#dad kung lao
restinslices · 8 months
We going fluffy for a lil? YAY! Can I request EarthRealm guys being dads for the first time?
This is longer than what the Earthrealm guys typically get. Usually they all get around 200 words because writing for them takes longer because it’s 5, but this was so cute I got carried away and they all got around 400-500 words😀
Johnny Cage
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A mini Cage? Are you serious? 
Can I be honest with y'all? I think this kid would be an accident 
Because of that he'd be nervous. Johnny has a huge ego but he also has huge debt and a dwindling career so he'd be worried about how he'd even take care of this child 
He'd work extremely hard to get more money. He'd even sell his house to get a smaller one that's more affordable (that's how you know he's serious)
He covers his nervousness with humor. This is a whole human he's gonna be raising now
The closer the delivery date gets, the more nervous he gets. His partner moves a little weird and he's “IT'S COMING!”
Calm down Johnny. Damn. 
The entire delivery he's jumpy as fuck. He didn't realize how long it'd take and his nerves are through the roof 
Does Johnny have a huge ego? Yes. Is he an asshole? Yes. Does he make everything a joke? Yes. But this is different. There's a human that's relying on him to survive 
Everytime he looks at the baby he's like “oh shit, I got a baby”
Baby accidents actually make him cringe. His baby vomits on him and he has to physically stop himself from throwing it 
Johnny as a girl dad? Omg. 
That's his little princess. Any money he makes goes to her. She has so many unnecessary toys and he dresses her like an actual princess 
The baby got its own room from jump 
He'll never be against a tea party or a makeover 
During those makeovers he's giving pointers. “Don't use that color, it'll clash with my hair” type of shit 
Be prepared. No matter how hard you try, this kid is becoming a mini Johnny 
He tries to be really active in her life when he's not acting 
Has debated on retiring but you need money so that's not happening 
You'd think he'd want his kid to become an actor but he knows that shit is not safe so absolutely not 
He makes little films with her though. Really cute shit he'll rewatch when she's older 
Time to him goes by so fast. He feels like he blinked and suddenly she was 18 
He's the dad that gets emotional at her graduation. Straight sobbing as she walks the stage
“I'm a cool dad” *puts on shades*
Ok Johnny 
His ability to not take shit serious doesn’t entirely disappear. He’s the parent the child wants the principal to call when in trouble
Little fashion shows? Absolutely
His kid is so spoiled, it's ridiculous. Even if he didn't want a child, he loves them with every part of him 
Kenshi Takahashi 
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Another accident baby-
He's trying to fix this whole clan situation so a baby is not something he was thinking of
So when he's told he's gonna have a baby his heart stops for a quick second 
Being terrified is a normal reaction and trust me, he's terrified 
He doesn't know how to be a dad at all and videos aren't helping 
I know I mention this whole on the run from the Yakuza thing a lot but that's a big ass problem. How do you have a baby when mfs are gunning for you?
Why does he agree to keep it? I ain't think that far but anywho, it's too late now. Too far along-
He tries to prepare himself by looking up videos and reading books. He wants to be an amazing dad for his baby 
We don't know how his parents were but I'm assuming his childhood wasn't the best
He promised himself that he's gonna care for this baby and give it a fantastic childhood 
Idk how his vision works now tbh. I'm assuming he can always see so I'm guessing that's not a problem 
Once the baby is here he's all over it. You'd think he gave birth with how much he's playing with it 
I wanna make all of them girl dads tbh and I'm the one writing this soooooo that's what imma do-
Kenshi is making sure everyone is comfortable. His partner and the baby. He's gonna help anyway he can
Having a tiny human depend on him is definitely a wild concept to him
He wants to teach his daughter how to fight but he doesn't want to make her a monster if that makes sense 
He wants to make sure she never uses her skills to harm others for no reason and because of that, any school reports about violence is taken seriously 
Let that school call him and he's asking 20 questions tryna see who the aggressor was. If his daughter was being harassed and she defended herself  then as long as someone wasn't seriously hurt then it's ok. If his daughter was the aggressor? Oh nah
Kenshi is not afraid to lecture and discipline (I don't mean whooping. Whether or not you think any of them would is up to you. I'm not getting into that. Be free) his daughter 
His kid is never walking all over him. He don't let them slide with shit 
He's harsh but it's in a loving way. He's not on her ass for no reason. He wants her to conduct herself well and to be a good person and better than the people he's been surrounded by. He carries this out by being a bit more harsh and strict than he needs to be
That teenage rebellion phase is gonna kick his ass. Omg
He's strict but I don't think he'd be unsafe for his daughter to go to, yk? His daughter knows she can go to him if she needs anything 
If she felt like she couldn't tell him something, his poor little heart would break
I don't think he'd ever take his bandana off around them. Idk how the healing would work but I could imagine it'd still look brutal 
So protective of her. Let someone move towards her a little quick, he's on his feet before he even realizes it 
He doubts his parenting at time and how safe he can keep her but he's doing a really solid job 
Kung Lao
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Idk whether or not his baby would be an accident or not 
Either way, Kung Lao has a huge ego and he'd assume it can't be that bad 
He definitely can figure all this out as he goes along. It'll be easy. Nothing to worry about 
He wishes he could go back in time and smack himself for being so stupid 
At first it's fine, then he remembers he has to consistently deal with a baby and he's like “I may have miscalculated”
Why do babies shit so much? They're so small. 
Terrible Twos have him stressed 
When the baby's teething he slowly starts to lose his grasp on reality. All the yelling drives him nuts but he's locked in now 
He tries to use his baby as a challenge to keep him motivated but honestly babe, you're never winning that challenge. Babies are unpredictable 
He has to learn that. Babies are a learning experience and you can't try to use them as some great challenge. Just relax and take things one at a time 
He also teaches his baby how to fight 
Makes them a mini hat but puts something non sharp on the edges, like crayons or something 
Some may think “oh a daughter! She has to be feminine and sweet and blahblahblah!”
Nah, that's now how it works with him
His daughter is learning some Leon Kennedy moves 
After what he's been through he's definitely teaching them how to fight because conflict will always happen. You're never catching his daughter slipping 
The dad that asks “did you win?” if his child gets in trouble for fighting at school 
Let's his child watch scary movies 
He's never doing that bullshit again. She was up all night and he's never regretted anything more 
The type to “randomly” decide to sharpen his hat when his daughter brings a boy over 
“What are you doing dad?” “I'm sharpening my sharp hat that's sharp enough to cut through humans… because it's so sharp”
Puts “The Great” in front of her name whenever describing her 
His daughter probably has a huge ego also. This dude does not teach her to be humble and compliments her when she does anything 
You think a mini Johnny is bad? Mini Kung Lao gives them a run for their money. 
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I feel like Raiden would have kids when he's older. Idk why but I think he'd be way more careful than everyone else 
So when he hears he's having a baby, he's both nervous and excited 
He's on it. Decorating the nursery, reading books, looking at websites, he's on it all. 
He wants to be prepared so he doesn't mess up 
Messing up is inevitable but don't tell him that 
Once the baby is here, he's super happy. The room is already decorated and he's so glad they can lay in there 
Super affectionate towards his baby. Constantly kissing her head and playing with her 
If any of the other Earthrealm men have a baby, he insists on playdates 
Even if they don't, he plays with his daughter enough 
The type to actually make his voice higher when playing with dolls
Gives his kid cute nicknames that they'll undoubtedly get embarrassed by when they're older 
Are we surprised he also teaches his daughter to fight? No. 
He was minding his business and was told he had to help protect Earthrealm. His kid gotta know how to scrap 
He keeps a good balance of combat and normal childhood so it's fine 
He does little lightning shows for his kid. Is it irresponsible? A little. Is Liu Kang gonna take it back though? No. 
Raises a daughter similar to him; soft spoken and sweet but is willing to throw down when necessary 
He's the parent that genuinely hears his kid out when they get in trouble 
Since this is his first kid he's new to all of this so making mistakes is something that'll happen. Good thing about Raiden tho is that he's willing to apologize when family conflict happens 
He takes so many pictures, it's ridiculous 
Takes pictures the entire first week of school and is spamming Kung Lao with them
He's really invested in child drama ngl. A kid threw a book at another kid? Tell him more so he can gossip with Kung Lao
Discipline is difficult for him because he honestly doesn't know what to do. He's worried he's being too harsh and doesn't wanna push his kid away. It's common knowledge that they'll grow up, move away and he won't see her as much so he doesn't want to push them away and lose them earlier than necessary 
Kids need some sort of discipline though so he gotta figure it out 
When his daughter no longer needs him to check the closet for monsters, his heart might shatter a little bit ngl 
He's taking it one step at a time and honestly? He's doing really good 
Liu Kang
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Probably didn't even know he could have kids
He just assumed a keeper of time was outta the game so wdym a baby is on the way?
