#dad the beard gorilla and i
shoujo-splosion · 4 months
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thelreads · 1 year
And now I finished another manga that was so good. My god I feel like every single possible emotion conceivable went through my heart while reading this
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It was so cute, it was so beautiful and sad, but like the best character to ever exist said, "every story must come to an end, and because there is an end, it is beautiful and precious"
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Farewell, you legend. And may those two brothers find their happiness in the paths to come.
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spirit-of-anime · 1 year
Yo yo, do you have an account on anime planet?
I need like a big list of manga to read on my free time loll
Ah, no, I'm sorry I don't. And I don't keep a track of what I read 😅
Recently, I read and enjoyed a slice of life really sweet, this one. The art is very specific, because deliberately simple, and I think that adds to its charm. It's a 4-koma, the mangaka really masters this form.
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He's also the author of this other story, wich was a delight to read for me (I was sad to finish it and not being with the characters anymore)
I hope you like it, and I'm sorry for not helping more ^^' ❣️🌻
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fumoshino · 10 months
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why are 6 year olds so good at telling whats poison and whats not?
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soapsbaby · 1 year
Silly Spicy Call of Duty headcanons
Characters: Simon "Ghost" Riley, Johnny "Soap" MacTavish, König, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra, John Price, Valeria Garza, all x reader Rating: 18+ (Minors DNI) Themes: All NSFW but very lighthearted, nothing particularly triggering but ask to tag! Word count: 750ish
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These are just silly little headcanons about them, PLEASE if you have any like these send them to me i had such a blast writing them lol!!
Sometimes his mask slips a little and he looks goofy as hell, you have to do your best to not laugh into his face because you know he won’t let that slide.
Uses British lingo sometimes. Has called your pussy a “fanny” before. Got mad when that made you giggle.
Once got so frustrated with trying to figure out how to operate one of your vibrators that he broke it. Was very apologetic and immediately ordered you another one afterwards.
He is clumsy as hell. Every time you have tried to fuck in a position that is anywhere near athletic, something goes wrong. It’s a miracle neither of you have broken your necks trying to get it on in the shower. He will always take the fall though, protecting you with everything he has and curling himself around you even if it means he will end up bruised or bleeding.
Makes a lot of typos when sexting, never notices. Called you “baby gorilla” once (you will never let him live that down).
Gets offended when you call him “Soap” in the bedroom. You know my name, what are you calling me that for? Dummy.
He doesn’t usually wear his balaclava under his mask when you have sex since it gets too sweaty but since his mask is pretty loose he will sometimes have to pft-ppf-tpftt when it gets stuck in his mouth. Has almost choked on his mask before.
Gets so flustered that he will just start sputtering nonsense. Has on several occasions been so out of it that he has messed up the nicknames you use for each other. “yes show me that I am your little babygirl, wait- no, you are… I am your boy… you’re… Wait, I’m sorry”. Not a gender or kink thing, which would of course be alright with you, just him being a dummy.
Is a bit of a crier and drooler sometimes which wouldn't be a problem except for the fact that he will sometimes accidentally waterboard himself in his mask and not tell you.
Has called you mommy once and was mortified. Neither of you have really spoken about it but sometimes you will drop little hints around him to get him flustered.
Likes when you suck him off while he is playing video games but then gets too into the game and genuinely can’t help but get annoyed when he loses because you distract him.
Cpt Price
Is oblivious to any signs that you want him. Will go into Dad story telling mode and completely ignore the effect he is having on you until you grab him by the shirt and just tell him to fuck you.
Has a sex playlist called "sensual" with just the most cliché sex songs on it possible. Can unironically have sex to "Careless Whisper" and “Let’s get it on”.
Has given you rug burn with his beard before. 0/10 very unpleasant experience (you’d do it again, though).
Will say things that could be interpreted as sexist in the moment and then immediately get apologetic. Who’s my good slut? I mean… If you want to be. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to… Are you okay with that? Okay. Cool.
Will fuck you in uniform because he knows you’re into that and then get distracted by things he finds in his pockets like shopping receipts. 
Doesn’t care whether or not you understand him, he will speak Spanish to you.
Gets tormented by you with new pet names every day. mí amor, I don't know what a Zaddy is. I don’t even know if that’s a good thing.
In the beginning of your relationship he was completely oblivious to most kinks. If you ever expressed anything out of the ordinary to you, he’d raise his eyebrows in confusion and say something like “what? why would anyone want that?” but was always open to trying anything. Now he is probably even more of a deviant than you are.
Has this roleplay thing going on where you are a traitor to her cause and she discovers it and gets to “punish” you. You find it a little silly but it gets her super riled up so you play along.
Secretly loves to bottom and to be taken care of by you but would never tell you (you know anyway). Thinks she is being very good at hiding it (she is not).
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mr2swap · 1 year
The incident: This man is my son
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- Nate What the hell are you doing? -From falling my Briefcase to the ground while The funny creature that was in my new armchair began to bark without moving from its comfortable place in the muscular arms of my little son Nate, the long and smelly feet of my son stank the entire room with the musky odor of the sweat from his feet.
- Isn't it great dad? her name is Zoey, Mom and I rescued her on the way home, and don't worry about taking her for a walk I'm going to start jogging in the mornings before I go to school, and I'll pick up everything I do in the garden and I'm going to…- I made a hand gesture for her to stop and immediately there was silence, with the same hand I rubbed my hundred to try to alleviate the migraine that was beginning to attack me -Just... it's fine just don't put her on the sofa and clean what she does- I continued on my way towards the kitchen while Nate smiled at me with those lips hidden in a beard recently shaved by my wife Naina, in a second Nate wrapped his long arms around the dog and lowered her to the ground.
-And don't put your feet up on the table! - I yelled before entering the kitchen, once again Zoey the new member of the family barked at me and stayed while she and my huge and noisy son stayed in the living room, as soon as I entered the kitchen I almost tripped over one of my son's toys, put away the little red tricycle with a soft kick that my son usually plays with after coming home from the gym, maybe I should buy him a bike before he breaks it with his new weight of 265 pounds and his height of 6.5 feet tall but I should teach him how to drive it first just like I taught him how to shave.
