#daddy cromeans
Meet the Ossifers
Jesse Cromeans/Chromeskull x Reader
Plot: Jesse, currently acting as Richard Ossifer, returns to his fake spouse and their son on Halloween afternoon after a successful surgery. He proceeds to get a wholesome surprise.
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Contrary to what one might expect, Jesse quite enjoys the concept of Halloween. Okay, sure. He wasn’t the biggest fan of the adult costumes unless he was actively hunting... And YES, a thousand roving little packs of children being lead around by their parents or older siblings could get annoying...
However, the safety and sanctity to be anything, or anyone HE wanted to be was a delight in of itself. More often than not, however, he choses to remain the one thing he doesn’t need a costume for; himself.
The sentiment may have been a little gaudy, but it rung VERY true for Jesse... Or “Richard Ossifer,” to his new neighbors. When else was the normally bandaged, mute man, going to enjoy the comfort of wearing his mask and suit out in public without it activating some fight-or-flight instinct in the general populace?...
... And in a way, he was happy he chose today to schedule his dental surgery.
Spann had driven him too and from his appointment. As much as it killed his machismo to not sit in the driver’s seat; he had to be careful. So the backseat, reclined as far as he could go would have to do. From behind the confines of his ace bandages he could feel his cheeks swelling to an otherwise alarming degree.
He tried not to think about how fucked up he’d look.
Instead, he focused on the world passing by outside. He surveyed the decorations in the shop windows, watching all the pumpkins and the sugar skulls and streamers. It wasn’t dark yet, but on occasion he’d pass by someone in their costume about to go out for candy.
Jesse should have reminded you to pick up candy... The good kind, too. Not the fun-sized stuff... Oh well. Maybe he’d be able to convince you to go get the goods after he arrived. They weren’t that far away from the house...
Wait. Anesthetic make braincells go brrr- he has a PHONE. In a few seconds he is patting himself down, earning a quick glance from Spann as he withdraws his phone.
“Is something wrong, sir?”
He shakes his head and sends you the message. Spann, he guessed, was more than capable of walking into a Target or Walmart to get candy- but he needed to be home. He’d not bother her with it.
It’s Halloween. Do we have good candy?
It takes a few moments for you to respond. When you do, Jesse feels slightly baffled.
Yeah. Cole and I went out and got costumes last week, don’t you remember?
No. He didn’t. Did Spann go with you? He wracked his brain trying to recall you requesting--.... Oh. That’s right. You had asked him for a few hundred the week prior for something. You had told him- but by now your fake relationship as his happy little house-spouse had become iron clad. He never batted an eye when you asked for some pocket change.
What candy did you guys get?
A variety pack.
It’s a bunch of fun-sized stuff isn’t it?
You haven’t met Cole high on sugar. Trust me. You want fun-sized.
Oh. Now Jesse had to jump to your son’s honor. It had been a happy little coincidence that you had a young son when Spann had scoped you out. You had been... Struggling, to put it mildly, when Spann found you. It had been a risk when Jesse suggested that acting the part of his romantic partner would help keep you and your child afloat. Thankfully, you listened.
Well. You haven’t met Richard short on sugar.
Didn’t you just get out of surgery?
I recover well.
Cole was only six, but by god. Cole was impossibly ideal for a child. Sweet, respectful for a child his age, thought “Richie” was the coolest thing since sliced bread. Jesse had been hesitant, initially when he discovered you had a child. His plan would have gone to shit if Cole didn’t like him, and even if Cole HAD he wasn’t... Sure how he’d feel around kids since his Ex’s death.
Note to self: hide candy. From you.
Jesse returns his gaze to the road and watches for a moment as he lets any unease in his stomach uncoil. He’s the type to get motion sick if he’s looking down in a car, and the cocktail of pain meds and worn off anesthesia is making it worse.
After a few seconds he lifts his phone again.
What costumes did you get?
You do not respond immediately and it... Well, this is the ONE thing that annoys Jesse sometimes. Half of the time this is the only way he can talk to you, and though he knows you aren’t ignoring him on purpose: it’s hard to not feel that way sometimes.
You’ll see.~
Oh now he was curious.
... What are the costumes?
Trust me, you want to see them when you get back. We’re already in them!
Now Jesse was getting... Annoyed. Where you purposefully trying to be obtuse?
A thought occurred.
It’s nothing raunchy is it?
What? No. Cole picked them out!
However, his insistence was paying off. 
Let’s put it this way; we match!
... “We Match?” What the heck was that supposed to mean. Were you trying to be cute, and wound up being obtuse about it?
Jesse detested this guessing game, but before he pulled out the financial benefactor card, you recovered.
You want me to make you a shake?
Fuck yeah.
His eye hurt too much now, and his stomach was up in knots. Jesse didn’t like the idea, but he hated the idea of vomiting in Spann’s vehicle even less. He reclined and tried to relax the rest of the way home.
As tempting as it was to close his eyes, though, Jesse couldn’t. He and his little makeshift family lived in the back of a large suburban neighborhood of well-to-dos. Hiding in plain sight, really. Which meant you and Cole were essential. As far as your neighbors knew, your veteran of a boyfriend had been planning to tie the knot with you for quite some time... But the car accident had left his face burned and ruined, and so the two of you had decided to postpone it. Still, Jesse had been happy when you never corrected anyone who called you Mx. Ossifer.
There were lines of Mc-Mansions and slightly decorated lawns, but nothing too crazy for the Halloween Holiday, even as kids and their families dragged out red wagons to cart around toddlers and their candies... Maybe Jesse could have paid a landscape artist to decorate. You had only done so much on your own.
As Spann pulled up into the circular driveway of your shared home, Jesse had only been reminded that you hadn’t done too much to decorate. A few foam jack-o-lanterns at the doorstep, a few small pumpkins littered along the walkway, and orange lights replacing the walkway lights.
Spann helped him out of the car, and moments after stepping out he felt his entire back let out a symphony of pops. God he was tired. Still, the procedure would help him in the long-run... Plus he had a shake waiting on the inside.
After taking a few uneasy, sore steps, Spann offered her shoulder to help Jesse in, and minutes before they got to the French doors of the house, Cole opened them and stepped out.
He was wearing his Sunday best, a gift from Jesse for his birthday, excluding the dress shoes which had been swapped out for much more comfortable tennis shoes. He stared up at Jesse through a metallic half-mask shaped like a skull, with the other half of his face painted to look like a skeleton.
“You’re BACK!” he said to Jesse as he ran forward and went-- straight for the knees-- and hugged Jesse. “I missed you, Richie!”
Jesse could die and go to hell and he’d be happy. Forget the shake. There was a kid less than ten years old who was dressed up as a fancy skeleton holding his knee. It took all of three seconds before said child was scooped up into Jesse’s arms and safely clinging around Jesse’s neck.
You were soon to follow, a glass and a large straw poking out of it. You were- also in costume, but unlike Cole your face was all makeup to match the painted parts of his face...
Jesse continued to assess you with one eye while you approached with the shake. You had been dressed up nicely as well. Maybe not as corporate and formal as Cole, but you dressed well. Head-to-toe in black, bordering slightly on too form-fitting for a funeral, but far too dark for casual house-spouse attire.
A makeshift family of three Skeletons. You, looking like a modern-day Adams, Cole looking like a mini, corporate Grim Reaper... And of course... Jesse himself.
No. Not Jesse.
Richard. Richie Ossifer.
“Chocolate shake?” you asked. “Since your teeth will hurt otherwise?”
As soon as Jesse had picked up Cole, he sat him down and began typing away on his phone. He held it up to you frantically.
What’s this for?
“Oh, well.” Instantly through the skull paint he could see your face warp to a pensive frown of unease. “Cole SAID he wanted to be like you for Halloween, and when I saw the half-mask and the face-paint I came up with the idea. I didn’t...” your eyes turned to Spann for a split second. “I didn’t over-step did I?”
No. No you had not.
Jesse came forward and pulled you into an uncharacteristically emotional hug as Cole hugged your legs. “Yayyyy~ He likes it!~”
A perfect little cover-family. Jesse may have needed this cover family, but in that moment he wished so desperately that a fraction of the lie was a truth. To come home to an understanding spouse, a loving step-child... God damn, Richard was a lucky son of a bitch, and he wasn’t even real. Right now, though- the two of you were.
Jesse quickly released you and turned to Spann who was busy... Processing this. His hand shot out with his phone.
Spann held the phone in her hand and gave a sort of half-frown. “Sir, you’re not... You’re not in your mask.”
Jesse stormed off into the house, maybe faster than was probably safe on as many pain meds as he had in his system, but the man waltzed right up to his stairs before slowing down. Cole passed him up. “I’ll get it! In the bathroom?”
The man nodded, lifting his hands to sign “Shelves”. Cole had done good learning a few spare ASL phrases... Still wouldn’t sign back to Jesse but, well. He’d take a win where it mattered.