Liu Kang has watched humans evolve so he's watched plenty of parents raise their babies so he has a lot of references 
He's not as nervous as everyone else. Like I said before, he has plenty of references of what to and what not to do so he's pretty confident in his abilities 
He's only nervous about the threats they'll face once they're alive. Man is used to fighting for his life 
Decorates the nursery and child proofs the entire house 
Makes sure his partner is incredibly comfortable. He wants them completely relaxed 
He packs the bag for when the delivery happens, he doesn't leave the room unless necessary, he's really supportive. 
Once the baby is here he's lowkey hogging the baby 
Thinks his partner should be relaxing after so the baby is always in his arms 
This baby to him is the most precious thing he's ever seen. Having a family is something he really wants so he's on cloud 9
Watching over his kid to see if they get any powers like him, which is likely 
Liu Kang has a good balance between discipline and softness. He's not super strict but he doesn't just let them get away with anything 
Imma sound like a broken record but his daughter is scraping. This is Liu Kang we're talking about 
His daughter is gonna become Gamora-
Fighting skills will be impeccable. Say excuse me if you bump into her or she's going 2 back flips, lighting her body on fire and blowing the area up 
He wants to spend so much time with his daughter. He knows how fast time flies. He's seen humans not appreciate each other and that's not happening with him. His daughter will know she's loved 
He has references like I said earlier but that doesn't mean it's the easiest to do. He tries his hardest though and is probably the most patient
He's more excited for the firsts than they are. This is not your first day of school Liu Kang, why are you so geeked?
Tons of photos of his baby 
Other dads can be really stressed when it comes to their kid growing up but I think he's more accepting of it. Is it sad seeing his baby grow up? Yes. He's used to the idea of aging though. Also his kid is immortal like him so he's comforted by the idea of them never growing older than him 
Liu Kang is a parent that is 100% ok with admitting when he's wrong. There's no toxic shit with him. If he fucked up, he fucked up. 
Probably has the most or one of the most humble kids 
Very affectionate 
Probably wants more kids 
10/10 dad and imma stand on it
“Forgive me Kenshi. I misspoke.” Liar.
I always ramble at the end of these so here I go: y’all I am out of dry dog food and I’m broke so I can’t pay my sister to get food from her job so I’ve been feeding my dog wet food, right. It is 3am, so naturally we’re not on a walk rn. Why did she drop the most devastating shit? I actually wanna walk into traffic. I did not know it could be audible. She didn’t even eat anything before she did it. Donate to $JMentallyUnstable for my cause😔 (I’m joking but not about my suffering. She’s small. HOW is a felony coming outta you bro?) (If I find a tall building-)
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izzabela · 14 days
Omg I just got a wholesome idea! Reader is from another timeline, and in her timeline, she's lui Kang's daughter. She somehow finds herself in the timeline where lui kang is a god and the keeper of time. Some time passed, and while reader and lui kang were talking about how to return her to her own timeline, she accidentally called him 'dad' in front of the others. Can you write this as a scenario or a one-shot?
Feel free to ignore if it sounds lame to you 😅
Pops - Liu Kang & fem!reader
in which you call Liu Kang "dad" in front of his allies and friends
a/n: liu kang would absolutely be a girl dad, a bit of an airhead too
ship[s]: NONE, reader is probably around 16
warning(s): post-kanon, except the Lin Kuei are still together, mk9-10-11 references (i'm cherry picking)
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[i can take all three of them, and not in a fight either]
You're cornered against the stone wall as you hold your hands up in surrender. You're disheveled, scared, and a little bit pissed at the fact you had a multitude of weapons pointed at you.
"Take her arms!" Bi Han yells for his brothers to apprehend you. They take your wrists roughly, bending them behind your back as you're kicked to your knees.
"Lord Liu Kang will know what to do with you, woman," he spits out.
"Oh no, put me out of my misery~~" you reply sassily. Bi Han presses the flat edge on your neck, but not without the high-pitched noise of a war cry and fire.
Fire dragons in red and blue appear from above, and they crash into the ground, not burning anything surprisingly. While the others are shocked, you smile happily.
"Enough! What is the meaning of this?!" Liu Kang cries out.
You get up, but the weapons still remain pointed at you as you try to close in on Liu Kang. He notices you, waving his champions to put their weapons down. You press your clothes down and introduce yourself.
You also explain that you're here from another timeline, and that you were just plucked out from your day.
"Another timeline incident..." Liu Kang mutters to himself. You nod, but you put your hand over your heart.
"I'm not a threat though, I promise! I barely got a hold of my fire powers..." you say sadly, forming a pitiful fire orb in your hands before it sputters and dissipates.
Johnny nudges Kenshi's shoulder, "Don'tcha think she looks a lot like..." Kenhsi looks at him with an incredulous look. Even with his eyes gouged out, he still remains as expressive as a man could be.
Liu Kang contemplates for a split second, before his signature smile is back on as he moves to the side to show you around.
"I will evaluate your claims later, but I sense no ill intent as of now. I will have my champions escort you around as I see your origins," Liu Kang smiles.
You nod, bowing before being led out by Johnny and Kenshi in the front, and Kung Lao and Raiden in the back. You skip happily, head on a swivel as you take in your surroundings.
Everything is similar for the most part, except the wood is reinforced and constantly renovated. The stone paths were more lined up, and there were definitely more trees too. Maple trees were a staple around the temple, but he planted cherry blossoms for you and your mother.
"Do you still act, Mr. Johnny?" you ask him, and Johnny turns around with an offended look. Kung Lao and Raiden are laughing like hyenas in the back as you try to understand why.
"I am not that old!" he cries. "But I do act still. I direct too! What do I do in your world?" he asks. "I bet I'm still just as awesome there as I am here~"
You inform them of their alternates in your timeline. How Johnny works for the government, how Kenshi is a deadbeat dad to Takeda (he was skeeved out knowing his cousin was his son), and how Raiden used to be god.
"What about me? Am I still awesome?" You giggle at Kung Lao.
"Yes you are, Lao. Though, you remain a bachelor compared to the rest of dad's friends..." you mutter the last couple of sentences.
"What did you say?" Raiden asks.
You arrive to your dorm room and turn around to give them a bright smile before retiring for the day.
"Thank you guys so much! You misters are so funny," you smile softly as you twiddle your fingers.
"Sometimes dad talks about the good ol' days, and I'd like to think you guys were what dad had..." You shrug and enter your room, closing the door before anyone else could say something.
"Is she one of... our kids?" Kung Lao asks before Raiden sigh.
"She kind of looks like Kuai Liang, or Bi Han..." his fingers tap his chin. "She has the nose and brows..."
Kenshi pinches his nose-bridge, "Did she not insinuate that Lord Liu Kang is her father?"
As the three men bicker, Johnny shakes his head in disappointment.
"You guys have not seen enough BBC documentaries and reality t.v. about deadbeat dads."
It's been a couple of weeks since you became stranded in this timeline, but you were enjoying it.
You've been getting spoiled by all of your dad's(?) champions: Kung Lao taking you to eat at Madam Bo's, Raiden letting you meet and train with his sister (so you had a friend), Johnny gifting you expensive movie memorabilia, and Kenshi always accompanying you (he became an uncle-figure).
However, your joyful days with them came to an end when they were sent on missions across and around the realms. You couldn't spend a minute with them due to the lengths of their missions, and when they came back, they were exhausted (reasonably so).
Who you ran into next was Geras, surprisingly. He never comes out from the hourglass, but the fact he was here meant a new friend to talk to.
In all honesty, Geras was here to meet with Liu Kang, but a monk had told him he was gone for some extracurricular purposes. So, he wanders aimlessly around the academy.
"Hi Mr. Geras!" you greet cheerily, accompanied with a wave. Geras nods, a small smile on his face as his glowing eyes crease slightly.
"Good morning to you, young lady," he greets kindly. "Do you have an agenda today?" You shake your head.