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The government psychologist assured me that it was only a matter of time before me to get used to my new son and his new body, but for me, it is still embarrassing to have to explain to the neighbors that the manly, muscular, shirtless white man who is playing basketball in our front yard is actually my little son Nate.
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I couldn't do anything but get used to having another "man" at home, the government is trying to reverse the random exchanges but the terrorists altered the gas so that the effects would be indefinite, maybe forever, I went to the stove to prepare a chamomile tea, while I waited for the sound of the kettle to alert me, I tried to remember my life before that stupid accident in the subway.
Before Nate was the huge 6.5 feet tall hairy gorilla sitting in my living room he was an ordinary kid coming home to his grandfather from elementary school, the same way thousands of people inhaled the gas that a group of terrorists had stolen from a Swap Corp truck and when they woke up they found themselves trapped in the body of some stranger next to them!
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The incident destroyed many lives and separated many families But Nate doesn't seem upset with his new body I don't think I've ever seen him smile so much now that he's a 33-year-old man, He doesn't have to go to school so while I and his mom are working he spends his mornings at the gym or playing video games but he still visits his old friends from elementary school to beat them at basketball and tell them all about his new life as a white man.
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Of course, my father was also affected by the body-swapping gas, and right now he is spending his retirement money on his vacation in South Korea Before he left he said something about connecting with his new culture and his new age.
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He was really lucky to end up in the body of “Yoon” a 25-year-old Korean man who was just at the station to take a couple of photos for his Instagram, at first Grandpa was puzzled by his adorable face and body. of a Greek god but now from all the pictures on the beach and in clubs on the other side of the world, it seems that he is having fun with his second chance. I can't say the same for the real Yoon, The term in my father's fat and old African-American body, and is living in a government asylum for people affected by the incident that's another story...
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Hey folks! if you like bodyswap stories take a look at my patreon, I have a lot of more stories, and you can help me keep creating more stories!
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legend-the-dumb-jock · 7 months
The wishing well redux part 2
Eric woke up sweating like a pig in the hot trailer room. BO pouring off him and making the whole film smell like an filthy animal. It had been a week since he was given the chance to make a wish. And a week that he had taken To get used to feeling the love and attention of his father that he so desperately wanted. He just didn’t realize that the wish would change everything. His father had to cater to him now for most stuff. He was in special classes on up till high when he dropped out from just not being smart enough. At least in this reality. He was no longer the smart college guy he once was but now someone that struggled to read simple sentences. His father had told him that it was alright. He knew when Eric was young that Eric was special and there was nothing wrong with that. It made Eric feel so proud. He heard his father call him from the kitchen with the usual “come on big guy I got breakfast cooked !” He loved getting to eat with his father every morning. It was one of his favorite times of the day.
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Eric got some boxers from the dirty pile of clothing and piled them as he could feel them stretch and struggle to cover to his massive bulky thigh and butt. He still had on some of his dirty socks from the day before. He found a pair of his dirty work pants and pulled them up. The dirty tight sleeveless shirt his father gave him earlier in the week finished his dumb dirty trailer trash look. He thundered to the kitchen. Everything shaking in his path. He was no longer graceful. Not walking like a big fun. Animal as the curse made him. When he got to the kitchen his father was smoking and smiled at him. “Eat up big guy we have to get to work !” Eric began to eat his breakfast shoveling the food his father made him into his bearded face. Taking swigs of his beer every to often. That’s when he heard it. Some pebbles hitting the window. He looked out and he seen the guys that lived around them tossing rocks at the window and pointing at laughing at him. He had traded friendship for the love of his father. And these guys picked on him a lot. Calling his names like the big dumb brute. Gorilla. Anything they could thing of. His father slammed his hand down on the table and jolted out the door. The men ran but his father got the leader of them. A college boy that Eric used to be friends with. He heard his father screaming at him as he picked up up from his feet but the collar of his shirt. The guy laughed at him until he heard the boy bagging. He looked at out the window and seen his father was thrusting his thick cock into the 21 years old mouth. “You make fun of my boy again and I really stretch your hole !” His father thrust harder and harder right there on the front yard for all the other college guys to see. Making an example of the one he caught. And with a light grunt his father unloaded in the mouth shooting an extra thick load down his stomach. When he pulled out more cum shot on the mans face. His father dripped up and he pointed at the others. “I’ll do that to all of you if you mess with my boy again!” Taking s big boot foot he kicked the man over who was gagging over what just happened. His father came back to the trailer and slammed the am door. “You ok big guy ? They won’t be messing you anymore”.
Eric got into the work truck and was happy to be along for the ride. That cabin of the truck stunk worse than normal. “Big guy have you been forgetting to shower ?” His dad laughed and gave him a playful jab in the arbs. Eric dumbly laughed and said “ughh daddy I don’t know”. It seemed that Eric was giving up more and more of himself just to be happy and feel loved. He fell asleep in the truck on his way to the dumb for trash picking with his dad. In his dream he was back in the same forest. Dark. Only this time he didn’t have to walk. He was sucked directly to the well floating above the ground. And when he got there the same shadow monster was there. In a raspy whisper “choose now boy. The life of intelligence and wealth or the life of poor and stupid . You’ve felt what it like living the life of your wish. Now choose ! Which will you live the rest of your life as ?” There was a mirror in front of him. Showing him the body of the burly man he had become. Just looking at him dumbly. He looked down at himself and he was his old self. He could even feel the clouds fog lifted from his head. The first time he had been able to actually think since his first wish was made. He kept looking at the mirror. And then back down at himself. He looked at the shadow monster and said “I’ve made my decision …”
Grieves was a simple man who only ever wanted one thing. A family. His wife had passed away years before and left him alone to his mansion and fortune. But he was lonely. He had seen a show the other morning with a man on his front yard. Claiming a college jock as his own. Grieves sought the man out. And hired him to come work for him. The only catch was the big dumb son he catered to hand and literal foot. When he seen the white truck pull into his parking lot he smiled. Seeing such big men get out of the truck. He knew this next chapter in his life was going to be fun. Wishes really did come true. He knew this when he seen one of the men. Obviously dumber than dumb get out and stretch his massive body. Eric has made his wish. And he would for ever now be a dumb hairy day laborer. But he would be loved.