“OKAY!” Cole hollered halfway running to Jesse’s room already as you and Spann entered the house.
“Sir, you just came out from under the knife. You should probably sit down.”
Jesse shook his head and signed HELL, then proceeded to shake his head. Hell no, he said. Had to get pictures with his boy and his spouse. It was actually odd, Spann let out a humored chuckle-snort. Clearly she found the idea cute as well. 
Seconds later Cole came running down the stairs with the Chromeskull mask in his hand and handed it to the tall man on the way down. “Pictures! Pictures!”
Jesse bobbed his head to the chant and held hands as they descended the stairs with a jaunty little step.
In no time at all Jesse grabbed your arm and pulled you up a step to get better into the photo and Cole was up in his arms. In three seconds Spann would take no fewer than five pictures of “Richie” and the rest of the Ossifers. In twenty minutes, Jessie would convince Spann and you to let him stay up to pass out candy while you went out with Cole. When you’d return several neighbors would tell you how adorable your family Halloween theme was.
An hour after that the paint on you and Cole’s face would be hastily washed off and soup would be had for dinner. Your son would be asleep on the entertainment system and Spann would leave. Jesse would help wake Cole long enough to get him into his bed and the two of you would go to your own separate rooms.
If it hadn’t been for his aching jaw, Jesse would have been brave and tried to coax you into spending a little bit more time together... Put on a horror movie. Maybe be coy and get closer to you, or pull you a little closer if you’d allow it... But his jaw was aching, and he desperately didn’t want this day to end with him over-stepping any boundaries, so he went to his bed alone and looked at the photos once more... He’d get a few of these printed for the home office.
Richard Ossifer was a lucky man. A lucky man indeed.
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multific · 2 years
Sugardaddy Jesse Cromeans - Preference
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Jesse Cromeans x Reader
Warnings: Smut
You were nothing like the woman he killed. You were so different and yet, you piqued his interest more than anything.
He knew he needed to have you in one way or another.
You were too precious to kill, so he used the one thing he had, money. 
Seeing just how bad of a financial situation you were in, he knew he didn't need to use much convincing. 
And soon you became his sugarbaby. Although you hated the title so he just called you 'My Girl'. At least that was your name in his phone.
You at first found his text to speech thingy a bit scuffed, but it was a good communication form. And you got used to it quickly.
At the beginning of your relationship, he wouldn't tell you about his hobby. It is because he decided to distance you from his bad side.
You are the most precious flower, how could he ever taint your perfection with such horrible scenes? You were not meant to see blood and bodies laying around. 
He would often tell you that he is on a trip and he would always come back with many many gifts. Forget any clothing you had in the past, Jesse would hire a stylist to help and create a new wardrobe for you.
Clothes, jewellery and anything you can ask for.
It was all yours within moments of you saying anything. No matter the price.
You would fail to notice, but in a way, these techniques were so you wouldn't start poking your nose around. 
He would walk around with you, showing you off to everyone. You wouldn't know why he loved to see you in silver metallic dresses, but who were you to ask?
When he finally decided to share that side of him with you, if you were honest, you kind of expected it.
He was happy to see you not freaking out, he paid special attention to you and you not even once tried to call the cops.
He loved that.
It was proof you were fully his.
And as a reward, he planned a romantic weekend.
Now, sex with him before and after knowing wouldn't be different.
First and foremost, he would never do something you are not comfortable with. Communication is key. So expect him to bring up topics like that during dinner.
He loved to tie you down. Of course, he is the dominant, no matter what position you two are in.
You would call him Daddy, of course. 
Loves to hear you moan and groan. Wants you to keep making those sounds, he even records them if you give permission. He would use it as your notification sound.
Imagine him, sitting in an important meeting, all business, everyone serious and then, you send a text. Your loud moans echo in his meeting room, everyone freezes as he reaches into his pocket and replies to your text. No one dares to ask. No one dares to comment or even give a side eye to him.
In bed, he could be rough, never to the point of hurting you. He would love to edge, overstimulate and make you squirt. Even if you say you can't, doesn't mean he wouldn't try.
Aftercare with him is always sweet.
He would never run off after, he would stay and make sure you are okay. You can be fucked out to the point of being delirious, he would always take care of you. Clean you, shower you, and give you many many kisses.
Being his sugarbaby would not last longer than a couple years, because after having you around long enough, he would have to have you fully to himself so he would ask you to marry him.
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Taglist: @fleursirvart @greenarrowhead @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpster @capsiclesdoll @puknow @alwayshave-faith @soleil-dor @alex12948 @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek @praline357 @trshngyn @avengers-r-us @violet-19999 @top1bbgloak​
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7finalgirl8 · 1 year
I don't-... I don't fkskwhw-... I don't wanna fuck Jesseeeee... I WANNA HIM TO BE MY DAAAAAAD *sob sob*
I wh-.. I wanna him to take me to amusement park an-and buy me black cotton candyyyyy... and hug me when I'm having a rough daaaahahaaaay *whining*
I wanna watch snuff movies with popcorn together and... and he'd buy me a cat for my birthday and teach me to drive a car that I would crash anyway BECAUSE I I'M A FUCKING SLOB but he doesn't care like why he should he has dozens of this stupid cars *sob*
And we'd go on vacation to Miami and drink expensive drinks and he'd buy me clothes from Chanel and be jealous of my new boyfriend/girlfriend and like really stalking him/her wh-... While we were at the coffee shop a-and... And KILL HIM/HER if mf ever hurt me and...*sob sob*
And I'm even willing to put up with his nerdy entomologist girlfriend with her stupid dogs and creepy maaaaask *crying* oh my goooood I'd do anything just to have him take care of meeeeee 💔
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sleepingdeath-light · 2 years
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listed below is everything that i have published for my 2022 kinktober writing event - listed by date of publishing and updated daily between the 1st and 31st of october.
minors please do not interact with any of the content outlined here! thank you!
os = one shot ; hc = headcanon set
(readmore used because there are 60-something links to scroll past)
day one ; edging
os . “in the dead of night”
feat. masky (marble hornets) and an amab!reader (they/them) + dub con
hc . howl pendragon (howl’s moving castle)
hc . clotted cream cookie (cookie run kingdom)
day two ; gun play
os . “russian roulette”
feat. din djarin (the mandolorian) and a female!reader
hc . undertaker (black butler)
hc . natasha romanov (marvel)
day three ; overstimulation
os . “cry for me”
hc . steve rogers (marvel)
day four ; breeding kink
os . “the heir”
feat. prince caspian (the chronicles of narnia) and a female!reader
hc . bruno madrigal (encanto)
day five ; impact play
os . “one more time”
feat. mean dom!light yagami (death note) and a gender neutral!reader (they/them)
hc . vincent phantomhive (black butler)
hc . the grabber (the black phone)
day six ; praise
os . “pretty little thing”
hc . daycare attendants (five nights at freddy’s)
hc . jason voorhees (friday the 13th)
hc . sawyer brothers (texas chainsaw massacre)
hc . thomas hewitt (texas chainsaw massacre)
day seven ; hair pulling
os . “weary head”
feat. l lawliet (death note) and a gender neutral reader (they/them)
hc . affogato cookie (cookie run: kingdom)
hc . hawks (my hero academia)
day eight ; body worship
os . “lady in red”
feat. grelle sutcliffe (black butler) and a male reader
hc . undertaker (black butler)
hc . padmé amidala (star wars)
day nine ; daddy/mummy kink
os . “his baby”
feat. erwin smith (attack on titan) and a male reader
hc . jane foster (marvel)
hc . dark!wanda maximoff (marvel)
day ten ; consensual non consent
os . “tourist trap”
feat. otis b. driftwood (the firefly trilogy) and a female reader
hc . bucky barnes (marvel)
hc . asa emory (the collector)
day eleven ; pegging
os . “something new”
feat. tony stark (avengers) and an afab reader (they/them)
hc . korrasami (legend of korra)
hc . valkryie (marvel)
day twelve ; multiple penetration
os . “at world’s end”
hc . slenderman (creepypasta)
hc . hela odindöttir (marvel)
day thirteen ; oral
os . “hell and high water”
hc . eyeless jack (creepypasta)
day fourteen ; knife play
os . “born to rule”
hc . jesse cromeans (laid to rest)
hc . azuma genkaku (deadman wonderland)
day fifteen ; deep throating
os . “king for a day”
hc . baby firefly (the firefly trilogy)
day sixteen ; hand jobs
os . “the consort”
hc . natasha romanov (marvel)
hc . newt scamander (fantastic beasts)
day seventeen ; shower sex
os . “after dark”
hc . levi ackerman (attack on titan)
hc . jennifer check (jennifer’s body)
day eighteen ; threesome
os . “scream for us”
hc . eda clawthorne & raine whispers (the owl house)
hc . gomez & morticia addams (the addams family)
day nineteen ; temperature play
os . “pathetic mortal”
hc . frost queen cookie (cookie run: kingdom)
hc . dabi (my hero academia)
hc . marvel woman (multiple film series)
hc . fire spirit cookie (cookie run: ovenbreak)
day twenty ; gagging
os . “quiet, love”
hc . saeyoung choi / 707 (mystic messenger)
hc . scp 035 (scp foundation)
day twenty one ; sensation play
os . “training”
hc . queenie goldstein (fantastic beasts)
hc . scp 049 (scp foundation)
day twenty two ; collaring
os . “new pet”
hc . sirius black (harry potter)
hc . sinclair brothers (house of wax)
day twenty three ; face sitting
os . “good boy”
hc . wanda maximoff (wandavision)
hc . marauders (harry potter)
day twenty four ; exhibitionism
os . “disciple”
hc . tom riddle (harry potter)
hc . captain caviar cookie (cookie run: kingdom)
day twenty five ; thigh riding
os . “the reward”
hc . charlie morningstar (hazbin hotel)
hc . scp 035 (scp foundation)
hc . remus lupin (harry potter)
hc . original avengers (marvel)
day twenty six ; bondage
os . “all wrapped up”
hc . jumin han (mystic messenger)
hc . hoodie (marble hornets)
day twenty seven ; voyeurism
os . “secret admirer”
hc . ticci toby (creepypasta)
hc . misa amane (death note)
day twenty eight ; breath play
os . “three, two, one”
hc . bo sinclair (house of wax)
hc . tiffany valentine (bride of chucky)
day twenty nine ; pet play
os . “pretty piggy”
hc . sebastian michaelis (black butler)
hc . harley quinn (birds of prey)
day thirty ; period play
os . “the urge”
hc . alcina dimitrescu (resident evil village)
hc . trancy demons (black butler)
day thirty one ; degradation
os . “stupid bitch”
hc . philip whittebane / emperor belos (the owl house)
hc . angela blanc & ash landers (black butler)
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thesightstoshowyou · 1 year
Part 6
Asa Emory x AFAB Reader x Jesse Cromeans (NSFW)
(Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5)
Summary: Chromeskull joins the party.