"No. All the uncles are out, and I have not yet seen dad since my arrival," you hang your head a little low in disappointment.
Geras's brow quirks in a bit of shock, but it's not surprising. He could see the resemblance from the moment you manifested in the temple. You had his strong brows, nose, and his fire powers.
It also didn't surprise him that the champions were trying to figure out if you were his creator's daughter or not.
"Do you wish to call him 'father'?" Geras asks as you both walk. The breeze was light, and the temperature was perfect.
You tilt your head, thinking a bit, "I mean... I'm not sure? I'm afraid that something will happen in this timeline if I say something..."
Geras chuckles, "You had spoken to the champions already, but I sense no apparent changes."
Your eyes light up, and you jump a bit in joy as you begin to talk your ear off to Geras about life in your timeline. Normally, he'd do his best to leave the conversation, but this was a different circumstance.
Geras enjoys hearing your casual adventures with Cassie, Jacqui, and Kung Jin when you guys hang out. He enjoys your little rants about your training, and how hard your father pushes you to master his pyromancy.
And he especially enjoys hearing that, in another world, Liu Kang has the happiness he yearned for.
"Although, you're not around much back at home..." you say. "You're... not as good as you are here..."
Geras has seen multiple timelines, but never has he ever thought of one where his life turned out like that.
"It's nice though! Maybe one day, I'll meet you," you reply optimistically.
Geras nods, not replying at the thought that he doesn't serve Liu Kang.
You continue talking to Geras until he goes back to the temple to meet with Liu Kang.
"Would you like to meet him now?" he offers, but you decline.
"Maybe another time, he seems busy in this world," you reply, and Geras bows before walking away an into the room where Liu Kang awaits him.
It's officially been two months since your unprecedented stop in this timeline where Liu Kang isn't your father.
You spend equal time with both Geras and the champions, but even they get busy.
Your champion uncles spoil you with gifts still, but it's a bit harder to see them due to the sheer amount of missions they were sent on.
Geras, too, became busier. The last visit he had in Earthrealm, he had said he and Liu Kang found a way to send you home, but they needed to be sure.
In response, you had been trying to spend more time with your newfound family here.
But who said family's can't expand? Expand and include the grandmaster and second-in-command's of the Lin Kuei.
Bi Han, Tomas, and Kuai Liang sat outside the planning room, similar to way back when during the timeline convergence. However, Liu Kang was taking a little longer than usual.
You didn't mean to be in the waiting room, but you had mindlessly wandered in there after training. Maybe it was out of habit to see Geras or your uncles.
Maybe it was in the hope you'd see your dad.
Instead, you're greeted with the men that cornered you that day. Though, with all due respect, it was in fairness of fear for another timeline insurgence.
Bi Han leans on the pillar that stands behind the chair. Kuai Liang and Tomas are seated on the seat itself, though Kuai Liang sits abnormally and on the arm rest.
You try to step away, but the creaky old wood alerted them of your presence. It was inevitable they'd see you now.
"Reveal yourself to us," Bi Han commands, his voice rough as he and his brothers are in ready form.
You carefully make yourself visible, chuckling nervously as you wave rather shakily.
"Remember me?" you ask, and the three of them soften and relax.
"It is just you," Tomas breathes in relief. "And of course, who could forget the girl we so harshly treated?"
The three men get up to bow, deep ninety degree angles as you frantically force them to stand upright again.
"P-please! Please get up, all is well! You're just doing your job..." you try and convince them.
Finally, they get up and go back to their comfortable positions. It's definitely... awkward. After all, they were the ones to hold you down like that.
But, compared to your world, it was nice seeing them all together again. You smile to yourself as you watch Tomas and Kuai Liang talk about trivial clan matters, and Bi Han just hums quietly agrees.
Kuai Liang notices your smile first," Why do you smile, young one?"
You catch yourself and put on a neutral face, but Kuai Liang's little frown breaks you, and you concede to tell him.
"It's just nice to see you three together again," you admit. "Back at home, the clans are all messed up..."
"How do you mean?" Bi Han eggs you on.
You begin to explain how Bi Han and Tomas became hideous creatures of dark sorcery. How Tomas became a horrid demon who plagues on the dreams of others.
You tell them about how Bi Han becomes a corpse-slave for evil as a reaper of sorts- killing anyone his master desired.
And you tell Kuai Liang about how he misses his brothers every day. How your version of him often visited your home to just talk. And how your version of him dealt with death.
"I don't remember when I saw you all happy, but I know back in the day you three were on top of the world!" you say excitedly as you recall all the stories and marvels the Lin Kuei of your timeline.
Somehow, time had passed to the point you had grown tired. You sat in between Tomas and Kuai Liang, but Bi Han had moved closer and sat on the edge of the back rest.
Your eyes grew weary, and you blink the little tired tears away as you stretch.
"The little bird needs her nest," Bi Han says softly, patting your head as you lean into Tomas's shoulder.
"I only have pictures of you three as a baby," you shared as you began to rest on Tomas's shoulder. "Dad says that was the last time you guys were nice to each other..."
Tomas raises a brow, "Dad? You don't mean-"
You yawn one final time, before adding on.
"Please be nice to each other... if I cannot have my uncles there, at least another version of me can..."
You fall right asleep, softly breathing as Tomas holds your head and Kuai Liang adjusts your legs to go over his lap. Bi Han takes his outermost layer and uses it as a blanket.
"She does look similar to Lord Liu Kang," Kuai Liang agrees quietly. "It is her nose."
You nuzzle deeper into Tomas's neck, feeling the light rhythm of his heart beat and using it to sleep.
The men continue talking about you, but it falls on deaf ears as you dream of your home again.
"I have found a way to return you home," Liu Kang announces unceremoniously.
You ate breakfast with Tomas and Bi Han on your left and right sides, while Kuai Liang sat across from you. However, the warm food felt cold and damp in your throat at the news.
You still had not told him who you were, and now you were going to leave after three months. As much as you were ready for this moment, the fact it's now hurts.
"When you finish your meal, please pack all of your things. I will meet you at the portal entrance," Liu Kang bows, then takes his swift leave.
Tomas looks to you, pouting, "Must you leave so soon?" You can't help but hug him.
"It's okay uncle, I have the gifts you gave me!" you reassure him, and Kuai Liang pats your head.
Just as the champions have spoiled you, so have the leaders of the Lin Kuei. They gave you food, little toys they picked up from the village, and some clothes made from the most expensive fabrics. It's been hard to try and fitting everything in your bag, but you didn't want to go home leaving your stuff.
"Do you wish us to accompany you?" Bi Han asks softly, and you nod happily as you stuff some food in your mouth.
Finishing up, you pile your plates up and head to your room. On your way, you run into the champions.
"Hey hey, youngin'!" Johnny greets you. "Why the entourage?"
You wave, "Liu Kang found a way home for me! The uncles will help me get my things."
Kung Lao crosses his arms, "And they are also... uncles?" Kenshi stares at them hard (well, "stare" is being used loosely).
You smile and pat Kung Lao's arm, "It's okay guys. I forgave them!"
Raiden shakes his head, "We must be timely everyone, she's heading home today."
You smile, but this time it doesn't really reach your eyes this time. Still, you make the most of it by indulging in Kung Lao and Johnny's antics, Bi Han and Kenshi's bickering, and every interaction between your little timeline family.
"Do you have everything?" Kuai Liang checks up on you, patting your little bag on the sides to fit everything. You nod, and he ruffles your head again.
"Make sure to take care of those figures," Johnny shimmies through the crowd. "That's one of one- only available through Cage-Con."
You shake your head, rolling your eyes playfully. Still, they help you out with any lingering bags as they escort you to the portal area. As you walk, though, the high energy levels you were bringing began to droop low.
Stepping foot on the wood, your sadness is evident as Liu Kang stands in front of you.
"Why so sad, little one?" he asks, and you wipe your eyes messily.
"I'm gonna miss everyone... It was so fun here..." you sigh, and Liu Kang's hand rests on your shoulder.
"Memories come in many forms," he gestures to your full bag of gifts and memorabilia. "And I do not doubt that you will have any things to look back upon."
You nod, "Still, I am ready to go home." Liu Kang begins to open the portal, and he can sense your nervousness.
"It's going to be so weird coming home, knowing there's a world where everyone is happy..." You look at Liu Kang one final time, before dropping all of your things and giving him a hug.