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April 18th, 2021 4:45pm wishing well
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imaginedreamwrite · 2 years
Wislist Wednesday!
Theo and James are the ones who take reader out... and they have their dads card. Reader, reasonably, declines saying they can't steal from their dad. Until they say, "No he said it was okay, look!" and pull out a sheet of paper saying Curtis did give permission in their handwriting... with Curtis' signature at the bottom.
“Its time to go!” James stood on the top of the stairs screaming, as loud as his voice could go, beating at his chest like he was a gorilla. “TIME TO GO!”
“James!” You chided him, sliding across the wood floor when you flew out of your bedroom. “Shh! Not so loud, your daddy-“
“Here up and get down here!” Theo called from the bottom of the stairs, stomping around in an aft manner, copying to the tune of James. “LET’S GO!”
“Okay, okay!” You sighed and headed to the stairs, taking the first few steps before you looked back at James. “Are you happy?”
“Nanny!” Theo pointed to you dramatically, stroking a pose before he moved on to James. “Brother!”
And finally to himself, point his finger at his own chest. “Theo! Off on an adventure.”
“Where are we going today, Captain Hook?” You questioned Theo, stopping by the closet in the foyer to grab your slip on boots.
“Captain Hook? Captain Hook is the bad guy.” James skidded after you, rummaging around messily until he found his shoes. “Peter Pan is the hero.”
“In the original-“ hair on the back of your neck stood on end and you cast a glance over your shoulder, Curtis stood there watching you.
“Boys,” he called once and they ran toward him, embracing him as he crouched down and listened to him speaking softly.
You couldn’t hear what was said, but they had immediately jumped up when he was done and ran toward, and out, of the door before piling into the blacked out vehicle waiting.
“I was just-“ you muttered, captivated by Curtis and stunned when he walked toward you, cupping your chin.
“You’re going to be a good girl today?” He addressed you with a quiet him, his thumb tapping your bottom lip. “I’ve got bad people in my circles. I don’t want you around them.”
“You need different circles.” You commented, your words producing a husky and deep laugh from Curtis, the tone making you shiver against him.
“Sure, mousey.” He leaned in, his beard fist despite its thickness. “Be good.”
“Nanny! Theo! James!” Theo called from the vehicle, crawling into the front seat beside the driver to lay on the horn. “WE’RE JUST MISSING NANNY!”
I have to go-“ you looked back and by the time you had turned back to Curtis, you felt his lips brushing against yours in a heart-stopping kiss.
“Be my good girl today.” He pulled away and tapped the tip of your nose, leaving you feeling stunned.
“Nanny-!” You turned sharply and left the house, slipping down the stairs to the vehicle. You climbed inside and exhaled in a huff, your lips still warm and buzzing from that kiss.
“Daddy gave us his card-“
“James, we can’t steal your dad’s money-“ you reached for the card, running your thumb over his name etched into the front.
“No, its okay!” Theo jerked forward, waving a piece of paper in his hands. “Daddy said its okay.”
The note was passed to you, and you had seen true to their word, the signature slated across the bottom of the page.
Your heart flipped and your stomach warmed. You handed the note back to Theo but kept the card, and then you looked away. You glanced out the window as the vehicle began pulling away from the drive, knowingly locking eyes with Curtis despite the blacked out windows.
He knew you were looking at him, he could feel it.
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wolfsclothing6 · 2 years
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“Hey dad, do you know what’s going on with Ed? He hasn’t been there for any of our college classes this whole week and he hadn’t been answering his phone either.”
“Maybe he’s not feeling too well? I don’t know what else would keep him from attending his classes.” John says, trying to assure his son that his friend is alright.
“I thought that might have been it but yesterday I saw this older guy parking his truck in their driveway. The way he went about it almost looked like he lived there or something. They couldn’t have just moved out without telling anyone, right?”
John frowns, he didn’t think it was likely, surely Ed’s father, Hank, would have mentioned something about that beforehand. Besides John hadn’t seen any moving trucks at their place.
“Maybe he’s just some relative staying over with them?”
“Yeah, you’re probably right dad, it’s still so weird though… I’ve seen him smoking a cigar in front of Ed’s house when I was on my way home from class and the way he stared at me just gave me the goosebumps..”
John nodded, now that Will had mentioned it, he had noticed a few odd looking characters like that around the neighborhood over these past couple days. All of them large, older, cigar smoking men with grey beards on their faces, who stared straight at him whenever he passed them on the street.
“I think I know what you mean son, I saw someone like that yesterday. Guy was built like a truck and looked like he might have gotten lost on his way to some country fair with that whole cowboy getup. But the strangest thing was that when I took a look at his face, it almost seemed familiar in a way.”
John still couldn’t figure out why he thought that though, he would have definitely remembered seeing someone like that before. Even now he was having trouble getting rid of the mental image of the man’s enormous gut that spilled over his belt and his huge, hirsute, gorilla arms. He must have really enjoyed showing those off, why else would he be wearing nothing underneath that skimpy leather vest? But there was something about the man’s face, something in his eyes, maybe underneath all those wrinkles and that wild, greying beard he really did look like someone he knew? John didn’t dwell on that though, not thinking much of it at the time or even now.
“Exactly! Same with that guy I saw living in Ed’s place, he’s exactly what I would expect Ed to look like if he ever turned into some redneck once he got older. Maybe he really is just a relative of theirs. I dunno, I think I’m going to go and get ready for my classes, hopefully Ed will show up today.”
“Alright son, I’ll see you later.” John says, waving his son off as he leaves for class. John sits and thinks about the conversation they just had, wondering if he should go see if Hank and Ed are home. Standing up he looks through the window, there is an old, beat up truck parked in driveway, John doesn’t recall them ever owning one and figures that it must belong to Ed’s visiting uncle, that’s probably who that man is.
Suddenly he sees their front door opening as the very man he’d just been thinking about steps outside, wearing a blue flannel vest with nothing underneath and smoking a fat, long cigar.. As he sees the man making his way to his car John decides that this would be a perfect opportunity to chat him up and clear up everything.