Warnings: Implied Stockholm syndrome, blood, heavy gore, minor character death, violence, threats, use of “she,” nonconsensual face fucking, a little daddy kink, Asa and Jesse flirting.
A/N: Hohoho lookie here! Finally, a part 6 to my multi chapter Asa fic! I thought it would be fun to add Jesse into the mix and tie my little universe all together
*You can find more poly Reader/SkullCollector fics on my Masterlist*
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The untouched mug on the counter grows cold as you stand frozen in the kitchen. You stare, wide-eyed, at the calendar hanging on the wall. It’s Friday again.
Asa has been gone for an entire week. Seven whole days. This is the longest he’s ever left you alone with no explanation.
Something must be wrong.
You’re certain if the Collector had been stopped, the story would be endlessly broadcasted on every station. There has been nothing on the news about his capture. So, the question remains:
Is he dead?
Had a trap gone awry, a victim escaped, gained the upper hand?
The thought should fill you with glee, elation, relief. You could be going home any day now. Yet, all you feel is cold dread, fear so heavy in your gut it’s made you too sick to even finish your coffee.
What do you do?
Slowly, your gaze shifts until you’re eyeing Asa’s dogs. They’re both staring at you intently, ears perked, like they know what you’re thinking. You’ve seen first hand what they can do to a person. You were warned, and the Collector doesn’t make empty threats. They’ll tear you to shreds the moment you reach for the door handle.
But you can’t stay here until the groceries run out.
You exit the kitchen, deliberately ignoring the front door as you move. Paws click on hardwood as the hounds follow, only pausing their measured pursuit when you ascend the stairs.
It takes some fiddling with the weighty lock on the medicine cabinet, but you eventually manage to work it open. Mismatched eyes scan the bottles until you find what you’re looking for: Diphenhydramine.
Pills rattle as the bottle rests in your trembling hand. In your mind, a battle rages. Asa will kill you if you accidentally overdose his dogs. There’s no question about that. You’re fairly certain you know the dose to give them, confident even.
But, say you’re successful? He’ll most certainly kill you for leaving the house.
How will you get to the hotel? You know where it is, a fact you’ve kept hidden from the Collector. Once, in the days of your imprisonment, you’d found a tear in the peeling wallpaper, a hole in the rotting wall beyond. The terrain was familiar, a place you knew was close to the shooting range your uncle used to take you as a child.
Then, after you make it to the hotel? Asa will kill you for knowing where it’s located, for showing up unannounced. You’ll be too much of a liability.
All options lead to death. There is no outcome that will ensure your survival.
But you were dead the moment you fell into that trunk anyway.
You spare one final look at the dogs sprawled out on the living room floor, furry chests rising and falling with slow, sedated breaths before you depart, front door clicking shut behind you. Silently, you cross the porch, descend the stairs, hurry into the moonless night.
Sweating, panting, you deposit the e-bike you’d stolen behind a pile of scrap metal. Even with the help of the little electric motor, you’re exhausted. Sitting around Asa’s house all day isn’t doing your stamina any favors.
Quietly, you sneak around to the back of the dilapidated hotel. It stands silent, casting an ominous shadow. Any passerby would be oblivious to the house of horrors contained within. You’d never wanted to return as long as you lived.
Yet, here you are.
There’s a crack in one of the boards covering a set of windows. Carefully, you wedge your fingers into the break and pull, peeling away the plywood little by little. Every snap makes you jump and whip your head over your shoulder, but your noise alerts no one. You may very well be alone out here.
Once enough board has been peeled away, you reach in to lift the latch on the widow. It takes several long minutes of shoving and wiggling before the ancient frame gives and slides open. Hastily, you squeeze inside.
The smell hits you first; bleach, medical grade antiseptic, musty carpet, dust, all with an undercurrent of rancid decay. It’s like a punch in the gut, the scent bringing back the worst memories of your life. You clap a hand over your mouth and nose to silence your surprised cough.
From down the hall comes the rattling of chains, gurgling snarls. You hurry in the opposite direction.
Behind a stack of dusty, peeling books you find the hidden staircase. Hastily, you shove them to the side, heave open the creaky door, slip through. You are certain to close it tightly, lest any of those…people try to follow.
You’re careful on the stairs. Unsteady metal bars rattle under your hands as you ascend, one squeaky step at a time. You skip the top one—it is set to give way, something sharp undoubtably waiting below.
Now, you’ve reached the second level, the one with which you are most familiar. Still, you tread with extreme caution. Asa may have moved traps, changed things since you were last here. To come all this way just to be impaled would be less than ideal.
No sign of the Collector yet. You ponder where to search first. Raising your gaze, you make eye contact with the camera perched in the corner of the hallway. If he’s in the control room, he will know you’re here. The thought constricts your throat. Images of his cold, furious expression float to the forefront of your mind.
Stop it, stop thinking. Keep walking.
Carefully, you traverse the wide, main hallway leading to the display room. Ease over a trip wire, skirt around a loose floorboard. The huge wooden doors are ajar, just enough for you to slip past.
It’s quiet inside, eerily so. Icy blue light emanates from the display cases and makes the room feel colder than it actually is. Distantly, you hear mechanical whirring, but it’s further away, down the other hallway maybe—
Movement across the room, in your peripheral.
You startle, head snapping in the direction you saw something large and black slinking behind one of the glowing cases. For a one, hopeful moment, you think it’s Asa, but then….
A man emerges from behind a case, pale light glinting off the shiny, chrome skull mask he wears. He’s tall, incredibly so. He wears torn black nitrile gloves and a black button up, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, tattoos littering his forearms. You notice one of the sleeves of his shirt is torn at the shoulder, dried blood visible on the skin underneath. He has more slashes on his neck, and he appears to be limping, though it’s difficult to tell with how he swaggers as he admires the macabre creations suspended within the displays.
Confidence. Recklessness. The man wears these characteristics as plain as the gleaming mask on his face
He pauses when he spots you trembling on the other side of the room and a moment of tense silence passes between the two of you. Slowly, curiously, his head tilts to the side and you can almost feel his eyes—hidden in the dark holes of the mask—tracing your figure.
A blinking red light catches your eye and you frown when you spot the camera mounted on his shoulder. Odd. What could that be for…?
From his pocket, the man in the mask produces a cell phone. Quickly, he types up a message and holds up the phone. You flinch when the phone screams at you, what sounds like various terrified women yelling his message:
‘Where did you come from, piggy?’
Unease twists your stomach in knots. You take one step backward. Slowly, the man withdraws his other hand from his pocket. Clutched in his palm is a massive, serrated blade. Your eyes grow wide as he nonchalantly swings it around a gloved finger.