"Promise me you'll be happy dad, please promise me you'll be happy," you plea with him, tears falling on his linen shirt.
As your uncles are at a still with your revelation, Liu Kang just holds you, rubbing your back up and down as he tries to soothe your cries. You hold onto his shoulders, and Liu Kang sinks to his knees with you as you cry.
"As long as you can be happy in your world, I will be just fine," Liu Kang whispers softly.
Liu Kang gently brings you back to your feet, adjusting the bags you'll be carrying home with you. You stop in front of each of your uncles, hugging them and giving them the last of your affections before walking through the portal.
"I love you all very much!" and once you're in, the portal closes.
While Liu Kang lets the clamor of his close friends and allies fall in the background, something about how they didn't realize you were his kid at all, Liu Kang smiles as the sun sets, the though that his simple moments with the woman he loves is indeed possible
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crystalbeastsquidney · 11 months
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just some guy and his kids :)
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bluehairedspidey · 1 year
Raiden: You may refer to me as "Lord Raiden" Baby Liu Kang and Kung Lao: Bàba! :D Raiden, crying: ...That will suffice
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Raiden:(summoning himself into Kuai Liangs home) You and I have unfinished business involving your sad excuse of a brother and "daughter". They broke in and-
Kuai Liang: Took back Kung Laos stuff. I'm aware. He had nothing. Now question is, why are you here?
Raiden: to settle this; you dare cross a God, and I shall make you regret that very decision-
Frost: (walked in to see what was happening)
Raiden: Starting with her!(he electrocuted her)
Sorry this is dumb you don't have to interact I'm just into it
This is amazing and I love it
Kuai Liang, Bi-Han, Hanzo and Kung Lao battle Raiden and manage to force him to flee and Kuai Liang immediately turns to where Frost is laying limp on the floor
Kuai Liang, trying not to panic: Frost? Frost, can you hear me?
Hanzo, turning to Kung Lao: Go get the healers, now
Kung Lao: I don't know where they-
Bi-Han: I'll go with you
Kuai Liang, getting louder as tears pool in his eyes: Frost, I need you to open your eyes for me, okay? Frost?!
Hanzo, kneeling beside him and desperately trying to keep his cool: She's going to be fine, Kuai Liang, I promise, the healers are already on their way
Kuai Liang, crying as he lifts her into his lap: Bǎo bèi?! Bǎo bèi, please, open your eyes!!
Hanzo, cradling Kuai Liang's face and trying to get him to focus: Look at me, look at me! She's going to be fine
Kuai Liang, more terrified than he's ever been in his life: She's not breathing, Hanzo, why isn't she breathing?
Hanzo, moving Kuai Liang's hand so he can feel the movement of Frost's chest: She is, it's just very faint but her heartbeat is still strong, okay? She's going to be fine
Kuai Liang, holding her tighter: My daughter, he tried to kill my daughter
Hanzo, holding back his own tears: And he failed, she's still alive
Healers run in, pulling Frost form Kuai Liang's grasp
Kuai Liang, panicking bc he thinks its another attack: BACK OFF! I WON'T LET YOU-!
Hanzo comes up behind him, pinning his arms to his sides as he holds Kuai Liang tight
Hanzo: It's okay, those are the healers, they're here to help
Kuai Liang: Let me go!
Hanzo: I can't, you have to let them do their work, you have to
Kuai Liang, tears still streaming down his face: Frost!
Hanzo: I know, love, I know how hard this is, but you have to let them help her
Kuai Liang collapses, the two kneeling on the floor once more as Kuai Liang keeps his eyes fixed on his daughter, Hanzo holding him tight and muttering reassurances
Bi-Han stares from the doorway, looking like he's seen a ghost as fury swamps him
Bi-Han: Raiden will pay for this, even if I have to bring his bloody body to Kuai Liang myself
Kung Lao: Might be easier to just take his head
Bi-Han: No. After this? The only people who get to kill that man are Kuai Liang and Frost, whatever it takes I will facilitate that
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spooky-k1d · 8 months
guys. guys hear me out Mortal kombat mamma mia au GUYS HEAR ME OUT PLEAS—
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satoshy12 · 1 year
Shao vs kung Lao
Shao:" Why did the hat go to the party? Because it wanted to be a real "cap"-tivating guest. " Kung Lao:" That was a terrible Joke. " Shao:" I Shao have known, that you could Neck a good Joke. "
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donsgraveyard · 2 years
Yeah so I'm obligated to inform you that after Liu Kangs death in Deadly Alliance Kung Lao cried into Raidens arms 
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rodion87g · 5 days
You think Jin somehow would snap to Kung Lao, like 'Shut the hell up! You are not my dad!" ?
Because I'm 100% sure this would happen in any timelines lol
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Oh he totally can. Jin surely loves his uncle, but he's just... Well... Emotional teen.
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cocoreallylovesraiden · 7 months
How MK1 characters sleep with their S/O (liu kang, bi han, kung lao, raiden, shang tsung)
This is very casual and nonsensical but pointless useless headcanons give me life sorry; I might do this for other characters but idk which oops
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Liu Kang
- I am in-between the idea of him needing sleep at all (being a god and all), but either way I think he would be in bed with them to spend time together.
- Mattress hard like a rock, so you’d be better off laying on top of him for any kind of soft squishy comfort.
- Likes the physical pressure on being laid on, would secure you in place with a hand on the small of your back, or cradling you closer if you lay your head in his chest.
- During the summer months he would be too hot to comfortably lay on, so either he just longingly stares at you back (rip) or holds your hand in the middle of the bed.
- Wakes up/ gets out of bed at the asscrack of dawn and folds the spare blanket next to you so its like he’s still there… and then becomes annoyed that you’d rather cuddle the blanket than wake up and see him.
- Laughs at you when you want to buy more western soft pillows or fluffy blankets, but he gets them anyways and then now HE can’t sleep bc it’s weirdly soft.
- Will read as you sleep in his arms, and has resorted to using your unconscious elbows to flip the page bc his hands are being held hostage.
- Likes to watch you as you sleep and tries not to smile when you twitch from a dream, even when you drool onto the pillows; is content to do so until sunrise.
- Sometimes tho in the middle of the night when you roll over you just see two military grade flashlight beacons glowing in the dark staring at you like an eldritch monster.
- “Hello, dearest 😊.”
- He says, like you didn’t almost piss the bed in fear.
Bi Han
- Has a meticulous string of tasks and duties he must fulfil before he can even think of getting into bed, and he still manages to be under the covers same time every night.
- Becomes VERY cranky if you are not in bed with him within 15 minutes and when you eventually settle into bed, his back is turned towards you and he huffs like a dramatic housewife.
- Self-assigned big spoon (non-negotiable) and loves resting his face in the crook of your neck, his favourite way to rest after a long day. He isn’t the best with words (in terms of emotional vulnerability) and uses little actions to let you know how he feels.
- His hair gets EVERYWHERE. It’s in his mouth. It’s in YOUR mouth. If you have long hair, have fun waking up 20 minutes earlier to sleepily untangle your newfound spiderweb of human hair.
- Doesn’t toss and turn and is a very light sleeper- it’s required of his job. At the smallest sound his eyes are open, and he cannot rest until he’s gone and checked the locks and such.
- You know when Asian dads wake up at 4am and just go hack and cough in the bathroom yeah that’s him… that’s how YOU wake up.
- You both look like hot fucking garbage in the morning it constantly looks you both are two struggling new parents who had a metaphorical baby keeping them up all night.
- Debates smothering you with a pillow if you snore and keep him up before a busy day.
Kung Lao
- I hope you’re a heavy sleeper.
- His snoring sounds like sails ripping, it’s so loud he scares himself awake sometimes.
- You girl….
- Doesn’t matter what season it is, what temperate, you two are always still too hot and on the verge of breaking into sweat, even after you’re dressed down to just underwear.
- Maybe you fall asleep a safe distance away from him, but halfway through the night its like looking an abstract painting of human limbs, his foot is on your stomach and your face is smashed against his knees. Chiropractors are scared of you two.
- You both complain about how annoying the other person is to sleep next to, but can’t sleep alone at night- the bed feels too big or too cold.
- It’s like when you wake up from a nap not knowing what country you’re in, drenched in sweat and covered in those red lines but every morning.
- Talks in his sleep and you have several videos in your camera roll having incoherent conversations with sleepy Lao.