John hurries out, waving the older gentleman down before he can slide inside the car. “Hey there!” John calls out, jogging up to him. The older man just grunts a greeting. Being this close to him John can see that the man does look a lot like Hank, so maybe he was right about him being his brother. “I’m John, I live across the street from you guys.” he says while stretching out his hand. The older man wraps his meaty fingers around it and gives it a firm shake, still not saying anything. “I was wondering how Ed was doing. My son mentioned that it’s been a few days since he last showed up for any his college classes. Had he fallen ill or something?.”
“Mornin’ neighbor, Ed doin’ mighty fine the last I’ve seen ‘im” the man lets out a rambunctious chuckle, still holding John’s hand within his furry paw. If John didn’t know better he would have thought that the man was actually trying pull him closer against his massive, barrel chest. The air between them started filling with cigar smoke and John immediately noted how that must have been the same brand as the one that cowboy from earlier had been smoking. Suddenly he found himself so enamored by the smell that it didn’t even occur to him how strange it was that he still remembered it after getting just a faint whiff a couple days ago. John saw the man locking his lips around the stogie, sucking on it until its tip turned bright red and as he opened his mouth to let out all the smoke, John found himself opening his as well, except to suck in as much of it as he could. But only a few billows made it past his throat before a series of brutal, loud coughs took over his body.
Once they were over John shook his head and tried to subtly pull away, acting as if the last couple moments didn’t happen at all. “Um, right… if you see Hank could you ask him to give me a call please? And let Ed know that my son’s been feeling concerned about him if that’s okay?” John asks, finally getting his hand back from the larger older man. “Well, I reckon ya could ask ‘em yourself, Pops is right there in the backyard with his buddies.” the man says. “Oh that’s great, I’ll go do that then, thank you!” John hurries away, taking in deep breaths of fresh air to clear up his head as he gets further away from the cigar smoking bear.
John makes his way around Hank’s house and sees a group of men lounging by the pool, they are all very large and extremely hairy. Either bearded or sprouting some other form of thick facial hair. Every last one of those strange, out of place looking fellows he’d talked about with his son appears to be there, smoking an obligatory cigar and staring straight at him. In fact, the only person he doesn’t see there is the man of the house himself, Hank. John doesn’t have much of a chance to inquire about that before a huge, hirsute guy who sat nearby took note of his presence and hollered out to everyone in thick Southern accent “Dang, look what the cat dragged in boys, it’s Johnny! We’ve been just talkin’ about ya bud!”
John hears the burly men letting out hoots and hollers as he walks further in. “I’m sorry but do I know you?” John asks once he gets closer to the old man that had called out his name. He doesn’t recall ever seeing him before, could he be another relative of Hank’s? And where was Hank anyway, John would never expect his neighbor to get chummy with men like this, especially with bad habits like all that smoking and drinking that’s going on here. “Course you know me bud!” the old man says, drawing John’s attention to him. The old man removes his sunglasses and as John takes a look at his eyes he can’t help but think that he knows them from somewhere, even despite the rest of the man’s wrinkled, round face appearing completely alien to him.
The man grins and rolls the cigar to the corner of his mouth, looking very amused by John’s perplexed face, as does everyone gathered around them. “This isn’t funny, who the hell are you, where’s Hank?!” John fires off as his patience reaches its limit. The man’s grin grows even wider as he licks his lips and puts his furry hand over his crotch. “Ya sure about that bud, ya really wanna know?” he replies, prompting a number of surrounding men to snicker. John only faintly nods his head, slightly thrown off by the guy’s bizarre reaction. “All righty then, but remember… ya asked fer this yerself bud… Grab ‘im Junior!”
Before John can react to what this old man had said he’s grabbed by a pair of strong, furry arms from behind. “Let me go!” He shouts while struggling against the man’s grasp, much to the amusement of the others around him. “No can do.” the man chuckles and John immediately identifies him as the man he spoke to in the driveway. “What’s the meaning of this?! Let me go!”John yells out again. “Why Johnny? You’ve said it yerself, ya wanted tah know where yer friend Hank is, I’m only goin’ tah tell ya, I’m gonna show ya, bud” He says as he pulls the cigar out his mouth and blows a mouthful of smoke in John’s direction.
John begins to cough again, feeling the thick smoke invading his lungs. He sees the man slowly hefting himself up from his chair and moving in his direction, together with a number of others who had previously only watched from the distance. “What the hell are you doing? Are you crazy?!” John shouts, trying once again to free himself from the bearded man’s grasp. His struggles only seem to amuse him as the man’s burly arms hardly budge at all. He laughs, filling the air around them with plumes of cigar smoke.
John starts to feel dizzy, finding himself subjected to even more smoke as the other bear walks up closer to him. “If ya didn’t miss our last poker night bud you’d know where Hank is.” the older hirsute bear says, prompting everyone around to laugh. “See, Marty brought over a box of these gars. At first nobody wanted to smoke anythin’ called ‘Redneck Stogies’, but after Marty fired one up it wasn’t long before the boys joined in, mahself included.” the man says. This has to be some kind of a joke, why is that old man talking about that poker night out of the sudden. “It wasn’t long before we’ve all started whipping out our fat, daddy dicks and turning into the hot, redneck bears you can see before ya bud.” he says letting out another raucous belly laugh. It may be because of his dizzy state but John almost believes him at first. As he looks around at the men around him, John can see that they all look eerily familiar to his poker friends and other various neighbors. He notices the big bellied cowboy he told his son about this morning, from the start he couldn’t get rid of the impression that he looked a lot like Jim, one of Hank’s coworkers.
Same with the guy that’s been talking to him, je does look so much like his next door neighbor. Only a bit older and so much bigger… hairier… ho- no… it must be that smoke messing with his head and making it so fuzzy he almost believed what the man had said. They must be trying to drug him somehow, that’s probably what they did to the real Hank too. “Shut up! Let me go and take me to my neighbor or I’ll call the cops!” John snaps but the men don’t seem to be taking his threats seriously at all. “Ya still don’ believe me? It’s fine, I didn’t want to either when I went downstairs for a couple minutes and returned to find Steve bending Jim over the card table and plowing his ass like no tomorrow. Don’ cha worry though… after the boys held me down and fed me some of the smoke it wasn’t long before I was aching to take Steve’s place, gonna be the same fer ya Johnny. Now I know why the guys at the shop were so generous with their ‘free samples’ once Tom told them he was looking for something for our poker night, we all just can’t get enough of these gars now.”