You’ve seen enough.
Turning on your heel, you flee, hopping through the gap in the door and sprinting down the hall. Behind you, the door bangs open, smashing against the the wall, and you hear the click and whir of a trap. That should do it—
Spikes fly down from the ceiling, poised to skewer, but the man merely steps to the side, effortlessly dodging the trap. How did…?
Understanding hits, a missing puzzle piece snapping into place. This is why Asa has been gone for a week. This man. His injuries…these must have been inflicted by the Collector.
Is Asa hurt too?
Is he dead?
You don’t have time to linger and think. The man is already stalking toward you, knife at the ready, boots thunking on ancient hardwood.
You’re off in a blink, hurrying around the corner and down the next hall. You fly past rooms, duck under wires, hop over triggers. You turn left, then right.
Slowing, you listen. Silence greets you. Are you still being pursued?
Don’t wait around to find out.
Cautiously, you search around you for a set of stairs. You’re fairly certain there is a staircase around here….
A startled shriek rips from your throat when strong arms seize you around the waist, haul you off your feet, drag you into a nearby room. The door slams shut and you grunt when you’re smashed back against a crumbling wall. Glancing up, your eyes widen when find yourself face to face with an incredulous, unmasked Asa Emory.
His expression darkens and you feel him tense as he prepares to throttle you, but you’re the first to react.
“Asa!” you exclaim, leaping into his arms and wrapping your own around him. His familiar scent—musky cedar, cigarette smoke—fills your lungs and your racing heart calms, swells. Asa’s own arms hover next to you, half-outstretched as he stands frozen in place, like he’s unsure where to put them.
Coming back to himself, the Collector grips your shoulders tightly and pushes you back against the wall. “Why are you here?” he hisses, shaking you slightly for emphasis.
“I was…I thought…I thought you were dead!” you reply, tears welling up in your eyes. Asa’s brows raise, then furrow. He fixes you with a hard, calculating stare, like he’s looking for something.
You notice his eyes then. Dark purple circles sit underneath, darker than normal. He’s exhausted. Has he gotten any sleep all week? Next, a slash of red draws your gaze, your eyes falling to his chest. His sweater is torn, the skin beneath sliced open. His knuckles are bloody too, you notice, and there’s dried, flaking crimson caked on his left ear.
“You’re hurt,” you whisper, pressing your fingers to his chest. He shakes his head, like it doesn’t matter.
“You saw him,” he states. It’s not a question but you nod. “Is he close?”
“I don’t know. Who—
Asa doesn’t let you finish. He grips your wrist, throws open the door, peeks outside before dragging you out and around another turn, past a hidden doorway, down a flight of stairs. You pass that room—the one filled with bloody instruments, stainless steel gurneys, vials of evil smelling liquids, terrariums, and empty, torn trunks—and enter another.
He closes and locks this door as you survey the various monitors mounted on the walls, the costumes and weapons hanging on hooks. The control room. On a nearby table sits a huge, serrated knife, the twin to the one the masked man wields. The Collector must have gotten it away from him during a skirmish.
You turn to face Asa, timid, terrified he’s going to hurt you for showing up here, but you find his weary gaze elsewhere. He’s watching the screens, dark eyes scanning, searching for the intruder.
You both spot him at the same time, strolling along one of the second floor hallways. He peers inside rooms, swinging that heinous blade around a finger like he has all the time in the world. Is he still looking for you, or for the Collector?
Asa sighs and slumps into a chair. Finally, he glances in your direction. The annoyance in his eyes makes you bite your lip and flinch and, on reflex, you drop to your knees.
The Collector blinks wearily and exhales sharply through his nose. “Watch him.” he orders, pointing at the screen. Earnestly, you nod, jumping to your feet once more and gluing your eyes to the screen.
Rustling behind you tempts you to look, but fear of disobeying more orders keeps you still. Tearing of paper, clinking of something metallic—easy to ignore—but it’s the hiss of pain that makes you twist around.
Asa’s shirt is gone and he fumbles with the antiseptic, the strange angle of the laceration on his chest difficult to see on his own. You hesitate for a moment, but the shaking of his hands prompts you to act.
Watching the man in the chrome skull mask out of the corner of your eye, you take the antiseptic-soaked gauze from the Collector’s fingers and gently dab along his wound. You wager his pure exhaustion is the only thing keeping him from gutting you on the spot, but if the tense look on his face is anything to go by, you’re in for it later.
If there is a later.
Asa hands you the liquid bandage and, as you carefully apply it along injured flesh, the deep vibration of his chest heralds his voice.
“There have been a series of murders in the south. You’ve seen it on the news, I assume.” You nod, vaguely recalling the story: Videotapes sent to police showing the brutal murders of various women.
Wait. Videotapes? You glance at the monitors again.
The camera on his shoulder.
“Him?” you exclaim, looking back to Asa in shock.
The Collector nods. “He fits the description.” You don’t question how he knows this. Instead, you wonder why the man is here. Your question must show on your face because he murmurs, “I’m not entirely sure why he’s here, but I suspect it’s something to do with me.”
He can read your damn mind.
You reach for more gauze to take care of his split knuckles, but find the first aid kit empty. He’s used it all up.
You know where to find more though….
“No,” Asa snaps, shaking his head when you raise your gaze to his face. Chewing on the inside of your cheek, you glance at the monitors. The man is all the way on the other end of the floor above. You could make it back with more gauze before he noticed….
Asa’s hand darts out, grips your jaw, squeezes hard as he forces you to meet his frigid gaze. “No.” It’s sharp, final, the look on his face sending a thrill of icy fear down your spine. He’s had more than enough of your disobedience.
“Yes, Sir,” you whisper, eyes lowering submissively. A strained beat passes, your jaw beginning to ache under Asa’s rough grip. Worse pain is finally coming, you’re sure of it—
Calloused digits ghost along your upper arm and you flinch in surprise, eyes flying back up to his face. Heat instantly curls in your belly, a conditioned response to the way his hungry gaze assesses your frightened expression. It only takes the pressure of his thumb tugging down your bottom lip for a whimper to sneak past your teeth.
The Collector seems to remember himself then. There’s a quick inhale as he sits back, eyes snapping to the monitors, hands releasing you, pushing you away. Your own hand flies to your chest to feel your heart hammering under your palm. Thickly, you swallow, steadying yourself. On screen, the intruder still stalks through the halls, nearer than he was last time you looked.
Leaning his head back against the wall, Asa’s eyes close. Your own flit between his face and the cameras, the masked man closer now. He’s directly above you both, near the secret staircase. Back to Asa, his arms are lax, his breathing steady…. Asleep. How exhausted he must be to allow himself to sleep while you’re here, awake.
Back to the monitor, the man now picks at something on the wall, head tilted to the side, inquisitive, searching. He’s going to find it, the little divot in the wall revealing the hidden entrance.
You look to the door lock—will it hold—then back to Asa’s sleeping figure—should you wake him—long fingers sneak under the hook, pull, loud creaking of wood, it’s open, he’s on the stairs—
“Asa,” you hiss, hands wringing in front of you. The Collector doesn’t respond, doesn’t move, too fatigued to be pulled from his slumber. Thump, thump, thump, you hear the measured steps as the intruder descends the hidden staircase.
Do something! Distraction. You need to make some kind of distraction, something to draw his attention away from the both of you.
There’s no thought in your head as you move to the door, tug it open, slip outside, close it again. Going right will take you down to the basement, to the pen of the Collector’s drugged once-humans. To your left, the room of empty trunks and medical supplies, the staircase just beyond.
Left it is.
You reach the medical room just as the man rounds the corner. Spotting you, he doesn’t hesitate this time and instead sprints directly toward you with a surprising burst of speed. Heart leaping into your throat, you dive through the doorway, slam the door shut, twist the heavy lock.
The man rams into the door and you yelp, stumbling back into an empty gurney, sending it clattering and crashing into a closed trunk. A desperate, muffled scream from within pulls another shriek from you, your hands flying up to your mouth.
There’s someone else in here!
He kicks the door, metal thudding noisily under his boot. Next to you, the trunk wails and shudders.
Shit, now what? You had not intended to endanger another person, even if their fate has already been sealed. But, if you linger too long, the man will move on down the hall, finding the control room and a helpless, dozing Asa….
Your sweaty palm closes around a scalpel. Swearing internally at your poor excuse for a plan, you twist the lock then jump back, scurrying across the room as far away from the door as you can get.
Then, the handle rattles as it’s twisted, hinges squealing as the door swings open. In saunters your pursuer, his frame filling up the entire doorway, fluorescents gleaming off the chrome skull mask.
You stare at one another, your hands trembling, his reaching in his pocket for his knife and his phone. Keys click and you wonder what shouted message awaits. You brace, muscles tense, ready to fight or flee.