- “Hey baby… Are you asleep?” “Not now babe imgndh tm running for presdidentnt”
- Yeah king you do that!
- He SWEARS that he’s a big spoon but likes being the little tiny eeny weeny teaspoon looks at you with the ugly goo goo gaga eyes until you relent and wrap your arms around his waist.
- I don’t care unless it’s past a certain time in your relationship he will sleep on the couch or DIE
- He is traditional to an almost irritating extent YOU WILL NOT DIE IF YOU SEE MY UPPER THIGH OH MY GOD
- But let me tell you once y’all do share a sleeping space its over for you… He uses that farmer strength to squeeze the life out of you. Like Kung Lao where you fall asleep laying next to him and wake up in the alligator death roll fighting to breathe.
- Death by beefy man arms sounds great until you need to pee and have to scrap at 6am against an unconscious man (he is winning).
- Likes it when you nuzzle under his chin, but when he’s really tired, he really just wants to lay on your chest and have you smooth his hair.
- Feels a certain need to be the Bigger Strong Man but secretly wants to be cuddled and babied a little, just doesn’t want to ask for it.
- Doesn’t matter because however you sleep, you’re waking up to that child-holding-their-favourite-teddy-bear GRIP.
- Likes to chat about both your days before falling asleep, and will verbally ask like “are you asleep?” And then stop moving, breathing, thinking because he’s scared to wake you up. You have to smack his face half-awake like RAIDEN YOU CAN BREATHE before he relaxes.
Shang Tsung
- Idgaf if he’s a man and if you’re a woman, he is the girlfriend.
- Wants you to kiss the top of his head and stroke his hair, you can feel his ugly ass smug smile against your skin the entire time.
- Even if he does love you, I can see him being unable to sleep with his back turned to you; he has to be acutely away of what you’re doing (sleeping. Your tired ass is sleeping.)
- Unless of course he’s being the little spoon. Rolling eyes emoji.
- Another very light sleeper, but when he’s deep in sleep he has reoccurring night terrors, and maybe even sleep paralysis, so he clutches you tightly like he’s scared you’ll up and leave him.
- When he wakes up he’s probably frozen, so he grounds himself by listening to your heartbeat or readjusting your hold so it’s tighter and more compressing.
- Doesn’t matter if it’s a big ass bed or stack of pelts on the forest floor, you are not allowed to move a SINGLE INCH away from him. You two occupy 25% of this bed’s real estate.
- If he wakes up first, he is slipping out without a word. If you wake up first and god forbid, try to let him go, his eyes are snapping open and looking at you so judgementally.
- Throws your boots at you if you oversleep like. Wake up you Lug. We have things to do.
- Looks amazing the moment he wakes up and makes fun of you for having bed hair and overall being uglier than he is.
- Pokes your cheek and makes your head loll about if he wakes up first and chuckles at how cute he finds it, catches himself being mushy, then pinches your nose so you wake up.
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etheralsweetheart · 10 months
How many kids they'd have (PT.1)
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Liu Kang❤️🔥
He gives me vibes that he has twin girls. Definitely a daddy's girl. Tries to teach them to be humble and thankful but can't help spoiling them
Has an older son and a younger daughter. They have a 4 year age gap. Definitely raises his kids to be respectful and hardworking. He'd teach his son to be gentle and protective over his sister whenever he isn't around
Kung Lao 💙🎩
His daughter is the perfect copy of him. Got humbled real quick, realising how annoying he can get. Would do this thing where they pretend to fight (https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeJCpDuv/).
Canonically he has a daughter, so I'll just write about these two. So Johnny is a stay at home dad and takes care of Cassie. He may have taught her how to walk and talk, but she taught him that there's more to life than being famous
Kenshi ❤️🎀
In Mkx he also has a son, but this MK1 Kenshi. He strikes me as someone, who has two sons, age gap of 5 years. He definitely teaches his kids about their family history. Would carefully show off Sento
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bunniekittiee · 10 months
Ignore this if you want but please a MK1 Tomas Vrbada x girlfriend Shy!Reader who’s a Earthrealmer and she’s friends with the earthrealmer gang (Liu Kang, Raiden, Kung Lao, Johnny , Kenshi) and part of Liu Kangs recruits? Like I can’t stop thinking about Tomas being a dad of a newborn twin sons who’s immediately mama boys, thanking shyreader while holding their sons for the first time, Tomas just deeply in love with her even tho they’re already dating
I am sleepy writing this so ignore the errors and how it’s kinda poorly written. I tried my best woooo
Tomas x Fem. Reader
Tomas first laid eyes on her when he and his brothers were visiting Liu Kang for a new mission and instructions. She was talking to Kenshi and Johnny and made eye contact with Tomas briefly before turning back to her conversation.
He wanted to know her more. He wanted to talk to her.
But he could not as he was required to accompany his brothers on a mission. One that determined the fate of the Lin Kuei and the brothers. Bi-Han had backstabbed the brothers while attempting to find out what Shang Tsung was up to. When they came back to the Wu Shi Academy, Liu Kang was disappointed in Bi-Han’s actions. How he was so easily convinced by Shang Tsung and his empty promises. He thought it would have turned out differently than in previous timelines.
Tomas was devastated, along with Kuai Liang. But they had to continue their lives and replace the Lin Kuei since Bi-Han had retracted the clan of being Earthrealm’s protectors. Creating a new clan with almost no recruits was difficult. It was only four of them: Tomas, Kuai Liang, Harumi, and Hanzo. The Grandmasters had hoped to build the Shirai Ryu somehow with more people, but it had its difficulties.
Smoke sees her again when Liu Kang invites them to Madame Bo’s. She is sitting between Raiden and Johnny, laughing and smiling at their banter. Tomas sat across from her, his gray eyes often shifting to look at her. She was gorgeous. Absolutely breathtaking. He could not help his heart swelling in his chest.
But after the betrayal, he had some hardships with trust. Trusting others. He was afraid they would backstab him just as Bi-Han did, and their true character would be exposed. A snake. Just like Sub-Zero.
He continued stealing glances at her until they locked eyes. She smiled shyly at Tomas and shifted in her seat out of nervousness. He smiled back at her. Kuai Liang noticed this and looked at her, and then Johnny was giving her a suggestive look which made her more embarrassed. It wasn’t until Raiden was side eyeing her that she excused herself to the restroom to combat the horrible redness that invaded her cheeks and her sweating.
She was very shy even among her friends who she had grown close to. Anytime eyes were laid on her, she blushed and sweat out of nervousness. She averted her gaze and sometimes it would get so bad she felt like she was suffocating.
Liu Kang told her she may have social anxiety but she just reasoned and said it was shyness. She was not used to being around so many people. Sometimes it could be very draining.
Tomas got up from the table as well to follow her and make sure she was okay. Plus, you never know what could happen in the bathroom. He waited for her patiently to come out and when she did, she accidentally ran into him.
“Oh I’m so sorry!” She stammered as she pulled away from Tomas.
Tomas smiled sweetly. “Do not apologize. I came to make sure you were okay. Are you feeling well?”
She blushed again. “I’m okay, I just get like this. It’s nothing to be worried about. Thank you, Tomas.”
Hearing his name from her lips made him feral on the inside. His heart was beating fast and that damned smile got wider on his face. “Of course. Shall we go back?”
He held out his arm which she linked hers within his. It was a small yet powerful gesture. One that would change their lives.
Liu Kang’s recruits, Kuai Liang and Harumi, as well as Liu Kang himself eyed the two as they walked back to the table. Liu Kang smiled to himself. Just like in every other timeline, they had found each other once again. That made him feel accomplished. After everything that went wrong within his timeline, he could at least relish in what he did good.
She tried her best to ignore their gazes but she felt the blush on her cheeks redden more. Tomas only smiled at them as they sat down in their seats.
Before the night ended, she and Tomas took a quiet walk where they talked more. She seemed much more comfortable when there wasn’t a lot of people around staring. She laughed more, she smiled more, she was comfortable with him. That made him excited. Excited for his potential future with her.
“I hope to do this again with you.” He said as they walked slowly. “You really are wonderful.”
As if she could not blush any more, her cheeks darkened and she bashfully looked down. “I hope so too, Tomas. I really like talking to you and being around you.”
This was the nicest thing he had heard from someone else other than Kuai Liang. He was used to insults from Bi-Han, some stinging more than others, but her praises made his heart swell more. He felt the fluttering in his chest.