This was insane, surely this guy was crazy. Something like that just wasn’t possible… right? John found himself having some doubts now, unsure what to believe after breathing in so much of that smoke. He was starting to feel really strange, even his cock was growing harder and forming a small tent inside his pants after hearing that whole story. Fuck… giving Jim’s fat, furry ass a good plowing sure sounded hot… wait, what? “Looks like yer startin’ tah enjoy yerself Johnny!” Hank hollers, before taking a drag off his cigar and exhaling it straight into John’s face, covering it with a thick, grey mist. John tries his best to hold his breath but there is so much smoke everywhere that it’s just impossible to avoid breathing it in. Eventually he just can’t help it and gasps, taking in a mouthful of it inside his body which makes him feel even dizzier. “Nnngh, let me go…” John moans feeling an intense wave of arousal sweeping over him, barely finding any strength left to struggle against the man’s grasp. “No can do Mr Owens, not before I find out what a sexy daddy bear yer goin’ tah make.” Oh god… in that single moment John realized who this huge, bearded man behind him really was “Mr Owens”, that’s exactly what Ed always called him whenever he saw him on the street or came over to visit his son, no matter how many times he assured him that ‘John’ was enough. But surprisingly knowing that didn’t faze him as much as he thought it might. In fact thinking of these cigars turning Ed into such a big bear of man only made his arousal grow stronger.
John’s inner conflict clearly wasn’t missed by the surrounding men as they all started rubbing their crotches. “I see yer startin’ tah enjoy it bud, how about I show ya how good it feels to suck on one of these?” drawled Hank while extending his hand with a half smoked cigar towards John. “We’re running out so I was havin’ mah boy pick up a couple more boxes fer us before ya turned up, but I reckon I might be generous and share this one with ya bud.” John tried his best to pull away when he saw Hank moving right next to him while sucking on his cigar. But despite John’s best efforts his neighbor’s bearded lips were on top of his, hungrily kissing him and invading his mouth with his tongue, blowing tobacco smoke straight down his throat. A haze of pure lust instantly clouded John’s mind as he found himself between two furry, massive bodies. His cock growing painfully hard as he felt their prominent bulges grinding against him from the front and the back. His body began growing, heating up, John felt an unfamiliar itch spreading over his cheeks as thick, white stubble covered them completely. But as soon as it began, it was over once Hank pulled away. In that same moment John found himself involuntarily moaning as if to protest that he didn’t get more, before barely regaining his composure once he realized what he was doing. “Dang it, this is even more fun than when I’ve changed mah boy. In fact, why don’t ya tell ‘im how it went down Junior, I reckon it’s gonna make his cock leak even more!”
“I didn’t think much of it when I first smelled cigar smoke creeping inside my room, I’ve tried to focus on studying, but it wasn’t long before all I could think about was whipping out my hard cock and beating off. I was already starting to change when I the heard moans coming from across the hallway and decided to follow them. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I found everyone turned into these hot, furry, redneck bears they are now right in the middle of fucking each other’s brains out. Something inside my head was screaming at me to get out of there, but my cock was rock hard and all I wanted was to join in on the fun, so I just stood there, unsure what to do, until one of these hot bears took notice of me. He told me to get my ass right in there between his legs and suck daddy off. As I watched him slowly jerking that huge, fat, daddy dick of his, looking so hot, I just couldn’t resist and simply had to do as I was told. Pa kept on showering me with the smoke from his gar and by the time he unloaded in my mouth, I was another horny, redneck daddy like the rest of the boys.” Ed says, his voice betraying a great deal of arousal at the memory.
He wasn’t the only one either as John found himself picturing every last detail of what Ed had described, growing so aroused he lost control completely. His body began changing again. the white stubble growing thicker and turning into a full beard, the hair on his head turning white and thinning out at the front, his face becoming withered as he slowly crept up in age. John’s in shape body was soon completely gone as it kept on packing on the pounds of excess fat, his stomach rounding out into a big, hefty gut with a thick dusting of white hair covering it. John couldn’t help but moan as the lust overwhelmed his mind, his cock began dripping with precum and staining the front of his jeans. John couldn’t help imagining doing something like this to his son as well. Having Will get on his knees and suck his old, daddy bear off before he handed him a cigar and watched him turn into a real man like the one he was becoming himself right now.
John let out a deep, low grunt and thrust his hips forward. He was so unimaginably horny, he looked down at his changing body, his big, round gut and the nearly fully grown, grey beard. The fit, almost hairless, clean-shaven forty year old from barely fifteen minutes ago was gone and in his place stood a nearly fully changed daddy bear. That was so fucking hot, and the thought of making others like him, especially his son was turning him on even more. “Let me fuckin’ go, need tah nut, need tah fuck yer hole!” John heard himself grunt with an accent just as thick as Hank’s, as he tried to pull away from Ed’s grasp. He seemed to be having much more trouble keeping him contained than when he first grabbed him and John could already tell that it won’t be long before he grows strong enough to overpower him and gets to bury his massive, daddy dick inside his furry ass, fuck yeah… no… this wasn’t right… this wasn’t his voice… he didn’t really want to do that… he had to remember that… he had to keep on fighting… “Ya really want us tah let ya go? I reckon we might as well let ya… but first yer gonna have tah smoke this gar down tah its cap bud!” growled Hank as he stuck the stub of the cigar he was smoking between John’s lips.
It smelled so delicious, he wanted so much to suck on it, fill his lungs with its smoke and have it change him even further, make him grow even bigger, hairier, hotter… his cock had to be massive already, it was practically ready to tear through the fabric of his pants by now. His whole body was… John could hear his clothes starting to tear at their seams and couldn’t wait for that to happen, he wanted so much to see his new daddy bear body in its full glory. No… he couldn’t give in… this cigar was barely an inch long, it was only a matter of a couple more minutes before it will be gone and he will be free, he could resist… wait it out… and then he could escape… get to his son and… and pump that cub full cum and gar smoke until he turns into a horny ol’ fuck like him! Oh god… no…
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cerinelle-stellarium · 10 months
Seinen Stories to Start With
You would not believe the insane amount of effort I went through to do this thing. Made from the results of this poll. All series here 100% guaranteed to stay wholesome/consistent through their runs. If you're looking for something sweet, a good story or a combo of both, you will find it here!