‘Pretty piggy, aren’t you? Are you his little house pet—
Screaming startles you both. “HELP, OH GOD, PLEASE!” shrieks the contents of the wobbling trunk. The man glances from the trunk back to you, like he’s waiting for an explanation. Shouldn’t he know what they’re for by now?
You say nothing, shuddering breath the only sound leaving your lips. The man shrugs, stalks over to the trunk, kicks it over. It hits the floor with a clunk, a stifled groan sounding within. Locks click and the lid swings open.
With a cry, a young man claws his way out of the trunk, arms flailing, blood and sweat and dirt staining his clothes and splashed across his skin. You can only watch, trepidation turning to nausea in your gut as the man in the mask grabs him by the hair, twists him around so he’s facing you.
The man from the trunk is weak from dehydration and exhaustion, his fingers uselessly tugging at his captor’s arm. A pathetic wail leaves his chapped lips when the serrated blade passes before his wild eyes.
There’s no chance for him, you realize, terror gripping your chest when the point of the knife sets against the victim’s ear. The man in the mask looks directly at you then and you can almost see the smile through chrome.
Your gasped, “Wait!” is interrupted by a sickening crunch as steel is forced into the ear canal and the skull beyond. The young man’s shocked expression freezes, goes slack, twists as the blade saws through flesh and bone. The cracking, snapping, squelching of sinew, the splatter of gore onto concrete makes you gag, stumble back, slap a palm over your mouth.
He doesn’t bother to look away from you, seemingly more intrigued by your reaction than what’s happening to the seizing body in his clutches. You so desperately want to tear your gaze away, but you don’t dare, not when you’re next. Not with the way he’s eyeing your quivering form like a hungry predator.
Your heart skips a beat when he glances down to grab hold of the mangled jaw bone. It’s the only chance he’s going to give you.
You sprint toward the open door.
Thud, thud, CRASH.
He smashes into you so hard it sends you careening into the wall, your skull cracking against its hard surface. Your vision blurs, darkens. Your knees buckle. The scalpel clatters to the floor, forgotten.
You would have crumpled to the ground if not for the hand gripping you around the throat, holding you up, torn, black nitrile squeaking against the skin of your throat.
You blink. Blink again. Blurred vision clears. No. No, not Asa.
You must squint your eyes when a bright phone screen is shoved in your face. Dizzy, you read the typed message before it’s shouted at you:
Your dazed reflection stares back at you as the man bends, chrome mask level with your face. He glances down to type and you’re frozen in place when you realize he’s holding the knife, blade bathed in crimson. Across the room, the young man lays motionless, empty trunk at his side.
‘Who is he? What’s with the trunks?’ shrieks the phone. He wants you to tell him about Asa. You glance into the dark eye holes of the mask and shake your head.
Tap, tap, tap, tap.
‘C’mon, doll. You don’t want to ruin his pretty toy, do you? How long has he had this place?’ As you read the text, the bloody knife is pushed between your shivering legs, flat of the blade coming to a rest at the apex of your thighs. A squeak leaves you, your body tensing, blood rushing furiously in your ears. Again, recklessly, you shake your head.
A huff sounds from behind the mask. The man shrugs as if to say, ‘Suit yourself.’ Reaching up to his shoulder, he presses a button on his shoulder camera. Red light flashes. He’s recording. There’s pressure against your groin—oh god you’re really about to die this time—
Everything disappears all at once—the hand around your throat, solid chest against your arm, steel on your crotch—seconds before a knife whooshes past your face, so close the air disturbs your hair as it passes. Following its path, you see Asa poised in the doorway, hand extended. He stares daggers at you and the masked man who has backed away across the room.
A shivering breath leaves you and you scurry to the Collector’s side, heedless of the ire radiating off him in waves. You’re in so much trouble, you’re dead, he’s going to cut you into little tiny pieces and feed you to his bugs….
‘Loyal doggy you have there. Where do I get me one of those?’
The man nods toward you when his phone speaks for him. You glance up at Asa. His face is unreadable, cold expression firmly in place. The mask tilts back down as another message is typed. You hold your breath. The Collector waits. Above you, fluorescent lights buzz.
‘Nice set up you got here. How much you charging for rent?’
You frown. The man’s shoulders shake in silent laughter. He’s…making jokes?
Asa is silent, still. You wonder what he’s planning. More keyboard clicking heralds another message:
‘Tough crowd. Alright, this has been fun, but I need a steak and something to fuck before I lose my shit.’
Before you can even react, there’s a wheezing exhale to your left. You must do a double take, your jaw dropping when you discover the sound came from Asa. He’d…he laughed.
Your eyes dart from one man to the other. They exchange something, some look you can’t read, some feeling you can’t place. There’s a shift in the tension, like a wave receding. Asa’s chin lifts slightly as the other man’s head tips minutely to the left. Are they…communicating?
The cell is back out, quick taps, and then, ‘Unless you’ll let me borrow that one’s mouth.’ He points to you as the words are screamed from the speaker.
Incredulous, you can’t suppress the scoff. You wait for Asa’s quick retort—
“Go ahead.”
Your eyes bug out of your head, “W-What—
But, the man in the mask crosses the room before you can finish. He twists a hand in your hair, drags you away, shoves you to your knees. You cry out when they crack against concrete, then hiss and squirm as he works his pants open.
“Behave,” Asa commands and you freeze, staring pleadingly at him out of the corner of your eye. He stands as still as a statue. When he meets your gaze, your stomach plummets, horrible understanding settling there instead. He’s going to let this happen because this is your punishment. This is your punishment for leaving the house, for coming here, for leaving the control room.
You earned this.
The man grips your jaw, squeezes until your lips pop open. Instantly, warm, hard flesh pushes past your teeth, fills your mouth, forces its way into your throat until your gagging, choking on cock and musky scent.
He releases a slow exhale and peers down at you. The hand in your hair twists tighter, holds your nose firmly against his pelvis as your poor throat spasms to accompany his girth. Tears well up, spill over, streak down your cheeks. The thumb of his free hand comes up to smear them across your face before he retrieves his phone once again.
‘That’s good. Cry for Daddy.’
You barely have time to suck in a breath when he pulls back before he’s shoving you down his length again. Thrust after vicious thrust assaults your throat, strangled, wet whines doing their best to escape. Drool spills down your chin, wets your chest, drips onto your pants.
‘Chirps, doesn’t she?’ shrieks the phone.
“Like a cricket,” Asa comments.
Through tears, you stare up at the black eyeholes of the mask. You don’t have to see his eyes to know they’re intently focused on your wrecked expression. He doesn’t make a sound, but you can tell by the way his thighs shake under your palms he’s affected. Close too, you hope.
With one final buck of his hips, your nose is pulled flush against him once more, copious warmth spilling down your battered throat. Only a long sigh escapes him, the muscles of his thighs relaxing with his release. Finally, your hair slips free of his fingers so you can scoot away.
Gasping, coughing, dripping, you move to slump backward, but your back hits something solid. Black boots, black pants…. Tipping your head back, you find Asa looming over you.
He seizes you under the arms, hauls you to your feet, grips your jaw so you look straight into the chrome mask.
“What do you say?” the Collector demands. You fight the grimace that threatens to sour your features, something that would surely mean more discomfort. Instead, you speak through shuddering inhales:
“T-Thank…thank y-you…Daddy.”
The man in the mask saunters forward until he’s standing inches from you and Asa. For a moment, you panic, realizing you’ll be skewered first should this strange truce be broken.
Instead, the man snaps off his bloody gloves and tosses them over a shoulder. He reaches out, hooks his fingers in the waistband of your jeans, runs his knuckles along the skin of your belly.
He’s not looking at you, though. Even with the mask on, you can tell he’s staring straight at Asa. The Collector stares back, his own hands releasing your jaw, sliding down your body to grip the fingers teasing your skin. Asa guides the other’s hands to the button of your pants.
The man pauses. Finally, he looks at you. Phone in hand, he types one more message.
“Well, sweetheart. I’m Jesse.” You’re stunned to silence, baffled beyond words. Asa helps.
“…Nice to meet you…Jesse.”
