was picking Kokichi over all of his friends even when Shuichi himself tries to explain otherwise, and this is absolutely no coincidence.
Kaito is especially affected by this because Kaito and Kokichi are sworn enemies, and in Kaito's mind, Shuichi just picked his enemy over him. It really hurt him to be "betrayed" like this, causing Kaito to turn his back on Shuichi despite the numerous promises that he would never do such a thing he made prior to this trial. Kokichi really focuses on breaking their friendship too, interrupting Shuichi multiple times when he tries to tell Kaito that it's not personal and making sinister faces while saying that Shuichi is his partner now, taunting and gloating to Kaito's face about the loss of his sidekick. Breaking them apart was actually key to how Kokichi used Kaito's influence to his advantage in component 4.
Focus on Kaito aside, everyone else also refuses to agree with Kokichi –and Shuichi by association– which means that no matter what Shuichi says or how hard he tries to prove it, as long as Kokichi interrupts him and spins the story to make it look like he was somehow involved in that deduction, no one will agree with Shuichi no matter how much logic he throws at them. He has placed Shuichi's deductions in a permanent state of check. No matter what Shuichi says or does, Kokichi can and will get in the way of it immediately to control the narrative of the trial.
During this time Kokichi also says that Gonta is the culprit and I know that it tripped a lot of people up so I'll elaborate on what he was doing before we get to the next component. You have to remember that Kokichi's style of lying for this trial has predominantly been him saying the exact opposite of what he means in order to make the others do it. If Kokichi says "go left" they will all go right, that is how he uses his reputation. Notice how when he says Gonta is the culprit everyone's immediate reaction is to defend Gonta and persecute Kokichi even more than they were before, effectively framing himself by making it look like he was framing Gonta. When looking at Kokichi's lies it is sometimes essential to analyze the reaction he got than the lie on it's own because what he wants out of people is just as important as what he says to make them do it.
This leads into the 4th component: Kokichi getting the majority vote.
Kaito unquestionably holds the most influence in the trial after Shuichi loses all of his, gaining more by spearheading the hate campaign against Kokichi, and because of this everyone almost lost their lives in a mass execution.
After Shuichi's reputation in the eyes of the others is seen as being led astray and therefore less trustworthy, Kaito is the one that causes and loudly encourages everyone to rally against Kokichi, and by extension, doubt Shuichi's deductions. Kaito doing this more out of a hatred/distrust of Kokichi than anything related to Shuichi, with the rest following suit because they can't trust Kokichi, who they've been lead to hate so much in this trial by both Kaito and, unbeknownst to them, Kokichi. Kokichi essentially created his own witch hunt, with the cast's irrational anger without proof almost leading to a false conviction.
Allow me to further emphasize the fact that everyone but Shuichi was convinced that "Kokichi was a cold-hearted murderer trying to frame poor Gonta for his own crimes." Also allow me to remind you that according to the rules you don't need everyone to vote for the same person in order to win, you just need a majority. Kokichi had that majority and was about to "win" the trial.
...So why didn't he?
Two. Crossed. Wires.
That's it. All it took was one little piece to be out of place and Kokichi's astonishingly brilliant strategy crumbled in an instant. Allow me to clarify:
Everyone remembers the moment when Kokichi yelled at Gonta, right? The big, bad moment? That one? Good. I'm about to explain to you what Kokichi was thinking while he yelled.
In Kokichi's mind, his plan was almost complete. He had done the impossible! Everything had gone according to keikaku! He had gotten Gonta's cooperation, he made everyone blame him, he made everyone stop listening to the Ultimate Detective, all that was left was for Gonta to condemn him in front of the others and they would all vote for the wrong man. That one little nudge at this very crucial turning point and the plan would finally be complete, his effort made to bear fruit...