All series listed here are from the 2000s-2020s.
ACCA: 13 Territory Inspection Dept.
Accomplishments of the Duke's Daughter
Alice and Zoroku
The Apothecary Diaries
Binbou Shimai Monogatari
Blue Period
Bocchi the Rock!
Bokura wa Mahou Shounen
A Bouquet For An Ugly Girl
Boys Run The Riot
Chibisan Date
Chio's School Road
Chi's Sweet Home
Children of the Sea
Coffee and Cat
Dad, tthe Beard Gorilla and Me
Dance Dance Danseur
Delicious in Dungeon
The Demon Girl Next Door
Dinosaur Santuary
Don't Hurt Me, My Healer!
Dungeon no Osana najimi
Emma: A Victorian Romance
Engaged to the Unidentified
Fastest Finger First
Forest of Piano
A Galaxy Next Door
Gekikou Kamen
Getsuyoubi no Tawawa
Girlish Number
Girls Und Panzer
Gohan no Otomo
Go With The Wind, North-By-Northwest
Granny Girl Hinako-chan
Heaven's Design Team
Heterogenia Linguistics
High Score Girl
Himouto! Umaru-chan
Hito Hitori Futari
Hoshikuzu Telepath
Hozuki's Coolheadedness
Hyouga Mono
Ichigeki Sacchu!! Hoihoi-san
If My Favorite Idol Made It tto the Budokan, I Would Die
Insomniacs After School
Interviews With Monster Girls
In This Coner of the World
Is Kichijou the Only Place to Live?
I Want Your Mother to Be With Me!
The Kawai Complex to Manor and Hostel Behavior
Keep Your Hands of Eizouken!!
Kokou no Hito
Kotaro Lives Alone
Kowloon Generic Romancey
Kuro (Somato)
Kutsuzure Sensen
The Last Uniform
Love Me For Who I Am
Love Roma
Magical Meow Meow Taruto
The Magical Revolution of the RReincarnated Princess
Manga ni Tsukurikata
March Comes In Like A Lion
March Story
Memories of Emanon
Mimia Hime
Miss Koizumi Loves Ramen Noodles
My Brother's Husband
My Girl (Sumomo Yumeka)
My Neighbor Seki
Natsuiro Kiseki
Nobunage no Chef
Odd Taci
Oh, My Sweet Alien
One Punch Man
Otome Youkai Zakuro
Our Dreams at Dusk
Pan de Peace!
Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt (Literally the only ecchi magical girl parody I'll allow on the list)
Please Tell Me! Galko-chan
Police In A Pod
Pop Team Epic
Psycho Staff
Read or Die
A Room For Two
Run with the Wind
Saint Young Men
Saturn Apartments
Sekai Maou
Shadows' House
Shiharu Genesis
Shiori Experience
Shounen Note: Boy Soprano
Shrine of the Morning Mist
Silver Nina
Sing "Yesterday for Me"
Skip and Loafer
Sora no Manimani
Space Brothers
Space Patrol Luluco
Steins' Gate
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale
Suicide Girl
Sweetness and Lighting
Thermae Romae
This Art Club Has a Problem!
Tiger & Bunny
Tonari no Kashiwagi-san
Twin Spica
Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari
UdUmi Monogatari
Uncle from Another World
Under Ninja
The Unpopular Mangaka and the Helpful Onryo-san
Velvet Kiss
Wa ga Na wa Umishi
Wakako Zake
Wandering Son
Wave, Listen to Me!
The Way of the House Husband
What Did You Eat Yesterday?
Whispered Words
Wife and Wife
Witch Hat Atelier
Ya Boy Kongming
The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting
Yasashii Sekai no Tsukurikatta
Yomigaeru Sora - Rescue WingsY
You Are Being Summoned, Azazel-san
Young Ladies Don't Play Fighting Games
Youth Forger!
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stobotnik-forever · 2 years
Soulmate AU Chapter 2
Sidnote: Stone and Robotnik are going to meet in this chapter, what will their first impressions of each other be?
Stone couldn't do this. He just couldn't. Nothing here makes sense. Not the signs(which were written in Dari), not the worksheets(which were still written in Dari)or his classmates who spoke to him in a language he barely understood, the miscommunication getting him into 3 fist fights before lunch(he won all the fights thanks to his father's selfmade military training). Forget making friends, how am I supposed to graduate if I don't understand anything? God I must be so stupid, Aban thought, quietly sobbing in the bathroom stall.
But he froze, swearing he could almost hear his father's voice yelling at him, Pull yourself together, boy! And pull himself together he did, wiping his tears away with the back of his hand, he walked out of the stall standing tall. Strong. Proud. All things Aban didn't feel as he splashed his face with cold water from the sink. Lunch is almost over, he thought checking the time on his watch, I'm not hungry though...
The rest of the school day was filled with more confusion, more homework, and more fist fights but Stone made it through because the son of military man does not fall to his knees crying in a bathroom stall when he is faced with problems. No Stone would never do such a thing and if anyone claimed he had done that very thing today then he'd just beat them into silence, he decided. He was pulled away from his thoughts when Pablo came running at him, jumping and licking his face. Stone's lips curved up into a small smile as he petted the Rottweiler. Then he noticed something, a piece of paper sticking out of Pablo's spiked collar. The 18 year old reached for the paper and unfolded it.
Your mother is working a late shift, she won't be home until 12 am. She's worried about leaving you home alone so I told her I'd watch you. Below are the coordinates to my boss' lab. Take the car there and destroy this letter as soon as possible.
Stone noted that his father had simply wrote Dad unlike his mother who always wrote love, Mom. He tried to brush it off, shooing Pablo away so he could focus on memorizing the coordinates. Once he was confident he knew the coordinates, he snatched a lighter off the table and lit the note on fire. Then made a grab for the car keys and drove off...