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Slashers with a stressed s/o
Warning: Implied anxiety, Fluff in the End
Feat: Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Thomas Hewitt, and Jesse Cromeans
Michael Myers
-Probably not the best when it comes in Comforting someone but seeing like this make his heart sink in a very unfamiliar feeling
-Michael will approach you and gave you a questioning look with means of What's wrong y/n and if you tell him that you're having a bad day and you were so stressed out of other things such as work, Michael will take a day off from his job killing just to spend the whole nigh with you
-He might even gave you some of his favourite Candies and let you snuggle into his Broad chest
Jason Voorhees
-One of the Best one when it comes in Comforting someone
-Jason will give you a confused look and ask you what's wrong and you tell him about your stressful day he will instantly pull you into his arms and sat you on the couch
-he will even cook for you if you wanted too and Jason will put on your favorite Movie just to soothe your stressed out body
-After that Jason will put you into a very comfortable slumber with you into his Arms
Thomas Hewitt
-Just like Jason but with a hint of Awkwardness
-Thomas will instantly know that you're stressed out throughout your day because Hoyt has been Nagging you non stop about how you should help and act around the house
-He will Scoop you into his Arms and take you to your shared Bedroom.. Thomas will also make you some tea to calm your nerves down for a bit and after that he will run you a bath along with a nice massage on your shoulder
-Thomas will warn Hoyt about how he must treated you in a very respectful way and tell him that if Don't stop from nagging you he will make sure that Hoyt will be the next meal for the day
Jesse Cromeans
-The best at the best
-Stressed out with work? Worry no more cuz' Daddy Jesse will take care of everything
-Jesse will constantly cancel all of his business at the moment and showered you with lots of gifts and Affection just to help you to relieve your stress
-he will deal with every stress that you're experiencing right at the moment
-Jesse will also ask you the cause of and when you tell him that it's about someone he will ket Preston to deal with it while he was here and making sure that you're having a good time.
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First meeting. (ChromeskullxOC)
Back at it again with my shipping between my oc and Chromeskull, this time he meets his husband's small daughter.
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He was determined to have a good first impression on Boris’s tiny daughter, Holding a pink stuffed bunny and whatever glittery thing he could find that would suit a little girl’s fancy. Jesse wanted this, he wanted the family he was promised a few years ago but never got- now was his chance. You better not fuck this up, Cromeans. He placed the gift bag in the back seat of his black BMW, pulling out of the parking lot of the building his penthouse was perched upon. 
“Jesse, its too early-” Black growled, before a leather gloved hand grabbed his tie- pulling him to face his husband’s chromatic mask. Chrome smirked under the mask, as if his partner was playing a game with him. 
“Boris, are you denying me my role as a step father to your little piglet? What a shame, I was hoping you’d be more enthusiastic.” He released his tie, turning his back to him as he made his way up the grand staircase of Ivanov’s newly acquired mansion, his expensive leather shoes clicking against the steps. Black rubbed his throat while trailing behind, the temptation to grab the man with his tendrils and tear him apart was high. 
“Stop! We haven’t even discussed my daughter’s involvement in our partnershi-” 
Black suddenly froze upon Jesse immediately finding the door to Natalia’s room, his heart racing as he lunged for Chromeskull, only to land flat on his stomach as the tall man looked behind himself and chuckled. He opened the door, walking in like he has been here before, he had been. In the middle of the room, a small girl sat with her plushies, one tied up while a toy gun was pointed at it. “Now tell me where you hid all the moneys!” 
She demanded, before a blade suddenly popped up beside her; “My dear, may I?” 
Jesse signed, placing a hand over his chest as Natalia suddenly widened her eyes. Black was finally able to catch up to Jesse, reaching out to grab him before freezing up. Jesse traced the blade down the plush bear’s stomach, cheerily humming to himself as Natalia watched intently. The blade pierced through the fuzzy fabric, slicing from the bottom to the top as stuff spilled out. “Oh dear! Looks like his insides spilled out, but look-” 
He leaned in, blocking Natalia’s view before coming back up with twenty dollars in his gloved hand as he presented it to the little girl. She gasped, taking the money before grinning; “Good work! I see a position for you in my organization!” 
She proudly announced before her father snapped out of his frozen trance and immediately picked her up. 
“I would love to take you up on that offer dear, but I’m afraid I’ve been offered an even higher position by your father.” 
Natalia frowned, before Black shook his head and held her up to face him- placing a kiss on her forehead. “What he means is that daddy has a new business partner who’s going to be spending a lot of time with us, but he’s also on probation like how all of your uncles were.” 
He smirked, before raspberrying her cheek, causing her to squeal as she giggled. “Ahem.”
An electronic voice sounded, its owner crossing his arms as he cocked his head to the side. But from beneath the mask, Black knew he was frowning. He took Natalia from Black’s arms, enveloping her in his own as she could smell the heavy scent of his expensive cologne and familiar scent of blood from his person. He looked down at her, such a small little thing that his husband was keeping from him. “What your daddy meant to say is that I’m your other father now, and that you are mine and I am yours.” 
He couldn’t help but smile, the thoughts of being a father brought him a joy he couldn’t describe. Natalia took the new information in with a slight frown, before Chrome held her on his hip, eyeing Black with a smirk. 
“We’ll discuss this further over a dinner date for just the three of us.”
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brandnewhuman · 1 year
Hello I've noticed you started slasher matchups and you probably won't see this but I would like one. I am 5'11 ftm I have medium/short red hair with black roots, my favorite colors are green and grey I do art but mainly photography, I want to either have a pit bull or German Shepherd in the future once I have enough money, my favorite animal is a Raven. I hope this is enough thank you bye! 👋
I paired you up with...
🖤 Jesse Cromeans 🖤
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Why is he the best match?:
Okay, it must be obvious my reasoning but can you imagine how happy he would be when finding out you like photography?
Although I do think he wouldn't want you around his snuff business, but maybe he would like to share his passion for homemade films and stuff AND HE WOULD TEACH YOU SO MANY THINGS BUT ALSO PESTER YOU ABOUT TEACHING HIM COOL PHOTOGRAPHY TRICKS.
Need money for dogs? No worries, he's gonna give you tons of it and buy you a whole fucking army of dogs. LIKE YOU CAN'T ACTUALLY SAY YOU LIKE SOMETHING CAUSE HE'S HAS THE DAD MENTALITY OF "cool, my love likes this then I'm gonna buy it for him forever"
Besides he loves doggos, he may act like he doesn't but you will catch him giving them good scratches and pats in the head.
Song that has this match vibes:
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slaasherslut · 11 months
I literally love that we started talking about Laid to Rest because I was rewatching it and I kept telling you how Jesse Cromeans fucks and go to my dash to see you watching the first one while I start the sequel 🤣🖤
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living-dead-author · 2 years
Welcome to my third blog I’m Vance and my main is @slasher-male-wife. I’m using this blog to post my nsfw content. Please read the rule and character list below before requesting anything.
Do not interact if you are
Terfs, transmed, transphobic in general
Under 18
Ed blog
If you fetishize any LGBTQ identity
Will write for
Most kinks (If unsure just ask)
AFAB, GN, Transmasc reader (As of right now I'm not confident in my writing ability for AMAB bodies)
Head canons
One shots
Poly characters x reader
Yandere characters
Sub reader
Hard kinks (More willing to write them if they're in a more 'kind' or 'loving' way)
Degrading kink
Daddy/Mommy kink (This could become a no go)
AMAB reader
Female reader
Public stuff
Semen (Excessive talk of this is a no go)
Reader giving penetration (Anal, oral, vaginal)
Dom reader
Never will write about this
NSFW things for underage characters
Reader receiving anal or penetrative sex outside of oral
DDLG/ABLD/Anything ageplay related
Bathroom kinks like scat, piss, vomit
Heavy degrading
Anything non-con
Feet (Boot/heel/whatever kind of shoe worship is ok)
Horror characters
Black Christmas: Billy Lenz
Halloween: Michael Myers (og or rob zombie), Corey Cunningham
The Boy: Brahms Heelshire
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Bubba Sawyer, Thomas Hewitt, Nubbins Sawyer, Chop top Sawyer, Vanita "Stretch" Brock
House of wax: Bo Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair, Lester Sinclair
Behind the mask: Leslie Vernon
House of 1000 corpses: Otis Driftwood, Baby Firefly
The Lost boys: David, Paul, Marko, Dwayne, Michael, Star
The Black phone: The Grabber/Albert Shaw
Spree: Kurt Kunkle
Friday the 13th: Jason Voorhees
Child's play: Tiffany Valentine
Re-animator: Herbert West, Dan Cain
Saw: Amanda Young, Adam Faulkner, Mark Hoffman, Peter Strahm, Jill Tuck
Candy man: The Candy man/ Daniel Robitaille
31: Doomhead
Psycho: Norman Bates
My bloody valentine: Harry Warden
Hannibal nbc: Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter
Near dark: Severen
Laid to rest: Jesse Cromeans
Martin: Martin Mathias
The Collector: Asa Emory/The Collector
Thanksgiving: Sheriff Eric Newlon
The Walking dead
Daryl Dixon
Rick Grimes
Negan Smith
Glenn Rhee
Maggie Rhee
Dead by Daylight
Danny Johnson/Ghostface
Pyramid head
Any slasher listed in the above section that is in dbd
Interview with the vampire 1995
Lestat De Lioncourt
Louis De Pointe Du Lac
Misc. Characters
Johnathan Crane/Scarecrow (DC, based off Cillian Murphy portrayal)
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666chromeskull666 · 3 years
Raise your hand if you’re a hoe for Daddy Cromeans.
