#dad and son 🥺
ppeuppeuppeu · 2 years
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willowser · 3 months
aww, you agree to stay home with your son until he becomes old enough to go to school, but as the summer ends and time draws near for registration, katsuki starts backtracking.
your son has a quirk. it's not so fancy as his father's, but it's more exciting than what you have, and even though he's big into katsuki's heroism, he hasn't shown any more interest in becoming a hero himself than any other boy his age.
at first you think it's katsuki getting nervous about putting him in public school, but he still doesn't seem sold on any of the private teachers you find. you want to go back to work, and it's not that he's telling you no—but there's just this edginess to him, whenever you push the conversation.
"still small," katsuki defends, murming into your hair as you're laying in bed. "another year 'n he'll be a lil' bigger."
it's true—your son is a little on the small side, but he has all the energy and determination of a kid twice his size. it's never stopped him before, nor has it ever had katsuki pulling him off the playground in the past; you're not sure why it matters, now.
"you said that last year."
"yeah, but he didn't grow that much."
"i don't think there's a height restriction for learning, honey."
katsuki sighs, and you can feel the frown pulling his mouth down. it's rare that he ever tip-toes around what he wants to say these days, more common when you first began dating, but he's always been vocal when it comes to your son. always wanted what was best for him, and didn't hesitate to ask for it.
you shift, scooting your head up his arm so you can look at him. "what're you really thinking?"
he doesn't look back at you, but instead keeps his eyes on the wall across from your bed. you can't exactly see the depth in them this way, but something about the tension lining his body tells you he's thinking, hard, about something other than your son.
"kids are assholes."
you laugh, because it's not what you were expecting and because you don't like whatever this is that's bothering him. you want it to go away. "yeah, i know. our kid is an asshole sometimes."
"well, i don't want someone being an asshole to our kid."
your stomach drops at the very idea of someone being mean to your son, not appreciating him the way he should be. what if he gets hungry and they don't let him eat? what if he has to go to the bathroom but he doesn't know where it is?
if you think about this for any longer, you'll burst into tears, and that will only further katsuki's case.
"kids just..." he shakes his head and glances towards the door of your bedroom, down the hall to where your son is sleeping. "say all kinda' shit. hateful shit."
you hug him a little tighter, because you know how much he hates feeling powerless—and that’s exactly how you feel, when it comes to this topic, but if you focused only on the negatives, you wouldn't ever let your son out of sight.
"he'll make friends, though, like you did." your words only make his frown deeper. "and he wants to learn, he is so curious about everything. i think he's ready, honey."
—but katsuki only grits his jaw, the muscle in his cheek jumping as he looks away from you and towards the window.
"well, i dunno if i am."
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sirmanmister · 7 months
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The MacCready family deserves the literal whole entire world and nobody can convince me otherwise.
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crowlipso · 11 months
So, an idea I just thought of. Astarion is being canon as girl dad. But Gale. In fact. Is definitely girl dad. Why? Because Tim Downie who voices Gale. Has two young daughters. (He says it in my cameo on my Tumblr) and it would be hella rad to see Gale with two daughters with your tav. A mix of both personalities will be wild. Haha it's an idea. But I'll let you do the rest. You can check out the video on my Tumblr if you want to. 😊 plus your art is amazing (I was the one with the phantom of the Opera idea)
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Girl Dad indeed. Meet Morena and Clio Dekarios (can you guess which one is Merena. Which one is Clio? lmao).
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italyveneziano · 2 months
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Old redraw of an even older drawing ☺️ They are the father and son ever. To me (please don't tag as ship!)
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afterlife-2004 · 17 days
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he's so passenger princess, he's just like me 🎀
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efverse · 4 months
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Your love is a fraction It's not adding up
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huntingrays · 2 years
headcanon: when phoenix visited miles to discuss a case, he noticed how secretly sentimental the prosecutor is. though he had trouble admitting and showing it, he loves the people in his life dearly, and his home shows it. all over the house, and even in his home office, are pictures of the people he holds close. while looking around, phoenix finds pictures of kay, sebastian, phoenix and trucy, apollo and athena, franziska, maya and pearl, gumshoe and maggey, and even one of klavier.
however, phoenix doesn’t see any pictures of his father, gregory edgeworth.
when he asks miles about it, the prosecutor goes silent before explaining that it was due to von karma. manfred hadn’t wanted any pictures of the man who ruined his perfect record, so miles wasn’t allowed to bring any pictures of his father. he tried to secretly bring one and keep it a secret, but manfred found out about it and burned it in front of the boy.
now, miles doesn’t have any pictures of his deceased father, and he comments with a bitter laugh that his memories of him get hazier and hazier every day.
phoenix, determined to be a hero and make miles happy, will not let this stand and gets to work.
it takes a few months, but he’s able to find and get into contact with people who know gregory edgeworth and collect photos from them. in the end, he has a few pictures of the defense attorney… and several of gregory and miles together. he figured he wouldn’t have any luck with those, assuming they would be destroyed or in some storage unit, but raymond shields turned out to be a godsend.
so, with the photos he collected, he visits miles under the false pretense of going over a case together. once he’s there, he gives the photos to miles, watching the prosecutor intently as he looks through the photos in shock.
he had expected the shock. he had half expected the tears. what he hadn’t expected was the hug and the barely audible murmur of “thank you, phoenix.”
he couldn’t completely undo all the damage von karma had done, but he would repair all he could and do what he did best: hold miles and let him know how loved he was.
and that’s just what he did.