Except... Gonta never condemned Kokichi with any sort of evidence, all he said was "I don't know!" and "I didn't do it!" Gonta was about to trip them at the finish line and so Kokichi, as subtly as he could, told Gonta to blame him, the "culprit". Once, twice, a third time... he really tried to explain to Gonta what he was meant to do without alerting the others. It didn't even have to be true, as long as Gonta denounced Kokichi with even the slightest bit of evidence, the others were in enough of a frenzy to believe anything that pinned Kokichi as the culprit. Still, Gonta doesn't catch the hints from his collaborator. How could he? He didn't remember ever becoming partners in the first place. However, Kokichi doesn't know that and gets very frustrated that Gonta is about to throw away their one ticket to stopping the game, so he screams "Just make up an excuse or whatever" in his anger, still trying to get his point across. Gonta can't fuck up now. This is their only shot. Despite this, once more Gonta doesn't know what's going on and misses his cue.
Shuichi finally notices this as well, coming to the conclusion that Gonta's avatar had been the one with the error. Kokichi quickly realizes that his partner isn't available to him anymore, his memories lost in a bundle of wires and code. The moment is over, the frenzy has cooled off by the time Shuichi was done explaining and there was no way for him to lead the conversation again after ruining his own reputation like that. The plan failed.
All because of two little wires.
From here on out we see Kokichi visibly withdraw. There isn't anything left for him to do but complete the trial and think of a new plan. He's less motivated than before, insults everyone less than before, offers his input less than before, and generally seems like he can barely keep up his facade. You can't blame him though, with everything that happened that day and the fact that it was all in vain anyway really must have taken it's toll on Kokichi. From his friend trying to kill him to trying and failing to plan around his own murder to orchestrate and get away with a mass mercy kill... it's an unbelievable understatement to say he was having a bad day.
He speeds the trial up as much as he can with Kaito stubbornly getting in the way, forcing Shuichi to cross everyone off the suspect list except for Gonta, the unwitting blackened. Whether it was out of pity for Gonta's confusion or just him wanting the trial to be over already due to emotional exhaustion, or perhaps even both, doesn't neccesarily matter. Shuichi ends the trial regardless, and it's all over. Kokichi wasn't able to save anyone from despair and two of his friends died for nothing. He has no one to rely on now and no one left would ever consider letting him close to them. Roll credits... until he comes up with a new plan moments after Gonta is executed because if there is one thing about Kokichi you can always bet on, it's his quick wit.
Now that we're at the end, I would like to make something very clear because with how much emphasis I put on Kokichi's capabilities as a leader I'm worried that I might be misunderstood.
I do not believe Gonta was manipulated into murdering Miu. Canon proves that Gonta was a willing collaborator due to external factors not relating to Kokichi's talent as a Leader, but instead because of despair and his own desire to protect everyone and that's that.
It's not really related to this anaylsis, however if I see someone using my own analysis to try and prove that Kokichi was anything but friends with Gonta I will go apeshit. Do not fucking do that.
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cowboyfr1end · 6 years
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orangoh · 7 years
yo don’t reblog this but i’m uncomfy with some stuff I’ve seen and i’d just like to say that I believe aces and aros are inherently lgbt 
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sw1tchb04rd · 3 years
Grass - do you like exploring?
Jukebox - favorite CD?
fuck y34h!!! 1 g3t l0st r34lly 34sy but 1 just,,, w4nd3r :p
Mus1c d1scs? 1 l1k3 4ll 0f th3m 3xc2pt st4l, tbh, but k1nn13 br41n s4ys c4t 4nd m3ll0h1
4ls0 p1gst3p just c4us3 1ts funkyyyy
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cyb3rbvlly · 5 years
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geraldina62 · 4 years