He walked her to her home that night, and after she said goodbye, she kissed him on the cheek. As shy as she was, she made the first move. He grinned as she waved goodbye as soon as she reached the front door and entered her home.
When Smoke wasn’t busy, he visited her. He brought her flowers, gifts, and took her out to dinner often. He invited her for dinner at the Shirai Ryu temple. She also invited him to dinner at her home which Tomas enjoyed as he got a break from the temple. Not that he minded, but being with her in her home was comforting. Her tortoiseshell cat adored Tomas and was very friendly to him. If he was having a bad day, he knew to go to her house to cheer up.
After some time of the puppy love, Tomas asked her the question.
“Will you be my girlfriend?” He asked her one night as they stared up at the stars.
She was quiet at first which did not ease his beating heart, but she spoke eventually. “Yes, of course I will be. You make me very happy, Tomas, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
He let out the breath he was holding and intertwined his hand with hers. “As I do too, Y/N. You are my whole world.” They continued to gaze at the stars before he gently grabbed her face and kissed her. It was like fireworks exploded in her chest.
The couple were inseparable as Tomas took her everywhere he went. Besides missions, of course. Eventually, she moved in with Tomas at the temple where Kuai Liang gladly accepted her. He was joyous to see that Tomas had found someone who loved him very much. The Czech man needed that in his life after being shunned for most of it.
Marriage came quick, but that was because of how deeply in love they were. She and Tomas were very certain that they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. There was no doubt about it. She was the light in his world, and after many years of trying to be loved and accepted, he was absolutely loved by her. She adored him. Her eyes were so full of love when she looked at him. The same went for Tomas.
Tomas was very patient with her as he did not want to make her uncomfortable, especially when it came to not doing things she wanted to do. When they first made love, Tomas was nervous due to not wanting to hurt her. He knew that it would be painful, and he hated to see her in pain. Although a few tears slipped down her face, he kissed her so gently and caressed her body to distract her. He was as gentle as he could be. He waited without any hesitation and went as slow as possible for her.
Their first time together was memorable. She was a virgin, unknown to any touch, and Tomas was happy to be her first. Not in a weird possessive way, just happy that he was able to give her the first time that she deserved.
Her pregnancy did not come right away, in fact, it took some time before she got pregnant. Tomas had always offered to wear a condom, but she insisted on him not wearing one. Almost every night, he spilled his seed deep inside her, and she didn’t waste a drop. She knew that she was ready to be a mother. She was waiting for the day that it came. Tomas was so loving and sweet to her, how could she not want to bear his children?
Gagging and throwing up into the toilet, Tomas gently held her hair back as he watched her throw up. He was worried for her. He thought maybe she was ill, so he took her to the Shirai Ryu med bay. He explained the situation before they took her away to ask more questions. He was allowed to follow her as he was the Grandmaster.
“When was the first day of your last period?” The nurse asked her as she took her blood pressure.
“Uh, I think it was July 11th.” She responded in a daze.
The nurse looked up at her. “It’s October 16th. We need to run tests on you.”
The testing ensued as Tomas held her hand. He had hoped she was okay, but part of him also hoped she was pregnant. She had to have been. With her morning sickness and her emotions, it had to have been it. But he wasn’t a doctor, so he did not know.
After more testing, they eventually agreed to do an ultrasound. That would give them an answer straight away. As she was prepped and the jelly was put on her stomach, Tomas gave her a reassuring smile as they both watched the screen.
“Congratulations!” The doctor said as he watched as well. “You are having… oh my…”
She and Tomas both looked at the doctor worriedly. “What is it?”
“You are having twins.”
They were baffled, but as soon as they were finished with a few more checkups and advice for the pregnancy, Tomas picked her up and spun her around. “I cannot believe it! We are having twins!” He gave her a big kiss on her cheek as she smiled and blushed. “I cannot wait. We must tell Kuai Liang and Harumi soon!”
They decided to wait a little bit to tell Liang and Harumi as they wanted to know the genders before telling them. Tomas was so excited. So excited that he was planning the nursery with her and envisioning his life in the future. With twins, whether it was two girls, two boys, or a girl and a boy, Tomas did not care. He was just overjoyed to have babies on the way with the loveliest women in all the realms.
After one of their important appointments, they finally found out they were having twin boys. Tomas could not stop kissing her after finding out this important information as he felt his heart swell up more. He loved her so much. It made him want to cry.
She had hidden her pregnancy away from Kuai and Harumi with oversized clothing, but now it was time to break the news to them. Eating dinner together, Tomas grabbed her hand and interlocked it as he cleared his throat.
“We have something to tell you.” Tomas said as he smiled wide. Kuai Liang looked up and Harumi’s eyes were wide.
“We have twin boys on the way.” Tomas’ wife said quietly as she felt herself getting shy.
Kuai Liang’s mouth was slightly agape as Harumi grinned and clapped. “Oh my Gods! Congratulations!”
“Twin boys,” Kuai said in almost awe. “How wonderful that is. We are so happy for you both.” He quirked a smile as well. Tomas chuckled as he gently rubbed his thumb along his wife’s hand. This was the family he had always wanted. Although Bi-Han was not here to join them, he was happy that he had Kuai and Harumi still, along with his wife.
The rest of the pregnancy went by quickly as Y/N’s bump got bigger and it was beginning to become difficult to do much. Her bump was large and weighed on her back heavily. Tomas did everything he could to alleviate her pregnancy discomfort, but she was absolutely ready to pop these boys out of her. As the day of labor approached, her anxieties increased but she was excited. She did not know how childbirth would be, but she hoped that it went smoothly.
Childbirth did not ever go so smoothly, especially with twins. Her contractions were extremely painful despite how much Tomas rubbed her back or tried comforting her. They wracked her body as she moved into different positions in order to alleviate the discomfort.
The doctors and nurses continued checking her dilation until she was ready to give birth. Which eventually came, making many medical professionals run into the room to help her deliver. She gripped Tomas’ hand hard as she gritted her teeth to begin pushing. It was overwhelmingly painful, and she let out grunts and groans of pain. Tomas felt bad while watching her give birth. She was sweating and she looked faint. But she was still the more beautiful woman in the world to him. He supported her and told her how proud he was of her and how good she was doing. She panted, but she flashed a small, nervous smile at Tomas who returned it back.
The first boy came out crying as the nurses began to wipe him down and lay him on her chest. She cried as she held the first twin close to her while Tomas shed tears of his own. He was so happy, so proud. The second twin came out not long after and was placed on the other side of her chest while doctors began to clean up and also allowed Tomas to cut the umbilical cords. They rested on her chest after being wrapped up and fed from her as everyone began to clear out from the room which left her, Tomas, and their babies.
“They are so beautiful.” Tomas said as his eyes shed more tears.
She smiled at him with her eyes full of her own tears. “They are. I love them so much. I love you, Tomas.”
“I love you more, my wisp.”
After they had fed and were sleeping peacefully, Tomas held both of his sons to his chest. “I will forever protect you all. You are my life.” He looked at his tired wife he was beginning to doze off. “And thank you so much for the life you have given me. Since the day I met you, I have loved you. Thank you for being so kind to me, and thank you for mothering our sons.”
She felt another flood of emotions as tears fell down her face. Tomas gently wiped them away with a free hand. “Thank you, my love. The same goes for you. I do not know what I would do without you or our sons. I love you all.”
He kissed her before she fell asleep completely. His sons curled close to him as he admired them. They were a mix between Tomas and Y/N.
They were now his life. His family. He had a family of his own now. He could make things right again. And not make the same mistakes as he did when he was a child.
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doki-doki-imagines · 9 months
I have a request :) liu kang, raiden, shang tsung and smoke's child trying to get out of training by pretending they're sick. (Dad *cough* I'm sick) 🤣
Liu Kang: -He looks at them, poker face. -"You know you can't fool me, right?" No anger nor annoyance in his voice, just a hint of amusement. -His kid groans when he pulls off the covers. -A full smile appears on Liu Kang's face after his kid pushes him out to prepare for the day. Memories of him trying the same thing with Raiden and with the same result. -Kung Lao has always been the more convincing actor between the two.