Robotnik was alerted to "the doorbell" being rung and checked the cameras to see what fat gorilla dressing up as a soldier had been stupid enough to ring it this time. The knock out gas had already been dispersed, effectively leaving the boy who was clearly still in school judging by the backpack slung over his shoulder, unconscious, making it even easier for the badniks to drag him into the lab. The school boy was tall, had black hair, a sharp jawline, and the same skin tone as the doctor's bodyguard but his eyes were a deep chocolate brown unlike his bodyguard's piercing green ones. Where the boy was thin and lanky, his bodyguard had broad shoulders with a strong build. His bodyguard also had a rugged looking beard where the boy lacked any facial hair at all. Not like any of that mattered though, Robotnik would tie him up all the same.
Stone slowly opened his eyes, woken up by the sound of a tall, strange looking man with slicked back hair and a wild moustache yelling down at his father. The mustache man threw a cup of coffee down at his father's feet, soaking his shoes, and kept on yelling about his father making terrible coffee. He couldn't place why but he wasn't afraid of the stranger, if anything he wanted to be closer to him, to know what it felt like to stand by his side....and Stone tried to do just that but couldn't, quickly realizing he was bound and gagged.
He didn't have much time to dwell on that though, noticing a white circular bot with a red eye flying near him, hovering a foot above Aban's head. A small voice in the back of his mind told him to be afraid, to scream, to try to get away but all those thoughts were pushed aside as he looked up at the bot with awe and childlike curiosity. The bot made a few beeps then flew away, Stone followed it with his eyes, and saw it was headed right for the mustache man. The bot beeped louder this time, its beeps reminding Stone of a bird's little chirps and chitters.
The taller man suddenly stopped yelling and looked at the flying machine, patiently listening to each and every beep. "I see," the mustache man mumbled, eyes drifting over to Aban. "Who are you," the mustache man asked, kneeling to take out the gag.
"I'm-He's my son. I've already told you this several times, sir," father cut in. The stranger's head snapped over to father, "Did I ask you?" Father opened his mouth to speak. "That was rhetorical now try to make me a coffee that doesn't taste like mop water and shit this time, you buffoon!!!!" Stone's father gave a huff of indignation before storming out.
"Now," the mustache man began, "Just who are you?"
The 18 year old gulped, "I-I'm Aban. Aban Stone, sir."
"Aban Stone...," the taller man said it like he was testing the words out on his tongue. "So you're the son of that sniffling excuse for a soldier, correct," he asked, still kneeling in front of him.
"Yes but who are you? Where am I? And-"Stone's attention was caught by another red eyed bot flying by"-did you build those," he asked, going starry eyed.
He rose to his feet. "I am the Great Doctor Ivo Robotnik but you may call me Doctor Robotnik or sir. "You," Robotnik said pointing at him with a dramatic flick of his wrist, "are currently an intruder in MY lab!" "And yes I did build the badniks, I built everything here," the doctor added, taking note of the adoration and excitement in the younger man's eyes.
The lab. The robots. The older man's quirks. Suddenly it all made sense, this is father's boss! "Father complains about you every night at dinner but he never mentioned you were a genius," the 18 year old blurted, smiling brightly at Robotnik.
"Your father complains about me does he," the taller man growled.
Shit. "Umm...," Aban trailed off, knowing he'd made a mistake.
"Nevermind that, just tell me how you found my lab," Robotnik ordered, eyes narrowing at him.
Stone was hesitant to speak. He was sure he already got his father in trouble, and something told him telling Robotnik that father gave him the coordinates to the lab just wouldn't go over well with the genius. "Oh don't tell me," the taller man groaned, "You're father told you where my lab is didn't he?" Stone remained silent but the guilty look on his face was enough to cue Robotnik in.
"That-that DUMMKOPF," the doctor roared. Aban could only watch as the other man jumped up and down angrily, shouting out a furry of what he assumes is curses in a language he's never heard before. At that same moment, Stone's father walked in with a cup of coffee in hand.
HEADS UP, READERS!!! There's more German ahead-I headcannon Robotnik as having German in him-so I'll write the English translation in () At. The. End. Of each German sentence
"I brought you your coff-"SIE VERDAMMT GEHIRNVERWEIGERER!!!!" (there isn't an exact english translation for this 1st line but it basically means you damn idiot) "Wenn ich daran denke, dass ich geglaubt habe, dass du auch nur eine einzige funktionierende Gehirnzelle in deinem ditchten Schädel hast!!!" (To think I believed you had even one single brain cell working in that thick skull of yours!) "Wie können Sie es wagen, die Heiligkeit meines Labors auf diese Weise zu entweihen," Robotnik erupted, furiously tapping the buttons on his gloves. (The last sentence means: How dare you desecrate the sanctity of my lab this way)
Something in his father's eyes changed when he saw Robotnik tapping those buttons, there was something like...fear in his eyes, real raw primal fear that has been engrained in humans since the dawn of time. Stone immediately hurried to get in between them, squirming like a lowly worm on the floor. "I-I don't know what your doing but just...don't," the 18 year old says, cringing at his own words. Robotnik glowered down at Aban with hate filled eyes, a flock of badniks surrounding him. "Please doctor...," Stone begged, giving the older man his best puppy eyes.
For a split second something flickered in Robotnik's eyes, it wasn't hate or anger but something else entirely. Stone couldn't put a word to it as the doctor walked closer to father, the click clack of his boots echoing against the tiles while his speedy fingers worked to disarm the bots. "You can live...for now but your fired. And if you even think of telling a single living being about this I'll hunt you down and make sure you suffer a long gruesome death worse than anything your feeble mind could ever imagine," Robotnik spat.
The military man gulped, sweat trickling down his forehead but nodded in understanding and Robotnik backed off, turning his back to them. "Come on, boy. Let's go home," father said, beginning to untie the ropes.
"The kid stays," the doctor said, lowly. Stone felt something like happiness bloom in his chest at the thought of being here with Robotnik. He didn't understand the feeling, didn't understand why a man like Robotnik would want him to stay.
"Why," Stone and his father asked in unison.