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littleoddwriter · 3 years
Ok since the requests are open what about Asa Emory and Jesse cromeans with a reader who likes to call them daddy or sir ( In and out of the bedroom) ? 💀✨
Asa Emory/The Collector x GenderNeutral!Reader x Jesse Cromeans/Chromeskull | Headcanons | (mildly) NSFT
Hi! Sometimes, I feel like y'all can read my mind or something, I swear, jkgdhjkghdk. :') Hope you enjoy my thoughts on this, and thank you so much for the request! <3
notes; Gender Neutral!Reader; Domestic Fluff; Poly-Amorous/-Sexual Relationship; Daddy Kink; Dom/Sub; Implied/Referenced Sex.
Reblogs > Likes. Thank you!
Asa is the one, who actually enjoys being called Daddy the most, whereas Jesse prefers Sir, and so that becomes your Thing with them, once you've talked about it with them.
It's rare for you to call either of them anything else anymore, really, which means that you need to focus on not slipping up when you're in public with them, since that could be a little embarrassing, after all.
But really, you just love the domesticity of it all, and how nice it feels to have these two (dangerous) men take care of you and indulge you like this when you need a soft moment with them.
They make it so easy for you to let go and slip into this mindset, while Asa's gently talking to you in that smooth voice of his and Jesse's physically enveloping you like a weighted blanket when you need it.
In the bedroom, it's different, of course - both of them are very dominant and it makes you shiver as you feel rather small and helpless, then, but you also hold a little power over them with the fact that they really get off on being called Daddy and Sir, respectively.
It makes sense, though, since both of them need to be in control and have authority over everyone and everything; and so the power imbalance it creates between you and them is simply perfect to them.
You may or may not use it in your favour, too, when you really want something from them, whatever it might be, this always does the trick.
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etheralsweetheart · 3 years
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'Cause Mama I'm in love with a 6'7 tall man, who's a sadistic Killer, but would let him steal my kneecaps.
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slashhinginghasher · 4 years
*hits blunt* jesse cromeans likes... e-girls
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jesseskullcromeans · 4 years
Hello Daddy Skull, please give me scars with those pretty knives of you 🥺
Daddy Skull? That's new. *smirk*
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
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!!Jesse cromeans - Thomas Hewitt!!
Tw: canon violence, mentions of child neglect and/or abuse (not from the slashers), murder, blood, mention of scars, mentions of child loss. Peepaw myers is here so yeah, careful with that too
A/N: @bubbaswife and @visi-0ns asked for another slashy daddies taking care of a child!reader. Honestly i love doing this so much :') the stabby men deserve a nice happy family. Well maybe not but still, they're nice with kids cause I said so. I think I hurt my own feelings with this one :'). As always, this is strictly platonic. The relationship between reader and slasher is strictly of father/kid relationship. Do not interact with me if you're a pedophile or you want underage reader having mature relationships with the slashers. That being said ^^ enjoy it
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We're all going to cry together with the one alright? NO ONE OF YOU IS GOING TO GET MERCY FROM ME WITH JESSE BEING A DAD
we all know what happen to Jesse's wife and baby so obviously the whole family subject with Jesse is still a sensitive topic 
I think that Jesse is shown to be so worried about his job not because he doesn't care about his wife and kid but because it's the only thing he has left 
His face, his family, the victim that had caused so much trouble to him and now losing the only thing that's left for him to do? Yeah no. 
Listen here, I love to give unnecessary background to characters that I love and my headcanon for everything that Jesse does is basically growing up in the most atrocious conditions. Without enough money or resources to actually have a healthy lifestyle and be safe. He has seen and lived so many bad things that in the end he chose to do whatever he could to not live again like that. 
I always thought that Jesse was super excited to have a baby and to start a family. When that face thing happen he was crushed by the thought of his kid having to see him like that or that his wife would've never want him again
And then it was kinda hard to explain how could he possibly have got injured so bad
So, now he is fully back as chromeskull right? And with nothing to lose anymore he's more of a menace than he was before 
One of his new "piggies'' happens to be your mother. I'm sorry, it sucks but it is what it is 
He has followed her for weeks, studying every aspect of her life to learn more about her and how to get the most out of this kill 
But only one thing has escaped his observant eye 
That thing being the fact that she's a mom. 
He knows that she lives in one of the worst neighbourhoods of town, that she has little to no money and that's why she has to work almost all day, that her house looks like a mess. 
He hasn't noticed you living with her cause there was almost nothing that could've been a clue that a child lived there. 
I'm sorry if your mom is nice I just like to put unnecessary angst and drama ç_ç my mom is nice too I swear 
Anyhow, your mom is known for being really bad at her job as a mom. Not her fault, she did try but between the financial problems and her temper getting short after hours of working shitty jobs for nothing. 
When Jesse broke up in your house he went straight to your mom's room with the idea of kidnapping her in the same way he did with Princess since it would be easier. 
Your mom however did not go down without a fight and before getting knocked out she managed to take Jesse's mask and scratch him in the face.
Knowing he had time he just went to the bathroom to clean the wound 
That's when you saw him. You woke up to go to the bathroom just to find a tall baldy man standing there 
He looked at you and froze as if he was terrified. How could he not have noticed this before?
His racing thoughts stopped for a second as he took in your appearance 
You're obviously at least 6-7 years old but you looked too small to be considered healthy. It was clear you were not getting enough sleep, your clothes looked really old and too big for you even tho they were clean. 
It didn't take much for Jesse to connect the dots and realise you were the woman's child. 
"Are you one of mommy's friends??" You were not even scared of him and his face. You even offer your avengers band aids for the scratch on his face. 
He nodded at your offer without thinking about it and crouched in front of you to let you put the band aids on his face. 
He couldn't explain why he allowed you to do all of this but he just couldn't say no. He told himself it was just to keep you from getting him in trouble by screaming ecc but the reality was far from that
He couldn't find it in himself to hurt you or be mean when it was clear you already had too much going on
If it was the Jesse before the face incident ecc he would have not hesitated this much 
After all the things he has went through, seeing you and how you were growing up were making a number in his merciless resolution 
The reminder of his past life plus the fresh wound of having lost his future child is not letting him think straight 
You were obviously used to having strangers around if you were this comfortable in talking to a unknown man in your bathroom at 2am
When you finished decorating his face with all your silly band aids he just holded your tiny hand between his thumb, index and middle finger to shake it slightly as if he was saying thank you. 
The smile you gave him was this close 🤏🏻 to kill him
He spent the next hour listening to everything you were telling him, keeping you company while you went to grab some water. 
Jesse has lived his entire life acting upon his most disturbing urges and intrusive thoughts, he wasn't new to having the impulse to do something but nothing compared to the need of taking you away from that house. 
He just couldn't leave you there, he knew it was his grieving mind talking but he just couldn't 
Maybe this was actually meant to be. Him having finally the opportunity to make up for what he has caused to his kid 
Okay I have to make Jesse a little bit unhinged here but bear with me
He kills your mom (obv), makes sure you end up in a foster home so he can adopt you without any problems. The excuse he gives you is that he was you mom's best friend and he promised her he would take care of you if something happened 
The first thing he's going to do for you is getting you checked by a doctor to know what he has to do to get you back to a healthy form 
He obviously knows you're going to be a little bit reserved and close at first but he doesn't mind, he'll wait for you to come around forever if it's necessary 
You admittedly felt so happy that he decided to take care of you and bring you home with him. You knew that he was nice since the night you first met him. All the others friends of your mom were always so rude and mean with you, but Jesse was like so kind 
He has taken some free time from work to look after you. 
My man here is having the time of his life with all this parenthood things 
Being as disgustingly rich as he is, Jesse makes sure you have everything and anything you may need or want
In fact as the first bonding experience he had with you he took you to chose things for your new room
He assured you that money was not a problem and you could pick anything you want. 
It was so cute cause everytime you wanted to see something from unclose but was too high for you to reach he would lift you up. He always asked you first to make sure you weren't uncomfortable 
After three times you both decided to just keep you on his shoulders for the rest of the day
He obviously took you to have a well deserved after shopping ice-cream 
He's always so careful and gentle with you. He always tries to be thoughtful about your needs and boundaries and even if he's dying to give you all the fatherly affection and attention he wants he never tries to overstep your limits or to force you into receiving or giving affection you don't really feel
He has made his mission tho to have all the father/child experiences like teaching you how to go on a bike, taking you to school ecc
He eventually has to go back to work but he always makes sure to talk or video call with you every day if he's away from home. And it's never like those awkward calls where you don't know what to tell him and your father doesn't really care nono
when he doesn't have to travel far from home, he works from home so he can spend time with you
If he sees you defend him and squaring up with anyone who calls him ugly it will make him cry 
You always worry about him spending too much time alone tho, so you have being trying to play the matchmaker talking to your favourite teacher about how cool and handsome your dad is 
Truth be told Jesse doesn't really care about having a partner right now, he just needs you. Having his wonderful kid healthy and happy around is enough for Mr baldy man here
Now if you excuse me, I'll go cry about this now. 