Raiden: -Full believes his kid. He tells his child to rest and keep warm. -Raiden goes to the training ground, Kung Lao soon walking to him. -"So, where is your kid?" "Illness, probably they didn't cover enough when training outside." Raiden replies, face still looking at the trainees. "Incredible, sick exactly for legs day." Lao says, tongue-in-cheek, eyes twinkling in michief. Raiden doesn't utter a word, the words of his friend running in circles in his brain. -"Raiden, do you remember when we trained together?" "Yes, I do." "Was I ever sick?" "At times." Raiden smirks, knowing full well where the conversation is going. "Was I ever sick, for real?" Raiden finally looks at his friend, a foxy smile on Lao's face. -Raiden crosses his arms, eyes again on the trainees. -A long talk awaits his kid.
Shang Tsung: -"How stupid can you be to think you could fool me?" -His kid didn't even have the time to open his mouth, Shang Tsung understanding his intention with just a glance. -The apple never falls far away from the tree, they say. -But his kid still has a long way to go if they wanna surpass the father…
Tomas Vrbada: -He is ass at understanding if people are sick using his hand, so the next move is- -"Stay there, I'm gonna ask mom to feel your temperature." It's time to sweat cold, kid. -The kid get away with it, but your words are still clear in their mind "Do you really want to make your father sad? To make him always suspicious about your every word? You know how much he cares about you. Next time, if you wanna skip speak up, confront is always better than lying." -Who tought a kid could learn this much from a little mischief! The illness excuse will never be used again.
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partycatty · 7 months
so i made a post about revenant johnny and i’m totally aware you saw it so what about a smut fic with revenant johnny??
i’m not entirely sure how we’d get to that part and i’d like to think we aren’t a revenant. im not entirely sure what the plot would be but i really just need to get my back blown out by revenant johnny
love ya 💙💙
revenant!older!johnny cage > join me
revenant johnny meets you after his turning. the carnal desire never vanished.
warnings: kinda angsty, not explicitly consented to, you get SLAMMED TO POUND TOWN AND BACK. NETHERREALM AND BACK. OUTWORLD AND B— oh also lore adjustment to mk9 and mk11 :3
[ masterlist ]
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you didn't think recent events could get any weirder, truly. just five years prior you lost the love of your life to a corrupted sindel, and with the knowledge that his cursed corpse sauntered beside a sorcerer such as quan chi, you honestly felt like coming face to face with a younger version of yourself was the most normal thing to occur. your job as a leader of the special forces was to capture and eliminate all threats to earthrealm, including but not limited to your former husband.
now under the command of a previous timeline's raiden among others, you had built enough of an army to counterattack what you lovingly called the zombified versions of your once-friends, liu kang and kitana. kronika was a force beyond your understanding but you knew that losing all you'd come to build would be a loss greater than... well, no. it was everything you'd lose.
at the bow of kharon's ship, you stood with a loaded rifle alongside a band of people you'd grown to admire; jax, jacqui, cassie, raiden, liu kang, kitana, kung lao, fujin, nightwolf, and of course a younger version of johnny. he nudges your side, aiming his own rifle at the sky with a hand on his hip.
"i hope we don't die out there, i'd love to tap that someday," he coos into your direction, perhaps louder than intended and earning horrified looks from everyone - including your fatherless daughter. you stomp on johnny's foot. perhaps you would have fallen for his charms in the past, but dear god was he more punchable than ever in that moment. even still, you miss his quips and jabs. what you wouldn't give to see the color return to his cracked, hellish skin.
"it is an honor to fight alongside most of you," you call out, facing forward as your subtle dig at younger johnny makes him frown. "raiden says it better. may the elder gods protect us."
it's not long before the large boat scrapes against the shore of the island, and your entire army charges into battle. guns, swords, and fangs spill so much blood, you could smell more iron than when you were riding down the crimson sea. your thoughts are cut short when a path opens, and you shoot a glance to your comrades.
"i see an opening!" you shout, pointing. "i'm going in!" a chorus of encouragements and cheers fill your ears atop the war cries, and the one that stands out most is cassie. your daughter's voice raises, slipping into grief mid-battle.
"if you find dad," she cries, praying to the gods that she won't lose both parents. "tell him i love him!" the knowledge that this battle will end in only one of you making it out alive terrifies her beyond belief but she does all she can to keep a strong face and salute you as you disappear in the crowd. cassie knows that a revenant version of johnny wouldn't fully understand, wouldn't fully accept her love, but she couldn't die or have him die without expressing it one last time.
you weave, shoot and slash through the crowd and end up in a castle-like structure. perhaps if you were to rise to the top you could use the position as surveillance or sniping. you could possibly even find a weak point. the building is just distant enough for the war to hardly reach the inside. your breathing and the sound of boots hitting stone are all you could focus on as you turn a corner.
blood rushes to your ears and you could feel your vision become glassy at the sight of the figure at the end of the hallway. even after all this time, you knew that shape. johnny stood in the dead center of the long hall, arms crossed and waiting like he predicted your arrival. maybe he did.
"no, nonono," you pant, leaning against the wall as your brows furrow. "not you. not now." the grief you thought you conquered washes over you.
"well i'll be damned," johnny smirks, pulling his sunglasses from his face and tucking them into his shirt. "long time no see, sugar." he takes long strides to you and your legs feel embarrassingly weak when you slide to the ground, gun clattering to the stone surface alongside you.
"anyone but you—" you're muttering under your breath, trying to ground your spiraling thoughts. "please."
johnny's in front of you now, kneeling down to meet your gaze. his skin is paled and crackling with a hellish glow, and his eyes are a heinous reddish shade. the outfit he wore was similar in style to his usual, but darker in palette and slightly edgier. in any other context, it was a good look.
"you look just as good as the day i left you," he grins, dismissing your grief and turmoil for flirtation. you want to fight back so bad, to shove him away and put an end to this but dammit it was the first time you'd heard that voice, that damn voice.
"why did you leave me? cassie?" you're involuntarily sobbing now, full of conflict. "why are you doing this?"
"you're the one causing this entire problem," johnny's defensive, jabbing a finger to your chest. "kronika's new era can save us. neither of us join the military. can you imagine it? white picket fence, two dogs and a daughter, home cooked meals every night and none of this bullshit—!" johnny's arm extends out to a nearby window, giving you both a view of the demon-human-demigod war on time. "—baby. join me. we could have everything we've ever dreamed of." his tone isn't as desperate and loving as it should be. it sounded... pushy. frustrated that you're disobeying what he wants.
"no," you choke out, tears flowing freely now. "you're being played a fool, johnny." he doesn't like your answer, and instead wraps a large hand around your small neck. he slides you back up the wall and spins you, your front now pressed up against a wall.
"you know what i'd miss more than your stubbornness?" he growls into your ear. his hand pressing hold on the back of your head is brewing a headache that quickly fizzles away when his other hand tugs your hips toward his front. you swallow, afraid to reply. "this sweet ass."
his cold, dead hand plays with the fat of your ass which spills a growl from his lips. instinctively rutting into you makes you spill an involuntary whimper out, craving his touch after so long.
"always a pain in my ass," johnny groans, slapping a cheek and watching it bounce. "i've gone years without it, i was practically losing my damn mind."
"johnny—" you barely breathe out. you're not entirely sure what you were going to say anyway. the warmth of his hardness shocks you as it slides up and down your clothed ass.
"mm?" he hums, transfixed on the way your behind fits his cock nicely. it was clear he wasn't fully listening and instead relishing in your presence once again.
as if he could read your thoughts, johnny chuckles to himself and kicks the rifle away, only stopping his humping momentarily to remove your defenses. your legs slightly part to try and catch the gun with your foot, accidentally giving him more access to your embarrassingly needy cunt.
"yeah, fuckin' speechless," he growls, hissing at the sight of your soaked bottoms. "bet you missed my cock, yeah?"
you could hardly even whimper from the onslaught of emotion. johnny's hand snakes to the front of your neck, forcibly arching your back as he pulls to lean into your ear.
"join me," he demands coldly.
johnny's hand dips under your waistband.
"join me," he demands again, tone getting progressively more animalistic as he tugs downward.
your pants are practically torn off as he grabs a fistful and tugs them to your knees with his mind-numbing strength. you weren't sure if he ripped your panties or tugged them off too. you hear something unbuckle on his end, and his hot, wet tip tickles your entrance.
"last chance." even though his hand returned to shove you into the stone wall, you could hear his cocky grin.
"go fuck yourself," you spit, realizing your grave choice of wording.