The doctor was silent for a long time, "Think of it as a little incentive to help keep your mouth shut about what occurred here today."
The military man silently rose to his feet, "Will I ever get to see the boy again?" Robotnik seemed to think that over, "No." Stone's father turned on his heel, and walked out, never even giving him so much as a glance.
"He just...left," Stone whispered to himself. Why did he just leave? I know we never liked each other much but I stepped into save him so why'd didn't he try to do the same for me? If he couldn't do it for me, he could've at least tried to get me back for mom's sake...Maybe it's for the best, his traitorous brain supplied. And little did Stone know just how true that thought would become....
"Hold still," Robotnik ordered as a badnik flew over to Stone.
"What's happ-"The badnik cut through the restraints with a laser-"Oh I see now," Stone mumbled, standing up and rubbing at his red wrists.
The badnik flew away then Robotnik turned to the 18 year old and hissed out, "I don't want to hear you whine and cry about wanting your mommy. Forget her, forget your father. I don't give 11 shits about what the higher up military dipfucks I work for say. You belong to me now and your going to follow my every command. To. The. Letter. Do you understand, Stone?"
Robotnik's face was just a inch from his, he could feel the taller man's hot angry breath on his face as he spoke which gave the younger man a funny feeling that made his whole body feel like there were little lightning bolts running through him. He'd never experienced anything like it but he was already addicted, "Yes, doctor."
"Good now go make me a latte with steamed austrian goat milk," Robotnik barked. Stone nodded, silently judging the man's odd taste in coffee as he rushed out of the lab. Once he was in the hall Stone realized he had absolutely no idea where the kitchen was. Did this place even have a kitchen? It had to right?
Aban looked down the seemingly endless halls and went left, hoping it would lead him to the kitchen. It didn't. He had no idea how big this place was or even how long he'd been wandering around the halls before Robotnik tracked him down.
"What do you think your doing, Stone? And why don't I have a latte in my hand right now," the older man snapped.
"I was just-umm well I-"You're wasting my invaluable time. Spit it out already," Robotnik cut in. "I was trying to find the kitchen but I got lost," Stone admitted sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck and looking away. "That excuse is...acceptable. This time. Come along, the kitchen is this way," Robotnik said.
Stone went right to work making the coffee and noticed a single lone cup on the counter. He picked the white mug up, thinking nothing of it until he saw the lettering. The mug said World's Greatest Genius but underneath the scribbling he could faintly make out the word 'Soulmate...'
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shoujo-splosion · 4 months
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thelreads · 1 year
YOOO YOU READ "MY DAD, BEARD GORILLA, AND I"??? THAT'S ONE OF MY FAVORITE SLICE-OF-LIFE MANGA OF ALL TIME!!! The story is so short and sweet, but it hits all the right notes, and I was astonished at how fast time flew by for that little family. But it makes sense! As an adult, you hardly ever notice how quickly time flies by until you look at your children and you realized, *oh*, they're grown. And you've grown, too, whether you noticed it or not.
Now excuse me, I haven't "read it", because one can't simply read it, I've ~experienced it~ and my life will never be the same because of that, I'll search forever a way to fill this hole left behind by it.
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dreamingmappist · 2 months
Current and forever fave manga include:
KomaHoshi (shounen ai)
Skip Beat! and Ashita no Ousama (acting)
Ame Nochi Hare (genderfuckery)
Usotoki Rhetoric (mystery)
Dad, the Beard Gorilla and I (wholesome and bittersweet)
Brother X Brother (f-ed up incest-y but not technically vibes)
Gokusen (yakuza teacher)
Manga I keep meaning to read because I loved the anime:
Barakamon (calligraphy; wholesome rural life and found family feels)
Natsume Yuujinchou (wholesome and bittersweet)
Level E (off the wall; twists)
Light novels I enjoy:
Apothecary Diaries (mysteries and relatively low-stakes court intrigue)
Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Strange Skill (I got further than I expected for something so food-focused with little to no story)
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pinocchio-reviews · 2 years
The Adventures Of Pinocchio 1883  Review Ch 19-27
Chapter 19 Another random talking bird giving advice Pinocchio's dream house had a thousand horses a giant lemonade cellar and a library of sweet foods. The magistrate is a gorilla/monkey with a long beard (another long bearded character?) And lensless glasses. There are wooden people AND dogs working as police officers. Pinocchio is arrested for getting robbed? As a lesson I guess? And then he is released after ,4 months when the Emperor releases all prisoners from prison which probably includes, you know, murderers and worse! Chapter 20 Pinocchio bumps into giant snake and upon waking the snake he falls to the floor and the snake finds this so funny that he just dies. Chapter 21 Pinocchio tries to steal some grapes because he is starving so the farmer makes pinocchio do the job of his dog under horrible working conditions that would be unethical even for a dog, pinocchio has such cruel punishment to teach him to be a better boy and pinocchio even believes that he deserves it Chapter 22 Pinocchio refuses to be bribed and does the right thing of alerting the farmers of the chicken stealers (who happen to be talking weasels) but when they are caught the farmer says he is going to turn the weasels into dinner (that is murder!) this farmer is a horrible person! Chapter 23 The fairy died from grief from pinocchio leaving? Surely this cannot be true. this causes pinocchio to cry for several hours if this turns out to be one of the fairy's lessons this is messed up. Pinocchio literally becomes suicidal! Also Pinocchio hates chickpeas, chickpeas are great. Chapter 24 This terrible shark sure sounds big( this is the whale, right but it's still way bigger than that, it's the size of a 5 storey building!) Chapter 25 so the blue fairy didn't die but instead she aged quickly into an old woman? Chapter 26 Children bully pinocchio for being a marionette but only respect him once they realise that they cannot physically harm him. Pinocchio really isn't the bad guy here he gets bullied and punished so much, poor guy. He goes off to find the 'shark' who killed his dad which is a totally valid reason to skip a day of school Chapter 27 Oh wowee another prank perhaps pinocchio should not have trusted these awful kids. The bullies call pinocchio a little turkey cock. So there are carabineers (police officers?) Who are mastiffs and there are also human carabineers who have mastiffs? This is very peculiar.
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karolainad · 3 years
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