#Repost @coles_paint_correction with @get_repost ・・・ Collection day for the mustang after a package two correction with ceramic coating. Came out super slick and ready to be enjoyed. Love seeing the reaction after all the hard hours put into. #mustang #procharger #d1sc #metallic #compound #polishing #polish #ceramic #ceramiccoating #coles #realdetailing #finished #Refinishing #restoration #solutionfinish #coles_paint_correction https://www.instagram.com/p/CDQASeWDYmp/?igshid=1jsdzu9o5sny8
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1970 Chevy Chevelle Facts ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Engine: 370ci GM LS2-based V-8 Block: ’04 Chevrolet cast-iron Bore x stroke: 4.03 x 3.60 inches Rotating assembly: factory LS2 crank, Eagle 6.125-inch rods, and Wiseco forged pistons with steel top ring Compression ratio: 10.0:1 Cylinder heads: stock GM LS2, casting No. 243, unmodified Camshaft: COMP Cams solid roller, .609/.613-inch lift, 236/242 degrees duration at .050-inch lift, 114-degree LSA Valvetrain: stock valves, COMP Cams 7.4-inch chrome-moly pushrods, Patriot Gold valvesprings, SLP double-roller timing chain Induction: ProCharger D1SC feeding an Edelbrock Pro Flo XT intake manifold, K&N air cleaner Exhaust: Edelbrock stepped 1 ¾- to 17/8-inch headers into a 3-inch X-pipe, 3-inch tubing to the back Cooling: three-core aluminum radiator with 4,000-cfm cooling fans Other: Autocraft oil pan Output: 689 hp at 6,500 rpm and 606 lb-ft of torque at 5,500 rpm (rear wheel) Transmission: T56 six-speed manual with Monster Stage 3 hydraulic clutch, Pro 5.0 shifter Rearend: GM 12-bolt with 3.73 gears and Detroit Truetrac differential Front suspension: tubular upper and lower control arms (unknown brand), QA1 adjustable coilover shocks, QA1 400-pound springs, Addco sway bar Rear suspension: springs of unknown rate, Hellwig Pro Tour sway bar, QA1 12-way adjustable shocks, Pure Muscle adjustable upper and lower control arms Steering: stock components with GM/Saginaw quick-ratio steering box Brakes: C5 Corvette 13-inch discs (front), factory 2002 Camaro discs (rear) Wheels: Niche, 20×8.5 (front), 20×10.5 (rear) Tires: 245/40R20 BFG (front), 305/35R20 Mickey Thompson drag radial (rear) 🍊⚫️🍊⚫️🍊⚫️🍊⚫️🍊⚫️🍊 #chevy #chevrolet #chevelle #camaro #corvette #impala #custom #v8 #hotrod #musclecar #classic #car #ford #mopar #race #ls
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inertia392 · 7 years
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Another iteration of the Killer Bee 🐝- yet it remains the same incredible car😍😍😍🔥 #Repost @srtkillerbee (@get_repost) ・・・ Caught rolling on my way home from @elite_tuner Photographer - @alyyssamcgrath _____________________________________________________________ ❗️Need anything LED? Use discount code "SRTKILLERBEE" on @autoledtech 's website (www.autoledtech.com) for 10% off your purchase❗️ _____________________________________________________________ Follow the team - @eastern_origin - @primal.ny - @drivenclothingco - @empirevinylco -@autoledtech ______________________________________________________________#empirevinyl #emperformance #inertiamotorsports #inertiastrokerbullies #vinyl #vinylwrap #halos #halo #retrofit #decal #426 #426hemi #426stroker #inertiastrokerbullies #srt8 #srt #westbury #bigboyztoyzli #d1sc #procharger #aeromotive #emperformance #inertiamotorsports #1320 #closedcourse #mexico
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automotiveadd · 7 years
My LT1 Camaro vs D1SC Procharged S550 Mustang GT (local track list race for #4 spot)
It was a damn close race! I thought he was going to blow by me on the top end, but the old whore LT1 held of the pony!
Ending up beating my previous best time (10.84), with a 10.62@126!
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fastfordtv · 4 years
SOURCE: Mustang Lifestyle
Comparing the Borla Atak vs. Corsa Xtreme cat-cat systems on a Ford Mustang Shelby GT350 & GT350r. Personally Im goin with the Borla Atak but I may be biased…You be the judge!
“We tested the Borla Atak vs the Corsa Xtreme. Both cars have Longtube Headers.
Mustang Lifestyle Merch: https://mustanglifestyle.net/collecti…
2018 GT350R Whipple Supercharger Kooks Longtubes – X-Pipe Borla Atak Catback: https://amzn.to/2QauYWx
2017 GT350 Procharger D1SC 2m Headers Corsa Xtreme Catback Double Helix X-Pipe”
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#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
VIDEO: Ford Mustang Shelby GT350 | Borla Atak vs. Corsa Xtreme SOURCE: Mustang Lifestyle Comparing the Borla Atak vs. Corsa Xtreme cat-cat systems on a Ford Mustang Shelby GT350 & GT350r.
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