Surprisingly enough Thomas and his family are not responsible for your parents death. 
Hoyt found you covered in blood, alone and on the brink of having a heatstroke. 
Your family was killed by a bunch of pieces of shit who wanted to steal a car. 
Unfortunately they killed your parents for nothing cause they ended up meeting their fate as dinner for the Hewitt family
You have been walking for days, you manage to survive because your mom told you to hide somewhere. 
Now you're all alone and if it wasn't for hoyt stopping next to you you'll probably have died from dehydration and exhaustion 
Hoyt for once is useful, shocking right?
Anyway, when he was about to ask you why you were all alone ecc you straight up passed out in front of him
Hoyt couldn't leave you there, I mean he is a piece of shit but you were only a kid. Wouldn't be older than 5-6 
Everyone at home decided that you were going to stay and you wouldn't be killed. It didn't felt right to do that to such a young child
Mama mae took it upon herself to help you recover from all that heat ecc 
Since you needed to have always someone checking on you and luda at some point was too tired the task was given to Thomas
Most awkward man alive bro
But at the same time it was almost second nature for him to take care of someone even if he has never take care of a child 
Always made sure you were having enough water, changing the wet cloth on your forehead when it got too warm 
Once you get better and you tell everyone what has happen they all take the responsibility of raising you and protecting you
Now I know I KNOW…you want to see the juicy dad Thomas content 
Once you're feeling better (mostly because he has spent all the time watching over you with the excuse that if something happen since he's the youngest and strongest in the house he would be able to take care of it) he just well..he doesn't stay around you that much 
You're really small and you're so young he feels like he would end up hurting you
Thomas feels like his appearance ecc would be traumatising for someone so young (yeah I know, Thomas needs some love) 
What he doesn't know is that saw him lots of times when he was taking care of you. He thinks that because of the state in which you were you wouldn't remember much but you did
Plus, when you asked luda mae she told you the truth. 
Surprisingly everyone was really nice with you, even hoyt which says a lot
Luda adores you and she's starting to be almost like a grandma for you. 
You miss your family a lot and you're genuinely happy that mama mae and the others decided to keep you with them 
You have no other relatives and you would've been alone otherwise. 
At first you were kind of distant with them and you had a hard time with giving them your trust
They all were so patient and gentle with you. They never pushed you into doing anything and always asked what you wanted or needed 
Luda is probably the one you spend most time with cause she reminds you of your mom
When you told her she had to focus really hard to not cry in front of you. 
You asked lots of questions to luda mae about Thomas cause since you got better you haven't seen him once
She told you that he's just a little bit shy because it's hard for him to be around people
You, being the sweet little thing you are, made it your mission to befriend the gentle giant. 
You waited at night, when everyone went to sleep you went down to the kitchen hided hoping that eventually Thomas would go there for something 
The first few times you didn't have any luck but one day it finally worked
You this behemoth of a man walking in the kitchen, his face looked angry from sleepiness and since he thought no one was around he did had the mask 
You had never saw him without it obviously but you're first thought when seeing his bare fare was not of fear or disgust
Your 6 year old mind went to the conclusion that he was scare of you because you're someone new and maybe new people tended to be mean to him
And honestly the thought of him having to be alone cause everyone is rude to him made you even more resolute in your decisions of making friends. 
Truth be told you scared the shit out of him popping out of nowhere like this and he immediately tried to just walk away
"No wait!! I didn't want to scare you Mr Thomas!! I won't be mean with you I promise!!" You tugged on his huge hand at the best of your abilities to keep him from running way
Thomas just stopped dead in his tracks when he felt your little hands holding him back. He was in panic and honestly it was kinda funny to see someone so big be scared of a kid 
He thought that maybe you didn't see his face well enough and that was the only reason why you were not screaming. 
"I saw your face..it's not ugly at all!! I won't make fun of you I promise!" 
In the end he had to give in cause the need to not hurt your feelings was bigger than the need to hide away
He turned to face you and then kneeled in front of you so he could see you without breaking his neck to look down
You smiled and extended your hand towards him to introduce yourself and he hesitantly took it
You told him that you saw him taking care of you and that you were really thankful for that. 
Thomas had to admit you were the most kind and sweetest kid he has ever met 
Thankfully you catched up really quickly on the fact that he couldn't talk 
"That's okay!! Maybe you can write it down! Or draw it" 
He asked you why you were awake and you told him that besides wanting to meet him you couldn't sleep well. You kept having nightmares about your parents but you didn't want to bother hoyt or luda 
Thomas was absolutely heartbroken. He can't even imagine how hard it is to lose your family, he would be devastated if something happened to luda mae (and honestly just a little bit sad if anything happens to hoyt. Won't dwell too much on it tbh)
So he just sat with you on the couch and put on something on the TV for you to watch 
When he noticed you fell asleep he gently adjusted you so you were laying on the couch completely and went to look for a blanket to put on you. 
He stayed with you all night, making sure you didn't woke up again
From then you were practically attached to Thomas's hip. 
You always went looking for them, showing him things you have done with hoyt of luda, bringing him things to drink or eat as an excuse to talk with him
And honestly he didn't mind one bit. He liked when you told him your silly stories or when you gave him drawings which he kept and treasured as his most precious possession. 
He slowly started to be less and less awkward around you. 
He basically replaced luda in all those things such making you meals, keeping you clean and healthy or tending to any scratches or wounds you may get from playing outside. 
It started with things like playing old board games together, you waiting for him to eat lunch and talk about cool stuff you wanted to show him
It went to Thomas playing tag with you in the backyard, him getting you on his shoulders cause you liked when he did it, him letting you play with his hair and give him new hairstyles (which he sported proudly around the house) or simply having some iced tea sitting on the porch together. 
You knew Thomas worked a lot, on what you couldn't tell, but you noticed how tired he was always so those moments sitting on the porch, sitting on his lap and just dozing off together were your favourites 
Having you around has helped him a lot. He's used to taking care of everyone and he's certainly used to people abusing his kindness but you had that heartwarming child way of always worrying for him. You never took for granted anything he did and you always make sure do for him as much as he did for you in your little kid capabilities 
Every time there was a "guest" Thomas made you stay in your room. He told you that sometimes guests are not really nice so he didn't want anyone to hurt you
After guests were gone there always a few days where you were not allowed to go to the basement but you didn't mind too much 
One of the days where you were staying in your room because of the guests. You were working in a very special drawing cause luda told you that soon it would be Thomas birthday, when you heard someone screaming
You immediately went into a panic state and images of your parents death flashed in your mind so without thinking you run downstairs to were the screams were coming from 
The screams were coming from the basement and that scared you even more cause you thought Thomas was in danger 
When you went in and saw what was happening you couldn't even move. 
Thomas didn't noticed because he was too focused on keeping the victim down
"Thomas?..." when I tell you this man heart stopped and dropped five feet down below the fucking ground I'm not joking
He wanted to explain but he knew there was not a good enough explanation for all of this. 
You just made your way to the basement and went to your room where you stayed for a couple of days without talking to anyone. You didn't told them to not get it in or anything but you didn't reply to any of their questions 
Thomas was having the most horrible time of his life. The guilt was eating him alive and he couldn't even eat or sleep because how stressed he was
Eventually they decided to tell you as gently as possible what was going on. They knew that all of this would take a toll in your mind but they couldn't really do anything else.
Surprisingly, when you learned the true motive for all of this you were really accepting. Maybe it's because you were just a kid and you didn't really knew all the implications of this situation but for you, having to survive was more than enough to excuse all of this
It was so much that you in fact felt bad for treating them with silence, especially with Thomas. 
So, taking the excuse of giving him his birthday present you went to search for him in the basement now that it was all clean ecc
You tugged on the hem of his shirt to get his attention
He looked at you like he did the first time you saw him. You explained that now you knew everything and that you were sorry for being bad. 
"I know now…I know you're not bad" you gave him your drawing. It had the Hewitt house drawn on it, there was Thomas, monty, hoyt and luda. Everyone had on top their name
Uncle hoyt, grandma mae, uncle monty and then there was the "my new dad" title above Thomas. 
Congrats, now you made Tommy cry
He gave you the biggest bear hug ever and even force his vocals cords to mumble a low and raspy thank you
He never wanted to take the role of dad from your real father but he wasn't about to say no if you wanted him to be your dad
He did a pretty damn job too. After that he never left anything happen to you, he make sure you wouldn't have to be alone or scare ever again
His favourite moments were when you asked him to stay with you until you fell asleep. He would hold you in his arms and even if he always told himself he would just put you in bed and then head to his own room, he always ended up falling asleep holding you tight 
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