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bidisasterevankinard · 5 months
I know it's unlikely we will have scene with Buck coming out to Bobby, but I need a scene where we will have a parallel to 6x1 talk with Bobby about being ready and being at ease. Buck already said he's ready for something with Tommy and maybe to Bobby he can admit he finally feels at ease. Finally understood what he was missing about his life. His sexuality and his attraction to men. And maybe it will be first time he will say I'm bisexual
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willowser · 1 year
really what prompted my double boy dad bakugou post was the idea of his older son — who is six, nearing seven — coming out of his room with messy, sleep-mussed hair and wandering into the kitchen on an early morning when katsuki's getting ready for work.
and your youngest is a little terror. spoiled rotten, katsuki thinks, was too babied and that's why he doesn't listen and has temper tantrums in the middle of the floor and is already throwing punches at three. katsuki's old witch of a mother thinks he'll be bulkier than his older son and twice as mean, prone to pinning his brother to the ground until he's declared the greatest.
(katsuki feels both horror and pride, at the very thought.)
it hasn't always been easy for your oldest; becoming a big brother never is. not that katsuki would know what that's like, but he hated to even share a playground with deku, much less share his one and only mommy, so he can only imagine what his own son went through when his brother arrived.
but he's been great about it, which comes as no surprise because his oldest has always been great about everything. gets his little brother out of bed and reminds him of his manners—even as he's getting whacked—gives up his toys just so the baby won't cry. he's too smart for his own good, acting like a big boy now—and it makes katsuki nostalgic in a way that hurts.
there hasn't been a lot of time for just the two of them. not like there used to be.
so when his firstborn comes to stand beside him in the kitchen, to lean his head against his dad's hip and rub at his sleepy eyes—katsuki just ruffles his already messy hair, before giving his ear a little tug.
"should be asleep," he grumbles to him, "sun's not even up yet."
his son only shrugs, yawns hard; despite this, he says, "'m not tired."
katsuki snorts and continues with his routine: finishes his protein shake, gives the kid a sip when he thinks he wants one (he doesn't really, though he tries not to make a face at the taste as he nods, as if he likes it), makes sure he's got all his work shit in his bag for patrol later. and his son is mostly quiet, content to share in the morning just between the two of them after katsuki sits him on the counter.
and then he asks, "can i come to work with you?"
on instinct, katsuki glances at his shut bedroom door, where you're still fast asleep, on the other side, and then down the hallway to where his youngest is sleeping, too.
technically, the kid probably could because you're off work today, and you could come pick him up later before katsuki has to head out, but—
"your brother won't be happy if i take you and not him."
and your oldest is a good big brother. has more patience than katsuki ever did, knows how to share—but on this morning that the two of them are indulging in, he only shrugs.
"well," he sighs—and he sounds so grown up, sounds like you when you're leveling with katsuki. "if he wanted to go then he should have got up, too."
"that why you're awake?" katsuki frowns, though his son only shrugs again. the idea that he's gotten up way too early, at the ass-crack of dawn just to have some extra time with his dad is too—
"yeah," katsuki murmurs, nodding at him to hop off the counter. "get your socks on so we can go."
there won't be anything for him to do in the agency office, besides get an endless amount of cups of water from the dispenser and all the candy in the receptionist's bowl and attention from the older ladies that thinks he's just so stinking cute.
but at least they'll be together, just the two of them. like old times.
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shmowder · 2 months
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Had an epiphany
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month
Videos Zuko would send to Nia and Aang at once:
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jungkxook · 3 months
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wooyoung future fool for daughter🥺
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krasivaa · 1 year
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Tsar Nicholas II proudly looking at his smiling little son, Tsarevich Alexei, in fields, 1907. ✨❤
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nicoscheer · 1 year
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“I fuckin love it here”
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I had the best time bumping into Miles Kane randomly on the street last night! Anyone who knows me knows I'm obsessed with music and The Last Shadow Puppets are one of my faves so it was a crazy coincidence and he was the nicest guy ever with loads of love for music, and we chatted about Sheffield and The Leadmill
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Miles’ cover of the echoe&bunnymen back of love
The way his eyes crinkle, I adore his crow’s feet🥺🥺🥹
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