"i'll do you one better." he slams his entire cock inside of you, and it immediately settles into your walls like it was made to bury itself there for all of eternity. even still, going without dick that good leaves your pussy burning and on the verge of crying for other reasons.
he bottoms out quick, leaning back to admire how nicely he settles inside of you.
"well fuck, look at that," he says with genuine amusement in his tone. "you look so pretty stretched out on me like this, it's a sight for sore eyes."
your fingers claw at the stone, eyes rolling back as you take his full length without verbal complaint. as you pathetically attempt to protest, all you can sputter out are disconnected syllables. johnny's thrusts start off slow but he snaps into you as he reaches the base inches.
"all this whining but you're fuckin' soaked," he laughs, snapping into you harshly to hear you cry out. "you're a horrible liar, you know. you wanna join me, i can f — haah —" his own cocky nonsense is cut short when you clench around him. he lurches forward in shock, moving both hands to your hips to deepen his grip. "i can feel how tight you are for me."
in little to no time, johnny's cock is pounding into you at a breakneck pace, a horrid slapping sound echoing off of the castle walls as they mix with your obscene moans and his deep grunts. you're sure he's piling more unholy words into you but they feel so far away when he's plowing into you like a dying man — well.
his cracked, grey fingers grope you shamelessly, pinching your nipple through your uniform or rubbing rapid circles into your clit. the pleasure is too much too quickly and you feel a warmth pooling in your stomach as your juices coat his shaft.
a gasp escapes your lips with each thrust, your husband quite literally knocking the wind out of you each time he slams into you.
"i missed you," he purrs out, and just like that all hesitation and guilt you had flew away as his words made you cum hard. a glimpse of his humanity poured through at your orgasm, and while it was flattering, you had bigger problems to worry about then, including just how hard you came.
each wave of pleasure was met with an extra thrust for good measure, a pulse shooting to your clit that makes your knees buckle. what you quickly realize however is that your zombie husband isn't done with your body quite yet.
"oh, no no no," he tuts, thrusts getting wilder and filling you to the point of tears. "you're done when i'm done. this is what you get."
your sensitive walls continued to shamefully take every inch he forced into you, and you could writhe and twitch as a drop of drool spills from your lip. this revenant was fucking you stupid, using your body for all it was worth in the moment. you hated yourself for falling for his undead charm all over again. your vision was going black and starry before another orgasm rode up on you again, johnny's back shots doing nothing to soothe the overstimulation that was racking your body. it's not long before he's whining too, which turns into his signature whimpering when he fucks into you harshly, spewing his cum inside of you like he owns you. you cum with him this time, flooding with your own juice mixed with his cum that now coated your walls nicely.
tears still burned in your eyes, and so did your pussy from the unexpected stretch. johnny panted above you, face turned up at the ceiling as he tries to compose himself.
"holy..." he pants, wiping the sweat from his face with his arm. he wraps an arm around you and slaps at your bare pussy, making you yelp and jump back against his dick that's still buried inside. you swallow thickly and nod, too hazy to make sense of it all.
"i..." what the hell were you going to say? what is there to say after all of this? you're dumbfounded, fucked silly but torn apart by grief. as you crane your neck to look at johnny, you find that he's already looking at you with a coy expression. like he robbed you of something. tore your very being apart piece by piece and was proud.
"hope you're not mad at me for the whole dying thing, by the way."
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lonelynight13 · 10 months
Doodles part 2
So in my story? my timeline? or whatever it is called. Liu Kang's birthday is 19 Nov Although a lot of drama and problems and some silly days may exist in this story, everyone in this timeline leads a happy life.
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He could be depressed I mean...his life is so terrible
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Judging from the model he lost his butt and got thinner yeah? I think he eats less cus you know,,, Liu is still the same size and probably even bigger than his young self while Lao doesn't
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Lin[Haruka]: Master, did you know that my little brother will marry at the end of the year? Lao: Ah, yes...Jin told me about that. I congrats to your brother Lin: He also told me to invite you too Lao: unfortunately. you do know that it is not the monks' duty, especially for me who is not your family. I will send Kung Jin for that. Lin: Who the heck cares? scold me later if you want! I want you to go and you must go!! Let's go get a suit tailored!!
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Lin[Haruka]: Master Liu, please excuse me Liu: what... Lin: please come to my brother's wedding pretty please, please... Let's go get a suit tailored Liu: and where would you get the money from, huh? Lin: the temple money, sir... Liu: Oh... come here! we need to talk.
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Lao: That damn child! Liu: Mmm...this looks good on me Lin: Would you mind if I braid your hair? Lao: DO not touch my hair! Lin: you are so grumpy when you get old Liu: Is that your suit? Long: Yes, sir. I'm quite handsome am I not? Liu: How cheeky of you
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Haruka[Lin]: you got a problem with me, Shirai Ryu? Takeda: (doesn't want to argue with his big sister that much) what? what's wrong with Shirai Ryu? Does it bother your dad that much? (Thai curse like your mom joke) Haruka: oh you wanna play like this huh? YOUR DAD!! Takeda: Your damn dad Haruka: your fucking dad Kenshi: Children, what are you saying? both: not now, papa!
old men learn how to use phone comics soon
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kisses4lao · 11 months
Can you do Kung Lao with a breeding kink?? Cause I feel like he would’ve been told as a kid to have a lot of kids so that the great Kung Lao legacy doesn’t die-
Anon I am madly in love with you we're getting married
No but UHHH general NSFW hcs with Kung Lao bc you didn't give me a plot to work with(guys give me plots or just ask for hcs idc)
Tw/cw: AFAB reader, pure horniness, a lot of sort of vanilla but also kinky stuff at the same time
Not proofread but are we surprised
He ABSOLUTELY has a breeding kink. I don't even think it's because he was told from a young age he has to carry on the Kung Lao legacy, he's just super into it
Like yeah, he definitely wants kids and doesn't want to disappoint his elders by not carrying the bloodline, but he'd do it just for shits
Like bro literally loves cuming inside, he's so obsessed with how your walls hug him in and how your pussy looks when he pulls out, leaking everywhere. Depending on the night, he'd either finger it back inside you, skip aftercare and cockwarm you, or eat you out. He's into it all
He's very obsessed with getting you pregnant with multiple kids. He'd be such an amazing dad and would train all of your kids equally, but he would have his first born son but the next Kung Lao, as per tradition.
I feel as though he'd also be into pregnant sex. He's definitely a lot more passionate and gentle than he would be if you werent carrying his kid(not saying that he isn't passionate and gentle normally). Hed be so in love with you and the fact that you're carrying his baby and would give you literally anything you want. A certain pregnancy craving? He's on it. You're having pain somewhere? He's got pain meds and he's ready to give you a massage. And you bet your ass he'd eat you out for days.
Hear me out on this: blood kink.
Am I projecting? Mayhaps. I'm sorry seeing a man like drenched in blood UGGGGGHHHHG
okay but he like
Definitely has a blood kink
Not in the traditional way tho
Like if you have a cut or something and you start bleeding he's not gonna pop a boner
I'm saying he's hardcore into period sex
No okay he isn't going to fuck you when he finds out you're on your period(unless you want him to)
He's gonna take care of you. He'd absolutely buy you tampons/pads and menstrual cramp pain relievers. You'd text him and say you're on your period and 30 minutes later he'd show up with a basket full of pads, pain relievers, your favorite ice cream, chocolate, and a teddy bear. Every. Single. Month.
If you were to ask him to he'd be on his knees in MILLISECONDS to eat you out. He'd take you anyway you want him to. On the couch, against the wall, he'd fuck you in the Shaolin temple if you asked.
Overall he's an incredibly sweet lover. He can be cocky at times but he'd let you put him in his place. He definitely loves giving and receiving praise, he'll slap your ass if you asked him to but he doesn't degrade you. You're too important to him and he loves you too much to hurt your feelings, even if you'd want him to
He also prefers giving oral. Most of the time he'd rather eat you out than eat the dinner you made for him
He does like blowjobs tho
He just overall likes being close to you and is the KING of aftercare. He's so gentle and he's so sweet about it. We love him
A/n: got my boyfriend into Mortal Kombat. His favorite character is Kung Lao because he has a cool hat. He calls Kung Lao hat guy and when I told them about Raiden he started calling him pointy hat guy. They lost his shit when I said they were friends
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